Asterisk indicates abstract

Abe, M. Alexander, J. L. see Gillespie, P. J. Ashare, A. B., Dubuque, G., Rauf, see Matsui, K. Alexander, J. M., Alavi, A. and Han- C. G. and Kereiakes, J. G. Lesion see Murata, H. sell, J. R. Bone imaging in jaw detection with photopeak plus Albert, S. N. Blood volume measure lesions, 511* backscatter energy, 513* ments, 961 Alford, C. A. see Gams, R. A. Ashare, A. B., Padikal, T., Cohen, Abramovici, J. see Ectors, M. AH, A. see Rayudu, G. V. S. G. and Kereiakes, J, G. Scintilla Ackerman, M. J. see Pritchard, J. H. Aloia, J. F., Ellis, K., Zanzi, I. and tion camera field flood uniformity Ackery, D. M. see Goddard, B. A. Cohn, S. H. Photon absorptiom- correction, 513* Adams, D. F. etry in osteoporosis, 196 Ashare, A. B. see Holman, B. L. Alpert, N. M., Burnham, C. A., De- see Holder, L. E. see See, J. R. veau, L. A., Correli, J. E., Ches- see Nishiyama, H. Adelstein, S. J., Janeen, C. and Wag ler, D. A., Pizer, S. M. and Ashburn, W. L. Book review: Car ner, H. N. Studies of the heart and Brownell, G. L. System for on diovascular Nuclear Medicine, 966 circulation, 959 line data processing, 386 Ashburn, W. L. Adelstein, S. J. Andersen, B. R. see English, D. K. see Scheiben, H. see Bloomer, W. D. Anderson, B. G., Beierwaltes, W. H., see Taylor, A. see McNeil, B. J. Nishiyama, R. H. and Ice, R. D. Ashkar, F. S., Heal, A. and Turner, Adler, R. A. see McCowen, K. D. "'I-iodocholesterol effect on adre T. Hepatitis B antigen and anti Adler, S., Parthasarathy, K. L., Bak- nal cortical hyperplasia, 928 body studies, 513* shi, S. P. and Stutzman, L. ''<»;i Anderson, O. see Pavel. D. G. Ashkar, F. S. see Rosenthal, S. citrate scanning of lymphomas, Anderson, P. J. see Ronai. P. M. Ashley, S. J. see Guarin, U. 255 Andrews, J. W. see Lull, R. J. Athaiiasoulis, C. A. see Shapiro. Adolph, R. J. see Nishiyama, H. Anger, H. O. see Weber, P. M. S. H. Agée,R. N. see Lull, R. J. Anger, R. T. see Kavula, M. P. Atkins, F. B. and Beck, R. N. Scatter Agress, H., Pearlman, A. S., Brody, Anghilieri, L. J. Erythrocyte labeling subtraction effects on ¡mage con W. R., Myers, R. W., Itscoilz, S. with ""Ru-ruthenium red. 795 trast, 102 B., Green, M. V., Bailey, J. J., Ansari, A. IV., Atkins, H. L., Briggs, Atkins, H. L., Ansari, A. N., Lebo Johnston, C. S. and Redwood, J., Christman, D., Fowler, J., Gal witz, E., Greene, E. W., Fair- D. R. Stress-induced myocardial lagher, B., MacGregor, R. and child, R. and Budinger, T. F. perfusion, 510* Wolf, A. P. of "C- Distribution and properties of a"TI, Agress, H. aliphatic acids, 511* 513* see Bacharach, S. Ansari, A. N., Atkins, H. L., Smith, Atkins, H. L., Cloutier, R. J., Lath- see Green, M. V. T. D. and Richards, P. BNL rop, K. A., Freeman, L. M., Mc Ahmed, S. A. see Coleman, R. E. """Tc-RBC labeling kit, 512* Afee, J. G., Nelp, W. B., Patton, Akalin, H. E. see English, D. K. Ansari, A. N. D. D. and Smith, E. M. Radia Alagarsamy, V. see DePuey, E. G. see Atkins, H. L. tion dose estimates for MmTc-Scol Alavi, A. see Alexander, J. M. see Bradley-Moore, P. R. loid in liver disease, 109 Alazraki, N. P., Thomas, R., Verba, see Lebowitz, E. Atkins, H. L. J. W., Daniel, D., Resnick, D. Anselmi, O. E. see Taplin. G. V. see Ansari. A. N. and Greenfield, R. Bone scanning Aoki, C. T. Construction of a lead see Bradley-Moore, P. R. in arthritis, 510* bar phantom, 441 see Lebowitz, E. Alazraki, N. P., Verba, J. W., Aragon, S. see Dunnick, J. K. see Packer, S. Henry, J. E., Becker, R., Taylor, Arnold, J. E. and Pinsky, S. M. Thy Atmaran, S. H., Ganatra, R. D., A. and Halpern, S. E. GFR by roid imaging with MmTc and 1=al, Sharnia, S. M. and Ramanna, L. x-ray fluorescence, 510* 512* Thyroid carcinoma métastases in Alazraki, N. P. Arnold, J. E., Pinsky, S. M., Ryo, liver, 919 see Chauncey, D. U. Y., Colman, M., Frohman, L. Ayres, P. R. see Hagan, P. L. see Epstein, J. A., Schneider, A., Favus, M., Azuela, V. see Sham, R. see Hagan, P. L. Stachura, M. and Arnold, M. Bacharach, S,, Agress, H., Ham see Hurwitz, S. R. "Te thyroid imaging in history mock, M. K., Green, M. V., see Taylor, A. of x-ray therapy, 512* Pongpatirojana, A., Johnston, G. Alba, J. see Sarmiento, A. H. Arnold, J. E. S. and DiChiro, G. lmXe blood Alderman, E. L. see Berndt. T. see Johnston, A. S. flow in induced cerebral infarc Alderson, P. D., Boonvisut, S., Me- see Ryo, U. Y. tion, 514* Knight, R. and Hartman, A. F. Arnold, J. S., Barnes, W. E., Frazin. Rachur, N. R. see Puri, S. Ventilation and perfusion in tetral L. and Kaplan, E. """Tc-pyro- Bailey, J. J. ogy of Fallot, 510* phosphate in myocardial infarcts see Agress, H. Alderson, P. (>.. Gilday, D. L. and and bone, 512* see Green, M. V. Wilkie, A. Rapid-sequence brain Arnold, J. S. see Kaplan, E. Baily, N. A. see Taylor, A. imaging in pediatrics, 511* Arnold, M. see Arnold, J. E. Baker, J. D. Alderson, P. O., Jost, R. G., Strauss, Arnold, R. W., Subramanian, G., see Levy, L. M. A. W., Boonvisut, S. and Mark- McAfee, J. G., Blair, R. J. and see Marta. J. B. ham, J. Left-to-right cardiac Thomas, F. D. wmTc-complexes Baker, R. J., Bellen, J. C. and Ro shunts in children, 511* for renal imaging, 357 nai, P. M. """Tc-pyridoxylidene- Alderson, P. O. Ash, J. M., Gilday, D. L. and Reilly, glutamate for hepatobiliary stud see Harwig, J. F. B. J. Pinhole imaging of hip in ies, 720 see Seeker-Walker, R. H. children, 512* Baker, R. J. see Ronai, P. M.


Baker, S. I. see Johnston, A. S. see Simmons, G. H. simetry of -""Bi- and ""Bi-citrate. Bakshi, S. P. see Theodorakis, M. C. 515* see Adler, S. Bekerman, C. and Hoffer, P. B. Bigler, R. E. see Woodard, H. Q. see Lunia, S. Salivary gland uptake of "7Ga- Billinghurst, M. W. Behavior of Balachandran, S., Beierwaltes, W. citrate, 514* """Tc-diphosphonate on Sephadex H., Ice, R. D., Fajans, S. S., Ryo, Bekerman, C. see Hoffer. P. B. and Bio-gel. 1089 U. Y., It, ,In,,....I. M. J., Hetzel, Bekicr, A. Displacement of anterior Billinghurst. M. W. and falser, K. R., Mosley, S. T. and Feld cerebral vessels in subdural hema R. F. Lung retention of """Tc-S stein, B. Distribution of "C-, 'Ci toma, 86 colloid, 440 anci ml-diphenylhydantoin. 775 Bélanger,M. A., Beauchamp. J. M. Bing, R. J. see Ikeda, S. Balarhandran, S., Moses, D. C., Sis- and Neitzschman, II. R. Ga up Binkhorst, R. A. see Yap. S. H. son, J. C. and Palei, S. R. Evalu take in benign liver tumor, 470 Bittikofer, F. see Matin, P. ation of a new T., kit, 514* Relanger, M. A. see Beauchamp, Bjork, I,, see McNeil, B. J. Batch, C. M. see Dubovsky. E. V. J. M. Blahd, W. H. Balint, R. see Ruetz, P. P. Belgrave, E. see Lebowitz, E. see Krishnamurthy, G. T. Banna, M. see Nahmias, C. Belko, J. S. see Pritchard, J. H. Bardy, A., Fouyé, H., Gobin, R.. see Frisbie, J. H. Blair, R. J., Schroeder, E. T., Mc Beydon, J., de Tovar, G., Ranna- see O'Connell, D. J. Afee, J. G. and Duxbtiry, C. E. cière,C. and Hcgesippe, M. Mn'Tc Bell, E. G., Mahon, D. F., Henry, Muscle uptake of bone agents in labeling using Sn(II) pyrophos- C. A., Barnes, M. F., McAfee, J. rhabdomyolysis, 515* phate, 435 G., Turcotte, R. E., Wolff, J. R. Blair. R. J. Barnes, M. F. see Bell, E. G. and White, W. Light-weight over see Arnold, R. W. Barnes, W. E. head scintillation camera, 515* see Subramanian, G. see Arnold, J. S. Bell, G. see DeNardo, S. J. see Yeates. M. G. see Kaplan, E. Bell, P. R. see DeLand. F.H. Blanc, D. see Blanquet, P. Barrett, H. H., Simpson, R. G. and Bell, W. E. see Conway, J. J. Blanquet, P., Blanc, D., Safí, N., Fisher, H. D. Dala processing with Bellen, J. C. Thoreson, E., Barthe, J. and annular coded apertures, 514* see Baker. R. J. Lerebeller, M. J. Cerenkov effect Barrett, H. II. see Farmelant, M. H. see Ronai. P. M. for endocular tumor detection. Barth, R. F. and Singla, O. Distribu Belliveau, R. E. see Puri, S. 516* tion of """Te- and r"Cr-thymocytes, Bender, M. A. see Lunia, S. Blau, M. Radiation dosimetry of ""I- 633 Benedetto, A. R. see Nusynowitz, iodocholesterol, 247 Barth, R. F. see Gobuty, A. H. M. L. Blau, M., McAfee, J. G., Rohrer. Barthe, J. see Blanquet, P. Bennett, L. R. R. H., Synder, W. S. and Smith. Basmadjian, G. P., Helzel, K. R., see Horn. N. L. E. M. Radiation dose estimates for Ice, R. D. and Beierwaltes, W. H. see Robinson, G. D. '°'Hg- and ""Hg-chlormerodrin. Synthesis of a new adrenal agent, see Touya, J. J. 1095 514* see Verma, R. C. Iti:.... M. Basmadjian, G. P. see Sarkar, S. D. Rcnua, R. S. see Chang, W. Bass, J. C. see Sfakianakis, G. N. see Tilbury, R. S. see Owunwanne, A. Bautovich, G. see Lathrop, K. A. see Yeh, S. D. J. Itlaiifox, M. D. see Chervu. L. R. Beabout, J. W. see Wahner, H. W. v. d. Berg, C..J. M. see Jambroes. G. Bloch, B. see Malmud. L. S. Beai, W. see Soin, J. S. Bergan, J. J. see Henkin, R. E. Bloomer, W. D. and Adelstein, S. J. Antineoplastic activity of '"'l-iodo- It. union. A. J. see Hambright. P. Bernian, D. S., Salci, A. F., De Beaurhamp, J. M., Bélanger,M. A. Nardo, G. L., Bogren, H. G. and deoxyuridine, 516* and Neitzschman, II. R. "Dough Mason, D. T. High-resolution Blum, M. and Goldman, A. B. nut" sign in brain imaging, 432 gated left ventricular flow studies. Oblique view in cold thyroid nod Beauchamp, J. M. see Belanger. 865 ule diagnosis, 713 M. A. Berman, D. S., Salel, A. F., De Rlumgart, L. H. Beaver, J. E. see Serafini, A. N. Nardo, G. L. and Mason, D. T. see Karran, S. J. Beck, R. N. Rest and exercise "Rb myocardial see Leach, K. G. see Atkins. F. B. imaging, 515* Bobinet, D. see Spoiler, L. see Brunsden, B. Berman, J. A. see Wolf, W. Bofilia.«,I., Hofer, J., Pabst, H. W. see Hoffer, P. B. Berman, M., Braverman, L. E., and Platzer, H. Coherent optical Becker, R. see Alazraki, N. P. Burke, J., DeGroot, L., McCor- scintiscan processing, 516* Beekhuis, II. see Rasker, J. J. mack, K. R., Oddie, T. H., Roh Bogren, H. G. see Berman. D. S. Beierwaltes, W. H., Ice, R. D.. rer, R. H., Wellman, H. N. and Bok, B. D. and Fonroget, F. New whole-body unidirectional scanner, Shaw, IM.J. and Ryo, 1). Y. Myo- Smith, E. M. Radiation dose es cardial uptake of labeled oleic and timates for ""I, 124I. 13ÕI,""I. 13nl. 516* linoleic acids, 842 1:nl and 1MIas sodium iodide. 857 Itonogurn, E. see Mincey, E. Beierwaltes, W. H. Berndt, T., Alserman, E. L., Was- Bonté,F. J., Parkey, R. W., Gra ham, K. D. and Moore, J. G. see Anderson, B. G. nich. R.. Hsieh, S. C., Van Dyke, see Balachandran. S. Distribution of myocardial infarcì D. and Harrison, D. C. Portable see Basmadjian. G. P. imaging agents. 132 see Ice, R. D. probe cardiac flow studies. 289 Bonté,F. J. see Gill, S. P. Berquist, T. H., Nolan, N. G., Ste see Parkey, R. W. phens, D. H. and Carlson, H. C. see Kirschner, A. S. """Te specificity in Meckel's diver- see Stokeley, E. M. see Ryo, U. Y. Boonvisut, S. see Alderson. P. O. see Sarker, S. D. ticulum, 515* Botrinick, E. see Shames. D. M. see Seabold, J. E. Bessent, R. G. see Citrin. D. L. Bowen, B. M., Coates, G. and Gar see Sturman. M. F. Beydon, J. see Bardy, A. nett, E. S. """Tc-S colloid lung Beihn, R. M. Bigler, R. E., Russ, G. A. and scan in histiocytosis X, 332 see DeLand, F. H. and Laughlin, J. S. Radiation do- Bowen, B. M. see Coates, G.

Volume 16, Number 12 1219 AUTHOR INDEX

Effects of tin on ""TcOr distribu Boyd, C. M. see Vieras, F. see Derenzo. S. F. Bradley-Moore, P. R., Lebowitz, E., see Zaklad. H. tion. 690 Greene, M. \\ .. Atkins, H. L. and Buhl, M., Charles, P. and Jensen, Chandra, S. and I.aor, Y. G. Lung Ansar!, A. N. OTT1for medical F. T. Headband for scalp blood scan and wide mediastinum, 324 use, 156 flow elimination. 679 Chang, C. C. see Spolter. L. Bradley-Moore, P. R. see Lebowitz. Buja, L. M. see Stokeley. E. M. Chung, W. and Blau. M. Optimum E. Burdine, J. A. and Murphy, P. gray scale for photoscanners, 519* Brady, L. W. H. Large-field-of-view scintillation Chang, Y. G. see Lowenthal. I. S. see Heindel, N. D. camera, 1158 Gharaehc, P. see Honda, T. Burdine, J. A., Murphy. P. II. and see Camargo, E. E. see Lantieri, R. L. Galen, T. Large-field-of-view scin see Larson. S. M. see Risch, V. R. tillation camera, 518* Charkes, !N. D.. Philips. C. and Mai- Brahniaver, S. M., Zu'bi, S. M. and Burdine, J. A. mud, L. S. Model for bone agent Sullivan, J. P. Procedures for see DePuey, E. G. uptake, 519* medical byproduct material li see Dhekne, R. D. Charles, P. see Buhl, M. censes, 517* see Moyer, R. A. Ghaudhuri, Tapan K. '"Sr and MraTc- Branch, W. T. see McNeil. B. J. see Murphy, P. H. polyphosphate secretion in serous Braun. E. J. see Finney, C. E. see Soin, J. S. fluids. 1208 Braunstein, P. see Goldman, A. B. Burke, J. see Berman, M. Ghaudhuri, Tapan K. """TcO,-secre Braverman, L. E. see Berman. M. Ituiman. K. D., Wright, F. D., Earll. tion in the stomach. 1204 Rrirkman, A. S. see Krishnamurthy. J. M. and Wartofsky, L. Radio- Chaudhuri, Tapan K., May, L. G., G. T. immunoassay of T.«.662 Dwyer, R. D. and de los Santos. Briggs, J. see Ansari. A. N. Iturnham, C. A. see Alpert, N. M. G. Effect of parathormone on 3=P Brill, A. B. Burns, II. D. bone métastasestherapy, 519* see Patton, J. A. see Heindel, N. D. Chaudhuri, Tapan K., Saparoff, G. see Price, R. see Honda. T. R., Dolan. K. D. and Chaudhuri. Brody',Brodey, W.P. R.A. see Richman, S. D. see Risch, V. R. Tuliin K. Comparison of contrast Busick, D. D. see DeGrazia. J. A. and nuclear lacrimal drainage see Agress, H. Buys, W. C. A. M. see Yap, S. H. studies. 605 see Green, M. V. Buzzi, K. W. see Weinraub, J. M. Ghaudhuri. Tuhin K. see Chaudhuri. Bronzino, J., O'Rourke, J., Miller, Callaban, R. J. see Shapiro. S. H. Tapan K. C. and D'Amato, D. Microvascular Gallery, P. S. see Loberg, M. D. Ghauncey, D. M., Halpern. S. E. dysfunction in the eye, 517* Camargo, E. E., Larson, S. M.. and Õlazraki, !V. P. '"I-tetracy- Bronzino. J. see D'Amato. D. Gharache, P., Tepper, B. S. and cline for tumor scanning. 519* Brooke, P., Deeoslre, P. and Can- Wagner, II. N. Radiometrie de Chaimcey, D. M., Halpern, S. E., traine, F. Farly I and Tc thyroid tection of M. tuberculosis and M. Hagan, P. L. anil Alazraki. N. P. kinetics, 517* lepraemium, 518* '"'I-tetracycline for tumor scan Brookeman, V. A. Component reso Gamargo, E. E. see Cummings, D. M. ning, 520* lution indices for scintillation cam Gamphell, J. J. see Siegel. M. E. Ghauncey, D. M. eras. 228 Gampeau, R. J., Gottlieb, S., Chan- see Hagan, P. L. ßronkenian, V. A. and Morin, R. I,. darlapaty, S. K. G., Mayorga- see Schelbert, H. Dosimetry of DTPA cisternogra- Gortes, A. and Miale, A. *°mTc- Chelliah, M. see Eckelman. W. C. phy agents, 1177 phosphates for myocardial infarc Chen, M., Rhodes, B. A. and Wag Brooks, W. H. and Mortara, R. II. tion, 518* ner, H. N. Radiometrie sterility Brain scanning in metastatic dis Gantor, R. E. see Shapiro. B. assay. 798 ease, 961 Gautraine, F. see Brooke. P. Chen, M. Brown, F. see Pearson, D. Gapon, A. see Verbist. A. see Larson, S. M. Brown, M. see Spies. S. M. Gapps, S. J. see O'Mara. R. E. see Tran, N. Brown, M. J. see Stauffer, J. C. Gapurro, P. II. see Eldridge, J. F.. Chervu, L. R., Covai, 0- R- and Brownell, G. L. Gapuzzi, J. see Malmud. L. S. Blaufox, M. D. M"Tc-Cu-HEDSPA see Alpert, N. M. Garetta, R. F. see Rosenthal, S. for bone imaging. 520* see Hoop, B. Garide, V. J. see Spencer. R. P. Ghesler, D. A., Hales, C., Hnato- Brunsden, B., Harper, P. V. and Carlson, H. G. see Berquist, T. H. wich, D. J. and Hoop, B. 3D re Beck, R. IV. Elimination of colli- Carretta, R. F. see DeNardo, S. J. construction of positron lung per mator-hole pattern, 517* Gastenada, A. see Trêves.S. fusion ¡mage,80 Bruun, P. Lung retention of """Tc-S Castor, W. R. see Lentie, B. C. Ghesler, D. A. colloid, 440 Gastronovo, F. P. see Shapiro. S. H. see Alpert. N. M. Buchanan, J. see Kim. H-R. Gatz, Z. see Holder, L. E. see Hoop, B. Bucher, J. E. see Moore, M. M. Cavalieri, R. R. 7r'Se-selenite brain Chesnut, C. II. see Lewellen, T. K. Buddemeyer, E. U. Continuous meas scanning, 331 Chiba, K. urement of in vitro metabolism. Celis, G. see Skromme-Kadlubik. G. see Matsui, K. 517* see Murata, H. Chan, J. K. see Cho. ?.. H. Chiotcllis, E., Subramanian, C. and Budinger, T. F. Simple superposition Chan, P., Firnau, G. and Garnett, McAfee, J. G. """Tc-Schiff's bases, tomography. 517* E. S. "F-fluoro-DOPA for brain 520* scanning. 518* Budinger, T. F. and Macdonald. B. Ghisholm, G. D. Radiozinc for pros Fresnel-coded scintillation camera Chandarlapaty, S. K. G. see Cam tate, 496 images, 309 pean, R. J. Cho, Z. II., Chan, J. K., Erirksson, Budinger, T. F., Yano, Y. and Chandler, W. M. and Schuck, L. D. L., Singh, M., Graham, S., Mac- Abnormal """TcOr brain image Hoop, B. Myocardial positron Donald, N. S. and Vano, Y. Posi scintigraphy, 429 following """Tc-Sn-pyrophosphate. tron ranges of biomedically impor ßudingcr,T. F. 518* tant radionuclides. 1167 see Atkins, H. L. Chandler, W. M. and Schuck, L. D. Cho, Z. H. see Profio, A. E.


Christeiisen, J. see James, A. E. C. and Raynaud, C. "C-psycho- Damoulaki-Sfakianaki, E. see Sfa- < In ¡-IMI;III.D. seeAnsari, A. N. active drugs, 521* kianakis, G. N. Chu, D. see Lim, C. B. Connolly, R. J. see Dewanjee. M. K. Dance, D. see Parker. R. Citrin, D. L., Hessen!, R. G., Mc- Conway, J. J., Gooncratne, N. and Daniel, D. see Alazraki, N. P. Ginley, E. and Gordon, D. Dy Simon, G. Femoral metaphyseal Daniels, D. see Pick. R. O. namic sludies with """Tc-HEDP. irregularities in children. 521* D'Antonio, R. see Kim, H-R. 886 Conway, J. J. and Kruglik, G. D. Davis, M. A. Editorial; nomenclature Clark, E. E. .-.n.l Hallnrr, R. S. Direct and indirect radionuclide of "Te bone agents, 1 Brain imaging in recurrent medul- cystography, 522* Davis, M. A. and Holman, B. L. loblastoma, 520* Conway, J. J., Seiberl, J. J., Kühn. Acute myocardial infarcìimaging Clark, R. ».and Fair, W. R. Radio G. P. and Bell, W. E. Evaluation agents, 523* active putrescine metabolism in of central nervous system compli Davis, M. A. see Jones, A. G. rats, 337 cations from chemotherapy, 522* Davson, H. see James, A. E. Clements, J. P. see Dickerman. J. D. Conway, J. J. see Gooneratne, N. Decostre, P. see Brooke, P. Cloniirr. R, J., Freeman, L. M. M« Cooper, J. F. and Harberl. J. C. DeCrazia, J. A., Rodden, A. F., Afee, J. G., MrCormack, K. R., Aseptic meningitis after radionu Teresi, J. D., Busirk. D. D. and Patton. D. D., Rosrnthall, !.. and clide cisternography. 809 Walz, D. R. Imaging of "C-ethanol Smith, E. IM. Radiation dose esti Cooper, M. D. distribution, 73 mates for '""Au in liver disease, see Harvey, E. B. DcGroot, L. see Berman. M. 173 see Loberg, M. D. II. i-i-nli.inmi. i. E.. Guild, A.. Ham Cloutier, R. J. see Quinlan, J. mer. K. and Stcinlinru-l. H. Uni see Atkins, H. L. see Termini. B. lateral ventricular reflux, 716 see Watson, E. E. Corcoran, R. C.. Thrall, J., Kyle, R. DeLand. F. H. Abstracts of current Coates, G., Bowcii, B. M., Vilmii.-i-. and Johnson, M. Solitary bone literature, 500. 502, 503, 697, 802. C. and Garnet!, E. S. Parameters lesions, 522* 851.968, 1092. 1210 of hone agent uptake, 520* Corcoran, R. C. see Thrall. J. DeLand, F. H. Book review: Atlas Coates, G., DeNardo, S. J., De- Correli, J. E. see Alpert, N. M. of Cerebral Angiography: Ana Nardo, G. L. and Troy, F. A. Corrigan, J. see O'Mara, R. E. tomic Correlation. 801 Pharmacokinetics of radioiodinated Cortes, E. P. see Sham. R. DeLand, F. H. Book report: New streptokinase, 136 Coune, A. see Frühling,J. Techniques in Tumor Localiiatlon Coales, G. see Bowen, B. M. Counsell, R. E. see Skinner R. W. S. ami Radlolmmunoassay, 498 Coberly, J. C. see Hunter, D. Coupai, J. Abstracts of current lit DeLand, F. H. Book review: Physi Coble, C. S. see Phelps. M. E. erature, 500, 501 cian's Desk Reference for Radi Coro, M. see Subramanian, G. Cowan, R. J., Murphy, M. P. and ology and Nuclear Medicine, 499 Codd, J. E. see George, E. A. Maynard, C. D. """Teactivity ar DeLand, F. II. Editor's letter. 449, C'ori, M. see Epstein. J. tifact in "'In cisternography. 434 I 103 Cohen, G. see Ashare, A. B. Cox, R. S., Turner, D. A. and Ford- DeLand, F. IL, Beihn, R. M., Sim Cohen, M. B. see Spoiler. L. ham, E. W. Rectilinear scanner mons, !.. H. und Hafner, T. V. Cohn, P. F. modification to improve "7Ga scans, Tumor detection by the subtrac see Holman, B. L. 1192 tion technique. 523* see See. J. R. Crawford, M. see Schelbert, H. DeLand, F. II., Fisher, D., Bell, Colin. S. H. see Aloia, J. F. Crcutzig, II. Bone imaging after total P. R., MrClain, W. J., Dillon. Colrman, R. E., Harwig, S. S. L., hip replacement, 522* R. S. and Ross, D. A. Computer Harwig, J. F., Sherman, L. A. Creutzig, H. """Tc-polyphosphate and correction of image errors. 523* 1SFkinetics, 688 and Welch, M. J. Rudioiodinated DeLand, F. II. fibrin for thrombus, 521* Crocker, E. F., MrLaughlin, A. F., see Simmons, G. H. Coleman, R. E., Harwig, S. S. L., Uren, R. F., Morris, J. G.. Jcl- see Theodorakis, M. C. Harwig, J. F., Siegel, B. A. and lins, J. and KossofT, G. Echogra- de los Santos, G. see Chaudhiiri. Welch, M. J. Fibrinogen uptake phy and ™Cs scanning of non- Tapan K. by thrombi, 370 functioning thyroid nodules, 522* DcLiica, S. A. and Kolodny, !.. M. Coleman, R. E., Hoffman, E. J., rulli-oli. R. C. see Krishnamurthy, Spleen-lung interface. 822 Phelp»,M. E., Welch, M. J. and G.T. DcMcesicr, G. see Farmelant, M. H. Ter-Pogossian, M. M. Transaxial Cummings, D. M., Ristroph, D., de Moss, E. V. see Richman. S. D. tomography with positron emitters, Camargo. E. E., Larson, S. M. DeNardo, G. L. Bone scans and :KP 521* and Wagner, II. N. Radiometrie ¡nthyroid adenocarcinoma, 963 Coleman, R. E., Klein, M. S., detection of the metabolism of My- DeNardo, G. L., DeNardo, S. J., Ahmed, S. A., Roberts, R. und cobacterium tuberculosis, 1189 Meyers, J. and Krohn, L. A. Tu Sobel, B. E. """Tc-pyrophosphate mor localization with '"'I- and Custer, J. R. and Shaffer, R. H. '•"I-bleomycin,524* and serum MB CPK for myocar- Changes in liver scan following dial infarction, 521* splenectomy, 194 DeNardo, C,.L. Coleman, R. E. Czerniak, P. see Zwas. S. T. see Berman, D. S. see Harwig, S. I., Daly, J. L., Herbig, F. K. and see Coates. G. see DeNardo. S. J. see Welch, D. M. Fletcher, J. W. A nuclear medi see Dublin, A. B. Colley, D. P. see Holder, L. E. cine information network. 523* (.'•.Hin-.P. J. see Ronai, P. M. see Hiñes,H. H. Daly, J. L. see Meyers, J. Colman, M. see Arnold, J. E. see Fletcher. J. W. see Rosenthal. S. Coloinhetti, L. G. see Henry, R. E. see Stadalnik. R. C. see Johnston, A. S. D'Amato, D., Bronzino, J., Miller. C. and O'Rourke, J. System of DeNardo, S. J., Bell, G., DeNardo, see Mohammedzadeh. A. G. L., Carrella, R. F., Scheibe. see Ryo, U. Y. dynamic studies of the eye, 523* P.. Imperato, T. :iiid Jackson, P. Colvin, J. T. see Klein, E. W. D'Amato, D. see Bronzino. J. Effective hepatic plasma flow, 524* Comar, D., Maziere, M., Marazano, Damm, D. W. see Reinke, D. B. DeNardo, S. J., DeNardo. G. L.,

