Autumn 2019 Issue




Image - Elmtronics HQ Guest Editor Contents Dan Martin CEO Elmtronics



26 - 27 30 - 31 32 MANCHESTERS AN INTERVIEW WITH NEW EV Are you ready? Apart from the fact that as almost all of us have been PARTNERSHIP told since childhood that the oil is running out and the MOST ICONIC JASON SMITH - HEAD fact that, we now know just how much damage has BUILDING GOES OF FLEET - LOOKERS WITH PENTAGON Are we ready from an been done to our air quality and lungs by conventional, internal combustion-engine cars, we simply now have ELECTRIC PLC MOTORS infrastructure point of to switch to electric power to try and help prevent or at view? least soften the looming catastrophe of runaway climate change.

Are we ready, as Fundamentally there is a surge of electric vehicles consumers, make that coming to the automotive industry. Some are embracing the EV switch faster than others and there is a giant leap? battle not to be last.

This year alone have emerged and have There’s no question that cemented a huge commitment to going electric. Their we have to be at some latest move, with the ID range sets a president and is in point. my view a real game changer in the automotive sector. Their new ID3 is a purpose built EV that looks cool and very much appeals to the younger driver. I’m even more excited about the electric camper van, for years we’ve seen various concepts, and this looks likely to become reality

On the commercial vehicle front we see a huge demand to go all electric and with Amazons commitment to order 100,000 electric vans the march towards electrification is picking up speed. With all these exciting new vehicles arriving on our-shores the demand for smart infrastructure to support them is going to rise… Are you ready?

Viva Electric!

We hope you enjoy the magazine and the topics we have covered, if you would like to feature in this magazine or have any suggestions we would love to hear from you. Email us at [email protected] THE BRITISH MILKMAN IS SWITCHING BACK TO ELECTRIC 06 07

decision on the type of chargers for the “The Dual Smart Charging Stations we have all-electric LDV EV80 vehicles. The Alfen installed are 7kW Dual Eve units and the MILK & MORE PARTNERS WITH Eve Dual Smart Chargers were selected as charging stations will all be connected to the best solution to fulfil the needs of the the Hubsta Network – an intelligent net- business. work that connects to over 55,000 charge ELMTRONICS AS ENTIRE FLEET points worldwide.” With the ever-increasing popularity of EVs, Milk & More has taken the vital steps to SWITCHES TO EVS ensure each of its sites are ready for the future as the infrastructure installed can be The country’s largest grocery and milk doorstep delivery increased over time to occupy more vehi- service, Milk & More, is rolling out 159 new environmentally cles. friendly electric vehicles (EVs) from June to October 2019. The new LDV EV80 electric vans, which The new electric vehicles will take its fleet to just over 500, are powered by rechargeable batteries and have a range of up to 120 miles, represent making it the largest electric fleet in the country. the latest step in the business’ wider com- mitment to reducing its environmental footprint.

Milk & More’s electric fleet will travel over 14 million miles a year, saving 3.4 million litres of diesel annually. Noise reduction is also a key customer benefit, which is important due to many of its milkmen and milkwomen delivering to customers’ homes by 7am.

Marc Ling, development manager at Milk & More, said: “We chose to work with Elmtronics as from the initial discussions there was a clear understanding from Elmtronics of the direction of the Milk & More business and our fleet strategy in terms of the large electric vehicle projects we are undertaking.

“Our Partnership is built on strong com- munication and a collaborative approach across all aspects with a very good face to face relationship with excellent support and advice throughout the process.”

Dan Martin, CEO at Elmtronics, comment- ed: “Working with Milk & More is such an Milk & More has partnered up with an commissioning each site. exciting project for us. They are absolutely independent supplier and installer of EV committed to reducing emissions where charging equipment, Elmtronics, who is Elmtronics has guided Milk & More through they can, and the electric fleet suits the supplying 80 Dual Smart Charging stations the switch providing education and support needs of the customers and the business for the electric delivery vans whilst also enabling the team to make an informed perfectly. 08 ELECTRIC VEHICLE MAKE THE SWITCH & CAR CHARGING * MISCONCEPTIONS:

What is an electric vehicle? Can you take an EV through a car wash?

