The armed peace in Europe. Origins of the military coalions

The armed peace in Europe. Origins of the military coalions Lesson plan (Polish) Lesson plan (English) The armed peace in Europe. Origins of the military coalions

Congress of Source: Édouard-Louis Dubufe, The Congress of Paris, oil on canvas, licencja: CC 0.

Link to the lesson

You will learn

To describe the key causes of growing contradictions between the Great Powers of Europe at the turn of the 19th and the 20th century. To locate them on the political map of the world and Europe.

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

The years 1853‐1856 were marked by an armed conflict between Russia and Turkey supported by the Western powers, known as the Crimean War. In March 1856, the of Paris was signed, proclaiming the neutrality of the Black Sea territory, which meant that neither Russia, nor Turkey could keep their navy on the Black Sea any more. After Austria lost the war to Prussia in 1866, the peoples under the Habsburg rule (most notably the Czechs, the Poles and the Hungarians) started to demand a wider autonomy and an  introduction of a federal system. Ultimately, the Empire was transformed into a dual monarchy of Austria and Hungary in 1867. The two parts shared the same monarch but each had a separate constitution, government and Alexander II of Russia; reign: 1855 to 1881 parliament. Defeated in the Crimean War, Russia entered a process of modernisation Source: Aleksander II Romanow, Wikimedia Commons, licencja: CC 0. under the rule of Alexander II. This period came to be known as the „Post‐Sevastopol Thaw”. The Russian foreign policy became concerned with defence of Slavic‐speaking peoples (Pan‐Slavism). The 1878 , called by Bismarck, took significant decisions about the future of the . The independence of Serbia, Montenegro and was proclaimed and Bulgaria gained autonomy. Austria‐Hungary started the occupation of ; the territory nominally remained part of the , but it was placed under the Austro‐Hungarian administration.

In 1879, the German Reich entered into an alliance with Austria‐Hungary. This was Europe's first military alliance formed in the time of peace. It was secret and directed against Russia: if one of the states was attacked by Russia, the other was to come to its aid. Soon was successfully persuaded to join the . As a result, in 1882, the was formed between the countries which were later known as the during . and Russia started to worry about their political isolation. The situation changed after Chancellor Bismarck retired from politics at the request of Emperor William II. Then, following long months of negotiations, Russia and France signed their own military convention in 1892, pledging to provide immediate military support to each other if Russia was attacked by or Austria‐Hungary or if France was attacked by Germany or Italy.

Exercise 1 Source: Iwan Konstannowitsch Aiwasowski, Édouard-Louis Dubufe, licencja: CC 0.

Exercise 2

What event is commemorated by the building in the picture?

Italy joining the alliance of Germany and Austria-Hungary The French and Russian alliance of 1892 The 1878 Congress of Berlin Romania gaining independence Exercise 3

Match the events with their impact.

Success of small naons in the Balkans, Neutrality of the Black Sea, Imbalance of power in Europe; the end of the Black Sea's neutrality, End of the polical isolaon of France and Russia; the Franco-Russian military alliance (1892), Collapse of the Holy Alliance, Polical isolaon of France and Russia

Formaon of the Triple Alliance (1882)

Bismarck's rerement from polics (1890)

Treaty of Paris

Unificaon of

Germany (1871)

Congress of

Berlin (1878)

Crimean War


Keywords military coalition, Bismarck, Congress of Berlin, Triple Alliance


Eastern Queson

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka. kwestia wschodnia - konflikty i sprawy związane z funkcjonowaniem upadającego imperium osmańskiego.

Triple Alliance

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

trójprzymierze - sojusz militarny Niemiec, Austro‐Węgier i Włoch, zawiązany w latach 1879‐1882.

Congress of Berlin

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

kongres berliński 1878 - kongres zwołany przez kanclerza Bismarcka, w trakcie którego podjęto szereg decyzji dotyczących obszaru Bałkanów, wyzwalających się spod panowania tureckiego. Lesson plan (Polish)

Temat: Zbrojny pokój w Europie. Geneza bloków militarnych


Uczniowie klasy VII szkoły podstawowej

Podstawa programowa

XXIII. Europa i świat w II połowie XIX i na początku XX wieku. Uczeń:

1) opisuje sytuację polityczną w Europie w II połowie XIX wieku.