Volume 16, Number 12 1221 AUTHOR INDEX

Carretta, R. F., Jansholt, A-L. Donati, R. M. Nomogram for estimating normal '"nl-fibrinogenKrohn, K. A.forandthrombophlebiPeek, N. F. see Fletcher, J. W. liver weights, 314 see George, E. A. Ellis, K. see Aloia, J. F. tis detection, 524* see Haibach, H. Endow, J. S. see Tubis, M. DeNardo, S. J. see Henry, R. E. Eng. R., Minn. G. M. and Spitz- see Coates, G. see Schulz, R. C. nagle, L. lsF-fluoropregnenolone- see DeNardo, G. L. Donner, M. see James, A. E. 3-acetate for adrenal scans, 526* see Rosenthal. S. Dorais, S. see Mincey. E. English, D. K. and Andersen, R. R. see Stadalnik, R. C. Dorè,E. K. see Gates. G. F. """'Tc-S colloid labeling of human DePuey, E. G., Thompson, W. L., dos Remedios, L. V see Weber. P. M. phagocytes, 5 Alagarsamy, V. ami Bardine, J. A. Douglas, M. A. see Green. M. V. English, D. K., Andersen, B. R. and Bone mineral content by functional Dratz, A. F. see Hunter, D. Akalin, H. E. """Tc-S colloid- imaging, 891 Driedger, A. see Peart, R. A. leukocytes for inflammatory proc Derenzo, S. E., Zaklad, II. and Dublin, A. B., Stadalnik, R. C., De esses, 527* Rudingcr, T. F. Collimators for Nardo, G. L. and Vogel, J. M. Engstrom, M. A. see Winstead. M. B. positron emitters, 524* Imaging of a blind-ending ureteral Enomoto, K. see Irie. M. Derenzo, S. E., Zaklad, II. and duplication. 208 Epstein, J., Taylor, A., Alazraki, Budingcr, T. F. Ring detector DuUovsky, E. V., Logic. J. R., Die- N. P. and Coel. M. Pulmonary for transaxial reconstruction to tholm, A. G., Balch, C. M. and embolus in transient ventilatory mography. 1166 Tauxe, W. N. Renal function in defect. 1017 Derenzo, S. E. see Zaklad. H. the transplanted kidney, 1115 Erdal, B. R. see Grant. P. M. De Roo, M. J. K. Scintigraphic ap Dubovsky, E. V. see Russell, C. D. Ericksson, L. see Cho, Z. H. pearance of necrotic liver metasta Dubuque, G. see Ashare, A. B. Etani, N. see Goriya, K. sis, 250 Duken, H. see Ikeda, S. De Roo, M. J. K. "Se-selenite brain Evans, P. L. see Kirch. D. L. Dukstein, W. G. see Prince, J. R. Evens, R. G. see Mikhael. M. A. scanning, 331 Dunn, B. see Reinke. D. B. Fair, W. R. see Clark, R. B. Delcls, R. see Taplin, G. V. Dunnick, J. K.. McDougall, I. R.. Fairrhild, R. de Tovar, G. see Bardy, A. Aragon, S., Goris, M. L. and see Atkins. H. L. Deutrhman, A. H., Fulmrr, L. R.. Kriss, J. P. Vesicle interactions see Lebowitz, E. Wise, G. R., Miller, D. W. and with polyamino acids and anti Faith, W. C. see Loberg. M. D. Hunter, W. W. Quantitative re body, 483 Fajans, S. S. see Balachandran. S. gional cerebral circulation deter Dunnick, J. K. see McDougall, I. R. Falk, R. see Jereb, M. mination. 525* Duxury, C. E Farhat, S. M. see Klein. E. W. Deveau, L. A. see Alpert. N. M. see Blair, R. J. Farmelant, M. H., DeMeester, G., Devenney, J. E., Morales, J. O. and see Subramanian. G. Wilson, D. and Barrett, H. H. Kühl, D. E. """Tc-Sn-DTPA in Dworkin, H. J., Gutkowski, R. F., Clinical experiences with a Fresnel obstructive renal disease. 525* Porter, W. and Potter, M. Num zone plate imager, 183 Dewanjee, M. K. Autoradiography of ber of particles for lung imaging. Farrar, P. A. see Saha. G. B. "'""Tc-tetracycline in necrotic cells. 526* Faunce, H. see Sy. W. M. 315 Dworkin, H. J. Favus, M. see Arnold, J. E. Dewanjee, M. K., Kahn, P. C., De- see Gutkowski, R. F. Feldstein, B. see Balachandran, S. wanjce, U. and Connolly, R. J. see Roco, R. N. Feller, P. A. and Sodd, V. J. Dosim- °°mTc-pyrophosphateand -tetracy- Dwyer, R. D. see Chaudhuri, Tapan etry of 1MCs. "K. 81Rb and =™T1, cline in infarcted myocardium. K. 527* 525* Earl, W. C. see Sfakianakis, G. N. Feller, P. A. and Sodd, V. J. Dosim- Dewanjee, U. see Dewanjee. M. K. Earll, J. M. see Burman, K. D. etry of "K. MRb. 13>Csand ="'T1for Din-kin-. R. D., Nitishin. A. and Eekelman, W. C., Rzeszotarski, W. heart imaging. 1070 Burdine, J. A. Liver/spleen scan J., Siegel, B. A., Kubota, H., Fellows, R. A. see Sorabella. P. A. ning in blunt abdominal trauma, Chelliah, M. and Reba, R. C. Iso Fernandez, M. see Holder, L. E. 525* lated S7Co-bleomycin components, Fernandez-Pol, J. A. New liquid scin Diaz, J. F. see Skromme-Kadlubik, G. 526* tillation vial, 963 DiChiro, G. see Bacharach. S. Eekelman, W. C., Rzeszntarski. W. Fernandez-Pol, J. A. and Zanino- Dirkermnn, J. D. und Clements, J. J., Sicgal, B. A., Kubola, II., vich, A. A. Kinetics of diphenyl- P. Spleen scan following MOPP Chelliuh, M., Stevenson, J. and hydantoin in man, 305 therapy for Hodgkin's, 457 Reba, R. C. Isolated radiolabelecl Finney, C. E., Larson, D. D., Braun. Dierieh, H. see Lentie, B. C. bleomycin preparations, 1033 E. J. and Lieberman, D. Pulse Di. ih..Im. A. G. see Dubovsky, E. V. Eekelman, W. C. mode display for color code scin- Dietrich, R. see Sarmiento, A. H. see Harbert, J. C. tiphotos. 527* Digcni», G. A., Kook, C. S. and see Kubota. H. Firnau. G. see Chan. P. Reed, M. F. Synthesis of "F-halo- see Poulose, K. P. Fischer. K. C., MeKusick, K. A., peridol, 525* I .lor-. M., Abramoviei, J. and Pciidergrass, H. P. and I'otsaid. Digeni«,G. A. see Thcodorakis. M. C. Jonrkheer, M. H. """'Te-citrate. M. S. Brain scan specificity, 705 -diphosphonate and ""'"TcO," brain Dillon, R. S. see DeLand. F. H. Fisher, C. II., Scheffel, IL, Tsan. Dillon, W. G. and Glomxki, C. A. studies. 526* Ml. Rhodes. B. A. and Wagner, Erythrocyte survival in the mon- EdelMtyn, G. A. see Gillespie. P. J. H. N. "°mTcleukocyte tagging by golian gerbil, 682 Edwards, R. Q. see Kühl.D. E. phagocytosis, 527* Dimitrieva, Z. see Guarin. U. Eernisse, R. see Marta, J. B. Fisher, D. see Del.and, F. H. Doehn, M. see Hupe, W. Ege, G. N. Internal mammary lym- Fisher, H. D. see Barrett, H. H. Dolan, K. D. see Chaiidhuri, Tapan phoscintigraphy, 526* Fisher, R. S. see Malmud, L. S. K. I ¡km..n. E. A. see Klingensmith. Fitzer, P. M. Nuclide angiography in D..n;,h. .li.m. R. K. see Puri, S. W.C. Paget's disease of the skull, 619 Donati, R. M. Book review: Nuclear Eliini, D. see Taplin, G. V. Filzer, P. M. Renal imaging in """Tc- Medicine, 966 Eldridge, J. E. and Capurro, P. U. polyphosphate bone scanning, 602


Fitzer, P. M. WmTc-S colloid and Leukemia cell binding of "Ga. see Haynie, T. P. """TcOr studies in hepatic veno- 528* see Konikowski, T. occlusive disease, 1130 Gams, R. A., Long, W. K., Alford. Glickson. J. D. see Gams. R. A. Fitzgerald, J. S. see Kavula, M. P. C. A. and Glirkson, J. D. "Ga Clomski, C. A. see Dillon. W. G. Flesher, A. see Spolter, L. binding to hamster embryo cells. Gloria, I. V. see Lathrop. K. A. Fletcher, J. W., Herbig, F. K., Daly, 231 ».uliiii.R. see Bardy, A. J. L., Donati, R. M. and Walter, Ganalra, R. D. see Atmaran, S. H. Cobuty, A. H., Barth. R. F. and K. E. Left ventricular ejection Garcia, D. A., Tow, D. E., Kapur. Robinson, R. G. Distribution of fraction, 527* K. K. and Wells, H. Resorbing """Tc-autologous lymphocytes. 530* Fletcher, J. W. bone uptake of """Tc-polyphos- (..„l.l.ii.I. B. A., and Arkcry, D. M. Radiation dosimery of '"'Xe, '"Xe see Daly, J. L. phate, 528* see Schulz, R. C. Garnett, E. S. and t:"Xe lung studies, 780 Fonroget, F. see Bok, B. D. see Bowen, B. M. Goldman, A. B. and Braunstein. P. Fordham, E. W. see Chan, P. Uptake of ™mTcagents on bone see Cox, R. S. see Coates, G. ends, 423 see Rayudu, G. V. S. see Nahmias, C. Goldman. A. B. see Blum. M. Forrest, K. V. see Krishnamurlhy, Garrelt, M. see Khentigan, A. Gollan, F. see Johnson, A. E. G. T. Gates, G. F. and Goris, M. L. Agents Goodrcau. J. J. see Gerber, F. H. Fortman, D. L. see Sodd, V. J. for cardiac shunt determination. Goodwin, D. A. see Lin, M. S. Fouyé,H. see Bardy, A. 528* Goodyear, M. Fowler, J. see Ansari, A. N. Gales, G. F., Orme, H. W. and see Poulose, K. P. Francis, M. D. Dore, E. K. Surgical systemic- see Watkins. A. E. see Silberstein, E. B. piilmonic shunt assessment. 528* Gooneralne. IN. and Con way, J. J. see Tofe, A. J. Gelbard, A. S., McDonald. J. M., Radionuclide angiography for pul Franco, J. A., Kovaleski, I!.. Va- Reiman, R. E. nnd Laughlin. J. monary sequestration. 530* nags, K. and Schreyer, M. Radio- S. Species differences in "N-umino <.....M, i.iin. . N. see Conway, J. J. nuclide venography, 438 acid myocardial uptake. 529* Goosscns, C. M. I. C. see Yap, S. H. Franco, J. A. Grnna, S. Editorial: 3D transaxial re Gordon, D. see Citrin. D. L. see Homesley, J. construction. 179 Gordon-Smith, E. C. see Merrick. see Schreyer, M. Genna, S. and Pang, S. C. Noise M. V. Frankel, R. S. propagation in 3-D Fourier con Goris, M. L. see Levenson, S. M. volution reconstruction. 529* see Dunnick. J. K. see Majd, M. Gcnna, S. see Pang, S. C. see Gates, G. F. see Richman, S. D. George, E. A., Henry, R. E., Hai- see McDougall, I. R. Frazin, L. see Arnold. J. S. bach, H., Codd, j. E.. Newton. Goriya, Y., Hoshi, M., Etani, E., Ki- Freed, B. R. W. T. and Donati, R. M. Renal mura, K., Shichiri, M. and Si- see Tilbury, R. S. allograft function monitoring. 529* geta, Y. Scintigraphic study of see Woodard, H. Q. George, E. A. see Henry. R. E. exocrine function of pancreas, 270 Freednian, G. S. see Puri. S. George, E. S. see Haibach. H. Gottlieb, S., Croch, M., Kallos, N. Freeman, L. M., Patton, D. D,. Gerber, F. H., Goodreau, J. J. and and Miale, A. Mobile dual-probe Roscnthall, L., Taplin, C. V. and Kirchner, P. T. """Tc-EHDP bone system, 531* Smith, E. M. Radiation dose esti scans in breast carcinoma, 529* Gottlieb, S. see Campeau. R. J. mates for 1MI,'"'I, '="!, ""I, and "'I Geslien, G. E. "TGa uptake in liver Goyal, Q. R. see Chervu, L. R. as sodium rose bengal. 1214 lesions, 443 d. Graaf, C. N. see Jambroes, G. Freeman, L. M. Ghaed, N. see McCowen, K. D. Graham, G. E. see Winstead. M. B. see Atkins, H. L. Giiirgiana, F. A. see Siegel. M. E. Graham, K. D. see Bonté.F. J. see Cloutier, R. J. Gilday, D. L. Graham, L. S. and Poe, N. D. Col- see Weiss. M. A. see Alderson. P. O. limators for myocardial imaging, Friedman, A. M., Sullivan, J. C., see Ash, J. M. 531* Ruby, S. L., Lindebaum, A., Ku- Gill, S. P., Beierwaltes, W. H., Ice, Graham, L. S. -'•II.J. J., Zabransky, B. J. and butionR. D. ofand'""'I-quinolineMosley, S. analogT. Distrifor see Touya, J. J. ingRayudu,of '"""SmG. inV. tumors.S. Chemical528* bind see Verma. R. C. tumor, 530* Graham, S. see Cho, Z. H. Friesinger, G. see Price. R. Gillespic, P. J., Alexander, J. L. and Grames, G. M., Reiswing, R.. Jan- Frisbie, J. H., O'Connell, D. J.. Edelstyn, G. A. Changes in "Sr sen, C. and Herber. R. Consecu- Tow, D. I'.. Sasahara, A, A. and concentrations. 191 tive-day Schilling tests. 495 Belko, J. S. Autologous radio- Gillespie. P. J. and MacRae, K. D. Grant. P. M., Erdal, R. R. and iodinated fibrinogen, 393 Accuracy of liver scintiscanning. O'Brien, H. A. KSr-"=Rb genera Frisbie, J. H. see O'Connell. D. J. 1204 tor, 300 Frohimm, L. A. see Arnold, J. E. Gillin, M, Thrall, J. and Johnson, Green, M. V., Brody, W. R.. Pearl- Frühling, J. and Coime, A. Radio- M. Thyroid fluorescent scanning man, A. S., Agress. IL. Douglas. zinc for prostate, 495 system, 530* M. A., Redwood, D. R., li-n.ii/. Frühling, J. see Verbist. A. Gilson, A. J. see Serafini. A. N. S. B., Bailey, J. J. and Johnston, Fiikunaga. M. see Hamamoto. K. Glassman, A. Book review: Nuclear G. S. Left ventricular volume Fulmer, L. R. Medicine in Vitro, 801 change by ECG-gated angiocardi see Deutchman. A. H. Gluiibitl. D. M. H., Schliiter, I. H. ography. 531* see Sfakianakis, G. N. and Habcrland, K. U. R. "'In- Green, M. V., Ostrow, H. G., Gach, J. see Rigo, P. citrate bone marrow kinetics, 769 Douglas, M. A., Myers. R. W., Galen, T. see Burdine, J. A. Glcghorn, B. see Verma. R. C. Scott, R. N., Bailey, J. J. and Gallagher, B. see Ansari, A. N. Glenn, H. J., Ruksawin, N., Koni- Johnston, G. S. ECG-gated angio Gallagher, J. A. see Preston, D. F. kowski, T. and Haynie, T. P. cardiography, 95 Gallo, A. see Salvatore. M. """Tc-leukocyte labeling. 530* Green, M. V. Gams, R. A. and Glickson, J. D. Glenn, II. J. see Agress, H.

Volume 16. Number 12 1223 AUTHOR INDEX

see Bacharach, S. bone imaging in breast cancer, Hattner, R. S. Toxicity of ""Tc-Sn- see Atkins, H. L. 532* diphosphonate, 444 see Bradley-Moore, P. R. Hamamoto, K. see Mori, T. Haltner, R. S. and Kaufman, L. Al see Lebowitz, E. Hambright, P., McRae, J., Valk, P. gorithm for distribution uniform Greenfield, L. D. see Verma, R. C. E., Beardon, A. J. and Shipley, ity. 534* Greenfield, R. see Alazraki, N. P. B. A. Chemistry of Tc-Sn-gluco- Hattner, R. S., Miller, S. W. and Greenleaf, J. F. see Seward, J. B. nate and -diphosphonate, 478 Schimmel, D. Significance of re Gregg, E. C. Analog ¡mageprocessing Hamilton, F. see Rockett, J. F. newal asymmetry in bone scans, in omnidirectional scanning, 685 Hammer, B. see Deisenhammer. E. 161 Groch, M. see Gottlieb, S. Hammock, M. K. see Bacharach, S. Hatlner, R. S. Grossman, L. W., Van Tuinen, R. J., Hanc, R. P. see Turner, J. W. see Clark, E. E. Hoops, R. G. and Lewis, J. T. Bar Handmaker, H. and O'Mara, R. E. see Lim, C. B. phantom for Anger camera moni Gallium imaging in pediatrics, see Price, C. D. toring, 531* 533* Hauser, W. Consecutive-day Schilling Guarin, I .- Dimitrieva, Z. and Ash Handmaker, H., Young, B. W. and test. 495 ley, S. J. """Tc-S colloid scan of Lowenslcin, J. M. Clinical experi Hayes, R. L. see Washburn. L. C. splenogonadal fusion, 922 ence with """Tc-DMSA, 28 Haynie, T. P., Konikowski, T. and '.muí. A. see Deisenhammer, E. Hanelin, L. G. and Mena, I. Hepatic Glenn, H. J. '"""Tc-Sn-citrate tu Gutkowski. R. F., Horwitz, N. H. hemodynamics in metastatic le mor uptake, 534* and Dworkin, H. J. A calibrated sions. 533* Haynie, T. P. dose dispenser for r"Xe gas, 1197 Hansell, J. R. Book review: Liquid see Glenn, H. J. Gutkowski, R. F. see Dworkin, H. J. Scintillation CoitntiiiK, 1091 see Konikowski, T. Haber, K. see O'Mara, R. E. Hansell, J. R. see Alexander, J. M. Heading, R. C. see Tothill. P. Haberland, K. U. R. see Glaubitt, D. Harbcrt, J. C., Eckrlman, W. C., Heal, A. see Ashkar, F. S. M. H. Reba, R. C. and Schein, P. S. Hecrwald, P. see Krejcarek, G. E. Haden, H. T., Stacy, W. K., Wolf, "'Co-bleomycin for pancreatic car Hégésippe,M. see Bardy. A. J. S., Texter, J. H. and Thomas, cinoma, 533* Heindel, N. D., Burns, H. D., Risch, F. T. Diagnosis of urinary fistula, Harbert, J. C. see Cooper, J. F. V. R., Honda, T., Brady, L. W. 612 Harper, P. V. and Micalizzi, M. "'I-streptozo- Ilafkenscheid, J. C. M. see Yap, see Brunsden, B. tocin distribution, 535* S. H. see Lathrop, K. A. Heindel, N. D. Hafner, T. V. see DeLand, F. H. see Pearson. D. see Honda, T. Hagan, P. L., Ayres, P. R., Halpern, Harrison, D. C. see Berndt, T. see Risch, V. R. S. E. and Chauncey, D. M. """Tc- Harrison, J. E., Williams, W. C., Heidendal, G. A. K., Roos, P., thiomalic acid for renal scanning, Watts, J. and McNeill, K. G. Thijs, L. G. and Weiner, J. D. 531* Bone calcium index based on body "7Ga-citrate imaging of cold thy Hagan, P. L., Chauncey, D., Ayrcs, calcium measurements. 116 roid nodules, 793 Mi-Nun. L. see Tilbury, R. S. uptakeP. R. andof Halpern,a":'Pb and S.T"'Se-seleno-E. Tumor Harrison, K. see Semenoff. D. Hariman, A. F. see Alderson, P. O. Heminger, L. see Van Heertum. R. L. methionine, 532* Hartman, C. see Robinson, R. G. Hondee, W. R. see Moore, M. M. Hagan, P. L., Halpern, S. E., Harvey, E. B., Loberg, M. D. and Hendershott, L. R. see Haibach, H. Chauncey, D. M. and Alazraki, Cooper, M. D. "»"Tc-HIDAfor Heiikin, R. E., Yao, J. S. T., Quinn, N. P. 1:;'I-tetracycline for tumor hepato-biliary imaging. 533* J. L. and Bergan, J. J. Radionu- scanning, 532* Harvey, E. B. see Loberg. M. D. clide venography, 438 Hagan, P. L. Harvey, W. C., Podoloff, D. A. and Henkin, R. E. see Martonfly, K. see Chauncey, D. M. Kopp, D. T. "7Ga-citrate infection Henning, H. see Scheibe«,H. see Hurwitz, S. R. searches, 2 Henry, C. A. see Bell, E. G. Haibarh, H., George, E. S., Hender- Harvey, W. J. see Tofe, A. J. Henry, J. E. shott, L. R. and Donati, R. M. Harwig, J. F., Alderson, P. O., Pri- see Alazraki, N. P. Uptake mechanisms of """Tc-S and meau, J. L., Boonvisut, S. and see Taylor, A. "'"Au colloids. 532* Welch, M. J. Electrolytic prepa Henry, R. E., George, E. A., Daly, Haibach, H. see George, E. A. ration of "°mTc-RBC,533* J. L. and Donati, R. M. ""»Tc-S Haider, B. see Oldewurtel, H. A. Harwig, J. F., Colcman, R. E., Har colloid bone marrow scanning. Haines, J. E. see Yeung, W-C. wig, S. S. L., Sherman, L. A., 535* Hales, C. see Chesler, D. A. Siegel, B. A. and Welch, M. J. Henry, R. E,, George, E. A., and Hall, J. N., Tokars, R. P. and Highly iodinated fibrinogen, 756 Donati, R. M. Cellularity and O'Mara, R. E. KP-diphosphonate Harwig, J. F., Harwig, S. L., Wells, '"""Tc-S colloid bone marrow dis for therapy, 532* L, D. and Welch, M. J. In vitro tribution, 535* Hall, J. N. studies of '"""Tc-proteins. 534* Henry, R. E. see George, E. A. see O'Mara, R. E. Harwig, J. F. Herber, R. see Grames, G. M. see Tokars, R. P. see Coleman, R. E. Herbig, F. K. see Van Antwerp, J. D. see Harwig, S. S. L. see Daly, J. L. Hall, P. see Wellman, H. N. Harwig, S. S. I,., Harwig, J. F,, Cole see Fletcher, J. W. Hull, R. C. see Van Heertum, R. I.. man, R. E. and Welch, M. J. Hermann, G. A. Imaging quality con Halpern, S. E. lodination level effect on radio- trol program, 957 see Alazraki, N. P. iodinated fibrinogen, 534* Herrin, W. A. see Chauncey, D. M. Harwig, S. S. L. see Preston, D. F. see Hagan, P. L. see Coleman, R. E. see Robinson. R. G. see Taylor, A. see Harwig, J. F. Hexsel, S. J. see McNeil. B. J. Hatiianioto, K., Morita, R., Yama- see Knight. L. C. Hetzel, K. R. and Ice, R. D. Ra moto, I., Fukiinaga, M., Mori, Hashimoto, S. see Ishibashi, A. diometrie sterility assay, 798 T., Torizuka, K. and Kodama. Hattner, R. S. Posterior fossa scinti- Hetzel, K. R. H. """Tc-phosphorous compound angiography, 828 see Balachandran, S.


see Basmadjian, G. P. """Tc-DTPA for brain imaging. Hupe, W., Montz, R., Doehn, M., see Sarkar, S. D. 536* Otto, H. F., Höhne, K. H. and Hevesy, G. see Chievitz, O. Holmes, R. A. and Luth, C. N. Gly- Pfeiffer, G. Dual brain and kidney Hill, J. II., Merz, T. and Wagner, copyrrolate in "TcOr brain im studies with """Tc-DTPA, 538* H. IV.Fe enhancement of "7Gaup aging, 819 Hupf. II. B. see Serafini, A. N. take in a leukocyte culture, 1183 Holmes, R. A., Manoli, R. S. and Hurley, P. J. Blood volume measure Hill, R. L. see Seeker-Walker, R. H. Isitman, A. T. "°"Tc-phosphates ments, 962 Hillis, S. see Price, R. for breast imaging, 536* Hurley, P. J. Red cell and plasma Hilts, S. V. see Van Antwerp, J. D. Holmes, R. A. volumes, 46 Hiñe, G. J. and Paras, P. Perform see Rosenthal, S. Um «¡i/.A. see Robinson, R. G. ance of scintillation cameras, 1206 see Silverstein, E. A. lli.iN.il/. S. R., Alazraki, N. P., Hiñes,H. H., Peck, N. F., DeNardo, see Zimmer, A. M. Ramsdell, J., Peters, R., Taylor, G. L. and Jansholt, A-L. 1EXe Homesley, J., Kovaleski, R. Yanags, A. and Tisi, G. Staging protocol production, 143 K., Schreyer, M. and Franco, for bronchogenic carcinoma. 538* Hinn, G. M. J. A. Thermography evaluation of Hurwitz, S. R., Hagan, P. L. and see Eng, R. cold thyroid nodules, 536* Alazraki, N. P. "Ga dislribution see Lewellen, T. K. Homesley, J. see Schreyer, M. and Na.EDTA therapy. 280 Hirabashi, S., Koga, Y,, Kitahara, Honda, T., Risen, Y. R.. Burns, H. Hurwitz, S. R. and Quinto, R. R. T., Hishida, T.. Riga, M. and D., Micali/,7.i, M., Brady, L. \\ . Diminished uptake of "TGa-citrate lino, S. Inconsistent thyroid nod and Heindel, IV. D. Radioiodi- in pseudoarthrosis. 167 ule images with "'I and "TcOr, nated acetazolamide, 537* Husak, V. see Wiedermann, M. 918 Honda, T. Ice, R. D., Wieland, D. M., Beier- Hirotani, H. see Mori, T. see Heindel, N. D. waltes, W. H., Lawton. R. G. and Hisada, K. see umori, M. see Lantieri. R. L. Redmond, M. J. Dopamine analog Hishida, T. see Hirabayashi, S. see Risch, V. R. concentration in the adrenal me Hnatowich, D. J. ""Ga-radiopharma- Hoop, B. Naming of scans, 964 dulla, 1147 ceutical preparation and quality Hoop, B,, Ilnatowirh. D. J., Ches Ice, R. D. control, 764 ler, D. A., MrKusick, K. A., see Anderson, B. G. Hnatowirh, D. J. Parker, J. A,, Subrumanyam, R., see Balachandran, S. see Chesler, D. A. Brownell, G. L., Ojemann, R. G. see Basmadjian, G. P. see Hoop, B. and Taveras, J. M. Positron im see Beierwaltes, W. H. Hochner, G. see Kaplan, E. aging of cerebral function. 537* see Gill, S. T. Hofeldt, F. D. see McCowen, K. D. Hoop, B. see Hetzel, K. R. Hofer, J. see Bofilias. I. see Budinger, T. F. see Kirschner, A. S. Hoffi-r, P. B., Beck, R. N., Slark, V. see Chesler, D. A. see Lamson, M. L. and Brkerman, C. Scatter frac Hoops, R. G. see Grossman, L. W. see Ryo, U. Y. tion in brain and liver imaging. Ifoory, S. see Levy, L. M. see Sarkar. S. D. 535* Hopkins, G. B., Kan, M. and see Seabold, J. E. Hoffer, P. B. Mende, C. W., "Ga scanning of see Sturman. M. F. see Bekerman, C. abdominal abscesses. 990 Idoine, J. see Metz, C. E. Hopkins, C. B. and Mende, C. W. see Holman, B. L. Hoffman, E. J. "7Ga-citrate abscess imaging. 609 see Zweiman, F. G. see Coleman. R. E. Horgan, J. D. see Sebern. M. J. limori, M., Hisada, K. and Suzuki. see Phelps, M. E. Horn, N. L., Yerma, R. C. and Ben Y. "Tc-pyrophosphate bone im Hohne, K. II. see Hupe, W. nett, L. R. Analysis of normal aging in trauma, 538* Holden, J. E. see Nickles, R. J. "'In-bleomycin scans. 537* lino, S. see Hirabayashi. S. Holder, J. see Serafini, A. N. Horn, IV.L., Yerma, R. C. and Ben lio, M. Holder, L. E., Ashare, A. B., Smith, nett, L. R. "'In-bleomycin scan see Matsui, K. W. and Saenger, E. L. Stimula ning of malignant , 537* see Murata, H. tion of gastric secretion of ™""TcOi", Horwitz, N. II. see Gutkowski, R. F. Ikehe. J. and Nawa. O. A. Isocount 535* Il»-.li¡.M. sec Goriya, Y. scanning and multilevel analysis. Holder, L. E., Ashare, A. B., Tom- IIn-kin*. P. A. see Klein. E. W. 938 sick, T., Colley, D. P., Fernan Hotle, C. E. see Lamson. M. L. Ikeda. S., Duken, H., Tillmans, H. dez, M., Catz, Z. and Saenger. lloving, J., Vcrsluis, A. and Wold- and Bing. R. J. Coincidence and E. L. The Gamut approach to scin- ring, M. G. ""Pb for skeletal imag noncoincidence counting, 658 tigram interpretation. 1121 ing. 170 Imurisio, J. J. Liver scan showing Hollander, C. S. see Shenkman, L. Howard, B. Y. and Teates, C. D. lung uptake, 188 II.,Dili, 1,1.J. see Patton, J. A. Bone scanning time. 958 Imperalo. T. see DeNardo, S. J. Holly, F. E. Quantitating Anger cam Howard, B. Y. see Watson, E. E. Ingle, J. N. era resolution and field uniformity. lisien, S. C. see Berndt, T. see Levenson. S. M. 536* Huang, S-C. see Phelps. M. E. see Richman. S. D. Holman, B. L., Cohn, P. F., See, J. Hudson, J. S. see Rockett. J. F. Inouï. K. see Irie. M. R., Idoine, J. and Adams, D. F. lln. I.on,-r. R. J. see Krishnamurthy. Irie, M., Enomalo, K., Enomoto, H. ' ='Xe measurement of regional my- G. T. and Inoue, K. Serum TSH re ocardial blood flow. 536* Hughes, F. A. Liver studies in su sponse to TRH in disease. 538* dolman. B. L. and Zweinian, F. G. perior vena cavai obstruction, 626 Irwin, G. A. L. see Weinraub, J. M. """'Tc(Sn)-tetracycline uptake in Hughes, F. G. see Levy, L. M. l-hihii*hi. A., Ishii, K., Hashimoto, myocardial infarcì.1144 Hughes, F. J. see Marta. J. B. S. and Masiimi. S. Aseptic necro I loi ni.i n. B. L. Hunter, D., Dratz, A. F., Rohrer, sis of bone after renal transplant, see Davis, M. A. R. II. and Coberly, J. C. Errors 538* see See, J. R. in '-'I radioassay, 952 Ishii, K. see Ishibashi, A. see Zweiman, F. G. Hunier. G. O. see Selby. J. B. Ishii, Y., Kawuniura, J.. Mukai. T.. Holmes, R. A. and Isitman, A. T. Hunter, W. W. see Deutchman, A. H. Takahashi, M. and Toriztika, K.

