The neuronal background

K2P channels: focus on TREK1 Eric Honoré

+ Abstract | Two-pore-domain K (K2P) channel subunits are made up of four transmembrane segments and two pore-forming domains that are arranged in tandem and function as either homo- or heterodimeric channels. This structural motif is associated with unusual gating properties, including background channel activity and sensitivity to membrane

stretch. Moreover, K2P channels are modulated by a variety of cellular lipids and pharmacological agents, including polyunsaturated fatty acids and volatile general anaesthetics. Recent in vivo studies have demonstrated that TREK1, the most thoroughly

studied K2P channel, has a key role in the cellular mechanisms of neuroprotection, anaesthesia, pain and depression.

+ 8–10 P domain Background (also called baseline or leak) K channels pain, ischaemia, epilepsy and depression . Moreover, + A short amino acid segment are transmembrane K -selective ionic pores that are TREK1 displays unique pharmacological properties, between two transmembrane constitutively open at rest and are central to neural such as modulation by lipids and volatile and gaseous helices that dips into the function. In the marine snails Aplysia and Lymnaea, the general anaesthetics11,12. membrane without fully -sensitive S-type and the anaesthetic-sensitive In this article, I will discuss the functional properties crossing it. + K(An) channels are classical examples of such back- of the mammalian neuronal K2P background K chan- ground K+ channels1–4. The resting activity of these K+ nels, with a special focus on TREK1, the most extensively

channels drives the membrane potential (through hyper- studied K2P channel. Human TREK1 is highly expressed polarization) closer to the K+ equilibrium potential of in the brain, where it is particularly abundant in GABA about –90 mV, and therefore tends to reduce excitability. (γ-aminobutyric acid)-containing interneurons of the Downmodulation of the S-type background K+ channel caudate nucleus and putamen13. TREK1 is also expressed activity in Aplysia is involved in synaptic sensitization5. in the prefrontal cortex, hippocampus, hypothalamus, Conversely, in Lymnaea, stimulation of the inhibitory midbrain serotonergic neurons of the dorsal raphé synaptic anaesthetic-sensitive background K+ current nucleus and sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia IK(An) hyperpolarizes and reversibly suppresses elec- (DRG)8,14. TREK1 is also found in peripheral tissues such trical activity in anaesthetic-sensitive pacemaker neu- as the gastrointestinal tract14–16. rons3,4. Background K+ channels and their regulation TREK1 is a signal integrator responding to a wide by membrane-receptor-coupled second messengers, as range of physiological and pathological inputs. The com- well as pharmacological agents, are therefore important plex gating properties of TREK1 and its modulation by in tuning neuronal resting membrane potential, action cellular lipids, membrane-receptor-coupled second mes- potential duration, membrane input resistance and, con- sengers and pharmacological agents will be described. sequently, regulating transmitter release1,3. I will then discuss the role of TREK1 in neuronal disease + Background K channels are composed of K2P chan- states before focusing on the involvement of TREK1 in nel subunits that have previously been called KCNKx the presynaptic control of neurotransmission. Finally, subunits or tandem of P domains in a weak inwardly rec- the questions and future challenges that face the field of + (FIG. 1a,b) Institut de Pharmacologie tifying K channel (TWIK) subunits . Mechano- K2P channels will be outlined. + Moléculaire et Cellulaire, gated and arachidonic acid-activated TWIK-related K 1 The aim of this review is to summarize the biophysi- CNRS UMR 6097, Université (TREK1) and TREK2 are the hypothetical functional cal, pharmacological and regulatory properties of K2P de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, homologues of the Aplysia S-type background K+ chan- channels, describing the well-established results, but also 660 route des Lucioles, 6,7 06560 Valbonne, France. nel . Recently, genetic inactivation of TREK1 in the indicating the main controversies in this field. Current e-mail: [email protected] mouse has revealed the potential involvement of this K2P working hypotheses and the most generally accepted doi:10.1038/nrn2117 channel in a range of neuronal disease states, including functional models for TREK1 gating will be discussed.

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+ Selectivity filter Mammalian K channel subunits. acid) of the selectivity filter in the P2 domain instead of + 18,19,23 (FIG. 1c) The sequence that Mammalian K channel subunits can contain two, four a tyrosine . Therefore, in K2P channels, the determines K+ selectivity of or six/seven transmembrane segments. Members of the pore is predicted to have a two-fold symmetry rather K+ channels. The primary two and six/seven transmembrane segment classes are than the classical four-fold arrangement of other K+ sequence of the P loop of most characterized by the presence of a single pore-forming channels. Although the selectivity of K channels for K+ channels has the signature 2P + + permeability ratio sequence Thr–Val–Gly–Tyr–Gly. (P) domain, whereas the more recently discovered class K over Na is high ( (PNa/PK) < 0.03), of four transmembrane segment subunits contain two P these structural differences suggest a more varied Permeability ratio 17–21 (BOX 1; FIG. 1a) 17,23 domains that are arranged in tandem . permeation and gating compared with K1P channels . The relative permeability of an In one-pore-domain K+ (K ) channels, four matching for a particular 1P monovalent cation. A given ion P loops are assembled in homo- or heterotetramers (all Members of the K2P channel subunit class. The class channel can allow the passage subunits have a similar P domain sequence, which con- of mammalian K2P channel subunits now includes 15 of related ionic species, tains the residues GYG or GFG), whereas in the dimeric members (FIG. 1b). Although these subunits display the although not all with the same K2P channels, the first pore (P1) and P2 domains can same structural arrangement, with four transmembrane ease. have different sequences as exemplified by TWIK1 or segments, two P domains, an extended M1P1 extracel- TWIK-related acid-sensitive K+ 1 (TASK1) (REFS 22,23) lular loop and intracellular amino (N) and carboxyl (FIG. 1c) . Many K2P channels have a phenylalanine or a (C) termini, they share low sequence identity outside 17,24 (FIG. 1b,c) leucine in the GXG motif (where X represents any amino the P regions . The K2P channel subunits are subdivided into six main structural classes (BOX 1; FIG. 1b): TWIK1, TWIK2 and KCNK7 channels (func- a tional expression of KCNK7 has not yet been reported); M1P1 P1 P2 TREK1, TREK2 and TWIK-related arachidonic acid- c loop stimulated (TRAAK) channels; TASK1, TASK3 and TASK5 channels (functional expression of TASK5 has 1234 Kv1.1 S M T T V G Y G P1 KcsA T A T T V G Y G P1 not yet been reported); tandem-pore-domain halothane- inhibited K+ 1 (THIK1) and THIK2 channels (functional NH TWIK1 V L S T T G Y G P1 2 COOH S L S T I G L G P2 expression of THIK2 has not yet been reported); TWIK- related alkaline-pH-activated K+ 1 (TALK1), TALK2 and TREK1 V I T T I G F G P1 + T L T T I G F G P2 TASK2 channels; and the TWIK-related spinal cord K (TRESK) channel, which is regulated by intracellular TASK1 V I T T I G Y G P1 REFS 17–20,23 T L T T I G F G P2 calcium (for reviews, see ). Evidence for heteromultimerization has been provided for TASK1 and TASK3 (REFS 25,26). At least two splice variants dif- fering at their extreme N terminus have been identified b for TREK1 (REFS 15,27,28). Various that inter- K 4.1 [KCNK4, 11q13] TRAAK 2P act and modulate the function and localization of K K 10.1 [KCNK10, 14q31] TREK2 Mechano-gated 2P 2P channels have been recently identified (BOX 2). K2P2.1 [KCNK2, 1q41] TREK1

