on the name whieh 1 baar, the twuse I represent and llfla 1 prufass to live. MALAKIAL PKVEK It ia therefore vital to me ta know what Jraus wunld 4n. U It not au TWO MU ROUTTS WAa maBroiniiMi.K mmi tmk nul - with yon? ESSIE BOUIID OVER ON DIM IMIV*n IIKATM. Now, if they are rifbt, Jaaaa woald | daner and play, for ha often daivd to • Itas Bees Ikld for Triil ia Bk dt* rlpht even In the tnee of chnreb i Free Mail for Farawn oa Near- Of 'Waller Arrhar, the jrtMiiip aol* rulea. a strlkinir example of which isj dlar of Duplain whti reeantly clied. a CifciiH Coart. reoordetl in I.ukr 13:10-17. Hti I knttw ' ly All Sidoi. friand wiitaa: that the law of tba ehureh nor the “He waa tbe youoireat of a family t-uneenans of t’hriaiinn opinion, or even of saven ebildfuo, a father and moth­ tht* «»piniun uf the community would ; TWO MEN APPOINTED er's pride and joy and the favorite uf nut keep him from the danee amt the i the family, loved and eateenied by all A SHORT EXAMINATION The Opinions Of St. Johns Pastors On card table if they ware ri|rht, and tbe he came In contact with. Though fart that stMnrtimea “sneh a stir is younir In years he enliated in his raisetl ” airninat such thinM wtuibl Ow Will Travd O m country ’s onaae in Ctimpany C, IWtli ia tbe Saa of SI These Amusements. ntit mtm- li^ in the least. Tie wtutld Keirnlar Infantiy at Hetrnit. May .1U. Whkb SiM CmM Na( Socara. submit U> Im* cmcHled before be would I mat, from wiwnae ht* went to southern yield Ui such pri sa nrr. diseuasion or camps and later to Hoboc . l*ortii Hleo. opinion if the ibinee anti cards were wheiv he coatracdeil malarial fever, from the effhets of whieli he never Hoes Not Appeor to Cooprebcafl riirht and neeeaaary to tbe Inrfrer life. ParoKn m die New Uses are WfWy Rev. Laufman Openly Denounces Them.-----Rev. Binkhorst Takes a Stand I.ikewise. if they were wnmif, he fully reouvered, the diseaae Anally re- Eaonalty of tbe Cbaifc. would nut ilu them even if “all the JflblUat ofcr tbe Pact. suitinp in his death, after a lunir, he­ Afl^ainst Them.-----Rev. Ewing Says It Is What Is In The nice younir people in nnr town dance roic struffiric. Thtiuph a private his and play cards. ’’ And let u* stand sufferinifs were borne with a sririt Kaaie Williams Fehr, the womaa Heart Back Of The Amusement. with him titere. Iletween March l.% and the flrat of that nwrked tbe true suldier. Ity his charpmi with siuMitinp her bustiand. liatnes. —He would daeide that many .\pril is the time set fur the Unit trips asaueiates Waiter was rcyartietl 'with was taken from the ixiunty jail to the iraines are all riirht. then* iieinir nti on the two new rural daliverj* mutes respect ami admiration for his mihle jutipe’s ofliae in the murt htiuae Satur­ luimi fnmi them Ui the players oi Ui i-stahlishrtl durinir the past week Ui character ami habit* as was attestetl day murninp last, where she waa to thtisf influencetl hy tliem hut much run out tif St. Johns. InspecUir Ham­ hy the many beautiful floral tributes have iMN-n examinetl liefore .liistiee Thf h^rnumi* nctirrr«l in by Urr. Itinkiiorat. ami Uct Kwinir liHtkK at the matter in i other iNiys in the street* of Nazareth. tions. was t»f the opinion that the listad in “hiirher ranks’’ and his pres- waive examination. an entirely ilifferenl ll»fht. tbitllnei* of the three nertiwni. follow: He was fouati onee at a party anti ftirroer tlate would hit the mark, hut enar will hr misseti hy all. and a va- The younp woman, wlm is a very tuuicy that mit even time can till has helpeti the hiMt entertain. .Httme I'tMtmaster llrunsun think* that alMuit sllpht Hpun- and verj- pirliali l«M>kinp ehureh memlM-rs ofhis«ia> found much the Hrst of .\pril will alsiut strike it. Imwo left in the hearts ami home of in ap|M-aranoe. did mit xeem at all Rev. Arie Binkhorst. fault with him liecaiuu- he and his The carriers liave already Isten ap- the dear ones left Ui mourn his de ­ nervous ami was apparently as in- disriples hatl such jovial times. Hut |Miinte«l ami will be ready for duty parture. ’’ clifTerent Iti the proGXM*dinpN as anyoae Rey. Illnkhorat*8 i*ermon wa^ i>f tif* minut*- precision we may tell how the hell of destruction U> many brothers; he wtiuld n«it play iramnn of chance. whenever wtinl romes from Waahinir- in tht* rmim. Advert lssd l.stlers. ty minuUM. ’ duration. heavenly hosts of suns and planets and sisters of this race of ours, and i .\nti he would nut liecaum* irames of ttin. .\rehie \V. Chant lias lieen ifiven .lustit-e Marshall fleeiile«i tti hold the “In npeakinir t«» th«NM‘ wh«» hare re* sweep throuirh the heavens even we by indulirinir in theae amusements i chants- are iramhlinir. anti the tlemtir- the stiuthwest route and Oeorire A. .Mis* Mammis Allen, Mr. Ilevs, woman Ui the circuit wmrt for trial in aantly hainditi«in. it is' (larent tti lie disputed. Our statute northeast. nie Havia, Mattie Hidama, Daisy look as If the pristiner would he able that the hifrht'at ami mibleat motirea irame of iwnis has destroyed skill and not diftieiilt tti lieliert* what .leans | laws settle that <|ut*atiun. Now I am The roiiU* tti the northeast runs from Kvans, .Miss Kma Fosbis, W. Faucett. tti raiiM* the amount of the laind. aa for t'hriNtian Kenriw ahouhl impel judirmeiit mon- frei|uently than it Ims would ilti. As Nome ont* has saiti in i nut No sure tliat he would make the St. .Iohns tti Ihirkee’a (turners, thence •Mrs. Frank Onile, Wm. Haaletuu, she was unable to timi anyone who them deveitipr*! them. If you wish U» de ­ rcfrard tti wine, twrds anti dancinir, I distinction that many of my friends a half mile mirth, thence one mile eaat \Vm. tfuinirtey, Lula Shaw, L. A. would stantl for her appearance when niiK*niiaiti(f. therefore, the* cant table velop skill and jud|rtnent. then- are "Total alatinenee is far safer than' claim to see. that iramblinir is all thence half mile north, thence one mile .Salisbury, .Mr. Horaci* .Shepard. the amount aakt*«l was hut 01.unn. She and ttie ilanee, we ahall try* to point plentj' of other iraines. lass riaky. hy temneramv. ” At least the present | riirht if praetlceti hy reflnetl Christian is still in the. Woman ’s section at the ont the

■XPBMOirUI WA1 IM P«»INS Butagmis wuSsrlBud Ansa ns. ana in »’y- 7748 4V lOFFICIAL) Coaianm Cuaaall Kaom. Ht Jobas. Nervotis Spellsy Mlah., Kab. M, IkOO. Kajptiar adjoitmad maatlnir. 1 UlOOl Cailad to order by Vice l*raaldaat suna 4a Hpauldiair. - nail of blood llio hnd, I*rrarnt, Tmataen Klldaw. Hunt, itMaa 4a King. Kiehardaun, .Spaulding ami 75 00 to Total ...... -jaassas f, km of oppolito, olooplon poor TrtNap. Minutes of prariuus maeting read MBwnn. nmn lo oo lomdir so aim aod nii m Oil and approred. lasoo The cuinmitter to whom waa rafar- paM trom thin...... 805 OO Ftom tha vary fan don tto onnthtf and quioting toto red tbe nuUtar of adjusting the funds Thtal...... vao OO on treasurer's bcuk made their leport yswim cm bo ML Nothing in tho poto hn enr oqnlod it in powor od * (tai UMHion, tbe report waa reeeired SOOOO HinHWAY. imiuMvig upmohnodnarTe ttomMOODdghringotnnglhtotfaotirBdbo^ir* and ordered placed on flle. as oo Bnins er la Highway KssAn April taoo A mrnA Mm *• I The ttimmitter on finance Mulmitted 34 iNW------ivov as The mory ouH nsc liho boo wolkoil the floor at night with throbbing **W ’«i Moms tMl d* aun tar aiBB* the following report: Tax Roll ______...... ______1405 08 oao 1 4ai 10 tompke and bursting brain, will And raotfnl alMp md swoot rapooa, md fldn* ’— bagaa tba old daacoa The Kiruuiee ('oounittee would re­ PoM Tax»—...__ ...... 300 OO spectfully report that we have exam­ Hrtstl J. W. Knnaay mpalrtao walhs„... 187 OS **Oat warn't Moaaa.** Intarjaetad a *joo ao PrMsssest Tax Osssty Tr.....* .. 40 Vt ■woks otKong and rsfwho d. Dr. Mtiss* NTiue ■asmhss out tho feaoUiar la the amao coraad; ‘*dat wva ined the a«»ount of the clerk and Hnd tltat all moneys coming into his hands Ntutlosery...... so 4S Total ______....______8760 H4 loabnar tlMg nag bohidondg imilhwnnow lifesndTigon have been correctly turned over t4i the UUnsUos ...... 741 M Luaa tor lllgham Ht Ha war Fsad 270 OO **Bb 1 Mid.** coatlnuad tba ilieon. treasurer. We have also examined ...... S4 OO Higham Ht. Hawee KoM ___ ...... 344 OO *Vaii Joatana tall da aao** — the acconnt of the treasurer and And BhetloB rspMMua ------104 SO Total...... 5tVO(» IstarMt Mawar llosUa 1 437 OO **I aaad to aaflar from tatrlblo attsshs of narross and ■ielE haartacihs at laato **Yoli didn’t mj dat at alir aald tba that the orders paid agree with the i.oaa tor ilaklaad H«. Hewer fnsd ISO iM> tootbar wbo bad corractad him. ’’Bit stubs anti the treasurer's hook, and Bond imd Intermt...... 3 oas 70 4 SWi VS ones a wvak, and It ssemed that mj hand would apUtopvn. Ibaeamaaowaak Uiattba HIHilWAT FIIMD. Uaktoad Ht. Hewer Roll ______5V5 (Ml W ma dat aald bit! Hit wua om dat dnti the account sg reen with the treas­ laast Ticltenivnt would onatrtnf my aanrea aad 1 would taatrv mb* wtaea It ■■smad Kvfaslra us atmnta, Total ______...... _____ ...... 743 OO tack ]rob op to bltr* urer's report herruutti attached. olnlroa mmI walSa. ... 1 400 5S I.oaa for Htate Ht. Hewer Fsad;.. ISOOO Impossible to get mf breatn. I had tu gitre up my mllUoery taMiatSi aad was oa tiw Tba daacon ’a patlaoea waa ezbanat- We also submit a detailetl statement from the clerk of receipts and expen- I'ersian't lBiprtiva4n*t *JOU 42 Htate Ht. Hewer Roll ...... 845 (Ml vary Terga of tba grave wbaa I board at Dr. MUaT Narriae aad bagaa taking It. ad. Ha foldad bla braaa limmad apae- ! iliturrs for the year entiing February ClMkBlns airveta usd Total ...... 4V5 OO The vary gist algbt 1 waa able to slasp •ooadly aad the aast day I fait UkeadUtai^ toelaa. laid tbam carafolly on tba tabla ' iw. I MSI. * rronawnlka...... 4MV 70 KXPRNDITIIRRH ant peinoo. 1 oontlaaad taking tbe lamedy and now 1 attaod to my rnatnmm lafore blm. walked orar to tbe aman Koed Msclilna. ______ISO (Ml '*• SfAi.rniXfi. aMvar. took tba objactlna brotbar by n«»w______15 OO 2 340 70 Heaeral toad ...... S880W 37 without nay headaoha or naraonsnwi * Moa. W. U Buns, Beflor Bprlaos, HIn ^ Kit'll A KIMMIX. Hkrbway toad...... 3838 38 both arms from bablod and. witb tba rr J. n . h'll.IlKU. KXl'C.NIIITirKKS. Hewer toad...... • H50 OO I’ommitte**. aw lab of a cyclooe. awapt blm forward Mtsrxt.i.aMCoi'n. Dr. bal. 4.34.VV...... 184V 57 31UV 57 taward tba door, laodlnc blm prsdpl- Htad Hqnsre...... 1 OO Rlertrtr toad...... 10503 09 .\all<*sslTt4e|ikoseCu. SOU taialy in outer darkneaa ri.FItK’H KKPOKT. FKIIKI'AIIY 'ill. lUOo. Hr. bal. 4-34-W____ 18501 14 34004 38 **Bb 1 WHS aayln fob dla llttla lad* HnndrMi...... 1 40 ISO** Am'l. US Itssd Water toad ...... lonao -20 4ant oec ai ra d.* ’ ba contlnoed. ”w*ao HiNtnldlBS a Co _____ 5 42 Ilaklaa*! ntreel aewer toml...... NlO0«i Fell. lU. ‘1H«...... $ a J44 lU Dunn A BnlMillne...... a rT«» ...... 20S0O Mnetlasr ...... 40 rrvord*. and puliliiihelte Co O (NI eil. Mrtb. If tbe ends cling togetbar. It la ia«|utosrapba<*f Plant 4 ou Yeaa. Fiidtm. Hunt. King. Kich- ttodency to curl shows Inberent graea t'eiunay Trewiirer, l.ail»»r. Ileynitlda..... 4 ho ardaon. Spaulding. Tronip. and a poatlc nature. •IHIn. Tni ...... l.nh0 IHsham Hi. newer. 57 40 ‘J.5M 40 Y<*aa. Fildew. Hunt. King, Uieh- **toucby ” Its owner. Brown balr be­ AUX- H. '* 15 INI ardmiti, Spaulding. Tromp. KXI'F.NDITt’KFX. Spring of 1900. longs to blm wbo has common sense, A uk . It* .50 (M* Nay. o. good Judgment and reason In blgb de­ IM .H. •• 15 INI Hnrreylns I•akl4a Flu*, mourv. Yeoa. Fildetv. Hunt. King. Kirh- £are invited .ind expected to be present. Pupils from Price and St. Johns. Principal (ieo. J. Smith at lanil HI. newer ...... 18 .50 Kr»u« INI Htate Ht. iwwer...... I U«*wi|rtHi, That M. .\. KnitTin. Crirh ifintrart oak- Jnn. U. Kailr of old Iron 1 Xii I Thomaa llutler and Imhi. .s«Hitt In* and will be held as follows: The papers of the subjects given out during the I VI*. 7. Heni I Ir^mrn ** lanil and Hinie Hi. I an- hervhy appointtni inMji«*«*l«ir-\^ of forenoon .ire to be marked by teachers appointed by 1MI.5 INI Fowler, MondAy, - - FebruAry 26. Hull ...... 2 .50 1**4 .*•• newer ...... election in pre«-iiiet N»i. 1. 45 •Ml the examiners. \mii.aamrnt lt«>ll. Il«>li. H, K Walbrtdse ...... Carrie*!. Dl. Mil I. KM. Hprlnkllns 5 *N* Eureka, Tuesday, - FebruAry 27. All standings will he m.iiled to the teachers, and rrni Fiinatik DeWitt, Saturday, - - March 3. Mat*-HI aawrr .:(45 •Ml Perman'nt runnlrnrl each examiner. (>alili»n l«»n ...... 4 I SO 2.5 • if Thairnvilit-. Mhi**. hail Ihh-ii rtiliiNHl Iflxhani .“I •• 2**7 ini Interent ...... rt •MMI «Ni 12 5h2 .5*1 ttf health by n M*ri*>u» lung tr**iil*lt* Wacousta, Saturday, - * March 3. Pupils to provide themselves w ith pens, ink and • 'aahlritm <*rn«>ral Fund ' ri.i:*-. ne 1*1. AVT. until he tri«Hl Hr. King'> N«-w Hiae***- pencils for use .it the examination. toH«.u.r Fund. .... :iini (ni llunnins e,l*ennen 4 H.5.5 57 ery fi»r C*»iu,uniptl*in. Then he wr*»te. Prke, Saturday, - - - March 10. Te.ichers should keep in mind that their instruc ­ • It in tin- I*e«t in«*«iU-ini- I **v**r iimiI lllIU I'fiTnliN-..... ‘J7.5 'N* I >**;7 i it ' Inlrrent ...... 1 7.51 INI Kx.imlii.itlons to commence .it H:|o o ’clock a. m. tion and training will show at the examination. Permatl'ni * iii»nlru< !• f*ir a M-v*>n- e*i|*l nr a l•M•i cnM- nf lung llidr'ni find Fountain*. Otherexaminationswill be tiled.provided sufficient rrntal 4 ISI* ih* Inn ...... 4 H*;7 «Ni 11 i7J .5 tn*ul>l*- I altvay*. ke*-p a ImiIII*- nii Pupils should be so prepared that they will nut need Crt^al*- I ohMUliirr* . 4 44 J 74 •• 74 HI reel llsbtins..... 1 *112 'JO han«l." iNiii't .,«i(Ter with i nugliH. pupiK will .ittriid to make it an object. Teachen personal attention. Htiwi l.lxbliUK I ••4'.' *Ji) Ilrdrani aii*l F«*un I (liiia. nr aiij Tlirnal. i he**t oat Mieh Commissioner of Schools. sumption. nianallus. O' a I r r Till- Natinnal .Xfrii-an KiiiieMtiniial lit: IlK IN HT. .lillINK. Fuinl ...... I'ninll I*. i‘nn*>ideniig lh«- enlNliii^li Bsndaging Order N*>. IHO itui int'lll nf n en||«*ge Ml (•raiid IIhv *-!! In and bundling ■tandlas. IHIshway (••lueaH* y**ung e«ii<*re«l |M.«ipi** in ltu*>i' at STEEL HOTEL on your throat Fund ...... :i 4.5 ne^ iviiime.. ami iiH*«*hanieal artN Th*- Ih-rrin .*'prlng> water fN*wer will do no (ir*ler Nil I2H «ial. inu«lillt- ha*. g«**-*> int** th** •-••nrl*. f*ir .tandlns IHsbway .\ h<*nM-hni«l n«-ecM«ity -Hr. Thi*ma*>' Hettlemeiil IT IS NOT TOO LATE good. Fuml...... 75 l-A*lc**trie oil. HeoU hnrtiK. *-uta. The Miehigan lio*. aoMH-iatiiin in Thursday, March 1st You must give llalaarr In Trea.nry .50*.i *.ni wnutui. «if any M*r1 : cur***. M*r,* thmot. M. M« HO.XAI.H. emup. catarrh, oatlima: never faiU. | <.«*Mif*ti Ml HetrtiH inaile «iilM*.tahliali M gas engin**ering •M'holar- ONE DAT EACH MONTH. Ofllce lungs rest and M Hliani Ncim*. nf Cnidn-nter, ia un ­ nliip Ml th*- rniveralty of Mii-higan. To jjet a .Moticl Crown Rxin^c. \Vc want you to huve Honrs from 9 a. m. to 7 p. m. allow the cough der arreat chMrg*'*l with the denertinn I'reniilt*nt H. H. NN aihriilgt* iif the Kal-1 one. We believe you will want one fitter lookitij;: them wounds to heal. IIWAPITCI.ATilts OF RKI'ORT FKII IV. •tf an infmni child ttf a young girl. aituuMM* gna <<«Hnpany gav** 8 Iihi I!MM>. The infant woe left *»n a thairaiep VICK FUKK. ing so bad for a IMabnrammta .502 «N* DO TOO GET DP cough aa cough ­ .f 48 IN* So*- Brette—Yon a — that Rlrl over In tbe wings? Mbe procnlastl her fstber ilahlaiMl .treel ‘.wer, Reealpta ...... $ 743 iMi WITH A LAME BACK? ing. Scop H by sbe'il never Im* ao srtrenn. Dr. ncDONALD uaing Ik Hlabnrammia HliiiMi -V HM •Ht Foote I.lghte—MVII. nbe's kept her KMaey Traalile Hakes Tan nscrsMe. ward. liAsn't she?—Yuokers Btaiesnuui. Hperlailatn In Htate atiTOl M»we.. lUrvIpta ...... f 495 (Ml Tie Hiiiii'c is PiisitivHv tlie h\ Miife the treat meal id all chmalr lihMUMax. ilia lHahnr.m.ata .. 498 IN| Almost rbodv who raodx the nswe- exteaalre prarllre aatl nnpenur kmtwIiHlsr Hrwnwerlty. pspsrx Is to know of tho wondse fvl aeahia blm (•• rare ererv enraMe dleea*r. All Water toiHl. RwHpta ...... 813.587 77 corss made by Dr. ehr«*ntr dieraam III the Itmln Hptar, .Xervea. y ..r‘i ai'MHt. Hkin. Heart. I.nase. IJver, Htatmarb. IHabat.m.nt. .. Hman *2«* Ktknor ’s ^vamp^eot. KMneva, aad lOiwbta, a leatlSrally aad nnr- 8 Tfli 57 ths grast ktdnsjr, Hvsr It i« mfitie Ironi all new iron; every cuMtiiij; wnrrnntcd eannlnllir treated. sad blAddsr rstn^y. Im M< iNtnai.ii'n aurreaa In tbe Irralmeat ilenentl tan*'. Iteretpt...... 88-1HM4 HI xijininst fire craeks; it in convenient: suvea fuel; liHbrete*t Itlmid Even the cough of eariy ectootlftc reaaarch ky Do yon wnnt nny more reaMonM? Yon can fintl them aent»ld rnrea *lia 3838 *.» dsr apsotolfoi. aad Is wagons. Salesroom on Clinton .-\ve.. near Kailroatl street, aad Xervone blneeaea licnasi a aad all HkIn ditenae it flraly fixed, 8 1448*11 wo ndstfuHy nocstofsl in promptly curtiif lams bask, kldnsy, bladd er, uric s^ trou- Ha. Mrliovai.t* ban twea eallet tbe Wlaard you con bring rest and airrtrir totKl, TWHpt. 833885 MA east side. el tbe Medhel Pmhawi ua toewnee be read, comfort in every cose. V4«MU 88 Mee and Bright's Dlaaaae. whteh to ths worst all dh tnarii at a staar*. wltb«*nt aaklas aa* -8 t4«N« ^ farm of kldnsy tronbto. aeeathHM* Hlek f*dk. rail oa Hr Mellnaale. A 25 cent bottle will Dr. KHmaro Swaai^»lfoat to not ros- ft la a plaaanre i«* meet blm Hr MrDoaak) Pavement toml. Heevtpt...... 8 o mmsndsrl for sverv thtng but If you hsvs kld­ ■svir taree the m^or from hb* *l«M.r. cure new coughs end Ht. bnram —ta 71 77 OtXHPl.TATIHb FBRK. colds; the 80 cent size it nsy, Mvsr or hladdsr troubto It wUI bs fesnd 'nkeoe unable to eell ree aAdmaa -a tlTf just ths rsmsdy you nssd. It h— boon testsd better for nettled coughs Rato, ' to tre—nrv . 479 9» In so many ways, in hespRsl work, in prtvsto A. H. CUSHING, Gen. Supt DR. D. A. MCDONALD, of bronchitis end week pmettes. Among ths hslpisastoo pear to par- TUB avaiXAMBT, lungs; the one doller size RBPtiRT OF VII.I.AOR TRFJtHl'RRR FBN. ohnas rsHsf and has prevsd so sneosMful la Welltairtnu Flutv. (imml Rapkla MMi. It more economical for nCAHV 19. 1900. svsry oass that a laootol arrangsmant has CIFFICe AT Ttie STCei., 9T. JOttNS, MICH. bssn mads by widen all rsndsrs^thtopapsr chronic cnees end con ­ aarRi PTw-oRsaNA u vdto haws not slisndy tvtod R. may hsvs a sumption. It's the size . Hotonee la Sooortol tooH April aampis bsitto amt trm by mall, siss a bosk 34. 1099 ______...... ----- 818185 74 isUliig mere sbsst Swa mp-Rost snd hsw to you should keep on hand. Tox —a ------17571 87 •• All tomIMaa mn»t to bs so Urn Tn KI OW vf jroV MlwwRMRtoj Ov TTOVOIRn W EULS. wnmb toi inSAno sMonSs of rraop Ltonor N norva. ‘'•••oty Tr laaa T.5 IMIooo —t toxea, Cnnntr Tv.------Mi SS Whsn wrtHngin— Ran rssdkif thtogsnsrsss nr —stotBsali ■■bfi. Btrvy nan — oKm In ddapapsrai PIrat Oam TUOULAII WUIS maic ^ hM— to t— InaS stomM b—o ‘flaw's tMMlne—T" EDisoirs hVMMMni Cawri I Itontovnlnssstsstlf — bnos KHwn b«0 sand jrssr ssinob lo, 1 jg nmi At THE ST. JOHNS NEWS, THUSSDAT AFTERNOON, BIARCH 1, 1900.

