the PAOinc tus PAcxric Mommcrcial .bbcrtiscr (Ummcrcial SUbcriiscr IS PCBL15IIKD Pl HLuHEIi AT Kvnry Saturday Moniing. Honolulu, Hawaiian I iiii .!. BY BLACK & AULD. --fAtOii rr 0pa- - Aclvortluiuc. SafesM-riplioa- a. measured in Son. ' ) Year. y4w ' 1 . I ' 2 CIl ICOO v I n. 3m. at. aJ 11 .LiwV' If - n V i A . H . , . pare.1 IVfve. Ilia 3.01I rr Ms M tlhk T.JO 1 O m Trmr. I Parriifw Htbrri ptio. ! f I - Ljk l I Ltnrt lnrh. .. . j 1 10. t 00 s 00 4 i a 0 U 00 ' a tX)' y port of Ame i i Si li .1 l w 00 4 00 to 13 60 Tl..iiS)eTitw proepef'rwr'l-dloan- Una- - . !$''$ 1 BlB it l')fh) 1 00 l ft O) 10 00 wVr in 1 pig - r lt amaro. lur:.itM tw.auai. I g l.lDt- lix-h- rica I (S . 8 IKI 0) ? 10 UO 1 b ISSl!- M 14 00 09 o Alltr port will chars 5ss&gsss It r Kiropai 4 1 Di.nn l-- . 4 0 tH) 1i DO i Oul d-- I 1 pvisit-uSi- vari-- a frocn 7 r If fa 00 p at tfi which "W"y 411 n TTvT Colunju t .1 eWlOM) 14 tyj in Oil 0 00; OO m--h sl-rr- paper, j rV 40 "vi 11 i OVturo- - . CO ) OO i I VI CO fun t M 1? 11 M) CO r 7 acasratrrris PivaBLa f Cclwitin V.' 00 M 00 'J IO M) i 4t OA TS Oo Wtun Urifi always W ry f rarnjriru.ifr'ni all par. .f th- - Pacific will bol Column . ... i 00 so 00 4 co : 00 too to no oc very eerepf LU. j TT In lh I'muA PVrtno In State.. rruliBf mr par of t.. rnlt4d en ! P.Y r (hnr rar4a r (irHHt.xit ur (, -- r paper to A l'ali4 r.Dit tf Tvnt .,f u r.!..n tje l!at Viar ur nnUiil a ihry ib t ray p?... t tnp. j and n.fir caria ill h iiwerioj aa per aiK ubie, Iw lb Uai j ail fur. PL4IV AND r NCT ty Bui.e Card, mhrn n-li m ar, are altaved J ftr BOOK AND JOB PRINTING. a dtannunt trra ratxa, abkb ar fur traualetrf ade1lM MI-N-O. 31). i tle VOL. X HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, IS7H. WHOLE NO. S7D. m-n- ta !. ..i. vri karrr.l (uarr1r. , MARCH CARD pr-- 10 lh bighrat acyle l ti art. '2l

Kate. i Ttlfftaniral. ttonttstit product. ' TVr otiiihir. In ir ojoia ef Kale f.irh many will t.i .d'itn ; DR. 0. S. CUMMINGS, BOLLES & CO., THE place --J- M. OAT fit Co., Sailmakers. THE imiTISU A N l KOKKICN A. S. CLECHORN & CO., Bnf li while I rrUU ' g5PS !!.. nor", OMtKOHATIIIsT, 03 t'UKT STKEKT, I OLD HOfsK. PEOOF bL'lLUlNU. NO COMMISSION" To p- -t your CtT0M MARINE INSURANCE AliEXTS FOR TIIK TS lrJI of wim of tbpi. ii. I. CHII'CIIA.VDLKBS l3 ClIiJj COMP'Y, WAIMFA TAN X KR V, (LIMITKD,) x-- 1) (lUwaiL lujprtcr and In Qj-- n Street, 1 xxx xxx xx Ou tt.e Wharf. lv t of Niidanu ?:rt, Iloua A Jl Thr'a a m')!t rfamr, T i c 1. t'CFPTS RISKS T TIIK I.OWF.ST Cnrrtnco lulu. II. T1- THEO. H. DAVIES, llio'iiulii. Heaiian Ifiabds. K -. io And worthy of lotra ; Il.l.Afv nilf.b ii KIM., r Tte rliu. t the Pol'rie ol ihi (Vmpany are jour (Lte Janloo, Crceo k Co.) AfTiX. liT Kaunakak.i. Maunalua and Kakatko ni done :thall an! dispa'rb t l 'linU,roui. Til KO. H. DAVIKS. WASHINGTON MEAT MARKET! Pe"a aoi be'it. ful la fr. lb Works. ly .Nu. K;nt ftro i m, ff M I'f) MF.R-J- L VJ ft. K.wnirMs. Sail3 made m the East Stvle and. Fitted Arul. 11 A K- A ItTEK M COMMISSION VEXT POOR TO liUVE'S STEAM K - xa a , rv, .Nuiuiimi F. f.nVt do. C!IAr. aoasr rot w!:h Qalrami-- d C!ui aud Tbiaibiea. THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP Y a Mimi, W. Ul NK. aid the LiTrpnol I'tidrwriter. Northern Aamirance DR. OLIVER, lnr'-l!;j- IJTLQt 'a PANEE C'Hnii Company, and Ur.'.iih and Konrtgn Marine lo.uranre (Ijite of the fci,(liah Army Medical !ra!T.) . i Flag of all dear r luadr aad I red. Issueii lire and Life Polities llrrf. MwiiaM R Vrnl f Ike Ural UMMllly. ina rra A R-- rf. r IVirk, guerirr Al tmy wrll su(-- ; C'Jtnpiny. T House, Ship and Sign Paint ns lt . . . ., THE MOST I.IIIEUAI, TKRMS.-AL- L l....! .ilt i'trk Uuutri, alaay n.h23 Proof Quern Stf. 1y Jtucl XClnic LoSn-- netil-- d on hau.l, uud 4.l at the Maikri 1'rut a. l Fire BaiMinr. Kaahamanu and 7oi'iii Fort Hlreetn. IfiTKI. STKKKT. ON .nr aitli t Lart llr fruitful niinl rvr but OMce Open Day an. I order u our Hue, with tlijich aul m a utii: u rr m.n;iirr. i!ht. ori9 ; T ( - W 1 nl6 ly XRKO. II. IAVH'., Acvot. ori Meat In all part Ibe Ity. a tnluig- vhar aNo kuowa. AVIG OPEXED Til F.I R SHOP O V THE ! -- If S. B. DOLE, T. J. Dr. r. H. llT-r- i a at ahove Creet. are lTepreJ to .! all if work in - IT! mnier inlri-Kat- a. a- SAIL-MAKIN- G. BOSTON BOARD OF the;r line of . UNDERWRITERS. Tbora'a hr'a A lu.ine. Chirr p'as'iiiahle, i,a u w rk dm.e HONOLULU ! ORNRV AT L.AW. OFFICK OVKR HAYSELDEN BROS. with nentnem NOTICE. STEAM DAKLZIY Tia hard to h-- r out. Tlll;Rr4iioa' Store, ccrnrr of Fort and Mcrchvcl 5crerti. aol j4 y SAIL-LOF- T Pellet. LOVE & For a!ie la cfleo wry am mlii3 llonolula. ly DKAI.ERS IN IIRV OOOOS, FA N C Y The l udernrd Having Opened a BROTHERS. Proprietors, li'iU.'S ANU CLOTIIINU. H. THOMPSON. on t!ie KDplanade, in tlie buililiiiR firmeriy ipcoupied aud othera that all bill for Re) air on anil all bill ANU To put taila '"'U-L- J. t T1.!? l. NIC tTKkAT. four f.ul. Criterion Cuildinit. Fort M. .J L.- r t (21 ly) i v ifV ''I' - Lewi a a cooler shop, ni-a- t.e Cuitotu for Oeneral Averse purpof, must be apprwed by the Arent & General Blacksmith. Qneen St TTnriAlnln Hi-us- ED. HOFPSCHLAEGER CO., l' --4 A will prompt t.i th Sull- of tlie t'tnterwritria, who alao l rceentrd oo PrTati-Ka- '' a aiobUtro atald, T1 TinDHT ... 1 ' atiention - nto muit rrj II LOT. MEOIt'M ANO NAVY II It K AO, - "'J"J ail urrey , or tii-- l MKR- - X. JaUXklM, jK It AS CONSTANTLY ON A- O Makiutf Buaiuraa, in all iia tranche. Thank, such bill a ill he all. iwrd. alaay ou hau l and made to older. Hh' aur 10 haa Brr aay ; r MIMiRTKRS ANI COMMISSION IIA.I t"T Le pobhc patronage. ly ; f l cnaxT. ful past favors. hopes to receive a .hereof oiti l UKKWb'H CO., Aarm. Also, lltrer, Nh.i and HitUr tVqcktrs, The ruaa nr. calitxi( jru't J'l Cornrr of Fort and Merchant Sirett. mh9 felSaui ff.C.WlnilJ'tV. Objcto ! all yiAt may. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. JENNY LIN D CAKRri. Ac. L. SOU' BKKAll HEIUHEI) en the hortet aotirw. t'ltr-Kil- t, CASTLE & COOKE, AFONG & JAS. LEWIS, Thrrc'a a porfrct t, ACH0CK. CHARLES SMITH, FAMILY HKKAD, ma. I of to Beet Floor, baked dally and HIII.ESAI-EANURETAI- LOOper Old Marh t lo ut AM) TMPORI EKS.U L House, Ship, Sign and UaUger, at tile Stand, J. atoe Company, have hern authorised to Insure rieks on always on haml. f VMPfUlTCRIi DF.4l.KRS IN CEX. - F;re-pro- and Carriage Fainting, Taper K. : O- .f !s'nu- - Llri I I.KAL MfcttL II ANDI.-- . in neral MerchauJise Store. 4 li.fue eau orvar ml, nu Slreeu. ilH ly lianuine and Dlazir.e. CORNER OT KINO ANO BETHEL Cargo, Freight and Treasure, A. BREAD OF TH k BEST UJCITT AND COM Shop on ! Street. A Urce stock of OIL SHOOK and all ly i cann.l hrr rcfuta. flllPriSO MINION MERCHANT". Kaahunaou S.rcet. The public are reqii-t"- d to kei from Honolulu to all porta of the world, and vice vrra. aulT --2 kinds of Coopering Materials cous'.antly on hand. U No. 60 Kinr Street, Honolulu. II. I. ly Rive call. jlS 3m oil I V II. II A C K F K LI) A: Co. diatn-K- al In a B. H. STANLEY. " I Tbrrr'a qoll frrl, iAfTcT lis. Shop ou the Esplanade near the Castom llooae. METROPOLITAN MARKET. H ho faila 10 ptiol ; AT a- (alo hr CHAS. LONG, ANO ('Ol'XKKMIR LAW. -f j NORTH GERMAN FIRE ATTORNEY Fir-pr.- .f f He hope hy attention to buines to u.erit a riiiuinuaoce Ii?r faca la quite niif liuildia, Kaahumanu 1VALLKII, riar.ale. CMIll CIIANUI.F.R ANO COMMISSION ap2U Mreit, ll .n. lalu. i.m Usson and farrlase r.nlitler. 71 and tfi Kin"St. f the patronage which he ha hiiheno ci.joe.i, aud for ti.ii INSURANCE COMPANY OF HAMBURG. Aim! auraiy oul of MLKC'HANT, i., i fce now return his tlianli. i13 ly Af.VQ HOXOI.Vl.V. aulT ly ? Honolulu. (j18 ly) I!and or.ler promptly STtEFT. Inn-Oft'- and Dealer in Ni. S Merrhaot raviHC 1'M)EIISII.'EI IIAVINO 1IKEV a( B hand-wic- C i.o-K- no una will won, fell; t., ltruo;ulu. II. I ( CHER & ROTH, apo!nte'l Ajteut of the alxve ...mpiir for the h nS HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO. is now pr pared TO 1NSL KK AtlAIN 1 IKK SOLE AND SADDLE Tbc liluij wookl b abaurd ; IRRCIIA T T.V II.ORS. FORT STREET. JOHN FREDERICK KEN lUn.l, LEATHER. opposite Odd Fellow's Hull. Honolulu, I. ly YON, upon Hie moet taroriiLle tern.a, Cb a ao falthl'aa and i'M li. pO : Tanned Goat and Sheep Skins, anirur, LAWRENCE McCULLY, MILITARY, XAVAL A XI) CIVIL ST E A M EN G 1 N ES, SCG Ots Sione-- . mimI Vou .1R lirlrk. Woailra Sierra, caaoot Uka her wtird. K Mills, Iloilers, Coolers, Brass ami Lead t - AND HA ATTORNEY AT I. A XV. OFFICK IN TH HYMAN & BROTHERS, j f , Irou, And on Mervhuiidiae stored herrin. 1'rtvnt. liarllinrs, Furrl- CONSTANTLY ON HAND FOR LK, atM' . Attorury roimi, Conrt llooae. Honolulu, TAILOR, CasiioeM. ture, ec. All Lo.-- . adju-te- d and aid for here with prompt-- There' vim3HCl, (xmJ arvl lienerr i K'g St., next door to Bradley's Shop, i lri. f. 1 (Jin PORTERS, W HOLES A LE AND R ET Barber Honolulu. o5 ly ttu.ltj. For uarliculari aoiilv at the othce of And JM til, WAIilK.V TAN N K It Y C. NOTM'.Y rira ailib all b?r dmiI.I Machinery of Every Description made theoo. c. hfxck, Agent. Ilrduty iailbfuJI Dry Oood, Clothinr. run.Uhing Lalleg' nd ; By A. a. CI.F.OHORS A CO., lodo. Ht 0oo.l, KlnS Stroot, OO OUDER ",'J2 Agenl. STEPHEN H. PHILLIPS, k TO Al batlla for lh ri(hc. Oents' Boot and S Yankee otion., 4c, c. ju TRANSATLANTIC ' U . ' AT LAW. Capt. Snow'a BalldioK. "' Merchant St. Honolulu. apl3 ly M T. DON NELL, Paril r i tlii r Attention jw'td to Sfi'p's E'arkwmlOung. FAMILY rnlJ-Kat- et COUNSELLOR e month at the office : MARKET, Thr' a country lam. the beat thr. tMPOHTKB AND M.tNt FACTrRER OF pf INSURANCE COMPANY, by lion. V. Austin, over Mr. Whitney' XT Job Work executwl on the shortest Lotice. iy'iO ly j K. H. UOVD, SI Quit fund ut rural aceora reeent'y i:cupieil J. RICHAEDSON lrprieler. Ilelrl reel. bookstore. . j18 3ni IRA ALL KINDS OF FURNITURE ! ol Ilmnlmru'. Meals Ah like 10 moitl ibruu(la ib graaa, MI'ORTER AXI) OEALKR IN BOOTS, O. KOELKEX. Choicest from Dnest herds. I'oultry, l'ih, Vryrlahlr Aioods, Suitable to tlis market. Arc, furnished to order. anh30 ly And Ihrouch Ibe frarrfreesa. M. S. GRINBAUM & CO., j thoee. Fine Clothinsr, Furniahiug C. SEC ELK EN & CO., capital, une laiiiiou Prussian lnaiers. I'ertumery, :c, Old repairtM and Mattrse of all do Of all IL maulen nu tan flixt IMPORTERS ANO IIOI.ENAI.B UKI-I- Corner of Fort and Merchant St. I.pl31y Honolulu. II. I. fTl "riptl made to order. Tin, Copper, Zinc and Sheet Iron Workers, cniikrsicjnkd ha vi no heen era in Fashionable Clothine. Hat, Caps. Hoot and hoe, rr"K.H appointed Agents of the above Company arv now ready to W0LEE RICE PLANTATION, Tbr' noua ilk edu-Ka- ia ) and every variety of Superior Furnishins; Ooods. Before buying eUewhere cull at 8(1 and 88 Kiuifalrrel Annann Street, bet. Merehant and Qneen, . Ot5 ly Is!inp pofM fnst RUt) of on KA1LCA, KOOLACPOKO. Baraoaa elevate the mlsyl, Htor formerlr occupied W. A. Aldrich. Maker' THOMAS SPENCER, hr i ft CONSTANTLY ON HAND, 1 I Q ; 1 1 GEN- - HAVE . . ana TO. 2 AB0VH An.1 aim al aoaieihicf (real. BlO ek. jern Mreet. ly II CHANDLER. DEALER IN a 4. f It tl T.n.. IFI til .w, 11 Furallnrr. AND NO. RICE FROM TIIK eral Merchandise, Inland Produce, &c, aud E. ., tenns equal to thraje reapeciable 1'iaiitatioo, S' C. WILLIAMS, liibhs.Vtop Cocks, India Rubber Il's-- be, 3-,- in oth.r eoupanl.. COMMISSION 31F.RCHANT, -'- f"r il 25 60 feet, with Coupling and INpe com-- . J L M. PHILLIPS & Co., Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in leKth ..f and " apply t, VARIETY. Btsox'h Bat, Hilo, Sibi:h I.lixd. plete. Also, a very lari:e et.k of Tinware or every descrip- - "tt'luZ AlwaysIiiioon baud andTnlaloor sale by Artlolol ANO V HOLES I.E OEA Will keep constantly on hand extensive Assortment of erery lion. Jobbing; and Ker-:rin- K done to order promptly and war- - ' o:6 If II. HACKFKI.I) at CO., Ag' nt. A H ) K E k ACHfNO. IMPORTERS M-- j at Furniture Th power hh5n thrown " The foot sh'ies. Hat., Furni.hini; and description of ironla required by ship and other. pl ranted. Barticular alteuiion it'veii to 8hip Work. " ji ir Corner of King and Nuuanu Pis. tie . IH T uooua. iujioihi .u. 11 nMUUlutim OL iiuiiuiuiu The highest ,,)r Island OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Thankful to the citiieiia of Honolulu, the Island gen- - ; I 31 I I It I A j price kivcd froduce. a'd ' I kickrf down Itfi Furniture Ware Boom on F'ort street ; Worksho p we n- that jru stair. XJT Money advanced for Kills of Exchange at reasonable rate. at ernllv, for their liberal patronise in the past, hope by uict f-- ap!3 ly ' 1 ' the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. attention to business to merit the same for the future. IMCIIO AMvr OflMnAMV r lUIYIrAllT Honest farm era in lows fill ducks with water E. 0. HALL & SON, N. B. Orders from the oth-- islands promptly attended to. will be carefully attended rlttt irtdUllHrlbuOF LONDON. no.E:i:.i hill, i,aiiaIia. XT' Orders iruui the other Island V fm-z- e e(ure taking j aul7 ly aPa ly I strAMPBELL TCRTON, lel.ra. and let tteui them to market. M PORTERS AM) DEALERS IN HARD- - Y. PERRY, (Inafiluietl 1803.) .J Crop of tucar of interior quality, nowPr.rcoming lu aod WAKK. Dry (loods. Paint. Oil, aad Meneral Merrbandie. for sale in qiuotitie lo suit l y Th Da 11 bury Kev ny that a humnne uiotI.-- r I9 Corner Fort and King; Ma. ly I sTIiEi LERIN f. EN ERA L M ERCHA NOISE, E. C. ADDERLEY, i GIBBS, CIO II. II. HACKFELD A CO. : GOLDS r of ritore, Corner of lintel .Nuuanu Bt-- , J. V. CAPITAL. 18.000,000 IN in that tIa? eMyrfuriui her boj before whip-jii- n mJ aud Honolulu, 11. I. i Saddle and Harness Maker, Painting In all Branrhes. o. 0 Kiu Street. ' 'IMIi: UNDERSIGNED ARE PREPARED hint. W. GIRVIN, A 1.-- NCCAXC grKtET CORNER fc I. Kl..i.L-amill- i M to policies on vet- -i JAS. 0 Hl.TAll. KsTABLIsBMKNT 0.1 Anre j e f .11. H' ih issue Fir iviks(aitb or without tbe a WAIKAIMJ VUAXTA'riOX I A : aplS the Fire-pro- tore. Tfort aud Hotel Honolulu. O" tiuall-.- order promptly nitended to. ju8 6o afre clause), on Plantation Builditir and Machinery, Frivata Nothing bein accurate in your statements. MERCH NTANDDE4F.ER Streets, ; like (COMMISSION LAI1AINA. Dwellings, Brick. Mont and ooden otore. Merchandise, Coal, II. Cornvrrll, Prprlrlr. 1'at, j Lumber, Ship In I'ort, on most favorable what are you duv& that hole for?" Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. ai 6m C. BREWER Ct CO., JZr Carriages Trimmed with neutnen and dispatch. Island W.DUNCAN, BLACKSMITH. Ice, the term. COUGAR AND MOLASSES FROM THIS It'a not the hole, oir, it'a dirt I'm digamy ! " Order attended to pi oinptly. au!7 ly tCTAll iidjuairfl and pni.l lor brre XI tw7 rlantatiou for a.u In lot lo uil purchaser. A lply to tie OM MISSION A NO SIIIPPINU MER- - SHOI ON THE ESPLANADE, oc6 ly UKO. C. MoLaiAN, Agent. :il ANT?. Ship will be For particular apply at the office of --An Iri'hman meeting anotlwr. ac keJ him what BROWN CO., where all work from or Shore attended to & t Honolulu, Oaliu, (aulT ly) Hawaiian Islands. A. D. BOLSTER. in a manner to warrant satisfaction. Ja4 ly WALKER ALLEN, had hTDiue a mutual fritrnd. ! aul7 ly Agents for the Hawaiian Island VEST MAUI SUGAR ASSOCIATION ! f "Arrah. now, M PORTER S AND DEALERS IN ALES. Uou.e, Ship, Sign, larriae & Ornamental Painting my de;r honey." arifwrr-- d y. Paddy was WINE. AND 5 HI Kir.. AT WHoLFA LK. & CHILLINGWORTH, LAIIAINA. MAIL I i V S oJd ly ) Honolulu, H. ALLEN In nil its branches. Mrrchti.i reet. I. JOHN NEILL, -- to he handed, naved hw lite by j C1HOICE SUGA RS, CROP OF 1878, NOW hut dyin KAWA1HAE, HAWAII. AT THE OLD STAND. ON KINR Fire and Marine Insurance. iu for sale by i -- cumin aud in Street, will execute all order in his tine with promptness, 3vr A. g xa: o5 C. BREWER A prien." fjJ CONTI NCE THE GENERAL-- " w ly CO., Agent. E. McINTYRE L BROTHER, A.MU.-- F: S . ai i rates, in aa Eoou io as any. ty A riniiK UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN H. MEHPil and SHIrVING 111SINK.-- at tlm an.i sij ! r OK. nahton-keer- 'NO. iiri JCJL H duly authorized r w .. fiV-- It erata a in Ohio 30 to "ell a FEED STORE AND BAKERY, , ho will attend to all order i l , s , e T w G4ROCERY. Fort trated Kawaibae I'oI:iIm-s- and such other recruits as are S?J MCCOLCAN & JOHNSON, JS-- I (.! ine r iremen jiuuu msuittuve vuuiu t tr .MmamTrtUTt of t a man who already full, or of Kin; and Street. j R drink lienor requin-- bv whale ship, at he ahortest notice and on the re- -' MAUI. CROP - u ocS Honolulu. II. I. Mrrrhniil Tnilora, f.r.N" S. GENERAL REPAIR oran Francisco to wrlt loth Fire and Msrine rifks, are WAlLt'KIT, tivAt ly HAND, j s7 V' LOCK LIE hy C. BltKM l it Co., chuck up." As a aal unift receiTea but ni"--t reasonable term, (am" ly) HKKWOOll OX V i tn ff Fort St., Honolulu, II. I , o.Hjsite Theod. C. Heuck'. pared to acctpt lusurancei ou o5 3m Agent. ent for a drink, he is consequently $79.90 out, ! ap27 ly lie will Klve special attention to cleaning P?1'""' H. HACKFELD & Co. W." ; Dwrlliu., Ituildiutf Merrl.iindl.e. Furni a no! on I C.JONESr" beoiua the wear trar tbe tumbler. ! &c Vessels ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. AT AND and Metal Work of every description, U.ncloi.iilliiiilii lurr. in Port, ami hike HONOLL'LC. LAW LAND AGENT. W. FISCHER, I t t ... n . I n n .1 O .. 1 MAKEE PLANTATION. j or6 ly ftl n f.nni flifc all MlCH Or.i i:ir. A ditinj;uihel cWgyman in G ATTORNEY iu all the Courts of the Kingdom. . He AIO. ON HAND AND FOR ALK CHEAP, j V'aAl O lorni Ulinj .nu .11 1r.i.l.HVlllf;. I 11119) ULUPAI.A KIJA, MAUI. w.ll attend the Circuit Court on Kauai. Maui and at the most Favorable Kate. lloeton r?rf ruitil the marriage cercinony, and 529 Hotel near the Co. ly Ot lMaChllieS, THOS. G. THRUM'S, Hawaii, and visit either of those Island St, DruirS:orenfE.Strehlw A Variety SeWlIlfJ ju8 ly BISHOP & CO. OF I87S-- SI GAR A. MOLASSES, the our le walked away without bestowing any on special business. CHOP hy C. . Cnns, Pistols, Shot, Atnuinuitlou, For bale I'.KKWr.R a Co , AgiH. feo. But the bride turned and naid : We are j Y AND NEWS aulT Office on Merchant Sin-et- ly Cl'TliER ! STATIONERY. Library, (late Hlara A old' P. DALTON, NORTH BRITISH AND MERCANTILE very much ohlifil Ui air, und I hotie one of MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, Ac, Ac. yxi. Stand.' Eniravin;, C .liirraphy, Stencil Outline, and Copying, PL D., Sewine Machine Tucker, Binder, and all other extra and KAUIMKUE. PLANTATION SIJUAR thexe days we aliall able to re:a!iate. ( Merchant g'...llonoluiu. E. HOFFIIANN, Saddle mid Siariic laker, INSURANCE CO., te attended to. ocTly) KIXQ STREET, HONOLULU. duplicate pu is of Machines supplied on short notice. AND SI'RC EON. CORNER Best HacUiDe. COMING cook-stov- e, Post-offic- z. XT" iwiut. LONDON ANU EDIN'IiUIlG NOW IN, A farmer out West biujht a new 1JIIYSICIANKaahumanu Sit , near the C?TA r-r- . exHSRJ Ji OF II. aul7 satnue a. snoe i.enin- - OLt AOKNT l THIS kl.lGDOM FOR held a funeral in his house, had a new door hung, W. L. GREEN, lr fcTi?