Halton Region Strategic Action Plan 2015 – 2018 Shaping Halton’s future Halton Regional Council

2014-2018 Regional Chair Gary Carr 905-825-6115 [email protected]

City of Burlington Town of Halton Hills Town of Oakville Mayor Mayor Mayor Rick Goldring Rick Bonnette 905-335-7607 905-873-2601 ext. 2342 905-338-4173 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Ward 1 Wards 1 and 2 Ward 1 Rick Craven Clark Somerville Sean O’Meara 905-335-7600 ext. 7587 905-703-6388 905-845-6601 rick.craven@ [email protected] sean.o’[email protected] burlington.ca

Ward 2 Wards 3 and 4 Ward 2 Jane Fogal Cathy Duddeck 905-335-7600 ext. 7588 905-877-5806 905-845-8374 marianne.meedward@ [email protected] [email protected] burlington.ca

Ward 3 Ward 3 John Taylor Dave Gittings 905-335-7600 ext. 7459 905-844-5513 john.taylor@ [email protected] burlington.ca Town of Milton Ward 4 Mayor Ward 4 Jack Dennison Gordon Krantz Allan Elgar 905-632-4800 ext. 211 905-878-7252 ext. 2104 905-827-6056 jack.dennison@ executiveservices@ [email protected] burlington.ca milton.ca

Ward 5 Wards 1, 6, 7 and 8 Ward 5 Paul Sharman Mike Cluett Jeff Knoll 905-335-7600 ext. 7591 905-878-1327 905-815-6000 paul.sharman@ [email protected] [email protected] burlington.ca

Ward 6 Wards 2, 3, 4 and 5 Ward 6 Blair Lancaster Colin Best Tom Adams 905-335-7600 ext. 7592 905-878-3623 905-849-7915 blair.lancaster@ [email protected] [email protected] burlington.ca

2 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Message from Regional Chair

Halton Region is a vibrant and growing community with more than 500,000 residents and four distinct communities – Burlington, Halton Hills, Milton and Oakville. Recognized for its high quality of life, innovative programs and services and strong financial position, Halton Region is committed to continuing to be a great place to live. Regional Council has undertaken an extensive engagement and consultation process with residents, businesses, community partners and staff. By working together over several months, we have now developed a Plan which will shape Halton’s future over the next four years. This Plan focuses on delivering high quality, cost-efficient programs and services that reflect the valuable feedback and insights we have heard from residents and community stakeholders. From investing in infrastructure, managing growth responsibly and protecting the natural environment while continuing to provide critical programs, we have heard you. The Strategic Action Plan 2015-2018 outlines six key strategic priority areas and includes specific, measurable actions for each that will allow the Region to track, measure and report on our progress to ensure stakeholders are aware of the achievements being made. Regional Council will continue to work together over the next four years to implement the new Strategic Action Plan in order to meet the needs of Halton’s growing community. I would like to thank all of those who have contributed to the development of the Strategic Action Plan. Working together, we make Halton a great place to live, work, raise a family and retire. To learn more about the Strategic Action Plan 2015-2018 please visit halton.ca/actionplan.

Gary Carr, Regional Chair

Contents Vision 4 Key Measures & Outcomes 7 Adapting to Climate Change 16 Shaping Halton’s Future 4 Planning Healthy, Protecting the Developing the Plan 4 Complete Communities 8 Natural Environment 18 Highlights of the Plan 5 Growing the Regional Economy 10 Integrating the Plan 19 Halton Region Services 5 Connecting People and Services 12 Monitoring the Plan 19 Strategic Priorities 6 Governing for the Future 14

