Morgellons Disease – A New Autoimmune Disease?

What is Disease? There are several answers to this question. Ask the CDC or far too many conventional doctors and they will tell you Morgellons disease doesn’t exist, that it is a psychosomatic disorder, most likely a combination of and obsessive picking of the skin. In other words, it’s all in the patient’s head, except for the skin lesions caused from self abuse.

Ask a Morgellons sufferer or the rare doctor who believes this disease is real, and you will hear a far different story. Morgellons is a systemic disorder that involves many symptoms common to auto-immune sufferers including:

chronic, severe fatigue joint pain neurological problems memory and cognitive disruptions (including brain fog) mood changes

It also involves bizarre symptoms particular to this disease:

crawling sensations on and under the skin the sensation of itching or biting skin eruptions or lesions with little black specks on or under the skin filaments or threads under the skin and erupting from the skin

Morgellons is currently in the news due to the emergency hospitalization of iconic singer /songwriter Joni Mitchell, who suffers from this disease. In 2010, she told the Los Angeles Times, “Fibers in a variety of colors protrude out of my skin like mushrooms after a rainstorm: they cannot be forensically identified as animal, vegetable or mineral.” Doctors and researchers who do not believe Morgellons to be real think the fibers are lint, though all sufferers tell them the fibers are growing out of their skin- that they pull them out as if they were pulling out a hair.

Who Has Morgellons Disease?

While most studies of Morgellons report the majority of patients were middle age white females, the University of Oklahoma says adults and children are equally affected. And while individuals within a family may have this disease, they have also witnessed families where multiple members have the disease. Therefore, it is not known whether the disease is inherited or contagious.

What Causes Morgellons?

There appear to be three major hypotheses as to the cause of this disease (by those who believe the disease is real):

It is believed to be a parasite. It is believed to be caused by Borrelia spirochetes (the bacteria associated with ). It is believed to be a parasitic fungus. The threads or filaments are hyphae and the black and while specs are sporangia.

Unfortunately, it is far too common for conventional medical doctors to dismiss any patient when the diagnosis is unclear. Twenty years ago, is was common for someone suffering from an autoimmune disease to be summarily dismissed, especially since the cognitive and mood disturbances so inherent in the syndromes provided an easy dismissal due to mental health. and fibromyalgia are still laughable diagnoses to many doctors. The truth is, both of these diseases are more likely sets of symptoms related to a more complex systemic problem, but nonetheless, the debilitating symptoms are not psychosomatic.

More research is needed to determine the definitive cause or causes of Morgellons. It may have one cause, but it is quite likely to be a combination of a fungal disease and a bacterial or parasitic condition. When the immune system is compromised, multiple, simultaneous infections are common.

Morgellons Treatment

Doctors who believe the disease is caused by a parasite are treating patients with anti-parasitic pharmaceuticals. Those who believe the cause to be bacterial are treating with antibiotics. And those who believe the problem to be fungal are treating with anti-fungal medications.

Alternative treatments range from colloidal silver to strange concoctions of borax and dishwashing soap.

Recovery of health, regardless of the manifestation of disease, begins by flooding the body with the nutrients it needs to heal while detoxing. A truly healthy diet with lots of raw, organic produce will help the body to detoxify and eliminate parasites while regenerating the immune system. Disease starts in the gut. Balancing the ecosystem inside the gut heals the body. See How To Kill Candida And Balance Your Inner Ecosystem, and (what kills Candida kills other fungi as well), and check out Herbs and a Protocol that Eliminates Parasites. See the first source below for more on diet.

Recommended Supplements:

MicroDefense – Pure Encapsulations Shillington’s Blood Detox Tea Shillington’s Blood Detox Formula Oil of Oregano Coptis Chinensis / Chinese Goldthread Shillington’s Echinacea+ Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse Formula Berberine 500 • 60c- Thorne Research

Further Reading:

80% Raw Food Diet Make Your Immune System Bulletproof with These Natural Remedies


Introduction To the “Morgellons Syndrome” (2007 – Revised 2011) – Morgellons Research What Are Morgellons Fibers? – Parasitoligy Center Inc. Morgellons Disease – Oklahoma State University Joni Mitchell and the mystery of Morgellons disease – CBS News Morgellons Disease, Joni Mitchell’s Condition: Yes, It’s ‘Real’ – Huffington Post Morgellons disease: Managing a mysterious skin condition – Mayo Clinic

How to Detox Your Easter Candy Candida

If you’ve eaten sweets over the holidays and you are ready to detox, your goal will be to kill Candida and re-balance your gut flora. First and foremost, it’s time for salads. Unless you want to spend considerable money on probiotics for the rest of your life, if you want to be free of Candida, you need to feed the right ecosystem. That means sticking to a diet consisting of lots of raw fresh organic vegetables, void of processed, refined foods. Your intestinal flora affects your life in many different ways. The more raw vegetables you ingest, the more beneficial your gut microbes are to your body. Avoid gluten as well.

