Ana Stranjančević Mediterranean University, Faculty of Tourism in Podgorica, Montenegro

Iva Bulatović Mediterranean University, Faculty of Tourism in Podgorica, Montenegro

Darko Lacmanović Mediterranean University, Faculty of Tourism in Podgorica, Montenegro

Andrej Raspor School of Advanced Social Studies in Nova Gorica, Slovenia

Pregledni članak DOI 1515/eoik-2015-0027, UDK 338.48-44(=581)(497.16) Review paper

SUMMARY Keywords: , Montenegro, Tourism, Destination, Chinese tourists. Since Chinese outbound tourism current- ly represents the largest outbound tourist INTRODUCTION market, the opportunities for tourism of Montenegro in the Chinese tourist market As nowadays Chinese outbound tourism should be certainly examined. has significant role in global tourist market, it The aim of this paper is to analyze the is very important for every tourist destination relevant data about Chinese tourists who that, in its development strategy, pays ade- are visiting Montenegro: their specific de- quate attention to this growing, long-distance mographic characteristics, travel habits tourist market. Therefore, considering the fact and main motivation, but also to identify that tourism is the most important industry in the possible ways to increase the number of Montenegro and, from the other side, that the Chinese tourists in Montenegro in future. number of Chinese tourists on the global level For the purpose of this paper, two years is significantly growing, Chinese tourist mar- long empirical research was conducted ket is recognized as a great challenge for tour- among Chinese tourists in Montenegro with ism industry of Montenegro. Accordingly, the the help of questionnaire. Several inter- first scientific empirical research dedicated views with representatives of tourism sector to Chinese tourist market in Montenegro has in Montenegro were carried out as well. been conducted, analyzing the characteristics of tourists from China who have already visit- The authors have concluded that only ed Montenegro, but also identifying the mod- after the total adjustment of Montenegro els to motivate potential Chinese tourists to tourist offer to the Chinese tourists’- pref come to this country in future. erences, Montenegro could be completely ready for intensive acceptance of Chinese According to the World Travel & Tour- tourists. What’s more, in order to attract ism Council Investment Report, in the peri- larger number of Chinese tourists, the ef- od from 2011 to 2021 Travel & Tourism in fective marketing policy of Montenegro as a Montenegro is expected to attract capital in- tourist destination should be created in that vestment, which will be rising by 16.4% an- direction and as well the specialized tour- nually, what is the highest annual growth in ism promotion at the Chinese market should the world, second only to Brazil. This means be carried out. that Travel & Tourism’s share of total invest-

© Oikos institut Bijeljina 151 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... ment in Montenegro will rise from 33.4% in On the other hand, China has the world’s largest 2011 to 50.8% in 2021, which indicates on population with 1.35 billion people, which could the great importance of the tourism industry be the great potential for the outbound travel in- in economy of Montenegro. dustry. Furthermore, as a result of a continued The future success of this the most im- increase in leisure time and household income, portant industry in Montenegro will depend during the past 20 years there is a remarkable on the improvement of the existing tourist increase of the number of Chinese tourists who markets, but also on the identifying new travel abroad (Rakotonanahary, 2014). While target groups in tourism of Montenegro. UNWTO in 2003 predicted that about 100 mil- One of them should certainly be a Chinese lion Chinese tourists are expected to travel abroad tourist market. by 2020, according to Artl, 2016 (Bofulin et al., In order to examine the readiness of Monte- 2016), the number of Chinese tourists increased negro as tourist destination for Chinese tour- to 133 million even in the year of 2015. That’s ists empirical research was conducted which why nowadays there are more and more studies methodology, sample and results will be pre- dedicated to Chinese outbound tourism in order sented in this paper. The aim of this paper is to identify the most appropriate tourism strategies to analyze the relevant data about Chinese for this emerging tourist market. tourists who are visiting Montenegro: number Due to the significant economic rise of Chi- of tourist arrivals, overnight stays and their na, many authors observe the role of this new average stay; then their specific demographic emerging economy. As Cox (2012) state, some characteristics, travel habits and main motiva- of them point out that China is fast becoming tion for visiting Montenegro; but also to iden- a responsible stakeholder in international soci- tify the possible ways to increase the number ety (Kissinger, 2011; Cox, 2012), others that of Chinese tourists in Montenegro in future. In its rapid economic expansion is the only thing this empirical research are indeed determined standing against a global depression (Halper, important findings regarding both the tourist 2010; Cox 2012), and many of them that if it offer and tourist demand, which will be useful continued to grow, it might soon be running for decision-makers and creators of tourism Asia (Friedberg, 2011; Cox, 2012) or possibly and marketing policies in Montenegro. even the world (Jacques, 2012; Cox, 2012). The role and significance of the China at As the world economy will be changing a the global economy nowadays is changing lot over the next two or three decades, it is ex- and becoming more and more important in pected that the BRICs countries could become many aspects. China has become one of the a much larger force in the world economy and key players in the world economy, as in 2010 could be larger than the G6 by 2039. The role it was the second economy on the world, after of China is becoming even more important, as the United States of America (Lim and Pan, it is predicted that China’s economy could be 2003). According to Rakotonanahary (2014), larger than the USA by 2041 and larger than thanks to the real GDP growth rates of 10 everyone else as early as 2016. percent for the past three decades, China is According to the report China 2030: Build- the world’s fastest growing economy (Bar- ing a Modern, Harmonious, and Creative Soci- net, 2013). Although, the World Bank expects ety, thanks to implementing new technologies, Chinese real GDP growth to ease slightly in building modern infrastructure, investing in lo- the coming years, to about 6.7% in 2016 and cal people, and integrating with the world, con- 6.5% in 2017, due to gradual rebalancing sidering local and interregional aspects; over from investment to consumption and rapid the past three decades performance of China’s rebalancing from industrial sector to services economy has been impressive. In the following (Hofman, 2016), China’s economy will still 15 to 20 years, China has not only the potential maintain its important place. to be a modern, harmonious, and creative soci-