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 3 Durham

Peel York

Halton Hills Shaping Halton’s Future Halton Halton Region is one of the fastest growing Milton Regions in the Province. Residents value the Oakville quality of life and services offered by Vision Burlington the Region. Hamilton Lake The Region’s strategic planning Mission framework recognizes the importance of long-term planning and priority Strategic setting focused on achieving Halton’s Action Plan Vision. The Strategic Action Plan 2015-2018 sets out the priorities for USA Strategies and Plans Vision the four year term of Council. Niagara Supporting this plan are the Halton Region’s vision strategies and service delivery Business Planning and Processes is to preserve for the plans for the Region’s many (Corporate and Departmental) current and future program areas. generations a landscape that is rich, diverse, balanced, productive and sustainable and a society Developing the Plan that is economically strong, The Strategic Action Plan sets equitable and caring. out the strategic direction for The Region must plan for the Region over the next term communities where urban of Council. The Strategic Action sprawl is minimized, where Plan 2015-2018 was developed infrastructure is maximized, through significant consultation where natural heritage with stakeholders including is protected and natural residents, businesses, community spaces and farmland are partners and staff. preserved. The overall goal Over several months, meaningful is to enhance the quality of discussions were held with life for all people of Halton, stakeholders to obtain feedback today and into the future. on key issues and to identify priorities. Feedback was received through a number of consultation opportunities including the Region’s innovative Citizens’ Reference Panel consisting of 36 individuals randomly selected through a civic lottery process, a community leaders forum, a public community roundtable event, an online feedback form, and a telephone survey. By working together we have developed a plan that reflects the needs of the community by setting out priority areas that matter most to the people who live and work in Halton.

4 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Halton Region Highlights of the Strategic Services Action Plan 2015 - 2018 yy Economic Development yy Emergency Planning Through the consultation process, sixteen priorities have been identified for this term of council. The priorities are organized into six priority areas. The yy Halton Region Museum plan also identifies specific actions to be undertaken over the term to address yy Regional Planning and each priority. Measures and outcomes have also been identified so that progress and achievements can be tracked and reported. Growth Management yy Waste Collection, Disposal, The six priority areas for the 2015-2018 Action Plan are: Organics and Recycling

Planning healthy complete communities yy Regional Roads, Bridges and Transportation focuses on planning for complete, active, healthy communities served by high-quality yy Sewage (Wastewater) infrastructure. Collection Systems and Treatment Plants Growing the Regional economy focuses on yy Water Purification Plants what is needed to support and sustain a strong and Distribution Systems regional economy and agricultural sector. yy Assisted Housing yy Children’s Services Connecting people and services focuses on yy Ontario Works ensuring all residents have easy access to the (Social Services) services they require. yy Services for Seniors including Long-Term Care Homes Governing for the future focuses on ensuring the Region continues to maintain a strong financial yy Paramedic Services foundation. yy Public Health Programs and Services Adapting to climate change focuses on ensuring yy Police Services Halton Region is prepared to respond to weather related events and other emergencies.

Protecting the natural environment focuses on protecting and enhancing Halton’s natural environment and reducing our ecological footprint.

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 5 Strategic Priorities

Planning yyImprove the Region’s transportation network Healthy, yyAdvance Halton’s distinct approach to manage responsible growth Priority: Complete The specific initiatives yyDevelop policies and deliver infrastructure to support growth that are planned to Communities in the existing urban areas be achieved over the next four years. Growing yySupport the development and redevelopment of employment the areas in the Region as key drivers of the Halton economy Regional yyPromote Halton Region to attract new businesses and visitors Economy yySupport the economic sustainability of our agriculture sector

Connecting yyDeliver new affordable and assisted housing opportunities People and yySupport the health and well-being of all Halton residents Services yyDeliver integrated client-centered human services

yyMaintain the Region’s strong long-term financial position Governing yyMaintain Regional assets and infrastructure in a state of for the good repair Future yyPromote a culture of public accountability, transparency and engagement

Adapting yyIncrease resiliency of Regional programs and infrastructure to Climate yyPrepare to respond to critical events and emergencies Change impacting Halton residents

Protecting yyProtect and enhance the Region’s natural environment the Natural yyPromote environmental sustainability in the delivery of Environment Regional services

6 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Key Measures & Outcomes

yy$480 million investment in the Regional roads capital program yyNumber of kilometers of new active transportation infrastructure on Regional roads (cycling, walking, transit) yyFive year review of Regional Official Plan yy40% intensification target achieved

yy2,700 gross acres of new serviced employment areas available yy3.6 million sq. ft. of new non-residential total floor area yyStreamlined development approval process for non-residential development yyNumber of hectares of farmland under active cultivation maintained

yy30% affordable housing in new developments yy360 new assisted housing opportunities yy‘One-window’ access for human services implemented

yyAAA credit rating yyAnnual tax rate increase at or below the rate of inflation yy“Good” condition rating for Regional infrastructure maintained yy90% of residents satisfied with Regional services

yyWastewater infrastructure optimized yyFour public emergency response centres commissioned yyPeak volume call capacity of 311 increased

yy50% of the Region maintained in Natural Heritage System yy62% waste diversion rate yy5% reduction in greenhouse gases related to Regional services

