Volume 65 Number 29 | July 27, 2020 LookoutNewspaperNavyNews


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Sailors from coast to coast welcome HMCS Fredericton home

Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific Commodore Angus Topshee shows his support for the crew of Freddie. See the full story on pages 8 and 9. Photo by Marion Draper

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Peter Mallett was able to restock his inventory. Staff Writer The isolation quickly caught the atten- tion of national and world news outlets A retired platoon commander of because of his unintentional extreme the has become the social distancing efforts. In April Good first North American to complete an News Network dubbed him “Safest man extremely rare nautical feat. in the world” and the “Master of self 2 On July 18 (ret’d) Bert ter isolation” noting he had had floated far Hart sailed his 44-foot sailboat SV from civilization. Seaburban into Victoria’s Inner Harbour While he was not allowed to enter after a non-stop solo circumnavigation or dock at any ports he was permitted of the globe through the world’s five to anchor his vessel to make repairs or great capes without the assistance of any replenish supplies. electronic navigation devices. He had a slow and rudimentary con- The 61-year-old Gabriola resident and nection to emails, texts, and phone calls computer software programmer is now via a global satellite connection. This the eighth person in the world, and first also allowed the thousands of followers from our continent, to complete this on his Facebook page SV Seaburban, feat. During his journey he passed Cape operated by his sister Leah, to track his Horn (Chile), Cape of Agulhas (South progress on a map with GPS. Africa), Cape of Leeuwin (Australia), South East Cape (Australia) and the Inspiring others Ter Hart says he set out to educate South Cape (Indonesia) using only tra- and inspire others to achieve lofty goals ditional navigation equipment such as sea charts and a sextant. After setting off that they think are unattainable. His from Cape Flattery, Wash., on Oct. 28 journey was also a scientific outreach for he would spend 267 days in complete approximately 2,000 elementary stu- isolation at sea, with no port stops, while dents in and other countries traveling 28,800 nautical miles. around the world who closely followed On July 22, ter Hart stopped by the his every move. Canadian Forces Sailing Association Ter Hart says he hopes his efforts have (CFSA) in Esquimalt to show his sail- inspired the students and many others to boat off to youth enrolled in the club’s seek careers in atmospheric and oceanic summer sailing programs. sciences. “What I did was incredibly difficult “If we survive as a species we will need but I’ve always been drawn to things to have answers and solutions to big that are hard and crossing the world in problems which threaten our existence,” the southern ocean fits the bill,” said ter said ter Hart. Hart a former CFSA member. “Since Despite the message of support and an no North American has ever done this occasional phone call when conditions before I wanted to put Canada on the permitted, his only dialogue with oth- map.” ers at sea was with a cute furry stuffed CFSA Commodore, Lieutenant- toy seal nicknamed ‘Sir Salty.’ Ter Hart Commander Chris Maier of Naval Fleet reluctantly admits he drew almost as School (Pacific) says it was a proud much social media buzz as the voyage moment for the club to host ter Hart. itself. “Bert’s accomplishments have been As the days morphed into weeks and inspiring and impressive on so many then months alone on his boat with levels: human endurance, resiliency, sail- Salty, he said he felt like a tiny speck ing prowess and navigational skill,” said on a massive ocean and gradually LCdr Maier. “He has inspired many with began to feel at one with stories of his journey.” the sea. But his circumnavigation feat almost “When you are out never happened at all. Only weeks there alone you feel before his departure while performing completely con- maintenance, he suffered a 50-foot fall nected to the from the top of his mast suffering four primal forces fractured ribs and a collapsed lung. The of nature in a intense pain, difficulty breathing, and way that you not being able to raise his arms over his really can- head didn’t fully subside until just days not do in any ahead of his departure. other vehicle,” 3 Extreme physical distancing said ter Hart. “You are con- He had initially expected his journey to Photo by Nani ter Hart take him just six months, but unfavour- nected to the able sailing conditions slowed his prog- water and wind ress by nearly three months. Some of the which are driven worst conditions he encountered were by the power of unrelenting gales, fifty foot swells, and the sun and are long stretches of becalmed conditions. wired directly into The added days at sea saw him run this, which is some- 1 low on his sea rations, which had been thing people have been meticulously planned. He eventually doing for thousands of years.” received help from the Government For a detailed account of Bert of Cook Islands Rarotonga and despite and his journey visit his website: http:// strict COVID-19 quarantine rules he www.the5capes.com

1. Bert is presented a Special Commendation from the Ocean Cruising Club Commodore presented by the Rear Commodore Ian Grant. 2. The infamous Sir Salty who was Bert’s mascot and constant com- panion and often ne’er do well aboard. 4 3. Sailing in Alaska last summer. 4. Saxe Point arrival and homecoming July 18, 2020. Photos by don Butt July 27, 2020 Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news Lookout • 3

