January 2018 benefits thereof. In ‘Outlook’, one of the Certification Executives enlightens us on the process. Features In ‘Telescope’ the Manager of one of the estates recounts what he, his team and the entire populace of Issue – 21 January 2018 the estate have done to fight the pollution caused by the adjacent industrial area; while in ‘African Beat’, an executive from one of the Rwandan estates reports on 01 Cover: Belle Vista 20 Gardening the building of the eco-friendly (and exotic sounding) Photograph: Nayantara Saikia The Oyster Mushroom ~ Sanghamitra Adhyapak ‘Elephant Toilets’ for the benefit of the estate’s workers. 22 Visitor’s Vignettes McLeod Russel contributes much towards community Visitors at Itakhooli T.E. ~ Shyamal B. Singha welfare on its estates and the neighbouring areas, as well as in Guwahati () and (West 24 Health Watch Bengal) where the Company’s offices are located. The The Wonders of Vitamin D ~ Dr K.S. Dowerah historic South Park Street Cemetery in Kolkata, dating 26 Telescope back to the 18th century CE, is one of the heritage sites Combatting Pollution ~ Dipin Mehta that the Company patronizes, contributing towards its maintenance and upkeep, as you will read in 27 Off the Beaten Track The Majestic Rivers of Arunachal Pradesh ife is like a cup of : it’s all in how you make ‘Beneficence’. ~ Sanjay Batra it. One of the Company’s executives spent his Fresh oyster mushrooms are not easily available in the formative years in a monastery and chose to markets near our Assam estates, but they can be grown 31 The World Around Us Lallow that experience to impact his life thereafter in a at home, as someone who has been cultivating them From Distant Lands... Andhra to Assam positive manner. We feature this extremely amiable and for years tells us in ‘Gardening’. This mushroom is a ~ Sandeep Nagalia multi-talented individual in ‘Cameo’. rich source of minerals and vitamins such as zinc, iron, 34 Cameo The rivers of Arunachal Pradesh are still mostly potassium, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin C, folic acid, Aikya Thoumoung - a profile undiscovered by the rest of the world, so the few who niacin, and vitamins B-1 and B-2. ~ Anshuman Singh know them well make the most of the pleasures they Our bodies also need Vitamin D, as one of our senior January 2018 36 Management Mantras have to offer, such as angling and rafting. A senior medical specialists explains in ‘HealthWatch’. Developing Accountability & Ownership... in executive who is an avid angler provides us with Yourself ~ Pravir K. Murari Sport is an integral part of the Planter’s life, and also the 02 Editorial glorious glimpses of his experiences on these majestic lives of the Head Office executives. Be it golf, football, 38 It’s a Wild World rivers in ‘Off the Beaten Track’. 03 Features squash, and even darts, there are many who excel. The Mission Impossible ~ D.J. Baruah Encounters with wildlife are common among tea upcountry clubs were once the hub of the Planter’s social 04 Narration 40 The Gem Collection planters and some have the privilege of nurturing wild life, but with local towns developing and the emergence The Vanishing Virtuosos ~ Shonali Stephen The Burha Madhav Temple ~ Santanu Borgohain creatures for a brief period. A young planter shares his of malls and multiplexes, they are no longer the only 06 Beneficence 24 hours’ experience in playing father to two leopard source of entertainment. Still, the sports activities South Park Street Cemetery ~ Sarita Dasgupta 42 planters@play cubs in ‘It’s a Wild World’. continue, as does the tradition of Club Tea. Bordubi Club ~ Junior Dagar 09 Phu Ben Communique The tea industry in general, and McLeod Russel in All this and more awaits you as you turn the pages of Tai Trung Factory ~ Sakina Hussain 44 Kamjari particular, has always been environment-friendly, and this issue, perhaps sipping a cup of the much lauded Bee-ing a Planter... ~ Subash Paulo 12 Outlook now this translates into complying with the norms Jasmine Tea from Tai Trung factory, Phuben, Vietnam! Certification on the Tea Estates 47 Melange of various organizations concerned with eco-friendly Wishing everyone a happy, successful and fulfilling ~ Bhargav Bothra 54 Requiem and hygienic practices, as well as the welfare of the 2018, workforce. McLeod Russel has designated Certification 14 African Beat 55 Postscript Executives who travel around the Company’s estates, The Elephant Toilet ~ Harjot Brar The Simple Things in Life... ~ Rupa Saikia training the executives, clerical staff and workers in 17 The Memsahab’s Guide to Gracious Living 56 Back Cover: Among Fronds the practices involved and making them aware of the Tea Time at the Club ~ Tamanna Seth Photograph: Vishal Mahindra Members of the community, to whom Lewin estates of Assam and the Dooars, their reputations from one guest to the other), the host noticed that was apparently referring, are found even now resting on the lightness of a soufflé. the chicken had only one leg, so he called for the in Tripura and are identified as Baruahs. The In 1967, my parents got married and were invited for cook. To his utter surprise the cook informed the term Mugh was commonly used by the plains dinner by Mr Kamal Khound at Ghatunga T.E. The Sahab without batting an eyelid, that the chicken people for robbers and pirates in East Bengal Mugh cook had been instructed to see the colour was lame and had only one leg! The Sahab noticed and this may be one of the reasons why many of the new bride’s sari and make the pudding the cook had a little smile around the corners of of them preferred to call themselves ‘Marma’, accordingly. To my mother’s surprise, when the his mouth, which surreptitiously revealed the story which is Arakanese for ‘Burman’. It appears pudding was served it had the same combination that he had relished the other leg! that the Mughs, mostly Buddhists, first came of edible colours as her sari – blue, green and These Mugh cooks enjoyed a formidable to Tripura shortly after the Chakmas. white. reputation and were much sought after. They could Old Cooking Range I recall the Mugh cook my parents had for many ask for, and more often than not, would get much years. Susanta travelled with us from one garden higher salaries than the other domestic staff. They to another, feeding us all the lovely gourmet items preferred not to let anyone enter their domain – he had learnt from his previous British Memsahab even the Memsahab was sometimes barred! They and then my mother. He would take great pride in were a crafty lot, in the sense that they disliked inviting us three sisters for a farewell tea party each training anyone and would rarely display their time we returned to boarding school. Needless to special techniques. It was unlikely that on his hafta say, our pots and pans and most of the ingredients chutti (day off), the Paniwala could replicate a dish from my mother’s store found their way to his from the Bawarchi’s repertoire. They were happy house for the ceremonious farewell tea party!! He and cooked brilliantly as long as they held the keys ~ Shonali Stephen, Margherita T.E. would make the most amazing scones and patties to the stores and were not questioned about the that I have ever had. Once he baked a cake in the shopping expenses. Their inherent culinary skills shape of a book and iced it so beautifully that one were recognized by all and they became the kings could even see five pages on it. One wonders how of the kitchen in the best Indian homes, hotels and they managed such intricate icing and decorations restaurants. Save for a few, sadly, they have all but The Vanishing without help from the Internet. There were times vanished. when he would just look at a magazine and craft Subodh Barua, Mugh Cook at Boroi T.E. In the days of yore, the European Sahabs were out exactly the same thing. He would whip up the Virtuosos most delicious Mocha Pudding with an intricate followed from estate to estate by a large strength of domestic staff… Malis and Malins, Bearers Bird’s Nest on it. He never complained of burnt magine yourself in a kitchen with no microwave, in uniform and pagris (turbans), Paniwala (the fingers whilst making the nest. no OTG, no mixer-grinder or weighing scales cook’s helper), the Chowkidar, Ayahs, and There were no gas stoves in those days and one and yes, no gas stove either. Well, this was the most important of all – the Bawarchi (cook). really marvels at how these cooks managed to Ikind of kitchen that was used by the planters’ wives The Sahabs were ‘made or unmade’ on the bake so accurately. Considering they cooked and their Mugh cooks until about 30 years ago. strength of their cooks. They built them large either on wood stoves or stoves fuelled by coal, Some of us, Chai Ka Baby and Baba Log (Children Bawarchikhanas (kitchens) with huge wood there was no way of controlling temperature. In of Planters), are privileged to have had many stoves and their Memsahabs, brandishing this day and age it seems impossible to bake if the sumptuous meals made by this tribe of cooks, wooden spoons over their heads, taught them temperature control is not functioning or there is a who are now almost extinct, as their children have jealously guarded recipes like scones, brandy slight problem with our ovens. They had mastered moved on to other professions. snaps, mocha cream, large succulent roasts... the art of baking. T. H. Lewin points out that the name Mugh and the list goes on. These cooks were none Once, a cook was asked to make roast chicken belongs exclusively to a class of people originating other than the Mugh cooks, the kind of cook amongst other Continental dishes for dinner. in the Chittagong district of ertswhile East Bengal I personally would do anything to employ. “Khana tiyari hai” (dinner is ready), said the (present Bangladesh), who are the descendents of Trained by the British planters’ wives, a Bearer and the guests were seated at the dinner the offspring of Bengali women and Burmans. generation of these cooks flourished on the tea table. While the food was being ‘ghuraoed’ (served

