Ti-'c_r:/1.5"!Translationalion fijonifran BulqqLiqnB_u_:'gg{jcrn


rso[SO ‘J00900 I| BUREAU VLZRITASVER]TAS CertificationCeftification 1 I O Maria Luiza Blvd., Sofia I233 www.raiI-i11fra.bg I l0 Maria Luiza Blvd., 1233 www.Iail-infra.bq Tcl.:Tel: (+359 2) 932 60016001 officegqwail-i11fra.bgoffice@rail_infra.bs Fax: (+359 2) 932 6444

SE NAT]ONALNA TION/IL RAILWAYR/HLWAY lNFMSTRUCTUREINFRASTRUCTURE COMP,-‘INCOMPANYI’ HeadquartersHec:a'qucm‘"er.s' 1233 SoJia,Sofia, IHO l0 Kn.M.Lu.izc:Kn.M.Luiza B171-'d..BItd., ref;xet.. 932 6H26t I2 RefRaff MNe £0660/1'9.1066a/19.a3.13O3. J8


This certificatecertificate is issued by the STATE ENTERPRISE “NATIONAL"NATIONAL RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE COMPANY”,COMPANY", UICutc 130823243, with registerecl office at 1 IO 130823243 , with registered of.tice ar 1 I 0 Knyaginya Mariya Luiza Blvd., Sofia, to AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd., UIC 115011904. Mariya Luiza Btvd., Sofia, to AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd., UtC 115011904, withuiith registered office at 4, Woodrow Wilson Str., fl. 2, as an official subcontractor for the office at 4, woodrow wilson st.,, fl. 2, as an official subcontractor tbr the “Contact"contact Line, Electrification and Signalliiig” part, SITE: “Rcc0m'rr1.=cIi0n and Efecri'g'fic*cm1:in Line, Electrification and signalling" pafi, srrE: "Reconstruction a]1d Erectriricatiotl ofihe Diinih-'ovgmcf - Sviiengmd Ru.iZway Line”, Lor 2 - Re.cm1.s'n-"action and ez'cc£rificmf0n of aJ the Dinih.oygtad - Svilengrqd Raitwcly Litxe", Lat 2 _ Recon ttuction and eleclrifcation af the 1’fari12cmz'iHarmanli - .S‘viiengma’ I-'aih»vcg» section (fiom km 266 + O00 in {he ime:".s'!cm'on xecrion - Stilengrad railway section (from km 266 + A0A in the intersraLbn sectnn Simeonovgmd - Harmcmfi to km 29 7+ F50 in {he inier.s‘1.cnf(m .s.'ecr:‘0n S1*1'z’eng:'a<:€ - rhe bowie- Simeanovgl,ad - Harmanli to ktu 297+ 75a in the inlerstation section Svilenlra.l _ the boftler wirhwith the Republic ofTm"key), iii-crfuding Hai'imu1iz' arid 5‘vHc:1g:"crc! Murioris: cm.:;' all .srcm'mi.s' mm’ the Republic ofTurkey), including and Svilengratl stations an(l all stcrtions .!nd .s'J0p.s' belween (318111, witfq an cipproximciie railway fang??? ofial km cmcf i"ehabr'!.='rc:!i0:'i am! stops betu)een them, with ak apprcxinak railway lenglh of 34 km and rehabilitation and eiecmfficarionelectt'irtcafian ofrheof line Svz'Zei-igrad i'ciiz'1»|»=.ay — the boa-‘o'er with the Repubfic 0fGi'eece 1-1»'z'rh an the line Srilengrad raih,ay the boder with the Republic of with an approximateappraximate fengrielength ofof44 km”,km", andar\d. pursuantp'tsva''ttoto Art.Art.64,64, par. 1, item 1I ofthcofthe Publicpublic Procurementprocurement Act, W6,we, the STATE ENTERPRISE "NATIONAI“NATIONAL RAILWAY INFRASTRUCTURE//p-\___INFRAS.T.RUCTURE COMPANY”, hereby certify that: _;~__ CE-If _: .“\‘“ COMPANY',, hereby certify that: ‘R \.'\ \