Remember to social distance. Orcas back to 6 FEET

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375 West Island Hwy, Parksville, BC 250-248-6612 www.paradisefunpark.net A/SLt Anjad Aliak, a naval reservist with Find us on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter too! HMCS Donnaconna, gets a bearing of other ships while aboard Patrol Craft Training Vessel Cougar on July 22. A/ SLt Aliak was conducting Officer of the Watch manoeuvers on the Victoria waterfront as part of his Naval Warfare Officer Phase 3 Training. Steeve Lesperance, MMM, CD Photo by Lt(N) tom Eagle, PCtu. Motorcycle Sales Consultant Barnes Harley-Davidson, Victoria www.barneshdvictoria.com [email protected] Peter Mallett basis you start to gradually get out pletely crewed by submariners 250-516-2024 2940 Ed Nixon Tce, Victoria Staff Writer of practice – knowledge of the from HMCS Victoria who will be machinery plant fades and reac- using their time for day and night ASK ME ABOUT THE MILITARY / VETERANS DISCOUNT Motor Vehicle License # : 8594 uly has been a busy month tions to technical issues or emer- Petty Officer of the Watch training. for members of the Patrol gencies can take longer,” said LCdr Getting things back to ship Craft Training Unit (PCTU) Dudeck. “There is also no sub- shape poses its own challenges and their Orca-class vessels stitute for running a ship at sea says PCTU Planning Officer, LCdr BEACON LAW CENTRE who are making a cautious because going to sea also helps Tim Downey. COVID-19 social Proudly assisting our military families. returnJ to regular sails. our Orca-class engineers to iden- distancing precautions such as the The RCN’s eight Patrol-Craft tify any problems or degradation wearing of non-medical face cover- Training vessels are used to instruct that might not be apparent when ings, increased sanitization mea- personnel from Naval Fleet School the ships and its company are sures and keeping the crews of the (Pacific) and support fleet train- alongside.” Orcas completely isolated and “in ing. In recent months their regular Between July 20 to 29, train- their own separate bubbles” is dif- training operations were curtailed ing vessels Moose 62, Caribou 57, ferent from their usual routine. Grizzly 60 and Cougar 61 were While five of the eight Orcas due to COVID-19, but last week involved in sail-training operations have resumed normal training saw a return of five Orcas as part in the Strait of Juan de Fuca for duties, others are in maintenance of a four-phase restart of the Naval Naval Warfare Officers (NWO) cycles to be ready in the fall. Orca Training System (NTS) initiated by from fleet school’s Venture 55 completed an extended mainte- fleet school earlier this month. Division. The patrol craft are nor- nance period at Point Hope ship- During April and May the mally crewed by approximately 15 yards in Victoria on July 24. After Orca-class vessels had taken part PCTU personnel and six trainees. doing sea trials in August it is in Operation LASER, the navy’s Three of the four Orcas are sail- expected to return back to action COVID-19 isolation at-sea mitiga- 140-4392 West Saanich Rd, Victoria Real Estate ing during daylight hours only with for training after the Labour Day Business Law tion measures. Those sails occurred 104-9717 Third Street, Sidney the sailors returning alongside each break. 5-7115 West Saanich Rd, Brentwood Bay Wills & Estates prior to May 22, with rotating evening. But unlike their usual rou- Raven 56 will also be up for Orca-class vessels over a five-week tine, they won’t be returning to a deep maintenance work period P 250.656.3280 | TF 877.295.9339 | www.beaconlaw.ca period. Since that point though, their homes. Instead the sailors will and minor engineering changes at the ships and their crews have been be sleeping on board and isolated Seaspan Ship Yards in Vancouver alongside for nearly two consecu- from the other vessels as part of starting July 27. The work on tive months. COVID-19 health and safety pre- Raven 56 is expected to be com- The lack of sea time has posed cautions. Moose 62 will stay at sea pleted in late October and the ves- some unique challenges says for the duration in an effort to ful- sel is expected to commence sea Lieutenant-Commander Colin fill day-night sailing qualifications trials at the end of November. Dudeck, Group Technical Officer, for its students. Renard 58 is in the midst of a Coastal Forces Pacific. A fifth vessel, Wolf 59 is also Short Work Period with plans to “If you don’t sail on a regular currently at sea. It is being com- return to sail training in August. MILITARY APPRECIATION

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*with presentation of valid Military ID. Excludes the Works Service and oil changes. 4 • Lookout Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news July 27, 2020 OPINION of WHo WE ARE Story of sailor’s victory finally released in print ACTING EDITOR SLt M.X. Déry 250-363-3372 matters Peter Mallett me and I was given a one- [email protected] Staff Writer in-ten shot at survival by STAFF WRITERS my doctor,” he said in a Peter Mallett 250-363-3130 A newly released book previous interview. [email protected] documenting the inspira- Miraculously, he went tional battle of a Royal on to beat the cancer PRODUCTION Canadian Sailor and after it has spread to his Teresa Laird 250-363-8033 his triumph over can- brain, lymph nodes, and [email protected] cer is now available in lungs. A surgical proce- Bill Cochrane 250-363-8033 paperback. dure to remove a plum- [email protected] Onward traces the sized tumour from his agonizing, life-and-death brain was a success but ACCOUNTS/CLASSIFIEDS/RECEPTION struggle of former HMCS Lt(N) Tomlinson says the 250-363-3372 Calgary Navigation fight forever changed his SALES REPRESENTATIVES Officer Lieutenant (Navy) life and the man he is. Ivan Groth 250-363-3133 Stephen Tomlinson Now cancer free, Lt(N) [email protected] endured with testicular Tomlinson has returned to duty with the RCN Joshua Buck 250-363-8602 cancer was released in where he works as an [email protected] June. Self-published by Island Blue Printing, the instructor at Naval Fleet Brad Schneider 250-880-2705 6x9 soft cover is avail- School Pacific’s Venture [email protected] able by direct ordering Division. EDITORIAL ADVISORS through Lt(N) Tomlinson. Lt(N) Tomlinson said A/SLt Michelle Scott 250-363-4006 “The main idea behind that one of the things Katelyn Moores 250-363-7060 Onward is that hope is that inspired him most stronger than fear,” said to write Onward was Published each Monday, under the authority because there were so of Capt(N) Sam Sader, Base Commander. Lt(N) Tomlinson. few books published Le LOOKOUT est publié tous les lundi, sous During his journey l’égide du Capt(N) Sam Sader, Commandant battling cancer, Lt(N) on testicular cancer and de la Base. Tomlinson endured 350 those who have survived hours of chemotherapy, it. The editor reserves the right to edit, abridge “There was 16-feet or reject copy or advertising to adhere to 11 radiation treatments, policy as outlined in PSP Policy Manual. a seizure, and five sur- of shelving dedicated Views and opinions expressed are not nec- geries following his ini- to other forms of can- essarily those of the Department of National tial diagnosis in 2017. cer, and especially breast Defence. The experience he says and ovarian cancer, but Le Rédacteur se réserve le droit de modifier, produced multiple points the entire men’s section de condenser ou de rejeter les articles, of total despair and des- had only a few books and photographies, ou annonces plublicitaires they all focused on pros- pour adhérer Manuel des politiques des PSP. peration where he had Les opinions et annonces exprimées dans le almost given up all hope tate cancer,” said Lt(N) journal ne réflètent pas nécéssairement le of survival. Tomlinson. point de vue du MDN. “I had come to the “It started out as a daily point of accepting where journal entry but then I Lt(N) Stephen Tomlinson of life was going south on realized I had a book and Naval Fleet School Pacific in my mind I could see poses with a copy of his different chapters form- new book Onward. Circulation - 3,000 ing as I read back my plus 300 pdf downloads per week entries,” he said. “I have been told the come. In recent months, tion of Onward. Lt(N) cer. The group eventu- Follow us on Facebook, Twitter book is very vis- ahead of the COVID-19 Tomlinson and one of his ally plans to hold regular ceral, very raw and and Instagram and join our lockdown, he made two former shipmates aboard meetings in Esquimalt, descriptive. It was public appearances to HMCS Calgary, Lt(N) but currently operates growing social media community. originally intended discuss the contents of Sean Milley, also a tes- through their Facebook to be a book for his book. In Aug. 2019 ticular cancer survivor, page of the same name A Division of Personnel Support Programs my children so they he addressed a gather- have launched an online which was launched in CFB Esquimalt, PO Box 17000 Stn. Forces, could know about Victoria, BC V9A 7N2 their Dad after I ing of junior officers at support network also March. fleet school about how called Onward, for CAF For now Tomlinson is Web: www.lookoutnewspaper.com was gone.” resiliency is a hallmark in members and their fami- selling individual copies Fax: 250-363-3015 Lt(N) Tomlinson Canadian Mail Product Sales Agreement 40063331 says he will share leadership and in March lies coping with a cancer via email, mail, or hand his story to whoever 2020 he addressed a diagnosis. The group has delivery when possible. will listen because crowd of approximately also enlisted another ship- Onward sells for $25 and sadly, he says, far 250 on the same subject mate and cancer survivor can be purchased by con- too many other at a Naval Warfare Officer WO Steven Lewington a tacting Lt(N) Tomlinson C ANADIAN people will embark Trade Symposium. senior firefighter aboard at his personal email COMMUNITY NEWSPAPER on the same journey But his work is not Calgary who recently S.Tomlinson349@gmail. AWARD 2018 and with a different out- done with the publica- overcame thyroid can- com TALK TO A LICENSED OPTICIAN • Military Family Discounts I Stage and I Sell! • DND RX Forms Accepted

