Hicks Airfield Pilots Association FLAPPINGS Serving the owners and tenants of Hicks Airfield, Fort Worth (T67) December, 2010

Hicks was recently invaded by four T-34s, two T-28s, and two T-6s, who met here to brief a flyby at Carswell JRB in support of the WASP reunion. Photos courtesy of Mike Heberling.

President’s Corner…………………………………………………………………….Page 2 Editorial…………………………………………………………………………………..Page 3 HAPA Election Information..……………………………………………………….Page 5 Financial Reports ...... Page 10 Classified Ads………………………………………………………………………….Page 12 Hicks Contacts………………………………………………………………………...Page 15

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page1

president’s Corner By Gene de Bullet

Dear Members and Families,

As we approach 2011 I see our as “almost” problem free with a couple of exceptions.

We, your Board, have been extremely frugal with your money. Legal fees have been very minimal, only one insurance claim submitted to my knowledge, and taxiway repairs as always. The south gate and now our drainage problem, long overdue, are about to be reality (Phase I).

We have the normal problems of folks who won’t cut their grass, stored trailers and mobile homes on their lots and dogs running loose but overall a fairly smooth year.

“It is what it is” as someone said and so is the original design of our airport. We all purchased our property as it was laid out in the beginning, and as we looked at it before we closed the deal. We all weighed the benefits against the negatives as we do now. We can’t re-invent the wheel but we can grease it. “Be a good neighbor”.

December will bring colder weather with less flying and the annual Board of Directors Elections (12-18-10 at 3:00 p.m., Hangar 111). Be there please and if you can’t sign a proxy mailed to your earlier. PMG Manage- ment Company reported that as of the Board of Directors meeting November 11, 2010 four candidates have come forward, to-wit: James Usher, Bob Avery, Lee Burgin and Gene deBullet. Write in candidates are al- ways welcome.

Topics discussed at the last Board of Directors meeting included taxiways, drainage, west fence, North gates and fence, election preparation, management and violations of the CCRs.

Your Board wishes you a Merry Christmas and great 2011 at Hicks Airport.


Submittal Policy: The deadline for submission of articles, advertisements, min- utes, and reports will be the 15th of the month. This should provide sufficient time to edit the layout of the newsletter so that it can be mailed & posted to www.t67.org by the first of the following month. Please provide input in MS Word format, if possible. Flappings will be available online on or about the first of every month. All ads should be submitted in writing to: [email protected].

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page2

December editorial By Mike Bruno

Incredibly, the Christmas season is already upon us! Like many of you, I believe in the reason for the holiday, but am already tired of the commercialism which gets worse each year, especially the in-your face non-stop advertising.

However, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukah, Kwanzaa, or something else, what I do like is that people often get into the spirit and do a little something extra this time of year. So whether it’s your favorite charity, needy relative, long lost friend, airplane owner doing a really bad annual, or just someone on a street corner, take the time to reach out and make someone else’s holiday just a little brighter.

Well, the recent elections will be bringing about some changes, good or bad, depend- ing on which side of the aisle you reside. But also very important, and a lot closer to home, are the Hicks Airfield Board of Directors elections, which will be held on December 18 at Hangar 111. It’s a tired cliché, but if you take the time to vote and give your input to the board candidates, you have more solid ground upon which to complain later. Even as I write this editorial, BOD candidates and political operatives are scurrying about trying to get prox- ies signed. So, even if you can’t be there on the 18th, you can sign your proxy over to some- one else or mail or fax in your ballot to Principal Management Group.

The biggest story in the news this week has been the backlash over the new passenger screening techniques being introduced by the Transportation Security Administration. Pas- sengers are being subjected to either a dose of radiation which results in a picture of their virtually naked body being observed by TSA screeners, or a very intrusive pat-down, or sometimes both. It is the humble opinion of your editor, who spends a lot of quality time going through airport screening, that these new procedures do not make us safer, but do show that we are willing to react to anything the terrorists try. What we are not willing to do is possibly offend someone by actually screening for terrorists themselves instead of hidden objects.