-- Harness, ESTABLISHED, XU FOR SALE IN LOTS TO fcUIT MERCHANT. F1RK-PR0- 0F er, Constantly on Hand. The Celebrated Florence Sewing Machines. new new . hired a cook, and had thirty panes of j PURCHASERS, BY COMMISSIONStreet, WILDER & CO., Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. Jy25 ly n30 ly L glajw put into the windows, all on tle rauie day. Honolulu, Hawaiian CAPITA 2.000.000 AFONQ A ACHt'CK. ocS ly Island. TO DOWSKTr V CO. Aecutnulaletl and lovrslrd Fund, 2,838,118 Honolulu, June 1st, 187?. '1 he day before, hi help tried to light a fire in SUCCESSORS Fort and vtaero Sis. Jl IF cook-Kov- j A P- -j the e with coal oil. C. HEUCK, Dealer io Lumber. Paint. Oil. Nails. Fait, and Building j ! FRMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVE REEN THEOD. THE HAWAIIAN HOTEL! FOUNTAIN JA POINTED AUENTS lor Sandwich are ul.30 Material", of every kind. ly j TIIK the Uland, and ONOMEA PLANTATION. husband, aocurdinj; de- M ANO COMMISSION MER- - authorised to Insure HKainst Fire upon favorable terra. A drunken to a Teeent T PORTER (oc5 1. JL ciiAsr. ALEXT "jCARTWRIGHT7" ! CREAM LUNCH ROOM, Risks taken In any part of the Island on Wooden Buildings, AND MOLASSES I cision in Illinois, is 5l,2i0 fitter than none if !) ICE and j and Merchandise stored Dwelling Houses and Fuml-- . CJIGAR CROP Mil, mSmS: therein. Ss--7 com D or sal In quHBlitie lo suit liUrchaanrs, 9- - s. suiruiis. inn he ii killed. One John Lay of county A. CLC aJ. jo. MISSION MERCHANT AND GEN- -! ture, Timber, Coals, Fhips in harbor with or without Cargoes, or jyO Hra at Lon ariOM FORT 11 Uf KALKtH ALLtil, Agent. broke his neck while intoxicated, and his widow, & V' LKAL MIU'l'I.Nti ACiENT, STREET. nnder repair. a,6 ly ED. JFFaCHLAEUKR & CO. A. S. CLEGHORN Co., jyi.7 ly Honolulu, Hawaiian lalauds m aw , v . v recovered : T J 1 A T. C A aa n 1 I under th Temperance law, $1,200 AND WHOLESALE AND f - " Vll ' tULtnjt j 181 181 aalon-koepc- F. A. SCHAEFER, from tho r who sold hi in tbe lala.1 IMPORTERS IN : ( --tr w m fT" BISHOP & CO., UArJiliJIlb, Mf' zAa Trm rri A GENT llonrd of ( nilrrwrilrrt, liquor. Ilrrnirn Concral Merchandise, O N O L I." L U. II A W A 1 1 A N I SLA N OS. j A(eBl Drrsdrn llonrd of C iiHer v r Itrra, I " Al-vac- e, Comer Queen an Kaahumanu Sis., SI Pit AW BILLS OF EXCHANGE ON Soda Pop always on hand. An oi l man, an inhabitant of Cernay, in ivii: si ' w v i i t ' . v Iced and Ginger Ajfrnl Visuua llonrd of I'adrrwr Ilrra. cca ly Nuuacu St., and Corner Fort ami Hotel St. Th- - Sao Francisco w.jftsftv i office his Bank of California Claim against Insurance Companies within the Jurisdiction arrived at the German to declare Messrs. Lee As W.dler New York certified 111 j Room ou the Right ot Eolraure. of the above Board of Underwriters, will tav to be LO, II. I. choice uf nationality. V A SHHAr.T'T'Tl ft CO.. Tremont Natioual Bank ilottcu Lnli' lo by the Agent to make them valid. Jal ly ' Oriental Bank Corporation ...... Ixindon . A.: You are very old," raid the Prussian, " it is MER- - i Meloourne I COMING AND COMMISSION Oriental Bank Corporation, payable la Sydney, Q a S A I - fCaA,"j UOA R AND MOLASSES.CROP TMPUKTEKS iSl Tea and Coffeo at all Hours! fur In to purrlmi'i by hardly worth your while to make a choico." CHANTS, Auckland IIAnUURClLHREMKN in and sale uuaulities suit and Agents I know I cannot live I jng," was the reply, Honolulu, Hawaiian Ilanda. Jul ly ; Agent for tbe Manhattan Llie lasurance Company of New HOT LUNCH DAILY I Jy 0m WALKER A ALLEN, i York- FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. 1 t-- but as with to go j beaten, I desire to die a SPARE NO -r f"TTTTT.AN fr. ' Receive Depoeits. Discount FIrt-cla- s Busiuess Paper, '.HE PROPRIETOR WILL j- You are Invited to give him a cafl. E UNDERSIGNED, HAVING BEEN RO.. - to make Una 'Ml Frenchman. U1AUAUU.1 w., !.H.n,iii.r.ill iiii.. tcAc mv25 Iv paius M Appointed Atrentsof the thuvo Company , are prepared PRINCEVILLEPLANTATION. , -- -- to Insure risk against Fire on Stone aud Brick Buildings, MPOR.TERSOF ANO DEALERS IN . .. . - - r- y. ev-r re An English court 1ms decided that a husband 1 CHINA GOODS JM JLm- WW XX OTEXj and on Merchandise stored therein, on moat favorable term. Sugar nod Molaaaea Crop 1871 and in alt kind of Dry Also, con- For particulars apply at the ofTce of is entitled to all the bed clothes he can get hold Of all description, 0xd. ZSooii.. ! R. RYCROFT, oo a superior quality of Hawaiian tUce. K cadi ii First-Clas- s Every Particular sldly . F. A. SCHAEFER e CO. SALE IN O.UAKTI of, and if he be placed, in of them by stantly hand, in 4 Beji to inform the public that all order for COMING IN. FOR poetion Nuoa .u Street, Honolulu. ly purchasers, by priority of retirement, it is not legally competent OPEN TO ALL, EVERY DAY R003IS CAX BE HAD BY THE .MCUT OR WEEK ! r-- I Jy dm WALKER k ALLEN, Agent. IN THE WEEK. 1 ix xxx Jjl lor Che wife, although shivering in nocturnal mm rFOUNTAIN willloinsbe promptly altendadWoto. ly WHITNEY, D. D. S. with or without board. left at the dli C A X C K to force a division fire J. n. Honrs frem 9 A. 51. to 10 P.M., FINE II toilet, by application of i A SMALL SUM say I ! broom-stick- s, HOFFM- FOR INVESTING J hovels, pokers, or other impl- OFFICE OVER DR. Up-tlr- a. Sallora Home. I Hay Hay. DENTIST, ANN'S l'KLO STuKE, in lite HALL AND LARGE ROOMS TO LET FOR jjM Qiprar and T0DaCC0 StOTe. ement of connubial discipline. Good for tbe hour The second Friday evening of each month reserved for the iu-- PUBLIC MEETINOS. OR SOCIETIES. ly of money, or of securing S Corner of Kaabumana ami Merchant Street. 03c Ja4 ly a THE UNDERSIGNED ARE RE tyrant man. from 9 a. at till jr. ly meeting of the Y. M. C. A. LOTS ATceivlng Preaaed Bale of j4 rwMIE UNDERSIGNED BEGS TO NOTIFY OXE OF THE MOST ELIGIBLE DUELLI.Xi Do yoa go to school now, Charlie? & the Public generally that he has opened iu the above j rn .h. ritv of Honolulu. Is now cffre.1 by the Undrsiitned. He 1 1?.. Prime Maniania Hay C. S. BARTOW, ! y, j business at the Store at j to dispose r One healthily ituated piece Yes, sir ; I had a fight to-da- too.' desirous that and From Late, which they will ell In qnaolUW to uit. i i fronting School SALESROOM ON QUEEN A. IV. PEIflGE&eO. A A of Land adjoining the Government Oarleii, aud WALKER ALLEN. '.f CTUTTT : j4tf You had? Which whipped AUCT Street, one door from Kaahumauo. OUT k rnTTXUXk.1 OAAXiXiA, and Port Mreets at the head of t!ie latter. NEWEST THING Any one wishing to purchase should apply soon, aa the Lot Oh, I got whipijcd," be replied with great ; keep constantly on hand the best brands of Where he will l-- will be sold at a low figure. LEMON. I t . I f H i frankner. JOHli THOS. WATERHOUSE, CIGA RS ANO TOBACCO, I MIM CHj1 Was the other boy bigger than you? AND OTHER PIPES, Oiler tor Sale i MEERSCHAUM FOR INVALIDS. " No. he was littler." and dealer in general A SETREAT importer mf:ucuandisE, ; of styled. A large assortment tbe lrnc.t -- BLT- Well, how come you to let a littler boy whip a29 Queen ".reet, Honolulu. lr ! THE CLIMATE OF TIIFJE ISLANDS KEROSENE LAMPS ' you?" and. Ginger Pop. T ivino iSi:l is nte. the world over for general salubrity, while Soda Water j j Living" Yet, and has been AJlVAUg localitie the groupre Oh, you see he was madder nor 1 teas!" & CO., IjfeVl certain partitular in morer. A. W. PEIRCE He will alao be found ready to give his prompt attention to IN- - iiecially favorably known. The district of Kona, on CHANDLERY I, SHIP Engineer. Hs-thI- im-mer- C. d: Co.) in his line as a Machinist and ! si'le of has long leen famed a a plan of Weet ear-cro- p ife - o L. Illrhnrda orders the Out the human grows to an (5f.wcr. THOMAS LACK. I sUll'-te- with tli ctlon of lungs. Not a A N IF COM- - ja4lf Honolulu tbe Latt Fourteen Yearn for those the sire judging from the newspapers. Thus CM N D LER5 GENERAL fewr.rtcase have n known of perfons who had been given SHIP MERCHANTS. Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. TIIK OLD ESTABLISHED ure in a one editor says a broitier contemporary can wag i BURN WITHOUT CHIMNEY! over lo die, their physicinns California, after (jaAly) soap few months residence In the pure, n.ii.l air of Kona, recovering his left ear. Tltcn tbe editor who is accused ot works OAV WiPErjiS ! and taking a new leaae of life. J. S. WiUtt 8. C. AU K. Hawaiian IIOOKUI.U robust health wagging his left ear, says the accuser has to cut BY The undersigned, at hi common ioas house st Ksawlo, slits in tlte rim of his hat to make room lor his WALKER & ALLEN, South Kona. I prepared to furnish good accommodation to IMPORTED RY THE UNDER- -j W. RAWLINS, boarder at the low rale of 5 sr week Including good (addle ears. Another man out there ues Ins ear for a CJIIIPP1NG AND COMMISSION MER - STONED. WHALE BOATS AND BOAT STOCK J. Manufacturer horse when desired, and good fresh water hatha, on tlie prem- can fan S3 CHANTS. Honolulu, h. i. a bort distance of fine lathing. 1 h napkin. Another hiuieclf with his aural roa OF ises, alo within ri . .. between- Honolulu and appendages ; and e till another employs his ear for aoists ' . ft. S.r4 ...... iteamr K'lauea run regularly the Hawaiian Pscket Line, Spencer' Plantation. tfi port of Kaawaloa, and horses are kept ready at th beach. an umbrella. The cliampion earot, however, is Princeville Plantauoo. f NsMlehu Plantatiou. It is the Only Lamp that has been made ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! Kerry accommodation and comfort In the way of diet. MILK an editor who wears teteral reefs in his ears to liDomes Plantation. Oreenwell Coffee. OROCERIES, j AND and HONEY in abundance. Delightful rkls in the neighbor- Imperial Fire Insurance Company, London. I hood. A. TODD. j Beef, Mutton Goat prevent his treading ujn them as he walks along Merchant' Mutual Marine Insurance Co., San Francisco. Buyer of and Tallow Kaawaloa. 3 Kona Nov. lo, lh'i. nlS ! tbe streets Jniy TO BURN KEROSENE PERFECTLY. ; Aud nil kind, el Soap Grm.r. j Have received ex late arrival from th United State ud Mabttr's IItmv. The correspondent of the M. McINERNY, Lump, supplies of the New York Washington : c5 j Htrald at gets off this Bread, 3'anafactarlB-I'urpat- r, CHELSEA LUMDRY MlPORTER AND DEALER IN CLOTH-- Flour i; v j Materials in oar Line for S2.50B. If services are Iteld in Bishop Poland's I u v co., Btt NU. Boot, Mioe, liais, caps, jewelry, feriumery, corre- I every description of church it is understood that a choir of Pocket Cutlery, and Uenl' Superior O SlllOlaCa i Furnishing Aiood. XT Benkert' Fin. Calf Dres Boot. LIME AND CEMENT, Manufacturers , and Dealers And will continue to he in receipt of fresh supplies by steam is : spondents will sing the following as an appropri- i and sailing vessels, is prepared to give satisfaction to all rout am: introductory dedicated tbe Credit alay on hand. ate bymn, to N. K Coa.ica or Fear aud MiacaaaT Srairra. JU iy IN ALL KINDS OF SO A PS!? Dealers and Consumers of hi Specialitr. Msjbilier martyrs : i WITH EVEIilllinC BEL0.CLG TO finell, CALIFORNIA HAY. Who will favor him with their trade. Frmn llampihirr' granite mountains. E. P. ADAMS, .o Leleo, King Street, Honolulu. ; B. AH Orders left al the More M. Melnerr.y, i X. of From tionater'a waoipy benda. i i Dealer Root N. E. Where Pacific" mark; lountaioa A NO CO MM ISSION M ! Ire porter and in and Shoes, Corner TJio BiwincHs ER. ! of Fort and Merchant Streets, will be thank, Roll dowa btf diri send ; AUCTIONEER CHANT. AND Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted ; a gay Queen Street, Honolalu, 11. 1. ly rVo Cliimiicy, fully received and promptly Froa Baay decHer. Jl attended to. Fnm litany a Conf reaainan, Orders Left nt I ria Richardawn's Boat and WAGON. OUT BT7ILDINCS. Thrj call ua to delirer A. W. JCDB. B. W. LA!!C. W. J. RAWLINS, nORSEPolishing and Fluting Muchin, and all af th Tliir name from iloas Am' ban. JUDD & LAINE, Shoe Store will inert with prompt Prnctirnl $ap Bailor. modern improvementa with lease of premises for three years. Why Tbe De- Ao .llachiiierv. By Steamer from San Francisco, ap6 j25 ly Leleo, King at., Honolulu. from the 1st of April next all for 2,&00. Poewiion given at Shocld he not be "Mad?" AM) PRO ISION DEALERS. Altrndancr. tor the years amounted GROCERS Feed once. The Laundry work last three ha troit Frtt Press relates an incident which oc- (irocery and etora, coating S 425,26 at raU of 76 cecls par day Fort Street, Honolalu. ly lo $12,431.60; the curred on the return of an excursion party from 52 dl4 "VALUAKLE KOOJS fnrnaiive women, and $L00 per day f.r native men. Fcr tho left Toledo, Sawed Firewood, last two year I have spent toe most of my time In California, that city. 5oon after the boat the & established toy Medical Preparations, which de- ' LEWERS DICKSON, ONIONS, wnicu and have there steward was approached by an excited individual, Too Simple to get out of Order. POTATOES, mand my undivided attention, and that I why I offer th. ' A IN y lr.1 Kimlr sea. tin. r,fair, Thu WE LERS LOIBKRAND III ILDING Sawed Firewood, Laiu-ftdr- fot (ale. Th Laundry work placed In tbe hand I of '" - I ! . " Street. one-hal- " r r r.i.." MJ jy27 Materials. Fort ly Should be in Every Man's Library one or two InP-rrate- partleacan be Increased f, wit boot iie-iiv- - air LI rtj.'iieu iu iuc m mc duiiic aiuie lv- j any additional cost of labor, or at least $4,000 per year. Tho hi Have power to & Low Priced Lamps for the Cottage, j aame per year, amounted to ing rank. jou the put a DILLINGHAH CO., Thl i work for Ust month at tbe rate Sawed Firewood, ZELL'S POPULAR ENCYCLOPEDIA, in 2 Vol. th line of (team, r be put on, they euaq of tbe inquired the HARD-WAR- E, gives Infonr.a-tlo- n IT.7T8. Should an additional out cabin?" "tranter.! M PORTERS AND DEALERS IN latest and best Encyclopedia Issued, and $2,000 to $9 000. taken a a V person alone would add $1,600 or the ell, jes, il he is disorderlj, I ba?e, replied H SA on every possihle topic about which a need Any oo desiring the buelne. will p'jeaes Dry Goods. Paints and Oils, and General AOErs'Ts Fort rriO BP. AD AT THE IV AND PLAIN- - information. Price $35 00 medium standard. Well look; io here and see Cutlery, Elegant Styles for Dining and Drawing M ING MILL, call Laundry, where full particular will be riven. the steward. air, Merchandise. WARRK.N 3 FAMILY PHYSICIAN. 1 Urge volume. 8 Vo. at the d7 ON THE ESPLANADE. frS 1). II. LYON, Proprietor. them, will you? said the stranger. leading naid 29 No. 9b King Street. Honolulu. ly Rooms. This is an ludispensable guile book to those living on oSoial round to the door. Tbe steward looked io i plantation, and elsewhere, where physician are not at Brand's Bomb Lances, ICE NOTICE. hand. Price $3 00. upon motley group, and replied saw I or the that he D. N. FLITNER, THE BETTER ACCOMMODATION WEBSTER'S CSABKIDOED and National Dictionaries are tan Properties FcrSale Lease nothing out of the way. You don't, eh? HISOLD BUSINESS IN THE FOR Public the Ice Wagon will hereafter leave the Fac-- i well known to need any recominendation. The illustra- - i SUGAR LAND 0 Don't see a man there a woman ? ' CONTINUES building. Kaahumaau Street, Sole Agents for Haw'n Islands, tory fir delivering Ice at 3 o'clock in the afternoon of each tions alone are worth the price. $12. iO and f. 00. THE CELEBRATED jou I Chronocoeter rated by observations of the sun and start day, (Sunday exceptetl) and in the morning as osuil. People CRE'B DICTIONARY of Arts and Science new edition with II A K A L A U. In th District of Hilo, tlawalL Well, yen," replied the steward, but what of accurately adjusted Perry Davis' Painkiller, hours will be expected to from tho appendix. 3 Vols. Price $19.00 and $20 00. with a transit instrument to th taking Ice at other Uke it ALSO fellow a to ! that? Uaan't a riht embrace his meridian of Honolulu. Particular attention given to At'M Co"ecwr" j These over a "Works "That", what I want to run him fine watch repairing. Sextant and quadrant "MwauorTthe'laoTy. and Thousand Other Th House, Pasture and Premiies of ACATKIAK, wife?" jou glasses DILLINGHAM & Co., TllTin M1TP ! nn .nil tnr al k RVn PACK PRIPF' Hawaii, containing about 700 acres. dancing ; silvered and adjusted Charts aod x.lEnl. h.rl uls Sous, out for, replied the stranger, around on riorolutii, Feb. 15, 1873. Proprietor Honolulu Ice Works. I For particular apply to nautical Instrument constantly Puuloa Salt Works. ' .1- W L. that's mv wife, and I'te (rot mad." )y7T hand and for aala. lv -7 Na. Bft At 9T Kins St Ji9 ir Mi m ff8 st WHITNET'3 BOOKSTORE. d!4 ORFFtf. i & CO., . if" Ls-t- c v t BLANCHARD V iiicrMi-n- time, cr the XQum t'.gus r.cKf The Queen's Hospital WILLIAMS. - T TT TiiT ti.or'j is a etnn and rat jeiLlv, at ua vi? a tt PACIPIG iriiiiai""l art wr w - CJOMMEHOIAL. . , in iVi. Lta j:criiriiuatcJ r l'jt, present aiiJ latur. arr A: .y "f aifrw ii.,im ,..,it. A meeting of the Trusts of tli intititioa tts Shipping Coramiion Merchants, Ir fr-t- h a. MAOW. march i. n:.. th- Blht J ?t mm jr. on Mou.Kt, at which t llowinc report ul 1 m te'.J 2 Wl have ao'hi.te; l e" aa iodUalu ( any tel-- Na. Callfarata Sirrcl, , the phjic"iAn wa pr'St"ti'.et. Tin? nnmbtT of pa- I - I i NOTICE. arii.ftj . Tr.!e. in all lis r.ti:lri-je- root ibe - r . The ue cf cjtfi tu) is opn to tue a.e oojectivn, mhi If . 1 5 J r-- t JfAi.-'00- " ami n,,'n- - accomrnoJaU-- Jjrinjr three taon'.h ") At t--. tl I lb kambt, ia .n,- -j litcul. and the wham a trrt J. l.erctcFlIUn-o- N, rulv, MloweO. A tients lie l If r nTI AY MAllill-- . t.i: reoauM KIe rl k-- N..-ra- l LV.i are ae e,..t ai, t!:l ua ae x ao ordinary tuuday. SITMP ' S He pwJul of the . i tltf largest that ha.s ever bevn ta attendance. jo tt ciiiuKv u,t f 1L;T llchUlnfB ...CB1S KEa rirKCT roit lahaina. 1'' . u at tin. KALl sw-n- t b-- ' Lu .II nlas U vewl or a China ttnd ei.p t . . . a.T l.O.rr m0l'ouu, a.I IIv oiiniAL nnnouriCcm-n- in t!ic datat-- of VCvr Vvrk iailio l.ave commenced the tibt, , k.- - t... r. the TrusUes of JL sv 'Joanrn : ,HUV. t to uxur ; ' ' U" ' ffi-u- .j te t oulsk-- vr.-- h we we w4 likely to anyli;r. l! ! uod.-r- iin1. !J, htf inf jriiid : U!ii evt-rj- r uf the total a!','Ii-- ; I tLe exrrpt throu.h the Fra-t-.a- tf.e ruMic arc ia etat the luir.losa circurn'ocutioa the honor to submit IUowin IkiWfTT. frowi ro, whieh vt'M W'vh.fUv lar, jlicj eEj t.f rtJuaUot words nJ bTe MERRILL, j tvfre lie atener -i - THE SCHR. NETTIE 11,122 U aoil h-j- i- rr- di- y b--i C-i- - - tin is juni.-hme-ut - us! ; 20:h March. The totM llnoolula, Marcb IT, 173. pm-l- of tl.e Pariflc Mai, ' t" first of April it to e of yi is being graTt'.j .Q accusAljte js cu-io- enough '"f quarter ending cf li afur ife tlm wh:oh thc pure E, V. CRANK, lhr-m- i an.1 or Sib Apr-- - Uhe Host is t Aftimiu, da ker ua toe th o' n thir! ominoui in the time arii wrarjn the'Jov- ,.(J,.j. Tr.; w Yurk Trdune thus unquali-- I a,oi,?ej Tbe usc cf C3itJ, ia general, U confaJ nnmber of patient at preeTit in Mt'. M , ' PLANTATION. A crwlil f dry tie.. wi lild this . Tee.-i!iz'.- "r-in- i 96- - and Uemlarlj betnefaTliIs Tort and Lakala, WAIAHOLE RICE tek ut ceii.--f- Vt l.av: a ;in j,r..iM,une. its and uasattsfactory. v'!': 50 and 37 feaialea i!Iwai!.4a. US!lIIa o" Cart-Mr- . v worth ! - trniii. triiv ns9 C. J. at kith j ' nu:rjWrot ad K.- -a tln. tU-n-e f.,rth Mr. M. Whitney ill jmhliah ;Ve hav- for use cr expletixe foreigner, all mAles. The r.iior.s Kit AKTICLK."'!" iwni of. Tb aiieitdabfe wae and purclt r tltat II. h - always op;.oed the death penalty Then also haxe an exce?;Te , f.W,amiyufc aKoraatjr r. mull ie e " We4aeUajs. ..a.-r- . - b.-- th.-- HnDoliln HitBrdavs and Lahaioa t Tf rj 1 .ie irdt-r- .- ! : were c ar-em- refr-ntilnlit- v, - rn wVxpec: to oppo--e is. liut e during this period bas 13 ct u. I. atto-- ma Dtvrnt lews Widths rre;its Bv the (lizU'. on hi own h.itn- and hae plrlicIes such as iu tbe extretUe license ef t 4 Co., Afrr.ta. k-- - j 3m H. HACKrtI.l Titie i a Umt of tui- which , viT: mat-rii- il. &au - ' ' , cuninrt. of et.iem Icsi--ol the iJorcrrifuviit r.r'i-if- eand .. i ... .1.. r,..r tr, i:. To Colloquial indulgence for which If awauans are noted n'e (iumhi.j..u i , , we ! ..t 4,r.t.,. ! h. -- irf-rrvO- stI.M-a- ic ti.-- k.. apparent arni we .re w.. ; -- Boston Board of Undcrwriteri - .. ; r. - hn - A t.- ther witli the "gj..i will w!.uteer that .).. ih.i r iiau ,..nvi mil tUt mnit rck- a license wnicn conceal ir aAoar of repraeiit a y rap.l ' - l.paaata. wt ii i. K T S lit 0e !e,s vu-:- . i.e.-. to is a fresh j9 bT with the dignity anu trma.e (llAwaua:i). i. Tj 33 33 V(i Tr llWilrtC CO. raa-be- an no liHKW.K Bea-'tr.- y can tl her ly K.ry HnM me.ins consistent ZPOSL Lhi ly lea'ly Imam eetei t ni:tj mean. Ie-id- es ao-.-ve- . n-- w S text J. .r t!ie old against tho law for the the 2Cy ca-- e h ive been :itere-l ! avir-ptit-- ! urtr'inier.t OF YEARS eitlter ty r or lite f te tf rirroiitsiea. .Ministerntl Ta!ediotory h;-- tliey cer--. wruten Jigourse FOR A TERM ! In thc vit!i of every murder is . , . in I)Un.n,arr V, riot: :.s Board of Underwriters 1 Id rian Frn-- murder: bit ,n the h,..k. and ireiv Philadelphia Tdaa of s Hiihiy a baa been uu-eu- I .pent eur ot KBg .ectence . 1 IK 1 r.reWell, th, belief is J a most t it, tator f Ue TIIK R I'.SKXT UKSUK.K flaw 1 1 1 a m lalnaiwa, ; improve i- hid thc public ail cox-rrv- ,.t5y rn. ISC l in I, at tlw lK if CKXTS A wiUs r lie to t CO. cisr aocb we mv.e,f u I . ;;utf C. UKLWkK adIeoj. -a- fc-Iy d- : H accord,., i such law a, th,S and in n.l.1 ly lr promptly een tt.en. ti rm-bbotr- ( A v-- er op, ks the Hl'iijiii bark with tlat the Adm.Di,tmtion may tru.t ,t, - U. J Th i Xf l Mrl contamir.c lhr.r.h IV A', llmf . 'I. 4 t.-- of Uulfl 'ruil Trrr an.l VK-MK- US VIJ4-ITI- NO y - k jU!y . . ..- iiu-- . " - - UJ. t VTIC'Kw-MTK- OK duovraClc .!