K2P17.1 [KCNK17,6p21] TALK2 K2P permeation and voltage-dependency. Unlike the yeast K2P16.1 [KCNK16, 6p21] TALK1 Alkaline-activated K2P channel Tok1, which contains eight transmembrane K2P5.1 [KCNK5, 6p21] TASK2 segments and two P domains in tandem29–32, mammalian K2P18.1 [KCNK18, 10q26] TRESK1 Calcium-activated + K2P channels can pass large inward K currents in elevated K2P6.1 [KCNK6, 19q13.1] TWIK2 concentrations of extracellular K+ at negative membrane 33–38 + K2P7.1 [KCNK7, 11q13] KCNK7 Weak inward rectifiers potentials . The rectification of a constitutively open K - K 1.1 [KCNK1, 1q42] TWIK1 2P selective pore (leak channel) is a direct function of the K 9.1 [KCNK9, 8q24] TASK3 + 2P difference in concentration of K across the membrane, K 3.1 [KCNK3, 2q23] TASK1 Acid-inhibited 2P as expected from the Goldman–Hodgkin–Katz (GHK) K 15.1 [KCNK15, 20q12] 2P TASK5 constant field theory39 (Supplementary information S1 K 13.1 [KCNK13, 14q24] THIK1 2P Halothane-inhibited (figure)). The GHK equation predicts an increase in con- K2P12.1 [KCNK12, 2q22] THIK2 ductance when ions flow across the membrane from the 39 Figure 1 | Diversity and structural properties of the human K2P channels. more concentrated side . The equation also assumes that + a | Predicted dimeric topology of two-pore-domain K (K2P) channels. Each subunit is permeant ions do not interact with each other. However, made up of four transmembrane segments and two pore-forming (P) domains that are K2P channels, as previously demonstrated for the classical arranged in tandem (top). Two subunits, which are either identical or different in K channels, fail to respect this rule of ionic independ- sequence, associate to form a functional K channel (bottom). b | Phylogenetic tree of 1P 2P ence, which indicates that the pore can simultaneously human K channels. The nomenclature, chromosomal localization and functional 2P accommodate multiple ions and that their movement is characteristics of each channel subunit are indicated. The highest region of homology 40 between these subunits is found in the P regions. Six structural and functional subgroups influenced by each other . are identified by different colours. c | The K+ channel pore signature sequence is The GHK equation also anticipates that leak chan- nels lack voltage and time dependency — that is, K+ illustrated for the one-pore-domain (K1P) channel subunits of Kv1.1 and KcsA, and for the flow should remain stable over time39. However, several K2P channel subunits of TWIK1, TASK1 and TREK1. The residues phenylalanine (F) or leucine (L), rather than tyrosine (Y) are found in the P2 domain of K2P subunits. A, alanine; mammalian K2P channels, including TREK1, show both G, glycine; I, isoleucine; S, serine; T, threonine; V, valine. voltage- and time-dependent gating7,28,41,42. Indeed, most

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Box 1 | Structural and functional classes of K+ channel subunits an intermediate phenotype between leak and voltage dependency was demonstrated28. This indicates that The versatility of neuronal electrical activity is largely regulated by the expression of there must be additional mechanisms controlling + different structural and functional classes of K channels. More than 80 coding for TREK1 voltage-dependent gating. Furthermore, the the main K+ channel α-subunits have been identified in the . The two activation kinetics and the voltage dependency of the transmembrane segment-containing one-pore-forming K+ channel subunits encode the mouse TREK1 Ser333Ala mutant do not differ from inward rectifiers. Some of these channels are constitutively active at rest, while the 41 activity of others is influenced by modulators such as G proteins (G--coupled those of the wild-type channel . These studies indi- inwardly rectifying K+ channels), nucleotides (KATP) and polyamines (inward rectifier K+ cate that of Ser333 by PKA actually channels). Their conductance increases on hyperpolarization and, consequently, the controls the number of active channels, rather than inward K+ currents recorded at potentials below the equilibrium potential are much modulating mouse TREK1 voltage dependency6,41. larger than the outward K+ currents recorded at depolarized potentials. Although the Additionally, agonist-induced phosphatidylinositol-4,5- amplitude of the outward currents flowing through the inward rectifiers is limited, they bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P2) hydrolysis shifts the volt- profoundly influence the resting membrane potential. Inward rectifiers allow long age sensitivity of TREK1 channels towards depolarized action potentials to be generated, as they close upon depolarization. potentials (see below), thus indicating a complex and The outward rectifiers encoded by the 6/7 transmembrane segment-containing, one dynamic regulation of TREK1 voltage-dependency46. pore-forming subunits open upon depolarization (voltage-gated K+ (Kv) channels) and/ or after intracellular Ca2+ increase (BK and SK channels). Depolarization is sensed by the The controversy about the role of the PKA site Ser333 positively charged fourth transmembrane segment of Kv channels, which is coupled to in the regulation of TREK1 voltage dependency might the activation gates. Opening of the Kv channels is time-dependent, contributes to actually result from the use of different species (rat repolarization and terminates the action potential. TREK1 versus mouse TREK1), different experimental + Soon after the identification of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae Tok1 K channel, K2P protocols (single-channel versus whole-cell recording) channel subunits comprising four transmembrane segments and two P domains in and different expression systems (transfected COS cells tandem were cloned in mammals, Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans and versus RNA-injected Xenopus oocytes)28,41. 29–33,35,85,86 17–21 several plant species . Mammalian K2P channels show either a weak inward rectification (as is the case for TWIK1)33, an open rectification (as for TASK1)34, or an Polymodal activation of TREK1 outward rectification (as for TREK1)6,41. Some channels, including TASK1 or TASK3, are TREK1 can be activated by mechanical stimulation, constitutively open at rest34,87–90, whereas other channels, including TREK1, require 6,47,50,58,59 intracellular acidosis and warm temperature, demonstrating physical or chemical stimulation to open . A key feature of the K2P channels is that they open over the whole voltage range, and therefore qualify as background K+ that K2P channels are characterized by unconventional 6,15,47–49 channels17,19,21,91. gating mechanisms (FIG. 2).