CLINTON COUNTY. MAPLE RAPIDS. eOVEilOR OF OREGOR EUREKA. Miaa Bkuiehe Butlwr wna on tbeaiek lUt durinir the pnat wnnk. Mra. C. J. Uennia ia ao mewhat bet­ Lewn Wriaht haa gomr to Dairoit Uses Pe-ni*na in His Family ter. where hr will viait fur auane time. Mra. Mattie llinkley apent laat week Nothinir la left aiandinK of the old For Colds and Grip. at her Iniaae here. Conirrrir*tiunal ehurah hut the walla. oppobtoiitO Mra. N. J. Turner ia not aa well aa .Miaa Flora Burnett made a viaitinir refK>rtene Ui .Mancelona will laat from her children at I.udinirton. j when* he has ar«*«pte. In a recent let* •hould lie nupplled with thia (treat reito* on Satunlav and SniMlav. March in ami' Married. Fehruarx* 31, 1WN», by llev. We haye simply sliced off a quarter of the price on practically the whole stock. ^ ter to Ur. Ilariman he »av«: edy for t‘oueh«, oolda and ao forth. 11. K. Mutlirt*. Verne A. Walker to .Miaa MT KTK ok < IKKOON. It will lie noticed that the ttov^emor The l.mliea' t'hriatiaii .\id .SiK-iety! Lulu Ueeh. lM»th of Beniral, (Tintim Kxki M’tivk Ukkaiitmkxt , aara he haa not haii oi*<*aaion to nae Pe* ' will meet with tira. Florenn- llenrt* i ('ounty, Mich. Salkm , .Mavn, iwe. nwiia for other ailmeiita. The reaaoii j on Weiiiieaday fon-niMin, .March 7. A B. W. Hewitt attendeil the atwaion The l’e-ru-na.\liHlU-ine('o.,('olutnlma.o.: ' for thia ia. nuiat other ailmmta liepin imidial invitation ia extemiein(t I’e-m-fia to pr»»mpt* .Marrie-ru na ia theonly u;iMe -hould provide theinaelvea with actipy All Gloves and flittens. ^ i Sprinifa Mr. StelT«»y waa a reaident Uev. W. Taylor, of Ithaca, has lieen luto an'e.^ttard kmovii. A I'olil ia th<‘be- of Ur. Ilartmaira free Uiok, enlitleri i of Itreeiiliuah for a few yi-ara. He re- aasistinK llev. .\. T. Luther in the CinninK of cntarrn. Tt» prevent colda, *• IV in ter t’atarrh.” Addreaa Ur. UarV* I inoveil fnmi thia place alioiit thirty, series of revival ineetinKs lieinK held *''cure cold*, la u> cheat catarrh out of man. Coluiuuua* Uhiu. j yeara Hfgtt. The old reaidenta will | at th«* lA>we M. K. church. All Wool Underwear. i reiuetnlier him. Mr. and .Mrs. F. W. Iledfem visited friends in l^ansiuK duritiK the past All Hats and Caps. .tn,aii.! lieen orKuninHl in connection with the and carefully done at ru- tlvely pr*-vent rheumatiaoi or any Christian church. The first ineetinK other kindreil trouble ariainR from a was held on Sunday eveninK J***t. All Felt and Wool Socks. torpid cumiition of the Imwela. liver sonable prices call for amt kidneya. Trial aixea UK*, other The maiiv republican friends of .iudge Dabuil an* hiKhly piease. **, frr', fixto MONTHLY KAVHtNT) CNf ATtHU AH CMfaatNCY fUNO "IRCUKABLE" HEART DISEASE SOOR F^st Kss**x. hakiiiK siiltsidtsl, material I PERMANENT CURED. I is miu Is-iiiK plH4s*«l «in th«* irmiiml r.ROfITABLE POSITIONS for tin* t*n*etion »»f a Hm- brick at’lnsd Maple Rapids, Mich. _____ IHVlOVMIHT OlVfH TO CAKAatf NUHAHi WOMEN house. IN THIS oacAT wohn at voun homes on eLSwHcne Aoosfss DAv ':D6WINT0M »*«0TM0M0-rARv^ya 6lM/W.Ml(HI6AN.U5A*. Durinir the last two or thr«-«* yi-nrai The IliKh .S«*h«s»l Literary .'•ss-lety y«*r\ KT'i*at iiii|iniv«*im*nt hua In *cii madt* }fa%'«* an «*xf tin* ur]Mi-«* eV4*nlnK last, wen* 4»v4*r !»n. .ViinuiK jf that .MoNfMKVT. yon hiive alreadi onl«<««t material, and , troubl«*a. aiieli aa abort br<*atli, |Miiii iinsh* of 4*ur4liiiK aiiil apiiiiiiiiK uimi I by lowtwt pnnw, all nilora. The lateat ia the New Bronze flreen Veined (iranite. in the aide. oppn*vaion in fin* eheat. Mrs. S. M Ihiyh* ami .Mrs. Ib-len fall at any time ami examine your work in its varioua ataicn* of eoniplction St. Johns irretrnlar pula*-, palpitation, amother- Pniin*. Tin* Imlies of \V. 11, C vv4*n* at the old itiaiid. iiilf a|a*lla. pnttiiiir of tin* anklea ur' 4ln*sse4l III tin* iilil slyh* 4»f ’T*». .Xbb* OPPOSITE St. J. dropav. aihln-sK*.- by Ib-v. E. MimIki * ami Priii- F. F. .nURDOCK, .MIchlewi - POSTOFFICE 2 It ia tin* rcaiilt of tweiily-foiir years! 4*i|»al T4iwiia4*inl »V4*n* Iist4*n4sl t4i with IT COSTS BUT ONE DOLLAR A YEAR. of ear«*ful atudy. i*.\i«-naiti*«*h, iiiarktsi at tent bill by tin* lnrK«* ainliems* and reiiiarkaldi* e\|wriem*<* in tn*alinj; that was pn*s4*nt t4» 4*nj4>\ tin* 4NX’a- the v.'trioiia ailiiieiita uf tin* heart, si4in. DEWITT. Mra. (t*-tti«* H**la*ler has trn*l**«l her j .t FiriMlIah .tikark. atotiiaeh and iiervea. whit*h au ofti*n All attack was lately luath* on C. F. e«»inpli«*at«* •*at*h e;i*.«.. OVID farm with IIi-nrA' Pitta on** mil** .-aat j Mlku. Kvm .Simro4ina ta HI with chick- of F.»w1*t. .Mr. H**lieler l«.avt-a in tbe| Collier, .»f Ch**r.»k«x*. Iowa, that inwrly Tin* Tieutineiit ia pn*|nir«*irtairr>Ciil4>n. **n|>44X. l_v for t*aeh |Nttient. aa the result ia 1 aouri. I n**ya. Hia luu-k K*^t ao lam***ht> could very iiuieh im*r«* e«*rtain and aatisfae-, lira CainplM*||. Hill ami Phippen ChkkK. F'tkrrit*r ’!» Httiv ilikUKbU-r is HI not at«Hiii without ((*****1 |*ain. n*>r ait WRNTS BUT LIHLE lory. The pniKram at liranK** next -Satur-1 operat»sl on Mrs. Pisil Di*kerinan. Sli4* with kvh4 44»plnK .-iMiKb. HERE BELOW, .lay .‘veiiiuK will (xmaiat of <|Uota-i in a chair *..x**ept pnipptxl hv <*aahiona. Feu phyaieiatia have aueli <*fintidem*t> is makitiK « iiiis* ree*wery.2 Mlh». Kmini* -Uyn.- ia viaitinK bvr tiona. reeitationa and aelt-ctiona fnim ' No rem«**|y ht-lp***! him until he tried When It come* to rabacrtblns ill their r«*iin*f Prairie Depttt. lnt*» hia h.iuai* .in Mill ain-rt. tici|Nkt«* in the .‘xereiai-a. fcela like a n**w man. Thia marvelfWM fer. No death «'ofm-a imire amldeiily < Ihio. .Miaa link**** viait***! b**r aiater. mtxlicinc cures Itackaehc and kidney Uian that from heart disease. tnuihie. piiritlea the bltxai and huilds .Mrs. Huntley ami liaiiKbter. Nt-va, 4)f .Mra. Allwrt U*>um > l»«t w«*Kk. .Mrs. Frank .Smith, of 13 WalNUth NORTH VICTOR. up your h<>alth. Only .50 .wnta at Kll- An Toi Acquaiited Witt Ave. Chit*a(ro. waa eure«l of heart tiraml llapida. have arriveti in tivid. They will reaide in the hituM* 4ipp4>site ('haa. Kimliall ami ilauKhter viaitK*! dew A .MHImaii'a druK atore. the paper that la reed by more people dropsy, after Hv** ieaiiiiiir physicians at T. TerkvIlliKvr'a laat wrx-k. In MIchIXAn than any BimiUr newapa- the 4*arriaK«‘ fiu*t4irx*. J. (!. Brtinaon attende*! tlu- (IranK** had (fiven her up. .Mr. KeAtcr. of meetiuK in St. .lohna laat week. Mm Charlee Fonl of Hartford waa per pubttahed. Chriatian culture class in the north Mr. !kn*l Mra. .1. W. (iunniaon via- ChicaiC*. was ounNi after failure of ten itvxl In l^knaitkK Fn*lay .if laat wwk. fearfully hume*l by a K*anline Iklaae. able physicians. parlor of the liaptiat ehiireh, Momiay Mr. and Mm K. D. Pnat anddauKh- -She rrxxtver. The tleah dropped Mr. an.l Mra. -Stllaon, .if Pri«x-, via- .A thonsami references i*i, ami testi- eveninK nt 7 ii'cbs-k. These lectures ter. Lueile. viaited in St. -lohna laat ofT portions m- OraatMt will la* sent frv«* on re«iuest. These «*at is InereasinK' Any one interestetl ('haa. Dunn and family, wb.i w««nt menceit at the church. nducte«i by nearly blowinK off hia hiMul. Deapund* inelmh* many who have la*en euml is invited. to Prmqu** lak* county laat fall, n»- th«* |iaat*>r. enoy fmm lonK HIneaa waa the canae. Naarapapar, The Journal la tndlapenaahle to the after from five to fifteen physicians Fifteen "friemla of Mrs. .laeksim tumv«l h.imv laat wvx*lic.2, ~ liennia Crowley, of Nilea, a well FAIISIKII. with ua MARKET RK- ami pnifessairs luui pronoiinee«i them Kent surprise*! her 4»n her noth hirth- Mra. .MaiHl Mad*lvn and little won, There waa a K*^>d attemianci* at th«* kmtwn railntad man. ia dead. •ffwl SS The Detroit Journal, I’OllTN Two featurea of Ua Satur­ “incnrahle." AroonK them are H. 4lay. The lailies 4*aiTie«l luiakets ami .»f Mt. Uiuia. are viaitiuK her parenta. W. H. .M. S. at F. H. Jonev*'. Rev. yeara. He waa a pioneer of that aae- 3E.MI-\vnnKLY. day lAAue are COMPLETE 8TO 3rh:*a. I'artoons Portraits and Chieairo. 111., for fret* treatment Iwfore that the saw mills are hiiraminK *t a February 'Ji. carefiillv edlird departments for av­ it is Uni late, and please mention this ratk* that will soon make tin* forest FOR EVERrBOOr er)' metnber of the family. fiaprr. Milea Newman, wh.i haa been in the Keeping a good thing good ilisappear. employ of the DeWItt MiltinK l’*»nk- isee IS PREsmcNTiaL tcm-isoo The 4»||leers of the ladies* elnh enter- pany for aome tim«*. will w*»rk for .\I- ia next to making it good. Tou win want to keep informed of all political morementa. Tha I taine«l at the h4»m** 4»f .Mrs. \V. \V. hert N.irria thia aeauon. 9 Hnit. Hleeesi and Cheapest Nawapaper published In Michican la IMO Dennis last Friday eveninK- Nearly will he everx' member 4»f the club with her When >**iu meet the membera of the Tlie OwtrDit Jouraali Sewrf Wea kly ^ husband 4ir frirmi wen* present t«» en fwnior eiaaa ami th<* prineipal of .nir joy a sueial eveninK- The reirular hiKh aehoni, aak how the aieiKhinK H PYUKa. 04 « tll.l UNB. 104 ItniTIONB. NONESUCH club meetiuK. subject “American waa lietween IDeWitt ami St. .lohna IWt«. “ umier the leatierahip 4kf .Mrs. Friilay **veninK. February- 33. WMhif habhlm tha m—Im \V. It. Nhaw, nwets at her hom«* Mon ­ (Write yonr nam'* and address on a poatal card, sdd raaa to 1. C. and —ItafarwaakMfcB Uneeda day eveninK tii carry out an instme- BENGAL. ScotL Mar., Detroit Journal. Neml-\Vt-ekly. (or fraa sample oopy4 tlve pniKram. Mm Tyler Hill ia mneh improve*! i spcoiAL ooMBmaTwa oprnii SORENESS NORTHWEST OVID. B s in health. ' Fre«i Huhrr will aorm mov** Ui the Miaaes Lara aiad Ina FarraKher are Ihkdiret farm. STIFFNESS able to hr up a little at this writiuK- The Detroit Semi-weekly Journal Mr. ami Mra. Jeaae Moaher intern! Biscuit Alvin Thomas returned tai his httme movinK Kaaex.atmn. in RitiKham after viaitinir friends here the past week. Jamea Smith, of l*nrtlami. waa in (sold only in 5 cent packages) and the News one year$i.6o. Mr. aiMl Mrs. Charlie Daley were Beniral on hualneaa laat week. yneata of .Mr. and Mm M. F. Ilirm- John Orimild wHl oioae the winter come to your table with all St Jacobs Oil inKham Thursday. term of aehool in Diatriet No. 1 the Mm Arthur Arsry and dauKhter prenent week. the goodness and crispness they Fern, spent Thursday with Mm Mil­ Will lieuer, wh«. haa been danirer* lard IlIrminKham and daughter Amy. ..aaly ill, ia impmviikK u&dcr the Wil­ Miss Amy IlIrminKham spent Natur- had when fresh from the oven. day and Hunday with her iriiu»dparents ful treatmen t of I>r. Weller. Mr. and Mm Im Hewklsr. in Hhep- Theie ia irenemi antiafaetiim ex- Substantial enough for the ardsville. reeaed with repnrd to the new free M. D. Birminirham lost one of his mail delivery In thia aeetion. plainest meal—dainty enough Try News Liners, faithful work horses which he has Jennlnmi ir 4iwned for tw«nty-«>ne years and was for the most elaborate banquet inarrieo Wedneiulay by Hev. an ikid pet «if the family. Tripp at the U. H. pnmo n^ Mm John Neal is still very ill at her hmthor’a, William Walker, of Mr. and Mm (Owrlea MePmnffle PattovBon, New Jersey, haa keen vis- aeiUed Inat weak *in their farm m- THEY ME WINNERS. Itlnff hor Um pnat wsak. nUyJ>nrahaaed^of Chnriea HeinaBodi. THE ST. JOHNS MBW8. TTOMDAY AyTBBWOON. MAKCH 1, 1900.

bllnc whieh B«v. Iomw any man on thr rooia, Imt that It la Probably ha wtmld aarinualy j HI The St. Johns News. ■ “ i t4i differ with him. Rrr. I' work waa wvRlUgr natlvea of Houtb and (^tml i Ah! the world haa au need TMa Nawa will srawlaUjr rmalrr all com- : adrlor to hla »iwn church inrMbrm ilcHa naaeaaari'. but all there la to thequoa- AoMiica,** aald a derk In a large doth* ' ^ teacimra of that kind of life. It ia MaalcaUoDa at local or oMwral latanat wRmi . . lag and fumltnre store, "and there la schooled alreatiy in the self* aaaoaipaatwt bjr tW writrr'a aaaw. mit t^inecm thr public, that la a tiun at iaaae la whether or not ut fur thctn* thrice a weak would aarve a girvn T ‘“t ■ »«* we l-ee not so learned "jwma. —airrrial nrtattaa. Ita amtarlaU air at lhalawalatylc. aailthaworRmaaalilplaRaar. Nclvra: hut hla aaarrtlona aa m grmrr- number «tf people better than a tiaily ******* in'^****'^ LmUh- j A dancing, uanbplaying Christ haa mt American gentleman will never make n | Held for good in thia pour. avIHaii aam^ tha McRaat qaaUty. ,, on an amuiwnMnt which (lelivery for half the number. Nurely pETChaae until he la abaolntely certain j world. Xitr haa the dancing, card* laadiri l by Tub Nawa. lu rtrraUUoa to lo rnjoyrd by thouaamla of people thr people now bainir aerved daily be Is getting what be wanta There playing Chriatian nium wl^ti the “•“••'’'•^jthn.uirhuut thla ouuntn la a .natter would naturally maintain that arnrioe may be a moral certainty, but that world wtiuld not uderate it in Christ. ------' which may Iw with propriety dia* evert- «>thar day would not be aatia- Isn't enough. Kven the world demands that the dia- **A few days ago. to lUoatrate what 1 j ®*P** ‘ should be aa hi* Ixird. TIirRSlIAY. MAUt II 1. IWai. iiaanl by any one. factory and it la plain t4> hr aren that _—;------I — I—. ' Tiik Nkwk doea mit lirllrTr that any thr only fair teat w calling U It mi im*| at the .Methodlat church, where, dur- . ir^^tora and to thia diactimion. ao«l llruoMHi la rather inclined t«t thr opiii* finally made bis aeleetlon. be told me portant that the young man idiould U* inir the paat twtt montha. meetinpa t*«*llevea that all intereata will be liet* Ion that the fanurr*. woitlil proiiahly In broken Kngllsb that lie waa ready to try the tbinga on. and. showing him free from the use tif alcohol and to* j jpm have lieen held fttr the purp«*ae of ia»n* i '***rveil ity lettinir the matter drop, tirclinr thr eveiy-othrr-ilay iwrvicr. mmi m #» #or Into a private room, 1 sent bim a ahirt hacco as in that of a merchant. It is I vertliiir men anti women to tin* »*auae! *^^** that inant of the churehea but atill it ia hardly piawtildr that out ST. JOHNS, Hotel St. Johns, and set of c*ollnr and eulfa Presently highly necessary that a clean immth I of Chrlat. tireat Interrat haa lieen P»-b»ra .*ountename eani playinir of HtMior 4111 Till X kw a woultl ativiae any ytmnir **** ’*'*' '** * ri»ute is>niiurte«i on tin* cloaed at «$ tiail worked bis way the merrhants in Ht. .lohns are mImwc .\ I)eimH*nit caucus for thi* purfMise The M(Mt StKwaMful Metbrnla iu tka man or roiinif woman wliti fotinil tliat , •**■•**■>' -titn«*i • ay plan. If it woultl .wt* through 14 ablrta. par as istmparrd with thtiw- of a num* of ploi'ing in mmiination candiilates the |iart of inemlierH of the various Treatment of .\ll Miaeaaea and Iks daneinir waa a detriinriit to him. ***** iwople aionir the route, it “Next day he Iwgau at t* aliarp, took *'**r of ttiwns and cities in .Michigan, for village oHicers. to lie %-ot4*4i for at ehon*hes is surely fairly within the an hour off for lunch and oatiatled him* , *'*'* * I'elieve. as a class, an* Ht ex* the regular village clectbin. Man*h I'.’. either iiittrally «»r |»hyaieally. tt» leave j w-oiilil tloiihb* the eapaeity of tin* ear* formilbw Known to tbe proviius* of the churches themselves aelf that ht* wasn't lieing bunkoed on * *****P**;* '“«•*•» young men Ui lk up Itaai. %vin In * held at the engine naim it altme for all time •‘b*!. .Surely everyone will airret* that Intfat .Medical and t4i rvgninti* as they may d• ‘t*n) ex|»e4li* I 80 more. That left '28. wbleb be tinisb* in the villag«* of .'«t. .lohns. .Motiilay ent and as they may e«insiua worlil ' untler tatnaiileration ia. woultl . , " „ , . them will mivise the use of tolNux'ii., o'cloek. and the memiwrs of the various ablrt be trle.1 on two eollara and two ; » „,ing a IlnliNKt .\. ilKKHK. churches will Is* under obligations to! than Hr. byman Ablaut, anil whieh ' ’*bHlf a huif la* la*ttt*r than n applicant for a position in any of Dr. Walker will not treat any The Ontltaik. that liivine saya. ^ —* —•—• INia« It Pa) lo Hav 4-haap? I ganiratioiis with which they are allit**!. Jnat as I tried to explain to bIm In ad* these plac-es of business woiibl d«H*ide mnrs*. hut be wasn't taking any the matter as U» whether they ettubi unless There is a PokI- What ‘Christ woulme of hla of absih«db* stimulants. Among the tnmblea. IVImt eholl you do? Mo to a will so inform yon. that |Mrt of the world do aulMtantlally younger (Mirtion y«>n will Hnd those thori/e.! to s|>eMk for t'hrist. and the went. *<»»metiines it was ifiven tt» him ; ”'’****■*•***'***** ^•■b*nila anil atlniiit*!*?* wen* tbe aame thing. I une«‘ aoki a Ouate- wamwVHnd mon* regular climati*? Vw>. having neither tttluicro nor whiskey if iWNtaible, if not iHNNiibb* for .Tou, then by the pP »«*■ "boea over them, ness tislay is gniwing Iwtter. audit tnewwitli Miin-eaN in seven- thnmt umi aOerteii sad man.v (Itoeneee aaii riimaU- hv a pnldlean he went. Me t.s.k "«■ *"*^ **'•* 'n««*-r onlinarv m-.u -*. litTl I^Tav’e T~i'o V! powers will fiermit. For one man to lung t niublee, “ lb Mteliee'si terinan .Syrup.* ’ ratloae wbk-h have hereioinre pmvea BMWt . . ^ ,1. . . . . Whst !•.. .11.1 ..i.i... i • it *>*®* P* “*••■ • ■bl|». but be stuck to It '*•* *** have a gtMNi rcputatnni for bon* It not oul.v heals ami Mttmulates the tie* olMtiaafe to tbe Ue*ilral i’ntfcaetoa ytoM assume that his opinions are thus.