July 12, 2021 The projects to renovate ten ancient monuments of the southwestern province of Kohgiluyeh and Boyer-Ahmad are expected to be launched on July 23, said head 5 of the province’s Cultural Heritage Organization Majid Safaei, IRNA wrote.

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ersian garden reflects the rich and plane trees (you might be pushed to ing forty columns) may refer to the addi- signs and decorations. The hall is mostly Tahmasb I to honor Homayun, the de- its name to the room. With a huge fire on knowledge of architecture, irriga- cover all the 16 acres though) and mean- tion of these 20 columns to their reflection remarkable for the large painted on the posed Indian monarch who later on re- a mountain in the background, the fresco Ption, and agriculture used by Irani- der through the landscaped paths to visit in the pool or 40 may suggest the plenti- upper part of its walls on both sides, three stored to the kingdom with the help of the represents a woman being carried by a ans during long periods of history. the 400-year-old fallen trees. The origi- tude or perfection figuratively. of them on the eastern side and the other Safavids. The right fresco on the eastern joyous group of people, blowing horns, It is omnipresent in Persian literature, nal pavilion was built during the reign of The entire veranda is decorated with three on the western side. wall shows a scene from Taher-Abad and celebrating. Two stories are attributed music, and painting, preserving a special Shah Abbas I (1588-1629). This two-sto- mirror works and paintings. There used The paintings belong to the Safa- battle in which the troops of Shah Ismail to this fresco: One version says it depicts place in Iranians’ unconscious. Persian rey structure consists of a main hall, four to be a big mirror located on the main ve- vid Era, except the middle ones on both I defeated the Uzbeks headed by Shibak the wedding ceremony of Reza Qoli, son gardens, generally rectangular in shape rooms and two verandas on the eastern randa, called Jahan Nama, which reflected sides, which are Qajarid works in qahveh Khan. of Afshar, to an Indian girl, and enclosed within high walls contain and western sides of the pavilion. in itself the magnificence of the garden khaneh (coffee house) genre, painted over In the next one you see Nadir Shah the other connects it to a tragic historical symmetrical trees, water channels, and event, a girl setting herself on fire after the stone fountains, iranroute.com wrote. siege of Bukhara by Shah Abbas II. One of the most remarkable features In the northern and eastern verandas, in is its division to four you see portraits of foreign dignitaries, sections, which is formed when water works by Angel and Lokar, two Dutch streams cross. This design is accompa- painters. It is good to know that two beau- nied by a special building named pavilion tiful painted doors from the Chehel So- (kooshk in Farsi). They are located in high toun Palace are preserved in the Art Mu- places, like hillsides, mostly to supply seum of Detroit, US. The other beautiful lower temperature, more airflow and, wa- inlaid doors of the hall are kept in various ter sources like fountains or rivers. We see museums around the world, such as the porticoes around the building to make a Metropolitan Museum of Art and Victoria strong connection with the garden’s beau- and Albert Museum. ties. All these told features may be differ- On the way out, have a look at the gar- ent in detail in each garden, but they are den and imagine that long ago everything the same in basics in most cases. was prepared here to welcome Queen Chehel Sotoun Garden in , cen- Elizabeth I but she failed to come because tral Province of Isfahan, is one of the most of the following story. In the Safavid Era, famous gardens in , thanks to its ar- Queen Elizabeth I decided to visit Iran. Af- chitecture, its lavish pavilion, and also its ter much thought, Chehel Sotoun Palace history. It was constructed by the order of was chosen as the right place for her ac- Shah Abbas I, and then enlarged and com- iranroute.com iranroute.com commodation. So, a room, in the northern pleted in Shah Abbas II Era in 1647, to In Shah Abbas II Era (1642-1666), two and the pool. Towards the end of the Qa- the original Safavid ones. The vividly-col- Afshar against the Gurkanid Muhammad hall of the palace, was chosen and orders receive the royal guests and high ranking rooms on the northeast and southeast of jar Era, Zell al-Sultan ordered the mirror ored frescoes depict scenes of battles and Shah in the Battle of Karnal; and finally, were sent to have this room highly deco- authorities. the hall, two verandas on the north and to be transferred to Masoudieh Palace in royal feasts. The right fresco on the west- the left fresco on the eastern wall depicts rated. To accomplish this feat, a highly Major restorations were done later in south of the hall, and two columned veran- Tehran. Two of the twenty columns are in ern wall depicts the feast of Shah Abbas I the reception ceremony given at the time majestic carpet was woven first and, then, 1706, after the very fire of the palace in das on the eastern side of the palace were the recess connecting the veranda to the to welcome Vali Mohammad Khan, the of Shah Abbas II in honor of Nadir Mo- the ceiling was painted in accordance with Shah Sultan Hossein Era. As it is typical of added. The palace, in its current state, con- Main Hall, or the Throne Hall. The space ruler of Turkestan. The one in the middle hammad Khan, the ruler of Turkestan. The the patterns of the carpet. Furthermore, Persian gardens, when you enter from the tains 10 rooms. On the second floor, there supported on these two columns is elabo- depicts the Battle of Chaldiran between lower part of the walls is decorated with it was decided that the garden should be eastern portal, a long pool, leading to the are also four rooms in which women and rately adorned with 16th-century Venetian the troops of Shah Ismail and the Ottoman Safavid miniatures. covered with grass and it became covered central pavilion, catches your eyes. It is a servants lived. mirrors; the reason for naming it the Mir- Army, in which the Safavid army, despite In a symmetrical room on the other side with grass, for the first time in its history, 110m long pool, decorated with figurines The columned veranda, also known as ror Hall. Behind the Mirror Hall, you will their great dignity, was defeated for the of the hall, known as chahar shanbeh suri but the excessive use of fertilizers gave of angles, the symbols of guardians, and of the Columned Hall, holds 20 columns, find the splendid Throne Hall, also known first time. (an ancient Iranian feast celebrating the rise to such a stench that the Queen’s lions, the symbols of power. inspired by the Achaemenid style of archi- as the Main Hall, with a high vaulted ceil- The fresco on the western wall shows last Wednesday before Nowruz, Iranian residence in the palace was canceled alto- Take a walk among the impressive pine tecture. The name Chehel Sotoun (mean- ing covered with the finest Safavid de- the reception ceremony given by Shah New Year), there is a fresco which gives gether. Traditional Iranian handicraft of pottery existing since dawn of civilization