4 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 5 South Park and tombs, as well as the general maintenance of the Cemetery. One of the first tombs that the Company restored, in 1979, was Street Cemetery that of Major George Downie, dating back to 1808. After Mr Magor and Mrs Rome passed away, memorial tablets ~ Sarita Dasgupta were placed in their names near the entrance, and McLeod Russel, the tea division of the Williamson Magor Group, cLeod Russel has undertaken many community continued to honour their commitment towards the South Park welfare projects in and around the Company’s estates Street Cemetery. Photograph: Ashwika Kapur and has also contributed towards the preservation In 1977, Mr Robert H. Wright, former President of APHCI, Mof old buildings and artifacts which are part of the country’s recorded his thanks to Mr R.B. Magor and Mr B.M. Khaitan heritage. In Kolkata, where the Head Office is located, the (the Chairman of McLeod Russel) in his Foreword to the Company contributes towards the upkeep of the centuries old booklet on the Cemetery, saying, “In recent years, we have South Park Street Cemetery. had tremendous support from Williamson Magor & Co. Ltd, together with Mr Richard Magor and Mr B.M. Khaitan… They This cemetery, one of the oldest historical sites in Kolkata, was have come forward in so many very practical ways, enabling falling into neglect until some concerned persons got together us to undertake a great deal of restoration of the old tombs, and formed the Association for the Preservation of Historical together with considerable improvement of the Cemetery area Cemeteries in (APHCI) in 1978. One of them was in general. Our most sincere thanks to them.” Mr Richard Magor, who used to go there during his early morning walks. He, his daughter Mrs Jennifer Garwood, and Mrs Sheila Mr Ashwani Kapur, the current President of APHCI, says in his Rome, wife of Late Michael Rome of Williamson Magor, all took Foreword to the fifth edition of the booklet, “We have received a keen interest in APHCI. It was through them that the Company immense support from the Williamson Magor Group who have contributed generously towards the restoration of old memorials always stood by us like a rock and extended all the cooperation as could reasonably be possible. We thank all at Magor’s for their benevolent support over the years.” Ignatius Coelho, Assistant Caretaker of the Cemetery, his colleagues and the men employed to keep the grounds clean all depend on contributions from benefactors for their livelihood. The 250-year-old South Park Street Cemetery, one of the oldest and largest non-church burial grounds in the world, has 1600 graves which include the final resting places of the following:  Henry Vivian Louis Derozio, the Anglo-Indian poet who was a professor at Presidency College, and one of the leaders of the Young Bengal Movement in the early 19th century. He died aged only twenty-two. His anniversary is celebrated at the Cemetery every year and one of the paths is named after him.

Photograph: Ashwika Kapur 6 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 7  George Bogle, the first British Envoy to Tibet, whose famous manuscripts are exhibited in the British Museum.  Sir William Jones, the first President of the Asiatic Society and an eminent Orientalist.  Elizabeth Barwell (nee Sanderson), whose ravishing beauty took Calcutta by storm.  Lt Col. Robert Kyd, distinguished botanist and founder of the Botanical Gardens.  Lt Gen. Sir John Clavering, second-in-command on Warren Hastings’ Council. Incidentally, his erstwhile residence is now occupied by tea brokers J. Thomas & Co. One can learn a great deal about Kolkata’s past from a walk around this historical place, admiring the edifices in different architectural styles; the headstones decorated with Grecian urns and Roman cupolas; and reading the epitaphs. With the continued  Major-General Charles Stuart, the eccentric support of McLeod Russel and other benefactors, Irish soldier nick-named ‘Hindoo Stuart’ future generations will continue to do so. because he adopted Indian customs, and whose The Grave of Rose Whitworth Aylmer tomb, embellished with carvings of the Goddess Ganga, resembles a temple. Tai Trung Factory  Lucia Palk, the heroine of Kipling’s sketch, ‘Concerning Lucia’, in his ‘City of Dreadful ai Trung factory is located in black orthodox tea in 2002. The Nights’. Tay Coc Commune, Doan grades produced were OP/BOP/ Hung district in the north- BP/BPS/F and the main market was  Lady Anne Monson, the great-granddaughter east of Vietnam. It lies between Ha China. of King Charles II, whose coffin was carried to T Previous Layout the cemetery gates by, among others, Warren Hoa and Doan Hung plantations, Hastings. about 20 km from PhuBen Head Office. It was established in the year  Captain Edward Cooke, the brave Captain of 2000 by Mr Vuong Khac Pham and HMS ‘La Sybelle’, who died at the age of 26. Mr Do Duc Tue. Interestingly, the Westminster Abbey also has a memorial to Captain Cooke. duo named the factory after their two sons, Tai and Trung!  Rose Whitworth Aylmer, who died aged only ~ Sakina Hussain 20, and to whom the poet Walter Savage Landor Covering an area of 2,700 sq mt, with dedicated a poem which was inscribed on her PhuBen, Vietnam a capacity for processing 4,500 kg tomb. green leaf a day, and an annual production of 1,00,000 kg made  Richard Becher, great-grandfather of the poet William Makepeace Thackeray. tea, the unit started manufacturing

8 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 20172018 9 New Layout The Indian Ambassador to Vietnam visits PhuBen

In 2004, Mr Pham bought more land from the standards – OP/F/ BPS. Green leaf is sourced directly Jasmine tea: Tai Trung factory is certified for ISO 9001:2008, villagers nearby and increased the area to 5,000 sq mt from the farmers to ensure consistency in quality. ISO 22000:2005, GMP, Rainforest Alliance and Tai Trung started manufacturing its popular jasmine but a year later, adverse market conditions forced Halal. The main difference between the types of tea tea in 2014. The fragrance and flavour of these him to stop manufacturing black tea. Instead, he produced depends on the amount of oxidation have won them many laurels, both domestic and Someone once said, “Don’t drink real tea or you converted the unit into a green tea factory. New that the leaf is allowed to go through during the international. The teas won awards at the 5th, 6th may never want anything else!” Well, I think I can machines like boilers, steaming machines, rolling processing before it is heated to deactivate the and 7th North American Tea Conference in 2014, safely say this for a cup of Tai Trung jasmine tea!! tables, polishing drums, and a full set of sorting enzymes responsible for it. Green teas are subjected 2015 and 2016. machines were bought. to minimal oxidation, black tea is almost fully The jasmine flower used is grown on the Company’s Over time, Tai Trung started specializing in making oxidized, whilst Oolong is partially oxidized. land and is a beautiful sight when in full bloom. Oolong type green tea. Oolong tea in Chinese means The manufacturing process of Oolong: The fragrance is remarkable too. ‘black dragon’ tea; it is also known as ‘qingcha’ or ❀ ‘dark green tea’. The grades manufactured were Fine hand-plucked leaf is left in climate controlled conditions. Moisture loss is 5-15%. named after Mr Pham (P) and his wife Mrs Nhu (N). The characteristic flavour, aroma, colour and They had four children so the grades were PN1, strength are formed during this stage. PN2, PN3, and PN4. ❀ Fixation: This is known as ‘Kill Green’ and PhuBen acquired Tai Trung factory in 2014 and prevents or stops oxidation by steaming. commenced production the same year. Following the acquisition, the factory underwent major ❀ Rolling (shaping the leaves): This stage also renovations. The four small rooms of the processing forces sap, essential oils, and juices within area were broken and made into a larger single the leaves to ooze out, further enhancing the room. The entire flooring was tiled. The capacity flavour. was increased to 12,000 kg of green leaf a day. The ❀ Drying/polishing: The teas are dried/polished in estimate for made tea was increased to 3,00,000 kg drums for over 14-18 hours to get the perfect annually. Grades were renamed as per international shape and taste. The Jasmine Flower & Plantation The First Day of Manufacture – 24 February 2014

10 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 11 Certification on the The main impetus of training is given to the used to trap moths at Tea Estates general mass on the tea estates. Both Ashish and I, night. If these are not ~ Bhargav Bothra (Certification Executives) reach out to the masses trapped, they evolve and train them on the requirements of the Standards, into loopers. Yellow Itakhooli T.E. which include Environment Conservation, Personal sticky traps are put Health and Hygiene, Occupational Health and around the shade Safety, Food Safety, etc. These training sessions trees to arrest flying pests like helopeltis and thrips. cLeod Russel has four major certifications Annual Audit is carried out by an external agency are carried out in the field and factory, and special ITK (Indigenous Technical Knowledge) solution presently - Rainforest Alliance, Fair Trade, to check compliance. Non-compliance with the emphasis is placed on the training of the workers is prepared from various medicinal plants and is ISO 22000:2005 and Trustea. Rainforest Standards has serious implications, even to the involved in spraying agro-chemicals. They have sprayed as an alternative to agro-chemicals. MAlliance is a non-profit organisation based in New extent that an estate or a group of estates can be to use Personal Protective Equipment, commonly York. Their main purpose is to conserve biodiversity sanctioned out of the market, so no teas can be sold known as PPE, consisting of a cap, goggles, mask, Another eco-friendly operation which is being carried and ensure sustainable livelihood. We receive for a definite period extending from a year to even dungarees, gloves, back protector, socks and gum out on some of our estates is Rainwater Harvesting. the certification by adhering to the Standards of three years. This can be disastrous, so it is imperative boots. Convincing the workers to wear all these, The rain water is collected from the factory roof via Sustainable Agriculture Network (SAN). that the estates abide by the Standards. that too in the hot and humid conditions of Assam, guttering into a tank. This water is then used to wash the Processing Room and its machinery. Fair Trade is an alternative approach to conventional The most important aspect of all the Standards is was the biggest hurdle, but thanks to the untiring trade and is based on a partnership between producers training of the executives and the workforce. The efforts of our executives, it is now a part of their To conclude, these certifications have brought about and consumers. The estates abide by the Fair Trade training is done by Mr Ashish Sumal and yours truly. daily routine. Now the workers have understood a change in the day-to-day activities of all concerned that all these precautions have been taken for their Standards certified by FLOCERT, ensuring that they Workshops for the executives are conducted to keep on the estates. It has become a part of life. At this personal wellbeing. receive a fair price and a premium that is invested in them abreast of the requirements. juncture I remember the words of an old Sardar who socio-economic development projects on the estate. The numerous meetings on personal health and had given me the perfect definition of Certification. hygiene have definitely brought about a change in ISO 22000:2005 is an International Food Safety He had said, “Bhagwan ka koi shristi ko hani nahi the general lifestyle of the workers. A walk through Standard. The Standard demonstrates its ability to pahuchakar, ek cup chai banate hein hum.” (We are the workers’ colonies in many of the estates show control food safety hazards in order to ensure that making a cup of tea without causing harm to any of a positive outcome, as the houses and surroundings food is safe at the time of human consumption. God’s creations.) are neatly maintained, with small kitchen gardens. Trustea is an Indian Standard set by the Tea Board. Its As per the Sustainability Standards, our Company vision is, “An Indian tea industry which provides high has implemented many environment-friendly quality and safe tea for consumers, good livelihoods programmes, Integrated Pest Management being for producers, workers and their families, whilst one of them. The estates have many practices, other at all times caring for the natural environment.” than spraying Practically speaking, this is a conglomeration pesticides, to of Rainforest Alliance’s SAN Standard and ISO control pests. 22000:2005’s Food Safety Standard. Actinic lights The estates have to include many activities in their and flame work programme to abide by the certifications. An torches are

12 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 13 Step 3 Step 1 The pit dimensions we use are typically around 1.2 m lined with stones so that the internal diameter of the pit will be around 80 cm. Minimal cement The Elephant is used between the stones to allow drainage which means it is vital that the site is some distance (at least Toilet 30 metres) from any well.