37.1. uczeń wymienia główne przyczyny narastania konfliktów pomiędzy mocarstwami europejskimi na przełomie XIX i XX wieku oraz umiejscawia je na politycznej mapie świata i Europy.

Ogólny cel kształcenia

Uczniowie poznają główne przyczyny narastania konfliktów pomiędzy mocarstwami europejskimi na przełomie XIX i XX wieku oraz umiejscowią je na politycznej mapie świata i Europy.

Kompetencje kluczowe

porozumiewanie się w językach obcych; kompetencje informatyczne; umiejętność uczenia się.

Kryteria sukcesu Uczeń nauczy się:

opisywać główne przyczyny narastania konfliktów pomiędzy mocarstwami europejskimi na przełomie XIX i XX w; umiejscowić je na politycznej mapie świata i Europy.

Metody/techniki kształcenia

podające pogadanka. aktywizujące dyskusja. programowane z użyciem komputera; z użyciem e‐podręcznika. praktyczne ćwiczeń przedmiotowych.

Formy pracy

praca indywidualna; praca w parach; praca w grupach; praca całego zespołu klasowego.

Środki dydaktyczne

e‐podręcznik; zeszyt i kredki lub pisaki; tablica interaktywna, tablety/komputery.

Przebieg lekcji

Przed lekcją

1. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o przypomnienie sobie wiadomości dotyczących zjednoczenia Niemiec.

Faza wstępna

1. Nauczyciel podaje uczniom temat, cel lekcji oraz kryteria sukcesu. 2. Nauczyciel pyta uczniów o usytuowanie na mapie historycznej Turcji, Morza Czarnego i cieśnin czarnomorskich. Uczniowie korzystają z map w e‐podręczniku lub innych wskazanych przez nauczyciela. Następnie wyjaśnia im w rozmowie nauczającej pojęcie „kwestia wschodnia” i jej znaczenie w XIX wieku.

Faza realizacyjna

1. Nauczyciel prosi uczniów o wykonanie Ćwiczenia 1. Uczniowie zapoznają się z najważniejszymi wydarzeniami z historii powszechnej II połowy XIX wieku. Następnie wynotowują w zeszytach najważniejsze konflikty i pokojowe ustalenia. 2. Uczniowie z pojemnika z losami losują nazwę jednego z krajów: Francja, Rosja, Wielka Brytania, Austria/Austro‐Węgry, Niemcy, Turcja, Włochy (każde z państw powinno być reprezentowane identyczną liczbą losów, nie większą niż 1/7 liczby uczniów). Następnie właściciele tych samych losów grupują się w zespoły i pracują wspólnie. Każda z grup wynotowuje na przygotowanych zawczasu arkuszach papieru: - Na czym mi zależy? – Jakie środki podejmuję? – Które moje cele zostały osiągnięte? Dlaczego / dlaczego nie?. 3. Uczniowie prezentują swoje ustalenia. Pozostali uzupełniają swoje notatki w zeszytach. Każdy z plakatów zostaje sfotografowany, a zdjęcie przekazane do ogólnodostępnego dla uczniów folderu. Nauczyciel omawia prace, koryguje ewentualne błędy. Dba o informację zwrotną przekazywaną uczniom podczas rozwiązywania ćwiczeń i wykonywania poleceń.

Faza podsumowująca

1. Nauczyciel pyta uczniów o przyczyny zawarcia Trójprzymierza. Nawiązuje do ustaleń poczynionych przez uczniów odnośnie do interesów politycznych mocarstw europejskich. 2. Nauczyciel prosi o wykonanie Ćwiczenia 2. Uczniowie układają puzzle i wybierają odpowiedni wariant odpowiedzi w załączonym zadaniu. Następnie w rozmowie z nauczycielem wymieniają przyczyny zawarcia Trójporozumienia oraz wyjaśniają, dlaczego zostało ono zawarte dopiero na początku lat 90. XIX wieku . 3. Uczniowie wykonują na tabletach/komputerach Ćwiczenie 3, łącząc w pary podane wydarzenia i ich skutki. 4. Nauczyciel rozdaje uczniom ankiety ewaluacyjne, w których ocenią własną pracę na lekcji, pracę nauczyciela oraz kolegów i koleżanek.

Praca domowa

1. Nauczyciel zadaje zadanie domowe (nie jest obligatoryjną częścią scenariusza): proponuje zapoznanie się z podrozdziałem “Wojna krymska” i postacią Florence Nightingale. Na podstawie materiałów z Internetu zainteresowani uczniowie przygotowują informację o jej życiu, działalności i doświadczeniach wojennych. 2. Wersja alternatywna: uczniowie zapoznają się z kapsułą czasu.

