Minutes of the LCA AGM (Annual General Meeting) Held in the Lisvane Memorial Hall on Sunday 13th October, 2019 at 7:00 pm

1 Welcome and Attendees: Chris Williams (Chair) thanked all attendees including Mick Archer (Treasurer), Hilary Ashton, Martin Bye, Virginia Chambers, Fran Feehan, Joe Fletcher, Colin George (Secretary), Julie George, Vernon Hanson, Pat Harding, Barrie Husband, Sue Johnson, Victoria Morgan, Debbie Lazell, Alan Prosper, Margaret Russell.

Apologies: Sashin Ahuja, Tony Cousins, Mike Dean, Barbara Gwatkin, Pam Parkhouse, Jeff Toye, Ruth Toye, Ian Wood.

2 Minutes of Previous AGM: These were accepted and signed as a true record.

3 Matters Arising:  This is the 53rd LCA AGM, Chris completes his seventh year as Chair – just 18 more to equal Alan Prosper!  Over 100 local people have now received CPR training as a result of the defibrillator project, and CG will look into the possibility of annual refresher sessions.

4 Chairman’s Report (Chris Williams):  It gives me great pleasure to report that it’s been another fantastic year in the history of the Lisvane Community Association, another great year of community events and inclusion for villagers of all ages. 2019 Festival fortnight was another great success, but only due to the significant efforts of the stalwarts of this community and in the words of the great Winston Churchill "Never was so much owed by so many to so few". It’s you, the loyal, reliable and hardworking supporters of this village community, that turn out again and again in all weathers to organise and support our events, you’re there at the set-up and still there at the clean-up and on behalf of this community you have my sincere thanks and gratitude for all you do.  The highlight of festival week, the Fete day, was this year very successful considering the appalling preceding weather. The field was completely water logged in the morning, so we tried a new twist on our contingency plan, which was to move to the Memorial Hall and set up the stalls indoors, but for the first time also outside in the car park under cover of our gazebos. This turned out be a tremendous success, many stall holders were prepared to brave the changeable weather and the day was saved and became a great success, again returning a healthy surplus. We thank the Memorial Hall Committee for their continued support by donating the free use of the hall facilities for Festival events.  We have a great and growing community here in Lisvane - whether we like it or not the village is changing, and it’s times like these that Community Associations are at their most vulnerable - we must work together to ensure the survival of the Community Association and all the good things it brings to our village community. Please do your bit by encouraging newcomers or neighbours that are not currently involved, or may not even know about the LCA, to join us and help out if they can, or at least subscribe and be a member of the LCA and receive a copy of our fantastic Link Magazine.  On the 10th of May this year we saw the Link editor of over 15 years, Gareth Jenkins stand down. My thanks to Gareth for his contribution to the Link magazine over that time. It must be noted that the unsung hero of the year is Victoria Morgan - without her significant reactive efforts of immediately jumping in and producing the May Link whilst engaging the help of our new Editor Glen Patterson, ensuring a seemingly flawless transition to a fresh new and exciting Link Magazine which has brought great feedback. Victoria, I thank you for the considerable time and effort you put into the Link and also organising all the advertisers.  I’d like to thank Colin - Secretary and Mick - Treasurer, without these guys I could not perform this role, which I am pleased to continue again this year should no one else wish to take over? I’d like to thank our events committee who are just always there - Pat, Julie, Juliette and the rest of the gang, and also all our sponsors, affiliates and helpers for their contributions, without whom all we do would just not happen. Thanks also to the Road Stewards and Distributors who ensure that the Lisvane Link is delivered throughout the area each month…and a special thanks to our Wednesday Coffee Morning girls who seem to endlessly bake cakes and sell teas and coffees, both providing a well subscribed community service whilst raising substantial funds which are donated to the LOSCC and other charities. Thanks to you all for your support, and here’s to an even greater 2020 - Thank you!

5 Treasurer’s Report (Mick Archer):  The report from MA indicated that the finances for 2018/19 show an excellent outcome, with a surplus of £4,184, up £330 on the previous year. This has been achieved by:  LCA subscriptions of £9,337 (up £1,570 on last year) and advertising income of £12,957 (up £639 on last year). Many thanks once again to Victoria for her ongoing commitment to the task!  A surplus on Link production with a print run of 1150 for a current distribution of 1038 per month, and the aim to increase LCA membership and Link circulation towards the current official total of 1680 Lisvane households. There will also need to be a capability to increase this as the new developments progress.  A healthy £1618 Festival surplus helped by generous sponsorship and support from Husband Bros, Sunrise, JNP Legal, Staffer Mayled, CJS Electrical, LCC and other local businesses - many thanks to them.  A £608 surplus from the LCA Craft Fair and £280 in Affiliated Groups fees.  Over £900 expenditure on grants to Scouts, to other young people, and £600 to the Air Ambulance.  Total bank balances of £26,450 - up from £22,104.