~ Harjot Brar – A Sustainable Eco-Friendly Gisovu T.E. Sanitation Solution at Gisovu T.E.

ne of the biggest issues faced by communities in the main toilet pit. The unique design enables the Step 3 rural Africa is poor sanitation which results in urine to pass into a second composting pit, which The reuseable slab is fitted on the top of the pit. the spread of diseases like cholera and the deaths lengthens the life of the toilet and results in a rich The slab can be around 1.4 m in diameter, but Oof thousands every year. This could be significantly source of compost. A banana plant or some other these dimensions can be varied according to local reduced by improvement in affordable and sustainable tree could be planted in the pit once it has become requirements as long as the slab is adequately sanitation solutions like the Elephant Toilet. full. reinforced with metal strips or wire mesh. The original concept of the Elephant Toilet was At present we have three models of Elephant Toilets. Step 4 devised and introduced in Malawi by Mr Ian Thorpe, The first one is made with round shaped cement CEO of the Africa Trust, who also pioneered the blocks, the second with square shaped cement Step 2 The bricks are aligned and attached in a circular Elephant Pump. It gets its name apparently from the blocks, and the third with soil blocks. The cost of After a few days the pit is dug at least 5 to 10 metres manner. design of the base which looks like the ears of an the soil block model is impressively low but in the deeper depending on the location. Once the pit of the African elephant. long run, the maintenance cost incurred every 3 or 4 toilet has reached its full capacity, the stone lining months is high, so we are no longer continuing with enables the user to plant a productive fruit tree in In 2014, Gisovu introduced the Elephant Toilet the soil model. The cost of building each cement its place and move the reusable slab for a new toilet. project in a phased manner with the aim of making toilet, including labour and materials, at Gisovu is The sanitation impact is quite impressive and people the whole estate an ODF (Open Defecation Free) USD 167, and the life expectancy is more than 10 are already adopting it. Cleanliness and maintenance zone. We have found this to be a cost effective, years. is also easy as the pit has a high drop. reusable, easy to make and easy to use public sanitation solution. To date, we have built one soil model, the first trial having been done at Gisovu, and fourteen cement This design costs comparatively less than other models (12 round and 2 square). In total, we have designs because of the materials used to construct 15 Elephant Toilets in 400 Ha of tea area. the toilet, particularly cement. The use of cement in the Elephant Toilet is incredibly unique wherein it is Here is a step-by-step guide to building an Elephant mainly used to mould a reusable slab that sits above Toilet:

14 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 15 The Memsahab’s Guide to Gracious Living Step 5 bulb to the interior. A properly installed solar bottle The roofing is done after the blocks are mounted and can last up to 2 years. have settled well. We use thatch for the roof and timber See this link on how to make your own Liter of Light. from the forest, with no requirement of sawing. http://literoflight.org/#prettyPhoto/0/ Tea Time at the Club

he tea planters’ club was that was served by sunset: between always intended to be a social 6:00 and 6:30 pm in summer, and anchor where one would between 5:00 and 5:30 pm in winter, Tmeet mid-week, and on weekends if unlike the practice commonly seen possible, in the afternoon, to break today of tea being served as late as from the humdrum of the week’s 7:30 pm! This becomes rather unfair rigour over friendly games like to those who have been at the club, tennis, golf, squash, and if one was as is the dastoor, playing a sport lucky, swimming. Later on, ‘tea’ in the afternoon. While it would was served as an interlude and to be discourteous to keep members ~ Tamanna Seth tide one over to the evening, which waiting by serving tea so late that it Dirial T.E. would take one to the bar, and in is closer to supper time, it would in Step 6 the days of yore to bridge, mah- turn be discourteous of one to turn Washing Station: The hand washing unit is unique in jong, billiards and skittles. up so late in the first place, as if the sole intention was just to have a bite design; it is foot operated. Rain water harvesting for “There are few While potted plants and blooms and skip dinner! the hand wash water tank has also been introduced hours in life more add to the loveliness of the club in the square unit. house from the exterior, it is the The ideal snacks at a club tea on a agreeable than the tradition of serving ‘tea’, established Games Day would be something not hour dedicated to the to comfort one after an afternoon’s too heavy, as it’s not a full meal and play, which lends a special charm to is not intended to stand in for dinner. Step 7 ceremony known as the day. Therefore, one would consider A completed Elephant Toilet. serving two savouries and two As was the practice years ago, the Afternoon Tea.” sweets keeping in mind that home- tea planters and their Memsahabs made treats are always what are met others with cordiality and ‒Henry James anticipated and looked forward to. bonhomie over cake and sandwiches While one could have an assortment The Liter of Light is a global movement aiming washed down by freshly brewed tea to provide ecologically sustainable and cost-free – from cheese scones, pizza and lighting for simple dwellings with thin roofs. The potato croquettes to chocolate cake, device is simple: a transparent 1.5 to 2 litre empty walnut bread and banana muffins – plastic bottle, as used for a carbonated drink, is filled I’ll settle for pineapple sponge cake with water and a little bleach to inhibit algae growth, and lemon tarts along with chicken and fitted into a hole in the thatched roof. The sandwiches and mini quiches as device functions like a deck prism. During the day, one of the countless menus for a the water in the bottle refracts sunlight, delivering quintessential club tea. Here are the about as much light as a 40–60 watt incandescent recipes for the same.

16 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 17 LEMON TARTS MINI QUICHES Tart Cases Ingredients Ingredients  Short crust pastry (as for tarts)  100 gm butter  1 onion, finely diced  200 gm flour  6 eggs  A little water  1 cup cream  1 cup grated cheese Method  1 tablespoon chopped parsley/mixed herbs Sieve the flour. Cut the butter into the flour and mix  Salt till it looks like breadcrumbs. Add a little water till  Freshly ground black pepper the mixture comes together to form dough. Leave it for 20 minutes. Roll the dough out about ¼ inch Method PINEAPPLE SPONGE CAKE thick and line tart moulds. Bake in a hot oven till Cook the onion over a low flame until it is softened. Ingredients done to just a light golden colour. Cool. Allow to cool a little. Mix together with the eggs,  6 eggs cream, cheese, parsley, salt and pepper. Using a cookie cutter cut circles from the rolled pastry sheet  150 gm flour and line a mini muffin pan. Place about 2 teaspoons  150 gm sugar of the egg and onion mix in each pastry base with a  A few drops pineapple essence slice of tomato on top. Bake in a moderate oven for  1 pineapple CHICKEN SANDWICHES about 12 minutes or until puffed and golden. You  1 large packet of cream/fresh cream as required may add sliced sausages, bacon, mushrooms, beans Ingredients and carrots to the mixture. Serve hot or cold. Method  One roasted or boiled chicken (preferably Sieve the flour to remove lumps. Separate the egg roasted), shredded yolks from the whites.  Butter In a clean bowl, whisk the yolks with half the sugar  Mayonnaise till thick. Add pineapple essence. Lemon curd  Thin slices of bread with crusts removed Beat the egg whites slowly adding sugar till nearly  Lettuce/shredded cabbage stiff. Fold this into the egg yolks mixture. Fold in Ingredients Method the flour a little at a time. Pour the mixture into a  Juice of about 2 lemons (½ cup) prepared tin and bake at 190˚C for about fifteen  3 large eggs, beaten Mix shredded chicken with mayonnaise. Spread minutes or till well risen and golden. Cool slightly  1½ cups sugar the chicken mixture on a thinly sliced and buttered and remove from the tin. piece of bread after placing a tender lettuce leaf  100 gm butter Vicissitudes occur with time and although the Slice the cake in two horizontally. Cut the pineapple or sprinkling some shredded cabbage if lettuce old-world charm of wainscoting, parquet floors, into thin bits or as per choice. Heat slightly with a Method is unavailable. Place the other slice over it and polished rosewood furniture and shining brass little sugar. Sprinkle juice from pineapple to moisten Place all the ingredients in a bowl standing in hot press firmly. Cut diagonally into two pieces. Wrap fittings of the classic club house might not remain, the cake. Whisk cream and sweeten. Spread over the water over a flame. Cook over low heat stirring all the sandwiches in a damp napkin to retain their the tea planter as the human capital owes it to lower layer and sprinkle the pineapple pieces. Place the time until thickened. Remove from heat and freshness before serving. tradition and the institution called the ‘club’ to keep the upper layer back. Spread the cream over the cake. cool. Place teaspoonfuls of lemon curd in the tart Garnish with extra shredded cabbage and/or grated the legacy of the afternoon tea flourishing. What is Decorate with bits of pineapple and serve. cases. Decorate with grated lemon rind. carrot. good should not necessarily have to change.