Dan Murphy, RAdm (Ret’d) FULL EYE EXAMS AVAILABLE Shelly Reed Associate Broker CALL TO BOOK TODAY! Lawyer with a Military Perspective Direct: 250-213-7444 Email: [email protected] 250.589.4571 STORE #2 www.shellyreed.com 189-2401C Millstream Road, Grievances • Service Discipline • Notary NOW OPEN Millstream Village 119-3039 Merchant Way Pension Appeal • Criminal Defence • General Practice #150–805 Cloverdale Ave., 250-474-1941 (Langford) Victoria, B.C. V8X 2S9 778-432-3344 250-384-8124 www.EyeEtiquetteOptical.ca [email protected] • www.danmurphy.ca ESTABLISHED 1887 July 27, 2020 Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news Lookout • 5 Kuwait honours Persian Gulf veterans Peter Mallett the war. These days he’s been busy The PGVC was founded five Staff Writer working with Kuwait’s ambassador years ago and has grown its ranks to to Canada, Reem Al Khaled, to make approximately 1,000 members and A Persian Gulf War veteran is sure those deserving are properly currently operates a closed Facebook reaching out to his comrades in arms honoured. Page for war veterans only. In the to ensure they are properly honoured. “Khaled was a young girl when past year Davis says his organization Master Corporal (ret’d) Harold Iraq invaded Kuwait and she says handed out approximately 22 medals Davis of Cobble Hill, B.C. is founder she remembers what happened in to individuals unable to obtain one and president of the Persian Gulf her country,” said Davis. “She fully leading up to the 29th Anniversary of Veterans of Canada (PGVC) and understands the importance of hon- the Liberation of Kuwait in Feb. 2020. also a proud recipient of the Kuwait ouring those who helped liberate her Davis has a list of approximately 27 Liberation Medal. The medal country.” others who have yet to receive the is awarded to current and former The medal was first issued in 1994 medal but says he is certain there are military members from Canada, the and is awarded in five different many more unaware they are eligible United States, Great Britain, New classes, determined by military rank to receive them. Zealand and Australia who served in and each medal differs slightly. In concert with the Kuwait embassy, the first Persian Gulf War from Aug. Its obverse bears Kuwait’s coat of he is hoping to build on his list of 2 1990 to Aug. 31, 1991. arms consisting of a shield of the flag potential recipients. The goal is to The 60-year-old says many Gulf design in colour, superimposed by have a larger list of recipients leading War veterans who are eligible for the a falcon with wings displayed. The up to the 30th anniversary ceremony honour are unaware it exists. “I want falcon supports a disk containing a at the National War Memorial in to make sure every Canadian who sailing ship with the full name of the Ottawa. The event will be hosted served in the war is recognized for state written at the top of the disk. by Veterans Affairs Canada and the Many Gulf War veterans who their efforts that helped liberate the Canadian recipients are only per- Department of National Defence Middle Eastern nation following its mitted to wear the medal on the right (DND), in person or virtually. are eligible for the honour are unsuccessful annexation by Iraq. breast and that’s something Davis Davis wants the majority of the “A lot of people who are so deserv- says he hopes changes. medals to be handed out in person, unaware it exists. I want to make ing of this medal have yet to receive “I am hoping that someday either in Ottawa or at other locations sure every Canadian who served them,” explained Davis. “The Persian Canadian veterans can wear this across Canada by federal, provincial Gulf Veterans of Canada wants to medal properly on the left side of or municipal officials or representa- in the war is recognized for their make certain that everyone who is their uniform but for some reason tives from DND. efforts that helped liberate the eligible receives one and hopefully there seems to be some resistance to For more information about the in person.” let this happen,” said Davis. “I have PGVA and an application to receive Middle Eastern nation following its The former Royal Canadian Air been lobbying branches of govern- the medal visit their website http:// unsuccessful annexation by Iraq. Force Weapons Technician was ment and elected officials to try and persiangulfveteranscanada.ca/ posted to HMCS Athabaskan during make this happen.” kuwait-medal/ – Master Corporal (Ret’d) Harold Davis