If you went way overboard with junk food (and/or had conventional junk food as opposed to organic, healthier varieties), you’re looking at artificial colors, flavors, preservatives, and GMO’s. The good news is, the best way to detox these ingredients is to fix the gut.


The probiotics we take as supplements are not the same probiotics that we keep in our gut, but they are friendly bacteria. Before they decide to check out, they will fight on the side of our beneficial microbes, kill the bad guys, eat the bad stuff, and help digest everything so that the long- term bacteria that prefer to live in our gut will thrive.

The bacteria count is not what’s important when looking for probiotics. You want to make sure the bacteria are designed to pass through the stomach acid. Most are not. Stomach acid is designed to kill bacteria, so it takes a strong beneficial bacteria to make it through.

Other herbal medicines that kill Candida internally include (but are not limited to) wormwood extract, oil of oregano, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, ginger, and undecenoic acid. But don’t take probiotics with antibacterial herbs. Oil of oregano, for example, can weaken probiotics when they are taken together.

I like fermented vegetables, but I don’t eat them for probiotic properties. I believe the beneficial bacteria from fermented foods is killed in stomach acid. Fermented foods have tons of benefits, and they’re great to take with more powerful probiotics. When the foods hit the gut, the healthy bacteria that made it through has lots of healthy food on which to feed.

Yogurts bought in grocery stores make poor probiotics and typically feed Candida rather than kill it. On the other hand, high quality probiotics can be added to yogurts. Choose yogurt that is organic and free of sugar. Sweetened with fruit if desired.

Eat Salads

Salads are the best way to feed the body a variety of the healthiest foods for balancing the intestinal flora. We’re not talking about iceberg lettuce, some carrot shreds, and ranch dressing. We’re talking about real salads made with kale, collards, cabbage, spinach, chard, and lots of other leafy vegetables to make up the foundation of your daily salad. Add herbs and garlic to them as well.


Those who eat reasonably well on non-holidays and were not suffering from Candida symptoms previously should be able to fix the gut after an Easter candy binge in just a few days by sticking to salads, lots of water, and a high quality probiotic. Be sure to check out Kill Candida and Balance the Body, and see Cheap and Easy Detox for more on detoxifying. For detox recipes including my salad recipe and cranberry lemonade, check out the first few sources below.

Further Reading:

Inexpensive, Easy Detox – The One Gallon Challenge 80% Raw Food Diet Total Nutrition – Make your own Homemade Multivitamin and Mineral Formula Candida or Celiac Disease – Which Came First? Natural Remedies and Prevention For Skin Tags

As we age, many of us will develop skin tags. Yes, they are more prevalent in people who are overweight or obese, in those who are pre-diabetic or diabetic, and in the elderly. But the truth is, nearly half of us will have one or more by middle age. Pregnancy, steroid use, genetics, and the HPV virus also increase the incidence of skin tags.

What Are Skin Tags?

Skin tags are small flaps of skin that usually appear in places where skin rubs against skin, such as the eyelids, underarms, groin, neck, under breasts, or in skin folds.. Although they can reach up to one half an inch in width, they are usually no bigger than an apple seed. They are often attached to the body by a “stalk” of skin, smaller than the body of the tag. They may be a little darker than normal skin color or may be the same color as the skin.

Skin tags are known by many names:

acrochordon cutaneous papilloma cutaneous tag fibroepithelial polyp fibroma molluscum fibroma pendulum papilloma colli soft fibroma Templeton skin tag Skin tags are benign skin tumors that do not pose a problem unless their appearance is disturbing or if they are in a place where friction causes discomfort or shaving is problematic. They can, however, rarely be associated with Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome and Polycystic ovary syndrome.

Conventional Treatment for Skin Tags

General treatment is removal via surgery (just cutting or clipping), freezing, or burning.