18 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 19 The Oyster Mushroom - An Edible Fungus ~ Sanghamitra Adhyapak Dirok T.E.

bout 15 years ago, I cleared a small area adjacent Materials Required: with straw, make sure that sterilized gloves and takes another 8-10 days for the mushroom to be to our bungalow at Dekorai T.E. to pursue my clean clothes are used by the person involved in its fully grown. The crop is prone to diseases such 1. Mushroom Spawn (spore) passion of growing oyster mushrooms. The preparation. The plastic bag should be tied with a as Brown Spot and Bacterial Rot, which can be Aexperiment was a unique combination of my hobby 2. Plastic Bag (15” wide and 24” long) sterilized jute rope at one end and then filled from avoided by spraying Chlorinated water at the rate and my learning about oyster mushroom cultivation 3. Big Container (for soaking straw) the open end with layers of straw and spawn, of 100-150 ppm, at 4-5 days’ intervals. during my post-graduation in Agriculture, as also to alternately. The thickness of the straw layer 4. Big Pan (for pasteurizing the straw) 5. Harvesting: The right time for harvesting can be satisfy my taste buds. Yes, you have guessed correctly. should not be more than 5-6 inches, and the layers 5. Industrial Gas Burner judged by the shape and size of the body of the The oyster mushroom has been one of my favourite of straw should be tightly compressed. On top of 6. Dry Rice Straw mushroom. It should be harvested by twisting, vegetables, with a clear preference for the Pink each layer of straw, 7. Thin Jute Rope so that the stubs are not left on the straw. It is (Pleurotus djamor) ones over the White (Pleurotus spread 3-4 spoonfuls advisable to pick all the mushrooms at one time ostreatus) and the Grey (Pleurotus sajor – caju) 8. Coconut/Plastic Rope of spawn. Close the from a bag, so that the next flush is even. One varieties. 9. A room to grow the mushrooms in (Growing Room) open end of the bag can harvest at least 4-5 times from one bag at an 10. Sterilized Gloves with a jute rope once We had left Dekorai many years ago, but my passion interval of 15-20 days. Sometimes unwanted wild it is tightly packed. accompanied me to Monabarie, Samdang and Boroi, mushrooms start growing in the bag, so such bags Procedure for Cultivation: Puncture the bags the tea estates where we lived later. Is cultivating need to be discarded immediately. with a thin pointed the oyster mushroom an easy task? You decide for 1. Pasteurization of Straw: Oyster mushrooms are bamboo stick, for 6. Climatic Requirement: The best time for growing yourself, as I share my fascinating experiences on how grown from mycelium propagated on a base aeration. oyster mushrooms in Assam’s climate is from to grow it easily. of steam-sterilized cereal grain. This mycelium September-October to March-April. The crop mixture is called Spawn and is used as seed for 3. Incubation: Keep the plastic or spawn bags in requires high humidity of 75-85% during fruiting. growing mushrooms. The mushroom requires a a dark room on a raised platform for mycelium medium to grow and in this case, we will be using colonization of the substrate. This process is My article is a humble attempt to inspire Tea ladies dry rice straw as the medium. The straw should called incubation and generally takes 15-20 days. to grow oyster mushrooms in their kitchen gardens. In the be chopped to about 3-4 inches in length. Place 4. Fruiting: Check the bags for mycelium end, you will not only cherish the chopped straw in a big container and soak in colonization. Remove the bags from the dark imbibing a new and highly water for 24 hours. Thereafter, the straw should room where the mycelium has fully colonized. Cut nutritional vegetable in your be boiled for pasteurization in a big pan, using the and remove the plastic packet of the selected bags dishes, but will also add a industrial gas burner as a heat source. The boiling and hang the fully colonized mycelium substrate lovely flavour to your routine process should carry on for at least an hour. with the help of a coconut/plastic rope in a well- menu. 2. Substrate Preparation: Hygiene should be strictly ventilated Growing Room. Regular watering will So, what are you waiting for? maintained during preparation for growing be required to maintain the moisture level of the Start growing these delicious mushrooms. Before filling the polythene bags substrate. Fruiting starts after 10-15 days and it and nutritious mushrooms!

20 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 21 Taylors of Harrogate, ETP, Mother Parker, Canada, at Itakhooli T.E. TGBL, APPL and UNICEF at Itakhooli T.E. ~ Shyamal B. Singha, Itakhooli T.E.

twenty-two member team, comprising delegates from Taylors of Harrogate, ETP, TGBL, APPL and UNICEF, visited Itakhooli T.E. on 9 January 2017, escorted by the General Manager (Tingri estates) Mr Ashok Krishan. AThe visit commenced with a brief interaction between the delegates and the estate’s Management at the Manager’s Office at around 2.30 pm, after which the entire delegation proceeded to the Staff Club to interact with the following groups, this being the main purpose of their visit. Members of AGC (Adolescent Girls’ Club ) Members of ABC ( Adolescent Boys’ Club ) Members of the Mothers’ Club Members of CPC (Child Protection Committee) The topics discussed at the interaction which concluded at 4.45 pm were the following:  How they had heard about AGC and ABC  In what ways these clubs are helping them  Child Protection, Trafficking, Child Marriage  Nutritional Programme  Kitchen Garden  Girls going to school  Sports Workshop  Exposure Visits  School Awareness  Cooking Competitions

he visit of the guests from Mother Parker, and Keyhung estates. Canada, went off very well. T  A brief presentation on AGC & CPC activities  The visitors arrived at Itakhooli T.E. at 10.30 am was made by Mr S. Ghosh of ABITA. on 19 August 2017.  The two and a half hours’ programme ended  After an introductory session at the main office with a Jhumur dance in which all the visitors we moved to the Staff Club for the programme and presentation organized by the ABITA- participated with great zeal and enthusiasm. UNICEF-ETP Team.  We then moved to the factory where the visitors  The visitors interacted with nearly 50 members took a great deal of interest in every step of the of the Adolescent Girls’ Club (AGC) and Child manufacturing process. After a short visit to the Protection Committee (CPC) from both Itakhooli field, the visitors left for Keyhung T.E.

22 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 23 4. Fibromyalgia, depression, and anxiety are reduced 5. Benefits in reducing body weight, thereby obesity

FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR LOW VITAMIN D 1. Highly polluted air contains less of this vitamin 2. Exclusive usage of sunscreen products can lower formation of Vitamin D 3. More indoor time with less outdoor activities is ~ Dr K.S. Dowerah THE a deterrent Phulbari Central Hospital 4. Darker skin is adverse for Vitamin D content WONDERS 5. Housing in cities which do not receive sunlight is another factor for low content OF VITAMIN D ADULT GROUPS TO BE MONITORED FOR VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY

t is heartening to note that Tea executives, and important for humans are: Ergocalciferol/Vitamin 1. All pregnant and breast feeding women, especially their wives, have always been conscious D2 and Cholecalciferol/Vitamin D3. Vitamin D2 is a especially teenagers and young women and aware of bone-related disorders with the synthetic form and Vitamin D3 is the internal form. 2. People aged 65 years or more Iadvancement of age. It had long been a practice to Cod liver oil contains a hefty amount of Vitamin D3 3. Lower exposure to sunlight due to cultural or INVESTIGATIONS FOR DETECTION OF send a chit to the hospital with ‘Ostocalcium’ written and was a common supplement given to children professional reasons VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY on it. However, Calcium Sandoz replaced it, and before the 20th century, as protection against bone 4. People with dark skin 1. Renal function then came the era of Shelcal. Now slowly but surely, weakening diseases. 2. Bone profile including bone density with the popularity of print and media, bone density RECOMMENDATION test and a combination of calcium with Vitamin D SOURCES OF VITAMIN D 3. Vitamin D level 1. Pregnant and breast feeding women should take has become a known alternative to everyone. Hence Very few foods contain this valuable vitamin. Fatty a daily supplement containing 10 micrograms this article is an attempt to give an idea about the fish (tuna, mackerel, etc) and fish liver oil as stated CLINICAL FEATURES OF VITAMIN D DEFICIENCY (400IU) of Vitamin D importance of Vitamin D. above are the best sources of Vitamin D, which is 1. Seizures – in adults and children 2. Adults aged 65 years or more should also take a Vitamin D refers to a group of fat soluble prominently in the form of Cholecalciferol in these. 2. Tetany – adults and children supplementary dose as above secosteroids (other vitamins of this family being It is sometimes called the Sunshine Vitamin, as it 3. Irritability – in children Vitamins E, K and A) responsible for intestinal is produced in response to sunlight, and the link 4. Leg bowing – children only absorption of calcium, magnesium, phosphate and between it and healthy bones was discovered years 5. Knock knees – children only zinc, maintaining adequate levels of serum calcium ago, encouraging exposure to sunlight. and other bone-related materials. It is essential for 6. Impaired linear growth – in children BENEFITS OF VITAMIN D healthy bones and the lack of it can lead to health 7. Delayed walking – children Besides healthy and strong bones, there are other problems including cardiovascular diseases. 8. Limb girdle pain – children benefits of this vitamin. There are three different forms of Vitamin D, 9. Muscle pain – adults and children 1. Reduces some heart related diseases as the researcher Adolf Windaus discovered. He 10. Proximal myopathy – adults and children termed them Vitamin D1, D2 and D3. It was later 2. Risk of multiple sclerosis and auto-immune 11. Impaired immunity – adults and children learnt that Vitamin D1 is a mixture of compounds diseases come down rather than a pure Vitamin D product, thus the 3. Incidence of flu is reduced (American Journal of So, take some time out, especially on a sunny Sunday, bask term Vitamin D1 is no longer used. The two forms Clinical Nutrition) in the sunshine and hum, “Give me some sunshine…”


