Kangaroo Mother Care Method

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Dato utført: 25/01/2016 Revidert: X Ansvarlig bibliotekar: Hanne Rustlie Revidert av: X

Helsedirektoratet For tidlig fødte barn (2007)

Nasjonalt nettverk for fagprosedyrer Ingen funn

Vårdhandboken Ingen funn

NHS NICE Pathways Ingen funn

NHS NICE Guidelines Intrapartum care for healthy women and babies (2015) Postnatal care up to 8 weeks after birth (2015)

Nursing Reference Center Quick Lessons: Ingen funn

Skills: Kangaroo Care: Providing Family Education and Training (2015) Kangaroo Care: Providing Family Education and Training checklist (2015)

Evidence-Based Care Sheets: Mother- Attachment in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit: Supporting (2014) Developmental Care of the Newborn (2014)

Continuing Education: The Effect of Kangaroo Care on Neurodevelopmental Outcomes in Preterm . (2014) Early Skin-to-Skin After Cesarean to Improve . (2011)

National Guideline Clearinghouse Best evidence statement (BESt). Skin to skin care in a level III-IV NICU. (2013) Occupational therapy practice guidelines for early childhood: birth through 5 years. (2013) Breastfeeding the late preterm infant (340/7 to 366/7 weeks gestation). (2011)

Kliniske retningslinjer, Danmark Klinisk retningslinje om hud-mod-hud-kontakt mellem præmature børn og deres forældre (2015)

SIGN, Scottish Intercollegiate Guideline Network Ingen funn

Socialstyrelsen, Sverige Nationella riktlinjer för prevention och behandling av smärta i nyföddhetsperioden (2013)

Sundhedsstyrelsen, Danmark Ingen funn

UpToDate Prevention and treatment of neonatal pain (2015) expression for the preterm infant (2015)

Clinical Evidence Ingen funn

BMJ Best Practice Premature Newborn Care (2015)

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Cochrane Reviews Non-pharmacological management of infant and young child procedural pain (2015) Kangaroo mother care to reduce morbidity and mortality in low birthweight infants (2014) Skin-to-skin care for procedural pain in neonates (2014) Early skin-to-skin contact for mothers and their healthy newborn infants (2012) Developmental care for promoting development and preventing morbidity in preterm infants (2006)

DARE Parental experiences of providing skin-to-skin care to their newborn infant - part 1: a qualitative systematic review (Provisional abstract) (2014) 'Kangaroo mother care' to prevent neonatal deaths due to complications (Structured abstract) (2010) Maternal satisfaction and clinical effect of kangaroo mother care in preterm infants: a meta- analysis (Provisional abstract) (2008)

McMaster PLUS Overlapp med Cochrane Reviews.

PEDro Ingen funn

OT Seeker Randomized controlled trial of kangaroo care: cardiorespiratory and thermal effects on healthy preterm infants (2004)

Kunnskapssenteret Ingen funn

Campbell Library Ingen funn

Epistemonikos Barriers and enablers of kangaroo mother care practice: a systematic review. (2015) Effects of kangaroo mother care on maternal mood and interaction patterns between parents and their preterm, low infants: a systematic review. (2014)

Lenke til Primary Studies (60 treff). OBS! Det er kun primærstudiene som er brukt i The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews som er klarert på grønt. Primærstudiene som er brukt andre steder enn i Cochrane MÅ kvalitetssikres.

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Evidence-Based Nursing Ikke søkt her

Evidence-Based Medicine Ikke søkt her

Evidence-Based Mental Health Ikke søkt her

Evidence-Based Dentistry Ikke søkt her

McMaster PLUS Ikke søkt her

EHS Protocols Ikke søkt her

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Vårdhandboken Bemötande av personer med funktionsnedsättning (2015) Bemötande i vård och omsorg, genusperspektiv (2014) Bemötande i vård och omsorg, patientperspektiv (2013) Bemötande i vård och omsorg, transkulturellt perspektiv (2013) Personcentrerad vård (2013)

NHS NICE Pathways Patient experience in adult NHS services overview (2015)

UpToDate Ingen funn

BMJ Best Practice Ingen funn

Nursing Reference Center Ingen funn

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OBS! Mest sannsynlig god kvalitet.

