IF YOU NEED AN. INTERPRETER Please point to your language, we will call an Interpreter.

Spanish — Español ...... Por favor, señale su idioma. Nosotros llamaremos a un interprete. Amharic — ...... — ...... Bosnian —- Bosanki ...... Molim vas pokazite na vas govomi jezik. Mi cemo pozvati prevodioca. Burmese — ...... Cambodian — ...... Cantonese — ...... Creole —- Creole ...... Sʼil vous plait, signale ki less ou. Na va rele yon inteprete Farsi — ...... French— Français ...... — ...... Hmong — - Hmoob ...... Thov taw rau koj yam lus. Peb mam li hu rau ib tus neeg pes lus. Japanese — ...... Karen — ...... Korean — ...... Lao — ...... Mandarin — ...... Portuguese — Português ...... Romanian — Românã ...... Somali — Af-Soomaali Fadlan noo tilmaan afkaaga. Waxaan kuugu yeeri turjubaan. Russian — ...... Swahili —- Kiswahili ...... Tafadhali onyesha lugha yako. Tutamuita mtafsiri. Thai — ...... Urdu — ...... Vietnamese — ....

SM TELELANGUAGE.COM 800.514.9237 TELELANGUAGE { } Supporting Over 200 Languages 24/7/365 SM TELELANGUAGE { Language List }

Acholi Fijian Kankanay Mixteco Bajo Spanish (European) Afrikaans Filipino Kannada Moldovan Spanish (Latin America) Akan Finnish Karen Mongolian Spanish (Mexican) Albanian Flemish Kashmir Moroccan Arabic Sudanese American Sign Language French Kayah Myanmar Swahali Amharic French Canadian Kazakh Nahuati Swedish Arabic French Creole Khmer (Cambodian) Navajo Syrian Armenian Frisian (West) Kikamba Nepali Tagalog Ashanti Fujianese Kikuyu Newari Tahitian Assyrian Fukinese Nigerian Taiwanese Azerbaijani Fula Kirghiz Norwegian Tajiki Bambara Fulani Nuer Tamal Basque Fuzhou Korean Ojibay Tamang Bassa Ga Kosrae Oromifa Tamil Behdink Gaelic Kpelle Oromo Tarasco Belarusian Ganda Krahn Pahari Tatar Bengali Garre Kurdish Palauan Telugu Bosnian Georgian Lakota Pampangan Teochew Bulgarian German Laotian Papiamento Thai Burmese Gilaki Latin Pashto Thai Dam Cantonese Grebo Latvian Polish Tibetan Cape Verde Greek Lebanese Ponapean Tigrigna Catalan Greenlandic Liberian Portuguese Tigrinya Cebuano Gujarati Portuguese Brazilian Toishanese Chaldean Haitian Creole Lithuanian Portuguese Creole Tokelau Cham Haka Burmese Potwari Tongan Chamorro Hakka Luo (Dhuluo) Pilaar Trukese (Chuukese) Chau-jo Harari Maay Punjabi Tshiluba Cherokee Hausa Macedonian Quechua Tsonga Chinese Hebrew Malagasy Quiche Rhade Tswana Chouja Hindi Malay Romanian Turkish Chauukese Hmong Malayalam Rundi Turkmen Creole Ho Malaysian Russian Twi Croatian Hunanese Maltese Samoan Ukranian Czech Hungarian Mam Sara Urdu Danish Iban Mandarin Serbian Uzbek Dari (Persian) Ibang Mandingo Serbo Croatian Vangali Dimli Icelandic Mandinko Shanghalinese Vietnamese Dinka Lgbo Mankon Shona Visayan (Cebuano) Duala Ilocano Marathi Sichuan Welsh Dutch Indonesian Marshallese Sicilian Sindhi Wolof Edo Jaaxanke Maylay Sinhala Wu Efik Jakartanese Meru Sinhalese Yi Estonian Japanese Mien Slovak Yiddish Ethiopian Javanese Mina Slovenian Yoruba Ewe Kakwa Mixteco Somali Soninke Zapoteco Farsi (Persian) Kanjobal Mixteco Alto Sotho Zulu

SM TELELANGUAGE.COM 800.514.9237 TELELANGUAGE { } Supporting Over 240 Languages 24/7/365 DID YOU KNOW? DID YOU KNOW?

★ There are over 2700 languages ★ There are over 2700 languages and over 6000 dialects and over 6000 dialects ★ 46 languages have ★ 46 languages have one single speaker one single speaker ★ 2200 of the world’s ★ 2200 of the world’s languages languages are spoken are spoken in Asia in Asia

11 Tips to effectively 11 Tips to effectively communicate with an communicate with an interpreter... interpreter...

1 Brief interpreter prior to a conversation 1 Brief interpreter prior to a conversation The interpreter is there to purely The interpreter is there to purely 2 translate what is being said 2 translate what is being said Ask interpreter not to change or Ask interpreter not to change or 3 alter any part of the conversation 3 alter any part of the conversation 4 Speak clearly and in a normal tone 4 Speak clearly and in a normal tone Allow more time for interpreted Allow more time for interpreted 5 communication 5 communication 6 Be aware of cultural factors 6 Be aware of cultural factors Refrain from using metaphors, Refrain from using metaphors, 7 acronyms, slangs or idioms 7 acronyms, slangs or idioms 8 Remember to pause between sentences 8 Remember to pause between sentences Speak directly to the non-English Speak directly to the non-English 9 caller, not the interpreter 9 caller, not the interpreter 10 Treat interpreter as a professional 10 Treat interpreter as a professional 11 Permit only one person to speak at a time 11 Permit only one person to speak at a time