6 Affiliated Group Reports: Here are details from the Reports received:  Tomorrow’s Generation (Debbie Lazell): Tomorrow’s Generation Dyslexia Centre are anticipating an exciting year this year. Having said goodbye to a large number of children as they leave for high school, we have been able to welcome new pupils and will continue to do so throughout the year. We have a newly appointed business manager, Tanya Skinner, with whom we are developing a strategy for growing, not only our provision at Lisvane, but also our range of outreach projects. We were recently invited by a local member of the Society for Total Education to deliver a talk about what we do at the learning centre to a conference hosted by the RSA (Royal Society for the encouragement of Arts, Manufactures and Commerce) with guest speakers including Dr Jane Davidson and Minister for Education Kirsty Williams. Topics discussed include the imminent new Additional Learning Needs framework and the New National Curriculum for Wales. We have also recently been able to deliver a Dyslexia Awareness workshop to over 100 PGCE students at Metropolitan’s Additional Learning Needs Conference. This is key to our overall vision of helping a larger number of dyslexic children by raising dyslexia awareness amongst teachers at initial teacher training level. Our Summer Holiday School was a great success with children engaging in a wonderful array of Harry Potter themed activities. Our next Rugby themed fundraiser will be held on Friday 31st January 2020 at St David’s Hotel in . We anticipate a fantastic evening, with special guests and auction. We hope it will once again be well supported by the local community as it has been in previous years.  Friends of Coed-y-Felin (David Jones): This year we celebrated 20 years of helping to conserve Coed-y- Felin. In the early years we divided the woodland into 5 sections to help focus on the conservation priorities. From the outset we were well served by good people who are no longer on the Friends Committee, including Malcolm Ballin, John Harding, Mary Salter, Heather Meurig-Jones and Hefin Locker. Howard Thomas was our first Chairman and continues to take an interest in our work. During the past year we were presented with a Green Flag Community Award. The citation said 'the Friends have managed to balance a peaceful and inspiring place for visitors to enjoy with the often opposing requirements of wildlife conservation'. The winning of this award and six other similar awards in the past would not have been possible without the help of our local volunteers and the overall support of residents who pick up litter and keep the woods a nice place to visit.  Tennis Club (Victoria Morgan): This past year has been a very successful year for Lisvane Tennis Club. With a great group of members both young and old, a strong coaching programme, and great social and competitive tennis players to boot. As a club we run several teams throughout the summer competing in various leagues. We achieved great success with our men’s, ladies and junior teams over the summer, and this winter are enjoying playing in mixed, men’s vets and ladies leagues. One of the highlights of the year is the club annual tournament - this was scheduled for 14 September and we were lucky to have a really lovely hot and sunny day. We were pleased to have great coverage in the Lisvane Link in October – if you are interested in joining us, please take a look at our website at Our lovely new clay courts and our two relatively new tarmac courts are a pleasure to play on. We are a local club, welcoming of all and we look forward to our tennis over the coming year.  PTFA (Victoria Morgan): The PTFA at Llysfaen Primary School continues to raise money and run events for the benefit of our amazing primary school. Over the past year, we have raised money over a number of events including discos, Christmas Cards, the child-organised 'Grow a Pound' Fair as well as lots of other things. We've been able to raise enough money to make our 'trim trail' all weather, bought a fire-pit for the children to use in their outdoor lessons, bought digital cameras, choir uniforms, and helped the teachers with many classroom resources and lots more. Our current fundraising goal is to save up for a multi-use games area which the children can use in all weathers. We have been lucky enough to receive a donation from the Moondance Foundation of £3000 to help us on our way, with the aim to raise the rest of the money during this year. If any local residents have any ideas or are able to support us in our major fundraising target, please get in touch with the school or email the PTFA at [email protected].  Gardening Club (Barbara Gwatkin): In September we held our Autumn Show, a good event where the members judge the entries by a voting system - Ann Corrick was awarded the Watkin Williams Salver for her winning Basket of Fruit and Vegetables. We also held our annual Harvest Lunch at the Manor Parc, good attendance and excellent meal, a very pleasant social event. We look forward to our next meeting when the speaker will warn us about garden pests in a talk entitled “Know your Enemies”, that should be an interesting evening! New members are always welcome, just come along to the Lisvane Memorial Hall on the second Friday of the month, we will be pleased to see you.  LOSCC & Old School Development (Virginia Chambers): Following the advice of consultants, the Trustees have decided to progress the ‘Opt to Tax’ route. If successful this would enable the Trustees to reclaim approx. £170K of VAT income. The plan is to submit the application in November. The Trustees plan to hold the first 'development programme' meeting with the Architect and Quantity Surveyor at the end of October. This will examine in detail the start to build target of June/July 2020. The fund raising Owen Money concert held on 28th September was a great success and raised over £1000. The next funding event is the Beatles film evening ‘Yesterday’ on 22nd November.  