W tej lekcji zostaną użyte następujące pojęcia oraz nagrania


Eastern Queson

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

kwestia wschodnia - konflikty i sprawy związane z funkcjonowaniem upadającego imperium osmańskiego.

Triple Alliance

Nagranie dostępne na portalu Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

trójprzymierze - sojusz militarny Niemiec, Austro‐Węgier i Włoch, zawiązany w latach 1879‐1882.

Congress of Berlin

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

kongres berliński 1878 - kongres zwołany przez kanclerza Bismarcka, w trakcie którego podjęto szereg decyzji dotyczących obszaru Bałkanów, wyzwalających się spod panowania tureckiego.

Teksty i nagrania

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

The armed peace in Europe. Origins of the military coalitions

The years 1853‐1856 were marked by an armed conflict between Russia and Turkey supported by the Western powers, known as the Crimean War. In March 1856, the was signed, proclaiming the neutrality of the Black Sea territory, which meant that neither Russia, nor Turkey could keep their navy on the Black Sea any more. After Austria lost the war to Prussia in 1866, the peoples under the Habsburg rule (most notably the Czechs, the Poles and the Hungarians) started to demand a wider autonomy and an introduction of a federal system. Ultimately, the Empire was transformed into a dual monarchy of Austria and Hungary in 1867. The two parts shared the same monarch but each had a separate constitution, government and parliament. Defeated in the Crimean War, Russia entered a process of modernisation under the rule of Alexander II. This period came to be known as the „Post‐Sevastopol Thaw”. The Russian foreign policy became concerned with defence of Slavic‐speaking peoples (Pan‐Slavism). The 1878 Congress of Berlin, called by Bismarck, took significant decisions about the future of the Balkans. The independence of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania was proclaimed and Bulgaria gained autonomy. Austria‐Hungary started the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; the territory nominally remained part of the Ottoman Empire, but it was placed under the Austro‐Hungarian administration. In 1879, the German Reich entered into an alliance with Austria‐Hungary. This was Europe's first military alliance formed in the time of peace. It was secret and directed against Russia: if one of the states was attacked by Russia, the other was to come to its aid. Soon Italy was successfully persuaded to join the Dual Alliance. As a result, in 1882, the Triple Alliance was formed between the countries which were later known as the Central Powers during World War I. France and Russia started to worry about their political isolation. The situation changed after Chancellor Bismarck retired from politics at the request of Emperor William II. Then, following long months of negotiations, Russia and France signed their own military convention in 1892, pledging to provide immediate military support to each other if Russia was attacked by Germany or Austria‐Hungary or if France was attacked by Germany or Italy. Lesson plan (English)

Topic: The armed peace in Europe. Origins of the military coalitions

Target group

7th‐grade students of elementary school

Core curriculum

XXIII. Europe and the world in the second half of the nineteenth and early twentieth century. Pupil:

1) describes the political situation in Europe in the second half of the nineteenth century.

37.1. the student lists the main reasons for the accumulation of conflicts between the European powers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and places them on the political map of the world and Europe.

General aim of education

Students learn about the main causes of the rise of conflicts between European powers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries and place them on the political map of the world and Europe.

Key competences

communication in foreign languages; digital competence; learning to learn.

Criteria for success The student will learn:

describe the main reasons for the accumulation of conflicts between European powers at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries; place them on the political map of the world and Europe.


expository talk. activating discussion. programmed with computer; with e‐textbook. practical exercices concerned.

Forms of work

individual activity; activity in pairs; activity in groups; collective activity.

Teaching aids

e‐textbook; notebook and crayons/felt‐tip pens; interactive whiteboard, tablets/computers.

Lesson plan overview

Before classes

1. Before the lesson, the teacher asks students to remember the news about the reunification of Germany.


1. The teacher explains the students the subject, the purpose of the lesson and the criteria for success. 2. The teacher asks students about the location of Turkey, the Black Sea and the Black Sea straits on the historical map. Students use maps in a e‐textbook or other maps recommended by the teacher. Then he explains to them in a teaching conversation the concept of the „eastern issue” and its meaning in the nineteenth century.


