December 1, 2016

Club Officers & Directors

District 7030 - Club # 6798 Chartered March 07, 1962 President Lisa Cummins DISTRICT OFFICERS President Elect District Governor Paul Ashby Roger Bose Vice President District Governor Elect Brenda Pope Waddy Sowma Secretary Bobby Morris District Governor Nominee

R.I Theme 2016-17 Dominique Venere Treasurer Joel Brathwaite Assistant Governor R.I. OFFICERS Peter Downes Club Service Director President Diana Douglin John F. Germ District Secretary

Anne Marie Rogers President Elect Vocational Service Director

Ian Riseley Winston Warren District Treasurer

Steve Ramlakhan Community Service Director

Council of Governors Chair and Anne Bertrand

Immediate Past DG - Milton Inniss International Service Director PP Elvin Sealy ARRFC and Zone member of the Zone Executive Committee - Youth Service Director PDG David Edwards Neal Griffith

Zone Sub-Committee Immediate Past President PDG Tony Watkins Jedder Robinson

Sergeant–At–Arms Roger Smith

THE FOUR WAY TEST Weekly meetings on Thursdays at Of the things we think, Hilton Barbados say or do: Needham’s Point, Aquatic Gap, St. Michael 1. Is it the TRUTH? 2. Is it FAIR to all concerned? at 12 p.m. 3. Will it build GOODWILL and BETTER P.O. Box 148B, Brittons Hill, FRIENDSHIPS ? St. Michael, Barbados 4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned? THE ROTARY CLUB OF BARBADOS THE PICTURES OF THE DAY SPOKE MORE THAN A THOU- WELCOMES ALL VISITING ROTARIANS AND GUESTS SAND WORDS: HERE ARE A FEW Mar 07 - Club Charter Date - 1962 - Club # 6798

RI THEME: ROTARY SERVING HUMANITY ON THE ADJOINING PAGE; RTN ADRIAN SKEETE AS HE PRE- RECAP INDEPENDENCE MEETING ON NOVEMBER 24 SENTED FLOWERS TO MS. AKELA JONES AND IMMEDIATE- WE WELCOMED : MISS AKELA JONES AS THE LY BELOW PRESIDENT LISA CUMMINS, SAA KIM TUDOR AND AKELA.JONES Ms. FACE OF OUR “EACH ONE CAN” PROJECT. BELOW AND ALL SMILES: MS AKELA JONES AND MRS. Jones gave a most inspiraonal speech at our luncheon. In GRACE PHILLIPS her speech she spoke of her own story and her overcoming of all adversity to get her to where she is today. She was one of the children who grew up in Sterling Children’s home and is now studying criminology in the US as well as being the holder of Barbados’ records in the women's , , and . She won gold in the long jump at the 2014 World Junior Championships. She is the first wom- an from the Caribbean to represent a Caribbean country in the heptathlon at the Olympic games; she did so this year. In her speech, she publicly thanked Rtn. Commander Willie Kir- EXCHANGE OF BANNERS ton for his support at the Children's home and encouraged all We were pleased to welcome our vising Rotarians and guests who do assist to be regular visitors of the home. In her words to our special Independence luncheon. During this me, ban- “people who came repeatedly were the ones who made the ners were exchanged with Rotarians from England and Canada difference”. and the United States .

As we launch our signature project Ms. Jones aptly gave us the following sage advise using the word CAN as her acronym: C—COLLABORATE with each other at all levels realizing that each of us is different and has different skills A—APPLAUD ALL EFFORTS —when realizing the differences in each of us N—NOURISH our young people in body and soul so that whatever avenue they choose to turn around their lives we the RCOB are able to help. We again thank her for agreeing to be RCOB’s face of our “EACH ONE CAN” PROJECT


1. Aendance - 60.6%

2. Raffle Proceeds - $113.00

3. Fines - $228.00

2. Raffle Winner : Rtn Tracy Knight -Lloyd DECEMBER 1 2016: Fellowship Meeng “SERVICE ABOVE SELF” MEET OUR GREETERS: FYI


Grenville W. Phillips, CBE , joined PLEASE SEE BELOW THE TIMES AND DATES FOR THESE CLUBS. the Club on May 01, 1976 and his THE ROSTER IS ALSO BELOW: Classificaon is Business Ser- vices—Consultancy. He served as The Codrington School Every Monday: 12:30—1:00pm President for the year 1986-87, The School requires to be advised as to aendees, please there- which was the 25th Anniversary of fore advise Director Neal if you are aending. Rotary in Barbados. It is said that he reported to the Club that “due St. Michael’s School Every Friday: 2:15pm to a lack of funds there will be no (commencing Sep. 16) designated Presidenal Project;” Rotaract Club of Barbados The Calendar of events will however the Club recognized twenty-five (25) persons who made a difference to the Community ( recognizing Voca- be forwarded by separate

ons ). Also during this me the first pace-maker was donat- email ed to the Queen Elizabeth Hospital; a program which sll ROSTER FOR DECEMBER connues through Heartbeat Internaonal. PP Grenville has served the Club as secretary 1977-1979 and the District as DEC 5 CHS RTN. Donna Pierre Assistant Governor 2010-2012.He was awarded the Paul DEC 5. SMS DIRECTOR Neal Griffith Harris Fellowship in 2006. DEC . 12 CHS WINSTON WARREN DEC 13 SMS TRACY ARCHER