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 7 The Province has mandated that Halton Region Planning Healthy, plan to grow to 780,000 people by 2031. Planning for this growth to create complete, active, healthy communities served by high-quality infrastructure, Complete including a comprehensive transportation system, is a high priority for Halton Region. Halton’s distinct Communities approach to planning and funding growth and commitment to support intensification in identified areas are keys to Halton’s long-term success.

Priorities Measures & Outcomes

Improve the Region’s yy$480 million invested in the Regional roads capital program transportation network yyNumber of kilometers of new active transportation infrastructure on Regional roads (walking, cycling, transit) yyNumber of additional new road lane kilometers

Advance Halton’s distinct yyInfrastructure in 2012 Allocation program delivered approach to manage yyFive year review of Regional Official Plan responsible growth yy2016/2017 Allocation program

Develop policies and deliver yy40% intensification target achieved infrastructure to support growth yyInfrastructure identified for priority growth areas and mobility hubs in the existing urban areas delivered

8 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Population Growth (thousands)




2014 2021 2031 (forecast) (forecast)


Improve the Region’s yyDevelop an Active Transportation yyDevelop policies and deliver transportation network Plan for Halton to identify infrastructure to support infrastructure required to facilitate growth in the existing urban yyDeliver an integrated walking, cycling, and transit areas transportation network in the throughout the Region Region that supports walking, yyIncrease awareness in the cycling, transit, passenger vehicles Advance Halton’s distinct community of the rationale and and goods movement approach to manage potential benefits for growth yyDeliver capital projects identified responsible growth including intensification in the Transportation Master Plan yyEnsure the timing of development yyDeliver infrastructure yyImprove coordination with is coordinated with financing and requirements and implement Local Municipalities to ensure delivery of related infrastructure strategies to achieve targeted construction related traffic through allocation programs intensification particularly in disruptions are minimized, and identified growth areas and yyAdvocate for the development of residents are well informed mobility hubs a joint infrastructure plan with the yyIdentify transit priorities with Province and Local Municipalities yyIdentify and update policies to Metrolinx and Local Municipalities to identify all infrastructure facilitate the development and required to achieve the modal split required to support planned redevelopment of intensification (passenger vehicle vs. other modes growth areas identified by Local of transportation) target in the Municipalities and urban growth yyReview and provide input on Regional Official Plan and improve centres Provincial planning processes transit service and ridership including the Green Belt Plan, Region wide Places to Grow and Niagara yyUpdate of Regional arterial road Escarpment Plan network in partnership with Local yyUndertake the five-year review Municipalities of the Regional Official Plan, yyWork with the Province to develop including population allocation a strategy for new and re- to 2041 based on established designed highways and highway principles and infrastructure interchanges throughout Halton master plans to support growth and economic yy2016/2017 Allocation Program development developed in consultation with yyEnhance safety measures on the development industry Regional roads

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 9 A strong regional economy is essential to supporting Growing high standards of living and quality public services. Ensuring the Region’s employment lands are serviced and ready for investment or redevelopment the Regional is a high priority. Supporting the success of the Region’s agricultural sector is important to the Economy economy and long-term food security.

Priorities Measures & Outcomes

yyServicing plans completed for key employment areas Support the development and redevelopment of employment yy2,700 gross acres of new serviced employment areas available areas in the Region as key yyStreamlined development approval process for non-residential development drivers of the Halton economy

Promote Halton Region to yy16 new businesses attracted to Halton each year attract new businesses and yy3.6 million sq. ft. of new non-residential total floor area visitors

Support the economic yyNumber of hectares of farmland under active cultivation maintained sustainability of our yyRural/Agriculture Strategy completed agriculture sector yyAnnual Agricultural Forum held

10 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Employment (thousands)

390 $415 328


2014 2021 2031 (forecast) (forecast)


