The Potential Use Of Open Source GI Software in Education

Presented by Elisabeth Dresen, FIT 2006 Research Semester - Project

Outline ƒ What is Free and Open Source Software?

ƒ Why using OS in education?

ƒ Advantages ƒ Disadvantages

ƒ Architecture of the study

ƒ Overview of FOSS4GIS

ƒ Criteria Catalogue

ƒ Data preparation (assignments for training courses) and questionnaire

ƒ Results

ƒ Evaluation of open source GI software in Education ƒ Preliminary evaluation of FOSS4GIS ‚Open Source‘ Concept

‚Free Software‘ is a matter of liberty, not price! Why using OS GI Software in education? Research Semester - Project

PROS: CONS: - Costs of Software = 0 € - Finally Costs not = 0 € - Application of different GI Software - Mostly stepwise installation -> diversified experience, flexibility, - Needs of labor market focus on methods - Very quick development cycle - Source Code is ‚open‘ ->new possibilities for teaching - Documentation lags behind - transparency - GUI not always intuitive - Distribution of software possible - Regular update of material - High Quality, scientific (adaptation of knowledge very fast) - Fast development cycle - Direct communication between user and developer Study Architecture Research Semester - Project Literature research

Overview of FOSS4GIS Preselection gvSIG Main Criterias: Open Jump - OS Windows uDIG - Stable Quantum GIS Questionnaire Catalogue - Main functionality SAGA GIS Testing Phase ILWIS

Focus on Environmental Sciences Preliminary Results General Comparison

Selection of FOSS4GIS in training courses SAGA GIS ILWIS Seminars Grieseler GmbH, frankepartner, DVAG, Fh Eberswalde Evaluation of: - Questionnaire Standardized Questionnaire for students - learning curve - institution Results, Recommendations, Outlook - own experience Research Semester - Project

Library in C Library in

ƒ GDAL ƒ JTS Topology Suite

ƒ Raster Format Reader / Writer ƒ OpenGIS Geometries and Methods

ƒ OGR ƒ GeoTools

ƒ Vector Format Reader / Writer ƒ Data Formats, Java GIS Toolkit

ƒ PROJ4 ƒ WKB4J ƒ Java Well-Known Binary Reader / ƒ Coordinate Reprojection Writer ƒ GEOS ƒ GML4J

ƒ Geometry Objects and ƒ Java GML Reader / Writer Functions Research Semester - Project

Development (General) statistical computing environment: PostgreSQL Rgeo: spatial data analysis in , unified Most advanced open source classes and interfaces (e.g, RGRASS) relational database

GRASS GIS Spatial Computing

GDAL - Geospatial Data Abstraction Library

PostGIS: support for QGIS: user friendly geographic objects to the Open Source GIS PostgreSQL object-relational database Spatially-enabled Internet applications (Mitasova 2006) FOSS4GIS – In a nutshell Research Semester - Project

ƒ GRASS – Geographic Resources Analysis Support System

ƒ Long development (since 1982) ƒ Extensive documentation, good support via forum ƒ Widespread, sound GIS; functionality, flexibility, stability License: GNU General Public License (GPL) ƒ Wingrss6.3 -> MSwidows ƒ Home:

ƒ gvSIG – Generalitat Valencia Sistema de Información Geográfica

ƒ Development since 2000 ƒ Very good possibilities to extend Î sextante ƒ Intuitive GUI, similarity to proprietary software (ArcView3.3) GNU General Public License (GPL) ƒ PostgreSQL… ƒ Home: FOSS4GIS – In a nutshell Research Semester - Project

SAGA GIS – System for Automated Geoscientific Analysis

Pros and Cons

ƒ Development since 2001, Open Source since 2004 ƒ Scientific Software ƒ Very good raster processing ƒ Good GPS – Import ƒ Low resource requirement Î no extraordinary hardware requirements ƒ Stabile ƒ Good support Î Forum ƒ No installation ƒ Data history ƒ Inconvenient data visualization ƒ GUI/documentation/forum Î English ƒ Documentation extendible; no help ƒ Poor print layout ƒ home: FOSS4GIS – In a nutshell Research Semester - Project

