ANY QUERIES RELATING TO THIS PUBLICATION SHOULD BE DIRECTED TO THE 4 BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT TEAM – [email protected] BUSINESS NEWS Clickto readmore on the following: CONTENTS BUSINESS EMPLOYEE JOBS OCCUPATIONS CLAIMANT COUNT LABOUR SUPPLY EMPLOYEE EARNINGS EMPLOYMENTUNEMPLOYMENT & POPULATION PROJECTIONS AGE STRUCTURE DEMOGRAPHICS DEMOGRAPHICS local employers. The negativeis thatcanthis be seasonal and so the local economy is negativelyimpacted whenthe students highconcentration of studentsin City the is positive as theyusuallyparticipate inthe labour market andprovide skilleda labour market,there is pressure for workingthe The figures show thata with working age populationof 98,700but only 66.6% of the working age populationare participating ratios in at1:5. andagea pensionable population accounting for 17.5% of the totalpopulation. The cityhas one of highestthe student: popul localarea authority in Scotland. Dundee’sshare of working age population(66.4%) is slightly nationalhigherthe than avera An analysis of Dundee’spopulation revealed thefollowing trendsare relevant whencontemplating Dundee 2.7% of totalthe population of Scotland Dundeeis Scotland’s 4 largest city Scotland’s 4 th th largest city, witha population of 148,750 andaccess to awider region of 490,000people. TheCity accountsfor Working Age 66.4% – with a population of 5,438,100. - age populationto support the 17.5% of Dundee’spopulation of pensionableage. 148,750 Population Total PensionableAge 17.5% Source (ALL): Source (ALL): ONS Mid 52% 48% Female - Male Year Population Estimates( Population Year Student:Population Source (ALL): ONS Mid 1:5 – thegeographically sma 2018) - Year PopulationYearEstimates ( la >16% bour pool for age of 16 ge lea in ati of of 64.2% ve. the The under on llest 2018) AGE STRUCTURE of of 65in Dundeeis 25,987City which equatesto 17.5% of totalthe populationandScottishthe figureis 18.9%. particularis subjectto variances seasonal as the cityis home to a large studentpopulation.The combined total for people Dundee’stotal population.Thefigure national for agethis category is 13.7%. Itis important to note however, thatagethis The age structurefor the cityindicatesthatmost of the populationfall within the 25 15000 10000 Source (ALL): Source (ALL): ONS Mid Age Structure 5000 Female - Year Population Estimates( Population Year - DundeeCity (2018) 0 Male 5000 2018) 10000 - 34age category, accountingfor over 17% 15000 0-15 16-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-64 65-74 75-84 85+ ca ove tegory in r the age of POPULATION PROJECTIONS 7,000by2037. structurepyramid shows that17.5% of Dundee’spopulationis currently over agethe of 65category thisand is expectedto ri categoriesset to increase. Dundee’sworking Dundee’sprojected population shows both 16 increase. resultingincrease can beexpressed as 5% over thenext two decades, with tenthe year projections anticipatinga 2.2% popula The populationprojections for estimateDundeeCity thattotal population increasewill from (2017)148,709to(2037) 156,237 Total: 75+ 65 50 30 16 0 Age - 15 - - - - 74 64 49 29 148,709 12,409 13,607 27,338 35,964 35,174 24,217 2017 - age populationis projected to decrease from 66.2% to 62.3% in 2037.The current ag - 150,059 13,109 13,980 27,467 38,284 31,873 25,346 2022 29and 50 - 64age categoriesdecreasing over the twentyyear period, all otherwitha 152,052 14,219 15,259 25,108 40,545 31,099 25,822 2027 154,359 15,510 16,333 23,734 40,873 32,033 25,876 2032 Source: NRS ProjectionsPopulation (2017) 156,237 17,568 15,570 24,268 40,157 32,918 25,756 2037 se tio . T byover n he e ge EMPLOYMENT & UNEMPLOYMENT populationthathold no qualificationsin is higher Dundee at10.5% thanin Scotland at 9.7%. Interms of education,Dundee43.1%Cityhas of peopletoqualified NVQ4+ versus 44.2% in