* of the things of life .xml he enyiy.*.! "****«*•• * ‘'* * *••»» and his claim xvas tp the bitter cod. tjiiecr |»eople these I.lttlc do our young like mairt*' uader Sto skill aantc4l from s.i Central .\merlranar ’ — New < Orleans men appre«*iatc how much they an- Irt.vs intbuiiiimtioii. <*nnseN easy ••x|N*rto- There to no neeil to live In ronetaai intoery. ol»s«*rve«l hy the husi ness men as thev It eiMita mitbiaa tenj€»crat. mtiou. gives n giNMl rnght’a reat >uid an* seen U|Nin the .stn*cts and other I f.tiree th«* imticnt. Trv ust; bottle. Ilws is free aad hla ttrires fortrealmeot are wliMa an- but hniiian thoughts is the demon- would Is* inisinterprctcil It was mis* vines to {NNiple in certain conditions the rearh of all. lie Is a frtenil tn tbe alRIet- plHe**K; little do they apprceiati- iiow j ,,||||||^„|,.,| lunDy hy ^11 druggists e«l anil will turn none away unaided. Tba atmtioii of a inountainoiis egotism int«*rpr«*t«-1 Pre%rntlwM. nor obtainable for that matter. I'ear- the\- lb*, hut still he w«*nt <»n eating in this condition the |>atient r«*tnmt* 4i tell tiH* who Iiv4*s in the red brick imslerate ilrinker. the young man’s | If you ixre atibjeei to «-obls, ih** v**ry t«i his flip iie ili4i it of his own voll* READ WHAT THE lug on the purity of men and women «n drinking as lN*for«'. RcnMui the way?” ehanee ttslay will In * one htindn*4l |N*r Iwat thing you eitn d*» is to ki*e|t y4»ur who dance as e.(iii|N«red with the mor ­ .\iid what he did he u«lviM*4i otli«*rs tion. Tile Ke4*ley etirecNinbl mil hiimi* "Why. bless me. nilsala. dat Is wbar i*ciit lN*tt4 ’r if be is not nildietisl to j svateni in oe «i|n *ii mid |N-rfeet (xinditittn PEOPI^ SAY: al (*onkct him ami tiles** haldts. ; ua |Ntsailtb*. H .V«>U do this, voii nn* iiiiieh de pmvbiing elder Uvea!" Mi*inlN*m of this audieiie** wlm i less liable tT» take rubl. Hr. CuldaeH ’i* gn*nt feast to kiH’p him away fnnn whiskey. \s Hr. Mias Auaa Krehaa. of si JuKas. MteS.. who imliilge in idlier |>astiim*s and r«*«-- illnstrat*- tin- kingtloni “.Vnd wb« lives up tbe hill In front wen* present last .Siimlay wen* tobi by j Hynip Petmift ia us |*lens*tnt t4i take us wiiiee uniter dale iftleluher lO, INW*. Hb» reations. and this would In - the onl_\ of li.Ml Me never spokt- of liain ’ing Kei’ley at oin* tiim- n*maikeasis for eoiiiftarisoii. Xo siatis- with disph-asiin- I molt* than om-e V«»n can't inject brains into .1 man in a mild form has a temlency t4» d*** I live stomach ranieily to la* hn«l. Trial la«ls|>arcnt approluttion. He t\ who had g«ibl cure set the drunkard straight. Johns who knew h-iw miserable I bad baaa me a grant mmlition a>X4*ept that «if Nullr*- .*1 \ lllsae Klerlluu treatment I nisahler m> rreurrry renm*k- slde. You may puhdah this la the'Ht. lubaa attempt t«* s«*cnn- any information of i-tnne haek after his exiN’riein-,- with In- should remain s«> or go nstrav. ainns ef l»raaa»e*ty. tin* very highest stamlani. p4*rs*in* I'o the ** lectors of thi* villag,- of St. imiieni fur I want ad afllletesitions fnmi young men who I ter eleertion of the vi I lag** of St. .lohns Iw vla IHI sa, *>nr |•ersuaallr whu may it ediy hen*. M’attering letters from isilii-eim-n ami ki'inpt. lNiV4*rty*strieki*n. and when his 4*011111 not think of giving the piai***, , will In * hebl in thn*«* eb-ction wish t4> rad at mjr bunw. Potta —Ho? .\ny aigns of It In your 4let«*4-tiv«*s and others with a smatt»*r- father rtNi-iviil him it was t«> musii- ^lnnv m«-n iliil gf» astray Ur K«*e* simply on a**count of tlieir habits nml "» the se<*ond .Momlay of March next. tHIgmsI] MIHH anna KKKHAN. ms«*? I’Jl Floral A VP,, dt. Johaa. Mtoh. ing of know le«tge oil the iiiatl«-t will and daiieiiig ainl a feast He iliil not ley pla4s*«l the proiMirtioii of rela|MM*s" their osMN'iates. |hn*s the young man Iwiiig the i:;th day of saiil tmmth. os "Yea. Indeetl. Tbere’a a lN*ggar got in quest of a |M»sition of n*s'|Mmsihility f4dbtw*s' .\t Kir«*inan*s hall in election Mr kUlwln Hperry. s sell kaowa ritlaaa of hardly In - n*gnnle4l ns eoin-liisive put 4-ertnin things in lib- in fwi-kages I'•••1.' tive |N*r 4-ent. hut the tigiin* Mt. Johas, •«)■.** I wish Iti pablirdy pxprwa Be on Ilia Hat who iiae*!> tn atrlkc... me **x|N***t a husitiess man is goingtobsik ilistriet Xo. I ; at Crich's st4in*. at the my xrsilliifir to l>r. Walker fur tbe griwt It is not a ditlieiilt matter to |Hiini ami wril«- pndiihittNl' ii|>«>n them. ■ was far higher. Hut iin»st «if the --n** (or a iieiiuy every day. Xow be isn't in H saliMin or |d|]ianl liall for him" «itrneT of Clinton av4*nii4* ;imi iCailnutii «*mmI I have rerelveil thritugh bto treaimeat. I htMl Invo aailrte*l with ratarrh iff the hrail. til men ami woim-n who hav* live«l Tin- very dis4-ip|i- wIiom - words I have Ia|WN*s" dill not take plais* until after aatlalleil with nnythlng less tlian a If he diN-s. he hail Iwtler get that idea str»*et in election distrii't X«i. at St. throat. anaa. out of his heail instHiitly. I d4i md .lohiis Hotel, corner of Walkt-r nn4i trieil s numlier of other ftortora without aay mean to carry tin* iii*s* that to In * a Itriisb street in **leetloti district Xo. .1: iH*rmaneat relief I iterltteil iti roaeult I»r. ilamsil. hut that 4sintains 110 arguiin-nt letters interpn*ts ivhat In- thinks the That ist*>sa\. men wtiubl take tln- M'sikrr. who heiiird tar rtsht aioac. aad I A Naaelelivp, t*b*rk shoiihl In * the hi'ight of on 4* ‘s at whieh i-leetion tin* following offl* am a*iw itlrueeil iti eay I aai ealo,ias aood in its4*lf. It IS (-nlliNl tr K»***ley our young men art* altogether t*si «*are* ' The |Ndls of sttbl election will In * the f dowlas leetlmoalal for pabfieatlaa. for an w-oiild In - pn-suinptions elainnsi. w-itli s«iiin- just in-, that the less alMiiil their iialdts. tht*ir earriagt* ' <>|** ‘dc*l ut T o'ebN*k in tin* fon*n*H>n or He eaye "I have lieen a eafftrer for yeafu tin- worbi. wliv. as though living in froai heart dieeaee aad eplaal Weaktieae aad eiioiigli t«i off«*r this as a reH*Niii wh\ t h*- worbi. an- ye subj*N-t to oniinains*s. • n-laps*-" was <-hargealde not to tln- on till* street ami tin* ploivs wht*n* < as stsin thereafter as may In *, iiml will for the paat .tear have liera so aervoae aad they sfN-nd their spare tinn* ttiuy a I**’ conlinnetl *qN*n until *• o't*bN*k in have treathletl mi I loald ararreiy hold a the ehim-h shoiiiil In - avoidi**!. .lust such as T.un*li in*t. fast*- not. han­ iin*tHeaev of the eun*. hut tolhew**ak ft*w ilays ago a gentleman eaiat* to Mn* afWrniNUi of saiti ila.x of i*let*tion. iMMik or paper sietoty enouah to n-mt aad and fail opinions are not (oriniNl from ness of tin- imtieiit It was als** rouhl Bill arrilp with a |ieti 1 Mf a4t*k all dle not. whieh all an- to |N*rish with me. asking me to naim* him n man for Mateti ,*it St. .lohns. Michigan. Feh- over aad waa enilrely unfit tor liiisiMun. u stmix of the «-.xtn-iin-s the Using: after tht* •'oiuinamiiiients 1 P’idbNl mit that, at the wurst, tht* <1 certain |N>silion. Me mnarketl h** I cuary '.•Tth. Iiaat. After three montha treatment with Ur. W C. M. Mt Usiktr. of Oetndt. all iliarreat aad I am Th efi* Is a larg#- iiiitulN*r iif voting Hiifl diN-irines of im*n ’’ Touch not. •*»«••<-Ii«ler hatl. thnuigh the Keeley w ishetl a man bright quick to sec. lietirrthaii I have lieen In ala years Am neat, no ImhI haldls, not afraiil of. t lerk. liwlies and geiitleiiieii wini an- iin*m eun wtirklaa every day nnti prearMaa evarv taste md. haudie md * how often « twritsl tif sidiriety work anti a man who has his senses | C. t . V \ i on A X. Mnniiay. .Ill lanake to Ur. w«iker. fN*rs »if the In *sI families m .st .lohns. that has Is-eti quoti*tl as though that which *"* •‘••'ibl md have attained with him all of the tiim*. .Now that I) II. Ill XT. (Hkcae«l] Vanr PKUKR. and winis*- lives, assin-iatioiis ainl in* wen* tin* law laiil tiown hy Christian* • d herwlst*. is xvhat exreri hiisiness man is iiHtkingi tl. P. ItKWITT. Mm. M y^'. Kiiae. offlvkl. raced ttt ratairb Ibaint of Kleetion Committet* Ilf the atomarh of litteea yearn etaadlaa. tents an- alN*V4- repnan-h, wln» will ity' Paul qindes it fmm |tagitn liter Hut then* an* thousamis of men who after xvhen in quest of help. What j he'll have anti what a young man ■Noae iierhaiHi, feel mtife araieful to tha is>m*lmle that if Uev lauifinan hail atun*. ami says tt* < hristians: Tlmt is have md ‘relapsrti" ami their Mdiri* •toetnr than does Mm. J. II. Uenato, of OvM. must In * if he retains a |M»sition. ami Mheanya' **l wish every |MMir saflkWr mlghi ever leannsl to dams* he woiilil not md your law; you an* fns* fn»m that ety is tin* Iwst testimony to the virtue* I IN-Ileve It will to* worth his while, ^ II ! M kaiiw the aiNid I have reeelved uatler Or. make the statement that tin- life of of the tn*atinent whieh wasoriginati**! to note thew* qiiallHeatlons If he a# 1 v I^, Walker's trraiiaeal auil ftroftt from my exl law if you an* a bdlower of Christ. j ® ® prrtoari' Therr are laaay la UvM the iiiiNlern iImiic ** Is the intimate ami You are tti touch, yi»u an* t*» tast**, at IKvight ami whieh is now praetiiXNl wishes t4i make himself wanteti in the ■ Is-nn Dwxea vlrtalljr who ka*>w bus Miarrahto I bo^ liiisineMS worbi. • ■Tliy ^Ciap UTin, tCSKS, ptiBiina with • ronutltoatlosuftlitMwsaa Impniper relations «if tin* sexes." in the greater |ian of the eivilierti ytiii an* to haiiilb*; the worhi is yours. "Moat laanicti iloctor. aotneUilug ao IIUSNCII .Sag,* says. ' iinsineNs m.wa* , Rubbcfs and all kind5 They will nut assured in their «iwn witrhi. .\s a matter of fart Ih- Keeley iatcDscly funny baa just struck me. That is the Hrst teaching i»f Christ” •lays is done upi>n that luisis that thr nld mastyalft jalon nid fvaM>r« 1*^^. 1 teei very cratr«ai to um mimis that e.xjierience would teach saveil |N*rhapN half of his patients ami When la a inau ool a roaiiT' inanageinrnt must have gtNui anti rr sraal IYIC rSIo , BlBtl IrlU |aO|Hvi 5 diM*tor aad offer thto teatintoalal vidasiarltv Uev. latufman that this statement WtM' IT ll»; HKTTKH Tfl.tS NOTH* thrrphy eametl the title of a puhlie without any imNliHeatbm, as he has INII ? lN*ni*faetor though he never pnifessetl aren Ht to make it. is an attat'k •m to In * an altruistic philanthn>pist. Me In another txilunin «if this issue ap* amne iif tin- lN*st )iropb ’ «»f this nmi* preferretl to In * t-onsbiereii a srientiHt* |w*ars a letter fnan .1 T Ibmiells of miinity ami it will hring sugg<*stbms physician who motie oroholism a s|n *** I'nitin lloiae, relative to rural free tie- tlriiik, smoke ami earoiim* has no platx* til their mimU whieh the dann* never iaity. Mis elaiin to the till** is no "I are they luivr lirru laaulOR a re- itor. trtilt Helaa rtiaSae*! to my bed, | tffm livery, in wHieh Mr. Ikiiiiells takes Btiietml ration tu tbr Hrltisti aoMIrra nowatiays in the isuuinuiiity. He is sraphiNl the iltietiir. Alter a rarefSI exam- taught. longer disputefi even hy Ih** pnifounillt liNikrti u|Mm with pity hy tor putdit* l4M»ilt*a Ur, Walker toltl lae I and a*i rnarii, issue with Mr. Parr regarding the along tbr Mndtlrr." hat m* IronMee weep rliroatr llaatot-lmof. It will no douht In * readilv oiliuitte*! * ethleal" physicians who onee ralletl insteatl of inspiring t*onHtleuer. ami SAI REICHSTEINyStJohis. eaal f'aiarrh, aas uirlaie*! wlib .Nenralgta. suggestion that nirai delivery In * math* "Rneouragtng Mnibler>ratton to ap|ie that ilaneing would In * nitdini of one him a quack Ills work speaks for it* whib* allowing himself to lu* evirrirti The dtN*ltir MMia rellevetl nw aad la a short every other *lay insteotl of everx ilay titra. I aoppivae." away with these haldts his iumpeli* , lime I 0401 eailrely enml." of its attraetivi- features if the loiiies Nrif against any such aspersions. Hang! Rang!--PirvrIaiMl IMaIn Donl Tmk .Nrw« ttimerres that Mr. Han* tors are walking away with ami cap­ MHM TlluMAHl'RUTTT. wen- t«* In - 4*xelinbN|, hut what of that Th,* death of Ih* Keeley will isva* rr. turing the htisiness. All men with Mm I*. I'enrI. who Uvea iwar Nt, Johaa iells Is rather incllmwl t«i make a |N*r* giNul habits are md a suevess. hut I stoooava AUer Ireatlav with ftr Wnlhav to the man whose miml ami heart is sion pntfiMiml regrr-t amimg tbtiusanils forasemivath I have aot twea oo well far pure** It is (luile as apparent that Mmal matter hy cmphaslxing the fart who never saw him. For, thmigh the Ttor Caaaa. ! | am safe in saving that no yaam. that txmsiderahir lahiir was neeessani* “lao ’t thia a weary oM woiitir { man with a multitude of'Imtl habits is tbe i*hlireh Mwial woubI lN*eoin«* a ilriig gratliiales of tin* hram*h Keeley Instl* Mm r M. Ntatxatan eared of RI*mn I t*i seeiire the nmte ami the fart that groatird tbr struggling author. ja .MFCf'KMS. Mkla litoraea of I nefre yearn smadlaa. on the market If th«- men wen* pe* tu'es thntughtmt the country fwvrr "It baa raasua to Iw." aakl thr liter- | Hiistial *sage sa,rs* "Failure is tmist if Mr. Parr wantcl a nnitr. hr iwight Mm I. R lokmaert rurrd tff vortoeee quire*! to attend one erening abm** ami I’sme in tsintart with the origitmtor of ary editor. "Two more replica to "Tha i frequently imiisttl by falling hy the alrem i»a limb to iMve "gone tti work for It” As a thi- la«iies the next alone Men ami the treatment, they naturally ami Man With llie llor* liave Juat appear- waysble. The young man Ins-omes a matter of fa<*t Mr. Parr did md moke Mtoa nia '>ane rured of Hroeehtnl tmehla wnaaen were Inuxi intit the world with pn.p.ri., .hwr ... •«> “ -uMo w TrtiHiii*. ; !2.Tr"rn"'n.iiirT.v aad laag dto* aae in his interview a prrs«»nal appeal fhr ati innate ilesirr for the Mwirtv of the hartl-working l•nllnlry dtwUir who< ______' aelf-tlenial. regnlarltv ami Mtoa R II. rured iff tomato wruSasua after A l.aaRy Ikon. temper* otbrr tarn ami women This Mwlety * ''’”**'* »»*«• after thirty years iff tir^i eneareh he*i,a treated hy ataav aoted pa,a4rtaaa farmrrw .v.llertlvely. TiiR X rwu has the "gold enre" and .lemon* "What do you fretl yo«r ildgr' Ito a-alkeeto advaaeed metStida for the la not itnly nertlml for relaxation fnwn “He lives on tbe fat of the land t’eaiaieui amt ram id ul rgam pieaWtxr lu mi.lonlK he wimld lu* gla.1 to see a .tratml that ,m*t. ,*oubl In *emanelpatetl A ftorU. wooiea am uaeuniaw a* !. too nmu aughHw ibr narws ami flittirs iff life the work, Nothing that tbe neighbora ran fumlab nmU* past hla dtuw. tmt that la not alrohtdlam from the er I Hf-eta of vttatMsI ladtoefetlaao, worry and stmlt of the prtqile. hut Is any too gomi for him. The fart la ba M’e, ibe wmletvigned. ilu herehv agre*- eaa-laxr Impatoeil ettoNt*. oerroasaasa. haart to thr ptffnt and has m» hanrlng mt grwtltud.* of the men whtm, ft* retnml the^imtney iwi a r»tlr*aH hoflb- tr*H*Me h»-a ttf lueWMvry. di a poaffrar ,, aSr. It hmsimes a positive factor in eharar* Uvea better than we do. ’’—t'leveland all teaateil h, the hrei awtSteia kaowa tu the argument. I^lle Keeley resened will In * the of lipaene's Murtnotml Hymn *•! 'Tnr If It hat building. Plain Healer. falls tt» i*are Vf*ur muigh oernld. M’«*alaii Call At medtoal aetoam. fnaBult the apselultot that It would In* diffirult to Hnil imui’dr- Thr fpiewtinn prewnUul U laager ami ( highest mliarium that ran In * pro- uuarantvs* a 'J.Vrent tu'ttiet.iprove satm ftwad Wnuawfc Iteaawn. cvwous iw pn»per places of iliversion ; ™**st In * treatasl as a general pniptmi- ' muim-rd upon him. factory fw mowi .r refnn4le*l, ItSMHMBBR tto Walker soa amd* a 1 Mother—I'm aurpriaetl at ytm! ConM of rSroato diaeama many ys tbm since there are a vast number of tl. K Yauftw-kk*. Ml. JivHna and amnaement than bos lieen offeretl .raa nnt tall be was gotag to kina yon? Travto A Maker, J.ih us to well kaowa. nmtea to he 4*skahlished hy the gov ­ r W. R. Osgoods wNI otvr aerrtal afteettou to iNgtoaN hy the card and ilanring fiartltw which TiioroH .Mr, Ceell KHin Ics is m>w at IhingbteY Yea. ma. tmt there was no Ih o HnlHe. Yiafde Hafatto. ernment during the isuning seastwi. I rimee aad lo eoaar olhev payatotaae havu laR. have been eondnetml hy thr ytning liberty toffwneimt of his cyclone .wllar one for me to tell ex«-ept him. and be J. K. Jeron, Ovul. he will tell you. I ad fo rtwr Haak rater, si 1 a. kaaw It already Phlladeipbla Preee B. K. KiiB A I'o., Fouler. Peeaoua aeetvtaa tor fmatmen, wtN ahmw pao pb at the IwMlIea' l.llwarr moma Mr. Hanlrlla ’ mqnreatlon that Mr. at Kimberley ami stretch his legs I IvHw fTvtie • w*> «* t»*r mpty. 1 hour uauMe tu ae unpleasant artielea. the Chicago fThmn* RtfPWhefflea cm now be enj of this kanva daring the laat few men naming danas pemapts tha I the -furkur eea adaeaaa. ieh* aag gi au that It la oafe t«, oay that all tha ynar rnaad “ When Mt the poet oNhe, step nrrnea weaha Thove la a vary phxln dlatlne* thonght that tha raral delivery mate hla opiai aaa reapsntlag onaw thlaga j **Ba can drted a — Cl th • ateert Mod kmee orWfw lor ynar nal. j g| Alan bacwann atmd playlag awd gOB* I w. c. WALKEIt M. D. dooa ant balowg to Mr. iMalaila aor tu a eahetw wood, with W. H. (Jnaaop BOX 7B. Ttm ST. JOHNS NEWS, THURSDAY APTERNOON, MARCH 1,1900.