A battery electric vehicle, pure electric vehicle, This is a surprisingly common worry. Fear not it only-electric vehicle or all-electric vehicle is a type is perfectly safe, thanks to the ‘soak test’ which £8,000 of electric vehicle that uses chemical energy stored manufacturers put every type of car they make TOWARDS THE PURCHASE in rechargeable battery packs. BEVs use electric through. This replicates the heaviest rain and motors and motor controllers instead of internal flooding conditions, to ensure the car is fully combustion engines for propulsion. watertight. OF A NEW EV80* What is a plug-in-Hybrid electric vehicle? Can you drive electric cars in snow?

A plug-in hybrid electric vehicle is a hybrid electric Driving an electric vehicle in the snow is no different, vehicle whose battery can be recharged by plugging if not better than a combustion engine car. Other it into an external source of electric power, as well electric drivers have said that they placed the car in as by its on-board engine and generator. eco mode so that they could drive slow and smooth and stops spinning of the wheels. Electric vehicle GRANT SCHEME It is different to drive an electric vehicle? drivers also said that with snow tires, they could see To nd out more about the bene ts of owning an ultra low emission vehicle, no difference to combustion engine cars. including the UK Government’s Plug-in Car and Van Grant Driving a vehicle that requires electric car charging and funding for chargepoints, visit certainly feels different the first-time round. Most Aren’t EVs just a fad? notably an electric car is almost silent (except for wind and road noise). Apart from that electric vehicles are like most automatic petrol or diesel The shift to EVs is a fundamental step change, not equivalents. One noticeable difference is that just a fad. We cannot predict the future, so we the torque (driving force) is much higher than cannot definitively say that other technologies conventional vehicles at lower speed, which means (such as hydrogen fuel cells) won’t make a major electric vehicles can accelerate fast from standstill. breakthrough and overtake EVs. But on current market trends this looks unlikely

Do electric vehicles have good battery The coming driver-less cars has the potential to range? transform our transport system – but they still need energy to work! In our view, that energy should be A Tesla Model 3 Standard Range Plus requires electricity. charging every 210 miles meaning you can travel from Manchester to London without needing a charge. The battery capacity on the new Model 3 is 55kW and can be charged at 11kW on AC Charger and 175kW on DC Supercharger which is brilliant as this means the car it can be charged in less than 26 minutes... Clearly the range of all electric vehicles is down the driving style, those with a heavy right foot maybe visiting a station more regularly. visit



In December last year, it was announced that all domestic electric vehicle (EV) home chargers must be replaced with smart EV chargers from July 2019 onwards. This also includes using smart technology, such as remote charging and demand response capabilities. The change to smart EV chargers was put into place so that data can be remotely accessed, whilst allowing to track energy price fluctuations.

What is a Smart EV Charger? Eligible for the Home Car Charging Grant A smart EV charger uses technology that gives you more control over the energy you are us- The good news is that smart EV chargers are ing. Smart car charging stations have their own still eligible for the maximum grant level within software that connects directly to Wi-Fi and has the home charging scheme; it will be main- full control over the car’s charging rate aligning tained at its current level of £500. If you are an with signals from the grid. Preventing the car owner of either a hybrid and full electric vehi- from charging at peak times. cle and have a smart EV charging station with off-street parking, you are eligible to receive the What are the Benefits of Smart Electric grant. Car Home Charging Stations? Reduces Carbon Emissions In short, smart home car charging stations are cost-effective and are a great step in the right One of the biggest advantages of making the direction towards sustaining our planet. We switch from petrol/diesel to using an electric want to raise awareness of smart EV charging car home charging station is that it has huge stations and their array of benefits to both you positive impact on our planet. Installing a smart and the planet. car charging station means you are contribut- ing towards the reduction of carbon emissions, Smarter Charging Times thus creating a cleaner and more sustainable planet. With a smart EV home car charging station, you can charge your electric vehicle at smart- Learn more about smart EV chargers and er times, such as when the electricity costs browse our range of home car charging sta- are lower. For example, the cost of using your tions on our website. smart EV charger at night is cheaper due to the deficiency in people using electricity. Before For more information, contact our profession- you go to sleep, you can set your smart electric al and friendly team today at 0191 417 3719 or car charger to automatically start charging dur- email us at [email protected]. ing the night at your allocated time. Therefore, using a smart electric car home charging sta- Give us a call today and let us help you tion at night minimises the cost of charging to make the switch to electric! power networks and reduces your energy bills. 12 13 How the electric vehicle industry has evolved in 2019?