So, the terrorists win by making us spend billions of dollars changing our equipment and procedures every few years, and we as citizens lose by giving up more freedoms and ac- cepting humiliating and demeaning scrutiny by a reactive politically correct bureaucracy. If you also feel strongly about this issue, contact your favorite elected officials or bureaucrats and give them your opinion. Flappings will also be pleased to publish any letters on this, or any other relevant subject.

Have a great Christmas, and fly, drive, operate machinery, and make merry safely!


VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page3

HICK’S AIRFIELD PILOTS ASSOCIATION Minutes for Board Meeting – November 11, 2010

A regular meeting of the Hicks Airfield Pilots Association Board of Directors was held on November 11, 2010. A quo- rum being present, the meeting was called to order at 6:45 p.m. and announced ready by President Gene deBullet. Board members present were President Gene deBullet, Ted Kelso, Bob Avery, Coy Surles, Jerry Kinman, and Jim Usher. Other members of the Association were also present as observers.

The motion to approve the Treasurer’s Report was passed. The motion to approve the minutes of the October meeting was passed.

President deBullet reported that there has been some complaints about loose gravel on the north end of the 3rd taxiway.

Ted Kelso reported that the drainage project was put out for bids. Five (5) bids have been received and one contractor has been selected to be interviewed by the board of directors along with the project engineer, Mike Anderson. This should be accomplished within the next two weeks.

Jim Usher reported that the 2011 HAPA Budget is currently being prepared and should be complete by the end of No- vember.

Unfinished Business

Member John Effinger voiced some concerns regarding the east/west taxiway to the north of his hangar and whether there was a minimum thirty (30) foot clearance for aircraft. There was some discussion as to whether there should be signage to warn of narrow clearance. The board of directors will measure the taxiway in question and determine whether a sign is warranted.

Mr. Effinger also had a question concerning the placement of the drains in the drainage project. Both Ted Kelso and Bob Avery have detailed maps provided by the engineering company and will make them available to any HAPA mem- ber who is interested. The exact location of drains; however, is dependent upon the contractor and their specific ap- proach to the problem in conjunction with the engineer’s findings.

The motion to adjourn the meeting passed at 7:15p.m.

Anne Goczalk – Secretary Hicks Airfield Pilots Association

Annual Members Meeting Saturday, Dec 18, Hangar 111 3:00 PM Board of Directors December Meeting: Thursday, December 9, Hangar 111 6:30 PM To have your concern placed on the agenda please contact your local board member.

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page4

BOD Candidate Biographies The following biographies were submitted to the editor for publica- tion, and are presented in alphabetical order:

Due to an editorial error, Robert (Bob) Avery’s biography published in November Flappings was incomplete. Below is the full biography. The editor sincerely regrets the error.

Robert (Bob) Avery

Board Candidate Biography

I am running for re-election for another two year term on the HAPA Board of Directors.

I would like to introduce myself to those members that do not know me. I am Robert Avery (most everyone calls me Bob). Judy and I moved our Avery Tools Aircraft Tool business to Hicks Air- field in 1993. We built a larger facility (hangar 111) in 2003. We also own 3 T-Hangars as rent- als. I am a 4 year U.S. Navy veteran. I have a BBA degree from Texas Wesleyan College (1975) and a MBA degree from Texas Christian University (1976). I am a licensed private pilot and EAA member since 1983.

I am proud to be a part of your current Board that is focused on keeping Hicks (above all else) an active, open to the public, and safe general aviation airport. This Board is committed to man- aging the airport in a financially responsible and above board / open forum manner.

I understand the time involved and the responsibility of serving on the Board. I am on the field most every day and feel I can contribute something to this community. I am encouraged with the positive progress that has been made to the airfield in the last few years.

We have a well maintained , an active yearly plan to maintain / resurface the taxiways, a drainage plan in progress to address some of the drainage issues, and a positive reputation in the surrounding communities.

I appreciate your support and votes in the upcoming election. If re-elected I will do my best to continue managing OUR airfield in a positive manner. Feel free to contact me at hangar 111, or at 817-439-8400 if I can be of assistance. Should you not be able to vote in person, I would be honored to assist you in having your votes counted at the December HAPA election.


Robert (Bob) Avery

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page5

Lee Burgin

Board Candidate Biography

Hello neighbors,

My name is Lee Burgin and I am running for office on the Hicks Field BOD.