~ Sanjay Batra Combatting Pollution Dirok T.E. ~ Dipin Mehta, Central Dooars T.E. THE MAJESTIC RIVERS OF

odernization, infants born with ARUNACHAL PRADESH technical birth defects. advancements, We have been special economic zones, M fighting a battle for industrialization are all the last five years leading to global warming and finally the along with other factors, Pollution Control and form a burning issue Board has placed these days, affecting all. machines to measure the pollutants in the air and water. The only free assets, yet the most important elements With the help of RTI (Right to Information) a copy of for human survival – Air and Water – are rapidly the report has been procured for further action. As per The Expedition Begins… Placid Waters The Village Headman Sees Us Off Motorcycles Traverse This ‘Rope-Bridge’!! getting polluted. the report, the air is polluted. The tea estates which are known for their serene beauty On the estate, we are being proactive and growing and closeness to nature are also not escaping the wrath shelter belts to keep the smoke and heavy metals away. of nature. We at Central Dooars T.E. are facing a very We are also trying to create water bodies in and around serious threat because of an Industrial Area just across the estate to improve the micro climatic conditions, our boundary, barely 200 metres away, having 54 but due to the soil structure the retention is poor and industrial units and 29 more in the pipeline, ranging water percolates quickly. We are, nevertheless, making from beer, Coca Cola, glass, ferro alloys and many a sustained effort to achieve what we desire. more, causing immense problems to our workers and the plantations. The air is so polluted that various The Management has also made a Cleanliness Drive Sometimes They are Almost 1 km Long!! Pulling Over to Recce a Big Rapid Hitting a ‘Grade 4’ Rapid… What a Rush! diseases/ailments which were unheard of on a tea estate a regular routine on the estate, involving schools, Sai have become a normal part of the workers’ lives. Some Samiti, Manav Dharam and the Youth organizations of these ailments are asthma, breathing disorders, eye at the local level. Besides, we have a quarterly Traffic ailments, liver cancer and the most dangerous being Rules Reminder Week which is conducted by our Mothers’ Club members. The Management is committed to ensuring a better and cleaner future for the populace of Central Dooars, keeping our fight against pollution always alive and active so that we leave the estate a better place for future generations. Camp After a Hard Day’s Rafting Some Grilled Sustenance Not Much by Way of ‘Left Overs’! Air & Water Pollution Water Body

26 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 27 A New Day Dawns… First Rays Hit the Water… Time to Cast! The Classic ‘ Hook Set’ Another Gourmet Dinner! … And We Move Along The Mighty Mithun

We Reach the Confluence Time to Make Camp Again A Tiger was Outside our Tent at Night!! Then There’s the Amazing Yargapchu The Enchanted Forest There’s Trout in There!

Papillon Another Monster on the Line! A Barking Deer Crosses our Path The Yargapchu Downstream Before it Meets the Siang Waterfalls Cascade into the River

28 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 29 d Aro orl un W d

e U h s T

~ Sandeep Nagalia Namdang T.E.

Amazing Flora by the Riverside The Gorges are Magical… Ethereal! If there is Heaven on Earth, it is Here! From Distant Lands... Andhra to Assam

class regions of six provinces – Bengal, Bihar, Orrisa, United Provinces, Central Provinces and Madras. The first batch of labourers came in 1842, and this continued right up to 1890, and some even up to the mid-twentieth century! There were mainly two methods of recruiting – the licensed contractors’ system, and the garden Sardars’ system. In the first system, the contractor employed a number of unlicensed recruiters (arkatti) who The Waters Run Deep Just Look at the Colours… And the Reflection he Assam tea industry employs over went to certain regions and rounded up or coerced 10 lakh workers and an equal number are villagers to emigrate. The villager had no idea where otherwise dependent on the same. With he would be taken or what conditions prevailed. TAssam producing nearly 60% of the country’s He was loaded onto a ship and transported to a tea, and tea being a labour-intensive industry, any imbalance would very adversely affect it, despite all designated place in Assam. Though a part of the the mechanization. money that the contractor got was supposed to be shared with the villager, it rarely happened. Once With the discovery of tea, the Bristish colonial handed over, the contractor had no further contact administration started tea plantations on a large with the villager. scale with the first garden being established around 1837. With the native people of Assam engaged In the second system, the Sardars from a particular in independent farming, it became imperative to estate recruited workers for only that estate. So the import labourers from outside the state. The Tea new worker had a fair idea of where he was going Districts Labour Association, constituted under the and the conditions there. The garden Sardars usually Tea District Emigrant Act, 1932, started recruiting recruited members of their own families or friends, So, We Come to the End of Our Journey And as the Sun Goes Down… It’s Time to Make Camp Again labour from predominantly tribal and backward so the new worker was not totally on his own, and

30 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 31 had friends or relatives he could turn to in times of In 1965, S. Appalswami Some time back there was an article in the Hindu Namdang T.E. itself has seen a number of families difficulty. came to the estates from (7 Aug 2011) stating that about 300 workers/ quitting and moving back right since 2007, all now Village Injawati, District families of tea estates in Assam have left their jobs residing in Andhra Pradesh or Telangana. I give below This was how workers from far off places migrated Vijaynagar, Andhra and gone back to their ancestral places in Telengana names of some of the permanent workers who resigned to work on the tea estates of Assam. Currently, the Pradesh, to work as a DR in search of greener pastures. and are now settled in their ancestral villages: 3rd and 4th generations live and work on these worker. He is married estates, and most of them have never visited their to S. Parboty, whose Name PF No DOJoin DOResign Age at time of resignation ancestral villages. parents were already at Appa Rao 9731 21.03.91 5.2.07 28 The farthest region that groups of workers Namdang, and arranged Parboty Paitali 9481 21.03.91 17.5.07 37 had migrated to Assam from was the erstwhile for S. Appalswami to Rao Paitali 8387 13.8.90 30.5.07 47 Central Provinces and Madras, most originating come here and marry Sher Shankar 9726 21.3.94 31.1.08 37 from the backward tracts around Vijaynagar and their daughter. Tulsi Apalswami Bangaria 7451 1.12.82 23.9.08 57 Vishakapatnam districts. Appalswami, the couple’s Lakhi Apalswami 7395 29.12.81 28.12.09 45 Namdang T.E. has a fair number of families daughter, is now a permanent worker at Namdang. Laxman Sureya 7628 4.2.84 8.5.11 49 originally from the Andhra Pradesh/Telengana area Suramoni Prakash is a permanent worker at P Rao 10109 10.1.96 8.5.12 46 (previously part of Madras) still living and working Namdang T.E. Her husband, A. Prakash, is a retired P Shankar 16877 10.9.07 8.5.12 26 on the estate. They have retained their language and worker from the same estate. ethnicity even while integrating with the rest of the Those who remain live in harmony with the other ethnic groups on the estate and have embraced the workforce. Some photographs with their names are local customs while retaining their cultural identity. given below. The women are wearing the typical ethnic dress of either a South Indian sari or a ghagra, while the men are wearing a lungi.

P. Laxmi is a permanent worker at Namdang, married to P. Nageswar Rao (working in CIL). They are originally from Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh. Her mother, Applamma Simadri, was also a permanent worker at Namdang.

Much before the actual birth of the 29th state of B. Appalswami (in pink T-shirt) lives and works in India – Telengana – on 2 June 2014, some of the Shortage of labour is going to be a major challenge awareness and modern living standards require a total Margherita T.E. His son B. Bappa Rao (light blue more foresighted workers had whiffed the scent of for the tea industry in the very near future, and can overhaul of the traditional management systems. opportunities opening up in their ancestral places. T-shirt & lungi) is a permanent worker at Namdang. already be acutely felt in some areas. High absenteeism Captains of the over 180-year-old Tea Industry are B. Bappa Rao’s wife Laxmi Laxman (purple/pink A few went back tentatively to renew links. Some and some reverse migration, lucrative local alternatives worried that such large scale reverse migration will ghagra chunni) is also a permanent worker at stayed on, and soon their families too followed, and well paid jobs in places like Delhi and Bangalore, only aggravate the crisis of shortage of labour, which Namdang T.E. resulting in reverse migration. are all resulting in the above. The changing lifestyles, the industry has already started experiencing.

32 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 33 His steamed food made in pieces of bamboo and put into the embers to cook, is a specialty. He also wraps fish in edible, fragrant leaves and flavours it with his special herbs, before finally roasting it ~ Anshuman Singh over a wood fire. So, be it chicken, pork or fish, his dishes are delicious and nobody misses a chance to Dehing T.E. eat at Aikya’s table and enjoy his healthy, tasty food, including your’s truly!