Local veteran brings service skills to national challenge coin business

Sharkz Coins Lt(N) ret Chris Edley CD P.Eng. Sharkz Coins has been fortunate to expand their operations by investing in engraving Sharkz Coins is a well known Esquimalt equipment. This includes a top-of-the-line business, but did you know they are veteran-owned Trotec Laser which they use to engrave posi- and owe their success to a career in the tional name tags. Not being able to leave military? “There are so many aspects of our things as good enough, he perfected the name business success that I owe to my time in the tags by working with adhesive manufacturers service” says retired MSE officer Chris Edley, to select the most durable industrial adhesives who co-owns Sharkz Coins with his wife to attach the backing pins and custom ensign Helen. that they make specifically for the name tags. Sharkz Coins is known nationally for their The final skill that Edley has brought from outstanding challenge coins, serving clients his military career to Sharkz Coins is leader- across Canada for over 15 years. They have set ship. “The Leadership training that I received the bar in the challenge coin world, and pride both as a Master Seaman, and then as an themselves on excellence. Edley says “I am officer, has served me extremely well since I very proud of my service, and I know that the hit the private sector” says Edley. Sharkz coins we produce must reflect the same level of Coins currently operate as a team of seven pride if they are to mean anything to the service people, with customer service experts, and men and women who hold them. We’ve built amazing graphic designers. It takes our business around that philosophy.” people-skills, and an ability to prioritize and With a background in project management manage stress, to keep a team operating as and a strong mechanical aptitude, both gained well as the Sharkz team. during his service, Edley has stepped up the If you want to see all of this for yourself, technical excellence of Sharkz Coins by work- drop by the Sharkz Store on Esquimalt Rd. ing closely to push their factories to do their and the team will show you around. sharkzcoins.ca Custom challenge coins and pins very best. When asked about quality, Edley will Be sure to connect with the Sharkz team if tell you about a friend who had a poster on his you want to have challenge coins made by Join our Community 1244 Esquimalt Rd wall in the Naval Engineering School, it simply Canada's premier coin producer, or if you Victoria, BC, V9A 3P2 stated “Good Enough Never Is.” need positional name tags for your unit. ph 250-479-5018 sharkzcoins.ca Safety Council

6 • Lookout Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news July 27, 2020

Vancouver Island Safety Council A brand new CANEX.ca

Vancouver Island CANEX has redesigned their entire website, and now features All Military Discounts honoured on hardware a brand new intuitive design, Direct Service Line faster and more responsive shop- www.PricesLock.com ping experience, and a stream- 250-384-4105 lined checkout. With improved SaanichSaanich DowntownDowntown Westshore navigation and a more responsive #8-6014-601 Boleskin Boleskinee RoRoadad 111984 Blanshard7 Fort Stre Streetet 120-2806 Jacklin Road 250-384-4105250-384-4105 250-940-1626250-940-1626 250-391-5557 mobile first design, it will make Motorcycle the shopping experience even MotorcycleRider TrainingSafety Council better. Novice & Traffi c In celebration of the new web- Cut your debt by RiderPrograms Training site, CANEX is offering free Vancouver Island shipping on all orders, but for Experienced a limited time only. Don’t for- Rider Courses get to take advantage of their up to 80%! Novice & Traffi c most popular event: Don’t Pay till ICBC certifi ed January 2021 with the CANEX Programs No Interest Credit Plan, avail- • Consolidate course all your Debts able until Aug. 31. Shop 24/7 CANEX.ca into one Motorcycle new Lower Experienced Payment at 250-478-9584Rider Training 0% interest www.visafetycouncilRider Courses.com • Avoid Novice & Traffi c Bankruptcy, Programs Repair Credit Congratulations ICBCExperienced certifi ed Rider Courses to the winners of the Canada CALL TODAY FOR A FREE CONSULTATION course Day trivia contest. All won ICBC certifi ed course $50 CANEX gift cards

Independently owned and operated, associated trademarks are used under license. • Lia Graham 250-478-9584250-478-9584 • LT(N) Sean Ritchie 250-882-5556 DebtVictoria.com www.visafetycouncil.com • WO Andrea Plante [email protected] www.visafetycouncil.com July 27, 2020 Canadian Military’s Trusted News Source • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS Lookout • 7 The Maritime Museum of BC has re-opened The Maritime Museum and the cancellation of this or more apart from those of B.C. re-opened to the year’s Victoria Classic Boat who are not from the public Friday, July 17. Festival. same household. The new Friday hours Visitors are asked to fol- • All appointments must are 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. by low these new procedures be kept to the one-hour appointment for one-hour when in the Museum: period as booked. Visitors time slots. All procedures • No more than eight cannot start an appoint- have been developed in visitors, or two separate ment early, and any late line with government regu- household groups, are appointments will still lations and the guidelines permitted in the space at need to finish on time. from Work Safe B.C. the same time. • Washrooms are not open “We are very much • Use the hand sanitizer to the public at this time. looking forward to wel- provided upon entering • If you feel ill or have been coming visitors back into this space. Another hand in recent contact with the Museum,” said David sanitizer station is avail- someone with COVID- Leverton, Executive able halfway through the 19, visit another time. Director. “Our digital pro- exhibit space (if you are There is also a Plexiglas grams have been success- not able to use hand sani- barrier by the Gift Shop, ful but nothing can replace tizer, we have disposable which is running like an that in-person experience.” gloves available). old fashioned general store COVID-19 has created • All visitors must wear a where visitors can browse an unprecedented set of face mask. Unfortunately, from in front of the desk challenges for the Museum we are not able to pro- and request to see any including the cancelling of vide these for visitors at items for a closer look. the Massive Marine Garage this time. Visitors can book their Virtual Doctor Support sale; the temporary closure • Visitors must follow the appointment in advance Virtual Doctor Support of our All Things Marine arrows on the floor and online through the follow- for Military Families Thrift Store at Canoe Cove practice safe social dis- ing link: https://mmbc. for Military Families Marina in North Saanich; tancing by staying six feet bc.ca/visit/ Need a safe and effective way to access routine healthcare from the Needcomfort a safe ofand your effective home? way to access routine healthcare from the comfortAccess of yourMaple home? doctors virtually at the link below. Lost property AccessFree Maple for all doctorsdependents virtually of CAF at members the link living below. in Canada. Free for all dependents of CAF members living in Canada. The Military Police Unit (Esquimalt) is holding various items of WWW.GETMAPLE.CA/MILITARYFAMILY Unclaimed Found Property. Items appearing on the following list are available to be claimed by their rightful owners, by contacting the WWW.GETMAPLE.CA/MILITARYFAMILY Military Police Property Custodian MS Carper at 250-363-4366 or 250-363-4032. GO # 20-6254 Bike | GO # 20-13752 Bike