Helsenorge Omsorgen for det nyfødte barnet (2014)

Helsebiblioteket Ingen funn

NEL, Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok Ingen funn

MedlinePLUS Skin-To-Skin Contact May Lower Preemies' Risk of Death (2015) About Skin-to-Skin Care (Kangaroo Care) (2010)

Norsk helseinformatikk Ingen funn

TIPS! På nettsiden Sunn skepsis forklares det hvordan kvalitetsvurdering av pasientinformasjon skal gjøres.

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OBS! Krever kvalitetsvurdering.

Medline Se vedlegg

Embase Se vedlegg

Cinahl Ikke søkt her

PsycInfo Ikke søkt her

Svemed+ Ikke søkt her

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OBS! Krever kvalitetsvurdering.

Helsebiblioteket, retningslinjer Metodebok i nyfødtmedisin (2012) Nyfødtintensiv - Retningslinjer for smertebehandling (2009)

Medline, retningslinjer [Non-pharmaceutical measures, topical analgesics and oral administration of glucose in pain management: Austrian interdisciplinary recommendations on pediatric perioperative pain management]. [German] Messerer B; Krauss-Stoisser B; Urlesberger B. Der Schmerz. 28(1):31-42, 2014 Feb. Non-pharmaceutical procedures are increasingly being used in pediatric pain therapy in addition to pharmaceutical procedures and have a supporting function. This article describes the non-pharmaceutical procedures which have an influence on perioperative and posttraumatic pain in children and adolescents. Prerequisites for every adequate pain therapy are affection, imparting a feeling of security, distraction and the creation of a child- oriented environment. Topical analgesics are indicated for application to intact skin for surface anesthesia. For a safe use consideration must be given to the duration of application, the dose and the maximum area of skin treated in an age-dependent manner. For simple but painful procedures in premature infants, neonates and infants, pain can be effectively reduced by the oral administration of glucose. The positive effect is guaranteed particularly for the use in a once only pain stimulation. Non-nutritive sucking, , facilitated tucking and kangaroo mother care, for example can be used as supportive measures during slightly painful procedures. There is insufficient evidence for a pain reducing effect in older infants and small children. Physical therapeutic procedures can be used as accompanying measures for acute pain and are individually adapted. However, the limited amount of currently available data is insufficient to make a critical scientific assessment of the individual measures. The effects can, however, be observed in the daily routine practice. Psychological methods can facilitate coping with pain. In situations with mental and psychiatric comorbidities or psychosocial impairment, a psychologist should be consulted. Acupuncture and hypnosis are also a meaningful addition within the framework of multimodal pain therapy.

Expansion of the baby-friendly hospital initiative ten steps to successful breastfeeding into neonatal intensive care: expert group recommendations. Nyqvist KH; Haggkvist AP; Hansen MN; et.al. Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative Expert Group. Journal of Human Lactation. 29(3):300-9, 2013 Aug. In the World Health Organization/United Nations Children's Fund document Baby-Friendly Hospital Initiative: Revised, Updated and Expanded for Integrated Care, neonatal care is mentioned as 1 area that would benefit from expansion of the original Ten Steps to Successful Breastfeeding. The different situations faced by preterm and sick infants and their mothers, compared to healthy infants and their mothers, necessitate a specific breastfeeding policy for neonatal intensive care and require that health care professionals have knowledge and skills in lactation and breastfeeding support, including provision of antenatal information, that are specific to neonatal care. Facilitation of early, continuous, and prolonged skin-to-skin contact (kangaroo mother care), early initiation of breastfeeding, and mothers' access to breastfeeding support during the infants' whole hospital stay are important. Mother's own milk or donor milk (when available) is the optimal nutrition. Efforts should be made to minimize parent-infant separation and facilitate parents' unrestricted presence with their infants. The initiation and continuation of breastfeeding should be guided only by infant competence and stability, using a semi-demand feeding regimen during the transition to exclusive breastfeeding. Pacifiers are appropriate during tube-feeding, for pain relief, and for calming infants. Nipple shields can be used for facilitating establishment of breastfeeding, but only after qualified support and attempts at the breast. Alternatives to bottles should be used until breastfeeding is well established. The discharge program should include adequate preparation of parents, information about access to lactation and breastfeeding support, both professional and peer support, and a plan for continued follow-up.