Mechanoactivation. Patch-clamp studies have shown

K2P channels, including TASK1 and TREK1, present an that membrane stretch reversibly induces TREK1 chan- instantaneous current component and a second time- nel opening in both cell-attached and excised inside-out dependent component in response to depolarization41–43. configurations 6,50. Furthermore, opening of TREK1 occurs Furthermore, TREK1 shows a strong outward rectifica- independently of intracellular Ca2+ and ATP levels, sug- tion in a symmetrical K+ gradient instead of the linear gesting a direct mechanism of activation6. In the inside- current to voltage relationship predicted by the GHK out patch configuration, positive pressure is significantly equation28,41 (Supplementary information S1 (figure)). less effective than negative pressure at opening TREK1 Rectification The outward rectification of TREK1 is attributed to an channels, which indicates that a specific membrane The property whereby current external Mg2+ block, which is present at negative mem- deformation (convex curving) preferentially opens these through a channel does not brane potentials, and to an intrinsic voltage-dependent channels6 (Supplementary information S2 (figure)). The flow with the same ease from 28,41 the inside as from the outside. mechanism . Transfection of TREK1 (either splice var- relationship between channel activity and pressure is sig- iant) in HEK cells surprisingly produces two populations moidal, with half-maximal activation at about –50 mm Inward rectifiers of channels with different single-channel conductances Hg7. At the whole-cell level, when the osmolarity of the Channels that allow long (about 40 pS and 100 pS in a symmetrical K+ gradient)27. external solution is increased, the basal TREK1 current depolarizing responses, as they Therefore, K channels diverge from the constant-field amplitude is strongly reduced, which suggests that cel- close during depolarizing 2P pulses and open with steep GHK current formulation and are characterized by lular volume also regulates channel activity (presumably 28,44 6,47 voltage dependence upon complex permeation and gating mechanisms . by influencing tension in the cell membrane) . hyperpolarization. They are The number of active TREK1 channels is enhanced called inward rectifiers because Regulation of voltage- and time-dependent gating. The after treatment of cell-attached patches with agents that current flows through them 6,7,51 more easily into than out of the complex gating of K2P channels is regulated by various disrupt the actin cytoskeleton or after patch excision . cell. receptors and second messenger pathways. Deletional This suggests that mechanical force is likely to be trans- and chimeric analyses have shown that the C-terminal mitted to the channel through the membrane bilayer, Outward rectifiers domain of TREK1 regulates the voltage- and time- with the cytoskeleton acting as a tonic repressor to limit Channels that allow current to dependent gating41. Phosphorylation by protein kinase A channel activation by membrane tension6,24,51. Conversely, flow more easily out of the cell. Voltage-gated K+ channels are (PKA) of Ser333 in the distal part of the C-terminal overexpression of TREK1 has been shown to markedly outward rectifiers that shape domain has been proposed to be responsible for the alter the cytoskeletal network and induce the formation the action potential duration. interconversion between the voltage-dependent and of membrane protrusions that are rich in actin and ezrin the leak phenotype of rat TREK1 (REFS 28,45) (FIG. 2). (a protein that links the cytoskeleton to the membrane)51. Intracellular acidosis A decrease in intracellular pH However, in a significant number of recordings in Thus, there is a dynamic interaction between TREK1 and that occurs, for example, cells expressing the TREK1 Ser333Ala mutant (which the actin cytoskeleton that will influence both neuronal during brain ischaemia. mimics the dephosphorylated state of the channel), electrogenesis and synaptogenesis51.

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the proximal C-terminal domain acts as a proton sensor48 Box 2 | K2P channel protein partners (FIG. 3). Removing this negative charge by protonation is Interaction with auxiliary regulatory subunits further increases the molecular and central to the regulation of TREK1 gating by pH 48. + i functional diversity of K channels. Several K2P channel protein partners that modulate channel activity, transport and degradation have recently been identified92. Temperature sensitivity. A progressive rise in tem- A kinase anchoring protein 150 (AKAP150) interacts with TREK1 and changes the regulatory properties of the channel, as outlined in the main text52. In addition, a number perature induces a gradual and reversible stimulation of TREK1 activity47,49. The maximal temperature sensitivity of proteins interact with other K2P channels. Enzymes in the plasma membrane that conjugate the small ubiquitin-like modifier of TREK1 is observed between 32°C and 37°C, with a 93 0.9-fold increase in current amplitude per degree centi- (SUMO) assemble with TWIK1 (KCNK1, K2P1.1) . Covalent modification at Lys274 by SUMO inhibits TWIK1 channel activity. Conversely, removal of this peptide by SUMO grade47. Patch excision results in the loss of the response protease activates TWIK1. After the removal of SUMO, TWIK1 becomes a K+-selective, of TREK1 to heat, whereas stretch still maximally opens pH-sensitive, openly rectifying K+ channel93. However, recent unpublished data channels47,49. Therefore, thermal activation of TREK1 (F. Lesage, unpublished observations) fail to confirm this regulation of TWIK1 by crucially requires cell integrity, which suggests the sumoylation. In both transfected COS cells and mRNA injected Xenopus oocytes, a existence of an indirect mechanism. weak inward rectifier K+ channel activity was reported for TWIK1 (REF. 33). This current is recorded in the whole-cell configuration and without the addition of SUMO Modulation of TREK1 by cellular lipids proteases33. The reasons for such major discrepancies between these studies remain unclear and this controversy has yet to be resolved. Besides its activation by physical stimuli, TREK1 is also EFA6, an exchange factor for the small G protein ADP-ribosylation factor 6 (ARF6), is upmodulated by various chemical stimuli such as cellu- 21,24 another protein partner of TWIK1 (REF. 94). EFA6 interacts with TWIK1 only when it is lar lipids . Recent evidence suggests that both physical bound to ARF6. Because ARF6 modulates endocytosis at the apical surface of epithelial and chemical activations of TREK1 may be functionally cells, the ARF6–EFA6–TWIK1 association is probably important for TWIK1 linked. internalization and recycling94. The EF-hand superfamily protein p11 (S100A10, annexin 2 light chain) directly interacts Phospholipids. The cationic molecules polylysine with the carboxy (C)-terminal domain of TASK1 (REF. 95). Conflicting results concerning or spermine, which have a high affinity for anionic the exact site of interaction and the functional effect of P11 on TASK1 have been phospholipids, inhibit TREK1 currents when these reported: P11 either promotes the expression of TASK1 at the plasma membrane, or it acts as a ‘retention factor’ that causes localization of TASK1 to the endoplasmic molecules are administered intracellularly on excised 46 reticulum95,96. inside-out patches (FIG. 3). However, channel activ- Interaction of the scaffolding protein 14-3-3 with the C-terminal domain of TASK1 ity can be restored and even stimulated by applying