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CPO1 Patrick Mackey – incumbent Coxn of Fredericton once the ship returns.

CPO1 Darcy Byrd – Commodore Richard Feltham – HMCS Montreal crew are ready to welcome HMCS Fredricton home. Fleet Chief Petty Officer, Canadian Atlantic Fleet Commander Canadian Fleet Atlantic HMCS Fredericton – Social Media Accounts er Majesty’s Canadian mote security and stability in of the great adversity throughout Ship Fredericton has Central and Eastern Europe. were killed when a Royal their deployment overseas. @RoyalCanNavy Facebook - @fredericton337 been deployed on Not only did the crew deal Canadian Air Force CH-148 We wish to provide an avenue @MarineRoyalCan Instagram - @hmcs_fredericton Op Reassurance since with the normal difficulties of Cyclone helicopter crashed for Canadians to show their January 20th of this being deployed and away from while conducting maritime deepest gratitude and sincere Hashtags: year and is scheduled loved ones but they were also surveillance operations with thanks for our men and women @RoyalCanNavy to return from its faced with the COVID-19 pan- HMCS Fredericton. The con- returning on board Freddie #welcomehomeFreddie H6-month deployment on July demic abroad. This significantly duct, professionalism and resil- through various online/social @MarineRoyaleCan #FreddieStrong 28th in Halifax, . impacted their area of opera- iency of these brave sailors is media messages. The frigate is part of a range of tions in Europe starting as early truly inspiring and is something Be sure to send them some #Stalker22 military activities undertaken as March and made it increas- that should be recognized. support on social media on the @RoyalCanadianNavy #WeWillRememberThem by the CAF to support NATO ingly difficult to disembark HMCS Fredericton Welcome arrival day (July 28) using your assurance and deterrence the ship as most countries had Home Initiative acknowl- own platforms and link to them @MarineRoyaleCanadienne #WeTheNavy measures and demonstrates major restrictions. Additionally, edges that our sailors and air via the hashtags and handles Canada’s commitment to pro- on April 29, 2020, six members detachment have dealt with (far right). AB Boechler is a Naval Communicator onboard HMCS Fredericton and is also one of six reservists onboard! The One Navy concept enables reservists to be employed on Frigates that deploy in support of NATO Operations.

HMCS Regina sending support from the west coast.

Crew onboard HMCS Fredericton all smiles after completing BALTOPS in the North Combat Systems Engineering Officer takes a bearing of the guide ship under the watchful Crew onboard HMCS Fredericton all smiles after completing Atlantic. eye of the Navigating Officer. BALTOPS in the North Atlantic. 10 • Lookout Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news July 27, 2020 NAVAL TECHNICAL OFFICER SEES BRIGHT FUTURE FOR WOMEN IN STEM ROLES The first woman to achieve the rank of “Understanding that nothing is perfect, way before her with other Captain (Navy) as a Naval Technical Officer we need to continually look at our policies, firsts within the RCN that in the (RCN) sees processes and postings, and continue to enabled her to attain her a bright future for those pursuing science, amend them to ensure equality,” she says. goals. technology, engineering and mathematics “Gender-Based Analysis Plus (a government She adds that (STEM) careers in the service. process by which a policy, program, ini- Commodore (Cmdre) “Technology will continually evolve, pro- tiative or service can be examined for its Josée Kurtz, who was viding never-ending opportunities for those impacts on various groups of women and her Executive Officer in STEM for years to come, particularly men) that is now integral to our policies is when she was a Head in the area of shipbuilding and in-service a great advancement in ensuring equality in of Department in HMCS support,” says Capt(N) Seana Routledge, all we do.” 8Ville de Québec and the Deputy Project Manager – Transition in A graduate in Computer Engineering first woman ever to com- the Canadian Surface Combatant Project from the Royal Military College in 2000, mand a Standing NATO Management Office. “We need innovators she says she is having a typical career for Maritime Group, inspired her as we move toward the future, and those in a naval engineer, changing jobs every 18 to pursue her unique goals. STEM can play a pivotal role in advancing months on average, and working in several “Her professionalism and work innovation in the RCN.” engineering organizations both on the East ethic were always an inspiration to Capt(N) Routledge believes that strong Coast and in Ottawa. The diverse postings me.” solutions can be developed when there is have given her a solid breadth of experi- In her current position, Capt(N) Capt(N) Seana Routledge, Deputy a diverse group of people around the table ence and an opportunity to demonstrate Routledge is responsible for leading the Project Manager – Transition in the collaboratively working on problems. her leadership potential to progress through development of an in-service support and Canadian Surface Combatant Project “We struggle both within government and the ranks. sustainment solution for the navy’s new Management Office. within the private sector to recruit women She is keenly aware that she is a role surface combatant, so that when the fleet is into STEM roles,” she says. “Without diver- model for women pursuing STEM careers built and ready for service, all of the support sity in our leadership and throughout our in the RCN, even if it’s not what she mechanisms such as infrastructure, training, or work for that matter, cause a shift in the organization, we can lose the opportu- expected. spare parts, maintenance equipment and balance. However, good communication, nity for innovative ideas that come from “I didn’t think I’d be the first woman in documentation are in place. support for each other and our professional having different opinions, perspectives and my trade to attain this rank, and I’m not “My goal is to develop the most effec- goals, sharing of the childcare load, and to experiences.” someone who enjoys the spotlight,” she says. tive solution possible within the available be honest, flexibility from my supervisors to She says that since the RCN wants to see “In addition, for much of my career I never resources, and to ensure that the RCN handle things at home when necessary, are more women in STEM leadership roles, it really considered myself a role model for and Director General Maritime Equipment our keys to success – and a good daycare, a needs to continue to focus on improving other women.” Program Management are well positioned dog walker and a house cleaner make all the how it gets women to join, encouraging That changed a few years ago, however, to be able to maintain these ships for many difference!” them throughout their careers, and pro- when a young naval lieutenant stopped her years to come,” she comments. “This is no She is also an avid runner and relaxes by viding them with equal opportunities to in the front entrance of her office building easy feat, but luckily I have a phenomenal hiking, reading, and listening to music. advance and develop in order to keep them. and congratulated her on her then promo- team that has already been working on this The future is sure to be exciting for those This requires the RCN to look at providing tion to Commander. complex problem. I am privileged to have interested in STEM careers in the RCN, flexibility in its careers paths so women can “She said something to me that always been given the opportunity to work with but Capt(N) Routledge says that with any pursue their professional and personal goals. stuck with me; that she was pleased to see them.” large organization there will be challenges. “If we can achieve this, then the RCN will more women promoted to that rank as it Capt(N) Routledge also has to balance However, she strongly believes that these be stronger, richer and more effective in was nice to have another woman to look up her busy career with raising a family. She challenges are worth pursuing and encour- accomplishing its mandate.” to and identify with. I realized that whether and her spouse, a Commodore, have a two- ages other women in STEM career paths to Capt(N) Routledge says she achieved her I wanted to be a role model or not, I actually year-old son. consider joining the RCN. current rank because of the many changes already was one.” “Some days we achieve the balance, and “I have had so many rewarding experi- that have already been made in the RCN Capt(N) Routledge is quick to pass some days we don’t. Sometimes we have to ences throughout my career that balance over the last 25 years to remove many of the credit for her success to other female Naval work evenings and weekends to stay on top out any of the challenging times, and they barriers for women. Technical Officers, who she says paved the of things when the pull of family obligations, keep me motivated to continue to progress.”

