Federal Register/Vol. 69, No. 97/Wednesday, May 19, 2004

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Federal Register/Vol. 69, No. 97/Wednesday, May 19, 2004 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 97 / Wednesday, May 19, 2004 / Notices 28879 agencies are State or local governmental (c) ways to enhance the quality, utility, Electronic Innovations, LLC, the agencies or persons designated under and clarity of the information to be International Brotherhood of Electrical the Act to provide either official collected; and (d) ways to minimize the Workers, and the Industrial Division of inspection services, Class X or Class Y burden of the collection of information the Communications Workers of weighing services, or both, at locations on those who are to respond, including America) that the Department had made other than export port locations. State through the use of appropriate ministerial errors in its final and private agencies, as a requirement automated, electronic, mechanical, or determination. On April 26, 2004, we for delegation and/or designation, must other technological collection received two submissions containing comply with all regulations, procedures, techniques or forms of information rebuttal comments from the petitioners and instructions in accordance with technology. All responses to this notice concerning TCL’s and Konka’s provisions established under the will be summarized and included in the ministerial error allegations. In our USGSA. FGIS field offices oversee the request for OMB approval. All April 27 and 29, 2003, letters, we performance of these agencies and comments will also become a matter of instructed the petitioners to refile one of provide technical guidance as needed. public record. their submissions (i.e., the submission Official services under the AMA are Donna Reifschneider, concerning ministerial error allegations performed, upon request, on a fee basis raised by TCL) to remove untimely filed for domestic and export shipments Administrator, Grain Inspection, Packers and Stockyards Administration. new comments. On May 3, 2004, either by FGIS employees, individual because the petitioners did not comply [FR Doc. 04–11328 Filed 5–18–04; 8:45 am] contractors, or cooperators. Contractors with the Department’s requests, we are persons who enter into a contract BILLING CODE 3410–EN–P rejected the submission entirely. with FGIS to perform specified After analyzing Konka’s, TCL’s, and inspection services. Cooperators are the petitioners’ submissions, we have agencies or departments of the Federal DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE determined, in accordance with 19 CFR 351.224(e), that we made the following Government which have an interagency International Trade Administration agreement or State agencies which have general ministerial errors in our a reimbursable agreement with FGIS. [A–570–884] calculations performed for the final Title: Regulations Governing the determination: National Inspection and Weighing Notice of Amended Final • We inadvertently included values System Under the USGSA and AMA of Determination of Sales at Less Than associated with zero quantities in our 1946. Fair Value: Certain Color Television calculation of the surrogate value for OMB Number: 0580–0013. Receivers From the People’s Republic diodes; Expiration Date of Approval: of China • We inadvertently excluded certain December 31, 2004. AGENCY: Import Administration, costs from the denominators of the Type of Request: Extension and International Trade Administration, financial ratios calculated for each of revision of a currently approved Department of Commerce. the surrogate producers selected in this information collection. case; Abstract: The United States Grain EFFECTIVE DATE: May 19, 2004. • We treated packing expenses Standards Act (7 U.S.C. 71 et seq.) and FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Irina inconsistently in our calculations for the the Agricultural Marketing Act of 1946 Itkin or Elizabeth Eastwood, Office of surrogate CTV producers and the PRC (7 U.S.C. 1621 et seq.) provide that AD/CVD Enforcement, Office 2, Import respondents; USDA inspect, certify and identify the Administration, International Trade • We inadvertently calculated the class, quality, quantity and condition of Administration, U.S. Department of cost of plastic parts for Konka using agricultural products shipped or Commerce, 14th Street and Constitution plastic part consumption figures that received in interstate and foreign Avenue, NW., Washington, DC 20230; did not correspond with the POI; commerce. telephone: (202) 482–0656 or (202) 482– • We incorrectly tested the mark-ups Estimate of Burden: Public reporting 3874, respectively. charged by Konka’s affiliated market- and record keeping burden for this Amendment to Final Determination economy supplier by comparing this collection of information is estimated to amount to the costs incurred by a average .09 hours per response. In accordance with sections 735(a) different affiliated party; Respondents: Grain producers, and 777(i)(1) of the Tariff Act of 1930, • We inadvertently included freight buyers, and sellers, elevator operators, as amended, (the Act), on April 16, costs for one of Konka’s market grain merchandisers, and official grain 2004, the Department published its economy inputs when the price charged inspection agencies. notice of final determination of sales at was on a delivered basis; Estimated Number of Respondents: less than fair value (LTFV) in the • We inadvertently double-counted 2,400. investigation of certain color television certain market-economy freight Estimated Number of Responses per receivers (CTVs) from the People’s expenses for TCL; and Respondent: 1041.6. Republic of China (PRC). See Notice of • We inadvertently excluded certain Estimated Total Annual Burden on Final Determination of Sales at Less factor values when calculating the Respondents: 225,000 hours. Than Fair Value and Negative Final normal value for one of Xiamen Comments: Comments are invited on: Determination of Critical Overseas Chinese Electronic Co., Ltd.’s (a) Whether the collection of Circumstances: Certain Color Television (XOXECO’s) products. information is necessary for the proper Receivers From the People’s Republic of Correcting these errors resulted in performance of the functions of the China, 69 FR 20594 (Apr. 16, 2004). On revised margins for Sichuan Changhong agency, including whether the April 19, 2004, we received allegations, Electric Co., Ltd., Konka, TCL, and information will have practical utility; timely filed pursuant to 19 CFR XOXECO. In addition, we have revised (b) the accuracy of the agency’s estimate 351.224(c)(2), from Konka Group the calculation of the all others rate of the burden of the proposed collection Company, Ltd. (Konka), TCL Holding accordingly. of information including the validity of Company Ltd. (TCL), and the petitioners For a detailed discussion of the the methodology and assumptions used; in this investigation (i.e., Five Rivers ministerial errors noted above, as well VerDate jul<14>2003 18:00 May 18, 2004 Jkt 203001 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 4703 Sfmt 4703 E:\FR\FM\19MYN1.SGM 19MYN1 28880 Federal Register / Vol. 69, No. 97 / Wednesday, May 19, 2004 / Notices as the Department’s analysis, see the Duty Investigation on Certain Color determination of sales at LTFV in the May 13, 2004, memorandum to Louis Television Receivers from the People’s antidumping duty investigation of CTVs Apple from the Team entitled Republic of China.’’ from the PRC. The revised dumping ‘‘Ministerial Error Allegations in the Therefore, in accordance with 19 CFR margins are as follows: Final Determination of the Antidumping 351.224(e), we are amending the final Original final Amended Manufacturer/exporter margin final margin (percent) (percent) Haier Electric Appliances International Co ...................................................................................................................... 21.49 22.94 Hisense Import and Export Co., Ltd. ............................................................................................................................... 21.49 22.94 Konka Group Company, Ltd ............................................................................................................................................ 11.36 9.69 Philips Consumer Electronics Co. of Suzhou Ltd ........................................................................................................... 21.49 22.94 Shenzhen Chaungwei-RGB Electronics Co., Ltd ............................................................................................................ 21.49 22.94 Sichuan Changhong Electric Co., Ltd ............................................................................................................................. 24.48 26.37 Starlight International Holdings, Ltd ................................................................................................................................ 21.49 22.94 Star Light Electronics Co., Ltd ......................................................................................................................................... 21.49 22.94 Star Fair Electronics Co., Ltd .......................................................................................................................................... 21.49 22.94 Starlight Marketing Development Ltd. ............................................................................................................................. 21.49 22.94 SVA Group Co., Ltd ......................................................................................................................................................... 21.49 22.94 TCL Holding
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