Volume 16, Number 12 1225 AUTHOR INDEX

Functional imaging of intrarenal see Levenson, S. M. and Winchell, H. S. MmTc-com blood flow, 899 see Richman, S. D. pound distribution post Sn(Il) ad Ishii, Y. see Torizuka, K. Johnston, R. E. and Staab, E. V. ministration, 541* Isitntan, A. T. ™Yb-DTPA radiation dose to Khentigan, A. see Winstead. M. B. see Holmes, R. A. brain in cisternography, 101 Mutilili-. S. see Schelbert, H. see Zimmer, A. M. Jonasson, O. M. see Pavel, D. G. Khurana, M. see Mishkin, F. S. Ito, T. see Kojima. M. Jonckheer, M. H. see Ectors, M. Kiga, M. see Hirabayashi, S. Itoh, H. see Torizuka, K. Jones, A. E. Kim, H-R., D'Antonio, R., Larson, Itscoitz, S. B. see Levenson, S. M. S. M., Thorell, J. I., Buchanan, see Agress, H. see Richman, S. D. J., Morgan, R. D. and Wagner, see Green, M. V. Jones, A. G. and Davis, M. A. Mul- H. IV.Vitamin B,L.binding by toad- Iyer, P. S. see Tripathi, U. B. tidentate phosphonates, 540* fish serum. 541* Jackson, G. L., Jester, W. A. and Jones, J. D. see Ryo, U. Y. Kimura, K. see Goriya, Y. Prasad, K. N. KmKr for ventila Jones, S. E. see O'Mara, R. E. Kirch, D. L., Steele, P. P., LeFree, tion studies, 539* Jost, R. G. see Alderson, P. O. M. T. and Evans, P. L. High Jackson, P. see DeNardo, S. J. Kahan, B. D. see Pavel, D. G. count rate imaging system. 541* Jahns, M. F. see Konikowski, T. Kahn, P. C. see Dewanjee, M. K. Kirchner, P. T. Jambroes, G., v. Rijk, P. P., v. d. Kalbhen, D. A. see Sargent, T. see Gerber, F. H. Berg, C. J. M., d. Graaf, C. N. Kallfelz, F. A. see Subramanian, G. see Short, D. B. and Zimmerman, A. N. E. M1T1 Rallos, N. see Gottlieb, S. Kirschner, A. S. and Ice, R. D. Spe heart scintigraphy. 539* Kalsbeck, J. see Wellman, H. N. cific activity effect on distribution James, A. E., McComb, J. G., Chris- Kan, M. see Hopkins, G. B. and dosimetry, 541* teiison, J. and Davson, H. Evalu Kaiioor, R. see Rayudu. G. V. S. Kirschner, A. S., Ice, R. D. and ation of CSF drainage pathway Kaplan, E., Hochner, G., Barnes, Beierwaltes, W. H. Radiation do size, 539* W. E., Arnold, J. S., Shponka, simetry of "'I-iodocholesterol, 248 James, A. E., Panigel, M., Natara- S., Mayron, L. W. and Frazin, L. Kirschner, A. S. see Lamson, M. L. jan, T. K., Siegel, M E. and Don Dual-channel '*mTc radiocardio- Kitahara, T. see Hirabayashi, S. ner, M. Relative blood flow to the gram, 789 Kiuru, A. J. see Nickles, R. J. placenta, 539* Kaplan, E. see Arnold, J. S. Klein, E. W., Farhat, S. M., Hos- Jander, H. P. see Russell, C. D. Kaplan, E. S. see Rockett, J. F. kins, P. A. and Colviii, J. T. Jansen, C. Kapur, K. K. see Garcia, D. A. Cerebral blood flow study of an see Adelstein, S. J. Karliner, J. see Schelbert, H. extracranial meningioma. 833 see Grames, G. M. Karran, S. J., Leach, K. G., Wis- Klein, H. see Sham, R. Jansholt, A-L. bey, M. L. and Blumgart, L. H. Klein, M. S. see Coleman, R. E. see DeNardo, S. J. Colloid uptake in rat liver, 377 Klingensmith, W. C. Retention of see Hiñes,H. H. Karran, S. J. see Leach, K. G. MmTc-Scolloid in the lungs, 249 see Meyers, J. Kaufman, L Klingensmith, W. C., Eikman, E. .1.-Hins. J. see Crocker, E. F. see Hattner, R. S. A., Maumenee, I. and Wagner, Jennings, R. B. see Martonfly, K. see Lim, C. B. H. N. Radiocolloid distribution in Jensen, F. T. see Buhl. M. see Price, D. C. mucopolysaccharidosis, 1002 Jereb, B. see Jereb, M. Kavula, M. P., Rogge, J. D., Anger, Klingensmith, W. C,., Eikman, E. Jereb, M., Falk, R., Jereb, B. and R. T., Wellman, H. N. and Fitz A., Maumenee, I. and Wagner, Lindhe, C. Radiation dose from gerald, J. S. Preparation of Ai H. N. RE cell function in muco "Se-selenite, 846 rósebengal, 540* polysaccharidosis, 542* Jester, W. A. see Jackson, G. L. Kawada, T. see Waxman, A. D. Klinger, L. Bone scans and MPin thy Johannsen, B. Behavior of ™""Tc- Kawamura, J. see Ishii, Y. roid adenocarcinoma, 964 diphosphonate on Sephadex and Kay, D. B. and Keyes, J. W. Ab Knight, L. C., Harwig, S. L. and Bio-gel, 1087 sorption corrections and resolution Welch, M. J. Halogen-SHPP label Johns, L. see Pearson, D. compensation in Fourier tomogra ing of fibrinogen, 542* Johnson, A. E. and Gollan, F. Prop phy. 540* Knoll, G. F. see Koral, K. F. erties of '"In-phosphate for cister- Kaye, M., Silverton S. and Rosen- Knou lion. A. H. see Spencer, R. P. nography and GFR, 164 thall, L. MmTc-pyrophosphate stud Kobayashi, M. see Murata, H. Johnson, H. see O'Mara, R. E. ies, 40 Kodama, H. see Hamamoto, K. Johnson, M. Kaye, M. see Rosenthall, L. Koenigsberg, M. see Weiss, M. A. see Gillin, M. Kehr, M. D. see Krishnamurthy, Koga, Y. see Hirabayashi, S. see Thrall, J. G.T. Kojima, M., Maeda, M., Ogawa, H., Johnson, P. M. and Muroflf, L. R. Kemp!, V. see Persson, B. R. R. Nitta, K. and Ito, T. A new ad Encasement of the spleen, 718 Kennedy, T. D., Martin, N. L., Rob renal scanning agent, 542* Johnson, P. M. inson, R. G. and Preston, D. F. "7Ga-citrate scan in infected pan Kolodny, G. M. see DeLuca. S. A. see Sorabella, P. A. Konikowski, T., Haynie, T. P. and see Winter, P. F. creatic pseudocyst. 1132 Glenn, H. J. '"In-bleomycin and Johnson, R. P. see Rollo, F. D. Kennedy, T. D. see Preston. D. F. -chloride kinetics in mice. 738 Johnston, A. S., Arnold, J. E. and Kennedy, W. P. see Sarkar, S. D. Konikowski, T., Jahns, M. F., Hay Pinsky, S. Anger camera dead- Kereiakes, J. G. nie, T. P. and Glenn, H. J. Com time, 539* see Ashare, A. B. Johnston, A. S., Baker, S. I., Ar see Saenger, E. L. parison of brain tumor agents in nold, J. E., Colombetti, L. G. Kew, M. C. see Levin, J. animals. 200 and Pinsky, S. M. Impurities and Keyes, J. W. and Rogers, W. L. Im Konikowski, T. dose calibration of 1MI,540* provement of digitized image dis see Glenn, H. J. Johnston, G. S. plays, 541* see Haynie, T. P. see Agress, H. Keyes, J. W. see Kay, D. B. Kook, C. S. see Digenis, G. A. see Bacharach, S. Khaliq, A. see Lentie, B. C. Kopp, D. T. see Harvey, W. C. see Green, M. V. Khentigan, A., Garrett, M., Lum, D. Koral K. F., Rogers, W. L. and


Knoll, G. F. Digital tomographic Kyle, R. see Corcoran, R. C. Lebowitz, E. imaging, 402 Kyle, R. A. see Wahner. H. W. see Atkins, H. L. Kossoff, G. see Crocker, E. F. Lamb, J. F. see Winstead, M. B. see Bradley-Moore. P. R. Kostenbauder, H. B. see Tilbury, Lambrecht, R. M. see Packer, S. Lee, A. W. see Robinson, G. D. R. S. Lamson, M. L., Kirschner, A. S., Leeper, R. D. see Yeh, S. D. J. Kovaleski, B. Hotte, C. E., Lipsitz, E. L. and LeFree, M. T. see Kirch, D. L. see Franco, J. A. Ice, R. D. Carrier in """TcOr elu- Leh, F. K. V. and Wolf, W. ">r""Pt- see Homesley, I. ate, 639 bleomycin for tumor imaging. see Schreyer, M. Lamson, M. L., Kirschner, A. S., 545* Krai, M. see Wiedermann, M. Hotte, C. E., Lipsitz, E. L. and Lentie, B. C., Castor, W. R., Kha- Krassas, G. see McHardy-Young, S. Ice, R. D. Specific activity of liq, A. and Dierich, H. Contrast Krause, J. S., Maxfield, W. S. and "TcOr generator eluate, 543* lymphangiography effect on "Ga- Miale, A. Scan transmission by Lanaro, A. E. see Sarmiento. A. H. citrate distribution, 374 telephone, 542* Lander, H. see Ronai, P. M. Lentie, B. C., Russell, A. S. and Krause, J. S. see Maxfield, W. S. Lantieri, R. L., Honda, T. and Percy, J. S. Comparison of tech Krejcarek, C. E., Tucker, K. L., Brady, L. W. Radiolabeled tumor niques for sacro-iliac disease, 545* IVora, J. C. and Heerwald, P. antibody, 544* Lentie, B. C. see Scott. J. R. """Tc-minimicrosphere kit, 542* Laor, Y. G. see Chandra, S. Lerebeller, M. J. see Blanquet, P. Krishnamurthy, G. T., Brirkman, Lappin, H. see Shames, D. M. Levenson, S. M., Ingle, J. IV., Rich- A. S., Huebotter, R. J., Cullison, Larson, D. D. see Finney, C. E. man, S. D., Frankel, R. S., Tor- R. C. and Blahd, W. H. ""Tc- Larson, S. M., Chen, M., Charache, mey, D. C., Jones, A. E. and pyrophosphate imaging in pseudo- P. and Wagner, H. N. Radiomet Johnston, C. S. Liver scanning in hypoparathyroidism, 543* rie identification of streptococcus metastatic breast carcinoma, 545* Krishnamurthy, G. T., Brickman, A in throat cultures, 1085 Levenson, S. M. see Richman, S. D. A. S., Huebotter, R. J., Forrest, Larson, S. M. Levin, J. and Kew, M. C. "7Ga-citrate K. V., Tubis, M. and Blahd, W. see Camargo, E. E. scanning in primary liver cancer, H. """Tc-pyrophosphate imaging in see Cummings, D. M. 949 primary hyperparathyrodism, 543* see Kim. H-R. Levy, L. M., Baker, J. D., Hughes, Krishnamurthy, G. T., Huebotter, see Oster, Z. H. F. G. and Marta, J. B. Refocused R. J., Walsh, C. F., Taylor, J. R., see Tran, N. gamma system images, 546* Kehr, M. D., Tubis, M. and see Yeung, W-C. Levy, L. M., Hoory, S., Moskowitz, Blahd, W. H. Kinetics of MmTc- Lathrop, K. A., Gloria, I. V. and G. W. and Marione, R. J. Scintil pyrophosphate and polyphosphate, Harper, P. V. """Te radiation ef lation camera dead-time loss com 109 fects on mouse fetus, 544* pensation, 546* Krishnamurthy, G. T., Tubis, M. Lathrop, K. A., Gloria, I. V., Har Levy, L. M. see Moskowitz, G. W. and Blahd, W. H. Bone scanning per, P. V. and Krizek, H. MPb Lewellen, T. K., Chesnut, C. H., time, 958 bone distribution manipulation. IVelp, W. B., Palmer, H. E., Mu Krishnamurthy, G. T., Tubis, M. 544* rano, R. and Hinn, G. M. Excre and Blahd, W. H. "T-rose ben- Lathrop, K. A., Harper, P. V., Bau- tion of 17Ar following neutron ac gal and WI"Tc-mercaptoisobutyric tovich, G., Krizek, H. and Rich, tivation, 672 acid for hepatobiliary studies, 686 M. Placenta studies with radioin- Ixíwis,J. T. Krishnamnrthy, G. T., Tubis, M. dium, 544* see Grossman, L. W. and Blahd, W. H. """Tc-polyphos Lathrop, K. A., Harper, P. V., see Nishiyama, H. phate and "F kinetics, 689 Gloría,I. V. and Rich, M. Intes see Silberstein, E. B. Krishnamurthy, G. T. see Tubis, M. tinal localization of OTT1,545* Lewis, S. see Wellman, H. Kriss, J. P. Lathrop, K. A. see Atkins, H. L. Lewis, S. E. see Stokeley, E. M. see Dunnick, J. K. Laughlin, J. S. Lieberman, D. see Finney, C. E. see McDougall, I. R. see Bigler, R. E. Lilien, D. L. see O'Mara, R. E. Kristensen, K. and Pedersen, B. see Gelbard, A. S. Lim, C. B., Chu, D., Perez-Mendez, Lung retention of MmTc-S colloid, see Tilbury, R. S. V., Kaufman, L., Hattner, R. S., 439 Lavender, J. P. see Merrick, L. V. Price, D. C. and Swann, S. J. Krizek, H. Lawton, R. G. see Ice, R. D. Multiwire proportional chamber see Lathrop, K. A. Leach, K. G., Karran, S. J., Wisbey, positron camera, 546* see Pearson, D. M. L. and Blumgart, L. H. In Lin, M.S. and Goodwin, D. A. Aero Krohn, K. A. vivo assessment of liver size in rat, sol studies in pulmonary obstruc see DeNardo, G. L. 380 tive disease, 546* see DeNardo, S. J. Leach, K. G. see Karran, S. J. Lin, T. H. see Winstead, M. B. see Meyers, J. LeBel, E. Lindberg, D. see Serafini. A. N. Kr;;:-.. ;-.„.;;,., C. see Sehern, M. J. see Ntundulu, T. Lindebaum, A. see Friedman, A. M. Kruglik, C. D. see Conway, J. J. see Tran, N. Lindhe, C. see Jereb, M. Kubota, H., Poulo«e, K. P., Eckel- Lcbowitz, E. and Atkin«,H. L. ""TI I,¡i.-.ii/,E. L. see Lamson, M. L. man, W. C. and Reba, R. C. radiation dose to the liver, 1090 Linchner, M. see Matin, P. """Tc-pyridoxylidencglutamate for Ix-bowitz, E., Greene, M. W., An- Littenberg, R. L. Anaphalactoid re gallbladder, 543* »nri,A. N., Steigman, J. Mae- actions to HSA microspheres, 236 Kubota, H. see Eckelman, W. C. Kenzic, D., Siiiol, R,, Richard*, Loberg, M. D., Gallery, P. S., Har- Kühl, D. E. and Edward«, R. Q. P., \ikin-, H. L, and Solomon, vey, E. B., Faith, W. C. and Mark IV computerized brain to N. A. Xenon compounds for medi Cooper, M. D. Iminodiacetic acid mography, 543* cal use, 545* chelating group, 546* Kühl,D. E. see Devenney, J. E. Lcbowitz, E., Greene, M. W., Fair- Ixiberg, M. D. Kühn,G. P. see Conway, J. J. child, R., Bradley-Moore, P. R., see Harvey, E. B. Kurman, D. see Sagar, V. V. Atkins, H. L., Ansar!, A. N., see Quinlan, J. Ku*ubov, N. see Sargent, T. Richards, P. and Belgrave, E. Logic, J. R. see Dubovsky, E. V. Kutsuzawa, T. see Uemura, K. *"T1 for medical use, 151 Lon* J- M. see Lull, R. I.

Volume 16, Number 12 1227 AUTHOR INDEX

Long, W. K. see Gams, R. A. uptake in myocardial infarcts, tribution of radiopharmaceutical Lowenstein, J. M. see Handmaker, H. 548* loaded vesicles, 488 Lowenthal, I. S., Tow, D. E. and Maruyama, Y. Book review: Tumors McDougall, I. R. see Dunnick, J. K. Chang, Y. C. "Tc-polyphosphate of the Nervous System, 966 McCinley, E. see Citrin, D. L. uptake by lung carcinoma, 1021 Marzilli, L. see Semenoff, D. McHardy-Young, S., Krassas, G. and Lull, R. J., Agée,R. N., Long, J. Mason, D. T. see Berman, D. S. Ramsay, I. Thyroid studies in per M., l'i noli. P. A. and Andrews, Mason, J. Anatomic landmarks on nicious anemia, 549* J. W. Inhalation injury in burn scintiphotos, 962 Mclntyre, P. see Tran, N. patients, 547* Mason, M. M. see Sarkar, S. D. McKnight, R. see Alderson, P. O. l-um, D. see Khentigan, A. Masumi, S. see Ishibashi, A. McKusick, K. A. Lunia, S., Parthasarathy, K. I,., Matin, P., Bittikofer, F. and Lisch- see Fischer, K. C. Bakshi, S. P. and Bender, M. A. ner, M. Ventilation imaging in see Hoop, B. Evaluation of MmTc-S colloid liver cystic fibrosis, 548* McLaughlin, A. F. "Te-bone agent scintiscans, 62 Matolo, N. see Stadalnik, R. C. uptake in metastatic calcification Lusted, L. B. see Metz, C. E. Matsui, K., lio, M., Chiba, K., Ya- of lung, 322 Luth, C. N. see Holmes, R. A. mada, H., Abe, M. and Murata, McLaughlin, A. F. see Crocker, E. F. Lutzker, L. C. and Perez, L. A. Ra H. Differential diagnosis of cere McLaughlin, J. see Termini, B. dioactive embolization from upper- bral vascular disease and tumor, McNeil, B. J., Hessel, S. J., Branch, extremity thrombophlebitis, 241 549* W. T., Bjork, L. and Adelstein, Macdonald, B. see Budinger, T. F. Matsui, K. see Murata, H. S. J. Efficacy and cost-effectiveness MacDonald, C. S. see Metzger, J. M. Mattar, A. G. and Prezio, J. A. Vis of lung scanning, 550* MacDonald, J. M. see Tilbury, R. S. ualization of pancreatic pseudo- McNeil!, K. G. see Harrison, J. E. MacDonald, M. S. see Metzger, J. M. cyst, 326 McPherson, T. A. see Scott, J. R. MacDonald, N. S. Mattar, A. G. see Steinbach. J. J. McRae, J. Effects of tin on MmTcO," see Cho, Z. H. Maturosakal, B. see Poshyachinda, distribution, 690 see Spoiler, L. M. McRae, J. see Hambright, P. MacGregor, R. see Ansari, A. N. Maugham, E. see Tilbury, R. S. Meade, R. C. MacKenzie, D. see Lebowitz, E. Maumenee, I. see Klingensmith, W. see Ruetz, P. P. Mackenzie, R. see Reese, L. C. see Sebern, M. J. MacRae, K. D. see Gillespie, P. J. Maxfíeld, W. S., Miale, A., and see Yeh, E-L. Macumber, H. H. see Stauffer, J. C. Krause, J. S. Telephone transmis Means, J. L. see Winstead, M. B. Maeda, M. see Kojima, M. sion of images, 549* Melton, R. E. see Nelson, M. F. Magoun, S. see Simmons, G. H. Maxfíeld,W. S. see Krause, J. S. Mena, I. Mahon, D. F. see Bell, E. G. May, L. G. see Chaudhuri, Tapan K. see Hanelin, L. G. Majd, M. and Franke!, R. S. Pedi Maynard, C. D. see Cowan, R. J. see Roser, S. atrie bone imaging in benign dis Maynard, W. P. and Mishkin, F. S. Mende, C. W. see Hopkins, G. B. ease, 547* Cerebral vascular displacement on Mengeot, P. H. see Rigo, P. Malamud, H. and Sham, R. Fast in radionuclide angiograms. 549* Merrick, M. V., Gordon-Smith, E. terchange of low-energy collima- Mayorga-Cortes, A. see Campeau, C., Lavender, J. P. and Szur, L. tors, 1195 R. J. Comparison of agents for bone Malmud, L. S., Fisher, R. S., Rob Mayron, L. W. see Kaplan, E. marrow scanning, 66 ert», G. S., Capuzzi, J. and Maze, M. and Wood, J. "7Ga-uptake Merrick, M. V., Lavender, J. P. and Bloch, B. Imaging for gastric- in liver lesions. 442 Gordon-Smith, E. Splenic uptake esophageal reflux, 547* Maziere, M. see Comar, D. of lnln, 1206 Malmud, L. S. see Charkes, N. D. McAfee, J. G. Merz, T. see Hill, J. H. Manfredi, O. L. and Ramaden, F. see Arnold. R. W. Metager, J. M., MacDonald, N. S., Review of "7Ga-citrate studies, see Atkins, H. L. MacDonald, C. S. and Takaha- 547* see Bell, E. G. shi, J. M. 15O-hemoglobin myocar Manfredi, O. L., Ramaden, F. and see Blair, R. J. dial oxygen consumption, 550* Watson, P. Liver subtraction in see Blau, M. Metz, C. E., Hoffer, P. B., McCart "Ga tumor imaging, 548* see Chiotellis, E. ney, W. H. and Lusted, L. B. Manoli, R. S. see Cloutier, R. J. Carcinoembryonic antigen assay in see Holmes, R. A. see Subramanian, G. colonie malignancy diagnosis, 550* see Rosenthal, S. see Van Heertum. R. L. Meyer, S. L. see Parkey. R. W. Manothaya, C. see Poshyachinda, M. see Yeates, M. G. Meyers, J., Krohn, K., and De- Marazano, C. see Comar, D. McCartney, W. H. see Metz, C. E. Nardo, G. L. Radioiodinated bleo- Marinsky, J. A. see Owunwanne, A. McClain, W. J. see DeLand, F. H. mycin preparation and character Markham, J. McClelland, R. R. Focal porta he- ization, 835 see Alderson, P. O. patis defects, 1007 Meyers, J., Krohn, K. A., Jansholt, see Seeker-Walker, R. H. McComb, J. G. see James, A. E. A-L. and DeNardo, G. L. Prepa Marta, J. B., Hughes, F. J., Baker, McCombs, R. K. and Oison, W. II. ration and characterization of "*!- J. D., Eernisse, B. and Stur '"F bone scan in osteoid osteoma. bleomycin, 550* geon, B. Refocused scintillation 465 Meyers, J. see DeNardo, G. L. camera images, 548* McCormack, K. R. Meyers, M. see Telfer, N. Marta, J. B. see Levy, L. M. see Berman, M. Miale, A. Martin, N. L. see Kennedy. T. D. see Cloutier, R. J. see Campeau, R. J. Martin, T. R. and Shafcr, R. B. McCowen, K. D., Hofeldt F. D., see Gottlieb. S. Posterior flow study in brain im Ghaed, N., Adler, R. A. and Ver- see Krause. J. S. aging, 548* don, T. Low dose "'I thyroid see Maxfield. W. S. Marione, R. J. see Levy, L. M. ablation, 549* Micalizzi, M. Martonfly, K., Reimer, K. A., Hen- McDonald, J. M. see Gelbard, A. S. see Heindel, N. D. kin, R. E., Jennings, R. B., and McDougall, I. R., Dunnick, J. K., see Honda, T. Oliimi. J. L. """Tc-pyrophosphate Goris M. L. and Kriss, J. P. Dis see Risch, V. R.


Mikhael, M. A. and Even«,R. (.. with extended counting rate capa Nitta, K. see Kojima, M. Migration and emholizalion of bility, 653 Nohara, N. and Tanaka, E. Analog macrophages to the lung, 22 Mukai, T. see Ishii, Y. image processing in omnidirec Mikhael, M. A. and Evens, R. G. Mullani, N. A. see Phelps, M. E. tional scanning, 685 Phagocytic capability of the kid Mundia, A. see Sham. R. Nolan, N. G. Computer assisted ven ney, 709 Murano, R. see Lewellen. T. K. tilation/perfusion in pulmonary Miller, C. Murata, H., Kobayashi, M., Ho, M., embolism, 553* see Bronzino, J. Yaniada, H., Chiba, K., Malsui, Nolan, N. G. see D'Amato, D. K. and Abe, M. Sensitivity of the see Berquist, T. H. Miller, D. W. see Deutchman, A. H. Limulus test, 552* see Seward, J. B. Miller, R. E. see Spencer. R. P. Murata, H. see Matsui, K. Nora, J. C. see Krejcarek, G. E. Miller, S. W. see Hattner, R. S. MurofT, L. R. see Johnson, P. M. Ntundulu, T., Tran, N. and LeBel, Mincey, E., Ronoguro, E., Dorai*. Murphy, M. P. see Cowan. R. J. E. Continuous "CO.. breath anal S. anil Mi»rri»iin. R. Radiometrie Murphy, P. H., Rurdine, J. A. and ysis in vitamin Bi2 deficiency, 553* estimation of serum B,u, 551* Moyer, R. A. Converging collima- Ntundulu. T. see Tran. N. Mishkin. F. S., Niden, A. H., Pick, tors and a large field of view scin Nusynowitz, M. L. and Benedetto, R. A. and Khurana, M. "Ga lung tillation camera. 1152 A. R. Determination of MTF for imaging for pneumonitis/infarct Murphy, P. II., Monroe, L. A. and the scintillation camera, 1200 differentiation, 551* Burdine, J. A. High-efficiency Nusynowitz, M. L. and Benedetto, Mishkin, F. S. lung imaging, 552* A. R. Thyroxine binding globulin see Maynard. W. P. Murphy, P. H. capacity, 1076 see Reese. I. C. see Burdine, J. A. Nusynowilz, M. L. see Pick, R. O. see Stevens, J. S. see Moyer, R. A. Nuttall, F. Q. see Shafer, R. B. see Wong, D. W. Mussa, G. C. MmTc-gluconate tumor O'Brien, H. A. see Grant. P. M. Mock, B. see Pearson, D. imaging. 552* O'Connell, D. J., Stein, M. E., Tow, Mohammedzadeh, A., C.olombetti, Myers, R. W. D. E., Frisbie, J. H., Sasahara, L. G., Ryo, U. Y. and Pinsky. see Agress, H. A. A. and Belko, J. S. Radioiodi- S. M. Adrenal and pituitary up see Green, M. V. nated autologous fibrinogen kit, take of "C-ascorbic acid, 551* Myers, W. G. The first man-made ra- 554* Mohammedzadeh, A. see Ryo. U. Y. dionuclide study in the life sci O'Connell, D. J. see Frisbie, J. H. Moinuddin, M. see Rockett. J. F. ences, 1106 Oddie, T. H. see Berman, M. Moniol, A. L. Liver-spleen scintigram Myerson, P. J. Pseudotumors in acute Odori, T. see Mori, T. in kala-azar, 1128 hepatitis, 799 Ogawa, H. see Kojima, M. Monroe, L. A. see Murphy. P. H. Nahmias, C. and Garnett, E. S. Ojemann, R. G. see Hoop. B. Montz, R. see Hupe. W. Blood background in '"""TcOr O'Keefe, A. see Zweiman, F. G. Moore, D. O. see Selby, J. B. brain scans, 553* 01,1, ,„!..if. W. H. Photon spectra Moore, J. G. see Bonté,F. J. Nahmias, C., Webber, C. E., Banna. of"*I and ""I, 246 Moore, M. M., Rucher, J. E. and M. and Gameti, E. S. Blood back Oldewurtel, H. A., Rao, D. V., Mos- Hendee, W. R. Quality assurance ground effect on brain scans, 676 chos, C. B., Haider, B. and Re in nuclear medicine. 550* Nahmias, C. see Coates, G. gan, T. J. 1""Erimaging of early Morales, J. O. see Devenney. J. E. Natarajan, T. K. see James, A. E. myocardial infarcì.554* Morgan, R. D. see Kim. H-R. Nawa, O. A. see Ikebe. J. Ollodart, R. see Quinlan, J. Mori, T., Hamamoto, h.. Onoyama, Neifeld, J. P. see Richman. S. D. Olson, W. H. see McCombs. R. K. Y. and Torizuka, K. """Tc-bleo- Neitzschman, H. R. see Belanger. O'Mara, R. E., Capps, S. J. and mycin tumor imaging, 414 M. A. Hall, J. N. Autoradiography of Mori, T., Odori, T., Yamanioto, !.. Nelp, W. B. kidney distribution, 554* Sakamoto, T., Morita, R., Hama- see Atkins, H. L. O'Mara. R. E., Haber, K., Corrigan. molo, K., Torizuka, K. and Hiro- see Lewellen, T. K. J., Johnson, H. and Lilien, D. L. tani, H. ™'mTc-bleomycinimaging Nelson, M. F., Melton, R. E. and 1MIn-bleomyc¡ntumor scanning in in soft tissue lesions, 551* Van Wazer, J. R. Sodium trimeta- pediatrics. 554* Mori, T. see Hamamoto, K. phosphate for bone imaging. 1043 O'Mara, R. E., Scheeler, J. P., Morin, R. L. see Brookeman, V. A. Nelson, M. F. and Vorhees, L. C. Jones, S. E. and Woolfenden, J. Morila, R. Purification and quality control of M. Bone scanning in lymphoma. see Hamamoto, K. "'I-cholesterol, 69 555* see Mori. T. Newton, W. T. see George, E. A. O'Mara, R. E., Witte, M., Witte, Morris, J. G. see Crocker. E. F. Nickles, R. J., Holden, J. E., Kiuru, C. L., Corrigan. J., Woolfenden. Morrison, R. see Mincey. E. A. J. and Polcyn, R. E. Modular J. M. and Ovitt, T. W. Liver- Mortara, R. H. see Brooks. W. H. standardization of data acquisition, splenic perfusion studies. 555* Moschos, C. B. see Oldewurtel, H. A. 553* O'Mara, R. E. Moses, D. C. see Balachandran, S. Niden, A. H. see Mishkin. F. S. see Hall, J. N. Moskowitz, G. W., Levy, L. M. and Sacher, F. J. Automated 13*Xe Nieweg, H. O. see Beekhuis, H. see Handmaker, H. spirometer system, 551 * Nishiyama, H., Lewis, J. T., Ashare, see Tokars, R. P. A. B. and Saenger, E. L. Inter see Van Antwerp, J. D. Moskowitz, G. W. see Levy. L. M. pretation of liver images, 11 Onoyama, Y. see Mori, T. Mosley, S. T. Nishiyama, H., Sodd, V. J., Adolph, Oppenheim, B. E. Transaxial recon see Balachandran. S. see Gill, S. P. R. J., Lewis, J. T. and Saenger, struction by iterative techniques, E. L. Comparison of myocardial 555* see Sarkar, S. D. imaging agents, 553* Mover, R. A., Murphy, P. II. and Orme, H. W. see Gates, G. F. Bordine, J. A. Large-field-of-view Nishiyama, R. H. see Anderson, O'Rourke, J. scintillation camera, 552* B.C. see Bronzino, J. see D'Amato, D. Moyer, R. A. see Murphy. P. H. Nissen, A. W. see Sy. W. M. Muehllehner, G. Positron camera Nitishin, A. see Dhekne, R. D. O'Rourke, R. see Scheiben, H.

Volume 16, Number 12 1229 AUTHOR INDEX

Oster, Z. H., Larson, S. M., Strauss, see DeNardo, S. J. Reba, R. C., Eckelman, W. C. H. W. and Wagner, H. N. Anal see Hiñes,H. H. and Goodyear, M. Comparison of ysis of liver scanning, 450 Pendergrass, H. P. see Fischer, K. C. r'7Co-bleomycin and °7Ga-citratetu Ostrom, B. see Shapiro, 8. Percy, J. S. see Lentie, B. C. mor scanning, 558* Ostrow, H. G. see Green. M. V. Perez, L. A. see Lutzker, L. G. Poulose, K. P. Otto, H. F. see Hupe, W. Perez-Mendez, V. see Lim, C. B. see Kubota, H. Ovitt, T. W. see O'Mara, R. E. Persson, B. R. R. and Kempi, V. see Watkins, A. E. Owunwanne, A., Marinsky, J. A. °""Tc-streptokinase for thrombus Pozderac, R. V. see Skinner, R. W. S. and Blau, M. Valence state of imaging, 557* Prakash, S. see Sturman, M. F. Sn(II) reduced Te, 555* Persson, B. R. R. and Kempi, V. Prasad, K. N. see Jackson, G. L. Pabst, H. W. see Bofilias, I. """Tc-slreplokinase labeling and Preston, D. F., Servoss, W. C., Ken Packer, S., Lambrecht, R. M., Wolf, testing, 475 nedy, T. D., Herrin, W. A., Gal A. P. and Atkins, H. L. -"""Pb- Peters, R. see Hurwitz, S. R. lagher, J. A., Wegst, A. V. and Tris for melanoma, 556* Petrocelli, R. D. and Wetze!, R. A. Riley, R. C. Sequential smoothing Padikal, T. see Ashare, A. B. Detection of a pheochromocytoma, of scintillation camera images, 558* Palmer, H. E. see Lewellen, T. K. 234 Preston, D. F. see Kennedy, T. D. Palser, R. F. see Billinghurst, M. W. Petroff, P. A. see Lull, R. J. Prezio, J. A. see Mattar, A. G. Pang, S. C. and Cenna, S. Fourier Pfeiffer, G. see Hupe, W. Price, D. C. and Hattner, R. S. convolution fan-geometry recon Phelps, M. E., Hoffman, E. J., Comparison of bone and bone struction, 556* Huang, S-C., and Ter-Pogossian, marrow imaging, 559* Pang, S. C. see Genna, S. M. M. Effect of positron range on Price, D. C., Kaufman, L. and Pier- Panigel, M. see James, A. E. spatial resolution, 649 son, R. N. Bromide space by fluo Pannecière, C. see Bardy, A. Phelps, M. E., Hoffman, E. J., Mul- rescent excitation analysis, 814 Paras, P. see Hiñe,G. J. lani, N. A. and Ter-Pogossian, Price, D. C. see Lim, C. B. Parker, J. A. see Hoop, B. M. M. Transaxial reconstruction Price, R. Hillis, S., Friesinger, C. Parker, It.. Wilson, B. and Dance, tomography, 210 and Brill, A. B. Analytical tech D. Digital techniques for a zone- Phelps, M. E., Ter-Pogossian, M. niques for image superposition plate aperture, 556* M. Hoffman, E. J., Mullani, N. A. 559* Parkey, R. W., Bonté, F. J., and Coble, C. S. Computerized Primeau, J. L. see Harwig, J. F. Stokeley, E. M., Meyer, S. L. transaxial tomograph, 558* Prince, J. R., Dukstein, W. G. and and Willerson, J. T. """Tc-pyro- Phelps, M. E. see Coleman, R. E. White, W. E. Systems analysis of phosphate myocardial imaging, Philips, C. see Charkes, N. D. a computer for radioimmunoassay, 556* Piccone, J. see Sagar, V. V. 559* Parkey, R. W. Pick, R. A. see Mishkin, F. S. Pritchard, J. H., Ackerman, M. J., see Bonté,F. J. Pick, R. O., Daniels, D., Waliszew- Tubis, M. and Blahd, W. H. see Stokeley, E. M. ski, J. A. and Nusynowitz, M. L. "'In-chelales-antibodies, 559* Parmley, W. see Shames, D. M. Comparison of T3 kits, 558* Profio, A. E. and Cho, Z. H. Semi Parthasarathy, K. L. Pierson, R. N. see Price, D. C. conductor camera for small tumor see Adler, S. Pinsky, S. see Thrall, J. detection, 53 see Lunia, S. Pinsky, S. M. Puri, S., Belliveau, R. E., Spencer, Patel, D. see Sy, W. M. see Arnold, J. E. R. P. and Bachur, N. R. Prostag- Patel, S. R. see Balachandran, S. see Johnston, A. S. landins in mice with neuroblas Patterson, V. IV.see Pavel, D. G. see Mohammedzadeh, A. toma, 83 Patton, D. D. Posterior fossa brain see Ryo, U. Y. Puri, S., Freedman, G. S., Dona- scans, 556* Pircher, F. J. Book review: Nuclear bedian, R. K., Wolfson, S. and Patton, D. D. Medicine—Brief and to the Point. Zaret, B. L. "K and """Tc-pyro- see Atkins, H. L. 1091 phosphate uptake and CPK deple see Cloutier, R. J. Pitt, B. tion in myocardial infarcì,559* see Freeman, L. M. see Rossman, D. J. Quenelle, D. J. see Silberstein, E. B. see Patton, J. A. see Semenoff, D. Quinlan, J., Loberg, M. D., Ollo- Patton, J. A., Hollifield, J., Patton, Pitt, M. J. see Van Antwerp, J. D. dart, R. and Cooper, M. D. ™'I- D. D. and Brill, A. B. Quantita Pizer, S. M. see Alpert, N. M. autologous fibrinogen sludies in tive fluorescent thyroid scanning, Platzer, H. see Bofilias, I. kidney Iransplanl rejeclion, 555* 557* Podoloff, D. A. see Harvey, W. C. Oliimi. J. L. Pavel, D. G., Jonasson, O. M., An Poe, N. D., Robinson, G. D. and see Henkin, R. E. derson, O., Patterson, V. N. and Tillisch, J. H. Blood flow effect see Marlonfly, K. Kahan, B. D. Diagnosis of post on myocardial infarcìuptake, 558* Quinto, R. R. see Hurwilz, S. R. renal transplant collecting system, Poe, N. D. see Graham, L. S. Ramachandran, P. C. see Rayudu. 557* Pohlmann, G. P. see Yeh, E-L. G. V. S. Pearlman, A. S. Polcyn, R. E. see Nickles, R. J. Ramaden, F. see Manfredi, O. L. Polin, S. G. see Ryo, U. Y. Ramanna, L. see Agress, H. Pongpatirojana, A. see Bacharach, S. see Atmaran, S. H. see Green, M. V. Porter, W. see Dworkin, H. J. see Taplin, G. V. Pearson, D., Harper, P. V., Brown, Poshyachinda, M., Maturosakul, B. Ramsay, I. see McHardy-Young, S. F., Mock, B., Krizek, H., Johns, and Manothaya, C. Liver scanning Ramsdell, J. see Hurwitz, S. R. L. and Rich, M. Effect of com in pseudocyst, 825 Ramsey, P. see Sagar, V. V. pression on the cerebral blood Potsaid, M. S. see Fischer, K. C. Rao, D. V. see Oldewurlel, H. A. pool, 557* Potter, M. see Dworkin, H. J. Rasker, J. J., van de Poli, M. A. Peart, R. A. and Driedger, A. A. Poulose, K. P., Watkins, A. E., C. P., Beekhuis, H., Woldring, Obstructed mediastinal return ef Reba, R. C., Eckelman, W. C. M. G. and Nieweg, H. O. "Co- fect on cerebral angiography, 622 and Goodyear, M. Cobalt labeled bleomycin for tumor sludies, 1058 Pedersen, B. see Kristensen, K. bleomycin, 839 Rauf, C. G. see Ashare, A. B. Peek, N. F. Poulose, K. P., Watkins, A. E., Raventos, A. see Sladalnik, R. C.