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A 2 0 P Residential and Comme Residential rcial Individual and storage Commely alarmed Arwcialar d storageloc winningkers , modern Easy Awa rmonthd winning facilityly rentals, modern facility S Individually alarmed Individual lockers ly Heatedalarmed Easy locmonth lockerskersl y r Easyentals Easy access monthly rentals Heated lockers Heated Easy access lockers Easy access F selfstorage.c a 1621 Island Highway, 250-478-8767 INIS H E R SPARTANRACE.CA selfstoragselfstore.c a age.c a 1621 Island 1621 Highw Islanday, Highw 250-478-8767ay, 250-478-8767 July 27, 2020 Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news Lookout • 11 Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag has found its home Elizabeth Sharpe, is that [the presence of the flag] military, you wouldn’t CFB Halifax Pa intern and other areas of the building expect to see a dedicated to Canada’s Indigenous Smudging Ceremony at A Mi’kmaq Grand Council flag Peoples, their artifacts and their a Change of Command has found its home inside the stories, will educate users of the Ceremony. Now, I have newly built Common Support facility and will welcome First been invited to conduct Training Facility (CSTF) at CFB Nations, Inuit and Metis People a Smudging at Changes Halifax. The flag was installed dur- into the military and this facility,” of Command and Indigenous community leaders Raymond Sewell (left) and CPO2 ing an intimate ceremony on June he adds. other events, it’s truly 19, 2020 – just two days before Two respected Indigenous com- remarkable.” (ret’d) Debbie Eisan hold the Mi’kmaq Grand Council Flag during Canadians recognized National munity leaders, CPO2 (ret’d) Cmdre Matt Bowen, a flag installation ceremony inside the Common Support Training Indigenous Peoples Day, a com- Debbie Eisan and Raymond Champion of the Facility at CFB Halifax on June 19. memoration marked annually on Sewell, led the flag installation Atlantic Defence June 21. The CSTF’s drill shed ceremony, accompanied by local Aboriginal Advisory bers participate in forums, meet- “Reconciliation is about people displays the Canadian flag, fol- CAF leadership. Sewell, an l’nu Group (ADAAG), was on hand for ings and discussion when oppor- working side by side, not in front lowed by each of the provincial from the Mi’kmaq commu- the flag installation ceremony. The tunities permit. Going forward, and behind, which is why we like and territorial flags in the order nity of Pabineau First Nation in ADAAG is dedicated to providing Cmdre Bowen is planning to focus to say reconcili-action instead. It that they joined Confederation, New Brunswick, works at Saint advice and insight to senior leader- the ADAAG efforts on addressing isn’t about what you say, it’s about and now the Mi’kmaq flag. Mary’s University in Halifax as ship on issues affecting the recruit- systemic racism, especially now in how you act,” she explains. “I wish This flag installation was both Indigenous Student Advisor and ment, retention, development and a time where the world is putting I could just snap my fingers and significant and symbolic, as CFB a religious studies lecturer. CPO2 promotion of Indigenous Peoples a magnifying glass on anti-Black have everyone understand, but I Halifax is located on Mi’kma’ki, (ret’d) Eisan is an Indigenous elder within the CAF and DND. and anti-Indigenous racism. know that’s not how it works. I the ancestral and unceded ter- and Royal Canadian Navy veteran, Cmdre Bowen believes that the “The biggest challenge we face am proud to be a part of National originally from Sault Ste. Marie in Mi’kmaq flag being permanently ritory of the Mi’kmaq people. is maintaining focus and atten- Defence and the CAF, and it’s Northern Ontario; she is Ojibway on display at the CSTF is sig- This territory is covered by the tion on the cultural shifts that great that the military is very open from the Batchewana First Nation. nificant in remembering the his- Treaties of Peace and Friendship are necessary to address systemic to this reconciliation.” It is important to note that torical relationship between the which Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqiyik racism,” he explains. “Humans can One crucial piece of this rec- Mi’kma’ki is not her territory, but CAF community and Indigenous (Maliseet) People first signed with have short attention spans, and onciliation is the continued effort the British Crown in 1725. The she is extremely grateful to have Peoples in Canada. there is always a new crisis or to learn more about Indigenous treaties did not deal with sur- been accepted by the Mi’kmaw “It’s important that the Defence tragedy to distract attention, but history, and CPO2 (ret’d) Eisan render of lands and resources but community in Halifax when she Community recognize the contri- overcoming racism, and promot- can recommend some excellent in fact recognized Mi’kmaq and was posted here during her mili- butions that Indigenous Peoples ing greater diversity and inclusiv- resources. “I just want people Wolastoqiyik (Maliseet) title and tary service. She is now an elder have made throughout the history ity, requires focused attention over to know that if they want to established the rules for what of the Indigenous community in of our organization, as that rela- a long period of time in order to learn more, they should drop by was to be an ongoing relation- Halifax, as well as the Community tionship goes back to the founding generate the fundamental cultural a Mi’kmaw Native Friendship ship between nations. LCdr Planner at the Mi’kmaw Native of our armed forces in service to changes Canadians want.” Centre – there are 126 in Canada Todd Harnish, Naval Fleet School Friendship Centre. Canada and beyond.” Cmdre Bowen will be hand- (Atlantic) (NFS(A)) Seamanship Since her retirement from the Before the COVID-19 pandemic ing over the role of ADAAG in all of the major cities. Anyone and Leadership Division military, CPO2 (ret’d) Eisan has altered the working arrangements Champion in the coming weeks, can take part in activities at the Commander, was grateful to be maintained her connection to the of many local Defence Team and leaves a clear vision for his Centres, such as blanket exercises present for the flag installation local CAF community through members, the ADAAG was work- successor. “My overarching goals or culture showcases and presen- ceremony, as his team is respon- various workshops and events at ing to promote CAF relationships have been to demonstrate that tations. Powwows are a great event sible for the seamanship training CFB Halifax – such as this flag with the local Indigenous com- the DND and CAF is an inclusive to learn about our traditions and that takes place within the walls installation – in which she par- munity in the lead-up to the (now and welcoming career option for customs, once they start up again. of the CSTF. ticipates as an Indigenous edu- postponed) 2020 North American Indigenous Peoples, encouraging We are very open to sharing our “With many personnel travel- cator, representative and healer. Indigenous Games (NAIG), them to join the organization and culture.” ling through this new facility for Through these engagements, she which were supposed to take add to its growing diversity.” Thank you, Debbie and their seamanship training, having has observed a notable improve- place this summer in Kjipuktuk For CPO2 (ret’d) Eisan, these Raymond for your continued par- the Mi’kmaq flag on display will ment in Indigenous relations since (Halifax), Millbrook First Nation, active efforts from the local ticipation in many CAF/DND be a reminder to our sailors of her time as an active CAF member. and Aldershot, Nova Scotia. Defence community to engage events, including this most recent the ongoing efforts of the Navy to “They are listening and under- Additionally, the group regularly with and learn from Indigenous flag raising ceremony, and for the maintain a strong relationship with standing, and they are understand- supports recruiting efforts and communities have been well leadership and education you con- Indigenous Peoples in the future,” ing what working together means,” engagement with local Indigenous received, and should most cer- tinue to provide to our members explains LCdr Harnish. “Our hope she explains. “When I joined the communities by having its mem- tainly continue. and local communities.