1. The teacher asks students to do Exercise 1. Students will learn about the most important events from the universal history of the second half of the nineteenth century. Then, in the notebooks, they note the most important conflicts and peace arrangements. 2. Students from a container with lottery tickets draw the name of one of the countries: France, Russia, Great Britain, Austria / Austria‐Hungary, Germany, Turkey, Italy (each country should be represented by an identical number of tickets, no more than 1/7 of the number of students). Then the owners of the same tickets are grouped together and work together. Each group notes on pre‐prepared sheets of paper: - What do I care for? - What measures do I take? - Which goals have been achieved? Why / why not?. 3. The students present their findings. Others complete their notes in notebooks. Each of the posters is photographed and the picture is forwarded to a folder available to the students. The teacher discusses the work, corrects possible mistakes. He takes care of the feedback provided to students during solving exercises and doing commands.


1. The teacher asks the students about the reasons for the forming of the Triple Alliance. He refers to the arrangements made by students regarding the political interests of the European powers. 2. The teacher asks to do Exercise 2. Students arrange the puzzle and choose the appropriate variant of the answer in the attached task. Then, in conversation with the teacher, they list the reasons for the conclusion of the and explain why it was concluded only in the early . 3. Students do Exercise 3 on tablets / computers, combining events and their effects into pairs. 4. The teacher gives students evaluation surveys in which they evaluate their own work during the lesson, the work of the teacher and colleagues.


1. The teacher sets homework (it is not an obligatory part of the script): he proposes to read the subsection „Wojna krymska” and to acquaint with the figure of Florence Nightingale. Based on materials from the Internet, interested students prepare information about her life, activities and war experiences. 2. Alternative version: students familiarize with the time capsule.

The following terms and recordings will be used during this lesson


Eastern Queson

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

kwestia wschodnia - konflikty i sprawy związane z funkcjonowaniem upadającego imperium osmańskiego.

Triple Alliance Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

trójprzymierze - sojusz militarny Niemiec, Austro‐Węgier i Włoch, zawiązany w latach 1879‐1882.

Congress of Berlin

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe słówka.

kongres berliński 1878 - kongres zwołany przez kanclerza Bismarcka, w trakcie którego podjęto szereg decyzji dotyczących obszaru Bałkanów, wyzwalających się spod panowania tureckiego.

Texts and recordings

Nagranie dostępne na portalu

Nagranie dźwiękowe abstraktu

The armed peace in Europe. Origins of the military coalitions

The years 1853‐1856 were marked by an armed conflict between Russia and Turkey supported by the Western powers, known as the Crimean War. In March 1856, the Treaty of Paris was signed, proclaiming the neutrality of the Black Sea territory, which meant that neither Russia, nor Turkey could keep their navy on the Black Sea any more. After Austria lost the war to Prussia in 1866, the peoples under the Habsburg rule (most notably the Czechs, the Poles and the Hungarians) started to demand a wider autonomy and an introduction of a federal system. Ultimately, the Empire was transformed into a dual monarchy of Austria and Hungary in 1867. The two parts shared the same monarch but each had a separate constitution, government and parliament. Defeated in the Crimean War, Russia entered a process of modernisation under the rule of Alexander II. This period came to be known as the „Post‐Sevastopol Thaw”. The Russian foreign policy became concerned with defence of Slavic‐speaking peoples (Pan‐Slavism). The 1878 Congress of Berlin, called by Bismarck, took significant decisions about the future of the Balkans. The independence of Serbia, Montenegro and Romania was proclaimed and Bulgaria gained autonomy. Austria‐Hungary started the occupation of Bosnia and Herzegovina; the territory nominally remained part of the Ottoman Empire, but it was placed under the Austro‐Hungarian administration.

In 1879, the German Reich entered into an alliance with Austria‐Hungary. This was Europe's first military alliance formed in the time of peace. It was secret and directed against Russia: if one of the states was attacked by Russia, the other was to come to its aid. Soon Italy was successfully persuaded to join the Dual Alliance. As a result, in 1882, the Triple Alliance was formed between the countries which were later known as the Central Powers during World War I. France and Russia started to worry about their political isolation. The situation changed after Chancellor Bismarck retired from politics at the request of Emperor William II. Then, following long months of negotiations, Russia and France signed their own military convention in 1892, pledging to provide immediate military support to each other if Russia was attacked by Germany or Austria‐Hungary or if France was attacked by Germany or Italy.