St Edmund

Growth of the Village

Compiled by Judy Booker and Sue Harman

January 2015 revised 2018

Contents Growth of the Village from Maps ...... 2 1795 ...... 3 1797 Faden’s Map of (part of) ...... 4 1797 Faden’s Map of Norfolk redrawn (part of) by Andrew Macnair...... 5 1826 Bryant’s Map of Norfolk (part of) ...... 5 1840 Tithe map showing Caistor ...... 6 1840 Tithe map Renters of the land ...... 7 1840 Tithe map close up showing the cottages along the edge of Wymer Field...... 8 1840 Markshall Lane Cottages ...... 9 1840 Tithe Map with some of the apportionments shown ...... 10 Table of the Apportionment of the Rent-Charge in lieu of Tithes ...... 11 1885 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 21 1905/6 Ordnance Survey Map...... 22 1913 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 23 1928 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 24 1937 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 25 1957 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 26 1971 Ordnance Survey Map ...... 27 2014 Google Earth ...... 28

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This is a preliminary attempt to plot the growth of Caistor St. Edmund. Beyond the Roman town of there appears to be a dearth of written historical evidence for medieval settlement.

Growth of the Village from Maps The early map of Faden, 1797, (1:63,360 or 1 inch to a mile) calls the village Castor with no more than a mere ten or so buildings surrounding Castor Gr, presumably the village green, and the only individual building as Castor Hall by the Roman camp. Markshall is called Mattishall.

Bryant’s map of 1826 (1: 51,742 or 10 miles to 12 and a quarter inches) calls the village Caister St. Edmunds and shows Caister Hall and New Hall (present day hotel.) Both of these early maps show settlement along Stoke Road opposite the hotel just passed Markshall Lane. The only other building named on Bryant’s map is Caister Cottage, roughly where the Rectory is now.

Further research could plot medieval and later spot finds from the Heritage Explorer maps which would date settlement, showing continuity patterns in existing fields and areas. In the field opposite Church Close finds include prehistoric flints, Roman, medieval and post-medieval coins and an early Saxon, copper-alloy brooch. Various pottery sherds indicate a village with settlement over many centuries. A medieval thimble found near the crossroads in Wymer’s Field could link with the row of nineteenth century cottages identified on later maps.

As far as the very early history of the village is concerned, Iron Age coins have been found in the field across the road from Church Close and there are some possible Iron Age boundary ditches in the village. North of Markshall Farm crop marks have revealed a Bronze Age barrow and cemetery.

Buildings of the village listed on the Norfolk Heritage Explorer Map are:

• Caistor Hall, mainly dating to the time of George III • Caister Old Hall, standing on a medieval manorial site with the present building built in 1612 • Markshall Farm has a post-medieval barn dated 1716 • Queen Anne Cottage, built in 1729 for a member of the Cogman family, blacksmiths at the nearby village smithy for several generations from the seventeenth century • Old Rectory, a late eighteenth century former parsonage

Maps from the nineteenth century onwards showing the growth and development of Caister St. Edmunds are more easily found and a few are shown in the following pages. As mentioned earlier, further research could reveal lots more. If any residents wish to comment or add any information, please get in touch with either Judy Booker or Sue Harman.

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1795 “A draught of the Parish of Caistor with part of Stoke in the County of Norfolk”

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1797 Faden’s Map of Norfolk (part of) (Surveying for this map was carried out between 1790 and 1794 )

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1797 Faden’s Map of Norfolk redrawn (part of) by Andrew Macnair

1826 Bryant’s Map of Norfolk (part of)

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1840 Tithe map showing Caistor

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1840 Tithe map Renters of the land The Tithe map of 1840, which can be seen at the ‘Norfolk Record Office’, shows how the field opposite Caistor Hall (which for our project we are calling ‘Wymer Field’) was divided into strips to be rented for cultivation. The field was owned by Mrs Harriett Dashwood of Caistor Hall.

We have added the names of the people who were renting each strip of land to the copy of the Tithe map. Their names were on a document entitled The apportionment of the rent charge in lieu of tithes in the Parish of Caister Saint Edmunds with Marketshall in the County of Norfolk. 14th July 1838 which accompanied the Tithe map.

The document also lists people who were living in the cottages on the edge of Wymer Field.

These cottages were no longer in existence in 1881, by which time there was a thin strip of woodland where the cottages had been. We do not know when they were built, or exactly when they were demolished. As part of our project, this year we carried out a brief search of the wooded area where we found a mix of brick fragments and mortar, plus a nicely faced piece of flint. This could possibly be part of a demolition layer left over when the cottages were demolished. They may well have been of brick and flint construction.

