
D 8706(L) Transcript of a letter dated 12 July 1884 from M.A. Lintner to her brother Charles Sumner, a patient in the Parkside Lunatic Asylum, and a photocopy of an 1880s diary, written by a Parkside Asylum employee name unknown, giving details of daily activities and highlights.

Transcribed by L Fredericks. Volunteer at the State Library of South 2012 ______

Page 1 Copy of letter sent to Charles Sumner – patient in the Parkside Lunatic Asylum In No 2 Airing Yard. (C Ward) (Copy) “Uroonda (far North) 12 July 1884” “My dear Brother,” “I write these few lines to you hoping they will find you in good health as this leaves us at present thank God. I received your letter but it is of no use for you to expect me to come down to fetch you out, because you know that you are not fit to be at liberty. When you are quite free from the fits I shall be glad to fetch you, but you must content yourself where you are until then, for you know we cannot afford to keep you, as we have so many of our own. I have got another Baby Girl a fortnight old she is called Alice Elsie May. Emily has buried her Baby Alice & her family is all well, Josey is

Page 2 down at and Mother is gone away & I have not heard from her yet. We are going to leave the North and going to the Wakefield, so it will be no good for you to write again. You are in the best place that you can be in as you are taken care of and that is better than to be knocking about as you have been, so hoping that you are well, I now conclude,” “With kind love I remain your loving Sister (signed)” M.A. Lintner” P.S. Charley sends his love.

Beginning of Diary 1884 July 18 (Friday) Had an Entertainment at (18) the Parkside Lunatic Asylum commencing at 1/2 p 7 p.m. over at 9 p.m. in the Dance Room Female side “Beauty & the Beast”, given by Mrs Paterson & her children assisted by some lady & gentlemen friends. The stage from the Lunatic Asylum – erected at one end of the Room – Mrs Paterson was there, Miss Celia Morris, Matron (A.L.A.) who played the Piano, assisted by two gentlemen with Violins., Miss Harriet Lucy, Matron, (P.L.A.) Miss Eleanor Hannah, Mr Wm Watson, Miss Lynes (A.L.A.) Dr Cleland, Mrs Cleland, Master John Cleland, Mr James Paterson, Mrs Wm Watson & 2 children, Miss Moore (neice of Mrs Cleland) & Catherine Loveless – patient (A.L.A.) & Mr Cornelius Howard, Attendant (A.L.A.) Miss Harris was present gave her a note re my sister Carrie (she is going back to England) & has promised to call on her at Ealing, Middlesex, England.

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Page 3 July 18 (Friday) After the Entertainment Had a Country Dance, with Miss Harris, & Lancers with Miss Grace Ganley (Attendant). We left the room at 1/2 p 9 p.m. all seemed well pleased. July 20 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service at the Chaple (female division) at 1/4 to 3 p.m. The Revd Mr Brookman (Congregational) read the Lessons & preached an excellent sermon. Miss Lucy played the Harmonium & sang appropriate Psalms. I think the Dance Room should be used as a chapel (it was built for that purpose). July 21 (Monday) Mr Strangways, messages took out orders – for Reid Jay & Co Grenfell St, J. Lyons – Hindley St – G. Wood Son & Co Rundle St, also letter to Mr Hannah, Steward Adelaide Asylum – re death of patient Matthew Hales, yesterday aged 65. Parkside Asylum Males – 276 Females – 162 Total – 438

1884 July 21 (Monday) The masons have now finished the new Dining Room in No 1 Airing Court (Garden Yard) up to the wall plate & the work is now standing still for the carpenters to put the roof on which will be high pitch & covered with sheets of Galvanized Tinned Iron. Painters are now having \busy/ painting the Woodwork (Inside & outside) of the Parkside Lunatic Asylum 2 coats – Today they finished the office, Messenger’s Room, & the Messenger & Hall Porter’s Bed Room, Head Attendants Room, do Bed Room, The front Hall Door & the Visitors Room. They are putting the first coat of paint in Dr Cleland’s Office & Board Room The Big Bed Room in A. Ward has had one coat of paint on. B, C, XC & D wards are finished After the Male side is finished – they will paint the woodwork – on the female side. The day fine & clear morning cloudy [in margin] Langsford & Sons, Parade, Norwood have the contract for painting the Parksdie Lunatic Asylum.

