PRENTICE HALL, INC. 2007-2008 PRENTICE HALL GUIDE TO FINANCE FACULTY Compiled by James R. Hasselback Mary Ball Washington Eminent Scholar University of West Floida 11000 University Pkwy Pensacola, Florida 32514 email:
[email protected] 850-894-2244 Phone/Recorder/Fax This is the eighth FINANCE FACULTY DIRECTORY. It is published by Prentice Hall, Inc. The Directory includes a listing of the Dean, Department Chairperson, and full-time Finance Faculty from over 800 schools. It is compiled from information provided by the respective schools. Typically at least three requests were sent to any school not responding. Only that information received by July 15, 2007, is included in the Directory. Some missing information was filled in from other sources. The Directory covers the academic year 2007-2008. United States schools are followed by Canadian and then other foreign schools in the school listing. The first line for each school includes the area code followed by the department fax number. The years in the right-hand column are the AACSB Bachelors and Masters accreditation dates. The school's e-mail address is included in the second line followed by the programs and degrees offered by the school. The third line includes the department phone number, street address, and department secretary/administrative assistant. The columns are as follows: Name Rank School-Phone E-Mail Teaching Research Degree Start $ next to a Dean or Chairman indicates "Acting" & represents a CFA * represents a CFP For the Chairman, the title and rank are: C Chairman D Director H Head Pr Professor Ac Associate As Assistant The electronic-mail column includes the individual's address.