ChilOut Newsletter – September Edition

Dear Supporter,

The August statistics for detention have just been released again showing no drop in the 49 children in the detention centre on Nauru. This is despite the fact that some asylum seekers have been there for over 3 years. Over 24% have been held for 730 days or more.

According to the Hon. Minister Charmaine Scotty, Head of Delegation of Nauru at the a total of 173 refugee and asylum seeker children are on Nauru (including children in the community). We know from countless reports and inquiries that none – whether inside or outside detention – are safe on Nauru.

Also we cannot forget about the men on Manus Island. This includes several who have been held so long they are now adults.

We call on the government to #CloseTheCamps and #BringThemHere.

Australia on the International Platform This month political leaders and civil society representatives signed the New York Declaration on Refugees and Migrants at the UN Summit on Migrants and Refugees. All 193 member states (including ) committed to working towards ending child detention. Let’s make sure they stick to their word! Share, like, and sign our petition to show your support. It was, however, disappointing to see put forward Australia’s border protection policies as a model for other countries to follow. We hope that other governments realise that Australia’s hard-line border policies come at a tremendous cost to human life. The Refugee Council of Australia (RCOA) have condemned this statement and noted that our government tends to ignore the 'elephant in the room in the form of our offshore detention system'.

This plea to the UN from a refugee held on Nauru shows why we must end long term detention.

Children held on Nauru are Australia's responsibility A 2015 UNICEF review of child protection in Nauru in 2015 noted that more had to be done to protect refugee and asylum seeker children. Last week before the United Nations a delegate from Nauru stated that the newly created Child Protection Unit was only for 'national purposes and did not concern refugee and asylum seeker children'. The delegate stated, 'The latter were looked after by the Australian government.' Countless inquiries and reports have found clearly children are not being protected by the Australian government.

ChilOut's Youth Ambassador Report

This month our Youth Ambassadors have spoken at a school, on a panel, held a stall at the Youth Humanitarian Festival and held workshops at the Law Society's Young Lawyers event. Check out their page. To read more about our Ambassadors or to book an Ambassador to speak, visit our website.

Latest news Australian Commission released its “Pathways To Protection” report – A comprehensive report exploring rights-based alternatives to third country processing in Nauru and Papua New Guinea.

In response to #PathwaysToProtection and in support of Professor Gillian Triggs, ChilOut called on Malcolm Turnbull to explore the alternatives to detention. Read our press release here.

Connect Settlement Services (CSS) is the latest in a long line of contractors to pull out of Nauru. (Ferrovial leaves in October 2017, Wilson has also announced this month that it will not tender again.) CSS has 'consistently raised concerns about insufficient mental healthcare and child protection services on the island'. Read more here.

The UNICEF True Cost of Australia's Refugee Policies report has revealed that holding someone in detention costs taxpayers $400,000 a year. Ending ‘open detention’ on Manus Island and Nauru could save Australia $2 billion by 2020.

A National Audit Office Report report finds ‘serious and persistent deficiencies’ in the Immigration Department’s management of contracts.

A former WorkSafe Victoria prosecuting solicitor in this article shows there may be apparent criminal offences being committed against Australian workplace law.

Get Involved! Join a Welcome to Australia Walk near you! No matter where we're from, how we got here or why we've made Australia home – we now share our future – so let's #walktogether.

'Cast from the Storm' is a must-see powerful and uplifting film following students with refugee backgrounds who share their journeys through the inspirational Treehouse Theatre program.

Public Education Foundation’s Friends of Zainab Scholarships support students with refugee backgrounds through their High School Certificate and their first two years of university. Download ChilOut's Printable Posters for demonstrations or other events. Take a photo with the posters, share on social media and show your support! And don’t forget ChilOut has a new website! Check it out here.

Thank you everyone for your ongoing support!

This month we had a very special donation from 12-year-old Rosie. She spent her weekend making cards and bookmarks to raise money for ChilOut. We are blown away by her generosity and her compassion!

Please donate to ChilOut here. All donations over $2 are tax deductible and any contribution small or large helps!