Scotland. The proportion of the occupations(11.8%) also andinsales andcustomer service roles (11.9%). same occupationsat 20.9%. Dundeehas aproportionately sharehigher of peopleworking in caring, leisure andotherservice InDundee, 20.3% of populationthework in professional occupationswhich is inlinewithnational the proportion thatwork i outlyingareas and otherScottish cities. Dundeeaccesshas to a wider labour market,strengthened bythetransport cities provision commutableandeasily location to areasand other Scottish cities. As a result,DundeeCity(work Dundeeaccesshas to a wider labour market,strengthened bythetransport cities provision commutableandeasily location to indicative of more residentssecuring fulltime employment, consequently lowering unemploymentfigures across city.the with part 76,000in 2018. Additionally, figures from the sametime periodindicate thatfulltime employees (FTE) increased from 47,000 An analysisof DundeeCityemployees (workplace - time employeestime (PTE)remaining same the at 26,000.Thisdata illustrates a shift inDundee’s labour market structurea 76,000 Employee Jobs Source - (1): Business Register & Employment Survey (2018), (2018), Survey (1): & of Business(2&3) RegisterHoursSurvey & Employment EarningsAnnual (2018) based)revealed thatemployee numbers have increasedfrom in to74,0002015 Gross Weekly £557.60 - place) delivered80,000employee jobs in2017. Pay Gross Annual £29,277 Pay n t to out he ndis 49,000, lying EMPLOYEE EARNINGS Scotland (Workplace) Dundee (Workplace) Scotland (Resident) Dundee (Resident) WithGlasgow trailingScottish the averageat £27,685. were earningall above the Scottish average of £29,248. Of the threeother Scottish cities City(residents) lowesthadthe earningsannualat £26,285. Scottish Scotlandcitiesand revealedthatDundeein 2018, A comparison of full Source: (ALL) Annual Survey of of HoursSurvey &Earnings(ALL) Annual(2018) £0.0 Median Gross Weekly Pay (FTE) £100.0 Dundee Dundee Scotland & City 2018 - time employeesfor thefour main Total £200.0 Female £300.0 — EdinburghandAberdeen Male £400.0 £500.0 £455.10 £507.50 £515.40 £516.20 £520.90 £538.70 £600.0 £557.60 £562.70 £563.20 £585.50 £598.90 £599.00 £700.0 City female FTE. Inall instances, FTE employees male are earningmore than £538.70,whilst a Scotland(workplace) would earn £598.90. average £585.50/weeka Dundee but(resident) would earn For examplea FTE inDundee (workplace) would earnon Scottish average. higherearningsDundee than(residents) lowerbut the than Interms of employeesearnings, in Dundee(workplace) have City City Dundee City Scotland Median Gross Annual Earnings (Resident) £0 £5,000 £10,000 (FTE) £15,000 £20,000 £25,000 £26,285 £30,000 2018 £27,685 £29,248 £29,865 £31,313 £35,000 LABOUR SUPPLY activelywork seeking in the lastfour weeksare and availableto start work in the nexttwo weeks. capturedin the Office for NationalStatistics (ONS) AnnualPopulation Survey dataset,samplingthose without ajob who have the assessing number of jobless peoplewho want to work, are availableto work andare activelyseekingemployment. The data The internationallyaccepted measure of unemploymentis an indicator commissioned bythe InternationalLabour Organisation (I of unemployedpeoplein than Scotland. proportion of employeesScottishthe than average andalso lower levels of self the percentagein employment is almost 8% lower in comparedDundeeCity thewith Scottish figure of 74.5%. Dundeea haslower The proportion of peoplewho are economically activeDundee in Cityisalmost over 7% lower thethan proportion in Scotland. Source: (ALL) SurveyPopulation(ALL) Annual Unemployed Self Employees In Employment Economically Active - employed Employment Status Dundee Dundee City (numbers) 57,500 65,900 69,700 4,000 7,300 (Apr (Apr 2018 Dundee Dundee City - Mar 58.5 66.6 70.5 (%) 5.8 6.9 - employed