Page 4 1884 July 23 (Wednesday) 5 Male Patients transferred from the * Adelaide Asylum to the Parkside Asylum in charge of Attendants John Healy & Joseph Hayward – Stephen Cotter Attdt at the Adelaide Asylum has been dismissed. *They arrived here in one of John Hill & Co Traps at 3 p.m. Dance at the P.L.A. attended it Saw Miss Harris there, shook hands with her. She leaves Adelaide for England on Monday \(28th July)/ next by one of the Orient line of Steamers. What a charming young woman she is & what a sweet smile – Who can she be? I must ask Mrs Cleland. Danced with her & Miss Nash & Mrs Cleland. Mr Hannah & his 2 daughters were there. Night fair but very cold, put on my pilot coat & went out & had a smoke & a drink of 3 or 4 cups of coffee. 24 July (Thursday) \Patient/ P Jas Robertson came to bed at 10 p.m. Never heard the door opened.

1884 July 26 (Saturday) Patient Martin Kneebone – discharged & sent to the Destitute Asylum, Adelaide by the Express Wagonette. In charge of Hd Att: F. Schneider, & Att. Boehm (Admitted to P.A. 17 May 83) (do to A.A. 27 Decr 82)

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July 27 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service in the Chapel (Female side). The Revd W.H. Mudie \Glen Osmond/ Church of England read the pl Lessons & Psalms for the day & preached an eloquent sermon His daughter Miss Mudie \Sampson/ played the Harmonium & sang. Day dull & cloudy. July 28 (Monday) Dull & cloudy – very cold – wind S.E. Reading over the Tradesmen’s a/cs. (19/- to Mr Dickson the Steward – who checked & entered them in the “Invoice Book” – 1/2 p 5 p.m. to 1/2 p 9 p.m. Retired to rest at 10 p.m.

Page 5 1884 July 28 (Monday) The Orient liner (Screw Steamer) “Lusitania” 2,424 Tons Capt H.F. Sladen, sailed from the Semaphore to day, with the following passengers: – for London, England. Dr Norman, Master Napier, Mr & Mrs C. Birks, Misses Mary, Helen, Edith, Catherine & Margaret Birks in the Saloon and Mrs & Miss Trembutt, Miss Harris \arrived by ship (“Holmesdale”/ and Mrs L. Smith in the Cabin – and 11 in the Steerage.

Saloon 9 Cabin 4 Steerage 11 Total 24 Passengers July 29 (Tuesday) Mr Dickson sent the Tradesmens a/cs \for the month/.– to Mr J.J. Hannah, Steward, Adelaide Lunatic Asylum also discharge paper – Dennis Carroll (on trial 3 months) – he left with his father to day. Dr Paterson called at the Parkside Lunatic Asylum at a 1/4 past 3 p.m. Bus out to day with females Miss Mary Fitzgerald – Att: in charge

1884 July 31 (Thursday) At 10 a.m. Carpenters hauling up the rafters \”Principals”/ of the roof of new Dining Room in No 1 Aairing Court – they look to me heavy & clumsy – not so nice as the ones in our present Dining Room. 31 – The lunacy Commissioners Report has appeared in the papers – under the head of General Management it recommends that Dr Paterson, R.M.O. at the Adelaide Lunatic Asylum, should only attend to that place & he & be relieved of the duties of Colonial Surgeon. Dr Cleland must confine his attention solely to the Parkside Lunatic Asylum. Dr Moore says the P.L.A. must now be considered full. Cottage now erecting |(of course this for female patients/ must be finished & occupied (say 40 patients) The Lunacy Commission

Page 6 1884 July 31. began their meetings at the Adelaide Asylum in May 1883 & sat for 12 months. They used to meet every Friday & sat I am told in Dr Paterson’s office: The following were the names on the Commission:– Hon John Cotton – Chairman Allan Cambell J.H. Bagster Thos Johnson Jenkin Coles

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Arthur John Baker Samuel D. Glyde The Report is dated “Executive Council Chamber” Adelaide 21st July 1884. July 31st (Thursday) This was pay day for the Male & Female Attendants:– Mr Hannah, Steward (Adelaide Asylum) & Mr Wm Watson – Clerk to Col. Surgeon (Dr Paterson) came at 4 p.m. & paid them

1884 August 3 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service at 3 p.m. in the chapel. The Revd Canon Andrews (Church of England) read the lessons, & psalms for the day – Miss Andrews played & sang on the Harmonium. Mr Andrews also preached an excellent sermon. Miss Lucy the Matron was absent Mr Robert Dickson, Steward was present – also Mrs Cleland & her little boy \(Willie)/: – Mr Hannah, Steward (A.L.A.) was also present. From 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. Day fair – sunshine & cloudy Wind N.E. August 4 (Monday) The carpenters have now fixed the 4 principals on the roof of the new Dining Room in No 1 Airing Court P.L.A.