overcomes retention of the channel in the that is mediated by PtdIns(4,5)P2 on the intracellular side of the chan- dibasic signals in TASK1 binding to β-coatomer protein97. Therefore, 14-3-3 promotes nel43,46. Other inner leaflet phospholipids such as forward transport of TASK1 to the surface of the membrane97. phosphatidylinositol, phosphatidylethanolamine or Vpu1, a human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-1-encoded membrane protein that phosphatidylserine also increase the activity of TREK1 enhances the release of progeny virions from infected cells, interacts with TASK1 and (REF. 43). The presence of a large polar head is not an 98 induces its degradation . absolute requirement, as phosphatidic acid, which only contains a phosphate group at position 3 of the glycerol, also stimulates TREK1 channel activity43. However, TREK1 channels show pronounced desensitization diacylglycerol cannot increase this activity, which indi- within 100 ms of membrane stretch7. This phenom- cates that the presence of a negative phosphate group Cell-attached patch enon is independent of the cytoskeleton and remains is crucial43,46. configuration after patch excision, suggesting that it is depend- A cluster of five positive charges in the proximal Recording configuration in which the patch of membrane ent on the membrane and/or the channel itself. C-terminal domain of TREK1, which encompass at the tip of the recording Mechanosensitive TREK1 currents can be assigned to the proton sensor Glu306, is central to the effect of electrode is not excised but a four-state cyclic kinetic model that includes three phospholipids43 (FIG. 3). This cationic region is required remains attached to the cell. closed states and one open state, without the need to for the interaction between the C-terminal domain This configuration allows the introduce adaptation of the stimulus, which therefore of TREK1 and the inner leaflet of the plasma mem- measurement of the current 43 flowing through the ion indicates the presence of an inactivation mechanism brane . The positively charged nature of this region 7 channels embedded in the that is intrinsic to the channel . Progressive deletion is increased at acidic pHi (or by a Glu306Ala muta- electrically isolated membrane of the C-terminal domain of TREK1 gradually renders tion), which probably favours a stronger electrostatic patch. the channels more resistant to stretch, with a faster interaction with the inner leaflet phospholipids43. The Inside-out patch inactivation demonstrating that this domain is central proximal C-terminal domain is also involved in the 6,7,50 configuration to channel mechano-gating . interaction of TREK1 with the A kinase anchoring Recording configuration in protein 150 (AKAP150) and contains a serine residue which the patch of membrane Sensitivity to internal pH. Lowering the internal pH at position 300 that can be phosphorylated by protein at the tip of the patch-clamp (pH ) shifts the pressure-activation relationship of kinase C (PKC)52,53. electrode is excised from the i cell. The intracellular side of TREK1 towards positive pressure values (the opposite Agonist-induced PtdIns(4,5)P2 hydrolysis inhibits the channel is exposed to the effect to that of C-terminal deletion) and ultimately TREK1 activity by shifting the voltage-dependency of bathing solution. leads to channel opening at atmospheric pressure48,50. its activation towards more depolarized voltages46 (FIG. 3). Moreover, TREK1 inactivation is gradually inhibited Conversely, stimulation of channel activity as a result Desensitization 7 Decrease in the activity of a by intracellular acidosis . Acidosis converts a TREK1 of a shift in the voltage dependency of TREK1 currents protein during maintained mechano-gated channel into a constitutively active, leak towards more hyperpolarized voltages occurs in response stimulation. + 48,50 (REFS 43,46) K channel . A negatively charged residue (Glu306) in to the addition of PtdIns(4,5)P2 .