In our test pits close to the area where the cottages had been in Wymer field we revealed a beaten chalk floor in one and a rough cobbled area in another. They would appear to be part of the cottage complex.

More research on these cottages is being done and hopefully we will learn more!

In 1841 the population was 147. The meadow between Old Hall and the river was marked as Goose Meadow at the time of the Enclosure Act. The buildings coloured pink are residential and the ones coloured grey are outbuildings/sheds. It is interesting to note that Caistor Lane from the village green to the Smithy (plot 113) has only 3 buildings, presumably with inhabitants, while plot 119 has a large collection of outbuildings. The Cogman family had connections with the smithy since 1647. Note, a building on plot 133 at the Green crossroads on Markshall Lane which does not appear on any later maps. Note also the spelling of Caister St. Edmunds.

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1840 Tithe map close up showing the cottages along the edge of Wymer Field. (No Caistor Cottage as yet).

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1840 Markshall Lane Cottages

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1840 Tithe Map with some of the apportionments shown.

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Table of the Apportionment of the Rent-Charge in lieu of Tithes in the Parish of Caistor Saint Edmunds with Marketshall. 14th July 1838.

NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Long Revd Laurence Part of First Robert 31b Arable 5 2 20 Carpenter Northwards Churchman 32b Part of Further “ 9 2 26 William Sandy Gate 36b “ 9 1 21 Beverley Close The Nine 38b “ 9 2 34 Acres Part of 39b “ 1 1 31 Swanbanks Part of Sallow 40b “ 1 1 12 Row Himself 37b Plantation Wood 1 35 38 1 19 12 17 -

In the Hamlet of Marketshall

NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Horace & Dashwood Cyrus Gillett 1b Weston Pasture 13 2 11 Mrs Harriet Meadow Home 2b “ 6 2 35 Meadow Farm House, 3b “ 4 1 13 Yards 4b The Green “ 1 - 39 Cottage 5b “ 3 - 1 Meadow 14b Home Close Arable 56 1 6 16b Monks “ 38 2 32 Bridewell 17b Pasture 18 - 22 Meadow Chapel Hill 18b Arable 64 1 17 Piece 20b The Heath “ 54 1 21 Harford Bridge 21b Pasture 13 2 34 Meadow Harford Bridge 22b Arable 45 3 37 Piece 23b Barn & Yards Yards - 1 38 24b The 40 Acres Arable 42 1 22 25b Barbers Breck “ 22 - 22 Cottage 26b Pasture 2 3 18 Meadow 27b Cottage Close Arable 3 1 27

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29b Ozier Ground Wood - - 35 30b Ozier Ground Wood - - 29 33b Dunston Close Arable 40 2 7 34b Larkhams “ 18 1 10 35b Sandy Gates “ 40 - 4 490 3 33 153 5 -

William Berneys 189 Pasture 6 1 38 1 6 11 Warren Meadow

Furze Hill Herself 15b Wood 1 3 22 Plantation 19b Chapel Hill “ 8 - 39 28b Whites Hill “ 1 - 5 11 - 26 - 6 6

Samuel Cottage & 7b Garden - - 11 Johnson Garden 12b Garden “ - - 16 Edward Cottage & 6b “ - - 32 Tungate Garden

Ann Cottage & 8b “ - - 9 Woolverton Garden

13b Garden “ - - 16 James 9b Garden “ - - 26 Stannard Robert 10b Garden “ - - 22 Nichols James 11b Garden “ - - 22 Johnson - 3 34 - 6 -

NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Cottage & King Samuel Himself 24 Garden - 1 22 - 3 6 Garden

King Richard Himself 29 Heath Pightle Arable - 3 17 39 Garden Garden - 1 30 40 Garden “ - - 7

John & Cottage & 41 “ - - 2 Richard King Garden

Thomas Cottage & 42 Garden - - 18 Marjoram Garden 1 1 34 - 9 6

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Primrose The George Honorable 102 Caister Field Arable 17 3 4 5 2 9 Parker Francis Ward

Surveyors of Themselves 8 Clay Pit Pit 1 - 6 Highways William 22a Allotment Arable - 3 36 Warren 2 - 2 - 5 -

Trustees of the Poor of James King 1 Mile Close Arable 5 2 17 Caister St Edmunds 2 The 5 Acres “ 5 - 22 Gravel Pit 3 “ 5 2 1 Close 4 Clay Pit Close “ 8 - 14 24 1 14 5 6 6