Males 279 Females 161 Total 440

Page 7 1884 August 12 (Tuesday) Painters at work painted the outside of Hall Door (first coat), also outside of window frames in the front of the building The omnibus called here to day about 1/2 p 2 p.m. with several female patients from the A.L.A. (their usual day for a ride) – In charge of – Mrs Alice Curran. Att: (K Ward) & Miss Celia Morris the Matron – I went to the front & shook hands with Miss Morris, & Mrs Curran & also with Miss Sarah Goddard – a patient who was sitting on the box seat. Miss Celia Morris got out & went in to see Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron (P.L.A.). after stopping half an hour the Bus proceeded on its way. 20 August – Parkside Asylum Males 276 Females 161 437

1884 August 17 (Sunday) Day cold and gloomy \& Wet/ – No clergyman came to day – so that we had no Divine Service:– August 19 (Tuesday) Men commenced putting on the sheets of Galvanised Iron on the roof of the new Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard. August 20 (Wednesday) Dance at the P.L.A. Attended it – Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron was absent. Danced a Quadrille with Mrs Cleland and La Tempetè with Miss Moore Mrs O’Halloran was there with her little daughter. she appears about 4 years old with fair hair & blue eyes Night fine, starlight and cold.

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Page 8 1884 August 24 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service – at the Chapel (Female side) or rather a Day Room used as a Chapel. The Revd W.H. Mudie of Glen Osmond came & read the lessons & psalms for the day & preached a sermon – The Revd W.H. Mudie also had to play the Harmonium, Miss Lucy the Matron being absent. To my great regret & annoyance Miss [word crossed out] \Sampson/ was not with her Father \the Revd W.H. Mudie/. I supposed she was prevented by indisposition. August 25 (Monday) Plasterers at work putting cement on the chimney stack of the new Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard Males 283 Females 161 444

1884 [order of original entries altered to follow dates] August 26 (Tuesday) Mens at work putting on the sheets of Galvanised Iron on the roof of the new Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard. August 27 (Wednesday) 3 patients transferred from the Adelaide Asylum to the Parkside Asylum – arrived here at 3 p.m. in a Cab – in charge of Attendants Wm Muir and /Stanberry\ August 27 (Wednesday) overtime – assisting Mr Dickson entering the Tradesmens accounts into the “Invoice Book” 1/2 p 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Night clear & moonlight. 447 47 494

Males 286 Atts: (47) M & F Females 161 447 August 27 (Wednesday) We shifted the books & papers \&c/ out of the office this afternoon, into the Doctors office & Board Room in order that the Painters might whiten the ceiling & calcomine the walls Assisting Mr Dickson, at work in the Board Room entering the Tradesmens a/cs into the “Invoice Book” 1/2 p 5 to 7 p.m. Thursday 28 – at work in the Board Room 1/2 p 5 to 7 p.m. – overtime [the following section is crossed out] 29 (Friday) see Thursday In the Board Room assisting Mr Dickson to enter the Tradesmens a/cs into the “Invoice Book” – 1/2 p 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. August 29 (Friday) This afternoon we removed the Books & papers from the Board Room back to the office.

Langsford Brothers: Have finished painting the woodwork of the Main Building (Male & Female side) and the Criminal wing. They have also varnished \[in margin] the Roof of the Kitchen & painted the doors & window frames of the Scullery – done in first class style./

August 28 \(Thursday)/ Got a pair of Spectacles from S. Impett Storeman. (No 16)

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Page 9 1884 \August 30 (Saturday) Pay day to day for the Male & Female Att Attendants & Officers – Mr J.J. Hannah, Mr Wm Watson, Mr F.C. Wyatt came from the Adelaide Lunatic Asylum in a carriage (2 horse) – arrived here at 3 p.m. & paid them their months wages by cheque on the Bank of Australiasia – Day fine & clear – rather warm./ August 31 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service at the Chapel (Female side) The Revd F.S. Poole M.A. – read the lessons & preached an excellent sermon Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron was present and preached and sang & played on the Harmonium Memo: The ceiling of the office has been stopped & whitened, & the walls calcomined – it looks much better than it did. The ceiling of the Chapel has been whitened & the walls calcomined