NBW8 IN BRIBF. Wm. M. UNW In (>vld (m baxi* mrm Moaiifty. MR. DANIELLS’ VIEWS Inaarr with 1). L. IlnMt* * J. Karl Mrown In Saranac KXKMI MH MIIMNU^ ON T«K KVmv , Mra. M. B. ItwllAni nfwtit Hunday in baaiaxaa Friday. irrMKK nAV plan . (iwuxau. U. N. (iramirv apent .Saturday and e ___ RoiAi. Will FirUU trinlUal triviida in l»r* Snodny In Jnd^ [ tiiic Nrwa la in rxxrifH of a latter Bush’s 5team Laundry. troit HuBday. Mm. J. tflffrml. uf tHrld. wma here' fnan j. T. Hnnivlla tkia weak relative C. K. Van Hlekir wan in iHrid un Imn* on baaimnaaa Friday. , tu Um* Interview with Juaaph l*ari, un j K. M. I>rake apant the Hmt uf I rural delivery ruotaa whieh waa pub* inxna yratxtday. Mm The accfimpanying cut is only one of the L. W. Mtxdtrr. uf Ovid, waa in town thr weaktk in Owowm. - liahad In the laat iaa|p* uf thia pnper. iw baainvaa Montlay. Mm. Thmiphilua ^'“* Ihinlella writaa: large number of Up-To-Date ExpenMive Ma­ fram Kdlitir C. C. Vaairlian waa in lunia chines you will find in our Laundry fur special tan haninima Tunndxy. i vematio;! with Mr. Jaaaph I'arr, ufj, work. PurU*r K. IVrrin nprnl Hta|^y with friaoda In tlrand llapida. Kaaex. mi|rht appear, lu tlw caaaal j him family In llvtpolt. Thwa. Ilyalup. uf (Hrld, waa in St. rea(ler,*aa 'Roud lugric;' but. like all *' ■^•This machine is for ironing the neck hands W. T. Iranv. uf Ikvtrult. it||t|fi^un* Johna on hualnaaa Tueadxy. other t|uaatioiia. it haa ‘two aidea. ’ ; mHRSUBX v B UK IppO day with frinnda berr. Mr. and Mm A, 'V. Skinner were 'rmc. twice aa many people can he to sliirtH. Kditur Kxiatrr. uf IVwamfif. ‘ dNh in ill (iainea on huaineaa Saturday. ; aarved hy Carrier llmaa. provided they > are aatiatted tu be half aerved or onee ‘ t4>wn 4)ilfe t'amp Thttmaa, of* fV^d, xaiivd with Mm Ilufrhea next TueMday niRht. j aatiafactiuii. Foaaibly Mr. I*arr ia not j St. Johna frivnda Thinmhitr IWaA. Kditur Harry Coleman, of INintar. I awarr uf the amount uf correapund* ' adapted to the work ul : Anthony lawhrr ami ^ Frank apent Sunday with St. Johna frienda. i enee. circulatinR tif |ietItiona and of ^; ThtMBr aprnl Sunday in-Ut Little Avia Drake xpent thr latter ! thr work re«|uired. and all of which ia| Mm. (i. W. Itotrvra. oftM MtU part 1 •f thr week with friendx at Fow* irratuitoua. and fur thr Rood of thr Thr M«ici>nd <|uanrrly mrrtinir of Perhaps yoa hsTc some shirts that the aeck bands in thr mM*Al «»f Mr, ami .Mm. V. t'anry. lei. many, Iwforr a route ran hr ratah* | llvniral oimtlt will In * hrlii at wrmt liah^. If .'Ir. Farr tleaimi a routr tu ' hare been mined —If so, remember that we .Mr. I.aufinaii prrarbm at SchtHil Cominiaaionrr 'Vinaton hrld | Itinirhani I'. It. churvh n«*xt Haturtlay trac'hera* examination at Fowler .'Ion* j |iaaK hia iluur, why did Im* nut Ro to j can pat new hands on for yon if yon anti Sunilav. Svrrir**** an f<»II(iWK; iirxt .Sunday. •-*::«» p. m.nuttltNlipir* work for it inatead of rrroainiiiR iiuiet ; titiart4*rly OttitfcrMn*** anti pr«*a«.*hinir vrntinif. tlay. until othrm. hy (*ameat work, had ^>t | will send os yoar work. Hatunlay **v**ninK 7 ti’oltN ’k. Hiahop Kowlrr. Mandi •!. at thr Mr. and Alra. C. S. .VIIiMin. of itwiw- a routr, and then, without hia haviuR' lam* fMwt Snntiay mominir at .MrthiNllat rhurch. TIrWrta and Mvata ao. viaitetl frirnda hen* Thiiradai* ami I duiM* anyth!UR towarda the enterpriae. prvarhinK at I :3(i a. m. anti 7 ::n » p. ui. Fridav. * at Ihitt’a. • ^ 1I aak that hr In * Riven a ahare? This ia one of the new entcr|)riacs the I^rcwidinir Kltlt*r It. II. Turn«*r li* fx- Mian Katir Kaatuuui. uf Ovid, lumtit 'Vanlrii (Hia Fuller, of Ionia, waa in i Mr. Farr ia tiu* jMiaaeaaor of a Hue; ptH*t4*tl tt» In * pn*Nt*nt anti till tlit* an* .Satunlay anti Siinciay wilh Wlln. Mnutl .St. Johna Satunlay, fur a jMirtioii of farm in Kaat*x. thr rraiilt of twrr and ; town haa iM.'en talking about and the up-to- iHiiincrro«*nta. Uuminrll. t hr day. ytHira of hard toil. Thrrr an*, alau. a date |)cople are sending their work here. II. K. Waihridirr tmiiaaxtxtl l**iral Mra. K. K. 'Vhrtatonr apent Sumlay rinm I many mm, in Kaaex, who own ituainraa in .lark Mill TtirMlay anti ill Fowler with her mother, who ia no farm, thouRh many of theta* men have lalairrd (*t|uaHy aa hard aa haa | WrtllirMlay. very alck. WANT COLUMN .Mr, l*arr. Nt»w. if .Mr. Farr will hut . .Mina .lulln VauVlrrl. «»l louia, waa ,'lra. "'ill. Fitxpatrirk, of Fowler, i tlivitlr Ilia farm inUt twit parts and | viaittHl frirnda hen* the latter jiart of thr Rurat »»f -Mr. iiiid .Mm. How Khrr- Rive oiir jiart to onr of thr inrii, own* r<»M HALK. thr wtek. I laiitl .Htiiidav. iiiR no land I lirttrr Rivr it Ui onr who i SAI.K—Thtw-lourth» Jrr^y c«*n .Miaa Mautl t'hapuukit. of kdmaaniiiR. Cliaa. Itrittoii. whtt haa laen viait iuR haa tionr nothiiiR luwanl RettiuR him*: r thrvp 7 t*nn* avnilr anti klatl. U'lli ih riaitiiiR Ih thr homr *tf Air. mimI frirnda here, rrtiirnrtl to hia Inuiit* in ' xrif a farm) and inon* inrii will own | F. H. Bosh & Co. •wii fur #I. Miaa Mlniiir IUrrinirt4»n anti Klor* .'Ira. Frank "'ntrra waa calirti to mail, in aoinr {Mirtioua uf aumr of the' larRcr ritira. from aix Ui riRht tiinra I ;ti»l(NAI.K'’lltUi‘.—I.,*>t* I aa*l **. l.raU'a riirr* lh*xtrr a|N*nt .saturtlav and Sun* Foivlrr h\ thr arrittiia ililiraa of hrr, atitl . ll Held in any txunirnnlty no laryer Frier 7.% t*enta for either. Dnr jiarkaRa madr at ttarr. Kni|ulrrnl thr iirrmlara or prartiral trial. Thr fimt route in arhiMil .'lomlay fomiiMin. tif cither Ruaranteeti tti Rive satiafae- of Thoiaaa llrtimlrv, Jr ••rl'harira Houir at KImrr .\pplrinan Irft Monday rvrii* .'Ir. Sam KrichHlciii. junk tirnirr. than KaRle for a nrwapajirr. 'fhe .'lichiRaii waa rataldiahrd at Climax. tion or iiitiDry refnndrti. ( . K. Van* Thr MriTanUIr atorra. Ht. Johaa. iiiR for lirtrtiit. whrrr hr will .aprnd of Hctndt. haa |iN*att ‘ti In st. .lohna .MIm* Nrwtmi'a iNitany rImiHra an* i*onnty jiapera t*ovrr the whtde HebI m» a wrrk tin a ttiurw of Itx’turra -anti at .McKiiiRlit'a huililiiiR hr the (irami Katainajuai munty. on Detemler .'I. ; atiiilyiiiR till* Rfowth of ixirti thia tlniroiiRbly that only a few jietiple sickle. FHdrw A- .MHImaii, Travis A iKHAll I’tiHTN—Huy your <-raia of iHWi. Tialay then* an* nearly ha* Hakrr. ( tiro. |i Hialth. Ht Johna for |iartl-iiiara tlrinonatrationa in rmltalmintr. week. whtt live within a miles or twti of tin* Trunk trat*k. nnitra |tM*atr«i in 4n atatra. and mit ’ ratiofrr at W‘. |( liaaoott ’a uadrrinklua Thr chajirl cxrn*iiira .'londxy mom* piibliratimi olMts* can In * imlin*r«l to rtMiaia arriNMi fr«ini thr |mhi| l•lllrr. Thr .Annual inrrtinR uf thr l«atlira‘ 'liaa l.ixKit* Ncwitiii. for arvrral Iraa than .Nt ntiitra ill .'lirhiRan. while luR were iainiliK*ti*il liy Urv. F, su Inmt H n * for the little liM*al jiajirr. I rinrtrry .Vaatiriatlt»n will In * hrld at j intinthau lMNikkt*rpt*r for .lohn Hit*ka. applirntioiia for otlirr n>tit(*a an* jatiir* inrtltwi Msir i»t»K HA 1.*'. —fair raarra wriaht l.*>«»<>| lilt* r«*aitfrnrr tif Mra. It. .M. .St«*rl. j "'riRht, of tin* Hajdiat church. which t*aij at Im-sI is.ntaln but a t*«il- f n ’tiirnt*il to her iioiin* in Miiilatui itiR in U|Niii till* tlcjiartnirnt in larRt* rarli; wrll iual«*•; lullr raat 'rui*artli of Kurrku. ( haa. llitaRlaiMl. t>f Ihintirr. wht« haa i HevivnI a«*rvii*ca at "'i*at liiiiRham Tht* writer haa n*ta*ivt*tl rt*t|iira|a | ill honor of " JU>hinRlon'a birthday RNtf mraR(*r jiatninaRi* umirr jirotrst and on Untiwti as the "'. O. I.MJieaHter farm. Itrrn viaitiflR hia aiKt*^|^, Mra. <1. I,. within Iht* |iaat four wrrka. from ; lm*t week. I It. i*hiirt*h next sumlay iiiRlit will the liaaia that they miRlit to ilo stutir* I will sell at ptiblit- auction on said 'tlil HAl«K — llouar anil lot ami a half on Vrrriatul. tltiriiiR thr Irwla atrrrt. Ilaril on pmillara will Itr turnrtl httiur yratrnlay inornlnR. tiiiiiR for tin* town. In takitiR fare­ Faohl for Stl.*,o Kni|Ulrr of KvaiiRcliat T. K. iJarry. aakiiiR fitr information aa to pn>|M*r a«*hiNil mn* tlay laat week. well of bia is.nstitiienta. t*«iitor HriRRs tauiimeneinR at nine o'c|tN*k sharp all att*|»a to taki* to •«rt*un* a ntiilr. 'lany . II. A. TboMf. Hrntllry Sitinr. of Itliaoa. whti ajmiit 'Ira Nam*y Hall lt*fl for hrr ht»nn* Tin* taipv for tin* Svbilllni* IttM.k ia (vniti* nnib*r tht* I'aptlon. "Must .siia- iny HttN*k ami farniiiiR iinjilement*. rtiuti*a an* alrt*atiy arlf*anataininR. Ho^ a jiart t*f Inat wrrk and the Hral ttf ill Foatoriu. (Miio. 'lomlay inortiiiiR, iittw nearly ready to Im* bamlnl tin* |M*nd ” t-tinaistiiiR of till* followinR article*, ^OIl SAi.K. —May. Htraw aiol t orn. nt»t let an_v out* In *coum * ■nrrvtnia' ft*ar* JttKl. W.ktIAII. Kowlrr. thia with Williuin anti .Vrtliiir I'uUaw. after ajM*mliiiR tin* paat Hma* inotitlia jirintrr. ,' niinilM«r of new fi*atun*Ki **Tht* alM.vt* ln*adlim* tt*Ha tin* laat towii . (tne vearlinR Durham and (iat* F iiiR till* Rovrrniiirut will lN*taHollar, liarb an ilralrahlr Hvrry. wliit*li ia hut tun* of tht* arnai* ajrrr tif ‘-Thr Storrkfrprr ” pulili*.|ir«l jiiipila of tin* IiIrIi M*biMd. Tht*priia*l ninR lielilml. tmt wt* still tsintinuetl to wltli i*nlvt*s by sides, om* six year old plarr. lU'IUlrr at thiaofflcx- Ct*nit*tt*ry .'aa«it*iHtioii will Ih* ht*lil at hit* t*tatiiotiiit*a of tilt* tiilira Think at .''NRinaw. wn** in thr rily Mtintlay thr ottha* tif Frrriiia .v lUtlilwiii m*xl for tin* .sybilliin* ItiH.k will Im* lower* jiiiblisli tin* ClaritMi in Inifwa tbat biiai* taiw RiviiiR milk, mie two year old of tht* waatr of time wht*ii l.’to httiiit*-* Folumi ('liiiia briMNl stiw. ont* sjian of KAI. KMTa TK Ktill ha I.K—Anyonr.lrair anti inatir Tni Nfwa a plrmtant rail, *I ’in*ailay t*vt*ni'iR at 7 :.»o o i*|iN*k. than it baa Im***ii lM*fon*. in*a.s wmibi jiick uji. but wt* havt* Rtii K 't'liil. fnuii out* to -rven irilra i*a<*h. Rmy ReltllriRs eiRht years tibl. welRht Ina a hnilillna lot. farm orjilarr of Imainraa Tin* followiiiR jiroRrmii will Im* to the last noteli. wi* iniiat either iiiovi* NllltloHrllto arc Ua Ht. Johna l..aliil<'o. A InrRf flaaa of prolMititinrra will la* Mra H. .1. St. Clair, ami t*hiltlrt*ii for thi*ir mail, iiottaatl of haring out* ' Riven by* tin* .Senior Literary SiN*icty . our jilant to soim* larRer town or Iimm* 7..'>o" jMiiinils. one blat-k marc six year* I.«d. rrrrivttl nrxt .''luiitlay morninR at thr ( arrit* ami (tiiilt*y. of dviil. ajieiit tin* t*arrit*r ilrliver thin rntin* mail ami ' nrxt Turailay cvrnitiR: Fiaiio aido. the entire outfit, .'fter calm tlelilNT* , tiltl. weiRht 1.7.VI jMiuiltis. one hor** Mrthtidiat rhurch. Itrvival »N*rvirra in lattt*r Jiart of laat wta*k at tht* hoiin* of with rrRiilarlty. eta uit »ni> ami ilia- ’ I obi eiimiRh tti vote, tstitintl anti all l t'TIttN HkI.K.—I will aril at puhllr thr rvrnlnif and jaiaaihly all thr wrt*k 'Ira. .*at I liiir'a father. .1. II 'lock (uttrli. Fi*arl ItiiiRhain. m*itntion. Klon*ni*r * ation Wt* hax*e t-min* to the tameliiaion auction all iiiy horara aiiM-kanil armliia FcrkiiiM: piano a.i|i>. 'IIm* laiiiilrti: j tliat Wt* wituld move. To thtaa* FK'V riRht I wciRht I.liHi jMMinds. 73 bnaid A K. K. .Mark, whti Uaa l»rrn viiutitiR 1 iiiirrlakrr K. I. Hull haa In-rn at Itiiral fne ilrlivery of mail, which aachinrry on iny farm thrrr inlIra north ".'a You Like It." KiiRliah l.ltrm-j who have naiti in ailvain*e will sav i*wi*s. 17 latt* InmlNt, ) Hamlielettc ami thrrr^fourtha raat of Kowlrr on Tnra. hia ilaiiRhtrr. Mra. \N ilk. Ma *< ravkrii. Hrtroit thia wt*t*k attt*mlhiR a tauirat* will i*vi*ntiially i*oiiii* to all. ia a tie*; tiin*Clnai*: jduiio solo. Itla Si*hnidrr* | that Wt* will inake armiiRriuenta with buck, four years oltl, ont* set iltniblv •ta>. Marrii I'l, ItnNi ■ liiritiR thr jiaat iwt* wtrka. r»*lMrnrtl of lta*tiin*a ami ilt*iuonatriitiona mi Miami of till* tiiL'ca. ami thia rloaiiiR harness. nt*arly new. one ('hamjiion ‘JTwjp. .1 K WiMlH Tiiratlay intirniiiR tti lua litmir in llat- wind: duet. .'rrIi* Hi*ndrn*oii and I somt* Jiaper tti take mir Hat. "'t* t*ini>NlniinR. Hr will rt*turii holm* ' yt*ar of tht* ta*nttiry ia aim* to Im* matli* .Iriinii* H.iwera: m*itation, Ina Hcn-| thank mir friends for all they have liimier. mit* Champion mtiwei. one tlr ( rrrk. im*iiiorahlt* h\ thia tiilal wavt* of in* , MtINKT T«l MIAN thia fvrninR ilrrsitn . SOUR. " .Sunflower ( " j tried to ilu ftir ua. "'e Rti tti a larRrr wheel apriiiR ttsith t*iiltivattir. one 11- Itatiiant Chapter i»nlrr ttf thr Kaal* 'liaa Fhrlollirllr itllJIJM*. who haa tt*Ilt*t*tiial prvtRrcaa, lN*arinR U|M>n ita ttiwii ill tin* northern jiart of 'liehi* holt* Kmplrt* ilrill, t»ne .btrel roller, t*rrat ami hrinRiuR iHn*t*tlv to thr tl.SKYTtI l.tlAN —Knirw a A WalbrlaR bobler anil truck*. Till* HriiRtil I'nion .Xitl .Htmirfy will * I UR I* tHTNKIIsllll* a«*rHM*r in 'lajile Hajitls iiesiri*s hia j>a- (trami Trunk station In st. .lohns iiir«*t with Mra. OalHiriir (Tniiipttin, 7.' ImiT'-, out* Vi-rmIIoii i*alilroii fml Ki SINKSS DlKHCTfiKY. 'I. I. Kriiyoii. K/ra simth .ami " ii.. jM*r sent to lH*"'itt. H«* alimiiil write tsMtkrr. oiM* wbi*el Itarmw. tme hay W•iliii*a4lMy . 'larch 7, at |u o'rlorK a. ' ib*al was closril Tin ‘Hda\ imirniiiR .Mttnday inorninR. Tli** train frtmi the K. iirRlrr alti*mlial a rtaa*jitloii Riven Till. Ni.wa rct|in‘atinR that hia jMi|N*r fork, with pulleys anil rojies iximpictc. Ill l.mlii'a uiitl Ri*ntlrnirii an- \H»r* for tin* tratisf.'r of K. F "aidrmi's in- east, which miis mi a sitliiiR at thi- Momiay at .lMt*katin. in hmior of " F Im* ehaiiRt*ti from Majib* Hapids to lie- ti*n*si ill tin* shiN* firm of "ablrmi .V forks, shovels, hoes ami other article*. .MTDitNKYS. diully invitrti to attriiil. Ciiw'haii. of tin* 'li*( iiriiit*ik (oiiijinik . " itt. It ia then an «*ua\ matter to station to allow the eaatlHuiml train Thes«* tiMtIs. imjileiiM'nts ami inachin* 'lack to Mr 'lack, who ia n.iw tin* Mr. anil Mra. Miiiiaon ( haar. of who rt*aiRm*il aftt*i thirty-two vi*ara liHik over tin* list ami Hml bia nann*. to jiasa. had takt*ii its jilnt*t*. ami as erv wi*n* ail iMuiRht new last st*ason K.WIh H|:\ KIlA.Nt'K. A. II.. Attoriirl. sob* ow in*r of tlir biiHiin-MN. in sjN*ak- tht* train fn»iii tht* wt*st hi*vt* in siRht i t'oiinarlor anil Hollclior. .Ht Johna. Mlrii Ka.a«titt*t|. 'll alMianl for (iranti is a can*fnl, jirudrnt btiaiiicaa man. iuR from what jMmioitter hia jiajMT .'ll slims of $.'• anti iimier. i*ash. (tn l.a«t I ifflrr ovrr fornrr Hriix Ht.irr h'rnnk 'at*ln»tlt*lil. h*ft foritraml Hnjiiila Hajiids. " F KuRcnr *1 Hall, the |Mii*t .mil puli* ami has always ix>ntiuct«*4i tin* ston* mi ia to Im* taken, ami we must either Rti sums all ovi*r f.*>. I will a(x*ept rinm I liahrr. aa_\a that onr ilitar of Foley a 'lomlay. Tln*y will leave for I'arRtt tliroiiRlf the Hat of thmiaamlaof nann>s A travt-liiiR iiiMii who was sittiiiR ajijirovetl ntdi*s lirawiiiR •> per cent, tin* jilan that a lurRc traih* t*vcn at a ’ll.I- II llllKNHtt.N, Attornry at l.aH. llont*_\ .'intI Tar rratorrti hia voire tot lay. or elat* wrlti* ami aak tin* fi>mier ail* near the tliMir tiiniilly imjiiirt-tl if liit* interest, to nm nine mtmths from Ht. Johna. MIrhixan 1*J4 arnailcr jiritHt wm* preferable to small w w ht*ii hiM»ra«*in*a^ thn'Htrnrti to pn** , drcsa of tin* Jiarty. all of whieh takt*s train from the west liatl yet arrivetl. liatl*. but same to ilraw 7 jier t*rnt. if h rrti .Ht*htitirlil. who liaa licrn viait- sales at liiRh priiw*. To that emi hi* vent Ilia ha’turr at ( t'ntral Nliiair Hall. tiui«* ami i*aiia«*s lielNy. H«* jMr1ii*iilar anti .Shertiii lM*lIt»%vt*tl out in his sten­ mit jtaiil when due. Henieralier tha II. M. I’r.iiiitN f K I'rnniN A.J llki nwix itiR hia jiamitit. 'Ir ami 'Ira Frank has alway- inarke«i Ilia rimmIs low ami I IliraRo NtitliiliR rla«- na rihmI. to Riv.* tin* nann* t»f thr oIHih* to w hit*h torian titiies* liatl* Thiifsilay. 'larch a. and place, yKItItl.NH A IIAl.l»W|.\. Attornrya at St*hortrl4l. ainct* thr holiilMyit. left \t*»- tin* jMsijib* of thr tx,uiity have In ’tii *'Nt>. I am RtdiiR to meet it mi tht* I lain ami Htilhrliora In < hanrrry , rral rr- .lohti I lirtia. {diarniarixt at Filiirw tt*ntay for (imini Hajinla. to viait treatril allkt* No scale of jirircs or Tilt Nkwh ia ln*iiiR sent ami also tin* two miles south anti twt> miles weat fair axrnta, ritnrryancrra anil inottry liotn in*w tiltl»*«* to whieh you tlcain* thr main track in a few minutes." of bt. .lohna. "'ll.I.I AM laivic. rra, rsamlnr lltira. l^ay taira. rin-lltr lirli A Millinaii'a. waa iinitiHt in inarnuRc frirmla until tiNlxy. when In* rxjNH'ta liiMs.iints for sjireial eiiattinirrs with ehatiRt* mmir. riir jmssenRcra in Hit* station en* I#m |s ItoKoN, aloti (Mtiirra ami inakr rollrrtlona. .\ll lotal. to .Miaa ('larti llo|M*. liauRhtrr of Mr. to n'tiirn to hia hmin* in FiirRo. North liiRlier ones to make iiji on thr 'raHy* jttyetl the fun. ami even the traveliiiR nraa promptly ami arruratrly altrmlnl to Dakota .'uetiiint*cr. tintcr orrr t napmaii'a Shoe Htorr. No 11 Hiitl 'Ira. Thoa. Ilojir, at thr liriilr’a marks" liavi* ever Im*,*m olitaiiictl at man smiletl a sickly smile as he re* fllnlon atrrnur, H|. Johna, MIrhixan. hoiiH* *rn«*aday afternoon. Mr. anti the .MrrcantHr alnic dcjmrtinrnt. The TIMM SIIAIlK TKFKS pimtetl after the little tatntiuettir "(in Mra, s. .1. " ilatin. Mra K ||. "'ll HcataIrNliMM Nallrr. 