- fcr to eail about. Apnl 34. fens; to betitiment." The frank -- . - - -:. ,t...- h 'S 1 dys- auOlctt-c- K Frariw. a public iou-i-.- ii , . ;p-,1- f itaiiveA. all from jod h ria i i:e owner promt- u o i"- v ,. deaths hive been ma'e. t!. tialaoce ia I ur(f uiwa tt a diaah"rd csxi.lliMio ao. in il siat, tbia lrrad .;. lor-eign- (faturJav) for .li-- .f..v,.t TlaearJtuuocr lMmrfU anil implic two things liv r. .n jn.t the s.iOIierU eutery, I from dropsy. 1 from typhoid fever. 1 two hum. any ol th? p..t.m and fit.laa. Iphla 4fflai ttaaat tbair expreofion of thin belief .fl t. ". 1 u-l- L.:n . .. i -- V....I ;. tr. f shoul I Vt ariT a frvmlajr !' fact" olrauo b Koto, Kaoai. .i..ilL.i i'l in all rea.n be Trfect'v thv.n. atn I Ttw Land ha 00 raporta aad aocvuula uijr CarliBaa la . cuiiM.-i-juai.e- , , . 1 pneumonia nty-lhrr- a fwrling iu the o. pure j,-,- (suicide), and TaLitiati from cf tsouJreJ ami fm. TV acbcnurr C. W. ifava! karta oo MoiKlay Dell Irjt lh of purity t Jiw &houM bc rigialy eo. Qne of he mp?t flci,e f,f our to tbe barbor, tao Bihl ly t. RKKakKavU. c( Kefpec 1 1 u 1 ly b rui : . on a S AND COMMOI'U tug iatauJa. acti.jii ; a un . led Thrrri. th prvxiUi SPC10 iDutitus oi urci continence iniit iuey, forcej. me is impossible to ftfet U on 'an fchoUrs assures that "it M. Ol f ihKLUNU HOVSK, lb CvrtiiriKa T bj!.r bark Camilla, hicb tfm llilo misuodfr-- t l r mis- - K.iBKi.r MrK.i;,i:v. Jk., I'.. anil public men, are t,ever to be Govern- - make oat the meaning of many of these sentences as ailacLeJ. on 'ctitKwla off Ibr cf 1 - 'J number of the Au Okoa, the usiFWkW"rirTinii:F! oo.Uy but. aail l craiar cait .1. ti- ' he last Surgeon to the (queen's Hopital. rootnt. Stul-i- atxl Carrtape Hjuj. . ' rn. - i--ri I now ; at lr- llw.!, iur.f rf iha of tine fco raiK.:o t i i meut Dt wpTiir printed in tbe Hawaiian Unguuge tbey stand. .March. Ii Mh 1 city an1 rrsittciwr. Huspital. 21. ! " l'.Tl ll only ta b U te api rt cialfl. In MiUon to the above faults, we hare in the niuUe ci I a, y. 16C3. announces its discontinuance. COMK AS D tKK. G Street, for " U ,,PW li ' l,,J,," f'Ul T,C I'rm!tU,,, "f"1Tl account cess the no emphatic. Fort "r """"" ,ll,fc:l,n . of the lea of thc (Government print- - cf "Onixashun and Eixaprosity." apply en tha rem - ol - , Ft ' tiie woiM ha yet arr,rej at tijat tiegree 01 fne and e instepd of 1 nnif.irmlv fol owing the RlMS TIIOS. I.ONU. L'IZTb Ne lidtrfJ ih.fp.m9 iha t.itoa.,nc ti. it- establishment. The editor, M. lo so Photographs, lixe--l ins John Kaiia, Mistce Ki'iTCR If ye'Il put it in smill print, -e i.i,herri ' fcction a that the shall become a , rM',Te of Terbs. aeTotiog the instrument numi- 0 vri. ni4o,ed la whale C.bcr,. Jar..iv rwni a lcii'thv but' ye, tell of of a NOTICE. 1 ir - that the byes won't hear I'll lit l;ict. I'uMic or public opinion, H in . .Vo also, babitvar.v, msteaa cr 1 betore tne simple COXXM'-Ou- n Phil-- Hr ; re- - meself, I.O HAS NO L.OXGKR AM Shells, fa. frfiir. Ttr.'f irracefui'y written valedictory, in which he conversation that tuk place betune (that's U. ASfcU a, or Coral, -r hrt. 111 Willi firm of CO.. a . I- -j :i a very great decree moulded by thc preatJ taia . accusation. the arant Nw J...... - me friend Mike, the other ! Apr.t . 2 -. 'ew" t!,e '" of th du.r,nS t.c past ! Tiia DeUaey) and niht. r'airbaTen time- In the Q uniTer9a, . hi! eountrv. an erewre in th raIr injection . .. i, . i r i e : i..... it!ri. Msrch, 1ST3. i; iKrtifluUli, 1 . PUT it VMM flhl autricc to . t to me, urn. wuai a ye w Volcanic Specimens gives cxceiiont w-.a- : Wavtport H 11 1.1"' L'nited an 1 in Jn-- jt Uritain. where well we Ccinmon Statn - J ? Be me sowl. but the lawyer ,n Ins MouO...... 3 bis countrymen, inciting thcin to off rt for indc- j .q an rixaprosity d fined politieid creels and parties the ad-- 8f5rmsit;we nnci TAKE NOTICE! ! ext, he . . epache at the new hotel wint into the meiets of the Dtatrfctcf New Dviford . ... I I. Z jienuenee nod ,tion In eloInc ftjso 19 , Lezmning and Curiosities ' always Cnda a j.ut for cr m the cf ' ministration of the fJovcrnment i ai51-- s liJ- - Mlke l'e - 3 tlius ln'M rey xm; quill : " O . tl,io?' so Le Sel " v anJ raviiF. l'XIEKSinXKD. IIAVIXO Tl'lt- fUIf.arii t feliteuc. . of IIOWAKU hl ami 10 Uie Nfeiiucart I portion of th; pre to 6uj-jior- and defend ita u.e 1 hcvl OKO. Inirrrst t", ...... i 1 uieJIin wkh other biinifa. r ! 1 with tlae will here inscribe my name, and ASj the form of the impersonate Terb is PPk'8 HOOKS Provioceiuwa li lo!i-- or it measures. The is very different lo, psive 1 ai:v a . ! Button 1 ca.' i a. I ... : - l f .a. a . I . A tt. t..HAlr. i ... I .1 ' rrA, c r. ! AO flld OUttiA 7f T .U tlU.1 " - 1 i SHOP, V'trtly h.,wtvcr 111 thw little wl.tre there enn- - " L i so ve inight. I or who knows hut BARBER' 1 CALIFORNIA. UKAI'TI IJt.Uoo 1 .t kitLm. ,t i i Amirikin citizen, Mrrrkmtt Mr.el, VORDIIOKrii Nw ' 1 : I . 1 Lilly cxi-- 1 , . . Harbor .. S2:. be wiid to t any dcRuitc party, already fY.'t ...... ra rjt ilitical that the has onixed us !" .v..., ia(roriii or u.e v a;ia nuora 01 1 ne, by Htaulry. - 1 jt,,,.;., thl. ii.tena i uonnmiu. How found ia--k 1 1 1 ' pernaps more cu'nnble ftult of this l'r. Nw st , , , ! away. J ,ou and I have done! .Mr. Jiut tne s'ni lu.pituio '"J" 1 tV.o h Lotwa l.aicna .;,.. Wiih- - . to n'.eaae all. lu merit voor A ...-.- ti u:v. .i:.7' iwv j Iijat l Mratt.m'a llm.k Krriin, 1 1 1 IIDI, Pel .ilk.e, litfUia nuicui, uiuu faa tiaoiM...... ' J 1: 1:. :..! . 1:...: k;... - l.nlr ia f.mri.l in flip- tl. At thp tmniltirn arp jer favon. l'rnnya..n'a Pot-m- one vuluntat tiurwiir ina cunuriai mrcvr iiivn uipiioiiirinni uuu- - , .,. . . ,t, VVM. ture, tlicre are grave quentiouH of natioiml policy i:t t. !.,. Uihl& 3m O. 11LAKK. t'rurtrn'a V mcordaiictt. S vo. editloni TotalJatu Ii3 'H irxlnt-trinii- Simply translations of words, leaving the th- - Orrntany, lat,lS73.... li , wlf hs .111 and Hiaiory ol War batwven Franca aa.l are being diseuSM-d- arid wl,i !i are fist prc-- ; inrenifaens jonriuuui, . . ,., . , .. , fits? I Iu t he tell all, its nxsprositv we want. that ! !'a of larnin( ,.rriuan, we are pleaded to leam bis name mw ieen - ITiUSKETS, MUSKETS, filUSKETS M I), bale, TL. ecnting the material out of which partita are to that give Peril river to Unkle Sam. so he will. I'ualaiiK' otual of Itul.a and POUT OP HOriOLULU. I pos- use of children. One of the best Hawaiian teachers, 1 lie Child. It nature and r. lalioi.a, connection With a uoverntuent och, a arise. And thene iiuportant que&tiona come to iu whitlie. he owns it or not; and thin, murther, Nuiicr f..r Little tliM-- a lliane, now connected wit!, one of our higher Seminaries', Pt.aafilTi jaav- Va A W!...o U V a aL.. aVaU- l.r- AHKIVAM. ition. luk at the goods that'l be guv away to the poor ajp fca aattu J t'olter'a lllurday Miilit, full tu.r. thc "tirhtce and are discussed in the eommuiiity, pays that "this book is not Hawaiian, but simply JOHN NKII.I. .aif V ear an.l or Inula f. I ha overworle.1. 1rr , cem's thing free; No. IO.1I1I1 I'lM-aa- Ml, I Si Anita, Irotn Hawaii. , bekase Unkle Sara iery 40 Fort Strert. and by Or. II Mar. Hhr Klt!a. proj-er- f:ict OiT the general of verbiage and ignorant 11 11 i.l innrta 1 T I i I nn.1 ld Fellow.I!a.Kaai. fiorn HUo. it would beom to le no! only lut in of maai t.oncrrrA.1 int. a w! l n In by ii br Ilaaa:i. . ' .IheThit-- the Nijlil, Harriet rV'lt'fd. fr-.- . , , , ... .,, , ., honey fchtop, Mike, its all as clear 23 .:hr Waiola, Kukahi. Lahaina. Mut. abwjlut-- lieceeBiiry, that thc lueu ut the htiid of crit'ujisiu which the consideration of Hawaiian atftirs luk at tht, " t'ot-ix-r'- Leather Tale. 6 vol. 11 IS br W arwick, Kalawaia, from Kalaaoao. M'.lr.kai. of MOI. IhK.ks It.atnmHls, ol1n Chain. b-jt- as mud to me. We must onix and save the lives RECEIVED perKA Juvenil Mhik h JUST bas evoked from the press in the United States and , ri. Iiimu jvcrriruent thould form opinion iu Hawaiian schools." V om-a- l't i hr Juamta, luJv..l, KUum, ujon pupils I Happy Kreh ltuiels Omila, .Motiillif rk Rob Koy, Ji:o. from K00L.1t. we a writer who treata the poor gonackers." Tim, me darlint. ye don't M:at. l.-- lloliln, Ac, Ac. J3 br t public Kurt pe, occasionally hit upon book is not in the l,il.u- - W aha. otiettioiis, and let the know, clearly and Su:h is the exact truth. The A SMAI.l. IXVUICE K KKItMAV AI.K, !a t4hr Punalu. witli- -. understand the thing. Its rixaprosity we want, so it of U3 Aia Jane A I aJk.i.borj, f orbea, 5u dava from uucqui locally, what those Opinions are, through the autject in a pi tin common sense style and Hawaiian should it ever have been xA. Key liraud. AIo, a umail luv.iice Just Received by the Steamer, ! vernacular, nor PortUr-- 1, . Such an one forth his is, and we'll give them Peril river, or any other frMn .ul- - out ilippancy. thus puts 'mposed upon the children in our common school? as Tk. 24 act wit ba Caraiiu. liirrr. llilo, iuaiu tome acknowledged medium. A will the Xj 23! tnhU and r .ale by II. M. WHITNEY. V 11 l (luzette: river, and if needs be I meself give them rVl.r Keot.i Ana, Irora Waialua- ,,c thoughts in a ite number cf the Cincinmiti most exnerienced teachers in these SWEDISHFor ale by W such. Our Quaru aud 27-- :br .Nt-- tlerritl. I ran, front Lahaina, aiaul. sentiment ub to the light or rong Coure of -- own of aud Pint. i good seems be stone church to boot that is, all I it CO. VT-- "A deal of mental perturbation to Dm II. HACKFELD ti t:hr Liiama, lUtfUW, from Km a Kan, Hawaii, public men, is best cultivated bv a public dlKUS-- schools declare that neither they themselves, nor mal I me sowl, . a7 :Ur lanuokawai. fair k at. from Kona, Hawaii. occasioned among our politicians and newspaper that will be a timptatiou to Unkle Sam. lie . can make anything of large of it. ?nMrhr Kairy Uura. Kaaina, front IfaiiKU-i- KuL tioU through tlw; prenM. The btandilig and Ft a-- organs of the centralist school by the indications that tur pupil, portions this Ir.Hit Maul. I don't believe he'll let chance slip." nOFFSCHLAE&BR CO. Kiu l.ivc Yaokee. Urk. liana. public mind with a fa .oi able regard to re- EH A-- Koloa, ollily of a Ministry Will be coimcrvcd by their the is turning jl? purpose at the commencement of these - k --Hchr Jenny, Kyno,a.lio Waimea Kauai. Kveu Tim Delanev. tue luca oi cueuuiii ine urea, ut iireauiu. to adduce each point in the criti-- being on term. with tin public, ihus, ()SU. marks, was under the tkUiibC cf Uie Dalive wll0 ? UEl'A RTL'i: KS. meul pot0Iltut0 1. a .1 "11 - ; whilu we have ulwayb oj.pofied the jndicy ol ov biblv reizuediu and ruled over the Hawaiian Islands. cism a eullicient liumner or examples iuusirauve NOTICE. OPFERS --TOR SALE OFFER SALE Mary VV -- Inr SPECIAL Mar. Foter, at. llilo, '; i gentlemen no un- - thereof. But that would have occupied more space roil K , on cum-- an event that causes these little .Mary Elk-u- Jim. iit. Maal ura, Maul. eminent tarrying the printing bueinceti iu ! KESI'IXTFL'LLV ANNOUNCE easiness. Icax-i- n StittrhrXchr Slanuokawni, Falrkai. for Kooa, Hawaii. jtition with or opposition to private enterprise, tf)ftn 8jTorijej Ine Tj,e i,est that can now be done fWOl'I.D and those tuterested, uiy intention of TIIK FOLLOWING r . si pw-h- Ae'urr, liiu. l.r kohala, Hawaii. Now tho 4ues,ion which concerns Hawaii, and refer he cur;oug reaJer tQ tJje eesona tLem. ou the May or June steamer, for a visit to tbe states of l rtimr KiUifa. Mcf,r;-.r- , f'-- r Maul and Hawaii. i wo hold that Ministers will alw ays require a lec- - which concerns modern civilization, and which Co,,-- liine or ten months. GOODS Kld Fellow, for llilo, Hawaii. one looking into Lessons 11. 12,1,. 4,, Those who wish 1o consult me professionally, will plvase call SW cht Ktki. who feel an interest in extension tl ognized organ, aud at the present time more than cerus Americans the office convenience. GOODS RECEIVED He Nika. for KawiHwiii, Kaaal. 1- at iuv at their earliest JUST 2i hi Haitie. 7'-- of principles of liberty which we believe to be o", GG, G7, 70, 71, -1 and others, would fail to M. 24 chr Juaaita, lJudoit, for Kaunaiakai, Molukal. ever. Hut jrhaj after all, it is not ho very thie mh'2 J. WHITNEY. S4 Rob far Kootaa. to the march of civilization, -- Schr Uor, Jbn, - ho essential further is ,e convinced that as to the blemishes of the book, the Jnst ZReceived rnix- '.'4 iSchr Kinau, Slakahi, for Malik'i, Mant. much a reliance upon a " healthy public nenti- - whether these institutions of Saxon polity shall tlvi Respectfall E. B. NOTICE. -- 16 Mrhr VtutCK, IKaaiie. t.r Kona and Kau, Hawaii...... t ...... , u - half has not been told . BV THE- - ! r..i.r.. nrv ! 15 sckr Ka Mol. UavU. lor Kahului, Maul, liient' that aUect tC AUlUllllhtratlOI, III tlllS par-- j piauteu iu imi pari oi .i.tue ctriu. iur nicy railllS IS TO FORBID A I.I- - PKRSOXS FltOM W I already; it is bituply, whether these JB harboring or trusting my wife, M A KQ Ml KT, on my ac- - it, rtcbr l.ilio, aha, lor 1'unaluu. : ticular. :w the met of au unhealthy Condition of fU:i(itutiuija s .1 1 A in wh bk CaniUfa, I'ulver, to eruiae ofT Hawaii. Bball detJelopcnl in .society constructed , , . . . . . count, us I shail pay tu contract. by her after this I ! MOI, . BARK KA thc public finances. j prin-- raruonea DUt nc aE j10eiiy. dale. She having left my and board without ny just HAWAIIAN urH,n the principle or upon the cause or provocation. bl ' 1 rr-a- . STYLES OF rejected Depart a reradventure the Gazette, though nominally i eip'.e which assumes the necessity of extrinsic force Honolulu, March lb, 1S73. (It) THOMAS KEKFK. FROM 11KKMKX. NEWCST liberty ; or, as the ultema- - ; : On last judgment ! to restrict mau's natural - Mr. Kditor Saturday vas roa l.H4,!A ?chr Nettie Merrill, aalta th a r m. divorced from (.Jovcrnment bed and board, will, ...... - ti va hoiiio nower snnn Kien ,n . . v . ... 1 . . c TO DIP.RIlSrrX'aS, imd Kan rt hr C llama, la ibia p M. - ; in noiii. netner. . i.nrm 1,,. 01 01 LET. loi Koi a. Imi-.ihi- I ,r r Civen lV me IUll ocncu ounces tue cunicuic - ....,1 1.. T.. ... ' Fairy aaila Ihla M. .under certain undcrstoiMi eoiuh tn.nH , . V ..i..V. 4 V-- ..)i..,ruii...... t . . FANCY Koa HaaaLBi scbr Uaecn, r I. .1 A I ....3... H1.V'.V..V ' . t . . t . 1 1 ... 1 - a . - a K OCC'UI' I KI IIV DR. tjUmp Live Yankee, aaila on Jlcn.lay. - ,u a c,lse vmca s,,l,u,u "l,r:lcl I,UU1,U J,luu- - Ill OFFICE NOW Pink Print, 8iriped Prints, f'oa Ilaaa j words, flat- . OLIVKK. nihil r We it is whether the American or the British j While Oroiind rW-h- on Monday, quasi Government organ. bhall watch its OKKY ASH WIltTK; Prints, Furniture Pilots, f'oi Kolo aud VVaiwBa Jury, aaila eo as I ' MOI.KSKIN, ' a iml-i-knil- flag, the flag of France, Italy, Spain, or some tion. I propose to give the facts, far have.'' 7 Turkey lied. Printed Jaconets, aaila ou M..n.lay. tfeiilTaU-- li . cf n nnf or V Cloth, lilue Manuel. . I'laliis, Fancy t'ua Wmdviio Poava Sinir Kilauea, Uaf liiriiuia if Lonn Ur. wn ' other Latin power, bba.l float above the sulphurous remarkable . FOR LEASE. White and tiround I'rmla, Naiurook, Tape Wliite, and lllue , Bhertlnrs, . beeu able to obtain them, of this ioat Print, Urk llrnwn and Klua Victoria journal into existence under jicculiar cir- - j . ' Jaconet, Cliambray 1hwii, Printed Marreillei., Kxtra lirllls. Lawns, IN coming cf MUUna Ixa. One or another of thews events ... f rwvilF. CROWN U.M) KNOWN AS I'hevks. Jaconets, While aud Colored I'aiubrica, VUnKM I'ORT. a sets - . - ? . ' . t l Till' Heavy , Cotlou and Union , lllue Cottou and lilue White 10 oe wuuesseu . , 1 1 fcilttsia, White cumstances, oorn 01 a mixca larentago. llio is mo. neiy iiawau wunin ine pf t 186 ' Cotton Drilling, Heavy Cotton Shiitinif, 0 and 10U inch , Ulnhams. MAVaa. l , tbe 10tb "u Afo' 0 Chinaman, r...... r. next decade. What worries our centralist ool.ticians 7 i Cloth, All and Cotton plaid : . 1. lllwek and Colored Italian If B steam frigate California, Rear Admiral A M Pennock. uuuiii; uunc . .. . . 11 8 1 iittc iuu iiiuuiiar vtiin ine lormer e ...... iiuufc-nuii- Ton-e- l ... tne-- m cul,u mid Towelling, C..ttn Hlanket. . . . is the manliest preierence among tne jieopie ot signeu a ctrntrnci iu (.ti iui j.UuatHi jn lhe j of ,Uwai is a fii.e PraiinK hitwis. Kutia Cmh, & WATER-PROO- F 11 0 M'a aUaoi corvette --Cout, Ralph V Cator. iwi it Kine lllurk HEAVY CLOTH ; career 01 as a ana may tor us puiu For particulars Horse Irianket. Mertima, llnr hen. Coburn. iu proprietor journalist, ptntes that the standard of popular for William Hillelrand, ogent of the Hawaiian Boaid land and is valuable further Coll-.- ) Trtble and Handkerchief, White attrHKTmt. ri-ht- ly .... W JNO. O. 1'OMINIS, Cover. lttrk Drills, - stand- - While aud I'nion Atn mialonarv britf Morninc Htr, HalleU. exixrct at his hands u vigorous, enterpiif- should be planted in Hawaii, rather than the lmrn;,rriitl0D H.Hebraud might for he n'ir Ilundkerchief, hemmed; Corah llBiidkerihiefs, Mine , , V of as direct, f Crowu Comuiiasiuuer and Lund Ap. nt. '..lti.ii Cauva-S- heavyi (Colored Merilloe, Lrit bk l.i1itjot. C lluoaua. j MadnpolHiii, Veil ltarete in in- - , 28, mhJtt Superior Itlne nn.l lirown doth. newspaper, as far a. the limited of j arch lo"d. V - Woolen UchIs. Am bl Edwin. .lbr. theatre "Uhr.hould1 Hawaiian term of five years from the date when such bervice am, tJrenadine. D..tteI lilte twl Mu.'iin, fu- lire ' Islands! Kale, op Sao Tranciaco. I Cum- - Haa bk ;rken. t,t COUntrv Will : -..t : Aftj !ilebiii for Tailors' use, Tailor' Tnumilnjr, wioumalism in this allow. lie has .u dht; - ...1..1v. v v. .Kmihl c.r.mniotirA. in this- Kincdnm 1 for whifli " " lerior I'h.t 1 a M in iuv .oijuuui uiii v vut j 71 .war ... Ant kr C Ward, Rlckman. ' inviriuui jj Y 1 '"B""' briea. Hrra" Holland, wi.ti. Ken. Jlina anu S I 1"- .- & 1m.ml1 il.i . --A- --' 2Tino Sroadclotha Cassimoros Ala bkta Jaive A Falkiobarf, Forbea, discharging. however for Botne vears been retired from the centralist publication,- ff'e (meaning the ieople of UB tn four I.oir.i .r..i c. c, 0. li 1 re 1 1 . ' . . . ., ...... v 1 1,1. ..o' a"'1 anu other consi.ieiatious provuung noiiuays awi ; IffH of thp Moriitll ,w!t... 01 course uo Tioth'iiiK with them. It would 'g. etq., Ufi Green and White Cloth, I t UllDTt. . ineif h TfimnftranHfi LaUSc. lies ry Ticking, Cloth, I tra to ariicss, that has long been roaming at u new year s gi Wti at . "IL", t. . . 1 . I . . L. not be our business to do with We, r. Il I L A anything them. CHothi.i, jfosicry, llama, a 2o HrieU Appiea, bo ca Pii- -i Bread to I Wl1 over wide itastures, it remains to be teen if we fulfilled our whole duty, should simply leave Arriving at tins port the Board of Immigration lr,i, kra X Co; 840 qr eke Flour 10 O c b,.di- - i,ow j,e them alone to manage their own affairs in their own : COSVER'T BE fS H : - Jicl,,,, pu)j with the Iiew fa ar assigned the man Afo, or, if you please, the contract. 'A A?il'JtZTLKt: am ar u A? Tierer-- ainl 2 rake Hexdin- la L ilreen : i,,,,lMr I aav "Woolen. Flainiels ttTra, WiIV cntprnmpnt lllue, white, and fiw i tmvf. II- I -- .Ban,, - 18U&. to C fcc.llatna. ' ''"f. J fl!lw. tt,t t0 Jojn Wood on the 1st day of KoTember, pwT-nAV i rik,lBrtJ.4tiO,r.kan.a.r l.werAC, ' W ?K1 4 Horse Cotton 1 4oW Inch, each that claims 1 , 8 3, lllankets. Itlanket, Cor.ta pitve 4 0a It Dreaaed I It K.xnrh -- - IT colored - iw . .. .m. : a - 1 . ... .1... 1... . 1 :.. . After two vears and three months, on the 2d 1 i Suit. Illack Doenkin Pants, dozens of Buckskin Fulls, WiHilen lllunkela, of all quai l..- nnd 0 via 1 rae m A i ir- ti 1ft, w tin- - ut,r uaa 11 uuuuu 11 ivj servinrr a.aiorr, it ie to lie lwk. it it.intt. int--t akii: -it tu it luiwic lib lllllillllie .... .nun iuuu iwuiiiii j ceil i In the Schrwil arll,.(rinv r1!... rch. ' M.ilt'Skiti Pauls, Pea Jacket. Cotton i. ndershirl and Pea Jackets. It L'Mtta Milris, Vi Idle flilils, I Kii - ass-aube- That is the American idea. That is February, 1G8, Afo Mr. Wood wit It a. i Water-- j -- ucti a character awakinjr from a tlumtjer o of Drawers, Merino Cndershirta, White Linen lluck rtjila. ' I'ASS-NUL- ,n A,d t,,e Ledge . C. Ladies iU. what extending the area of needoin ' means. That i,atPhot. Air. Wood nn.l bis witnesses, in their eviJ uf ia ' Ao I. T. proof Coiits and Ponchos, a variety of men's tlals. 2 even less White Cottou IIokm of various qualities. Hoys Heavy lirown Croat Variety of Flannel Shirts tlian a decade of years, might well rub is what annexation means. 