Treetops LCA Playgroup (Ian Wood): Another year has flown by and yet again the year was busy and full of exciting events. We started the year with a theme that allows us to get to know all the new children and find out much more about the children who are returning to us for another year. In the run up to Christmas we were once again invited to St Denys’s church to hear the story of the Nativity. The turnout for this was yet again amazing as we filled the church for a third year with Christmas spirit and festive joy from the children’s relatives. It was also the last time the Rev Chris would tell us the story, but we are looking forward to meeting Rev Jim this year. We really enjoyed dressing up for St David’s Day as well as my favourite, ‘World Book Day’. Teacher Pat made her yummy Welsh cakes and we all tried Bara Brith. It was lovely to see so many children take part in the dressing up and sharing their favourite books with us. We had a very special visit this year from Walnut Tree Farm who brought lambs, a dog, rabbits and Guinea pigs for all of us meet and hold if we wanted too, we were also allowed to give the lambs some milk too. A big thank you to Teacher Hollie who organized it all. We covered many more themes throughout the year. In each theme we ensure the children get the most out of real life experiences. We allow them the freedom to explore and discover as well as making new friends along the way. We have made a defined messy area outside which the children have really enjoyed. Teacher Cherine also donated a Play house, which we love - thank you, Teacher Cherine. Over the year we learnt many new skills and enjoyed making new friends. Some of our children have now moved on to big school but we are lucky to see many old friends returning to us as well as several new faces joining us. We look forward to being a part of their learning journey over the coming year. We also have two new staff members who have recently started with us. Natalie Sutton who will be a familiar face both morning and afternoon sessions, and Emma Douglas who is the main face for Lunch club and I’m sure we will see her for the odd session too. I would also like to say a big thank you to the committee for their support over the past year and their hard work in the fundraising events, which allows us to purchase new equipment and maintain a fun, safe environment. Last year we added to the many toys for our airport, outside mud kitchen, new water trough, lunch club trolley and much more.  Lisvane Players (Ruth Toye): Our autumn 2018 production was the classic ‘The Importance of Being Earnest’ which the group has performed several times before over the years. This time there was a new slant to the play, set in the 1950s, directed by Mike Edmunds with Liz Heaven playing Lady Bracknell in memory of her mum Joyce who performed the part in 1995. The audiences were most appreciative of the timelessness and the humour of Oscar Wilde's great work and the pleasure the cast had in performing it was evident to all. Spring 2019 saw the group put on ‘Steel Magnolias’ which was written by Robert Harding and set in the southern states of the USA. An all-female cast directed by Emma Thayer produced a very moving and poignant play. Our festival contribution was all about ‘Brexit’, and titled ‘Half In, Half Out’. Everybody enjoyed the light hearted send up of our politicians and political system. With original lyrics by Liz Heaven put to the music of some old classics, it was a night to remember. We take ‘Brexit the Musical’ to the Velindre cancer unit in October and hope they can enjoy it and have a good laugh as well.  Friends of Parc Cefn Onn (Tony Cousins): This past year has seen major improvements’ in the park. The Heritage Lottery grant was awarded in 2016, the work started in February 2019, we now have 80% of the approved grant work completed. The upper park has new roads & footpaths, the top pond has been cleaned with over 60 tonnes of silt removed, new pond edging & safety barriers have been installed, the existing Summer house has been made structurally sound & is to be a park information centre. A new board walk has been installed to allow mobility scooters to access the top field. Over the next few months council will create a woodland school in the lower park adjacent to the lower pond. The existing toilet & office block in the car park area is to modernised. The existing car parking area is to be resurfaced. Several hundred Spring bulbs will be planted to give additional colour to the park.  Lisvane 50+ Club (Tony Cousins): The club was formed in 2010 from an idea discussed at an LCA meeting in November 2009. It held its first meeting in February 2010. The monthly meetings are well attended, in the past year we have engaged interesting speakers and hosted twice yearly club lunches. We have booked speakers up till February 2020, we are at present seeking grants from major providers, these will allow us to fund future club outings. We have an excellent committee and have over 50 members registered on our books. So, we can confirm the club is in a healthy state.  Scout Group (Hilary Ashton): The past 12 months have been busy and challenging for the Scout Group. Membership numbers increased to 172, which includes Leaders. There are increasing numbers of girls in the youth section and the majority of Leaders are women. We are now one of the largest Scout Groups in Wales. We still have a very large waiting list, in common with Scout Groups all over the UK and have had to close it to new applicants. Sections have increased and there are now 3 Beaver Colonies, 3 Cub Packs, 2 Scout Troops. The Explorer Section of Fiery Dragons (14-18) is becoming increasingly popular with 30 members currently on their books. Lisvane Scout Group, although still controlled by L&L is starting to have its own identity. Currently Beavers and Cubs run on a Wednesday evening from Lisvane Scout Hall. The Scout Group won an award from Scouts Cymru last October for “New and Innovative Scouting”. This was for setting up the new Lisvane Scout Group and managing to attract new Leaders. It is a struggle to get volunteers to give up their time to be a Leader with us. All sections have had a busy year, crammed full of fun and adventurous activities. We go outdoors in all weathers. Nights Away experiences feature heavily in our programme, either camping or staying in bunk rooms. There are visits and visitors, craft and cooking, bush-craft and pioneering. 9 members of the Group took part in the Gang Show last November at the New Theatre and it was pronounced “The best ever”. We were in attendance at Remembrance Day services at St Isan Church and at the War Memorial in Lisvane. 