Embase, retningslinjer Experiences with community kangaroo mother care in very low-income settings. Sloan N.L., Ahmed S., Islam M., Mitra S.N. Current Women's Health Reviews. 7 (3) (pp 310- 316), 2011. Community-based Kangaroo Mother Care (CKMC) was designed to be initiated immediately after birth in very low-income settings where most births occur at home, access to clinical care is limited and newborn mortality rates are high. The objectives of CKMC are to prevent hypothermia, some respiratory conditions, diarrhea and improve newborn nutrition. In these settings, babies are seldom weighed at birth and newborn clinical assessment is rarely available, therefore CKMC is promoted for all babies. While KMC was successfully adapted for immediate postnatal communitybased application in the Bangladesh pilot study, subsequent weak training has produced token skin-to-skin care with little health, nutrition or survival potential. If rigorous evaluation proves the CKMC guidelines affordably produce adequate skin-to-skin care, their costs and effectiveness to improve health and survival should be assessed in randomized controlled trials that adhere to the guidelines. Regardless of its health and survival potential, some babies will require other care.

Kangaroo mother care: Optimal support of preterm infants' transition to extra-uterine life in the high tech nicu environment. Nyqvist K.H., Heinemann A.-B. Current Women's Health Reviews. 7 (3) (pp 278-287), 2011. In addition to exerting positive physiological and social effects on preterm infants, the Kangaroo Mother Care method also provides these infants with stimulation, which is similar to the multisensorial stimulation which the fetus receives in utero. Still, in high tech NICUs the application of KMC is typically restricted to limited periods of parentinfant skin-to-skin contact. The aim of this article is to describe practical guidelines for KMC, 24 hours per day whenever possible, in a Swedish university NICU. The guidelines are based on the norm of parent-infant non-separation and infant care in the kangaroo position, continuously whenever possible, and were formulated based on observations and research of infants' and parents' responses during gradual implementation of components in the guidelines. Ideally, KMC is initiated and continues uninterrupted from birth in infants born at >32 weeks, also after a ; this is also possible at a gestational age of 28-31 weeks. For infants born at <27 weeks, intermittent periods of KMC can be introduced during the first week of life, based on individual assessment. The guidelines describe initiation, infant's and parent's positions, transport, transfer to/from the kangaroo position, continuous KMC, performance of nursing and medical procedures during KMC, KMC and infant instability, support of the parental role, and early discharge. Recommendation: KMC, continuous as far as possible, should be the norm for preterm infants also in high tech NICUs.

Can we comfortably deliver smaller and smaller babies?. Pistorius L. Obstetrics and Gynaecology Forum. 21 (2) (pp 8-9), 2011

Research issues in assessment and management of pain in newborns. Vani S., Thakre R., Nimbalkar S. Journal of Neonatology. 23 (4) (pp 358-364), 2009. Pain assessment and management is a neglected area in Indian NICUs. Only recently, the neonatologists and nurses have started paying attention to this aspect. This is also reflected in the miniscule quantity of research published on this topiofrom our country. This article raises several research issues in relation to pain in the newborn, specifically in Indian context.

A review of CAM for procedural pain in infancy: Part II. Other interventions. Tsao J.C.I., Evans S., Meldrum M., Altman T., Zeltzer L.K. Evidence-based Complementary and Alternative Medicine. 5 (4) (pp 399-407), 2008. This article is the second in a two-part series reviewing the empirical evidence for complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) approaches for the management of pain related to medical procedures in infants up to 6 weeks of age. Part I of this series investigated the effects of sucrose with or without non- nutritive sucking (NNS). The present article examines other CAM interventions for procedural pain including music-based interventions, olfactory stimulation, kangaroo care and swaddling. Computerized databases were searched for relevant studies including prior reviews and primary trials. Preliminary support was revealed for the analgesic effects of the CAM modalities reviewed. However, the overall quality of the evidence for these approaches remains relatively weak. Additional well-designed trials incorporating rigorous methodology are required. Such investigations will assist in the development of evidence-based guidelines on the use of CAM interventions either alone or in concert with conventional approaches to provide safe, reliable analgesia for infant procedural pain.

Cinahl, retningslinjer Overcoming the barriers to using kangaroo care in neonatal settings. Penn, Sarah; Nursing Children & Young People, Jun2015; 27(5): 22-27. PMID: 26059587

State of the art and recommendations. Kangaroo mother care: application in a hightech environment. Nyqvist KH; Anderson GC; Bergman N. et.al. Breastfeeding Review, 2010; 18(3): 21-28: PMID: 21226419

Consensus on kangaroo mother care acceleration. Engmann, Cyril; Wall, Stephen; Darmstadt, Gary; Valsangkar, Bina; Claeson, Mariam; participants of the Istanbul KMC Acceleration Meeting; Lancet, 11/30/2013; 382(9907): e26-7. PMID: 24246562

Staff experiences in implementing guidelines for Kangaroo Mother Care -- a qualitative study. Wallin L; Rudberg A; Gunningberg L; International Journal of Nursing Studies, Jan2005; 42(1): 61-73. 13p. PMID: 15582640

Implementing new ideas: Creating a new practice guideline. Detail Only Available Academic Journal (includes abstract) Blamire, Liz; Midwifery Matters, Winter2014; (143): 7-7.

