Thursday, November 19, 1959


Second Series

Volume XXXV, 1959/1881 (Saka)

[N ovem ber 16 to 27, i9S9lKartika 25 to Agrahayana 6,1881 [Saka,]

NINTH SESSION, 1959/18S1 (Saka)

(Vol. XXXV contains Nos. 1 to 10)

LOK SABHA SECRETARIAT NEW DELHI CONTENTS [Second Snubs Voi — November 16 t o 27 t959/K aktika 25 to Agkahayava 6, 1881 (Saka)) C olu m n s H o 1 —Monday, November 16, 19^9/Karltka 25 1S81 (Saka)— Oral Answer* to Questions— Starred Questions Nos 1 to 12, 14 to 19 and 21 t -4 0 Written answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos 13 20 and 22 to 34 4* -S o Unstarred Quesuorw Nos I to 53 50—79 Obituary references 7*‘ 8 o Policemen killed in Sino-Indian Border incident 80-81 Motions for Adjournment- Sino-Indian border incidents 81 ~ior Papers laid on the Table 102—06 President’s Assent to Bills 106—08 Parliamentary Committees—Summary o f work 108 Htimates ( ommittee— Sixtv second Report 108 Statement re Mishap at Bhakra 108—13 Statement re Indo-Pakistan Canal Waters Dispute « 3- i 5 Statement re Acudenr to Agra-Allahabad Passenger train 115-16 Statement re Indo-Pakistan Border Conference 116 —19 Companies (Amendment; Bill— 1-xtension of umc for presentation of Report of Joint Committee 120 Bills introduced— 1 Indian Penal ( ode (Amendment) Bill 12a 2 Constitution (Eighth Amendment) Bill 120-21 1 Haj Committee Bill 121 Arms Bill— Motion to consider, as reported by Joint Committee 121 —218 Daily Digest 2 1 9 -3 0 No 2 — Tuesday, November 17 1959/jrarftta 26, 1881 (Saka)— Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Questions No . 35 to 4s 231—68 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos 46 to 76 * 9 —*> Unstarred Questions Nos $4 to 129 *90—333 he Motion for Adjournment— Withdrawal of Indian border police from Ban Hoct 334—43 Paper* bud on the Table 343—46 Colling Attention to Matter o f Urgent Public Importance— Proclamation of a state *t emergency in Calcutta Port 34^47

(») 272 Daily D i « a t t ...... I93— ( i i i)

C olu m n *

Nfy St—Friday, November 20,1959/JCatt'fci 29,1881 (Saka)— O n l Answers to Questions—

Starred Questions Nos. 158,155,157 ,159 to 162,164 to 167,169 «na 170 815 -5 3 Written Answers to Questions - Starred Questions Nos. 156,168 and 171 to 19s 853—6* Unstarrea Questions Nos. 272 to 306, 308 to 333 and 335 to 338 869—904 Motion for Adjournment— Hold-up of train by Delhi student* 904- 06 Papers laio on the Table 906—1 1 Business of the House 911-12 Correction of an wer to Starred Question No. 79 912-13 Business Advisory Committee— Forty-fourth Report 913-14 Kerala State Legislative (Delegation of Powers') Bill—Introduced 9x4 Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill 914—77 Motion to consider 915—77 Committee on Private Members’ Bills and Resolutions— Fifty-first Report 977 - 7® Resolution re : Session of Lok Sabha at Hyderabad or Bangalore 978—1045 Resolution rt • Re-organisation of Courtr>’s Administration 104S—48 Petition re : Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill 1048 Daily Digest 1049-—5&

No 6 —Monday, November 23, 19^9 'Agrakayana 2, 1881 (Saka)— Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Question Nos. 196. 198 to 207, 209 tv) 213, 217 to 219, 222 and 223 1059—97 Written Arswers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos 197, 208, 214 to 216. 220, 221 ana 224 to 232 1097—no * Unstarred Questions Nos. 339 to 40X 1108—51 Paper, laid on the Table 1151—54 Estimates Committee— Sixty-third Report . . . 1154-55 Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill JISS—1240 Motion to consider T155—120S Clauses 2 to $4. Schedules 1 to VI and clause 1 1207—40 Motion to pass 1240 Indian Penal Code (Amendment) B i l l ...... 1240—87 Motion to con sid er...... 1240—87 Half-ap-hour Discussion re • Scarcity of Sugar 1287 -1308 Daily D i g e s t ...... 1309—16 No. 7.— Tuesday, November 24,1959 Agrahayana 3,1881 (Saka)— O nl Answer to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 233 to 237.239 to 250,252 and 253 . 13*7—57 Correction of Answer to Supplementary Quastkm on S.Q. 239 <357 Short Notice Question No. 1 ...... *357—<0 (iv)

Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 238, 251 sad 354 to 2 6 9 ...... 1360—70 Unstarred Quesdoas Nos. 409 to 46s ...... 1370—1400

Modoc for Adjournment— Arrest of Dr. Run Msnohsr L o h i a ...... 1401—05 Papers laid on the T a b l e ...... 1405—07 Demands for Supplementary Grants (Kerala) ...... 1407 Calling Attention to Matter of Urgent Public Importance— Daooities in t r a i n s ...... 1407-08 Statement on O i l ...... X408—14 Statements re : Release of German A s s e t s ...... 1414-1$ Indian Penal Code (Amendment) Bill ...... 1415—31 Motion to onsider ...... 1415—*4 Clauses 2, 3 and 1 ...... I425—30 Motion t« p a s s ...... J430~3*

Hat Committee B i l l ...... 1431—97 Motion to consider ...... 1431—86 Clauses 2 to 19 and t ...... 1486—97 Motion to p a s s ...... 1497

Motions re : Annual Reports of the Registrar of Newspapers 1497—*570 Daily D i g e s t ...... 157*- - 7* No. B. —Wednesday, November 2 5 ,1959lj1grahayana 4. 1881 ( Saka)— Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 271 to 273,27s to 280, 282,284 to 288,290 to 292,294, 395 and 2 9 8 ...... 1579—1620 Short Notice Question No. 2 ...... 1620—22 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 270,274,281,283,289, 293 « 296,297 and 299to 317 16x2—38 Uni tarred Questions Nos. 466 to 522 ...... 1638- 70 Vgptrs laid on the T a b l e ...... (670—76 Mwsagrt from Rajya S a b h a ...... 1676-77 Bstimsces Committee— Sixty-fourth Report ...... 1677 Correction of reply to Starred Question No. 1314 ...... 1677-7! *>lHng Attention to a Matter o f Urgent Public Importance— l i l t and order situation in Delhi ...... Delhi Land Holdings (Csiling) Bill—In trod u ced...... itjp J^otiaag f* : -China R e l a t i o n s ...... ■tttfaeaa Advisory Committee— M t ^ f t b R q p o R ...... ( l i t Daily D i g w t ...... w C olum ns No.

Written Ann*en to Questions— Started Questions Nos. 3x9,323,333,340 and 341 to 352 .... 1873—82 Unstarred Questions Nos. 523 to S52 and 534 to 370 .... 1882—1906 Motion for Adjournment— Indo-Pak Border Demarcation ...... 1907—12 Papers laid on the T a b l e ...... 1913-14 Statement rt: Location o f Second Ship-boilding Y a r d ...... 1914-15 Business Advisory Committee— Forty-fifth R e p o r t ...... 1915—17 Point of P r o c e d u r e ...... 1917^19 Motion rn India-China Relations ...... 1917,1919—3074 Daily D i g e s t ...... 2075-80 Jo. io.-.Friday, Novtmbtr 27, *959 lAgrahayana 6,1881 (Saka)— Oral Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 353 and 353 to 367 ...... 2081—3121 Written Answers to Questions— Starred Questions Nos. 354 and 368 to 3 9 8 ...... 2x21—39 Unstarred Questions Nos. 571 to 621 .... 2139—67 Motions for Adjournment— (1) Indo-Pak Border d e m a r c a t io n ...... 2x47—72 (2) Chinghai-Tibet Highway ...... >173—77 Papers laid on the T a b l e ...... 2x77-78 Message from Rxjys Sabha ...... 2178 Business of the House ...... 2179 Statement rc: Dandakaranya Development A u t h o r i t y...... 2179—85 Release of a M e m b e r ...... 2185 Motion r « India-China R e l a t i o n s ...... 2185—4216 Kerala State Legislature (Delegation of Powers) B i l l ...... 2216—33 Motion to consider ...... 2216—33 Bills Introduced— 1. Indian Railways (Amendment) B i l l ...... 3233-34 2. Delimitation Commission (Amendment) B U I ...... 2234 3. Hindu Marriage (Amendment) B i l l ...... 2234 Restoration of places of Religious Worship Bill by Shri Prahash Vw Shastri . 2235-36 Motion to consider—n e g a t i v e d ...... 2236 Code o f Criminal Procedure (Amendment) Bill (Amtndmtnt of stction 198) by Shrimati Subhadra J o s h i ...... 2236— 89 Motion to c o n s i d e r ...... 2236—84

Clauses a, 1 and the Enacting Formula ...... 2284—89 Motion to p s s s ...... 2289 272 (A i) LSD— 10. M> O o m n

Minimum Warn j 8H1. Ktmhaiya Ltd Bthmki ...... l^ M fO S Motion to oonsider ...... 2289-4308 •IHftr n iiM t ...... *3P9 . 16 Consolidated Contents [November x6 to 37, 1959/Kartika 23 to Agrahayana 6, 1881 ( S a k a ) ] ...... (4-^fii Jtr »■ II ■!'» till »lll 111 "»l II II.... ■■ ...... ■■'■■■ ■ ■ M S ~ —T b t sign 4 - marked at*** ft name o f * Member cm Questions,- Which were orally answered, indicates that the Question was actually askM on the floor oC thajBausefap that Member. LOK SABHA DEBATES

585 586 L O K SABHA Shri Abld All: The question was about the amount due to the workers Thursday, November 19, 1959/Karttfcabecause of the closure. That has been 28, 1881(Saka) agreed to be paid Shrlmatl Ha Palchoodhuri: Is the The Lok Sabha met at Eleven of the Government aware of the number of Clock. employees who have been taken over by the school that has taken over the [Mr. Speaker inthe Chair.] premises of the Cecil Hotel? Shri AbJd All: Out of 285. most of ORAL ANSWERS TO the employees have found alternative QUESTIONS employment Some have left Delhi and for others the Employment Ex­ Hotel Cecil, Delhi change will be helpful. *122. Shri Keshava: Will the Minis­ ter of Labour and Employment be TTOfHWW STCT 5WTT pleased to state' + (a) whether any representation 'aft mo : was made by the retrenched emplo­ yees of the closed Hotel Cecil, Delhi •ft ito mo fiwrft to secure the retrenchment compensa­ •ft sftwnr *rnjr tion and the right of residence m the •ft tt* f m quarters, and •ft W i f : (b) if so, the reaction of Govern­ •ft w m wroft ment thereto? •ft (9WW The Deputy Minister of Labour <8hri A b W A U ): (a)Yes ( «ft m o *gnrw •{ t w g *n ftr? (b) With the help of the concilia­ tion machinery of the Delhi Adminis­ •ft sr« tto ijpwwrift tration an agreement has been reach­ •ft m m : ed between the parties. •ft*wft 8hrl Keahava: May we know •ft g ^ f f*#ft whether it m not a fact that a few of •ft «*wnr : the items had not been agreed to by the management for being referred to •ft w itt : the tribunal? •ft rftw rc HlfeJT : Shri AMA AU: No, Sir. As far as I ' «ft wrf : understand, all the points in dispute have been settled. w r w m »Hft Shri Mohammed Elias: What is the nature of the agreement which has (?) W wt ^ wfR * town readied between the employees *n d the employer? % fwWt frtr fatf 292 (Ai) L.S.D.—1. 587 OrtX Answers N O V E M B E R 19,1950 Oral Annoeri

Mr. Bywtftr: It is rather surprising The Prime Minister and Ministerof W hen the British werethere, we were Extern*1 Affairs (Shri Jswihsrlsl carrying on propaganda against the Nehru?: When such things come to the British Government, andalmost every notice ot Government, the first speech that was madein any nook step, obviously, is to draw the atten­ and comer of the country m any tion’ oi the Embassy of the foreign village was being reported to the power concerned and say that this is Centre objectionabte and this should not be done Other steps may follow, nor­ Shrimatl Lakshmi Menon These mally that brings some results Other- are not places where you have got wlse ]iiay be such papers are not any press agency and from where we allowed to to circulated or they are can get any news directly confiscated such other steps may be taken It is hardly right for me to Mr. Speaker This is an important detail the steps which one can or does matter The hon Minister will realise take it1 such matters how many Members are interested in this So many Members have tabled Shriinati Renuka Ray. The Deputy this question This matter of Kalim- VluMsfcSr said that it was not possible pong has been there for a long time to know all the details Hon Members want to know what further steps are taken to see what Shrifnati Lakshmi Menon I did not kind of propaganda is being carried say ‘it 1S not possible” I said unless on Is the hon Minister to wait until the M emtor specifies the area I will hon Members give news regarding not be able to 8ive an answer By this matter’ simply saying that m border areas oral propaganda is carried on against bhnmati Lakshmi Menon No Sir the G overrinlent °* India, it is not I have pointed out that propaganda possible tor the Government of India is done and bulletins are distributed to know which area it is, unless they through the Chinese trade agency in specify the area Kalimpong Hon Members are refer­ ring to various places indefinitely on Shri M L Dwivedl Infiltration has the border without specifying which taken piace in the Ladakh area and place or through what agency such the L

P»esence. I promote the hon. Mem­ to decide and net ter Hie Cfrirt*in ber is referring to whispering propa­Governmeat, so far asthey **e MA- ganda If one can get hold of him cemed in India. and take steps, it is all right Shri Mnftswimftd l a w : Have the SkrtaifttJ Beanka Kay: My question Government ascertained how many was a little different Is the Central Chinese nationals and Chinese agents Government or the Home Ministry not have been living in India, especially informed through the State Govern­ in Kalimpong, Bhutan and Sikkim ments about oral propaganda, apart and what action has been taken to from written propaganda that is going prevent subversive activities* on m some of the border areas m Kalimpong, Sikkim, etc9 Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: An agent, in the very nature of things, is nota Shri Jawaharl&l Nehru* Previously public person He is a very very on several occasions, I have myself private person, indeed a secret person referred to this matter, more especial­So, to have a census of agents isa ly the Kalimpong area, which I slight contradiction in terms Of described at one time as a nest of course, one has knowledge of people spies We have tried to deal with it that are suspects If we have that and we propose to deal with it more knowledge, it is not the kind of stringently in future knowledge which is normally stated in Shri Surendranath Dwivedy: Since public, because one cannot take any the Chinese Government, as is evident action then As for the total Chinese from its reply of 30th October to the population, I think the Home Minister Pnme Minister’s letter of 24th Septem­ gave some information yesterday ber, is not prepared to accept that the material circulated by the Chinese Shri Tyagi: Has it come to the notice of Government that recently some Embassy is anti-Indian, what prevents the Government from banning circula­ Chinese traders and laundrymen, etc tion of all material published by the have opened shops m many places in Chinese Embassy in India the border area as well as m Calcutta 9 on a large scale for the purpose of Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: If we con­ carrying on this insidious propaganda* sider banning or confiscating any document, it must be because we Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: To some object to that document I do not extent, this matter has come to our quite understand how we can ban notice and we are carrying on specific things which otherwise by themselves enquiries about it I am talking of are not objectionable border areas In a city like Calcutta, there is a fairly large Chinese popula­ Shri Surendranath Dwivedy: You tion living there for a long time past have put certain restrictions and previously engaged chiefly as shoe­ limits, as is mentioned m the letter makers and laundrymen These are The Chinese Government is not pre­ the two specific occupations of the pared to accept that Keeping that in Chinese all over the world, apart from view, is it not necessary to ban it China smce they will be going on circulating such material whenever occasion Shri Tyagi: Is there any reciprocity arises7 with regard to liberties granted to oar Shri Jawaharlal Nehrn: I do not tradesmen and businessmen in China quite know what the hon Member and to the Chinese businessmenhere? naans when he says that the Chinese Are our tradesmen in Chinaenjoying equal liberties or are the liberties Government is not prepared to do this restricted* or that They may argue something in defence of what they have done But Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: Obviously, in regard to circulation of papers, etc conditions m China are completely it is for the Government of India different It is nota question of Oral 4w

W f r m enjoying ttf t Jiber* CWw; WM « pnpawl t n m U-K. What was •t e a the Chinese do not cqtor tb»t tfef reason our Government to liberty in China. that proposal o4 U lt ? Hu? Prime Minister aad Minister of External Affairs (Shrt Jawaharlal Nehra): I do not know to which pro­ posal of U .K . the hon. Member is re­ f Shrt A . ML Tarlq: ferring. But the two Co-Chairmen Shri Skne N inna Das: have been in contact with each other Pandit D. N. Tiwary: by correspondence chiefly and that is Shri M. L. Dwivedl: continuing, Shri Bam Krishan Gopta: *1*4. Shri Hem Bama: Shri D . C. Sharma: In view of the Shri A. K. Gopalan: sending of the fact-finding mission, Shri Vasndevan Nair: the recent visit of the Secretary Gene­ Shrimatl Bean Chakra- ral and the appointment of economic vartty: adviser to Laos, does it mean that Shri D. C. Sharma: the International Commission for Supervision and Control hat been Will the Prime Minister be pleased suspended? to state: Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: Apart from (a) whether any, and if so what, the array of facts which the hon. progress has been made in the direc­ Member has referred to, the Inter­ tion of re-activisation of International national Commission was suspended Commission for Supervision and Con­ even previously and it was laid down trol in Laos; that if necessity arose, it could meet. But as a matter of fact, it has not (b) whether there have been any met, because of the strong opposition negotiations between the Co-Chairmen of the Government of Laos to its of the Geneva Conference in this re­ meeting. It seems to me rather doubt­ gard; and ful that it would meet in view of this (c) if so, with what results7 opposition, because the Commission cannot meet if the Government is not The Deputy Minister of External agreeable to its meeting. Affairs (Shrimatl Lakshmi Menon): Shri Ram Krishan Gopta: May I (a) There has been no progress to­know whether it is a fact that ten­ wards re-convening the International sion is increasing in that country and* Commission for Supervision and Con­ if so, what steps Government pro­ trol, Laos. pose to tafce to lessen that tension? (b) There were exchanges of views Sbri Jawaharlal Nehru: Tension between the two Co-Chairmen of the there has been at a high level for Geneva Conference on the situation in some years. It may slightly increase Laos. or decrease; it has been at a high level (c) The Co-Chairmen could not come and all these things that have hap­ to any agreement on measures to deal pened recently indicate that tension. with the situation. In September 1959, The Government of India cannot do the Government of Laos referred the anything at all about it It is obvious matter to the Secretary-General of the that as members of the International United Nations and it is now before Commission, we could have functioned the Security Council. if the Commission functioned. Since the Commission does not meet, we Shri A. M. Tarlq: May I know if cannot function. All w e can do is to Government is aware of the fact that draw the attention of the two Co» the Soviet <3overnment proposed that Chalraoe to fuch information as comes this matter should be fltsnwri among ipto our possession and to suggest that tfm Co-Chsdmcn? Later on there they might take adequate steps. W €. A hadei b Government United Nations, he will make a *► aware of the fact that the LeoUtn Port on it Government does not like the conti- . nuance of this Commission, because the presence of this Commission m Shri Nagi Reddy: In view of Ike Laos~has helped the rebel Pathot Laos fact that a fact-finding committee jptfty? had been appointed, end in view of the fact that it is going to give a Shri Jawaharlal Nehru:The hon report to the United Nations, nay I Member may perhaps be repeating know whether the Government of what the Laotian Government has *aid India was consulted before the fact- about it. That is not my view finding committee was appointed and. if so, what the Government of India's Shri C. D. Fande: Does the Govern­ views were when it was asked to go ment of India not feel that we should to Laos to find out facts? not take part in the Commission be­ cause the existing government there Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: No, Sir does not like it* The Government of India was not con­ sulted about this matter Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: The Gov­ ernment of India is always prepared to take part m that Commission—it has Shri Nagi Reddy: What was the never withdrawn from it subject al­ opinion of the Government of India ways to tile parties accepting the Com­ regarding the fact-finding committee7 mission. W e cannot thrust the Com­ mission if they do not want it What Mr. Speaker: Opinions are not asked the Laotian Government’s view about far here it has more or less been expressed by the hon Member, that/ is not tin- Shri Tangamani: What is the view Government of India’s view of the Government on the recent pro­ posal of the Government of Britain Shri Kasliwal: May I know whethei about the agreement of I C S C on after the visit of the fact finding Cambodia and Viet Nam’ Commission and that of the Secretary Mr. Speaker: We do not ask for General, any suggestion has been mado views or opinions during question by either of them that the Intei Hour, hon Members can only ask for national Commission should be re facts convened again7 Shri Tangamani: What is the fact Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: I have said htre? it previously and I do not know hov I can repeat it W e are prepared to Mr. Speaker: It is a hypothetical function in the International Com­ question. mission, provided it functions, and it can function only by the consent of Shri Tangamani: May I know whe­ the parties concerned. If their consent ther the Government is aware of is lacking, it cannot function. By the U.K.’s proposal about the agreement very nature of the Commission, it can­ of I.C SC on Cambodia and Viet Nam not be thrust on those countries. Now, and, if so, what is its reaction? what the future would be, I cannot say, There is the Secretary-General Baja Mahendra PnUp:May I know of the United Nations, who has gone whether these questions of Laosand there,and thereis the so-called fact­ China are not connected with the finding Commission, whose report has struggle going on betweenRussia and not been published yet It appears America for world control? thftt some rumours, bits of them, have appeared. I take it that when the M r. Speaker: It is a metier of Secretary-General geeshade to the opinion. Nekt question.’ Oral ArtaiMnt K A H T X K A 2 * t M t OMt Answer* 398

Central Institute for th e h h t MachiP* Designing at Ranchi will Designing, ItttU collaborate with the foreign companies or for®1*11 designers in designing the + machines that are going to be manu­ rshri Bam Krishan Gupta: facture d by the machine building j Shrimati Parvathl Krishnaa: industry’ ] Shri Warior: ^ Shri Nagi Beddy: Shri Manubhai Shah: This is a matter detailed procedure In "Will the Minister ofCommerce some machines, I think we will have aad Industrybe pleased to refer to to evdlve our own indigenous design, the reply given to Starred Question suited to indigenous raw materials N o 293 on the11 th August, 1959 and and cPnditions But it does not pre­ state at what stage stands the ques­ clude 007 collaboration with different tion of setting up a Central Institute foreign technologists and experts to for Machine Designing at Ranchi? have their designs and then make them suitable for Indian conditions. The Minister of Industry (Shri Shri Vidya Charan Shukla: May I Mannbh&l Shah): Realising the ■snspKslYance tA Vne -op kciQw whether the Russian specialists have already recommended that the of a National Institute for Mac institute for machine designing should hine Designing in the country and be set up in Ranchi only, or they have in accordance with the recommenda­ not ,ecommended where this should tions made by the Soviet Specialists in relation to the construction of a be estebhshtd* Heavy Machine Building Plant at Shi'* Manubhai Shah Actually, Ranchi the Government are consi­ thev baye not indicated any prefer­ dering having a separate Central ence But once Ranchi becomes the Institute or alternatively organising a rentr? of heavy machine building, as separate Wint, in the Heavv Machine it 1S the biggest project for heavy Buildiaf Plant to be entrusted with mach>ne building m this country, this work A decision has not yet naturaUy it will gravitate towards btrn taken that

Shri Ram Krishan Gupta May I Small Scale Industries know whether Government have considered the question of setting up + " Shri Subodh Hansda. a separate institute of technology 7 Shri S C. Samanta: Shri Manubhai Shah. The interim Shri R C Majhi: decision taken on this matter is to Shri Bam Krishan Gupta. start designing centres for the parti­ Shri AJit Singh Sarhadi: cular branch of designing m every Sardar Iqbal Singh: public sector project For instance, •lf€ { Shri A. M. Tariq: in Hindustan Machine Tools, we are Shri Bamahriahna Beddy: setting up a designing centre for Shri Paagarkar: machine tools Similarly, in Hindu­ Shri Nagi Beddy: Shrimati Parvathi Krishnan: stan Steel, Heavy Electricals, Bhopal and Sindhri, designing centres for Shri Warior: the respective heavy industries will Shrimati Mafida Ahmed b Shri Bameahwar Taatia: be set up. We would also consider whether there is necessity to have an Will the Minister of Commerceaad •pcx institute of machine building industry be pleased to state and for machine designing to collabo­ rate with the Ranchi Project. (a? whether it is a fact that a dele­ g a t e from Japan visited India at the Shri Nafi Beddy: Mfcy I know invitation of the Government of India whether (he Central Institute of m tpe month of September, 1989; 599 O ral Anmtn JfOnMUR 19, 1M» Owl 4iwaws feo

(b) what is their opinion as to the national market, may I know wbm- development of small-scale industries th*r any suggestions were offeredto in our country ; muke Indian handicrafts alsovery popular? (e) whether they have submitted any report to the Government; and 0hri Mansbhai Shah:At a pert of this delegation, we invited a Jajaneee (d) if so, whether this will be laid expert on handicrafts who, indepen­ on the Table? dently of this delegation, spent • further period of six weeks and, went The Minister ot ladsstry (Shri round every part of India. So, w e Msmbhai Shah): (a) Yes, Sir. A also expect a special report on handi­ five-number Japanase delegation of crafts expects on cottage and small indus­ triesvisited India at the invitation of the Government ot India from the irtfaw aft- 4th August to the 6th September, w r «r? t ft? fcr IMS. % faw-ftnr Trstrt 3 finr-faw smnr (b ) to (d) Their report is still $#1r % ? w r fw awaited.

8kri Sabedh Haaada: May I know f%JTf tftr afr whether this delegation has indicated any kind of help for the development wr# t ^ «nrr to «tt ift f * of small-scale industries in our coun­ snfwr ft? ni v * Shri S C Samaata: Is it not a fact that more than one delegation from qfwr n r $ tit strt «ftv India went to Japan and submitted x x rr w«r

vhm tfzv % arft# vrrwr the price is unsatisfactory. He ar« ? that production ha* fallen and there is export. But that is not the step wpnft : W W 5T^ t I that Government has taken. vttmtfrw «t€iTfe*rr < *rnft f Shri Kanungo: That means « k w * n f t $ i f*?nc «ftr the licensing for exports and the 6 higher intake for jute goods are the tftarsfinrt «rr*r k steps which stabilise the price and so $ i far the price has been stabilised. Shri RameshwarT&ntia: May I Shri Vidya Charan Shnkla: What know whether the purchase of jute by criterion does the StateTrading the STC checked the falling price of Corporation use to select goods for jute last year? If that is so, will trading? Ig it only profit motive that Government keep that agcncy going7 is taken into consideration or are Shri Kanungo: Last year’s condi­ other motives also taken into consi­ tions were different. This year the deration while deciding as to which commodity should be taken up for prices are firming up. From the State trading’ beginning of the jute teason in July prices are steady Steps have been Shri Kanungo: State Trading taken for release of quantities for Corporation undertakes trade in export and also the demand for jute commodities when it is directed by goods is likely to firm up Therefore the Government or when, in the there is no necessity at the present moment for the State Trading Corpo­ S l i T " “ “ ta

Shri S. C. Samanta: The hon Minis­ ter has said that in order to stabilise TOT : the prices steps have been taken r tfo * o 5T*tf May I know what are those steps and whether the peasants will not be Ho : deprived of their actual price’ Shri Kanungo: Firstly, the size of the crop is much less than it was m the past year. Secondly, the exports SPFT SSJTf Ysc v 3tTT % have been provided for. Thirdly, the W T sft f^TT fo IJSH expectation of the off-take of jute goods has brightened. firctor sfpt «; Shri FrabhatKar: May I know the * *Hr fur smfa t. ’ reason for the fall m production of jute this year? Is the fall in the The Deputy Minister of External cultivation of jute due to the fact that Affairs (Shrimati iJ h A w i Menon): the cultivators are not getting The Government of India have been adequate price? Is that one of the giving ad-hoc grants to Bhutan Gov­ main reasons that there has been a ernment from time to time tor their tell in the price of jute? development schemes in addition to normal subsidy of St 5 lalrha Shri Kanungo: No. The reason for the Treaty of 1949. the anticipated lower crop this year 'is the bad seasonal conditions. The Government of Twrtu after recent talks with the Prime Shri 8are»draaath Dwhreiy: The 9* Bhutan have agreed to at 1ton.'Minister's reply as to what stepsthe disposal of the Bhutan Govern­ they have really taken to stabilise ment a sum of Rs. 7 lakhs freon ZMt 4 Q 5 Oral Anneerg KARTIKA 28, INI (SAKA) Orat Annoers 506

toward* tnrtirH of ad-hoc grants to Shri Jawaharlal Nehru:I do not •assist in their development schemes. know about that. But there are two or three possible roads. Two are in The Government of India have also view and one is being taken up decided to make available funds upto urgently which, so far as I remember, a ceiling of Rs. 15 crores for the is from North Bengal. execution of the road projects which the Government of Bhutan have in Dr. Ram Subhag Singh: To what mind. These funds would be made extent has Bhutan’s need for financial available to Bhutan Government as assistance from India increased due to and when required. the stoppage of their trade with Tibet, because Bhutan used to send *ft Wl *iff an?Rl most of its commodities to Tibet for marketing? W*TT g far TT7TH ^t 3ft j fTTW WgWrTT W!( TOT £ Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: No refer­ ence has been made to us on that ?rt w i V^rsr s *rrar *tft fft *trr point W e have been helping Bhutan *ft VI TTP'sr »TV7pir m the past, as stated in the answer 5T r^BTT f%JTr 7 to this question, for certain internal development schemes As to what grants we give them from time to s w r *r*t am stfswj-^rnt *rsft time, we decided to give a lump sum («ft aRT^TWH *$*) of Rs 7lakhs per annum for develop­ ment It is for the Bhutan Govern­ $ * t t »?r*r 5rst «ft 1 h it ment to decide as to how to spend it a v i =rtf ^ ^ « r »mr in consultation with us where neces­ sary In addition to that for some JT^l- «ft, *rnfr 'TT ?3Rjr major works, like roads and other *rr1 jt? «. sn^r # sfr 5 , *n«r things, ve have promised to set aside irrer q v ftit 1 s':m of Rs. 15crores for a penod of years. ^Tfft # 1 ztzt # *f? f^rar 1 -s 5m? st^pt r ? u $ oftfar »rraTHi Shri Braj Raj Singh: May I know 3?Rft i w r r c q; ^ ir srnft whether the Bhutanese Government has drawn up a road plan in consul­ £ 1 *?? v t t * m t i ^t ?nrr «ftt ? t t 1 tation with the Government of India w n ffori # *j?ft Sr& m and whether any deadline has been fixed for the construction of impor­ farm tfrr 3?Rft ®T5T fawTT tant roads connecting parts of India 1 with Bhutan?