152 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... ety, but also to become a high-income economy ences towards food, accommodation, types of and the world’s largest economy before 2030. travel arrangements and destinations, additional As China currently is the largest outbound tourist offer, and purchasing preferences. tourist generating country in the world, it is Chang, Kivela and Mak (2010) studied the a fundamental key market for the world tour- preferences of Chinese tourists in relation to ism industry (Rakotonanahary, 2014). Due to food. They have conducted a detailed analysis of the increasing importance of tourism industry the factors that have influenced the Chinese tour- in China, the development of new habits and ists in choosing foods at each destination. The practices in behavior of the local population study was conducted in Australia. They came to which are mostly reflected in cultural compo- the conclusion that greatly influ- nents and changing in current lifestyles of local ences Chinese tourists’ choice of dishes for lunch. people is evident. Leisure management’s ac- Also, they have concluded that Chinese tourists’ tivities and programs are significantly gaining food satisfaction affects the level of satisfaction the importance in everyday life, and as a result with a complete tourist destination. In accordance of the increase of purchasing power of local with this conclusion, we can say that the Chinese people, a large percentage of Chinese people culture influences the creation of a proper offer. It deciding to travel abroad. However, although is no wonder why more new restaurants are spe- the share of Chinese tourists in global tourist cialized in . However, it should market is gradually increasing, it still cannot be be borne in mind that the Chinese culture and claimed that this market segment is well rec- their way of eating are highly specific, and that ognized, examined and understood by creators in order to meet their demands we should be well of tourist offer at global market, what makes acquainted with their culture. Thus, for example: the potential of China quite limited. Faster the Chinese drink hot water with a meal while in economic growth of the middle class has led to the West usually people drink cold water (Attract the fact that people with middle and lower pur- China, 2015). chasing power traveling more and more, and Wong (2013) examines the purchasing pref- that there is a huge interest of Chinese tour- erences of Chinese tourists. Supporting research ists for European countries as a tourist desti- was carried out in casino tourism destinations. nations. Which European countries will attract Author notes that there are differences in the the largest number of Chinese tourists to a large purchasing preferences between men and wom- extent depends on the knowing and familiari- en, and to a large extent it depends on the arrival ty with the specifics of Chinese tourist market. place of Chinese tourists. As in the previous case, In that sense, it is necessary to clearly define when we concluded that the satisfaction of food the profile of tourists coming from China, their affects the total satisfaction of Chinese tourists, demographic characteristics, travel habits and and in this case it was also found that satisfaction motivation (Raspor et all., 2012). with the purchase affects the total satisfaction of In the next chapter short literature review about Chinese tourists. Here is also found that gaming Chinese tourists’ preferences will be presented. centers can easily grow to shopping destinations because Chinese tourists who go to visit the casi- LITERATURE REVIEW nos spend a lot of money on shopping. Numerous studies have shown that Chinese As China has become one of the most impor- tourists like shopping tours and they spend a lot tant outbound tourist markets in the world during of money on purchases. Research conducted the last 20 years, there is a significant number of by Xu and McGehee (2012) confirms it. Spe- studies focuses on the Chinese outbound tour- cifically, these authors come to the conclusion ism, analyzing the profile of Chinese tourists, that Chinese tourists in the United States are their demographic characteristics and specifics, spending the most on watches, jewelry, health their travel habits and motivations, their prefer- products and running shoes. It was also found