Raynaud, C. mey, D. C., Jones, A. E. and Imaging properties of mRb and see Comar, D. Johnston, G. S. "7Ga studies in "K, 562* see Soussaline, F. breast carcinoma, 996 Ronai, P. M., Baker, R. J., Bellen, Rayudu, C. V. S.. Kanoor, I!.. Ra- Richnian, S. D., Ingle, J. N., Leven- J. C., Collins, P. J., Anderson, machandran, P. C., Ali, A., son, S. M., Tormey, D. C., Jones, P. J. and Lander, H. """Tc-pyri- Turner, D. A. and Fordham, A. E. and Johnston, G. S. "Ga doxylideneglutamate hepatobiliary E. W. Distribution of labeled se detection of metastatic breast car studies, 728 rum proteins in tumor bearing cinoma, 560* Ronai, P. M. see Baker, R. J. mice, 560* Richman, S. D. see Levenson, S. M. Roos, P. see Heidendal, G. A. K. Rayudu, G. V. S., Kanoor, li., lia Rigo, P., Gach, J., and Mengeot, Rosenberg, R. see Weinraub, J. M. machandran, P. C., AH, A., P. H. Myocardial and blood pool Rosenstreich, M. see Subramanian. Turner, D. A. and Fordham, scans in left ventricular aneurysm, G. E. W. Tumor uptake of "7Ga-and 1024 Rosenthal, S., Ashkar, F. S., De- ""Hg-adriamycin, "7Hg-acetate and Rigo, P. see Scheiben. H. Vir.l... G. L., Holmes, R. A., "Ga-chloride, 560* v. Rijk, P. P. see Jambroes. G. Serafini, A. N., Manoli, R. S., Rayudu, G. V. S. see Friedman, A. Riley, R. C. DeNardo, S. J. and Caretta, R. M. see Preston, D. F. F. Safety of I2r'I-fibrinogen.562* Reba, R. C. see Wegst, A. V. Rosenthall, L. and Kaye, M. wmTc- see Eckelman, W. C. Risch, V. R., Burns, H. D., Honda, pyrophosphate kinetics, 33 see Harbert, J. C. T., Micalizzi, M., Brady, L. W. Rosenthall, L. see Kubota, H. and Heindel, N. D. ""Tc-sulfonyl- see Cloutier, R. J. see Poulose, K. P. urea preparation and animal distri see Freeman, L. M. see Watkins, A. E. bution, 561* see Kaye, M. Redmond, M. J. Risch, V. R. Roser, S. and Mena, I. wmTc-diphos- see Balachandran, S. see Heindel, N. D. phonate bone graft imaging, 563* see Ice, R. D. Ristroph, D. see Cummings, D. M. Ross, D. A. see DeLand. F. H. Redwood, D. R. Roberts, B. R. see See, J. R. Rossman, D. J., Rouleau, J., see Agress, H. Roberts, G. S. see Malmud, L. S. Strauss, H. W. and Pitt, B. """Tc- see Green, M. V. Roberts, R. see Coleman, R. E. glucoheptonate for myocardial in- Reed, M. F. Abstracts of current lit Robertson, J. see Rockett, J. F. farct characterization, 980 erature, 501, 502, 503 Robinson, G. D. High specific activ Rossman, D. J., Rouleau, J., Reed, M. F. see Digenis. G. A. ity '"F-fluoroethanol. 561* Strauss, H. W. and Pill, B """Tc- Reese, I. C. and Mishkin, F. S. Robinson, G. D. and Lee, A. W. glucoheptonate imaging of myo Cardiac motion images, 368 lz>I-iodoantipyrine kit, 561* cardial infarcì,563* Reese, I. C. and Mishkin, F. S. Robinson, G. D. and Lee, A. W. Ra- Rossman, D. J., Strauss, II. W., Recording scans on 4 X 5 inch dioiodinated fatty acids for heart Siegel, M. E. and Pitt, B. '"""Tc- film, 560* imaging, 17 glucoheptonate uptake in myocar Reese, L. and Mackenzie, R. Nor Robinson, G. D., Uszler, J. M. and dial infarcì,875 mal range of lml thyroid uptakes, Bennett, L. R. Brain dynamics Rouleau, J. see Rossman, D. J. 560* of lipophilic radiopharmaceuticals. Ruby, S. L. see Friedman, A. M. Reeve, J. see Woolen, R. 561* Ruelz, P. P., Meade, R. C., Yeh, Regan, T. J. see Oldewurtel, H. A. Robinson, G. D. see Poe. N. D. E.-L. and Balint, R. Diagnosis of Reilly, B. J. see Ash, J. M. Robinson, R. G., Hurwitz, A., biliary pancreatic disease, 563* Reiman, R. E. see Gelbard, A. S. Skibba, R., Herrin, W. A. and Ruetz, P. P. see Sehern, M. J. Reimer, K. A. see Martonfly, K. Hartman, C. Effects of antacids on Ruksawin, N. see Glenn. H. J. Reinke, D. B., Damm, D. W., Dunn, gastric emptying, 562* RUSS,G. A. see Bigler, R. E. B. and Shafer, R. B. Data storage Robinson, R. G. RUSS,G. R. and retrieval system, 275 see Gobuty, A. H. see Tilbury, R. S. Reinke, D. B. see Shook, D. R. see Kennedy, T. D. see Woodard, H. Q. Reiswing, R. see Grames, G. M. see Wegst, A. V. Russell, A. S. see Lentie. B. C. Resnick, D. see Alazraki, N. P. Rockett, J. F., Hamilton, F., Rob Russell, C. D., Jander, H. P. and Rhodes, B. A. ertson, J. and Moinuddin, M. Dubovsky, E. V. Perfusion imag see Chen, M. Bifrontal epidural hematoma im ing of a chemodectoma, 472 see Fisher, C. H. age, 908 Russell, J. J. see Friedman, A. M. see Semenoff, D. Rockett, J. F., Kaplan, E. S., Hud Ryo, U. Y. Artifact simulation of Riccobono, X. J. see Sfakianakis, son, J. S. and Moinuddin, M. In spleen infarcì,99 G. N. tracerebral hemorrhage on """TcOr Ryo, U. Y., Arnold, J. E. and Pin- Rich, M. angiogram, 459 sky, S. M. Thyroid image sensi see Lathrop, K. A. Roco, R. N. and Dworkin, H. J. tivity, 563* see Pearson, D. lffil thyroid uptakes, 562* Ryo, U. Y., Colombetti, L. G., Polin, Richards, A. G. Metastatic calcifica Rodden, A. F. see DeGrazia, J. A. S. G. and Pinsky, S. M. Radio- tion and bone scanning, 1087 Rogers, W. L. and Wainstock, M. A. nuclide venography, 563* Richards, P. An ultrasound guided gamma-ray Ryo, U. Y., Ice, R. D., Jones, J. D. see Ansari, A. N. probe, 562* and Beierwaltes, W. H. Distribu- see Lebowitz, E. Rogers, W. L. lion of labeled bleomycin in rats. see Smith, T. D. see Keyes, J. W. 127 Richnian, S. D., Brodey, P. A., see Koral, K. F. Ryo, U. Y., Mohammedzadeh, A., Franke!, R. S., de Moss, E. V., Rogge, J. D. see Kavula, M. P. Colombetti, L. G., Siddiqui, A. Tormey, D. C. and Johnston, Rohrer, R. H. and Pinsky, S. M. Evaluation of G. S. Breast scintigraphy with see Berman. M. «""Tc-RBC,564* MnTcO,- and "7Ga-citrate, 293 see Blau. M. Ryo, U. Y., Siddiqui, A. and Pin- Richnian, S. D., Ingle, J. N., Leven- see Hunter, D. sky, S. M. Nonvascular cranial son, S. M., IVeifeld, J. P., Tor- Rollo, F. D. and Johnson, R. F. tumor on cerebral flow study, 462

Volume 16, Number 12 1231 AUTHOR INDEX

Ryo, U. Y. O'Rourke, R., Verba, J. W., Serafini, A. N. see Rosenthal, S. see Arnold, J. E. Crawford, M., Karliner, J. and Servoss, W. C. see Preston, D. F. see Balachandran, S. Ashburn, W. L. Comparison of Seward, J. B., Greenleaf, J. F., No see Beierwaltes. W. H. methods for left ventricular ejec lan, N. G. and Tancredi, R. G. see Mohammedzadeh, A. tion fraction, 565* Myocardial tomography, 568* Rzeszotarski, W. J. see Eckelman, Schelbert, H., Rigo, P., Henning, Sfakianakis, G. N., Damoulaki- W. C. H., Chauncey, D. M., Khullar, Sfadianaki, E., Bass, J. C., Earl, Sacher, F. J. see Moskowitz, G. W. S., O'Rourke, R. and Ashburn, W. C. and Riccobono, X. J. Sachura, M. see Arnold, J. E. W. ""'Tl distribution and myocar- ""Tc-pyrophosphate scanning in Sade, R. see Trêves,S. dial imaging, 565* calcinosis universalis of dermato- Saenger, E. L., Sodd, V. J., Kerei- Schell, E. T. see Saha, G. B. myositis, 568* akes, J. G. and Van Tuinen, Scheriis, L. see Termini, B. Sfakianakis, G. N., Fulmer, L. R. R. J. Scintillation camera quality Schimmel, D. see Hattner. R. S. and Riccobono, X. J. Pancreas control, 564* Schlüter,I. H. see Glaubitt. D. M. H. scanning analysis, 568* Saenger, E. L. Schneider, A. see Arnold, J. E. Shafer, P. B. see Custer, J. R. see Holder, L. E. Schreyer, M., Kovaleski, B., Vanags, Shafcr, R. B. and Nuttall, F. Q. see Nishiyama, H. K., Homesley, J. and Franco, J. Thyroid function following 131I see Smith, W. A. Thermography for peripheral therapy, 568* Safi, N. see Blanquet, P. venous thrombosis, 566* Shafer, R. B. Sagar, V. V., Ramsey, P., Kurman, Schreyer, M. see Martin, T. R. D. and Piccone, J. Femoral head see Franco, J. A. see Reinke, D. B. changes in cup-arthroplasty, 564* see Homesley, J. Sham, R., Cortes, E. P., Mundia, Saha, G. B., Schell, E. T. and Par Schroeder, E. T. see Blair, R. J. A., Klein, H., Azuela, V. and rar, P. A. Lymphocyte labeling Schteingart, D. E. see Seabold. J. E. Silver, L. """Tc-diphosphonate with "7Ga, '"In, and "'7Hg, 564* Schuck, L. D. see Chandler, W. M. chest imaging, 568* Saito, H. see Yamada, H. Schulz, R. C., Shields, J. It.. Sham, R. see Malamud, H. Sakamoto, T. Fletcher, J. W. and Donati, R. Shambu, M. see Theodorakis. M. C. see Mori, T. M. Liver scanning and the intra- Shames, D. M., Botvinick, E., Lap- see Torizuka, K. hepatic gallbladder, 1029 pin, H., Townsend, R., Tyberg, Sakimura, I. T., Waxman, A. D. Scott, J. R., Lentie, B. C. and Mc- J. and Parmley, W. ""'"Tc-pyro and Siemsen, J. K. Comparison Phersoii, T. A. ™""Tc-granulocyte phosphate imaging and CPK de of """Tc-DTPA and """TcOr brain preparation and uptake by inflam pletion in myocardial infarcì.569* images, 564* mation, 566* Shani, J. see Wolf, W. Salel, A. F. see Berman. D. S. Scott, R. N. see Green, M. V. Shapiro, B., Stein, I., Cantor, R. E. Salvatore, M. and Gallo, A. Acces Seabold, J. E., Beierwaltes, W. H., and Ostrom, B. ""Tc-EHDP and sory thyroid in the anterior medi Zaken, J. F., Wieland, D. M. and 1SF scanning in Paget's disease, astinum, 1135 Ice, R. D. :'H-aminoglutethimide 569* Sansi, P. K. see Verma, R. C. adrenal localization, 566* Shapiro, S. H., Castronovo, F. P., Saparoff, G. R. see Chaudhuri, Ta Seabold, J. E. and Schteingart, D. Callaban, R. J. and Athanasoulis, pan K. E. Adrenal imaging with lr"I-iodo- C. A. ll:""Indetection of gastroin Sargrnt, T., Kalbhen, D. A., Shul- cholesterol, 566* testinal bleeding, 569* gin, A. T., Stauffer, H. and Ku- Sehern, M. J., Horgan, J. D., Meadc, Share, A. B. see Smith, W. subov, N. "Br-dimethoxyphenyliso- R. C., Kronenwetter, C., Ructz, Sharma, S. M. see Atmaran, S. H. propylamine for brain scanning, P. P. and Yeh, E.-L. Minicom Shaw, M. J. see Beierwaltes, W. H. 243 puter enhancement of scintillation Shenkman, L. and Hollander, C. S. Sarkar, S. D., Beierwaltes, W. H., camera images, 566* Effective thyroid ratio in pedi Ice, R. D., Basmadjian, G. P., Seeker-Walker, R. H., Alderson, P. atrics, 955 Hetzel, K. R., Kennedy, W. P. O., Hill, R. L. and Markham, J. Sherman, L. A. and Mason, M. M. NP-59 for ad Regional ventilation in chronic see Coleman, R. E. renal studies, 1038 obstructive lung disease, 567* see Harwig, J. F. Sarkar, S. D., Ice, R. D., Beierwal See, J. R., Cohn, P. F., Holman, Shichiri, M. see Goriya, Y. tes, W. H., Basmadjian, G. P., B. L., Roberts, B. R. and Adams, Shields, J. B. see Schulz, R. C. Hetzel, K. R. and Kennedy, W. D. F. Regional myocardial blood Shigeta, Y. see Goriya, Y. P. ull-cholesterol analog for ad flow in coronary artery disease, Shih, W-J. Imaging in delayed trau renal gland, 565* 567* matic splenic rupture, 912 Sarkar, S. D., Ice, R. D., Beierwal See, J. R. see Holman, B. L. Shih, W-J. ":""Inperfusion study and tes, W. H., Basmadjian, G. P., Seibert, J. J. See Conway, J. J. thyroid nodule, 1187 T.Kennedy,""Se-selenocholesterolW. P. and Mosley,for adreS. Selby, J. B., Hunter, G. O. and Shipley, B. A. see Hambright. P. Moore, D. O. The pancreas scan Shook, D. R. and Reinke, D. B. nal imaging, 565* as a functional study, 1090 '"""Tc-S colloid uptake in vertebral Sarmiento, A. H., Alba, J., Laiiaro, Semenoff, D., Mandili, L., Strauss, compression fractures, 92 A. E. and Dietrich, R. """'Tc-pyro- H. W., Harrison, K., Rhodes, Shoop, J. D. see Stahly, T. L. phosphate soft tissue scan in der- B. A. and Pitt, B. ""Pb- and ""Tl- Short, D. B. and Kirchner, P. T. matomyositis, 467 ionophores, 567* Detection of spinal fluid leak, 616 Sasahara, A. A. Serafini, A. N., Hupf, H. B., Lind- Shponka, S. see Kaplan, E. see Frisbie, J. H. berg, D., Snioak, W. M. and Shulgin, A. T. see Sargent, T. Gilson, A. J. '-"'I-rose bengal in see O'Connell, D. J. Siddiqui, A. see Ryo, U. Y. Scarchilli, J. see Yeates, M. G. jaundice, 567* Siegel, B. A. Schauwecker, D. see Wellman, H. N. Serafín!, A. N., Snioak, W. M., see Coleman, R. E. Scheeler, J. P. see O'Mara. R. E. Hupf, H. B., Beaver, J. E., see Eckelman, W. C. Scheffel, U. see Fisher, C. H. Holder, J. and Gilson, A. J. '"'I- see Harwig, J. F. Schein, P. S. see Harbert, J. C. rose bengal for hepatobiliary imag see Welch, D. M. Scheiben, H., Henning, H., ing, 629 Siegel, M. E., Giargiana, F. A. and


Wagner, H. N. Arteriovenous Smol, R. see Lebowitz, E. Stadalnik, R. C., DclVardo, S. J., shunting in a hypernephroma, Snow, R. M. and Weber, D. A. Time- DelVardo, G. L. and Raventos, A. 569* dependent image quality with Evaluation of blood flow studies Siegel, M. E., Walker, W. J. and ""Tc-pyrophosphate. 879 in liver tumor, 595 Campbell, J. J. MmTc-diphospho- Snow, R. M. and Wilson, G. A. Scan Stadalnik, R. C. see Dublin. A. B. nate uptake by malignant pleural ning of multiple pulmonary ar- Stahly, T. L. and Shoop, J. D. effusions, 883 teriovenous fistulas, 328 Plague and the gallium scan, 1031 Siegel, M. E., Williams, G. M., Giar- Snyder, W. S. see Blau, M. Stark, V. see Hoffer, P. B. giana, F. A. and Wagner, H. N. Sobel, B. E. see Coleman, R. E. Stauffer H. see Sargent, T. Vascular perfusion studies of is Sodd, V. J. and Fortman, D. L. wSr Stauffer, J. C., Macumber, H. H. chemie ulcers. 993 and °"Srcontamination in "'Mo- and Brown, M. J. EMI brain Siegel, M. E. ""Tc generators. 571 * scanning, 573* see James, A. E. Sodd, V. J. Stavehansky, S. see Tilbury. R. S. see Rossman, D. J. see Feller, P. A. Stebner, F. C. Steroid effect on brain Siemscn, J. K. see Nishiyama, H. scan in cerebral métastases,320 see Sakimura, I. T. see Saenger, E. L. Steele, P. P. see Kirch. D. L. see Waxman, A. D. Soin, J. S., Burdine, J. A. and Beai, Steigman, J., Williams, H. P. and see Woolfenden, J. M. W. Myocardial uptake of t"°Tc- Solomon, N. A. Protein sulfhydryl Silberstein, E. lì..Francis, M. D., pyrophosphate. 944 group in """Tc-HSA preparation, Tofe, A. J. and Slough, C. L. Solomon, N. A. 573* Distribution of '"""Tc-diphospho- see Lebowitz, E. Steigman, J. see Lebowitz, E. nate and """TcOr, 58 see Steigman, J. Steimers, J. R. see Smith. T. D. Silberstein, E. B., Lewis, J. T. and Sorabella, P. A, Slovis, T. L., Fel Stein, I. see Shapiro. B. Stein, M. E. see O'Connell, D. J. Quenelle, D. J. Physiologic rela lows, R. A. and Johnson, P. M. tionship of upper and lower air Gastric fundus simulation of su Steinbach, J. J. and Mattar, A. G. ways, 570* prarenal mass, 947 Anomalous venous drainage effects Silver, L. see Sham. R. Sorenson, J. A. Deadtime character on cerebral blood flow study. 573* Silverstein, E. A., Zimmer, A. M. istics of Anger cameras. 284 Steinhaeusl, H. see Deisenhammer. and Holmes, R. A. Quench correc Soueek, C. D. Foramen of Morgagni E. tion for "H radioimmunoassays, hernia, 261 Stephens, D. H. see Berquist, T. H. 570* Soueek, C. D. Sinusitis demonstrated Stevens, J. S. and Mishkin, F. S. Silverstein, M. J. see Verma. R. C. hy brain scanning. 89 Brain studies in seizure, 573* Silverton, S. see Kaye, M. Soussalinc, F., Todd-Pokropek, A. Stevens, J. S. and Mishkin, F. S. Simmons, G. II. Abstracts of current and Ruvnaud, C. Multi-isotope Persistent left superior vena cava, literature, 500 study equipment, 571* 569 Simmons, G. H. Book review: Com Speneer, R. P. Artifact simulation of Stevenson, J. see Eckelman, W. C. puter Processing of Dynamic Im spleen infarcì,100 Stokeley, E. M., Lewis, S. E., Buja, ages from an Anger Scintillation Speneer, R. P. Compartmental model L. M., Parkey, R. W.. Bonté,F. Camera, 498 for hepatoma uptake of ™mTcO,". J. and Willerson, J. T. Myocar Simmons, G. H., DeLand, F. II.. Ma- 571* dial size estimation with •'"'Tc- goun, S. and Beihn, R. M. Linear Spencer, R. P. The small spleen. pyrophosphate, 573* total body scanner, 570* 571* Stokeley, E. M. see Parkey, R. W. Simon, G. see Conway, J. J. Spencer, R. P. and Caride, V. J. Straatman, M. G., and Welch, M. J. Simpson, R. G. see Barrett, H. H. Low dose '"I therapy for hyper- Labeling proteins with "C, 425 Singh, M. see Cho, Z. H. thyrodism. 572* Strauss, A. W. see Alderson, P. O. Singla, O. see Earth, R. F. Spencer, R. P., and Knowlton, A. H. Strauss, H. W. Singleton, R. see Termini, B. Splenic response to external radia see Oster, Z. H. Sisson, J. C. see Balachandran. S. tion, 123 see Rossman, D. J. Skibba, R. see Robinson, R. G. Spencer, R. P. and Miller, R. E. see Semenoff, D. Skinner, R. W. S., Pozderae, R. V., Distribution of iodo-folate, 573* Sturgeon, B. see Marta. J. B. Counsel!, R. E. and Weinhold, Spencer, R. P. and Miller, R. E. Stiirman. M. F., Beierwaltes, W. H., P. A. Steroidal prostate agents. Mercury adducts of unsaturated Ice, R. D. and Prakash, S. Ad 570* fatty acid esters, 573* renal uptake of "H-estradiol, 77 Skrommc-Kadlubik, G., Diaz, J. F. Speneer, R. P. Stut/.man, L. see Adler, S. and Celis, C. Basal ganglia scans. see Puri, S. Siibramanian, G., McAfee, J. (... 787 see Sziklas, J. J. Blair, R. J., Kallfelz, F. A. and Slough, C. L. see Silberstein, E. B. seeWitek,J.T. Thomas, F. D. """Tc-methylene Slovis, T. L. see Sorabella. P. A. Spies, S. M., Swift, T. R. and diphosphonate for bone imaging, Smith, E. M. Brown, M. Muscle uptake of 744 see Atkins, H. L. ™""Tc-poIyphosphate in polymyosi- Subramanian, G., McAfee, J. G., see Berman, M. tis. 1125 Blair, R. J., Rosenstreich. M., see Blau, M. Spitznagle, L. see Eng. R. Coco, M. and Duxbury, C. E. see Cloutier, R. J. Spoiler, L., Chang, C. C., Bobine!. "°"'Tc-Sn-imidodiphosphate for bone see Freeman, L. M. D., Cohen, M. B., MacDonald. scanning, 1137 Smith, T. D., Steimers, J. R. and N. S., Fiesher, A. and Taka- Subramanian, G., McAfee, J. G., Riehards, P. °"Tccarrier effect on hashi, J. M. Chemical and en Rosenstreich, M. and Coco, M. """Tc labeled agents, 570* zymatic synthesis of "C-acetyl '"""In-polyfunctional phosphonates Smith, T. D. see Ansari, A. N. phosphate. 572* for bone imaging, 1080 Smith, W., Share, A. B. and Saen- Staab, E. V. see Johnston. R. E. Subramanian, G., McAfee, J. G., ger, E. L. Hepatic artery aneu- Stacy, W. K. see Haden, H. T. Rosenstreich, M. and Coco, M. rysm, 1027 Stadalnik, R. C., DelVardo, G. L. """Tc-imidodiphosphate for bone Smith, W. see Holder, L. E. and Matolo, N. Quantitative he imaging. 574* Snioak, W. M. see Serafini, A. N. patic blood flow, 573* Subramanian, G.

Volume 16. Number 12 1233 AUTHOR INDEX

see Arnold, R. W. see Coleman, R. E. Townsend, R. see Shames, D. M. see Chiotellis, E. see Phelps, M. E. Tran, N., Chen, M., Mclntyre, P., see Van Heertum, R. L. Texter, J. H. see Haden, H. T. Larson, S. M. and Wagner, H. N. Subramanyam, R. see Hoop, B. Theodorakis, M. C., Beihn, R. M., Lymphocyte carbohydrate metab Sullivan, J. C. see Friedman, A. M. Digenis, G. A., DeLand, F. H., olism assay, 576* Sullivan, J. P. see Brahmeyer, S. M. Shambu, M. and Wilson, L. C. Tran, N., Ntundulu, T. and LeBel, Sun, T. T. see Washburn, L. C. """Tc-polystyrene-TETA for gas E. Antirheumatoid drug effect on Sunderland, M. L. Radiochromato- tric emptying, 575* SH groups in blood, 576* graphic quality control, 225 Thijs, L. G. see Heidendal, G. A. K. Tran, N. see Ntundulu, T. Suzuki, T. see Torizuka, K. Thomas, F. D. Trêves, S., Sade, R., Williams, R. Suzuki, Y. see umori, M. see Arnold, R. W. and Castenada, A. Lung function Swann, S. J. see Lim, C. B. see Subramanian, G. in pulmonary artery band, 577* Swanson, L. A. see Uszler, J. M. see Van Heertum, R. L. Tripathi, U. B. and Iyer, P. S. Swift, T. R. see Spies, S. M. Thomas, F. T. see Haden, H. T. Computation of specific absorbed Sy, W. M. and Nissen, A. W. Radio- Thomas, R. see Alazraki, N. P. fraction, 492 nuclide studies in hemangioendo- Thompson, W. L. see DePuey, E. G. Troy, F. A. see Coates, G. theliomatosis, 915 Thorell, J. I. see Kim, H.-R. Tsan, M.-F. see Fisher, C. H. Sy, W. M., Palei, D. and Faunce, H. Thoreson, E. see Blanquet, P. Tubis, M., Krishnamurthy, G. T. Kidney sign on bone scan, 454 Thrall, J., Pinsky, S., Corcoran, R. and Endow, J. S. IMI-, ""I-chlor- Sy, W. M., Westring, D. W. and C. and Johnson, M. Computer propamide for pancreas studies, Weinberger, G. Cold lesions on records system, 575* 577* bone imaging, 1013 Thrall,J. Tubis, M. Syed, I. B. see Turner, J. W. see Corcoran, R. C. see Krishnamurthy, G. T. Sziklas, J. J. and Spencer, R. P. see Gillin, M. see Pritchard, J. H. Hepatic artery-portal vein fistula, Tilbury, R. S., Stavchansky, S., Tucker, K. L. see Krejcarek, G. E. 910 Ting, C. T., MacDonald, J. M., Turcotte, R. E. see Bell, E. G. Szur, L. see Merrick, L. V. Maugham, E., Freed, B. R., Turner, D. A. Takahashi, J. M. RUSS, G. R., Helson, L., Benua, see Cox, R. S. see Metzger, J. M. R. S., Kostenbauder, H. B. and see Rayudu, G. V. S. see Spoiler, L. Laughlin, J. S. "C-diphenylhydan- Turner, J. W., Syed, I. B. and Hanc, Takahashi, M. see Ishii, Y. toin for tumor, 575* R. P. Retention of MmTc-S colloid Tanacescu, D. see Waxman, A. D. Tillisch, J. H. see Poe, N. D. in the lungs, 249 Tancredi, R. G. see Seward, J. B. Tillmans, H. see Ikeda, S. Turner, T. see Ashkar, F. S. Taplin, G. V., Tashkin, D. P., An- Ting, C. T. see Tilbury, R. S. Tyberg, J. see Shames, D. M. selmi, O. E., Khun, D. and De- Tisi, G. see Hurwitz, S. R. Uemura, K., Yamaguchi, K., and tels, R. Inhalation imaging in Todd-Pokropek, A. see Soussaline, A. Kutsuzawa, T. Cerebral blood obstructive airways disease, 574* Tofe, A. J. and Francis, M. D. Tox- flow in subarachnoid hemorrhage, Taplin, G. V., Tashkin, D. P., Ra- icity of w°Tc-Sn-diphosphonate, 577* manna, L., Detels, R. and Ali 444 Uren, R. F. see Crocker, E. F. si-Imi. O. E. Radioaerosol imaging Tofe, A. J., Francis, M. D. and Uszler, J. M. and Swanson, L. A. in obstructive airways disease, Harvey, W. J. """Tc-diphosphonate Focal nodular hyperplasia of the 574* bone scans in metastatic disease, liver, 831 Taplin, G. V. see Freeman, L. M. 986 Uszler, J. M. see Robinson, G. D. Tashkin, D. P. see Taplin, G. V. Tofe, A. J. see Silberstein, E. B. Valk, P. E. see Hambright, P. Tauxe, W. N. see Dubovsky, E. V. Tokars, R. P., Hall, J. IV. and Vanags, K. Taveras, J. M. see Hoop, B. O'Mara, R. E. Computer deter see Franco, J. A. Taylor, A., Baily, N. A., Halpern, mination of spécifiescan boundary, see Homesley, J. S. A. and Ashburn, W. L. Locu- 576* see Schreyer, M. lation for intracavitary 'T-phos- Tokars, R. P. see Hall, J. N. Van Antwerp, J. D., Hall, J. N., phate therapy, 318 Tomsick, T. see Holder, L. E. O'Mara, R. E. and Hilts, S. V. Taylor, A., Henry, J. E. and Alaz- Tonaka, E. see Nohara, N. In vivo interaction of """Tc-diphos- raki, IV. P. """TcOr secretion into Torizuka, K., Itoh, H., Ishii, Y., phonate with Fe-dextran, 577* isolated loops of rat bowel, 574* Suzuki, T. and Sakamoto, T. Van Antwerp, J. D., O'Mara, R. E., Taylor, A. Imaging bronchogenic carcinoma Pitt, M. J. and Walsh, S. MmTc- see Alazraki, N. P. of the hilum, 576* diphosphonate accumulation in see Epstein, J. Torizuka, K. amyloid, 238 see Hurwitz, S. R. see Hamamoto, K. van de Poll, M. A. C. P. see Rasker, Taylor, J. R. see Krishnamurthy, see Ishii, Y. J. J. G. T. see Mori, T. Van Dyke, D. Teates, C. D. Tormey, D. C. see Berndt, T. see Howard, B. Y. see Levenson, S. M. see Weber, P. M. see Weiner, M. J. see Richman, S. D. Van Heertum, R. L., Subramanian, Telfer, N. and Meyers, M. Avascular I „lliill, P. and Heading, R. C. "Se- G., Thomas, F. D., McAfee, J. necrosis, degenerative joint disease amino acids, 933 C., Hall, R. C., Heminger, L. differentiation, 574* Touya, J. J., Graham, L. S. and and Vescio, P. D. """Tc-hepato- Tepper, B. S. see Camargo, E. E. Bennett, L. R. Kidney phantom biliary agents, 577* Teresi, J. D. see DeGrazia, J. A. for dynamic studies, 576* Van Tongeren, J. H. M. see Yap, Termini, B., Cooper, M. D., Scher- Tow, D. E. S. H. lis, L., Singleton, R. and Mc- see Frisbie, J. H. Van Tuinen, R. J. Laughlin, J. "K. myocardial scan see Garcia, D. A. see Grossman, L. W. in coronary artery disease, 575* see Lowenthal, I. S. see Saenger, E. L. Ter-Pogossian, M. M. see O'Connell, D. J. Van Wazer, J. R. see Nelson, M. F.