Shri O C. Sharma: May I know if Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: There are in view of the tension on the border various plans which have been dis­ of Bhutan the Government of Bhutan cussed with our engineers. As I has asked for any additional grant to have just now said, one road has been meet the emergency so far as their taken up immediately and a second militia and army is concerned9 road is kept in view. I do not know of any exact dates being fixed. Shrt Jawaharlal Nehru:No, Sir, except that they are anxious that the «ft : *n»rftar *r^t roads should be constructed as soon as possible. if f*F 1J4M V t *TTTcT ?t f W T # «TT^t ITWff <|ft fi)x Wl* fwr *T ^ Shri B — in l ir t : W hat about the i 3 proposal to construct the road from «wr «tpt «r? wnr >ft «nf K o b e A a r in Aw m n to Bhutan? £ f t r rw r f t w f 'w f a wft <07 O w l AnMMrs NOVBKBBR It, M$ Or# Amv*n f t *

% v m etortt valued at Rs. M lakhs as agataat 80.000cwt. valued at 2i. tr lakh* *ft»wT ¥t wmfw a v # j

flU Sadth ChuMfea: 8hall I read working capital for Model Mills and out all theflgursa relating to U K , Atherton West Mills, while, in the U S A R , Italy, Canada, U S A , etc * case of Ajudhia Mills the authorised Mr Speaker: No, no He only Managing Agents have advanced wanted to know the total quantity necessary working capital Financial assistance is also extended by institut­ Shri Punnooae: The hon Minister ions such as National Industrial De­ said we are entering into trade agree­ velopment Corporation (Private) Ltd, ments I would like to know whether Industrial Finance Corporation etc there is any new market to which Appropriate and competent technical we have exported in considerable advice is always made available by quantities the Textile Commissioner with the co-operation of industrialists and Shri Satish Chandra The main technicians importers of pepper from India are ' the U K , U S S R , Italy, Canada and Shri S M. Banerjee: In reply to a U S A Small quantities go to other previous question the hon Minister countries also said Restarting of Closed Mills I have decided to hold a meet­ + ing with the Textile Commissioner fShri S. M Banerjee and other officers concerned to consider over the matter as to *1M J Shri Pani*rahi | Shri Rameshwar Tantta how many mills which are closed I'Shn Pangarkar can be economically run ” Will the Minister of Commerce And then he said Industry be pleased to refer to the re ply given to Starred Question No 15 "I might inform the House at a on the 3rd August, 1959, and state later stage as to what action we propose to take’’ (a) whether some of the closed mills have since been re-started, I want to know whether this meet­ ing was held, and if so, what decis­ (b) whether more mills have been ions were taken to restart the other taken over by State Governments, and mills (c) the financial and technical assist­ ance given to various mills to enable Shri Kanungo The matters are still them to restart’ under discussion Several meetings have taken place The Minister of Commerce (Shri Shri T. B Vittal Rao A considerable Kanungo) (a) Six mills have re­ tune elapses between the closure of started the mills because of mismanagement (b) No, Sir The Central Govern­ by the board of directors and the tak­ ment have, however, taken over one ing over May I know whether Gov­ mpre mill, namely, Ajudhia Textile ernment are taking steps to see that Mills, Delhi, under Section 18-A of this time lag m reduced’ the Industries (Development and Re­ gulation) Act, 1951 Shri Kanungo. Exactly to meet that (c) The financial needs of mills re­ purpose the survey staff has been started under the scheme of Un­ strengthened so that there can be a employment Relief are looked after year round survey of all the mills, so by the State Government concerned that when there are signs of fall m As regards the three mills taken overproduction, steps could be tak’en We by the Central Government under hope by another two years we will be Section 18-A, the State Governments in a position to keep track of the concerned have arranged for the managements of all mills Oral Answers NOVEMBER 19, 1 W Oral Answers

Start h — fcinr Xutfa: May I Shri Kaaaago: The figures are not know whether the balance sheet* of static Mills close, also mill* reopen. the mills which have remained State- run for the last two or three years Shri S M . Banerjee: It is peculiar. have been prepared? If any profit has Shri Vldya Ghana Shakla: May I been made in those mills, will it be know what further action has been possible to pay the arrears to labour, taken in respect of the Bengal Nagpur or will it be on State Government Cotton Mills which was closed a few account? months ago, and whether the enquiry Shri Kanungo: Which mills? If the committee appointed by the Ministry hon Member specifies the mills and has submitted its report7 the years, then I will be able to say Mr Speaker: I am not going to that after notice. allow individual cases to be mention­ ed here If they are interested, hon Shri Rameshwar Tan tlx: I mean the Members may table separate ques­ Saksena Mills, Bombay, which has tions been run for the last two years by the State Government What are the Shri T B Vittal Rao: May I know balance sheet and profit and loss whether a firm and final decision will results7 be taken on the report of the survey Shri Kanungo: I will obtain the in­ teams, or after receiving the report formation for him of the survey team, again another committee will be appointed to look Shri Panigrahi: Two mills were clos­ into the matter7 ed in Orissa according to the State­ ment submitted by the hon Minister Shri Kanungo: Under the law no last time Have they started again action can be taken unless there is in­ or not’ vestigation under section 15 of the Industries (Development and Regula­ Mr Speaker: Individual cases may tion) Act be brought to his notice Shri Tangamani: May I know the Shri Kanungo: I do not think there names of the six mills which have re­ was any case m Orissa started and whether the Bombay Dye­ ing and Spinning Mills is included in Shn S M Banerjee: In the state­ them7 Has it been brought tb the ment it is said that six mills have re­ notice of the Government that the started I want to know the number Bombay Dyeing and Spinning Mills of mills which are still closed, and may close again7 If so, what steps how many more mills are likely to be are they going to take for the con­ restarted in 1960 tinuation of the mills which have restarted7 Shri Kanungo: At the moment I suppose somewhere about 30 mills are Shri Kanungo: The six mills are closed, may be a little more And Vidarbha Mills, the Madura group, out of that, about 10 or 15 have re­ Atherton West, Kaleswarar Mills, mained closed for about seven or Ajudhia Textile Mills, and Modern eight years Mills Shri S M Banerjee: In the last Meeting of Housing Secretaries of statement it was said that 39 mills Northern Region were closed as on 30-6-1959 *131.Shri P . C. Borooah: Will the Mr. Speaker: Between 30 and 31 Minister of Works, Housing and there is only a difference of one. Snpply be pleased to state- Shri S. M. Banerjee:How can it be (a) whether it is a fact that the. 30 now? meeting of the Housing Secretaries 013-OnA Answers K A R T IK A 28, 1881(S A K A ) Oral A n w i n 614

at Northern Region vm held in Shrt Anil K . Chanda: This hardly Naiwtal on the 20th September, 1089,arises out of the mam question The ind main question is with regard to the discussion that our officers had with (b) it >0, the nature of decisions the Housing Secretaries at Nauutal arrived at therein9 to evolve a tentative programme for the Third Five Year Plan. The Deputy Minister of Works, Hous­ ing and Supply (Shri Anil K Chanda). (a) and (b) A meeting with the Hous­ «ro m o vi it? arm r ing Secretaries of Uttar Pradesh, $ ftr 3r^f% if? arrcrfarc Punjab and Rajasthan was held at Naimtal on the 18th and the 10th gqfrw rfiwr *rr, w r ft? September, 1950, with a view to as­ certaining the progress of implemen­ "TOT, 3R f * P 3fr JRfcr fan# to t. * tation of the various Housing Schemes in those States, as well as their present thinking about the Housing programme for the Third Five Year Plan Re­ Shri Anil K Chanda. Certain presentatives of the Jammu and Kash­ working papers have been prepared mir Government were also invited to by the working group, and we wanted the meeting, but they were unable to to ascertain the views of the State attend The discussions were of an Government* with regard to those informal character as the views ex­ proposals, so that a draft scheme pressed at the meeting could not be could be formulated expected, at this stage, to represent the final and authoritative views of Shri S M Banerjee May I know the State Governments in the matter whether the U P Government have Consequently the question of any laised an objection to the recent decisions being taken at the meeting increase in the house rent for the did not arise industrial workers from Rs 10 to Rs 17 50 and if so, whether any Shri P C. Borooah May I know decision has been taken by the Cen­ if there is any revision m the rate of tral Government in this regard9 interest and the terms of repayment in the case of loans for low income Shri Anil K. Chanda The hon housing schemes9 Member has drawn our attention to this matter, and we have referred Shri A nil K Chanda: No, Sir I this to the U P Government W e have said certain tentative proposals have since heard from them been drafted by the working group set up by the Planning' Commission, Shri Tangamani In view of the and it was with regard to these fact that the hon Minister himself matters that the informal v1ews of expressed m the Housing Ministers’ the State Governments at depart Conference at Hyderabad recently mental level were ascertained With that the progress of housing has not regard to the quantum of interest for been very satisfactory, may I know low income group housing, this matter whether Government will consider was discussed at the last Housing the question of doubling the loan from Ministers’ Conference, but no recom­ the LIC for the middle income group mendation has been made for the current year9 Shri P. C Borooah: May I know Shri Anil K Chanda There is no whether the distribution of the loans loan advanced by the LIC for the low for the industrial housing scheme has income group housing scheme Their been entrusted to the State Govern­ loan is for the middle income group, ments, and if so, with what results9 they have increased the quantum of Oral Antvoers N O V E M B E R 19, 198* Oral Answer*

their loan this year from Rs. 3 croreson 24th August, 1888 was completed which was the original figure, to and broadcast on 2nd October, 1888 nearly Rs 7 crores, including Rental Housing Scheme (b) and (c) Events relating toSalt Satyagraha have not so far been Mirimati Ha Pateteoudhurl:.May I covered completely. know whether the discussions were entirely confined to industrial housing Shri D C. Sharma: May I know m schemes or they included rural and how many instalments the complete urban housing schemes* recordings of Mahatma Gandhi’slife will be made, and how many of these Shri Anil K Chanda: All schemes have so far been completed* Shri P C. Borooah: To solve to a -certain extent the ever-increasing un­ The Minister of Information and employment problem, do Government Broadcasting (Dr. Keskar): The radio propose to enlarge the scheme and biography of Gandhiji is not going to lead the people to go in for more be divided into chapters Rather, we housing projects* are having it divided into specific periods of his life, more connected Shri Anil K Chanda: All the with important events Three of these -schemes are meant for more houseshave been covered I shall not be in the country able to indicate now exactly how many penods or chapters we shall Shri S. M. Banerjee While thanking divide it into the hon Minister for referring the matter to the U P Government, may its iftfiro «rg 3ft frrrfar 1 know whether the order regarding increase m house rent will be suspend­ T fr i, to t r r ed till a decision is arrived at* « r r srr # f r * n w r ?r 8hri Anil 1L Chanda:Till we have sfrnrtit examined the matter fully, it is not possible for u

Recording of Mahatma Gandhi's Life *To ta n rt «r?

httBM <> Oartaa tailed views about it; he expressed re­ peatedly his desire te settle the pro­ + blems. That is all that has been done ’ Or. I a n M t fH c Magfci to it Shri Shreefto n ym D u : Shri D . C. Sharma: Shri Nath Pal: May I know the Shri Ajft Singh Sartadi: latest number of persons of Indian *1S4. Shri N. R. Munlswamy: origin who have been granted citizen­ Shri Hem Barua: ship rights in Ceylon? Shrimati Ha Palchoudhurl: Shrimati Lakshmi Menon: The num­ Shri Rameshwar Tantia: ber of persons granted Ceylonese _ Shri Aehar: citizenship up to the end of April, Will the Prime Minister be pleaaed 1959 has already been indicated in an to state: answer given on the 3rd of August in this House. (a) whether it is a fact that Ceylon Government have recently approach­ Shri Nath Pal: Since then, we under­ ed the Government of India to discuss stand that the lists have been revised. the problems of Indian settlers there; Shrimati Lakshmi Menon: W e have and no figures after April, 1959. The (b) if so, the steps taken in this figure up to that period is 1,08,570. regard? Raja Mabendra Pratap: My question is very simple, but I feel frustrated The Deputy Minister of External like an inventor who goes to a capita­ Affairs (Shrimati Lakshmi Menon): list but who is not heard by him; 1

h a b m jbuI the Officials in the flhotttNit te AflMM Ministriesot Commerce and Industry and Finance to discuss the problems fShrtmatt Mafida Atamedt ralattng to the disposal of the surplus I Dr. Baa Sskiuf Singh: Nattu tobacco in Guntur District in m >, J Start Hem Barua: Andhra Pradesh. *) Shri Amjad AU: | Start Muhammad Elias: (b) The tentative, measures sug­ laStarlmatl 111 Palchoodhurl: gested (or disposal of the tobacco are under consideration in consultation W in the Prime Minister be pleased with the Andhra Pradesh Govern­ to s^te: ment. No final decision has so far (a) whether it is a fact that about been taken. four hundred to five hundred Bhuta- Heavy Machine Building Plant nese have recently infiltrated into Ass^m and settled down in the forest fShrimatt Parvathi Krishnan: reserves jn North Kamrup; and | Shri Nagi Reddy: | Shri Warlor:

(c) whether any phased programme Manufacture of Tractors of construction has been finalised? *l«i> fShrimatl Ila Palchoudhuri: The Minister of Industry (Shri S \Shri K. S. Ramaswamy: Manubhai Shah): (a) Yes, Sir. The W ,n the Minister of Commerce and Detailed Project Report has been ac­ I°d,tstry be pleased to state: cepted on the 28 th October, 1959. (a) whether it is a fact that Gov* (b) and (c). The exact quantum of ernrnent have accorded approval to the foreign exchange requirements a scheme for the manufacture of Bri­ and the extent of the phased p ro­ tish tractors in India; and gramme of construction will be known (b) if so, the details of the scheme? only after subsidiary contracts have been entered into for the preparation Minister of Industry (Shri of working drawings, import of machi­ Btatabhal Shah): (a) and (b). One nery and equipment, cost of supervi­ firm has been granted a licence under sion of erection by Soviet Experts, tha industries (Development and Re­ guarantee of performanceot equip­ lation) Act, 1951 for the manufac­ ment, training of personnel in U.S.S.R. tory of 1250 Nos. of agricultural etc. ttacton per mnum in the range Of f t ) Written Amtosrs ttOVMafaR It, H H Writtsa M m t m i ' 4 % lft—16 SHP, S In oolUbontton with a ed mainly to check th* accuracy it W _|4|vL g rium b r u the statements of the Informants ty reconciliation between the income and M n U n the expenditure reported by than. rsbri Sonakar: The information thus collected la not Shri Bun Krishan Gupta: adequate to give usable estimates of Shri Padam D o t : savings for all India. The data on «i«a J Slwl®hBShw*«t Bii: savings has not been separately tabu­ Shri Naval Prabhakar: lated. -\ Shri Bhakt Darshan: Shri Shne Narayan Das: No money has been spentspecially Shri Haider: on the collection of information relat­ ing to savings. Will the Minister ofInformation and Broadcastingbe pleased to state: jw f n ¥1 wrnntfk

(a) the total capital invested by the *o «T« fWft: All India Radio in the installation of i t © m o finrrft : television with effect from the 15th September, 1959; and w r ?w t vrorent-vrf (b) how many public and private Jr? *cTH F'TT ft? : television receiver sets have been licensed so far? ( * ) «P3!T- H ie Minister of Information and Broadcasting (Dr. Keskar):(a) The total capital invested by the All India (*r) fa x swit Radio so far on the experimental spr*T 3PFIHT T5T t 5ft TRT Television service inaugurated on 15thSeptember, 1959 is about Rs. 2*14% n f r arm =®rrf^^ ; lakhs. (*r) w rw m h ^ (b) Eight Commercial licences and wraf *rr fasnri ; four Domestic licences for television receiver sets have so far been issued («r) ^t, m w * by the Posts and Telegraphs Depart­ ment. farfa srtr ^ fore* Survey of Savings tf*TT 5TTMT ? *141.Shri S. A. Mehdl: Will the Prime Ministerbe pleased to state: (^ 3 ° wosmnrt): (*) % (*r). ^ (a) whether any All India Survey about savings has been conducted; and fafNcf 5T^t 3|T I *IT*5 tFWRTT # 'TTfiF^TH HT# (b) if so, the details of the survey and the amount spent on it? *np»rrf«ra"f % «pt vnr The Prime Minister and Minister of ^ ft?at art t?t t v it *np»rr- External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal Nehru): (a) and (b). No such survey has been conducted. Some information ftwr ?ptt ffim about savings has, however, been in­ f?j *?nr *hrr- cluded in the consumer expenditure srtf arr \ |»i? fort*, schedule of the regular National Sample Survey enquiries, In some of sutftarr % %Rnhr qriSwww % fbe recent sounds. This was Intend* 5ir°n«ft r o r t t y N r N f ’ 6 3 A t m n v KARTCKA

•ft w w mjw iw , fcww iroft- categoriesot the employees ot the Cantonment Boards under the m«<- fiw mum Wages Act, 1948; and « v «iwr n«mnif vt vr firftr (b) if so, steps taken or proposed j if*>w*ft% r f f o % t o to be taken to make then u n ifo rm W W V TOT W W lfT8%RT H**TrHMi The Deputy Ministerat Lahoar ( 3% s*trtv tx * 5 ft: ^ ^ Training of Disabled Fenoae at Chinaknri. «fa«nr*n$nr »5ij * r >50 tft r Shri Subodh Haasda: *wro % «* % * |i *145.J Shri S. C. Samanta: vtrpt % yff i 1! % vnr vt w sr v ^ [ Shri B. C. Majhl: # v * $ 1 irfsvsvrnw1 Will the Minister of Labour Employment be pleased to state: Slum Clearance In Bangalore City. *141. Shri Kediava: Will the Minis­ (a) whether it is a fact that there is ter ofWork* Housing and Sapply be f> proposal for the establishment of a pleased to state: centre for the training and rehabili­ tation of disabled persons at China- (a) the schemes for slum clearance kun Colliery Miners’ Institute in the m the city ot Bangalore which have Coalfield; been sanctioned by the Central Gov­ ernment; (b) if so, the steps taken for start­ ing the centre; and (b) m how many of them progress ha« been made; and (c) the number of workers trained uptill now7 (c) whether any, and to what ex- teat, the money sanctioned for the The Deputy Minister of Labour schemes has been spent so far? (Shri AMd All): (a) and (b). The centre has been functioning since May The Deputy Minister of Works, 1989. Hearing and Supply (Shri Anil K. Chanda): U) to (c). A statement (c). Tire. giving the required information is laid on the Table of the Lok Sabha. ^ w W f fT filWNPT [See Appendix I, annexure No. 60.] ' W f* : Cantonment Board Employee* w u wmft : f Shri Bam k »m »«» Gupta: *144. •{ Shri Ajlt Singh Sarhadi: F L Savdar Iqbal Singh: tlf : rtfiWH : Will the Minister of Labour and **»P»oy»ent be pleased to state: TT^TT gfftm :

fr) whether it is a f»ct that there w r ipim fflr wirw no uniformity in the scheduled •rtw. H X * % mrrfircr sm tfmr *7W rm•**»»*» uovnas* i», im# WWttn»4«Mwt #»

®V*% TOT %«**** fWT the various aspects of th* ^ l * T f r & f t ? and have maintained their venfefa of the incident, and, while «*« w>« incident as unfortunate ^ (w ) n r tofor (to t consider payment of any compensation. u t . fiptt ^rWt % Sum % The views of the Government ef w * *

( * ) arf% ft, 5T> V«rf VI W *rfV. Pre-Partition Depostfc with Pakistan < n n j w t i ^ *14gal/ ' S M AJit Singh Saifcaji; Shri D. C. Sharma: (*r) w % n^rn- * w Will the Minister of BrhitilHtsIjna vrgmft vt 3nr t ’ and Minority Affairs be pleased to re­ fer to the reply given to Starred Ques­ tgvrr *K swrm *nft (*t<> tion No. 164 on the8th August, 1969 f c m ) : ( v ) ft (n).fae* wtfsrc % and state. f t tc 4 k gsft HRfcrr u5* (a) the progress made the in pay­ fo p ff % xnartfT ?TRT^Et%?RWt ment of pre-Partition deposits of the contractors held up in Pakistan; and ft $ra f>m srcr^ftr 5ft 1 t o

Will the Prime Minister be pleased Wage Board for Plantation Industry to refer to the reply given to Starred Question No 2 on the 3rd August. f Shri Kodiyan: 1959 and state* Shri Hem Barua: Shri Narayanankntty M»nw (a) whether Pakistan has agreed Shri Punnoose: to pay compensation for the loss of Shri Oza: the Canberra aircraft; and *149."Shri S. A. Mehdl: Dr. Ram Snbhag Singh: (b) if not, the further steps taken Shri Sarjn Pandey: by Government in the matter? Shri Snpakar: Shri Gupta: D m Deputy Minister of External Shri M iif Vetaa: Affair* (Shrlmatt i^fcAiwi Menon): Shri Ram Ktttsa Quptm: (a) and (b). It is amatter of regret to the Government of India that the Will tha Minister of Governmentof Pakistan have, in their EmpIoyaMnt be pleased to state: «toe«m m t npty to the Note tent to to) whether Gorawnut haw any tbm, declined i* deal seriously with PNponl under consjjasattsc to a * «p * 9 8 WrtttKtim***VW < M K D W tttm 4 « w m G j * • Wage Board for the Plantation la* Indian Outpoet, in NEVA dtastry; m d *151. Shrimatl Maflda Ahmed: Will (b) if *0, the broad featuresat the the Prime Minister be pleased to proposal? state: The Ptmtr MUNn at Labour (a) whether it is a fact that the (Shri Abid AU): (a). Yea. Chinese border forces are demanding withdrawal of Assam Rifles from the (b) The proposed Wage Boardwill Indian outposts in the Kameng, Siang be required to work out a wage and Lohit Frontier Divisions; and structure based on the principles of fair wages as set forth in the Report (b) the latest position of those out- of the Committee on Fair Wages as posts7 far as practicable. The Parliamentary Secretary to the ftspresentatives of Indian NewspapersMinister of External Affairs (Shri in Tibet and China J. N. Hasarika):(a) and (b). H ie Chinese border forces demanded of •150. Shri Shree Narayan Will Das: our checkpost personnel atKhinxe- the Prime Minister be pleased to mane in Kameng Frontier Divisionto state: withdraw. All the posts in the Kameng, Siang and Lohit Frontier (a) whether any newspaper agency Divisions are under our control. and the Indian Press are represented in China and its Tibet region by , *jw urt Indian personnel; J 'f t T O : (b) if so, the strength of such per- : sonnel, the agencies or the papers they represent and the places where they are stationed; % WTifoar JT^T % 3r!T % (c) the number of Chinese nationals * IT? *31^ *tft l?qT ^ f i f : representing Chinese news agencies and newspapers in India;,and ( v ) ^ r w r (*rre«fk) * t p p * fot'fT W R T ^ % (d) the names of such news agencies and newspapers they represent and the places where they are stationed’ (sr) ?»r qr n? w The Deputy Minister of External |w« t ■ ^ Affairs (Shrimati Lakshmi Menon): (a) and (b) As far as is known, no Indian newspaper or news agency is (n) *ft wmi v. w represented in China or in the Tibet «(rr f t ’ region »«rw »Wt ?wr H*t (c) and (d) The Hsin Hua News Agency (New China News Agency) is : (w?) f w im represented in Indiaby two Chinese ^t ^ fsrofa finro>r r- correspondents, who are accredited to b r t D m Government of India and are nor­ P ^ ) *tarm fw »nrr mally stationed in Mew Delhi.At pre­ sift i n mtifar % sent only one of these two corres- w n rc «it wh w tw n rr jxmdtentr is in India. Nocither «®»s agency or newspaper, as far as * form 1 1 i f * azc aware Is rrpieieiilej In IMRa. # «r#mr *ws»f «wr $ i « * ' * « m * * * * * * * ******** %

fw crt % v i# tonx # *nt | *fc (•) whether India baa i* mgr jqy- been associated with the framing at • $¥f *r % * # *nrr $ i ^ rqft set of principle* aimed at «n w ^«r a r t # *rnrc *»ng ^ Antarctica as a "peaceful aaaa"; If^sr Pmt <3rf ^1 r1 (b ) whether India was invited to participate in the international con* ( « ) y »,u v > *« t * ’T® 4® i ference to evolve a treaty in this regard held in U .SA . in October, 1909; (n) \i\» fm and tWT 5 w W i’9IT vt f t R f a i (c) if so, the nature of such parti* mtf srnft^rr yfr $ W wrfertt cipation? antor *nft fafrsrcr jt$ t 1 The Deputy Minister of External Affair* (Shrimati 1 Meaoa): Mechanisation in Iron Ore Mlaea (a) to (c). No, Sir. India was not •151. Shri S. M . Banerjee; WU1 the invited to participate in the confer­ Minister of Labour and Employment ence on Antarctica. be pleased to refer to the reply given to Supplementary on Starred Ques­ Loss ot Man-Days In Cement ladntxy tion No. 882 on the 28th August, 1958M7. Shri Bam Kriahaa Gupta: Wit and state: the Minister of Labour aad Employ­ ment be pleased to state the number (a) whether thousands of workers of man-days lost since April, 1958 due in various iron-ore mines are likely to to lock-outs, lay-off and strikes in face unemployment as a result of cement industry? introduction of labour-saving devices (mechanisation); The Deputy Minister of L a b o w (b ) whether mine-owners took (Shri Abid All): From April 1958 to prior permission from the Govern­August 1969, 3,82,166 man-day* were ment; lost due to strikes in the Cement In­ dustry involving 10 or more worker*. (c) the number of workers already No lockout was reported during this rendered idle at present; and period. Infdrmation relating to lay off is not available. (d) the number of those provided alternative jobs? Import aad Export Licences The Deputy Minister of Labour 208. Shri Bam Kristian Gupta: Will (Shri Abid All): (a), (c) and (d). No, the Minister of Commerce aad Indus­ excepting that in the case of Noamundi try be pleased to state: mines, out of an estimated surplus of 5,000 about 3,000 workers are being(a) the total number of cases absorbed by TISCO and efforts are received by the Investigation w d being made to find alternative jobs for Vigilance Division of the Import and the remaining workers. Export Trade control organisation dur­ ing 1959 so fftr; (b) This is not obligatory under any labour law. (b) out of them how many were disposed of departmental^ and how many were handed over to the Special Antarctica Police Establishment; and fu fShri Bhfee Narayan Das: (c) the nature of action taken and \ Pandit D. N. Tiwarl: how many persons were convicted, , Will, the * * * * * PQateter be pleased black listed and placed on the- Suar to state: pense List? W tm rn M m t m KAHTHLA 28, tili(SAKA) Written Anmdtrt S34

f f e e .J K M * K of r — rtwww <8hri Cc) 98,369 bicycles from January to KMaage): (a) 719 uj«© 10th Novem­ June 1959. ber )959. (d) The Central Government has- (b) Disposed of departaantally131 not given any financial assistance Handed over to SJ*X. 64 direct to any unit. (e) Convicted Nil Blacklisted 3 (e) 215 sewing machines from. Placed on the suspense list 74 January to March, 1959. Cottage sad Small-Scale Industries in Bombay Export of Leather floods

M9. Shri Fangarkar: Will the Minis- 211. Shri Fangarkar: Will the Minis* ter of Commerce and Industry be ter of Commerce and Industry be pleased to state the various schemes of pleased to state the steps taken or pro­ cottage and small-scale industries posed to be taken to promote th* being implemented in Bombay State export of leather goods to Hungary,. with the help of Central Government Sweden and West Germany? and the state at which they stand at present? The Deputy Minister ot Commerce and Industry (Shri Satish Chandra): The Minister of Industry (Shri Hanubhai Shah): Necessary informa­ The following steps were taken to tion is being collected and will be laid promote the exports of leather goods on the Table of the House at an early to Hungary, Sweden and West date. , j Germany:

Bicycle and Sewing Machine Industry 1. Hungary.—An Indian TYade Exhi­ In Bombay bition was organised at Budapest from the 2nd to 17th May, 1959 where 910. Shri Fangarkar: Will the Minis­besides other goods, a wide variety of ter of Commerce and Industry be our leather goods were displayed. pleased to state: Leather goods have been included (a) the number of ancillary units in the list of goods available for functioning in Bombay State for the export from India to Hungary append­ manufacture of bicycles; ed to the Xndo-Hungarian Trade Agree­ m ent (b) the annual output of these units; 2. Sweden.—Leather goods have (c) the total production of cycles been included in the list of goods during the year 1959 so far; available for export from India to (d ) the amount of financial assist* ' Sweden appended to the Indo-Swedish ance given to these units by the Trade Agreement. Central Government upto the 30th September, 1959; and Leather goods manufactured in the country were exhibited at the S t Eriks (e) the total production of sewing Fair held in 1957 and 1958. machines in Bombay State during the year 1959 so far? 3.West Germany.—The India Trade Centre in Frankfurt (West Germany) The Minister of Industry (Shri has undertaken market surveys on Shah): (a) There are 31 various commodities including leather units manufacturing bicycle parts and and hides and skins. accessories in the Bombay State: Leather goods were displayed at (b) Information i* not available. the Frankfurt International Autumn < 3 J Written Atwo«rr KOVQIDKE19, UK Written Aum k *gl <• Fair held from the 30th August to 3rd Im a a te W w w s and S h M M M September, 1959

The programme for the next year 214. Shri C. K . Bhattaeharya: Will will be finalized in consultation with the Minister of WnliilHHiihi aad the Leather Export Promotion Council Minority Affairs be pleased to state:

Plan Expenditure la Bihar (a) the amount of loans advanced so far to the displaced widows and 212. Shri Anirudh Slalia: Will theunattached women from East Bengal Minister of Planning be pleased to to enable them to earn their living by state (1) the Central Government,2 ) ( West Bengal Government, and (3) any other (a) the Central assistance given to State Government, and the State of Bihar during the 4th year of the Second Five Year Plan, (b) whether any portion of these loans has been remitted and if so, the (b) whether there was any short­ extent thereof? fall in the plan expenditure of the State Government during the year The Deputy Minister of Rehabilita­ 1958-50, and tion (Shri P. S. Naskar): (a) and (b). (c) if so, to what extent? About Rs 68 crores have been advanced to approximately 5 75 lakh The Deputy Minister of Planning families of displaced persons from {Shri S. N. Mlshra): (a) The Central East Pakistan during the last ten Assistance allocated to Bihar for the years as rehabilitation loans It would Annual Plan 1959-60 amounts toinvolve considerable time and labour Rs 19 crores to collect information regarding the loans advanced to displaced widows (b) and (c) No, Sir and unattached women If informa­ tion is required with regard to the loan nffnr nftrfiret granted to any particular individual or individuals, an effort will be made to collect the same

ft? 215. Shri D. C. Sharma: Will the Prime Minister be pleased to state (*p) fiid w U K * ^ flsr t f fepft itfRftfW (a) the number of persons of Indian origin living in Ceylon who qfaftPTT SPTTf nf t. have so far applied for citizenship of (m) ^Mfrzn rt rr^- India and (b) the number of those who have been granted the citizenship of India7 (n) to m f o * ^ sftrMr * The Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal t ’ Nehru): (a) From 1st January, 1954 to the 30th September,1969, 42,259 applications for Indian rttfcssnshlp ( * ) * («r) *%. r R * ft were received by the Iixitw High Commumon » Ceylon. The number «CTT$t*rtr »ww»nr«*rrf t «nr of persons covered by these applica­ t t t wWfc tions is net available. , 4 ,7 * * * * * A m 9 m KAB3BKA » , Mil (AjUtA) Written Answer* 63*


(c) whether India has made any The Prime Minister and Minister of outstanding achiewnent m nuclear External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal research; and Nehru): 1098 Hindus migrated from West Pakistan to India from 1st July, (4 ) if so, the M a ils thereof? 1959 to 15th October, 1959. '$39 IM fr* Jbmot* HOVUCBBl If, Utt ' WrttttoiAiussar* 4|o

I W ^ « f ltemltt toss «fM m t t Shewn a narked incrwwt ditttog. M i anHljr year. A number of leading h a H B » personalities have been u n il t i 'T h * 2 M . Shri D . C . S t o m a : WU1 the local Naga Village Gktaxde have H w s s M a w Mlatatar be pleased to state the considerable initiative and In can)ane» number of Indian students who are tion with our security forest fea*a being trained at present in peaceful taken action against the host&ee uses of atomic energy in the U .S.A.? inflicting casualties and capturing The Prime Minister and Minister their weapons. of External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal A significant pointer revealing Im­ Nehrn): No Indian student is at pre­ provement in the overall political sent receiving financial assistance from situation has been the passing of a the Department of Atomic Energy for resolution unanimously in October, training in peaceful uses of Atomic 1959, in the 3rd Convention of the Energy in the U .S A . Naga people held at Mokokchung and attended by delegates representing all Naga Hostile* tribes and numbering 3,374, to demand ttl. 8hri D. C. Sharma: Will the a settlement of the Naga question as Prime Minister be pleased to state: a part of the Indian Union. (b) Eleven. (a) the present law and order posi­ tion in the Naga Hills Tuensang Unit; (c) Three civilian lives were lost. A sum of Rs. 410 was looted in one (b ) the number of raids made by of the raids. tfae Naga hostiles since the 1st August, (d) Cash grants and relief in 1969; were given to affected persons for (c) the extent of loss in life and their rehabilitation. property suffered; and Impact of Broadcasting on Gottnal Pattern (d) the nature of help given to affected people for rehabilitation? 222. Shri D. C. Sharma: Will the Minister of Information and Broad­ The Prime Minister and Minister casting be pleased to refer to the of External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal reply given to Unstarred Question Nehrn): (a) H ie law and order situa­ No. 287 on the 6th August, 1959 and tion in Naga Hills Tuensang Area has state the further progress made so far continued to make steady progress; in regard to Government’s proposal overall improvement has been parti­ to conduct a nation-wide study of the cularly marked this year. H ie villagers impact of broadcasting on the cultural have acquired confidence in them­ pattern of the country? selves and they have denounced hostile activities and freely given their sup­ The Minister of Information and port to the Administration in the Broadcasting (Dr. Keskar): It has not various tasks of development. been possible to take up this as suffi­ cient funds for such a project could Information is available to show that not be made available. villagers are now refusing to provide food or shelter to the hostiles on an Second Atonic Reactor increasing scale. Information regard­ 223. Shri D. C. Sharma: Will tht ing hostile movements and activities is Prime Minister be pleased to refer to also more readily available. the reply‘ given to Unstarred Ques­ tion No. 288 on the 6th August, 1959 There have been a few raids result­ and state: ing In some loss of life and property. (a) the latest position with regard At the same time, the .surrender of to the setting up of the second atomic aims and the hostiles themselves has reactor in India; and W r « m M K A R H X A % m i W U C A ) Written Am w «fs i p

(b ) total amount ^ e n t thereon (b ) Does not arise. The Central M tut Statistical Organisation has, however, advised the Office of the Economic t t a M w Minister n i Minister and Statistical Adviser to the Govern­ of Eatanal Affair* (Shrt Jawaharlal ment of Punjab on certain conceptual Habm): (a) The main hall and con­ and methodological aspects relating trol room will now be ready by Slat to estimation of state income in that December, 1959 when the erection of State. the reactor will start. The reactor is expected to start functioning some Sericulture Industry in three months thereafter. Pradesh (b) An expenditure of approxi­ 226. Shri D. C. Sharma: Will the mately Rs. 12.6 lakhs has been incur­Minister of Commerce and Industry red on the project up to the end of be pleased to state: October, 1959.

