Cc Downey Believers Support Many Facets of Pro-Life Ministry: a Local Pregnancy Center, Outreach at an Abortion Clinic, & Sharing Their Own Stories of Choosing Life

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Cc Downey Believers Support Many Facets of Pro-Life Ministry: a Local Pregnancy Center, Outreach at an Abortion Clinic, & Sharing Their Own Stories of Choosing Life UNBORN CC DOWNEY BELIEVERS SUPPORT MANY FACETS OF PRO-LIFE MINISTRY: A LOCAL PREGNANCY CENTER, OUTREACH AT AN ABORTION CLINIC, & SHARING THEIR OWN STORIES OF CHOOSING LIFE Story by Christmas Beeler Their hearts heavy, believers Melissa and Cory Desselle we continued with the pregnancy. I was considered high drove together in silence to meet a seasoned pastor, the risk the whole time, had intermittent bleeding, and had to father of a friend they trusted. The past six weeks had go on bed rest.” Though her daughter Ciara was born six been a nerve-wracking maelstrom of confusion and fear. weeks early, she was healthy and above average in weight Because of her medical condition, Melissa had been told and development. “It was all God!” Melissa happily told by her doctors to get an abortion—or face a 50 percent her skeptical doctor on the day they were discharged. chance of losing her life and a 30 percent chance of losing the baby. In fact, all three of Melissa’s specialists told her Melissa had been surprised at the amount of pressure she she would be foolish to have this third child. Melissa was faced to have an abortion. “My Christian family, my co- a nurse, so she understood the reality of these risks. She workers, my doctors—everyone was telling me that we didn’t want to leave behind her husband and their other couldn’t have her,” she said. “I never thought my family two children. She couldn’t believe she was facing such a would say that. I know it was because they were afraid.” decision—to choose between her life or her baby’s. She held to her faith and continued to feel God’s peace and presence. Smiling, she added, “And I’m still here, and She and Cory knew abortion is murder. How could they now my daughter Ciara is 12! She’s my little miracle girl, choose death for this precious new life? Yet even Melissa’s and we know she and I are both here by the grace of God.” family had assumed that she would terminate the preg- To others who feel pressured to abort their baby, she said, nancy for the sake of her other children. A few minutes “God is in control. Doctors can quote statistics; they are later, she and Cory were sitting in the pastor’s home, ex- just trying to do what’s right in their eyes medically. But plaining the situation to him and his wife, who listened they don’t have the complete picture. Only God has the quietly to their fears and confusion and urged them to reins; only God is in control. It’s in His hands.” pray about the situation. Involving the Next Generation The two couples bowed their heads and prayed for God’s Melissa grew up going to Calvary Chapel Downey; she direction and peace. “While we were praying,” Melissa re- and her husband returned there after Ciara was born. called, “I felt this peace come over me, and I just knew On the recent National Day of Prayer, Melissa and Ciara that everything was going to be okay. That no matter what attended a pro-life prayer walk organized by Pastor happens, God’s got this. He’s got me, the kids—whatever Tim Hearron, who oversees the pro-life ministry at happens is going to be okay.” When they left, Melissa de- CC Downey. Tim explained, “We took the CC Downey clared, “We’re not doing it. We’re going to have this baby.” Christian School 6th graders and spent the day going to Cory’s eyes lit up as he told her that was how he felt. “So the abortion clinic for a couple hours, walked down the 6 CALVARY CHAPEL MAGAZINE Photo by Steve Shambeck Steve by Photo A Calvary Chapel Downey, CA, team prays at the abortion clinic before church on a Sunday morning. 7 street to city hall, and spent an hour in prayer there for the National Day of Prayer. We’ve done it two years in a row. We do whatever we can to get the students out there. They know abortion is wrong, but it’s another thing to go out there and pray—to put action to their beliefs.” Melissa applauds the school for involving students in pro- life ministry. The Desselles pulled their children from public school after teachers touted the alleged benefits of abortion. At the recent rally, Melissa reported that Ciara and her classmates spontaneously started singing “A Person is a Person No Matter How Small,” a song based on a book by Dr. Seuss that was part of their school mu- sical. “That was really amazing, how God