'Ira, i urtia left mi thr rtrtvpf train »on ami Mra. itt*tirRi* "'iHHlnifT Rav«* u j>ri(N~. fjiioteti hv thr ffrm have iNN*ii the main track, eb?” r’liWI.N II I.Ytl.V, Attornry at lj»w. Ht. for lirtndt for a abort viait. They ilcIlRhtfnl one o'cliK ’k lunrhtam at tin* iiimir in isdd ink ini thr jMMrca of tin* TKI.KI'NIINK I I»%IIV%NIK h 4'ANN«*T IIK To the elretors tif the villaRr of bt. I Johna. Mkhixati fHdHM't TKIl K4IK IT. •lohns. btate of 'lirhiRan: Notlrx* ia will inakr St. Johna their tmnir. holm* of 'Ira K. 11. " H mui Friilax nrws|MjH*rs and thr jnihlic have rii* Hark Itt llrwerr, llttslaeso. '*'Vhat would .IcNua ilo ikimuL canla" laat. Hrarta wen* jilnyt*d. .'Ira h' ilorHcti this tnethiMl of biiainraa by Im*- herehr Riven that a intfctlnR of the i: .hMITH, tltornry at lj*n, H». johna. Frank .1. "'arti lias jitirebasrtl (ietu-Rt* Hoani of lleRistration of thr villaRV toniirht, and •‘"’hat alaitit'Hid nania- ” A. Frrr**y rr«x*lvrd thr Hrat price nlitl stowiiiR a IHN*ral jmtroiiaRr at thr .' ease of conaiiirrahle interest waa 'VeH's interest in the RTtieerv Hmi of • MIrhixan t tlllrr at f'onrt llouar stoix*. Mr. Ma(d( says that hr Nhall alMivr iiamrti will In * hriti at thr Ctinn* S lonHimiw niirht at tht* tMiitkoiliat , Mra. .', .1. Fiillaw the lamMdation tleeitletl hy the aapreme txiiirl Tiieatlay. "’ells A Iltdton. Mr, "an! will rhurch. .'laiut m»r huiwirrd people prl M* .'iHiiit riRhtv latllra wrrx* prra try and jiay for the stock as much aa|(iM*ar "'yant. in tin* "'aynt* isninty ell Kihiius within saiti villaRr on b44t* KAllI.K IIIttlWN Attornry at Ij»w. MH»n tain* jUMwession. as hr has al* unlay. .Man*h l(»th. A. D.. Itaai. for .1 itfllrr with i; II. I.yon.Ht Johna. MIrh wen- prmrnt "rtinraday niifjit hnt I rut. jHM*siblr out of the atiN'k anti tti that I eireiilt tsnirl. arciirrti a jinlRment rcatly resiRnrti his ptMdtion with thr thr piirpiMN* of rcRikterinR th«* nauM* the a|N*<*ial aiihject wait ^latpxltvil In ** I end will make prices mi the shtl by Hn* telephone srssrtl of thr iifceiiaary ijiialHlration* the Catholie, Kpiataipal and iithi*r at her home mi (laklami atrrrt Mmi- In * rtlletl in a short time .'Ir. "’anl m m isunjiaiiy in onirr to atriuR ita wires of electors, anti who may ajrply fm* rhurchea will im irltmn. dav rvrnliiR. It waa Hn* Hnal Jiarty* smwrttitNx ni TniNh .%I » |. lias had laMisitlrrabb* t*x|anhllnx'a Harilwarr iiwiiiR tti the many imekuirea that juiaa Rcntlcman Thr jtlayrra Nllnl aixtmi everywhen* who lielieve ehnmir ills* wielatetl with "amer Hiimlay for ’*N*v* strinR wires anti erect poles altiitR tlay amt at thr plai*r aforesaitl fntni thniURh thr iMiatolHv** iiiixdA|.MKK a lll't’K, fhralrtana amt Hur w ith a view of lirtrrminiiiir the proper prixeN a Hrat in enrli cai*«*. aiti him In makiuR ii "well." Dat«*ti this 77th tlay of Febmary. .k. nailI f^roatip>ona aIn Haaaara of tar Kyr. Kar, Noar |MMtjkirr thereon. In many eaaea mirk* i titirttirrtl for years anti rrtvived nti i P•''’P•‘f wav i»at a Hpre "HI llarlHtur. who haa )N*m in thr jiertnaiient lieneHt. they have Itecnmt* D.. Iis"i. lirnx Hti •rr, HI Joh>hna. MIrhixan axea arc luarkrtl "no writinir^Hlanil ! 4'a SNrreMUrr. Hy onler of the VillaRx* Hoard of iHintain Irttera and photoRrapha with ! with hieiil nt>nlimti«mM, mm thev cannot KrRiatration. I kK. I ^ IHHII.IMI. fhyalrlan ami Hnr. ; art Idea tif merchandlae jdaiHsi inal.h*. j *»** •N*eni. manr of such twaca. in the face' Tin* tsintraxt ftir umuntinR the jiamit IF xr*tn. Ht Johna. MIrhixan ttlMrr orrr' ' ' rim*d a jMMkitloti with "cndlami A of all failures, have ftiund perfect r**'*' which the (i. A. K. Ftwt nstently rmw*h thniNsitof ttmthi«cmw. Catarrh ki M, Ml, Alllaon'a Jrwriry Hlitrr. Thr Rovemment hitherto haa hkfx tie* a liltNMl or ctinstilnikmal diasniH*, and in Clerk of saiii Villiqn* franded otit of hiindretU of ihdlara. Co., tif Hay City. He Irft for timnil liealth anti stn*nRth untlxr the idcHIful > M*(*urr«l. has lieeii let to .'. T. .Siiiitii llapida Tiiemlay aftrrnomi and fnmi tn*atmt*nt of Dr. "'. C, "'alkcr. whti| for tLY.V It is to In * n*mly by .'pril .*i. ortler to care It ytm tnnst take intertwi AHI f HAVK.NH. M. II iFfRrr orrr | Now and then. ttai. mdea anr «ncloae«l rrmeiHes. llnll ’a Catarrh Cnfw is token tMCtlWM Mam. M .\ohlr llnmrtt'a IMorr. Ht, Johna I llllrr in newapaprra. Thia la a very dan* there he will ro to hia nonir in Caie* visits our elty every month The tits* It is the intention to iiave some pnhilc honra '.I to 11 a. m ami R to A p m. flonia. Hi* will leave for Ha\ City ttir's timt* is laxetl to the ntmtmi, anti' eerrmtinies on .'pril '.*th. the anniver* HKemnlly nnti acts dhvwtly on the IdtHsI The unilrrsiRnrd will sell at public Remua thInR to thi ami very fiMdiah. aa and RiUf*tMia aorfeow Hairs Catarrh it riaka linpriMininent to aavc a alnRlr .Hxt unlay inominR. hr itiftirms us that hia jimctlce has in* aary of lN*r's s«urn*fMler. pnivitiintr auetiim on thr .'rmour Farm, one- M. fttHT. M H . fhyalrlan. Hniwm I rreasetl nearly Hftv jier ovnt dnrinR thr weather Is favorable. If It he Cnrwisnotik quack medinne. It nna half mllr north of Ihiplain. i-nm* St anil Notary fnhilr nfllrr orrr flirr penny in pnataxr lit! tti K. I llnll ’a the jiast y*ear. Tlien* is only tme ex* slormc at that time the matter will prisrrihetl hy one of the best ph.Tsteians mrneinR at V a. m. sharp on Friilny. arr*a Mrat Marlirt. No |4 iUnton armnr . ftir liabv cnrrl in thlarxiantry for rear*, and la li rMin- Ilaoti lmrr rornrr IrtnalNX ami Koxrra ata Het ytmr plrturr framed at *a. HRes anti Ro-carta. filanatititi ftir thia. and that ia. the hr fielerretl until sairae fiitiin* time. Marrh 7. luoo. tlie followinR pntprrty: Inr prenrrtpttein. It iacomtimwd nf the Nt. Johan, MIrhixan doctor is remarkalilv smwxfnl in cur* ! Fuller annonneemrnts will Im* made Four tnileh laiws, ft»ur heifer* two InR his jmtienta. hr. "'aik 4rr's next i later. liest tonkw kno«m, (m. » ti»ns hay. i»ne a T xrona ftfNrr ami raalilanr i wrat ahir of mn4temte jirkasn I aitMi iniy ainl pn.v Catarrh, bend for tsstiimNiMila free. Ctiart llotMr M|aaer liArr k«inm I t K. ■ rrmowtl until seltlrtl for. Two per Mack, I take this necasion to thank (wnt ilisrount for luah. The larReNl atiiek of sitlelHiarils and CmA* II. Itkl'MM. F' I. Hlll'l.l... I'aderftaher. .To. in Cltnloa the prttph* iu t.'llnton I'onaty few their K. K. bTrnui*. I*rnp. L Aee ddeiw tpai Htate Wt. treat Pune aMD FnaanANT extension tahlaa in the tsmntv at ^ Ware tNSWvtnwe la Twa nays. Renemns patmnnirc in the past and K. A. Ctmvia, .'netloneer. lli'U.'s. TVike Lnintivr ItoMmt t|niaine I nWata. henpeah ftir him a eontinimner tif the k iMMHHib. maeral I ■••e I’tHitolkae. natdeaee mraar IN ScAtAO Pacnaocs O nly All tlrtnansta rrdnnd ttm money if it hiMa ■nine in the fntnre. The Herrin water Bid link and 4my, A n*w line of tsiwrhea jnat rmeivvd to eaw. R W. Hrove'e lUjinnmte uN VeiT IrtilT yonra. muddle him M Inti* y w«e( la HVLi.’a mmn hcui. 3ftr. A F. W'Ai.nnnN. 6 THE ST. TOHM8 NEWS, THU1SD4Y AFTERNOON, MARCH 1, 1900. THE TRAIN 8P0TTEK. wm atanding baaMe a gnn at a ttatf AN OFFICIAL WHO 18 WELL PAID BV IN (IW TIMES mnatar at Angnata whan f aahrta ta FW TILLEIS OF TIE SOIL THE RAILROAOe. the goremor, who hnd Jnat coaM on the Held, waa being fired. The cannon ■mt Tlilac* W*n> IMflbrvtM— S.1.S.10ES Tits WssN Whish Is PsvfssatsA Ng oaad was of the old fbahloned kind, IlM rr»« by ■■yr«wr«. TItls Class mt Ustsslivss saA tNs aad it was prematurely dia cha rgsd. WbMi Htriiwd iioir or aiini «birti SEED CORN. Bas IKIss Psr Whlsa ll falls MstN- wttb the rsault that the Index Anger of : ■ow iMttMtai • iMftrtMPT aliup mmm mo- I* ----- sAs mt iltm Wmmtmm SpsHse. the light hand of the man ramming ; plojMl U> Ut tbf iiabUc know wbOTv c«p- A Tmmt mt Its AMIIty Iw Ueww HwAww the load home waa Idown off. The' pMir ur bkMMl4vtliiiic w— pnitniiwalljr A little over three mouths ago there Oentwwpy KleM Cwii«ltlwwa. shock, together with the lodgment of | p«iurnM*«i, diMM* «kMV«« ww ul dbily ut^ k^HS(;^^1>CN allghteil from an itaklaml ferrylioat a Eying particles of powder, had tbe af* | —^riT uut tlM> •■mmy ramnvmi ul tb** It will not be a areat while until tbo TOTHEBOTTOE demure little woman, who pa seed along ■ ■ I'liir ^ , com crower of tbe west ouabt to bo of driving the blood back from the Mmit** or btiiry iiduniniMit of tbn bwul with the croard. with scarcely a glaiice wound, during which fragment of time ' Mid f^Biv IhiI I'ltwr Hbikirm from t*iit(^aK ' pmvkllua bis stock of sssd com. TbsfW to the light or left. Her petlteness at­ : are men wbu profess to lie able to ao* the Injured roan calmly examined Ida ! riirniT- Mon- than oMt* uu(ortuuatf«m- tracted sooH* attention and her mod* In every toot mado 8. & 8. EMOf tMwl tb« barttrr NMnn«Mi*i> UtMirway to ! lect seed «'om so that •'svery aralo will 1 maugled hand, but when tbe blood did PnipHr RmIk lliSiat FARM OONVENIENCES. eety more, hot no urn- who observed dmotMiraiAs Ito ouporiorlty ooar oUbm laavKit ai-oriiNfor no wmk that w*t tbn rielim of laal- iraa> 4lwa Deeleea Tluit Are Hawdy I very few wbu can afford to rely upon J fairly bubhlesl out in a torrent Tbe - oilnalA Uie oooo, nor whot otlMT tna^ ptwttn* on hiN fwt. Hlo«Ml-t**ttiuK wum aad Preeeai Waafe. made tier way to the public carriage i ' select ion alone and omit a test. They man ’s calmness left him as If by magic j of IN BM DBiiik ari roont or romodioo havo rallod.8.8L& wnl for NVrTTtbmi; fnmi a bmrtaeb** to ataml wouhl bare inuiglDed that abe , Rronuuilral nim I aatillnry iiiellMMla uf may think they can. but that Is only at the sight of the Mood. and. with a | always promptly rea ches and o nroo aBT aoom. aaii h |i*uu io ttw* taa* wn»» in* was a stranger xml that for the flrat j disease where the blood is in any way InvolraBL fpedluc nulniala. wlielber lliey lie fewer because they have never tried tbelr loud scream, he keeled over In a dead variabi v trmirti witii two iiM'iNioaN, oin * nuitiy. are mmie uf tlie exartins |»uloia time In lier life she was visiting Han < faint I Cim He Worst Cam. Everyone who hae had wx pan anno wllll oa Narb Mib* of tb«> nimim '. Uk** |4aNtrn> ability under exact test condltloas- dtsesaas knows that tharonan no Mt of Staal fariulliK- *Tla a lioitiely aaytns r ranclsco. ■ **They uae«l to tell a story of two men | aad liiiiui«*ntN, Uhw** hcfpMl from tbt* tliat la they liave never idaiileil well Msnts or trouMea so obstinate and diflieult to eura. Very few raasadlM atelm that **u auiall leak will nliik a lO^wt Giving a few i|iilet dlrecilons ami en- I floantar irntatiou tb«*y ermtMl. ami wr testetl seed by tbe side of tliat which leiing a cab. she was whirled away I who were working un opposite sides of i to cure s^h real, deep-seated blood diseases as 8. 8. 8. cures and non* OM pmMimt* that had Mr. l^ario Wilwuir abip. * and the aiiiall leaka of traatrful a buaaaaw. The attention of one be- i offer such incontrovertible evidanceof merit 8 8. 8. la not moiely a ttmlt M bail tieen selected merely ami noted tb* from the hustling throng ami driven to { protmrtor of th«* IradiDK NbavioK fmiioi anti earelena feetllnn may In time «le- different results. In view uf tbesi coming momentarily dlatracted. he ran i •* • • D goes down to the vary seat of all blood diseases, ana nota at tha af MU*w. Micfa.. Mvm I in tb** time o- a hotel. Isiter tbe register contained | fouiH^ion of tW vmn womt eaaas, and mu to the poiaon fmm the sysM. ltdo« stroy murli of the profit uu the avemifr fbrls tbe Iowa Homestead nfllrms tbal ...... i hla Anger agalnat tbe saw, and the Gconr-llI, of Kuictaad, in |»lan* of tak. an uiissanmlng “•MtaMias W.ll,r. ph.„. ,,„pp„, „ ,p, not, likeother ren^iee. dry up the poison and hide it fmm view temporaritv. : every com amwer should test, as well iaic tb* ’ rourw be did a idiurt time aico go. ” Her room was No. 11. <‘ailing only to break forth again more violently than ever; 6. 8. 8 tonmoai mwmSm I as select with care, tbe seed lie pur­ " “ • IM,. wbn, UU punu., uu wortlac. with bin bark, bliNid-lettinK would bare private measeuger, she dispatched a traM of taint, and nds the system of it forevar. That worthy picked It up and. with tbe Mn.T. W. I,ee, Montgomery, Ala., writes: “Home years bran rwairtwi to. Ileail bow be trmte)] poses to uae. and. as to tbe manner of message to a firm of lawyers, aud that bai tniuble. Mr. Wil«oii Have the test. It advises as follows; ^ . , casual remark, 'BUI. yon ’ve dropped ■to T inwulsted with poison by a nursa who infected evening promptly at H o'clock, a pros- | «,n,eUilng.' handed It hack to Its own ••My fimiiNiiton Ua* »ery llkelr. much to There Is a disposition anioua thusr babe with blood tainu 1 was covered with sores and 4a with the rauae «4 iny iMu-karhefniUi which peroiis looking, well dressed gentleman „ oleen from head u> foot, and In my great extremity I prayMl who test tbelr seeil com to do It in the I baae •uO^ml ittaakleralrfy for a numlMT of to die. Heveral pmminent physicians treated me. nut all yaara. HlaaalloK on t»aaa fact •«»nie ibwcrtbe In worda. m>an'a Kidney commpuudent wtitea: i but a vigorous plant under Held condi ­ 8. 8. 8. FOR THE BLOOD Pllla perform what they pnimlae '* ahe purchased a train ticket and 'i0 fodtler In otir bamii durins tbe to grow as a part of tbe Held stand j there was no evening caller. Haturday dety drcles largely about Hyde park. : winter acaaoii than to former yeara, In testing, therefore, an effort should evening she left town again for a few and uaturally enough tonrlata reganl | I vartoua eontrlvanrea are bmuaht Into be made to give an approximation tc days, and these trips were continued It as a good starting place from which | THE uae to make tbe feeding of stalks more Held conditions. Coosultation and Ezaminatioiis Free and Strictly Confldentiil until one day last wi^ek. when, by the to study British manners and pcoplea. i convenient. In our liay lairns or liams As a means to this end we would merest chance, the oliject of her re- Imagine, then, tbe Indignation and ' with manfcem built to I'conomlse space suggest that a shallow box should b« State Bank of SL Johns, peatisl outlnga was diacovered. On this tbe dlagust of a pair of pretty glria, a*; In tbe stable room, we Hod that tbe proctiml largt* euougb to contain tbe occasion she wak the possessor of a costomed to traverac borne drirea in ^ mauKcrs are too small to feed atalka seeil to be tested. l*at Into it a couple of St. Johns. Hlcblfan. ticket to a dty near tbe Mlseonii liver, any faablon they like, warned back ' batullly. Id the first cut Is shown a of Inches of soli, well pulveiixed. plan and she smilingly confesseil that she from Hyde park entrance by Ottman, M. D. rack attachment which is mneb used tbe seed upon this sufBcieutly thick, COMMERCIAL AND SAVINOS. was bidding goodby to Han Francisco all foot arm of tbe law. No tJpa, no ' and liked In our country. It is made of taking care to count tbe sseds. and for some lime to come. mnonatrance, no pleading, baa the 1 by 1! lath thmuxbout. An ofieniiiA Is then cover with, say, two Inches more slightest effect upon the stem “bobby,*' ^ left at A. where irrain can lie easily of tbe soil. Keep tbe soil moist In the As an illustration of the care which who simply orders cabby to depart The Cala brat ad SpaciaMat ._fomsariy of Now York, now President of tlto Capital paid in $50,000.00 thrown Into tbe feetl liox. Tbe outer , box in a germinating temperature. The she must exercise in order to enhance her value to tlie big railway corpora- and tells his fares to get a more cor ­ : portion uf the rack Is hlnned on tbe aeeii should come up In from five to ten rect iNtnlpage If they desire to take tloDs In this country It Is only iiecee- Ottman Madicai Institute Comp a ny, Muakegon, will be at the I manscr. which makes It very oonven- ^ days, eight days lieing about tbe aver part In tbe row parade. PORTEIt K. PERRIN. Presldcot. I age If there lie no forcing conditlont sary to state that In the ten rears I lent to let down and empty refuse it Is livery or nothing, and If tbo JOHN H. CORBIT. Vice President, stalks on tbe liam floor, where they supplied. Itefore making up one's mind which she has dernteil to the buslnees of s|K)tier. nr, as she would (imbably ▼Isttor continues to long for a glimpse J. W. HTZGERALD. Casbler, may lie worketi nut Into the manure as to the rigor of tbe seeil tbe plant* of tbe Hyde |iark show she must have I should be pi>rniltte«i to grow an loch ot prefer to liave It <*alli*il. private de ­ R. A. BEEBE, Teller. yanl, Tbe line refuse can lie worked boots and breeches to drive her, there­ two In liHglii. Ky that time tbe ob ­ tective. she luis doubtless made fewer STEEL HOTEL, SL Johns, Mich. i out Ibroufch the stable for lutldlnc. by having at least tbe eemblancc of a Tbrm* |n»r ••enl iiiterwal |mitl on •-ertifl- server can forai a good opinion of the friends than any on<- else in the coun ­ ' This arranireuient Is very convenient private establishment. No admittance flnt«w of ilaiMMitt and on aavinira btaik ur- also to feeti bay. and where small man* pen-cntagi- of the seed that will grow, try. And while she will not allow any eonuta. limfta iaatied kinm I in iinr iiart U the standing rule for tbe ostensible fers must lie use«l they soon pay for and grow vigorously. one to get thoroughly acqualntiil with of the I'liiittl Htatea or ('anatlit itnd in cab. —Boston Globe. Friday, March 16, 1900. thenisidres in the saving of fee objects of the great ­ 0. W. Mnnccr, Jesse sulllTan, all no lietier. in fart, than those tbal est contempt with the army of toilers Geo. F. Marrin. W. M. Uland. did not even germinate. It is reasoni who seek a living on the trains. To I J. H. Corbit. Dr. G. E. Corbtn, of this kiml that render It n«-i-«>ssary to j offset this unpupiilarity. luiwercr. they J. H. Pedewa. Porter K. Perrin, make the earth test under «*nndltlons have the imiucemeut of large fluaiicial IV J. W. Pltzceraia, .lobn J. Reiser, as nimr like tluise of the Held as possi ­ I ratiirns. There Is no Ininlsiuiul nile F. A. Trarls. SANITARA* noo TnOCOB. ble. rather than to rely ui*on a mere t^vertiliig the amount of money which other corresiKtndcnt iM-otls a sketch of pan ti-si iN'iueen cloths. Ihey ii-i-elve. Iiui the more profleient of a «lcrlct- for prcvcntlug It. He says: ' the rIasM pmltahly make from $-..100 to TIIK ri.INTo.S.i'Ml'.NTY SAVI.Niif* ll\SK Thi‘ iioiohiil Uiant iiiiist In > high Tlie IlsrU of tlie lirlaSstoNS. a year. Ul .ST JMlINS. Mi' ll , enough tluit tin- Imgi* cauiiut get tbelr j The griiMlotone on tlie farm sees i .%t timet, a railroad will have .m Im hca«lN ovi-r It, aiitl iIm-v will kii-p their pn-tty liani usage. Tlie softer the ' pnrtniit ease on Its hand, ntui the serv- •l fii't «»ul. \V»- Just ilnivc a stuki* •town atom*, the hnnter usagi- It receives. The tats .x I’KU i'km iNTi;itr..sT »i> lu. j |<-eM of a first class s|M>tter will lie in- lloii't wall. i( yotithiiik of liuviug vonr I ct i-.-irh (-n«l of th<- 'fough aD«l iiniliHi grinding surface of ttie simie is mnn' PO.SITH.V.M* MiANf, MoMiV ON AP , vahiaith* to the roropany, and on such** laetun- t’lkeii. You may just miss tbe 1 the troiigii to I Ik - Mink. * Tlieii wi* ran likely to tie ns shown at the left of the ; o«-e.iMloiis. If successful, the fluanclal IMtoVKI* lloMis a NI» IlKAl. nus|iif-tout> moment w-heii your health, . ui«' iiot< h«-«l iMiaril li-ugtliwtse uf the fat than It Is to have nii even fare or returns Inereasi* wonderfully. l ATK -HK* ritITV. trpi's;)j un.l ii.