Employment Exchances (a) what are the schemes sanc­ tioned for the development of Seri­ £24. Shri D. C, Sharma: Will the culture Industry in Himachal Pradesh Minuter of Labour and Employment for the year 1959-60; and be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the (b) the progress achieved so far? number of persons registered with the various Employment Exchanges in the The Minister of Industry (Shri country has increased during the Mannbhai Shah): (a) and (b). third quarter of 1959 as compared to Sericulture schemes sanctioned duric8 the corresponding period in 1958; and 1959-60 in Himach al Panicsh :

Import of Raw Wool and Wool Tops Export of Iron Ore f Shri Shree Narayan Das: J Shri Ram Krishan Gupta: J Shri Panlgralil: SZB' < Shri Ajit Singh Sarhadi: ~^Shn Ram Krishan Gupta: I'Sardar Iqbal Singh: Will the Minister of Commerce and Will the Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to refer to the Industry be pleased to state reply given to Unstarred Question No 2168 on the 4th September, 1959 (a) whether there has been any and state delay in the issue of licences for the import of raw wool and wool tops (a) whether the negotiations with this year, West European countries for joint projects to develop iron ore resources, transport and port facilities in India (b) if so, the reasons for such have since been concluded, delay, (b) if so, the result thereof; (c) the total quantity of raw wool and wool tops for which licences have (c) whether the negotiations far been issued and the actual quantity additional export of iron ore by utilis­ imported during 1959 so far, ing the existing facilities available at Paradip Port have also been com­ (d ) whether it is a fact that some pleted; and of the umts manufacturing woollen products are not working to their (d) if so, what additional amount capacity for want of raw materials; for export has beennegotiated? WtftaH* A MlMn KAHttXA Si, ltta ($***> " • * Answers 646

fftft Aw tr WfWwr Of Caow m AgainSt the approved outlay of Us, crores in1967-58, the esti­ mm tei—try < « * * t e tt* Chandra): 39.1 mated. expenditure was Rs. 32.5 <«) No, Sir. crores. (b) D o w not arise. (b> The shortfall in expenditure (c) and (d). According to the exist­ particularly in the first year of the ing facilities Available for shipment Second Five Year Plan, is mainly due at Paradip Port, there is a proposal to failure to acquire land tor certain to ship 50,000 tons of iron ore schem£s to like Seed Ifarins, etc., non- Japan during 1959-60 As and whenavailapihty of technical personnel and additional facilities become available, key n^atenals like steel, cement, etc. tile quantity would be increased. Wage Boards for Industries Industrial Estate In Jeypore (Orissa) r Shri Ram Krishan Gupta: IM . Shri Panlgrahi: Will the ( Shri S. M. Banerjee; Minister of Rehabilitation and Mino­ | Shri Tangamani rity Affairs be pleased to state: 232, V Shri Panlgrahi: >, S&s*. fetRhaa.*. \a~) w'ne'Cncr tne Iwm&a'Karanya I Shri T. B. Vittal Rao: Authority has suggested a scheme for ('Shri D. C. Sharma: setting up an industrial estate in Jeypore m Koraput District m Orissa; YfilJ the Minister of Labour and* and Employment be pleased to refer to (b) if so, whether the proposed the rePly given to Starred Question industrial estate m Jeypore has been No 3^1 °n the 11th August, 1959 and established by now? state: The Deputy Minister of Rehabilita­ (a) whether the Wage Boards have tion (Shri P. S Naskar): (a) The since submitted their final reports; Dandakaranya Development Authority and has generally approved a proposal to (b) if so, the mam recommendations set up an industrial estate. The made therein (report-wise)7 detailed scheme is now under pre­ paration Th* Deputy Minister of Labour (Shri Abid All): (a) Only the Wage (b) Does not arise Boar

(e) ftc nrto n of steps taken so xar to piece w age boards tor industries and fMustey (Skit 8aM* CfeMf*):

Settary i m Vm k Ijry* qw rtn Oat •# T m AUotasent to 01m m I ? C M : Will the Minister of Wetfca, Hnnstag and **•< Shri laai Qarfk; Will tbs fla»pi| be pleased to state: Minister cd Works, IHiiidni a M ««<■ ployment) Scheme has since been «f priority dates. Even in respect of submitted; and Gasses I to H I officers, a large number (b) if ao. what are the main find­ been allotted sceommoda- ings? two « p even three classes The Depaty Minister of wslo# their entitlement. (Star! AMd AH): (a) Yes. *2 (Al) LJLD/—4. * S Z Written Answer* NOVEMBER 9{, 1959 Written Answers SgM

(b) A summary of the recommen­ (v) * Hpiwr srtv * dations of the Committee will be supplied to the Parliament Library w Prptt 3W W Tj u t ; iftr as soon as it is decided to release the report. (w ) * % Pr r t fcm nsrft if ju t fiwwr ffw(fc Krista* aad Edwards Tactile Mills E ajssflua «rff * ?

Ml. Shri S. M. Baaerjee: Will the TBtiT «Hft («ft WT5 ) : Minister of Commerce and Industry be pleased to refer to the reply given { * ) «ff» I to Starred Question No. 1283 on the 9th September, 1959 and state what (w) mrr wwrft «frr further progress has since been made* # tar ftan * m 1 in the working of the Krishna and Edwards Textile Mills, Rajasthan? %rww ntvr * iNr^r Itvnm A e ,Minister of Commerce (Shri m nfai J&M®agv,V Artine o&tr Sfwsrnf Mills the report of the Investigation «ft «ro tv ; Committee is awaited. There is no change in the position regarding { Krishna Mills. Both the mills are vn vrfnur w*r 3ift«T »nft continuing to work HTPT Pf

^ _S ^ ______- « - .si ip fW f wro ifm iW H W VWWW W W W (v) f^rrw srfcrr v * HT*n*r % 3vhr vt h % fiw «ft TO tv : j m «rf* iftf a m i m w arr t| ?t { ?rt # w r t- ^ wm iftt thrnn jt$ tot# (w ) OTtn ftsr-ftsr f*mft qr yrr ft? : ffprr srrfaT ? (v ) fjprm jt^t *[ ft*Fft swta *nft (

( * ) ** ' (w ) 3WT ( ? ) KT»T «W (w) 1 y? *r? tot ^ ?ifr ^5

Startler Agency has been oompleted and equitable distribution of non- and report thereof submitted; ferrous metal to consumers; and (b ) if so, the names of thoae pro* (b) if so, the decision of Govern­ Jects and places where they are to be ment thereon? set up; and The Minister of Industry (Shri (c) whether any of them is likely Mannbhai Shah): (a) and (b). At to be started during the Second Five present, the distribution of copper Year Plan period? and zinc to the small scale units is done by the Ministry of Commerce The Prime Minister and Minister of External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal and Industry, but in such distribu­ Nehru): (a) and (b). There is noth­ tion, the State Directors of Industries are absociate^. The State Directors ing further to add to the answers of Industries assess the reasonable already given to Questions No. 3748 needs and verify the production of on 30th April, 1950, and No. 286 on small scale units. This arrange­ the 6th August, 1959. These schemes ment has been satisfactory and it is are still under the examination of not proposed to change it. the Central Water and Power Com­ mission. Kidnapping of Indian National (c) This is not likely. MS. Shri D. C. Sharma: Will the Prime Minister be pleased to refer Relief to Nagas to the reply given to Starred Ques* *46. Shri L. Achaw Singh: Will the lion No. 1305 on the 9th September, Prime Minister be pleased to state: 1959 and state the progress since made in getting released! Shri (a) whether It is a fact that relief Bhanwar Singh, an Indian National, granted to victims of Naga hostile* who was kidnapped from the border has gone into the hands of thehos- villages of Bikaner District and in tiles; and recovering Rs. 5,000 taken by the dacoits from across the Pakistan (b) th® total amount distributed as border as ransom for releasing Shri relief to those Nagas who suffered as Ram Chandra Mahajan of Jodhpur a result of hostilities in the year 1958-59’ District? The Prime Minbter and Minister The Prime Minister and Minister ef External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal of External Affairs (Shrt Jawaharlal Nehru); W e do not think so. Nehru): Shri Bhanwar Singh was re­ leased by the dacoits "tad has since (b) The information is being col­ returned to India. The amount of lected and will be laid on the Table Rs. 5,000 taken as ransom by the ef the House. dacoits for releasing Shri Ram Chandra has not been recovered so BtatrUmtton of Copper and far. The Pakistan Government have stated that the dacoits did not enter *47. Shri D . C . Sharma: Will the Pakistan territory after committing Minister of Commeroe and Industry the crime. be pleased to state: (a) whether it is a fact that the Wool Exports Federation of All-India Non-schedul- ed Metal Manufacturers Association *49. 8hri Pangarkar: Will the has jurged the Union Ministry of Minister of Commerce and Industry v - f ierce and Industry to take over be pleased to state: ’Uistributkm of copper and zinc from (a) whether it is a fact that Indian the States to ensure a more smooth Wool Exports to West Germany, (SjS Written A iiw i r i M O V B f f l ® 1#, IM S WM ttmA m m d

France and Italy tell considerably The Depaty Minister af O i su n u p during the year 1938-49; aad Indutry (Sfarl Satfch Chandra): (a) Yes, Sir. (b ) if so, the extent of fall; and (b ) The main features of the new (c) the reaxons therefor? scheme are: Xhe Depaty Minister of Commerce (i) It provides for issueat Im­ and Industry (8hri SaUsh Chandra): port licences for raw mater (a) and (b ). Exports to the three rial*, components, consumable countries during 1958*59 declined by stores etc. against total about 7 lakhs lbs. as compared to the exports. previous year. (ii) The import licences are to be (c) This decline appears to be due issued for twice the imported to normal trade fluctuations. raw materials content in the finished goods exported Or ft Cameras and Binoculars per cent of the f.o.b. value r Shri Fangarkar: of the finished goods expiat­ \ Shri Rameshwar Tantia; ed, whichever is lower, sub­ ject to a minimum of 20 per Will the Minister of C o m m e r c e cent of the f.o.b. value of the and Industry be pleased to refer to finished goods exported. t h e reply given to Starred Question No. 607 on the 20th August, 1959 and (iii) The import licences issued state: under the scheme may be used for import of raw (a) whether proposals have since materials, components, con­ been received from the Japanese sumable stores, tools or firm for the establishment of factor* machine parts for replace­ ies for manufacturing cameras and ment purposes (not involving binoculars; and expansion or a fresh instal­ lation) which are not in­ (b ) if so, the details thereof? digenously available in ade­ quate quantity or quality or The Minister of Industry (Shri prices or in time, required by Manubhai Shah); (a) and (b). Rep­ the registered exporter for resentatives of the Japanese firm re­ use in his own factory or cently visited India and discussions factories producing engineer­ were held with them with regard to technical collaboration. Further dis­ ing goods. cussions are being held in Japan with (iv) It provides for allotment of the Japanese firm. The terms of Pig iron and steel required foreign collaboration have not yet for manufacturing the engi­ been finally formulated. neering goods for export, at concessional prices. In oase Export of Engineering Goods an exporter wishes to forego tSl. Shri Kodlyan: Will the Minis­ this right and import icon ter of Commerce and Industry be and steel in lieu of it, he will pleased to state: be permitted to do so, subject to his over-all import entitle­ (a) whether Government have ment under (ii) above. drawn up any new scheme for boosting s p the export of engineering goods; (v) The import licences form i materials etc. can be claim­ and ed on the basis of past ex­ (b ) If so, the main features of the ports or on the basis of cab* sfchcsie? ports to be made in future. djjp Wrote* Am wm KABTZXA Si, 1611 (SAKA) Written Annoert 658

O t a a n of Iteflte m i W « f M Trade Fair at Chicago fflM Warier: f Shrimatl Farvathl Krishnan: M b J Shri T . B . Vtttal S w : *54. ^ Shri Nagl Beddy: j Shri Kodlyan: ^ Shri Waiter:

Will the Minister of Commerce Will the Minister of Commerce aad U u t r y be pleased to state: and Industrybe pleased to refer to the reply given to Starred Question No. 463 on the 14th August, 1959 and (a ) the number of workers thrown state: out of employment as a result of closure of Textile Mills during this (a) the total expenditure incurred year so far; and in our participation in the World Trade Fair at Chicago; (b) the number of workers re­ (b) what were the main articles employed in them and in other con­ for exhibition from India; and cerns? (c) what have been the results achieved? The Minister of Commerce (Shri Kannngo): (a) and (b). During this The Deputy Minister of Commerce year ten cotton textile mills closed and Industry (Shrt Satish Chandra): down and the number of workers (a) The total expenditure incurred rendered unemployed was 40,580. on the Fair, according to accounts Out of them four mills have re­ received upto the end of September, opened absorbing about 32,000 1959, is Rs. 4,48,069*68. workers. (b) A statement showing the main items displayed in the Fair is placed Modernisation of Textile Industry on the Table. [See Appendix I, annexure No. 52]. f Shri Warior: *53.J Shri T. B. Vittal Bao: (c) India's participation in the Shri Kodlyan; Chicago Fair has created a good deal of buyer-consciousness in that region. Will the Minister of Commerce and Orders to the tune of over one crore Industry be pleased to state: of rupees are reported to have been already booked as a result of our participation. (a) whether the Working Group set up by the National Industrial Development Corporation to study Motor Vehicles the question of modernisation of Textile Industry in India has com­ 255. Shri Anirudh Sinha: Will the pleted its work; Mizuslekof .Commerce and Industry be p l e a s s w state: (b) whether it has submitted its (a) the number of motor vehicles report;and in use in the country as on the 31st day of December, 1958; (c) if to, the mam findings of the (b) the number of vehicles requir­ Working Group? ed for replacement per year; The Minister of Industry (Shri (c) the number of motor vehicles M— What Shah): (a) No, Sir. produced per year in the country during the past three years ending (b) and (c). Do not arise. December, 1958; 659 Written Answers NOVEMBER 18, 1M9 Written Annten 6 6 0

(d) whether the annuel production tile progress made by the Automobile is sufficient for replacement and for Industry and also to make recom­ satisfying theg r o w in g needs of the mendations for its quick develop­ people; aad ment. (e) if not, what efforts are being made to cope with the situation? Salt Works In Knteh and Suitthtn H u Minister of Industry (Shri 254. Shri Khtmjl; Will the Minister Manubtial Shah): (a) The number of of Commerce and lndostry be pleased motor vehicles on the road in the to refer to the reply given to Starred country as on the 31st Day of March, Question No. 724 on the 24th August, 1998 (upto which statistics are avail­1959 and state: able) was approximately 499,000. (a) whether the extent of losses (b) No estimates of the current re­ sustained by the Salt Works in Kutch placement demand are available. and Saurashtra has since been assess- The Tariff Commission in its Report ed and relief in the form of loans and (1956) on the Automobile Industry, grants given to such salt works; and however, estimated the annual re­ (b) if so, the names of the salt placement requirements at 14,000works to whom such relief has been passenger cars and 17,000 commercialgiven and the quantum thereof? vehicles, taking into account the number of vehicles in use in the The Minister of Industry (Shri country at the end of 1954-55 whichManubhal Shah): (a) The extent of was 3,34,938 Nos. The demand haslosses is still under investigation. gone up since then and the Jha Com­ mittee has been asked to assess the (b) Does not arise. overall demands of different types Employment in C.N. of motor vehicles. (c) The number of motor vehicles 357. Shri Inder J. Malhotra: Will produced in the country is as follows: the Prime Minister be pleased to refer to the reply given to Unstarred Year Production Question No. 1386 on the 24th August, 1956 32,138 1959 and state: 1957 33,058 1958 26,788 (a) the various measures adopted 1959 (estimated) 35,500 by the Central Government to ad­ vertise employment opportunities in (d) and (e). To a certain extent the United Nations; the production of motor vehicles since the last year has been short of the (b) whether personnel from the d e m a n d primarily for the reason that non-official sector also get employ­ import of components has been al­ ment in various U.N. agencies; lowed on a restricted scale in view of (c) if so, how many such person­ the shortage of foreign exchange since nel are working at present with 1957. During the current year, how­various U.N. agencies; and ever, sufficient foreign exchange has been released to the automobile (d) the percentage of the posts re­ manufacturers for the import of com­ served for Indian personnel in U.N. ponent* and the situation has of late headquarters and allied agencies? considerably improved and is expect­ The Prime Minister and Minister ed to further improve in the next of External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal six months or so as the impact of Nehrn): (a) United Nations vacancies larger releases of foreign exchange are not advertised by the Govern Will be more felt during 1960. Apart ment of India. from this, Government have appoint­ ed an A d hoe Committee to review (b) Yes, Sir. 6Cf Written AnnMTt KARTJKA il, 1881 (5AJKA) Written A**w«rs 6$*

(c) and (d). 88 p*r«ons who were ( v ) «rj- not officials at the Government of t»«iu «t the time of their employ­ «pr fJRprr w nrrtt «pr*nr *tor* ment are at present working in the United Nations Secretariat Hie "desirable range of posts” for IiSlian (tr) fcr v tT ’wwrrfr vnnr % Nationals calculated in accordance ypnvr *? ww-firJrj r w % f W with the percentage of India’s con­ tribution to the United Nations f w n c a m vrr ifhrcmr w r f f budget is from 25—42. iftrk *ror w urcr «nw- Altogether 59 Indians are now f W r ’ working in the U.N. Secretariat. In­ formation regarding the Specialised atfta «nft («ft *j*nf sn?) : Agencies is being collected and will ( v ) 5nnm ^ z*r i be placed on the Table of the House in due course. (w) IRWRt VFTT % ^rnPT w

AJJEt. Overseas Programmes in Telugu ^5% *nwf ft $ i 258. Shri B. Rajagopala Rao: Will «(«% »nsff % faro to wtf the Minister of Information and "*ft «snf*T^T V«<(lO W R T * R H Broadcasting be pleased to state: S v fh m irw n : (a) whether It is a fact that the i itnTT^irt^ vT trfremT Telugu programmes like news etc., are eft *pt n w rtt w i not included in the overseas services of All India Radio though a large % ^r?rr

(Mr gmidlttonlag Calli In C m tnaam k of S u p p lie s and Disposals against in­ ' O O k m dents placed by the Central Govern­ ment offices during the yean 1957-58 MS. Out V. 1J. Nayar: Will tfae and 1998-59 is as under: Minister ofWock% Moping and Sup­ ply be pleased to state: 1957-58...... Rs. 24,682. 1958-59...... Rs. 1,76,388. (a) the number of air-conditioning units installed in Government build­ These figures, however, do not include ings in New Delhi in the office rooms the value of purchases made by of officers in Government service; various Departments and offices within i their direct purchase powers. (b) the total cost incurred theieon; and (b) Value of Coir Mats and matting purchased direct by Departments and (c) what is the rank or salary of offices located in Krishi Bhavan and an officer which entitles him to get an Udyog Bhavan within their powers air-conditioner installed in his office of purchase is as under: room? 1957-58 1958-59 The Minister of Works, Housing u d Krishi Bhavan Rs. 2,075.77 Rs. 4,399.39 Supply (Shri K. C. Reddy): (a) 519 Udyog Bhavan Rs 7,944.23 Rs. 7,124.28 units have been installed in officers’ rooms in the Central Government No purchases were made for these office buildings m New Delhi under buildings by the Directorate General the control of the Central Public of Supplies and Disposals. Works Department. (b) Rs. 16,65,639. Press Information Bureau (c) Normally, officers of the rank 267. Shri Daljit Singh: Will the of Additional Secretary and above Minister of Information and Broad­ are entitled to have air-conditioners casting be pleased to state the num­ installed in their office rooms; but, in ber of branch offices of Press Infor­ the multi-storeyed office buildings re­ mation Bureau proposed to be open­ cently constructed, air-conditioners ed during the remaining period of have also been provided in the rooms the Second Five Year Plan? of officers of the rank of Deputy Secretary and above The Minister of Information and Broadcasting (Dr. Keskar): it U pro­ Coir Mats and Matting for Govern­ posed to open seven branch offices of ment Offices the Press Information Bureau dunng the remaining period of the Second *66- Shri V. P. Nayar: Will the Five Year Plan. Minister of Works, Housing and Sup­ ply be pleased to state: Community Receiving Seta In Punjab (a) the total value of coir mats and matting purchased for Central Gov­ 268. Shri Daljit Singh: Will the ernment offices in the years 1957-58Minister of Information and Broad­ and 1958-59; and casting be pleased to state the rum- (b) the cost of such mats and mat­ ber of community receiving sets sup­ ting purchased for Krishi Bhavan and plied to Punjab State during 1958-59 Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi? and 1959-60 so far?

The Minister of Works, Housing and The Minister of Information and flapply (Shri K. C. Reddy): (a) The Broadcasting (Dr. Keskar): (1958-59, tQtal value of Coir Mats and matting 1280 sets; 1959-60, 305 sets upto 31st pUKiMsed bar the Directorate General October, 1959

(b) if so, the reasons therefor; R e p o r t e d construction o f a n a x k - (c) whether it is also a fact that r n X D i n La d a k h b y t h e Ch i n e s e the soap manufacturers of Punjab Mr. Speaker: I have received have explained to the Controller of notices of five adjournment motions, Imports and Exports the position re­ all relating to the construction of an garding the import of Copra; and air-field by the Chinese in Ladakh. (d) the action taken in the matter? Shri D. C. Sharma (Gurdaspur): I The Minister of Industry (Shri had given notice of a Call Attention Mannbhai Shah): (a). No, Sir. Motion yesterday. You have not men­ tioned it. (b). Does not arise. Mr. Speaker: It has not yet been ad­ <{c) and (d) Punjab Soap Manufac­ mitted. turers Association, Jullundur City had requested recently that licences for Sltfi Braj Raj Singh (Ferozabad): import of Copra should be issued on In addition to the air strip which has the basis of production of soap and been constructed there, the Chinese not consumption of Coconut-Oil. The are also constructing feeder roads Association’s suggestion was given due connecting the road already construct­ consideration but could not be accept­ ed in the Ladakh area. They are also ed. in possession of the Malikshah region in Northern Ladakh. Another fact is Meeting of Plan Publicity Officers that they have an air strip already at Chusul which is very near the air 171. Shri S. A. Mehdi: Will the strip which has been constructed in Minister of Information and Broad­ our territory. casting be pleased to state: (a) whether a meeting of the Plan So the matter is quite serious. It Publicity Officers was held in Madras shows that the Chinese are not at all in October, 1959; and haying any change in their attitude. 669 Motfon* haKTDSA 28, 18*1(SA K A ) far Adjournment 670

Shri I MI f t i r (Aihmednagar); If basic attitude of the Government of at all an atmosphere tor negotiations India towards these border incidents 1« to be maintained, some tort at will change and the Chinese will be status quo outfit to have been main­ asked not to make war preparations tained from the other side. Unfortu­ on our territory? Otherwise, our nately from this news, it appears that negotiations will not smoothly run. another air field is being construct* Mr. Speaker; The hon. Prime Min­ ed. In addition, feeder roads are there and the Chinese are entrenching ister. themselves in the Ladakh area in a Raja Mahendra Pratap (Mathura): most strategic way. I want to ask one question. What is So while talk of negotiations is the source.... going on, if the Chinese entrench Mr. Speaker: The hon. Prime Min* themselves in the occupied territory, ister. I think such talk has no meaning. In the circumstances, the whole problem The Prime Minister and Minister of must be viewed afresh. External Affairs (Shri Jawaharlal Nehru): The question raised in these adjournment motions is about a report q w m tto ( * f t ) : w that the Chinese authorities have # fTOTO W TT | f«F Prapfr built an air strip in the Aksai Chin area. That is one thing. In some re­ w i t xr fW art vt lippfhr sw k »tft ports, it is further mentioned that aft aw «f% V cR y^f-i TOT*n far suoh an air strip has been constructed * fqrtt Vfa «TT *tf tft H|T near Chusul. In the third set of re­ ports, to which the hon. Member, ^ t o r t I 1 «rre j p r f * | t Shri Braj Raj Singh referred, it is wtot spe j*rr tfh jpt $ *Tk said that somthing was happening in the Malikshah region. ^ i f t w t t o * ft? fHTft «^ f Now, the question is one of fact I g f f 1 t p h t ft* «TT *ft s*n?t shall reply with such factual infor­ $ T O T ^ f a t f t $ I «TTT eft mation as I have got. The inferences to be drawn from it naturally depend « r m r t 'k tt far jftzrz Tte qr stiR upon the correctness of the facta. I 'Tt? W T % t R W I J0J H^t VT T | J shall not go into inferences. Hon. ^ftsr sit jfi2w »fte *nr ^ Members will have a chance in four or five days’ time to discuss this en­ WRnf for v *|T ft tot $ 3 tire matter more fully. * t f ftp® ^ 1 vrt v *?tf fad*- So far as the Aksai Chin area is ^*r(tw»m|i^Hv^ftwraft concerned, we have received no infor­ far f o r «rc star wjer inw ra? $» mation about the building of an air field. W e have tried to find out in Shri Vajpayee (Balrampur): The so far as we can, and this report has subject-matter of this adjournment not been confirmed. I cannot at the motion raises a very important issue. same time absolutely say that it is Large chunks of Indian territory are not so, because none of our people has under forcible occupation by the been there. My information is that Chinese. Have we got any means to some travellers and others have said know whether war preparation— con­ this in Srinagar. I do not know on struction of air fields—are being made what their information is based. The or not being made by the utmost I can say is that I cannot give Chinese on Indian territory? any precise information about the Secondly, supposing these reports ap­ rumour that an air strip has been pearing in the Press are correct and constructed at Aksai Chin. We are the Chinese are making air fields on still trying to get as much informa­ our territory, may I know if the tion as possible. [Shri Jswaharial If Am ] k a matter for our military authorities So ter as the report about an air to consider, whether that la a right 4Wld near Chusul ii concerned, that course In the circumstances to adopt la definitely incorrect. Hhere is no or not attoh thing. 80 far as Malikshah is concerned, Shri Vajpayee: Is it not a fact that Malikshah is not in Ladakh at all. It the Indian border police havestop­ ped patrolling the traditional border la well within the Sinkiang region of in Ladakh after the ultimatum given China. by the Chinese on the 36th October ShrtNath Pal (Rajspur):I want a that if they continue to patrol on th# small explanation. The Prime Minis­ traditional border, they will violate ter has been kind enough to tell us the MacMahon Line and will come that he cannot either confirm or deny into India? whether such an air strip has been built. We are told—and we hold the Baja Mahendra Pratap: I want to view—that Aksai Chin is an integral say only one word. With all respect part of India. Now, do you not think to my fellow-Members, I want to say.. it is an extraordinary state of affairs that we do not know what is happen­ Mr. Speaker: Order, order. ing on our own territory? Either we With very great reluctance, I will are being prevented from getting that have to ask the hon. Member to with­ information by foreign forces or we draw from the House if he persits in are not watchful enough. We would interrupting like this. I have shown like to know what is it that prevent­ very great consideration for him and ed us from knowing what is happen­ his age. Now, the hon Prime Minister. ing on our own territory. Shri Jawaharlal Nehrn: The hon. Baja Mahendra Pratap: I just want Member referred to an ultimatum by to say.... the Chinese Government. I am not aware of any ultimatum. But it is Mr. Speaker: Order, order. The hon. true that in one of their communica­ Member goes on making suggestions. tions they said something to the effect Raja Mahendra Pratap: It is very of what the hon. Member has said. important. But that has no bearing on this mat­ ter at all. This is something which Mr. Speaker: The hon. Prime Minis­ has had no effect on our actions and ter. The hon- Member should not on whatever decisions we take. interrupt in this manner. Baja Mahendra Pratap: This is only Shri Jawaharlal Nehrn: It is a fact, Anglo-American propaganda going on which we may deplore, that m the ___ (Interruptions.) Aksai Chin area there is no represen­ tative of the Indian Government. Shri Vajpayee: I strongly object to Neither is one there now nor has one what my hon. friend has said. Let been there for sometime, except that him withdraw his words. occasionally patrol parties have gone Mr. Speaker: I am not going to in past years; we are not there. We allow this kind of thing___ ean go there only, more or less, at (Interruptions). the present moment after some kind of conflict and after exhibiting high Shrt Asoka Mehta (Muzafflarpur): X mountaineering skill etc; we can, no do not Bee how this kind of an allega­ doubt There is a question of contro­ tion against Members could be allow­ versy and dispute now. Anyhow, the ed to remain on record. He must be Only possible way of discovering that made to withdraw his words. Nona would perhaps be flying over it and of us here are working under any taking a picture—a low flight. That pressure from outside. 67s X r ikM KAOT9KA M, Mil (IU U ) fof Ailimnmmt ^

Mr. Speaker: I am sorry that the ants have not been for sometime1 Im l Member baa made this remark. cannot be equally definite. That Is Bessy hon. Member ii entitled to make why I answered in that way. But so a statement and he is a responsible far as we have been able to trace, person, and whatever statements ho there ia no reliable information to the makes are entitled to credit One hon. effect that there is such an air field. M em ber ought not to accuse another W e have not been able to get any hon. Member. I would advise the hon. person who can be considered to have Member to withdraw this statement. any knowledge of it This report is sometimes circulated by travellers in Baja Mahendra Pratap: I withdraw the mountains. I cannot absolutely It....* deny it. May I also say that the so- called air fields here or air-strips Mr. Speaker: The allegation made cannot be compared with anyother air by Raja Mahendra Pratap has been strips? Nothing is done there except withdrawn*___ the removal of stones and boulders. It is a concealed thing and without Acharya Kripalani (Sitamarhi): On any preparation something can land September 12th, in my speech I said there. N m an‘could deny that it may that no mention waa made of the air not have landed but I have no know­ strip built in our territory and the ledge of it Prime Minister in his answer said. Shri Jadhav: (Malegaon): Sir, on a "Some hon. Member mentioned or point of information. enquired if the Chinese had built an air field in Indian Mr. Speaker: I have allowed suffi­ territory. There is no such cient time. thing.” Shri Jadhav: One point has to be A t that time the Prime Minister said elicited. positively that there was no such thing. Today he is very uncertain. Mr. Speaker: I have allowed so much of information to be elicited. Mr. Speaker: What is the date? Shri Jadhav: Sir, before having a Acharya Kripalani: 12th September. discussion on this border issue, may Bhii Jawaharlal Nehru: My answer I know whether the Defence Minister will stand. will have a tour for an on-the-spot study of the situation because it U M r. Speaker: What is the place? very difficult to get any information. W e have not got this information. Let Acharya Kripalani: I have not men­ him go and have a study there. tioned the place but it was the same place. There was no question of the Shri Jawaharlal Nehru: If some hon. place. There was only the question Members wish to go to these areas, « f air field. w e shall facilitate that. Shti Jawaharlal Nehru: My answer Shri Jadhav: I am ready: I will go •would still be that so far as m y with the Defence Minister. knowledge goes there is no such air strip on Indian territory. About the Shri Vajpayee: We are ready to go place near Chisul which I have seen provided the Defence Minister ac- recently, I can say definitely that it companiea us. ift^ot there. But about places where S have not been or any of m y inform* Shri Jawaharlal Nehra: If the hon. •■sponged as ordered by the Chair. pfprrt NOVEMMS It, UN Im U on Hw ®«M«

[Sul Jawaharlal Nehru] to Switzerland, France, the U X ^ t h e Member wants is addition to tha U & A . and Japan during Saptember- Oefeaoe Minister * company of our October, 1959. [Placed Library, army to go with them to protect them See No. LT-IMIWJ. •21 the tone, it would rather upset our ammgements. A m e n d m e n t t o Ca k t a i , s s I u e s May I iay, Sir, that 1 hope to lay (E x e m p t i o n ) Ok d s s on the Table of the House tomorrow Shri Menu# Deeai: I beg to relay the answer that has been sent to on the Table under sub-section (2) of Premier Chou En-Lai to bis letter. Section 12 of the Capital Issues (Con­ Mr. Speaker: The hon. Prime Minis­ trol) Act, 1947, a copy of Notification ter says that he will place on the No. S.O. 1857 dated the 29th August, Table tomorrow a copy of the letter 1959, making certain amendment to which he has addressed to Mr. Chou the Capital Issues (Exemption) Sn-Lai, which he promised to do the Order, 1949. [Placed in Library, See other day. No. LT-1621/59].

So far as the subjectft-matter of the A m e n d m e n t t o Co a l Be a r i n g Ax b a s adjournment motions is concerned, I (A c q u i s i t i o n a n d De v e l o p m e n t ) would not have brought this up but R u l b b for the fact that in our own territory, The Minister of Steel, Mihee -and it was said that an air strip had been Fuel (Sardar Swaraa Singh): I beg constructed, in addition to what all to lay on the Table, under sub-sectton has been said and the se­ (3) of Section 27 of the Coal Bearing riousness of the situation. So Areas (Acquisition and Development) far as the suggestion that the hon. Act, 1957, s copy of Not ficatton No. Defence Minister must himself go S.O. 2157 dated the 18th October, there is concerned, he may go or he 1958, making certain further amend­ may not go. But if something happens ment to the Coal Bearing Areas on our territory, still to say that this(Acquisition and Development) Rules, suggestion is not very welcome—I am 1957. [Placed m Library, See No. LT- really surprised as to what will 1663/59] happen so far as our territory is con­ cerned. Under these circumstances, R e p o r t s o r T a r i p t Co m m i s s i o n though I am not giving formal consent Sardar Swazaa Singh: I beg to lay to these adjournment motions, I on the Table, under sub-section (2) expect that all these matters will be of Section 16 of the Tariff Commission discussed. If any inch of our territoryAct, 1951, a copy of each of the follow­ is taken possession of by others, theing papers:— matter will be discussed in this House (1) Report (1958) of the Tariff fully All these matters will be dis­ Commission on the review of cussed in the debate that we are going retention prices of Tinplate to have. In view of this, I am not produced by the Tinplate allowing these adjournment motions. Company of India Pnvate Limited. (ii) Government Resolution No. l & M h n . SC (A) -2 (248) /57, datedtha PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE 7th September, 1959. (ui) Statement explaining tha S f A n l M i M T as: F i n a n c e Mi n i s t e r 's reasons why a copy of tack V O D ABROAD of the documents at (i) and The f " * 1* * of Steel, Mines and (ii) above could not be laid M o m * Deeai): I beg to lay on the on the Table within the period prescribed underthe Table a copy of Statement on my visit Pa p er* XA 8 TBCA 38, M l (SAKA) la id on the Table 67ft

under the said *ub*seetfon. N o t o t c a t i o n i s s u e d UNDER MINES AID [Placed in Library, See No. M i n e r a l s ( R e g u l a t i o n a n d D e v e l o p ­ LT-1884/59]. m e n t ) A c t (iv) Report (1988) of the Tariff Sardsr :On behalf of Commission on the revision of Shri K. D. Malaviya: I beg to lay on retention pricesot steel and the Table, under sub-section 1) ( of Pig Iron and on the conver­ Section 28 of the Mines and Minerals' sion charges and fair reten­ (Regulation and Development) Act. tion prices for 1/4" and 3/18"1957, a copy of Notification No. Rods produced by the Mysore G.S.R. 1041 dated the 12th September,. Iron and Steel Works, 1950. [Placed Library, in See No. Bhadravati. LT-1667/59].