153 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... that men are more satisfied with their purchase lowed by rest and relaxation, but also there are than women are, but also men and women the history of Greece, Greek hospitality, a good agreed that it is necessary to engage more sales quality hotel services and Greek food. These staff who speak the Chinese language, and that findings are also a good basis for the creation it would be desirable that the Chinese payment of an adequate strategy for the development of cards can be used in the USA. Summing up, tourism offer for the Chinese market. the results of research made by these authors Chen, Lehto and Tea (2013) examined the imply that Chinese tourists are generally satis- effects of vacation on the well-being of Chi- fied with the purchase in the USA. nese tourists. They come to the conclusion Liu et al. (2013) made an interesting analysis that the general physical condition after a trip on the preferences of Chinese tourists. Specif- by Chinese tourists does not change. The re- ically, the authors have based on the specific sults of this study should be taken into consid- requirements of Chinese tourists, when they eration when a tourist trip has been created. come to hotel accommodation. The results of On the other hand, Pearce et al. (2013) ex- their research show that Chinese tourists like amined the attitudes of Chinese tourists in to have tea in the room, buffet breakfast, and Italy, using methods of informal interviews that the hotel has additional advantages such and poll. The research was conducted in Mi- as hotels’ attractive locations close to shopping lan. They come to the conclusion that Chinese centers and tourist attractions. The most pre- tourists spend a lot of time outdoors, that is to ferred destinations are Europe and the USA. It say they enjoy the observation of cultural and is interesting that price is not crucial for making historical monuments that are critical and that decisions where Chinese tourists want to go, it is a quite difficult to meet their expectations. but the visa regime is, in particular the USA. In order to develop the specialized tourist of- Although Chinese tourists like to plan trip on fer tailored for Chinese tourists and to establish their own, as a more practical variant for them the effective marketing strategies to attract a are group travel and package arrangements much larger number of them in Montenegro, all that have already been created. The famous ho- findings mentioned above should be considered. tel chains are already familiar with the specific preferences of Chinese tourists and there has METHODOLOGY AND SAMPLE been done very much to improve the service in hotels to this extremely fast-growing segment of the market, in order to be fully satisfied. For the purpose of this scientific research, empirical survey was conducted in all three Packer, Ballantyne and Hughes (2014) make regions of Montenegro. The research was a comparison of Chinese tourists and tourists conducted in two periods: from January to De- from Australia. The research results show that cember 2014, and from January to November Chinese tourists love nature and its attrac- 2015. The collected data were analyzed with tions but they are not animal lovers as they Statistic Package for Social Science software are feared, and also they are familiar with en- v. 2.2. The questionnaires were filled in by vironmental issues. The research results of the Chinese tourists found in hotels, restaurants, mentioned authors are important for creating bars etc. in several towns in Montenegro. adequate tourist offer, which will be based on the flora and fauna for the Chinese market. A closed questionnaire was prepared and it contained 36 questions. For determining Chi- Skivalou and Filippidi (2015) study the nese tourists’ opinion, Likert’s scale - scaling trends and preferences of Chinese tourists in method, measuring either positive or negative Greece. They used depth interview with Chi- response was used. Respondents used values nese tourists to identify push and pull factors from 1 (the most negative answer) to 5 (the of the destination. In the first place as the most most positive answer). Descriptive statistical significant factor is the cultural heritage,- fol

154 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... analysis was used as well. For the purpose of data are still being analyzed, results based on examination, questionnaires were translated examining the whole sample consisting of 139 into English and Chinese. Total number of Chinese tourists, during both 2014 and 2015, examinees was 139 Chinese tourist in Mon- will be presented in future studies. tenegro, of whom 70 were examined in 2014 On the other side, during the same period and 69 in 2015. several interviews with representatives of For the purpose of this paper it will be present- tourism sector in Montenegro were carried ed the results from the first period of research out, and those findings will also be present- during the year of 2014, based on examination ed in this paper. of 70 tourists from China. Furthermore, only The next charts illustrate the sample’s gen- the selected results which are in accordance der and status structure, structure according to with the main goal of the paper will be ana- the part of China and type of the area where lyzed. Additionally, as at the moment collected they live as well as yearly income structure.

