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Company Training

The main activity of the Sert School is the teaching of professional skills. It offers courses that complement academic education in this sector as well as courses to update professionals with regard to the technical knowledge, management and administration required in the ever- changing world of architecture.

The syllabus includes the possibility of cross-cutting training in the generic subjects of the profession as well as specific training with a selection of courses aimed at particular professional groups or collectives.

Although the syllabus is essentially aimed at architects in , students from other parts of also attend our courses. We also collaborate with companies, institutions and administrations in creating training programmes geared towards their respective professional collective, the end result being a range of tailor-made courses through classroom or e- learning or a mixture of the two.

To meet the demand for targeted training, we offer tailor-made courses; specific proposals adapted to the training requirements of companies or organisations, whatever their professional needs of their sector may be.

This training is geared towards the different stakeholders in the architectural sector (architectural service companies, city councils, chambers of commerce, developers and builders in the private sector, etc.). Based on a thorough analysis and methodology endorsed by 15 years of experience, we offer the possibility of designing an Internal Training Plan geared towards a specific collective and based on skill-based training.

Some of the organisations for which we have provided customised courses recently include: Municipal Urban Planning Management of , City Council, Ministry of Territorial Policy and Works and the Ministry of Education of the Government of Catalonia, Legal Studies and Specialist Training Centre, Barcelona Metropolitan Area Union of Municipalities, Chamber of Commerce, Architects? Association of the Balearic Islands, Barcelona and Vilanova i la Geltrú Associations of Industrial Engineers, Foment de Ciutat Vella S.A. and INCASÒL.

Along the same lines, we have also collaborated with the following town and city councils: Sant Vicens dels Horts, , Vilafranca, Sant Sadurní d?Anoia, , , Valls, El Prat de , , Olèrdola, L?Arboç, Alpicat, Sant Joan Despí, Roda de Barà, Girona, Cervera, Santa Susanna, El Pla del Penedès, , , Castellvell del Camp, El Perelló, , , , Tremp, , and .

Click here to view our further training courses. [1]

Contact: Carrer Arcs, 1-3, 5a planta 08002 Barcelona 93 306 78 44 [email protected] [2]


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