Is Big Cass WWE's Next Big Thing?

Author : David Levin

Two years ago, WWE fans were caught up in the Enzo and Big Cass hysteria. The over-the-top antics of Amore, combined with the overpowering size and strength of the big man proved to be one of NXT’s biggest draws.

Add to the mix and WWE cashed in on one of the better combinations since the New Age Outlaws. Now, the popular trio is nothing more than a faded memory.

Amore has been released from his WWE contract. Carmella is the SmackDown Women’s Champion. Big Cass Returned to action last Tuesday night after suffering a devastating knee injury that put him out of commission. WWE is hoping the singles career of the 7-foot giant will take off, where he becomes one of the better heels on the Tuesday night roster.

With the changes on both rosters, Big Cass figures to get plenty of face time in his new role. I question which direction the big man will travel.

Since he took over WWE in the late 1970s, Vince McMahon has believed in the theory that bigger is always better. That’s why he chose Hulk Hogan over Jimmy Snuka. That’s why he promoted characters like Psycho

1 / 2 Syd and King Kong Bundy. Big Cass has all the makings of a warrior-like champion, with size, speed and agility. He has a look of a superstar. The problem may be putting the entire package together. His lack of ability in delivering a solid promo could turn the fans off, meaning a short run at the top of the company food chain.

His appearance Tuesday night, where he took out was enough of a tease to warrant a potential main event push.

I’m always cautious when getting excited about young talent on WWE’s roster. For one reason or another, performers flame out. They don’t get the push they need. They aren’t as popular with the fan base as the creative team had hoped. Maybe they aren’t as charismatic as they should be. Maybe they get to the main roster, and then drop the ball. Big Cass could be the next Kane - a monster of destruction. He could also be the next Matt Morgan, who had a look of a wrestling god, but never made it in WWE or as a champion in TNA.

Taking out SmackDown Live’s biggest baby face in Bryan is a good way to make a lasting impression. Will WWE Build on that? And is a feud like this worth the company or the fans’ time? Will the creative team book him as a threat to Jeff Hardy and the United States title? How soon will it be before he challenges for the WWE world title? Too much too soon could be the ending of a good thing.

WWE would be better advised to slow play his ascension toward the top of the ladder. Just like WWE fans will fall in love with his ability to crush opponents, but he’s in ring skills need some refining. Once he figures out how to balance power, strength, and agility with a solid promo, WWE will have the next big thing.

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