(v) Government Resolutions No. A m e n d m e n t s t o Co m p a n i e s ( Ce n t r a l . SC (A) *2 (227)/57, dated the G o v e r n m e n t 's ) Ge n e r a l Ru l e s a n d 31st October, 1058 and No. F o r m s SC (A )-2(244)/57 dated the The Minister of Commerce (Shri 8th September, 1050. Kanungo): I beg to lay on the Table, (vi) Statement explaining the under sub-section(S) of Section 642 reasons why a copy of each of the Companies Act, 1056,a copy of of the documents at (iv) and each of the Notifications Nos. G.S.R. (v) above could not be laid 1140 dated 17th October, 1989and on the Table within period G.S.R. 1224 dated the 7th November, prescribed in the said sub­ 1959 making certain further amend­ section. [Placed in Library, ments to the Companies (Central Gov­ See No. LT-1665/59]. ernment’s) General Rules and Forms, 1956. [PlacedLibrary, in See No. LT- 1668/50]. A n n u a l Re p o r t o r O r i s s a M n m r a C o r p o r a t i o n ( Pr i v a t e ) Li m i t e d N otifications i s s u e d u n d e r nI d u s t r i e s (D e v e l o p m e n t a n d Re g u l a t i o n ) Ac t S&rdar SwaranSingh: On behalf of Shri K. D. Malaviya, I beg to lay on Shri Kanungo: I beg to lay on the the Table, under sub-section 1) ( of Table a copy of each Notifications Nos. Section 630 of the Companies Act, S.O. 1060, dated the 4th September,. 1956, a copy of the Annual Report of 1050, and S.O. 2022, dated the 9th the Orissa Mining Corporation September, 1059, issued under Section (Private) Limited for the year 1957-15 of the Industries (Development and 58 along with the Audited Accounts Regulation) Act, 1951. [Placed in and comments of the Comptroller and Library, See No. LT-1669/59]. Auditor General thereon. [Placedin A m e n d m e n t t o Co t t o n Co n t r o l Or d e r - Library,See No. LT-1666/50]. Shri Kanungo: I beg to lay on the Table, under sub-section 6) ( of A m e n d m e n t t o Mi n e r a l Co n s e r v a ­ Section 3 of the Essential Commodi­ t i o n a n d De v e l o p m e n t Ru l e s ties Act, 1958, a copy of Notification Bandar Swaran Singh:On behalf of No. S.O. 2047 dated the 19th Septem­ Shri K. D. Malaviya, I beg to relay on ber, 1959 making certain further the Table, under sub-section (1) of amendment to the Cotton Control Section 28 of the Mines and Minerals Order, 1955. [Placedin Library, See- (Regulation and Development) Act, No. LT-1670/59].

1967, a copy of Notification No. G.S.R. D e l h i Pa n c h a y a t Ra j Ru l e s 968 dated the 22nd August, 1959, mak­ ing certain further amendment to the The Minister «f State in the Mints- mnesml) {Conservation and Develop- try of Home Affairs (Shri Datar):Sirr »ent Rules, 1058. '[Placedin Ubraty, I beg to lay on the Table, under sub- See No. LT-182S/88]. sect on (3) of Section 102 of the Delhi Pcp»$ m

IShri Datar] (viii) G.SJL Mo. 1159 dated theS t A October, 1989 certain Panchayat Raj Act, 1954, a copy of making further amendment to the Notification No. R(9)/5#-PD dated the Indian Administrative Ser­ 18th July, 1950 containing the Delhi Panchayat Raj Rules, 1950 published vice (Regulation and Senior* tty) Rules, 1954. [Placedin in Delhi Gazette. [Placed in Library, Library, See No. LT-1672/89]. See No. LT-1671/5B]. A m e n d m e n t s t o Ce n t r a l Si l k Bo a t N ototcations i s s u e d n a n A l l n I d i a R e u s S e r v i c e s Ac t The Minister of Iadastzy Shri Datar: Sir, I beg to lay on the (Shri Table, under sub-sect oil (2) of Sec­ Manubhai): Sir, I beg to lay on the Table, under sub-section )( at Sec- tion S of the All India Services Act, 8 t on 13 of the Central Silk Board Act, 1951, a copy of each of the following 1948, a copy of Notification No. G.SJL Notificat.ons: 1141 dated the 17th October, 1959 (i) G S R No 1030 dated the 12th making certain further amendments to September, 1959 making cer­ the Central Silk Board Rules, 1955. tain amendment to the All [Placed tn Library,See No. LT-1673/ India Services (Death-cum- 59]. J Retirement Benefits) Rules, 1958. A n c i e n t Mo n u m e n t s a n d Ar c h a e o ­ l o g i c a l Si t e s a n d Re m a i n s Ru j j ®

Am e n d m e n t s t o R m p l o t e e s ' P r o v i - Excises and Salt Act, 1944, a copy of m n t Ftnroe S c h e m e each of the following Notifications:— Shri A M All: Sir, I beg to lay on (i) G.S.R. No. 1006 dated the 9th the Table, under sub-section (2) of September, 19B9 making ear* Section 7 of the Employees' Provident tain amendments to the Cus­ Funds Act, 1952, a copy of Notification toms and Central Excise No. G.S.R. 1233 dated the 7th Novem­ Duties Drawback (Toilet ber, 1959 making certa'n further Products) Rules, 29S8. amendments to the Employees’ Provi­ dent Funds Scheme, 1952.[Placed in (ii) G.S.R. No. 1061 dated the 19th L'brary, See No. LT-1677/59]. September. 1959 and G.S.R. Nos. 1095. 1096 and 1097 dated the 3rd October, 1959 making N otifications i s s u e d u n d e r Me d i c i n a l a n d To i l e t Preparations ( Ex c i s e certa n further amendments to the Customs and Central D u t i e s ) Ac t Excise Duties Export Draw­ The Deputy Minister of Finance back (General) Rules, 1959. (Shrimati TarkeshwarlSinha): Sir, [Placed m Library, See No. on behalf of Shri B R Bhagat, I beg LT-1680/S9]. to lay on the Table, under sub-section (4) of Section 19 of the Med cinal and Toilet Preparations (Exc se N otifications i s s u e d u n d e r Se a Duties) Act, 1955, a copy of each of C u s t o m s Ac t the following Notifications:— Shrimati Tarkeshwarl Sinha: Sir, (i) G.S.R No. 986 dated the 29th on behalf of Shri B. R. Bhagat, I beg August, 1959. to lay on the Table a copy of each of the Notifications Nos. G.S.R. 1036and (ii) G.SR. No. 1079 dated the 28th G.S.R. 1037 dated the 12th September, September, 1959 making cer­ 1959 and G.SR. 1099 dated the 3rd tain further amendments to October, 1959, under sub-section (4) the Medicinal and To let Pre­ of Section 43B of the Sea Customs parations (Exc se Duties) Act, 1878. [Placed inbrary, L; See No. Rules, 1956. [Placed in LT-1681/59]. Library, See No. LT-1678/59].

A m e n d m e n t s t o Fo r e i g n Ex c h a n g e N otifications i s s u e d u n d e r Ce n t r a l R e g u l a t i o n Ru l e s E x c i s e s a n d Sa l t Ac t Shrimati Tarkeshwarl Sinha: Sir, I Shrimati Tarkeshwarl Sinha: Sir, beg to lay on the Table, under sub- on behalf of Shri B. R. Bhagat, I beg sect’on (3) of Section 27 of the to lay on the Table under Section 38 Foreign Exchange Regulation Act, of the Central Exc ses and Salt Act, 1947, a copy of Notification No. 1944,a copy of each of the following G.S.R. 1002 dated the 5th September, Notifications:— 1959, making certain further amend­ (i) G S.R. No. 1082 dated the 26th ments to the Foreign Exchange Regu­ September, 1959 making cer­ lation Rules, 1952.[Placed in Library tain further amendments to See No. LT-1679/59]. the Central Excise Rules, 1944. Notifications issued under Sea Customs Act and Central Excises (ii) G.S.R. No. 1100 dated the 3rd a n d S a l t A c t October, 1959 making certain Shrimati Tarkeshwarl Sinha:Sir, further amendments to the on behalf of Shri B. R. Bhagat, I beg Central Excise Rules, 1944. lay on the Table, under sub-sect on (iii) G.S.R. No. 1118 dated the 10th (4) ot Section 43B of the Sea Customs October, 1959.[Placed in Act, 1878 and Section 38 of the Central Library, See No. LT-1882/59]. 252 (Ai) L.S.D.—4. 683 Paper* N O V E M B E R &9f 1Stt Laid on0* Table *84

N a v y ( Au t h o m b e p De d u c t i o n s ) R e g u l a t i o n s OPINIONS ON BILL H w Depaty Minister of Defence Sardar A . S. Saigal (Janjgir): Sir, (Shri Raghnramaiah): Sir, I beg to I beg to lay on the Table Paper No. Ill relay on the Table, under Sect on 185 to the Bill to provide for the better & the Navy Act, 1957, a copy of the administration of SUhGurdwaras Navy (Authorised Deductions) Regu­ s tuated in different States of Indan lations, 1959, published in NotiflcatiQn Union and for inquiries into matters No. S.R O 227 dated the 22nd August, connected therewith which was cir­ 1959 [PlacedLibrary, in See No LT- culated for the purpose of el citing 1568/59] opm on thereon by the direction of the H o u s e on the l?*h December, 1958.

A m e n d m e n t s t o Representation o f t h e Pe o p l e ( Pr e p a r a t i o n o f E l e c t o r a l Ro l l s ) Ru l e s 12.23 hrs. DOWRY PROHIBITION BILL The Deputy Minister of L aw (Shri Hajarnavls): Sir, 1 "beg to lay on the ■Presentation o f Re p o r t o f j o i n t Table, under sub-section (3) of Sec­ C o m m i t t e e . tion 28 of the Representation of the People Act, 1950, a copy of Notifica­ tion No S O . 2537 dated the 11th November, 1959 making certain r a * r f ( t o t - further amendments to the Represen­ tation of the People (Preparation of 3# jjt fr for* Electoral Rolls) Rules, 1956 [Placed in Library, See No LT-1683/59] *n^r fasT ? stM t frfrr to sRcft g i

A m e n d m e n t s t o Representation o f t h e Pe o p l e ( Co n d u c t o f El e c t i o n s a n d El e c t i o n Pe t i t i o n s ) Ru l e s COMMITTEE ON PRIVATE MEM­ BERS’ BILLS AND RESOLUTIONS Shri Hajarnavis:Sir, I beg to lay on the Table, under sub-section (3) F i f t y -f i r s t Re p o r t of Section 169 of the Representation Sardar Hukara Singh (Bhatmda): of the People Act, 1951, a copy of Sir, I beg to present the Fifty-first Notiilcaton No S O 2538 dated the report of the Committee on Private 11th November, 1959 making certain^embers’ Bills and Resolutions. further amendments to the Represen­ tation of the People (Conduct of Elections and Election Petition) Rules, ESTIMATES COMMITTEE 1956- [Placed Library, in See No

LT-1684/59] S i x t y -Si x t h Re p o r t

Shri Prabhat Kar(Hooghly): Sir, I Shri Dasappa (Bangalore): Sir, I request that a copy of the statement beg to present the Sixty-sixth Report regarding the Finance M nister’s visit of the Estimates Committee on the abroad may be given to all the Mem­ action taken by Government on the bers. recommendations contained in the Fifty-ninth Report of the Estimates Committee (First Lok Sabha) onfile Mr. Speaker: Very well, I shall get Ministry of Transport—National High­ it circulated ways and Roads. KARTKA 36, 1881< 8 A K A )' Correction of Reply to686 ttarrtd Question No. 989 t t M tea. and a decision taken. The official dis­ cussions are largely of the nature of CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER fact-finding and it will obviously not OF URGENT PUBLIC IMPORTANCE be for the officials to take any deci­ sions. I am hoping that these dis­ I n d o -Pa j c b t a n Fi n a n c i a l Ta l k s cussions will be successfully com­ pleted and that it will be possible for Shri Vajpayee (Balrampur): Sir, the two Governments to reach a under Rule 197,1 beg to call the atten­ settlement on all the issues together tion of the Minister of Finance to the at an early date. following matter of urgent public importance and I request that he may make a statement thereon:— 12.26 hn. "Financial talks between India and Pakistan held recently at CORRECTION OF REPLY TO Karachi.” STARRED QUESTION NO. 985

The Minister of Finance (Shri The Minister of Education (Dr. Morarjl Deaai):Mr. Speaker, Sir, with K. L. Shrimall): Sir, in a supple­ your permission, I propose to make a mentary question arising from starred short statement regarding the furtherquestion No. 985 answered on the 31st progress in the discussions on the out­August, 1959 Shri Hem Barua wanted standing financial issues between to know whether it was a fact that India and Pakistan, which were begun Government propose to spend Rs. 2 when I met the Finance Minister of crores on the development of sports Pakistan last August. during the remaining period of the Second Plan period. He also wanted to know how much of this amount was The House may remember that after going to be utilised by the National the last meeting, I made a statement Coaching Scheme and how much was on the floor of the House in which I going to be made available to the mentioned, among other things, that State Governments lor the develop­ both countries should proceed vigor­ ment of sports. ously with the checking and finalisa- tion of the various figures relevant to In reply I had stated that a major the drawing up of the debt settlement part of this amount would go to the between the two countries. In accord­ State Governments for schools and ance with the arrangement then made, colleges, that is to say, nearly about officials of the two Governments met 75 per cent. in Karachi between the 15th and 18th of last month to examine the various A correction has now to be made. figures of assets and liabilities. They The actual position is that a sum of covered fairly wide ground and agree­ Rs. 1 crore only is expected to be ment was reached on the facts of a spent on the development of sports number of individual items. Certain and games during the remaining points required further clarification orperiod of the Second Five Year Plan, the collection of additional material. subject to availability of funds A This has been taken in hand by both major part of this amount of Rs 1 the sides. It is expected that the next crore, that is to say, about 57 per cent., round of official discussions will be will be disbursed to schools and held early next month and it is hoped colleges while 23 per cent, will be that it will be possible to complete at utilised by the National Coaching this meeting most of the examination Scheme. the figures required. The results > of this examination will then be con­ Shri Tangamani (Madurai)' Out of sidered by the Ministers on both sidesthis Rs.1 crore, Sir, we are now told •§ 7 '9*1 Pratmontrt M l NOVSMffHt If, li»

IShrt TaogMtuni} IM S bn. that 57pvt cent, will be disbursed to ANDHRA PRADESH AND MADRAS Mhoofta and colleges and 2J per cent (ALTERATION OF BOUNDARIES) wUI be utilised by the National BILL Coachln* Scheme. May I know what will happen to the balance, how that Mr. Speaker: Before we take up the will be spent for the promotion of next item of business, I would Ufct to fames and sport*? make a brief statement to the House* This boundary matter relates to xny Dr. Kt L. Bhrimali: The remaining constituency and, therefore, I do not 20 per cent, will be spent as given propose sitting here. However juat I below: may try to be, I do not want to create an impression that I am deciding one Grant to construction of stadia—S way or the other. per cent Shri BnJ Raj Singh (Mrozabad): Grant to National Sports Federation Hon can that impression be created? for various activities—4 per cent. Mr. Speaker: I shall, therefore, ask Popularisation of games and sports the Deputy-Speaker, Sardar Hukam in rural areas—A per cent. Singh, to take the Chair and get through this Bill. Organisational expenses on federa­ tions, associations, State Sports Coun­ cils etc.—5 per cent. The Minister of State In the Mints- ttj of Borne Affairs (Shri Datar): That will make a total of 20 per How many villages in your consti­ sent. tuency are going, Sir’

Mr. Speaker: I think more than half my constituency. 1U 7I hr*. Pandit Thakar Das Bhargava LEGAL PRACTITIONERS BILL* tHisnrV. Before yovi leave, Bit, ms? 1 submit...... The Minister of Law (Shri A. K. Seti): Sir, I beg to move for leave to 12.29 hn. introduce a Bill to amend and con­ solidate the law relating to legal [M*. Deputy-Speakkr in the Chair ] practitioners and to provide for the constitution of Bar Council and an All- Shri Nanahlr Bhanioha (Bast Khafl- India Bar. desh): Before we proceed with the Bill, Sir, may I point out that on the Mr. Speaker: The question is: last occasion the Government under­ took to circulate to us the plana show­ "That leave be granted to intro­ ing the individual boundaries. So far duce * Bill to amend and con­ solidate the law relating to legal nothing has been done. I should like practitioners and to provide for to know from the Government why the wishes of the Kouia have been the constitution of Bar Council and disregarded. an All-India Bar.” Pandit Thaknr Das Bhargava: Sir, The motion was adopted. Shri Reddy submitted an application Shri A. K. Ben: Sir, I introduce the stating that certain documents be BUI. called for before this Bill is taken up.

•Published In the Gesette of India Sxttaordinary P*« H Section a, dated10-11 *59. tfp Andhra Pradesh KARTUCA 36, 1M1IBAKA) m i Madras 690 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill I also made a suggestion by way of an “ (1) The 1935 survey map of Tiruttani application and sent a copy of it to taluk, an authentic publication of Ute Home Minister; and on that the Madras Government referred to in hon. S p e a k e r was pleased to call for para. 2 of this note, and (2) An eye- those documents. We have been sketch map of Tiruttani taluk; five enquiring about those documents copies have been supplied, as pre­ •very day and were asking whether pared by the Andhra Government they have arrived in the Library. referred to in paragraph 5”. Those documents have not arrived. At the same time, this is very peculiar. Mr. Depvty-Speaker: Are they the The award is there. The award says latest publication so far as this sub­ that such and such memoranda pre­ ject is concerned, and about which sented by the two Governmentsform objection has been taken now? part of the award. I shall refer you to pages 14 and 15 of the award. There Shri Datar: They are the latest and it is said that the Oovernment of they are authenticated by both the Madras have put in their memorandum Governments. which was given to the Andhra State Government and the Andhra Govern­ Faadlt Thakw Daa Bhargava: They ment replied. Both these form part are the maps of 19S5. They are not of the award. But unfortunately, the latest those documents are not here. Many people made applications and pro­ Mr. D eputy -Speaker: W hat should I duced plans also. They were not con­ do? That is a matter of controversy. sidered and they are not here. We The Government says this is the last wanted to call for them. This is a and the hon. Member says this is not peculiar case. The judgment is here, the last. He can argue it when he but the pleadings are not here; the moves his motion. evidence is not here; and we are called upon to see whether the report is raadft Thaknr Daa Bhargava: The correct. I will beg of you to ask the hon. Speaker was pleased to order Government to furnish kindly at least that the survey plan of 1957-68 should such documents which have already be produced. Has that been pro­ been ordered by the Speaker to be duced? made available to us, so that we may Mr. Deputy-Speaker: If the Govern­ be able to do justice to this case. ment says there is no such map of 1957-58...... There are two plans. Th* Speaker Pandit Thaknr Das Bhargava: I can was pleased to order that the survey produce a copy of the plan. I can plan of 1957 may be made available produce evidence to the fact that then to Members. But only the plan of is a plan of 1957-58. It is being with­ 1935 has been given. The eye-sketch held by Government. plan has also come, but not the survey plan of 1997-58. What is the use of 6hri Hangs(TenaJLi): Government those plans? The right plan which is have net said that there is no such acceptable now has not come. plan at all. They only referred to certainplans. The hon. Minister then Shri Datar: May I point out that in said that the 1935 plan is available. this connection a request was made Ha said that the 1935 plan is authen­ that certain maps should be produced. ticated by both the Governments. It Sevcp. copies of these maps had been is not necessary that it should be ' rewarded to the Lok Sabha Secre- authenticated at all. The 1957 plan * tariat and they have been made avail­ was made net by either of the Stale able in the Parliament Library. The Governments, but was made under the ioll owing two maps of Tiruttani have pf th* Government of India* been placed in the ParliMMat Ubcuy: Ja U sot? Ggi Aidhra Pradesh NOVEM BER 19, 2 OSS and Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) BiU Shri Dttu: The Madras Govern­ of this case What we wantm a plan, ment the survey plan of 1957-58, prepared for the fint time as a survey plan of Mr. Deputy-Speaker:I was told that the Tiruttani Taluk and it is now only the 1935 map has been placed needed in connection with this BilL in the Library I put this question to The 1935 plan covers only one half of the hon Minister of State m the Minis­ the area, and not the whole of it That try of Home Affairs whether there is not a real survey plan at all Let was any later plan He says this is the hon Minister make a statement the last, and it has been authenticated that no survey plan has ever been pre­ by both the Governments Therefore, pared by either of these Governments. there is no choice left for me to put He is not prepared to say it another question, when he says that this is the latest and the last map It Shri Datar* So far as the hon. is disputed that there is another map Member’s reference to the award in which is of later preparation and that which it is said that the documents it ought to have been made available form part of the award, is concerned, We can discuss it when we proceed mv- ill the hon Member let me know with the Bill But, according to me, where Shri Pataskar has said7 that when the Home Minister says this is the last map, 1 do not think we can Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I pursue the matter further have mentioned pages 14-15 1 will read that portion Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava. May 1 request you to look at it from another I gave a copy of the memo­ standpoint7 I submitted that even the randum submitted to me at Madras memoranda given by the Madras Gov­ by the Madras Government to the ernment and the Andhra Government Andhra Government, and the lave not been placed here The award latter in turn submitted to me ays that they form part of the award their memorandum with regard to ind the whole record They have not this dispute Both these memo­ jeen placed on the file The memo­ randa are attached to this randa, the applications, representa­ report ’’ etc tions, etc have not been placed on Then, it is said the file representatives of Salem dis­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker. That is another trict, particularly from Hosur, matter But, if Shri Pataskar has came to Hyderabad and completed said that they should form part of the the enquiry,” etc, etc award, they ought to be on the record

Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: At Further, on page 15, pages 14-15, he has said that they are Shri Datar. The hon Member is not part of the award In regard to the reading from Shri Pataskar’s award. plan, my submission is, let the Gov­ He is reading from something else ernment say categorically that no plan The hon Member has stated that It has been prepared m 1057-58 Howwas stated in the Pataskar Award could both the Governments sign on itself Will the hon Member kindly one plan, the plan of which the hon enlighten us on this point? Minister speaks9 Only the plan of 1957-58 had been prepared under thePandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Z am Act of 1923 The 1957*58 plan hasquoting from Shn Pataskar’s award. not come before us How can the survey people get the two Govern­ Shri Datar: I have got the PatasVar ments’ signatures? The plan of 1957-Award in my hands and it dees wut 68 was not prepared for the purpose mention that 6g3 Andftra Pradesh. K A R T Z K A 28,1881(SAKA) and Afadrtu 694 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill M r. Deputy-Speaker: Pandit Thakur Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Only Das Bhargava has got a stencilled copy two maps. In response to the order and the hon. Minister has got a printed of the Speaker, a map of 1957-58 copy. Perhaps there iB difference should have been given to us. He between the two. never ordered for a map of 1953 nor did he order for the eye-sketch map. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The copy is signed by Shri Pataskar. It is Mr. Deputy-Speaker:What we are dated 7th September, 1957. If he discussing is about the award.They passes on to me his copy, I shall find say there are no adequate copies of out, and I shall pass on to him my the award. This was the objection copy. taken by Shri Mohammed Imam and Shri Naushir Bharucha. Now,has Mr. Deputy-Speaker:Probably the Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava found pages do not tally. the appropriate place where this point is mentioned, namely, the memoranda Shri Narasimhan (Knshnagin): would form part of the award? When we have got a ready-made Bill approved of by two legislatures for our Shri Viswanatha Reddy(Raj ana pet): confirmation, how does the question of Objection has been taken by Pandit the original award itself come in? The Thakur Das Bhargava to the non­ Bill is based on it supply of the latest map Frommy persual of the eye-sketch map that is Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Because Par­ placed in the Library, I found that the liament has to see to it, and the hon. disposition of the various villages is Members have to make up their mind far removed from the dispositionas one way or the other when it comes shown m the original map which was to voting They therefore want cer­ drawn by the Census Commissioner or tain information the Assistant Census Commissioner. In the light of the changed disposition Shri Thirumala Rao (Kakinada): of the villages, I must say thatthe Last time, when the question was dis- Pataskar award itself will haveto be cusscd, it was agreed that the latest very different. If the same matter is map should be supplied by Govern­ referred to Shri Pataskar again...... ment. What was the understanding at that moment? Was it the map of Mr. Deputy-Speaker: That is a 1935 or that a map of 1957-58 shoulddifferent question; that is not before be prepared and supplied7 Let us us now. first understand on what basis the adjournment of the discussion was Shri Viswanatha Reddy:The main accepted then and whether the Gov­ principle of the award is completely ernment have agreed to supply the changed latest map made in 1957-58. M r. Deputy-Speaker:A Bill is com­ Shri Mohammed Imam (Chitaldrug): ing up, which has been agreed to by Copies of the Pataskar Award which two Governments. Can I ask the is based i c these maps may be made Government to refer the award to available to the Members because that Shn Pataskar again? is the most important document on Shri Viswanatha Reddy:This House which the cc ire discussion is to be will have to consider it on the basis based. of the latest material. v Mr. Deputy Speaker;They are in Mr. Deputy-Speaker:The motion is the Library. coming up that the Bill be taken into consideration and the House can take Shri Nauhir Bharncha: Five copies any decision that it likes. It shall for 500 odd Members. It is absurd.have that authority. # « Amtkm Pruduh IfOVEMBX# I* lf» mi Maim tot (Alteretton of Boundaries)Bill MM l » | K Before we take up the That was what the Speaker had-said •onaldanrtion motion, we want infor­ at that moment I have asked the mation to be given to us, which the H 0B>* Minister, according to thoae Speaker was pleased to direct to be observations, whether the plan that supplied. has been placed is the latest aad authentic also This is what the hem Mr. Deputy-Speaker: I will look into H 0tne Minister Jus conveyed to me what the Speaker has said Thus satisfies both the conditions. Ujider those circumstances, I request Shri N. ft. Muniswamy (Vellore) I the Home Minister to move the find there is a good deal of miscon­ mPtioa ception in regard to maps asked for in Shri Naushir Bharucha: May I be this House I was there the other day permitted to move that the considera­ when the discussion was adjourned tion of this Bill be postponed to a The Speaker wanted that the latest date to be fixed by the House, because nap should be supplied He meant find Government is systematically the map which contains the villages, denying to this House information Bu,\, Vrr tan. Vtaastex *s.v& and papers which are very valuable he would try his level best to give the for proper consideration of this Bill? latest one Now he says this is the Irrespectiveof the fact whether a latest one particular thing forms part of the a^vard or not, certain relevant infor­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: I have those mation must be made available proceedings before me and I might read it for the benefit of hon Mem­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Unless the con­ bers This is what the hon Speaker sideration is asked for, how can he said. move for adjournment of considera­ tion’ “They have asked lor the sup­ ply of a copy of the latest survey Shri Naushir Bharucha: I will move plan which gives the boundaries it after the Munster flushes «n the ground that the original plan that was looked into by Paadit Thaknr Das Bhargava: Shn Pataskar does not show any TJiese are thewords in the award. contours, configurations and so on ‘The Madras Government had also then sent a Secretary to “I will certainly ask the Home Hyderabad to supply me with any Minister to supply a copy of the information I needed I gave a latest survey plan which is the copy of the memorandum sub­ authentic plan" mitted to me at Madras by the Madras Government to the Aiidhra So, there are two things—latest and Government and the latter in turn authentic submitted to me their memo­ randum with regard to ttus dis­ *9 will pass on this information pute” to the hon Home Minister He will try to get a copy of the sur­ After this, in my copy, these words vey plan, the proceedings which a pp ear, vis, both these are attached they wanted, the arguments for herewith In this copy, they do not and agamst in relation to the plan appear But that would not make any that were swhawtted, etc—what* difference The Madras Government ■ever paper has not yet been prepares its case and gives it to the placed before the House. I will mediator and a reply is called for from leok into it aad iaJarm the Home the other Government Thatis Minister." submitted, ft is Just like a pntltlan 697 JPraisth KR A T K A 28,IM l iSAKA) tend Madras 698 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill and written statement They are very then Andhra portion of the Madras essential. W e must know the views State and also from others that an at both the Governments. So tarj b Andhra State should be carved out as the people are concerned, they also early as possible. Then the Prime o n e sod made representations. They Minister made an announce­ were also heard. All those documents ment, according to which he stated wens called tor, but noneoi them is that an Andhra State would be carved forthcoming. out from the undivided State of Madras excluding the city of Madras. Mr. Deputy-Speaker: la the first Inasmuch as the Andhra people were instance he said they formed part of anxious to have an Andhra State as the award. That was where I was early as possible, the matter had to be anxious. But from the latest state­ expedited. As stated by the Prime ment of the hon. Member, X find they Minister in Parliament, the undis­ do not form part of the award; they puted Telugu-speaking areas of the were evidence which he called for. then Madras State were to be imme­ After all, they were evidence and diately formed into a separate Andhra they do not form part of the award. State. Therefore, what were disputed So, if the Government is not putting were to be considered subsequently. forward that, the Members can take So, a number of districts and 3 taluks any decision they like, that they are of Bellary district were together form­ ed into a separate State. A Bill was not well-informed and they might brought before this House and passed give their opinion. But so far as the by the Houses of Parliament, and the discussion is concerned, I cannot stop that. new Andhra State was inaugurated on 1-10*1953. After the Andhra State was formed, naturally the question Shri TMnmiala Rao: Can Govern­ was to be considered as to which were ment deny the information on the the parts in the Andhra State that ground that they are not published were to go to Madras or which were documents? the parts in the remaining Madras State which were to come to the new Mr. Deputy - Speaker*. Let us proceed Andhra State. For that purpose, and we will see if there are any Government had to take certain steps, difficulties. one of which was that in respect of the disputed areas in some districts Shri Datar:1 beg to move: either of Andhra or of Madras, the language composition was again look­ ed into. So, the census authorities *"niat the Bill to provide for were asked to collect figures and find the alteration of boundaries of the out the linguistic composition of the States of Andhra Pradesh and villages in the disputed area. That Madias and for matters connected took nearly two years. The work was there with, be taken into consi­ started in October, 1953 and com­ deration* pleted in June, 1955. The House will then note that by that time we were Six. it will he proper for me to in a position to know the linguistic place the circumstances under which position of the various villages that this Bill has to be brought forward. form part of the disputed areas both in Andhra and Madras State. Then a It had a history dating back to 5 or6 years and sa as far as passible I «>>»»very Important event occurred at that time. The Government of Madras PQjftt out the circumstances and how addressed a letter to the Government this natter was evolved and has now of India, and also to the Government taken the farm of this Bill. The of Andhra Pradesh, and that has been House is aware thatin ipga, there referred to by Shri Pataskar, because was a«ery earnest detize an the part t e n hot onwards the progress of ef Menhara of Parliament ***** the tUs Mfttsr atartt. 699 Andhra Pradeth N O V E M B E R 19, 1959 and Madras700 (Alteration 0/ Boundaries) Bill [Shri Datar] And one of tfae important point*, that In July 1955, the Government of has to be noted in this connection is Madras, by their letter dated 2nd July, that they generally agreed to tfae 1955, addressed the Government ofprinciple suggested by the Govern­ Andhra, suggesting that the border ment of Madras and the understand* dispute between Andhra and Madras mg was that the parties should come may be settled by mutual agreement to an agreement on certain specified between the two Governments, and points in respect of the disputed areas the representatives of the two States The second point was that the agree­ may sit together m a conference for ment should be worked out in con­ the purpose Then the Government of sonance with the four principles, to Madras laid down four criteria, which which I have already made a refer­ should be noted very clearly in this ence After the Government of An­ connection The Government of dhra have agreed to this, we had be­ Madras suggested to the Government fore us these four principles, which of Andhra Pradesh the following had to be worked out into practice criteria It was at this stage that Shri Pataskar was requested to mediate and to give (1 ) the boundary line may be a his reportor award, whatever words continuous one and isolated we might use on the basis and in con­ pockets should be avoided to sonance with the four principles that the extent possible, were laid down by the Madras Gov­ ernment and accepted by the Govern­ (2) village should be the unit for ment of Andhra consideration and partition of villages should be avoided, Then a map wo. also produced So far as that is concerned, I may ooir.t (3) villages with over 50 per centout that the Government of Madras Telugu-speaking people prepared a map on the basis of the should be incorporated in material that they had Now, the Andhra, to the extent practi­ principal point was with regard to cable, and vice versa, and Tiruttani taluk, then in Andhra State With regard to that, what had hap­ (4) due consideration may be pened was that in 1935 a part, a half given to the geographical of the taluk of Tiruttani, had been features such as hills, forestsduly surveyed, but the other portion and rivers as constituting had not yet been surveyed Then a natural boundaries bet'veen map was prepared, more or less de­ the two States and to econo­ pending upon this map of 1935 and mic features such as irrigation the Government of Madras gave that sources and their ayacuts be­ map to Shri Pataskar That map was ing m the same State available to both the Governments of Madras and Andhra At a subsequent You will find, thus, that two points stage, Hhe survey of the remaining were made clear by the Government portion of Tiruttani was also duly of Madras One was that there should finished and a map was prepared, and be a solution by agreement between it was duly authenticated by both the the two parties, and the Government States together That is a point of Madras further suggested the crite­ which has to be noted ria that was to be followed m working out such an agreement and finding out which areas should go to which of the Then the Government of Andhra two States also prepared, what is known is an “eye sketch map", and after this map was prepared they sent it to the Mad­ Now, this letter of the Government ras Government for their considera­ of Madras was answered by the Gov­ tion, or their verification. The Mad­ ernment of Andhrfa in August 1955.ras Government found that there ĴĨI !MCGQ@0Q@CDRG +!"41#!  3!+!  @MC -@CQ@S ŌÑÒ !KSDQ@SHNM NE "NTMC@QHDR  "HKK VHQD BDQS@HM CHRBQDO@MBHDR  @MC SGNRD "NSG 'NUDQMLDMSR VDQD @FQDDC NM CHRBQDO@MBHDR VDQD QDF@QCHMF SGD KNB@c SG@S ONHMS  KDS SG@S AD JHMCKX TMCDQc SHNM NE BDQS@HM UHKK@FDR /TS NE SGNRD RSNNC 3ODBH@K NEEHBDQR VDQD @OONHMSDC CHRBQDO@MBHDR  HS LHFGS AD ENTMC SG@S EQNL SGD RTQUDX CDO@QSLDMSR NE ANSG DWBDOS L  QDRODBS NE ENTQ  SGD NSGDQ SGD 3S@SDR @MC GDQD  VNTKC QD@C CHRBQDO@MBHDR VDQD MNS NE @ L@SDQH@K EQNL SGD QDONQS VHSG @ UHDV SN KD@UD M@STQD  ADB@TRD SGDX VDQD @CLHSSDCKX MN QNNL ENQ CNTAS @QD@R VGHBG VDQD DHSGDQ OQDCNLH MDMSKX 4@LHKROD@JHMF NQ OQDCNLH j/M BNLO@QHMF SGD  RTQUDX MDMSKX 4DKTFTROD@JHMF  SG@S LD@MR  L@O VHSG SGDDXDRJDSG L@O NE SGDX VDQD VHSGHM SGDL 4GDM SGD SGD !MCGQ@ 0Q@CDRG  SGD -@CQ@R 'NUDQMLDMS NE -@CQ@R ENTMC SG@S 'NUDQMLDMS NARDQUDC ÒÒ CHRBQDc SGDRD CHRBQDO@MBHDR TKSHL@SDKX BNTKC O@MBHDR HM SGD OGXRHB@K KNB@SHNM NE AD BNMEHMDC NMKX SN ENTQ OK@BDR  @MC BDQS@HM UHKK@FDRk MNS LNQD 4GDM SGHR V@R KNNJDC HMSN AX SGD RTQUDX NEEHBDQR NE SGD 'NUDQMc LDMS NE -@CQ@R @MC SGD 'NUDQMLDMS )S L@X AD RS@SDC SG@S SGHR KHRS NE  NE !MCGQ@  VGN  ) ADKHDUD  VDMS SN CHRBQDO@MBHDR V@R KNNJDC HMSN ATS SGD U@QHNTR @QD@R  @MC SGDX @FQDDC SGDX CHC MNS @EEDBS SGD PTDRSHNM NK SG@S SGD CHRBQDO@MBHDR TKSHL@SDKX G@C SGD SQ@MREDQ NE @MX UHKK@FDR  ADB@TRD SN AD BNMEHMDC SN SGNRD ENTQ OK@DN SGDX VDQD HMRHCD SGD ANQCDQ "TS VG@S V@R @EEDBSDC V@R NMKX ENTQ  @MC SGDQDENQD @ CDRBQHOSHUD BNQQDBSHNM V@R L@CD RN E@Q @R SGDRD ENTQ UHKK@FDR 3N E@Q @R SGNRD ENTQ OK@BDR VDQD VDQD BNMBDQMDC 4GQDD NE SGDRD UHKc BNMBDQMDC  @R @ QDRTKS NE SGHR DMPTHQX  K@FDR VDQD @BST@KKX KNB@SDC HM SGD SGQDD BNMSHMTDC SN QDL@HM HM !MCGQ@  SVN OKNSR QDBNLLDMCDC SN AD QDc ADB@TRD SGDX VDQD HMRHCD SGD @QD@  @MC S@HMDC L !MCGQ@ 0Q@CDRG @MC NMD MNS NM SGD ANQCDQ  VGHBG RGNTKC AD V@R ENTMC SNAD NM SGD MDV ANTMC@QX MNSDC 7HSG QDF@QC SN NMD  HS V@R NM KHMD ADSVDDM SGD SVN 3S@SDR 4GDM SGD ANQCDQ @MC RN SG@S V@R @KKNSSDC HS RS@SDRg) VNTKC QDPTDRS SGD (NTRD SN SGD -@CQ@R 3S@SD 4GHR HR VG@SG@R SN MNSD SGHRg G@OODMDC  RN E@Q @R SGDRD L@OR @QD BNMBDQMDC j!R @ QDRTKS NE SGD INHMS RBQTc SHMXNESGDUHKK@FDRHMPTDRSHNMAX SGD $DOTSX $HQDBSNQ NE 3TQUDX NE 3N E@Q @R SGDRD L@OR @QD BNMc ANSG 3S@SDR HM &DAQT@QX   BDQMDC @MTLADQNEGNM -DLADQR@QD SGDRD CHRBQDO@MBHDR VDQD RDSSKDC ONRRHAKX TMC3Q @ LHRTMCDQRS@MCHMF ADSVDDM SGD SVN 'NUDQMLDMSR @MC  SGDQDENQD  ) VNTKC L@JD HS PlHSD BKD@Q SN SGHR (NTRD SG@S  RN E@Q ÑÓ)GD L@O NE 4HQTSS@MH S@KTJ HR BNMBDQMDC  j)S V@R @FQDDCk AX SGD SVN DWBDOS SGD L@O VGHBG G@R @KQD@CX 'NUDQMLDMSR jSG@S SGD SGQDD UHKc K@FDR  VGHBG  HE SQ@MREDQQDC SN ADDM OQDO@QDC  MN NSGDQ RTQUDX L@O -@CQ@R 'NUDQMLDMS  VNTKC G@UD V@R OQDO@QDC HM   @MC SG@S SGD ADDM DMBK@UDR L !MCGQ@ 0Q@CDRG  NSGDQ L@O SG@S G@R ADDM OQNCTBDC HM RGNTKC AD KDES VHSG !MCGQ@ 0Q@c EHUD BNOHDR V@R SGD DXDRJDSBG L@O NE CDRG 4GD ENTQSG NMD  VGHBG V@R 4HQTSS@MH S@KTJ OQDO@QDC AX SGD ! Mc NM SGD MDV ANTMC@QX KHMD  V@R CGQ@ 0Q@CDRG 'NUDQMLDMS  VGHBG V@R !FQDDC SN AD SQ@MREDQQDC SN -@Cc KNNJDC HMSN @MC RBQTSHMHRDC AX ANSG Q@R 'NUDQMLDMSR  VGDM SGDX B@LD SN SGD BNMBKTRHNM SG@S DWBDOS NM ENTQ ONHMSR  NM VGHBG SGD O@QSHDR @FQDDC SG@S j0QNUHRHNMR L SGD "HKK @QD NM SGQDD UHKK@FDR RGNTKC FN SN !MCGQ@ SGHR A@RHR 4GDRD @CITRSLDMSR CN 0Q@CDRG @MC NMD RGNTKC FN SN -@Cc GNS HMUNKUD @MX LNCHEHB@SHNM NE Q@R  ADXNMC SG@S  SGDQD V@R @ARNKTSDc 0@S@RJ@Q @V@QC HM SGD RDMRD SG@S KX MN LHRS@JD @S @KK  RN HM@BBTQ@BHDR NMKX @ BNQQDBSHNM G@R ADDM L@CD 703 Andhra Pradesh NOVEMBER19, 1989 and Madras 704 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill [Shri Datar] the Andhra Pradesh Government, about physical location of three either from Krishnagiri Taluk or villages which were found actual* from Hosur Taluk, were negatived ly to be situated in the two blocks by him. This last award was given proposed to be retained in An­ by him on the 25th July, 1957. dhra Pradesh.” Then the two State Governments IS hrs. took up the matter in their hands and the Government of India prepareda Shri Kanga: Would the hon. Minis­ Bill on the basis of Shri Pataskar's ter be good enough to tell us as to award. On the 7th April, 1959, the who prepared the 1935 survey map?draft of the Bill, which the Govern­ Shri Datar: Let me complete and ment of India prepared m this res­ if there are aiiy questions to be asked pect, was sent to the two State Gov­ I shall answer them afterwards I ernments for consultmg the legisla­ ■hall place the whole picture in an ture in the two States because under organised manner before the House article 3 of the Constitution nothing so that, according to me, a number of can be done unless the State legisla­ conceptions will have been removed. tures were also consulted.