Verba, J. W. Wasnich, R. see Berndt, T. Wellman, H. N. see Alazraki, N. P. Watkins, A. E., Poulose, K. P., see Berman, M. see Schelbert, H. Goodyear, M. and Reba, R. C. see Kavula, M. P. Verbist, A., Capon, A. and Früh MmTc-HSA arthroscintigraphy in Wells, H. see Garcia, D. A. ling, J. Rapid evaluation of ™Xe popliteal cyst, 581* Wells, L. D. see Harwig, J. F. regional cerebral blood flow, 264 Watkins, A. E. see Poulose, K. P. Westring, D. W. see Sy, W. M. Verdón, T. see McCowen, K. D. Watson, E. E. and Coffey, J. L. Wetzel, R. A. see Petrocelli, R. D. Verma, R. < ., Silverstein, M. J., 3"T1 radiation dose to the liver. White, W. see Bell, E. G. Graham, L. S. and Bennett, L R. 1089 White, W. E. see Prince, J. R. Tumor/nontumor ratio concept, Watson, E. E., Howard, B. Y. and Widner, P. J. see Winstead. M. B. 578* Cloutier, R. J. '™Xe radiation Wiedermann, M., Husák, V. and Verma, R. C., Silverstein, M. J., dose to lungs, 580* Kral, M. Radiation synovectomy with ^'P-chromic phosphate, 442 Greenfield, L. D. and Bennett, Watson, P. see Manfredi, O. L. L. R. '"In-bleomycin breast mass Watts, J. see Harrison, J. E. Wieland, B. W. see Washburn, L.C. scanning, 578* Waxman, A. D., Kawada, T. Siem- Wieland, D. M. Verma, R. C., Silverstein, M. J., sen, J. K. and Wolf, W. Com see Ice, R. D. Greenfield, L. D. and Bennett, parison of ""Ga-citrate prepara see Seabold, J. E. L. R. '"In-bleomycin breast scan tions, 580* Wiener, J. D. see Heidendal, G. A. K. ning and mammography. 578* Waxman, A. D. and Siemsen, J. K. Wieseler, D. L. and Zimmerman, Verma, R. C., Webber, M. M., Sansi, "Ga-citrale gallbladder scanning. A. S. Scintillation camera whole- P. K. and Gleghorn, B. In vivo 148 body scanning system, 582* thrombosis model, 578* Waxman, A. D. and Siemsen, J. K. Wilkie, A. see Alderson, P. O. Verma, R. C. see Horn, N. L. '"Ga scanning of cranial and intra- Willerson, J. T. Versluis, A. see Moving, J. scanning, 580* see Parkey, R. W. Vescio, P. D. Waxman, A. D., Tanacescu, D., see Stokeley, E. M. see Van Heertum, R. L. Siemsen, J. K. and Wolfstein, Williams, G. M. see Siegel, M. E. see Yeates, M. G. R. S. """Tc-glucoheplonate brain Williams, H. P. see Steigman, J. Vider, M. 31'P-chromic phosphate scanning. 580* Williams, R. see Trêves,S. synovectomy, 100 Waxman, A.D. Williams, W. C. see Harrison, J. E. Vieras, F. Splenic uptake of '"In, see Sakimura, I. T. Wilson, B. see Parker. R. 1205 see Woolfenden. J. M. Wilson, D. see Farmelanl, M. H. Vieras, F. and Boyd, C. M. Kidney Webber, C. E. see Nahmias, C. Wilson, G. A. see Snow, R. M. image on ""Tc-phosphale com Webber, M. M. see Verma, R. C. Wilson, L. C. see Theodorakis, M. C. pound bone images, 1109 Weber, D. A. see Snow, R. M. Winchell, H. S. *""Tc-mercaptoiso- Vogel, J. M. see Dublin, A. B. Weber, P. M., Van Dyke, D., dos butyric acid for hepatobiliary slud- Vorhees, L. C. see Nelson, M. F. Remedios, L. V. and Anger, H. ies, 687 Wagner, H. N. O. Tomographie scanning in myo- Winchell, H. S. see Adelstein, S. J. cardial infarcì,581* see Khenligan, A. see Camargo, E. E. Wegst, A. V., Robinson, R. G. and see Winslead, M. B. see Chen, M. Riley, R. C. Transplacental trans Winstead, M. B., Widner, P. J., see Cummings, D. M. fer of 67Ga,581 * Means, J. L., Engstrom, M. A., see Fisher, C. H. Wegst, A. V. see Preston, D. F. Graham, G. E., Khentigan, A., see Hill, J. H. Weinberger, G. see Sy, W. M. Lin, T. H., I.¡nuli.J. F. and Win- see Kim, H. R. Weiner, M. J. and Teates, C. D. ehell, H. S. "C-aminonilriles. 582* see Klingensmith, W. C. Brain scanning in metastatic dis Winstead, M. B., Widner, P. J., see Larson, S. M. ease, 960 Means, J. L., Engstrom, M. A., see Oster, Z. H. Weinhold, P. A. see Skinner, R. W. S. Graham, G. E., Khentigan, A., see Siegel, M. E. Weinraub, J. M., Buzzi, K. W. and Lin, T. H., Lamb, J. F. and Win see Tran, N. Irwin, G. A. L. Voltage fluctua chell, H. S. Distribulion patlerns Wahner, H. W., Kyle, R. A. and tion in camera image degradation. of "C-aminonilriles, 1049 Beabout, J. W. "°"Tc-diphospho- 581* Winston, M. A. "2P-chromic phos- nate myeloma imaging, 579* Weinraub, J. M., Rosenberg, R. and phale synovectomy, 442 Wainstock, M. A. see Rogers, W. L. Irwin, G. A. L. ""Tc-polyphos- Winston, M. A. Pseudotumors in Waliszewski, J. A. see Pick, R. O. phate in breast mass diagnosis. acute hepatilis, 799 Walker, A. G. Effect of """Tc-Sn 581* Winter, P. F. and Johnson, P. M. agents on subsequent MmTcOr Weiss, M. A., Koenigsberg, M. and Kidney uplake of *""Tc-diphospho- brain scan, 579* Freeman, L. M. Pulmonary ar- nale in Paget's disease, 582* Walker, W. J. see Siegel, M. E. teriovenous malformation, 180 Wisbey, M. L. Walsh, C. F. see Krishnamurthy, Welch, D. M., Coleman, R. E. and see Karran, S. J. G. T. Siegel, B. A. Cisternographic im see Leach, K. G. Walsh, S. see Van Antwerp, J. D. aging patterns, 267 Wise, G. R. see Deulchman, A. H. Walter, K. E. see Fletcher, J. W. Weleh, M. J. Witek, J. T. and Spencer, R. P. Walz, D. R. see DeGrazia, J. A. see Coleman. R. E. Clinical correlalion of hepalic flow Wang, Y. Comparison of methods for see Harwig, J. F. sludies, 71 Witte, M. see O'Mara, R. E. breast carcinoma métastasesevalu see Harwig, S. L. ation, 579* see Knight, L. C. Woldring, M. G. Wang, Y. Radionuclide venogram see Straatman, M. G. see Beekhuis, H. combined with lung imaging, 579* Wellman, H. N., Hall, P., Kalsbeck, see Hoving, J. Wartofsky, L. see Burman, K. D. J. and Lewis S. ""Tc-HSA stud Wolf, A. P. Washburn, L. C., Sun, T. T., Wie ies in hydrosyringomelia, 581* see Ansari, A. N. land, B. W. and Hayes, R. L. Wellman, H. N. and Schauwerker, see Packer, S. Synthesis and purification of "C- D. "Te-DM SA myocardial in Wolf, J. S. see Haden. H. T. amino acids, 579* farcìimaging, 582* Wolf, W., Berman, J. A. and Shani,

Volume 16, Number 12 1235 SUBJECT INDEX

J. Kinetics of "C-fluorouracil, Yamaguchi, K. see Uemura, K. Young, B. W. see Handmaker. H. 582* Yamantoto, I. Zabransky, B J. see Friedman. A. M. Wolf, W. see Hamamoto, K. Zakem, J. F. see Seabold, J. E. see Leh, F. K. V. see Mori, T. Zaklad, H., Derenzo, S. E. and see Waxman, A. D. Yano, Y. Budinger, T. High resolution op Wolff, J. R. see Bell, E. G. see Budinger. T. F. timal collimators. 583* Wolfson, S. see Puri, S. see Cho, Z. H. Zaklad, H. see Derenzo, S. E. Wolfstein, R. S. Yao, J. S. T. see Henkin. R. E. Zaninovirh, A. A. see Fernandez-Pol, see Waxman, A. D. Yap, S. H., Hafkenscheid, J. C. M., J. A. see Woolfenden. J. M. Coossens, C. M. I. C., Buys, W. Zanzi, I. see Aloia, J. F. Wong, D. W. and MMikin. F. S. C. A. M., Binkhorst, R. A. and Zaret, B. L. see Puri, S. WnTc-human fibrinogen, 343 Van Tongeren, J. H. M. Radia Zimmer, A. M. and Holmes, R. A. Wood, J. see Maze, M. tion dose and effects from n'C- ""Tc-diphosphonate ^it evaluation, Woodard, H. Q., Bigler, R. E., albumin synthesis studies, 642 584* Freed, B. R. and IMI-. G. R. Yeates, M. G., Scarchilli, J., Vescio, Zimmer, A. M., Isitman, A. T. and Expression of tissue isotope distri P. D., Blair, R. J. and McAfee, Holmes, P. A. Enzymatic inhibi bution, 958 J. G. Leukocyte labeling for ab tion of diphosphonate uptake, 352 Woolfenden, J. M., Waxman, A. D., scess detection, 583* Zimmer, A. M. see Silverstein, E. A. Wolfstein, R. S. and Siemsen, Yeh, E.-L., Pohlmann, G. P. and Zimmerman, A. N. E. see Jambroes. J. K. Imaging liver métastasesof Meade, R. C. Liver-heart imaging G. thyroid carcinoma. 669 in hepatic focal defect. 896 Zimmerman, A. S. see Wieseler, D. Woolfenden, J. M. see O'Mara. R. E. Yeh, E.-L. L. Woolen, R. and Reeve, J. """Tc-poly- see Ruetz. P. P. Zu'bi, S. M. see Brahmeyer, S. M. phosphate and 'SF kinetics, 688 see Sehern. M. J. Zwas, S. T. and C.zerniak, P. Head Wrright, F. D. see Burman, K. D. Yeh, S. D. J., Leeper, R. D., and and brain scans in rhinocerebral Yantada, H. and Saito, H. Radioas- Benna, R. S. Liver and spleen mucormycosis. 925 say of total iron-binding capacity filling defects in cancer, 583* /»rimait. F. G., Dolman. B. L., of serum, 583* Yeuiig, W.-C., Larson, S. M. and O'Keefe, A. and Idoine. J. Myo- Yamada, H, Haines, J. E. Zero extrapolation cardial infarcì uptake of '"""Tc- see Matsui, K. in plasma volume determination. complexes and "Ga, 975 see Murata, H. 1207 Zweiman, F. G. see Holman, B. L.


Asterisk indicates abstract

Abdomen Adverse reaction see also specific organ anaphylactoid, """Tc-microspheres, 236 liver image subtraction in 67Ga-citrate scanning, 548* aseptic meningitis, cisternography agents, 809 trauma, liver-spleen imaging, in children, 525* r"Co-bleomycin, 1058 Abscess Aerosol abdominal. "7Ga-citrate imaging, 990 lung ventilation in obstructive airways disease, 574* brain. "7Ga-citrate scanning, 580* Tc, In-colloids, inhalation imaging in obstructive disease, "TGa-citrate scanning, 2 546* "Ga-citrate uptake, effect of EDTA. in rats. 280 Albumin imaging. *7Ga-,nlln-leukocytes, in rabbits, 583* see also Carbon-11; -125; lodine-131, albumin: liver. "7Ga-citrate. colloid imaging, 250 Technctium-99m, albumin: Technetium-99m, macro- subphrenic. "7Ga-citrate imaging, 609 aggregated albumin subphrenic. lung-spleen interface. 822 synthesis studies. 14C.radiation dose. 642 """Tc-microsphere-leukocyte uptake, in animals. 527* \lpha-fetoprotein """"Tc-S-collokl-ieukocyte uptake, in dogs, 527* immunodiffusion, primary liver cancer, 949 Adrenal glands levels in cystic fibrosis. 968* aminoglutethimide distribution, in rats, 566* lung cancer metastatic to liver. 1094* "O-ascorbic acid uptake, in dogs, 551 * American Board of Nuclear Medicine. 691 "C-dopamine analogs, distribution, in rats, 1147 \mericium-241 carcinoma, '•"I-iodocholesterolimaging, distribution. 566* anatomic landmark. 962 3H-estradiol uptake, in dogs, 77 source, fluorescent scanner. 530* "F-pregnenolone acetate uptake, in rats. 526* source, photon absorptiometry. 891 121I-,""I-iodomethylnorcholesterol, preparation, distribu Amino acids tion, in animals, 542*. 565*. 666. 1038 "C-, preparation, purification, 579* ""I-cholesterol analog preparation, 514* "N-, myocardial uptake, species differences. 529* '"I-iodocholesterol therapy doses in hyperplasia, in dogs. 7r'Se-.for pancreas imaging, 933 928 """Tc-pyridoxyl-, preparation, hepatobiliary imaging, in pheochromocytoma, """Tc-DTPA kidney angiogram, 234 animals, 520* 7SSe-selenocholesterol uptake, in animals, 565* "°mTc-pyridoxylidineglutamate. gallbladder imaging, 728


"""Tc-pyridoxylideneglutamate, preparation, gallbladder Sn(II) content effects, in animals, 541* studies, in animals, 720 """Tc-iminodiacetic acid complexes, 546* -wnTc-vesicles, survival, in mice, 483 133Xe-compounds, 545* Anger camera see Camera, scintillation Blood vessels see specific organ; Vascular system Animals Bone see also Models blood flow, 520*; compartmental model, 519* species differences, myocardial uptake. 529* blood supply, effect on uptake, in rats, 40 Antibiotics Ca content, neutron activation analysis, 116, 196, 672 see also Teclinet¡um-99m, tetracycline ends, """Tc-polyphosphate, -diphosphonate uptake, osteo- adriamycin, I97Hg-,6TGa,tumor uptake in mice, 560* sarcoma, 423 assays of gentamicin, 968* effect of Tc on """Tc-diphosphonate distribution, in rats, "H-tetracycline. myocardial infarcì uptake mechanism. 478 525* grafts, """Tc-diphosphonate imaging, in dogs. 563* 131I-streptozotocin analogs, tumor uptake, in hamsters. '"•"In-polyfunctional phosphonates, preparation, distribu 535* tion, in rabbits. 1080 ""I-tetracycline for tumor, preparation, 519*: tumor up kinetics of """Tc-pyrophosphate, -polyphosphate, 109, 958 take, in animals, 520*. 532* lymphoma, "7Ga-citrate scanning, 255 """Tc-penicillamine, kidney uptake, in rats, 531 * mineral content, photon absorption, 196, 891 wmTc-penicillamine, myocardial infarcìuptake, in rats, osteomyelitis, cranium, "Ga-citrate scan, 580* 523* Paget's disease of skull, on brain image, """TcOr, 619 Antibodies see Immunology: Radioimmunoassay ^Pb-chloride imaging, distribution, in rats, 171 Antigens see Immunology; Radioimmunoassay ^Pb-compounds, distribution, in mice, 544* Argon-37 radiation dosimetry, 502* whole-body Ca by neutron activation analysis, 672 radiation therapy effect on """Tc-polyphosphate uptake. Arthritis 501* "Tc-polyphosphate bone scan, 510* resorbing, """Tc-polyphosphate uptake, in rats, 528* Artifact rickets, uptake kinetics, in rats. 40 anatomic, spleen image, 99, 100 "Tc-agents, current literature, 502* collimator hole pattern elimination, 517* """Tc-Cu-HEDSPA, preparation, distribution, in animals, Aseptic meningitis see Adverse reactions 520* Autoradiography """Tc-diphosphonate uptake mechanism, enzymatic, 352 kidney agent distribution, in rabbits, 554* """Tc-imidodiphosphate, preparation, distribution, in ani liver, ""Au, wraTc-S colloid, in rat, 532* mals, 574* mammalian cell, """Tc-tetracycline, 315 """Tc-multidentate phosphates, distribution, in animals, 1MSmin mouse tumor, 528* 540* """Tc-microsphere-leukocytes, 527* MmTc-trimetaphosphate distribution, in animals, 1043 Bacteria therapy, "2P-diphosphonate distribution, in rats, 532* see also Infection tomography, camera, coded aperture, in rat, 402 "C-substrate metabolism, continuous measurement, 517* tumor, parathormone and ^P therapy, 519* M. lepraemurium metabolism, radiometrie detection, uptake mechanisms, in rats, 40 518* uptake parameters, 520* M. tuberculosis metabolism, radiometrie detection, 518*, Bone imaging 1189 comparison of agents, 744, 803* ^'S-cyclamate metabolism, in rats, 970* 18F,avascular necrosis, 969* streptococcus Group A, radiometrie identification. 1085 18F,osteoid osteoma of the carpel scaphoid bone, 969* Basal ganglia femoral metaphyseal irregularities, in children, 521* imaging. ""Cu-complex, 787 Fresnel zone-plate, "mTc-polyphosphate, 183 Bile see Gallbladder hip disorders, in children, 512* Bismuth-204, citrate jaw lesions, """Tc-polyphosphate, -diphosphonate, 511 * radiation dosimetry, nuclear parameters, 515* kidney abnormalities, 1092* Bismuth-206, citrate kidney failure, muscle uptake of agent, 515* radiation dosimetry, nuclear parameters, 515* kidney sign, """Tc-polyphosphate, 602 Bleomycin kidney studies on """"Tc-phosphate images, 1109 see also Cobalt-57; Indium-ill, bleomycin; lodine-123; kidney transplant effects, """Tc-diphosphonate, 538* ¡odine-131; Platinum-I95m; Technelium-99m large-field-of-view scintillation camera, 1158 "Cu-, "H-, "Te-, tumor uptake, in rats, 127 parathyroid disease, °""Tc-pyrophosphate, hyper-, 33, properties of fractions, 526* 543*; pseudohyper-, 543* radioiodinated, preparation, characterization, 835 refocused images, 546*, 548* Blocking dose rhinocerebral mucormycosis, """Tc-diphosphonate, 925 glycopyrrolate, ""TcOr brain imaging. 819 sacro-iliac disease, """Tc-pyrophosphate, 545* meralluride, 1B7Hg-,=l°Hg-chlormerodrin, radiation dosim """Sr, métastasesresponse to chemotherapy, 191 etry, 1095 """"Te-diphosphonate kinetics, 886 Blood """Tc-imidodiphosphate, 1137 see also Leukocytes; Lymphocytes; Ret! Mood cells; Tech- *""Tc-pyrophosphate kinetics, metabolic disease, 33 netium-99m, red blood cells tumors, current literature, 502* clot, see Thrombus tumor, metastatic, """Tc-diphosphonate, 986 leukemic cell binding of "Ga, 528* plasma volume, "'I-HSA, 1207 Bone scanning cold lesions, """Tc-polyphosphate, 1013 red cell and plasma volumes, normal, 46, 961, 962 serum binding capacity, Fe, 583* compared to bone marrow scanning, in malignancy, 559* SH group, effect of antirheumatoid drugs, 576* dermatomyositis, soft-tissue uptake, 467 Blood flow see specific organ; Vascular system femoral head, avascular necrosis, degenerative joint dis Blood pool ease differentiation, 574* see also specific organ hip displacement, 19F,"""Tc-diphosphonate, 522*

Volume 16, Number 12 1237 SUBJECT INOEX

in breast cancer, """Tc-phosphorous compounds, 529* intracranial lesions, screening, 851 * 532* lesion, computer diagnosis method, 805* in cup-arthroplasty, Tc-polyphosphale, 564* lipophilic agents, distribution, in animals, 561* in lymphoma, MmTc-phosphale compounds, 555* posterior fossa lesion imaging, 556* in melanoma and prostate cancer, MmTc-diphosphonate, radiation dose, le"Yb-DTPA cisternography, 101 579* scanning, see following listing, Brain scanning in Paget's disease, "Tc-diphosphonale, 18F,569* subdural hematoma uptake, compartmental model, interpretation, Gamut approach, 1121 "TcOr, 571* kidney activity, Paget's disease, "Tc-diphosphonate, tomography, axial, 1210* 582* tomography system, 543* kidney asymmetry, 18F,Tc-pyrophosphate, 161 tumor agents, comparison, in mice, 200 kidney sign, """Tc-polyphosphate, 454 tumor, "Tc-Sn-cilrate uptake, in mice, 534* lung carcinoma staging, 538* Brain, blood flow muscle uptake of "Tc-polyphosphale in polymyositis, acute cerebral infarcì,imXe in saline, 853*; in baboons, 1125 852* osteogenic sarcoma, 1211 * "C-aminonitriles, preparalion, dislribulion, in dogs, 1049 osteoid osteoma, I8F, 465 cerebral infarcì,133Xewashout, in monkeys, 514* osteomyelitis, cellulitis, bone infarcìdifferentiation, in computer-camera system, 133Xe,264 children, 547* data processing syslem, mXe, 386 principles, techniques, interpretations, 969* effecl of anomalous venous relurn, 573*, 622 serous fluid content, S7mSr,"""Tc-polyphosphate, 1208 effecl of seizures, "TcOr, 573* solitary lesion, "Tc-polyphosphale, -diphosphonate, 522* exlracranial meningioma, "TcOr, 833 time of study, optimal, "Tc-pyrophosphale, 879 hemorrhage, inlracerebral, """TcOr, 459 trauma, ""Tc-pyrophosphate, 538* hemorrhage, subarachnoid, acule, ""Xe, 577* tumor, metastatic, """Tc-polyphosphate, -pyrophosphate, in hemangioendolheliomatosis, "TcOr, 915 1211* in neonates, 1210* Bone marrow in Irauma, 1MXein saline, 803* biopsy, Hodgkin's disease, 852* posterior flow sludy, 548* function in mucopolysaccharidoses, 541 * quanlilalive regional circulalion, WI"TcOr, 525* imaging, lnln-citrate, 769 regional, 133Xeinhalation, 1093* imaging, vertebral compression fracture, wmTc-S colloid, scalp flow elimination, "TcOr, 679 92 Tc-RBC, 512* red, radiation dosimetry, ""Au, MIRD, 173 tumor and cerebrovascular disease, "TcOr, 854* red, radiation dosimetry, 1B7Hg-, ^Hg-chlormerodrin, lumor, nonvascular cranial, 462 MIRD, 1095 vascular displacement 86, 549* red, radiation dosimetry, radioiodides, MIRD, 857 Brain imaging red, radiation dosimetry, wmTc-S colloid, MIRD, 108A basal ganglia, "Cu-complex, 787 scanning, comparison of "'In-chloride, MFe and """Tc-S cerebral infarcì,"TcOr, 1210* colloid, 66 comparison of """Te-citrale, -diphosphonale, "TcOr, scanning, effect of cellularity, "Tc-S colloid, 535* 526* scanning, nonhematologic disease, "Tc-S colloid, 535* compression effecls, "CO, in monkeys, 557* scanning, "Tc-S colloid, compared to bone scanning in compuler image correclion, "TcOr, 523 * malignancy, 559* delayed, "TcOr, "Tc-DTPA, 564* Book Reviews "doughnul" sign, "TcOr, 432 Atlas of Cerebral Angiography, 801 dynamic/slalic, neonales, 1210* Cardiovascular Nuclear Medicine, 966 EMI, 573* Computer Processing of Dynamic Images from an Anger hemaloma, bifrontal epidural, 908 Scintillation Camera, 498 in hemangioendolheliomalosis, "TcOr, 915 Liquid Scintillation Counting, 1091 in medulloblastoma, 520* New Techniques in Tumor Localization and Radioimmu- in proven recanalized cerebral infarcì,852* noassay, 498 in rhinocerebral mucormycosis, "TcOr, 925 Nuclear Medicine, 966 large-field-of-view scinlillalion camera, 1158 Nuclear Medicine—Brief and to the Point, 1091 posilron camera, 13NH3,""Ga-chelates, 15O2,537* Nuclear Medicine in Vitro, 801 posterior fossa uptake, "Tc-DTPA, in von Hippel-Lin- PDR for Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, 499 dau syndrome, 828 Tumors of the Nervous System, 966 rapid sequence, """Te, in children, 511* Brain refocused images , 546*, 548* blood flow, see following listing Brain, blood flow scatter fraction measurement, """Te, 535* blood volume, "CO tomography, 521* "Tc-DTPA, 536*; effect of sleroid medicalion, 320 blood volume, 3D reconstruction technique, 1092* """Tc-glucoheplonale, 580* Book Review, Atlas of Cerebral Angiography, 801 °"°Tc-gluconate,in children, 552* "Br- and ^Br-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine, prepara "TcOr, effect of previously adminislered Sn(II), 518, tion, distribution, 243 579*,690 "C-aminonitriles, distribution, in dogs, 582* "TcOr, glycopyrrolate blocking dose, 819 "C-ethanol distribution, in animals, 561* "TcOr, Tc-diphosphonale, comparison, 705 "C-psychoactive drug uptake, 521 * "Tc-RBC, 512* cerebral death combined with kidney studies, "Tc- lumor, "Co-bleomycin, 1058 DTPA, 538 tumor, CVD differenlialion, "TcOr, -pyrophosphate, 18F-fluoro-DOPA, distribution, in animals, 518* 549* I8F-fluoroethanol preparation, 561*; distribution, in ani Brain scanning mals, 561* blood aclivity levels, "TcOr, "Tc-RBC, 553»,676 "F-haloperidol, preparation, distribution, in rats, 525* cerebral vascular disease, 852* 123I-iodoantipyrine kit, 561* distribution, in animals, 561* encephalitis, current literalure, 502* imaging, see following listing. Brain imaging exlracranial meningioma, "TcOr, 833


Hodgkin's disease, 91mSr,"Tc-polyphosphate, 852* modules for dala unificalion, 553* infection, "Ga-citrate, 580* MTF delerminalion, 1200 interpretation, Gamut approach, 1121 performance characlerislics, 1206 lung carcinoma staging, 538* portable, 515* metastatic adenocarcinoma, """TcOr, 960, 961 positron imaging, 653 75Se-selenite,331 qualily conlrol, 564* sinusitis, *°°TcOrconcentration, 89 refocused images, 546*, 548* """TcOr, effect of previously administered """Tc-Sn bone resolution indices, """Te, 228 agents, 518, 579*, 690 sequenlial image smoothing, 558* tumor, blood activity contribution, "TcOr, 553* software, multi-isotope studies, 571* tumor, chemotherapy response, 1210* specific image boundary delerminalion, 576* Breast "Te scatler fraclion measuremenl, 535* cancer, bone scanning, """Tc-phosphorous compounds. voilage fluclualion effecls, 581 * 529*, 532*, 1158 whole-body imaging, 582* cancer, "Ga-citrate scanning, 560* Camera, semiconductor carcinoma, "Ga-citrate whole-body scanning, 996 small lumor deleclion, 53 carcinoma, lnln-bleomycin scanning, 578* Car bon-11 carcinoma, liver scanning, 545*, 802* -aceiyl phosphale, preparalion, dislribution, in animals. carcinoma, metastatic, CEA radioimmunoassay, 579* 572* imaging, """TcOr, "Ga-citrate, 293 -albumin, preparalion, 425 lesion uptake of ""Tc-diphosphonate, -polyphosphate, -aliphalic amines, lung uplake, in animals, 511* 536* -amino acids, preparalion, purificalion, 579* lymph node drainage, """Tc-Sb colloid, 526* -aminonilriles, preparalion, distribution, in dogs, 582*, mass, differential diagnosis, """Tc-polyphosphale imaging. 1049 581*; lnln-bleomycin scanning, 578* "CO, brain blood volume, tomography, 521* Bromine-77 "CO, compression effecls on brain image, in monkeys, -dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine for brain, preparation, 557* distribution, 243 "CO, myocardial blood pool tomography, 521 * -fibrinogen, preparation, comparison to other labels, 542* "CO, transaxial tomography, 210 Bromine-82 -diphenylhydanloin, -hydroxydiphenylhydantoin, tumor bromide space, fluorescent excitation analysis, 814 scanning, 575* -dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine for brain- preparation. -ethanol, distribution, in animals, 561* distribution, 243 -ethanol, liver imaging, in cals, 73 Cadmium-109 -fibrinogen, preparalion, 425 source, fluorescent excitation analysis, 814 LSF, 649 Calcium -norepinephrine for myocardial imaging, 151 partial-body, neutron activation analysis, 116 posilron range, 1174 whole-body, "Ar excretion following neutron activation, -psychoaclive drugs, preparalion, distribulion, 521* 672 -pulrescine for prosiate, distribution, in rals, 337 whole-body, in osteoporosis, neutron activation analysis, Carbon-14 196 -acelale, -glycerol, M. lepraemurium metabolism, 518* Calcium-45 -ascorbic acid, adrenal and pituitary uptake, in dogs, bone uptake mechanisms, in rats, 40 551* myocardial infarcìuptake mechanism^ 525* -bile salts, kinelics, colonie injeclion, 805* radiation dosimetry, 502* -carbohydrates, radiometrie assay of lymphocyte melab- Camera, image intensifier olism, 576* operating characteristics, 541* chromalogram imaging, modular system, 553* Camera, multiwire liquid xenon "CO2 brealh analysis, metabolism in vilamin Bn. defi high-resolution collimator, 583* ciency, in rals, 553* Camera, positron -dexlran, CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* brain imaging, "NH»,15O2,"Ga-chelates, 537* -diphenylhydanloin for pancreas, dislribulion, 775 extended counting rate, 653 -diphosphonale, bone uptake mechanisms, in rals, 40 multiwire proportional chamber, 546*, 804* -DOPA, blood melabolism, drug effecls, radiometrie as ^b, 13NH3heart imaging, in dogs, 429 say, 576* transverse section 3D image reconstruction, 80 -dopamine analogs for adrenals, distribulion, in rats, 1147 Camera, scintillation -fluorouracil, distribulion, lumor uplake, in mice, 582* anatomic landmark, 962 -formaldehyde, -proprionale melabolism, in vitamin Bu bar phantom, 441, 531* deficiency, in rals, 553* Chromatographie imaging. 553* -formate, M. luberculosis metabolism, 518* coded aperture tomography, 402 -glycerol, -acelale, M. tuberculosis metabolism, 1189 collimator changing system, 1195 -inulin, GFR, in dogs, 510* collimator hole pattern elimination, 517* -oleic acid, myocardial uplake, in animals, 842 color code images, 527* radialion dose, albumin synlhesis sludies, 642 -computer system, see Computer radialion dosimetry, currenl lileralure, 502* data processing, annular coded apertures, 514* radiomelric slerility assay, 798 data processing, spatial filtering, 516* -subsirale metabolism, continuous measurement system, deadtime, 284¡correction, 539*, 546* 517* deconvolution analysis, renogram, 1212* -sugars, radiometrie idenlificalion of streplococcus Group 165Ermyocardial infarcìimaging, in dogs, 554* A, 1085 field flood uniformity, 513*, 534*, 536* Carcinoembryonic antigen field of view, large, 518*, 552*, 1152, 1158 comparison of radioimmunoassays, 1094* Fresnel zone plate image reconstruclion, 309 diagnosis of colon malignancy, 550* image processing, Fourier Iransforms, 566* radioimmunoassay, breasl carcinoma melastases, 579* image superposition, 559* radioimmunoassay, ulcerative proctocolilis, 1094*