-iih-ii to tin- Hlukt-s. This your eostuiiie and the atmosphere, hut 1 slightly iM-vi-hsI surface, as at the right ' Tliere In s iiiiieh greater demand for most of all yitiir iniHxl an> ail in tirm*. 1 will do -ii you fi*« «I ill oue (ilsci* nil In the Hsine pietiin*. Tin* former con ­ this t-lnss of deiei ’iives in the east tiuin I We want you when you yoiirwil want to | Al.nKItT J IIAI.IOVIN IT.-.I.Irnl the time. If you want a uiovalde dition eoiiH>s from giiudiug axes, > then- is hen*, and several reasons are 1/ U. Vl.-,-l'r«.|.l-fit trough, make the en«l Imad Is longer, so ' scylhes. mai-hine knives, etc., with given for this condition of afTairs. Ip >ef>me, and we sill make a jtietiin-of you I* K \VA|>Mo|lTII. Tivn-urrr that the trough wfll not upsi-t. and nail tlielr isIgcH lengthwise of tbe stone in ­ the first place. I raffle lieiug heavier, that will ite II revelation. It • IlKXTKIt. AmI. 'rrm«»irvr a Moiisnl to it. I>o not bei|ieii In grinding some tools. But ij mure men .xro einpinyeil hy the com ­ MAHILTON, The Artist let the notches come 4lown lower than when tbe stom* iloes assume this panies. Besides, that section Is more the top of the trough. We liave liad aha|>e. making It imixissihli* to grind a thickly populateil. and way trains are clean troughs ever store we adopted I chisel or any flat edged tool decently. In many Instances run hourly. If not r. mans tbib pISQ It Is a good time to get a spade -spades oftener. but prniMibly the truest cause are usually dull —and hold It on the Compound lleMa laAMtrr •« New Llaa*. for the Increased dishonesty .imong stone until It Is sharp, when the irregu ­ IJ.JI According to ofllcisl report, our Im- railway cooductora in the east Is tbe I larities In tbe surface of tbe stone will The Leading ports of hemp fllier for the past Eve j low rate of salary which ihey receive. years have averaged In value $078,475 , There Is a well deHneil liellef among annually, coming chiefly from Italy eastern men who travel extensively Blood Purifler and southeni Ituaala. This hemp la that any man who has reacbeil that de- Merchant Tailor, worth about 7 cento per pound and is grei- of prosperity wliere be can afford A Reliable Stomach, Liver uaed principally in the manufacture of | to wear creaaeil trousers Is hofielaasly and Kidney Cure. cari>et warp* lu addition, we Import 1 Opposite “The Steel”. an unknown but «loubtleaBly large K GRES IFTB OTNERS FML amount of manufactured hemp In tbe i Most 8 Mccssatul aad SclaalKIc Treatwioat of All Dlnaanaa aad ^ Plasant to the taste. form of tbe cheaper grades of linen. | Tbe domestic product of liemp reimrt- All the aasaaa of Maaklad Pooaiblo to Obtain. sd by tbv last (-ensus, at s vslustion of Tbs nMMt widely Bad Itovfrabtrkaown Hpsrtollettn the t^nttod Wats s Hie laug sapaW Aak your DrutCK^sts lut it. 8 canto per |iuund. waa worth StMi.aEO mss, ramarksbie■am and bbIvtsb I anraies Ib tl— tar. -wet b»spit*l* la tbe w«wMsaMlaS itmto trsatalli'lllto.VIU, NRllVflUn, HKIN and ntomU lu—ases apoa U—Isissi sMSto and was grown chiefly In Kentucky. < lessneos of miinry In tbe west, so far JflS rrtBfipto B aud eniitUs him to U— ftUI wmfldewee of the oglK-tad srerywher e. p?rram akd rat rx entxusww. This berap is useil priocipally In place ! I as railroad traveling was coacerned. he gbD fVmM 8 M has no saprrior In dtsawaMns sad tesatlns db—asse nadPa, have illsapps a rad. A grindstone shoald Latest Noycltics. BFH* Vfl 1 ivmiarv tormltlss. Medical and Hargtosl INssasto. .\rtiiaaadrbraals of jnte butto for cordage purpoaea. ' I continued: I rHtiuTti. IMssaser of the Kya bar. .Nese. Thror.t aad Laoae. iwspepeuv prisht’s ntsaasa Tbe Kentucky hemp producers grow a ■ never lie left exposed to tbe sun. Tbs I “Take any train on any road west of I Tituhetoa, Ktdasy. Uvsf. Hladds r, Cbroole Kemnle aad Hexual ulsens— eps—ilty cared by weight of tbe handle will cause one I (rrAtmsnt Umt bae oevsv (Bllsd in Umu—utde uf rt—as that bad bsen proaooaeed beroad short plant In small areas with shallow . Kansas City, St. I,oals. rrbicaffo or Et. ; bar*. Many people meet denta evar* year who laigbt bars bsso rceioewt toparmeibssMb portion of tbe stoae to remain upper­ plowing and little or no fertilising. Paul, ami tbe root Is easy. Aosume an ! bsti they tdacM U—tr essss ic tbe tsMids of sspsrts. most. ami this, from exposura. will as- The crop Is reaped ami liroken by ' nir of Indtffarence and smoke a etcor. THE BOOK OF THE TEAR. MEPOBTAItT TO XpATOBS. -Z>K. OTTMAN. sftor riT- irf ispiTtears ...... same a different degrse of iiardnsos I Ws grsatost esce toaswajw sn_dttoatos jacsitsr tc ttossss Fcbm to ditoasss positIvsfy • band, and tbe fliiar Is extracted by tbe If your conductor be see^ laaklag, ' toy the asa rssMdv. OUTS PIiOOOOK. Ttor care rttoct —! to ba —•!—•«—set. Eat fmm tbe iimlerside. so that after "TN Btff*i«g|Ed Gloct iBtf Olfetr StorlM,* s.stlfsir process of «lew retting. In addition to - bare a beard, ao old iigMfeaai wtth Ullb SB IStlW bscate sA ssS csAiir sppitol. Coaosltailaa Fesc and OtHctly CsaSdeattol. awhile tbe stoae will be gronml out of tl US tl OB tif IHL OTTKAM operstr*. MCCMSfallr aad 1 DBAFItBag. 1 care to rcr rest, af Ml ___ Tl«tlita« Am ■S4« m ] these liaavy cliarges. an annual rental, tbrradbare elbows and a bopelsaa ex- SSisIsasI^ ter msiai eyss. ptorrytasA. irtdec lessee., rare* i-ermt le r ne irrsin—at. Ia lb- I bM« af lb- .irawiaii ' a circle. If tbe stoae baa to stand In Atm m r l«B •! I n M M •• ib* Mlilf r,4l- averaging prolwbly flO per acre. Is or- I preeslon on his face, pay yanr fara. He fissMal post, ; to —y, isrslsr is sr eat ef err laetos* er lids. | OXaCBAMOlNO 'ma.nm |„ eraev ' ■'ll iicbl f—tn • OKIMIV A •'••41m tbe open, a flat box can serve as a JsBMs Whll, ' cb—areaf tssr daci sad sll otbsr rys specs* ' case .><4bllM, -lit - >M>miMI- bM*- ••lb* dloarlly pahi for tbe land. It la stated la an honest man. A tboaaand dollars ' - _____ ' CATA«*« OF TW* HOSb. ba-chltts • Mt. -••• ,.1 ib« ibMbilb, cover, aajrs a corra op oadent. who gives nsBto KtlW' Aa CKMOinc SOBS RTSS sad grsas- • M •* 4tbb-r Tb- Mai 4n nibll— that there Is a raaaonable prospect of wonMn't tempt him. and you are out a lUswfstsa tsL sad laar ireabtos tsaiid fra — cstsrrto, poaL tbe foregoing advlco In Kural New aaMt IbbMMb Ma4- lb bll rolbM try In the Uniteil Htates on new line*. bis train Hsd you waited for tbe next ■toatiSMs, rwss, ••'I I'-' bMst 4-ll BBCTAX. carad. braaktog by uMchlnery and using tbe TLCRtia rssraaiced carod watoeat paia ec This makes SB foreat raasrv a ttona. sm- for a drummer or even a iianker. He sssaplorsd proces s of water retting. •sUld toSMT. , SStoSln — trnin t»a»>i—M. DR. OTTMAN :rTr.'*r braclDg an estimated area of 4 a«»sl Nwtos. AddewssUeedMeis •eev—l'M* ef Aa—rics aal Karepa. ' bat per—a I reaaattsitea pcrfrrrad. small expanse. By mixing clover. ; gravity aad aboolato welgbt. on tbe cian for yoar aarveor* THE WRRNCR COMPANY. FR8a MXA«rMA*rfON or rmm tmnni.-kscbparaea smrtsefera-dfcsl ii nlslke. alfalfb. millet nr ntbar short Nv- | swat -K—Id —ad er tones fee— )ie» 4 eeaceassmeeaww efaes ariaeweemm itmm«iibat pae —d HffWlirat la IWII IWnfEW whole, that of medlam apoclEc gravity “Tea. sod I had to gat so me oMfu terfsdi. wbicto wilt rrceir* scarefst ebe—icsl aad — wtrr«raaca —aal asa —laai —a, aad II rraaiat^ W W A arnc ntumr to woman far -W sd or mace tender forage plants with | IT— w- Ito bant for sowing. toedictae when I racHved tbe htll** — a-wrtt —n saaira — will ba gtvea. i*F ccai —a raiaad la haslUi to astasraad preiaadera, who tbe smeotb bronii a larger piece of ; to —r triaiag with iba — a —atto after oi —aib. gtvtae ...... Si aad ...... sU WsaMss psei Mar •* ber sas. i^^iead tor I Pblladeipbla Rallelta. IgM* i——iSiaialy. l—layasteda land can be sown, aad aa these die ont ! It Is stated that at tbo Wyomloff ax- ■au sr fraet sar Aa**A Sl.OO wtr naa. -awto-toto —basaasetoctodaraaeMllfaUp RUMK HG. OC.. Rmb, CLflUiM. MB. tbe brome grass will spread and Easily periment statloo a plat of Tnrbaotaa lilimL CURB Neeaperi—eats er fsllatas. Pan —e ii—d toy —M alfalfa was nxpiiosd far two weabs “■a*« “ la e«. Laato Weaas rbtoawa. I, .Fener*! I mass ban —i la preSerroS. Cars to- caaea—asraatosA I! R Vim •hekl*. Hi. jnhas. Michigaa Ell tbe Ee4d. llnrb Is Bontb Dnbotn restosmsai asm C. O. D. la sop poet sf U.8 without Injury to a dally temperatura Ton middle waster 11 peo ple get yoar *8 T—E REGTIffN' f« 8U. of 35 degrees IioIaw aero. F.. tbe lewsut oplrit of paab from the far weoc. I sap^ List af 1 ao ssoattaas frss. AdOes s artta ao INFLAMMATION mmyrnm motml, Dmrmorr •nw BWtlao k far tbe oitve Indnotry la point reached Itelag 46 degree s below, »—ibraai. II—ra» la aSeeaMi^M— Galifornla la report ed very pro mtslag. la t^llfornla It was oabjeeted without **Ra. We get N by gofag saw aad •KI toS S—n .r»>Me^ ao fnral gB craps wIB bo maeb batow damuffr tu a drough t wbteb aarlouair aaelng bow alow aad poky tbtaffa torn OTTMAN, M. O. tboavocoffto. I—. tlBIOT.Jt«WBllBW9,‘nroi^TAWBKW,Mi^eBl. IWO.

■aeb was tba lafanbattao at haad aad aa cb was tba amna of aSblta oa tba Wedoewlay foHowtag tba flatur- day when Mlaa l>odpr mat bar death. li • mrf ocmmmm commqmmtcm of iadi* Up lu the urtlx-e of tbe city editor of F.a ■Mllaa aad tofpid llvor. SooMlinMo I Wbat tbe Professor WOMAN AND HOIS. Omc mte apem bofo w tko mym mmd hot Tbe Dolly I'elagrapb a group of mea •HhoiL At oUmt thMo • Mnirtno m ware gathered that aftertuMMi Tbe mm /inKncm ocnnsiip of >ort %upo ef, t Of ■Ufcctiin —d I Saw In the f\irror eraolag edlllou bad Just gone to pmaa. blta^ag. It io o «Ml» ai tkmm to at* aad there waa a lull la tbe rush tbat usually ebaracurrtaed tbe place. Tbe WOjiAX S WORLD. Three cttloa chUm Mlaa Cotter. Barn H A Paicinatino Muatenj By Jame6 Raymond clty editor had swung round la bla ta Ml. Louis, she waa e«lu«aied la Chi­ awirel ebatr and thrown one leg oar* cago ah*! nsceatly laanied a palatar. H Story jBL laasly orar tbe arm. He picked up AMIRICAM ART EXPCRT WHO WILL U. W. Voaaob. in New York. J_ Perry froBi bln xleak a plaea of yellow paper. Oi«MH of dhMO- ATTCNO PARIS EXPOSITION. Of the moaumeats aad statuary tMi aad imtfi&oa MM, h^J.H. fVsve. It waa a taIngr a m. arected to woom ^o America baa not a **l lasnied." be said, aildreaaing tbe ■art bo mtocad ^«o AeSlaSle UfeSa AmeeSoaa Woos- few. altbougb the city uf I*af1a Is oaM to iMalthy activ ­ 04K>+0+0+0+04'0«f*0+0+0+0+0+0+'■o+oH company generally, "that Bbeiiock •a a ealptoen ToSd Moe Mot to Woe- ta lead the world In ouch moaumeats. ity, tha bloi ' Holmes was up Id Chicago and wirad r»—A Woehlaa Ulrl's ASIowaaas. The "Margaret" statue la New Or­ oaat ha pahiod.1 him asking If be couldn't come down leans. the moaumeni to Winnie Davla tha Uvar claaaa Where Weasea VoSe. Uow tbr services of Profaaaor Oil- where tbe cashier could oelaa it lo- and aasisi on this taoe. | thought it In Hollywood cemetery. KIchmoad. aad atraanth ao ad. MO of tbe Ursula .Vstroaomlcsl ub- otaotly If a necuod attempt to rob her would be a neat bit of enterprise for Mlaa Anna CaulSeld. who has bam ba fo a a a cat* oaa arreted by the Daughters of tbe Ckm- aeriatur> tbat profennor wbo. as yov ahouki be made. bahopadfor. Thla tbe pa|ier If lie could he Indut-exi to do aaleettsi hy Cummlaalooer Kentlnaud federacy. aud tbe UMMtiimmt to Uen- As aoou as It was found tbat not tbe ia the work ckiao trill rruienilier. bad dlstlugulsbed blm* oo. TbIn In his reply: 'ImponsIhle to W. i'eck as a iiwmber of ilw tine arts hena Hyile WaIwuHh. erected In Sara ­ ^ Or. Plarce'a Bvlf uot a little at out* tlUM* auti auoUi- lightning, but a bullet, bad caused the come. .Aui starting for {..omloii to ­ depart uwul of the l*aiis expoalHon. la toga under the auspices of the Mara- death of Mias iHalge tbe police bogau uoUati Medical er an a tlftectlvt—trw nwMired la night.* So that ends that." Aud the toga auti Mary Waohlngton Coloolal Modek. lOTeatlgatlooa. lu a case of thla sort known lu art i*lrcles as a t-iitir and Diaeovary, a laod- wurkiuK up tbe cant- uf Martba liotlge city editor pHMMsI tbe message tmek to chapters. Daughters of tbr American Oa Knch iekmt apaclally there are always fonml one or more judge of ability. Hh** tiellvemi the I bave uever Imwii lufuruietl. It la a bla desk, with a look of dlnappuiuimeoi HevoluHoa. arc auHtug the American baoaficial io dia- pemons ileouininatetl by tbe police as closing axldress at Hw art coagreos of fact. iHtwever. I list bln nervirtM bsd ou bis face. sprclmenn of auch art. KAUIAZeO CORSET CIL aoaaaof the atoto- lieiMi aet'uretl sutl that Im‘ was ouw at **atiapicloun." This case was oo ex­ "Ily Hh- way. i*mfenaor (fllmau. tbe Tranaoilaalsslppl cxpiMitlon at ach, blood and It Is said Hull, with the exception of SOLE MANUFACTwRcRS. work iryliiK to clear up tbe mystery ception gentleman deocendlng In wbat is your i-atluiale of Mr. Ilulmes?*' Dniaba. read a itaiier ou ".Vrt For Wo ­ liver. It atreoftb- Victoria. <|ueeii of Kugland. no womau 004.0 UY ! surroiiuiiliiK ber deatb. one of tbe tdevalora almnt 3’.3(l o'clock asked the x-lly editor. ana tba atomaefa, men's Clubs" at the Denver biennial baa been tbe original of so much plas ­ Then* were luaii) points of rtseta- bad notlreil uu tbe stairway, risible * ‘Mherlm*k ilulmes a mere IgtMia- paiifica tha blood, aud ban lectunsl before all the promi ­ tic art aa the "Maid of Oiieaun." Jtaiu 1 blaiicv ill (be eircumatuucea nurrouud- through tbe bars of tbe steel elevator musT' repiieii the professor coniemptu- claaaaca tba clog ­ nent women's Hubs of Chlt-agu. Mlaa of Arc. It Ima lieen esUmated that all ged liver, aad pro ­ , lui; ber deatb uii siip|M»sed Hiat tlie autlior Ua . WaaabaeCo.. Mt— "Wr triad nuay diferr- tbat liad been -tnick by llglitnlug. aud Nearly a century after Maria Tlwreoa'a cat ti-Hird wi. bat a oaa of thorn omoo partcct rr> til* indlce bad at first lilumleritigly TIh* Imy Walter Jones statml tbat uf tills article sliares Pmfesoor fill- Ma( aatU «*r wvrr lada cad by a Lady to try yaar when tbe stomi broke. acconiiHinliwI by tnaii'H opiiikiii of Mr. Ilulmes. on the death .Aiiatrla erectexl a mooumeot to ‘Uotdaa Mtdioal Diaeovary,' '^l*atror1tr Prracrip- Btipponetl the llgbliiiug liad kllletl ber. ber memory. The Uiinslan sculptors a heavy clap of thunder, lie lieanl a contrary. Iw lias a x*ery lively admira ­ ttaa,' sad * Kltaaaat Pallcta.' TlMac madtctaca It wan nut iinill a inisllcal exaiulua- Mikersbln and Opekushin were re did aMra lood tbaa aaatbiac wa arar triad for crash overhead and sometblog that tion for that gcntleiiian's remarkable tlMoa co tapUiato Wa aaaa iwad loar hotllaa of tlou watt livid tliat it xvan dlntsivertsl a aowiietl hy a hronse statue of Catha- Gfandlfunk Hailway System » * Uotdaa Madlcal Dlacaaiiy.* oaa of ‘ Haaor- bullet liati Iieiietmteil her bean. sounded like tbe report of a pistol. aatuteiiess U'e must reniember that r rliH- the fireat. (Jiieen I.j>u Im' of f*ma- Praomptioa.' aad taro aisU of yoar ' Prilata * The detectives bad tbeti t'oiumeiit'etl But be mad*' oo Investigation at tbe I*rnft-ssor ksom st. josbs ; alrtd. aad I do baartlly raco^ataatl tbata to all work on the canc. autI tbeir tbeonea time, ami when asked why be didn't ence uf astronomy, ami Mr. Holmes ’ ■laWlar aagarar* ** be reluctantly admittcil tbat be waa Ignomiici- of the theory atlxauceil hy Carrara marble In Herllu. No. It* Moralag aad (iUeng«> Kxprsas ...... were ninn.v Sulcble. tnunler. acci ­ 10:51 a. n*. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets assist the dent-all tlienc canscs. with tlieorlaa ocaml by the thunder and liad his feet Copenilctis, tiidiug matter as It might action of the " Disco very.** Tola Her %mt to Worrr. No. Ih Unll and <'hlrag<> Kiprsnn...... supiKtnbiK them, were ailvancetl. Up In a chair In the middle of the mom. seem to the ux-erage mind, might in tbe a:lgp. n. as bis mot her bad taught blni. and professor ’s iiiIihI stamp him as little For a number of ytars when a eoo- Mins Iiotigc bad tiwn etupluytsi as a .No. 17 (irnad Kapida KspreM 7:59 p ni. was afraid to move. When tbe building abort of Idiotlc.| Tcniloii of either men or xvtimeo haa DMIMHTItATtiKK HAl.K-lly rlriua bookkeciwr aud canblvr lu tbe office of met lu llochester It luu been the cus­ So. 11 Fast WMierti Kiptr-Mi h;jH n. ni. A ut n lirpnw to lar irrantatl on tba MMb wras actually stnick a few miiiiiics .\t this tbe city editor looked aa mueb •Uy of Jnnunr.v, A, l> . I1**mi, iiy |’ ** I’orirr. later, he liad lletl Iti sheer des|ieratloii alwslntl as a city editor may. for. tom of Mlos Husaii n. Anthony ami her Nos. II*. la a 17—dally eirept Hnsday. Jndiraof l‘rolMila of tha <'«iMnty of liiithnin. slater to n|wu their hospitable home MtaU* of Mtahlvau. I ahall aail nl publlr nua- to soiiiiil the alarm. Perhaps the rea' tliougli lie lielk-vi-d Hberlock Ilulmes to So. 11 dally. one evening fur tbe rrcepHon of tbe tIuB. on tba !Mli (Iny of Marrb, Mmmi. nt II aoii bis story reei'lve«| mi luon* creileut'e he one uf the gn-atest uf iletectlves, he MISS ANNA CACLrinj). ICABT *Mtl'SI>: . o'rloak In tba forenoon, on tha |trainl«a«, tha than it did was be<*auBe It was thought felt an IninictuM- resiiect for l*rof«-saor delegates, no matter wluit tbeir color, laada harrinaftar ilaarrllMHl. in tha to«rn*hi|i CaiilflekI ia (lie daughter of Mr. sod .So. lU Ksprens to Detroit m:3H •. a. of Watertown, < o«nt.v of <1lnion and .*raa 1C. Morrai but s|N*nds much time In I'lik-agu. Hbe died, iwlaail. In anti to tha folloalnv lan>l. of the thumirr fur tbe Imagined sounds wider and far more dt-slrable reputa ­ large meeting of women. Tbe bouse .So. 1*« Kvmlag Ksprene to Detroit 5:33 p.m. xvas a student at ItadcllfTe college and t4i\rll Tha aoutli alrtv arraa of tha wa«i in the moui almvc. tion III the world of sclcncx*. He cough ­ was o|wii from Imttnm to top. and most No. 14 Fnat ’Knstem Kxpmw 9:17 p, ni. halt of the aouthaaal <|uartar of aai'tlon studleil tn various Kiinqieaii art cen­ Tliosi* xvbo ailvocateil tbe suicide the­ ed. got up aiHl xvalkext ox-er to tbe cus­ of Hw guests were es|wclally Interested Sos. 13. 30 A 1H—.tally except Hnaday. twmty-iwran. lonnahl|i flia north, rauca ters. on ber retimi from Europe she thtea wa«t. Waiart«»wn. tiinton roumy. ory thought tbey bad very strung pidor atiil retumcti to his chair. In tbe big "attic." when* the biography Mlahiaan A too. spoke In Wasldiigtoii l*efore I'n-sldent No. 14 lUily. grounds for Ibelr liellef xvbeii It iraus- .