The most important point in this May I point out m this connection connection is that the two Govern­ that the legislature m Madras con­ ments have confirmed that there are sisting of the Assembly and the Coun­ no more discrepancies affecting the cil considered this matter in the same award. This is a categorical state­ month, towards the end of April—I ment made by the two Governments believe about the 28th and 29that of Madras and Andhra Pradesh. April. They accepted the Bill. Simi­ larly, this Bill was also considered in Then, the matter, as I have stated, the Andhra Pradesh Legislative As­ was referred to Shri Pataskar. Shrisembly and the Legislative Council. Pataskar gave his first award and There the whole position was made when he gave his first award it was clear by the Chief Minister, Shri found that Andhra Pradesh felt that Sanjiva Reddy. May I also point out certain points had not been decided in this connection that these points by him Therefore the matter was that are now sought to be raised stat­ again remitted to him. He went into ing that the maps were not correct the points that were raised before ind and that large areas had been what he did was that he stated that wrongly included in {he Madras area in addition to the villages that accord­ were not taken up at all. ing to him were to be either retained Shri Raaga: They were mentioned in Andhra Pradesh or transferred to Madras three villages from the Kn- by several members. shnagiri Taluk of Salem District Shri Datar: No. This is what I am should be transferred to Andhra Pra­ pointing out to my hon. friend. desh. Shri Raaga: Kindly look into the Shri Banga: Tiruttani Taluk? speech of Shri Gopala Beddi.

A M Datar: Krishnagiri Taluk of Shri Datar: Let the hon. Mi— bar Salem District. I have stated so allow me to proceed.

So, what was done by this subse­ I have got before me the debates quent or modified award was the of the Andhra Pradeah legislature and grant of three more villages from the fceee you will And that this particu­ Kridinagiri Taluk to the Andhra lar question was not raised at «B. State. N e w . the remaining claimsof That is whet I am pointing ont They 705 AnOtrw fraOtth KAKTOCA », ISft! (8AKA) and MaOnt 706 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill raised other questions. They stated This is what he has stated. Let me that some more area in Krishnagiri make the position very clear. This and Hosur Taluks should also be is what Shri Sanjiva Reddy had said: given. They raised a particular ground. In the original principles "At the time of the formation agreed upon it was stated that for the of the Andhra State, dispute arose transfer from one area to another about the future of Tiruttani and what was required was that the the Prime Minister advised that population of the particular linguistic for the time being Chittoor Dis­ group should be SI per cent. The trict might be included in the An­ Andhras made a case, subsequently dhra Pradesh and the matter before the mediator, that it is not could be leisurely settled after­ necessary that it should be 81 per wards in the light of his advice." cent and that it is sufficient if the Andhras were the largest linguistic The matter was immediately taken group in that area. For example in up. the Hosur Taluk, you will find that there are trilingual areas and the May I also point out in this con­ population of either the Telugus or nection that inasmuch as this was a the Tamils cannot be 51 per cent, special matter this was not governed because it is a trilingual area. In either by the advice of the States' some cases it was contained that if, Re-organisation Commission or by for example, the Telugus are nume­ the States’ Re-organisation Bill. In rically larger than, say, the Tamils or the Report it has been stated that the Kannada people then naturally it inasmuch as that matter was being ought to go to them. That was the considered separately by the two argument that was advanced. But Governments of Andhra and Madras, this argument was not accepted by no recommendations were made by Shri Pataskar. He stated that he had the States’ Re-organisation Commis­ before him the four criteria and those sion. Thus you will find that this criteria were to be literally followed. matter is governed by an agreement Secondly, they stated that if some and that agreement was worked out villages in the Krlshnagiri Taluk by Shri Pataskar. This was accepted were given to them on this basis by the two Governments at the Zonal then—it was further contended—a Council meeting. contiguity would be offered. That I forgot to mention that when Shri was, what you can call, an inter­ Pataskar gave his award the two dependent argument, namely, give Chief Ministers, that is, of Madras us some villages in the Krishnagirl and Andhra Pradesh, accepted it at a Taluk on the principle that we form meeting of the Zonal Council and it the largest linguistic group though was only thereafter that further steps not 51 per cent. If that is given then were taken. As I have pointed out, certain areas in Hosur would be when the matter came before the theirs. That was an argument which Andhra Pradesh legislature, this spe­ did not find any favour with Shri cific question of the inaccuracy of the Pataskar. map and its bearing on the areas that are now raised was not touched at Shri Narasfanhaii: Counter-argu­ all. All that was raised was, as I ments were voiced by the other State have stated, mostly about Krishna- Legislature. giri and Hosur. Afterwards the mo­ tion was adopted by the Legislative Shri Datar: What I was submitting Assembly and also by the Andhra was that when this matter was taken Pradesh Legislative Council. up both by the Andhra Pradesh Legis­ lative Council and the Andhra Pra­ Shri D. C. Sharma (Gurdaspur): desh Legislative Assembly, Shri What was the number of votes for Sanjiva Reddy moved this question. and against? 707 dhra An Pra&uh HQVBfBKR 18, 1198 «md Metfrftr798 (AttmrtfM giaphical features such as hills, Act what they had stated was that *orf»sts and rivers constituting the normally the district should be the nalural boundaries between the two limit and the population should be ®Htes It is perfectly possible, if we 70 per cent It should be appreciated taKe a theore tical view to draw some that in this particular case fortunately otlier nne perhaps an awkward line, for the two State Governments th^re but taking all things together, has or was an agreement not only about the has not Shn Pataskar’s award satis­ desire to come to an amicable settle­ fied what was necessary for settling ment but also about the criteria or thc> dispute between the two Stat s’ the punciplr s to be followed, and *n my humble opinion that has been therefore all that Shn Pataskar has d°he And there are no inaccuracies done is only this He was not an 01 this particular case, especially arbitrator, he was a mediator He SJItee the two State Governments have used his good offices for putting into aSteed at all the stages That is a effect the four principles that had been P°mt on which I should like to lay agreed to by the two State Govern­ th* greatest stress ments On account of this happy After all, here, we have two States initial agreement it was easier for in India, and there was some area in Shri Pata«kar to give effect to these onb State which had not been pro- principles and to draw a line On PeHy developed, and when the que.>- the whole, when the whole matter has tl0n was raised about it Shri Sanjiva been gone into in such a very careful ^ eddi promised that special attention manner wQuld be given to that particular area Shri Ranga: Careful* I ^m anxious that this matter should be settled as early as possible and Shri Datar. through the good suspense removed for ever For, offices of an earnest, independent and after all, if the suspense is there, then, conscientious friend like Shn Rurally, things 711 A t iA n Pradesh NOVEM BER19, i960 9 M t rm ?ta (Attention of Boundaries) Bill Shri D. C. Bhtm i: On a point of different stages Five hours have bean otder The hon Member Shri Raghu- allotted for this Bill nath Singh is sleeping Shri Tanfamsnl (Madurai): There Shri Baghunath Singh (Vhranast) are practically no amendments, and No, I am not sleeping there will be practically no second reading Shri Datar: Let him sleep; let him enjoy a little sleep Shri Nath Pal (Rajapur)* The Mr. Depnty-Speaker: Order, order general discussion should get priority in the allotment of time Shri Datar: Apart from that, we have got here an agreement happily Pandit Thakur Daa Bhargava: You entered into, and fully confirmed and will appreciate that five hours war* endorsed at all the stages allotted because this Bill was so com­ plicated, but now after studying it for Therefore, I would appeal to all such a long time, I should think that hon Members to set aside other con­ the time which has been allotted is siderations which are, after all, of a very short, and we shall not be able minor nature or a trifling nature Let to do justice to it Even today, I do us take into account the whole pic­ not think that we are m a position to ture and let us put an end to this debate on this Bill controversy I would beg of you to kindly con­ In October, 1953, the main Act was sider that the fate of two lakhs of passed, and m November, 1959, afterpeople is involved in this Bill six years, this particular matter has been fully solved, and I am quite Mr. Depnty-Speaker: There is a confident that hon Members will take motion coming up presently that the this aspect into account and give their discussion on this Bill be adjourned, full support to the provisions of this Bill and hon Members shall have a right to exercise their choice then, and they Shri D. C. Sharma: May I know can say whatever they like then how much time is allotted for this Bill? Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: So far as extension of time is concerned, Mr. Depnty-Speaker: Five hours I may submit that that is a different have been allotted for this Bill matter entirely Five hours are not enough. Shri N. R. Munlswamy: How much for general discussion* Shri N R. Munlswamy: Let it be extended to 8 hours Mr. Deputy-Speaker: I am coming to that Shri Jadhav (Malegaon) Let it b* Motion moved. 8 hours

“That the Bill to provide for Shri N. B Munlswamy: And let the alteration of boundaries of the 5 hours be given for the general States of Andhra Pradesh and discussion Madras and for matters connected therewith be taken into conside­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Let us see, as ration" we proceed For the present, we may say that we shall have 4 hours for Now, I come to the question of the the general discussion and1 hour for allocation of tune as between the the other stages 713 Andhra Pradesh KARTXKA 28,1881 (SAKA) andMadras 714 {Alteration of Boundaries) Bill Does Shn Naushir Bharucha want Mr. Deputy-8peaker: The question to make his motion just now or some is time later9 He can move it at any stage “That the debate on the Bill be adjourned to the last working day of the first week of Decem­ Shri Naushir Bharucha: I move ber, 1959” right now that further consideration of this Bill be adjourned to a date to Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava* Will be fixed by the Chair, and I trust anybody be allowed to speak on this7 that in the meantime the necessary I shall give you arguments to support and relevant documents will be circu­ this plen of my hon friend lated by Government I particularly object to placing only five copies in Mr Deputy-Speaker: Ordinarily, the Library for five hundred Mem­ no detailed discussion is allowed on bers The Members must have the this motion The hon Member Shn relevant documents before them It Naushir Bharucha has moved a is not enough to say that the motion, and afterwards he might say two Chief Ministers have agreed, and, something on it All right, Pandit therefore this House should abdicate Thakur Das Bhargava also might have its authority his say

Mr Deputy-Speaker I shall put Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava* I the motion to the vote of the House shall show you why the debate on this Bill should be postponed The real The question is reason is that as a matter of fact, Government themselves have not done their duty in this case They are “That the debate on this motion satisfied that two Chief Ministers have be adjourned ” agreed and the Legislatures concern­ ed have approved But the duty ot Till what date’ The hon Member this Parliament is exceptional m this ought to hx the date himself and not case leave it to the Chair The motion has been moved by him and I am only Article 3 of the Constitution reads. putting it to the vote of the House ‘ Parliament may by law—

(a) form a new State Shtf Njmslur Bharuchp In that case, I move that it be adjourned to (b) increase the area of any the first week of December State,

Mr. Deputy-Speaker* Does he want (c) diminish the area of any that the discussion on the motion be State, adjourned to the first day or the first week of December9 (d) alter the boundaries of any State, Shri Naushir Bha rueha: I shall say, the last day, that is, the last working (e) alter the name of any State: stay, of the first week of December Provided that no Bill for the purpose shall be introduced in J beg to move. either House of Parliament except on the recommendation of the ,(That the debate on the Bill be President and unless, where the jdwmnMd to the last working day proposal contained in the Bill «f itfce first weekat iDaoambor, affects the Area, boundaries or y H 9 " name of any 91 the States, the 262 (AO L.S.D —5 $ Andhra Prdksh N O V E M B E R 19, 1959 71 and H a & r q 7 1 * (AMnnatton qf Boundaries) Sill [Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava] Bill has been referred by the authority but the duty aad the aol* President to the Legislature of duty of seeing whether justice has that State for expressing its been done to these two lakhs of views thereon ” people

Ihe words are 'for expressing its Shri Narasimhan: My hon fnend views thereon’ That is the only func­ says that it is the sole -duty of this tion of the local Legislatures So, House May I submit to him that that really, it has not been appreciated statement is not quite correct, because, that the entire duty m this case is according to the Constitution, the BUI that of Parliament and Parliament has to be referred to the two Legis­ alone, no Chief Minister, no set of latures also7 Chief Ministers, not even all the Chief Ministers combined, can part Mr. Deputy-Speaker: This is the away with one inch of land belonging constitutional provision that ttus to one State in favour of another Parliament has ultimately to decide State whether to increase the area a of State or to add to one State or to Mr Deputy-Speaker: That is why dimmish the area of one State, but this Bill has come up here The Chief the views of the States are to be ascertained Ministers have not transferred any w» territory Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The views of every person, including those Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The of the Legislature and the Chief point is that when it has come up Ministers are to be considered, and here, Parliament is the sole authority they ought to be appreciated I am May I submit that as a Member of not here to say that the Chief Minis­ Parliament, it is my duty to see that ters are unreliable people That is the whole thing is done rightly’ My not what I am submitting The views hon friend says that a good reliable of the Chief Ministers are not entitled nayee has come from his house May to more weight than those of any 1 just give you a story" A person person living m those States or of was standing at a place, and anayee any outsider oi of any Member of went to him and told him, ‘It is very this Parliament When the Legisla­ unfortunate that your wife has ture of Andhra was consulted about become a widow’ That person began the award of the Taluk and the Mem­ to weep But other people came and bers representing the relevant consti­ told him, ‘You are living So, do not tuencies of Andhra walked out in worry’ But he began to w « p saying protest from the House Does it con­ that his wife had become a widow, stitute approval of the award and he said ‘Thisnayee is =uch a The people of Tiruttani constituency reliable nayee, he has come from the are fortunate people because they have house How can I disbelieve him’ got our Speaker as their representa­ He began to say like this without even tive But the Speaker is not allowed thinking that when he himself was to say a word That is most unfortu­ living, his wife could not become a nate Unfortunately, m the other House widow also the gentleman presiding over the- other House, hon Dr Radhakrishnan, Here, the whole argument during was born m Tiruttani But both thyjfr aU this one hour has been that the persons must keep mum The views two Chief Ministers have agreed, and of the local Legislature are claimed two Legislatures have not said a word to be binding on us, Members, but against this Is this the way in which unfortunately, their representatives in this thing should be done9 After all, the Parliament will not be allowed to. this House has got not only the express their views even j* 427 Andhra Pradesh K A R T IK A 28, 1881(.SAKA) and Madras 718 (Alteration, of Boundaries)Bill unfortunate The people living m it I am ready to show here that the those parts are fortunate m having Crhief Minister* of Andhra Pradesh •uch representation, but it is unfortu­ bad on several occasions said—‘I do nate that their representatives should not want to be bound by this, I want keep mum But this is beside the that the pnnciples of the SRC should point be applied to this case’ Those docu­ ments are not being produced before My humble submission is that we Us I want to say that the Chief must look at the matter from the Minister was under duress He was point of view of those who are being not allowed to do his duty So unless asked to leave Andhra Pradesh for the papers are produced before us, Madras orvice versa. Not a single we cannot come to a correct decision word has been said about th« objec­ oh this matter tions that were raised It is not that the objections are being raised only Shri Datar: Let the hon Member today and that the Chief Ministers not make such an allegation It is did not wish to raise any objection rtost undignified to say that the Chief You may kindly see the award In Minister of Andhra Pradesh was under the award itself., Shri Pataskar has duress said that these people came to him and appealed to him against such and Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: such a thing Therefore, if we are to Excuse me This is only a conclusion consider our hon Minister’s statementI did not say that Shn Datar put him that people never raised any objec­ lrt jail tion, then the whole file should be here We should be furnished with Mr Deputy-Speaker: At least here all those papers m which the objec­ the Chair should not be put under tions were taken to to each and any duress' everything Supposing I prove that objections were taken before Shn Shri Palaniyandy (Perambalur)- Pataskar on those very things which Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava is under we shall have to consider here, what dUress' would my hon fuend say’ My hon friend’s plea can be substantiated only Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I if the papers are before us But what Would submit that m the Award itself is it that my hon friend has done’ The the Chief Minister has said not once, maps were there Shn Pataskar said nbt twice but several times,*1 am that the Andhra Pradesh Government nbt bound by the previous agreement, did not produce the map Are you I want that the whole matter may be going to rely on that Government for deferred and it may be decided on not doing its dutv, when it did not tlte basis of the SRC principle' and produce even a map when it had got ytt mediation was arranged The the map’ It produced maps for other Chief Minister who is said to be a territories and for other talukas, butthoroughly reliable person, a gentle­ not for this taluka From the Award man whose words should tarry weight itself, you will be pleased to see that ahd confidence has said this In the the Andhra Pradesh Government did Award it is recorded that he said it produce maps for other talukas but several times for this taluka only no may was produced Then again what about those two lskhs of people’ In a democratic May I also bring to your notice the State, does not the opinion of A and fact that unless we get the other B count’ Do they also not have their documents, we cannot come to a opinions, feelings, leanings affections correct conclusion m this matter’ My etc ’ Those persons also brought hon friend says that the Chief Minis­ their documents before Shn Pataskar. ter of Andhra Pradesh has agreed to Those documents are also not here. y i9 Andhra Pradesh N O V E M B E R 1859 andMadras 7 1# (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill [Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava j I am also not clear in my mind Hr. Deputy-Speaker: I will request whether the printed Award is the last the hon Member to be bnef I can thing I have not seen the original verV well follow that he is making Award I would like to see the out a case that because the necessary Original Award whether the words docUments have not been produced, which appear m the printed Award the*efore the discussion should be are there in the original Award or ** burned This is his line of argu- not We cannot say whether the meV Ht could say that the docu- printed Award is rightly printed or mc 1 had not been produced, that not of no ii-ve I not at all At the same time I must maV assuie the hoi Ministei that say that he was not an arbitrator He eveh the plan that he has p oduced was bound hand and foot by certain Is Hot a survey plan but onh an ‘eye- principles If he had been allowed s^etch’ plan That is the name given to proceed as an arbitrator he would ^hri Datar Of the Andhra Pradesh not have done this As the ruling of Government one High Court says when a case is before the Judges they are not thiri pandlt Thakur Das Bhargava: Of to see a cock fight they must ust thc Andhra Pradesh Government All their intelligence The maps that rl^U He says that both Governments were relied upon were absolutely s,grted it Let it be signed by both wrong The correct maps were not Governments produced Shn Pataskar never went to that place He never went to a tyr Deputy-Speaker Was the plan single place where there was disputi Pla‘,ed m the Library the plan of about contiguity 195V-58’

Therefore, at least in justice and ®hri Datar Both The 1935 survey -fairness, the two statements of the mab of Tiruttani taluk is an authen- two Governments as well as all the tlc publication. documents produced before him *kr Deputy-Speaker: That is also should be placed before us so that we an eye-sketch plan’ may be able to judge whether the decision of the mediator, who was not $hri Datar: No, no It is a survey even an arbitrator, was correct or not majj I do not know what they meant by %r. Deputy-Speaker: The plan of ‘mediator’ 1957-58 of one taluk is an eye-sketch Pl»h Shri N. R. Muntewamy: On a point of order The motion moved by the 3hri Datar: Yes him Member is for -adjournment, but *andit Thakur another point So far as Mr Deputy-Speaker The hon the boundary disputes are concerned, Mtmber wants to bring up that plan since the States reorganisation issue for the benefit of the House or he the Home Ministry has made a mess wants the Home Minister to produce of everything, because it has laid it’ down one principle at one time and Shri Ranga There aie other docu­ another principle at another time ments also Today the Ministry is coming before this House m respect of one particular Mr Deputy-Speaker What I could boundary issue All the State boun follow from his latest words was that danes are under our jurisdiction in he wanted that the discussion should the sense that we can alter or modify be postponed so that he should have them In that sense, why should this that plan piecemeal legislation be brought Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava My before the House when there are submission is that as a matter of fact, boundary issues between Bombay and m a boundary dispute, plan is the Mysore most important thing You agree that the 1935 plan if you will be pleased Mr Deputy-Speaker. That is a to set, is only a survey plan for half different affair altogether While of the Tiruttani taluk, for the other speaking on the question of adjourn­ half, it is not a survey plan at all ment of the discussion, why should The later plan which is prepared by he bring m those matters’ and agreed to by the two Govern­ ments is there, that plan is relevant An Hon Member One principle for and I will take advantage of that all But the third plan which is in exist­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: May be one ence—I can certainly give an affidavit before you—should be brought here principle But what we are discus­ The Government have not brought sing just now is a different thing that plan here It is not that that Shri KJuuUlkar: What I say is that plan is non-existent It is in existence m this issue when you bring m piece­ and should be brought here meal legislation, at least accept the Shri Khadilkar (Ahmednagar) I principle for universal application am supporting the motion for adjourn- Then it is something The Home ment of this discussion for a different Minister has not accepted that posi­ reason So far as the map is con­ tion He said that they are appli­ cerned, I would refer to page21 of cable only to a limited area There­ the Report at Shri Pataskar wherein fore, I say that unless the Home ft is said* Mmiater is prepared to make a state- 723 Andhn PnOeth HOmSBBR 19,1 M » and M a d r u (Alteration o} Boundaries)BUI IShn Khadilkar] ment that the principles laid down guity is one principle and taking the by Shri Pataskar are of uniform and village as a unit was the other pnnci- universal application when there is a , Pie (.Interruptions) Shri Pataskar dispute between one State and another, took into account not only the memor­ we cannot accept the position If he anda from the two State Governments accepts the position that the princi­ but many memoranda were actually ples will be of universal application, submitted by the various organisations then there is some value and sanctity and many people were actually ex­ in it amined It is only after sifting their evidence that this award was given I Sbrt Tangwnani: Mr Deputy- can understand if Pandit Thakur Das Speaker, I stand up to oppose the Bhargava says that the entire evi­ motion just now moved by Shri dence must be placed m the Library Bharucha on the following grounds so that he can pursue it But just to Already there has been considerable say that the memoranda from the delay Shn Datar took pains to ex Andhra Pradesh Government and the plain to us the various developments Government of Madras alone should that took place ever since the Andhra be made available and to cast certain State was formed on 1-10 1953 reflections As on these two Chief Minis­ early as July, 1955 9 thesue i was re­ ters is something which I cannot ferred by both the State Governments swallow In the case of LIC, whether and the award was actually given on the evidence was written or oral, it the 25th of July, 1957 I do not know was made available and I can under­ why the Government had taken so stand that position here also Other­ much time to bring this legislation wise, unless people are familiar with Actually when the Bill was brought these particular areas, it is difficult forward on 7th April, 1959, we ex­Shri Pataskar, with the help of these pected that this would be passed by people, particularly these two State the last session Owing to certain re Governments, has shifted this evi­ asons, it has come over to this sessiondence (Interruptions) Therefore This should be the last session and it I say that there should not be any should not be postponed further demand to postpone this still further Secondly, there is an uncertain posi­ tion prevailing m the 300 and odd Shri N R Munlswamy Sir, I am villages which are to go over to opposing this adjournment motion Madras State and the 150 and odd vil­ tooth and nail on two grounds First­ lages which are to go over to the ly, the same reasons assigned by my Andhra State It is unfair to these friend Shri Bharucha may recoil on people to keep this pending Re­ him when the question of bilingual presentations have been received by Bombay State comes up It is a bad many of the organisations that it is precedent time that something is settled because the position now is that neither the Mr Deputy-Speaker He should not Madras Government nor the Andhra be frightened on that account Government are taking any steps for developmental activities of these par­ ticular areas I can give many in­ Shri N. B Munlswamy. Pandit stances Thakur Das Bhargava had given out reasons for reopening the issue But Hie third reason is that this borderwhat do people expect any one at us issue will probably work as a prece­here in this House to do? He bases dent to many of the border issues his arguments purely on legalistic which may come even later Here grounds and it may be very tenable certain principles have been accepted in a court of law Even here itmay by two State Governments Conti­ be regardedas acourt oflaw but still 7 »5 Af u c w r n d U k KARHKA. *#, M U (SAKA) oiid Madras 726 (Alteration of Boundaries)Bill w e must have a human approach and Shri Narashnhan: I am coming from take into account the people living m an area from where three villages go these villages. These disputes have from Madras to Andhra Strictly been pending long without settlement speaking, I am supposed to be a loser The developmental projects and other but mspite of that I would like this things have not been looked into My discussion not to be postponed Shri friend took exception to what the two Tangamam had stated that these should Chief Ministers have done and I think not be treated as mere chunks of he should not have mentioned the territory Lakhs of people are involv­ Chief Ministers of the two States ed and for the last so many years de­ These two Chief Ministers representvelopmental activities have not taken the ideas and have the confidence of place Roads are not built or even the people living there I do not repaired Bus routes are not given think any useful purpose would be Many other activities have come to a served by adjourning this (Inter­ stand-still on account of the limited ruptions ) He says that heavens are interest taken On behalf of the not going to fall if it is adjourned by people of either side, I plead that two days or ten days Still we must there should be a finality about these know that we defer the developmental things It will be like the doctor activities to that extent saying that the operation was per> formed successfully but the patient Shri Raghnnath Singh* I support was not there People want develop­ the motion for the adjournment of this mental activities to be undertaken debate for three reasons When Shri After all, the territories involved are Pataskar gave his award, there was small Therefore, I request for an no survey map Secondly, as far as early decision TTiere is an urgent census is concerned, how did he come necessity for this law being passed to the conclusion about the census and I also request that the appointed when there was no survey map and day may be fixed as soon as possible when there was no boundary of the villages Shri Basappa (Tiptur) My hon friend has said that there should be Mr Deputy-Speaker: It is not the a finality to these thmgs I say that maps that we are discussing now We finality will not come till the claims are discussing whether the discussionof Mysore to these areas are also should be postponed settled because