Alternative Treatment for Skin Tags

When it comes to natural treatments, all are not created equal. A number of natural treatments cause skin tags to dry up and fall off, but many of them are slow, taking weeks to months to produce results. In addition, some require application many times a day.

Natural remedies include:

Apple cider vinegar Banana peel Castor oil Dandelion juice Garlic Lemon juice Oil of oregano Tea tree oil

Of the choices, castor oil seems the easiest to use, and it has the added benefit of not irritating surrounding tissues. Just wash and dry the area; apply castor oil five or more times a day.

Apple cider vinegar, dandelion juice, and lemon juice are used the same way, simply apply several times a day.

To use oil of oregano, mix with a carrier oil (like coconut oil) with a 1 to 2 ratio (2 drops of oil of oregano to 4 drops of oil).

To use tea tree oil, mix with a few drops of water.

Garlic can be applied as a sliver with a bandage or as a paste of crushed garlic, though be aware that many complain of a burning sensation and skin irritation.

A piece banana peel can be taped to the site at night, the inside of the peel against the skin.

Most of these natural remedies take weeks of diligent application before you see results.


According to the odds, if you have skin tags you may be pre- diabetic or have been diagnosed with type II diabetes, and you are struggling with your weight. If you are looking for a diet that will make you feel wonderful and bring your blood sugar back in line quickly and effortlessly, check out the 80% Raw Food Diet and read 8 Easy Steps to Health.


What are skin tags? What causes skin tags? – Medical News Today Skin Tag – Web M.D. Cutaneous Skin Tag – Medline Plus 7 Fantastic Home Remedies to Remove Skin Tags – Simple Household Tips How the USDA Traded One Disease For Another

In the late 1970s, a senate committee pushed its “Dietary Goals for the United States” urging Americans to eat less fat. It was thought that red meat, eggs, and dairy were killing Americans.

By the 1980s, nearly a million Americans were dying of heart disease each year.

Again, Americans were told to eat less fat and eat more carbohydrates. These recommendations were built into a monument and lauded to the public as the salvation for American health: The Food Pyramid.

The Food Pyramid recommended carbohydrates as the staple of a healthy diet. Fat was a killer, or so we were led to believe, therefore recommendations for fat intake were drastically reduced. A $150 million dollar study, which pushed the same message, came fast on the heels of these recommendations. The study said to eat less fat and avoid foods high in cholesterol in order to reduce your risk of heart disease.

Americans followed this advice and carbohydrate consumption rose. Not produce consumption, we increased consumption of grains and sugar. Americans are now sicker than before. Deaths from heart disease have dropped a bit, but obesity and diabetes is on the rise.

Whole milk has been banned from most of our public schools, but strawberry milk, chocolate milk, and soda machines are usually available. Whole plain yogurt is usually difficult to find in a grocery store, but low fat, sugar filled, artificially flavored, artificially colored options are everywhere. The prevailing belief is that these low fat options are healthier, even when loaded with sweeteners, than whole milk.

Deaths from heart disease have indeed slightly declined, but its close cousin, cardiovascular disease, remains the nation’s number # 1 killer and the leading cause of death for individuals with diabetes. According to Time Magazine, diabetes has increased 166% from 1980 to 2012. The low-fat trend was directed toward lowering cholesterol. Today the high fructose corn syrup found in nearly every processed food is the reason cholesterol remains high.

American Health is on a Downward Trend

In every measurable way, Americans are in worse health than ever before. It is widely predicted that our lifespan is shortening; the generations that came before us will outlive us, and we are likely to outlive the generations who succeed us.

Despite the variety of diets, popular and obscure, safe and dangerous, on average, Americans are fatter than ever before. Most Americans eat slightly less red meat and eat more lean meat, but they eat more sugar and more highly processed and refined foods. The CDC predicts that by 2030 up to 42% of the U.S. population will be obese, and 11% will be severely obese.

Over time, some foods have gone up in demand, while others have fallen in popularity. Sugar consumption from sugar cane has dropped 35% while corn-based sweeteners (mostly high fructose corn syrup) consumption has risen by 8,853%. It’s not that Americans choose to eat corn syrup, they choose to eat processed foods, and high fructose corn syrup is added to nearly every processed food.

The current government guidelines are only a little different than the original food pyramid. The current recommendations are still high in grains, but the recommendation for fruits and vegetables is higher.