Volume 16, Number 12 1239 SUBJECT INDEX

Cardiac see Heart in hydrocephalus, 500* Cardiopulmonary see Heart, blood flow; Lungs, blood flow '"In-phosphate, in dogs, 164 Carrier spinal fluid leak, """Tc-DTPA, 616 Tc in """Tc-gluconate and -diphosphate distribution, in unilateral ventricular reflux, "'I-HSA, 716 rats, 478 '""Yb-DTPA, radiation dose to brain, 101 ""Te in MmTcOr, 570*, 639 ""Yb-DTPA retention, 570* Cartilage Clinical evaluation wmTc-diphosphonate uptake, in rats, 58 bone imaging in sacro-iliac disease, """Tc-pyrophosphate, CEA see Carcinoembryonic antigen 55 cases, 545* Central nervous system see Brain: Cisternography bone imaging, métastases, """"Tc-diphosphonate, 1355 Cerebral see Brain cases, 986 Cerebrospinal fluid bone marrow scanning, "Tc-S colloid, 196 cases. 535*: see also Cisternography 101 cases, 535*; 60 cases, 559* drainage, pathway size, in rabbits, 539* bone scanning in breast cancer, 115 cases, 529*; 86 cases, formation rate, '-'5I-HSA, blue dextran, in monkeys, 1093* 532* "*""Tc-HSA ventriculography, hydromelia, 581* bone scanning in malignancy, 60 cases, 559*; 124 cases, Cerenkov effect 579* KP eye tumor imaging, 516* bone scanning in trauma, """Tc-pyrophosphate, 182 cases, Cerium-141 538* scatter subtraction and image contrast, 102 bone scanning in métastases."""Tc-polyphosphate, -pyro- Ceruim-144 phosphate, 60 cases, 1211* -particles, lung clearance, in dogs. 851* bone scanning, solitary lesion. """Tc-diphosphonate, -poly- Cesiu ni-129 phosphate, 142 cases. 522* characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 brain blood flow in tumor and cerebrovascular disease. radiation dosimetry. 527*, 1070 """TcOr. 89 cases, 854* Cesium-131 brain imaging, rapid sequence, 500 children, 511* characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 brain imaging, """Tc-DTPA, 904 cases, 536* -chloride, thyroid scanning, 522* brain scanning, cerebral infarcì."""TcOr, 84 cases, 1210* myocardial scan, left ventricular aneurysm, 1024 brain screening for intracranial lesions, 147 cases, 851* Cesium-134m brain studies in cerebral vascular disease, 162 cases, 852* characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 breast uptake of """Tc-diphosphonate, -pyrophosphate, Cesium-137 271 cases, 536* specific absorbed fraction computation, 492 CEA radioimmunoassay, metastatic breast carcinoma, 75 Cesium-149 cases, 579* myocardial imaging, in dogs, 553* CEA radioimmunoassay, ulcerative proctocolitis, 59 Chelates cases, 1094* see also Cobalt-57; Indium-Ill; Indium-113m; Tecltne- Cisternography, extra-arachnoid injection effects. 54 cases. tium-99m, DTP A; Ytterbinm-169 267 DTPA agents for Cisternography, radiation dosimetry. r'7Co-bleomycin imaging, 132 cases, 1058 1177 57Co-bleomycin tumor scanning, 50 cases. 839; 50 cases, EDTA effect on "7Ga-citrate distribution, in rats. 280 558* Chemotherapy effective thyroxine ratio ranges, in pediatrics, 89 cases, antirheumatoid, effect on SH blood group, 576* 955 central nervous system, monitoring, 522* "Ga-citrate imaging, 2000 cases, 547* cyclical, breast to bone métastases,"7Srmonitoring, 191 "Ga-citrate imaging, infection, 60 cases. 990 dexamethasone, brain tumor scanning, 1210* "7Ga-citrate scanning for infection, 68 cases, 2 MOPP, Hodgkin's disease, spleen scan. 457 "7Ga citrate scanning in breast cancer, 84 cases, 560*; steroid, effect on brain image of métastases,320 125 cases, 996 Chlormerodrin °7Ga-citratestaging of lymphoma, 111 cases, 255 see also Mercury-197; Mercury-203 "7Ga-citrate, thyroid imaging, cold nodules, 134 cases, 793 myocardial infarcìuptake, in rats, 523* °7Gacitrate tumor scanning, 50 cases, 558* Cholesterol see lodine-131; Selenimn-75 gastrin radioimmunoassay. 298 cases, 805* Ch romatography gastrointestinal tract imaging, """TcOr, 100 cases, 515* "C, MPimaging, modular system, 553* hip imaging, in children, 176 cases, 512* 67Co-bleomycin fractions, 1033 '25I-fibrinogen from single donor, 129 cases, 562* "7Ga-citrate preparations, 580* '"In-bleomycin scanning, malignant melanoma, 51 cases, gel scanning, "Tc-diphosphonate, 1087, 1088 "'I-cholesterol purification, 69 537* '"In-bleomycin tumor imaging, 65 cases, 854* liquid, bleomycin fraction separation, 526* iron, total serum binding capacity, 550 radioassays. 583* paper, strip counter, 225 ""Tc-diphosphonate, 584* kidney images on bone scans, 247 cases, 1092*: 119 Chromium-51 cases, 1109 -DTPA, radiation dosimetry, Cisternography, 1177 kidney imaging, ""Tc-DMSA, 65 cases, 28 -RBC, preparation, survival, in gerbils, 682 kidney transplant evaluation, """Tc-DTPA, ""I-Hippuran. red cell volume, normal, 46, 961, 962 Socases, 1115 -thymocytes, distribution, in mice, 633 kidney transplant evaluation, """'Tc-S colloid, MmTcOr. Cisternography 54 cases, 529* agents, Limulus test. 809 large-field-of-view scintillation camera, 636 studies, 518* left ventricular ejection fraction, """"Tc and echocardiog- DTPA agents, radiation dosimetry, 1177 evaluation of chemotherapy, 522* raphy, 77 cases, 565* faulty injection effects, 267 liver and spleen focal defects, multiradionuclide studies, ir"I-HSA current literature, 502* 125 cases, 583* in achondroplastic children, 969* liver blood flow, ™mTc-Scolloid, 100 cases, 71; 92 cases, "'In-DTPA, residual """Tc artifact, 434 595


liver imaging in abdominal tumor, °°mTc-Scolloid, 70 high-resolution, left ventricular blood flow, "Te, 865 cases, 853* hole pattern elimination, 517* liver imaging, "Tc-S colloid, 1115 cases, 62, 1204; 125 multiwire liquid xenon camera, 583* optimum, TI, """Te, "*!, '"K for myocardial imaging, cases, 450 liver scanning in breast cancer, 86 cases, 545*; 100 cases, 531* 802* pinhole, hip imaging, in children, 512* liver scanning, negative focal uptake "Tc-S colloid, porta pinhole, 1Z1Ithyroid imaging. 512* hepatis region, 80 cases, 1007 pinhole, "TcOr thyroid imaging, 512* lung imaging, cost-effectiveness, 97 cases, 550* positron imaging, 524* lung ventilation in obstructive airways disease, 60 cases, resolution indices, "Te, 228 574* scanner, "K and *'Rb heart studies. 562* lung ventilation/perfusion, Xe, wide-field-of-view scintil septal penetration, computer correction, 523* lation camera, 140 cases, 552* spatial resolution, positron range effect, 649 lung washout, ''"Xe in saline, 154 burn patients, 547* Tl, 513* myocardial imaging, """Tc-pyrophosphate, 242 cases. whole-body scintillation camera imaging, 582* 556* Colloid see spécifieradionuclide myocardial infarcìtomography, 92 cases, 581 * Communications pancreas scanning, 526 cases, 568* computer-telephone transmission, 523*, 542*, 549* pancreas scanning and ultrasound, 600 cases, 563* Compton see Scatter portable scintillation camera, 2000 cases. 515* Computer posterior fossa lesion imaging, 49 cases, 556* see also; Data processing red cell and plasma volume, normal, 784 cases, 46, 961, analog, image processing, omnidirectional scanner, 685 962 axial tomography, 1093*, 1210* serum TSH response to TRH, in thyroid disease, 101 brain lesion characterization method, 805* cases, 538* -camera, book review, 498 spleen scanning in Hodgkin's disease, 68 cases, 1212* -camera, cardiac shunt evaluation, in children, 511 * °""Tc-bIeomycin, "Ga-citrate tumor imaging. 142 cases, -camera, coded aperture tomography, 402 414 -camera, dual-channel "TcOr angiocardiogram, 789 telephone image transmission, 50 cases, 549* -camera, early thyroid kinetics of I and "TcOr, 517* thyroid, autonomously functioning lesions. 164 cases. -camera, ECG gated left-ventricular ejection fraction, 1092* 527*, 531*, 865 thyroid imaging, 123Iand "TcOr, 65 cases, 512* -camera, ECG gated left-ventricular volume change, 531* thyroid imaging, nodules, "TcOr, 87 cases, 563* -camera, ECG gated myocardial studies, 95, 368, 510* thyroid, nonfunctioning nodule, ™'Csscans and echogra- camera image correction, 523*, 558* phy, 110 cases, 522* thyroid therapy, low-dose "'I, 62 cases, 549* camera image processing, book review, 498 -camera, intrarenal blood flow, "*Xe, 899 thyroid uptake, "'I, 400 cases, 562* thyroid uptake, ™I,normal range, 275 cases, 560* -camera, liver size estimation, in rats, 380 -camera, multi-isotope studies, 571* tomography, computerized axial, 750 cases, 1210* vascular perfusion, peripheral ischemie ulcer, w"Tc-micro- -camera, regional cerebral blood flow, ""Xe, 264 -camera, ventilation/perfusion in tetralogy of Fallot, 510* spheres, 60 cases, 993 venography combined with lung scanning, "'I-MAA. code for collimator design, 524* """Tc-microspheres, 108 cases, 579* deconvolution analysis of scintillation camera renogram. vesicoureteral reflux, 1!nI-Hippuran imaging. 136 cases, 1212* 968* digital techniques for Fresnel zone plate imaging, 556* vesicoureteral reflux, radionuclide cystography, 90 chil digitized display improvement, 541* dren, 522* Fourier convolution fan-geometry reconstruction algo x-ray therapy, long-range effects, thyroid imaging, rithm, 556* TcOr, 1500 cases. 512* Fourier transform image processing, 566* Cobah-57 Fresnel zone plate image reconstruction, 309 -EDTA, -HSA. competitive binding with bleomycin, in image superposition, 559* vitro, 1033 interhospital image transmission, 523*. 542*. 549* refocused scintillation camera images, 546* isocount scanning and multilevel analysis, 938 Cobalt-57, bleomycin lung ventilation/perfusion, "*Xe, "Te crossover subtrac fractions, characterization, distribution, tumor uptake, in tion, 553* rats, 1033 on-line processing system, 386 melanoma uptake, in animals, 556* program for thyroxine-binding globulin capacity, 1076 pancreas tumor imaging, 533* pulse mode display for color ¡mages,527* preparation, distribution, tumor imaging, 1058 radioreceptor assay data, 559* properties of fractions, 526* record system, 275, 575* radiation dosimetry, 550* tumor imaging, compared to "Tc-gluconate, 552* refocused scintillation images, 546*, 548* regional cerebral blood flow, ""Xe gas, 1093* tumor scanning, 839; compared to °7Ga-citrate,558* scintillation camera flood field uniformity, 534* Cobalt-60 specific image boundary determination, 576* specific absorbed fraction computation. 492 system for dynamic eye studies, 523* Collima tor technique for cardiac blood flow, 500* see also Fresnel zone plate whole-body scanner, 570* changing system, 1195 converging, large-field-of-view scintillation camera. 518*. Concentration, tissue 552*, 1152 data presentation, 247, 958 diverging. low-energy, 970* Contrast media diverging, scintillation camera, Xe lung studies. 552* effect on "Ga-citrate distribution, 374 diverging, scintillation camera, Xe phantom resolution. effect on regional myocardial blood flow. 536* 143 ™Ithyroid uptake depression, 802*

Volume 16, Number 12 1241 SUBJECT INDEX

Copper-64 Dose calibrator -bleomycin, tumor uptake, compared to *H- and """Tc- 123Iassay, 540* bleomycin, in rats, 127 Dosimetry see Radiation dosimetry -complex, basal ganglia imaging, 787 Drugs detection efficiency, single and annihilation photon sys see also Chemotherapy tems, 210 "C-psychoactive, preparation, distribution, 521* LSF, 649 DTPA see Chromium-51; Gallium-67; Indium-Ill; Indium- Cost 113m; Indium-114m; Lead-203; Technetium-99m, DTPA; relative weights, 348 Ytterbium-169 -effectiveness, lung imaging, 550* Cows see Generators blue dextran, CSF formation rate, monkeys, 1093* Creatinine phosphokinase , india ink, phagocytic action of kidney, in levels in myocardial infarcì,521*, 559*, 569* animals, 709 Crystal Echography see Ultrasound Nal(Tl), 125Iradioassay, 952 EDTA see Cobalt-57; Technetium-99m Nal(Tl), scatter subtraction effects, 102 Electrolysis CSF see Cerebrospinal fluid; Cisternography """Tc-albumin, -fibrinogen, preparation, 534* Cyclotron ""Tc-autologous fibrinogen preparation, 343 "*Xe production, 143 """Tc-RBC preparation, 533* Cystic fibrosis EMI alpha-fetoprotein levels, 968* brain scanning, 573* Data processing Energy see also Computer photopeak and backscatter dual windows, MraTc imaging, analog, omnidirectional scanning, 685 513* annular coded apertures, 514* positron ranges, "C, "N, 150,"F, MGa, KRb, 1174 coherent optical spatial filtering, 516* resolution, ring detector transaxial tomograph, 1166 deconvolution analysis, scintillation camera renogram, 1212* assay, continuous 14CO2measurement, 517* isocount scanning and multilevel analysis, 938 assay of gentamicin, 968* on-line, 386 CPK levels in myocardial infarcì,521 *, 559*, 569* pulmonary arteriovenous malformation study, "TcOr, diphosphonate inhibition, 352 180 folale reducíase,12EI-folatedisplacemenl by melhotrexate. specific image boundary determination, 576* in dogs, 572* tomography, unfocused plane subtraction, 517* inhibitor for adrenal gland imaging, 566* transaxial reconstruction by iterative techniques, 555* lactoperoxidase, radioiodination of bleomycin, 835 3D image reconstruction, 80, 529* mucopolysaccharidoses, RES function, 542*, 1002 Data storage and retrieval see Computer; Record Keeping pancreatic, drug response in diabetes mellitus, 270 Deadtime synthesis of "C-acetyl phosphate, 572* image intensifier camera, 541* Erbium-165 ring detector transaxial tomography, 1166 myocardial infarcìimaging, in dogs, 554* scintillation camera, 284, 539*, 546* Extremities Detector see also Joints see also Collimator; Fresnel zone plate perfusion, ischemie ulcers, """"Tc-microspheres, 993 crystal uniformity, computer correction, 523* perfusion, occlusive disease, lraXe, 1211* multiwire proportional chamber positron camera, 546*, 804* Ihermography in Ihrombosis, 438, 566* thrombophlebitis, cyst differentialion, """Tc-HSA, 580* Nal(Tl), scatter subtraction effects, 102 Ihrombosis, ""Tc-streplokinase imaging, 474 ring, transaxial reconstruction tomography, 1166 venography, 131I-MAA,""Tc-microspheres, 579* semiconductor, small tumor imaging, 53 unidirectional whole-body scanner, 516* venography, """Tc-MAA, in dogs, 563* Dextran Eye blue, CSF formation rate, in monkeys, 1093* dynamic sludies, computer syslem, 523* Fe-, effect on """Te-diphosphonate uptake, 577* lacrimal drainage, conlrasl and """TcOr, 605 "H-, CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* melanoma, """Pb-Tris, 5*Co-bleomycin uplake, in ham- Diaphragm slers, 556* foramen of Morgagni hernia, WmTc-S colloid liver scan, microvasculature function, mI-HSA, 133Xe,517* 261 tumor, 12SI-, probe system, 562* Digoxin tumor imaging, T Cerenkov effect, 516* radioimmunoassay, 559* Fatty acids radioimmunoassay, postmortem, 1212* UC- and 131I-oleic,"'I-linoleic, myocardial uptake, in ani Diphosphonate see Carbon-14; Phosphorous-32; Techne- mals, 842 tium-99m, diphosphonate esters, """Hg-, preparalion, dislribution, in animals, 572* Display 12*I-and ml-, characterislics for myocardial imaging, 151 color code, computer generated, 527* 1MI-and 131I-,preparalion, 17 digitized, improvement, 541* scan, 4 X 5-in. film, 560* Fetus cell binding, "Ga-cilrale, hamsler, in vilro, 231 telephone image transmission, 523*, 542*, 549* congenilal nephrosis, alpha-fetoprotein radioimmunoas DOPA "C-, blood metabolism, radiometrie assay, drug effects, say, 805* 576* effects of "Te radiation, in mice, 544* '"F-fluoro-, for brain scanning, 518* placental blood flow, 133Xe,968* placenta! transfer, "Ga-citrale, in animals, 581 * Dopamine -analogs, "C-, *S-, "I-, for adrenal gland, distribution, Fibrin in rats, 1147 radioiodo-, Ihrombus uplake, in dogs, 521 *


Fibrinogen """Tc-iminodiacetic acid analog, distribution, in animals, see also lodine-123; ¡odìne-125,fibrinoxen; lodine-ììl, 533* fibrinogeni Technetìiim-99m """Tc-mercaptoisobutyric acid, mT-rose bengal compari autologous, radioiodinated, kit, 554* son, 686, 687 "C-, preparation, 425 ""Tc-pyridoxylideneglutamate imaging, 543*, 728 highly iodinated, preparation, characterization. 756 """Tc-pyridoxylideneglulamale, preparation, distribution. "*I-, "'I-, "Br-, preparation, distribution, in animals, 542* imaging, in animals, 720 radioiodo-, effect of iodination levels, 534* Gallium-67 Film -adriamycin, tumor uptake, in mice, 560* 4x5 in., scans, 560* -chloride, -Fe-DTPA, -lactate, brain tumor uptake, radia Filler tion dosimetry, in mice, 200 see also, Fresnel zone plate -DTPA, radiation dosimetry, cisternography, 1177 spatial, data processing, 516* leukemic cell binding, serum inhibition, 528* -leukocytes, abscess detection, in rabbits, 583* radioiodinated mercurihydroxy-. myocardial infarcìup -lymphocyte, labeling. 564* take, in rats, 523* Gallium-67, citrate Fluorescence abscess imaging, 250, 443, 609, 990 scanning, thyroid, 530*, 557* benign process uptake, 414, 470 x-ray, iothalamate, for GFR, in dogs, 510* bone tumor imaging. 503* Fluorescent excitation analysis brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, in mice, 200 bromide space, 814 breast carcinoma, whole-body scanning, 996 FIuorine-18 breast imaging, 293 bone imaging, 969* bronchogenic carcinoma staging, 538* bone scanning, 465, 522*, 559*, 569*, 574* contrast media effect on whole-body scan, 374 bone uptake, compartmental model, 519* decreased uptake in pseudoarthrosis, 167 bone uptake parameters, 520* distribution, Na2EDTA therapy effects, in rats, 280 -fluoro-DOPA for brain scanning, 518* gallbladder scanning in cholecystitis, 148 -fluoroethanol, preparation, 561*; distribution, in ani hamster embryo cell binding, in vitro, 231 mals, 561* infection scanning, 2 -haloperidol, preparation, distribution, in rats, 525* infection uptake, 443, 580* kinetics, compared to """"Tc-polyphosphate, 688, 689 leukocyte culture uptake, Fe effects, 1183 myocardial infarcìtomography, 581 * liver and spleen scanning, focal defects, 583* myocardial infarcìuptake, in dogs, 132 lymphoma staging, 255 positron range, 1174 multi-isotope lung studies, ""Tc-microspheres, "'Hg, 571* -pregnenolone acetale, adrenal uptake, in rats, 526* myocardial infarcìuptake, in dogs, 975 radiation dosimetry, 502* pancreatic pseudocyst scan, 1132 renal asymmetry, whole-body bone scan, 161 plácenla!iransfer, in animals, 581* Fluorouracil preparalions, comparison of solulions. 580* "C-, distribution, tumor uptake, in mice, 582* pulmonary infarcl/pneumonitis differentiation. 551* Fourier rectilinear scanner modification, 1192 convolution fan-geometry reconstruction algorithm, 556* salivary gland uptake, postradiation therapy, 514* tomography, internal absorption corrections, 540* scan in plague, 1031 transforms, image processing, 566* spleen image in kala-azar, 1128 transforms, tomography, unfocused plane subtraction, thyroid imaging, cold nodules, 793 517* tumor detection, """Te-compound subtraction technique. 3D convolution reconstruction, noise, 529* 523* Fresnel zone plate tumor imaging, 1212* clinical studies, 183 tumor imaging, compared to """Tc-bleomycin and MmTc- digital image reconstruction, 309 phosphate compounds, 551*; compared to """Tc-glu- digital techniques, 556* conale, 552* FWHM tumor imaging, primary liver cancer, 949 collimator for multiwire liquid xenon camera, 583* tumor imaging, with """Tc-bleomycin. 414 image intensifier and scintillation camera, ""Te, 541 * tumor scanning, compared to S7Co-bleomycin, 558* multiwire proportional chamber positron camera, 546* tumor scanning, hilar tumors, 576* positron collimator, 524* tumor scanning in breast cancer, 560* positron range effect, 649 tumor scanning, in children, 533* ring detector, transaxial tomography, 1166 tumor scanning, liver image subtraction, 548* tumor uptake, compared to "Ga-, ""Hg-adriamycin, in scintillation camera, 1206 transaxial positron tomography, 210 mice, 560* Gallbladder lumor uplake, compared to labeled bleomycins, 525* bile leakage on ""Au liver scan, 825 lumor uplake, viability, in rats, 532* "C-aminonitriles, distribution, in dogs, 582* whole-body imaging, usefulness, 547* "C-bile salts, kinetics, colonie injection, 805* Gallium-68 -adenosine triphosphale, -citrale, preparation, 764 comparison of agents, in baboons, 577* ectopie, "'I-rose bengal, """Tc-S colloid imaging, 1029 -chelates, brain imaging, posilron camera, 537* "Ga-cilrale scanning in cholecystitis, 148 -microspheres, lung transverse section imaging, in dogs. 123I-rosebengal imaging, in rabbits, 540* 80 -microspheres, 3D lung imaging, in dogs, 386 ml-rose bengal, jaundice evaluation, 567* 123I-rosebengal, preparation, imaging, 629 positron range, 1174 Gastrointestinal tract ml-folate in bile, 572* bleeding, '"""In-chloride detection, 569* pancreas and liver scanning in obstructive jaundice, 853* distended gastric fundus on kidney image, 947 radiation dosimetry, 123I-,ml-, ""I-, laDI-,"'I-rose bengal emptying, anlacid effecls, "1mln, 562* MIRD, 1214 "Ga-cilrate contení,effecl of Na2EDTA, in rats, 280

Volume 16, Number 12 1243 SUBJECT INDEX

gastric emptying, """Tc-polyslyrene-TETA, 575* ECG gated, 553*;"mTc-HSA, 95, 368, 527*, 865 gastrin radioimmunoassay, 805* lefl ventricular ejection fraction, cardiac output, portable gastro-esophageal reflux, """Tc-S colloid, 547* probe, 289 Meckel's diverticulum diagnosis, MnTcOr, 515* left ventricular ejection fraction, ECG gated, 531*; wnlTc- radiation dosimetry model, 853* HSA, 527*;wmTc-RBC, 865 radiation dosimetry, radioiodides, MIRD, 857 left venlricuiar ejection fraction, MI°Tc,echocardiography, """TcOr secretion, effect of penlagastrin, in dogs, 535* 565* '"""TcOr secretion into isolated loops, in rats, 574* """In, currenl lilerature, 500* """TcOr secretion site, 1204 mmln-, """Tc-MAA, stress-induced ischemia, 851* 2raTlconcentration, 545* large-field-of-view scintillation camera, 1158 Gating see Heart, blood flow myocardial, during stress, ^Rb, 514* Generator myocardial infarcì,Fresnel zone plate, """Tc-MAA, in "SQe_"SQa 754 dogs, 183 wMo-Wmfc, "Sr. »"Srcontamination, 571* myocardial infarcì,"""Tc-polyphosphate, 851 * "Mo-Tc, "Tc content in eluate, 639 persislenl lefl superior vena cava, "TcOr, 469 ""Sr-^Rb, 300, 429 regional myocardial, conirast hyperemia, 133Xe,536* Glomerular filtration rate see Kidne\ regional myocardial, ""Xe in saline, in coronary artery Gold-198 disease, 567* effective hepatic plasma flow, 524* shunt evaluation, """TcOr, in children, 511 * liver scan, bile leakage, 825 shunl evaluation, MmTc-microspheres, -MAA, llamln- liver uptake mechanism, in rats, 532* Fe(OH)a, 528* radiation dose estimates in liver disease, MIRD, 173 "Tl, "K, 81Rb,"Sr-microspheres, in animals, 851 * specific absorbed fraction computation, 492 Heart, imaging synovium therapy, 100 coincidence and noncoincidence, "K, 81Rb,in dogs, 658 Granulocyte see Leukocyte collimalor choice, 531* Health physics see Quality Control; Radiation Dosimetry; comparison of la>Cs,13K,TI, MRb, in dogs, 553* Radiation safety comparison of nRb and <3K,562* Heart coronary artery thrombosis, 131I-fibrinogen, 804* "C-aminonitriles, distribution, in dogs, 582* evalualion of focal hepatic defect, "Tc-S colloid, 896 "C-diazepam uptake, 521* myocardial infarcì,lœEr,in dogs, 554* cardiac silhouette, wide, on lung image. 324 myocardial infarcìquantification, """Tc-pyrophosphate, in ™I-,13'I-fatty acid preparation, 17 dogs, 569*, 573* Inter-Society Commission for Heart Disease report, 959 myocardial infarcì,"""Tc-compounds, in dogs, 582* left ventricular volume change, ECG gated, 531* myocardial infarcì,MmTc-glucoheplonale, 563*, 975 myocardial infarcì,CPK levels, 521*; in dogs, 559*, 569* myocardial infarci, """Tc-polyphosphale, -pyrophosphate, myocardial infarcì,43K, """Tc-pyrophosphale uptake, in 518*, 521*, 851* dogs, 559* myocardial infarcì,MIT1,539*, 565* myocardial infarcì,"""Tc-complexes, "7Ga-citrale, uptake, properlies of imaging agents, 151 "•'Rb,"NB.,, in dogs, 429 in dogs, 975 myocardial infarcì."*"Tc-glucoheptonate uptake, in ani "Tc-MAA, -HSA, pericardial effusion, 969* mals, 865, 975 """Tc-pyrophosphate, 518*, 521*. 556*. 851* myocardial infarcì,"""Tc-phosphales and "F, uplake, in =™T1,513*. 539*, 565*; in animals, 151, 553* dogs, 132 Hepatic see Liver myocardial infarcì,"""Tc-pyrophosphale, -letracycline up Hepatitis take mechanism. 525* B, radioimmunoassay, 513* myocardial infarcì,"Tc-pyrophosphale uptake, 512*' in Hippuran see Iodine-123; ¡oüine-131,Hippuran dogs, 548*, 559* Hormones myocardial infarcì."""Tc-letracycline uptake rate. 1144 eslrogen, effecl on 13'I-diphenylhydanloin kinetics, 305 myocardial infarcìuptake, effect of blood flow. "K, ""Tc- estrogen radioimmunoassay, 500* tetracycline. -polyphosphate, in dogs, 558* estrogen, RES stimulation, in animals, 22 myocardial infarcìuptake, effects of molecular structure. "H-estradiol, adrenal uplake, in dogs, 77 in rats, 523* human chorionic gonadolrophin radioassay. 500*. 501* myocardial uptake of "C- and "'I-oleic acid, "'I-linoleic testosterone analogs for prostale, in rats, 570* acid, in animals, 842 Human serum albumin see Carbon-11; ¡odine-125;lodine- myocardial uplake of "N-compound. species differences 131, albumin: Technetium-99m, albumin; Technetium- 529* 99, macroaggregated albumin myocardial uptake of 15O-hemoglobin, in dogs, 550* Hydrogen-3 myocardial uptake of 203Pb-and 2"'TI-ionopheres. in mice -bleomycin, tumor uplake. compared lo *""Tc- and MCu- 567* bleomycin, in rats, 127 myocardial uptake of """Tc-pyrophosphate. 944 -dextran. CSF drainage, in rabbils, 539* radialion dosimetry, la>Cs,I3K,"Rb, *"T1. 527*, 1070 -dihydrolestoslerone. uplake inhibilion, in rats. 570* scanning, "K, in coronary artery disease, 575* -estradici, adrenal uplake. in dogs, 77 scanning, ¡eflvenlricuiar aneurysm, 131Cs.'"""In. 1024 prostaglandin E. A and -arachidonic acid for lumor, in ""TI, dislribulion. in animals, 156 mice, 83 tomography, myocardial infarcì. """Tc-diphosphonale. -pulrescine for prostale, distribution, in rats, 337 -pyrophosphate, -glucoheptonate. '"F, 581* radioimmunoassays, quench correction, 570* tomography, """Tc-microspheres, in dogs. 568* -tetracycline, myocardial infarcìuptake mechanism. 525* tomography, transaxial. "CO. 13NH3.521*: in dogs. 210 imaging see Camera: specific organ Heart, blood flow Immunology cardiac ejection fraction, """Tc-RBC, 512* CEA assay in colonie malignancy. 550* data processing system, 386 CEA radioimmunoassay. 579*. 1094* dual channel, dual color subtraction technique. "TcOr. hepatilis B, 513* 789 '31I-lumor anlibody, dislribulion, in animals, 544* during stress, 510*, 514*. 851* '"In-chelale-anlibodies, preparalion, 559*


motilin, radioimmunoassay, 1094* Iodine-123 thyroid antibodies in pernicious anemia, 549* -bleomycin, preparation, characterization, 550* trichinosis diagnosis, "T-antitrichinosis, 501 * -bleomycin, radiation dosimetry, 550* vesicle interactions, 483 -bleomycin, tumor imaging, 524* Indium-Ill collimator for myocardial imaging, 531* -chelate-antibodies, preparation, 559* -estradici, radiation dosimetry, 541* -chloride, bone marrow scanning, compared to 5'Fe, -fatty acids, characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 WDTc-Scolloid, 66, 1204, 1205 -fatty acids, preparation, 17 chloride, brain tumor uptake, compared to other agents, -fibrin for thrombus, 521* in mice, 200 fibrinogen, thrombus detection, 524* -chloride, kinetics, in mice, 738 -Hippuran, renogram, 1212* -chloride, radiation dosimetry. 200 impurities, 540* -citrate, kinetics, bone marrow imaging, 769 radiation dosimetry, MIRD. 857 -citrate, uptake in pudenda! region, 769 -rose bengal, evaluation of jaundice, 567* -DTPA, cisternography, 267, 434; aseptic meningitis, 809 -rose bengal. hepatobiliary imaging, 629 -leukocytes, abscess detection, in rabbits, 583* -rose bengal, preparation, 540* lymphocyte labeling, 564* -rose bengal, radiation dosimetry. MIRD, 1214 -phosphate, for cisternography. preparation, distribution. -streptokinase, preparation, kinetics, in animals, 136 164 thyroid imaging, compared to ""TcOr, 512* placenta uptake, in animals, 544* thyroid imaging, Fresnel zone plate, 183 Indium-Ill, bleomycin lodine-124 brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, in mice, 200 radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 857 breast carcinoma scanning. 578* -rose bengal, radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 1214 distribution, radiation dosimetry, 854* Iodine-125 kinetics, in mice, 738 -albumin, CSF formation rate, in monkeys, 1093* liver and spleen scanning, focal defects, 583* -albumin, eye humor flow, 517* normal scans, 537* antitrichinosis, assay, 501* radiation dosimetry, 200, 550*, 854* -chloroquine. eye tumor, 562* tumor imaging, 537*, 854*; in children, 554* -diphenylhydantoin for pancreas, distribution, imaging, tumor/nontumor ratio relevance. 578* 775 tumor uptake, compared to "7Ga-citrate, 524* -dopamine analogs for adrenal glands, distribution, in tumor uptake, compared to other labeled bleomycins, rats, 1147 524* -folate, displacement by methotrexate, in dogs, 572* Indlnm-llSm hepatitis B radioimmunoassay, 513* aerosol, lung ventilation in obstructive airways disease, -immunoglobulin. vesicle survival, in mice, 483 574* -iododeoxyuridine, tumor therapy, in mice. 516* cardiac blood flow, 500* -iodomethylnorcholesterol, preparation, distribution, in -chloride, gastric emptying, antacid effect, 562* mice, 666 -chloride, gastrointestinal bleeding detection, 569* -microspheres, blood flow, skin flap, in dogs, 1212* -chloride, hepatic blood flow, in métastases,533* -motilin, radioimmunoassay, 1094* -chloride, liver and spleen scanning, focal defects, 583* photon spectrum, 246 -DTPA, brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, in mice, -plasminogen, distribution, tumor uptake, in mice. 560* 200 -quinoline analog, for melanoma, distribution, in mice, -DTPA, CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* 530* -DTPA, radiation dosimetry, cisternography, 1177 radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 857 -Fe(OH).i, cardiac shunt determination, 528* radioassay of small samples, 952 left ventricular ejection fraction, cardiac output, portable source, photon absorptiometry, bone mineral content, 196 probe, 289 -streptokinase, preparation, kinetics, in animals. 136 -MAA, myocardial perfusion, 851* thyroid uptake. 562* myocardial scan, left ventricular aneurysm, 1024 T»radioimmunoassay, 514* -polyfunctional phosphonates for bone, preparation, dis Iodine-125, fibrinogen tribution, in rabbits, 1080 -autologous, preparation, 393 thyroid perfusion, cold nodule, 1187 compared to other labels, 542* Indium-114m distribution, tumor uptake, in mice, 560* -DTPA, distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 high specific activity, preparation, characterization, 756 Infection single donor, safety, 562* see also Abscess; Bacteria thrombus uptake, in dogs, 370 bubonic plague, "Ga-citrate scan. 1031 Iodine-126 °7Ga-citratescanning, 2, 580* radiation dosimetry, MIRD. 857 mucormycosis, kidney transplant, 925 -rose bengal, radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 1214 pancreatic pseudocyst, "7Ga-citrate scan, 1132 Iodine-129 streptococcus Group A, radiometrie identification, 1085 photon spectrum, 246 Inflammation Iodine-ISO """Tc-microsphere-leukocyte uptake, in animals. 527* radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 857 TOmTc-Scolloid-leukocyte uptake, 566*; in dogs, 527* -rose bengal, radiation dosimetry, MIRD. 1214 Injection Iodine-131 effects in cisternography, 267 -acetazolamide, preparation, distribution, in animals, eye microvasculature studies, 517* 537* intrasplenic, intramesenteric, effect on liver uptake of -bleomycin. tumor uptake, in animals. 524* "Tc-S colloid, in rats, 377 -bromsulphalein, bile leakage, liver pseudocyst, 825 site, Fe-dextran, """Tc-diphosphonate uptake, 577* -chlorpropamide for pancreas, distribution, in animals, Iodine 577* early thyroid kinetics, 517* -cholesterol, adrenal carcinoma, 566* radio-, iodination level effects on fibrinogen, 534* -cholesterol, preparation, purification, 69