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chlorpromazine, will close it; indeed, this has been 6,24 Heat experimentally observed . Deletional analysis demonstrates that the C termi- Pressure nus of TREK1 is crucial for the response to arachidonic Anaesthetics acid, as previously demonstrated for the response of Lipids 6 O the channel to membrane stretch . This suggests that activation of TREK1 by polyunsaturated fatty acids and – Voltage C O stretch might be related (Supplementary information Extracellular S2 (figure)). However, the possible existence of a spe- cific binding site for polyunsaturated fatty acids in the C-terminal domain of TREK1 cannot be entirely ruled TREK1 out6,21,24. Interestingly, when the C terminus of TREK2 is replaced with that of TASK3, mechanosensitivity is 56 Intracellular preserved, but activation by arachidonic acid is lost . Cytosolic C-terminal K+ Moreover, the TRAAK/TASK3 chimera remains sensi- domain P tive to both stretch and arachidonic acid, demonstrat- ing that different mechanisms are clearly at work for the activation of TREK1, TREK2 and TRAAK by membrane pH i stretch and/or polyunsaturated fatty acids57. cAMP/PKA DG/PKC Lysophospholipids. Unlike phospholipids, extracellular Cytoskeleton lysophospholipids, including lysophosphatidylcholine, Figure 2 | Polymodal activation of TREK1 by physical and chemical stimuli. open TREK1 (REF. 58). At low doses, arachidonic acid and TREK1 is opened by stretch, heat, intracellular acidosis, depolarization, lipids and volatile lysophosphatidylcholine induce additive activation. The general anaesthetics, and is closed by protein kinase A (PKA) and protein kinase C (PKC) effect of lysophospholipids is dependent on the length of phosphorylation pathways. TREK1 is tonically inhibited by the actin cytoskeleton. The cytosolic carboxy (C)-terminal domain has a key role in the regulation of TREK1 activity. the carbonyl chain and the presence of a large polar head, 58 Phosphorylation of Ser333 by PKA and phosphorylation of both Ser333 and Ser300 by but is independent of the global charge of the molecule . PKC in this region inhibit TREK1 opening. cAMP, cyclic AMP; DG, diacylglycerol; The conical shape of extracellular lysophospholipids is the key parameter that allows them to stimulate TREK1. pHi, internal pH. By contrast, intracellular lysophospholipids inhibit TREK1 activation24. The opposite membrane curvature produced by external (convex deformation) and inter- Polyunsaturated fatty acids. The TREK1 channel is nal (concave deformation) lysophospholipids may be reversibly opened by polyunsaturated fatty acids, such as responsible for this differential effect (Supplementary arachidonic acid6. This activation is observed in excised information S2 (figure)). patch configurations and in the presence of cyclooxyge- TREK1 is also strongly activated by lysophosphatidic nase and lipoxygenase inhibitors, which indicates that acid (LPA), but only when it is applied on the intracel- the effect is direct24. Large chain length (docosahexae- lular side of the channel following patch excision in the noic acid C22:6 being the most potent polyunsaturated inside-out patch configuration59. LPA reversibly con- + acid tested), a high degree of unsaturation (at least one verts the voltage-, pHi- and stretch-sensitive K chan- double bond) and a negative charge are vital for channel nel TREK1 into a leak conductance channel59. Thus, stimulation6. TREK1 is a stretch- and lipid-sensitive K+ channel. The The bilayer–couple hypothesis, which has been put mechanical and chemical activations of TREK1 are pro- forward to explain the alteration in the shape of eryth- posed to be functionally coupled (FIG. 3; Supplementary rocytes in the presence of amphipaths, assumes that the information S2 (figure)). effects of these molecules derive entirely from interac- tions within the bilayer54,55 (Supplementary information Membrane receptors and second messengers S2 (figure)). Anionic amphipaths, including arachidonic TREK1 is downmodulated by the stimulation of both Inner leaflet acid, preferentially insert into the outer leaflet, presum- G - and G -coupled membrane receptors. Recent studies The inner layer of s q phospholipids in the plasma ably because of the natural asymmetric distribution of have identified the second messenger pathways involved membrane. negatively charged phosphatidylserines in the inner leaf- in this regulation. When co-expressed in transfected COS 54,55 let . This differential insertion produces a convex cur- cells with the Gs-coupled 5-hydroxytryptamine 4 (5-HT4) Polar head vature of the membrane. By contrast, positively charged receptor, serotonin inhibits TREK1 opening6,15 (FIG. 4a). Hydrophilic charged groups amphipaths are expected to preferentially insert into the This effect is mimicked by a membrane-permeant deriva- such as choline, ethanolamine, serine or inositol, bound to inner leaflet of the bilayer and thereby generate a concave tive of cyclic AMP (cAMP) and is controlled by PKA- 54,55 glycerol phosphate in curvature . Assuming that TREK1 is preferentially mediated phosphorylation of Ser333 in the C-terminal membrane phospholipids. opened by negative (producing a convex curvature of the domain of TREK1 (REF. 6) (FIG. 4a). In the presence of membrane) rather than positive mechanical pressure, it AKAP150, inhibition of TREK1 by G -coupled recep- Amphipaths s A molecule with both is anticipated from the bilayer–couple hypothesis that tors is enhanced, which suggests that AKAP150 might hydrophobic and hydrophilic anionic amphipaths, such as trinitrophenol, will open cluster TREK1 with PKA to facilitate PKA-mediated surfaces. the channel, whereas cationic amphipaths, including phosphorylation of TREK1 (REF. 52) (FIG. 3d).

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a TMS4 TMS4 Stimulation of Gq-coupled receptors, including metab- otropic glutamate receptors mGluR1 or mGluR5, inhib- its TREK1 (REFS 46,53,60) (FIG. 3). Several pathways are Closed involved: first, phospholipase C hydrolyses PtdIns(4,5)P2 and provokes a shift in the voltage-dependency of TREK1 activation towards more depolarized volt- 46 + + ages ; second, TREK1 may be directly inhibited by Glu306 + + Glu306 60 + + + + diacylglycerol ; and, finally, PKC sequentially phos- – PIP – + 2 + phorylates Ser333 and Ser300 (located in the AKAP150 Polylysine binding site)53. AKAP150 reverses the downmodulation Polyamines b Stretch Depolarization of TREK1 by Gq-coupled receptor stimulation (or stimu- lation with the phorbol ester phorbol-12-myristate-13- acetate); this suggests that it might prevent the access of Gated PKC to the Ser300 phosphorylation site52. Finally, nitric oxide donors, as well as 8-bromo- cGMP, increase TREK1 currents by protein kinase G- + + + + + + mediated phosphorylation of Ser351 (REF. 61). This effect + + – PIP2 – is apparently very labile, as it can only be detected using + + the perforated whole-cell patch-clamp configuration61. pHi Glu306Ala Pharmacology of TREK1 c TREK1 is unusual in terms of its pharmacology, as it