ILWIS – Integrated Land and Water Information System

ƒ Pros and Cons

ƒ Development since 1985, since 2007 Open Source ƒ Very good remote sensing application ƒ User friendly -> Very good tutorial; very extensive help system ƒ Statistics, Calculations ƒ Good format support (import/export) ƒ Good layout options ƒ Full functionality via command line ƒ Good Scripting ƒ Data management based on Domains ƒ Uncomfortable GPS – Import ƒ Own formats (vector, raster) ƒ So far, low forum activity ƒ home: Research Semester - Project

SAGA GIS – System for Automated Geoscientific Analysis

Working Environment Data Visualization Objekt Properties

Screenshot from SAGA GIS Research Semester - Project

ILWIS – Intergated Land and Water Information System

Functionalities Command line Object - Catalog Screenshot from ILWIS Research Semester - Project

Criteria Catalogue (Extract) ƒ Collection of c.a. 160 criteria were tested ƒ Standard setting (ESRI) ƒ Provided geodata sets were evaluated Main topics to be covered: ƒ Documentation / User Community ƒ Development Cycle ƒ Handling ƒ Data – Formats ƒ General Tools ƒ Georeferencing / Coordinates Systems ƒ Digitizing / Editing ƒ Geoprocessing ƒ Thematic View / Layout Options ƒ Raster functionalities ƒ Remote sensing abilities ƒ 3D View / Animations Research Semester - Project

Data preparation (training courses) and questionnaire

ƒ Provided Datasets of software

ƒ Evaluation of available tutorials

ƒ General emphasis on raster functionalities

ƒ Verification / Comparison with ArcGIS

ƒ Evaluation Sheet for students Research Semester - Project

Questionnaire – some results

ƒ In total: 33 Evaluation

Frage 6

Do you think that now or in 3% future OS GIS will substitute 21% proprietary software? Ja Nein Weiß nicht

76% Research Semester - Project

Questionnaire – some results Frage 11a ƒ In total: 33 Evaluation

0% 24%

Would you prefer, to learn in Ja university/ training centers/ Nein courses exclusively OS GI Weiß nicht

software? 76%

Some student comments: Some student comments:

ƒ “So far no demand on labor market” ƒ “Good opportunity for self-employed” ƒ “Still not accepted – not internationally ƒ “ I Like the philosophy” used” ƒ “Same and better quality than ƒ “Not wide spread” proprietary software” ƒ “No implemented help system” ƒ “Teacher has to be up to date” ƒ “Too complicated for beginners” ƒ “Testing at home…no problem!” Research Semester - Project

Results, Recommendations, Outlook

ƒ Very positive feedbacks! Î Student’ s side

ƒ Surprisingly broad functionality Î Software's side

ƒ Easier to adopt for students with no experience in GIS (ongoing research?) Î my (subjective) side (as teacher)

ƒ Substitution not all at once, but step by step (Extensions) ƒ Greater user community in education field (exchange of assignments, ideas, experience…)

ƒ Pace of change

ƒ System administration -> security

ƒ Not “THE one GI software” but taking the best parts of everything Research Semester - Project

References & Acknowledgement

ƒ Mitasova H. (2006) Open Source GIS: A GRASS GIS Approach. 3rd edition. The Kluwer international series in Engineering and Computer Science (SECS): Volume 773. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, Dordrecht, London. ISBN: 1-4020-8064-6. 424 pages

ƒ Thank a lot for all work, done by programmers and all other involved people for the great OS software!!!

ƒ Special thanks go to the company geoSYS for every support to realize the study!

ƒ Thanks to the Fh-Eberswalde, to be able to realize such a project in the frame of the study!

ƒ Furthermore I have to express my gratitude to all students who participated in the study! use it or loose it;-) Research Semester - Project

Questions? -- Thank you for your attention! --