A truly healthy diet is a diverse, whole food, plant based diet. A full 80% of your diet should consist of raw, fresh, organic produce – more vegetables than fruits. Meats should be organic. Nuts and seeds should be soaked or sprouted. Grains should be limited and gluten should be avoided if any illness is present. Dairy should be organic and raw or limited. Omega 3 fatty acids from flax seed oil, fish oil, or a blended oil and oily fish should be added to your diet.

You should avoid all artificial flavors, colors, and preservatives; MSG; high fructose corn syrup; and GMOs. Seriously limit or eliminate all processed sugar.

For more information about a truly healthy diet, read the 80% Raw Food Diet. Boost your nutrition with increased vitamins, minerals, and nutrients, learn how to make your ownTotal Nutrition Powder.

Further Reading:

The Way We Used To Eat – The Real Paleo Diet 80% Raw Food Diet Make Your Own Homemade Total Nutrition Formula Is the Paleo Diet a Fraudulent Fad or the Healthiest Diet To Hit Mainstream? Could It Be Both?

Sources: TEDxHarvardLaw – Stephan Guyenet – The American Diet – You Tube

Ending the War on Fat – You Tube

Cure Psoriasis By Killing Candida

According to the National Psoriasis Foundation, psoriasis is a disease that begins with a genetic predisposition that is set of by one or a combination of triggers: stress, skin injury, specific medications, or infection (in particular, strep).

In December of 2014, a new study was published that concluded superantigens and toxins from Candida “…may play various roles in the exacerbation and the persistence of psoriasis.” A full 60% of the psoriasis patients tested positive for Candida versus 20% of the control group in oral tests and 15% of the psoriasis patients tested positive verses 4% of the control group in skin tests.

The more we learn about Candida, the more we find it is a common factor in many if not all autoimmune diseases.

What Is an Autoimmune Disease?

The simple definition of autoimmune disease is that the immune system became confused, stopped working correctly, and began attacking healthy body tissue. Why would this happen? Persistent, chronic infection is sometimes thought to be the cause, and chronic Candida certainly fits in this scenario. But looking at the body holistically, we know that Candida filaments actually drill into tissue as Candida wreaks havoc in the gut, spewing toxins into the system, destroying the balance of healthy to unhealthy bacteria, and ultimately deteriorating the gut itself, resulting in .

Leaky gut syndrome allows proteins and other particles to be dispersed directly into the bloodstream, setting up the immune system for a disastrous onslaught on foreign particles it is unequipped to handle. This is believed to be part of the process that triggers celiac disease and gluten sensitivity, as gluten proteins are also released into the bloodstream.

How To Heal The Body

In order to heal the body, regardless of the disease, the body needs an abundance of nutrition, to be cleansed of toxins, and to be rid of Candida overgrowth along with other parasites. And the gut needs to be healed.

What should you eat? A truly healthy diet includes a wide variety of whole, organic foods with lots and lots of raw produce – 80% of more of the diet – more vegetables, than fruits. Seeds and nuts should be soaked before they are eaten. Omega 3 fatty acids should be added to the diet. When dealing with any autoimmune situation, gluten and dairy should be removed from the diet until the gut is healed and only eaten thereafter if completely tolerated with no sign of autoimmune symptoms.

Of course, a healthy diet has no room for processed foods or their chemicals. No BHA, BHT, or MSG. No artificial flavors, colorings, or preservatives of any kind. No GMOs. No high fructose corn syrup. No wheat. Limit caffeine, and eliminate processed sugar. Yes, that’s right- no sugar. Sugar is the sworn enemy of the immune system and it feeds Candida as well. If you want it to heal, get rid of the sugar.

To learn more about how to eat healthy, read the 80% Raw Food Diet and check out Kill Candida and Balance The Gut Quickly.

Recommended Supplements: Floramind-Prime by Thorne Shillington’s Intestinal Cleanse Formula SF722 MicroDefense – Pure Encapsulations

Further Reading:

The Fascinating Bacteria in our Gut, and How it Affects Our Whole Lives How to Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem After taking antibiotics, this is what you need to do to restore healthy intestinal flora Fermented Foods Optimize Your Health Healthy Skin

Fight Cavities and Gingivitis Naturally With Homemade DIY Oral Health

Forget buying toothpaste, reading all of those ingredients, wondering if you can recycle the toothpaste tube or not. Make your own toothpaste, mouthwash, and more. There’s nothing you can get in the store that will do as well as these recipes.