The electric vehicle industry has been around longer than How are electric vehicles perceived by most of us think, but it’s still a concept that a lot of people consumers? are unsure of. As an electric vehicle charging company, we want to raise awareness of electric vehicles. Who knows, There are some mixed opinions surrounding electric ve- it might inspire you to keep researching and eventually hicles. Some consumers aren’t particularly interested in make the switch to electric! electric vehicles due to being tied in by ownership and logistics, so for them the concept simply doesn’t work. A Brief History of Electric Cars There are some consumers who are intrigued by the con- Electric vehicles actually came into play during the late cept and are curious to know what it’s like to drive and 1800’s, when English inventor Thomas Parker created the potentially own electric vehicles. first electric vehicle. The first electric vehicles looked sim- ilar to a horse-drawn carriage, however operated an elec- Finally, there are the early adopters, the evangelists, your tric motor. This sparked a huge interest in electric vehicles ‘ Leaf and Zoe drivers’. Ask any of these across the globe, as they were easier to operate compared drivers about their electric vehicle and they’ll tell you they to petrol vehicles during that time period. love it and wouldn’t go back to a traditional engine pow- ered vehicle. However, the electric vehicle industry experienced quite a steep decline during the introduction of huge road ex- How can we increase awareness about electric pansions in the early 1900’s. Consequently, people wanted to travel longer distances at faster speeds, which electric vehicles and car charging? vehicles could not keep up with. So, how can we convert those curious and captive drivers? The electric vehicle industry has made a comeback only We think it’s important that dealerships follow Tesla and very recently due to technological advancements and the Apple store concepts by generating an environment where desire to reduce carbon emissions. Nowadays, electric ve- the consumer feels confident and a part of something ex- hicles can effectively compete with petrol vehicles due to citing, rather than overselling and making consumers feel their wider ranges and faster speeds. uncomfortable. Get bums on and let people live with these fantastic cars for more the 24 hours; a simple spin around the block in an electric vehicle will not suffice to There is also a lot of complicated jargon floating around ULEV: An ‘Ultra Low Emissions Vehicle’ is a hybrid or com- get a full feel for it. the media, such as ‘BEV’s, Hybrid, ULEV, PHEVS’, which can pletely electric vehicle that emits very low carbon emis- often confuse consumers and therefore have a negative sions, which equates to less than 75g of carbon dioxide effect. We’ll get onto cracking these in a minute… per kilometre travelled.

There’s no doubt that the electric vehicle industry will PHEV: A ‘Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle’ is a type of hybrid continue to become more prominent in the future, so let’s electric vehicle, which involves the internal combustion keep it simple, share our experience honestly and most of engine maintaining the battery, however you can charge all keep it fun. the battery by plugging it in to an external electrical source.

Electric Vehicle Jargon Buster Sources: Since we want to make understanding electric vehicles as of-electric-vehicles/ simple as possible, we’ve created a handy jargon buster so you can get your head around the terminology. . BEV: A ‘Battery Electric Vehicle’ uses an electric motor and a motor controller, rather than an internal combustion en- gine. All their power is derived from battery packs; there- fore, they also have no fuel tank.

EV: An ‘Electric Vehicle’ uses one or more electric motors for momentum.

Hybrid: A hybrid is a type of electric vehicle that com- bines an electric motor with an internal combustion en- gine, which in turn increases the efficiency of the engine. The battery charge is maintained by the internal combus- tion engine, which cannot be plugged into the electricity mains. 14 15 Getting ready for EVs in the WHAT EVS CAN WE EXPECT North East, Yorkshire and TO SEE IN 2020? Northern Lincolnshire What exciting electric vehicles do we have coming in 2020...

Northern Powergrid, the electricity distribution business Vauxhall Corsa-e for , Yorkshire and Northern Lincoln- Due not long after the launch of the petrol version, the elec- tric Corsa will almost certainly prove popular in the UK. The Corsa is regularly one of the country’s most popular cars, shire, today unveils the steps it is taking to support the and the new version will be the first built under PSA owner- electrification of transport in its region. ship.