RTN. TREVOR G FIELD can be credited together with PP Stanley MacDonald, with the intro- “As you each remember to help our Junior duction of Carols by Candlelight to Clubs BE REMINDED THAT “a leader is one who Barba dos in 1995. Prior to joining knows the way, goes the way and shows the our Club on February 01, 1991 he served for eleven years in the Ro- way” - John Maxwell tary Club of Port of Spain. His Clas- sificaon is General Merchandise– Distribuon. Rtn. Trevor Field has served on many com- miees including Community Service where he was instru- mental in the construcon of the Boview Home at the Adult Creave Arts and Training Centre “Challenor School”, St. Thomas, Fellowship & Aendance Commiees , Challenged and Senior Cizens , Fund Raising Commiee and Children’s Homes and Drug Awareness where he serves at this me.

IN MEMORIAM CHRISTMAS IS COMING … CLAP YOUR HANDS !! We regret to announce the death of HERE ARE IMPORTANT DECEMBER DATES TO Rtn. Dr. John Mayers who passed REMEMBER! away on Thursday November 24, 2016. Condolences are given to his SUNDAY DEC 4 SENIOR CITIZENS’ Partner in Service Nola and to his TEA PARTY at the Governor General’s Offi- children and family and may he rest cial Residence and commences at 3 pm in light perpetual. The funeral for Dr. Mayers will be held on Saturday De- SUNDAY DEC 11 cember 10 at 10 am at Bethel Methodist Church. CAROLS BY CANDLELIGHT UP-COMING EVENTS Announcements Mar 07 - Club Charter Date - 1962 Wedding Anniversary PP Lionel Moe DECEMBER and T. Florine Moe 48 years Dec 7, 1968 DISEASE PREVENTION AND TREATMENT MONTH Dec. 8 Greeters: PP. Steven Brathwaite Birthday - Rotarians and Rtn. Robin the Baron Forde IPP JEDDER ROBINSON Dec 1 RTN. BERKELEY BLADES Dec 7 Dec 15 Rtn. Shawn Franklin and Rtn. Andrew Niven Birthday - Partners in Service Gloria Kirton Dec. 15 Classificaon talk — Partner in Service of Rtn.Commander Willie Kirton Dec 6

Join Date Anniversary Dec. 22 Greeters: Director Annie Bertrand PDG Tony Watkins 31 years Dec 1, 1985 and Rtn. Nicholas Waithe PP Elvin Sealy 31 years Dec 1, 1985 Hon. Rtn Sir Frank Blackman 20 years Dec 1, 1996 DEC 22 CHRISTMAS LUNCHEION Rtn. Dr. Carol Belgrave 8 years Dec 1, 2008 Director Winston Warren 4 years Dec 6, 2012 OUR GUESTS Rtn. Dr. Albert Best 4 years Dec 6, Vising Rotarians: - 2012 Asst. AG Peter Downes - Rotary West Barbados Stanley MacDonald - Rotary Bangkok South Ken Harewood - South West Durham, North Carolina, USA Mike and Linda Buerworth - Grange-Over Sands, Cam- bria, England PDG Tanya Wolff and David Butler - Sarniha, Ontario, Canada Sue Shelly - Doncaster, England

Guests – Akela Jones - Guest Speaker Malcolm Vaughn, Dwayne Phillips and Paula Gibson - OBJECT OF ROTARY Rtn. Winston Warren The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a Chrispen Hacke - Rtn. Neal Griffith basis of worthy enterprise and in particular to encourage and foster: Eudine Gamble - PP Steve Brathwaite Kimberly Hunte - PE Paul Ashby FIRST: The development of acquaintance as an opportunity Eudine Harewood - Rtn. Ken Harewood of service; David Smith - Rtn. Beverly Agard SECOND: High ethical standards in business and professions, Grenville Phillips Jr., Grace Phillips Jr, and Grace Phillips the recognition and the worthiness of all useful occu Sr. - PP Grenville Phillips pations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s occupa Heather Robinson - PP Jedder Robinson Ena Thompson - PP Erskine Thompson tion as an opportunity to serve society; Jan Cabral - PP John Cabral Shane Howell - AG Peter Downes THIRD: The application of the ideal of service in each Rotari Members of the Press an's personal, business and community life; and

FOURTH: The advancement of the international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world of fellowship of ROTARY GRACE business and professional persons united in the O Lord and giver of all things good ideal of service. We thank Thee for our daily food May Rotary friends and Rotary ways Help us to serve Thee all our days. Bulletin Editor: Rtn. Fiona J. Hinds