J Bylly ContractContracl N2N! 3889120113889/2011 STATESTATB ENTERPRISEENTERPR"ISE “NATIONAL.NATIONAI. R,\I].WAyRAILWAY ,,Raijway INFRASTRUCTUREINFRASTI{UCTURE COMPANY" has assigned the “Railway InfrastructureInfrasrructufe 2011..201 I"

Association,Associdtioo. UICulc 176232461,1 76232'16 I . the implementationimplcmenration of LotLor 2 - Ilcconsr.uctionReconstruction andancl electrilicatione lectrilicatiorl

of thethe HarmanliFlafmanli - railway sectionsectjon (from(tiom km 266 +- 000 inin thethc interstationirterstation section SimeonovgradSimeonor,$ad - HarrnanliHar-manli toto kmkln 297 + F50750 in the interstation section SvileiigradSvilengr.ad— the border

withu'ith thefie Republicllepublic ofofru'key),), includingincluding HarnianliHarnanli and Svilengradsvilengracl stationsstatio's and allalr stations andan.l

stops between them,thent, withwitlt an approximateapproximale railwayr.ailway length of 34j4 km andancl rehabilitationrehabilitatio[ and electrificationelectrification of the railway line Svilengrad - the border with the Republic of Greece with an ofthe railway line Svilengrad - the bordelu,ith the Republic of Greece with an ,'Reconstruction approximate length of 4 km - part ofoI SITE:SI'fEt “Reconstruction and electrificationelectfificatioD of thethe DimitrovgradDirnitrovgrad - Svilengrad railwayr.aih.vay line”.1ine,'. The total value ofol the procurcnientpr-ocurcment underrudcr Contract

N9Nl 3889/2011 is BGNBCN 116,49'?,47'7.58116.497,477.58 (one hundred and sixteen millionmjllion fourlbur hundredhlmdred and ninety-seveiininety-seven thousand fourlbur hundred and seventy-seven BGNBCN and 0.58) excludingexc[rcling VAT.VA L The share in the implerneiitationimplemcntation of the public procurementprocurenent contract awardedawafdecl toro AVIS ENGINEERINGLINGINEERING Ltd. is 13.70%13.20% (thirteen(thirteeD point seventy percent),percenl), in the amountarnount of BGNBCN 15,960,154.43 (tifteen(1il'teen million nine hundredhuncifcd and sixty thousand one hundred and i°ifty~1‘ourfi1'ty-liLl. BGN and 0.43) excludingexclr.rding VAT relative toto the total value of the public procurernent.procufenenl. The.[,he activities of AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd. carriedca ied out on thetl.ie above-meiitionedabove-meirionecl partspafts of the project include designing ofofaa newneu' overhead contact line,line. disniantliiig,djslnantling, supplysupplv ofol materials andancl construction of a new overhead contact line and relatedfelated equipment,equiplleit, prcparationpreparation of thetl.te accompanyingaccompaDying and legallylegally requiredrcquit.ed documentation,documcntalion, certii°yingccrtifying the performancepcr.for.nance andancl compliance withwitl] the regulatory requirementsrequire[lents for the aboveabovc mentionednentioncd site. The'fhc implementationimplemeDtation of the workswolks assigned to10 AVIS ENGINEERINGENGINEERn{G I.-td.L1d. is in sections:sertitrls: interstationiDterstatioll section SimeonovgradSineonovgfad - Harman1i._Flarnranli. HarmanliHar-nanli railwayraiiu,ay station,slation. interstationinierstation sectionslrction HarmanliHarnanli railway1.ailway stationstation,— railwayIaihvay station,stalion. LyubimetsLvubilnets railwayfailwaJ, station,station- interstationrnrcrsl:ltroI section Lyubimets railway stationstatiorl —- Svilengrad railwayrail\\ay station, SvilengradSvilengr.ad railwayrail,,\av station.statioD. interstationidlelstation sectionseclion Svilengrad — the border withu'ith the Republic of Turkey,Tur.key, interstationintetsratron sectionsecrlon SvilengradSvilengiad— the border with the Republic ofofGreece.Greece. The totallolal lengthlength ofoflhethe overheadoverhcad contact line is 71.732 km (seventy-one kilometreskilonetres seven hundredhundr-ed and thirty-twothift)r-two metres).met|es). WithWrh therhc implementation realizedlealized by AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd.,L,rd., thefie interoperabilityinLer.oper.abiliry of thethc railwayrtrilwal. lineline withwitllthe re trans-Europeantlans-Eur'opean railway systemsystern was achieved,achieved. as well as a speedspecd of 160 kmr'1ikm/h Forfbr conventionalconventioDal rail rolling stock,stoci(, and 200 kin/hl