But remember, there’s nothing you can do for your gums and teeth that will heal them and keep them healthy without eating a healthy diet. Your mouth emulates the health of your gut. Disease starts in the gut, and that’s true for everyone except for the few people who smoke but eat very well. Smoking (tobacco, marijuana, anything) is extremely bad for the teeth and the gums. That’s not to say that if you choose to smoke you should not use these homemade recipes, it’s just that your teeth and gums will deteriorate if you do not take care of the rest of the body. These formulas can reduce the deterioration rate, or, if the body is taken care of, they will accelerate the healing, reverse cavities, remove inflammation, eliminate infection, and whiten.

One other exception, and an unfortunately common one, is someone who takes very good care of their body, but is stuck with mercury fillings. These fillings will also deteriorate teeth and gum health, but there are steps you can take that will significantly reduce health consequences.

Homemade Remineralizing and Whitening Toothpaste Recipe

Make your own remineralizing toothpaste with calcium, magnesium, stevia, coconut oil and essential oils to help your teeth stay strong and your gums stay healthy.


5 parts calcium/magnesium powder (the best calcium for this can be obtained with this homemade calcium recipe) 2 parts baking soda 1 part unrefined sea salt, finely ground 3-5 parts coconut oil to get desired texture Optional ingredients: Essential oils for flavor and/or kill germs (mint, cinnamon, tea tree, peppermint, orange), and stevia (takes very little)


Mix calcium, salt, and baking soda in a bowl Add coconut oil, one part at a time until you reach the desired consistency Add any optional ingredients Store in small glass container. Hydrogen peroxide is added to many home toothpastes, especially those formulated for whitening. But hydrogen peroxide is one of those ingredients you are not supposed to swallow and it can irritate the gums. It is not a good idea for kids or for anyone with sensitive, damaged, or diseased gums.

Simple Toothpaste Recipe

If you don’t have access to some of the ingredients listed above, or you just want a simpler formula, you can make homemade toothpaste, that’s not really a paste, with the following:

1 teaspoon baking soda 1/2 teaspoon unrefined sea salt, finely ground


Just mix the ingredients.

Homemade Earthpaste Recipe

If you like the earthy shampoos and soaps, then this toothpaste formula is right up your alley:


4 Tbsp bentonite clay Distilled water 5 drops tea tree oil 5 drops liquid stevia 10 drops peppermint essential oil 2 Tsp unrefined sea salt Instructions

Combine 2 tablespoons of water with the bentonite clay in a glass bowl and mix well using a non-metal spoon (clay shouldn’t come in contact with metal) Add tea tree oil, stevia, and peppermint essential oils Add salt, mix well Add water to taste and texture. Store toothpaste in a glass with a lid (the toothpaste will dry out over time if left uncovered)

Oil Pulling

Oil Pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic method of oral care that involves swishing oil around in your mouth for 15-20 minutes. Some say that this practice can detoxify the whole body and heal all kinds of diseases, but these statements aren’t possible if the diet is not addressed. It does promote good oral health by reducing the amount of harmful bacteria and dental plaque while cleaning the areas of the mouth that brushing and flossing cannot get to. Oral health does increase the strength of the immune system, so oil pulling can lead to improved overall health.

Traditionally, sesame oil was used, but these days coconut oil is more often recommended, and it’s my preference as well. To increase the potency of this protocol, use essential oils, such as peppermint, cinnamon, or clove. Tea tree oil and oil of oregano are two good options, but they can get really intense. Start off with just a small amount.

Here are some suggestions with the essential oils for oil pulling. Add these to a tablespoon of coconut oil.

For bad breath: 2 drops of cinnamon, spearmint, or peppermint essential oil Toothache: 2 drops of clove or tea tree essential oil, or one of each Canker sores: 2 drops of holy basil essential oil. Gum disease: 2 drops of cinnamon, clove, or tea tree essential oil. Receding gums: Add 2 drops of Myrrh essential oil. Cavities: 2 drops of clove or tea tree essential oil, or one of each Any infection in the mouth: 2 drops of clove or tea tree essential oil, or one of each

How to Oil Pull

Swish the oil around in your mouth (like you would with mouthwash) and pull through the teeth, for 15 to 20 minutes. Don’t swish hard, or your cheeks will get sore very quickly.

