Silver Beaver Stories

“God’s Country,” known as Philmont Ranch, is where the legacy continues. George W. Bell, a Scouter for 16 years will be receiving the Silver Beaver Award along with nine other recipients. Mr. Bell’s favorite memory was being able to sit on top of the Tooth of Time, drinking his hot coffee as the sun rose. He loved being able to enjoy this moment with his son this past summer. Mr. Bell expressed how humble and surprised to be offered this award. A dedicated Scouter, determined to provide the optimum service to his boys and to other boys in the program.

“The program works, and it was really cool to see it first hand,” recipient Sheri Tull quoted during an interview we had with her. She is a lifelong Scouter who dedicated her time and efforts into providing the best program and memories for every youth she reached. Sheri comes from a strong family who dedicates themselves to the Scouting program every day. You can find Sheri at the Basswood Facility having fun with the Snake Show with her son. The Scouting program leaves memories and touches the lives of many. Sheri shared her favorite memory of being able to implement the God and Country program to the youth in her units and to recognize how powerful the work she does because of this and how many kids and parents are positively impacted. Sheri is honored and humbled like many others to be receiving the award and she stated how grateful she was to just be a part of such a wonderful program.