I am a long time business owner in Fort Worth and a Hicks resident. Originally from Borger, Texas, I have lived in the Fort Worth area for over 20 years.

After studying Chemical Engineering at Texas Tech, and graduating from the Dallas Institute of Funeral Service, I have spent 30 years in the funeral service business, and am the owner of Alpine Funeral Service in Fort Worth.

As a Private Pilot, I hold Single and Multi-Engine ratings.

At Hicks, I own two hangars, two airplanes, several antique cars and a motorcycle, so you can see I enjoy the grown boy’s toys that reside at our airfield.

My main concern with Hicks is that it remains an airfield first, and that residences, businesses, and other fun activities follow.

Please help me help you in keeping Hicks the multifaceted, fun place we can all enjoy for years to come.

Lee Burgin

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page6

Eugene G. deBullet

Board Candidate Biography

I am a Fort Worth native and have been a member of First United Methodist Church of Fort worth since childhood as is my son Gene III. My wife Sharon deceased in 2007 and daughter Courtney is married with one granddaughter and lives in Houston.

Educated in the Fort Worth Independent School District, I graduated from Paschal High School. I went on to attend Texas Christian University and received a B.A. in Political Science and History and earned a secondary Texas Teach- ing Certificate. After a brief time teaching at Polytechnic High school, I went on to receive a Law Degree from St. Mary’s University School of Law in San Antonio, Texas, in 1970. I taught Business Law at T.C.U. while practicing law with Bill Wardlaw – Brown and Jack Beech, and now practice law with Attorney Steve Mitchell.

Since January 2008 I have been the President of Hick Airfield Pilot’s Association.


I am an active community leader promoting various charities, youth organizations, law enforcement and security or- ganizations. Some of my accomplishments include:

Past President of the Fort Worth Junior Chamber of Commerce (JAYCEES), Past President of Lake Country Property Owners Association, Past Director of the Arts Council of Fort Worth, Past President and Scholarship Chairman of his Rotary Club, Past Captain of the Moslah Shrine Patrol Unit, Past Director of the Fort Worth Boy’s Club, Past Director of Precinct Four Longhorn Council Boy Scouts, Past Chair of the Fort Worth Airpower Council, Past Chairman of the Fort Worth Airpower Foundation, Current Secretary of the Fort Worth Airpower Foundation, Twenty year member of the National Defense Executive Reserve (DOT), Past Reserve Police Officer for the City of River Oaks, Master Ma- son, Julian Field Lodge 908, Scottish Rite (Crippled Children Charity), Moslah Shrine (Burn Centers for Children), Three year term President of Hicks Airfield Pilot’s Association, Current Committee Chair – Tarrant County Bar Asso- ciation


Licensed by the Supreme Court of Texas to practice in all Texas Courts

Licensed in the Federal District Court of the Northern and Western Districts of Texas and Eastern District of Arkansas

Past Director and sustaining member, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association

Two-time President (Charter President) Tarrant County Criminal Defense Lawyers Association

Six year State Board Member, Texas Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (Charter Member)

Tarrant County Family Bar Association

Tarrant County Bar Association

Sustaining Member College of the State Bar

Texas Trial Lawyers Association

Respectfully submitted,

Gene deBullet

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page7

Jim Usher

Board Candidate Biography

I have served as your Treasurer for the last four years and I am running for re-election for another two year term to your Board of Directors. I need your vote.

I live on Eagle Mountain Lake with my wife Lee and am also actively involved in our homeowners associa- tion.

We bought our first property at Hicks Airfield in 1992 and currently own three hangars. We use our 1976 Beech Bonanza primarily on long cross-country flights to visit friends and family. I hold SEL, SES, Instru- ment and A&P ratings.

As Treasurer for the last two years, my principal tasks were to develop our Budget and monitor our perform- ance to that Budget, insure that our IRS filings are timely and accurate and participate in Board decisions to effectively run our airport.

I would again appreciate your VOTE to continue our work for a better Hicks Airfield. There is much more to be done!

Above all, please remember to vote in the December Election.

If you are not able to vote in person, I would be privileged to carry your vote to the Polls. See me at hangar 311 or call me at 817-236-7506 if I can assist.