Shri Raghunath Singh: Yesterday, Mr Deputy-Speaker: We are not we received m Bulletin No 2 that the taking it up now map is hung on the wall in our Libr­ Shri B a sa p p a : I want to say that ary I have gone there to study the the award itself speaks of the trilin­ map It is a very big map and there gual border area Mr Pataskar says are nearly200 villages and we have to m the award and the triangular dis­ go through each and every village pute regarding the trilingual area can census be settled only at the instance of the three parties concerned So, I say that Mr. Deputy-Speaker: The hon this question is also intimately con­ Member has evidently been absent nected with it (Interruptions) from Delhi Otherwise, the map has been hanging there for a long time Mr Deputy-Speaker: Order, order We are not discussing it now What ShriKaghuoath Singh: Only yester­ does Mr Nath Pai want toBay 9 day it was given in the Bulletin 'Interruption*) It is very difficult to Shri Nath Pai: I was only drawing study these thmgs in two or three your attention that there is a specific days. Therefore, I support this motion and Members should confine motion. their remarks to that motion ft f Andhra Prvtaah IttnftMSfeR 1*69 and MhAtm JtB (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill Mr. Daffcty-Syeaker: I am also try­ these circumstances, we have not been ing to do it but sometimes I do fail in Suppressing any documents. We have my attempt. I had also some difficulty. got only Shri Pataskar’s award and the I would not be able to put it to the two memoranda from the two govern­ vote before 2.30. That was also my ments. As they are marked "confi­ difficulty and that is why I have al­ dential” they cannot be produced. lowed. Otherwise, I would have finish- ed this soon. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Who says they are confidential? It is for Shri Ranga: Sir, last time the the Speaker to decide or for the hon Speaker directed that all those do the purpose of eliciting opinion circumstances, it would not be propei thereon by the 30th November, to say that there was no proper map 1959 ” before him Su, I have heard with deep interest After all, the question of a map *s thi speech of the hon Minister while not so material as the question of th° moving his motion for consideration of laying of a boundary line So far as this Bill I am also aware that there the question of laving down of the is a gojd deal of confusion and I can­ boundary line was concerned theie not do full justice to this subject nor were only four inaccuraies which have arrive at a decided opinion for want of been corrected Under these circum­ necessary material stances I would submit that no use­ ful purpose would be served by post- I belong neither to Andhra nor to poinmg the debate As a number of Madras I come from Mvsorc and hon Members have pointed out the Mysore is sandwiched between Andhia work of development has been delaved and Madras It has intimate relation­ and there is a lot of suspense I would ship with both these States, both therefore, urge the hon Members not economic and cultural to ask for postponement Sir, looking at the Bill I feel .h> Shri Thlrumala Rao: I want to ask Andhra seems to be the greater one clarification with regard to this sufferer than Madras While Madras matter I would like to know whethei has to part with only 150 villages and Shri Pataskar asked the Andhra Gov­ 240 square miles of its territory, ernment to submit their map m ad­ Andhra has to hand over more than dition to the map prepared bv +he 450 square miles and more than 300 composite Madras Government pre­ villages So far as I am concerned — viously and the Andhra Government and I am sure that Js the case with did hot supply that map Is it not a many Members of this House—I have feet that Shri Pataskar arrived at hr, no personal knowledge of these vil­ ooneiartoft* wrihtat the map supplied lages or their location W e 7 11 Andhra Pra*uh NOV*MBBR U , 1099 «*tXodmM 73* 7 UAcrvtfon of Boundaries) Bill FShrt Mohammed Imam.] had to be guided by the relevant Mysore regarding Hirul and documents. We had to be guided by Madakasira and other regions. the maps But these are not made What I submit is, instead of available, and that is why Shn Nau* taking up these questions one by me, ahir Bharucha moved for the adjourn­ it would have been desirable to con­ ment of the consideration of this Bill sider all these boundaries at one time which was not accepted by the Govern­ and arrive at a decision. It would ment. have been the end of the trouble, so far as these border disputes are con­ 14 fan cerned. Mr. Deputy-Speaker: By the House. I know the original idea was that Shri Mohammed Imam: Yes, by Shn Pataskar should deal with the the House What I am concerned border question as regards Mysore and with is this Will this transfer be forMadras regarding Hosur and that he the convenience of the people who must also take into consideration the have been living under certain condi- border dispute between Andhra and Iran agw’ Oi, A wsypswe DAadras There were three parties, their statusor will it bring them any and that was the original understand­ fresh advantage? That is what we are ing Somehow, I do not know what concerned with. On this the Minister is the reason, Mysore was left out-of has not thrown any light this picture, though Mysore had strong claims for Hosur. Hosur is so near to This border dispute is not the only Bangalore; it is only 20 miles from ■one that concerns the State of Madras Bangalore Though it is the inclina­ and the State of Andhra. Between tion t>f a large number of people at these States there are other disputesHosur to join Mysore and though the also There is the dispute between joining of Hosur with Mysore would Mysore and Madras, and there is a have been advantageous administrati­ dispute between Mysore and Andhra vely and economically also, somehow, also. tJie Madras Government kept quiet An Hon. Member: Kerala and it was not referred to Shri Shri Mohammed Imam: I am not Pataskar So, instead of a tripartite conference, it became only a confer­ concerned with Kerala Kerala does ence, between two States—Andhra and not oome here though I am very Madras anxious about that. Mr. Deputy-Speaker: How does Shrt Tangamani: Because Mysore Mysore come in here? Is it only wras not in the composite State of because it is somewhat in between the Madras. States of Madras and Andhra? Start Mohammed Imam: Mysore Start Mohammed Imam: The original lias at dispute both with Madras and intention was to settle all the disputes Andhra. among the States of Madras, Mysore Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Does the hon and Andhra as regards the boundar­ Member intend to lay claim to some ies. of the villages that are being trans­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Let us speak ferred this way or that way? about the settlement that is now be­ Shri Mohammed Imam: Not in fore us. regard to these villages. What I submit is, we must give a finality as Shri Mohammed Imam: Instead of wag suggested by Shri Basappa. On taking up these questions one by one, Hosur, (here is a dispute between it would have been better to have Mysore and Madras. There issettled all these matters tram the point • dispute between Andhra and of view of administrative convenience 733 Atuibrp P ro &n h XARTZKA 28, 1481 05AXA) and Madras j i a (Alteration of Boundaries)Bill and the economic background also age, then their cflaims must be upheld. But that has not been done It is only on these two grounds that these villages have been proposed to So far as I am concerned, I am not be handed over I do not agree with aware what reaction this redistribution this view This procedure goes direct­ will have on the local Inhabitants of ly against the views and the princi­ the area It is true that the local ple!, laid down by the members of Chief Ministers have agreed to this the States Reorganisation Commission transfer It is also true that the con­ The States Reorganisation Committee cerned legislatures also have agreed lays down that at the most the taluk I do not know whether that agree­ should be taken as a unit, and m some ment was unanimous, and I am sure cases, the district must be taken as a there must have been dissidents m unit The Commission lays down that, both the legislatures But I am not apart from this, the administrative aware what reaction this will have on convenience, the cultural affinity and the people, whether it is to their dis­ the economic advantage must be the advantage or advantage I may sub­ guiding factors If any economic ad­ mit that we are not aware of the vantage is to be gained or if the ad­ views of the representatives who comc ministrative convenience is to be from the Chittoor district, for ex secured, then, I think we must allow ample, frrm our Speaker His views some latitude so far as the languages should have been most valuable, but or linguistic affinities are concerned anyhow, the Speaker has kept away from these discussions I may give you one instance as to how administrative difficulties will An Hon Member* He cannot speak be caused if we adhere to the only one principle of language I may give Shri Mohammed Imam: But he can you the instance of Rayadrug Raya- express his views Personally, I think drug is only 25 miles from Bellary that on such occasions, the Speaker A large number of people who speak may vacate the Chair and put you in both Kannada and Telegu are there the Chair and then come and sit along They had their cultural affinity wit with the Members and speak Bellary and their trade relationship Mr. Deputy-Speake*: He cannot do .with Bellarv and Chitaldrug and they that As long as he is inside the were quite happy After this reor­ House he must preside and nobody ganisation, Rayadrug, instead of the else can preside repeated requests, became part of Shri Mohammed Imam: Apart from Anantapur district Now, they have it, we do not know what is the re­ been suffering, because their distnct action of this redistribution on the headquarter lies nearly 80 or 90 miles villages 300 villages are sought toaway from their place To attend te be transferred from Andhra Per­courts and other official matters, they sonally, I think this is not the way of have to make a long journey of more settling a boundary dispute Vir than 80 to 90 miles Secondly, there tually, it would be transferring a big is the question of their economic re­ region, a big slice, from the Chittoor lationship with Bellary and Chital­ district to the Madras State Any drug That is the disadvantage To such transfer, I know, will have a day if the Government of India were great repercussion on the people I to ask them whether they are going do not like and I do not agree with to Mysore, Bellary or Anantapur, they tiie Pataskar Award Shn Pataskar will gladly say, “We are going to takes into consideration only one as­ Bellary*’, because it is to their ad­ pect, that is, the linguistic aspect vantage from all paints of view He lays down that a village To give another instance, take the should be taken as a unit He lays firka of Heriol, which was formerly ■down that if there are SI per cent of very near Bellary taluk It is only 12 the people who speak a certain langu- miles from Bellary It is an enclave  !MCGQ@ 0Q@CDRG (/6"HE"3ES SX LC -@CQ@ !KSDQ@SHNM @E "NTMC@QHDR  "HKK ;3GQH -NG@LLDC )L@L= @MC SGD QN@CSG@SQTMR EQNL"@MF@KNQD GD@CPT@QSDQ SGDX G@UD FNS SGDHQ NVM SN "DKK@QX QTMR 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KHUHMF D>BG@MFD AKDRRHMFR @MC VNQJ ENQ SGD HM SGNRD @QD@R .D@QKX  UHKK@FDR @QD BNLLNM FNNC /M SGD NSGDQ G@MC  HE FNHMF SN AD SQ@MREDQQDC -@XAD SGDX VED S@JD @QAHSQ@QX CDBHRHNMR  ) @L @QD UDQX MD@Q SN SGDHQ S@KTJ GD@Cc @ Q@HC VD VHKK MNS AD CNHMF @ M F N N C  PT@QSDQR ÑŅ SN SGD CHRSQHBS GD@CPT@H >DVHKKADRDSSHMFTO@MHMUHCHNTR SDQR @S #GHSSNNQ "TS HE SGDRD  UHK CRSHMBSHNM AX S@JHMF K@MFT@FD @KNMD K@FDR @QD FNHMF SN AD SQ@MREDQQDC SN >  VD @OOKX SGHR K@MFT@FD BQHSDQHNM -@CQ@R  VG@S VHKK AD SGDHQ ONRHSHNMii @KNMD VD VHKK G@UD SN CHRQTOS RN ) VNTKC KHJD SN JMNV GNV E@Q SGDX L@MU 3K@SDR &NH DW@LOKD S@JD SGD VHKK AD EQNL SGD S@KTJ GD@CPT@QSDQR +NK@Q 'NKC &HDKCR HM -XRNQD 0DQG@ORSGDX@QDFNHMFSNAD@CCDC SN #GLFKDOTS  4HQTSS@MH -Q $DOTSX3OD@JDQ 4VN LRS @QHDHR G@UD @KQD@CX ADDM FHUDM @MC 3GQH 4@MF@L@MH #GLFKDOTS CNDR SGDX @QD RTEEHBHDMS MNS BNLD L GDQD l 3GQH -NG@LLDC )L@L ) @L 3GQH -NG@LLDC )L@L 4GDQD L@X REHS@JH HF HM E@UNTQ NE -@CQ@R AD  ODQ BDMS NE 4@LHK NQ 4DKTFT ROD@JHMF ODNOKD ATS SG@S HR MNS 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RHCDR AX +@MM@C@ @QD@ )M SGD VQNMF ) @L RTQD SGD ODNOKD KHUHMF EHCCKD VD G@UD FNS @ 4@LHK BNKNMX HM SGN D  UHKK@FDR VHKK AD OTS SN IO  HE XNT @BBDOS SGD OQHMBHOKD K@HC TMSNKC RTEEDQHMF !ESDQ @KK  SGDX @QD nSVM HM SGD 0@S@RJ@Q @V@QC @BBTRSNLDC SN @BDQS@HMDRS@AKHRGDC 3ESQE KS@@E-TTQH 4GD OQHMBHOKD NEE OQ@BSHBD  FNHMF SN @  BDQS@HM S@KTJ >MSHFTESX @KRN BNLDR HM 95? Awihrto tttlesh P K A R T IK A 28,l«ei (SA K A ) and Madras 79g (Alteration of Boundaries) Btll Start I M u i M i Imam: I am that the Committee shall make a afraid this is a very bad, unhealthy report to tins House by the last day and a very dangerous move. You of the first week of the next ses­ will be giving a handle to other sion; States to rake up similar questions and the whole country will be dis­ rupted. Whatever good work was that in other respects the Rules done by the SRC and the Parliament of Procedure of this House relating will be undone and there would not to Parliamentary Committees will be any peace. On this ground, I apply with 3uch variations and submit that there is no hurry. We modifications as the Speaker may must take our own t’me Let the make; and Minister also collect all the mate­ rials and provide them to us by that that this House rccommends to time The most important thing is, Rajya Sabha that Rajya Sabha do I want to know the reactions of the join the said Joint Committee and people living m those areas. Till now communicate to this House the tiobody from that area has said that names of -members to be appointed he wants such a change Let us pro­ by Rajya !Sabha to the Joint Com­ ceed slowly and cautiously On this mittee ground, I sumbit that mj amendment be accepted. I also beg to support the amend­ Mr. Deputy-Speaker: The amend­ ment moved by the hon Member ment is before the House who preceded me This question of alteration of boundaries of States is Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I not a question which is only limited beg to move: in its application to the States whose boundaries are sought to be altered That the Andhra Pradesh and now. This is an all-India question, Madras (Alteration of Boundaries) in which if some principle is accept-* Bill, 1959, be referred to a Jointed, it will be regarded as something Committee of the Houses consisting which will apply to other parts of of 30 members, 20 from this House,India also We have seen how thmgs namely Dr M S Aney, Shri are moving In this House, so far as Harish Chandra Mathur, Shri Bombay was concerned, we know Mahavn Tyagi; Shri Hirendra Nath fully that the views of even the Mukerjee, Shn Radha Raman; Shn Home Minister and the Prime Min­ C R Basappa, Shn Suren dra ister, whom we respect so much, were Mahanty; Shri Raghunath Singh; not given effect to. I remember the Shn Indulal Kanaiyalal Yajnlk, day on which Shn Asoka Mehta, Shn Shn Upendra Nath Barman; Shn Patil and others spoke and the entire Ranbir Singh Chaudhun, Shn Nath House agreed with their views We Pai, Rani Manjula Devi; Shn Banarsi changed that Bill and 216 Members Prasad Jhunjhunwala, Shri Jagdish signed a representation to the Prime Awasthi; Shri K. P Kuttiknshnan Minister. Ultimately, the decision of TTair; Shri T. N Viswanatha Reddy; the 'Government did not prevail Shn N. R Muniswamy; Shri The decision of the Home Minister 33. N. -Datar and Pandit Thakur >Das and of the Prime Minister did not -Bhargava and 10 members from prevail, but the decision of the House Rajya Sabha; prevailed. That was, I should say, a red letter day in the history of this that in order to constitute a sit­ Parliament. As a matter of fact, the ting of the Joint Committee, the House realises its responsibility quorum shall be one-thirdat the •total mtmbfer of members of the -Wiri f u p H t i : That is also Joint Committee; going to be *evised. 739 Andhra Pndnh NOVfflI8 * » » , 10S0 m d (Alteration Boundaries)BfU Yuftdlt Tfcakur D«i Bhargava: The of a Chief Minister in regard to this House realises its responsibility andmatter As I submitted, under article even the views of Ministers are not S of the Constitution, Parliament and being respected II we want to revise Parliament alone can do this. again and revert to the old provin­ cial boundaries and accept the prin­ Shri Taagmmaai: The Legislature ciple of language as the guiding has passed a resolution, not only the factor, may I humbly ask why not agreement of the Chief Ministers. have Punjabi suba of Master Tara Singh’ Why not also have a Han- Pandit Thakar D u Bhargava: I yana suba7 Then you will only be think the hon Member will have bus inviting trouble Either you have a turn This is not the way of inter­ uniform policy of not changing the fering with the speech of a Member. boundaries or, if you want to have I know that I have seen their linguistic States, apply thel same speeches also Not that I do not formula to all States Why should know that But does my hon. friend you say to Master Tara Singh No, maintain that Legislatures have got Punjabi suba will not be given9 Why a right to influence Parliament, or say the same thing to the Hanana because they have passed a resolu­ people9 If we want to have linguistic tion, we are bound by it9 Does he States in this way, there is no reason maintain that9 Kindly see article 3 why we should favour Bombay or According to article 3, who are res­ Gujerat alone and not favour Punjab ponsible for alteration of boundaries and Hariyana I, for one, am against in States9 the division of this country I am 14.23 hrs for the unity of the country and, [Sh r i Ba r m a n tn the Chair] therefore, even when there was a demand for Hariayana I did not sup­ Shri Tangamam. I am aware of port that demand So far as Punjabi that suba is concerned, I have every sym­ pathy for my Sikh friends, but, at Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: the same time, I opposed their Then why iaice the question9 demand for the sake of the unity of Shri Tangamanl* I was only say­ the country Therefore, I will oppose ing that it is not only the Chief M n- the division of Bombay also I know isters but the Legislatures also that my voice will be a voice m the wilderness and I will not be heard Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: You But by this step you will be doing a are certainly not aware of the posi­ wrong thing which will disturb the tion If you are aware of it, you unity of the country If you think will not raise this You do not ap­ that the demands of Gujaratis or preciate the point So far as the Mahara citizen of this come to us, we will consider, this country has got the nght to approach House will consider the question, Parliament and express his view As keeping in view the views expressed a matter of fact, these alterations there But it is up to us to accept should not be made A Chief Minister or reject their views. cannot barter away chunk* of tern- 7 4 3 Andhra Pradesh NOVEMBER It, l«tf 74* (Akeretfcw of Boundaries} Bill [Pandit Thakur Dm Bhargava] tory When th« agreement about any sort of sanctity Who ate the principles was made, even the Legis­ affected people? These persons are lature was not consulted, also, when not the affected people Who will be the letter was addressed to the sent from Madras to Andhra and Madras Government by the Chief from Andhra to Madras9 They are Minister of Andhra the affected people They are the people who should have been asked If >ou go through the history of what to do Unless he was a person the Andhra affair, you will be pleas­ who was their representative, a legally ed to see that, as a matter of fact, appointed representative, he cannot the Andhra affair has got many vicis­ make any promise like that or agree situdes of fortune At one time in to barter territory Now suppose I 1948, when the thing was mooted in fight with Shn Narasimhan,—though the Constituent Assembly a com­ I will not fight—and say let us see mittee was appointed In 1949, a who survives9 Suppose we use arms partition committee consisting of re in the duel and he kills me What presentatives who were Ministers ofwould happen9 The person who kill* Andhra and Madras was appointed me will be hanged though there is an and all of them opined that Chittoor agreement that we will have a duel is an undisputed territory which and that nobody shall be brought to must lemain with Andhra That was book Still, the result will be that the their decision Also, when the state­ law will not recognise that agree­ ment was made by the hon Prime ment So if there is an agreement Minister m relation to Andhra, he which is of no value, does it band me9 also ?aid that these11 districts, in Have you shown me any agreement eluding Chittoor are undisputed, so stating that the people of these pro­ far as Andhra is concerned Even m- vinces ha\t agreed’ The Chief Min­ 1951, for nine months there was noisters came to conclusion and there- agitation even after the State was foie the people are bound by these inaugurated So, what I am submit­ principles9 No, not at all Who is ting is that things cropped . up in the Chief Minister to agree9 He is •course of time when different mtc nobody to agree rests come into play But, at the same time, to say that as a matter of In respect of this agreement, maj fact, certain persons are of this view I bring it to your notice that this -or that view is not proper very Chief Mimstei, it appears from Therefore, I may submit that so fat the award, disagreed and said many «fi these agreements are concerned, a time subsequently, “I do not want we have got the Contract Act and this Let the principles of the SRC ■we have got other Acts So, even the apply to all the disputed items in Prime Minister himself cannot pass Andhra, Madras, Mysore and Orissa” even one inch of our territory to He stated, “We want to be bound by another country We know what the SRC ” His statement was thb happened to Bern Ban in the case of and the Chief Minister’s statement the Nehru-Noon agreement People was not respected Why9 Because objected that even the Prime Min­ this Chief Minister gives a statement ister is not competent to do that, favourable to the side which wants What to speak of a Chief Minister A to Jj#*ve the aftaanttfe of it Tfeen, Chief Minister cannot barter away, do not say that the Chief or do anything which would have the said so effect of taking a big chunk of terri­ tory from one State to another Why were those people not bound Therefore,my humble submission is by the statement that he made sub­ that this agreement, whatever it w p , sequently? Therefore mar taMAfe was an agreement without ,jurisdic­ submission is that it is v n i p to tion; without authority and without attach any sanctity to the statement 745 A r Am Pnduh XAifcjl'iXA J8, Ittl ( 8 A K A ) and Bfadrot 746 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill of fte Chid! Mnwter so far as these The plan is here and I would respect­ persons are concerned But this is afully beg of you to call those plans long story. My hon friend, Shn as I am going to rely on those plans Tmotw, bas given us certain ideas and submit far your consideration about the SRC and I will take full that even according to those plans tune to read out from the SRC Re- the Pataskar award cannot stand for port There are principles of general a minute According to those plans application and how these persons which have been accepted by both have been affected by them But the Governments and by our Govern­ before I go to that I will try to con­ ment as well and according to the vince you as regards one aspect at very principles which Shn Pataskar least, namely, that thi* is a case m has accepted the situation is that at which this Bill cannot be accepted at least 125 villages must be retained all That aspect is this in Andhra or must go to Andhra out of these 318 villages I want you kindly to look at the plans You may A reference has been made by the kindly call for the plan and I will hon Home M nister to two maps— show and prove to you that even If one of 1935 and the other which has the plan be accepted there is no conti­ been subsequently made This one guity of Madras or there is contiguity is said to be the ‘eye skctch’ map of Andhra also I will go to the The two States agreed to that plan other parts of the question in due The Government relies on those two course but this first part I want to plans The third plan he said pre­ dispute and want to bring to your viously was not m existence but notice Those two other plans may be subsequently he had to admit that called for so that you may be able the third plan is also there It is the to appreciate what I am submitting. survey plan which was subsequently I want to have the attention of the made It was made under a parti­ House for a few minutes on this cular Act It is relevant under section point and I beg of the House to be 35 That plan now he has admitted, indulgent to me so that I may be able is there winch he has not yet brought to show to the House as to how the and does not propose to bring Let position stands him bring that I think, m fairness to this House in fairness to the country The one plan on which the Madras and in fa mess to the two lakh people He should not withhold that plan Government relies was preparedat the instance of the Madras Govern­ from the House It is entirely wrong ment in a very curiousway That to withhold that plan He should plan if shortened is fully contained in bring that plan and give the House the plan which I am holding in my that plan so that we may know how hand That plan is with the Govern­ the position stands with regard to ment also This is, as a matter of these areas, whether they should go fact a small edition of the plan on to Andhra or to Madras In the which Shn Pataskar relied absence of a survey plan my humble submission is, no boundary dispute Shri Tangamanl: May I know when can be settled It is impossible to was this map prepared by the Gov­ settle a boundary dispute of this ernment of Madras? dimension when 318 villages on one side and 151 villages on the other are Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: They affected without the survey plan prepared it for the purpose of this case They produced it before Shri Now, there was one survey plan of Pataskar This plan was placed 1935 The hon Minister has agreedbefore Shn Pataskar for deciding the that this survey plan does not relate dispute You will be pleased to see to all the villages which have been that this plan is contained m the affected hut only to a part of them. printed book, Censusof India, 1951 252 (Ai) L.SD.-6. 747 Andhra Pradesh NOVEMBER 19, U S «md. Madras 748 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill [Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava] Other plans Are also there but this la 1 congratulate Shri Pataskar for the the plan that I have got irom this enunciation of this principle in such a book. They are all printed by the strong language. But I only beg of Madras Government. Now this plan, this House to look to this principle I submit, is not in keeping with the and apply it in this case. Now, to other plan on which the Government start with, there is a village, No. 134 relies. The other plan which the in Pottur Taluk. That village has Government has produced is called been given to Madras but the situa­ the ‘eye-sketch’ plan which is signed tion of that village is shown abso­ by officers of both the Governments lutely wrongly in this plan which the according to the statement of the Madras Government prepared. Madras hon. Minister after Shri Pataskar Government produced this map before gave the award. But he says that Shri Pataskar and in it No. 134 is the Governments accepted the other shown as a village occupying much plan and only four discrepancies more area and the boundaries are were there. I am here to tell you different, whereas the real boundary that there are 82 mistakes in thiswas that No. 135 is contiguous, plan compared to that plan. A list which belongs to Andhra, to many of these 82 mistakes has been given other villages, specially No. 90. Now in Petition No. 35 which was present­ I do not know whether, unless the ed to this House by two Andhra map is before you, you will .be able people. That petition is here and 82 to appreciate what I am submitting. mistakes are stated there. I am here So, I will submit that all the maps to convince you with reference to that may be brought before you so that petition that these 82 mistakes are you may be pleased to understand quite clear and they can be sub­ what I am submitting. stantiated. You will take time if you go through those 82 mistakes and I Mr Chairman: I do not know whe­ do not propose to waste so much ther the maps can go into the proceed­ time of the House on those 82 mis­ ings Unless they go into the proceed­ takes taking them one by one. But ings, simply my seeing them will not at the same time I would respectfully help. ask the House to give me indulgence so that I can at least brine to the Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: The notice of the House ten cases out of maps are in the Library. Five maps those 82. So far as contiguity is have been produced by Government. concerned, the principle of contiguity has been accepted as one of the four Mr. Chairman: He can cite the principles on which both the States particulars by which it can be des­ agreed. In the words of Shri cribed. Pataskar, cont’euity is a matter which is absolutely inviolaWp The Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I last words of his award are these: must at least satisfy you that in regard to these ten cases the award “I am aware of the feelings is wrong, and that the map is wrong, and sentiments of the Government even on the basis of the map produced and oeoole of Andhra regarding by the Madras and Andhra Govern­ the Telusu areas in the taluk of ments subsequently on which our hon. Hosur. But it must be remember­ Minister relies. I want the hon. ed that in the matter of adlust- Minister’s attention as well as yours, ment of boundaries of States, the because I am sure I can convince the principle of contiguity must be hon. Minister that so far as these ten kept Inviolable. It would be cases are concerned, 125 villages must dangerous in the larger interests go to Andhra. So, I beg of the hon. of the nation to depart from this Minister to give me his undivided principle* attention for about five minutes. 949 AnSvra Pradeih KARTIKA 28,1881(SAKA) and Madras 750 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill Shri Datar: X am giving. I am there is no contiguity with Andhra. just trying to find out what he has I do not want your opinion. You can stated. reserve your opinion. I only want you to follow me. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava:Un­ less these two plans are before you, Shri Datar: I am following him you will not be able to follow me. very intently There are two plans. One is the eye sketch plan to which you were Pandit Thakur DasBhargava: That pleased to refer. is all I want. It has been said that on account of this 63, eight or nine Mr. Chairman: Is it the basis of villages have been given over to your argument that the principle of Madras, whereas the contiguity with contiguity has not been followed? Andhra is there. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Yes. Now I proceed to the second According to these two maps on which instance, in regard to 81. It is shown Government relies, there is no conti­ as south of 79 and 69, north of 101 guity, and these villages should not and 104, west of 82 and east of 101 be given to Madras. and 79 in the Madras plan. In the other map it is shown to be north of Mr. Chairman: You can refer to 101, to the south of 56, 58 and 59 and that and the hon. Minister will verify. west of 69 and east of 80. This 80 is one of the villages about Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: This which you have been pleased to say is the Madras plan, the bigger one is that both the Governments have sub­ based on this. This is a replica of mitted that it is wrongly shown. It that. The eye sketch plan is a short is wrongly shown in the plan. You plan. will find a note just beneath the eye sketch plan to the effect that 80 is The first point I am submitting is in wrongly shown. When it is rightly regard to village No 63, to the shown, it is adjacent to 81 which is a western side of Tiruttani Taluk in the Telugu majority area having conti­ plan In this plan which is before guity with a number of Telugu you 63 is shown as south of 53 andMajority villages, but it has been 65, north of 96, east of 62 and thepocketed and given away to Madras. hills and west of 64 and 65. Kindly This 81 has been given away to see this very situation in the eye Madras though it is contiguous to sketch plan There 63 is south of 64Andhra, and other villages also. This and 66, north of 79, e?st of the hills is the second example. and west of 56 and 80 Therefore, the location is not the same, nor are Kindly look at the third Village the boundaries the same. The effect No. 102 has been given to Madras. It is that villages 53, 65, 55, 64, 54 is and to the north of 103 in the Madras 66 have been pocketed though they plan, south of 101, east of 120 and are Telugu majority areas having west of 142 This 102 which is conti­ contiguity with 62. Sixtytwo is an guous to 80, and that very 80 has Andhra village and it has got conti­ been found to be wrong by both the nuity with all these vi’lsges,viz., 53, Governments, is in the other plan to 65, 55, 64. 5366 .and They are all the north of 103 and the hills, south continuous. If vou agree that 62 is of 80, east of 97 and west of 101 By an Andhra village, and it is an the wrong location of 102 which has a Andhra village, you can consult any­ Telugu majority and has contiguity body, It is shown as an Andhra with as many as 20 Telugu majority village then 53. 65, 55 64, 5466 and villages, the area has been proposed are all contiguous to 62. Thev have to be given away to Madras. If you been given to Madras on the plea that agree with me that there is this 75* AnkOtra Praduh XOVBUBX* Ig, v m 75* (Alteration of Boundaries) BiO [Pandit Thakur D u Bhargava] contiguity with Andhra so far as 102was rather severe in my complaint is concerned, these20 villages should and said something against him which not have been given to Madras. he may not have liked, but my real Then I come to 134, Gopalakrishna- complaint is that if the Puttur plan puram. It will be difficult for you had come here, which the Andhra to find it in those two plans, but I Pradesh Government have not sent, will give you an indication by which then the House would have been you will be perfectly convinced. It satisfied on seeing that 135 villages of is in Puttur Taluk and is wrongly Puttur are contiguous. Then, I shown in the Madras map showing TVould not have had this trouble of contiguity with 60 and 74. This is ftiaking so many appeals to my hon. very important. But according to the ftiend; he might kindly see for him­ survey plan, according to your eye self. If that plan had come here, then sketch plan also—in the eye sketch I would have shown that 135 is plan it is not given—by this wrong continguous to 90, and, therefore, location, more than 47 Telugu majori­ those 47 villages must remain in ty villages have been proposed to be Andhra Pradesh. gtfm? A?Xsdrtf. I beg of yatt A? Now, T sharf proceed to the sixth kindly verify this. The boundaries example, which is village No. 21, of this 134 and its area are shownI'hirumal Rajupet. My hon. friend will only in the Madras plan. As a matter he pleased to see that this is in the of fact, there is 135 which belongs Horth, just on the border. This is to Puttur. This 134 also belongs toshown in the Madras plan as south of Puttur. By virtue of this 134, they 4, and north of 19, east of 5 and west have made 47 villages into a pocket. Of 22, whereas in the eye-sketch plan, They say on all the four sides there this is shown south of 5 and 22, north are other villages of Madras. On the Of the Hills, east of 11 and 22 and three sides it is so. but on the fourth Vest of 23. You will be pleased to side this 134 is there. 134 is 4ee in that because of this wrong loca­ Madras as it is contended by the tion, village No 21 is proposed to be Madras people, then on all the four ftfven wrongly. 21 which is a Telugu- sides there are Madras villages, butJnaioritv area, and which has conti­ its dimensions are wrong, and it does nuity with a Telugu area is proposed not adioin 60 and 74. On the con­ to be given wrongly. If these trary. in this line 135 is there whichsketches are rectified, then 19 and 21 belongs to Andhra I have got other Will be retained in Andhra Pradesh plans with me whirh wHl prove this because they are contiguous to Andhra feet, but those other plans have not territory. been admitted bv mv hon friend so far. and. therefore, I am asking him Now, I shall proceed to the next to satisfy himself. I can satisfv him, Example. In the Madras plan, 97 is an* I can satisfvthe Hnuse through thown as south of 79, north of 120, those other plans hut at this stage. Vest of 101 and east of 80. In the I nee* not eo into them. I shall feye-sketch plan, it ig shown existing leave it to mv hon friend to ver'fv fcs south of 80, north of 96, west of for himself if 188 ndinins the Andhra101 an 120. and east of 119. There­ villages whinh have been given awav, fore, according to the eve-sketch plan, that i*. these 47 Andhra villages 47 is really a pocket for Andhra Pra­ whieh have heen given awsv. Herause desh. because on all the four sides, 90 Is contiguous to 185.—if thisAndhra villages are there; therefore, contention of mine is correct—there­ 97 ought to have been given to fore these 14 villages must be retained Andhra Pradesh because of its being in Andhra Pradesh. % pocket. But now, because of this If I am making anv complaint, mv. 'wrong location, what is the effect in hon. friend may kindly excuse me. I Regard to that small pocket of Andhra Andhra FratfWk KABT1XA. 28, 1881 (£AKA) Madrtu and r (Alteration o# Boundaries) BtU Pradesh? Villages Nos102, 101, 103, Shri Data;: The boundary is like 142, 186, 186, 186, 188,and 81 104, this. To the north of 207 is 206 To have been given to fiadras Since 97 its south is 247, to its east 228 and has been given, all these villages also to its west 193 have been given as a result of it, whereas, if you are satisfied that 97 Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava;Let must belong to Andhra Pradesh, and it be so, I do not mind, because my must be its pocket, because it is hon friend has only to see whether surrounded on all sides by Andhra this is contiguous to Andhra territory territory, then all these villages must in any of these places My contention be given to Andhra Pradesh If the is that it is contiguous to Andhra location had been rightly made, then area In the survey plan, 204 is 97 would not have been given to shown differently, by this wrong Madras In the Madras plan, 97 waslocation, 207 is made an island This shown ag contiguous to100 , whereas is a TeJugu majority area, having it is not so contiguous and is a pocket contiguity with Telugu-majonty vil­ of villages Nos 80, 120, 190, 196lages and Is it not contiguous to 204? It 99 .gif is contiguous, because, as the hon Minister has been pleased to point out, it is situated in one direction of I now proceed to the next instance 204 If 204 is in the Andhra area, Though there are as many as eighty- then it is certainly contiguous accord­ two examples yet I shall only give ing to my hon friend's contention ten examples As regards village also No 207,—it is somewhere in the mid­ dle, perhaps, it may be difficult to My contention is that if 204 is con­ find it, but m the Madras plan it tiguous to 207, then 207 is contigu­ can be easily found—it is shown as ous to Andhra areas, such as 96, 119, south of 206, north of 247, west of178 and 195 and other Telugu villag 228 and east of 193 m the Madrases So, this village should not have plan, in the other plan, 207 is shown been given This is Andhra area, existing as south of 204, 205, northand this is contiguous to Andhra of 246, west of 206, 208 and eastareas of 247 My hon friend may find it diffi­ cult to locate it because it is not so May I now proceed to the next prominently given, and it looks as if example? something is effaced there But if he could locate 206 and 208, it can be Shri Datar. My hon friend is re­ found I do not know whetnei my ferring to the other map? hon friend has been able to find it Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava; I have given both the boundaries I Shri Datar; In this map, north of may repeat if my hon fnetid likes 207 is 206. Shri Datar:Is my hon friend re­ Shri Ranga: That is in the earlier ferring to the eye-sketch map or the plan. survey map? Is he referring to the Tiruttani taluk map7 Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava:207 is shown existing as south of 204 and Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava:In 205 the Madras plan, 207 is shown as south of 206, north of 247, west of 228 and east of 193 In the eye- Shri Datar:204 is far above sketch plan, 207 is shown existing as south of 204 This 207 is shown as Pandit Thakur Daa Bhargava* 204 contiguous to 204, 96, 119 etc Is that and 288a n north of 207 correct or not? If 207 is contiguous 755 Andhra Pradesh NOVEMBER 19, 1959 and Madras756 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill [Pandit hakur Das Bhargava] Pandit Thakur Daa Bhargava: to any of these, namely 204, 96 and I stand corrected. 1 am subject to 119, then my point is established. I correction. I am making my need not go over the rest of it. Is statements on the basis of facts. 207 contiguous to 204 or not? Why should my hon. friend take offence at that? Shri Datar: My hon friend may kindly correct himself. 204 is far Shri Tangamani: I thought there away from 207 even in the eye- was a running commentary going on. sketch map. Shri Ranga: Anyhow the hon. Member is not exceeding the Si- Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Is it hour time-limit. not contiguous? Is there anything between the two? Stairi Palanlyandy; Is he speaking on the motion for adjournment as Shri Datar: 207 and 204 are farwell as on the Bill itself? away. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: I do not want a running comment­ Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava; To ary. say ‘far away’ is quite different. The point is whether their boundaries Mr Chairman: It is 3 pm now. adjoin or not We are only concern­ There is another Motion for discus­ ed with that sion on the Order Paper now The hon. Member can speak later when Shri Datar: They do not this subject will again be before the House. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: One may be a big village and the other Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: may be a small village, but the only Let me finish this part I will only question here is whether their boun­ quote three examples more daries adjoin or not Mr. Chairman: How much time it Shri Datar: They do not. will take? Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: All Four or five minutes But then I right, if my hon friend is not satis­ will not have finished my speech. fied, I shall proceed and make my submission again. Mr. Chairman: Yes. 15 hrs. Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Shri Tangamani: On a point of He was not prepared to consider 204 order. I would like to know whether as contiguous to 207. Therefore, he the hon. Minister is now making his is not satisfied I will make another reply as and when Pandit Thakur attempt and if he says I am not right, Das Bhargava is making his points I will accept it. Kindly see 292. It in his speech. is shown as south of 275, north of 311, east of 291 and west uf 301, Mr. Chairman: Re is trying to whereas in the eye-sketch plan it is verify what is stated. existing as south of 274, north of 291, east of hills and west of 281. Shri Datar: He specifically asked me as to whether what he was stat­ Shri Palanlyandy: If the hon Mem­ ing was correct. Only for that pur­ ber goes on at this rate, we do not pose I was speaking. know how long the discussion will take. •757 Andhra Pradeth KAKT1KA 28,1881(SAKA) and Madras 758 (Alteration of Boundaries) Bill Paadtt Thakur Das Bhargava: is a Telugu majority village having Is the hon. Membermy mentor? I contiguity with 274, 241 and 271. All do not know what is his objection. these are Telugu villages. If he says The hon. Minister is agreeable to that they are contiguous, I am satis­ what I am submitting. Why should fied. the hon. Member raise an objection? After all, every Member has a right I proceed to the next. Villages 15, to speak here. 14, 13, 28 and 25 are proposed to be given away to Madras, though they are Telugu-majonty areas having Shri Datar: Let the hon. Member complete contiguity with the Andhra correct himself. There is no ques­ area. Look at 15. It is shown as tion of my agreeing with what he south of Tiruttani Taluk border. You says I am merely trying to follow will see that the whole border is what he is saying. Tiruttani and the entire area is Tiruttani. It is north of 27, east of Pandit Thakur Das 'Bhargava: 13, and west of TRT Tk border. I am bringing this to his notice. Again, this exists as south of TRT I am not asking that he should agree border, m the sketch plan, north of with what all I am saying It is not 13 and 27, east of 12 and west of my case that he should say *a.l right’ TRT border. Therefore, clearly 13, to whatever say. I do not want 14 and 25 are contiguous to 15 which that. is on the Puttur border. The Puttur border is all Andhra. Shri Tangamani; Parliament has become a Supreme Court. Now, I come to the last.