1884 Page 10 1884 September 1st (Monday) Working mens light hours anniversary festival At 2 p.m. The Gawler Town brass band came & played a choice selection of music in the Balcony ([word crossed out] \1st / floor) over the front entrance – seats were placed on the Lawn for the male & female patients: & some dancing took place but I did not dance – W Dr Cleland was present and Mrs Cleland, Mr R. Dickson Steward – Mr Hannah, Miss Eleanor Hannah, Mr Hann Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron (P.L.A.) 2 to 4 p.m. Mrs Hannah was on the ground with her infant a boy born 2 30th April /Wednesday\ 1884 at the

1884 Septr 1 (Monday) Lodge at the front entrance: his name is Henry Grenfell Hannah /named after Grenfell St, Kent Town\ Septr 2 (Tuesday) The New Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard is now nearly finished – outside the plasterers have done, & the galvanised iron roof is on Septr1 (Monday) Patient Thomas Edwards died at 1/2 p 1 p.m. (mid-day) at H cottage (W. Houston Attendant) aged 56 – (buried in West Terrace cemetery, Adelaide) Admitted to A.A. 11 Septr 1861 To P.A. 1 Decr 1881 Septr 3 (Wednesday) Dance at the P.L.A. attended it & spent a very pleasant evening. Present Dr Cleland & Mrs Cleland, & Master John Cleland Mrs O’Halloran & her little daughter & Miss Andrews, daughter of Canon Andrews, pastor of St Bartholomew’s Church at

Page 11 1884 Septr 3 (Wed.) Norwood. Also Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron. Danced a Quadrille with Miss Lucy, a Country Dance with Miss Mary Ann Dicken (patient) a “March & Polka” with Mrs Cleland & the Circassian Circle with Miss Mary Fitzgerald, Attendant. A beautiful moonlight night all seemed pleased & happy 7 to 10 p.m. Miss Annie Watson & Miss Isabella Watson were present. I danced the Country Dance with Miss Annie Watson. Miss Moore was absent. P.L.A. Males 284 Females 161 Total 445

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6 September 1884 (Saturday)

1884 Septr 7 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service in the Chapel A gentleman came & read the lessons & psalms for the day & read a Sermon The two Miss Andrews came with a gentleman & a little girl – Miss Andrews played on the Harmonium & sang. Hymns &c. Miss Lucy the Matron was absent. Day fine & clear. Septr 11 (Thursday) Mr Stephen Impett Acting Storekeeper absent from this day for 1 week – Mr Robert Dickson \Steward or Store Keeper/ in charge of the Store during his absence 6080ft or 2,026yards = 1 Nautical mile 5,280ft or 1,760yards = 1 Land Mile See the “Advertiser” of Septr 11th 1884 in a letter headed “Outer Harbor Scheme” & signed “Sandhill Sailor” “To the Editor.” William Iselin

Page 12 1884 Septr 12 (Friday) This morning Messrs Langsfords’ men commenced to paint the walls of the Entrance Hall. The lower half is to be painted & the upper half is to be calcomined. The ceiling cracks in the ceiling have been stopped & whitened. Septr 14 (Sunday) We waited till 1/4 p 3 p.m. to day, but no clergyman came, consequently there was no Divine Service – Day fine & clear. Septr 15. (Monday) The new Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard is now nearly finished. The Porch at the front only awaits the plasterers – who are now covering the brickwork at the angles of the building with Portland cement. 1884 Septr 16 (Tuesday) Carpenters busy putting down the floor boards in the new Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard. Septr 17 (Wednesday) Day fine & clear. Dance at the P.L.A. attended it & passed a very pleasant evening. Present Dr & Mrs Cleland, Master John Cleland & Miss Moore. Mrs Cleland introduced me to some friends of hers from Mout Mount Gambier – three nice young ladies \[in margin] I have ascertained: they are Miss Caroline Glenn & her two sisters from Millicent nr Mount Gambier & are on a visit to Dr & Mrs Cleland – at their Residence/ (I cant remember their names at present). Mrs O’Halloran was there with her little daughter & Mrs Fisher. Mrs Cleland told me that Miss Harris came to in the Sailing Ship “Holmesdale” Miss Andrews was there (daughter of the Revd Canon Andrews of Norwood). I danced the Parisian Quadrille with Mrs Cleland and th a Quadrille with Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron

Page 13 1884 Septr 17 (Mo) a Country Dance with Miss Condon &c. Mr Hannah and his two daughters were there. [order of original entries altered to follow dates] \20 (Saturday) Day cloudy & cold at 12 at noon it came down heavy rain with hail stones & strong gusts of wind – it lasted about 15 minutes./ Langsford Brothers to day finished the painting of the front Entrance Hall – the walls of the lower part are of a brown color & the upper part is calcimined. There is a very neat ornamental border round.

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Septr 21 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service in the Chapel (Female side) The Revd Mr Brookman, Congregationalist Minister, read the prayers & preached an excellent Sermon. Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron played the Harmonium

1884 Septr 22 (Monday) Fine & clear. Weather splendid. Septr 25 (Thursday) Morning dull & cloudy Raining from 5 a.m. to 8 a.m. in fact nearly all day. Working overtime assisting Mr Dickson checking Tradesmen’s a/cs – also writing up the Store Book from 25th August to 26th September – \Mr Dickson/ finished the Store Book – all correct. From 1/2 p 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. then retired to rest & slept well. Night moonlight, but cloudy. Septr 26 (Friday) At work in the office assisting Mr Dickson copying the Tradesmens a/cs – into the “Invoice Book” – 6 \p.m./ to 9 p.m. Had a good nights’ sleep. Day cloudy with showers. Septr 27 (Saturday) Men glazing the windows of New Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard. Septr 28 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service – The Revd W. H. Mudie came & Miss Sampson played the Harmonium. Miss Lucy was not at chapel.

Page 14 Parkside Lunatic Asylum March 1873 October 1875 March 1877 Males 70 Males 88 Males 125 Females 52 Females 63 Females 83 Total 122 Total 151 Total 208

1884 Septr 30 (Tuesday) Pay day. Mr Hannah, Mr Wm Watson & Mr F.C. Wyatt came at 3 p.m. & paid the Male & Female Attendants. \[in margin] The New Dining Room \(No 1 Airing Court)/ is now finished. I think the only thing now required is the Gas./ Octr 1 (Wednesday) Entertainment at the Parkside Asylum – commenced at 7 p.m. over at 8 p.m. “Bombastes Furioso” by amateurs friends of Mrs Paterson. A great many visitors present. Dr & Mrs Cleland, Master John Cleland, Mr Hannah & his two daughters, Mrs Wm Watson, infant & son, Mrs O’Halloran, Miss Phillips, Mrs Paterson, Master James Paterson, the Misses Paterson, Mr F.C. Wyatt Miss Harriet Lucy, Matron (P.L.A) Mr Dickson, Steward, Mr F. Schneider

1884 Octr 1 (Wednesday) Head Attendant, Miss Celia Morris, Matron (A.S.A), Miss Ellen Lynes* (A.L.A) Miss Fahey* (A.L.A) *\[in margin] Attendants/ After the play was over the room was cleared & we had a dance. I had a Country Dance with Mrs Cleland, a Quadrille with a little girl, Circassian Circle with Miss Nash (Att:) and Lancers with Miss Condon (Att:) Miss Moore was present and played on the piano with another young lady, for the performers on the stage. A young lady then played on the Piano & Miss Moore sang two songs. Octr 2 (Thursday) Dr Moore called here about 12 at noon. Saw William Smith a Dangerous Patient. At 3 p.m. Dr Phillips called & in his Buggy was Miss Phillips (a nice little girl with blue eyes – about 3 years old). [in margin] 8th Octr Got a pair of Blucher Boots from the Store – No 10

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Page 15 1884 October 11 (Friday) Cloudy, cold & wet. Raining nearly all day – Wind S.W. October 12 (Sunday) Attended divine Service the Revd Mr McGuire came & preached a good sermon & Mr Vesy played on the Harmonium. Miss Lucy the Matron, & Mrs Cleland were present October 13 (Monday) Fine & clear – wind N. E. October 14 (Tuesday) Fine & clear – wind N.E. Ther in Dining Room 72 deg. At 11 a.m. October 19 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service, Female side at 3 p.m. The Revd Mr Brookman came & preached an excellent sermon. Miss Lucy, the Matron played on the Harmonium. Dr Cleland was present, also Miss Moore – very warm Fine & clear. Ther at 2 p.m. 90 degrees in the Dining Room No 1 Airing Court In the evening vivid sheet lightening & about 10 pm it began to rain