OCEAN_RA_SP18_10x4.indd 1 2018-06-27 2:57 PM 12 • Lookout Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news July 27, 2020

By Ryan Melanson, ing IT equipment from ship mand team lauded him for trident Staff to shore office, which will his work through the pan- allow his replacement to hit demic period, and said he When the Formation the ground running. helped ensure that St. John’s adopted its pandemic pos- For that hard work dur- leadership stayed in regular ture in mid-March, every- ing a difficult and stress- contact with the Fleet and NAVCOMM from HMCS St. John’s one was asked to do their ful period, MS Weston the ship’s company. part to ensure the RCN has been named the “MS Weston’s supe- maintained its readiness and Atlantic Fleet’s Sailor of rior technical knowledge named Sailor of the Quarter capability. For some, that the Quarter for Q2 2020. increased the operational meant staying home to help The award was presented effectiveness of St. John’s during this quarter. His limit the spread of COVID- to him by Cmdre Richard Feltham, Commander work ethic and positive atti- 19, but for others, like MS CANFLTLANT, and Fleet tude directly contributed to Robert Weston, it was quite Chief CPO1 Darcy Burd, mission success both at sea the opposite. during a small ceremony on and alongside, as well as As the Information June 26. enhancing the efforts and Systems Administrator “I didn’t even know I was morale of those around aboard HMCS St. John’s, nominated, so it was a com- him,” the nomination reads. MS Weston is responsible plete shock, but I’m happy MS Weston has been a for keeping the ship con- to be recognized,” he said member of HMCS St. John’s nected – he ensures net- following the presentation. since 2018, and while he’s works are up and running Along with his work to been credited for his strong and cell phones are working help facilitate the hull swap, leadership and inspiring the properly, among other tasks. he was also noted for a junior ranks, he says the “If a user has an IT prob- number of other achieve- team he works with have lem, they come to me, and I ments, including volunteer- also contributed a lot to his always do my absolute best ing to be the fleet-wide OPI successes. to rectify that problem,” he for verifying new commu- “They’re an amazing said. nication systems, mentor- group of people to work When St. John’s learned ing junior navigators during with, they’re quick with that the ship would be con- readiness training, and vol- a joke, slow to anger, and ducting a hull swap with unteering in his community always ready to do what HMCS Ville de on during his spare time. they need to do with little MS Robert Weston receives his Sailor of the Quarter certificate from shorter notice than usual, In nominating MS supervision. I’m grateful Cmdre Richard Feltham (left), Commander CANFLTLANT, and Fleet Chief he sprang to action, and Weston for the Sailor of the to have the section that I CPO1 Darcy Burd. Photo by Mona Ghiz, Marlant Pa put in long hours transition- Quarter award, his com- have.”