(a) (b) 0% 3% 5% 10% Student 45% Male Employed 55% Female Retired Unemployment 82% Other

Graph 1. (a) Gender and (b) status structure

According to the examinees’ gender structure majority of the examinees were employed (82%), there is a slightly smaller share of female, 45%, then retired (10%), students (3%) and other (5%). compared to a larger share of male, 55%. The There were no unemployed Chinese tourists.

(a) 0% 0% (b)

East China 14% 21% 32% 6% Urban area South West China Rural area Other 23% Norteast China 18% 86%

Graph 2. (a) Part of China and (b) type of area

The examinees were mostly from East (21%). The number of the examinees who China (32%), South Central China (23%), live in urban areas was much larger (86%) then from North China (18%), South West from the number of those who live in rural China (6%) and other parts of the country areas (14%).

155 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS...


More than 120000 60000-120000 30% 25000-60000

63% 15000-25000 Less than 15000

Chart 3. Structure according to income

The number of the examinees with income nese tourists both male and female equally from 60000 to 120000 RMB was the largest visiting Montenegro. The most of tourists (63%), then with income from 25000 to 60000 from China who visiting Montenegro ac- RMB (30%) and the smallest number with in- cording to status are employed people, and come less from 15000 to 25000 RMB (7%). according to the part of China, they are the most often coming from East and South RESULTS Central China. The majority of Chinese tourists lives in urban areas of China and In the following part of the paper it will be belongs to the higher middle class. presented the most important results of this empirical study, consisting of demographic Chinese tourists’ attitudes towards the characteristics and attitudes of Chinese tour- tourist offer of Montenegro ists towards the tourist offer of Montenegro. When it is about the source of information Demographic characteristics of Chinese tourists regarding Montenegro, according to findings, the most of Chinese tourists has heard about According to sample structure it could be Montenegro from travel agencies, two-fifths concluded that, depending on gender, Chi- of all number of them. 35 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 r r s s s n Othe agencie d relatives an From friend On the televisio From trafel From social network From books and guides From family From booking, tripadviso Graph 4. Structure according to source of information about Montenegro - Where have you heard about Montenegro?

156 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... One-fifth of all respondents has heard about Chinese tourists the most important role have Montenegro from other people: from their travel agencies, but that the significance of “the friends (11%), and family and relatives (9%), word-of-mouth advertising” is high as well. while the television as a source of informa- More than four of ten Chinese tourists visit- tion was used by 16% of Chinese tourists. ed Podgorica, the capital of Montenegro, and When finding information about Montenegro, almost the same percentage of them visited the same number of tourists from China was coast side, including the most popular and using books and guides as well as websites most visited coastal towns: Budva, Kotor and www.booking.com and www.tripadvisor.com Ulcinj. Same number of tourists from China (7%). The smallest number of them was using visited National Park Skadarsko jezero and social networks for exploring the tourist offer National Park Biogradska gora, almost one of Montenegro, only 3%. tenth of total number, and slightly smaller From these findings it could be concluded share of tourists visited National Park Lovćen that in the promotion of Montenegro among and National Park Durmitor.

Podgorica Coastside (Kotor, Budva, Ulcinj) NP Skadarsko jezero NP Biogradska gora

NP Durmitor Other

Graph 5. Structure according to visited places - Which places did you visit?

Apart from mentioned regions, 13% of Chi- day, while the duration of stay for one-third of nese tourists visited also some other destina- them was less than two days. There were no tions in Montenegro, so it could be conclud- Chinese tourists who spent more than three days ed that almost all important tourist places in in Montenegro. At the same time, according to Montenegro are visited by Chinese tourists in official statistics in Montenegro, average stay of certain percentage. Chinese tourists in 2014 was 1,82 days and in More than six-tenth of Chinese tourists dur- 2015 it was 1,36 days, so the statistical data are ing their trip spent in Montenegro two to three in accordance with findings of the our research.