Respectfully submitted,

Jim Usher

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page8

The volcanoes surrounding beautiful San Jose, Costa Rica, from two different angles. Above is Juan San- tamaria International Airport, which lies at 3,021 feet MSL. The weather is constantly changing, due to its geography and proximity to the Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone. Below is an active volcano viewed out of the Captain’s window during the departure procedure from San Jose. Care must be taken during the climb- out, even when flying the generously powered Boeing 757!

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page9

Financial reports As of September 30, 2010-Submitted by Jim Usher, HAPA Treas- urer HAPA Income and Expense Statement

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page10


VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page11


HANGARS AVAILABLE DON DAVIS REALTY HICKS AIRFIELD, INC. SERVING HICKS AIRFIELD SINCE 1985 JAN LARY, AGENT 817 715-4693 [email protected] Hangar Sales and Leasing For Sale Build To Suit Hangars 587 Aviator Drive, Tarrant County, Texas Lot 46, Block 3, Section 2, Hicks Airfield Addition Property Management Lot Size: 60’ X 70’ 4,200 s.f. lot 972-465-8400 Hangar Size: 50’ X 50’ X 24’ 2,500 s.f. w/ a painted floor Hangar has interior finish out space of approx. 1,750 s.f. 682-225-3262 Ground Floor: Kitchen, dining, full bath, laundry room Second Floor: Living/wet bar, 3 bedrooms, full bath w/jet tub www.AirSpaceDFW.com One 33’ X 14’ bifold door Due To The Size Of The Bifold Door This Hangar Will Accommodate an RV 4, 6, or 8, a Pitts or Grumman Not A Larger Aircraft One 12’ X 12’ overhead door Two personnel doors 3o 7o Hangars For Sale Shop office/tool room in bay area Concrete patio w/fenced exterior storage 513 Aviator Priced To Sell At $250,000.00 Now available for $215,000! Very Nice With Many Amenities Must See

736 Aviator $310,000 For Lease Priced below appraisal. 80X68 Hangar with large living areas. Will lease for $2200.00 per Fully furnished Apartment, 2 bedroom/2 bath. month. All inclusive, Cooking, Bedding/Towels ETC Hangar parking for one airplane,2 vehicles/boat, etc. Must have AIRPLANE and need for full furnished APART- MENT. 1 year lease. $1,500.00 per month. Call Gwen Manis for details Contact Jan Lary, agent 817-715-4693 817-793-9563 WWW.gwenmanis.com

Lot For Sale 45X60 Concrete Pad. Water & Electric. Call 863-660-3613

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page12

CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Aircraft, parts, and service

2003 AG-5B Tiger 500 Total Time Since New Avionics: FOR CONTINENTAL (TCM) ENGINES AT Dual Garmin GNS 430W WAAS ANNUAL OR 100 HOUR INSPECTION Garmin GTX 327 Transponder (Or any time a suspect cylinder is in doubt) Garmin GMA-340 Audio Panel Four Place Intercom / Entertainment Jack Hangar Sales and Leasing TCM Service Bulletin SB03-3 states: “TCM requires a cylin- S-TEC 30 with altitude hold and nav track der bore scope inspection be accomplished in conjunction Build To Suit Hangars Insight Four Probe EGT / CHT with the differential pressure test.” (This is NOT an FAA JPI FS 450 Fuel Flow Computer with Property Management mandate.) With the development of recent bore scopes, GNS 430W Interface this inspection becomes an excellent tool that will affect 972-465-8400 WX-500 StormScope with GNS 430W Interface your decision on a suspect cylinder, regardless of engine Options: 682-225-3262 manufacturer. Fine Wire Iridium Spark Plugs

Air/Oil Seperator www.AirSpaceDFW.com We have a solution: Aircraft Cover a bore scope based here at T67. Pulse Light System For an appointment please call Flown IFR Regularly Jim Usher or Bob Reed @ 817-236-7506 Always Hangered "Tiger Factory Maintenance" Annual through Feb 2011 Price: Reasonable offers considered Will consider trades for aircraft, real estate or what have you. Metro Parts Inc : 566 at Hicks Airfield Contact: John L. Geitz Over 30 years n the aircraft parts business! Outer BanX Aeronautical Corp. We work hundreds of manufactures and repair stations around PO Box 1695 the world. We can provide a reduction in cost and faster avail- Roanoke, TX 76262 ability for you! Parts request drop box by the front door- Tel: 828-301-0504 Drop off your requirements any time.