Support the development Promote Halton Region to yyPromote agriculture through and redevelopment of attract new businesses and participation on the GTA employment areas in the visitors Agricultural Action Committee and the Golden Horseshoe Food and Region as key drivers of the yyPromote Halton as one of the best Farming Alliance Halton economy locations in for business yyStreamline processes associated yyEnsure employment lands investment with agriculture development are ready for investment by yyProvide programs to support yyProvide support for agriculture undertaking area service planning Halton business success in the including promotion of the to expedite the development of global marketplace connection between the employment lands yyTransform the Halton Region agricultural system and food yyReview policies within the Museum into a Heritage Resource distribution system Development Charges Centre in collaboration with local yyAdopt and implement a Rural/ By-law to give support to the heritage organizations to promote Agricultural Strategy Region’s economic development Halton’s heritage and enhance the objectives visitor experience yyDevelop a communications plan on the benefits of local food and yyIdentify and update policies to yyPromote the tourism experience facilitate the development and agriculture and expand the Simply in Halton by highlighting agri- Local Program redevelopment of employment tourism, sports tourism, the lands particularly in the built up escarpment and the waterfront areas yyInvest in infrastructure to ensure Support the economic timely delivery of all priority sustainability of our employment lands as identified in agriculture sector conjunction with Local Municipalities yyPromote provincial grants for investment in agriculture yyStreamline the development approval process for industrial/ yyReview and enhance policies to commercial development support agriculture in partnership with Local yyBuild awareness of the agricultural Municipalities and undertake sector through the Annual focused communications with Agricultural Forum business owners and industrial/

commercial, institutional

stakeholders to build better

understanding of the approval process and improved outcomes

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 11 The Region provides a wide range of important Connecting services to Halton residents. Ensuring all residents have easy access to the services they require is a high priority. It is essential that Halton’s programs People and continue to respond to the changing demographics and diversity of Halton residents and that the non- Services profit sector be engaged to expand services available particularly to Halton’s vulnerable population.

Priorities Measures & Outcomes

Deliver new affordable and yy30% affordable housing in new developments assisted housing opportunities yy360 new assisted housing opportunities yy$2 million invested to increase capacity to prevent and address homelessness

Support the health and yyResponse time targets for Paramedic Services achieved annually well-being of all Halton yyCommunity Investment Fund increased Residents yy140 new licensed child care spaces yyHalton Region Older Adult Plan implemented yyImmunization rates among school age children in Halton increased yy100% compliance rating for all drinking water facilities

yy‘One-window’ access for human services implemented Deliver integrated client-centered human services yyCoordinated responses to high risk situations across Halton increased from 70-300 annually

12 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 1346 increase in Affordable/Assisted housing units 2008 - 2018


Deliver new affordable yyPromote public health priorities Deliver integrated client- and assisted housing with a focus on childhood obesity, centered human services opportunities active living, substance use, injury prevention and the protection of yyDevelop a ‘one-window’ approach yyDeliver affordable rental and air quality where residents can navigate the Region’s human services available low-income ownership housing yyAdvocate in partnership with other using multiple channels (online, solutions Paramedic Services to the Province in-person, by phone) yyIncrease the number of assisted in order to improve the operations housing units available in of the Communications Centre yyImplement coordinated case partnership with Federal and to improve Paramedic response management for the Region’s Provincial Governments, non- times human services to ensure simplified access to multiple profit and the private sector yyWork with local hospitals, Local services yyEnhance Halton’s capacity to Health Integration Networks and prevent and address homelessness the Province to reduce delays at yyImprove coordination and the hospital emergency wards collaboration with community Support the health and well- which reduces availability of partners to support integrated being of all Halton residents Paramedics for community service delivery response yyExpand connections to other yyIncrease investment to the y governments and partners Community Investment Fund to yFinalize and implement the through 311 and halton.ca support the non-profit sector Paramedic Master Plan y yyImprove the accessibility of yyPromote good mental health in yImprove access to sufficient, safe services including streamlining the community and nutritious food in partnership with Halton’s non-profit and eligibility criteria yyAdvocate for better access to community organizations yyImplement a coordinated mental health services yyProvide equitable services for all approach to respond to high- yyIncrease the number of licensed residents by updating program risk individuals and families in child care spaces, including special plans to reflect the impacts of partnership with Halton Regional needs spaces, and promote the growth and the Region’s changing Police Services benefit of licensed child care to demographics Halton parents yyReview the scope and operations yyPromote the high quality of of the Region’s Long-Term Care Halton’s drinking water Homes

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 13 Halton’s future success is dependent on its strong Governing financial foundation and its commitment to invest in the state of good repair of Regional infrastructure and assets. Ensuring Halton Region is accountable for the and transparent and that residents are well informed Future and engaged is a high priority.