36% Less than two days 2 to 3 days More than 3 days 64%

Graph 6. Duration of stay - How many days did you stay in Montegro?

157 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... It is evident that the duration of stay of Chi- When we asked Chinese tourists for their nese tourists in Montenegro is very short. This is opinion about specific segments of the tour- caused by the fact that Chinese tourists, as tour- ist offer of Montenegro, they used values ists from long distance market, when visiting one from 1 (the most negative answer – I like region of the world, plan to visit at the same time the least) to 5 (the most positive answer – I several different countries during that one trip. like the most).

Lake and mountains 3,47 Shopping 2,30 Spa and wellness 2,47 Hotels 2,94 Sport and recreation 2,44 Nightlife 2,44 Environment 3,24 Cousine 2,83 Qiality of life 3,03 Peaceful destination 3,44 Hospitality Kindness of people 3,65 Historical and curtural heritage 3,89 Coastside 3,89 Unspoiled nature 3,59

Graph 7. Opinion about segments of tourist offer in Montenegro - What did you like the most when you visited Montenegro? (average rate - 1:the least, 5- the most)

Among all segments of tourist offer in and wellness, sport and recreation and as Montenegro, Chinese tourists gave the well night life and shopping, Chinese tour- highest marks to the coast side and to the ist are not satisfied enough. historical and cultural heritage; to both of In addition, it is important to point out them they gave high average mark - 3.89. that especially those Chinese tourists who Very good marks they gave to the hospital- were well informed about Montenegro ity and kindness of the local people (3.65), and its natural, cultural and supporting re- then to the unspoiled nature (3.59), the sources, before their arrival are not very lakes and mountains (3.47), the peaceful- satisfied with tourist offer of this desti- ness of the destination (3.44), and the envi- nation. ronment (3.24). The quality of life (3.03), When it comes to the form in which Chi- hotels (2.94), and cuisine (2.83) were eval- nese tourists would like to visit Montene- uated with moderately good marks, and gro again in the future, different findings the lowest marks by Chinese tourists were are identified. The most of Chinese tour- given to spa and wellness (2.47), sport and ists would like to visit Montenegro as a recreation (2.44), night life (2.44), and part of tourist package with the Western shopping (2.30). European countries such are: Italy, France, It could be concluded that Chinese tour- Germany, Austria and Switzerland, but ists are very satisfied with the natural and especially with Mediterranean countries cultural resources and as well with the Italy and France. A much smaller number hospitality of local people in Montenegro. of tourists would visit Montenegro again They are relatively satisfied with the ac- together with all other countries of Former commodation facilities and food and bev- Yugoslavia and there is the smallest share erage offer available at our destination. of them who would like to visit it as a sin- With additional tourist offer including spa gle tourist destination.

158 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS...

As a single tourist destination 1,64 Tourist package with the West Europen countries (Italy, France, 2,43 Germany, Austria, Switzerland)

1,81 Tourist package with all other countries of Former Yugoslavia

Graph 8. Form of future visit of Montenegro - In which form would you like to visit Monte- negro in the future? (1-the least, 5-the most)

Based on these results, it could be concluded one of the best preserved medieval old towns in that Chinese tourists are mostly interested in the Adriatic. visiting Montenegro as a part of tourist pack- Additionally, groups of Chinese tourists age with Mediterranean and Western Europe- come to Montenegro as a part of their tours an countries, while they are less interested in organized in the region of Former Yugoslavia, visiting it together with countries of Former especially Macedonian-Montenegrin tours, Yugoslavia and as a single destination. These during which they spend 3 days in Montene- finding were expected, bearing in mind that gro, visiting Podgorica – capital, Coastline Chinese tourists when traveling always visit and NP Durmitor in the mountain region. several destinations during a single trip. There is also a small number of individual Chi- From the other side, according to results of the nese tourists, who are usually business people. interviews carried out with managers of tourist agencies, tourism organizations and hotels in CHINESE TOURIST ARRIVALS AND Montenegro, it could be ascertained that the most OVERNIGHT STAYS IN MONTENEGRO visited place in Montenegro by Chinese tourists at the moment is Kotor, coastal town located at Chinese tourists, within official statistics in the Boka Bay, one of the most indented parts of Montenegro, were counted in the group “Other the Adriatic Sea. Bay of Kotor along with the old countries” until the beginning of 2014. Therefore, town is a world heritage site, announced officially data about Chinese tourist arrivals and overnight Natural, Cultural and Historical Region by UNE- stays in Montenegro exist only from 2014. SCO in 1979. The most of Chinese tourists visit Kotor as a part of their cruise tours in the Mediter- All foreign tourists in Montenegro in 2014 ranean Sea. They usually come there in organized realized 1,350,297 arrivals, while they made groups, but stay unfortunately not more than few 8,596,656 overnight stays. Chinese tourist ar- hours. Visitors are attracted by both the natural rivals and overnight stays in Montenegro in beauty of the Bay of Kotor and by the old town, 2014 are presented in the next table.