5 members of the Scout Group went to the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia as members of the Welsh Contingent and had a wonderful time. We spent the year encouraging them to raise £3.5K each to fund their trips. Livsey Scout Hall at the Court Field continued with its upgrade all year and is now largely finished and looking superb. There are still more things we would like to do, when funding allows, a sound system, new paving and a porch over the front door. Fundraising has continued throughout the year: Bonfire, Scout Post, Summer Raffle, Lisvane Fete, Panthers Day and Scout Group Fete. Livsey Hall is hired out to clubs and single event parties etc. All this helps with improving facilities and providing activities and equipment for the young people. We also help with families who are struggling to pay for subs, camps, etc., by applying for grants and subsidising payments. Our next fundraising project is to attend to problems on Lisvane Scout Hall and rebuild the smaller Fraser Hall, which is used for storage, workshop and committee room. This is in a very poor state and looks awful next to Livsey Hall, which is shiny and new. Have a look at our halls next time you are on the train as you are pulling into Station, at the far end of the Court Field. Leaders are such an essential part of our Scout Group and they have yet again, delivered a super programme for our young people. They have the power to change the lives of our members, giving them fun, responsibility, team work, encouragement, exercise and the great outdoors. A huge thank you to all our Leaders for all they do. Leaders have come and gone in the last 12 months but we were particularly sorry that Joe Malloy decided to take a year off, as he has become such an essential part of the Group. I have known him since he was a Beaver with us at age 6. He is helping to organise the Bonfire and Firework Display this year but is no longer involved with the young people. Joe, thank you, for all your volunteering through the years, we miss you. We still need Leaders, particularly as we are thinking of setting up another Scout Troop in Lisvane Scout Hall. Speak to Hilary if you would like to be involved or know of anyone who could join us.  Rotary Club of Cardiff Breakfast (Pam Parkhouse): RCCB PRESIDENT - Maggie Hughes is our current President and her chosen charity, apart from our regular charity commitments, is Llamau. This is a charity which tries to support people who get in to difficulties, including homelessness. Frances Beecher, their CEO, attended our Club to tell us about the 9000 young people and vulnerable women who they have supported over the past year. CHARITY COLLECTIONS - Huggard 2nd November - toiletries, clothing. Paradise Run 6th November - food items. Lifestraws - monetary donation. FLOWER PLANTERS - The club has supported and planted flowers in planters in both Whitchurch village and Tongwynlais with the support of watering teams from Deli a Go Go in Whitchurch and Tongwynlais. SPEAKERS/CONFERENCES - 18th Sept Rotary Youth Leadership Awards (RYLA) - the Club supports several young people to attend a leadership/Outboard bound 5 day activity course in Storey Arms, and they then attend Breakfast to feed back their experiences. 25th Sept - Prof Malcolm Mason, Former Prof of Clinical Oncology. 9th Oct - District Governor Peter Hamilton. 11th - 13th - Oct District Conference in Swansea. 30th Oct - Kate Woolveridge 'Forget me Not' Charity. 6th Nov - Ann Bell, History of Park. MESSAGE IN A BOTTLE SCHEME supported by RCCB. Hubs - Llanishen and Taff's Well. Pharmacies - Lloyds Taff's Well and InSync in NCMC and Lisvane. Whitchurch Library. Other Groups who have been distributing the bottles - Rota Kids at Whitchurch Primary School and Wales Ambulance Service NHS Trust.  St Denys Church (Denise Searle): Please see the St Denys details under ‘Upcoming Events’ below:  Llysfaen Singers (Martin Bye): Back in 2018 we were just welcoming our new Music Director (Tom Lazell) and Accompanist (Gwen Mouncher) to the Choir after an unsettling period following the departure of our first Music Director and Accompanist. They have both been inspiring, and very hard working. Our Christmas concert last year coincided (more or less) with the anniversary of the ending of World War 1. In addition to our usual repertoire of Christmas songs, Tom also included a medley of songs from the period. It was appropriate to title the concert “Keep the Home Fires Burning”. We were also able to borrow a triptych from the Lisvane Historical Society for the concert, which displayed the stories of some of the men lost in that war who were from the village. All very poignant. Our Summer concert this year was entitled “A Million Dreams” and mainly featured musical theatre. Our guest was Tom Mottishead who entertained us with show tunes, as well as a duet with Tom Lazell - all much appreciated by our audience as well as the Choir. Both concerts were well received by our usual supportive audiences. In keeping with previous years, we distributed £400 proceeds from this year’s concert between two local charities, Llamau and the Cardiff Foodbank. As well as our usual concerts we have also sung for the residents of the St Isan Care Home, Llanishen on two occasions: St David’s Day and to celebrate Easter. The residents seemed to enjoy both performances and joined in. Many thanks to one of our members, Gloria Lindsey, and others for organising these occasions. Membership of the Choir exceeds 40, but we will always welcome more. We are a registered charity and as such we benefit from Gift Aid. This means we can give more to our designated charities (and buy more music!). There have been some changes to our committee (who are also trustees of our charity). Carolyn Tranfield has taken over as Treasurer, making sure our finances are in good shape. Alison Dickinson has taken over as soprano rep., and Joanna Burdett has joined as our Social Secretary, bringing her terrific organisational skills (and clip board) to the role. I should also mention Ian Shopland who has been diligently working away behind the scenes, maintaining and updating our website as well as the You Tube and Sound Cloud recordings, both of which help us to rehearse our parts. Finally; firstly, I would like to say a big thank-you to the Lisvane community for supporting us in our concerts; and secondly, our Christmas concert this year is scheduled for Wednesday, 11th December. We hope as many people as possible will attend.  Graig Protection Society: (Mike Dean): After many years, it is proposed that changes will be implemented to the running of the Society. As such the Graig Protection Society will be holding an AGM on Thursday November 14th at 7:30pm in the Small Hall at the Lisvane Memorial Hall. The prime purpose of the meeting is to approve the changes to the committee in terms of Chairman, Treasurer etc. Formal proceedings will be kept as short as possible and then there will be a talk by Richard Cowie, the current Chairman of RAG (Reservoir Action Group), with the title ‘A Brief History of Llanishen and Lisvane Reservoirs’. This will trace the history of the campaign to save Llanishen Reservoir from housing development by WPD (Western Power Distribution) to its successful conclusion! It will also give an indication of the likely developments to the site by DCWW (Dwr Cymru Welsh Water) before opening it to the public.