The Revd William Part of Great Joseph L’Oste 103a Arable 24 3 26 Warren Banburys (Glebe) 125 The Hurn “ 6 3 14 Lizards? 126 Pasture 2 3 11 Meadow Part of the 187a “ 4 - 16 Marsh 193 Churchyard “ 1 - 30

Old Hall on Thomas 111 Lower Sandy Arable 8 2 16 Williamson Close 112 Websters “ 6 1 8 Home 118 Pasture 1 2 32 meadow 119 Farm Yards Yards - 1 16 Revd John 120 Orchard Orchard - 3 29 Arthy Parsonage 121 House & Garden 1 1 11 Garden 122 Plantation Wood - - 32 59 1 1 16 - -

NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. William Wratting? Pit French Church 7 Arable 6 1 5 Warren Close Lower Dirty 57 “ 6 - 3 Close Upper Dirty 58 “ 8 2 27 Close

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62 Barn & Yard Yard - 1 14 Wood 63 Pasture 2 3 5 Meadow 64 Meadow “ 2 3 32 73 Wood Close Arable 12 - 24

James Blaza 59 Garden Garden - - 36

Cottage & 60 “ - 1 29 Garden David Cottage & 61 “ - 1 24 Thurlow Garden 40 - 39 12 3 6

Upper Wood Jay Thomas James King 32 Arable 5 1 23 Close Lower Wood 33 “ 3 2 8 Close 34 Barn Close “ 6 - 23 Heath 35 Pasture 1 1 34 Meadow 36 Old Orchard “ 3 1 1 37 Barn & Yard Yard - - 10 48 Heath Pightle Arable 3 2 16 Soames 74 Pasture 1 - 21 Meadow 77 Garden Garden - 1 18 Farm House, 78 Yards & Homestall 1 - - Orchard Home 79 Pasture 1 3 38 Meadow 83 Home Pightle Arable 1 3 38 94 Swantons Arable 10 1 - 96 Swampy Field “ 8 1 34 97 Sandy Piece “ 4 3 34 Footpath 4 98 “ 4 - 30 Acres Cottage & Susan Tuck? 43 Garden - - 6 Garden 44 Garden “ - - 7 James Cottage & 45 “ - - 13 Fisher Garden Francis Cottage & 46 “ - - 34 Neale Garden 49 Pightle Arable 1 3 34 Elizabeth Cottage & 75 Garden - - 14 Middleton Garden James Cottage & 76 “ - - 12 Garrod Garden 60 1 8 20 - -

Jeremiah Cottage & King James 23 Garden - - 38 Fisher Garden Samuel King Cottage & 25 “ - - 18 Junior Garden - 1 16 - 2 9

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NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Dashwood Cottage & Mrs Harriet Ann Thorpe 47 Garden - 2 22 Garden (Continued) Garden & Jane Yallop 80 Arable - 3 9 Pightle Cottage & 81 Garden - 1 39 Garden Cottage & Aaron Cory 87 “ - - 19 Garden Aaron Cory 139 Garden “ - 1 10 James Cottage & 88 “ - - 10 Warman Garden 151 Garden “ - 1 21 William Cottage & 89 Pasture - 3 30 Watson Pightle Robert House, Smithy 113 Garden - 2 38 Cogman & Garden Cottage & John Nurse 114 “ - 2 11 Garden Cottage, Robert 115 Garden & “ - 1 6 Athow Shop John Cottage & 116 “ - - 16 Warman Garden John 141 Garden “ - 1 4 Warman William Cottage & 117 “ - - 14 Brightley Garden Charles Cottage & 133 “ - 1 8 Hurrell Garden

Samuel King 134 Garden “ - 1 9

Samuel King 148 Garden “ - 1 6 James Jeremiah 135 Garden “ - 1 10 Fisher Francis Neale & 136 Garden “ - 1 2 James Garrod

James Blaza 137 Garden “ - 1 4

John King 138 Garden “ - 1 7 John 140 Garden “ - 1 6 Cogman

Richard King 142 Garden “ - 1 5

Cottage & Richard King 156 “ - - 26 Garden William 143 Garden “ - 1 1 Plowman James 144 Garden “ - 1 1 Harrold Robert 145 Garden “ - 1 3 Wells

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Ann Nichols 146 Garden “ - 1 2