Table 1. Chinese tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Montenegro in 2014

Structure in % in Structure in % in Month/2014 Arrivals Overnight stays foreign tourists foreign tourists January 243 2.2 595 1.4 February 340 2.7 418 1.0

Note: Table 1 continued on next page

159 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS...

March 552 3.1 583 0.9 April 357 1.2 414 0.4 May 678 0.8 1,368 0.4 June 783 0.5 1,130 0.1 July 952 0.3 2,317 0.1 August 1,068 0.2 3,191 0.1 September 1,138 0.6 1,677 0.1 October 1,163 2.9 1,335 0.8 November 390 2.3 608 1.0 December 268 1.8 796 1.5 Total 7,932 0.59 14,432 0.17

Source: Monstat, 2015

According to official statistics in Monte- December and February. However, share of negro in the first half of 2014, tourists from Chinese tourist arrivals in 2014, comparing China (including Hong Kong) realized 0.63% to foreign tourist arrivals, was on the highest of foreign tourist arrivals and 0.18% of over- level in March (3.1%), October (2.9%) and night stays of foreign tourists. They stayed for February (2.7%) and on the lowest in August 1.75 days in Montenegro, which is 3.7 times (0.2%), July (0.3%) and June (0.5%). shorter than average stay. The largest number of overnight stays of If we analyze the data for complete year - Chinese tourists was realized in August, July 2014, we can find similar results. Total num- and September, but at the same time, their ber of Chinese tourist arrivals in 2014 was percentage in total overnight stays of foreign 7,932, which makes 0.59% of foreign tourist tourists was the smallest in these mounts. The arrivals. When it is about of overnight stays, highest share of Chinese tourist overnights Chinese tourists realized 14,432, which makes stays was realized in January and December. 0.17% of foreign tourist overnight stays in Those results are caused by the fact that the Montenegro. They stayed for 1.82 days in highest tourist demand in Montenegro is in Montenegro, while the average tourist stay in the summer season. 2014 in Montenegro was 6.37 days. Furthermore, in Montenegro in 2015, all for- During 2014, the largest number of Chi- eign tourists realized 1,559,924 arrivals, while nese tourists visited Montenegro in October, they made 10,307,371 overnight stays. Data September and August, and the smallest num- about Chinese tourist arrivals and overnight ber of them visited Montenegro in January, stays in 2015 are presented in the next table.

Table 2. Chinese tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Montenegro in 2015

Structure in % in Structure in % in Month/2014 Arrivals Overnight stays foreign tourists foreign tourists January 65 0.5 109 0.2 February 249 1.5 283 0.5 March 446 2.4 627 0.9 April 826 2.2 948 0.8 May 2,494 2.9 3,232 0.8 June 1,878 1.2 3,049 0.3

Note: Table 1 continued on next page

160 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS...

July 1,225 0.3 1,852 0.1 August 988 0.2 1,473 0.0 September 1,919 0.9 2,476 0.2 October 2,206 5.3 2,616 1.4 November 602 3.1 855 1.0 December 464 2.5 650 1.0 Total 13,362 0.86 18,170 0.18

Source: Monstat, 2015

In Montenegro in 2015, tourists from China als in 2015 was on the highest level in October (including Hong Kong) realized 13,362 arrivals, (5.3%), November (3.1%) and May (2.9%), and which makes 0.86% of foreign tourist arrivals their share in all foreign tourist overnight stays and 18,170 overnight stays, which makes 0.18% was the highest is in October (1.4%), November of overnight stays of all foreign tourists. They (1%) and December (1%), which is caused by stayed for 1.36 days in Montenegro, which is the fact that these months do not belong to the 4.9 times shorter than average stay (6.61 days). most visited period of the year in Montenegro. During 2015, the largest number of Chinese Moreover, if we compare tourist arrivals tourist visited Montenegro in May, October, and overnight stays in Montenegro in 2014 September and June, and at the same time, the to data from 2015, it could be noticed the in- largest number of overnight stays of Chinese crease in number of both all foreign tourists tourists was made in same months of the year, and Chinese tourists. in this order: May, June, October and September. Tourist arrivals and overnights in 2014 and On the other hand, share of Chinese tourist arriv- 2015 are presented in the next table. Table 3. Foreign and Chinese tourist arrivals and overnight stays in Montenegro in 2014 and 2015