The ‘Maximising the value of electric vehicles for our customers’ report provides valuable guid- ance for local authorities, fleet managers and others tasked with EV rollouts, to make it as simple as possible to connect new charging infrastructure. Those responsible for installing new EV charg- ing points are also called upon to involve Northern Powergrid in the planning phase. Volkswagon I.D 3

“Our vision is to ensure that the uptake of EVs and the associated infrastructure is for the benefit The all-electric Volkswagen ID.3 five-door hatchback will arrive in early 2020. Volkswagen is not yet confirming specs and details of all electricity customers – not just those who can afford the first wave of electric vehicles,” says (including the final name of the car) but it’s expected to offer the Anda Baumerte, Sustainability Manager at Northern Powergrid. “We recognise that this will require exterior dimensions of a Golf – and the interior space of a Passat. on-going work and we want to actively involve our stakeholders in the process.” There will be three battery pack sizes offering between about 180 and 250 miles. An all-wheel-drive variant will also reportedly be available.

Seat el-Born The first non-VW model to launch on the MEB platform, the el-Born will have a very similar powertrain and engineer- ing to the ID hatchback, but opts for sportier styling and a more engaging driving experience. Range is predicted to be around 260 miles between charges, while the 201bhp electric motor shown in the concept version promises a 0-62mph sprint of around 7.5 seconds.

Ford Mach E Set to be one of the Blue Oval’s most important, and possibly most controversial, new cars to date, the Mach E is an electric crossover inspired by the iconic Mustang muscle car, built from the ground up on a new EV platform. Set to be revealed later this year and go on sale in 2020, the car has yet to be officially named but Ford has applied for the Mach E trademark. It originally considered ‘Mach One’, but apparently ditched the idea because of negative cus- tomer feedback over the connection to classic Mustang models of yesteryear. 16 17

BMW iX3 Byton M-Byte

An electric version of BMW’s X3 SUV, the iX3 will arrive with Byton is a well-funded Chinese EV startup loaded with a new four-wheel drive powertrain comprised of two elec- former BMW executives. The company plans US sales of the tric motors - one for the front axle and another for the rear. all-electric M-Byte SUV, its first vehicle, by winter 2020. The It will closely resemble the petrol-powered X3, rather than rear-wheel-drive SUV measures about the size of a BMW take any design inspiration from the more radical i3 and i8, X5. It could be priced as low as £45,000 for the 250-mile, to become only the company’s second pure electric car. 250-horsepower version. Each motor should develop around 270bhp from a 70kWh battery, and be capable of around 249 miles of WLTP-certi- fied range.

Porsche Taycan RapidE Both the Turbo and Turbo S have a 93.4kWh battery – Por- sche calls this the ‘Performance Battery Plus’ – with a motor Aston Martin will build 155 examples of its outrageous on each axle, a single-speed transmission on the front and 602-horsepower all-electric Rapide E four-door sports sedan. a two-speed transmission the rear for all-wheel drive. That The first units are expected to roll out of the company’s plant two-speed transmission has a shorter gear designed for in Wales just as 2020 arrives. Two electric motors and a 65 maximum power on launch starts and a longer gear for more kilowatt-hour battery pack will replace the conventional regular driving. Rapide’s 6-liter V12 powerplant. Powered by electrons, the RapidE is expected to hit 60 miles per hour in less than four Both have 616bhp, with an overboost function for launch seconds. Torque will be rated at 700 pound-feet. Driving control resulting in 671bhp with 627lb ft and 751bhp with range should be about 200 miles. 774lb ft for the Turbo and Turbo S, respectively. Fiat 500e E Little is known about the all-new electric Fiat 500, which is understood to be set for a Geneva 2020 reveal, but disguised Where technology and driving pleasure meet. mules have already been spotted testing in the USA. Fiat has committed 700 million Euros into the project, and will manu- A quiet, smooth and refined drive with instant acceleration facture the car at a new production line in Mirafiori, Italy. The on tap when you need it – the Honda e combines many has yet to announce whether the electric 500 will be technologies around a purpose-built chassis. All driven by a rear-driven like the original iconic model, or if a hot Abarth powerful electric motor that’s controlled by the Single Pedal version would follow later. Contol.

Skoda Citigo-e Ford Transit Custom PHEV The first electric Skoda will be an adapted version of its small city Scheduled for volume production in 2019 as part of Ford’s global car. It will deliver a range of around 186 miles, which is significantly promise to provide customers with affordable and capable electric more than the Volkswagen e-Up sister car with which it shares a vehicles, the Transit Custom PHEV has an advanced hybrid system platform. It will then be followed by a dedicated electric model that targets a zero-emission range of 31 miles, and features the built on the ’s MEB platform, although few multi-award winning Ford EcoBoost 1.0-litre petrol engine as details are known at present. a range extender. The EcoBoost engine charges the on-board batteries when longer trips are required between charging stops, providing operators with outstanding efficiency and flexibility.