is resistant to all the classical blockers of K1P channels, 6,15 Leak including tetraethylammonium and 4-aminopyridine . However, it is inhibited by various other pharmacologi- cal agents, including the antidepressant selective serot- onin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) such as fluoxetine8,62. +++ + + + + + ++ 0 0 The effect of SSRIs seems to be direct, as the channels d TMS4 TMS4 have been shown to be inhibited in the outside-out patch configuration62. Group I TREK1 is opened by another important class of mGluR Closed pharmacological agents, the volatile general anaesthet- ics6,11,44,63,64 (FIG. 5). Clinical doses of chloroform, diethyl G ether, halothane and isoflurane open TREK1 (REF. 11). q PLC DG Nitrous oxide, xenon and cyclopropane, which are gase- PIP2 hydrolysis Uncoupling ous anaesthetics known for their potent analgesic action 300 PKC ++ in addition to their euphoric and neuroprotective effects, Ser Ser similarly stimulate TREK1 at clinical doses12, as does ++++306 chloral hydrate65. Stimulation of TREK1 activity by these – ++P P – ++– – 333 anaesthetics occurs in excised patches, which suggests a Ser AKAP150 Ser direct effect. Again, the C-terminal domain of TREK1 also 11,12,65 P P has a major role in its modulation by anaesthetics . – – Figure 3 | Modulation of TREK1 by phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate. Insights from Trek1-knockout mice a | Intracellular polylysine or polyamines inhibit TREK1 activity by disrupting the interaction In order to study the physiopathological role of TREK1 between the carboxy (C)-terminal domain of TREK1, which is positively charged, and the native negatively charged phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate (PtdIns(4,5)P ) in the in vivo, its has been disrupted by homologous 2 recombination in the mouse. Trek1–/– mutant mice are inner leaflet of the bilayer. b | Intracellular exogenous PtdIns(4,5)P2 (red; PIP2) promotes TREK1 opening. When the C-terminal domain is partially coupled to the membrane, TREK1 healthy, fertile and do not display any visible morpho- channel activity can be increased by stretch, intracellular acidosis and depolarization. logical abnormalities. However, using this knockout c | Protonation of Glu306 within the C terminus of TREK1 increases the affinity of this mouse model, recent studies indicate a central role for domain for inner leaflet phospholipids. When the negative charge of Glu306 is titrated at TREK1 in anaesthesia, neuroprotection, pain perception acidic pH or when it is mutated by amino acid substitution (Glu306Ala), TREK1 becomes and depression. constitutively active. d | Stimulation of Gq-coupled receptors, including the metabotropic glutamate receptors mGluR1 and mGluR5, activates phospholipase C (PLC) leading TREK1 and general anaesthesia. The opening of to hydrolysis of PtdIns(4,5)P and inhibition of TREK1 activity. Several mechanisms occur: 2 TREK1 by volatile general anaesthetics induces cell hydrolysis of PtdIns(4,5)P2 and uncoupling of the C-terminal domain of TREK1 from the 11 –/– membrane; a direct inhibition of TREK1 by diacylglycerol (DG); and phosphorylation of hyperpolarization . Trek1 mice show a marked Ser300 and Ser333 by protein kinase C (PKC). Negatively charged Glu306 (pink minus sign) decrease in sensitivity to chloroform, halothane, sevoflurane and desflurane10,11,44,63. A concentration and positively charged residues (black plus sign) in the PtdIns(4,5)P2-interacting domain are shown. A kinase anchoring protein 150 (AKAP150; grey) also interacts with this region. of halothane that is sufficient to anaesthetize 100% of pHi, internal pH; TMS4, fourth transmembrane segment. Panels a–c reproduced, with a population of wild-type mice has no effect in the permission, from EMBO J. REF. 43 © (2005) Macmillan Publishers Ltd. knockout mice10. Although the neuronal pathways that

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a Inflammatory mediators Na+ Ca2+ Heat Receptor Depolarization



Gs Intracellular K+ ATP Adenylate P Depolarization Hyperpolarization cyclase cAMP PKA

b Heat c Heat AP threshold Depolarization Inflammation

Control RMP

Hyperpolarization Figure 4 | TREK1 is involved in polymodal pain perception. a | TREK1 is a temperature-sensitive and mechano-gated K+ channel that is co-expressed with the capsaicin-activated non-selective ion channel transient receptor potential subfamily V (vanilloid), member 1 (TRPV1) in small diameter sensory neurons (left). Trek1 –/– mice show an increased thermal

and mechanical hyperalgesia in inflammatory conditions. Inflammatory mediators, including prostaglandin E2 (PGE2), induce the inhibition of TREK1 via the cyclic AMP (cAMP)/protein kinase A (PKA) pathway. Ser333 in the carboxy (C)- terminal domain of TREK1 is phosphorylated by PKA (right). b | Heat stimulation simultaneously opens the depolarizing cationic non-selective channel TRPV1 (pink shading) and the hyperpolarizing K+ channel TREK1 (blue shading). The resulting effect of heat stimulation on the membrane potential of dorsal root ganglia sensory neurons is shown by the black trace. The initial resting membrane potential (RMP) is shown by a black dashed line. c | Inhibition of TREK1 by membrane receptors and second messenger pathways during inflammation (shown by a red trace) is predicted to enhance the depolarizing effect of TRPV1, causing it to reach the action potential (AP) firing threshold, thus increasing the excitability of sensory neurons and pain perception.

are responsible remain to be determined, these data dependent Ca2+ channels) and of postsynaptic neurons demonstrate that the opening of TREK1, along with (which would increase the block of NMDA (N-methyl- 2+ the modulation of other targets including the GABAA d-aspartate) receptors by Mg ) will protect neurons receptors, contributes to the cellular mechanisms of against glutamate excitotoxicity63 (FIG. 5). It is interest- general anaesthesia10,11,44,63 (FIG. 5). ing to note that various other neuroprotective agents, including riluzole, nitrous oxide and xenon, are also TREK1, lipids and neuroprotection. TREK1 is resistant potent openers of TREK1 (REFS 12,72). Outside-out patch to hypoxia and opens during chemical ischaemia66,67. configuration Trek1–/– mice are more sensitive to both ischaemia and TREK1 and pain perception. TREK1 is colocalized with A variant of the patch-clamp epilepsy than wild-type mice10,63. The polyunsaturated the capsaicin-activated (the active ingredient in chili technique, in which a patch of plasma membrane is excised fatty acid linolenate or lysophospholipids administered peppers) non-selective transient receptor potential chan- from the cell. The outside of either intracerebroventricularly or intravenously are nel, subfamily V (vanilloid), member 1 (TRPV1) in both the membrane is exposed neuroprotective against global ischaemia and kain- small and medium-sized sensory neurons of mouse DRG to the bathing solution. ate-induced seizures68–71, yet such neuroprotection is cells9,16,47 (FIG. 4). TREK1 can be opened by nociceptive absent in Trek1–/– mice, which indicates that protection stimuli, including pressure and heat6,7,47. Trek1–/– mice Polymodal C-fibres Non-myelinated axons by polyunsaturated fatty acids is mediated by TREK1 are more sensitive than wild-type mice to painful heat 10,63 characterized by a slow opening . stimulation with an intensity near the threshold between conduction. Polymodal During brain ischaemia, arachidonic acid is released, non-painful and painful heat9. Moreover, experiments nociceptors are activated by polymodal C-fibres the pHi falls and neurons swell. These pathological using single demonstrate that DRG high intensity mechanical, –/– chemical and thermal stimuli, alterations might contribute to the opening of TREK1. neurons from Trek1 mice have increased sensitivity involving non-myelinated C- The subsequent hyperpolarization of both presynaptic to heat stimulation at 30–45°C (REF. 9). However, no fibres conducting delayed pain. neurons (which would limit the opening of voltage- difference is observed in the sensitivity to cold induced