1 hat is all there is of it. , A ,,",ice of pieces win be ren.ier.-- ,.v - i,pfre ,l.e Court the assault Mueici ! Prown Thread 8o Kid Fa-i- vtr Ka Marra Mmatea, t- : ....: ,1 . . . UaiCe P-- f n . Cotton 8 cks, Men's and Lile k, f llAUlJJ KVEKY UCKIPIION, Fkisitn ilot. zj tml may as well American state of Hawaii ns ' ue'criuy several ladies and Urntiem-- with the :i,.r. of 111.5-- ! M. Bella Miller, d-- J ubwuiiiiiiiibih at, iviiic...... 01 .lie fimiipin, Iheie bean Uloves, white and colored. Ladies and Uents. Doeskin Mre Uavia, and Why swam that u gang of lahorers, Afo being one, were Fort street Church and the Uethel, who have kindly voiuti- - Thread Oatintlets, Ital-- I o-l'- er an American state of Illinois. not? No friend ' lug (lloves for Ladies and (lent. Lisle V Jane a. Faikinbuj, March ith principally pditicul, that a fchort lapbC time . - 1 1 .1- 11 : leered their services for the occasion. of Fma PoaTtaao. of . r 1:1 .1 r r i - Paper Fine Aasortmont Oi i.t: 111 sen- - ot-u- ou 1 10 111c auw inn Cloth and Silk L'mhrellas, Linen and Puer Collars, - n 1. nam inrnoun. iioei ij., iiu uvneter inc cupacny til mull lor un uuuti uicisccr, iiaiiuuu. A.,.tre w, itt. !v Mr WALTFlt HILL ...... m.1.. 1 1. Cufft, c. r, lias brought about here, and exclaim n. .m t iwliliAinn -- ...t , - ; j GJ-IVT- Coop-k- ... oo .nnl..lin. Si-fn- Foa W'ltBwii Poara Per Kilaaea, March 2411 Kt....u...... pottttu.... ,? .t t...t.t..-i- overseer says it raineu nam uuu aner iour nonrs- .Subject " s S' ! J VV , VV " 1. and Jl;testati.,ni of Cfr.crr." II Caik-- wife C IKj I ? do I ? -- wire and and child, Parke Ieei. dream rcQ1". luc i " desired TICKKTS-- , i fcnd aon, Mre and Mite Con. well. II K tlilcbcockAV H Chi. Are tlii: n what I Ley seem ?" work the gang intimated to him that they to Sl .00 Karl, Children connecttd with ! I'lidershirls, Towrls, and Ptnrklrigs. contrary. ' half-pric- e; Miscellaneous fdks Maui A V II aiul Mr Qtirl lip hfi p.nill.l ''.1 schools, may be obtioned of I'arke. J Laninhell wii. Pnuihb rrn in thnf ronlivl tlmt nnt r.rovpnf Ladies' hkirts, Helt. Ilslr , (Morsels, "Mi- The newly awakened rdeeter would ecc men It W. O. l'OOLK. Cleghorn Co's Store Pi)!-- . Coat Vest Buttons; -a Eiixn. G II William, Chaa Drew. M luiaaon, C liailey. Moerschaum Pearl Shirt, and 1 ritninlii;:, Fai s and Fancy flood. Miae A LTorbert, Miaw M llhrori. Miae l.illie llaklwin. II A VvhoP hol.l liut nvvntlv nn r.liovt ntnl nriwi-- r wad w!th the l ' (Superior I'm-,- , Hair Pins, Linen and Cotton tapes. Mceve nut-- j L U-- ? 1' theul; cverse!r . . ... f...... w W V IC.K.I I..m A 1 J I To the Honorable Board .Education. tons ami Studs, Looking Ulaases and Hand Mirrors, Linen and ' 'bil"f have you come for? Harrison TO LET. ! IWritrh, V'ckarlew, Mre Havia. I.ieot tm.lli. MrsOulick nd. cWtuingly " fixed tlS Ixion on his wheel," Utterly in Cotton Thread, Pen Knive, llutcher Knives, Sin I Twine, India Silk Ribbons, Artificial Flowers C. : replied The men are shivering with cold, it is too TIIK CEL.It.tlt IXDKR MY ROOK, Ituhher Comlm, liresninp Combs, Fine Ivory Tooth inhs, ' 7?Ll'ZiV :r"!and hojH.lesslv bhoni of both ; he would hear Gestlemex My sole apology for addressing your store, ciipahle of 4 and Paper. Illank I'.ooks, SuMtrior Playing fuspemiers, Poncho, Neckties, Umbrella, Jewelry, u 24 A FJiiiM Mid stowin.' 00 barrels. Letter bill Card, ' UatUMrc1i t . a . a . a The gang were into the -- W I IKS, OOLIl -, W Kerry, Meyer, ' .a honorable body through the public prints is found in "et to work then turned j18 Apply to 11. .M. WHITNEY. ilk It ihtion. Corded Iteltintr. Traveling Merino ILVEIl AND OOLl All.' CHAIN- Ju.:e kkmuin, Mate C and 83 deck. prom, men lotiuiy ana s, iitnt opcniy, earnestly house," Afo being and Alpiu-- lliiidinun. Feather and Flowers, Feather lut-r- ,- -, boiling house and " trash given . Fatiw l.aHaiaa Per Nctti Mevrih, March . .,.1 ,:.. the conviction, that the interests of our commou j ;Ihsh-s- iu 272 I ,,..:.., r r 0m ra and tpy Violin String. Cotton Twine skeins TWO SUPERIOR MUSIC BOXES! A tW.Lii. .... VI lUl.lOUlVd tiitvt u uuu ot , Vfnnw nbur. A C SaiilTt. and deck. ttv.tto to Afo not TO LoMes' Corsr-t-- .Shears, Water Monkeys, schools are suffering in a vital point' a pitchfork with which turn trash." LET. 'and balls. Tailor' Linen and ('niton Tap.. Lln.-- and Col ton Thread, : national policy that, but a short time ago, they i Hooks and Lyes, Seiner Water, aC, Ac, Ac. It may be already known to you that there exists working to suit Mr. Wood, slighting his work, Mr. A FOUR. R(H)MKI) t'OTT A CI K ')N GAR-lr:- N fMMl Cotton, Children's Wool ll.ilo. DIKD. would have been the last to favor nnd the first to Lane, with the Linen and Tal.le Tl tli., lied Prior', wide-spre- ad for- Wood told Afo that he would dock his pay if he did j f. '22 a belief, both among Hawaiians and - Luquire next door. 1m" ff-iqu- ladies' Mlk Ultnlles, Ladle and Oenl's Cnllais A Cuffs, ! Bailbt In Ihiaeify, March STlh.Jon.v Uailbt. a native Condemn and PCck to punish in Otiit TS. Thus he ors Ladies' hieeVes, Uloves, . . , eigners, specially interested, that the children and not work better. Afo replied, "Me work hard." j Wines, Ales r t reuenck.our., lir,t aijeu about year.. ,,,,, 1- f- i.-- .. I i " TO lit Lad aaile.1 nut of this port sine. 1? j4, and wae I at first iii'UivA fi, tit. U'li llll'A iiai . lVWUJ. youth in our public schools have been grossly jm- - Mr. Wood said, "You do not, and know it." Afo COTTAGE LET. Deeljen and Pchroeder's Ale, star brand, q's. and pi. Nor I--. fiVcr uf itie n t Mtnervn, I COT- way Ale Cl.rliui.ini In pta. and q,. fparklinir Hock, convertible terms, or at all events have ipuite loft You Mr. Wood having a hay rake j THAT PLKAS .TIV I.OCA TBI) Ao retorted, lie." Alh-er'.o- n. !jed upon by the reccut adoption of the " Buke " TAGE, two doors beyond the residence of Mr. J. li. qt. and fits. Ilhine r.f the following: Ilockheiiner. Heavy Silk, Linen, CvlU.n and ban Handkercbirla, former liii - hueln-wei- n. their fignificanco and force among j Deidesh- imer, Rudesheliuer, Liebfraumllch. tis. Heluhelu," as a text book therein. ; in his hand raised it over his shoulder and asked Afo For particulars, apwly to Niersleiner, ('nloKne, Luhin's Extracts, Toilet oaps. CASTLE COOKK. Claret Sauterne. Santerne, Medoc, Chanihertln, Pomatum, ! Ami while eomnolcnt find pleas- - Uii k Hair Oil, Porcisn Hems. our might a few The increasing complaints,. rjarticularlv from teach-- if he meant to say. his master was a liar. Afo seized Superior llrnndy in cask and ce, et Holland Olu ) ! Oin in Sherry and Port Wine. Alcohol, per cent, A nttt h,. kwn il, I 8D surpri-of- in the way of wrongs righted or that thev were unable to understand the laniruaro a four tined manure fork and rushed at Mr. Wood TO ! casks. t i.t .. ! LET proof. ..,1 Vn.h a.tni,i, i - ...... HOCSKIN SADDLES! escribing..."severe penalties for drunkennete. eviis correctca,...lie woula ...that the old..! usetl, with outside suggestions to upon wlucu...... wooa orotigut tne rake uown on) PREMISES. No. ia?rccive together this ellect, iir. THOSE DCSIRAiil.E fa-Idl- 105 Nuuanu Avenoe. Also, Cottage No. 1 Kukui j Hungarian Wines. Itridles, Hf.urs, Cloth. Ponchos. Pocket Knives, I W i"- was e k-- j head, breaking the rake. Mr. ood then spoons, t Alexander II. Stephen. rresideiil of the - struggle till in progress ar.d as bitter have l me to a careful examination of the book. Afo's Place. For particulars apply to ' lea, Tuhle lal.le Knives and H.rkn, hhiA, J Such as Chablis, Eeri, Ttudai, Ounpow.ler. .Nee. I in con- - j JAS. S. LEMON. i.s ihm, ird Ou ters, confederat.t state, bas been nominated for and irrccnci!cable as ever And now, without purposing an extended review j seized the fork, upon which Afo ran nway. After jal'J SHShegyi. r(.i, -- - - ! between labor and Money Purses, Looking Glasses, llriar Pi pes. Tobacco, - . . -tl ..r - - a. HUfill ik.IW. . tmmmu.n.,n i.. ii... It. I. . j pre-- v Ul K..lf-,ntc,es- Ronekamp Hitters, Swedish Punch, ready J ttt t, nevertbelet-s- , fifteen minutes Afo returned to his work, when Ani;otura and Ualvaniced Iron Pails, rui'l.l I'it.vI that more or leM opcu and of the Reader, I wish, to sny a few about TO ! lieorgUt. made by the detuh ol Gene.-a- Wright. j HOUSE LET pared Cocktail, Kiniuiel, (ierman Whiskey. Ualvau ted Iron Tuoe, round and oval. Wood l to to had .7 m; . . acknowletlged, still swayed and words iu the way of friendly criticism relative thereto. Mr. tol him to his quarters, that he A , New-ior- iuen actions IIOl'SK ON MAI NAKKA STREET. , i - ; last Itopt of the k ring thieves is lJon..m'.u Iron Works. For particulars ! The Ao Helubelu contains lessons, done enough for one day. Afo went on with his; near the -- m-- their judgments ; that tho rule of the " Bake " 10 aid to be the possibility of breakinsr down the enquire of (ji4) K. UH.LILANU. C. Tl W Perfumery, jury law, cf which we spoke in terras of praise not almighty dollar wns as powerful row as ever Several of these lessons consist of extracts from the work. Mr. ood then wint to hia office, procured Wash blue, Camphor, Uoiied Linseed Hit. Ssll peter. Stationery, I An Prim inr, j eyr ; ! Pomatnm. Hair Oil. Cosmetlque, Toilet Snaps, Ret Kau Poc;r, VmeKsr in dmij hnt and, Oin In long since. The criminal lawyers deeLire that p,cfulc n ;t3 importance 'lbe- - ore are selections from Hawaiian j hand cuffs and called three foreigners to help him NOTICE dru. I fact t,at f,zc nnj in Cologne. Florida Water, cheap .au de Cologne, Toilet Powder, ijohns anJ cases, Alcohol in demijohns. soon gone if ' j tbair tccnption will be the (to Item) History, whiltt a small fraction t the remaining iron Afo. When Mr. Wood approached Afo with the a I.I PFRSOVS ADDUEVSINT. LFTTKItS Much c. . i f Puff iioxes, ar Oil, men ty e I U detestable law U not repealwd. iuia feiibiuiy increasetl. . . " -- w ,o 11- 1- .t" IIVfCVT - UrBlCtl 'I TltiA lllCIf OUtOlUv Wl iUC by a ; Afo took a hatchet from his and rushed at d- - prose lessons are evidently written or translated irons shirt mtliU wiU taciiiiale their prompt livery. ALSO jIocl i is the name Gov- - j C, Superior Winen IIknbt P.' Have of the next person or persons familiar with the structure of the j Mr. Wood, aiming a blow at Mr. Wood' head, which E. lOLM Al.t, Kaooakskai. ernor of Connecticut lie lives in Xrw Londou. is ! There in a pleasant popular belief jall 3m Molokai. Iieldsheimer. ilnreobronrjer, lertenltr, I'lerkl.rliutr, that the j Hawaiian vernacular. Of these lessons, therefore, was parried, Mr. Wood receiving the blow on his 8 Preserves and Fruit Syrup Atsmanniilifeust r. a prosperous whaler, a maa of large benevolence. - Batty' Pickles. Bwan wben it Ct,nic8 to dio attlllles its voice- to j ia practical Christian. given to Loapilaltty,!' and there need nothing be said. And this is true also, thumb, cruthiug the joint. Afo then struck Mr. PGR SALE. f go-- one sweet, last eong. llins the Gazette, appear- - FIRE-PROO- F SAFES, earnest every d work. - of the larger part of the poetical lessons. Of all the Wood on his head and arm, when the foreigners and A COCNTUV STORK CLOSE TO THE sSuperior French WiiiCH boat landing with or Mock. For further par- Tiik raitevj. j in uie wcct fur ' last tifc the organ of tbe lessons now or Mr. Wood succeeded in throwii-- Afo and putting C ha I fan d Yquem, Haul Ilursac, States senate parsed two important enumerated, the authors translators ticulars apply to F. J. STEEL. Haul lloniuie de Kelne. bills. One was for the abolition of the franking ! .liniftry, gives no uncertain sound on the twin use the Hawaiian as those " to the manner lorn." him in irons. Mr. Wood then took Afo into the boil-- feS Cm Hana, Maui. Turkish Tobacco, privilege (passed by 32 to lC).and tbe other was ! ul.jects of Keciprocity and n cewiou of Pearl The book commences with two of" Errata," ing house and triced him up with his toes touching for construction of ten new sloons r.f war. the vote i iiget CliirefNt ,L'lrbor following the huggestions contained m the ground aud left him there with a guard to see German and Havana Cigars, on which yeas and 8 nay,. Tbe Br.--t of these a fact by no means creditable either to compiler or kf. Chateu Myrat, rhateaa ltechev.le, Chateau Banian, w59 ' 0 HI MarKaure, Pon'el Canet, St. Julin, Ac, Lilla Lakes effect July 1st-- lfc.73. after which con- - the leading article of thii journal of the 8th of publishers, since it was designed for the pupils cf that he should not be cut down. Mr. Wood got a k IfavilJ AND A., gresameo aendir.g dirty liuen, -- throuarh the mail MM tc, February, the organ is outeiajken and earnest in our common schools, and yet the table of errors horse and took him into town to the Station House, Must pay the postage. AT- - Fresh Supply of Lager Beer & Ale. ; advocacy of thcee two measures. Ittays: might easily have been extended to 12 or 15 pages, Harrison says Mr. Wood was in a passion, struck OTHER - MANY GOODS! The sea serpent airalo makes ita Appearance. Afo ! " li ?t'pn,i' to Ms tnnt e "bl be wnhng to without exhausting the list of typographical and once or twice and that he took the hatchet from FIIIE HAVANA CIGARS. TOBACCO The log of a Hong Kong ship. j,,st in at New York. TOO NCMEROLS TO MENTION, " lannnt-r- ! hr lh T7mi.aaaaiitl.orlt. f.r tht t.i- -- I 'Concede Bliythlllg reasonable,' to secure SO literary blunders. Mr. Wood fearing that Mr. Wood would strike Afo CASTLE & eOOKE'S. ALSO meni that ia south latitude 2- - 2b east longi- - ! a national benefit as a Reciprocity Treaty promises Next in order we have the rxiints and rules for with it. Mr. Wood says that the rain only sprin- - FOR SAItE AT LOW ANU UHASO.VABLE ? uuu 'j nn . u iijt 4 , a serpent at Rlty leet lone, i in uc iu im. " nrn i;i'i ni tuueit.w leat : 1. i . ... rr,1.8 8m r i.m want of it threaten PRICES. 3-- Hoop6 8, 1, 1 4 Inch. For Pale at .nl.. and j ! vu,ae ng j a series of questions designed for the pupil. Chinaman was wet through and shivering with cold. Iron! spots raised within six feet of tbe sLip. and was "l present: to the United Slates and to REAL VALENCIENNES commerce or may or mhl Im ED. h COW. aeeu by the captain and all on deck."' We aredis- - ; the world, it Pecome great These rules for punctuation are taken, I judge, Afo was found guilty of the assault and sentence! Tuttie. iiuproreu, as ii w ou ti m-- . lis ui as (Ti appointed because of the animal's limited length ; ructions ' fro,a tLe Ao Klko tt fortner w,th cf five Cue of ! FLOUR! FLOUR!! i7" c; : navy-yar- d of tlme9' Btne t0 ears imprisonment and to pay a one Valenciennes Laces vh but Efty feet w ill uo very well. a and port of refitting and repairs would Imitation iur w i its. be verv creat to all tho maritime nations i ,ta errors however corrected, whilst the questions, dollar. "to VicE-FBrsirrs- .' T Coi.rax spoke to a large audience ; commerce in the Tacific. Its ituprovetueiit would are, many of them exceedingly awkward and unilio - Luring imprisonment Afo proved to be a tractable THE IM)EKSI(;Fo , " OKECOiV x x (IMIM E ; ; FLOUR. roiKf prtces. Wonts Ing ?JJ the b:,.sine'2 ol.llle who!e Kroup would settle Inatie ;a form. No one TcrseJ in Hawaiian would person, who small-po- x Com to -- --- one could be tiusteJ. The ttiwli A LB 11 Y 'r-e- . . t - Xino FOR 8 this g ...... p " - oi a to an . JLr t particularly desired to maka . lne question leiecruiui i raiiLisco. to I Rilloi! -- e er p ,bcrn iKiArti.'ry mgg-ea'Jve- There were, he i into their PTesent shape, surely. breaking out in this community, and the quarantine rreitit. said. 400.000 China, eventually to the Australian Colonies ; h'e and fe22 E. ADAMS. J .25 3m C. A- -- OF I. LKEWKIl CO. more persons engaged in the rum traffic than there and be the means of'makinr Honolulu the touch- - ' 'utt having laid down definite rules for punctua-- building being occupied by the sick and dying, Afo A LAF.OK ASSORTMENT u me trans-I'acih- c I were in incHinv a. urea auo lining puipiL mp for several steam lines with- - tion and expression, it cannot but awaken surprise vras selected as an attendant upon the sick and per- - Sit nnnrirMl million flol .Lr; Tr Vrr n a t ,! t ; . . ? PHOTOGRAPHS, PORTRAITS, VIEWS SICl AS, ! IIIIi:s, TAIiLOW. t:,-I-n- tll,t compiler should statM tor ih.. retail f in,n ...... tbe goon through the book formed his work to the satisfaction of all concerned. MARSEILLES TRI.MMI.C to now" cv?n a this lite and e LEST STYLE, drinks, and but S40.000.Cea Was paid per year for j " l"at,s,dctorJ etcalily pouring contempt upn each and everyone When His Majesty-th- King came to tl ie Throne, in AND COPYING DO- N- IN THE NEW STYLE PATTERN THE CNDERSIGNEO CONTIMK eaacauoa sna preacuingr mr gospel. me poor inc w muumu, mc uum uuiua u. a pin. i , oi tnese ruies. , tms ne aoes, and the attemm January last, arr.on" the names of prisoners pre- - Cosmopolitan Photograph Gallery ! to pny ,he MKhe- -t market price for Dry U so thoroughly i At the which" at punctuation and aunoyingly bad, sented for the consideration of himself and Privy Hides, Goat ami ! Fklns Uoat Tallow. concva-io- n. j i . nrlff I rcaonab1'3 s under present in many of the lessms, that one is tempted to wish Council for pardon Afo's was found, and Afo was for Morning Wrappers 64 md 06 Fortt-t- (jallly) II. L. CIMPK 3m C. ninety Prints Ja25 A intemperance. One hundred and thousand ' PRKWFK CO. ! h unan being Lad died in New York within the , circumstances we are not likely to hear from Min- - the method ascribed to Lord Timothy Dexter " had pardoned aud set at liberty. Mr. Wood, still holding last ten years from intoxicatiou ; and in that city, inters azain very soon, it is well to place on rcc- - been followed, and the characters supplied in a mass the contract and claiming that Afo was still owine A FIXE ASST. OF THOSE ILIR..LK fcO.OOO out of arrests m;de in one year. 40.000 were i i.r.1 llir-i- r ln- -t npVKr.nrr nr rpr-irtt- at the end of the book, for each reader to use at his him two years and nine months labor, carried the traced to the came can. We have no doubt these , deal with, pleasure case into Court in order that Afo might be remanded St, E figures are correct, and they are certainly startling. "With a gfnerous nation to and a A --PA C A I to 1 S trusty negotiator of the of safety And yet, serious as is a defect of this kind in a to his charge. Chief Justice Allen and Associate I. We are aorry to be infonpeJ that the delus .on of,' for p?oU.clJon would be concedJd and r text bock for our common schools, the constant vio- - Justice Widemann decide that the man most return JIluoVc hikI Colors. Mdlerism u revmnS in VermooL The world, it is for A ,, h st,.t.nis cIt.Jr t0 w lbat .cbt.m,l. of sach lr aErmed by aome, ia commg to an end towar.1 jaticn of all the grammatical proprieties is vastly to servitude, seven years and more after the com- there m.,.al btneli:. professedly and reallv for tbe per-th- e close cf tbe present year. Others think that the pp,1Kl,lon of ,he native overeinty," and for the mote repreheusitle in such a book. Indeed it is in- - cienccment of a term of service for five years. As-- LAD I ES tSc CENT'S HOSIERY catastrophe will occur during tbe present winter. ,. ' ' niu,ai BliraIlta;,. l.otb nations, could easily be excusable. For no one, obviously, who is not critic-- sociate llartwell decides that the man is entitled to There are a good many meeting, and there ia agood from the obj-ctio- ns many of which ELKACIIE- AND CNP.LEACI1ED. diseiiianled ally acquainted with a language, has any right to liberty, holding that the term of service, five years - denl of preaching and excitement, and all this showj Rre imaginary that have been raised K,i B Lai ' pim.y la HUUbU Jtlmtm I t I Ssall ; 1SC5, HI IUll Vermont ehe usually get- the preparation of a school from November 1st, and the penalty of one aaaaaa. , - less common sense in than - it attempt boi'i therein, is aaei ... . , ' erei.i lor. At all event.-- we th.nk the attempt unoiibl he whatever may be his claim anJ qaalifica- year allotvea ey our statutes, tias Who (-ff- nt 5 literary - exrireu. is H ""1 V an.l cmic.asion, are d.