Volume 16, Number 12 1245 SUBJECT INDEX

-cholesterol, radiation dosimetry, 247, 248 Iron -cholesterol, therapy for adrenal cortical hyperplasia, in total serum binding capacity, 583* dogs, 928 Iron-52 -diphenylhydantoin for pancreas, distribution, imaging, bone marrow scanning, compared to "'In, MmTc-S col 775 loid, 66 -diphenylhydantoin, kinetics, effects of carrier and estro Iron-59 gen, 305 -RBC, bone kinetics, in rats, 40 -fatty acids, characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 Joints -fatty acids, preparation, 17 see also Extremities hepatographic patterns in disease, rectal administration, knee, """Tc-polyphosphate scan in arthritis, 510* 802* ^P-chromic phosphate synovectomy, 442 -iodoantipyrine, distribution, in animals, 561* popliteal cyst, thrombosis differentiation, """Tc-HSA, -iodoantipyrine, kit, 561* 580* -iodoethanol, distribution, in animals, 561* sacro-iliac disease, ""Tc-pyrophosphate imaging, 545* -iodomethylnorcholestenol, preparation, distribution, in synovium, 1MAu-therapy, 100 animals, 514*. 666, 1038 TcOr imaging in periarteritis nodosa, 804* -iodomethylnorcholestenol, uptake by adrenals, in rats, Kidney 542*, 565* autoradiography of uptake, MmTcagents, 554* liver imaging, metastatic thyroid carcinoma, 669, 919 disease, effect on bone uptake of "Tc-pyrophosphate, 33 -lysozyme, -ribonuclease, for kidney, distribution, in ani disease, effect on "Co-bleomycin tumor imaging, 1058 mals, 357 failure, effect on soft-tissue uptake of """Tc-phosphates, -oleic, -linoleic acid, myocardial uptake, in animals, 842 1087 radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 857 failure, rhabdomyolysis, muscle uptake of bone agents, -rose bengal, compared to «""Teagents, in baboons, 577* 515* -rose bengal, compared to """Tc-mercaptoisobutyric acid. function tests, combined with cerebral death studies, 686, 687 """Tc-DTPA, 538* -rose bengal, gallbladder imaging, 543*, 1029 GFR, "F, "Tc-polyphosphate, 688, 689 -rose bengal, radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 1214 GFR, x-ray fluorescence of iothalamate, in dogs, 510* -streptokinase, preparation, kinetics, in animals, 136 glomerular filtration, '"In-phosphate, in animals, 164 -streptozotocin analogs, tumor uptake, in hamsters, 535* ""I-acetazolamide distribution, in animals, 537* -tetracycline, preparation, stability, 519* '"In-bleomycin uptake on normal scan, 537* -tetracycline, tumor uptake, compared to other agents, in multi-isotope studies, mHg-chloride, """Tc-DMSA, 571* rats, 532* phagocytic capability, in animals, 709 -tetracycline, tumor uptake, in animals, 520* phantom, blood background and mean transit studies, thyroid imaging, with """TcOr, 918 576* thyroid scan, accessory thyroid, 1135 renogram, deconvolution analysis, scintillation camera, thyroid scan, cold nodule, 713 1212* thyroid therapy, effect on red blood cells, 963, 964 renogram in hemangioendotheliomatosis, "'I-Hippuran, thyroid therapy, effect on thyroid function, 568* 915 thyroid therapy, low dose, 549*, 572* renogram, transplant evaluation, 131I-Hippuran, 612, thyroid uptake, depression by contrast media, 802* 1092*, 1115 thyroid uptake, normal range, 560* renogram, urinary tract obstruction in pregnancy, 803* thyroid uptake suppression test, 538* Te effect on ""Tc-gluconate distribution, in rats, 478 -tumor antibody, preparation, distribution, in animals. """Tc-diphosphonate uptake in Paget's disease, 582* 544* """Tc-thiomalic acid, preparation, distribution, in rats, Iodine-131, albumin 531* bone kinetics, in rats, 40 uptake of °""Tckidney agents, in rats, 531* brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, in mice, 200 uptake on bone scans, 1092*, 1109; w"Tc-polyphosphate, cisternography, 267, 502*; aseptic meningitis, 809 454, 602; I8F and wnTc-pyrophosphate, 161 -MAA, myocardial perfusion during stress, 510* Kidney, blood flow -MAA, venography, 579* carcinoma detection, """Tc-MAA, 472 plasma volume determination, 1207: normal range. 46. ERPF, transplant, """Tc-DTPA, 1115 961, 962 hypernephroma, arteriovenous shunting, """Tc-micro- tumor imaging, 1212* spheres, 569* unilateral ventricular reflux, 716 intra-, camera-computer system, ""Xe in saline, 899 Iodine-131, fibrinogen pheochromocytoma detection, """Tc-DTPA, 234 autologous, kidney transplant rejection, 555* Kidney imaging -autologous, preparation, 393 effect of distended gastric fundus, ""Tc-DTPA, 947 coronary artery thrombus image, 804* in hemangioendotheliomatosis, ""Hg-chlormerodrin, 915 high specific activity, preparation, characterization, 756 large-field-of-view scintillation camera, 1158 preparation, comparison to other labels, 542* multi-isotope studies, "'Hg-chloride, """Tc-DMSA. 571 * thrombus uptake, in dogs, 370 radiation dosimetry, ""Hg-, ^Hg-chlormerodrin, 1095 Iodine-131, Hippuran refocused images, 548* blind-ending ureteral duplication ¡mage,208 -Tc-complexes, 357 collecting system evaluation in renal transplant, 557* """Tc-DMSA, 28 kidney transplant evaluation, 557*, 1092*, 1115 ""Tc-DTPA imaging in obstructive disease, 525* renogram for urinary tract obstruction in pregnancy, 803* """Tc-phosphate bone scans, 161,454,602, 1092*, 1109 renogram in hemangioendotheliomatosis, 915 vesicoureteral reflux, 131I-Hippuran, 968* ureteral fistula imaging, 612 Kidney transplant vesicoureteral reflux imaging, 968* bone imaging, 538* Iodine-132 collecting system evaluation, WI"Tc,"'I-Hippuran, 557* radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 857 ERPF, w"Tc-DTPA, 1115 lothalamate monitoring, «""Tc-Scolloid, ""TcOr, 529 GFR by x-ray fluorescence, in dogs, 510* mucormycosis infection, head and brain imaging, 925


rejection, "'I-autologous fibrinogen studies, 555* radiation dosimetry, radioiodides, MIRD, 857 renograms, 1092*, 1115 radiation dosimetry, """TI, 1089, 1090 ureteral fistula imaging, ""Tc-DTPA, "'I-Hippuran, 612 size estimation, in rats, 381 Kit subtraction from 67Ga-citrate scans. 548* 1MI-iodoantipyrine, 561* """Tc-iminodiacetic acid analog, distribution, in animals. radioiodinated autologous fibrinogen, 554* 533* """Tc-diphosphonate, chromatography, 584* "Tc-minimicrosphere kit, 542* """Tc-minimicrospheres, 542* "Tc-S colloid, 108A "Tc-RBC, 512*, 570* """Tc-S colloid uptake, effect of injection site, in rats, T»radioimmunoassay, 514*; evaluation, 558* 377 Krypton-79 """Tc-Schiff's bases, preparation, imaging, in animals. nuclear parameters, radiation dosimetry, 143 520* Krypton-Sim -to-spleen ratio of "Tc-S colloid, in cirrhosis, 802* see also Rubidium-Sim uptake, 131I-d¡phenylhydantoin,effects of carrier, estrogen. characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 305 Krypton-85 uptake mechanism, wTc-S colloid, ""Au, in rats, 532* nuclear parameters, radiation dosimetry, 143 Livor, blood flow Krypton-85m effect of métastases,'""In-chloride, 533* for lung ventilation, 539* effective plasma flow, disease differentiation, 524* nuclear parameters, radiation dosimetry, 143 hepatic artery-portal vein fistula, "Tc-S colloid, 910 Lacrimal gland in hypersplenism, "Tc-S colloid. 555* drainage, contrast and """TcOr, 605 neoplastic tumors, "Tc-S colloid, 595 1,1) see Toxicity quantitative, "Tc-S colloid, in dogs, 572* Lead-203 MmTc-Scolloid, 71,626 -chloride, -acetate, -EDTA, -polyphosphate, -diphospho- veno-occlusive disease, TcOr, 1130 nate, distribution, in mice, 544* Liver imaging -chloride, for bone, distribution, in rats, 170 abdominal tumor, "Tc-S colloid, 853* -DTPA, radiation dosimetry, cisternography, 1177 abscess, métastasesdifferentiation, 250 -ionophores, for heart imaging, distribution, in mice, 567* "C-ethanol, in cats, 73 -Tris, melanoma uptake, in hamsters, 556* cancer, primary, "Ga-citrate, "Tc-S colloid, 949 tumor uptake and viability, in rats, 532* ectopie gallbladder effects, 1029 Lesion see also Abscess; Inflammation; Tumor effect of splenectomy, "Tc-S colloid, 194 benign, Tc-bleomycin, "Ga-citrate uptake, 414 focal defects, "Tc-S colloid, 831, 896 Leukocytes Fresnel zone plate, "Tc-S colloid. 183 "C-substrate metabolism, continuous measurement, 517* ""I-rose bengal, 629; in rabbits, 540* culture. Fe enhancement of °7Ga-citrateuptake, 1183 in breast cancer, 545* "Ga-, n'In-, abscess detection, in rabbits, 583* in hemangioendotheliomatosis, "Tc-S colloid, 915 leukemic, MTc uptake, 530* interpretation, 11 "Te labeling, 530* kala-azar, "Tc-S colloid, 1128 °°Tc-microsphere-, preparation, abscess, inflammation large-field-of-view scintillation camera, 1158 uptake, in animals, 527* lung uptake of "Tc-S colloid. 188, 249. 250, 332, 439. -Tc-S colloid labeling, uptake in inflammation, 566*: 440, 542*. 1002; mechanism, 22 in dogs, 527* metastatic thyroid carcinoma, IS1I."Tc-S colloid. 669 Licensing refocused images, 546*, 548* compliance tests and radiation safety procedures, 517* "Tc-S colloid, clinical evaluation. 62. 450, 1204 Limulus amoebocyte lysate test veno-occlusive disease, "Tc-S colloid. 626, 1130 cisternography agents, 809 Liver scanning test sensitivity, 552* benign tumor uptake of "Ga-citrate, 470 Line spread function focal defects, 67Ga-citrate, """InCk "'In-bleomycin, 583* determination, scintillation camera, 1200 focal defects, porta hepatis region, "Tc-S colloid, 1007 high-count-rate positron imaging, 653 foramen of Morgagni hernia, "Tc-S colloid, 261 positron range effects, 649 hepatic artery traumatic aneurysm, "Tc-S colloid. transaxial positron tomography, 210 "Tc-MAA, 1027 Liquid scintillation counting ml, thyroid carcinoma métastases,919 book review, 1091 mln-bleomycin, normal scan, 537* continuous measurement of "C-substrate metabolism, in breast carcinoma, 802* 517* interpretation. Gamut approach, 1121 'H, quench correction, 570* lung carcinoma staging, 538* vial design, 963 lymphoma, "Ga-citrate, 255 Liver obstructive jaundice. 853* "Br- and œBr-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine, prepara pseudocyst, bile leakage, "'I-bromsulphalein. "8Au, 825 tion, distribution, 243 pseudotumor in acute hepatitis, "Tc-S colloid, 799 "C-aminonitriles, distribution, in dogs, 582* LSF see Line spread function "C, albumin synthesis rate, radiation dose, 642 Lungs comparison of hepato-biliary agents, in baboons, 577* ^Br-dimethoxyphenylisopropylamine. preparation, distri disease, radiation dose estimates, MIRD, ""Au, 173 bution, 243 hepatographic patterns in disease, rectal administration "C-aliphatic amines, uptake, in animals. 511* of ""I, 802* "C-aminonitriles, distribution, in dogs, 582* ""I-rose bengal jaundice evaluation, 567* cancer, metastatic to liver, alpha-fetoprotein levels. 1094* 12SI-rosebengal, preparation, imaging. 629 carcinoma staging, "Te, "Ga, 538* lesion, "Ga-citrate uptake, 443 '"Ce-particle clearance, in dogs, 851 * métastasesfrom lung, alpha-fetoprotein levels, 1094* function in mucopolysaccharidoses, "Tc-S colloid, 541* normal, weight estimation, 314 "Ga-citrate uptake, effect of contrast lymphangiography, radiation dose, "7Hg-, OTHg-chlormerodrin, 1095 375

Volume 16, Number 12 1247 SUBJECT INDEX

™I-acetazolamide distribution, in animals, 537* Mammography pleural effusion, "7mSrsecretion, 1208 compared to inln-bleomycin breast scanning, 578* pleural effusion, uptake of "'""Tc-diphosphonate, 883 compared to """Tc-polyphosphate imaging. 581* """Tc-S colloid retention, 188, 249, 250, 439, 440: in his- Mercury-197 tiocytosis X, 332: in mucopolysaccharidoses, 542*, -adriamycin, -acetate, tumor uptake, in mice, 560* 1002; mechanism, 22 -chloride, dual-isotope kidney studies, with "Tc-DMSA, ""Xe, '"Xe, 1KXe,radiation dosimetry, 780 571* Lungs, blood flow -chlormerodrin, brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, arteriovenous fistulas, """Tc-microspheres. 328 in mice, 200 arteriovenous malformation, "TcOr, 180 -chlormerodrin, kidney imaging in hemangioendothelio cardiac shunt determination, """'Tc-microspheres, -MAA, matosis, 915 '»"•In-Fe(OH)»,528* -chlormerodrin, radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 1095 pulmonary sequestration evaluation, 530* -chlormerodrin, tumor imaging, 1212* systemic-pulmonic shunt assessment, """Tc-MAA, in chil lymphocyte labeling, 564* dren, 528* multi-isotope lung studies, """Tc-microspheres, "7Ga, 571 * Lung imaging Mercury-203 carcinoma, """Tc-polyphosphate uptake, 1021 -chlormerodrin, kidney imaging, compared to """Tc-com- cost-effectiveness, 550* plexes, 357 Fresnel zone plate. """Tc-MAA, 183 -chlormerodrin, radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 1095 hemangioendotheliomatosis, """Tc-MAA, 1:£'Xegas, 915 -unsaturated fatty acid esters, preparation, distribution. "hot spots", ""Tc-MAA, 241 in animals, 572* large-field-of-view scintillation camera, 1158 Microspheres liver-lung interface. """Tc-MAA. 1027 see also Gallium-68; Iodine-125; Strontium-85; Techne- multi-isotope studies. """Tc-microspheres, "7Ga, 1B7Hg. nelium-99m, microspheres 571* radiolabeled, blood flow in skin flaps, in animals, 1212* particle dose effects, "°"Tc-MAA,in dogs, 526* MIRD pulmonary infarcì, pneumonitis differentiation. "Ga. radiation dose estimates, '""Au, in liver disease, 173 551* radiation dose estimates, ™7Hg-, -'""Hg-chlormerodrin refocused images, 546*, 548* 1095 -spleen interface. """Tc-S colloid, -microspheres, 822 radiation dose estimates, I!3I-, 1WI-,1ZI-, 1MI-, 130I- 131I- wmTc-gluconate for tumor, in children, 552* 1MI-iodides, 857 """Tc-microspheres, statistics, 503* radiation dose estimates, 1KtI-,124I-,12

1248 JOURNAL OF NUCLEAR MEDICINE SUBJECT INDEX lVitrogen-13, ammonia pulmonary sequestration evaluation, 530* brain imaging, positron camera, 537* splenogonadal fusion, """Tc-S scan, 922 characteristics for myocardial imaging, 15I systemic-pulmonic shunt assessment, """Tc-MAA, 528* heart imaging, in dogs, 429 """Tc-HSA ventriculography in hydromelia, 581* myocardial tomography, 521* """Tc-pyrophosphate scans in calcinosis universalis of der- myocardial uptake, species differences, 529* momyositis, 568* unilateral, ventricular reflux, ''"I-HSA, 716 transaxial positron tomography, in dogs, 210 Nomenclature ventilation in cystic fibrosis, ""Xe, 548* scans, 964 ventilation, perfusion in pulmonary artery banding, '"Xe, Norepinephrine 577* "C-, characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 ventilation/perfusion in tetralogy of Fallot, 510* Nuclear Medicine Pioneer Citation, George V. Taplin, 504 vesicoureteral reflux, radionuclide cystography, 522* Observer Peritoneal cavity liver image interpretation, 11 "Tc-S colloid distribution before "P-chromic phosphate optimum photoscan gray scale, 519* therapy, 319 scan interpretation, Gamut approach, 1121 Personnel Ovaries cost, relative weights, 348 ovulation monitoring, estrogen radioimmunoassay, 500* Phagocytes radiation dose, '""Au, 173; I

Volume 16, Number 12 1249 SUBJECT INDEX

Probe Radiation therapy mobile system for left ventricular ejection fraction, 289, effect on bone uptake of """Tc-polyphosphate, 501* 531* effect on salivary gland uptake of 67Ga-citrate, 514* ultrasound guidance system, 562* splenic response, """Tc-S colloid, 123 Prostate Radioassay cancer, MmTc-diphosphonate bone scanning, 579* human chorionic gonadotrophin, 500*, 501* :'H- and "C-putrescine distribution, in rats, 337 126I,small samples, 952 steroid structural requirements, 570* total serum Fe binding capacity, 583* """Zn imaging, 495, 496 TSH, Ta in pernicious anemia, 549* Protein T.,, 514*, 662 binding, 7BSe,501* T,, T,, TSH following thyroid therapy, 568* "C labeling, 425 Radioimmunoassay Pyrogens alpha-fetoprotein, 805*, 1094* Limulus test, cisternography agents, 809 book review, 498 Limulus test sensitivity, 552* carcinoembryonic antigen, 1094*; in ulcerative procto- Pyrophosphate see Phospììorous-32;Technetium-99m, py- colitis, 1094*; in metastatic breast carcinoma, 579* rophosphate computer system, 559* Quality control digoxin, 559*; post mortem, 1212* Chromatographie strip counter, 225 estrogen, 500* chromatography of """Tc-diphosphonates, 584* gastrin, 805* comparison of °7Ga-citratepreparations, 580* gentamicin, 968* fibrinogen, single donor, 562* "H-, quench correction, 570* Limulus test, cisternography agents, 809 hepatitis B, 12BI,513* Limulus test sensitivity, 552* human chorionic gonadotrophin, 500*, 501* programs for imaging, 957 liquid scintillation vial design, 963 radioassay of ™I,952 motilin, in dogs, 1094* radiometrie sterility assay, 798 prostaglandins in mouse neuroblastoma, 83 scintillation cameras, 564*; bar phantom, 531*- field trichinosis diagnosis, 501* flood, 513* vitamin Bi2, toadfish serum binding, 541* tests and procedures for medical byproduct material li Radiometrie assay censes, 517* "C-DOPA, blood metabolism, 576* 1MXeclinical laboratory contamination, 804* equipment, 517* workshops, 550* lymphocyte metabolism, 576* Quinoline M. lepraemurium metabolism, 518* -analogs, ""I-, distribution, in mice, 530* M. tuberculosis metabolism, 518*, 1189 Radiation damage MmTc,mouse fetus, newborn and progeny, 544* sterility, 798 streptococcus Group A, 1085 Radiation dosimetry Radiu m-226 188Auin liver disease, MIRD, 173 radiation dosimetry, 502* ""Bi-, """Bi-citrate, 515* Record keeping bone agents, 502* computer system, 275, 575* brain tumor agents, in mice, 200 Red blood cell "C-albumin synthesis measurement test, 642 see also Technelium-99m, red blood cells ri7Co-bleomycin, 550*, 1058 r"Cr-, KP-, survival, in gerbils, 682 DTPA cisternography agents, 101, 570*, 1177 effect of "'I thyroid therapy, 963, 964 "7Ga-citrate, 550* '*Fe-, bone kinetics, in rats, 40 "Ga-citrate, placenta! transfer, in animals, 581* lraRu-ruthenium red for spleen, preparation, distribution, gastrointestinal tract model, 853* in rats, 795 "7Hg-, ""Hg-chlormerodrin, MIRD, 1095 MmTclabeling in vivo, 518*, 541* 1BT,""I, ""I, '="1, "»I,»%'«I,as sodium iodide, MIRD, """Tc-pyrophosphate labeling, 435 857 volume, normal, 46, 961, 962 ""I-, 121I-,I26I-,1>0I,"'I-rose bengal, MIRD, 1214 ""I-bleomycin, 550* Resolution ""I-cholesterol, 247, 248 see also FWHM; Line spread function; Modulation trans 131I-diphenylhydantoin for pancreas, 775 fer function scintillation cameras, 1206 niln-bleomycin, 550*, 554*, 854* semiconductor camera, 53 '"In-citrate bone marrow imaging, dose to gonads, 769 spatial, temporal, energy, ring detector transaxial tomo myocardial agents, 151, 527*, 553*, 1070 graph, 1166 normalization of concentration data, 247, 248, 958 Rose bengal "Se-selenite, 846 see also Iodine-123; Iodine-]31 specific absorbed fraction computation, 492 myocardial infarcìuptake, in rats, 523* specific activity effects, 541* radioiodinated, radiation dosimetry, MIRD, 1214 ""Tc-bleomycin, 414 Rubidium-81 ""Tc-DMSA kidney imaging, 28, 357 characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 """Te kidney agents, 357 myocardial imaging, in dogs, 553* ""Tc-S colloid in liver disease, MIRD, 108A myocardial perfusion during stress, 515* ""Tl, 151, 527*. 553*, 1070, 1089, 1090 myocardial perfusion, in animals, 851* myocardium, coincidence and noncoincidence counting. Xe and Kr radionuclides, 143 ""Xe inhalation, dose to lungs, 580* in dogs, 658 133Xe,I27Xe,"*Xe for lung studies, 780 parameters for scanning systems, 562* radiation dosimetry, 527*, 1070 ""Yb-DTPA, intrathecal, 570*; to brain, 101 Rubidium-82 Radiation safety characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 procedures, medical byproduct material licenses, 517* generator, 300, 429


heart imaging, in dogs, 429 small, etiology, pathogenesis, 571* splenectomy, effect of """Tc-S colloid image, 194 positron range, 1174 Ruthenium-103 ""Tc-S colloid uptake in mucopolysaccharidoses, 542*, -ruthenium-red-RBC for spleen, preparation, distribution, 1002 -to-liver ratio, """Tc-S colloid uptake, in cirrhosis, 802* in rats, 795 """Tc-RBC imaging, 512* Salivary glands "Ga-citrate, after radiation therapy, 514* Sterility see Quality Control Samar ium-153 Stomach see Gastrointestinal tract tumor uptake, in mice, 528* Streptokinase see Iodine-123; ¡odine-125;¡odine-131;Tech- Scalp netium-99m tumor, on cerebral flow study, 462 Strontium-82 Scanner, fluorescent, 530* -^Rb generator, 300, 429 Scanner, rectilinear Strontium-85 comparison of 4:'Kand "Rb for heart studies, 562* bone imaging, 503* computer image correction, 523* bone scanning in malignancy, 559* isocount scanning and multilevel analysis, 938 LSF, 649 modification, "Ga scans, 1192 -microspheres, bone blood flow, in rats, 40 optimum gray scale, 519* -microspheres, myocardial perfusion, in animals, 851* whole-body, moving bed, 570* -nitrate, scan in dermatomyositis, 467 4 X 5-in. film, 560* Strontium-87m Scanning bone imaging, chemotherapy response monitoring, 191 bone scanning in Hodgkin's disease, 852* see also specific organ interpretation, Gamut approach, 1121 -citrate, secretion into serous fluids, 1208 omnidirectional, image processing, 685 Strontium-89 in """TcOr eluate, 571* Scatter computer image correction, 523* Strontium-90 dual-window """Te imaging, 513* in """TcOr eluate, 571* fraction measurement, MmTc,camera, 535* radiation dosimetry, 502* Fresnel zone plate imaging, 183 Sulfur-35 subtraction, effect on image contrast, 102 -cyclamate metabolism, in rats, 970* Schilling test -dopamine analog for adrenal glands, distribution, in rats, consecutive day, 495 1147 Selenium-75 Synovium see Joint -pancreozymin, pancreas function test, 1093* Technctium-99 plasma protein binding, 501* carrier, WmTc-gluconate and -diphosphonate distribution, -selenite, brain scanning, 331 in rats, 478 -selenite, radiation dosimetry, 846 in """TcO.- generator eluate, 570*, 639 -selenocholesterol, adrenal gland uptake, in animals, 565* Technetium-99m -selenocysteine derivatives, pancreas imaging, 933 -bleomycin, benign process uptake, 414 Selenium-75, selenomethionine -bleomycin, """Tc-pyrophosphate labeling, 435 -D-, pancreas imaging, 933 -bleomycin, tumor imaging, 414, 503*, 551* pancreas dynamics in diabetes mellitus, 270 -bleomycin, tumor uptake, compared to "H- and "*Cu- pancreas imaging, pseudocyst, 326; tumor, 533* bleomycin, in rats, 127 pancreas scanning, 1090 bone agents, current literature, 502* tumor imaging, 1212* -calcein blue, distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 tumor uptake and viability, in rats, 532* -caseidin, distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 Skin -citrate, brain imaging, 526* flap, blood flow, radiolabeled microspheres, in dogs, -citrate, tumor uptake, in mice, 534* 1212* collecting system evaluation in renal transplants, 557* Skull collimator for myocardial imaging, 531* Paget's disease, "TcOr and -polyphosphate imaging, -colloid aerosol, imaging obstructive pulmonary disease, 619 546* Sodium-22 -Cu-HEDSPA for bone, preparation, distribution, in ani radiation dosimetry, 502* mals, 520* Species detection efficiency, single and annihilation photon sys differences, effect of iodination level of fibrinogen, 534* tems, 210 differences, myocardial uptake, 529* -dihydrothioctic acid, myocardial infarct uptake, in rats, Spleen 523* delayed rupture, """Tc-S colloid imaging, 912 -diphosphonate, see Technetium-99m, diphosphonate encasement by tumor, "Tc-S colloid image, 718 -DMSA, see Technetium-99m, dimercaptosuccinic acid imaging, anatomic variant artifact, 99, 100 -DTPA see Technetium-99m, DTPA imaging in hemangioendotheliomatosis, 915 -Fe ascorbate, kidney imaging, 357 '"In uptake, 1204, 1205 -Fe-ascorbic acid and -DTPA complex, brain tumor up kala-azar, ""°Tc-Scolloid, 97Ga-citrate imaging, 1128 take, radiation dosimetry, in mice, 200 -lung interface, wmTc-S colloid, -microspheres, imaging. -Fe-ascorbic acid, kidney autoradiography, in rabbits. 822 554* perfusion, in hypersplenism, M"Tc-S colloid, 555* -Fe hydroxide, perfusion in pulmonary embolism, 503* response to radiation therapy, "Tc-S colloid, 123 fibrin, for thrombus, 521* lœlRu-ruthenium red-RBC, preparation, distribution, in -fibrinogen, electrolytic preparation, chemistry, 343, 534* rats, 795 -glucoheptonate, see Technetiiim-99m, glucoheptonate scan, splenogonadal fusion, ™""Tc-Scolloid, 922 -gluconate, distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 scanning, focal defects, "Ga-citrate, '"""InCU, mln-bleo- -gluconate, effect of Tc on distribution, in rats, 478 mycin, 583* -gluconate, tumor imaging, in children, 552* scanning, Hodgkin's disease, °°"Tc-Scolloid, 457, 1212* -hepatobiliary agents, comparison, in baboons, 577*