*4|ierlo<-k llnlnies was not referml to was wtitteu aotl all tbe vast collection (In the aaina ilay alMirr namail i Marrit !•, aud Mrs. .McKinley ami a inirty of W. Ii. RnRKB. lt»rMi,i at two o'flork In tha aftrrnooii, i plred tbat .Miss l>odgc bad lately spec again, hut the chief of ihiIIcc , who eras of suffrage literature Is placed. As Ageat. akallaellat pahlk* aurtion on tba |•ralnt■a•. nM tbeir friends. Miss t'aulticid showed Ht. Johan. tha rtaht. lltia anil Intarrat whlrh tha aalil Ulatcxl Id wheat and lust. Here seemed present. iN-gaii to r«-|ieat a theory re­ they wen* leaving one woman came up tleoraa It Murray. •Ila^ Janctloa and n«»IIATK OHIIKIC —stale of Mirhla«n. |H»rt herself and assist lii-r younger sls- •tn li hi il on fhi tfo«ir atisl Miss iKslge xx'ns u isiniely girl, uot iiion- than leu dars ago. anti In it public and go iM-fon* Hw legislatures Dnrand xrlth D. (1. H. A M. It'y Train*. P I'iiunly of <'Union, aa. \l a aaaalon ‘it ti-m. has for a yi-ar or txx-o Ihs*ii mak ­ Ilia 1‘roltaia I'ourt for tha rounly ofillniou Miller »v .Morm- ;:min lirokers If was a and- not a few lielU'xeil that Mr. he said Iw xvash't going tti siaml her with Hieir various deiiiniids. You and holdan at tha I'rohala oittra. in the vlllaira ing Is-autlftil d<*4-omtive things and 'Tima* T'alxltt. braiicli of the ('bliTtgo oitii-e. ami Mr Mono', who was a Iwclielor. loxisl her. going nitiutl uiuch more xvltb ituit fel­ tbe other 'antis' an* lukliig a'ter It nll|iiH-«l up luio Monu-'n o(tlc«> as easy ahnwlng Hiat xvomeii really dkl xvant wiia A. M...... ssd ...... „.aiaa p.a l*raaant, lion t'harl-* XI, Nrrrilt. Judea of signing, her alertm-s* in finding or in- Protiala doseil at 1 o'l-liH'k on Saiiinlai- Imt was leariMsI tbat be bad taken her to as iHitliiug and shot the girt. If he'tl tbem. alHitiugh they didn't kiioxx* It. 4or KUIe, Ashley. Itbsrn. Ht. mmie. AIBM4, veiiHqg novelties, hroiight an liicn-as- at. PlessABt. linre. Cndlllar sail Krniiktoft In lha matter of tha aalata of kl'Itll.I.X on Hntuniay. July III. .Mis- limiKc. In- pbus-s of uiiinseiiii'iit «in sexenil 'M-i'a- waiiitsi to." You an- an excellent oliject lesson. K STANTii.S, dara, aiti. On teatilne ami log demand for Iwr xxork. and she em- ailne lha |>atlilon •lull larlHatl, Ilf Miiry It Ing imhiliil with liiT Work on itn* IhmiWs, siolis ami ollee or twice had tasell her "till xvhal do you base your tht-tiry. When we niially secun- the franchise UtllMD NOrTR—l.v. Dnmad. pkixtil S4*venil exiwrt xvork|H-ople to Mhroyar. prailne that llarr Shroiaror «oma rcniallicil lifter (lie usual lioiir of c Ioh- for :i ilrlxe aside from the motive of Jealousy?" lu- ami tbe light i«t hold ottlii-, you women other aullahia liara in iua> In* apiMilntail ml. mak« up her artleles. Mlie xxns also kept tiiSA A. M...... and ...... SiSa P. ■ mlnlatrattir of aalil aaiala Lug. Mr. Mors*- unit a clerk Hallo'd Sav ­ It up|H*are«l. however, tbat Miss qtiinsl l‘roft-s ing furniture, curtnlus. pictures, etc. \V. It HKN.NKTT, IJ. P A.. Toledo. f*h*o. at one o'rlork In tha aftamiMin Iw aaalenatl lenviug Miss liiNige at the oftie*' alone ing In a iiemliliorUig toxvn. xvbo often easy thIUg to do. ” Ill*- e'llef aiisxrered. ing the moveiiwnt In your own way. so Ilnxlng a small (Wpiial. but a large elr- for lha haafine of aal I iialltliin nt tha |irti .\lNiut :i III tbe afternoon a shower enno* to *••• her He xxns In the «'lix pn a little mistily .nud then hrighit-iiliig. •lon't worry." New York Sun. liata otltra In tha \ lllaea if S| John- ck' of rich ami llls-ral iKitroiis. she ih^ And It la flirt bar ortlaml. that nollaa lia ultan cnine up. ami the tbumier was unusual ­ the day .Miss DihIsi was shot iiid 'vas nddisl •'There xxa- the man -Ms-n golug chksl tci o|N>ii :i shop III a giMsI hs-ulltv, tti lha liariMina Inlaraalatl In «ali| aaiala Ilf ly b»*avy. The utlbv of Miller A Morse able to a«3-oiiiit for Ills xvberealMiuts up the siuirxxay TImt wa- I'ortt-r .4 Worklaa tilrl's Xlloxxanec. lha tlmr ami plara of a«ld liaatilie was in Tbe I tally Telegmidi building. take In as a inittiwr a friend xvho xx-as by ranalne a ro|i> of ihta ortlar lo In* imli during tbe aft.riHsiii exi'cpl for alHiitl proKildv " It I- xvntiii; for a xxorkliig girl'- (lar- «s|uallx desirous of learning to Is* -i-lf llahatl In I HI ST JoHSaNlWa, a flaw ..tia|i*-r Tbe building bad a cltM-k tower, uml at half su 1.0111 lint that balf hour xxas "Nt>. I don ’t liellex'c I’orter shot her," eni- to take all her earning- exery piintarl and alrrul.iline In iwii'l aonnii of siipiNirtltig. s«’tid out iTinis and iH-gin exaetiy 17 Itllniltes [Klst by tile eIfN'k a fateful one for It eoxensl *lie time hroke lu tio' I'tty i-illior "In ilit- tlrst we* ‘k. as It is ciisfoiiiarx M do. Hm* (sir- OInlon. for three amt-aaalla waak« |iravltiU« busim*ss ll«*r riMiiiis. although «iiiall. lo aalti dm of haarine tbe biiililing was struck by lightning. lu xvhlrll 'll— Dislge met her ileatb. phus-. he dKln't know she xxas np then* euts hnyltig Hm girl'- i-loiliiiig for her lAtmaniiiv < HAS M M Kll It I I.I.. The exai-t time was known, for tlm Ai'i charming. The xviMMlwnrk Is eiutiii- yTwtl .li|ile<-of I'roliala lie had Iht-ii Wtili ixxi. friends up to Hhe nsnniix left at 1 o'eliH-k Satunlavs, It woulil Im* iiiim-Ii lM*tter for the girl Ybsl XX Idle, the xvalls an* isixcnsl with eliN'k siopiNsi w'beii tlie biilliling was alMiut :t o'cliM k mid then, leaving tbetn. .'ind he xxoiihl siip|H>se she left at the 'aDtl for her |Kir<*nt- Hm»iii-«*Ix i*-. If they striiek The riMiin In wbicb Mis- Ihnlgo bad startiil loi the Iioti-I xx lietv '^e Kunie hour that ‘f the lloli-l uiy .ip'iiioii 'lorse diM-sti'i tell all he for cl.ifhe- it ti»*«*»l iM»i Im* luofi' Hum A GREAT NEWSPAPER. tin* r. i>n»t with tliw Tin •slitorini ami isui.imsing nMitiis •T-rasw III aby C4,iuji#lill* oi In tnsi ■J Ih- »!orv porter told xxas Ilia! it !••• sale, a- the enierpri-liig proprn-ior In ahk- e\|N*rleii< c • *f i-i»nt-«* nt tlrst she of Tin* l*ail> Ti-legrapli xxi n- iii amub lend- to make a -|s-. ialtx of Ih-t-Hii-g What Is Colory King? alD"'' ■ thf' i> w-|.i|>-r* I'f It— rnil*'! g ill ti# null l•^-axilx XX le u le- bad goie- C-< Pf X will make lii.ludieion- pureh.-1-e- buy Htatw- f->r asr >ll•ar- lo n i il •,•.•rtln•l■t• er iNirt of till' liinlilin;:. tbe imrtioii of 'vi- t ' and ili-iNi-liig of •pialiit and rare furtii It tan sctentiflc coratHnatlofi .f joMTUailaui. iils.iit hair xxax III I'le loiel and iliat the xx I'oiig -ort of thing- and |uiy tcsi It Im'Iiii: ili'xoti-il f'Xi’In \ fix to ortb'»'s lure, ele 'I lien I- M lH-XV|ld‘Ting rirr.Tx berta, tarks niHl need. fn>nt Nnturx-*a Inlnra- • r M.1^ ih» be lei-iH'd into a doorxxax f«ir sin bet IllUell for Hlelll lu Hie eXe- uf her l-X* tocT- It cures ootisii|>stlon. iwrx'<>ua die I!- xvlilcb xxiTf iMS'upnsI eliietly bx bro of pnMfx Hiliig-^. -Hell a- laiiip -had*-s. reiiiaiied tle-te alsiiii .'o luliiiiie au.l perleiM—I tnolher —hill If Hm* luothxT orders, hewlacbc. imliireatlon * 1*1 llx-rr and keri. tin* l«H-al I'Xfliniige lM-iiig i|jr*s'tly Ih- -1 tie'll ptis-etslisi dllV'i tlx to lie- hotel S4if:i cushion-. -«-r»-«-u- Isix*-- for J«-xv will quiell.X |HilUt out to the girl how kidney dla rniBi It Isn msi sot,i'l Ih'.'Ii foiihd xxo- had el- and for glim - xx-orkimg- and do* sh«* *011111 luive doiM* lM'it»*r xx’iin lM*r ctae. and u rx-*o nBeml«-l ky phystehiM •• am* w .;r5 l i“ :.(• ^ ■ elo'^isl at I o'cliN'k .'satunlay s. there : ell- of ll•efl|| and ornaiiietitnl trifle- lilulrr ie-.'H him -laiidliig ill He' disirxxax 1 motley It XX ill Im* found that ex elltiuxlly generally. Reawfnts-r It rsrraoonatltsitMMi. •• Taw l, -! i H ' . 30 ~ XXiTe XiT.V fexx |Hs>|l|f III tills jwrt of •• n»«* e^nria: • lliis- ••! .♦•..i c lie |Mi||ee lie-bheil loxv.inl tie* the laiVely silken -IlifT- Wi'H' ns«sl to enver Hm* girl will not only Iw e«*ouoiuicnl- tVlery King Issokl lu Sfic. and 6nr. {mvkagaa “ An.«m«n n-w-twi-^rc .||•lllll<^l*a«'•l tbe buililing at tbe iIiih* by druggisu. i * ’Ml-.-. i«;i> • i-ili'tw - .1,-iiti-aana orx that Potter after h-ax liig lil- friends the plain Iron iN-ik n-si- sneh as are as giMsI a huslm* — xx-oiunii as he) •• III all -i.:;;; t« - nil Walter .loiifs. a Is'X of l.*i. einploy«s| bail gone dln*rtlx to I'lie Teleirrapli ulilixisl in pnblie libmrie- Om* In a mother, hut iiiiieli more so. -he liaviug In an otbcf iimli-r that of \llller wad tnih-e. and lliere bad iinarridisl xxlili and l“inon xva- very miih-'abk' The .Viiothei gn*nl mistake Hint |HMir |wo (lie u(tl«s* f|o-ie an a rule make is that iMs-aiise the NERVITA PUS nnini xvbeii (tif liiitldiiig was strm’k. nww* litl-lli they adxuiiit-il xxas jealousy of Mr XXen- fliiishetl xx'lih strand- of gtdd Bmaw VliaMy. Last Vlfar ami Moahaai •• iSI T\ i-5isrwi i.i- ai a|-|>.'araii-- He gave the nianii. ami the tlrsi imr- girls of Hm family an* worki-rs in sliops •• 111 I. ii.w. by dS- yiorsi' who Ibex clalnesl. xxas grad thn*ad eniight together at Intervals nml the like they are excu-i-l from all Cats iMpolemy. Night EnalMiksNi. Lons of Mnoe Hoiis to nisb Into the buniing nmin orjr, sll xmallng d •' iT*' Kdlir'i'lala unlly supplanting if Imleisl Ik- bad not "III ■'••wfti fuivr »A«*( thnjkrl l» He d icont l*rettv photograph fraim*s for holilinc home iluHe- ami douie-tic re-|MiiiM|hill- "The < hle«K» Trlhnne la tha wen* the eltx (sllior ami a rriMirtcr of nil egvet* of *e1f-sb««> nr aliv-ady siipplniitexl Mr I'orier In tin- ««i lu " eabinet nml largi-r photograph- were exeeaa mad ladlarrstUsi. • •m> ntwaiMUcpt i-i th- I TiH—i sialaa The Dally Teh'grapb Tbex found the ties 'loHiefs xv Imhm* daughters an- whirh Ihr «T-rM-H-rf»|.: ».-nlSars aflis-tioiis of Miss iKsIgi' .'ivonliiigly kiioxvs I think Iw knows she liatl mis made of xvall [si|ier t im- was gay A nnrvB tonic snd " w-3Tthv id tnrnit-m und«^ t‘*Mr iiotiy of Miss DiNigi' sireii'iifsl on ilo* eiiiploy<*t jm-st»s| xxas kept nppropriaitsi Mout- «»f H h* llriu'- iiioin-y with scarlet fMifipk-s. nnoHier had pink the pink glow to pale Tala. floor not far from the ensbier's xvlmlow age It so that the ilnughters n—lst lu under strict |Milk'e surxeillauxi- wlib ami lost It s|M-eulalllig Mhe tlklliT s«s- rose-, a thiril piirTth- lilacs, but Hw ••• rheeks and reetots* the — — Pfnrticnlly all biah-slaaa inialliawni and I'oiielmiisl. naturally emuigb. that the purchasing of Iwii'N'Iiokl m—ls of yonUi. By wail CTS* nnwapaper rwmisr*. campruina th* hast onlers from lienihinarters to arrest liiiii any xvay to gt-i Hw money to iNty Iniek cret of their iH-nuiy was that a skillful ftHsl. additional furnltun- and Hw like lM*rKi.i. e hoxn* for i ^ tbe lightning bad kllhsi ber B8.aO.wtth oar haahnhia ganrxmsan toat^ ami laindln claaawa In ('hiruo ami vicin ­ If Ih- att«>mpl«sl to h-iixe tie' city uml cuiililu I fact* Hit* dlagniis-. so she hand had xvnsha. rVBtXnW LABU.* ------’ ■ ■ It? It xxas his ciisloiu to close bis desk, i|t-sk wlii-ii siw tlkl il. and xvheii she fell eess. hill others must not Ih* le«t Into a ISwItIvsiy gaamataed mr* for Loan of Rnwnr, ot»eii. ami on It was the enslilMMik of she kiitN'ktsI Hw stiMil over, nhtl Hw six similar scheme wlihniit nssnnsl artis ­ Varienenle. Undevniopeal nr Rhmakwi Oiaaas. a mil tup XVben Ih- left the otliii- for Where Wonsen Vafe. I*are*i*. Laamsotor \lssla. Nerrxsw PrxwMa- A Great Advertising Medium. tbe flmi. almi iwirtly In fael. nearly nlHMiler rolltsi umler I hi* ilesk Hlw tlkl tic talent. gtHsI Jiidgiiwnt, pmetleal ex destroyisl by fin- .k stiMil ii|Min w bleb (be ilay. He may liaxe iN-t-n ibe man .Vii aiiiiisliig liH'Ideni liapiH-msI to a iksi. Hyaterla. Fit*. la«iBU^Pamly*i* aad tha seen «M1 the stairs, they |silnte«l out. It early lu Hw siortu. ami young Jones tN-rieiice, MiiiH- <-npital nml a large Reaulta of Kire-dee l’*e of Tnhaeen. t^aw a* Miss Ihslge sonietlines sat wlieii work ­ young lllliiol- woman visiting one of Liquor. Wy OMdl la idaia paekaae. Bl-00 a heani Hw shot aud Hw soiiml of the niitnlN-r of Interested ami lafliwntlal ing at a lilgli desk iH*nr the easbler's iiaving gom- up that way in onlei to H m- i-|iMi -iiffrag** states SIw di-si-iile has. O far Ba.00 with oar haahahls gwom axohl lielng -nt Tell btui that the hnx tlH> high d k Tlie gas fnini this tlx iinl«|ue one iliat ii|mmi evninlnailon of ,**Ho«x ilo you •*i|>laln Hw preseucx- of nal. This young lady, 'lies M. I.«tM olllce will not |ia.v salanes till a week ture was foiiml burning. the tirokt-n gloiN* ou the UoorT* aakatl the i-ashlMMik h«- hail dlncox«-re«l (bat Aoierlean Weaiea Sealaiars. Morrow, bad iH-t-n (Msslng soum * time from Satunlay .'tyraeiine lleraUl tin a liiMik over thin denk bang a the professor. siimII mirror, \ drawer of tlie high the limi had lieen rohliexl ami In bln Hh- .\merlcaii luiHonal Jury on s«'ii||v In Wyoming. MIm* wrote to Mrs t'atf w-mtli bad niunlereil the c*asbler Mr. tun- for Hw I’arls existslHou Is rom- I'nllhe the Kewtlniwe Mender. desk. Ill xvbirh Miss Ihsige kept a fi'W “Why. the lightning kiMw-keil Hiat off “I must tell you a Joke on myself. Morw- i-oiild not esiahlUli a (lerfeet |MSHsl of II, (!. .\daiiis. D t'. I'reneli. *'Mr. FlanilH*an&, tiave yon .iny «pe small articles sm-h iis woineii will bave when It ntnwk Ibe iMillilIng." Ijist Tuesilay was clly elecHoii day In allhi. .'fter h-aring the olllei- at I f'lwrles tlraefly. Ilela I.. I'rall. J. i)- -' dal inethoals in wntitig yoiir novelsT* with them even in I'nniinerrlal oflhs-s- ".\ml dkl the llghtulng light the gas fhevenm* .'iHiiit m ;ii» a. m I (lasseil o'eloefc he ale his liinelHiHi 111 tbe es M'anl ami Du-ado Taft. Mciilpture. "Yen. I grtterall) try to iM-giu at tlie nerslles. s|HMd* of threnti, private sia which won foiintl horning?" by the It and M. de|Htt. and. noticing change restaurant and then went tn says the .New YfWk Tiihune. Is i. woohl ■eem as If some of Its coiilenls dark Iwfore It liegau to rain and she get out nml go Into the ilepol, I sakI to bail Iss'n nrattervsl iifMiti tlie rt»M»r for to two or Ihre*- fMsiple In the house ami couklu't nee to work wlHioiit It." the women sculptors who prndm-exl the myself. ’Tlier** must Iw a funeral |wrty tianar. uot far from tlie oxerriimeil simd wan then wAni to his mnni Tills was alMitit "You lielleve. then, (hat she wan statiws shown at the Woiltl ’s fa»r. coming In on Hw train ' Everything Ur. Temlerfrnil This tiear meat a |Mir of enriliig lotign for the (mlr. S o'dork. He ImmI laiemlexl to gu out quite Imslly at work up tn tbe moment working nmler Hw direction of l-orailo xras so quiet amt orderly this was mv as*t un very blglil) npieeii Pmler the high desk aud mit at first fpr a spin ua bla Meycla; but. neeliifl Wlieo she ahot herselfv" Taft, were Julia llraekeu. Klleii Itaii- first thought. I even looked around t'artun t'liarley It ought to tie. parti dlaenverevl was found a CC ealllier re- that Hm- weather wan tbreatealng. tw "Well." annweretl Hie city editor, a kln ami Mrs l.)Ht 'V Misire 'Has fhr the heanw. hut seeing none. I sup arr. Tliai's a elunauiou liear steak t«4v *v , which ii|s>n examlnailoii waa cbaugrsl bta plans ami remalDetl In bla little uneasily. **«be Ium I been examin ­ Rrackeo ImkI rliarge of Hw wnnien pooeil the driver was exercising hls BaltiUMire Anierirau. fount to contain five haidisl •Ih'IU ami rtioai rrailing until almnt 4 u'clwk No ing the canhltook." modelers ami herself imMleled the tame horse- till the train shoukl come In ooc empty tme The bullet from the tMM> In the iHMiae hatl artually seen him "Yen. hut the enshhnok xran orer by figure of "'Welcoming Hw Na ­ ‘ Aa I came liaek from my errami I ot* The Imewrtewt Mweatiwa. dinchargerl shell lia«l «*nicre«l lie* licart ' lietweeti 3:311 and 4 o'clox-k. though two the wimlow on 'Ir. Monw- ’s dank. Thla tions." which atiHMl alsire Hw door of scrml on the Iwek of one of the car ­ •TWty. do you know llendemuo la a of Martha Itodge. hnt the rlmiin- or three poraons wen- llmi la ih*'lr cua- gas (tame, ten feet away. wouMu't aid the Illinois hnlNHng Mrs I^imi Moore riages. ’Vote the llepnhllcan Tk-kctr felktw worth knoalngV slancoa attemling Ita diarbarge wet* a vtcthNu that he hail lireii in hm mom her much In seeing that." has Iwen romnwnde«l hr the Art Mtu am! It ilawiwd npnn nw that It was an "That anl How much in he wortb^ ’ ruaapletc mystery Tlie wewpon was ilarliig that iieiiott It was adniliiMl. '** ” (To n* losnscai*. I ilents* leagne When the Natloaal election that xras being heki in tlw de Pacal Balai Cared — Phlladetphta North .\meriean the pro|ierty of Miller A Alome. bav however, that be might bare (aiamsl Mrtilpture sorfety of .New York accept- fiot ami not a fnnenil Now. this Is a out of the iHiuoe and ratumetl uaoti Tlw Hesl ssive In the WeeM I e»l her hnat of John R Hensley, this hona flik- case, ami If I had not bap- Hvf«T■ shat ihvT onto "Catarrh cutsd^ log lieeii pitn iianed alniitt a year bw U Itsnner Salve It U made from a aad lluriag tsatavsd." *^c*s4alajlxehdi Mnaldea. Tbey Sewer Swwhe of Hlai. fore, directly after an attempt bail aerrexl The police did not hellexre ha xvas eonsMerexI an strong Hw Judges peae«l to see that sign. 'Vote the Re- _____ ” * Catarrh af Pixwxrh cuvsdi" "Tilas far prrse-rtptlon hy a world wide known refnsed to hellere It was tie- work of a txwuty vuars rarud. r«tss AathsM Cuuaha “Why la it you never mentlah your baen UMde to mb the cashier, wheae was In any wax ooaaeeted with the -kin speelalist and in pnnitirely the pnhilean Tleket'* I might hare gone I woman Cruup. OauHv, Brasehtth. Old hm ^pMath —renlorar raalnssB ami ptiick at the tine bad ctlaMr. If ertam It waa. aad he waa suf OHwt hfsdlng naive for pHan, hams, ' awax from rTwvetiae still thinking •arM. B^rna. ^^aad5«M IlwaaBsa. ••Bera aar I beUere la letting by g oava ; thwarted the rolilier. Il sraa kept on fersd to po and coaw uawatebed by staids. ulcem. running sores aad all Resale IVitter la aanther senlptor that that was a fnaernl Instead of an MM aasaa. Uaod aiHraally ma sasnaMIp. ba bygoMas.'* —OtMragn riasaa-Herald. i a linia Mnlf by the caahier's wiadow tbe autborttlos. ■liln*disoaaaa.*At Kil«h-w A Mlllawn a I wka a s work kaa been la gnat demaad. 1 start loa . The fTivy swa v people did not 8 THE ST. JOftm NEWS. TWt—JjtT APTBENOON, MAECH t, MSS.