Tourist Tourist Foreign Chinese Arrivals Overnights tourists’ tourists’ overnights overnights Foreign tourists 1,350,297 8,596,656 2014 Chinese tourists 7,932 14,432 6.37 1.82 Chinese tourists’ share 0,59 0,17 Foreign tourists 1,559,924 10,307,371 2015 Chinese tourists 13,362 18,170 6.61 1.36 Chinese tourists ‘share 0.86 0.18

Source: Monstat, 2016

The number of foreign tourists in Monte- they realized 13,362, which is 68.45% of negro in 2015, compared to previous year, tourist arrivals more. The number of Chinese increased from 1,350,297 to 1,559,924 tour- tourist overnight stays also increased from ist arrivals. At the same time, foreign tour- 14,432 in 2014 to 18,170 in 2015, which is ists made 8,596,656 overnight stays in 2014, 25.90% more than in the year before. and that number also increased to 10,307,371 The share of tourists from China in foreign overnight stays in 2015. tourist arrivals has increased as well, having in Chinese tourists in Montenegro realized mind that in 2014 it was 0.59% and in 2015 it 7,932 tourist arrivals in 2014, while in 2015 was 0.86%, while their share in foreign tourist

161 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... overnight stays was almost the same, in 2014 arrivals and 0.17% of all foreign tourist over- it was 0.17% and in 2015 it was 0.18%. night stays, and in 2015 it was 0.86% of all While the duration of Chinese tourist stay foreign tourist arrivals and 0.18% of all for- in Montenegro, comparing to average foreign eign tourist overnight stays. Even though the tourist stay, was much shorter in 2014, 1.82 number of Chinese tourists who were visiting days to 6.37 days, the difference in 2015 is Montenegro during 2014 and 2015 is not sig- even larger. Actually, the duration of stay of nificant, from the angle of prospective devel- Chinese tourists decreased from 1.82 to only opment of Chinese tourist market in Monte- 1.36 days, while at the same time the average negro, it is very important that this segment of foreign tourist stay increased to 6.61 days. tourists is characterized by gradual increase, Even though the share of Chinese tourist ar- especially in tourist arrivals, while the dura- rivals and overnight stays in Montenegro in tion of their stay still is not on the appropriate total number of foreign tourists is rather in- level. Actually, in 2015 considerable decrease significant, the fact that certain increase in the in the duration of Chinese tourist stay was number of Chinese tourist arrivals is evident registered, and therefore their stay was almost in 2015 comparing to 2014 is encouraging 5 times shorter than average stay of all foreign data. Additionally, a very important step in ap- tourists. In that sense, it is necessary to create the tourist product of Montenegro which will proach towards Chinese tourist market is made by starting with statistical recording of Chinese be more appealing to Chinese tourists in order tourists in the framework of official statistics in to make them stay longer at our destination. Montenegro, since the beginning of 2014. In addition, the very important fact is that from the beginning of 2014 in Montenegro CONCLUSION there are official data about Chinese tourist arrivals and overnight stays, having in mind By critical observation and examination of that in the previous period it was not the case, the relevant literature, collecting and analyz- as the Chinese tourists were counted under ing the official statistical data, conducting the the group of “other tourists”. It was the great interviews with representatives of tourism in- obstacle for analysis and research of Chinese dustry in Montenegro, and especially by ana- tourists in Montenegro, which did not allow lyzing the findings of the empirical research creating relevant conclusions and establishing carried out among Chinese tourists in Mon- appropriate strategies in the past period. tenegro, we came to the significant conclu- From the other side, relatively encouraging sions regarding the opportunities for tourism data were obtained from the empirical research of Montenegro at the Chinese tourist market. on the Chinese tourists’ attitudes towards tour- Chinese tourists visit Montenegro rather in ist offer of Montenegro. Having in mind that the organized groups than as individual guests, examined Chinese tourists were not satisfied which is mostly the case of business people. enough with the additional tourist offer -in When it is about the organized groups, they cluding spa and wellness, sport and recreation, are coming in Montenegro mostly by foreign night life and shopping, it is necessary to im- tourist agencies and tour operators, as there prove, expand and upgrade these segments of are no sufficient domestic operators which are the offer, especially considering the importance dealing with Chinese tourist market. Addi- of shopping as an additional attraction within tionally, a certain number of Chinese tourists tourist travel for Chinese tourists. Even though visit Montenegro only as a part of their cruise they were relatively satisfied with accommo- tours in the Mediterranean Sea. dation facilities and cuisine in Montenegro, we should not forget that Chinese tourists prefer to The share of Chinese tourists in Montenegro eat and drink their local food and beverage even in 2014 was only 0.58% of all foreign tourist during traveling to different tourist destinations