Aikya excels at sports, be it football, cricket or Aikya Thoumoung any racquet game. He has earned several laurels - a profile for Assam, his University, and of course, MRIL. He has also participated in the National School Games and in the famous Subroto Mukherjee Cup. discipline in all spheres of life. He says he was too He has represented Assam thrice in the National young then to miss his home, when asked about it. Sub-Junior Football Tournament. Aikya has been At the monastery he, along with other students, was on the winning team in the All Assam 5-a-side taught the teachings of Buddha, as well as to read Tournament for the last nine years, besides being and write the Tai dialect. They were given lessons adjudged the Man of the Match a number of times. in public service, which started from cleaning the A considerable feat! This all-rounder carries his public restrooms to cooking food for the general sports gear wherever he goes, so one inevitably finds Aikya is very fond of angling, and seeing his love of masses. Their days consisted of prayer, meditation his car loaded with this equipment. At his wife’s eating fresh fish, that is hardly surprising! His fishing and service to the needy. He would visit his family hometown, Itanagar, he plays for the local teams, expeditions take him around the rivers of Assam occasionally. This period has influenced Aikya in a besides other places where his sporty friends reside. and Arunachal Pradesh and he does have some great very positive manner, making him mentally strong One call from them about an impending match, and catches to his name. thus resulting in a happy and balanced individual. he’s off there, free time permitting. At Dirok T.E. he i Friend! These are the words which friends Another wonderful quality he has, is his ability to As he himself says, he is never depressed for long and plays for the main football team, participating in the and strangers are greeted with, by this reach out to people. With a disarming smile and his never bored with life. He still meditates each day and Inter-Garden tournaments. He coaches the workers extremely amiable and popular person trademark ‘hello’, he soon has even the sternest of every 3 months, he gives up eating meat and alcohol and accompanies them to various matches in which Hnamed Aikya Thoumoung. Presently posted at Upper individuals chatting with him. From top ranking as part of a religious practice, a habit he inculcated he also participates. He is an active member of the Assam’s Dirok T.E. as a Deputy Manager, Aikya officials in the government or the army, to simple while at the monastery. This period of abstinance is District Sports Association as well. had previously worked in two other tea companies known as Khaow Wah in Tai. There is a Puja held on local people, Aikya has this knack of developing a before joining MRIL. He was born on 12 February at Apart from sports, Aikya is a cook par excellence in the day the fast is broken. great rapport with people from all walks of life. a village named Namphake near Naharkatia town. the field of indigenous cuisine. He prepares dishes His wife Sunitthi Belonging to the Tai community of Assam, which Helping people is second nature to Aikya. He is without any oil, using methods such as roasting, complements him has its roots in a place called Hokaung, located near always buying things for the children of the workers, boiling and steaming. He uses a wide variety of perfectly and they Thailand, Burma and China, Aikya says that his be it a pair of shoes, toys, clothes or chocolates. He herbs and local ingredients to infuse a wonderful are blessed with two people had settled in this area about 150 years ago. often helps the poor monetarily too. flavour into his dishes, vegetarian or non-vegetarian. lovely children, Taan There is much similarity between the Tai dialect and Seng and Nguken. those spoken by the people in the above mentioned Aikya is all praise countries. for his wife, who he Aikya had an unusual childhood, spending seven says has been a strong years in a monastery since he was a tot in Class II. support system for him over the years. He continued his studies in Namrup town and To sail through life smiling in all situations, happens ultimately graduated from Assam Agricultural University, Jorhat, before joining the tea industry. It to be Aikya’s style. Hats off to this wonderful was at the monastery that he was taught the value of personality… a rare person indeed!

34 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 35 can manage the Manpower, you can manage the share ideas, come to a common consensus about what Developing Machine and, in turn, the Money. Organizations accountability means in the workplace, and then use with accountable employees of all ranks manage their that as a foundation everyone works from as they Accountability Machines and Money more effectively. make accountability an organizational goal. Four simple steps can go a long way in achieving  Know what each person on your team is specifically organizational success: accountable for. Each role in an organization & Ownership…  See something – acknowledge the problem should have some level of accountability attached  Own It – take responsibility for it to it. Breaking down accountability to specific  Solve It – determine what you can do work tasks can clear up any misconceptions. When In Yourself people are clear on what they are responsible for,  Do It – take Action they can focus on fulfilling it. The one who plants and the one who waters both have ou and you alone are live a conscious life. It’s about your accountability.  Take Ownership – A key reason why people avoid responsible for your life. character and actions in everyday life. accountability is as a self-defense mechanism,  Accountability is not just looking at and doing the because they’re worried about what might happen You and you alone are One excellent example of obvious, but going beyond that and looking for if things go wrong. A person with low self- Yresponsible for whatever is happening accountability is that of the Prime new and better ways of doing things. confidence – and perhaps bad past experiences to you. Minister of Bhutan.  You sometimes have to take one for the team and – will fear accountability due to fearing messing You and you alone are accountable He felt accountable to his people get involved in tasks which may not necessarily be things up and the imagined consequences, while a ~ Pravir K. Murari for your work. and embarked upon a mission to under your individual purview. person naturally more confident knows he/she can create a forest cover that has made But is accountability restricted to your  You have to understand what the TEAM is get up and bounce back when things go wrong. Margherita T.E. his country the first and only Carbon workplace only? Certainly not! responsible for and take action to demonstrate  Use positive questions to guide yourself and your Negative nation in the world. This is your accountability towards that success. Don’t team to Think More Accountably. For example, What is ACCOUNTABILITY? One must stop and think – Who am I accountability with great initiative – just take accountability for things in your defined “What could I/we have done differently to avoid this Is it to do with Accounts? accountable to? to be lauded! Definitely NOT! task list, but also look for opportunities to help outcome?” “Was there anything I/we overlooked By just being human you become Another example that is worthy of others be accountable. ACCOUNTABILITY is when making that decision?” or “What could I/we accountable to family, friends, the acknowledgment being cited is the Rally for Rivers  Help a co-worker – taking responsibility for a do to approach things in a better way next time?” colleagues, employers, employees, campaign embarked upon by and assumption of teammate’s task demonstrates that you care about Be Accountable – Be Answerable – Be Honest – Be the Company, the environment, your Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudevan. This the outcome of the team more than your personal RESPONSIBILITY for actions. Honourable. Accountability is about country, the world. campaign involves the plantation of success – a sign of a true leader. ownership and taking trees along the mighty rivers of the Come, let us put in a good day’s work for a good day’s pay. Accountability is about being  initiative. It involves doing the Don’t get caught up in justifying certain things answerable to the triple bottom line – nation for environmental betterment. things you’re supposed to do, rather than taking responsibility for them, learning by giving your best. People, Planet, and Profit! Manpower, Money and Machine from them and moving on. drive the industry. It has everything to do with being a  Respond, don’t React; be Proactive. Although we responsible citizen The first is the most important for it can’t always control circumstances, we can choose and taking initiatives is the people who manage the money how to respond. People who are accountable and with a long term and the machines. responsible take charge of their own personal vision in mind. actions, and don’t blame someone or something However, people are also the most else for what they actually do or don’t do. It looks like a huge complex to manage, since each responsibility. Is it? individual within an organization  Make accountability a core value which everyone in No, not really, if you has a mind of his/her own. If you your organization should strive for. Talk about it,

36 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 37 It’s aWild World Coming back to Koomsong... I saw that these two where they slept quietly for an hour and were soon cubs were totally wet, and shivering with cold. I felt nice and dry. bad and decided to bring them home in the hope of saving their lives. So, I called the Sardar, and asked him to get the cubs out of the drain. I looked at those two shivering little creatures whose paws Mission were comparatively stronger and bigger than those of a matured domestic cat, and immediately took them both on my lap covering them with my jacket. Impossible I then rushed home. ~ D.J. Baruah, Namdang T.E. Both the cubs were males and were about a month old. They had all the characteristics of the Indian remember the misty winter mornings when we Fusca) is widely found on the Indian subcontinent. leopard. The temperament and anger could be seen in used to be out in the garden by 5 am to supervise The species Panthera Pardus is listed as Vulnerable their eyes. Their body had woolly fur, and appeared the pruning operations in the field. One December on the IUCN Red List because their population has dark due to the densely arranged spots. The white- morning, pruning operations were on in Sec. declined following habitat loss and fragmentation, We decided to feed them with some milk. I got I tipped tail was 20–30 centimetres long. It was white No. 13, Koomsong T.E. Around 60 women were poaching for the illegal trade of skins and body parts, a baby’s feeding bottle from the nearby garden beneath, and displayed rosettes on it, except toward pruning the sturdy tea bushes from the southern end and persecution due to conflict situations. Assam has hospital and fed them with some, drop by drop. At the end, where the spots formed incomplete bands. of the Section, making crackling sounds while doing a considerable population of this leopard species first they angrily punched the feeding bottle, but so. The combination of murmuring human voices across its reserve forest ranges, and some of them To warm them, I immediately switched on the soon enough they gulped down the entire quantity and the sounds of pruning knives hitting the bushes venture out to the nearby tea estates as well as the heaters and instructed the Bearer to light a fire in in huge gulps. We were happy to see them move from the far end had an echoing effect in the entire surrounding human habitats. the fireplace. The duo were then put near the fire around energetically after a couple of hours. vicinity. The two cubs were with me in my bungalow for Well clad in a winter jacket and Kamjari clothes, more than 24 hours. The bungalow helpers were I parked my two-wheeler adjacent to a Pati Ali very excited and really took care of the duo very (plucking path) and walked on deep inside the well. Next morning, we decided to set them free Section, following the voices of the pruning detail. in the same place from where we had lifted them It was raining a bit so the ground was wet, grubby the previous day, so that the mother leopard could and slippery. Afraid to fall inside the adjacent drain come and take them home. on my bike, I decided to walk through the drain and That period of a day with these little creatures, had reach the area, which was more convenient. Half a positive impact on my life. The lesson learnt was way to the pruners, a strange barking noise hit my that one begins saving the world by saving one life ear drums, and I reacted instantly by jumping out of at a time. And that gives one true happiness and self the drain. My initial reaction was, “Kuch tha kya? satisfaction. Shayad nahi.” (Was something there? Perhaps not!) After a minute, I was curious and decided to locate The same day, I deployed two people to track the the source of that sound. Looking into the drain, I saw post-release condition of the two cubs. We were two emaciated, bright-eyed cats sitting next to each very happy to know that both of them were united other and staring at me. At first glance, I presumed with their mother at around 10:30 am and taken to they were civet cats, but no, they were two little a safe place by her. Thus ends the tale of my little leopard cubs. The Indian leopard (Panthera Pardus Mission Impossible.

38 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 39 ~ Santanu Borgohain Pertabghur T.E.