LU ll.-":1--4. I Pr; § ' '=_= _-' .'-3. ;.»-5"~. l..LJ'n\?(5"/ ._ - . it-. -~ A . -*¥_' -’=r-2/i \q-3 - I -,>.~ --.._ .--- pantograplispantographs of tractionlraction rolling stock moving at different speed. The activities designed and moving at different speed. The activities deslgned and executed by AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd.Ltcl. include: 11. In the interstation section Siineonovgrad — Harmanli, construction and assembly works section Sineonovgrad - Hanranli, construction and assemttly wolts are implemented,implell]ented, ofofwhichwhich the constructionconshuction of:ol - Overhead contactcontacl line with a length ofof5.4055.405 km; - Securityinstailations;Security installations;

- Crossings ofofthethe electrified railway line with powerpower.lines;lines; - Power supply /main cable/; 22. In the sectionseclion Harmanli railway station, construction and assembly works are railway station, constr.l]ction and assefibly works are implemented,implemented, of whichwlich the construction of:oC - Overhead contact line with a lengthlength ofof4.1994.199 km; - SecuritySecudtyinstallations;installations;

- Crossings ofofthethe electrifiedeiectrified railwayrailway line with power lines; - Power supply /maiii/r'nain cable/; 33. In the interstation section Harmanli railway station — Lyubimets railway station, section Ha nanli railway statioll _ I-yubimets railway station, construction and assembly works are implemented, of which the construction of: and assembly wolks are inlplemented, ofwhjch the construcuon oI: - Overhead contact line with a lengthlength of 16.255 km; - SecuritySecurityinstallations;installations;

- CrossingsCrossillgs ofofthethe electrifiedelectrified railway line with power lines;lines; - Power supply /main cable/; 44. In the section LyubimetsLlubimets railway station, construction and assembly works are raihvay station, construction and assel].ibly works are implemented,in'rplelnented, ofofwhichwhich the constructionconstructiou of:ol - OverheadOve read contact line with a lengthlength ofof3.3g03.380 km;l(ln; - SecuritySecurityinstallations;installations;

- Crossings ofofthethe electrifiedelectihed railwayr.ailway line with power lines:lines; - Power.Power suppiysupply /main{main cablei’;cable/; 55. In the interstation section Lyubimets railway station 4 Svileiigracl railway station. section Lyubimets railway slation _ Svilengrad raih4ay stahon. construction and assembly works are implemented, of which the construction of: and assembly works ar-.e impieme eci, ofwhich the constluclion ot: - Overhead contact line with\'r'ith a lengthlength ofof9.4999.499 km; - SecuritySecudtyinstallations;installations;

- Crossings ofofthethe electrified railway line with power lines; - PowerPowel supply {main/main cablef;cable/;

._--. 66. In the section SvilengradSvilengtad railway station, constructionconstluction and ass j-?_1f§=t_-'_o_T§§\. are .$’ ,..,_ *-~- implemented,iniplemented, ofofwhichwhich thetbe constructionconslr-uction of: gffi; ‘ 11> ol . _ _, l .. ‘ _ . I _ __ Ti 1,\ ‘- - i-' I12 1 /__ T,‘ "‘ , .J .".\!'§'°/ - Overhead contact line with a lengthlength ofof6.6g26.682 km; - SecuritySecurityinstallations;installations;