Priorities Measures & Outcomes

yyAAA credit rating Maintain the Region’s strong yyAnnual tax rate at or below the rate of inflation long-term financial position yyGovernment Finance Officers Association (GFOA) Awards for Budget and Financial Reporting achieved yyUpdated Development Charge By-law and Financing Plan completed

Maintain Regional assets and yyAsset Management Plan completed infrastructure in a state of yy “Good” condition rating for Regional infrastructure maintained good repair

Promote a culture of yy90% of residents satisfied with Regional services public accountability, yy90% of residents satisfied with 311 services transparency, and yyWeb accessibility standards maintained engagement yyAvailability of online services increased

14 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 AAA Credit rating


Maintain the Region’s strong yyEnsure water and wastewater Promote a culture of public long-term financial position rate structure meets objectives accountability, transparency, of fairness and promotes water and engagement yyMaintain AAA credit rating by conservation adhering to the Region’s financial yyWork with Municipal Property yyAdvocate to the Province to management principals, policies Assessment Corporation (MPAC) clarify/strengthen accountability and practices including debt to ensure the assessment base for Police and Conservation management and multi-year is accurate and complete and Authorities budgeting maintain a tax policy strategy that yyImprove processes for public input yyEnsure tax rate increases for ensures fairness, competitiveness and consultation Regional services are maintained and affordability yyLeverage Federation of Canadian at or below the rate of inflation Maintain Regional assets and Municipalities and Association yyEnhance service based budgeting of Municipalities of Ontario to infrastructure in a state of and risk management processes to develop an advocacy strategy to support decision making good repair support future requirements of yyAdvocate for changes to the yyMaintain a state of good Halton Provincial Development Charges repair for all Regional assets, yyCreate opportunities for residents legislation to ensure full recovery infrastructure and facilities by to provide feedback on their of growth related capital costs developing a comprehensive Asset customer service experience from development Management Plan and use this input for continuous yyAdvocate for Provincial and yyProvide and optimize existing improvement Federal funding of Health and facilities for Police, Paramedic yyReview Regional representation in Social Services programs to and Regional services to support accordance with local municipal keep pace with growth in the growth in service requirements preferences community yyExamine the use and opportunities yyDevelop open data standards yyAdvocate for Federal and for Regionally owned properties, to increase the availability of Provincial infrastructure funding including the Ontario Street Regional information required to support growth property yyPromote 311 and halton.ca to all including housing, transportation, residents water and wastewater yyEnhance the information, services, yyUpdate the Development usability and functionality on Charges By-law and Development halton.ca and Halton social media Financing Plan to ensure growth channels pays for growth in the areas in which development occurs

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 15 The increasing frequency of severe weather events Adapting caused by climate change is a reality that is impacting Halton residents. Ensuring Halton Region is prepared to respond to weather related events and other to Climate emergencies is a high priority for the Region. The Region is committed to ensuring its infrastructure and Change services are resilient and that risks associated with severe weather events are mitigated where possible.

Priorities Measures & Outcomes

Increase resiliency of yyFlood Mitigation Study completed Regional programs and yyWastewater infrastructure optimized infrastructure

Prepare to respond to critical yy Annual emergency exercises completed events and emergencies yy Emergency Plan updated and coordinated with Local Municipality Plans impacting Halton residents yyFour public emergency response centres commissioned yyPeak volume call capacity of 311 increased