AMIRHOSSEIN SHAFIEI SOORK/ honariyab.ir dosibkala.ir tasnimnews.com

Pottery is the craft or art of making dishes from clay the country including Sistan and Baluchistan, Kurd- ducted in the Anahita Temple, located in Kangavar, first arabesque designs, winged animals, legend- potters on porcelain industry. by hand or wheels and the dishes made in this way estan and Gilan provinces have been the main areas Kermanshah Province in western Iran. Two groups ary birds, and the famous Sassanid eagle. Today, a Eventually, the entire technical progress lead are called earthenware. The earthenware pots which of the emergence of this craft. of pottery dishes, bowls and jugs have been com- number of earthenware found from different eras pottery to be one of the organized professions as are made from different raw materials, mainly red- Moreover, considering the emergence of painted mon in this era: Unglazed pottery containers and a including Sassanid Period are kept in the National it has remained so from then on. Since the crafts- dish brown clays or a mixture of pottery and dif- pottery by the first inhabitants of the Iranian Pla- group of potteries covered with red, gray, green pea Museum of Iran. manship of ancient potters have been considerable ferent materials with a lighter color, have different teau, it can be concluded that Iranians have excelled colored glazes, as well as alkaline glazes which was The impacts motifs, design, and glazing of Sas- both in technical terms and in terms of beauty of colors and, depending on taste of the potter or the the other nations in this industry, and this invention made for white earthenware. sanid Period on pottery of Islamic period resulted the products, today in some areas of Iran such as clients, sometimes are finally painted with glazes. might have been particularly invented by them. In the Sassanid Period, the art of pottery remained in decorating earthenware with the motifs previ- Kalporgan Village in Sistan and Baluchistan Prov- Generally, in Iran, we can consider pottery as one Along with the rise of the Achaemenid Dynasty, as it was in the Achaemenid Period, and generally ously applied on metal works, and lead to this false ince where pottery dates back to 3,000 years BCE, of the main branches of traditional Iranian handi- the art of pottery went through profound transfor- included bowls, jars, jugs, sculptures, thermoses, impression that these works have been made by making ceramics or earthenware pots are still car- crafts, which has existed since the dawn of civiliza- mations including creation of containers of various and earthen and sculptures as well as animals. Zoroastrians; therefore, a particular group of these ried out with the same old and traditional methods. tion. It has undergone various changes and, in terms shapes which became popular since this period. Glazed dishes with paintings of fish and cattle earthenware was called gabri. In this area, men bring the mud from mines with of development, innovation and decorations, the During the Parthian Period, the art of pottery was heads, decorated with rough motifs, were particu- Seljuk Period can be considered as the “golden donkeys, knead it with conventional fuels, bake the pottery art of Iran can be compared only with those developed as the traditional and pure Iranian art and larly made by potters of the Sassanid Period and dis- age of chinaware” in Iran, since in this period all the earthenware pots and sell various plain bowls, col- of Greece and China, visitiran.ir reported. gradually spread from the Euphrates to China, from tinguish them from the Achaemenid and Parthian various known technical methods such as etching, orful jugs, water bowls, and other dishes in weekly The period when earthenware containers were Siberia to India, and from the highland plateaus of periods. relief, latticework, color engraving under or over markets. As per researchers, potters of areas such as made is not known precisely; and, it has been pre- Mongolia to Bosporus, as it is even assumed that Common motifs in Sassanid pottery, which have the glazes, gilding, and enamel work were com- Gilan, Sistan and Baluchistan, Hamedan provinces dicted to date back from the eighth to the fifth mil- this industry has expanded to China from Iran. Be- also been influential among the arts and works of monly adopted. In the Safavid Period too, Shah Ab- link prehistoric pottery of Iran to today’s pottery of lennium BCE. But what certain is that some parts of sides, it can be concluded by the excavations con- the Islamic period, include different kinds of the bas the Great invited Chinese potters to train Iranian the country.