people.Dundee Cityhas ahigherpropor 2019 ) Scotland 65.5 74.5 77.8 (%) 4.1 8.6 bee Sim is LO) n ilarly, tion , CLAIMANT COUNT 1,100 1,300 1,500 1,700 1,900 2,100 2,300 2,500 500 700 900 measure however, is not classifiedas a nationalstatistic. claimingJSA headlineas theindicator of number the of peopleclaiming benefits forprincipally the reason of beingunemploy Allowance (JSA) plusthose who claim UniversalCredit (UC)who are out of work. The claimantcount replaces numberthe of peo The claimantcount is categorised an as ‘experimentalstatistic’ bythe ONS andrepresents the number of peopleclaiming Job Source: (ALL) (ALL) Claimant Count (2018) 2014 Claimant Countby Age (2014 Aged 16-24 2015 DundeeCity Aged 25-49 2016 - 2018 Aged 50+ 2017 ) 2018 than thethan Scottish average. and20142018 and Dundeea hasconsistently higherclaimant rate Scotland’s claimantrates have remainedrelatively stable between trendson a quarterly basis. The datashows thatboth Dundeeand year period The age profile of unemployedclaimants has varied over fourthe 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014 – Dundee (Count) Dundee the claimantsaged 16 4075 3230 3455 3310 4065 Dundee (Rate)Dundee - 24and aged 50+ show similar 4.1% 3.3% 3.5% 3.4% 4.1% Scotland Scotland (Rate) ed See ple - kers this 2.6% 2.3% 2.2% 2.3% 2.8% OCCUPATIONS lower proportion of managers,directors senior and officials andtradesskilled whencompared Scotland.with service occupationssales andandcustomer service occupationsare the higherthan Scottish figure. In (20%),associate prof & techoccupations (13%) Dundee’semployees are employedacross numbera of occupationgroups. mostThe prominentoccupations in the cityare professi proportionatelyless skilledtrade andprofessional occupationsthanScottish the equivalent. proportionatelymore peopleemployed in administrativeandsecretarial sales andandcustomer service occupations. DundeeCit The tabledemonstrates the employmenttrends in versusDundeeCity Scotland Source: 14% (ALL) (ALL) 6% 11% Annual Population Survey (2018) SurveyPopulationAnnual 11% 9% % in employmentby occupation 6% 10% 20% 13% operatives machineProcess, and plant Sales andcustomer service leisureCaring, &other services Skilled trades Administrative and secretarial Associate occupations prof &tech occupationsProfessional officials Managers, senior directors and andsales & customer ( service 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. 1. Variable:areemployment in who all % 14%). – Elementary occupations Process, operativesmachine plantand customerSales and service occupations occupations leisure service other and Caring, trades Skilled occupations Administrative secretarialand occupations Associate prof tech &occupations Professional occupations Managers,directors officials &senior the keydifferences are thatDundee has Dundee’sproportion of contrast, Dundeea hasrelatively caring, leisureandother - Dundee (%) Dundee 13.6 10.6 12.9 19.8 11.4 6.4 8.7 9.7 6.2 y h y ona as l Scotland Scotland (%) 10.0 13.4 20.7 11.0 11.1 6.7 8.4 9.7 8.7 EMPLOYEE JOBS 76,000employee jobs jobs to populationaged 16 The most recentdata from 2017indicated thatDundee a hashigher jobsto density Scotland at0.85 and0.81. isthe This rati propertyandentertainment, arts, recreation otherand services. Dundeeis fairly consistentScotland’swith rate of employeejobs inthe following occupations: construction,manufacturing, insurance (1.1%), professional, scientificand technical (4.7%) administrationand business and support (5.3%). services Dundeehasproportionately more peopleemployed inhealth, education andretail. The City lower has proportions of financial (21.3%), education(10.7%), retail(10.7%) accommodation and foodand (10.7%).services Dundee’semployees are employedacross numbera of occupationgroups. most The prominentoccupations in the