WACOU8TA. DALLAS BL8IK. GRANGE CUNFERENCE. ^ Ijm> WU«an U ill with luair trouble. Mua. Anaellae Wa^ar iu utayiaa Rime with Mra. t'lara Wairar at preaent. The tlraoEv* r4Huitr Coafaraner hald ('hue. Korwanl hue been ill for aer> Mra. Anna Houar ia in FluahinE. Fred Hrown apent laat week with in XViaidman ’a hall in the villaE** <>f I erul iluye. Alvah Niekcla ia in Pnion City .St. .lohn* on XV«*daaaday. the Slat ; Housekeepers hiu mother. Mra. Sarah Hrown. at baaii The purty ut the iMitel luet Thuneluy IMuekney. inot. . waa an unquaHBe«i iiMBBaan . MUilT. eveninK wue well atten«le‘ 33 with him in their ‘**y ** ’ Klute. her of aluHit KMi. from the varioua aubtinlinate ununKrt^ of the ivmnty Attention. 'ter friHu (irunii llupiUe thie week. old luHae. , Miaa Nora ClUMc apent Wedneailay in (twiaaai. were in attemianee. An all ilay's iomi * | The little eune of lluviil ilwliree ului Mr. Moot* hau naormi hiu uawmill slon waa held. durinE which mattemi To buy Gro ­ Andrew Nilee ure ill with wmrlet fe* Our Oullery huubeuo ull newly pupeied from hiu piaee to Fernando Pinoit ’a. ('harlea SnelliuE wa* calltMl to .\ah* pertainiiiE tii the welfare nf the order ceries and Dry lUpniuUtd uodreuuvutudthmuirhout tiud wer. where they will do uawinE tne lial* ley 'I'uraaday. wen* diaeuoMMl. { uiMw of the winter. (»oods that are ne exteml a nordlul lUTitAtitin U> tbe: Miee ileeeie llhude«> ie ependluff (he Helen XVoulny ha* been i|uite ill for Tile \X’«irthy Maaiar nf the State i , winter ut the houw of .Mre. Kirk Con* Married, Februaiy 33. by tin* llev. the paat week. tiranE*'. Hon. tleti. K. Horton, waa, pablir to null uud luupeet our uuni|»l«a > strictly ri^ht is Chambers, at hiu reaidenee in North .Mra. M. Healey apent Friday with present and addreoaad the convention one thing, to buy and work. Kerirul Henriorw ure iieinfr tM>iMiueter. Travia i* amonE the numlier of pertinent reeominrmlationa favorably |iuet4ir. Kev. Kiiy. ('ounty. those HI in the villaEr. that are more Mra. Chariea Fox hati the pleaaure acted iipuii. Mr. uiiii .Mre. Itutemun. of neur Mlaa Ida .Shulta. of Shepherd, ia via* •if entertalnInE l»er uncle. .Mr. Nathan The onler of Fatmns of Imluatry is , than right, is a Pine l.uke. here iieeii vieitiliE ut the itinE Iter aister. Mm. J. (HhtMioa. Backgrrounds and home of Time. Ilutemuii. Smith, froai WiM*onain. laat week. aEoin on the up lermtif in Clinton j T Mlaa Hattie XVilrox, who haa lieen (viunty, ami this mnferenei* will, with* i privilege you get Kreti Seerle'e little M*n. who hue He ia at preaent viaitinE hia linither, Klliott Smith, near Maple llapitla. ailiitE for auuM* time, la better. out doubt, add an increase*! impetus: ^ by buying of us. lieeii liunirentuely ill with eeurlet h*- to th** imivement. The i'atmns' Mu*i v Accessories ▼er, ie elowly iraprovinif. SpeiK'er Plank and wife from New Ikirn. t4i .Marion Tilluta«in and wife, (3ur System of Friilay. Feliruary *33. a laiy, tual Fin* Insurane** C4impany of Iiie*' Z \Veehiii|rt4tn'N hirthduy wue twle* Haven, (iratiiit ivninty, were the liam, Clinton and Katon isiunties^<^ Eu«‘ata of hia uncle ami aunt. .Mr. and .Mynin Havi* ami wife, uf Maeelona. CASH WHEN breted tty the nc ImmiI here by exerrieee form another niM'leus alMiiit which i * ’ upprttpriute fur the oecuukioti.^ ,Mm. Chaa. C«»le. laat »veek. They are viaitinE relatives in Fairfield. YOV BUY en* wen* iM9CU|ianii**l liy Kmeat Staff ami iDcmliem •*an ami will rally, and fmm ; *' .\nd we iir«* eqaip|.ed for taming out I .Mre. Frank Ituuniifurdner enter* Meadamea Claode Talsir and KIvrrt present iiidieatiiins the membemhip of j .. ahles us to make hia iiride. They left for Pal<» .Satur- I,ee wen* in Ovid the latter part of the bmt work. tuine«i the pupiie of her uchtMil ut her ilay. where they will viait .Mr. Slalf'a th** order will lie dould***! the present ( *' these prices and you certainly the week. y«*ar In the three iviuntiee. ^ give them atten* We do not depend entirely on tbe teeb- Inime luet Friday ereninE* A eo *mI aunt liefon* letuminE home. time ie re|*irted The dinner Eitren hv th«* luMlies' Aiil The order thmuEhout the state has ; X tion and a trial if you xyant to .save money. airul daiah of the work either, (or we A aurpriae waa Ei* ’**(> Mm Henry Mre. .\iexunder diet! ut the bitme of of the .M. K. ehuicK, February 33. imnie a phemm enal Et^iwth dnriuE i T hare utodieil theart of |iuMioK and hare Hecht laat .satunlav eveninE. HwIiie i her duuEhter. Mre. I). Welle. Saturday net tell them tl.%. th** fiast y**ar, nearly lun new EratEes j X The Mercantile Co. aua* ideuN to offer. W’e uball lie plenued t4» the extreme •'old n«it a very larE** havinE la'en orEanin**! in that tliuei 4 I tiMtmiiiE. The funeral eerrit^ee were en>wd waa then*, but thtiae preaent Mr. S(|uirris ami wife, of Itlia«*a. to meet eollere. _ held at the ConEreirational rhurrh a|M*nt a few days last week as Et>**'*ts and tin* iMiditioti toils m«*mliemhip 4^ apent a very enj«iyable eveninE. Mm. lieinE i*oiinteii hy* thousands. I ^ ; Tueteiay. " Hecht waa preaent«<«i with a pretty •lak at tin* hoim* of ,K. liuthric. h Bbl Hnoar Cooah aAT* I puood poakaaa Cora Storeb It is a strictly* min*|Mirtisan orEan* . • for ...... ____ .\ ehieken pie Hiip|e*r will lie eerreti na*ker. The Junior \. C. F. will eIv ** an izatiiin. whoM* aims an* to mivance ' ^ <24i«ibB. ia ao^ aoaL. entertainment at N. (S. I'«*an*e ’s hall I powot A. oad H. aoda at the hotel Friiiay eeeni.ur. Marrh 3. Uurour aava the WaEur hmthem. the interests, elevat** the eliaract«*m x t* Bbl. Mow, Boat* . for ...... I under the auepieee of the W. T. II. Friday eveninE. -March 3. Kl*Hir...... 4S^ weal •>( F^iwier. an* the ehampi^m •'•am and increase the intiiiem*** ami useful* ; I potusi loipartal mmU ' literary pntEntui will follow the hiintem. .\ almrt time aintv they. Faiwani XX'arren, of Hii|talin, Jour* ness of all its in**uiliem. It lneuU*at**s T Hbl. Silver Saal mme' for ...... , eupfier. Ten I'ente for the supper and rioar ...... 99^ Watson, M4'(*ompaiiie went (•itiie w^aala. where way there spent a few houm at the eatioi) ami is a firm a'ouii*i llryant. of the Detroit <'olleE«* of It is national in its membemhip 4 when their laiair waa rrwarderl hy aee- Me«iicin*’. is apendinE a i*oupie of ami in its intiueiie** on national affaim; ▼ 500 . 35c Frank DiifTee. of .St. I/ouiu. vii>iteies a |Misition set-omi tr*ian. foil coo* -anz* u •••'vain" tree int*i at4iv«* wraal. has li*H*n ohliEe4l to closi* his arhiMil tions ail over tin* muntry an* ••onlially ^ Old Jor fii r...... wlfb. si:us('Rin'i(t.N LAWS. livid, lam Thunelay. par poaod ...... y«*ar at th«< t'. of M.. a aecomi attack invite*! to join us in our efTorts to j 4 Pao*. Stna| ^aa n». Ldova Boaoe. SHEPARD8VILLE. tiuild up a (letter citizenship ami t*i | ? i llertie liiaTKs COt’KT Chaiiw'ick. Churicy Huxb* left Thurwluy for .Mt the |Misition in piildic eat«*en) which | X Soap. Foocy To ovotoo* worth 10 f ■** ----- Clt•mcn^. when* ht* will receive tn*ut* Mm. .Maud Dennis was eallt* ment. .Mm. .M. I,. Hnyie, who was an iinfor* to bar* H«uita Clao* Snap worth 10 eoaU ...... t SjfC Tueatiay ••veninE* .Miuu iilunehe ami .Munter Mil«i Tuy* our declaratitiii of purpos** ami avail | *. for ...... aidere«i aa wiahinE to iwih*w their atib- tnnate as Ut break hcr*arm, asnotimi 1 ooa Fooeh#. for Croaoi . liir. Ilf (ivi»l, wen* Ei*«**t»» uf (Hive ami themselves of the lienetits which incni'j ^ 10 ban Prtza Soap for ... IgC acriptiona. Foni IlheulMittom haa a par dooao ...... take tbeir |ieriiaiieals fnmi the |aiat* joyalile time waa hml. They enter* in V«*niiin tlila week. last w**ek. ami that they* felt well re­ moantaina recently there came to my ; Konejr Looioe*. tbi* weak odita- te«* ('aatle. of Oviil. afient EreetinE*. the atranEer propooed to Join Froakroru 4. If auliM'riliem move to •itbi*r ••veniiiE** wf our meetiiiEa have pmv«*«i laimiiiE and it was only hy the hani* tba raeaat rt*e in hrnnai mra. per pfNinil HC tin* latter |»art uf laat W(‘ek with their the deaert expreoa train of hurroa and , .■.twh a thioir a. « Sc tirnoai plaiea without infurmiiiE the piibliali* to la* st,,nny so aa («• pn*vi*nt mem* i*at work on till* part of tin* |vastor ami Narmw sinp bacrou Erandina. Mm. Nainy l.•lunahury. try hia lack proapectInE. The firat ' i«fMit nf tbaquoatioo. A laroe IOC er, an«l tin* |ia|M*ra an* a»*nt to the lM*rs fnuii atteiiilinE, wouhl say that IMiiple that they w*en* plae«* an* lielil reafaiii* EniiiEi* will la* •i|a*n«*4l next XV.ilne.s Mm. XX‘. I.. ('nun* and two chililn*n, camp waa made at Manrle Hprlnaa. ua to furnish jrou a iawel for 25 c Pnrk Hausoa** tion. They an* very aatisfa,*tiiry*. add* per ponmi ailile. •lay I'veiiiiiE mnl let ull inemliem la* • if (»vi«l. afient Thura«lay with l>r. and inE Ereatiy to the lieaiity* of the f*hiirrli where atoo*! an old mliier'a cabin. In Till' •iiurt.s iiavi' •lt*«*iili*il that n*- t packacoa itrue hinet New Kn«- Best strip Cart Fish pn**,«*nl, aa huaineaa of iin|airtatnt*« ‘ ia Mra, Mi'llilliemiily. nnii tin* i*omfort of the andieine. tbe momlns be proposed to help cook per piHiiai IOC fuaiiiE !•! tak<* |M*riiMiu'.'ila from tin* to la* traiiaact«*«l. breakfaat and built a roualiiE fire in load Mince Maoi tor 25 c .Xhiennan Win. XXaaliluirn ami XX'm. S ponml. Claa naii Curreota Smiikit KiAti ollke. or r«*movinEaml leavliiE them .Mr. unil Mm. P••ter XX'ilkina •*nt«*r* Xlurviii. of (*woaa»i. w«*n* at II. F. the old fireplace of tba cabin and atnrt* ; age for ______9^ atH*alb ‘«i for. ia priim* fai'ii* eviilema* DEWITT. for . ___ tuiiieil frieiuls fmm Kiirton over Sun* XX atera till* lalt**r part of laat week. ed to fry the liacon. All at onea a Psoiiljr XX'hita Kisli of intentional framl. Beat 4 crowti raisin* IOC per piiatKl 5c •lay. atartled expreaalon came from tbe em­ par poowii A. If auba**riln*r*« pay in aiivan*'** SOUTH OLIVE. Mr Charles ( owliiiE. of Stanton, thi'V an* iMiumi to »otii*e at tbe Till* Munila U'ttt'r which was printiai visit***! Ilia siKt*>r, Mm. Melissa Sim* bryo cook. and. tuminx nuickly, I dla- ^ en«l of tile time if tliey •!•• not wish t«> ill Tilt Nkws laat W’(*4*k waa liiEhly moils last Tiies*lay. corereil a larxe kinx snake stsxlliic In ••nj*iy**il by tin* auliat*rlliem hen*, aa X'ariiey 11. I'ien'i* ami ehlldn*ii havi* eontinui* takiiiE it : otlierwiM* thi* puli tin* M*ari«*t fi*ver. .Mm. Maud .Mailiieii ami son, of .St. the frylDE pen* The chimney xettlnx lialii*r is autboriaeil to M‘nii it. anil tin* that yoiiiiE sAililler haa many frieiuls i.ouis, Mich., an* visitiiiE her (N*n*nts. hot had illslmlxad hia snakeabip. and in this vieiiiity. .Mrs .Siuitaiii Keynohia, of l.aiiainE. auii*M*rili<*r will ia* reH|ain»ilib* until an •Mr. and .Mm. .1. K. Ik*a*ll**. down be came Into tbe hot grtmm,— Axmlti la Hasina —. eapn*!*** mitlie. with iiayim'nt of all tiiwnahip. viait***! at XX'm. lkt the arn*araE****. >*> -eiit to tni* puiillaluT. SOUTHWEST ESSEX. venle*i U«*v. Itani fmm isitniiiE the II. T ll.-eil, .if the H. (t. U. .V XV. mon* people to be a atranxer to than ' olil Htwini Mild ahnil b** Ela*l to wHouam The lati'Ht (antal law a an* **ueli that 3.Xtli. He will pT»*a«di .March 4. A Rew*«rlcwMw*4alMlw«. oewK|ia|M ‘r piibliAb<*rh ean arn>*,t any* 11. K., viaite a |iii|M*r ami w**ek. DO bolldajrs. Hia rbrlaimaa Is tbe rao- lie will call on m«*. .Va lM*fon* I nbnll 4?oa* liat Mich., ami .Mm. Klla Sias. of Uii«*Y. in reapect to Its aconaCic properUaa. refiiM's t«i |iav for it Cinier tliialaw. .Sime*in lit*yn it lilMsintinuiii or or XVhlte’a mill, which has l*****n Inisy ^0011 people, yet It Is posslole for s Euaraiit**** luttiafacLirv work and mnofm* Mlaa i,i*rtrude XX,*llinEton will close Mr. ami X|m. Tom llartoii. of liiley, commonest man. refuse him tbalr d«T- fhi* po*,tmasl»*r to mark it "re* ln*r wliitiT term of achiail ul diatriet ‘ **awinE. has laid np for th** wt*ather parson atnmllnx st one emi to distinct ­ nhk* pricf***, nu*l tnint that those in need «*ntertaiii*il *i**v**ral of tlieir friemla. ebser. Tbe Fourth of July Is tbe day i of work will EIV** tne a iwll. I pay uaah fuwci**ty will hold th**ir power to convey sound wbicb is offerad cause everytbiOE Is itappenlnx. and aa for tlieft. annual elts*tloi) at th** Imme of Mr. Sunday Is tbe day be must make things L Mui Iei*. X’«*rii XVulker unii .Mlaa priaon tlilrty-Hv** yearn liefon*. to every atranxer who is shown oFsr and Mm. tJ. Simmons on ‘riiursday. up. because nothlna Is bappeninE- KeMl III tons. •Innual Mri'iliifs lu*nH |{•a*h. ■Several fmm amnnd hen* att«‘nd**«*•*■%-. XtichiEHii. .Xfti*r a f«*w years tln•^■ by DtEbt, ami tbe curtain Is hia night | kind. E«*iith* and t'hriatiaii life. Km- Ily onliT of till* pn'aiileiit . iiiovi*ii to Kansas ami tinally n*tiirtn*«l •■UEo. aa\s -'My wifi* bail a vety s**- ^ sli*iEh*ride - to his home in .St. .Iiihns, "What dW abt* nay?" \en* i*aai* Ilf la Eripia*. ami it li*ft her ' wln*n* they wen* riEht myally enter* "1 don ’t remem tier. I heard her tali by day, and lie eats hia supper In tbe | |M*<*ially do we reEret to rreonl thia to X|ie|ii)fuii itEHiii. resiiliiiE in K*ss4*\ momItiK. Ills huslneea Is the refiec- '*•<1 ih*ath, for w** have lout a trm*. rivi* y«*nrs Niiii‘ti*>*n yearn he** thi*y with a vef\ liad •-oue Ii She trii*il a ! talin ’il. n*tiirniiiE ««« time fora lati a fiiend she wan eo Ioe to see bow Uon of life III* Is the spirit behind J ‘‘briatlan brother, ami that movi*il t»» Crystal Thn*«*ehililn*ii wi*n* iMittli* of hSdi*v’s Honey* and Tar ami | hn*akfaat. many propossla nbe could art this ses it EAve iiiimi*iliati ‘ n*llef. A I'cnt the mirror. XVlint is left to us la rlEht V”'.** V"*.'. lairn to them, XX’illlam IU*a«>l). of .St. son. and I thoiiEbt It would only lie po d****4ta and iiwmorY* aliall Im* forever ImiHI i* ••im**! h»*r iniiEh **ntin*ly. ” A l.lttle Hmnwn Karl. •lohiia. Xtm. Nora .loni*a. of ii4‘iiEal. llte of tne to help out. ”—WashlnEtou lo him. nod liEiii is left. Hometlmas cheriaiiiil. Hia life ahould lo* an ex­ Frit*** ■3.'ic Hinl .'»•» ^•«•nt•> At Flld**w .v That th«* majority of M*riiiua ili.i-aot's 1 and Mra Carrie KlilriilEe, of Crystal. Rtar. liXht side up Is ii|>aide down. ample to all. and reniitni ua tliat In (I Milltiian'e • iriEinat** in illoonier of the kidiieya. j XI r. Ileai*li ilital twelvi* yearn ue 'i. The world Is all awry to tbe newspa­ the hurry an*l atiife in thia exiatencr, f siina* that tlim* sh«* has iiunh* her Foley'a Kidney t nn* ia Euarantee*!. 1 Tbe loDECol canal in the world Is tbe Try It tiaiay if v. 111’n* not fe,*linE w«*ll. per man It whirls aemoa tbe hours we ahould |MiUM‘ and make onr peace lioim* with her ilauEhter at t'rvatal. DUPLAIN. Riie, lo New York. extemllnE from Al­ ^HavcYM At Fihh’W .\ Millmnii**, in coliinins. now In one edition and with ImmI. Tin* funeral aervlia*a wen* lichl fmm bany to Buffalo, a iliataore of HHI milea. DOW 111 another, hut |t heeds bim never Anil tiii*refiire. lie it reaoIvtMl hy Si. tin* I'oiiErt'Entional church Frlilay ! iilil Mm XN’otiuiii in very ill. tieina IN,v*n Mill I Tbe coot of constmetioo was $52,540.- In return lie Is a spectator. Tbe .lohiis Iin Iec No . |i3, KniEhta of •■•l||•lllet•■ X'in Itiinil and wife apent .Mundsy in 800. Fythiaa, that its charter In * drap«*el a Ecadiuvl hut at**a«iy loaa nf out. unsbaiing face. He liven aa tbe tmiumitiE in metmiry- of our departed wen- intern*«l in the Crystal ••croetery. hnithcr. ami that the forvEiiinE remi* il ti«HirE<* M'eale hsn moved on Mm. vitality. Th**y ahould loa** no tlin** years go on. a noteliook under tbe THX MAJUCJBTB. Intion In * piihliahc*!. 0 VonnE ’s form. ill tryliiE Foley*a Kidney I'lin*. It ia •tars, and when tbe notebook ia scrib­ ELSIE. Etiarant«*«*«l. Committee on Keenlutiona. 0 K. It. ."imitli, of .Ht. .lohn*., viiiit4*4l Ml.jnliaa. MIcli.. Marrh 1. Ition. bled nut be dies. —Gerald B**iDley Ijm St. JohnsLiMiEc KniEhta nf l*ythiaa. o friemla hen* Tii**ail*y and XVedncMlay. .Mm. .*aexton ia EuiniiiE •piile rapidly. Wheat ml oail white MHd)...... iMt In Atlantic. No. IH*3, St. Johna, .MiehiEon. o li. K. T**eter haa the contract for RILEY. New wheat BASHIA Harvey Allen moved to Klair tin* Cora la ear ...... 17 hiiildinE Koliert Armfie to houM’keepinE in (leorEc Jamt-a A K«*em*y la on the sick list. ('•over *4ee...... Mother Superior Endorses wen* caliern at Mrs. XVehater’a laat ...... IM«tI4 J. Myem expccta to anon remove XVh**rever it haa lieen intmdured. Onliioa ...... ftO i all Ms other repubive fea- ] i Hr. ('aidweirn Syrup Fepain leada all week. Hraaaiirrb« ...... $3fto «S$9 Id with hia family tii their former home Hrwaa beeil ptrkmt...... __ ...... ft MO Modier Superior Endorses < ^ tures. H b ooeMiver oil, the i ^ at Caraon (’ity. other remediea in curinE ivmatipation. AuEust XVaEoer, of Hallaa. will HhiiaNIrr •WHikml per lb...... aoitd j ^ purest and the best in the J [ indiEcation ami nick heailache. It on ­ work for H. (tlenn llliaa the onadinE I.ara ...... 7' Haeilla is oaperiorol tbe Convent to attend the YerHuEton collcEr. ' |Hr«TO XVlIaon, .if Aima. ia a Eumt He KvMsIesi iSe Mgreeura. Calf shioa a ri'sa...... —...... UH nf the Annuneiation, comer Waehiagton ami Her­ Mm lieorEv* XX'iailey illisi .Saturday j of hia nephew, S. MeMaater, thia All ihietora told Keniek Hamilton, HrrfhMsw______...... 7X2 i: aearr’s |i niEht. linrial Tueaday at 3 p. m. at week. Hbrsp skies...... E5«ft •NO mitage Htreets, ChinHio. I Ilf \V*«at JefTeroun. i>.. aft«*r aaffeFlnE the F. II. church. ICev.'llryant ofticiat* | i,u Vhillipa. wife of .lamca iMaroa skias ...... EAWftft sjitvrr 11 cmyLHom ;; IS iminths from Ueetal Fiatula. he Bret itrraaxt rwl ...... or, •MIM1I7 (Ml '***• j I'hillipa. illnl Tweaday foremain of would die unleoM a cnatly operation Ffirk flrwsMHl ewi ...... Oft iM»4tf*t (to WiM*d hard sad dry., .ft .VHkil 7n A Great Remedy < ^ looks like cream t M nour- (^ ...... ' •'onaiimption. waa perfor me* !: hnt he cured himaelf naivsw (Itvr)...... ______a I bhes the wted body of | \ HUBBARDSTON. 'tk ,. little adopted daiiEhter of Han with linckien ’a Amioa Salve, the lient Celvos idrraaod) ...... A Great Remedy ~ : Honda haa tieen very ill the paal week in the world. Snreat File curt* on Mveemca {I the baby, child or aduM < i earth. 3A«* cents a Imix . at Fildew .V u. r Drattan waa in (’4trann City j with w*arlet fever. rViwa. oiHrh ...... $SO OOMbiA OO A Great Remedy Fri*la\ eveninE- The infant child of C. K. Htavens Millnian ’M drtiE atore. Ovws Isltcd prr cwt...... fV iNissfM ftO ^ bettar than cream or any < ^ Htrrvs fatted, ewt ...... $R oosfan on \ other food bi odilence. ft j \ XVm. XXorthy ia slowly reenverinE haa been verd' sick the paat week. Hoes e*v ewt...... ^ OOfI $4 7A NKW.XRK, N. j.. January 25. IWMI. from a rheumatic attack. MIom Alice Skinner, of Knoex, waa "A ikine in tiuH* aav«*M lives." Hr. l.aaitHi ...... 4*-iH "For iteariy lire year* 1 ouflered fmm kidney I bears about the same rela- \ i MioM Allie Dennett and Mr Araa the En*Hvt of Clara ami Kmma Harvey XV ihmI's Norway Fine .Syrup; natnre'n A| ptsw per hM..„...... XACCbO aad liver tniabbu and had giveu op hope that t rem**«iy for iviuEbs. cnida, pnlimmary ■ tried spplee per lb...... $tF4 ^ tion to other emubions that < ^ Clark are entertain !he the Erip Satnntay. Itfted pearbes peeled...... Mki i(t uofiH ever lie cured. I was told hy tbe ilnrtor tiMt diM*a*ws nf everv oort. Pidstfiee ...... 2ft I had Rright'e die ea***, and he thought I woe in* I cream doai lo mWL If you | [ Cha*. Tabor waa liadiy hurt hy a Frlilay eveninE. Fehruarv 33, lann. Htnmc lla*e per hbl...... sharp-shiHi h*inie oteppinE on his foot, the Iminiaitivea a»et at the Imme of HsEaio reeieat per bbl...... ouruMe My leg* swellad Up on with dr her farm oaat I^l4ew A MlllaMMi'a drug stAsrr. | t Md pgpsps at Tnx N awe uMee. Haute.*. Ind.