The longer you do it, the more benefit you’ll get. 15 to 20 minutes is ideal, and I like to do it while I write articles, but even just doing it for a few minutes is very beneficial. You may need to take your time and build up your mouth strength. (I did.)

Spit it out! Do not swallow it. That oil gets nasty, and it’s better to dispose of it than swallow it. Follow with tooth brushing, or at least thoroughly rinsing the mouth. And don’t spit it out in the sink. The oil could stop it up.

Homemade Mouthwash

There are lots of interesting mouthwash recipes, but between the homemade toothpaste and the oil pulling, I hardly ever want to use it. When I do, I just put some water in my mouth and drop in some essential oils like peppermint, mint, or clove, and follow with swishing and gargling. But here is one recipe I have made that I like very much.


1 cup distilled water 1 teaspoon unrefined sea salt 1 teaspoon calcium magnesium powder (homemade calcium recipe) 4 drops spearmint essential oil* 2 drops cinnamon essential oil* 2 drops peppermint essential oil* 2 drops clove essential oil*


Mix ingredients in a glass bottle and shake.

* optional

Instant Breath Freshening

If I need to freshen my breath in hurry, I gargle with apple cider vinegar, or I chew on raw garlic, parsley, and/or cilantro (whichever I can find first). As long as you rinse well with water afterwards, you’ll have fresh breath.

Shillington’s Tooth and Gum Formula (click here to buy)

There is a third step in dental care for anyone who is struggling with gingivitis or wants to use a preventative treatment. Dr. Shillington’s Tooth and Gum Formula can be used as a mouthwash (one dropperful to a cup of water), on your toothbrush (8-12 drops on your toothbrush after brushing your teeth), or with a water pick (2-4 dropperfuls, but rinse out your water pick after use so the tee tree oil does not shorten the life of its rubber seals). After each of these methods, do not rinse; allow the ingredients to continue working.

Dr. Shillington writes, “The Echinacea in the formula deadens pain, kills germs, kicks the immune system into action, and starts working against bacteria that is deep down in the gum pockets. Bayberry and Oak Bark will tighten up the gum tissue right before your eyes. Peppermint is a very strong disinfectant, reduces inflammation, and also increases blood circulation to carry off toxins, bring in nutrition, and generally cleanse the mouth. Clove oil is a great pain reducer for toothache.”

You can make your own Tooth and Gum Formula with Dr. Shillington’s recipe or purchase the Tooth and Gum Formula through Green Lifestyle Market.

Dr. Shillington’s Tooth and Gum Formula Recipe

(Use Organic ingredients where ever possible).

10 oz Echinacea tincture 1/4 cup of tea tree oil 4 oz. bayberry tincture 2 oz. oak gall (or 3X oak bark) tincture 2 TBS. Cayenne tincture 2 1/2 dropperfuls of peppermint oil 2 1/2 dropperfuls of clove oil

A “part” is a measurement by volume, not weight. Blend all ingredients together and make into a tincture using a 50/50 blend of alcohol and distilled water. For more, see How to Make a Tincture.

A dropperful is considered to be about 1/2 way up the dropper from a two ounce bottle.

Be sure to shake well before each use.


Gum disease is not only avoidable, it is, contrary to conventional opinion, completely reversible. For more on oral health, be sure to check out Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, Cavitations – What You Need to Know. As far as that healthy diet we were mentioning, check out 80% Raw, which also has an amazing salad recipe.

Recommended Products:

Shillington’s Tooth and Gum Formula Earthpaste Spearmint Toothpaste Peppermint Oil Cayenne Tincture Shilllington’s Herbal Snuff Shillington’s Echinacea Plus

Further Reading:

Periodontal Disease, Gum Disease – What you need to know 80% Raw Food Diet Mercury Fillings, Root Canals, Cavitations – What You Need to Know How to Kill Candida and Balance Your Inner Ecosystem Still Have Candida? How Mercury Fillings Cause Candida Overgrowth


Remineralizing Toothpaste – Wellness mama

Kill Candida and Balance The Gut Quickly

People who suffer from an overabundance of yeast like Candida, or any other type of fungal infection, need to cut out sugars. This protocol has worked for many people, and it works faster and better than any medication as long as the diet is right, refined sugars are not ingested, and the body is not filled with toxic pharmaceuticals. This includes vaccines. Vaccinations have toxins in them that kill gut flora and weaken the immune system.