HMCS Winnipeg Honours and Awards Ceremony

Rear-Admiral (RAdm) Bob Auchterlonie, Commander and Chief Petty Officer 1st Class (CPO1) Tim Blonde, Formation Chief Petty Officer present honours and awards on July 13. Photos by leading seaman Valerie leClair, MarPaC imaging services

Acting Sub-Lieutenant Andrew Fors Sub-Lieutenant Andrew Fors is pro- Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Petty Officer 2nd Class Jonathan Lamb receives his commission and promo- moted to his current rank by RAdm Lamb is promoted to his current receives his Duties and Responsibilities tion from Lieutenant (Navy) Rowan Bob Auchterlonie, Lieutenant (Navy) rank by RAdm Bob Auchterlonie, of the Chief Petty Officer and Petty Wilson and RAdm Bob Auchterlonie. Rowan Wilson and CPO1 Blonde. Lieutenant (Navy) Rowan Wilson and Officer scroll. CPO1 Blonde.

Petty Officer 2nd Class Joshua Krohn Petty Officer 2nd Class Michael Forest Petty Officer 2nd Class Daniel Graham Lieutenant-Commander Amber receives his Duties and Responsibilities receives his Duties and Responsibilities with the Duties and Responsibilities Comisso receives her plaque for being of the Chief Petty Officer and Petty of the Chief Petty Officer and Petty of the Chief Petty Officer and Petty named one of the top 30 Women in Officer scroll. Officer scroll. Officer scroll. Defence by Esprit de Corp Magazine. July 27, 2020 Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news Lookout • 13 CANFLTPAC Honours and Awards Commodore Angus Topshee, Commander Maritime Fleet Pacific (CANFLTPAC) presented honours and awards on June 24. Photos by leading seaman Valerie leClair, MarPaC imaging services

PO2 Zarate receives the Special Service Medal - SLt Jackson is awarded the Canadian Forces’ SLt (then PO2) Plumb receives the Special Service Expedition for Operation Poseidon Cutlass 2017. Decoration with bar for 22 years of service. Medal - Expedition for Operation Projection 2017.

HMCS Chicoutimi PO2 Thouin is promoted to current rank by CPO2 Mallet, HMCS Chicoutimi, and LS Poulin is promoted to LCdr Classen. her current rank by Lt(N) Makow and LCdr Harlock.

MPU Esquimalt Promotions by Major Roland Russell, Commanding Officer of Military Police Unit Esquimalt on July 13.

Master Corporal Dominik Heine is promoted to his Master Corporal David Tran is promoted to his cur- Sargent Petar Katcharov is promoted to his current current rank by Major Russell and his father. rent rank. rank.

Captain (N) Jeffrey Watkins, Commander Sea Logistic Officer from Colleen O’Brien Naval Fleet School (Pacific) is promoted is promoted to his current to her current rank by Rear-Admiral Bob rank by Captain Auchterlonie, Commander (N) Sam Sader of Maritime Forces Pacific during the (MARPAC) and his wife promotion Lori Watkins during the ceremony at MARPAC Promotion Duntze Head Ceremony at Duntze Head July 14. on July 17. Photo by leading seaman sisi Xu, Photo by Leading MarPaC imaging services seaman sisi Xu, MARPAC Imaging services 14 • Lookout Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news July 27, 2020

HMCS Edmonton Change of Appointment Incoming Coxswain Petty Officer First Class (PO1) Clayton MacKay, CD, and Reviewing Officer Commander Jeffrey Hopkins, CD, Deputy Commander Canadian Fleet Pacific complete the sign- ing of the Change of Appointment certificate during the Change of Appointment Ceremony for incoming Coxswain PO1 Clayton MacKay, CD, onboard HMCS Edmonton, Y Jetty Her Majesties Dockyard Esquimalt, on July 20. Photo by leading seaman Victoria ioganov, MarPaC imaging services

Naval Training System The Naval Training System recently produced three graduates of the Bosun course (BOSN RQCPO2) at Naval Fleet School (Pacific) - Seamanship Division who received certificates from LCdr Chris Maier, Deputy Commandant NFS(P), while observing physical distancing protocols, on July 13. Photos by leading seaman Brendan Gibson, MarPaC imaging services

Lieutenant Commander (LCdr) Christopher Maier, Lieutenant Commander (LCdr) Christopher Maier, Lieutenant Commander (LCdr) Christopher Maier, presents Petty Officer First Class Shawn Beckett presents Petty Officer First Class Ley Ireland with presents Petty Officer First Class Ryan Hart with the with the certificate of completion for the RQCPO2 the certificate of completion for the RQCPO2 certificate of completion for the RQCPO2 course. course. course.

Naval Fleet School Pacific Promotions Presented by Cdr Annick Fortin, Commander Naval Fleet School (Pacific).

Master Corporal Girard is promoted to his current MS Colombe is promoted to his current rank. PO2 Clark is promoted to his current rank. rank.

PO2 Sebulsky is promoted to his current rank. CPO2 Ford is promoted to his current rank. PO1 Fortin is promoted to his current rank. July 27, 2020 Canadian Military’s trusted news sourCe • CeleBratinG 76 years ProVidinG rCn news Lookout CLASSIFIEDS • 15 &Real Estate

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Large, private SW facing • A six-month mortgage protection plan, paid by us backyard, basement suite potential, walking • Instant pre-approvals • A one-year home system warranty TWO BEDROOM HOUSE FOR RENT distance to CFB Esquimalt, Near uptown shopping centre, completely renovated; new parks, rec center $979,900. SPECIAL DND OFFERS AVAILABLE. CALL TODAY! appliances plus washer, dryer, and gas fireplace, no pets , it is For more info call Use the "Support Our Troops" Promo code for a .10 rate cashback available for September 1St : 1725 dollars per month, call john 6 FT 250-380-3020. on your approved rate. OAC. 250-885-1652 1.800.991.7993 • MORTGAGEFORCES.CA 16 • Lookout Canadian Military’s Trusted News Source • CELEBRATING 76 YEARS PROVIDING RCN NEWS July 27, 2020

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