The water supply is said to be linked the Burha Madhav Temple to Bishwanath Ghat and the Gupt Kashi (one of the temples dedicated at Pertabghur Tea Estate to Lord Shiva). It is believed that those who pray here with a pure heart, have their he historic and renowned Burha Gohain or on the south side, adjacent to the temple. It is believed wishes fulfilled by Lord Mahadeva (Shiva). The Burha Madhav Mandir/Dewalaya is a Hindu to have been dug during the same period. The Jitari priest here relates how a big cobra resides at the base temple dedicated to Lord Vishnu, situated in dynasty built the capital of Pertabpur (as Pertabghur of this Som tree, appearing from time to time. He too Tthe north-east side of Pertabghur T.E., in the District was known then) next to it. When the temple was had encountered it one night when he had gone there of Bishwanath Chariali, Assam. in disrepair the Ahom King, Swargadeo Siba Singha, and the local people, the temple was restored as an to draw water. rebuilt it with bricks in 1730 CE. attractive place of worship. The local administration History - The stone fragments scattered around, The Burha Madhav Temple celebrates Doul Yatra, at Bishwanath Chariali helps in its upkeep from time antique pieces of the engraved entrance, carved door- During the course of time, the temple collapsed, and Janmashtami and Shivratri on a large scale every to time. The Management at Pertabghur T.E. has also posts, and the sculpture pattern of the two stone all that remained were its ruins. It can be deduced year, supported wholeheartedly by the Management been involved in restoring the Than for many years. statues discovered underground nearby, point to the from these ruins that there was a brick wall, of Pertabghur T.E. In 2009, McLeod Russel India Limited renovated the fact that this ancient stone temple was built between 36 mtrs x 18 mtrs in size, enclosing the temple area. Shiva Than under the Som Tree temple to facilitate the pilgrims visiting from remote the 9th and 11th century CE. A pond, said to be used During the British rule, the area was overtaken by areas, further enhancing its beauty. by the royal families, still exists. Known as Gohain the forest for many years. However, in 1964, with the Pukhuri, it covers an area of 3 bighas, and is located efforts of the residents of the neighbouring tea estates In 1986, a black stone statue of Goddess Taradevi was discovered while digging to deepen and clear the pond. It was handed over to the government, and is now preserved in the District Museum, Tezpur. From the look of this statue, the Burha Madhav Temple is believed to have been a tantrik temple in ancient times, as such carvings were prevalent then. Moreover, in 1909, a Chaturbhuj Vishnu statue made of stone was found while a drain was being dug in the temple premises. The sculpture pattern of the Vishnu statue is said to be of the 11th century.

Adjacent to the Vishnu Temple, there is a Shiva Than. This Than is located at the base of a Machilus Bombycina or Som tree as it is known locally. This tree is hollow at the bottom and is filled with crystal clear water from just below the root. Pilgrims from faraway places flock here to partake of this holy water which is believed to cure a lot of diseases.

40 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 41 major festivals celebrated with active participation by all the Club members. The Club is now also famous for its Winter Barbeque, which is greatly enjoyed by all. Various meetings and seminars for the DoomDooma estates are frequently held at Bordubi Club. It is unfortunate that with time we are losing our rich inheritance and planters these days refrain from attending the Club, the most widely circulated excuse Bordubi Club being Work Pressure. The participation in sports has also greatly reduced and it has now become difficult to ~ Junior Dagar The tiger, in an attempt to grab Hussain’s neck from the even form teams for any event due to lack of players. There was a time not so long ago, when a youngster Bordubi T.E. back, went instead for the backpack being carried with a sling tied to Hussain’s head which was loaded with had to explain to his Manager on Thursday mornings ammunition and supplies. It then dragged Hussain by why he had not been at the club the previous afternoon/ the backpack. During this commotion one of the Sahabs evening. Club bills were directly deducted from the opened fire. Hussain was treated in the camp for his salary and no carry-forward was tolerated. Proper dress of a nine hole golf course; two grass courts for tennis injuries and thus earned the nickname Tarzan, given to codes were followed both for sports and evenings. It (one being floodlit); one badminton court and a 5-a-side him by the Managers out of respect. was customary to greet each lady individually when football field. A pool table has recently been introduced entering the club and the Assistants had to wait for as well. Initially, the host of the Club Tea would carry a single their Boss to take his dinner, lest he himself become the bottle of alcohol for the members. Later, as the appetite The firstchowkidar of the Club went by the name of early morning snack! The Club was the only means of of planters grew, taking into regard the number of Bhim and the hosts of the club teas got along their own entertainment and planters looked forward to meeting members, a system of signing for alcoholic drinks was bungalow Bearers. It was only in 1955 that the first each other, much unlike the times today. introduced in 1986-87 by Mr S. Singh, Sr Manager, Bearer of the Club was appointed. His name was Sheik Bordubi. Mr S. Sahai, Asst Manager was entrusted Everything in life goes Gulam Hussain and once he retired, his son, Md. Sheik with the responsibility of the Bar, so he would store the through its lows; however, Gulam Hussain, famously known as Tarzan, filled in his I am confident that we, as ordubi Club was started at Bordubi T.E. in bottles in his bungalow for safekeeping. shoes. Tarzan worked here from 1979 to 2001. He was a fraternity, will outlast 1940. Mr R.A. Crampton was the Manager at initially the caretaker of The White Winged Wood Duck Mr Singh had entrusted Mr D.K. Sharma with all challenges. Bordubi Bordubi from 1937 to 1950 when the Club was aviary. How he got the nickname Tarzan is an interesting maintaining the greens and prevent earthworms from Club will be undergoing madeB functional. Mr. E.W. Bryant was Manager then at story. He used to go for shoots with the Managers of destroying the putting area of the golf course. A chemical renovations to the main Koomsong from 1938 to 1950. It originally started as Bordubi, Baghjan, Digulturrung etc. was sprayed as instructed to good effect during a drizzle building during this an Assistants’ Club, which was open for tennis followed During one such hunting expedition for better efficacy against the worms. The following day winter. 2018 will be the by tea. Bordubi, Koomsong and Phillobari estates to the forest, the Beaters were chasing unfinished spraying was carried out in bright weather year where we breathe were the original founding members of this Satellite wild boars from one side when a tiger conditions resulting in the death of some mammals, new life back into our Club and the Watering Hole will Club. Phillobari back then was administratively under suddenly jumped on Gulam Hussain. which would be highly scandalous to pen in today’s age. once again quench the parched throats. Bordubi, and only later on came to be a separate estate. Mr S. Ray, Manager Phillobari, was an avid golfer and Baghjan was inducted as a member in 1975 when it would regularly turn up on Wednesdays for a round in Cheers and hic, hic, hooray! was bought over by Bishnauth Tea Company. It was the afternoon. originally owned by Macneill & Barry which was later Back then, New Year’s Eve was celebrated by planters de-merged into Assam Company. only at Panitola Club. However, due to restrictions In 2006, when the then HLL estates were bought by on night travel the first New Year’s Eve celebration at MRIL, Beesakopie and Daimukhia were included as Bordubi Club was held in 1988-89, and has been a members. In 2016, Samdang and Raidang were also yearly feature since. As in most clubs, the ‘tea’ is held inducted as members. Today, 8 estates consisting of 56 on Wednesdays with individual members hosting it members constitute Bordubi Club. The Club consists on rotation. New Year, Bihu, Holi and Diwali are the

42 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 43 One evening when I returned from college, my my best ever goal. The pressure of fulfilling my first appointment letter was waiting. I was to join Kamjari still gives me that kick to achieve more. I Dehing T.E. on 1 June 1992. I landed there early in later scored again, to take my total to four goals in the morning and hit the office straight after having my debut match in Tea. The first Kamjari given was a cup of tea at one of the roadside stalls. When I accomplished! After the game, Boss gave me a hug told the tea-stall people that I had come to join in appreciation saying, “Welcome Chottu, keep the the estate, they immediately baptized me as Chota ball rolling!” Sahab! They picked up my luggage and took me to The probation period was like an experiment. Our the office. I was overwhelmed by this gesture. endurance level was tested by throwing us into The introduction to my Boss was brief – the only different situations. At times, lessons were learnt thing he asked me was if I played football. I told him the hard way too. One such experience occurred the history of the game, as that was my passion. I while I was checking on the plucking. As was don’t know whether he liked it or not, but he called taught by my Boss, “The plucking table should be the Factory Assistant and asked him to take me to like your football field, absolutely level!” So, I was his bungalow. Before leaving, he told me, “Young checking the women’s challan, and to my horror I man, we have Inter-Club football at Bogapani T.E. saw a good number of bushes were unplucked and Bee-ing against Doom Dooma Club. Be ready, your first the women had already moved ahead. I took out Kamjari will be to score 3 goals!” Kamjari? What my Kamjari knife and headed towards the bushes to was that?! correct this. I could hear the women cautioning me, “Sahab mat jao wahan.” (Sahab, don’t go there.) My first day was spent in the guest room wondering But I thought I would teach by example and went what was happening! My host being a bachelor, a Planter... ahead, when, to my horror, a cloud of bees flew out there was no one in the bungalow to talk to. Over from beneath a bush. They attacked me though I lunch, he told me, “Better score today, Boss is tried my best to scuttle away, but it was too late. banking on you!” I received a good many stings which landed me in The pressure to score three goals was already the hospital. There was a sting on my eyelid which playing on my mind! At 3pm we moved for my remained swollen for almost a week. Lesson learnt: first Kamjari to Bogapani. The match was not Look before you leap! just a match for me – it was my stepping stone y introduction to Tea me back into Tea. Those were the days without mobile phones, goes back to 1985, into this new world. I met all the members of our Joining Tea was an escape route as with the only telephone being in the Boss’s office. when I went for a short Margherita Club team and they too told me that I my father wanted me to join the Making a call meant waiting for ages, which was would have to prove myself that day. This added Mholiday to visit a school friend at quite frustrating. The first PCO opened soon after Army. I attended the interview at Doom Dooma, during a break. further pressure to my predicament! Guwahati from Shillong, where I at Margherita and the queue would be endless. But His father was a tea planter there, By God’s grace I could score two goals in the first had just completed my Honours calling home was a must every Sunday, to inform and experiencing the legacy left half of the game. We were leading in the first half my family that all was well, which did take a chunk ~ Subash Paulo in Botany from St Edmunds behind by the British in Tea – when my host told me, “Good, another goal and off my salary! One Sunday, a friend and I reached Jainti T.E. College. The final interview and the lifestyle and culture – was your life will be set.” The second half started and the PCO, him to make a call to his sweetheart – an medical check-up was at Kolkata, altogether a different experience the score was equalized to 2-2. The third goal was STD call! He asked me to wait, telling me that he which I cleared. We were told for me. It was winter when I scored by our team, with the score now on 3-2. would just say, “I love you!” and we would return. that the appointment letters visited, and the impression which Time was ticking away, but suddenly I managed a I was happy for him as he would wait an entire would be sent by post. I returned I took back after my holidays hat-trick! I scored from a long distance, which, to week to speak to her. After some time, I noticed to Shillong and forgot about it all. kept lingering and finally pulled date, sends a chill down my spine! I feel that was his expression of love had disappeared and he