7 Election of Officers: Officers were elected or re- elected as follows:-  Chair : Chris Williams  Secretary : Colin George  Treasurer : Mick Archer  Festival Team : TBC  Link Advertising : Victoria Morgan  Link Distribution : Mick Archer  Membership Secretary : Lesley Williams

8 Election of Committee:  Committee members completing the first year of their two year term: Pat Harding, Tony Cousins, Julie George, Lesley Williams.  Committee members elected or re-elected for a two year term: Sashin Ahuja, Virginia Chambers, Victoria Morgan, Jeff Toye, Ian Wood. Barrie Husband has now stood down after several years on the Committee – many thanks for his input.

9 Guest Speakers: Fran Feehan & Joe Fletcher, Local Scouts – 2019 Jamboree Presentation and Q&A. Fran and Joe were part of a group of local Scouts and leaders who attended the World Scout Jamboree in West Virginia, USA, this summer. They gave an informative overview of their exploits and activities, with a photo and video presentation to demonstrate the size and scope of the Jamboree, plus their visits to other cities. Key points:  Fran is an Explorer Scout and a leader of Lisvane Beavers and Cubs – she attended as a participant.  Joe is a member of the ‘Fiery Dragons’ Rovers Brigade, and attended as a staff member of the International Service Team (IST), responsible for facilitating the smooth running and support activities for the Jamboree.  Scout World Jamborees are held every 4 years – the previous was in Japan, the next will be in South Korea.  There were 4 groups from Wales – North Wales, Mid & West Wales, South West, South East, with each comprising 10 people – 1 leader and 9 participants – giving a total Welsh contingent of 40. They had all undergone a selection process at a special camp held in Brecon between 12-19/11/17.  The Jamboree site was huge – the size of a small town – with about 45,000 participants and 10,000 leaders from all over the world. Some stayed in tents (despite the bears!) and others at nearby University campuses.  As well as meeting and mixing with people from many other nations, they also took part in a variety of activities such as rafting, climbing, and cultural visits to the camp areas of the other nations, demonstrating their own cultures by sharing tables and cooking their own favourite foods for their Jamboree colleagues.  The opening ceremony was a massive party, and the closing ceremony even more so – better fireworks than Disney! The Jamboree lasted for about 2 weeks, but there were also visits to other locations before and after.  There were visits to Washington to see the White House and Lincoln Memorial, attend a baseball game, etc., and to Montreal, hosted by a local Scout group, to see the sites, attend a Canadian Football game, etc.