1884 Octr 20 (Monday) Dull & cloudy Wind S.W. Octr 22 (Wednesday) At 3 p.m. 5 male patients transferred here from the Adelaide Lunatic Asylum in charge of Attendants Moyle & Johnson Octr 26 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service at the Chapel (female side) The Revd W.H. Mudie came & read the lessons & preached an elegant sermon – Miss Sampson came with him & played & sang on the Harmonium After the service the Revd W.H. Mudie & Miss Sampson, accompanied by Mr Robert Dickson came into No 1 Airing Court & Mr Dean made a boquet of Roses &c for Miss Sampson – \Miss Lucy absent/ Mrs Mary Blinman \Patient/ died this morning on the Female side. Aged 47 – admitted here Octr 1872 admitted to the Adelaide Asylum October 1869. Wife of Mr John Blinman.

Page 16 1884 Octr 29 (Wednesday) Dance at the P.L.A. Attended it. Had a Country Dance with Miss Grace Ganley (Att:) Lancers with Miss Dicken (patient), Quadrille with Miss Harriet Lucy, Parisian Quadrille with Mrs Cleland and again the Circassian Circle with Miss Harriet Lucy. The night was fine & moonlight. Octr 31 (Friday) Pay day here to day. Mr Wm Watson & Mr F.C. Wyatt came here at 4 p.m. & paid the Male & Female attendants & officers Day fine & clear & rather hot. Nov 2 (Sunday) Did not attend Divine service to day. A gentleman came & Miss Andrews played on the Harmonium – Day fine & clear Hot.

1884 Decr 13 (Saturday) Had a Picnic to day at Paradise in a paddock belonging to Mr Short. Left here about 9 a.m. in Hill & Cos Busses & called at the old Asylum (Adelaide). From both Asylums Male & Female patients arrived at the ground about 1/2 p 11 or 12. The day was cool & windy & dusty – I was there & all seemed to enjoy themselves We left there about 6 p.m. & arrived at Parkside Asylum about 1/2 p 7 p.m. Dr Cleland & Mrs Cleland ,\Master John Cleland/ & Miss Lucy the Matron were there – also Dr Paterson, Mrs Paterson, Master James Paterson & Miss Celia Morris, Matron, Adelaide Lunatic Asylum, Mr J.J. Watson – Hd Attendant Adelaide Asylum, & Mrs Watson –

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Page 17 1884 Decr 23 (Tuesday) At 6 p.m. had a dance on the Lawn in front of the Asylum – a couple of tables placed on the lawn & on the top the Piano, chairs &c – a violin & a cornet – after dancing till abt 8 p.m. – adjourned to the Dance Room female side – which was decot \decorated/ with boughs &c – & the front of the gallery draped with red & white calico & – Had some cake & coffee. over at 10 pm – Dr & Mrs Cleland, Dr Paterson, & Mrs Paterson, Mr James Paterson, Miss Paterson, Miss Morris, Matron (A.L.A.) Miss Lucy, Matron (P.L.A.). I enjoyed myself – all seemed pleased. Day fine & clear rather hot –

1884 Decr 25 (Thursday) Christmas Day Dinner Roast Beef & Christmas Pudding – & a pint of ale for each Inmate. The day fine & clear P.L.A. Males 285 Females 171 456 – on 7 January 1885

1885 January 21 (Wednesday) To day at dinner time we occupied the new Dining Room in No 1 Garden Yard It is a very nice room. The ceiling is match-boarded \and varnished/ & the floor is varnished\ has had two coats of boiled oil. It is of course a boarded floor /The floor boards (deal) are 6 inches wide.\ Day fine – rather warm.