44 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 45 seemed agitated, constantly looking at the amount there instantly. Panicking, the thieves climbed up displayed on the machine. While talking he started the factory roof. No one wanted to follow them, rifling through his wallet. Suddenly he knocked as they feared that the thieves were armed. The loudly, asking through gestures how much money Bond instinct made me brave enough to follow suit I had. It wasn’t enough and he motioned for me to alone, so I dashed up the roof determined to nab them. When I reached the top I saw our Second get some. I took the bike and rushed off to arrange Fitter, a Sardar, joining me, which was a big for the money. Once I returned, he hung up the support. It was dark on the roof, but somehow in WM SQUASH TOURNAMENT phone with a sweet ‘bye’ to his lady love. We paid the pale moonlight I managed to see their bare feet. East Boroi Club, 29 October 2017 loads to the PCO owner and rode back. Lesson They were lying flat in the guttering. As soon as learnt: Always have a back-up plan! they heard us approaching, they started running. I Elephant encounters are most common among blindly pursued them, managing to catch one and Planters. Once while returning late from Bogapani informing the crowd below of it. I then told the after Monday football on my bike, some people tried thieves they couldn’t escape and they would be to stop me. As the extremist movement in Assam lynched by the mob. Hearing this, all three of them was at its peak then, I thought it better to ignore surrendered! The crowd started shouting, “Bring them, and sped ahead. I briefly looked back at them, them down Sahab, we will fix them. Because of and when I turned, found myself amidst a herd of them we have been questioned and our names elephants. I kept the accelerator on, manoeuvering maligned.” The thieves then fell at my feet pleading through them and was lucky to emerge safely. Phew! not to take them down. Life sometimes puts one I still tremble at this narrow escape! in such situations where taking a decision becomes a task. With much effort, I took them below and Everyone has the detective, Superhero and Bond sent them to the Police Station under custody. instinct in them and when the time comes, no one misses out on the chance to be a hero. I was There are numerous experiences I have had in Factory Assistant at Behora T.E. when one such slightly over two decades of service. I am sure all incident happened. There used to be reports of tea will agree that these are what make the Planter theft on the weekends. Accordingly, we had set up a class apart! Proud to be one! And whenever a trap and everyone was alerted. As expected, the we meet over a drink, each of us relates these gang of three sneaked inside the factory, and the experiences over and over again adding a sparkle chowkidar blew the siren as per our instruction. and a boost to our life! Almost the entire lot of garden people gathered Cheers!!

Winners: Runners-up: BISHNAUTH CLUB THAKURBARI CLUB 1. Udhav Baruah 1. Saurav Bayan (Captain) 2. Hemant Shekhawat (Captain) 2. Bikash Kundu 3. Asish Sumal 3. Varun Singh 4. Uzi Gill 4 Naveen Singha 5. Mrs Ruby Dutta 5. Mrs Torali Barua

46 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 47 The Telegraph Merchants Cup Golf, 2017


DIVISON 1: WINNER GROSS – (TROPHY) WILLIAMSON MAGOR – A (238) Jayanta Gohain, Vivek Seth, Aditya Khaitan & Lakshman Singh with Rajeev Takru (centre)

Winners: Runners-up: MRIL Red MRIL Orange 1. M S Shekhawat (Captain) 1. D J Borah (Captain) 2. Siddharth Thapa 2. Rahul Singh 3. Aikya Thoumong 3. Daryl Kheyriem 4. Debraj Deb 4. Shahil Borah 5. Imtiaz Rahman (GK) 5. Angshuman Borthakur (GK) DIVISION 2: WINNER GROSS – (TROPHY) WILLIAMSON MAGOR – E (263) 6. Dr. Diganta Sonowal 6. Vineet Gurung Deepak Mehta, Virender Singh Rathore, Gautam Bhuyan & 7. Jonathan Donaghue 7. Saurav Borah Sunny Uthup (inset)

48 JANUARY 20172018 JANUARY 2018 49 Akriti Bongshi, Raidang T.E.

MERCHANTS CUP CLOSEST TO THE STRAIGHTEST DRIVE BEST INDIVIDUAL PIN – HOLE NO 13 – HOLE NO 15 GROSS: DAY 1: DAY 1: Based on attendance and total quantum of leaf plucked during the year, Smti Akriti Bongshi of (TROPHY + YOGI S. SISODIA AMIT GURUNG Hansara Division, Raidang T.E., Doom Dooma, Assam, was awarded the ‘Best Plucker’ prize TAJ BENGAL STAY) (on the left) (on the left) and felicitated by the Honourable Chief Minister of Assam on Sramik Kalyan Divas celebrated ADITYA KHAITAN (74) at the Mancotta T.E. playground, Dibrugarh, on 23 November 2017. On 27 November, the Management of Raidang T.E. presented Smti Akriti Bongshi with a bicycle in recognition of her achievement. Ranji Saha, HO Kolkata Kolkata-based iLEAD, the institute of Leadership, Entrepreneurship and Development, affiliated to several international universities, felicitated Ranji Saha of HO Shabaash! Kolkata, a national level Darts champion, for his immense contribution to the sport at their Annual Day function held on 13 September 2017. Sarita Dasgupta, Kolkata Our Editor, Sarita Dasgupta’s ‘Rainbow Reader’ series of English Literature & Language text and work books has been selected by the Meghalaya Board of School Education as the prescribed books for Classes I to IV in all the schools in the state under its purview.

50 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 51 Weddings Births 1. Ankit Kumar Sharma of Halem T.E. wed 1 Renu on 4 March 2017. 2. Niyonkuru Schadrack of Gisovu T.E. wed Umulisa Yvette on 2 July 2017. 2


1. Swayam Siddhi Kashyap, son of Ranjit & Dolly Baruah, Dehing T.E. 15 May 2017 2. Ashleena, daughter of Shekhar & Smita Roy, Sepon T.E. 10 June 2017 3. Caleb Eli, son of Erika Frances Russell of HO Kolkata & Leon Douglas Russell 24 June 2017 2 4. Mishita, daughter of Mrinal Dey of HO Kolkata & Puja Dey 3 10 August 2017 5. Trishikaarna, daughter of Amarjit & Madhusmita Bordoloi, Bordubi T.E. 23 August 2017 Farewell We bid farewell to Mr R.K. Dutt of HO Kolkata and wish 5 him a contented retirement. 4

52 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 53 The simple things in life...

t’s the simple things corner of the stream, and just had this wonderful in life which bring time sailing our little ‘memory boats’ and reliving our Requiem the most pleasure and respective childhoods. It was that chance incident with Iwhose memories we hold those little children that day, which taught us that one dear, but too often do we should never stop enjoying life in all its simplicity, and forget about them while not focus on complex issues each day. running the race called When life grows tough, or one needs to de-stress, Life. However, sometimes just walk down that memory lane and do the things we’re gently nudged by you enjoyed as a child. So nowadays for me, rain is memories to relive certain IMTILA BARBORA for getting drenched in, with an extra shower when moments, and the stress and problems melt away at the doggies shake themselves dry; those huge muddy the sheer pleasure of it. puddles are for splashing into; dandelions get blown So one rainy day, I went for a walk, just for the joy of away wrapped in a wish; dry leaves are for stomping getting drenched in it! Now, there is this little stream on, to hear that lovely, crackly sound; that creaky which gurgles happily beside the route I walk. Well, swing in a corner of the garden is for flying high into it’s not as harmless as it looks, because on certain days, the air, provided it can still take my weight … and I it has this habit of swelling alarmingly, submerging could go on and on! I love these random flashbacks the nearby areas as if it were in a horrid temper. But that make me stop and smile. And we are creating on this day with the stream bubbling along cheerfully, more memories even as we relive them. rounding a corner, I heard them first… a lot of giggles So tap into that wonderful little box of memories and laughter…and then I saw this group of merry that everyone’s gifted with and enjoy your days, even little children, soaked to the bones, but having the while healing when you indulge in those simple joyous time of their lives paddling in the water and trying to moments in time. catch the tiny fish in the shallows with their bottles. They were unaware of being watched. All of a sudden “…some nights I wish I could go back in life, the weather lifted, and a weak sun broke through the not to change things, but to feel the same things (1970 – 2017) clouds. Seeing this, little feet immediately rushed to a again…” nearby tree, where small hands reached into a hollow at its bottom, and drew out some paper boats. Then started a competition to see whose boat sailed the fastest. And my heart drew me down memory lane… “Don’t grieve for me now I am gone those painstakingly made colourful paper boats sailing down the streams or ponds, their journey THE WM TIMES TEAM hastened by small mouths puffing away behind them. Editor : Sarita Dasgupta For I am safe within God’s veil What fun it was! Assistant Editor : Rupa Saikia Later that evening, when I related this incident to Coordinator : Sunny Uthup And bide my time both sides of life my daughter, she grew nostalgic as well, and we decided to once again sail paper boats together as we I know no boundaries now…” had done so many years back. So we surreptitiously made our little boats…surreptitious because, well, we didn’t want the bungalow workers to fall into a predicament, thinking how they should tackle this mother-daughter duo, who suddenly seemed more interested in childish play instead of the serious things in life! And off we went the next day, to a remote

54 JANUARY 2018 JANUARY 2018 55 Among Fronds

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