Pandit Thaknr Das Bhargava: Shri N. R. Munlswamy: He may If Parliament has become a Supreme continue next time. Court, Parliament has not lost. I have even heaid Members say that Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava:This I am speaking as if in a couit. Court is the last example. is not such a bad thing that people should deprecate. Members should On the eastern side, there are two know their duty. We are not here villages, 129 and 150. This is very for deprecating the Supreme Court. important. This is a glaring instance. These are shown as contiguous in Shri N. R. Munlswamy: What the Madras plan, whereas in the about the next Motion on the Order other plan, the sketch plan, 132 inter­ Paper? venes and they are not contiguous. 132 is Andhra. The mistake is very Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: glaring. 129 and 150 are very much I do not know what the objection is apart. If you will, kindly see, they If they can quote some rule by which are not even near. This would re­ I am restrained from speaking, I can sult in retention of 132, 130 and 131 understand it. Otherwise, there is no in Andhra. point in taking objection to my speaking. Shri N. R. Munlswamy: There are only two hours for the other Motion. I was submitting about 292 which is shown as south of 275, north of Mr. Chairman:The hon. Member 311, east of 291 and west of 301.must stop now. He may continue Again in the other plan 292, is exist­ tomorrow. ing as south of 274—tnis is the most important thing—north of 291, east of Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava; If hills and west of 281. By this wrongmy hon. friends are so impatient,do I location, 292is made an island. This not want to tire their patience. Z MetfW 'M : N O v m & B R 19,18)8 ReportafG am odar j $ q Volley Corporation [Pandi bakur Das Bhargava] administration, and the audit report thereon. I may be permitted to deal will take more time tomorrow when with these two aspects in a compre­ the subject comes up. There are hensive way in the order in which I only two examples more which I choose. wanted to give.

Shri D. C. Sharma: How many On the whole, this Report is a long hours more does the hon. Member one and many of us are exercised require? over the real administration of this Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: Ac­ Corporation. My object in moving cording to the rules, when a Bill is this Mouon is only to pinpoint some under discussion, every Member is ataspects and problems that are facing perfect liberty to go on independent­ us so as to draw the attention of the House to them and see that these ly. things are not repeated. Shri N. R. Mnnlswamy: But the other Motion is there. With regard to administration, for Pandit Thakur Das Bhargava: a period of two years—if I remember When the Chair has permitted me aright from November 1956 to Febru­ to speak, I do not know what objec­ ary 1958—there was no Secretary for tion hon. Members can have to my this Corporation. The reason as«igned speaking. II they are not willing to was that no suitable successor was hear me, I shall sit down. I will available to the previous incumbent. continue tomorrow. As such, an Additional Secretary was appointed to act on behalf of the Sec­ Shri Palanlyandy: Bhargavaji may retary for a period of 16 months. The fo on speaking till the Madras gets appointment of a Joint Secretary for Thirupati. or Additional Secretary arises only when there is a Secretary. Even Mr. Chairman: The hon. Member without the existence of a Secretary, may continue tomorrow. an Additional Secretary was appoint­ ed to dischare the functions of the Secretary m his own wav. It is an autonomous corporation 15.08 h n . handling as much as Rs. 130 croras. It is a deplorable situation that there MOTION re: REPORT OF DAMODAR has been no Secretary during the VALLEY CORPORATION period I mentioned I do not mean to say that the Additional Secretary bas not done his job properly. He has Shri N. R . Muniswamy (Vellore): done yeoman’s service. But the light­ Mr. Chairman, Sir, I beg to move: ning and thunder that would be attached to Secretary would not be "TRiat this House takes note of there. the Annual Report of the Damo- dar Valley Corporation for the year 1957-58, laid on the Table The question of headquarters has of the House on the 29th August been exercising the attention of many 1959.” hon. Members here as also the parti* cipating Governments and they wanted This Annual Report covers various the headquarters to be shifted from points. I may be permitted to say at Calcutta to the valley. Some reasons the start that it covers mainly two were given by the DVC not to shift it aspects, that is, with regard to the from where it is but notm a of them yfit M otion ms K A B X X K A 28, 1881(8A K A ) Report of tiamodar 76% Valley Corporation J» convincing, it h u been pending there was a possibility of releasing lor mare than several years and so amore water and so they must ta&e suitable place should, be located in precautionary measures by shifting the valley. At least now, the Gov­ themselves to safe grounds. There­ ernment should take the responsibility by, the loss is not avoided. There­ of it to the valley where the fore, new risks and new problems work is done. Calcutta is no have been created for the Govern­ doubt a premier city and everybody ment to look to. When the Corpora­ wants to be there but work is not tion issues such warnings to tne done at Calcutta and they are also people, it indicates something else not willing to go to the mofussil area also It would possibly hint that They can have very good supervision some other storage capacity has to over the entire administration it the be provided or some upper catchment headquarters are shifted to the valley. area and to be developed to tackle the new situation that has arisen as a The three major objects with which result of these floods. Even in the this Corporation was brought in Hirakud Dam, when the water could were: Sooti control, irrigation and not be contained because of fresh power. When we examine it with water inflow on account of rains, they reference to these, it is a sorry tale.had to deepen the lower channels so So far as flood control is concerned, that they can accommodate larger it has not done its job properly. inflow of water. Similarly, in the There had been unprecedented floods DVC also, dams had been constructed. m bepumber this year There was a When water fiom the tributaries and new risk of inundation on account of also fresh rain water comes in . nor do I want to make any that there should be a high |»ower carping cr’ticism. I realise in any commission. It should be appo nted v/o^k that human beings do, there are immediately. I do not know why tpings that go wrong and when we there is so much delav in appointing point out every detail it is not always such a commission. That comm ssion a quite fair and factual picture. Should also Include fome members Nevertheless, there are certain import- who wou’d not be technical experts ana things on which we have to focus or engineers, but who would have 0ur attention. sufficient scientific or technical back­ I do not agree with the last ground to understand things. speaker in saymg, nor am I so cer­ Shri C. K. Bhattacharya: If he tain about it as he is, that all the would permit me to interrupt, let dams that have been built are not there be a committee of experts and going to be of any sort of use at all. non-experts. 1 'he contention made by the DVC Shri Tridib Kumar Chandhuri: I authorities that if during the time of entirely agree. I agree, but let it tJie floods, the dams had not been not merely be a committee of ex­ tJiere. the floods might have been of perts to go into what the experts rtiuch greater intensity, is probably have done, because ultimately crow correct I am not contending against does not take crow's meat, and that many of these things, but, at the way everybody would be exonerated, 8ame time, I have with infinite re­ ■777 Motion re: K A R T IK A 28, 1881(SAKA) Report of Damodar 778 Valley Corporation gret to bring up certain points. And rate, with the result that those crops the first of these points I bring up which had not been destroyed till from the audit report itself. then were destroyed at that time as The audit report has pointed out a result of this. that in the interests of saving, of I do not agree with the last speaker course, that certain drawings were that all the crops were destroyed in made of a bridge and an aqueduct these districts and that all that which were wrong and, therefore, had happened was the fault of the to foe changed later. Audit has pointed DVC, but I do claim that the this-out because some expenditure DVC authorities did not exercise went wrong. But I am pointing this their foresight; they did not let .this out because it is a very serious matter,water out at a more even flow that the drawings should go wrong. earlier. When the waters were let Luckily, the mistake was discovered out, I think warnings came on the before the actual aqueduct was built; 1st of October and on the 2nd of but supposing there is no proper October, but by the third, the inten­ caution in these things, and tht> sity of the discharge was reduced. drawings go wrong, and something is But by the 3rd of October the crops built in such a way that it does not which had not been destroyed till fulfil its purpose, then it is a very then were destroyed. I had gone via serious matter, and that is what I Burdwan to Nabadwip at that time, would like to bring it to the noticc of and I saw with my own eyes how the DVC authorities as well as of crops were destroyed; crops which the Central Government. were standing in spite of what had Now, I come to the main point happened up to the 30th September which I would like to emphasise, and wf.-re destroyed by the 3rd. I do say that is in regard to the terrible suffer­that the DVC authorities are respon­ ing that has been caused as a result, sible for this. This matter needs oi' the intensity with which the DVC thorough investigation. Did not the waters were let out during the recent meteorological unit inform them in floods in West Bengal. time? They gave warnings on the 1st, I understand, and the annual re­ but why did they not let out the waters port also mentions, that there is a in the second week of September? meteorological unit attached to the This is a very important matter which DVC with certain «-peclfic functions, needs examination. wbi>.-h include scrutiny and tabula­ I am not an expert on dams, and tion of meteorological and climatolo- I do not want to say that the dams pical data according to the require­ have been built wrongly or anything ments of the DVC and the analysis of that kind. That is not my point, of weather charts etc. and that is not my contention. But 1 I would like to point out that it do agree with Shri C. K. Bhatta­ must have been pretty obvious to charya that not only the DVC matter them by the second week of Septem­ but the entire flood control system ber that the dams and reservoirs werefor the rivers in West Bengal has to full. This must have been within the be looked into J|poper]y by experts knowledge of the meteorological and others. But I do not say that experts. The intensity of the rains these floods were the fault of the had also been very great in West DVC entirely. Obviously, they are not Bengal, and people had suffered the fault of the DVC. Perhaps if the tremendously. So, why was not this DVC dams had not been there, most water let out at an easier flow at that likely, as the experts say, the dis­ time? Why did they wait till the first charge would have been over eight of October? By that time, the cyclone million cusecs instead of over four had come, and the floods were of much million cusecs. But that is not the greater intensity, and they had to point The point is that they did let out the water at a tremendous not cany out their duties. That was 252 (Ai) L.S.D.—T. 779 Monan re: NOVlilBBB jg p Report a f b aim itr •fiat Valley Corponrto* [Shrimati Renuka Ray] a matter of Judgment where they and wait even after danger point i* failed. That is the first thing. Reached and then the answer is that U hrs. they did not know, when the people of West Bengal knew that, in any Secondly, obviously the dams are case, the filings were in a bad way. not sufficient whatever they are, to deal with an unprecedented flood. Shri H. N. Mnkerjee (Calcutta- Thirdly, it is not only the DVC area Central): Mr. Chairman, I have no that is involved. Up till today no desire to be captious, particularly* attempt has been made to control the because the DVC is one of the prise Bhagirathi and the Farraka Barrage pieces of our planning and we all Scheme has not yet gone beyond the wish it well. But the country has stage of paper consideration. It is received, for the second time and in because of that that we are in this a greater measure, a terrible shock plight. The Ajoy river is also silting and disillusionment about the capa*- up. Then there is the Roopnaraynn cities of DVC. river The whole thing needs to be I have here a government publica­ looked into. Something has got to be tion distributed to us in 1957 which, done on all these.tx>ints. said that when the Panchet Hill Dam An Hon. Member: Ajoy river. 'was completed, it would assure the Lower Damodar Valley of “complete Shrimati Renuka Ray: I mention­ protection” against floods. This is an ed that Then there is the Bhagirathi bverment made in a government and Roopnarayan. The Mayurakshi is publication. Very grave disillusion­ also there; of course, they have done ment has followed and that is why something there. But it is mainly When the Prime Minister went to these rivers. I understand that there balcutta, he noticed the anger of the has to be a canal,—I am not an expert, people in regard to the dams and he —between the Damodar and the Ajoy. spoke about his own allergy thereto. All these things have got to be done But I am grieved to notice that even as soon as possible and I do hope that the Prime Minister’s own suggestions they will be taken up. Wiade after the floods of 1956 have not It is a great pity that it was been implemented by the powers that because the main flood caused by the fact that the Bhagirathi has not been I feel that there is somethingvery controlled at all by reason of the wrong in the working of the DVC. lack of the Ganga Barrage coming up Actually in regard to costs, I leam that this unprecen dented flood took .that the original estimate by Mr. place. There is no time to describe Voorduin in regard tv the cost of the to this House, to the Members who tour dams on the basis of the alterna­ were not there, what terrible misery tive structure theory was about Rs. 15 the people there have gone through, fcrores, while actually it went up to how many homes have collapsed in -Rs. 41 crores and more. Now, the jmany areas, not only in Kandfci, about prices of thmgs had certainly increas­ which Shri Tridib Kumar Chaudhuri ed. But that is not perhaps the knows well, but in many other parts, whole explanation. in the Murshidabad district, in In the administration again, I find Nandia, in 9 districts of West Bengal. that in 1957 when in this House Shri hope that the hon. Minister b. K. Bhattacharya and I had asked will take some action. I do Questions about financial irregularities think that it is a terrible fault on the which were exposed in the paper* of the DVC in having let the With photostat copies, the then Minis- waters at that intensity. Some ]ter just dismissed those charges. And action should be taken so that this ]we find that the financial report h en is jiot repeated. This sort of looks. askance at the expenditureat complacency will not da They wait Rs. 78,288, which was the cost and 7& I Moffo* ». KABTTKA 28,1881(SAKA) Report of Damodar 782 Valiev Corporation otter expenditure on certain boats been defective alignment on the part purchased from Patiala, for God of the DVC It is a very serious posi­ Iptows what reason Sir, I find in the tion which has go* to be corrected as administration, the official element is soon as ever it can be done now entirely in the ascendant and finee the death of the late lamented Phulan Prasad Varma, no non-official Plannmg implies co-ordination of is there at all in the directing coun­ requirements and possibilities but sels of the DVC I do not wish to that seems to be completely absent in make any aspersion on officials as the DVC Irrigation, power-genera- such I find it difficult to believe, tion and flood control are the three though I understand Mr Chaudhuri's objectives but they seem to pull in sentiment, that officials can be so per* different directions Let there be an verse as to produce a flood and have impartial investigation I add my a man-made flood and that sort of voice to the voices already raised thing I do not wish to make any against what has happened so that we aspersions on them but at the same can find out what exactly took place time their ways of work and their Is it possible to rely only on monsoon capacity of responding to public rain and provide for all these three sentiment and public requirements needs* Why is it that the DVC’s are very inadequate There is no meteorolgical unit is so very much at doubt about it That is why I feel fault9 The Press had reported and that when the recent flood devasta­ the DVC s General Manager had tion took place in West Bengal affec­ admitted that the meteorological ting nearly five million people, a reports could not be communicated in terrible disillusionment has come over time because the posts and telegraph our country and something has got to communications had been disrupted be done about it In 1956, the But elsewhere in the world for any Flood Enquiry Committee had comparable undertaking, such a cor­ stressed the urgency of improving and poration would have its independent subsequently maintaining the existing system of communication drainage channels It also suggested other long-term and short-term measures but Government has not moved Mr Voorduin had originally The matter has been mooted and I recommended that the original chan­ wish to add my voice to this point nels should be flushed and kept deep that the operation of the reservoirs but that suggestion was not imple­ has shown, according to all accounts mented Therefore, the main drainage which have came to us—much has channels which now are the Bhagi- been withheld from us—a great deal rathi-Hooghly system including the of defect Possibly there is some bias Jalangi, Mayurakshi and Dwaraka m the mmds of the people who are system, the Ajoy with its tributaries, there in favour of hydro-electric the lower Damodar with its spill generation Possibly, the electricity channels and the Darukeshar, the Rup- department interfered with the reser­ narain with its tributaries and the voir operation on the ground of Bubamarekha—all these have got to increasing hydel-generation dunng be taken into consideration if we are the dry period This point has been going to repair the damaged which the mentioned by Mr Chaudhun very D C V in its inefficiency has produced strongly I wish the Minister to consider why is it that even though it is not provided for in In any scheme of flood control the water management plan drawn up again, the proper training of the by the DVC in 1958 on the recom­ Bhagirathi-Hooghly river system and mendation of an expert committee, the regular maintenance of its drain­ even though it is not provided for, age capacity are of the utmost impor­ why is it that the electricity depart­ tance But we find that even in ment interfered with the reservoir regard to its own canals there has operations and monkeyed about with 783 Motion re: NOVEMB ER IS, 1959 Report of Damodar 784 Valley Corporation [Shri H. N. Mukerjee] the flood cushion idea, on the ground Therefore, I feel that the problem of an increasing .hydel-generation has got to be examined very seriously during the dry period. This is why I by experts mainly but surely with the feel that Government has to take a assistance of non-oflicial elements, very serious view of the situation, and the idea should be accepted by and the way Members of the House Government that the DVC’s acta of have spoken so far surely should omission and commission can only be make Govcrnnvjnt fee) That very rectified when there is a really con­ strong steps are in requisition. structive basin-wise approach to the whole question. I find a great deal of talk about Ayar Dam, and an impression is being The momentum of flood discharge, I sought 1o be creatcd that when the read in an engineering article, is a Ayar Dam is constructed after wast­ function of slow and mean hydraulic ing a few crores of rupees, everything radius, and on this ground the Damo­ would be lovely in the garden. dar and Rupnarain floods are far Perhaps, Sir, the Ayar Dam will do greater in momentum than the Bhagi- some good, but it will not be enough. ralhi floods. Pending construction of It will not be enough because I find I the Ganga Barrage— and even, per­ can reinforce my arguments from haps, after the construction, because what my hon. friend the Deputy the Barrage may not bring all the Minister himself said in an interview fruits we are hoping for—it is* neces­ with Yojana, the Government periodi­ sary to do someihing to see that the cal. He said that the experience so lo w e r Hooghly which is getting far gained m India has brought out choked up is improved. The lower forcibly the importance of “an inte­ Hooghlv is getting chocked up for grated basin-wise approach to the lack of flushing action which the problem of flood control.” He also Bhiimathi floods alone cannot pro­ said that a step taken at one place to vide It was once speculated by an solve a local problem might have eminent engineer that perhaps King serious repercussions downstream Bhaginth or deliberately diverted even upstream—a very sound idea I Damodar at right angles at Jamalpur wish him to slick to this and not to to pour its floods into lower Hooghly think only of one isolated dam which to keep the mouth clean of silt. some engineers are suggesting for. God knows what, reasons of their My hon. friend the Deputy Minister own. has told us in Parliament, referring to the report of Ihe Lower Damodar The Ayar Dam, of course, might be Investigation Committee, that the idea a good thing, and if it is a necessary is to fUi->h through the waters of the thing let it be constructed. The Rupnarain and Damodar the route Farakka Barrage which has been in from Calcutta down to the sea so that the offing for so long has been dang­ all the problems which are now link­ led like a carrot before the asses, soed up not only with the floods, not to speak, of this country. I hope the only with the DVC operations but Farakka Barrage turns out to be with the entire future of Calcutta something of a reality in the future, Port and the economy of a large part as soon as ever that is possible. Butof our country, might very well be they seem to be sops given by Gov­ tacklcd. ernment to the life and economy of the people of West Bengal; not only I feel, therefore, that an integrated of West Bengal but the whole of approach to the problem is necessary. India, because Damodar Valley is the Government should realise that there Buhr of this country and if West is great anger in West Bengal over Bengal dies who lives in the rest of what is considered to be the default India? of DVC Government should find Motion re: KARTIKA 28, 1881 (SAKA) Report of Damodar Valley Corporation out what exactly was done in regard pe<>ple as to why we have spent so to the reservoir operation. Govern- much of our hard-earned money on ment should do away with any special this project, because from no aspect bias in favour of hydro-electric the project can be called a success. generation if that goes against the We know the origin of this project. whole idea of a multi-purpose project. Therefore, Government should accept Other speakers have stated tliat the experts have committed mistakes but the demand voiced in this House by different parties in regard to the in this case, I submit that even ' the formation of an enquiry committee expert's recommendations have not consisting of experts as well as non- been accepted nor implemented. The original planner was the Chief officials. Engineer of the Tennessee Valley Shri Aurobindo Ghosal (Uluberia): Authority, Mr. Voorduin. His main Mr. Chairman, Sir, when the DVC recommendations were five-fold. project was started it was declared Firstly, construction of eight reser- and we also hoped that Damodar the voirs at Maithon, Konar, Tilaiya, river of sorrow will be transfo;med Panchet, Belpahari or Deolbhari, into Damodar, the river of prosperity. Bokaro, Ayar and Bermo. The capa- But during the last 11 years of our city of holding water of these reser- experience, we have found that, as voirs was said to be one million has already been stated by Shri cusecs. Secondly, there was the Tridib Kumar Chaudhuri, this project recommendation to set up eight hydel added woe and misery to the peo- power stations at these reservoirs ple who were expecting prosperity in with a total capacity of producing the near future. Unfortunately or power to the extent of 2 lakh kilo- fortunately, tht: whole of the lower watts. The third recommendation Damodar passes through my constitu- was the setting up of only one ency. With the last two floods the thermal pGwer station at Bokaro one in 1956 and the other during this which will produce power to the year, about three-fourth of my consti- extent of 1,50,000 kw. The fourth tuency has been washed away by recommendation was that he estimat- these floods. In the beginning, the ed that it would be possible to supply people were so much assured that irrigation water for 7,60,000 acres of three-fold purposes would be served land. Fifthly, he recommended that by this project, namely, that flood will the lower Damodar should be excava- be controlled, water-supply fQr irri- ted and dredged for maintaining the gation will be made and that power normal flow of water all the year will be produced. Now we are to see round for purposes of navigation and how many of these three purposes irrigation. Of course there are other have been fulfilled. Already, the pre- minor recommendati~ns also. These vious speakers have stated that recommendations were not only niether water for irrigation could be examined and approved by two Unit- supplied as we promised earlier, nor ed States experts but also by Indian the floods could be controlled nor engineers like Shri Khosla and Shri have the people got any interest in Narasimhan. In pursuance .of this the power produced. the DVC Act was passed in 1948. But, in the last 11 There have been two great floods years, from 1948 to 1959, much change already in the Damodar-one in 1956 has been made in these original and the other this year. These floods recommendations and schemes. have created such a havoc in this area The main non-implementations are that not only the common man is these: firstly, only four reservoirs getting furious day after day but even were set up instead of the eight as the experts and engineers have begun recommended. The present capacity thinking whether the DVC project of holding water of these four reser- has failed utterly. So, a doubt has voirs is 6,50,000 cusecs. Secondly, the naturally arisen in the minds of the lower Damodar has neither been 7 8 7 Motion re: NOVEMBER 18,1989Report of Xhmotor 7 8 8 Valiev Corporation [Shn Aurobindo Qhosal] excavated nor dredged as a result of electric plants and only one thermal which the lower Damodar remains plant. He recommended it, because completely dry for about eight of lower capital cost of additional months in the year capacity installation at hydro-electric stations as compared to thermal In para 13 of the Data Book of stations, as well as lower operating June, 1956 of the DVC, the DVC costs, the installation of thermal themselves have stated or admitted plants should be kept to a minimum, thus: consistent with the requirements for “It follows that the four dams continuity of service will not guarantee complete pro­ I do not know why the change* tection from floods”. from the original recommendations It has been admitted by them that the have been made In the case of bed of the river has not even the power also, I beg to submit that capacity of holding any water even power is not given to small industries though its volume has reached to2'5 or village industries at cheap rates lakh cusecs near Rundia like T V A power, but it is being com* pletely utilised by the big capitalists The present capacity of the lower and industrialists who are allowed to Damodar to carry water is only make more profits out of it DVC has 2.75.000 cusocs If this 2 5 lakhbeen turned into the electricity cor­ cusecs of water is added with the poration DVC sells power to the water of the lower Damodar, there is CEC at 1 anna per unit, whereas the bound to be flood in almost every CEC, a middleman, a foreign com­ rainy season The holding capacity of pany, sells it to the customers at 4 the waters of these 4 reservoirs annas at per unit Even then DVC present is 15,90,000 acre ft If makes Ihe a huge profit. Even Mr. minimum quantity of water, which Voordum said m the beginning. shall be always retained m these reservoirs, which is 5,99,0001^ acre ft “If the proceeds of these com­ excluded, only 9,93,000 acre ft of modities were allowed eventually water is available for main­ to find their way into the hands taining the regular flow in of a few operators, the population the Damodar river, whereas of the area will not be benefited Mr, Voordum has recommended in and the purpose of the develop­ his estimate to keep 22,70,000 acre ftment would be largely defeated" to maintain regular flow in the lower Damodar On the other, although Now that has come true after 11 Mr Voordum estimated to have years 15.90.000 acre ft for irrigating 7,60,000 acres of land, the DVC authorities So, I request the Government to set have mcreased it to 10,44,000 acresup a high commission for making an Mr. Voordum estimated the water for inquiry not only into the DVC pro­ paddy cultivation and rabi crops, but jects, but also into the conditions of the DVC authorities have extended it all the rivers of West Bengal, which to double cropping, even with this have jointly brought this havoc to the low volume of water people of West Bengal Let the peo­ Even the hon Irrigation Minister of ple know that their hard-earned West Bengal, Mr Ajoy . money has been spent properly. has already admitted that if there is drought for2 consecutive years, it will Shri A C Gnha (Barasat): Sir, I not be possible for the DVC to supply still recollect the resounding words water for irrigation. Regarding the with which the then Minister, Shri production of power by hydro-electnc Gadgil, finished his peroration over plants and thermal plants, he recom­ the passing of this Bill He assured mended for the setting up of8 hydro* us that “milk and honey would flow fg p 2&otim»: KAB7IKA 28,1881(.SAKA) Report of Damodar 790 Valley Corporation down the rivet Damodar and its As far the other thmgs, the main tributaries”- After 11 yean, I sadlyachievement of the DVC after these admit that the people of West Bengal eleven years is only the power fiave been awfully disappointed supply. But for that I do not think regarding the performance of the a river valley scheme is necessary. SVC ia improving the economic con­ Out of 1,74,000 kw. of power supplied dition of either West Bengal or of the by the DVC, about 60,000 kw. come DVC basin. Much has been said by from the hydel power and more than several Members about the responsi­1,10,000 kw. comes from the thermal bility of the D VC so far as preventing plant For a thermal plant, a river 4he floods of this year at least is con­ valley scheme is not necessary. Even cerned. As pointed out even by the the Calcutta Electricity Supply Cor­ Minister of Irrigation, this year the poration or any other Electricity Sup­ floods have been unprecedented in ply corporation can do that. The DVC living memory. It requires a real en­ has not taken appropriate interest in quiry, a very high-powered enquiry to developing hydel power m that look into the responsibility of the DVC region and find out how far the dams over the rivers and tributaries of the DVC Then, as has been pointed out by .Mayobrakshi were responsible formy friend who preceded me, this aggravating the damages this year power also is not being utilized for the After having spent about 117 croresdevelopment of local industries, parti­ of money I only wish that it would cularly small-scale industries. Power not deserve all the blame and, all the is given to big companies like Tatas,

There cannot be any profit at all on It has been stated by the hon. Mover of this Resolution, Shri Swarny, flood control and there the West Bengal Government's investment is. that the headquarters be shifted from Calcutta to the operation area. I do near about Rs. 22 crores.. Then tor not understand as to what is the parti- irrigation also, I do not think there cular point in that. Calcutta, 'I know, is any prospect of any profit in the is over-populated. There are other near future. So there also the West difficulties also in Calcutta. But I am Bengal Government would not get any sure the other places suggested would share. The profit is coming only from power and that also uptil now would be more inconvenient for the offices to operate from than Calcutta.. I think not be more than Rs. 1 crore annually, the Government should not come to that is, net profit. So I cannot under- any hasty decision on any impulsive stand wherefrom the West Bengal motives, but they should carefully Government can repay the loan which judge the issue as to where the head- it has taken from the' Central Gov- quarters should continue to be. Cal- ernment for making its contribution to cutta is surely the most suitable place this Corporation. If the West Bengal from many points of view. Government demands some control and authority over the management of the In this respect I should like also to DVC it is quite justified. 'It has con- submit that I find that there has been tributed about 60 per cent, or more an impression in this House that the than that, of its capital. Any asset West Bengal Government has been that would be created out of this- making undue demands. Of the total investment will not accrue to the investment of Rs. 117 crores, I think West Bengal Government but win the contribution of West Bengal is vest with the Corporation and the Cor- Rs. 67 crores, the contribution of the poration is not expected to make any Central Government is only Rs. 28 profit in the near future. This is a' crores and the contribution of the very dismal picture for the West Bihar Government is Rs. 21 crores .. Bengal Government and I think· the West Bengal has made more than 50 House will also take into consideration per cent of the total contribution. So, that aspect when any suggestion about if West Bengal makes some claim for the financial responsibility 'of the con- the control of the DVC, 'I think that is tributing Government is made in this- not quite unjustified. House.

