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~'cmiIia ".\ ' P_a~~~~_o~m_I_._~ ______~ ______~T~~~,!~~!~~~P~~~T-4f~~~&\~J~&~~\9~U~4_. ____ ~ ______~~,.~.~~~~.~~,~~~~_'r_.~~,l~...~ ARTICLE . 'SOLVED' Ha~ and the ilOuntry and make .it a m«H;t 'MYSTERY· OF ANTI~S To' Visit Hillel .to deter:. eJieetive instrument of·CaDad'il'Q TelAvi,,(J~S).;-:-·A more. tihOxyugl>. ;IOPk'at'F. Mayat- tage ,Jnissi~JJS.'iJ!.!he U.S.S.R.' .and ?ilier. Communist coun- The bibliography of M~atsky's rec:entbook now quotes Loo/dllS Glfhe • . • Ticktin, thosefor ZiOnism; "(It would be' hoped4:hat Rabbi n ...... ·~;.ti~>"'=::ti·. "boo'k !'Cont:em~.··'."'-".' (JUdaism 'and. tri""".in., the sex.. vlce of American..... '.;mtelligence.. .r, S. Frei as:the author of. that article. &operis in Soviet director of leadership tmining and ~tuO;: members. am:J.; for its con- :~ru~~i:t:) ~,be··.Itis··fu]l ~ piJ'b'&ie:l'this. Yea.:."iJl.JCj!bin~JSIlOIVed an The men ,who drew up the proj~~,,~cle ohllm'ed, ,,'affairs here Point out :thirtthe only.:personon lIhe Soviet­ U-year-:oldmyste1-Y of '1Ihe' c'oncluamg-······Qf Stalin's were:,Harry·'1'rljma~, Dean AchesOn' ana Hemy'Morgenthau '. JeWiSh'sceiieknown. by such a name is Sophia Fret, a TEEN SCENE of the Hillel Foundation at the Zionist parties (other than ZOC) 'lIhereswts of the cl:eliberatlons rule,8cWrding to /iltUdents of Soviet. affairs bere. . in ''I!he-' U.s.A."Bbd on behalf of , David Ben-Gurion member of the editorial board of the Soviet Union's only University of ChiCllgo, will 'lie in represented at the convention were 1!y. eommittees;' and the· ''guide .lilI.es .Abl)Uta fortnight before S'talin'sdeath, an eXceptionally and "Moshe .$barett. The article which appeared at the Yiddish periodical, "Sovietlsh Heimland." l, ..Alan ;budtlet Winnipeg November 1 and 2. detennined to restructure the move-whieh, .1llie' speeches and wor~op Rabbi Ticktln is a graduate of ment in some such way so that the discussions laid down have yet 'to vlciowFilliti-Jewish article entitled "What is the Joint?" hel~.of "The Doctors' Plot" waS unsigned, and many Miss Frei vilIited Israel in 1958 and subsequently pub­ Are you interested in what's happening in the 'teen' the Jewish Theological Seminary ZOC would no longer be theso-caUed be :tried .. and assessed m•. prilctice. appealed' in Moscow's "Literaturnaya Gazette." It alleged ",,*I.!tll.titsin.'" Soviet affairs have since speculated on the lit;lled iIlhree'derogatory artieles about her trip in "Trud," world? In this column rll to keep you up to date on "umbrella" organization, and were Only tbrie:can determine Whether that a jolnit Americ8ri,..Israell conspiracy baa been fanned ~.... - the activities of the Jewish youth organizations in and Columbia University. He is detennined too to curtail its power leader$ipaavested in the o~lUliza­ to· use Jewish chan'table organizations for spylng..:an=d:..:::sa:bo-=_:~U:·.I4o:~:·Or~,:s,.:i:d:m:t!ty:· .;::. .:.;.;... ______an_d_ .. SO_vi_etska-:~ya,--Li-·tw-.-"------___ Winnipeg. Mail me a note to 448 Enniskillen Ave., an authority on Jewish existential­ by assuring that it no longer would tion's. ',offiCers isreauy knowledge­ or phone me at JU 9-7510. All long as I know by ism and a follOWer of Williarh Her­ hold such exclusive power on be- able,skilledand concerned 'en()ugh I Sunday, your activities will be included. berg. He has' lectured at the Hillel half of Keren Hayesod in Canada. to be really effective in the inany .Rockwell Provokes WideProfesfs They participated under a veiled areas ;which call for Ziqnist acti()n. [ Inter-Faith Musical • • • November 4. The group open to Institute in Israel, where he made ottawa' (JTA) -. Prime Minister confonriist oddballs~' h. threat to reappraise their relaitions Lester B. Pearson agreed.last week- The strongest protest, however, ,I ' ' ,An attempt to promote inter-faith any single young adult 18 to 26 who a study of,the Nazi holocaust. with . the Zion,ist Organization of , I LARGEST CmCULATION end thathewouldinve!