Do neonatal hypoglycaemia guidelines in Australia and New Zealand facilitate breast feeding? Sundercombe, Samantha L.; Raynes-Greenow, Camille H.; PopHlth, Grad Dip; Turner, Robin M.; Jeffery, Heather E.; Midwifery, 2014; 30(12): 1179-1186. 8p. PMID: 24835006

Japan Academy of Midwifery: 2012 evidence-based guidelines for midwifery care during . Yaeko KATAOKA; Hiromi ETO; Mariko IIDA; Yukari YAJU; Hiromi ASAI; Ayaka SAKURAI; Yuriko TADOKORO; Shigeko HORIUCHI; Journal of Japan Academy of Midwifery, 2012; 26(2): 275-283.

NEL, Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok Ingen funn

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Medline Tilleggssøk Umbilical Cord AND Catheter/Catheterization: se vedlegg

Embase Tilleggssøk Umbilical Cord AND Catheter/Catheterization: se vedlegg

Cinahl Ikke søkt her

PsycInfo Ikke søkt her

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I Kangaroo Mother Care Method Kangaroo Care KMC



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Helsedirektoratet: lista skumlest Nasjonalt nettverk for fagprosedyrer: lista skumlest Vårdhandboken: lista skumlest NHS NICE Pathways: lista skumlest Nursing Reference Center: kangaroo care National Guideline Clearinghouse: kangaroo care Kliniske retningslinjer, Danmark: lista skumlest NHS NICE Guidelines: kangaroo care SIGN: lista skumlest Socialstyrelsen, Sverige: lista skumlest Sundhedsstyrelsen, Danmark: kangaroo care UpToDate: kangaroo care Clinical Evidence: kangaroo care BMJ Best Practice: kangaroo care Cochrane Reviews: kangaroo care DARE: kangaroo care McMaster PLUS, systematiske oversikter: kangaroo care PEDro: kangaroo care OT Seeker: kangaroo care Kunnskapssenteret: hud mot hud, kangaroo care Campbell Library: kangaroo care UpToDate, pasientinformasjon: kangaroo care BMJ Best Practice, pasientinformasjon: kangaroo care Nursing Reference Center, pasientinformasjon: kangaroo care Helsenorge, pasientinformasjon: hud mot hud, hudkontakt, kangaroo care Helsebiblioteket, pasientinformasjon: lista under barn og unge skumlest Nel, pasientinformasjon: kangaroo, hud mot hud, nyfødt MedlinePlus, pasientinformasjon: kangaroo care Norsk helseinformatikk, pasientinformasjon: kangaroo, hud mot hud, nyfødt Evidence-Based Nursing: ikke søkt her Evidence-Based Medicine: ikke søkt her Evidence-Based Mental Health: ikke søkt her Evidence-Based Dentistry: ikke søkt her McMaster PLUS, enkeltstudier: ikke søkt her EHS Protocols: ikke søkt her Helsebiblioteket, retningslinjer: lista skumlest Medline, retningslinjer: 1 exp Kangaroo-Mother Care Method/ (129) 2 kmc.mp. (336) 3 kangaroo mother care.mp. (298) 4 1 or 2 or 3 (527) 5 exp Practice Guideline/ (20707) 6 4 and 5 (2) Embase, retningslinjer: 1 kmc.mp. (345) 2 kangaroo mother care.mp. (284) 3 exp kangaroo care/ (503) 4 1 or 2 or 3 (806) 5 exp practice guideline/ (342522) 6 4 and 5 (33) 7 limit 6 to exclude medline journals (5) Cinahl, retningslinjer: kangaroo care AND practice guideline NEL, Norsk elektronisk legehåndbok: kangaroo, hud mot hud, nyfødt Medline, pasienterfaringer: se vedlegg Embase, pasienterfaringer: se vedlegg Medline, enkeltstudier: ikke søkt her Embase, enkeltstudier: ikke søkt her

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