- Crossings ofofthethe electrifiedelectdfied railway lineiine withwitl.r power lines;lines; ~- Power supply /main cablei’;cable/; 7'.7. In the interstation section SvileiigradSvilengrad ~- the borclerborder with the Republic of Turkey,-lurkey, construction and assembly works are implemented, of which the construction of: construction and assembly works are implementecl, ofwhich the construction ol: - OverheadOvelhead contact lineline with a lengthlength of2l.g27of2l.827 km;km: - SecuritySecurityinstallations;installations;

~- CrossingsClossings ofofthethe electrifiedelectified railway line withwilh power lines;lines: - Power supply fmain/nain cable/; 8. In the interstation section Svilengrad — the border with the Republic of Greece, 8. ln the illterstation section Svilengrad - the bordel. with the Republic of Gleece, construction and assembly works(s are implemented, of which the construction of: and assembly wo ar.e implemented, of which the construc o,.l or-: - Overhead contact line with a length ofof4.4854.485 km; - SecuritySecurityinstallations;installations;

- CrossingsCr-ossings oftheof the electrifiedelect fred railway line with power lines;lines; - Power supply /main cable/;

The implementation of the assignedassigoed constructioncoDstruction and assemblyassenbly works ended with the issueissue ofUseofuse Permit N2Ns ST-05-7261 of0f 12.05.2016 ofthe0fthe Directorate for National Constructionconstruclion Control - Sofia.

AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd. performed the assigned constructionconstructioD and assemblyasscruoly 1l,orKsworks for the above mentioned site, showing high professionalplofessional level, responsible attitude.attitude, engagementengagemenl and correctness of work, organization, strict and accurate execution ol’ the and cor.rectness of wolk, otganization, sttict and accumte execution of the assigned works.

AVIS ENGINEERING LTD has specialized machinery and mechanization, as well as competent management, engineering and executive staff with extensive experienceexpeuence inln electrification of the railway transport, which allowed the fullilment of the agreed terms and electrification of the railway transpod, which allowed the flllfillnent of the agree.l renns ancl conditions with high professionalism and correctness,co ectness, with excellent organization of work.work, in order to comply with the schedule and technology of implementation,implenentatiol.l. approved projects, standardsstandalds and regulatory requirements.

We recoirnnendrecommend AVIS ENGINEERING Ltd. as a highly qualifiedqualilied and reliable partner.pa ner. workingworkiDg with the necessarynecessaly competence and professionalism.

—~ I ,..__ . /._"§'i 5‘¢~\..Y3..3\iiiI 1.1"‘; ,/'__,i; AFEHQ = -\' '1 1' -.______.-I

I _ ’ _i - ‘[0 n|\I‘*\./T} ;~__.'.i}/ Grad. Eng. KrasimirI0asimir PapukchiysltiPapukchiyski

Director General ofSEofsp NRICNRIC isignature,/signature, illegible/’illegible/


I,L the izndersignedundersicf q DimDi itrinai r, ina@dGeorgieva Alexiaolis, hereby certifi» that this is at true and accuratea:cut:r:!!e tmnslotionji:0nif Bulgarian to English lan 7?. e done by me oflhe attached ::a:h!!:n rtom-B_utgafian.to Enstish tanesssCltoni by *" oy th" iita"n"d ciocirnientdocwnent —- CertificateCeltiJicate ofofGoodGood Performance.performunce. cs.'§\ - % '-E_ The translationLranslation consists ofoJ 5 Q’ive)Avd pages.iages. Q-‘I ____“_“\.‘__'3*'\--

Trcins!ator.'Ttanslator: DiinitrinciDimitring GeorgievoAlexicia'iGeorsierq A S _ I _,= l ' I} :.': it /> /7 \|‘|l / 0311.1.