¢igate sOme was voiced outside Parliament by harmony .' was inade, last when is interested in the aims of the Rabbi Ticktiil., who was guest at Canada unIess there was a "new , ' . ,~I aspects of the CBC broadcast show- Michael Garber, president Of the the B'na! B'rith Young AdUlts and organization. the 1957 Hillel spring retreat, re­ look" as a result of the conference. I IN WESTERN CANADA . inga filmed interview with the Canadian Jewish Congress. Oharg­ .J They could take .little solace even the Catholic Youth Organization USY • • . turns to Winnipeg to speak on "Six United States leader of the Ameri- i,ng ,the·CBC with being "guilty of Ii from the re-election of Mr. Freiman, can Nazi Party, George Lincoln an, act against the public iDterest," i, joined ranks to produce Meredith Shaarey Zedek USY will 'hold its Million and the Man of Faith" on however, as he apparently led dele­ November 1 at 8:15 p.m. at Hillel IthciJewishPosf Rockwell. .The program has been Mr, Garber said'that no arguments Wilson's 'Play ''The Music Man." annual. tea and fashion show from gates to understand that for' the' denOUnced in the House of Com- about "public exposure" of the Nazi , ThiS wlis so successfril·th~t the ,idea 2 ~'p.tti:'S'uil.daY, Nov., 15. On House. On November 2, he will moment at least. he was· detennined t~~~~ew~7",~oP~~~~e$" nlODs ,.as well as by the Canadian. could jlistify''the publicity given ito to strengthen.¢he ZOC'role'across Vol. XL .1 ( ofproducJng . such a muSical tUmu- n7">ve dnes da y, Nov. 11, at 2 p.m., be on campus to lecture on "FranZ ,.'. ., ." . JeWish Congress and others outside : Rocltwell ~rsonal1y and to his lies • ally was suggested by the two Shaarey Zedek USY will meet at Rosensweig; An Existentialist's Re­ Parliament as "an Irresponsible ,ac- and in"eiltives~" , turn. from Alienation." tion" . giving publicity '~ a Self-' N¢ing ,that Rockwell gets no such groups, with a request that the other the school and from there go roller confessed follower of Hitler and publicity in his native Unitecl States, TIME ··FOI blPLOMACY U2Ek~fJl major faiths be invited to partici- skating. The cost is 60c which in­ - - preBcilerotgenoc:ide.'" Mr. G~bersaid "Canadians mUst pate. This year, B'na! B'rith, CYO eludes skates, transportation and ,Opposition, leaderJolm Diefen- regret deeply that CBC has com­ and Young People's Union of the supper. ZIONISTS baker' told .Commons he saw no mitted a seriousilisservice.to the United Church, will produce a sec- (Cont. from page 1) I C7 C7' rea$Onwhy the; CDC sh~~dgive interests. of our Canadian society Mixer ••• . ..Jidneg ..J~rtli~tlr, c...A. Sirains for Cameras RocJtwellithat kind of attention, nor by giving currency to the rantings GERMANS LAUNCH q'DRIVE '1, ond musical, under the direction of On Saturday, Oct. 31, Red River Joel Sternthal and Leon Kronitz of "The Store that Shows You How" ~why Nazism Should be glorified in and ravings of this ,tragically un­ Don Williams of C.B.C,. and Miss Region will sponsor a special Hal­ Montreal; David Peters, Q.C., ana Chartered Accountant 2 Locations i:h!s·way." Milton Klein, a LibenU balanced ·but dangerous 'Uniited Agnes Loader. Mannie Brown of Toronto; Ken party. member . from· Montreal,States citizen." He said the RoCk­ lowe'en mixer, the 'Headless Horse- 1'elephone 832-1042 :jlS Smith st. WH 3-6595 'FOR ISRAEL RELATIONS It is the intention of this group man Hop' at the Rosh Pina Syna­ Soble, Hamilton; Leslie Raphael of Polo Park Shopping Centre charged Rockwell had used the 00- .. well broadcast "was an obvious Vancouver, Andrew O. Schwartz of casion 'to vi:l1ify NegrOes' and' Jew's quest for sensationalism in which to stage a variety show in January, gogue. For the admission fee of ~631 Portage Ave. Winnipeg SUnset 3-6010 Q,logne (JCNS) -,-. A nation-wide campaigJ,l for the establi~eM of diplomatic releJtiODs with Isr:'el Winnipeg, Max Forman of Halifax in millions o£ living rooms." . ~- the public interest and human sensi­ was started here· last week by the Ge~ co-ordinating council of the Association for ObristIan-J8WIsh which will be played in at least one 5Oc, attendees will be entitled to all and Sam Promislow of Edmonton. other n;~1'<'d:..,!)t;1ile", op~tion, ,bilities were"'almost wholly' dis- Co-operation,'The 6,000,000 membj)r West German Trade Union Federation also joined in the move. hall proper to each faith. Fr~m this they can eat and the music of Kon Regional ' presidents are: Sam Office Phone Rea. Phone Marcel ...... '''''' .... 