Cottage & Ann Nichols 152 “ - - 28 Garden Robert 147 Garden “ - 1 - Oakley Samuel 149 Garden “ - 1 3 Shingles Samuel Cottage & 153 “ - - 15 Shingles Garden Samuel 155 Cottage “ - - 2 Shingles

Thomas 150 Garden “ - 1 2 Cunningham

Thomas Cottage & 154 “ - - 7 Cunningham Garden Robert Titlow & Cottage & 158 “ - - 29 Robert Garden Oakley William 169 Garden “ - 1 3 Yallop James 170 Garden “ - 1 9 Swinger James 171 Garden “ - 1 6 Fisher

John Fuller 172 Garden “ - 1 14

Cottage & James Dye 199 “ 1 1 2 Garden Thomas Cottage & 200 “ - - 20 Warnes Garden 13 1 38 4 16 6

NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Brought 458 1 30 forward

Dashwood William Mrs Harriet Warren 194 Church Hills Arable 35 1 25 (Continued) (Continued)

The Acre 195 Pasture 4 2 12 Meadow First 30 Acre 196 “ 8 3 2 Meadow Second 30 197 “ 7 3 25 Acre Meadow 198 Dyes 10 Acres Arable 15 3 28 201 Rush Meadow Pasture 5 3 22 Part of 1st 202 Rummer “ 2 1 39 Meadow 539 1 23 148 12 1

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Thomas Part of 67 Arable 5 1 9 Williamson Mendhams

68 East Fells “ 6 2 14 69 Middle Fells “ 5 - 14 70 West Fells “ 5 1 12 71 Birch Field “ 4 - 6 72 Driftway Road - 2 4 84 Garden Garden - 2 18 High Ash Farm 85 Homestall 1 1 5 & Premises 86 Bushy Close Pasture 10 - 12 90 The 4 Acres Arable 4 2 14

Lower Cart 92 Arable 5 3 37 Shed Close Cart Shed 93 “ 15 2 18 Close 99 The 10 Acres “ 11 3 4 100 The 3 Acres “ 4 1 14 101 The 7 Acres “ 7 3 26 107 Broken Back “ 10 - 22 Old Hall on 110 Lower Sandy “ 9 1 5 Close 161 Friston Field “ 30 - 14 162 Plantation Wood - - 12 Upper 163 Arable 24 3 26 Shortlands 164 Clay Pit Close “ 6 1 22 165 Beck Field “ 5 3 2 175 2 30 58 16 6

Horace & Cyrus Gillett 127 Weston’s Pasture 6 3 18 Meadow Horace & 128 Weston’s “ 9 3 7 Meadow Part of Home 128a “ - - 29 Meadow 16 3 14 3 6 -

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NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Brought 64 3 27 forward

Dashwood William Mrs Harriett Warren 22 Clay Pit Close Arable 3 1 30 (Continued) (Continued)

Coopers 27 “ 5 3 13 Allotment 30 Stack Close “ 7 1 14 Upper 31 “ 12 1 6 Close 65 Driftway Road - - 38 66 The Wood Wood 20 3 29 82 Burnt Pightle Arable 1 2 26 95 Birch Field “ 4 0 30 Part of Great 103 “ 23 2 12 Banbury 104 Field “ 39 1 9 Bullock Shed & 105 Yards - - 10 Yards Cantley Hill 106 Arable 28 3 38 Field Old Church & 108 Upper Sandy “ 18 3 34 Close 123 Holly Meadow Pasture 4 3 16 Mowing 124 “ 14 1 34 Meadow 129 Holly Meadow “ 10 2 5 130 Plantation Wood - - 13 131 Meadow Strip Pasture - 1 17 Jarmy’s? 132 Arable 1 1 30 Pightle Burnt House 159 Pasture 1 1 36 Meadow 160 Wren? Park Arable 13 0 6 Burnt House 167 Pasture 2 0 32 Meadow Part of New 168 Arable 2 1 8 Close Part of Stoke 173 “ 12 0 8 Field Caister Field & 174 Grove Seven “ 17 2 28 Acres 176 Clay Pit Field “ 35 3 32 177 Bowgates “ 37 2 25 181 Town Close “ 2 0 38 182 Church Hill Pasture 3 0 36 Dovehouse 183 “ 9 3 10 Hill

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184 Pale Close “ 2 2 34 185 Orchard Orchard 1 1 28 The Old Hall 186 Farm & Homestall 3 0 6 Premises Part of the 187 Pasture 6 0 20 Marsh Dovehouse 188 Yards 0 0 23 Barn & Yards The 20 Acre 190 Pasture 11 0 9 Meadow 191 First Skirt? “ 4 2 22 192 Castle Close Arable 28 - 38 Carried 458 1 30 forward