-- .mled wlucl, can ; X The American raglc will utill root on the eil-- er madf: ir tions othcr direction3. ri ht? J. O. Caeteiu Pm'' ' AXI) AVOVEIV not be or Pdfe.y acceded to, tben drop , . . , EV .VOiI)EIiri'L UIUM JMTTRASSFi- dollar; thc Senate ha Tote;!. JJut many lime ana .pice vrouia U3 to enumerat.O 111 detail tLe subject and return tu tbe shit qvo, and See im Superior CoatingTS, Silk Mixed , A perfect spriiir mattraae without springs; a Mattrass without straw or husks The Wire Mattrass consists of aalron frienl of that noble bird will never have f fabrie i' 6000 feet of fine tinned wire coiled into perfect spnnrs and ail interlocked i.y an incenioos of the u-h- th tt will do for us " the- cliring defects of tbe ' Bake Ao Heluhclu." A No Ice Again. Owins to an accident at the works. ' processor double euch ia case. , . Wheu this Pliable and Elastic Fabric is stretched Into its proper frame, lhe result I the perf.vt sleenlnw occular proof that the I rnl few of tbe more prominent Lletllisaea alone can be the town has been Wltbout ice..Since buniay. This Tina Wnwn allTinpri Printprl Tirin raogemetit ever made. He desires ,o call the attention to the facts : 1st That they never lose their ehaoe t S.lTfc.t .w Leprosx. axe ' never make a noise ; 31 That they never need a repair. Fred- - Donglass says in his paper the Xitlwl We learn that tbe natives to have a attemcted. , would not be of much. concern,, except from the fnet r They are positively warranted to be as perfectly level at the end of Ave f ars, as when first made, and to Era. that ia view of tbe recent devetoptnenU in Smith's on Monday evening next tenses so hira- rrot for stand tha Uae mating (t cbarch The are misused that one finds - that the communitv Dcenerallv has into the hihit of one thousand pounds ten days. "Credit Mobilier there much danger of neg-r- ; - s o - isn't be seen WAKE-ROOM- to uiscus the subject of breaking op farml: es by self involuntarily 3sking in his perplexity, usage of using the luxury, and some therefore feel at aloss Further information can obtained, and samples at the S Maraire onr political Jl,;,: or j , if WILL SELL AS LOW AS THE LOWEST Fl'RMTl'RB OF M. T . Molokai i t No. SH KINO HO VO I.V, Jowerinj the afandird of lej-f- l itiv honor. fending lepers to in lie il.xiiin affords us no precise distinction of' without it. yi tf noWKM.. STREET. I.I' le21 Sm lUnttm fr i!k P. V. Alwrt-f- .; ! ing industry, the production of KUi;r. ii jut now J This influx of immigrants at one kckpd the rXi.' err dysrcp Annexation, No. 2, By Junius. I in a most precarious coiidiiion. The introduction j sugar producing of Mauritius. la 1312 H. HACKFELD & G0.9 :Cmnincrcial i of Tast amounts of cheap Manila aogara into Cli- - the pnxluct was S.fKXJ.OiiO pounds ; ia 110, C,1C0, bbfrliscr." The twnvl article by Iu lepcn IetiC begins fornia by the great grain tlet of thai country, sod . jx.uuds, aud in L.vl Increased to 177,- - 1 :c0 it DY E. P. ADAMS. itily stafuj DY BARTOW. with tbe renewal assertion, that the tf , C. S. OFFF.T? FOR SALS - the si.ccful inc ption of the manufacture there j oi3.(k juu-la- Folid capital at the baais of th these Llaa.L, iu the eTeut v f anuextk-u- , WfuM I l'H4c or r Month ut Max h i:3-- which in and Franc has fcr-aUtu- the beel sugar, j cal thc !o . 'of Helium pivntaions, this extraordinary immigration, tht AI CTSO.V SALE OF llotoitLC !l Tit. tLat of a territory. ia to n:Iji-- tLut even r- - THE FOLLOWING GOODS! Larch Fir.i 2 M rm It eiiuuh driv. u out Colonial bugar. and the c ulity th soil ncd tL itt Uxirter Ivi.-'a-tur-e cf tmasti by abundant rains, V.-o- 11 riiiK-- EOOMSALE. l u.l aa a ilh tbe f Lading a : -- lita ' territory, j :uiuiyiha: with tho riso of labor the culture of 2-- .t ljituart.-- r 11 genial dimate and farorable tituaticH! of the laud for a bzjlxjO r - "WEDNESDAY, APRIL 2d, JUST RECEIVED an J of enacting our own laws an J of traJiug hen-afte- more and more rxpon- j ON patches tJ New Muud aa j cane will only be C3U :::::: AT KAfAIIAIIA, LI LI II A PT., oulti,il1Jt Wrre which loJ to ih:a t l- - TlXEor IN MtTTISO. Uai'e-- Stares, with the cer- ! taxitTa Ha- - I O'clock. M., will be toH, nun if l i n i It I' If AI l It ; wit'auut lariffa with tbe :re. make tho removal of American on ; At - i ' M 11' March an Rim 6 24 m fan tvii 6 CI ilucUoJ of f mv ,iniileJ territory. Cuaoo ON SATTJE.DAT, MABCH29th, lt 1 i 6 guatutiteJ by the govern- our important V V r tainty cf indepnJcnce hope only MJ . M MM MM MMmM. .I !:.( Sun Kjk...... 6 SsaSrii i4 watian sugar tbe only of is Ala II .111.1.1 i not ued except upon acme of the exhausted lands, 1 P. ?I-nro.- I y "1-- f S. B Ull li-.t- Sun K am. fun J r I M. at r . At rd ck. . St which more f any other cvuntry N the t t . . 1)1-- 1 R:- - J 07 ment than 'but i.idu;try. It idle to refer to prosperity that which An Invoice of Dry Goods Lti., be mii. ' iv d Irkaf.n. i. , Nio i I i Sun sVta m have been on ler cultivation during sni sine !ie, ; La-e- . Suu 6 J Min Srii 6 li J principled inJepeaJecce. we wcuiJ to : t!;e of the whaling bui.i--s- ltri .f continued after fall j the Pura koaixt-- d and described follows: A PAN A 2 (J LOl) ma FROM BREMEN. J!t-S- 5 an; rwt. 11 French occupancy of the island. But even If it in R:m 5i f now. But tbe constitution place, thaU It is K.paha. Honolulu. Oarta. D.aici. more in.!epen!eiit than Th ugar businrss tiKk the of j was the case guano was k- Ar V, X K , KOUOUN I Lirr 5iTn. that used on all the plant fc I a ana ma - aihi hema ko pili me I'l W II IT - Cettee. mak.i" mil PK!T-F- W sLjlit-i- , rvspvetieg the complained. Deals. Prist. iii. tu:e Uws the L'niteJ States pruviJe to say that no native- lave yet j am, a hoi aria ma k A apai A. 4VK. Vji patiku. anJ cf i:s les tions of Mauritius, it ia a strong argument against a 70 2 K tn paoko a'aila ko IJina A . k 162 IlorrjCk.' Ing Cl'jth, Brotrn Cotton, foreign territory, that of thi matter. Lanz Cleth, Midi X ia. ii MARCH 0. acquisition by that country of The natives have known nothing ; positions assumed by Ms:iss A. 3 16' 111. 7 pauku ma ko H'-aT- .S.irr'if.ll". tie Viridi. It the rlan tat ions nrrh. kaul. iltiit P..a Corfu, rru:t.u. TiCs.n;, affecte--J N - Hi. 173. the Iejilstion over such terriury be by U is mere frivolity to say. that the Kilauta still ; alalia 4i5 20 III. 10 kaul. a A. 45 lo kaol. w.j on Mauritius can aflonl to pay annually for -' Shawl. N line ar.4 C'xiina E'ark CJour., Official 1 tsauur- llpst a, Yirtorta Lwn, ma Un K.:;lia. a.i.a ma k'i N 44' 4 Hi. l.lkiul. Nctilcatios. stipuUtk.ns at its cession or by its previous laws an mak-.'- s her trips, aud t!.ut the Australian steamers I - 1 N. K1 IS pauau a h.kl i Ciwxl., W Lit Linrn. iug their land with guano, how is they a ilraia 4J 20 k. 'ji kaul. a k. i4 L.irn Lres, lum- it that caa -- - "1 i h .jcn.lia Cor.M.t.rjK' I oriiuaiices. Sve Story on Constitution.) v still come and go. and that vessels stiil bring y- J I J. f kahl ai. 440 anat.a Mikfl., Curlap. hravjr aJ. lijht, The following appear in th tJaztfU of ihe 2Ctb the j make money and propcr, ty cultivating and making 1 T - 1 : A PA N A 3(1 Uil) ma Kapaafia. e boornika ana ma ke OX li- 5T -.l erl ber lioin Oregon. This proves nothing. It is LjOl O ' K-- if with oar ; II ; kill maoka o ke.a rili ana tne k" Kapaalu a e r.o.o i.n.: : tht sugar at fire cenu per pound, while the Hawaiian 6-- Doeskin, I ana me kn K.paa.oa. Heiua 4 3 . krsbhna iaku. Fine Elack Fine Pilot Cloth! goTemment we ccuM not stipulate for entranc into worse than frivolity to assert, that the Hawaiian) L0 C M L r . I f : , .. I - ti.L.:.-- . At . . . W ilia. . . Notick. Th- - Government Printinr Establisli planters are getting poorer every day, with fertijs K:acn-- I. Th;t I P:a FIar.nI, Fancy Flanael, .ciu-lo7- 3, had more before a sugar plantation was ko Kei.ihjiw, hma V; 3 li". h.nna 121 ku. :a ko K.aiua having from tt,e of April. nl0Q as l3'e. we WU1J u ..i prosperity soil that docs not need guano and with - rr-1- , nrnt Wa1 sugar even at A Number of VALUABLE BOOKS ahikl ktbi i h'miska ai. 4 f.tli'.m.. Fun:ic( white and B:u, Bedqmitt, Ua lt the people of ?Urtedon tbn islands that they would prosper ! ment like that of the Indian Territory, the average A Kujal j.uut l1i. Hickory Shir, Wh:te and Ctioo Shirts, to Mr. Henry M. Whitney, together with the quoted rates at nine cents per pound t gwC ir F- P. ADAM.4, Aacl'r. t y as a separate if there was not a plantation left ; and that many OF A PRIVATE LIBRARY. " - Linrn ,vxr h rta, Fincjr Flarmel Shirta, . good will of th Jiiicaiian (Jazfi'.e and Ah Okoa whtcb are treateJ tne Lmtea states I would advise Viridis to write to the editor of lbs government of which might be eren of the arti:5cial wauta and new tastes Introduced F.oean'l Common Cotton L"rilrrtiirH, j newspapers, the responsibility of publishing said nation, the .Vuoti Informing him bow Msarttlus got near three JJrlinnnirn. c frov-ernnie- could be remedied by Lri-- rs nt which do not belong and created by foreigners On Tuesday, April 1st, an! C'ltn IluoJicerc'i rf. new-pape- is entirely his: and His Majfsty's monarchical, anJ the lands of times as many Immigrants as there are people on Lir-- i' AmW Ourl.plin. and Cfton Turkish Toweli, Unite--J people of which are the observance ot strict economy." Yes, let us AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. St, AT e L.KiKOOM, Tw:. is iu no wi.e resp onsible tor anv views ex- - to the States, and the this group in three years. And more especially give .oorh, I'ot'lcal Work. Vril lt:irrjti?, Fiue Wouirn .hairla, t not taxeU by that country ; yet they are not treated seek tie style of independence tbe islands bad be- - Ham, f pres.n-- in said nevpjpers. except for what may the reasou for their introduction when the soil ia so UI URDCR OK CO.NSIO.NKKS I S KA. Srarf. ParaaoU, fore sugar business was started, when it was Art J'firnil. r as a foreign, but as a domestic nation, under the tbe l'mtr--lla- . hraiy Si.k itb bone, ; appo-a- under the had of By Authority." poor that it has to be manured with guano to raise OKKKR :amII I enjoy- the felicity or the native that they eould live with- roil Cmmoo 8.1k Ccibrellai, Cotton 1'ubrrtias, i i Enwtx (). protection of the United States, and with the cane, A XD A VATiTETY OF OTHER BOOKS. IIaij.. l'robably if we were to commence manuring ment of free intercourse and trade with them. To out labor, that tbev could be economical nnd not , liaister of the Interior. ' our soil with "decomposed coral, we io-- . . t , ...... i... r K. Al.itfitnfv ftf : t rt y All i t sir," eoud I" A Very Clioico Awortmcut .sst." 2C, 18T3. violent change of cur institu- erf of Kf reenft of Fine Clothing Honolulu. March prevent a sudden and i ducc the Hill cotvlies and even OF n-- the Malcaasara to sucn a )). 1i,n if an: .in r a.haula m! rhiiri ties ! i Card .Hatches. focki and Stocking. tions to continue awhile our present rulers, imniigistt bene by the Aor.l Notice. Mr. J. 0. Carter is fully authorized to solicited to j httnJrod t'.iousand. t Like the Fxiuiuiaux. who, when better GENERAL MERCHANDISE! Liii'O and Cotton Thread . aortel, Protectorate might be a good temporary expedient, and i - The great cause of the prosperity of Tobarre Cljar. all outetand.Dg accounts m favor of the Gov- - ' liini.-!-r j,- n. warm clime, re- - Mauritius, in Artrcl Enpli.h SadJief, French Calf.kina, collect until with increased population we could form a re-- lie Hii'iiitr fruitful ! ,Ui,Ioa ,0 t'a dJ C,lmte U tLe th pl- - O'CLOCK. Perfumery, Lupin's f n!i.i.l. What mora can I want than 1 now fct th1 AT 12 500N. Suitable for Country and City Trade. Extract, ... . publicm government. tosses? t a 1 lis j ,a,U'D8 ar uot --UrleJ on fic,it,ou They Pinau P. Pountum. Hair Oil. Soaps, ifi amrf laim..nt f i'n ii n - t tri dniiT ni'L'naUM. to whale", tooth "P1 In of i . j na-- I have plenty of oil drink and a Coi.:t:ing fxrt,-- a The goes ou to spek of the feelings of TT ( writer IN GOOD ORDER! Hair HrtMhea. T xj'Ii llrtuhes. Brushes, u.l fKi HI' I V" ( I I ceuimeiicru wun a cava oapuat. .Aiany ot ONE TOP BUGGY !ln irttitht if i always to wear in my n&se. let us be satisfied if JlraTy Brown Tooth Cotnha, I. K. Drea.inp Comb, ' tionality entertaincl by the native Hawaiiaus. These the plantations have some lltuwa bnll. Kinr TI:!lf l ottonk, .Vinister ol the Interior. . , this nation only has. as " Independence " specifies, of the richest commercial O.NK KXIlXf2H WAGO.V. rw Krin!. Lawns. Ni.nynik. Fanry Flannel Shirtl, he represents as so intense tnat...... the uawauans wouia houses in Loudon aud in ! March 2C, 1S73. India interested in them. Flann-I- . IliCk'.rjr Mrta, ! Honolulu, its taro, bannnas. yams, aud fish! Surely there Blue Asst. Real Amber Fancy Goods j na S- of not in the greatest poverty and toil barter their There is so payment 12 cent, C. - BARTwW. Aaclffff. Jlmivi L'wlrr.hirta, rlt Ilata, are those who will not be satisfied for the civiliza-- ; of per compounded edk. Man.lkTclilrfa, LinMn Towbi, ;u !i. ?Wve Ru'.toi;.. Croe, Biwchea. Mk. J. W. Smith, of Kona. Hawaii, was appoi nted j tional independence for the highest wealth and quarterly. They deliver their sugars In Vort Loula iih-- an.l O lurgi, tion, w btch is the ripe Iruit ol Christianity, to bo t l'rii. ;iC- - A--c Ornaments, ileer hium Cigar Holder, mith 11B Office w uld be pleasant to believe that thU l'mtre.Ua, LleV Ilijwe, Jlair Oil, Puoales, c , Ac, rf Agent of the Kegistry to certify the luxury. It or on their plantations and know nothing of agents Amber Matb Accordeon thus exchanged for barbarism. You cannot thus TTSTnamB SEAL ESTATE Pie. viiowiedgmeuts to Instruments for the Districts of idea aboat e, people who have hardly yet realiied and commissions beyond. They are fortunately ait-- t Heay Silverplated Hpoon. and Forki, j crowd back the oak into the acorn. If our Gov- rm mini Ac. North and South Kona. Island of Hawaii, on the that they are a nation, having until lately been i. a I :. 1 I avaui . . i ;i:ocz:iii:s, Mother of Pearl Fhirt Button, ernment by a policy of indifference to the exigen-- I I .' irwui luiuiiiaiaMi! uiuii cwnaiDiy K"rr-A-- Oil, iHjwntr'i Oenuinr; j A7f0 anltura, Hronea, Ftationery Fine French Letter Paper, 114th day of March, A. I). Ib73. divided into little clans, moved, not by aloha to Ha- have held out inducement which we have never FinrTt-ai- , cies of the times thus cramps down tbe growing C'ar.t Blank Shipping Receipt Books, Thomas I3iuwx, who hardly lisped Crark-ra-lafb.. waii nei, but to particular chiefs, it-- done, and proceeded in the right way about it, which T"lacci, Piclln. Pie Fruit., Oj.tem, &., i wealth and enterprise of the islands, it will be ; xur$AT, Br-w- ari l White Miirar, Blank Note, Scisor, Pocket knives. Registrar ot Conveyances. a, islauds were captured by the j , murmur when the we hae yet to do. W inr, Coru anJ oil, et ct-ra- Jack sett broken. If it does not make almost desperate knive. Register Office, March 24, 187:t. English and again by the French, who were utterly When we take into consideration tbe ! j efforts for closer relations to the Uuited States, fact that At Al CTIO. c: i i w jz : xi ! Approved : Emvix O. Ham.. apathetic when their national constitution was abro- -j was ir o an ii YELLOW METAL AND NAILS i and make theia before the growing beet sugar in- -' .Mauritius when discovered wholly uninhabited, ALSO Minister of tho Interior. gated by Kumehameba Fifth, who now to a great ex-- I : that it now contains a population SATTJHDAY. APBIL 5th, Sheet Zinc, Bnoca Tin, terests on the Americun coast become a control f over 8,000 Oil FOUTV-eEVE- Ji have a constitution PHEET IRON, 2472, SHEETS. Babbitt Metal, C. C. Tin Plate., Rivets, tent hardly know whether they ling power against us, we must look for anarchy whites and more tban COJ.OOO Africaua and Asiatics, A . j At 10 O'ctnei, Si , m the H'Kip fur Barrel, and Ki'jj-i- . independence, who are prover K. P. ADAM3. Aurt'r. Iron NOTF.S OF THE WEEK. guaranteeing them and finally annexation. and produces such a large amount of augar, there (Jalvaiiizcd Pipes, to 1 inch, Irn bially ready to barter away their personal liberty, was by ,,iU9t clients and causes for iu development known as the Globe Hotel j (iu.iriied Lant-TD- Klbowa and Teen, Since the above written, tho third article Premises ! Cir.cciT of Kacai. The A'il.tuea will make her their kulcanas. their wives and children, is not mere which have never operated here, which we do puRNITURE, FURNITURE S Irani Pipes. I to 2 inches, Saucepans, Independence " hsis appeared, in which he exhorts or not WILL BE SOLD usual monthly trip to Kauai, sailing on Friday next Eentimentalism. But they cannot be said to have a possess. Wo must also C. C. Irons, Assorted Sewing Neelles, to imitation of the commercial enterprise of Athens take into consideration the I'- desire for of which they know noth- ON THURSDAY. HAY 1st, Oalvanized Iron Buckets, Washing Tubs, or against that, j 'rt-n- fact that Mauritius been settled by a i ha. PARLOR. DED-ROO- M Lihciit Coi.KT, Kauai. Judge Wiuemann and ' and Tyre, forgetting that those cities were great only f t AT 10 O'CLOCK, A. M , ing. Whether they know anything of the question civilized peoplo for more a j than century, and that the Attorney General sailed for Kanai on Monday j by being the depots of large productive regions, and and At the Croldrnre of Hon. S. II. Fhllllps f liaplaln St. of annexation may be judged from the fact, that the cultivation of sugar has been the principal in- last, to hold the April term fur that island. j not knowing that it is said of the country of Athens, er, those who write Selii-rwat- Gin, even the most intelligent of them, dustrial pursuit of the people during most of that KITCHEN FURNITURE! Will le soli io cooarqoene of departure, Rum, that it might now rise from a population of oO.OOO to Fine Claret in Ola.s, Cipnac Brandy, East. A mail will be dispatched by the for the Hawaiian papers, have argued against annex- time. There is no parallel to bo drawn For the by a judicious system of He between the Xearbj Aee, hacinj bent in vat but a short time. ! Ale AC, ke. 600,000 agriculture. THE EATJItE ELEGAM Fl RMTLI1E Champagne, aud Porter, Bitters, Kale, to sail about Wednesday next. ation on tho ground that they did not wish to be j few plantations here of recent growth, most of them' ' goes on to speak with levity and almost satisfaction Cootpriainf; t forcibly deprived of their lands and to become slaves ! started on an insubstantial basis, and those iu Compri.infr : Full Asst. English and Departure This fine which of the failure of our sugar business, ruinous though K'M. Center TaMe. Haircloth Sola. Ear Chairs, of German, or the Scout. ship, So that the question ought rather to be, What is for Mauritius commenced on a solid basis, and where II lrr'.th I'T.air", Korker, l'ir:r, 17th that would be to a large part of our population, and Va. has lain in our harbor since tiic of January last, j lu-r. .. they fairly perceivo that, ia t:h .t 3 i;ar-aa- Il.nmif Hot Maori, PALLOR FURNITURE: their lest good? When that particular industrial pursuit the growth of e col--re- Silk Keps a French Groceries. Colum- to propose the visionary alternative of the doubtful l'a k.. Kol.ry Jill-- (Jhaira. Chaira. ONE COMPLETE PAR Lok SKT. in takes her departure this morning for British they will desire it century. l . r Offic and Stool, 4 l."l.air, 2 Ea 'i ir 2 Otti.mana. enterprise of competing with Europe and America iu Laair. Ki oU. e Candles, Swedish Safety Matches, bia. Capt. Cator and his gallant officers were no ko SuWIvnanl, fc Humtua. Kwa Block Walnut TaW. ailk , lu match I lie parlor aet. Thc writer next expresses alarm lest the natives There was no native population to displace by Pai-lo-r a, u Brucat-l- i 1 4 Chairs, 1 Chair. Pale Boiled Linseed Oil. , the n,anuflicture cf cotton and woolen goods, and of Uirka, II f ami tut Malir.i, Tabwa, One tola, . Ky Ilubhuck'a ke strangers to our community, having previously 1 Eli-a- Gilt Jrame Pier G!a.-a- with mar He the revival of flooding Mauritius by immigrants and extending Hiaiu.a. Looking oil CMl, Rocker. Two White Lead, White Zinc, Red Lead. Cordage, lose their kuleanas. perceives that j raising coffee, orauges, cotton, and other euoh pro--j al ; - rarl-.