16 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Actions

Increase resiliency of Regional yyAdvocate to the Province for programs and infrastructure improvements to the ODRAP (Ontario Disaster Relief Assistance yyAssess severe weather event risks Program) to ensure prompt to Regional infrastructure, facilities response to the needs of and assets and mitigate risk where communities impacted by severe possible weather events and other disasters yyUndertake a Flood Mitigation yyEnhance communications Study to identify opportunities to protocols during and prior to mitigate risk of basement flooding emergencies and critical incidents resulting from weather events to ensure the public is kept yyAdvocate to the Federal and informed and updated Provincial Governments to yyExpand response capacity of the establish a centre of excellence to 311 call centre and the on-call key support and fund Municipalities services response capabilities assessment and adaptation to yyEstablish and equip a public climate change and green energy response centre in each Local initiatives Municipality, and communicate Prepare to respond to critical and raise awareness of the response centre’s function and events and emergencies services available impacting Halton residents yyUpdate Emergency Management yyDevelop and conduct emergency protocols and procedures to exercises to better prepare for address severe weather and other severe weather events emergency events in conjunction yyIncrease awareness of Halton with Local Municipalities residents of the risks associated with climate change and severe weather events and promote being prepared for these events

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 17 Fifty per cent of Halton Region is protected in the Protecting Regional Official Plan as part of the Natural Heritage System. The commitment to protecting and enhancing Halton’s natural environment is a high the Natural priority for the future. The Region is committed to minimizing the impact of its policies and services on Environment the environment.

Priorities Measures & Outcomes

Protect and enhance yy50% of Region maintained in Natural Heritage System the Region’s natural yy99.5% of wastewater received full treatment prior to discharge environment yyUpdated Aquifer Management Plans

Promote environmental yy62% waste diversion rate sustainability in the delivery of Regional Services yy5% reduction in greenhouse gases related to Regional services


Protect and enhance the yyImplement the Waterfront Master Promote environmental Region’s natural environment Plans for Bronte and Burloak sustainability in the delivery yyImplement the Regional of Regional Services yyAssess the health of the natural Biodiversity Strategy for Regional heritage system and perform Forests yyInvest in green initiatives to reduce restoration and remediation as the Region’s carbon footprint required yyUndertake comprehensive modeling of Halton surface and yyInvestigate alternate energy yyDevelop new programs, and ground water resources to support technologies to reduce Regional strengthen existing programs, long-term protection Energy costs and further reduce to support property owners’ greenhouse gas emissions commitment to preservation yyRevise the Greenland Securement and stewardship of the natural program to better protect and heritage system enhance the natural heritage system yyAdvocate to the Province for a policy framework that attains the yyIncrease the Region’s waste long-term preservation of the diversion rate in order to extend Region’s natural environment and the life of the Waste Management agricultural areas by growing the Site and generate long-term Greenbelt in Halton particularly in savings the urban context yyImplement Source Water yyFinalize and implement the Master Protection Plans and update the Plan for the Burlington Waterfront Aquifer Management Plan Park

18 Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 Integrating the Plan

With each new term, Halton Regional Council develops a plan to reflect Council’s priorities to ensure a focus on services that are important to Halton residents. This process intends to: yyactively engage Halton’s residents and stakeholders in providing input and direction; yyensure a strong alignment between Council’s key priorities and the Region’s Budget and Business Plan, and; yyensure that progress in achieving Council’s priorities is monitored and reported. Approval of the new initiatives identified in the Strategic Action Plan will occur through the annual budget process or report to Council. There may also be updates, particularly to measures and outcomes, through program strategies and plans. The Strategic Action Plan establishes priorities and provides the basis for strengthening existing relationships with Local Municipalities, community partners, and the Provincial and Federal Governments to deal with current and emerging issues that are growing in complexity and require collaborative solutions. The Halton Region Strategic Action Plan 2015-2018 focuses the Region on what matters most to its residents and will ensure that the Region continues to be a great place to live.

Monitoring the Plan Going Forward

The Strategic Action Plan is a cornerstone of the Region’s commitment to public accountability, transparency and engagement. The Region will use a comprehensive ongoing monitoring process that will track both the actions undertaken and the measures and outcomes of the plan. In keeping with the Region’s commitment to accountability, progress on the priorities and actions will be reviewed and reported to Regional Council on an annual basis. In addition, the outcomes and measures will be updated annually to reflect developments in program strategies and plans to ensure progress is made toward achieving Council’s priorities.

Halton Region | Strategic ACTION Plan 2015 – 2018 19 Halton Region 905-825-6000 or 1-866-442-5866

1151 Bronte Road Oakville, Ontario L6M 3L1

Hours of operation Monday to Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

If you would like to learn more, please visit halton.ca/actionplan