In Caister Saint Edmunds

NAME AND Numbers DESCRIPTION Amount of Rent-Charge referring STATE OF QUANTITIES IN LANDOWNERS OCCUPIERS OF LANDS apportioned upon the several to the CULTIVATION STATUTE MEASURE AND Lands, and Payable to Rector Plan PREMISES A. R. P. £. s. d. Burrows Heath Himself 18 Wood 1 2 24 George Plantation Heath 19 “ 1 1 2 Plantation 52 The Grove “ 1 1 14 Part of Heath John Harris 17 Arable 5 1 38 Close 20 “ 6 0 32 21 “ 5 1 7 50 Heath 5 Acres “ 5 3 5 Part of Oak 51 “ 7 1 39 Pightle Part of Oak 53 “ 5 3 18 Pightle Apple Tree 55 “ 3 2 18 Pightle 56 The 3 Acres “ 3 0 2

James King 38 Ozier Ground Wood - 1 5

54 Burrows Piece Arable 9 0 1 56 1 5 14 2 -

The Burrows Trustees of 91 Meadow Pasture 1 2 21 - 5 - Elizabeth Robert Burrows

Beverley Beverley’s James King 28 Arable 1 3 17 William Pightle

John Fuller Tenement & 175 Garden - - 27 & Others Garden

2 - 4 - 11 -

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Dashwood Cantley Hill Herself 109 Wood 4 0 8 Mrs Harriett Plantation Mansion Garden 157 Garden 7 3 7 Pleasure Grounds 166 Fox Grove Wood 6 0 39 178 Plantation Wood 4 1 6 179 The Lawn Pasture 7 1 7 180 The Lawn “ 3 2 22 33 1 9 2 16 -

William 5 Drain Close Arable 8 2 28 Warren Lower 6 Arminghall “ 7 0 30 Close 9 Driftway Road - 1 6 10 Driftway “ - 1 5 11 Bog Close Arable 5 3 30 12 Ozier Ground Wood - 2 21 13 Barn Close Arable 4 2 2 14 Barn & Yards Yards 1 3 33 15 Caister Breck Arable 13 3 35 Part of Stoke 16 “ 21 1 37 Breck Carried 64 3 27 forward

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1885 Ordnance Survey Map

The population of the village in the 1881 census was 158. The village name is still being spelt CAISTER. The cottages along Stoke Road in Wymer Field have been demolished and replaced by a strip of woodland and the building at the crossroads opposite the village green has also been demolished. This map locates 2 village pumps, one south of the Smithy and one in the front garden of what is now called Jubilee Cottage, which can still be seen. This is the first map we have showing this building as the Post Office, but there was a Post Office in the village as early as 1833. (Kelly’s 1833 directory – Dennis Willden as Post Master).

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1905/6 Ordnance Survey Map

The village is now referred to as CAISTOR, and the spelling is also changed for Caistor Hall and Caistor Old Hall. This map shows a cottage, possibly Caistor Cottage having been built by Wymer Field on Markshall Lane, and on Caistor Lane, 3 terraced cottages have replaced one building (plot 115 on the 1840 Tithe map). The outbuildings on the neighbouring plot have also gone, apart from one. The sundial and fountain are still marked in the grounds of Caistor Hall, and the first mention of Roman remains.

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1913 Ordnance Survey Map

Note: The row of cottages by the crossroads has been rebuilt along Caistor Lane. Also, Caistor Cottage has been built in Markshall Lane.

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1928 Ordnance Survey Map

Very little appears to have changed in the centre of the village except that the surviving outbuilding on the plot by the village green has gone.

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1937 Ordnance Survey Map

There is no discernible difference to the village from the previous map.

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1957 Ordnance Survey Map

Old Church Close has been built. Jubilee Cottage is no longer labelled as the Post Office. Hall Cottages and Caistor Cottage also are individually identified. Caistor Hall is now called a hotel.

Note: Name has changed to (No S)

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1971 Ordnance Survey Map

North of the Rectory a Police Station is marked.

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2014 Google Earth

A building has been erected opposite the Smithy on Caistor Lane.

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Maps reproduced with kind permission of Norfolk Record Office and the Norwich Millennium Library.

Norfolk Record Office and Norwich Forum Local History Library.

Compiled by Judy Booker and Sue Harman

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