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Openers of TREK1: These findings make TREK1 an attractive pharma- • Anaesthetics cological target for the development of new types of • Polyunsaturated fatty acids analgesic drugs. • Lysophospholipids • Riluzole TREK1 and depression. Neither reflex (cornea, pinna + + TREK1 TREK1 and righting reflexes) nor cognitive functions are sig- 2+ Mg nificantly altered in Trek1–/– mice8,10. However, TREK1 Glutamate – is reported to have an important functional role in Ca2+ – regulation8. In the Porsolt forced swim test (FST)75, R Trek1–/– mice swam for much longer than wild-type mice NMDA before feeling despair and giving up8. Administration of K+ + K+ AMPA/ the antidepressants fluoxetine or paroxetine in the FST kainate – reduce the immobility time of wild-type mice (that is, R they have an antidepressant action), but fail to affect Na+ Trek1–/– mice8. Various other behavioural tests used to Cav channels assay for the antidepressant effects of drugs confirmed the ‘antidepressant’ state of the Trek1–/– mice8. Ca2+ Presynaptic Postsynaptic TREK1 is expressed in the serotonergic neurons of the midbrain dorsal raphé nucleus8 (FIG. 6). Importantly, Neuroprotection and general anaesthesia combined treatment with fluoxetine and the tryptophan hydroxylase inhibitor p-chlorophenylalanine methyl Figure 5 | Role of TREK1 in general anaesthesia and neuroprotection. TREK1 is ester, which deplete serotonin from the nerve terminals, expressed in both pre- and postsynaptic neurons. Opening of TREK1 in response to completely eliminates the antidepressant phenotype of anaesthetics, polyunsaturated fatty acids, lysophospholipids and neuroprotective agents the Trek1–/– mice8. Moreover, the firing rate of neurons such as riluzole, and the consequent hyperpolarization of presynaptic neurons, leads to from the dorsal raphé nucleus is more than twofold the closure of voltage-dependent calcium (Cav) channels. The decrease in intracellular –/– 8 calcium reduces the release of neurotoxic glutamate. At the postsynaptic level, higher in Trek1 mice compared with wild-type mice . hyperpolarization caused by TREK1 opening increases the voltage-dependent Mg2+ These results indicate that TREK1 has a major role in blockage of the NMDA (N-methyl-d-aspartate) receptor (R) and therefore reduces mood regulation75. neurotransmission and glutamate excitotoxicity. The postsynaptic hyperpolarization will In the neurons of the dorsal raphé nucleus, 5-HT1A also tend to antagonize the depolarizing effect of the AMPA (α-amino-3-hydroxy-5- autoreceptor stimulation reduces neuronal firing and, methyl-4-isoxazole propionic acid)/kainate receptor activation that is required to consequently, serotonin neurotransmission75 (FIG. 6). remove the Mg2+ blockage of the NMDA receptor. Inhibition of adenylate cyclase and activation of G- protein-coupled inwardly rectifying K+ channels are by a drop of acetone to the dorsal surface of the paw, involved in this negative feedback75. The decrease in suggesting that TREK1 is probably not involved in cold cAMP concentration (as a result of reduced adenylate sensing9. cyclase activity) in the serotonergic neurons might also Touching the skin with von Frey hairs of increasing lead to TREK1 channel opening because of a consequent stiffness revealed that Trek1–/– mice are more sensitive reduction in phosphorylation of Ser333 by PKA28,76. to mechanical stimulus than are wild-type mice9. Thus, According to this model, the knockout of Trek1 would Trek1 deletion results in allodynia, suggesting that this reduce the serotonin negative feedback on presynaptic

K2P channel is probably important for tuning the mech- neurons, resulting in increased serotonin neurotrans- anosensitivity of nociceptors. Chronic pain syndromes mission and the antidepressant phenotype75 (FIG. 6). involve the sensitization of nociceptors and thermal Although both TREK1 and TRAAK are expressed in receptors by inflammatory mediators. Interestingly, dorsal raphé serotonergic neurons, the mood of only inflammation-induced mechanical and thermal hyper- the Trek1–/– mice is altered8, suggesting that the specific Allodynia –/– The perception of a stimulus as algesia is lower in Trek1 mice than in wild-type mice, functional properties of TREK1, such as its regulation painful when previously the suggesting that TREK1 is, at least in part, involved in the by cAMP and PKA (TRAAK is not modulated by the same stimulus was reported to peripheral sensitization of nociceptors during inflam- cAMP/PKA pathway) are probably involved6,15. Direct be non-painful. mation9 (FIG. 4). inhibition of TREK1 by clinical doses of fluoxetine and

Porsolt forced swim test DRG neurons express various TRP ion channelsthat related agents (as outlined above) might also contribute 73,74 A method to estimate sense hot, warm and cold temperatures .For example, to enhanced presynaptic excitability and, along with behavioural despair in a TRPV3 and TRPV4 sense warm (> 30°C) and TRPV1 inhibition of serotonin reuptake, will increase sero- stressful and inescapable 73,74 senseshot (> 43°C) temperatures . The Q10 (the ratio tonin neurotransmission to produce an antidepressant situation. Mice rapidly adopt a of reaction rates for a 10°C increase in temperature) of effect8,62,75. Specific TREK1 antagonists might therefore characteristic immobile posture when they are forced TRPV1 gating is estimated to be about 10–20, while a Q10 be useful agents for the treatment of depression. to swim in a water tank. of about 5–7 has been reported for TREK1 (REFS 47,49). Immobility is considered to be These results suggest that TREK1, although less sensi- Presynaptic modulation a state of ‘lowered mood’ in tive than TRP channels to temperature, modulates the TREK1 is expressed both pre- and postsynaptically47,71. which the animal has given up hope of finding an exit and is excitability of nociceptors, probably by opposing Therefore, regulation of TREK1 opening in presynap- resigned to the stressful the depolarization that results from the opening of non- tic neurons is anticipated to affect situation. selective TRP channels, including TRPV1 (FIG. 4b–c). release.