01 Ecbn0ntOll, ac-. ''''.'' "'i.' . ".' . i group ,the nllcessary talent for stage Smythe and the Dimensions for Babb. maritimes; Julius Hayman. Silun-man & w,,;gl.t WHitehall 8-4464 JUstice 2-4386 cused :the-' CBP. 'o~ ,catering! '':tci;,honi.. ,;regwded.'r''h,:~ '." , 'The' ~ti:: publici :"'being all basic research, was for peaceful against ,the continued work by Ger­ i' , as.ked to sign a.petitionworked out purposes. man scientists in ,producing i and production will ,be chosen for the whole, evening. 'There will be central; M~ J. Rosenberg, mid west; Max Yale Diamond -. .- Joseph Shoctor, Q.C., western; Dr. Barristers and Solicitors by these organizations calling on So far, the spokesman said, mass destruction weapons to be the musical play, which will be pre- a special prize for the person carry­ B.A.• LL.B. J. Secter, Pacific. The eastern re­ 402 Royal Trust Building Barrister and Solicitor ";'L'JSeparafe :DOj.,menfon· JewS. the Federal Qovernment to. open 6,000,000 marks; had been contri- aimed ultimately against Israel, '))he sented May 31 - June 3 at the ing in the heaviest head. Dress is gional president is yet to be named. Edmonton Alberta Notary Public negotiations with Israel on this, uted by the Bonn Government for reports' said that, under a "secret" VIDlniP,,fi618 A VENUE BLDG. Rome (tiM - Pope Paill'VI Was repo~ed 'here to 'have d'ecided . the . 15,OOO,OOO-volt atom smasher agreement between Israel and ex- Manitoba Theatre 'Centre. casual and an interesting evening The re-elected president, if his Telephone 422-44S9 V Manitoba ISSUe. d I It is hoped ,that a tour for this should result. to make. the .proposed Oatholic Ohurchdciclaratioh on relattions .with cWe to go into operation in two OhlUl(lellor Konrad A enauer, Israe pronouncements are meaningful, JeWs into as!)parate document, unrelated to any of.the other schemas . Meanwhile reports from Bonn months time. A further 4,000,000 has 'during the last six years, re­ production will then be possible, may be· expected to establish the B. P. McDaniel, Q.C. (1919·1947) under consideration by the Ecumenical Council. Vatican source,\ saw that a German-Israeli agreement marks has been given to the ceived about $50,000,000 worth of th t "'- b" fro JWC ABair . • . primacy of the United Zionist Coun- BERR MINUK B. J. Batlan, B:A.. LL.B.,Q.C. so a owers may eneut m Joseph Wolinsky Collegiate will , ..'. . BUell. seParation of Ith{! declaration on relations with Jews as a move for military co-operation and the "Ullman Institute for Life Sci- German military equipment. cil in Canada while the ZOC at- B.A., LL.B. strengthening the importance of :the dOClJlllent. The believe that supply of arms by West GermllDY euC4lS." In Parliament, Dr. Eugen Ger- inter-faith harmony. hold an open mixer November 14. tempts to find its role either wi~hin Barrister IQId Solicitor Those who are interested in join- leDANIEL a SAFIAN the new declartion may be promulgated by :the Council before it existed between .the two countries, There were at present three dis- stenmaier, president. of rthe Bundes­ ._ ~ th In F >" u _'- Eledion Results • • • one of the. general confederations WH 2-1030 Res. JU 6-1961 Barrllters '" Solicitors closes its curi"eut session on November 21. ' were flatly denied by authoritative tinguished West German scientists tag, the lower House, and a feader U'O e ter- aiu" .

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