162 A. Stranjančević, I. Bulatović, D. Lacmanović, A. Raspor: TOURIST DESTINATION STRENGHTS... around the world, so Chinese cuisine must be mended that Chinese currency RMB could be indispensable part of food and beverage of- convertible in Montenegro and that Chinese fer in Montenegro. Very important finding of credit cards could be used in our country, es- this research is that Chinese tourists were very pecially having in mind the significant role of satisfied with the natural and cultural resourc- purchasing for Chinese tourists during travel- es and with the hospitality of local people in ling abroad. Establishing much better airline Montenegro, as these segments of tourist offer connections between Montenegro and China are actually the main resources of one tourist is essential step in providing a larger num- destination and the most important motives ber of Chinese tourists. In order to create the for majority of tourists to visit a certain desti- effective marketing policy and attract more nation. However, those Chinese tourists, who Chinese tourists, it would be very important were well informed about the tourist offer of that advertising approaches of Montenegro as Montenegro in advance, before their trip, gave a tourist destination is improved and adapted lower marks about the offer, than those tour- to specific characteristics and expectations of ists who were not informed about Montenegro this tourist segment, and that direct and spe- at all. In that sense, the promotional strategy cialized tourism promotion at the Chinese of Montenegro at the tourist market of China market is carried out. should be considered and analyzed in detail. As Chinese tourists are long distance tour- Majority of examined Chinese tourists pre- ists who usually visit several destinations dur- fer to visit Montenegro in future as a part of ing one trip, to satisfy their needs, it is neces- the tourist package with some other countries, sary to develop an integrated and sustainable predominantly with Mediterranean and West- tourist offer of certain region of the world, in ern European countries, as they during their this case of the Mediterranean or Adriatic-Io- vacation always visit several destinations at nian region. In that sense, intensive coopera- the same time. Given that the little interest tion between tourist destinations of this part by Chinese tourists was expressed for tour- of the Europe would be essential for the suc- ist package consisting of countries of Former cessful common positioning on the Chinese Yugoslavia, their adequate and more intensive tourist market. Only after the total adjustment promotion at the Chinese market should be of Montenegro tourist offer to the Chinese carried out. tourists’ preferences, we could say that Mon- In order to adapt to this long-distance tourist tenegro is completely ready for intensive ac- market, whose specific characteristics we still ceptance of Chinese tourists. do not know good enough, it would be nec- essary to become more familiar with culture and to try to understand it in a larg- er extend. Chinese tourists’ characteristics, Arlt, W. G, (2016). China Information Day travel habits and their decisions for the travel Conference. Budapest, March 3, 2016. destination should be much more analyzed by Barnett, S. (2011). China: Economic Devel- representatives of tourism industry in Monte- opment and Outlook. Research Institute of negro, and, based on that, the tourist product Economy, Trade & Industry, IAA, http:// of Montenegro should be tailored to their spe- www.rieti.go.jp/en/. cial requirements and needs. It would be of Bofulin, M., Raspor, A., Stranjančević, A., a great importance that employees in tourism Bulatović, I. and Lacmanović, D. (2016). sector in Montenegro, especially tour guides, Small destinations in large tourism market: do speak at least basic Chinese language, and the analysis of Western Balkan countries that in hotels and public places there are Chi- and the Chinese outbound tourism. Inter- nese signage, as this segment of foreign tour- national Scientific Journal, 8, p. 130-143. ists appreciates that very much. It is recom-

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