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a TREK1 and TREK2 are the hypothetical functional 5-HT transporter homologues of the Aplysia presynaptic S-type K+ chan- 6 Reuptake nel that is involved in behavioural sensitization . This molluscan S channel is a resting, outwardly rectifying, weak voltage- and time-dependent, calcium-independ- 5-HT1A + receptor ent, 45–55 pS K channel that shares all the properties of TREK1, including sensitivity to volatile anaesthetics and G i/o Adenylate activation by membrane stretch77. In Aplysia, sensitiza- cyclase tion of the gill-withdrawal reflex by noxious stimulus to 5-HT the tail is caused by presynaptic facilitation of transmis- sion (that is, an increase in the release of neurotransmit- cAMP TREK1 ter) between the sensory and the motor neurons of the reflex77. Serotonin is released by facilitating interneurons and inhibits a resting K+ conductance (mediated by S-type Trek1 +/+ K+ channels) in presynaptic sensory terminals through + b phosphorylation of the K channels by the cAMP/PKA pathway2. Inhibition of the S channels enhances the duration of the action potential, allowing more calcium to flow into the terminal, and thereby increasing neuro- transmitter release77. These studies in Aplysia provided the first evidence for heterosynaptic facilitation and for

Gi/o a direct role of a second messenger pathway, involving phosphorylation of ion channels, in the regulation of synaptic transmission1,2,78. Conversely, the neuropeptide 5-HT FMRFamide released by inhibitory interneurons opens cAMP the S channels through the arachidonic acid pathway, decreases the duration of the action potential, reduces transmitter release from the sensory neuron terminals

Trek1 –/– and leads to presynaptic and behavioural inhibition (that is, decrease in the gill-withdrawal reflex)79,80. Both the Aplysia S-type K+ channel and mammalian c Fluoxetine TREK1 are involved in controlling the excitability of presynaptic neurons through the pathway mediated by serotonin, cAMP and PKA2,75. However, in the dorsal raphé neurons, serotonin probably opens TREK1 though + the Gi/o pathway, whereas serotonin closes the S-type K channel through the G pathway in molluscan sensory Gi/o s neurons. The role of the serotonin-sensitive TREK- like channels in presynaptic modulation is, therefore, conserved during evolution, which itself implies a key 5-HT + Fluoxetine cAMP functional role for these background K channels.

Conclusion and perspectives Trek1-knockout mice provide very strong evidence Trek1 +/+ for the important functional role of this K+ channel in 8–10 + Figure 6 | Role of TREK1 in feedback inhibition of serotonergic dorsal raphé both the CNS and PNS . This ‘unconventional’ K neurons and the response to antidepressants. a | Stimulation of the serotonin 5-HT channel, with its complex gating and regulation by A1 membrane receptors and second messengers, is central receptor (red) inhibits adenylate cyclase (yellow) via the Gi/o protein (green). Consequent lowering of the level of intracellular cyclic AMP (cAMP) will contribute to enhanced to ischaemic and epileptic neuroprotection, pain sens- TREK1 (blue) opening due to a decrease in the protein kinase A-mediated ing and depression. Furthermore, TREK1 is opened phosphorylation. TREK1 opening leads to cell hyperpolarization, reduction in the firing by neuroprotective agents and volatile and gaseous rate and, therefore, decreased serotonin release from dorsal raphé neurons. Serotonin is anaesthetics, whereas it is inhibited by clinical doses of removed from the synaptic space by serotonin transporters expressed in the dorsal raphé antidepressant drugs, suggesting that this channel is an neurons. Serotonin is involved in the regulation of several brain functions, including important pharmacological target44,63,64,75. depression, mood, emotion, aggression, sleep, appetite, , memory and TREK1 activity is stimulated by membrane stretch, perception. b | In dorsal raphé neurons from Trek –/– mice, feedback hyperpolarization is predicted to be reduced, thereby increasing serotonin release. c | Increased levels of heat, intracellular acidosis and cellular lipids. Therefore, serotonin in these pathways, brought about by reducing serotonin reuptake with TREK1 qualifies as a polymodal sensory ion channel, serotonin uptake inhibitors, including fluoxetine, is one therapeutic approach to treating which integrates multiple physical and chemical stimuli. depression. Additionally, direct inhibition of TREK1 by selective serotonin reuptake The C-terminal domain of this channel has a major role inhibitors will also contribute to increased excitability of dorsal raphé neurons and in the transduction of these stimuli into channel open- serotonin release. ing. The proposed model states that a tight dynamic

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interaction of this domain with the inner leaflet of the Although major progress has been made in the charac-

plasma membrane is central to the mechanism of chan- terization of this K2P channel, several important questions nel gating and regulation by membrane receptors and remain. What makes TREK1 mechanosensitive, and how is second messenger pathways. the mechanical force transmitted to the channel? Where These studies have contributed to a better under- is the activation gate, and what controls inactivation? The standing of the molecular basis of mechanotransduc- role of the cytoskeleton in modulating TREK1 mechano- tion81,82. TREK1 was the first mammalian mechano-gated sensitivity is also unclear; so too is the effect of TREK1 on ion channel to be cloned, expressed and character- the actin cytoskeleton. What makes the channel sensitive ized6,15. Moreover, work on TREK1 has demonstrated to temperature is unknown, as is the location of the voltage that lipid modulation and stretch activation are closely sensor, and it is not yet understood how phosphorylation linked. Interestingly, recent evidence has shown that of Ser300 and Ser333 regulates TREK1 opening. What lipids are also intimately involved in the opening and is the mechanism of TREK1 activation by gaseous and closing of other mechanosensitive channels in fungal, volatile anaesthetics? This article has focused on TREK1, plant and animal species83. It is also of interest to note but what is the physiological role of the functional homo- that the cytosolic C-terminal charged cluster RKKEE of logues TREK2 and TRAAK? Is there an involvement of

the bacterial stretch- and lipid-sensitive channel MscL these K2P channels in human genetic diseases? As addi-

also functions as a pH sensor, indicating that such tional K2P channel transgenic animals become available, mechanisms may be conserved throughout evolution84. the roles of other members of this intriguing family of The working hypothesis proposed for TREK1 gating ion channels in physiology, pharmacology and pathol- and modulation by pH and lipids (FIG. 3) could thus be ogy should soon become clearer. At the pharmacological applicable to other types of mechanosensitive ion chan- level, future studies will be needed to identify high-affinity nels implicated in various sensory functions, including channel blockers and openers that might prove useful for touch sensitivity and hearing7,43. the treatment of a range of neuronal disease states.

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