Volume 16, Number 12 1251 SUBJECT INDEX

-HSA, see Technctíum-99/n, albumin left ventricular function, 386 ¡mageintensifier camera response, 541* pericardia! effusion imaging, 969* -imidodiphosphate, bone imaging, 1137 tumor uptake and distribution, in mice, 560* -imidodiphosphate for bone, distribution, in animals, ventriculography, hydromelia, 581* 574* Technetium-99m, dimercaptosurcinic acid iminodiacetic acid analog for hepatobiliary imaging, dis dual-isotope kidney studies, with 1BTHgCla,571* tribution, in animals, 533* kidney autoradiography, in rabbits, 554* -iminodiacetic acid complexes, preparation, distribution, kidney imaging, 28, 357 in animals. 546* kidney uptake compared lo other agents, in rats, 531 * -inulin. distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 myocardial infarcìimaging, in dogs, 582* -lactobionate, distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 myocardial infarcìuplake, in rals, 523* -leukocytes, labeling, 530* Terhnetium-99ni, diphosphonate -leukocytes, abscess and inflammation uptake, in dogs, amyloid uplake, 238 527* bone graft and sofl-lissue imaging, in dogs, 563* -lymphocytes, preparation, distribution, in rabbits, 530* bone imaging, compared lo olher agents, 744, 803* -MAA. sec Technetium-99m, macroaggregated albumin bone imaging, kinetics, 744 -mannitol, distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits, 357 bone imaging, metaslalic lumor, 986 -mercaptoisobutyric acid, compared to "'I-rose bengal, bone imaging, renal Iransplant, 538* 686. 687 bone imaging rhinocerebral mucormycosis, 925 -mercaptoisobutyric acid, myocardial infarcìuptake, in bone scanning, avascular necrosis, joint disease, 574* rats, 523* bone scanning in breast carcinoma. 529* -multidentate phosphates for bone, distribution, in ani bone scanning in malignant melanoma and prostate can mals, 540* cer, 579* -penicillamine. kidney uptake, in rats, 531* bone scanning in osteosarcoma, 423 -penicillamine, myocardial infarcìuptake, in rats, 523* bone scanning in Paget's disease, 569* -pertechnelale, see Technetium-99m, pertechnetate bone scanning, afler lolal hip replacement, 522* -phosphate compounds, see also Technetium-99m, diphos- bone scanning, solitary lesion, 522* phonate; Technetium-99m, polyphosphate; Techne- brain imaging, 526*, 705 lium-99m, pyrophosphate Chromatographie evalualion, 584*, 1087, 1088 -phosphate compounds, bone scanning in lymphoma. compared to other bone agents, in animals, 1137 555*; in breast cancer, 532* jaw lesion imaging, 511* -phosphate compounds, distribution comparisons, in ani kidney aclivity in Pagel's disease. 582* mals, 1137 kidney images on bone study, 1109 -phosphate compounds, soft-tissue tumor imaging, 551*, kinelics, in man, 744, 886 1087 -méthylène-,compared lo other agenls for bone imaging, photopeak plus backscaller imaging, 513* 744 -polyamino acid-vesicle survival, in mice, 483 -melhylene-, distribution, in animals, 1137 -polyphosphale, see Technelium-99m, polyphosphate myocardial infarcì,lomography, 581* -polyslyrene-TETA complex, gaslric emplying, 575* myocardial infarcìuplake, in animals, 132, 523*, 975 -pyridoxylideneglulamale, gallbladder imaging, 543*, 728 pleural effusion uplake, 883 -pyridoxylideneglulamale, preparation, gallbladder imag sofl-tissue lumor uplake, 536*, 568* ing, in animals, 720 soft-lissue uplake in Fe-dexlran injection sites, 577* -pyrophosphate, see Technetinm-99m, pyrophosphale soft-tissue uptake, in rats, 58 radiation damage, mouse and progeny, 544* soft-tissue uptake in renal failure, 515* -RBC, see Technctiiim-99m, red blood cells Tc effect on distribulion, in rats, 478 resolution indices, scintillalion camera images, 228 toxicily, 444 -Sb colloid, mammary lymph node drainage. 526* lumor deteclion, image subtraction. "7Ga-cilrate, 523* scatter fraction measurement, 535* uplake mechanism, enzymatic. 352 -Schiffs bases, preparation, hepalobiliary imaging, in ani Technetium-99m, DTPA mals, 520* brain imaging, 320, 536*, 564*. 868 Sn(II) reduced, effecl on """TcOr dislribution, 518, 541*. brain tumor uplake, radialion dosimelry, in mice. 200 579* cisternography, spinal fluid leak, 616 Sn(II) reduced, valence slale, 555* combined cerebral dealh and kidney function, 538* specific absorbed fraction, computation, 492 CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* -streplokinase, preparalion. lesling, 474, 557* kidney imaging, 234, 357, 525*, 947, 1158 sulfonylureas. preparalion, distribution, in rats, 561* kidney transplant, ERPF, 1115 -sulfur colloid, see Technctiiim-99m, sulfur colloid kidney uptake, in animals, 531*, 554* tetracycline, see Techneliuni-99m, tetracycline radialion dosimetry, cislernography, 1177 -ihio-glycerol. myocardial infarcìuptake, in rats, 523* ureleral fistula imaging, 612 -thiomalic acid for kidney, preparalion, dislribulion, in Technetium-99m, glucoheptonate rals, 531* brain imaging, 580* -ihymocyles. dislribulion, in mice. 633 kidney autoradiography, in rabbils, 554* -transferrin, lumor uptake and distribution, in mice, 560* kidney imaging. 357 -trifluoroacetylacetonate, dislribulion, in animals, 561* kidney uplake, in rals, 531* -Irimelaphosphate for bone, distribulion, in animals, 1043 myocardial infarcìimaging, 563*, 975; in dogs, 582* -vesicles, preparalion, dislribulion. in animals, 488 myocardial infarcìlomography, 581 * Teohnetium-99in, albumin myocardial infarcìuplake, in animals, 875, 975 arthroscintigraphy. populea! cysl, 580* lumor uptake and viability, in rats, 532* cislernography, aseptic meningitis, 809 Technelium-99m, macroaggregated albumin distribution, kidney uptake, in rabbits. 357 cardiac shunl determination, 528* ECG gated heart imaging, 95, 368, 865 liver-lung interface, 1027 eleclrolytic preparation, chemislry, 534* lung, Fresnel zone plale imaging, 183 labeling, role of sulfhydryl group, 573* lung image "hoi spols", 241 lefl venlricular ejeclion fraction, 527* lung image in hemangioendotheliomatosis, 915


lung perfusion in obstructive airways disease, 574* Technetium-99m, polyphosphate lung perfusion in tetralogy of Fallot. 510* bone imaging, compared to other agents, 744, 803* myocardial infarcìimaging, Fresnel zone plate, in dogs, bone imaging, Fresnel zone plate, 183 183 bone imaging, kinetics, 744 myocardial perfusion, 851 * bone imaging, simultaneous kidney images, 1109 particle dose effects, in dogs, 526* bone scanning, cold lesions. 1013 pericardial perfusion imaging, 969* bone scanning in arthritis, 510*; Hodgkin's disease, 852*; systemic-pulmonic shunt assessment, in children, 528* osteosarcoma, 423 tumor detection, bloodflow study, 472 bone scanning, métastases,1211* venography, in dogs. 563* bone scanning, solitary lesion, 522* Technetium-99m, microsphcreg bone uptake, radiation therapy effect, 501* anaphylactoid reaction, 236 bone uptake, resorbing, in rats, 528* arteriovenous shunting in a hypernephroma, 569* breast mass imaging, 581 * blood flow, hip, pseudoarthrosis, 167 compared to other bone agents, distribution, in animals. cardiac shunt determination, 528* 1137 CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* femoral scanning in cup arthroplasty, 565* -leukocytes, preparation, inflammation uptake, in ani jaw lesion imaging, 511* mals, 527* kidney sign on bone scan, 454, 602 lung image, lung-spleen interface, 822 kinetics, compared to '"F, 688, 689 lung image, wide mediastinum, 324 kinetics, whole-body, 109, 958 lung imaging, arteriovenous fistulas, 328 lung tumor uptake, 1021 lung imaging, statistics, 503* muscle uptake in polymyositis, 1125 lung perfusion, in pulmonary embolism, 533*, 1017 myocardial infarcìimaging. 518*, 851* mini-, kit, 542* myocardial infarcìuptake, in dogs, 132 multi-isotope lung studies, '"7Hg, "7Ga, 571* secretion into serous fluids. 1208 myocardial perfusion during stress, 510* soft-tissue scans, carcinosis universali of dermyositis, myocardial tomography, in dogs, 568* 568* placenta! blood flow distribution, 539* soft-tissue uptake in renal failure, 515* tumor detection, image subtraction, "7Ga-citrate, 523* tumor uptake and viability, in rats, 532* venography, 579*, 993 Teohnetiuni-99m, pyrophosphate Techneliuni-99m, pertechnetate bleomycin and red blood cell labeling. 435 angiocardiogram, dual-channel technique, 789 bone imaging, compared to other agents, 744, 803* angiocardiogram, persistent left superior vena cava, 469 bone imaging, in metabolic disease, 33, 543* bone uptake mechanisms, in rats, 40 bone imaging, in sacro-iliac disease, 545* brain imaging, compared to other agents, 526*, 564*, 705 bone scan, optimal time of study, 879 brain imaging, computer correction, 523* bone scanning, in malignancy, 559*, 1211* brain imaging, "doughnut" sign, 432 bone scanning, in trauma, 538* brain imaging, glycopyrrolate blocking dose, 819 bone tumor imaging. 503* brain imaging, in disease, 573*, 619, 833, 915 bone uptake mechanisms, in rats, 40 brain imaging, rapid sequence, in children, 511* bone uptake parameters, 520* brain perfusion, anomalous venous return, 573*, 622 brain tumor. CVD differentiation, 549* brain perfusion, cerebral vessel displacement. 86 breast lesion uptake. 536* brain perfusion, hemorrhage, 459 compared to other bone agents, distribution, in animals, brain perfusion, quantitative, 525* 1137 brain perfusion, scalp flow elimination, 679 interference with """TcO," brain imaging, 518* brain scan, blood level effects, 553*, 676 kidney ¡mageson bone study, 161, 1109 brain scanning, cerebral infarcì,1210* myocardial infarcìimaging, 518*, 521*. 556*; in dogs. brain scanning in infection, 580* 582* brain scanning, tumor therapy response, 1210* myocardial infarcìquanlitalion, in animals. 573*. 568* brain, subdural hematoma uptake, compartmental model, myocardial infarcìtomography, 581* 571* myocardial infarcìuptake and CPK levels, in dogs, 559* brain tumor, CVD differentiation, 549*, 854* myocardial infarcìuplake. effecl of blood flow, in dogs, brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, in mice, 200 558* breast imaging, 293 myocardial infarcìuplake. in animals, 132, 523*. 548* cardiac shunt evaluation, in children, 511 * myocardial infarcìuplake, mechanism, 525* cisternography artifact, 434 myocardial infarcìuptake rate, 512* CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* myocardial uptake. 944 effect of previously administered Sn(II), 541*, 579*. 690 soft-lissue uptake, in dermatomyosilis, 467 gastric mucosa secretion, in dogs, 535* sofl-lissue uplake, in renal failure, 515* generator eluate, wSr. ""Sr contamination, 571 * tumor uptake and viability, in rats, 532* joint imaging in periarteritis nodosa, 804* whole-body kinetics. 109 kidney transplant monitoring, 529* Teehnetium-99m, red blood cells lacrimal drainage, 605 liver blood flow, veno-occlusive disease, 1130 blood level effect on brain scans, 676 Meckel's diverticulum diagnosis. 515* clinical use evaluation. 512* ECG gated left ventricular blood flow. 865 pulmonary arteriovenous malformation imaging, 180 secretion into isolated bowel loops, in rats, 574* electrolytic preparation, 533* in vivo labeling, 518*, 541* secretion site, in stomach, 1204 kit, 570* sinusitis concentration, 89 Sn(Il) reduction, valence state, 555* local cerebral blood volume, 1092* Tc carrier, 543*, 570*, 639 preparation, in vivo stability, 564* thyroid, early kinetics, 517* radiometrie sterility tesling, 798 thyroid imaging, 512*, 563*, 918 Technetium-99m, sulfur colloid tumor uptake and viability, in rats, 532* bone marrow scanning, avascular necrosis, joinl disease.

Volume 16, Number 12 1253 SUBJECT INDEX

574*; in malignancy, 559*; nonhematologic disease, Therapy 535* see also Chemotherapy; Radiation therapy bone marrow scanning, compared to "'In and KFe, 66 ""Au, synovium, 100 bone marrow scanning, effect of cellularity, 535* ""'I-iododeoxyuridine for lumor, in mice, 516* chromatography, paper strip counter, 225 ""I, effeci on ihyroid funclion, 568* CSF drainage, in rabbits, 539* '"I-thyroid, effect on RBC, 963, 964 gastroesophageal reflux quantitation, 547* "'I, thyroid, low dose, 549*, 572* image subtraction, "Ga-cilrale tumor detection, 523*. Na-EHDP, Paget's disease, 569* 548* "2P-chromic phosphate synoveclomy, 442 kidney transplant monitoring, 529* '-P-chromic phosphale, Tc-S loculalion, 318 kidney uptake mechanism, 709 EP-diphosphonate distribulion, in rats, 532* -leukocytes, inflammation uptake, 566* :"P, parathormone, bone tumors, 519* -leukocytes, labeling, inflammation uptake, in dogs, 527* Thermography liver and spleen imaging, 525*, 915, 1128 cold thyroid nodules, 536* liver and spleen perfusion in hypersplenism, 555* venous thrombosis, 438, 439, 566* liver blood flow, 71, 595, 626, 910 Thorax liver blood flow, quantitative, in dogs. 572* "'In-bleomycin lumor imaging, 854* liver-heart imaging, 896 Thrombus liver imaging, accuracy, 62, 450, 1204 and cyst differentiation, """Tc-HSA arthroscintigraphy, liver imaging, benign disease, 831, 1029, 1130 580* liver imaging, Fresnel zone plate, 183 animal model, 578* liver imaging, malignant disease, 669, 853*, 949 coronary artery, I31I-fibrinogen image, 804* •'"I-fibrinogenimaging, 524* liver imaging, splenectomy effect, 194 liver scanning, focal defects, 1007; foramen of Morgagni "I-, 125I-,""I-slreplokinase kinetics, in animals, 136 hernia, 261; hepatic artery aneurysm, 1027; pseudo- BI-fibrinogen, single donor, safety, 562* tumor, 799 "I-, ""I-, 77Br-fibrinogens, uplake, in animals, 542* liver size estimation, in rats, 380 BI-, lsll-fibrinogen uplake, in animals, 370, 756 liver uptake, effect of injection site, in rats, 377 radioiodofibrin uptake, in dogs, 521* liver uptake, mechanism, in rats, 532* """Tc-autologous fibrinogen, electrolytic preparation, 343 lung retention, 188, 249, 250, 439, 440 ""Tc-MAA venography, in dogs, 563* lung scan, histiocytosis X, 332 Tc-streplokinase preparalion, 474, 557* peritoneal cavity distribution, pre-^'P-chromic phosphate thermography, 438, 439, 566* therapy, 318 venograms combined with lung scanning, ""I-MAA, "Tc- phagocyte labeling, 5 microspheres, 579* RES function in mucopolysaccharidoses. 542*, 1002 Thymocytes sizing, 251 "Te-, s'Cr-, distribution, in mice, 633 spleen imaging, hemangioendotheliomatosis, 915; Hodg- Thymus kin's disease, 457; tumor encasement, 718 ""Te-, 51Cr-thymocytes, distribution, in mice, 633 spleen imaging, radiotherapy effects, 123 Thyroid spleen/liver ratio in cirrhosis, 802* accessory, "'I scan, 1135 spleen-lung interface evaluation, 822 autonomously functioning lesions, 1092* splenogonadal fusion, 922 carcinoma, metastalic, liver imaging, 669, 919 vertebral compression fracture uptake. 93 cold nodule imaging, "'I, TcOr, 918; "Ga-cilrale, 793 Terhnetium-99m, tetracycline cold nodule, '"""In perfusion study, 1187 mammalian cell autoradiography, effect of viability, 315 cold nodule scan, oblique projection, 713 myocardial infarcìimaging, in dogs, 582* cold nodule, thermography, 536* myocardial infarcìuptake, in animals, 523*, 975, 1144; ""Cs scan and gray-scale echography, 522* bloodflow effect, 558* early kinetics of I and TcOr, 517* myocardial uptake mechanism, 525* effective thyroxine ratio, in pediatrics, 955 tumor uptake, viability, in rats, 532* fluorescent scanning, 530*, 557* Telephone function in pernicious anemia, 549* image transmission, 523*, 542*, 549* ml therapy, effect on RBC, 963, 964 Testes "'I therapy, low dose, 549*, 572* radiation dose, '""Au colloid, 173; "'In-cilrate, 769; ""Hg-. '"I therapy, post-therapy function, 568* MHg- chlormerodrin, 1095; »Tc-S colloid, 108A; ra- imaging, Fresnel zone plate, 1Z1I,183 dioiodides, 857; radioiodinated rose bengal, 1214 imaging, refocused images, 548* splenogonadal fusion, wmTc-S scan, 922 imaging, "*I and "TcOr, 512*; MTcO,-, 512*, 563* Testosterone phantom for quality conlrol program, 957 -analogs for prostate, in rats, 570* phantom imaging, dual window, 513*; high count rate Tetracycline positron, 653 see also lodine-ììì;Technetium-99m, tetracycline radialion dosimelry, radioiodides, MIRD, 857 "H-, myocardial infarcìuptake mechanism, 525* serum TSH response to TRH, 538* Thallium-199 ihyroloxicosis due to "sileni thyroiditis", 803* characteristics for myocardial imaging, 151 ihyroxine-binding globulin capacily, 1076 Thalliuni-201 collimatorfor myocardial imaging, 531* tomography, coded-aperture, scintillation camera, 402 T, radioassay, 514*, 558*, 662 distribution, in animals, 156 uptake, ""I, 562* distribution, myocardial imaging, 513*, 565* uptake, ""I, depression by centrasi media, 802* intestinal concentration, 545* -ionophores, for heart imaging, distribution, in mice, 567* uplake, "'I, normal range, 560* myocardial imaging, in dogs, 539*, 553* Thyroid stimulating hormone myocardial perfusion, in animals, 851* response lo TRH, 538* serum levels, in pernicious anemia, 549* preparation, nuclear parameters, 151 radiation dosimelry, 527*, 1070, 1089, 1090 Ihyroid funclion posi 1MIiherapy, 568*


Thyroxine citrate scanning, 560*; liver scanning, 802*; """Tc- -binding globulin capacity, 1076 pyrophosphate bone imaging, 1158 -binding globulin, l:"I-diphenylhydantoin kinetics, 305 bronchogenic carcinoma staging, 538* effective thyroxine ratio, in pediatrics, 955 "C-diphenylhydantoin, -hydroxydiphenylhydantoin scan levels in pernicious anemia, 549* ning, 575* serum, TSH response to TRH in disease, 539* "C-tryptophan, preparation, 579* thyroid function post 131I-therapy, 568* "C-fluorouracil uptake, in mice, 582* Tin CEA radioimmunoassay, 550*, 579*, 1094* (II), previously administered, effect on '"TcOr distribu chemodectoma, """Tc-MAA flow study, 472 tion, 518»,541*, 579* ""Co-bleomycin fractions, distribution, in rats, 1033; mela (II), reduced Tc valence state, 555* noma uptake, in rats, 556* ""Co-bleomycin scanning, 839, 1058 Tomography axial, computerized, 1093*, 1210* eye, ""P imaging, Cerenkov effect, 516* brain, Mark IV system, 543* "Ga-citrate imaging, 414, 523*, 547*, 558*. 560*. 949; carcinoma of the hilum, 576* in children, 533*; in lymphoma, 255 coded aperture, camera, 402 "Ga-citrate, "Tc-S colloid subtraction technique, 523* internal absorption corrections, 540* "Ga-citrate uptake, benign tumor, 470 multiwire proportional chamber positron camera, 546* "Ga-, ""Hg-adriamycin, "Ga-chloride, ""Hg-acetate up myocardial infarcì,"""Tc-diphosphonate, -pyrophosphate, take, in mice, 560* -gluconate, WF,581* "H-prostaglandin E, A and arachidonic acid distribution, myocardial, """Tc-microspheres, in dogs, 568* in mice, 83 transaxial, editorial, 179 3H-, w"Tc-, "Cu-bleomycin uptake, in rats, 127 transaxial, positron, 210, 521*, 558* hemangioendotheliomatosis, RES, kidney, brain imaging, transaxial reconstruction by iterative techniques, 555* 915 transaxial, ring detector system, 1166 hilum carcinoma, "Ga scans, 576* unfocused plane subtraction, 517* 123I-bleomycin imaging, 524* 3D image reconstruction, 80 12EI-serumprotein uptake, in mice, 560* Toxicity 131I-streptozotacin analog uptake, in hamsters. 535* anaphylactoid reaction to """Tc-microspheres, 236 131I-tetracycline uptake, in animals, 520* Bleomycin, 414 imaging agents, comparison, 1212* digoxin, radioimmunoassay, post mortem, 1212* imaging, book review, 498 diphosphonate, 444, 744; méthylène-,744 "'In-bleomycin and -chloride kinetics, in mice, 738 ml-iodocholesterol, 928 luln-bleomycin imaging, 537*, 558*, 854*; in children, imidodiphosphate, 1137 554* pyridoxylideneglutamate, 720 "'In-bleomycin uptake, 578* stannous glucoheptonate, 875, 877 jaw, bone imaging, 511* trimetaphosphate for bone, 1043 kidney bloodflow study, """Tc-MAA, 472 Transferrin see Technetium-99m kidney métastases,uptake of """Tc-polyphosphate, 602 Transmission liver primary, "Ga-citrate imaging, 949 bone mineral content, photon absorption, 891 liver scintiangiography, '"In-chloride, 533*; """Tc-S col imaging, 3D Fourier convolution reconstruction, noise, loid, 595 529 lymphoma, bone scanning, 555* Transplant see Kidney, transplant lymphoma, "7Ga-citrate staging, 255 melanoma, 1=BI-quinoline analogs, distribution, in mice, Trauma abdominal, liver and spleen imaging, in children, 525* 530* bone scanning, 538* melanoma, "'In-bleomycin scanning, 537* hepatic artery aneurysm, MmTc-S colloid, """Tc-MAA. melanoma, ""Pb-Tris, S7Co-bIeomycin. in hamsters, 556* 1027 meningioma, extracranial, """TcOr brain studies, 833 to head, 133Xein saline, cerebral blood flow, 803* metastatic to bone, MP, parathormone therapy, 519*; to spleen, delayed rupture, """Tc-S colloid image, 912 chemotherapy response, """Sr imaging, 191; *""Tc- Triiodothyronine see Ts compound imaging, 532*. 579*, 986, 1158, 1211* Tritium see Hydrogen-3 multiple myeloma, """Tc-diphosphonate bone scanning, Tuberculosis 579* CNS, "Ga-citrate, MmTcOr scanning, 580* neuroblastoma, prostaglandin radioimmunoassay, in mice, mycobacterium, radiometrie assay, 518*, 1189 83 Tumor osteosarcoma, ""Tc-polyphosphate, -diphosphonate bone adrenal carcinoma, lsll-iodocholesterol uptake, 566* scans, 423, 1211* alpha-fetoprotein levels, liver disease, 949, 1094* pancreas, "C-, 131I-diphenylhydantoin imaging, 775 antibody, I31I-,preparation, distribution, in animals, 544* pancreas, r'7Co-bleomycin, 7r'Se-selenomethionine imaging. bleomycin fractions, properties, 526*, 1033 533* bone, comparison of agents, 803* pancreas, scanning evaluation, 568* bone, imaging, 503* pheochromocytoma, """Tc-DTPA kidney angiography, bone, ""Tc-diphosphonate kinetics, 886 234 brain, chemotherapy response, ""TcOr scans. 1210* posterior fossa, scanning. 556* brain, comparison of 16 agents, in mice, 200 prostate, """Zn imaging. 495, 496 brain, medulloblastoma, 520* '"'"""Pt-bleomycin complexes, uptake, in mice, 545* brain, metastatic, steroid medication effect, 320 sarcoma, spleen encasement, """Tc-S colloid image, 718 brain, metastatic, """TcOr scanning, 960, 961 scalp, uptake on cerebral flow study, 462 brain, scan, blood activity contribution, 553* size, semiconductor camera detection, 53 brain, """Tc-glucoheptonate imaging, 580* '"~'Smuptake, in mice, 528* breast, imaging, "Ga-citrate, 293, 996; mln-bleomycin. soft-tissue, MmTc-polyphosphate uptake, 568*. 581*, 602, 578;<""nTcOr, 293;MmTc-polyphosphate, 581* 1021 breast, malignant, benign differentiation. 578* ™""Tc-bleomycinimaging, 414, 551* breast, metastatic, CEA radioimmunoassay, 579*; "Ga- """Tc-gluconate imaging, in children, 552*

Volume 16, Number 12 1255 SUBJECT INDEX

"""Tc-Sn-citrate uptake, in mice, 534* Xenon-122 "Tc-sulfonylureas, preparation, distribution, in rats, radiation dosimetry, 143 561* Xenon-123 therapy, '"'I-iododeoxyuridine, in mice, 516* radiation dosimetry, nuclear parameters, 143 thyroid carcinoma, metastatic, liver imaging, 669, 919 Xenon-125 uptake, comparison of labeled bleomycins and 67Ga- radiation dosimetry, lung studies, 780 citrate, 524* preparation, characteristics, 143 uptake of 131I-tetracycline, "7Ga and ""Tc-compounds, in Xenon-127 rats, 532* nuclear parameters, 143 viability, uptake of ai<1Pband 7r'Se-selenomethionine, in radiation dosimetry, 143, 780 rats, 532* Xenon-129m viability, uptake of six agents, 532* nuclear parameters, radiation dosimetry, 143 T3 kit, 514*, 558* Xenon-131m nuclear parameters, radiation dosimetry, 143 levels in pernicious anemia, 549* Xenon-133 radioassay, resin-strip, 662 contamination in a clinical laboratory, 804* thyroid function post '"'I therapy. 568* dose rate, 539* thyroxine-binding globulin capacity, 1076 nuclear parameters, 143 TSH response to TRH in thyroid disease, 538* radiation dosimetry, 143, 780 Ultrasound -trioxide, Na xenate, Ba xenate, distribution, 545* cold thyroid nodule studies, 713 Xenon-133, gas gamma-ray probe guidance, 562* calibrated dose dispenser, 1197 gray-scale echography, thyyroid, 522* lung ventilation in cystic fibrosis, 548* left ventricular ejection fraction, 565* lung ventilation in hemangioendotheliomatosis, 915 pancreatic disease, 563* lung ventilation in obstructive disease, 567*. 574* Urinary tract lung ventilation in pulmonary artery banding, 577* blind-ending ureteral duplication, l:"I-Hippuran image. lung ventilation in pulmonary embolism, 503*, 553*. 208 evaluation in renal transplants, """"Te,W1l-Hippuran, 557* 1017 lung ventilation in tetralogy of Fallot, 510* obstruction, in pregnancy, renogram, 803* lung ventilation, tidal breathing, 853* radionuclide cystography, in children, 522* ureteral fistula, """Tc-DTPA, ""I-Hippuran, 612 radiation dose to lungs, 580* vesicoureteral reflux, l:"I-Hippuran, scintillation camera regional cerebral blood flow, 1093* studies, 968* spirometer system, 551* upper and lower airways relationship, 570* vesicoureteral reflux, radionuclide cystography, in chil dren, 522* Xenon-133, in saline cerebral blood flow, infarcìeffect, 853*; in monkeys, Vascular system 514* see also Thrombus chemodectoma, """Tc-MAA flow study, 472 cerebral blood flow, regional, 264, 577*, 803*; data proc hemangioendotheliomatosis, 915 essing system, 386 obstructed mediastinal venous return, effect on brain cerebral infarcìimaging, in baboons, 852* bloodflow studies, 622 eye bloodflow. 517* peripheral, blood flow in occlusive disease. I3;'Xe, 1211* inhalation injury in burn patients, 547* peripheral, perfusion imaging, """Tc-RBC, 512* intrarenal blood flow, 899 peripheral perfusion, ischemie ulcer, "Tc-microspheres. lung perfusion in pulmonary artery banding, 577* 993 muscle blood flow, occlusive disease, 1211* tetralogy of Fallût,ventilation/perfusion studies, 510* placenta! blood flow, 968* Veiitriculography see Cerebrospinal fluid regional myocardial blood flow, 536*, 567* Vesicles Xenon-135 polyamino acid and antibody interactions, survival, in nuclear parameters, radiation dosimetry, 143 mice, 483 """Te-, preparation, distribution, in animals, 488 X-ray fluorescence, GFR, iothalamate, in dogs, 510* Vitamin lì therapy, long-range effects, 512* consecutive day Schilling tests, 495 deficiency, "C-formaldehyde, -proprionate metabolism, in Ytterbiu 111-169 rats, 553* -DTPA, brain tumor uptake, radiation dosimetry, in mice, oyster toad fish serum binding, 541* 200 serum, chicken serum binding assay, 551* -DTPA, ¡ntrathecalretention, 570* White blood cells see Leukocytes; Lymphocytes -DTPA, radiation dosimetry, cisternography, 101, 1177 Whole body Yttrium-90 Ca, neutron activation analysis, 196, 672 radiation dosimetry, 502* imaging, scintillation camera, 582* Zinc-69m scanner, unidirectional, 516* prostate imaging, 495, 496


Analytical Development Associates Corp. Medi-Ray, Inc. Cupertino, Calif 60A Tuckahoe, N.Y 46A Atomic Energy of Canada Micromedic Systems Ottawa, Canada 26A Horsham, Penn 56A, 57A C. V. Mosby Co. Atomic Products Corp. St. Louis, Mo ISA Center Moriches, N.Y 30A New England Nuclear Baird-Atomic Boston, Mass 8A, 16A, 17A, 68A, Bedford, Mass 14A, 24A, 25A 69A, 72A Brattle Instrument Corp. Nise, Inc. Cambridge, Mass IBC Cerritos, Calif 80A Capintec, Inc. Nuclear Associates, Inc. Mt. Vernon, N.Y 1259 Westbury, N.Y 39A CIS Radiopharmaceuticals Nuclear Endocrine Labs. Bedford, Mass 14A, ISA Cleveland, Ohio 73A Ohio-Nuclear, Inc. Cleon Corp. Solon, Ohio 52A, 53A, 55A Needham, Mass 32A, 33A Omnimedical Services, Inc. Clinical Assays, Inc. Paramount, Calif 54A, 76A Cambridge, Mass 40A Oxford Labs. Diagnostic Biochemistry Foster City, Calif 27A San Diego, Calif 43A Picker Corp. Diagnostic Isotopes, Inc. Cleveland, Ohio 49A, 50A, 72B, 72C Upper Saddle River, N.J 2A Procter & Gamble Diagnostic Products Corp. Cincinnati, Ohio 61A, 62A, 63A, 64A Los Angeles, Calif 22A Professional Education Assoc. Digital Equipment Corp. Des Plaines, III SIA Maynard, Mass 41A Radiochemical Centre Dunn Instruments Amersham, England 19A, 48A, 77A San Francisco, Calif 3A Radx Corp. Elscint, Inc. Houston, Texas 74A, 75A Palisades Park, N.J 20A, 21A Raytheon Co. Burlington, Mass 6A G. E. Medical Systems Milwaukee, Wis 36A, 37A RCA/Photo Tubes Lancaster, Pa 47A Hoechst AG Frankfurt, Germany 5A Schwarz/Mann Orangeburg, N.Y 35A Isolab, Inc. Akron, Ohio 38A Searle Radiographies, Inc. Des Plaines, III 58A, 59A, BC Jasins & Sayles Associates Wellesley, Mass 42A SNM Placement New York, N.Y 65A, 66A, 67A Kevex Corp. Burlingame, Calif 44A E. R. Squibb & Sons, Inc. Princeton, N.J 10A, 11A, 70A, 71A Mallinckrodt, Inc. Technical Associates St. Louis, Mo 31A Canoga Park, Calif 34A Matrix Instruments Tennelec, Inc. Closter, N.J 23A, 79A Oak Ridge, Tenn 67A Medical Data Systems Varian Associates Ann Arbor, Mich 28A, 29A Walton-on-Thames, England 12A, 13A Medi-Physics, Inc. Williams & Wilkins Emeryville, Calif IFC, 1A Baltimore, Md 45A