- r.a.y visited our port, and her present prolonged etay in OI.Ware, Tin Ware, ble .tn-l- Two Larr- liilt onaira . Ma'tinr. Oickrr, UU" rraine - Blue, Coal caused by annexation might occasion such sugar plantations. When au aor of h ud was plant- 7,ne Burk- - ami Tuna, Oardrn In re.1 .ilk r-- Cnrlain. and fixture. Two Wal- Green. Black and Paints, Tar, industry duotiinis, which can only bo raised in a few small .... i... k r . rtiiu-- W Hair Cloth KaT our waters has ripened acquaintance into friendship. ed cane, XjLTf an.) Hmall Cook Nm. B;ilh Toh, n.;. i Th... alnut Stockholm Tar, Brown Pitch, Fire Clay, a demand for land, that they might desire to sell. ; localities; not over our extensive cane districts, and in it did not deprive a native of hia kuloana W v, rtc. Cl.j best wishes go with the Scout and her genial i tuinrrtne Rr(rit:ratr, Ucilarr Fire Bricks, Rocfln Slues, Wrapping Paper, Our Thus objects to business prosperity itself. So a which, little though their culture costs, have not yet his only means of subsistence. There were bo na- company. hi be Empty Barrels, Oak Boats for Coasters, j bhip's to been raised to much profit, and of sending the natives tives on which to fusteu tbe bonded labor system, At 12 OVIack. M.. will itl.l reciprocity treaty or any measure calculated foster ! Porcelain Seti, Tjinblers, Alcohol, rr.... v.. in .it.l T?- -.. u ..r to the proverbially dog's life of seamen. By hia plan . inr. vii:n.e.ih imi iiiuw in .it. vi iuc eui- - should be deprecated. So the greatest boon with penal enforcements. But they Introduced Hill comprising the Lot of Land Looking Glioses fill business our nation, instead of sending forth vastly iucreas-- j The Premises, fra.n. : ferers from the flooils of 1872, was well attended coolies who subsist upon rice aud currie, and from M F for the natives would be business stagnation. ing productions, would be merely the carrier of tbe cpnn which Is tltat DINING-ROO- FURNITURE : oT . it-e-- by the rank, beauty and fashion Honolulu, and productions of other countries, not like a prince their eaile are born to a life of servitude. When Poll I Mahoitary Kxteo.ion Tal-le- n Oak liininK Chairn, GERMAN and HAVANA CIGARS, He does not seem to observe that his scheme for i hplrndi-- l Ki-- i l ihouany hidehoard. was a success in every particular. The receiving barges freighted with his own cargoes, but vou flood J decided apportioning out tbe government lands to the natives introduce these and the aountrv0 with Ihrm.. 23ixllcll2xs fcNT rMLVr.K PLATKO WA RK Knirer, Sall-twiu- e, i r ... - . j liftrgo Otouo AX ASSoliTM ot and Ravensduck, ... - , like the obsequious negro waiter with smirks and . amateurs gave ampie prooi oi im ir aceompnsn- when you establish augar plantations ou all the rioh rre-nt- lv repaireri, Forka and Spo-.o- Two Silver PUtrd Tta Sct:s, eilrrr Plated for inaiienabl(J homesteads ia just aa feasible under ! anatantially lHt. halnf hrrn throohly lii.lini; Whips and --'anen, nods crying " Let me carryfyour trunk oW'-rh- new veranda pip'ffl, Ca.tors. met.ts as vocalics, and their ability to delight and and valuable lands of theso islands, rmhinKlnl, nVnn. one fts nor that the welfare of the i then the native rrill . 1 Par-Ki- r. Oreen Oold Preakfa.t Sett. Wallpajier and Border, mMtan ftnother. Junius. Kot ia em tletw Thia Baillin contains Una and j Lra C.LA?S WARK-fl-nh. irresistably amuse an audience. It is gratifying to population will be displaced, deprived of coun- S Boaemeot, Wita larfS IiitUnf Kwotn, Pantry, A COMPLKTK rETOf HSK CIT , Vienna Chairs and Sola. Walnut Sideboards, .Wn.i W nn what nf land thev mnv their , trt Chamf-acne- Suit, Kpntie-- ruit let.. Wine. Fuiicer Bowl. Wurdrr-bes- , Chest of Drawers, know that M. Le Mounyer's appeal on behall of the means will aol Salad VC. r own, on which in case of paralysis of business to No. 5. try, their of subsistence, be vngranta and liiote., rreere. Flower Vawf, liMir. Ac, I Annexation . WritinR Tables, Haircloth Sofas, j.Ainloi tunate among his compatriots has met with a A BUILT COTTAGE! CruoUrte liintier Deert fell. Meal frafr. eleep in vice, as on what they themselves become, outcasts in the land of thoir nativity, and e a peo- -. Hl'PFRIOR Centre Tables, Ac , c. Ac. " Doir that lion's hide. DID KO A BOOK CASE! generous response. calf-ski- Which can bw rraoTrJ If dr.irrj. ONE SPLEN bow intelligent and virtuous. And hang a n on those recreant limbs ! pie they would be soon known no more, while augar One Eiuld I'sy Clock, Cocoa Boor Mats, Gambier and Cutch, industrious, ima- plantations would flourish greenly over neglect- larK- - In col- It is in like manner objected, that through annex- Oh " Et tu Doet thou their OMR COTTAGE, 2 ronma brick Co.k Iiooie. 1 VALI ABLE EGE11C, Rattle f Gettjsbnrg,' A Lecture. By reference to our advertising Junius! Brute?" whl-- b Cook in and Ovea. and aiao eoolailiS a And Many Other Articles too Numerous to ed graves. The extension of sugar plantations ia a j Kaa; larce umns it will be observed that the public will have an ation the natives would come to be treated as an in gine-that thou rcsemblest either of the brother con-- and l.irint Panlryt Ctrriaice IIihim fltted wah fhele baa beo WITH TIIK KEY. 3n qr r mai Mention. an influx of coolie or any other immigrants would ba UW1 aJ a Pipe 'or e the wt-- to lira J opportunity afforded on Friday evening next, to con- - ferior race, and that they would be mere cyphers in i spiratora that caused Ctesar to wrap himself in his j anal main hnjl BED-ROO- M FURNITURE ptarea on i!h alao into the llnc. I dlftVrent !(, i i the ruin of tno native people of Hawaii. Their only tt. Iron Bedstead. Tent triliute to the furtherance of the Temperance cause the general government of the United States, and robo at the base of Poropey'g statue; or dost thou This an eirrl mt opirtunliy lor iuvcatment, as tbe Walnut Chamber Koa an-- l Nrt, Hair ami Pillows, Black I wuu me tew now will h aolj without rraervo. qimre MMUito laltra.a in this city and at the same time to secure au intel- - that as a nation they would never reach distinction ; j think thy puling prose resembles the vigorous and aunty plantations in existence, proerty Walnut Marble Top Bureau, with gUss; Hair Cloth Chair., j would be to induce them to cultivato kuleanas TERMS AT fALE. Mahopanr tiil-- r Tible. F.i.y Chaira in pr'n silk and hair lectual treat. Mr. Walter Hill has the reputation of ns tlwugh they were now on social equality with tho eloquent letters of the great unknown, who became their C. R. BARTOW, Aact'r. guilt-- , cloth. Toilet Fert, Tl:r Larije Wardroe Maraeillr COSV2irV3ERCIAL whites; or might not erelong, as a State, be politic-- - mmortal shadow of a natueT tho in cane and pay them honestly for it. Many of them Hlank'tK. On Klgant W'a'h Stand, In painted Porcelain, with THE an experienced and talented lecturer in Australia, !... under the If Toilet Sett to match. Kou Corner t'losel. and the subject chosen "Signs and Manifestations ally the peer of the other United States ; or might former, thy cognomen is well assumed, for thou stab-- contiguous to the plantations are now doing this. ALSO LEASE OF FISH POND PERIODICA!. AGEXfl of Character," is one that should prove attractive. not, like the American negroes, more readily win jbest at the life of this nation. If the latter, the j They thus ward off for a time the deadly evil that 1 1 Dining 2 AS0MS Crfrlserator, Unj Table, rioor tlotbs, their way by industry to wealth and distinction iu a shades of the many to whom the letters of Junius is impending over them. ISDKPENDrNCK. Music The Band will play at . Bnlhlnc Tuk. Ilnuieina Iarapn. Le. this afternoon. prosperous than in a degenerating country. were should in ghostly phalanx and l Ki;li-l- Fpaninh One attributed ario AUCTION. ili-- i aud Fuddle., ' Fiddle Emma Square, commencing ut .r p. M. The follovr-- J AT arid, not previwualy wold, will beilT--rcd- , American, English and Australian lurther it is contended that by unnexation pounce upon thee for detracting from their fair fame, if is the programme, to with a Still Philadelphia will givo $500,000 In aid of tho of th Administrators of His late M'Jcaty Ka ing conclude march - as- By Order 1'lTli LIGATIONS tho evils which have decimated the Hawaiian peo- - j as the spook of Woodfall indites tlue for JJCorso .tiacl 2?liftoton ! centennial celebration, and it is Iielievcd that meham.ha I will fell at Public Aiutioo. at withTlioIIrn-- n and extra pole, all in perfect The llor around the square : V, af.-ty- . j suming name. f , by pet feet I :: l l . would be increased tenfold." The remarks on a false Think thou of the fate of the Pennsylvania will contribute $1,000,000.' tlood la kind and penile, Caa be driven ladie with Furnished StiuSt'.riliers icilhin Ten to Ttrenty Days .11 ffTIIU)-- f .1. l. P my tbalraroom on ,W lifclj 1 lit lT .llUIl...... ,...... l-l;l- K. P. ADAM!5, Auctioneer. s. lection, opera Era Uiavoio Auber ' this topic, as well us the general tenor of the whole frog that tried to swell himself out to the dimensions And now if tho I'hiladclphiaris will move their the dale 'publication. from of Juliet, Waltz... and trembling little village up to New ork and have the cele--. SATURDAY, the 12th DAY OF APEiX, article, seem to indicate a degree of indifference or of the ox, and with fear drop thy . i . . And at prices that barely cover the cost of subscription and Cavatina, ojiera liulu irio. ...Donizetti oration mere.i mo auairj.. winit ueyona question do Thd anexplrail Tecia of Leas of th Lancers Quadrille ...... Faust hostility to the prosperity of the sugar business it-- nomine de plume! Sign thyself Junior Viridi postages thereon. l'ulka . . . . Apilius entirely Buccowjful. i . j for verily thou a of verdancy, Pujters JJelivtretl Free of Postage in any purt of self. It may be that the writer sympathizes with art sprig juvenile I Gazette, (icrman Fish Pond known as Uloko, The We-ATHk- Yesterday, 28th of March, was those, who. through disinterested desire for the per- - Shouldst thou ever arrive at the years of discretion, The Spener a pnper, hopes ! the (ranp. that tho United States will annex the Sandwich Situated at EWA, with FOK SAX FltAxVCISCO new moon, and according to generally received opin- - petuity and advancement of the native Ilawaiiuns j thou wilt mourn over the criminal absurdity of thy Islands, but deprecates . the acquisition of V A I o Snbsrriptions taken for Less than One Year. with thc aggregation of Cuba,, KALO AND K It HXD ADJOINING . THE NEW A 1 HAWAIIAN ions we ought to have a change of weather. But an view solicitude the lands vagaries, whilst Hawaiiaos, independent, prosperous because it would be difficult to Americanise an dis- The .aid Leaae expire on lf,e 1st day of Silemher. ISTtt XT Files made up at short notice for Whalemen & Travelers ancient weather prophet, in whose predictions ex-- J of the Islands iiito a few large plantations, the and happy, would stone thee for a false prophet if island where the climate, religion and manners Thi baa lately put Iu tborouKb repair, at a ot tho influence of religious chari- -i Fih lrn kk 33 a, x lv ALWAYS ADVANCE. perience has led us to place a considerable degree of placement leaders by j they had not become the most enlightened and aro bo different from tbone ol the States. The lark exproaePlami U well .tucked. SCBCKIPTIONS PAYABLE IN ,.r w.. .., g. K m n.i mm ay ay ale, of mis- wa a a .i. GKEl'.KEN, some them not in- -j aa a. as Commander. j confidence, prognosticates that we shall have showers that of the planters, exactly table people on earth. Thou art a bold youth w rvs "stv va ri mj:i. tinioi.iiiii ...:i. v TJtere has aim ben Erected on the Liind, AMERICAN XEWM'Al'EUS American republic, however, would bo a benefit HW hmt Quirk Itisjmtch for the above rort. for thc next four weeks. Well, sionary men, and the measure of vice prevailing in deed, who pretendest to teach the King and his peo-- I N. Y. Weekly Herald ..$5 00 around the sugar who to civilization. A GOOD WOODEN BUILDING! For fr.ijfht or paS'Se, apply to The N. Y. Nation .. 6 00 " Murch winds and April showers, tbe tenements mills; and pie that the political death of the nation is a panacea CO., Agents. Bring forth May flowers." C. P. BARTOW, Aucl'r. mlS H. HACKFELD N. Y. Weekly Times...... 4 00 long to see tho natives living as formerly ou their for all the ills which 'flit before the Imagination of Orders have boon issued to the commandant of The N. Y. Irish American .. 500 i the United States forces operating e gainst tho eilger. a story pap'r. .. 5 00 kuleanas, and there, through careful culture of the croakers laboring under the same mental weakness TIUE-TABL- N.Y.I Last E OF THE : 4 00 Target Practice. Monday the Scout prac- Mod.? Indians to make such disposition of bit N. Y. Weekly Tribune .. youth of both sexes, learning to form Christian i as thee, oh Viridit ! A Codrus or a Uecius might N. Y. Weekly Zeitang . . 8 00 ticed on with ritle forces to protect . firing at a target the reef her guns, is as will tend the settlers and their Courier des Ktats L'nis. .. S 00 homes. This a noble desire. The character of ; sacrifice himself to save his country, but for a whole " and made some pretty good shots. On Thursday of in tho neighborhood, and to "us-pen- STEAMER KiLAUEA." Boston Commercial Bulletin...... 6 00 the people is a higher good than the greutest devel- Jiropcrty a nation to sacrifice itself for its own benefit, would be By Order of their rxcellerele Ch.rb-- R. Bishop and John Boston Weekly Journal...... 5 00 this week the got springs on her cable hoitile proceedings against tho Indians, Scientific American .. 4 00 California opment of our material resources. But it would Docairvs, wilt sell Public Auction at my like Paddy's frogs who committed suicide to save j unless absolutely necessary, until the arrival of O. I at and for an bour threw shot and shell at a mark away " Salesroom, ILLLMRATED PAPERS be ti serious matter to charge that Christianity is i themselves from slaughter. j the commission recently appointed to investigate) Harper's III. Weekly .$5 00 outside the harbor. Some of the shots were remark- th wllich Jed Unptnin to wage war . ft incompatible with business prosperity and its con- i There is no comparison between Mauritius and j Jack DAY OF APBIL, HI. Bazar 00 ably good, by both ships, showing what fearful work Uio " ON 12th ! pon ib and intentiga- - SATURDAY. March Slat Kawaihar, rrlurnlng Leslie's lit. Weekly . 600 sequent civilization. This is too much like the an- these islands. A rapid glance at its history and pro- - j the result of their Thurailuy p. tn. " 111. ZWtung . 6 00 could be done with an enemy, but some also were AT 13 O'CLOCK, SOO.V. TUK LEASE OF TUB .. . 5 00 cient monastic theory ot withdrawing from the ac- grcss causes may Le ol ' Chimney Corner...... pretty wide of the mark. But one could form an and the of its prosperity April 4lh awili will. rrlrniD " III. lludKet of Fun . 2 50 tivities aud duties and temptations of life to pro- benefit to Viridia. In a report of Mark Twain's lecture upon the London Week ly Punch . H 00 ! mm idea of what these powerful vessels could do, when in Sandwich Islands, tln New York Tribune says : Aliiiii:i:i oi Puiialuii Suasar nt. Appleton's Journal, monthly pari...... 6 CO mote a devotional temper by idleness ia hermitages Mauritius was discovered by the Portuguese in Kwn Frery Saturday, monthly . 6 CO earnest The charge was I si April IlK parts...... in the wilderness. It were better, instead of loOO, wholly who called Ccrne. of cannibalism dUctissed at Silaaslw! I at tb District ol Kass. alas Hearth and Home...... ilOO then uninhabited, it length, tho bis April lOlh Circuit of Kauai .. .MOO Apbil Fibst. Somebody has asked us as to the to regulate industry. The objections to and lecturer assured hearers thai f Hawaii, London III. News...... The Dutch afterwards in 15'J8 took possession of it for his own part ho would rather go hungry for two April 21st Kaaa London III. Graphic .14 00 origin of "All Fool's Day." The custom of making business would apply as well in the United States PERIODICALS and occupied it with a military post till 1712. The d ug than eat an own personal friend. This wti - JUVENILE fools on first of is said by a Hebrew tra- JT'or a- or 5 April Sih Circuit of Hawaii the April, and everywhere. Tbe cause of the decrease of the French found abandoned in 1' 20 called it the j appropoa to pet dogs, but led the way through the Term Years. Our Young Folks, monthly .$S 00 it ! dition to have begun from the mistake of Noah in ;' in- ' mixed diet of the islanders, including Creilit for Paasake Money. Tickets at the Office Youth's Companion, weekly...... 2 50 natives is not industry, nor as " Independence set- "sausage RENT PAIABLK J2T So . 1,0 Isle of France, aud immediately transplanted a with removed," to re- Littie Corporal, weekly...... i waters consequent ihe mvstfry an ancient legend only. Not reaponsible for any freight or package, uuless N . sending the dove out of the Ark before the timates, civilizttion, but vice and its C. S. BARTOW, urerr, monthly 2 50 tlement there from the contiguous Isie of Bourbon, of a lough and indigestible captain of a whaler. Auctioneer. ceipted for. SAMCEL O. WILDER, bad abated, on the day of the month which cor- and the proli3c source of vice is idleness. CA I.IFORM A PERIODICAL firtt diseases; which for many years formed tv kind of corpi d The lecturer declared in faltering accents that he jal A pent. S. Weekly 00 the Africans of the Southern United F. Bulletin ...$8 responds with the first day of April; and to perpetu- It is said that garde. In 1735, under thc active genius of La could never recall these circumstances without S. F. Weekly A!ta ... 6 00 are now rapidly decreasing, tbe cause being emotion. i oi: sale:. Sac. WeeVly Cniou. ... 00 ate the memory of this deliverance it was thonght States ! Bourdonnais, tbe colony began rapidly to increase. California. New Zealand and Australia Tally Bulletin in acquired freedom. -- ...looo proper, whoever forgot so remarkable a circumstance, their indolence their newly A writer In a London jonrnal girds at the solemn. j rorxc TROTTIXB iiokse. Mail Steamship Company. Daily Al'.a Calalornia . . .20 on The culture of sugar cane was introduced shortly way Knglishroeu J 1 Waaoa ao.l .lames, belonging; to II. Bradley. Weekly Courier (French)...... 12 ou to punish them by sending them upon some bootless The report ot missionaries from the barbarous funeral in which dance. In his BuhS Api-i- C. S. BARTOW. I afterwards, but it remained in a languishing condi. J to r. u ir. ilia uuct nf na ia that flirt initnKitaTlt.a there .ves the majority look as if a dress coat were tho i RELIGIOUS PAPERS similar to ineffectual journey upon which ' I errand that . tion for years. Luglieh took of only of and treasure up Y". Congregational organ 4 ,.' n .u .u ihe possession it in tunic resius, their words X. Independent. 00 HI Og llioiv liit tt I. uiitiu.' Christian I'nion, II. W. paper... 4 00 the bird was sent by the Patriarch. The custom was lire UlSdl a.'l'ljf loan lid 1810 and it was finally aud definitely conceded to aR Precious Moms issued Irora their mouths when I hicaito Advance. Congregational... 4 i o older than the Pimans, who professed to have derived the cause be'iDg, not a civilization like that in a Moreover, they evince a remarkable New Goods Just Received Bjtin Congrrgitionalist them by the treaty of 1814, and under their flag ,t (li40tion to ptlt themselves Io their own , here, vices and diseases, which pockets, UlxH-rr-r- a oo it from some of the Eastern nations. measure existing but SA1V N. Y. Presbyterian...... has remained ever since. J and they fidget with their hands unceasingly. Some-- For FlaAXCISCO N. Y. r.vanjehot. Presbyterian 4 on ; ft are not civilization. If the best policy is to be CO ; . . i thin r ,,li8 might be saved by the taking up N. Y. Tablet, Catholic ... 5 . - Mauritius ia 150 miles in circumference and con-- stairs Boston Pilot, Catholic.. ... 5 oo i sought to ns speedily as possible destroy this peo- ti)(. i,at un(jer the arm In the fashion ; The Steamship j The Assembly given on Thursday night by Her mm mnre than nnnhlo th arrmnnt r,f oana r.prwlun- - ... . 2ES.a2X LONDON PAPERS pie, that policy is to send them back by tbe rum...of ! " " " r ...... but this they will not do. 1 hey enter a quadrille 2?l3L 3VTO . BrilanDic Majesty's Acting Commissioner aud Consul j mg land than can be found on the whole of this stirTneas. lugubrious "Will Leave on or about April 4th. London III. New ' ihe plantations to sloth and sensuality. with a whalebono a aJr with ' Graphic .. 