connected that for them,” Melissa said. “It was a special moment.” Hearing a Heartbeat Calvary Chapel Downey also supports a nearby pro-life pregnancy center called LivingHelp Center, which has helped save many lives. Eva sat at home, confusion and fear gripping her mind. At age 21, she had been accepted to study international busi- ness at a school in Paris, France—a dream opportunity. However, she was pregnant. Eva knew her family would be devastated and angry when they found out. Her boy- Alone and afraid, she walked in. Mari Wingate, the di- friend was adamant that they weren’t ready for children. rector, “welcomed me warmly, like a friend. She told me She agreed; they weren’t. But is that the baby’s fault? Why I had nothing to worry about and gave me a hug, which should this little one have to pay the price for our choices? felt really warming and helped calm me,” she recalled. She she asked herself. was ushered into a comfortable room. Mari listened sym- pathetically. When Eva said she felt unsure of her choices, Discovering that Planned Parenthood would charge Mari reminded her that it was her decision. Then she of- $2,000 to terminate the pregnancy, she searched online fered Eva options, including an ultrasound. and found LivingHelp Center. The website offered free pregnancy testing, options information, ultrasound, and “No, no; I can’t,” Eva said quickly. Mari asked her why. baby items. She made an appointment. “I’m just afraid that if I hear the heartbeat, I’ll want to “OUR MISSION IS TO SUPPORT WOMEN AND FAMILIES GOING THROUGH AN UNPLANNED PREGNANCY BY ADDRESSING THEIR PHYSICAL, EMOTIONAL, AND SPIRITUAL NEEDS WITH UNCONDITIONAL LOVE.” —MARI WINGATE 8 CALVARY CHAPEL MAGAZINE BELIEVERS SAVING LIVES: SPEAKING OUT ON BEHALF OF Photo by Steve Shambeck Shambeck Steve by Photo THOSE WITH NO VOICE Top: Other Christian ministries join the CC Downey team as they hope to reach women seeking abortions. Right: Tim Hearron, right, assistant pastor at CC Downey, prays with a man at the outreach. He often meets concerned men. Bottom right: Eva swims with son Damien. Hearing her unborn baby’s heartbeat during ultrasound led her to keep her baby. keep the baby.” Gently, Mari asked her if that would be so bad. She told Eva about her own two unplanned children, how God had provided, and how much she loved them now. Eva thought about it. She realized that she had been pushing away motherhood as something impossible out of fear; but that deep down, part of her longed to bring her baby into the world. Shambeck Steve by Photo Two days later, she heard his heartbeat during the ultra- sound. “In that moment, something clicked. I just knew I wasn’t going to get rid of my baby. Now I’m so thank- ful to have this little munchkin by my side,” she said of her son Damien. Her boyfriend became supportive, and they married before Damien was born. “Now he comes to church with me, and we always have family time after. He photo Family tells me that he is so glad that we chose to have our son.” Initially, Eva had been petrified to tell her father, but now she says, “He loves and adores his little grandson and helps take care of him all the time.” To others with un- expected pregnancies, Eva encouraged, “Don’t be scared. No one ever expects an unplanned pregnancy. I was able to finish my degree, and now I’m raising my child. Look for help, especially at a place like LivingHelp Center. They didn’t judge me at all; they gave me options, support, and comfort. The choice was mine.” 9 Photo by Isabel Herenandez Isabel by Photo Spiritual Care mom is not present in their lives. We are truly being the LivingHelp Center’s director, Mari, explained, “Our mis- hands and feet of Jesus.” Mari seeks to convey the loving sion is to support women and families going through an character of Jesus. “God’s heart is so for the heartbroken, unplanned pregnancy by addressing their physical, emo- the hopeless, the hurting, the downtrodden, the voiceless,” tional, and spiritual needs with unconditional love.” Mari she said. “Our goal is to shine His light, to say: ‘You have was a teen mom years ago who chose life. “God showed people who care about you and want to help you; you are me that, just as He comforted and strengthened me, I can of value to God.’ As they believe that, they start to see that comfort and strengthen others going through this.” She [choosing life] is something that they can do.” added, “I know the fear and lies that the enemy wants them to believe: How are you going to do this? Being in- There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear, secure, afraid, unsure.
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