According to the provisions of the Mr. Chairman: I think the hon; Act all assets created by the DVC Member has finished'. 793 Jjfoiipn re: K A R T IK A 28, 1881 (S AReport K A ) of Damodar 794 Valley Corporation Shri A. C. Guha: Yes, I think 1 have myself had been 10 Calcutta and also finished. I have nothing more to say to certain flood-stricken areas and seen except one point. some things there. The conditions were very acute, and1 expressed my The annual interest charged is being feelings on the spot also speaking paid by the Corporation at the rate of before ihe persons who had gathered more than Rs. 5 crores and the Cen­ there. So, i share those feelings which tral Government is taking the interest the hon. Members have, and I assure from the Corporation. 1 do not know them that not only myself, but as they for how long it will be possible for already know, the Prime Minister, my the Corporation to pay this Rs. 5 Deputy Minister and this Ministry are crores annual interest without getting fully conscious of the situation and a similar amount from the Central the calamity which has befallen there, Government to repay the interest. and we are quite prepared always to The Corporation would not have any place every serv;ce at their disposal income of its own to pay the interest. and to do whatever is necessary to be That is also a serious thing which this done for the purpose of relieving the House should take into consideration conditions there. and the Government also should devise something to put the Corpora­ During the discussion certain points tion on a proper footing.. were- raised. Some things have been Mr. Chairman: The hon. Minister. said against the DVC. I got certain material and I tried to find out cer­ The Minister of Irrigation and tain things in the light of the points Power (Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim): which were indicated with the motion, You can give another Member an op­ but after hearing the speeches here portunity to speak if you want, I will I came to the conclusion that probably take shorter time. 1 need not go into all of them and say very much about each and every thing Mr. Chairman: I think the hon. which has been said here in this con­ Minister should speak now, because nection. What is at present working in the Mover olso will have to get some my mind is 011c proposal which has time for reply. been made during the discussion. That proposal relates to the setting of. up Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: I am pre­ a commission.. Had I not heard the pared to share.1 said I could take things which have been said here shorter time if another hon. Member probably 1 would have refused the wanted to say something. request point blank without any fur­ ther consideration, but now I feel that An Hon. Member: We want your I should get an opportunity to under­ reply. stand what has been stated here. Shri Goray (Poona): We want to 16 39 hrs. know what he has to say about it. [Mr. Deputy-Speaker in the Chair] Shri N. R. Muniswamy: Wc want a reply to all the points raised by us., I want to understand the situation there on account of which the neces­ Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: I have sity tor the setting up of a commis­ heard with rapt attention the speeches sion is felt. So, I would request, which have been made during the dis­ through you, the hon. Members from cussion by the hon. Members. Bengal to enlighten me more on this subject to come to me and tell me and At the. outset, I join them in ex­ to place at my disposalev e ry neces­ pressing my feeling of sorrow at the sary thing which may be required in calamity which befell this year in the this connection, so that Government shape of floods in West Bengal. I may determine and come to its final Motion re; NOVEMBER 18, IflSB Reportof D am odar 7 9 * ' 1 Volley Cotp&ttito* [Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim] dec.Bion whether this action should there cannot be any complaint against or should not be taken it But as far as the fifteen month*' period is concerned, I shall place ana Shrimati Benulu Bay: In view of position before hon Members here. that, muld we have an extra day to discuss flood control measures, because At that time, when the appointment he has suggested that we should give was going to be made, it was brought more points to the notice of the DVC that the secre­ tary there should enjoy more powers Shri Tridib Kumar Chaudhurr. The than he had been enjoying before. hon Minister sometimes convenes con­ This was one thing Another sugges­ ferences of Members from different tion was that he should possess utility States on plan and power projects, and experience On account of these flood control and other things If he two things, a search had to be made, would convene a special convention of and that search took time, becau e a Members from West Bengal, they suitable person was not available till would place all the r problems, all Mr Ghosal was found and he became their difficulties and views before him available, he was m employment else, where, and he was then taken as the Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: But may secretary So, it was only under I tell one thing through you to the special circumstances that that-inordi- hon Member that I will do that also nate delay m regard to the appoint­ as he states, but before that I also ment of the third secretary took place want to have certain discussion with some Members who may be pleased to As far as the utilisation question is come to me and tell me some things concerned, I fear hon Members may and throw more light so that I may not agree with me, but 1 assure them feel better convinced that as far as DVC is concerned, I am also very keen that the entire irriga­ Shri D. C Sharma (Gurdaspur) tion which is provided should be "Will the hon M nister give us dinner? utilised

Mr. Depnty-Speaker: Order, order Shri Goray: What is the percentage that is utilised now? Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: Oh, yes, always My house is in his hands, he Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: The per­ can come at any moment, and he can centage is not with me take as much as he likes The utilisation was 4,46,000 acres in One thing was said about which I 1958 want to say something, and that is in relation to the delays which oc­ Shri Goray: I want the percentage, curred in connection with the appoint­ and not the acreage ment of the secretary Hon Members have probably heard already that the Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: I have appointment of the second secretary in said already that that figure is not place of the first was delayed by six available with me now months, and the next appointment was made two months after the retirement Shri A C. Gnha: Was it 4,46,000 at of the second secretary The next ap­ the end of 1958’ At page6 of the pointment was made after the expiry report, we find that at the end of 1957- of fifteen months As far as the period 58 it was 1,46,000 acres. of six months and two months is con­ cerned, that is an ordinary period Shri Goray: Yesterday, while which is always occupied hi the case answering one of my questions, the of such appointments, and, therefore, Deputy Minister had stated that la 797 Jfetbm re: KARTIKA 28,1881 (SK A A ) Report of Damodar 798 VaUev Corporation certain States, the utilisation was as Halls Mohammad Ibrahim: That re­ *»igh as 80 to 90 per cent I would port is not submitted yet That is to iiin> to know whether the DVC was come by the end of this month After one of those that, it may be considered whether it should be made available to some­ Shri Hsthi: No one or not At present, I am not in a position to say whether it may be H««« Mohammad Ibrahim: As far made available or not as the complaint is concerned, it is not But a Committee has been appointed particularly against the DVC, it is a to deal with the question of floods in complaint which is of an all-India West Bengal That Comm ttee is nature, against every State Probably, headed by Shn Khungar The ques­ MemBers are aware that two engineers tions which have been discussed here were particularly appointed for the and the doubts which have been ex­ purpose of making a tour throughout pressed will be taken into considera­ the whole of Ind a, State wise, in tion by that Committee also As far order to find out the causes and also as1 am concerned, I have already said to suggest what remedial measures that we may consider that and try to should be adopted in order that there find out what can be done in that may be quicker utilisation of the irri­ connection, if it is at all necessary gation which is provided So those two members made a tour of India There was one po nt mentioned with and have given their reports Those which unfortunately I disagree, and I reports have been considered so farrequest those hon Members to give in regard to certain States by the me an opportunity to talk to them Commission On the basis of those They may come prepared to make me reports, the States have been informed understand that point also That point of what action they have to take in is that in the reservoir of the dam this connection Thunderstand that water was stored and then released Bihar is also included in it So that Thus both the things were detri­ has been done mental

Shri Goray Will that report be Shri A C Guha: The main point we made available to us9 made was that the water was not re­ leased in easy instalments Instead Shri Hathl: We are placing a sum­ of allowing the water to accumulate mary on the Table of the House to a considerable height beyond the Shri Tridib Kumar Chaudhuri: danger point, the water should have What about the Khungar Report’ been released in easy instalments Haflz Mohammad Ibrahim: I am Haflz Mohammad Ibrahim: But there coming to that The Khungar Com­ is one thing Hon Members know mittee has been interested in one that the floods came unexpectedly, thing As far as the floods m Bengal Shrimatl Renuka Bay: Not unex­ are concerned, it has been asked to pectedly find out the remedies, what has to be done Shri A. C. Guha: It was not unex­ pected Rains were continuing for Shri Tridib Kumar Chaudhuri: I weeks am not referring to the work which will be entrusted to the new Khungar Shrimatl Benuka Ray: If you will Committee This is the new Khungar excuse me, by the middle of Septem­ Committee I am referring to the old ber, the danger point had almost been Khungar Committee’s report relating reached Why was not water released to the utilisation of the water resour­ from that date instead of waitm* ces of fhe DVC Will that report be when the water was almost practically made available to us’ past the danger point’ Motion re: N O V E M B E R 19, 1958 Reportof Damodar 800 Valley Corporation Shri Tridib Kumar Chaudhuri: a statement on the Table of the House. Moreover, the charge has been openly Let there be a discussion on that and made by a very competent engineer let that statement be taken into con­ who was associated at one stage with sideration. the working f the DVC that the 0 Mr. Deputy Speaker: He has invited flood-cushion was allowed to be en­ Members to sit with him and he will croached. There is a certain level discuss with them and then we will beyond which the reservoir level sec afterwards whether any further should not go but it was allowed to discussion is needed or not. be cncroached. Why was that done? That 's the suspicion in the public Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: I have mind. That charge has been made answered some points. Probabjy I openly in the pages of a responsible should not say this now but I have paper such as Statesman and that to say this now because of the pres­ charge remains unanswered, till now. sure of the Members. I am mak'ng a statement tomorrow and I shall place Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: If there it before the House. If inspite of that were rains before, it would have been still there is any point, I have got my most imprudent on any one’s part to mind open and 1 am prepared to be release more water. It -would have convinced of anything. added to the calamity there Shri A. C. Guha: Let us have a dis­ Shri A. C. Guha: We have made cussion with the Minister later on. certain suggestions about that and wc Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: That is hope the Minuter will examine them what I suggested. technically and see why water was not Shri N. R. Muniswamy: I am very released earlier. It may not be possible happy for having initiated tMp debate for him just now to reply to our points but these should be examined techni­ with a view to bring certain facts to the notice of the Government s>o that cally. Why was water allowed to thi'v may take remedial measures in accumulate to *such a height and why order not to get the same thing re­ was not water released earlier? peated again. Some que.»t:ons were Mr. Deputy-Speaker: Members have put by hon. Members here as to why expressed certain doubts and they the level was allowed to be passed desire these points should be examined and the.y said that as a ri$ult of that by the Ministry. The hon Minister th'T< was this catastrophe. I remem­ may examine them and then answer. ber to have read in the newspapers that the people living down the Shri Prabhat Kar (Hooghly): streams were informed___(Interrup­ There 's no question of doubt. It is a tion's.) question of fact. An Hon. Members: That was too late. Mr. Deputy-Speaker: He will exa­ Shri N. R. Muniswamy: The exist­ mine all these_ things and will be able to reply to that point ing capacity is inadequate 'and some­ thing more has to be done. Down Hafiz Mohammad Ibrahim: I have below the canals should be deepened already said that I will discuss these and there should be catchment areas points with the hon. Members. That in the upper regions. Of course, there is why 1 did not give answers to had been slight lapses on the part of these points raised here. I am reser­the administration and so there has ving everything and my mind is open. been this sorry tale. Our sympathy Hon. Members may meet me and con­ goes to the affected people. I am hap­ vince me of anything they like. py that the hon. Minister was kind enough to invite suggestions from all’ Shrimatl Ila Palchondhnri(Nabad- the hon. Members so that he cpuld wip): The Minister has already placed take remedial measures. Motion re: K A E T 1 K A 28, 1881(SAKA) Report of Damodar 802 Volley Corporation On- point which I suggested at the of 1956-57. Both the Corporation and of sponsoring the mot on was the Administration should not ignore that the Corporation was given ample the views expressed by the Financial powers to do anything necessary to Adviser. I would say that the Finan­ curry out its functions under the Act cial Adviser also has failed in the dis­ But it looks as though the admini­ charge of his duty in not bringing stration does not take into account these things to the notice of the Gov­ even the views and suggestions given ernment in time so that they could by the financial advisers I wish that take proper actior and see that things the financial adviser who has been are rectified. appointed there would look into . ! kinds of expenditure incurredIf the 1 would once again say that I am Corporation has got wide power, it glad that the hon Minister has an is beyond the control of anybody The open mind in this matter, he proposes financial adviser should thoroughly to invite suggestions from Members examine every item of expend ture and also hold conferences to see that If that is not done, there would always these things do not happen and the be difficulties I raised this Corporation functions m such a way point at the time of moving that the three obiertivrs for which the motion The hon Minister in the Corporation has been set up are his reply has not ind catcd what steps fulfilled he proposes to take to see that these things will not be repeated Mr Deputy-Speaker: The question is: I also made out a point that the “That this House takes note of participating governments do not carry the Annual Report of the Damo­ out the insttuctions Theie is a se­ dar Valley Corporation for the parate clause under which these things year 1937 laid .ri on the Table of could be referred to arbitration and 8 the House on the 29th August, the decis on of the arbitrator will be 1959 ” binding on the participating govern­ ments There have been cases where The motion was adopted both the participating governments have not accepted th>- suggestions given by the Corporation At no time was any reference made to any BUSINESS ADVISORY COMMITTEE

arbitrator to see tha* things are settled F o r t y -f o u h t h Re p o r t

I request the hon Minister to see Shri Rane (Buldana) Sir, I beg to that not only this power is exercised present the Forty-fourth Report of the but proper steps are also taken to seeBusiness Advisory Committee that the views expressed by the Finan­ cial Adviser are given due considera­ 16-58 hrs. tion. It is the Financial Adviser who has to see that the expenditure s made The Lok Sabha then adjourned till properly Several instances have been Eleven of the Clock on Friday, Nov. pointed out by the Public Accounts ember 20, 1959|Karttfca 29, 1881 Committee in their Fourteenth Report (Saka). ** DAILY DIGEST [Thursday, Novembn 19, iwlJZartika2?, z88z (Saka)J ORAL ANSWERS TO WRITTEN ANSWERS TO QUESTIONS 585—620 Q U E S T IO N S —eontd. &Q. Subject COlXtMHV S.Q. Subject C 6L0MMV Wo. No. *50Representatives of Indian 122 Hotel Cecil, Delhi 585-86 News-Papers in Tibet I®3 Propaganda by Chinese and China . 629 Embassy 586—93 *5* Indian outposts in N.E.F.A 630 124 Lars . 593—96 152 Cosmic Rays Research W5 Ce ttral Institute for StationvGulmarg. 6’0-’i Machine Designing, 153 Mechanisation in iron ore Rand.i. 597-98 mines. . 6:1 Small Scale Industries ?— c 126 5 8 6 1 *54Antarctica 6ti- % 127 Purchase of raw lute by State Trading Corpora­ U.S.Q. tion . 6 02—14 No. 128 Bhutan . 634—17 Loss of man-days in Ce­ 129 Export of pepper . 6c 7—0? 207 ment Industry 63 X 130 Rssuuttag oC ctoatvll muW 6cyj—u 208 Import and Export Li- 131 Meeti.ig of Housing Sec­ ccnces . - } retaries of Northern 632 3 Region 612—15 209 Cottage and Small-scale Industrie8 in Bombay . 613 132 Rec-TJi'-g of Mahatma Gandl i’s Life 6x5-16 Hicyclc and Sewing Ma- clime Industry in Bom­ 134Indians in Ceylon 617—19 bay 633-34 *35Export of mica 619-20 2 11 Export of leather goods .634-35 212 Plan expenditure in WRITTEN ANSWFRS TO Bihar 635 QUESTIONS . 620—68 2x3 Indus'rial Cooperative Societies for Women 63s S.Q. 214 Loans to widows and un­ No. attached women 636 215 Indian in Ceylon . 636-37 *33Purchase of studio et 216 Government Advertise­ Poona 620 ments 637 136 Tobacco trade in Andhra 620-21 217 Nuclear Research 637-3& *37Heavy Machine Building 218 Small-Scale Handloom Plant 621 Industries in Punjab 638 138 Bhutanese in Assam 622 219 Migration from Pakistan 638 *39Manufacture of Tractors622-23 220 Study of peaceful uses of atomic energy Z40 Television 623 629 14*Survey of savings . 623-24 *21 Naga hostilcs 639-40 Ma Tenure of Ministry of *22 Impact of broadcasting on Rehabilitation 624-25 cultural pattern . 640 *43Slum Clearance in Banga­ * 23Second atomic reactor 640*1 lore City 625 *24Employment Exchanges 641 *44 Cantonment Board Em­ 32S Survey of income in ' ployees 625-26 Punjab 64*-4* >45TrJ ing of disabled per­ *26 Sericulture Industry in sons at Chinakuri 626 Himachal Pradesh. 64s *4® Censoring of Hind i Films626-27 *27 Slum Clearance in Delhi 64»-43 *47Canberra Aircraft 627-28 228 Import of raw wool and 148 Pre-partition deposits with wool top* «43-#4 Pakistan 628 229Export of iron ore . 644-45 *49Wage Board for planta­ 230 Industrial Estate in Jey- tion Industry 618-29 pore (Orissa) 645 WRITTEN ANSWERS TO WRITTEN ANSW ERS TO Q0 BSTIONS—contA QUESTIONS—ccmtd.

V.S.Q- Subject C olu m ns TJ.S.Q. Subject Co l u m n s No. No. 231 Amount allocated to 262 Construction of shops in Orissa 645-46 New Lajpat Rai Market . 663 333 Wage Boards for Indus­ 263 Shops in old Lajpat Rai trie* .... 646 Market 663-64 *33 w «8e Boards 646-47 264 Srrvey of incomes in >34 Privident Fund Scheme 647 Delhi 664 235 'India 1959’ Exhibition 647-48 265 Air-conditioning urits in 336 Manufacture of chleram- Government Offices 665 phrnical . . . 64g 266 Coir mats and matting f< r 237 Production of aluminium 648 Government Offices 665-66 238 Daftary and Peon type 267 Press Informat ion Bureau 666 Quarters . . . 649 268 Community receivingsets 239 Out of tu n allotment to in Punjab . 666 class IV employees . 650 269 Uniform wages for |ute mill workers 667 340 Calcutta Dock Work rs (Regulation of Employ­ 270 Soap Indus' ry in Punjab 667 ment) Scheme 650-51 271Mer'ingof Plan Publicity 341 Krishna and Edwards Tex­ Officers 667-68 tile Mi'ls, Rajasthan 651 MOTIONS FOR ADJOURN­ 342 Industrial Tw i'in glns’i- MENT 668—75 tuttsin Himachal Pra­ The Speaker withheld his con­ desh . 65, sent to the moving of five ad­ 343 Production cf silk in journment motions given Himachal Pradesh . 651-52 notice of by the following 344 Sports Industry in Hima­ members regarding the re­ chal Pradesh . 652 ported construction of an air field on the Alcsai Chin *45 Hydel Pr ijccts in NEFA 652-53 Plateaj in Ladakh by the 346 Relief to Nagas . 653 Chinese authorities: 347 Distribution of copper Sarvashri R K. Khadilkar, and zinc 653-54 Khushwaqt Rai, Atal 348 Kidnapping of Indian Bihari Vajpayee, Premji R. National Assar and Rraj R *j Singh. 349 Wool exports . 654-55 PAPERS LAID ON THE 350 Cameras and binoculars 655 TABLE 675—83- 351 Export of engmccung (1) A copy of statement on the goods . 655-56 visit of the Minister of Fin­ ance to Switzerland, France, 353 Cl-nureofText lie Mills . 657 the U.K. the U.S.A. and 353 Modernisation of Textile Japan during September- Industry . . . 657 October, 1959. 354 World Trade Fair at (2) A copy of Notification No. Chicago 658 5.0. 1857 dated the 29th August, 1959, under sub­ 355 Motor vehicles 658—60 section (2) of Section 12 of 356 Salt Worksin Kutch and the Capital Issues (Control) Saurashtra 66 :> Act, 1947, making ceittin amendment <0 the Opit«i 357 Employment in U.N. 66c-6i Issues (Exemption) Order, 358 A. I. R. Overseas Pro­ 1949- grammes in Telugu . 661 (3) A copy of Notification No. 359 Consumption of Newsprint 661-63 5.0. 2157 dated the 18th 360 Sale oftabacco to Japan 662 October, 1958 under sub­ section (3) of Section 27 of *61* Enterprises started incol­ the Coal Bearing Areas (Ac­ laboration with M's. quisition and Development.) Edgar Kaisers . 662-63 Act, 1957, making certain 807 [DAILY DIGEST] 8 8o8 PAPERS LAJD ON THE PAPERS LAID ON THE TABLE-contd. TABLE-contd. ( COLUMNS COLUMNS ~ further amendment to the (6) A copy of Notification No. Coal Be1ri ,1 g Areas (Acqui>i- G.S.R. 965 d>ted the 22nd tion and D ~ve lopmen t) August, I959, und ~ r sub- Ruks. 1957. section (I) of Sec ·ion 28 of the Mines and Minerals (Re- ('4) A c·::>py of e1ch of the gulation and D~velopment) following oapo:rs under sub- Act, I95'J, making certain section (z) of S · c~·o r,. 16 of further am~ndme11c to the the Tariff Commission Act, Mineral Conservation and I95I:- Development Rules, I958. (i) Report (1958 of the Tariff (7) A copy of Nodficri:m No. Commission on the review G.S.R. I04I dated the uth of retention prices of Tin- September, I959, under pLtt ~· p;11J 1ced by the SLtb-section (r) of Section TinPlate Company of 28 of the Mines and Minerals India Private Limited. (Regulat'on and Develop- (ii) Government Resolu- m ent) Act, 1957. tion N o. SC(A)-z(zq.S)/57, dated the 7th Septemb-er, (8) A copy of each of the 1959 - Notification Nos. G.S.R. II40 dated I7:h 0~'uber, 1959 and 0 (iii) Statement exphining the G.S.R. I224 dated the 7th reasons why a copy of November, 1959, under sub- each of the documents at section (3) of Section 642 (i) and (ii) a!)Qve could of the Companies Act, I956 not be Hid 'l"l'n t he table making certain further am- within the period Prescri- endments to t11e C )mDatlies bed un:ier the s'lid sub- (Central Government's) section. General Rules and Forms, 1956. {iv) Renort (1958) of the \\: Tariff CClmmission on the revision of retention (9) A copy of each of Notifi- prices of Steel and Pig cations Nos. S.O. I96o, dated Iron and on the conver- the 4th September, 1959 s sion charges and fair re- and S.O. 2022, dated the tention prices for r /4n and 9th September, 1959, issued 3i t6" Rods produced by under Section IS of the In- the Mysore Iron and Sted dustries (Development and ~·orb, !3hadravati . RegulatiS!n) Act, 1951. · (v) Government Resolu- (ro) A cClpy of Notification No. I tions NCl. SC(A)-2(227)/57, S.O. 2047 dated the 19th I dated the: FSt O:; t nb~r - September, I959, under 1958 and N o. SC(A)-2 sub-section (6) of Section 3 (244)/57, dated the 8th of the Essential Commodi- s~premb ·r t9)9 ° ties Act, I955 making cer- I tain further amendment to I. (vi) Statem~nt explaining the Cotton Control Order, the re1sons why a CClpy I955- r. ..;f each of the documents I. at (iv) an:! (v) ab:rve cJuld · (II) A copy of Notification No. not b~ laid on the Table R(9)/59-PD dated the I6th I. within period prescribed July, I959 containing the in the said sub s ~ <::tion. Delhi Panchayat Raj Rules, I959 published in Delhi I< '. ( S) A copy of the Annu<~l Re- Gazette, under sub-section port .-t' d1e Orissa Mining (3) of Section 102 of the I~ Corporation (Private) Limi- Delhi Panchayat Raj Act, ted for th~ y~ar 1957-58 I954- along wi ~ h the:' Audited Ac- 14 counts and comments cf the (r2) A copy of each of the fol- 14 Comptroller and Auditor lowing Notifications, under General thereon, uo.tder sub- sub-section (2) of Section 3 14 section (r) of Section 639 of of the All India Services ~the Companies Act, 1956. Act, I95I :- . 14 109 (typnr Dmbmv] p a p k r s l a i d o n m PAPERS LAID ON IBS VABXit—eontd. I 1 AB L E —eantd. C Q b t M K S ( 0 G.S.R. Nos.Joy> dated (14) A copy of the Ancient Mo- the 1 3th September, 1959 nvmentitsd Archaeological making om aia amend, Sites and Remains Rules, meat to the AQ India Ser- 1959 published in Notifi­ ▼tee* (De*rh-cmu-R 1959 (16) A copy of Report on the making certain amend­ activities of the Coal Mines ments to Schedule I I I of Labour Welfare Fund for the Indian Police Service the year 1958-59- (Pay) Rules, 1954. (17) A copy of Notification No. (w) G.S.R. No. X133 dated G .S.R. 1333 dated the 7th the 17th October, 1959 November, 1959, under and G.S.R. No. 1158 dated sub-section (3) of Section 7 the 34th October, 1959, of the Employees’ Provident making certain further Funds Act, 1953 making amendments to the In­ certain further amendment! dian Administrative Ser­ to the Employees* Provi­ vice (Pay) Rules, 1954. dent Funds Scheme, 1953. (9) G.S.R. No. *133 dated the 17th October, 1959 (18) A copy of each of the fol­ making certain amend­ lowing Notification, under ment to the Indian Police sub-sect ion (4) of Section 19 Service (Pay) Rules, of tne Medicinal and Toilet *934- Preparations (ExciseDuties) («<) G.S.R. No. 1156 dated Act, i95 < !~ the 34th October, 1959. (•) G.S.R. No. 986 dated (pit) G.S.R. No. 1157 dated the 39th August, 1959. the 34th October, 1939 (11) G .S.R. No. 1079 dated making certain further the 36th September, 1959 amendments to the Ind­ making certain further am­ ian Administrative Ser­ endment s to tne Medicinal vice (Recruitment) Rides, and Toilet Preparation! *9J4- (Excise Duties; Rules, (vtft) G.S.R. No. 1159 dated *95«. the 34th October, 1959 (19) A copy of Notification No. making certain further G .S.R.1003 dated the 5th amendment to the Indian September, i s $9, under sub­ Administrative Service section (3) of Section 37 of (Regulationand Seniority) the Foreign Exchange Re­ Rules, 1954. gulation Act, 1947 making certain further amendments [13) A copy of Notification No. to the Foreign Exchange G.S.&. 1x41 dated the 17th Regulation Rules, 1953. October, 1959, under sub­ section (3) of Section 13 of (30) A copy of each of the fol­ the Central $Uk Board Act, lowing Wotlfications under 1948 making certain further sub-section (4) of Section amendments to the Central 43Bofthe Sea Customs Act, Silk Board Roles, 1955 1878 and Section 38 of the gl

PAPERS LAID ON TBE PAPERS LAID ON TBS TABUt-eontd. TABLE contd. C o u n c M COUtMlM Central Bxcise and Silt (93) > copy of Notification No. Act, 1944: — S.O. 2338 dated the xxth ( 0 O .S.R. No. 1006 dated November, X939, ttndtr the jth September, I9S9 aub-eection (3) o f Section — fclng certain amend* 169 of the Representation meats to the Customs and of the People Act, 1951, Central Excise Dutiea making certain further am* Drawback (Toilet Pro­ endmenta to the Represen­ ducts) Rules, 1958. tation of the People (Conduct of Elections and Election (ff) G .S.R. No. 106: dated Petitions) Rules, 1936. the 19th September, 1939 and O .SJt. No*. 109s, OPINIONS ON BILL 1006 and 1097 dated the 3rd October, 1959 making Sardar A.S. Saigal laid on the certain further amend­ Table a copy of Paper No. ment! to the Customs and I l l containing opinions cn the Central Bxcise Dutiea Sikh Gurdwaras Bill which Export Drawback (Gene­ was circulated for the j>ur- ral) Rules, 1959. pose of eliciting opinion (ax) A copy of each of the Noti­ thereon by the xsth Feb­ fications Not. G .S.R. 1036 ruary, 1960. and G.S.R. 1037 dated the lath September, 1959 RflPORT OF JOINT COM- and G.S.R. 1099 dated the MITTEB PRESENTED . ' 3rd October, I9S9>under aub-aection (4) of Section Shrimati Sahodra Bai Rai 43B of the Sea Custom* presented the Report of the Act, 1878. Joint Committee on the Dowry Prohibition Bill, (22) A copy Of each of the fol­ *959- lowing Notifications, under Section 38 of the Central REPORT OF COMMITTEE Bzciaea and Salt Act, 1944: — ON PRIVATE MEMBERS' (1) G.S.R. No. 1082 dated BILLS AND RESOLU­ the 26th September, 1059 TIONS PRESENTED certain funner amendment* to the Cent* Fifty-first Report w u presented rai Bxcise Rules, 1944. REPORT OF BSTIMATBS (tf) G.S.R. No. xioo dated COMMITTEE PRESEN­ the 3rd October, 1059 making certain further TED .... amendments to the Central Sixty-sixth Report w u pre­ Bxcite Rules, 1944. sented. («fi G.S.R. No. xxx8 dated the xoth October, 1959- CALLING ATTENTION TO MATTER OF URGENT (33) A copy of the Navy (Autho­ PUBLIC IMPORTANCE . rised Deductions) Regula­ tions, X959,published in Shri Vajpavee called the atten­ Notification No. S.R.O. 227 tion of the Minister of F i­ dated the 22nd August, nance to the financial talks 1950. under Section 185 of between India and Pakistan the Navy Act, 1957. held recently at Karachi. C24) A copy of Notification No. S.O. a3 i 7 dated the xxth The Minis er of Finance (Shri November, X959, under Morarji Desai) made a sub-section (3) of Section statement in regard there­ a l of the Representation of to. the People Act, 1930 mak­ ing certain further amend* STATEMENT BY MINISTER ments to the Representation o f the People (Preparation of The Minister of Education Hlecraral Rolls) Rules, ( D r .K .L . Shrimali) mad 193# .... a statement ooxrecting the *13 [Da il y D m * ] •*4

Co u tm ki CSUKM STATEMENT BY MINIS­ MOTION RE: REPORT OF T E R eoHtd, DAMODAR VALLEY COR­ reply given on the 31st PORATION . 7S9- f c * August, 1959 to a Supple­ mentary by Shri Hem Shri N.R. Muniswamy moved Barua on Starred Question the motion that the Houae No. 985 regarding Rajku- take note of the Annual Re­ m arf Sports Coacning port of the Damodar Valley Scheme. Corporation for the year w i957*58. The discussion B IL L INTRODUCED . 7 687 was concluded and the mo­ tion was adopted. K The Legal Practitioners Bill, 1959- REPORT OP BUSINESS AD­ BILL UNDER CONSIDERA­ VISORY COMMITTEE TIO N .... 618— 759 PRESENTED . . . Sol

The Minister of State in the Forty-fourth Report was pre­ Ministry of Home Affairs sented. (Shri Datar) moved that the Andhra Pradesh and Madras (Alteration of Boun­ AGENDA FOR FRIDAY, daries) B ill be taken into » NOVEMBER 20, I959'KAR- consideration. Amendment T IK A 29, 1881 (SAKA>— for postponement of the consideration moved by Further discussion on the Shri NaushirBharuchawas motion to contider the An- negatived. Shri Mohammed dhra Pradesh and Madras Imam moved for circulation (Alteration of Boundaries) of the Bill for purpose of Bill and also on the amend­ diciting public opinion ment thereto for(i)circulation thereon and Pandit Thakur for el icit ing opinion thereon, Das Bhargava moved an and (it) reference of the amendment for reference of Bill to a Joint Committee. the Bill to a Joint Commit­ Also consideration of the tee. The discussion was not Private Members’ Resolu­ concluded. tions.