Page 18 1885 Memo: H. Cottage (Atts Houston & Collins) was occupied by 24 male patients transferred from the Adelaide Asylum to Parkside Asylum in charge of William Houston Attendant from the A.A. on the 15th December 1881. Memo: The Screw Steamer “Ruapehu” built at Glasgow for the New Zealand Steam Ship Compy. – Length between perpendiculars 380ft do overall 410 “ Breadth 46 “ Depth of Hold 33. 4in 1885 January 31 (Saturday) For the first time Mr Robert Dickson Steward P.L.A. has made out the pay sheets (signed by Dr Paterson) and the Cheques for the month of January. There are 50 \49/ Cheques to be made out every month (Bank of Australasia)

1885 Jany 31 (Saturday) every cheque signed by Dr Cleland. The officials were paid to day by Mr Dickson the Steward. Parkside Asylum Males 285 Females 176 Total 461 3rd March 1885

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Males 287 Females 176 Total 463 14th March 1885

Males 287 Females 175 Total 462 25th March 1885

Males 290 Females 174 Total 464 10th April 1885

Males 291 Females 174 Total 465 15th April 1885

Page 19 1885 March 25 Memo: Messrs Burford & Sons \(Soap makers [...])/ have just erected a chimney in Sturt Street 152ft 6in high April 3 (Good Friday) In the yard to day public holiday. Had fish (Ling) for dinner. The day was fine & warm. April 12 (Sunday) Attended Divine Service at 3 p.m. Mr Williams from St Barnabas College \North Adelaide/ came & read the Lessons & preached an excellent sermon. Miss Lucy the Matron played the Harmonium The day was windy & wet and showers – There was a fire in the Chapel. April 14 (Tuesday) The Patients in No 2 Airing Court removed & had dinner in the Dining Room vacated by No1 Airing Court Patients \Old Dining Room No 1 Yard/ (on 21 Jany last) April 13 (Monday) Mr Impett – Storeman Attendant on leave of absence for 7 days. Mr Robert Dickson – Steward & Store Keeper – doing duty in the Store

1885 April 13 (Monday) during his absence. April 13 (Monday) Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron absent on leave for 14 days from this date April 15 (Wednesday) \first of the season Dance/ Dance at the P.L.A. Had a Country Dance with Miss Grace Ganley (Att:) Lancers with Mrs Cleland Parisian Quadrille with Miss Moore, Country Dance with Miss Honora Kearse (Att:) March & Polka with Miss Annie Moore & Country Dance with Miss Harriet Lucy (Matron) and Quadrille with Miss M Considine (Att:) – James Robertson, patient was present dressed in Highland costume Dr & Mrs Cleland \Master John Cleland/ Mr R. Dickson Steward, Mr F. Schneider – Hd Att: Mr S. Impett, Storeman Attendant & Miss Harriet Lucy, Matron & several visitors were present All seemed to enjoy it. The night was cold & dark but no rain a female patient named Caroline Murray abt 9 p.m. got very noisy in the Dance

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Page 20 1885 April 15 (Wednesday) Room, shouting out & jumping about & had to be removed by the female attendants. Frederick Balhatchet \(patient)/ was present from H. Cottage. Mr Hannah & two daughters were not present. Mrs Hannah has been very unwell lately. April 14 (Tuesday) This evening we received orders from Mr Detmar, Att: that those patients that sat up till 8 p.m. were from this date to sit up in the Old Dining Room now occupied by patients in No 2 yard: \Old Dining Room/ The walls look very bare & prison- like – suggest that a few pictures be obtained to adorn the walls. Also that the cracks in the walls be filled up with Portland Cement. at present the room has a very shabby appearance. Some spittons also should be provided.

South Australia The new Ministry [sworn] in on Monday 16 June 1884 [chief ?] Secretary – Hon: John Colton M.P. [treasurer] – Hon: Wm Benjn Rounsvell M.P. [attorney] General – Hon: Chas Cameron Kingston M.P. [comr] of Crown Lands Hon: Jenkin Coles M.P. [comr] of Public Works Hon: Thos Playford M.P. [Minister] of Justice & Education Hon: R.C. Baker M.L.C.

1885 April 19 (Sunday) Day Fine & clear. attended Divine Service at 1/2 p 2 p.m. Mr came & read the Lessons & preached a very good sermon. Miss Harriet Lucy the Matron played on the Harmonium [April] 20 (Monday) Mr Stephen Impett came this morning \from his leave of absence/ & resumed his duties in the Store. [April] 22 (Wednesday) Dance at the Adelaide Asylum (first of the season) Mr Dickson went there in the afternoon with the pay sheets for April

Page 21 Duplicate of Page 20

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