15 oo General, was the most brilliant affair of tbe kind group. It is exceedingly fertile and, though moun- - w hich they niiuht go the stake, and the cavalier aevt AND 0THE2 LATE AEBIVALS. Pm!i Mali Budget .. 12 Oo . u.. . r The best regulation of industry also is only pos i.,i - i ! -- - ,i1 1 it - tu in a ,wav tbat w"1,1 n end an on- Kvet.init Mail y Times). 2i 00 ui l nuuuiutu una ti uuraJ ioi icuia. iuc i;oujpaujr treaty. tainous, can be cultivated to the mountain tops. ?Xf!C'lte Kevi-- oo sible through annexation or a reciprocity . dertaker to an early grave with laughter. And when, FOR AUCKLAND " Stur.?ay li that responded to the invitation of Mr. and Mrs. j The climate gemal and they have seasonable rwviiK London Weekly Times . 6 OO The difficulty now i:i the way of proper arrange- is rains. tI.y they raivIy get the unbappy M. rvDERMoenA Lai A ASSORTMENT for. tak 8 M'Pkkloa offkusOf A Porta, London Weekly e oo Davies to celebrate tbe accession of His Majesty, j ad Other New Zealaad rsaaerling Times...... ments for native laborers is the small profits of They have no arid districts of aa and clinkert, as weather. If these be the manners f the ball what, Auckland with for ylaey, ' l.e.i"t h e oo was, as may be supposed, a very large one, and in oh what, is the English funeral like? at Stramrr. Mon'hly 6 o plantations. With greater profits the natives could angular and undecomposed as the volcanoes in the English Saddles, Bridles, Saddle Trees, &c. Mflbtariraad Bri.baar, Ihr Home New. oo all respects a mcst thoroughly gay and festive one. Vir- J . io i fllsn moon. It is the scene of the story of Paul and - Public Opinion 10 IM) hirrt larner wHtres and better resid nees. Sen White Lead, White axvl Greea Paints, Steamship ilis Majesty was prevented from attending, owing to i ginia, remarkably adapted to the capacity of Junior RELiciors Japan,- - lis Tho LONDON MONTHLIES . . . - aratc homes for separate families, far better homes Tolebation in Among the Boiled Oil. Tnrpentin. CO a temporary indisposition, out xier .visjesiyi. viueen ! Yiridis. Prior to the statute of C George 4tb, items of news received by e , London Art Journal...... Sit than the huU of only one apartment in which they the China and JaoaD Patty, P.iat Brushes. Will Leve on or about April 4th. tocie;y M .. sotH Governess occu- -- Ood. icazine. Emma and Her Ex. the cf Hawaii, - c. s. 44, enacted in 1825, sugar and pro- - j ' the announcement that Dr. Hepburn, a Galvanised Plain ami Galvanised Corrugated OO - formerly in and vice. With large other tiU Freight steamers will he received in a:eamers " Cornhiil Maiaxiue... .. 6 j i ,. j .. herded idleness Ill Iron, UaJvanixe'! Iron Backets, X2' t ; oitra me um?, i.i v.u y ii..r:n.iUK o - , , . .. . . , . . . Wfcil.Kn,OWD American Japanese scnomr, reccuuj warehouse tree OI storage. All tbe Year Round.. 6. iv r ullcu'iitu n.v....iuv mcuocia vi iuc ducts from Mauritius, were charged with the same Rat Traps. MoU'tiljr 5 1 present Mikado Passengers bonked through at reduced rate to points io Blackwo.r 00 Staff, and that of the Governor of Oahu. r to tlie a ccpr the Among l.pninrht in tn mincrle wifS TtiP IT a. waiians. With . duties as like articles from India. Bv that statnte r .... I'mted statrs and to Liverpool, and a. so to port io New Chambers' Journal...... 5D i t uc uii'" " ""u6,v i oi me xjioio. id juizuhii. wiiu...... itie last euition ot : AI- - j Zealand and Australia. Uood Word...... 4 oo the dtst.ngu.shed guests were their Honors Judges their prodrJce wa3 placel on a par with that of the Be!grarii Magazine. Qur profis e miJ8t import cuj tbe IIea. the Doctor's Japanese and Englibh dictionary. For Freight and aid all further information. HartwelL, King s I l'age, Mrtgaziue. 6 Men and the Ministers. Admiral Pen - ? Weat Indies. This caused augar , Apply tu 11. HACKFELD A Co.. Temple liar w then Chinee and tne Soutb Seu idolater, and make the plantations of This Bible Dr. Hepburn took to Japan with him American Nails. Card Matehe-s- ja4 Agents. Knitl.jh S.cietv.... I lUe ! semi-barbaro- 1 19 Lantern and I amps. I .CS "U3,!r . enW. this a laud. But in the event of to into new life. emancipation "rteen DV ! tn0 Kenne V."etnstnter Qnnrterly : eo . Mauritius snrine The T 1 A ?eI " 1. 1 T-- . I I I I . . . - I Rett e . REGULAR r.r mom r.f thA unftll Ar :r.rna -- i uy tswrxx. i.. Ic Kdinhurch Quarterly 4 trivni. lra r- - antain.r " totates. ana tsne- - ( r fi lions piieciauv I'rcir.ireu mo American jjioio with the LDltcd -- t - : Wool u---ff, r-- - i closer relations...... " i mumM -- - . thins. While Mnirts. W 4 HO " 1 .u r c- . .u- . v' iu D1. nrn aa njuri- ror presentation Tiersonno-eti- DISPATCH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO. Hrttl.h lnrnly... --.a .o. o u - .. - '""i tu aipiY, to exalted LBdcrslUria, Browa Cot'ona, Loauoii v 4 OO cially of annexation, many thrifty American fam- West laartrrl T.-- onslj it dld in the Indies But was .cawao rT china n r A nrarl v a t r ffi ii.iln . . I this For these thirteen Years has Dr. Her.burn been uu.vv v. thAsa,yv nstira rn ..... i .t-- u. iM i i r-- .UiF, vu.u.13. v- x a a vel hoori bv unc i ii Cm IJKEWKR 3c CO.. AGENTS. AMERICAN MONTHLIES .8u ... l noff bure . r"AU I t UlU l- - A. A llv contiguity of the Island of waiting to press his gift upon the ruler of Living The uniforms, the magnificent toilets, tu Japan, WATER-PROO- F TWEEDS! fY. - V Merchandise received STORAGE FltEK and Littell's Aze. weekly .$1000 brilliant the tarn cultivation, of gram, would come to these lsl- - ' to 8 Mauritius India and Madagascar, caused tbe inl- patiently watching for an auspicious season. That cm.1i on tiipm-til- Boston Warerly Magazine . 00 liberal ndvauces made by this tasteful decoration of the rooms, the fine music by : Fleet ic Magazine...... 6 CO ands to cultivate on shares for the mills tracts of migration of vast numbers Hill nA arrived in the early part of November, the pre- - line. tfei4 ly) C. BRKWtll & CO. of ENGLISH PRISTS, Magazine 5 OO erlii Harper's the native band and by Macauley's quadrille band, twenty.fiTe or fifty acres with their own har ds, j sentation taking place through tho intervention AtHnt.c Monthly.. 5 CO laborers from India, and some alao from Madagascar BOSTON & ! i Long. testified Black and Coloured Cobarr. HONOLULU PACKET LINE Scrihner's Monthly b oo iuc wuuumi urn iipctLii oupptr, iuc uuncimi This 13 lue tru-- way answer me questions, now of Minister De The Mikado hia 's " territory nnnrpr.;nt;m, Urer and other eolrre.1 Blankets. Mairazine. 6 00 luis "'""IS"""" as.nauntius the hv neknnwled.rinf.- - -- in Alpaca, good humor shone all on the crowds of j i of 1rift - it- &C- -, tiodi-y'- s that around to prevent the absorption of our lands into a few i j Manila and New Zealand Kcpa, Ac C. BKEWKK. i CO.. AGENTS. Ladv's Book 6 00 i was extraordinary. '" huitable terms in an autograph letter. Many of IVmoret's Monthly a OO happy faces altogether conspired to make the occa- - j plantations, and how to increase our population, Favorable arranrment tan a'wsys be m:ide fir I N amber ol immigrants in IS 57, . The lialaxy b 00 male. if'7,072 our peoplo will rejoice that tho Mikado received M"race and M.ipne-n- t of oil. Bone. Wool, Hide one to be long remembered in Honolulu. At the : TBig I . . .f ...... , He also Expects by the Next Arrival K? 1 6 CH) tion is what the missionary cause here now needs, female. 35,462 ..... other .Merchandise to New Bedford, Boston, New York aud Ovrrlnr. Slonthlr his hrst liibie irom American nanus; that tne aud , Magazine 4 tO health of His Majesty ; mission-th- e ! other Kasteru Ports. XT Cash Advances made. Pet'T"n's table Mr. Davies proposed the a Christian colonization to supplement the 142.&34 presentation was made through the agency of from the Coast, a Urge variety of Artl-.ur'- Magazine the fe24 C. BRLWF.R CO. LadyN 4 0) - . - i . .1 . . i. : i". - e . i ly k received with the due honors, I Sahhath at 4 t0 King, which was ary work already done, to rear schools and churches zt-t'- American legation, aau tout i wun iuc gin vi tuo Home...... Number Introduced Inl&GS, male... ' Our Younp Folks...... 3 00 and was responded to by Chief Justice Allen, who for the foreijjn population and every where promote female . cWj j American Bible Society. This satisfactory recep English & French Fancy Goods Regular Packet for Kona and Kail. American Agriculturist 1 to ' gave Her Majesty Queen Victoria, to which to ; Christian homes. This is the method to reach the " " " children. ;i,7io tion oi trie Doots, ooupica wirti anotner item ot AUSTRALIAN PAPERS thirty-fiv- e na- . news, received by this mail, that CXP&E33LT SELECTED BY j The New Clipper Schooner A weekly 00 quote from the .Vuaou Mr. Davies responded by highest destiny ot this group, to make it the centre u.tralasian, .$10 tive Japanese, who had been imprisoned for em- -' A j Town Country Journal...... 800 proposing a diplomatic omnibus toast, which included of the most intense Christian activity in the midst In T. . I Number January, 1969, male ... S.2S7 tTZ IT 1 A A . III. News 4 Oil , i . bracing Christianity, Rave been pardoned and T.AV.VTX3JtfIOTTI3. I ?r Melbourne ., . . ,r.. . , ...... r . T-- r. 44 set ?vdncy III. 4 oo tne oi tne c nuea states, ana an tne potent- - ; ol tne commerce 01 me t aciuc. " " " female.. 1,(X4 Captain rres'aeni growing . free, ia a good omen that in tbe projected revision J. II. UatCeld, News...... 'J5 " " child ret 60 Sydney Steamer Herald...... of world, to which nobody could respond, j The next argument, that the business of the in- FOR "Bo. 10" STORE. WU1 run regalarty on the above mute, havin? excellent accom- ates the of treaties with Western powers, there will be - freight. XT Any Periodical, not in this list, will be ordered at aoy 8,ioa relic-iou- modations for pasengers and the fair hostess of the occasion may be J ands is now prosperous and promising, hardly troduced lariro concessions in favor of- on time, anl supplie cost and charge. C SJ For or Ps.sage, apply t th Captain hoard, 1 TIBBF.TS KlRKSSON. proud of the success of this gran I party." needs comment. No one can deny that onr lead- - Making total in less than thre year of. . . . ies;i9. toleration. oL9 in J. T. WATERHOUSE. nrto 'j4tf) Address H. M. WHITNEY. "How I Found Livingstone." Lawrence Farquhar hailing from Leith. Scotland .jsrticrn ystrtistntnts. in the capacity of Crt-mat- e. He was an excel- xx UX. o xxx o xx T o r t li IlOrcliC r- - W CO. TbU bulky volume it 730 - ba niight be useful to SCHAEFER & rr- ba ( lent navigator, and thinking he dvortl ' , ceived, and with more fasciaauon thaa 1 him : hi pay t begin from the date FJ. rrad rue. einplored . u AT a-.- i i.--rrno- T-- WILL. FINN A. P. EVEBETT. tor Dagauiuyo. .Wheie M - linrEKr.l!PKR- 1MI OTIir.n c ; could have been imparted by anr novrl. The Btvle we thouid leave Zanzibar l nril. JT. CO. getting to Ztnzibar direct. Forwarding Mrrchant HOTT is bj no mesas rtudird. nut erm polishod. la thU was no opportunity of OR RETAIL, Concision HAVE I took ship ta Sevchelles. Three or tour days after CASTLE & COOKE'S, AT WHOLESALE 404 IR.ONT STRICT. COKKK CLAT. ON HAND respect perhaps indicating bae in it prepara-- ' aniving at Mahe, one ot the Seychelles group. I HAVE oiysrir. Maij Vw Articles U sitt their Waits 4 t Prlees ta Silt then". SA lion ; but it is the plain, iinTamished tale of wonder-- j was formnau? enough to get a passage lor FRANCISCO. 1- -2, 3-- 4. AND 3 INCH a Chris- .. 3.8. 1.3 j William Lawrence Karqtibar, and ie;im I fal experiences by a practical, determined, new- - part of: Particwlar nmtw paid la CougotiU of lalaawl Pradace. Jerusalem, wbo was to act as in- . Consisting in - tian Arab boy of a twt-- to 14 feetj -- PKR- paper man a type of a class that mirk? the pres- i COFFER TUBING, io lecr'J terpreter board an American whaling veel, rL"IV AoMiakeaa. Prarl Kierr anj Kn(lih nakra. ; , j age. No knight errant of medueval times erer we arrived oo AND KKott 1KILI ekark and blk At'ii .t. ent bound tor Zanzibar, at which port bLtlt EnUh h 1 buLu. iyrhr:i!!XttXxtt.-it.- a ad aud awl r.. H. W. SEVEIUXCE & CO., l Comigau-- Roofing, 2Gx3 inches; y TC j 1ST I. 4 i C BLK AC tl KU t OITUN Awoakrae. lie J urh. GlTaiz-- TTA "R AHTT A, TlIOI j ;,ut oa Biore hazardous minion or met tbe ttb of January, liorr.a. It.a. "fJW I trd skimmed" thus far. because I I over ray travels lO-- with strangrr or more romantic adventure than have Ual Krrti.h it in. Sdul C4ora, CW- -. rJaUr, nil A. n..t ntnn-rt- i the Tbev led over and laneo Uaoa lCTtHIA ACA meuciums, Tia : (W reader. imb saaittwa. l WCKT? White an Hrintrd. Orfatktr. ALf connissiorv ie; ( did Stanley, thf newspaper correspondent, ia search n " 40a many lands, but this book is only a narrative of T and IO yard piece. .Noa. 4. S. and IX Ml fLIS K na ,' . m.. J st. 1.-a- . CO Koft j Now the increv , . aud broan tuned irca an. drab and aate. III KtJS.r luae ,7 ahl:a. frot ae7 iy Dra n! Solder, Z3romoxx of Livingione the explort r. that iny search alter Liriu?st-ne- the prest Afiican Hert km, i,rii a.rtrd Caen Clay MfM. SA tRASClsCO. 8ht Prom ' 1 Knr'iah and Awrricaa, blue, acarlet. and arblta. H a.y vLiTJiT . fiua and I .r.L m. i viJ ki h and bid, nel.a an- - -- rj d'llity and the prtty jealousu with which the trareler. It is an Ie.n.n Cisct.t ef j urna'Nui. 1 a w k . U 1 I I . .... Vk. n . f a 1 al akaal IU.V Wrai. aW 1C gauge n. ax.i t Iron, f.2f. ; calieil it Vj'iixn'ic : but Galvanized I'lain ot his was tu-- t have passed 'confess: s:me even have HANDSOME ASSORTMENT nouncemeut picces be-lo- re IVXcOi-trle- n Ac A this is a word I cn now refute, hs will be sen Oo., e'e-an- . aizr-s- : NA'KI.N-F- h UNK J". FL -- tiauo-- J nii'i all away, aud he b accordt! on all Lauds the due meed - iie and tue.nvim. . U. aaaed wyle. TO M l'ir the reader auives at Finis." KKKC!Wkr-U- d-. I i - l.APKK-H.r- d-. Ere and Uack.bac tlAM 'lr roRWiRDlSc AMU or oi honor and reward. lad will b re!nember-- d I "soldi-ra- " in th- lK.k. W.v. l'VZZimllm.aud J tte have used the word Kuaaia Koaa ,",1 Ui. Iloekabac. Caton and Balh. t "a .,, U.T and toacc-mpan- late I'atna.k. rh " u Hleal.l ; i esC-r- t engages a . j with pride that the fljjr of Jir'r.aiu and Ann-r-- The artued a traveler,lMlUiaa. Lu L. net. a, Ac Cnrart Jean.. C.wt.. C.lar. B MEiiciiAXTs, jist U I ttil o J Cotlvo Ty f', lrka, 1 co.n.m ; or meu. I nl ooa.. Needle batl.M.a an Thread r bim Aft ica is composed tree black hra. tVlu pionet-- nations, into hd .in, tin. J, -- ''V ! ica mother and clilJ the iu -; 4 sutura, and 4 and i hm. ! ttn in- Orra Mw.Naccbt a and fereta. Braula all HuUm Al)ca, I'ortluntl, Oregon. ' natives ot Zauaibar. or Ireed staves tnm a ! ! a Christianitv an 1 civilization waved side bv id. U.emselTeS " an Indian VINO BEEN ESOAOKD IN OUR Also, Few Gr O O O S j terior. who Call tskri." 1 '. ! CVntral though bwslaca tor apvwO year., and ieln coysisTisa .v part or in the primitive wild of Africa. j name wLi.h. translated, nuns soidters." HA . WTg - Ka ra all s am. 1 proof brtc ImiidiBf. ai racaav i : lbenis-- l ulso as but it n Hatrber ta Mated a 6r pfw4w l The temptation i uroujt to copy into our columns ttiey engage vs seivants; Coua .lir., f, SHELF HARDWARE ia larfe vaHrty, cotit-i- Atr, Cr Ktir. Hraaa M Ire. IV . ' ser-- ! ' . "ante UialCaplcs,waaar,.Ucw,rpa.i'ala. ! more .'t: in tn t call tUem tiuok and U. t esoeetat'y I Bill IKING STOVES of we can find would lie pteten:. tf Butt, hcrewa, Bolt, Ma'la,, rla. llVMtf - solisltad Irom the pages this book, but only Uks Uau-.- . ta Oosinmenia W I Aav-e-r Otinblet tt.ta. ftTam. U'U- j J. vx thrtU to use tiie sol'iiers nJ as ao.l Aucrr Bit, tiinbirt and jl . . will paid, ' vnts. wi:i 1 . l In aarkri. m ! market, to wMei prxial sltanlioa tc wVII kl .n.l. -k .1. CK1.I . W .. are be.t lb. I Oreow I room for the Introduction." which is a model of them sol-- ; nuir,, ' . v. . miIihm lb. I Imh beat quality I nw will aaade a have been more in tbe of caliinn ii.mi -, ant and apoa wLxA cub Uraam ml require. L icea, HanMuera, Ac- Coourr a louia i- - i H. M. YLitnrv. this habi; has iim wrla, liatci.ta, I and Inch, llo.p -- d fara.. Old Prices. ENGLISH FANCY PRINTS, iu kind. Tbe book is for sile bj diTs. than my waturntt servants lor p.antaiion uaea. brr I At l fk.u. t, A Co.. j I ave tlierelot e h Liodimher j-- Ju Patrick proved too much to beoveuome. UKaT CLT N AILS. Sd fine to0d. Ba4fr i I Ikon. W. T. Co., INTRODUCTION. word -- to appear, i LIT Sl'lKKS. inch. AT LOWEST MARKET RATE. Wtn. Clrua FURNITURE PRINTS, allowed the soldiers" 2, 3 in. ?to, btlrr k Co. nied. however, with this apology, BKST WKOLUI1X NAIL?, S. On the sixteenth dav of October, in the year o( i I have also used personal pronoun per-- i Urufutrd 4t Brilliants, white and fancy; the flrt ! AUa at Lml ai Tun. Orca our Lord one thousand right hundred and sixtj-uin- e, son ttian real mod-- ! ISV1PLEIVIEMTS lo. White Blieiia and Lining. Broon Cottona, singular. I," cftener, perhaps, AGRICULTURAL Shirtluo. I am in Madrid, frepb frum the carnage at admit. CAPTpTKFL M'AI'LM ana a HimXd.r Alln. It esty would rLOWS. points, extra beams and handles; AMKV 8Uv(w, .jl Bed Ticking, qtitlltiea; j estra Hfary Dralmi, d:ffrrent Valencia. At lo a. M. Jacopo, at No. Calle de la But it must be remembered that I am writing a I .HI IV poil.trd. Sco-- pa makes. en-- i lrMi Cruz, band me a : on opening it I find it s navels, and CCLTITATUKS,, Si.a.iee ami i atel it ckasa Tarialana, Tictoiia Lavas, tf narrative of my own alventiw-- and, STEEL AND IKON 1I0RSK PLOWS, nd Harden t. 9. aiaaaiLa. inn , at- - I'lanler'e and U.rlrn l.e, Kitiab reads. "Come to I'uris on important business." I I Livink'S-ne- I presume the gr hjo-ea- that tititil meet hakea. .H, II. T . Ni r r.a, c Ihee and fMralha. Co., Tbe telegram is from J;ts. Gordon Bennett, jun., is my marches, my U0R5C U0ES, OX T0KU, llamllee, Matlock a tick a..d J. C. MERRILL L ' est interest attached to myse.l. Oo Aie. MeJaaod FANCY manager ot the N-- York Herald." et ll. s Picas, LC. CASSIMERES the youni; troubles, my thoughts and my impressions. OX BOWS, 1 12, 1 - and S Inch, U0RSE COLLARS, air, Miner Commiiiioa Merchants and Auctioneer! Down come niv pictures from tbe walls of my though 1 may sometimes write. ny expedition ' BLUE 1 ! BLACK AND on the second tfoor ; into my trunks go j r. 206 California btreet, apartments or ' my caravan' it by no uienns loilow tliat IPVITSTTS, GLASS 201 aad j - AND. col- dis- OIL Yaenlea.-- Caaeti Jaran, my books and souvenir, my clothes are hastily to myself this "rtiM- - For it must be tw.. J, " O.rn.ea- . rogate nulled Linaeed Oil, Castor. Liuaeed aud iriKi.i, i ..J -. ! - llubKock'a Raw and YelU.w Y..,il..n Rr,l. G.ue R.- 0 IL.r.s lected, some half washed, seme lrom the clothes i undertMMt is the ew lier- W rencl. Yellow. tk t.r. tuictlv that it ton Krroavue o,la, Ilubbuck'a Pura hi'a Hue ami u id uii. German Tit. IHU. 1014 line half dry. and atter a couple of hours of hasty aid ' Expedition." and that I am onlv cl.atced w ith Green. Vermillion, I'arta Green. I'ateut Irjrr. Raw Gum Aral ir. taM, Oa, lllil. San Francisco. . thnwi and AOKNT8 OF U'i4. ALSO, Til. Black Doeskin, White Klannclx, work portmanteaus are snapped up, and j jts, Mr. B' tm.-tt- the and Burnt Lmbtr, Haw aud burnt &ienna, Venetian Red, hard iny command by James Gordon Oata .aira family flowr, - j ii d and Honolnln Packets. Checked labelled for I'aris." proprietor of the New York Herald.' as a balai Hoatno keroaeue HI, tkoelun San Francisco Blue and Fancj , n Tinned Paure r:i express-trai- Madrid for Enaaneled and sundries!. , ...... I f ... 1 I The leaves Hendave at employee of that gentleman. ! Fry ...... i r n,.u i. l.on. 3. a and HOLLOWWARE . Kettlra.. - I'ana. a (ivea to tho aaio and parhao of no 3 M. have time to say tarew ell to my friends. - t.a. Mi-- t Zioo, Hjram lar.1 PrtV!lUoatkt r. i yet One thing more; 1 have adopted me narrate ... 1 i a Braaa Kettlrs. Tea Inch Hunt and toottk. t. wUaieouip. BgotiaUD - 45 n i: hura. Ir-- B. an. I e Rar Km, tup' lB ALSO- I have one at No. Calle tioya, fourth floor, who v f tin search, on account -, 1 1 to Coff.-- Pota, lloatoo Matchsa, Bt, lrn, ikadl, bains.aPl i WOOL , FREXtll MEMO! form of the rtm ar- fcc. fails, to 13 qts.. Pans. lauU 1 Iinxana, la. 3 in , llingl.aai rilRack. California. fa a to London r up-.