A Few Things to Know

If you don’t have your appendix, if you get regularly vaccinated, or if you have mercury fillings, you should take a good quality probiotic every day for the rest of your life.

If you have allergies, asthma, headaches, cancer, or diabetes; if you see floaters; or if you have almost any other ailment or disease; you have too much Candida.

Related: Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections It’s not just white sugar and high fructose corn syrup that feed Candida. Agave nectar, coconut sugar, dates, fresh pressed fruit, carrot or beet juices, raw honey, and brown rice syrup all feed Candida in the body.

If you have taken antibiotics, you need to heal your gut and rebuild the healthy bacteria in your system.

Candida makes you crave sugar. When you feed the body sugar, you feed the Candida. It multiplies. The fungus eats you when it gets hungry. So you feed it again. This is a very simplistic way of putting it, and there is so much more going on, but this explanation is close enough for these purposes.

Candida can cause joint pain, stiffness, slow healing, and an inability to heal.

Candida can lie dormant for up to six months. When everything is back in control, keep in mind that Candida is always ready and able to spring back into life if it’s fed. You have to keep the gut balanced even after you heal it with a proper diet.

This protocol only works with the right diet. That’s also true for anything that will kill excess Candida and balance the body. Diet is key.

Related: How to Heal Your Gut

The Diet

A healthy diet consists of 80% or more raw, fresh, organic produce. Eat more vegetables than fruit. This is imperative for anyone who is ridding the body of Candida. Big salads (see 80% Raw Food Diet for a recipe) are the foundation of a healthy diet that balances the digestive system.

No refined foods. Whole foods only. Make smoothies with coconut water, whole pineapple (it’s juicy), unsweetened nut milk, or water instead of fruit juice. Make nut milks at home with sprouted nuts. Take extra supplements when consuming pineapple or grapes, as they are very high in sugars, and remember to limit fruit until your gut is balanced.

Gluten and Candida do not mix. If the gut is unwell, gluten is causing serious problems. Nobody with Candida overgrowth should be attempting to digest gluten. A gut with an excess of Candida has holes in it. When gluten breaks through the gut undigested, it is toxic to the body.

Do not drink anything that is sweetened unless it’s sweetened with stevia. Anyone with hypoglycemia or diabetes should use stevia with caution, as it can be problematic, but it doesn’t feed Candida. The second source below has a cranberry lemonade recipe to help detox. Supplements

Supplements that are known to combat fungus include:

Wormwood Berberine Black walnut hull Pau d’Arco Coptis Chinensis Ginger Cinnamon Olive leaf extract Undecylenic Acid Probiotic

All of these are great to have around, and a few of them are exceptional at killing parasites, viruses, and bacterial infections (Coptis Chinensis, wormwood, black walnut hull, Spanish black radish) but while they are certainly antifungal, they’re not the strongest solution to kill excess Candida.

Fungal Supplement Stack – Knock Out Yeast, Candida, Mold, Fungus

The first three should be plenty for most people, but for really prominent fungal issues or for impatient people with a bigger budget I’d recommend all of these:

Formula SF722 – Thorne Research Syntol AMD – Arthur Andrew Medical Berberine 500mg – Thorne Research MycoCeutics MycoPhyto Complex – EcoNugenics MicroDefense – Pure Encapsulations Abzorb Vitamin & Nutrient Optimizer (500mg) HCP Formulas

I recommend taking the SF722, Berberine, MycoCeutics, and Microdefense with meals, and the Abzorb and Syntol separately, on an empty stomach (like in the morning and before bed). The Abzorb and the Syntol are a bit redundant, but I find good results using both if the budget can afford it. If money is really tight, just get the SF722 and put your money into your diet.

Recommended Reading:

Cheap and Easy Detox Diet Plan Best Supplements To Kill Candida and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Fungal Infections Holistic Guide to Healing the Endocrine System and Balancing Our Hormones Best Supplements To Kill Lyme and Everything Else You Ever Wanted To Know About Lyme Disease Sugar Leads to Depression – World’s First Trial Proves Gut and Brain are Linked (Protocol Included) How to Detox From Plastics and Other Endocrine Disruptors How to Detoxify and Heal the Lymphatic System Hypothyroidism – Natural Remedies, Causes, and How To Heal the Thyroid