E-mail: [email protected] Owner: Craig Poslick Office: 817-439-8484 Fax: 817-439-8442 Email: [email protected] or [email protected] Cell: 817-368-2274

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page13


Sales and Services

NEED POWER? Commercial and residential electri- Need A Notary Public? cal installation and repair. Hangar 501 Lab Resource ,Inc. Lighting 1-800-856-4070 Cell (817) 522-6456 Ceiling Fans 501 Aviator Drive Fort Worth, Texas 76179 Come by Hangar 501 to get all of your documents notarized! New Circuits There is only a $10.00 cash fee for every docu- Diagnostic ment. Hours Of Operation: Mon. - Fri. 8:30AM - 5:00PM Weekends Will Gladly meet you. Ask for Sta- Jason Fischer cey or leave a voicemail. 817-495-5542 238 Aviator Dr.



The perfect Christmas gift. Unique custom work. I can also paint your plane or pet! Acrylic on natural marble or granite stone. 5 X 7 only $360. Go to www.judyates.com to view samples of my work. 30+ years experience. FREE personalization and FREE display easel. Call Judy @ 214-418-4706 to discuss details and prices.


WANT TO RENT HANGAR WANTED: 50 X 50 Will pay $700 per month Small ATV– Looking for long term lease 200 CC or Less Call Bob Reed Call Bob: 214-415-1219 817-439-0757 or Judy 214-418-4706

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page14

Contacts(Who to Contact about What)

Board Of Directors Gene de Bullet (President) 817-335-4767 [email protected] Bill Freckman (Vice President) 817-705-6300 [email protected] Jim Usher (Treasurer) 817-236-7506 [email protected] Ted Kelso 817-721-4861 [email protected] Bob Avery 817-439-8400 [email protected] Coy Surles 817-439-2007 [email protected] Gerald Kinman 817-913-1499 [email protected]

Principal Management Group Carol Moran 817-451-7300 x205 [email protected] Architectural Phase I: Gene de Bullet 817-335-4767 [email protected] Phase II & III: Don Davis 817-919-4593 [email protected] Septic Coy Surles 817-439-2007 [email protected] Safety Larry Partain 214-417-4950 [email protected] Taxiway Repair Mike Olson 817-707-4323 [email protected] Runway/Taxiway Lights & Repair Bob Avery 817-439-8400 [email protected] Airport Support Network Volunteer Don Browning 817-439-3240 [email protected] Website & Directory Michael Reddick 817-439-0234 [email protected] Newsletter Mike Bruno 501-206-1738 [email protected] Security Improvements Ted Kelso 817-721-4861 [email protected] South Gate Emergency Roy Geer 817-253-1795 or 817-439-5777 South Gate Directory Database Jim Usher [email protected] Table & Chairs The HAPA Tables & Chairs are available to any current HAPA Member for personal use on the Airport Property for activities such as parties, meetings, etc. Please contact Judy or Bob Avery at 817-439 -8400 or [email protected]

VOLUME 25 ISSUE 12 Page15

Your December 2010 Flappings! The Official Newsletter of Hicks Airfield Pilots Association

Notices:  We are continually updating the online version of the HAPA membership directory. If your info needs updating please email Mike Reddick at [email protected]  If you haven’t yet provided an email address, please do! We would like to be able to contact as many HAPA members as possible via email.

 This is YOUR newsletter– Please submit articles, pictures, thoughts, etc by the 15th of the month.  The 2010 BOD is looking for volunteers Please Contact any Board member to volunteer to help with the continuing improvement of Hicks Airfield.  If you have an issue and would like to address the HAPA BoD during a Board meeting, Please contact Gene de Bullet, .  For issues concerning ONCOR pole work, call Buddy Mills (Oncor Dis- trict Service Advisor): Cell (469) 261-6338  For Emergency South Gate Issues, call Roy Geer 817-253-1795 or 817- 439-5777  For South Gate Directory Changes contact Kurt Buchert at [email protected]

 Board of Directors Meeting: Thursday, December 9, Hangar 111



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