Fran & Joe thoroughly enjoyed the whole experience, and thanked the LCA for our support – the LCA thanked them for their excellent presentation and feedback, it’s great to be able to support the endeavour of young people.

10 Any Other Business, Upcoming Events & Date of Next Meeting:  Redrow have invited members of the local community to suggest an appropriate name for their forthcoming Lisvane development. Details are on the Lisvane Facebook page, or contact Louise Impey on 029.2054.9103 or via [email protected].  Grasshopper recently published details of the planning application for the forthcoming Taylor Wimpey development between Lisvane and . Local councillors have expressed their concerns, and a Public Meeting has been arranged for 25/10/19 at 7:00-8:30pm in Pontprennau Primary School, CF23 8LL.  Upcoming events and activities are as follows:  Sun 03/11, 5:00pm – Scout Bonfire & Fireworks at Court Field, Llanishen  Sun 10/11, 10:45am – Remembrance Sunday at Cenotaph  Sat 16/11, 4:00-6:00pm – LCA Christmas Craft Fair in Lisvane Memorial Hall (LMH)  Sun 17/11, 4:00pm – Annual Service of Remembrance for Lost Loved Ones.  Fri 22/11, 7:00pm – LOSCC film night, ‘Yesterday’ at LMH (Doors Open 6:30pm)  Sat 30/11 or Mon 02/12 – Last day for Scout Post (TBC)  Sun 01/12, 6:30pm – Advent Carol Service.  Thu 05/12- Sat 07/12, 7:30pm – “Love’s Labour’s Lost” by William Shakespeare, Players in LMH  Wed 11/12, 7:30pm – Llysfaen Singers Christmas Concert  Fri 20/12, 7:30pm – ‘Sip & Sing’ Carols & Fun in LMH  Sun 22/12, 6:30pm – Nine Lessons & Carols.  Tue 24/12, 3:00pm & 4:30pm – Nativity Crib Service.  Tue 24/12, 11:15 – Midnight Mass.  The next LCA Committee Meeting will be on Sun 1st Dec at 7:00pm in the Small Hall, LMH.

CW thanked everyone for attending the meeting, especially Scouts Fran Feehan and Joe Fletcher for their excellent Jamboree presentation, and then declared the meeting closed at 8:45pm.