- n . Coffee ake Tina. Pie in to i Sa r to tho II o-- happens to be contributor seveml of the greatt-- ioteresl it lo u5s'sa over Oil Caaea. lea and Caddies. l Tuba. I'alla. B. .nd t to , Crwabt TJVufrett rrllar at faaio,by 1 Iira. sc., 4C. Tuba, Ae , UaWaniurd It or ! dailies, has several children, in whom I nave 1 think i.i tins umunei Platra, Uuat Paoa, ah Uaaina, Grary Mraiuera, Raw Bug So. 1 and I, base. lala IJoool paehto.wiiIofewaJod raia conwm.ioa. R. C. i Black Thibet, 811k L'mbre'.lat, Alpaca Umorellas, lie the diarv t.rin. ami tlit rugar. the very beat qualitjr. are. bought Just Arrived per Wylie a warm Little Ctiarlie and Willie j wLicb some 17 Echa.oa llooolal aad aotd.XZ Une;cocnb and Turkiab Baihirf Town, taken interest aVoid the nieat fault of ieeutim for are fast friend of mine ; tbey love to Lear of my j Tuwrlitig, Cotton and Linen Handkerchief. travelers Lave been severely ci it'tcisetl. 3(iwr. C. L-- RtcharU Cu ..Iiooolutn Barrels Sheet Zinc, adventures, and it Las been a pleasure to me to talk Having explained so much. I do not think it ne-t-o U. Hockfcfol Co...... But now must my farewell. Introduction, and - C. k. Co " ! them. I oessarv to cay anv more in the Brcr COTTON - ; Bithop ai Co...... Cases Sheet Tin, BROOKS SPOOL tnen 1 nave menus at tue t.nitei Mates iepa- shall Iberetore commence mv nanative Wood tion whrae I admire there has come M. T. E. W. - I WUiie Sowing Cotton, conversation Hkxkt Staxlet. tl K. n. a:ieo . Block &c &c i a sudden ending ot it all. hope you will write 8 JV.icr. Lviidun. Tin, ! Shawla, "I Duress Strerf. I'orfhuul ai r Superior Fancy Woolen to its. we shall always be glad to bear of your wel- - Octuber. lisli. Checked Long fchawla, ! 1 my leverish DokALO M ACLkA v. fare." How often have not during Wm. Coaarrr, BlankeU, J Also, Expected per Ceylon! j French Fancy boa arra Maclsat, ; lile as a flying journalist heard the very same words. f forUaod, O. bow have 1 suffered the same paugat j STOVES, ! W00LF.X SUIKTa. WITEIM'KOOF I and often not TO LET! FULL A.SORTMKNT OF ! HOUSE parting from friends just as warm as these. CRITERION & MACLEAY, CORBITT I A S But a journalist in my position must needs suffer, TWO STORV lltU'SK IN SOITII UivcLs. tinned and black, 2 to C lbs. Suitsi King Street, with a apaciou yard, Kitrhrn, H:h-r'- Importers, "Vholes.ilc Grocers and CasBlmoro Like a gladiator in the arena, he must be prepared Stable and dutch Houee nl back entrance from Ala-- Blue Flannel Sacks and Pants! j for the combat. Any flinching, any cowardice, and kea ireet. Inquire at 13 j Kin street. JtlS 2m CoiiiiuiMioii .Merchant, EXTRA 3 PLY AMERICAN RUBBER HOSE! j he is loht. Tbe gladiator meets the sword that is SUPERIOR BLACK SILK ! sharpened for his bosom the flying journalist or 0R SALE ! Dealers of Oregon Produce. Wbicn the can warrant to be the beat article made. Shippers and roving correspondent meets the command that may THE PREMISES L.tTELT OCCU- j send him to his doom. To the battle or the banquet PIED ly W. Fischer, on Hotel Street. SAN FRANCISCO I Main and Hose Hibb Cocks, 2 to I 12 FRENCH DRESS ! go.,; Epquiie of II. PATY. 1 -- FASHIONABLE COLOKS. it is ever tbe same " Get ready and (jill) J. M. E3 OMm IO Caliroraiia Sirees. At 3 p. M. I was on my way, and being obliged to Siuk and Eatb Tub I'lucs, I R RI Woolen Prea Qooda, Felt Saddle Clotba, T stop Bayonne few hours, did not arrive at " & at a FORTI.ANU, OREGON t Socka, StorkingK, Underahirti. TO LET KAHEHUN A." fc 12 IIouhc Water Clofot- -, 1'aris until the following night. I went straight to I3aad 19 Froafaad IO FlrtlSl. knocked the door of THE RESIOEXCE OF TIIOS. BROtVX A SMALL ASSORTMENT OF the "Uraid Hotel," aud at on school Street. Enquire at the aarratscc t Sprinklers, Hose Couplings d: Nozels, Mr. Bennett's room. ja4 am KEGlslKY OFFICE. . Bonk of Paa Frmnciaro GERMAN AND FRENCH GROCERIES! " Come in," 1 heard a voice say. W. C. Ralatoo, Eo Calitoia. Deck doKo, k--. freaUont 8. F. Jt P.bugox Co. Boo I rocico Screws, Entering. I found .Mr. Bennett in bed. Crooa Jk Co Franeco Mwa. PortUod, Urcgoo CHAMPAGNE " Who are you?:' he asked. DR. LIVINGSTONE. Unm. LaM A Tiltoo, Baakers Patent Can Opener. "My name is Stanley!" I answered. Uaak of Brltuih Colombia PortloDd. Oregon the Celebrated Brand of Ilcidsick Jt Co. TW L kHUaoitb A Co Portland. Oregon of "Ab. yes! sit down ; I have important business WITHIN Moaara. Tinned Tacks, Cast Iron Sinks, CorbiU, railing A Co Portland Oregon Fl'.ZNCU CLAHET, ia Caaea , on Land for you. FEW COPIES OP STANLEY'S NEW ara. BUaop A Co Bankers Honolulu After throwing over his shoulders his robe-de- - BOOK, Galvanized Elbows, T, Union Couplings, Jtc. FRENCH SACTEBNK3. in Case.; CaaalaaattoaMoor lalaaol Fraalac Sallellra). chambre. Mr. Bennett asked, " Where do you think ; iO dm fell EUR Y AND "HOW I FOUND DR. LIVINGSTONE," Douglass Lift and Force Pumps ! PORTWINR, Livingstone isT' j 11UNQARI AN WINES. " I really do not know, sir!" ; JTST RECEIVED ANU FOR SALE, &. (JO. TOUI.Y, 0 C. Bo you he alive?"' ! Douglass Lift Pumps, to OEKMAN PALE ALE. Key Brand ; think is " He may be. and he may not be t" I answered, j ,TJT-- FIRST C0.ME, FIJIST SEliVED. HAYSELDEU ALCOHOL, 94 per cent, strong; All of which tttey OjTer Fur frite at JItaxonahle "Well. I think he is alive, and that he eaa be j CO., OQNAC, in deinijubni found, and I am goinii to send you to find ; IMPORTCRS OF A' Prices. I him.' n.1.18 2t II. M. WHITNEY. GIN, la Casea. " What!" said 1, "do you really think I can find YANXEE NOTIONS, FANCY GOODS, Stavei Parthar d at this Ftablhhtnnt Set ip Dr. Livingotone? Do you mean me to go to Cen- MILLINCKV GOODS. j VIX2LV1Y tral Africa?"' Free f fh trge. A FURIVITURE. " Yes ; I mean that yon shall go. and find him RECEIVE AMD "White Goods, Perfumery, Pocket Cutlery, CLOCKS, wherever you may hear that he is, and to get what CIGARS WILL Having' a large Tubing, RKUrLATOR SUPERIOR MANILA EOaiLRY, ZXPUTR WOOL, Ac, Ac J9& s'o:k of Cj'ptr news you can of him. and perhaps " delivering S7ed Corper. and other Materials U their line, they Gr 2 himself thoughtfully and deliberately "the old RESIDENT" BITERH IV THE UollCIIliail lllhWn I'e man may be in want : take enough with you to HAVING ia Kurove, aod being la direct communication prepared lo and other orders at OF !iim he you will DIRECT IMPORTATION OoocU on the art fill l'liiltion AND A VARIETY OTHIR ARTICLE, help should require it. Of course with th-- maaafartoram, wo aro enabled to get what anU to aeil accordingly. prices satisfactory io btyer and seller, at WHICH AUK OFFERED act according to your own plans, and do you T beat Unit think best LivixostoxkI Pacific in t find THE rs GOODS Our Stock is the Largest on the K A SALE AT LOW RATES! Said I, wondering at the cool order of sending I3AI?Tv IX C. MURRAY, FOR , mm ttia No. 9 AHUM ANU STREET. one to Central Africa to search for a man whom 1, EX Coaat. and Inrita mhl Sm Merchant Ja4 JUST ABOVE THE BANK. in common with almost all other men. believed to : Especial atte.ti.n ofllonololo ( j aame. be dead, "have you considered aeiiously the gient to an axbinatioa of tho : to Order. expense you are likely to incur on account ot this rarticola attenlioo gln THE ONLY CLOTHING little journey ?" DICKSON'S, 61 FORT STREET. T0BI.V, DAV1S30S A CO. G, SREWEH & " What will it cost?" he asked, abruptly. j mhS 41 Corner Batter A Sanaome Btreeta. AM) G0.9 "Burton and Spoke's journey to Central Africa J 4 aa Fraarlero, Cain. cost between 3.000 and .5,)i;0, and 1 lear it can- - j not be done 2.500." i Wat. w !, w. a. LaTiRirw.a, STORE under uj aBaTfiiiro p. n n Portland, SIS Front Be fan Franctaco. mmm mil OFFER FOR SALE Well, I will tell you what you will do. Draw ! LEVEBIDQE, WADHAM3 & CO. a thousand pounds now ; and when you have gone TO LADIES through that, thousand, and when THE another pioisroLTnL-xi- . draw j iist that is spent, draw another thousand, and when you i WliolosaleASD GrocerH i have finished that, draw another thousand, and so j I'MIERSIGXEI) RES on ; Livingston:. j rjlIIEM WOULD but, find pectfolly Inform hia j.atrona and the public generahy ! Forwarding Commission Merchants, not confused the order, for I j Qiaccn and that herea.ter he will confine himself Surprised but at Fort siikI Streets, PORTLAND OREGON. PER knew lhat Mr. Bennett when once he bad made up OFFER his mind was not easily drawn aside from his pur-- j BROS. RECEIVE! DIRECT FROM PARIS Parti t liar AUeatlo paid U Consignments f Exclusively to Gentlemen's Wear! pose, I yet thought, seeing it was such a gigantic HAYSEH HAVE oT aatwl-- a lalaad Pr.daee. I7 CORINGA from BOSTON. : scheme that be had not quite considered iobisown FOR SALE AT LOWEST RATES ! baring disposed of erryt!ilnpr ia the Dry Good. will I line, he mind the pros and cons of the case ; I said. " I have , bcreater give hi whole attention to tbe j heard that should your lather die you would sell i An Klegant Assortment of AND ARB I the ' Herald ' and retire from business." j Halmon, Cumber,and : A LARGE STOCK OF ! An,hracile ni I OPTIIEPtCKIXC OP 1871. Coi"' "Whoever told you that is wrong, for there is not j aarraoted io gnml er ler, tut rale at a very low CLOTHING ana FURNISHING i money enough in New York city to buy the 'New KnJ- -r c'oe a eoaaisnjoint. h curai, ui ta j My great ! II. IIACKTELD a CO. York Herald.' father has made it a paper. Tho Very Latest Parisian Stylo u DEPARTS rENT ! Copper Paint, Oakum, but I mean to make it greater. I mean that it shall j be a news paper in the true sense of the word. I LADIES' FRENCH GAITERS! j LUMBER HE HAS NOW ON HAND AN ENTIRE mean that it shall publish whatever news will be AM) WOOL, HIDES & TALLOW aV ' Yellow ITIetal, Shealhins Nails, interesting to the world at no matter what cost. ALSO NEW STOCK OF GENTLEMEN'S WEAR ! " After that." said I, " 1 have nothing more PURCHASED AT TIIE say. Do you mean me to go straight on to LADIES' FRENCH KID SLIPPERS, tVniatin in art tf : Pepper Sauce, to BAarh fur Ilr T .1 171 n fvetnnn ' ijlUIUIK MATERIALS! "No! I wish you to go to the inauguration A Beautiful Assortment of Ladies1 and Gents' Canal first and up Nile. HIGHEST MARKET RATES Cents Fino Black Cloth Frocks the Suez then proceed the COMPRISING. Cider Vinegar, I hear Baker is about startinz for Upper Egypt. and Sacs ! Find out what you can about his expedition, and LIGHT COL0JIED BT- - ' LIMES' SATO SLIPPERS, BEST QUALITY fcTYLl?!! DOESKIN PANTS", as you go up describe as well as possible whatever MM w ! WEST Quarter Ilarrel Porla, is interesting for tourists ; and then write up a guide iOB' febl H. HACKFELD & Co. FINEST BLACK VEST?, j a practical one for Lower Egypt, tell us about Timber, Scantling, Plank, Tongued and JOUVIN KID CLOVES, ia neeiug nuu uun iu ore it. ELEGANT ASST. CASSLMERE PANTS wuaiever vroriu "Then you might as well go to Jerusalem; I Grooved, Surfaced, Boards, Battens, THK ABOVE 000LB ABK EOR SALE ! liills .llackcrel, ALL COLORS. PIH8T OIIOICJE. VALUABLE REAL ESTATE Coal and Teela. hear Captain Warren is making some interesting discoveries there. Then visit Constantinople, and Pickets and Lathi. mr rvni'nmn vr.n.Rnvri innrT Whi Linen Puck Soils and Drill Pants, already shrunk. nbls. Iairy Salt, Yeast Powder find out about that trouble between tbe Khedive II AT ELD EX BKOt., to retnoT. from Ounolula, offers for tak kia and the Sultan. join m. niviEs' best QriLm-- white " Then let me Bee you might ss well visit tbe NEW in Market ! I mh CRITKRIUN H0CSK. battle-ground- REDWOOD Something the BUILDING LOT ON QUEEN STREET id Corn Starch, Crimea and those old s. Then go ppoaita tk ew Gorarntnent Bsildinr. There la oa tbe lot, COLORED SHIRTS: across the Caucasus to tbe Caspian Sea. I hear there Tongued and Grooved, Surfaced, Battens, IwodwatHof hoosea and a aUALL 8T0KE, arrll ahaated for a is a Russian expedition bound for Khiva. From ratavii bualavna. litl. fee) adapt. IaV).ura.oa the) pceaniaea. el Caderwear from India Oauxr to Buckskin. fal 2m A. E. POWERS. thence you may get through Persia to India ; you Pickets, Lattice, Boards, Scantling, In Drawers a full line. Rrown Soap9 Tobacco, could write an interesting letter from Persepolis. "Bagdad will be close on your way to India; and Posts. COME AND BE HEALED! GLOVES, NECKTIES, SUSPENDERS, suppose you go there, and write up something about Plank BY DR. B. H. LYON'S Spirits Tiirpeiitine, the Euphrates Valley Railway. Then, when you and socks: have come to India, you can go Bfter Livingstone. WHITE CEDAR & REDWOOD SHINGLES. Medical Compound Remedy, Hide Poison, Rosin, Probably you will hear by that time that Living- the best assortment in town. stone is on his way to Zanzibar ; but if not, go into REDWOOD MOULDING, the interior and find him. if alive. Get what news NEW GOODS! ! Cuffs, ; you Liniment and DPills Linen Collars and various qualities. .11 1 of his discoveries you can and, if find he is in era Pain I, Coach Yarnifch, dead, bring all possible proofs of his being dead. DISEASES, Linen Handkerchiefs, Boy's Socks, an Sash., Blinds, RECENT AND CHRONIC elgaot article. Good-nigh- Doors, FOR enr) rla. 8rea, Clcera. Kraptiona. tklo That is all. t, and God be with you." IMaeaaea, Aathma, Dick Ueadactic, Inaeaaea of th Throat, " Good-nigh- t, sir," I said ; " what it is in the A FULL LINE OF j Liver and Kidaeya i for Fcanala lrregulariUra and general de- ISrooiiis, Cut Aails, power ot human nature to do I will do; and on Paints, Paint Oil, Turpentine! bility commoa to & the aez. SHOE such an errand as I go upon, God will be with me." B. O. HALL SON The Compound Remedy has no Superior ! BEXKEKT'S WARE! I lodged with young Edward King, who is mak- i ffllfTEWASII AND PAIST BRUSHES, in DouMe, Single, tresi Edge aud Pump Sole Boote. Paris Plows, ing Buch a name in New England. He was just the HAVE JUST RECEIVED A FULL ASSORTMENT OP Ac One cju ust it vilhout btiag Hearted ly it. man who would have delighted to tell the Journal ! Elaatic Sides and Button Gaiters, was engaged upon what voting Mr. Bennett was It 1 boat tho hlood those imparU'tea coaimoo to alt he Axes was j Mails, lovalida, from the infant ta tje man of yeara. Ties and Hunt's and Hatchets, doing, and what errand I bound upon. sizes. Pnmp, ! all I hare aaoy eertiflcatea from tbova wbo tor years arere I should have liked to exchange opinions with : A Fine Assortment wf thoai&t beyond tha react of hnnian aid. They are no A Fall Line of Gnt Slippers, from Can-Ta- s him upon the probable results of my journey, but COOKING healta. ABDWARE, STOUES I to fine Opera styles, Shovels, I not do so. Though oppressed with the ! dared To the Victim of hit Own Lnst great task before me, I had to appear as if only going j WALL PAPER and BORDER. To arho hae teoom potaoneil by the deadly riroi which Cala. & to be present at the Suez Canal. Young King lol- - j poaterlty of dt Fine Boots Shoes j cntalla Boa th. blibtlnt carte a and death, Screwed lowed me to express-trai- n bound for Marseilles, hare mada owa axiatenc loathacine. American Scales, the WINDOW GLASS. .ml joar t airre I. he to go, ; WARE, yaa yet. KeaoiT. poca more to be a man. and and and at the station we parted and read SILVER PLATED far Youth's CbilJren's Fine Calf Boots Reading-roo- I to Jle TcJte the Compound as Directed. "TK the newspapers at Bowles' DOOK AND PAD LOCKS, Shoes, Atrica and wbo knows? j direetiona fcr njir.f tha Cnmpnand Remedy, Liniment Hemp Packing, Central fell is no I be-- j net PJ1 ia ginm npoa lh Wrapper of each. Misses' Calf and other styles Boots and Shoes. There need to recapitulate what did BUTTS, HINGES, fcc alal la llaaalala ay T. A. LLOTD. a.7C fore going to Central Africa. : fort ttcrret, DIIXINtiUAH M Con lLJn, Hawaii ( V. MOf-HI- S Pick and Axe Handles, I went up the Nile, and saw Mr. Hirginbotham. Best chiet-engine- Waliaan.Mattt. lr4 Assortment of Hats in town. er in Baker's Expedition, at Phi'a;, and Also, PUULOA SALT. PAINTSfoUS, VARNISH! AN ENDLESS LINE Or was the means cf preventing a duel between Lim i ITIetal, Canal s and a mad young Frenchmau, who wanted to Cght HUGO STANCENWALD, M. D., R.ibbett Barrow - delivered as usual in town, and GOSNELL'S PERFUMERY, Mr. Higginbotham with pistols, because that gen- Materials Card MfttchM, Kro?n Oil, Tenet Wir, No. 4, 6 ani 6, with Wbcolr.trrrtwt, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. tleman resented tbe idea of being taken for an ) ; Rpring-a- , Crr.-)t- SOAPS, POMADES AND Egyptian, through wearing a fez cap. I had a talk ! at any Port in the Kingdom. Crrig aod Crt Axles, one to three inc.-- CftrrUge e Hardware. II or tboes. Bo oo Nolli, Ilarlng retired from City and Tamily Practica 00 account of Planter's Hoes, hia Will II AIR OILS ! with Captain Warren at Jerusalem, and descended health. hereafter attend to a SS a - Mf : l. - aTM a. a si . l-- M 11 V.ri- t V. WHw Vaaaaxw. i 1.wAf I..VU A a a. Vl.K Shoe, Nail Bole one of the pits with a sergeant of engineers to see the j IQl aail 01 W awliwa MWiK .1IIP 11'wfcllt ByimW,I. It. V IUI NC CnHV 11 MQ IDaiHgri, and Clothes Bruahea, Leather Trunks Jt Talis., ' t Office Consultations Only. marks of tbe Tyrian workmen on tbe foundation I Carjt I!ag, ajrc, Ac. Lumber, Oak & White Tor tha cooranieoc of Patient, who nay wish to connult hia, Plank stones of the Temple of Solomon. I visited tbe SAEVTL mosques of Stamboul with the Minister Resident of C. WILDER, CALA. SOLE, HARNESS, BRIDLE & SADDLE LEATHER I & Open Every the Week ! ; Jfis Ofice teill on Day cf Wostenholms Pocket Cutlery Pine the United States, and the American Consul Gen- - from 11 o'clock. A. M to 3 o'clock, P. M. ; Sandaya by ap- eral. I traveled over the Crimean battle-ground- s ' Calf SI1s.1xa, g Pronoh pointment. Patient. solTVring Chkosic Disaa.aa, tnctad-lo- IVests Trunks, Bbls. Fire Clay, with Kinglake's glorious books for reference in rny alaa diacaaea of tha Era and Earn. TaaoAT and Lc;a, and EAZOES Bridle and addle Ornaments, Mexican Trees and 8tlrrnps Marble Wash Basins and Fixtures, of Superior Quality to give be j with widow of i INSURANCE CO., f caaas prr-eeati- acd warranted satisfaction or hand. I dined the General Liprandi MUTUAL LIFE ormra or 8rrraatsc. or aarcac. ! all tkrmttlvtt at that timt, irwnmiiaciraaLB r.a Crtca returned. at Odessa. I saw the Arabian traveler Palgrave i Tiuniirr, will recde fpedal care and attention. ALL OF THE AVOVE SUPERIOR GOODS Paint Brushes, at Trebizcnd. and Baron Nicolay. the Civil Gov- - j ISr3Z2X77" STOXl. A Full Assortment of Carpenter' ami A ricn 1 1 urn I TooIm, j ernor of the Caucasus, at Tiflis. I lived with the OF A BK COMPLETE CHEMICAL LABORATORY WILL wher- - J j Russian Ambassador while at Teheran, and HARDWARE, GALVANIZED TUBS AND Ace. ! BUILDER'S PAILS, eVc. .- a-.i-n T .it-..- I iKpAimli I TOpaXwA fhi3 w Company m ! V t Pare! most Largest connected Office, of rare A .1 . A ' The and Best be arlth this for the manafaetare ! Kcs and ..VI .1 lUIVUU It'll. . .uv ' j and ealuaM. medicinal preparationa. aad fnr rrrfonnlng any SOLD AS LOW AS POSSIBLE hospitable welcome from the gentlemen of tbe Indo-Europe- an DRY GOODS, Ace, sVc. perationa required In Pathological aad Analytical Chemistry. ' M. McINEENY, Telegraph Company ; and following the in the World. NOTICE. examples of many illustrious men. I wrote my j IJFS:ACIICD A.ITD BItOWIV COTTO.S, je4 3m Corner Port and Merchant Stret. name upon one of the Persepolitan monuments. Iu j Insures at Lowest Bates and on the most PRINTS, Ac., Ac. PURCHASED MR. REN FIELD'S i STYLISH BUGGIES HAVING tbe Carringe Manufacturint: Bunws in this tbe month of August. 1870. I arrived in India. THREE FOPw SALE OE EENT. j favorable terms. j City. I am now prepared to execute all order In my line with On the 12tb ot October I sailed on the barque New lioods by Every Steamer, at Lowest Market Rates. k--a j 1 my ezperl-- ! THE DESIRABLE DWELLING W0T8E promptness and dispatch. trost lone and varied I "Polly" from Bombay to Mauritius. As the j lately orcupiJ by C. II. LE1YERS, altoated 00 Kukul ence in will me to faction to all PER CEYI.ON th business erahle tire ti. was a slow the passage tbirly-seve- n Office with ffieafc$irL particular eufjulreo' thnae who may faror me with their patronage. "Polly" sailer, lasted ' 4 OR ALE r.V fr On this barque was a Willtnrn 3m & Brick Store, cornor of Fort .11 t'. PR EWER At CO. tf I.EtTFK MCHSOV. Ilnnr.lo!.:. Jan. 1, !:-- . '!!r) O TfT. dav. board M WILDER CO. and King 8ts.