cityare 18 : Arts, entertainment, recreation & other services (R,S,T and U)(R,S,T and services other & recreation : Arts, entertainment, 18 : Health (Q) 17 (P) : Education 16 (O) : Public administration defence15 & (N) services support & : Businessadministration 14 (M) : Professional, technical 13 scientific & (L) : Property 12 : Financial (K) insurance 11 & : Information 10 communication& (J) (I) food services & 9 :Accommodation postal) (inc (H) storage & 8 :Transport 7 :Retail G) (Part 6 :Wholesale (Part G) (Part G) 5 :Motor trades (F) 4 :Construction (C) 3 :Manufacturing E) and utilities (B,D & quarrying 2 :Mining, fishing(A) forestry & 1 :Agriculture, – 48,000are ful - 64. includesandemployees, self l - time and27,000are part - employed, government - time. Dundee Count Dundee 16,000 3,500 8,000 5,000 4,000 3,500 1,000 3,000 8,000 1,750 8,000 2,000 1,500 3,500 5,000 - 800 700 supportedtrainees andHM Forces. Dundeehas 15 Source: (ALL) (ALL) Business Register & Employment Survey (2018) SurveyBusinessRegister & Employment Dundee (%) Dundee 21.3 10.7 10.7 10.7 4.7 6.7 5.3 4.7 1.3 1.1 4.0 2.3 2.7 2.0 4.7 6.7 0.9 0.0 Scotland (%)Scotland 15.5 4.8 7.7 6.3 8.1 7.0 1.3 3.4 3.2 8.0 4.2 9.0 3.0 1.8 5.4 7.1 2.7 1.6 o health f total and BUSINESS Total 250+ 50 0 The most significantincrease was in small business(0 A five cease trading. importantthat we continueto make acommitmentto generatingmore startbusiness below ratethe for Scotland inyear 3. Giventhat only 37.3% of businessessurviveto theiryear5th of tradingin Dundee Cit Business survivalrates in DundeeCityfollow same the trend as Scotland numbersmust be balancedthewith number of that ceasedbusinessestrading in the same year. The table As at March technicalactivities The threemost prominentsectors for in citybusiness thein 2013 the figure from The most recentfigure for total employment - 49 - 249 and - year analysisof registeredenterprises in revealed DundeeCity thatbetween 2018 above (right)demonstrates 2018, showing an increase of 2013 therewere an estimated (12.7%) at 3460 2900 2012 390 175 49,410. Source: Scotland City Dundee and constructionand ( Businesses in ScotlandinBusinesses (2018) Thereis a further upwardtrend in terms of the turnover generatedfrom enterpriseDundee in between thatDundeehas consistently attracted over 400 new enterprisesper year since 3775 3185 2018 410 180 5% as the valueincreased from £ 18,800registered 1 year1 93.1% 95.5% in businesses 11.4%). - These sectors accountedfor £ 49employees) a with 2 year2 75.6% 76.1% Deaths 2018 Births DundeeCityis 51,440 (Businessesin Scotland, enterprisesoperating in Scotland, anincrease of were:wholesale, retailandrepairs ( 4243M – 3 year3 60.5% 58.2% withsurvival ratethe for businessesin DundeeCity 2013 345 515 9.8% to Births/Deaths enterprises (2012 of new Dundee in growth over the five £4981M 1847M 2013 - Source: ups peryear to counteractthe proportion that 4 year4 51.0% 47.8% and 2014 385 500 , £ , . Businesses Demography(2017) Businesses 198M 2018 the businessstockthe increasedby and£ 21.6%); 5 year5 44.1% 37.3% - year period. 2015 450 480 291M 2018), professional, scientificand 2% of of turnover respectively. on a Source: 4% 2013 2013, 2016 485 500 increasefrom Businesses Demography(2017) Businesses y, figures. but thesebut it is it is - 2016) following 9%. 9%. 2017 450 460 SOURCES 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 Pg. Business Demography Business Businesses Claimant Count Annual Population Survey Annual Survey Hours of & Earnings Register Business Population Projections ONS Source – Mid Mid Year Population Estimates in in Scotland & Employment Survey Annual Annual Annual Quarterly Quarterly Annual Annual Annual Annual Frequency – – – – – – year behind Autumn Nov 2019 Sept 2020 April 2020 2020 June – – October October 19 19 – Nov 2019