Volvo Polestar 2 Fiat Ducato Electric Van Described as the “first electric car to compete in the marketplace around the Tesla Model 3 . A five-door fastback that takes design The Ducato Electric’s motor will produce just over 120bhp and inspiration from Volvo models such as the S90 generate 280Nm of torque, while a range of battery sizes will offer Polestar claims a “guide price around £35,000. The 2 sits on Volvo’s ranges from 136 to 223 miles. However, these have been calcu- Compact Modular Architecture (CMA) platform. It has two electric lated using the NEDC test method, and are likely to be lower in motors, mounted across both axles for four-wheel drive, and a real-world conditions. 27-module, 78kWh battery pack integrated into the floor…bring it on

Smart driving. Eco-Friendly. 18 17


Durham’s North East Technology Park (NETPark), in Sedgefield, County Durham has launched two new dual fast chargers for staff and visitors of the park to charge their electric vehicles (EVs).

Working with Elmtronics, an independent supplier and installer of EV charging equipment, the Eve 7kW fast chargepoints will allow tenants and visitors to charge their fully electric and plug in hybrid vehicles whilst using on-site amenities.

The EV chargepoints, connected to the Hubsta network, allow for four electric vehicles or plug-in hybrids to charge at any one time and can be accessed via the Hubsta mobile app or fob. Earlier this year in February 2019, Durham County Council declared a Climate Change Emergency along with ambitious targets to significantly reduce its own carbon emissions by 60 per cent by

2030. Installing the EV fast chargers is a step to- “The of the latest Tesla cars heralded the wards the county’s carbon emissions goal. launch of the new facility at NETPark Plexus The launch of the new charging points was an- and was, of course, very well received by a long nounced at an engagement event at NETPark on queue of excited drivers, and passengers, look- 12 June 2019 where Tesla showcased a range ing to test the power and performance of the of vehicles, allowing locals to test drive some latest Tesla models.” of the most exciting EVs on the market and also Launched in January 2019, the intelligent Hubsta test out the new charging facilities. network connects to over 55,000 chargepoints worldwide. Lyndsey Hetherington, Associate Consultant - EV Charging Solutions at Elmtronics, said: “NETPark The network has enabled over 50,000 charging required a reliable EV charging solution for their logs with a saving of 50 tonnes of CO2. This sav- staff, visitors and also businesses based on the ing alone could be equivalent to an average car park, which was the perfect fit for Elmtronics Eve being driven for 80.94 days non-stop. Smart Charging Stations. The chargepoints offer Customers wishing to use the chargepoints at the ability for NETPark to manage and monitor NETPark can now register with Hubsta via the the charging stations remotely, adding multiple Hubsta app using a smartphone or online at tariffs for usage but also to view crucial data, such as Co2 savings and transaction usage.”

Janet Todd, NETPark manager at Business Dur- ham, the economic development arm of Durham County Council, added: “Elmtronics provided NETPark with a full turnkey service, from design to installation with expert advice and guidance throughout the project. 20 2115


This past year has had a drastic effect on the electric vehicle market, registrations alone for pure EV have gone up by 81.1% with Plug-In hybrid vehicles going down by -40.6% in the 1,045,821 8,500 ELMTRONICS GUIDE TO YOUR last year. This is good news for pure electric vehicles. This will have also helped as over YTD EV Registrations Plug-in vans EV CHARGING LEAD PLUGS: the past year with the increasing number of pure-electric and plug-in hybrid models now June 2019 Reg. UK July2019 available in the UK with many manufacturers now offering more than one model of the EV (SMMT) ( FAST CHARGING (AC) as part of their model range. TYPE 1 The main choice for Asian vehicle manufacturers 2020 is set to be another game changing year for electric vehicles with more manufac- 130 25,425 including the Generation 1 turers releasing further models to name a few, Vauxhall Corsa – set to be at a reasonable Plug-in models Nissan leaf, Mitsubishi PHEV UK charge Points Outlander. A good deal of US price point for the market. Ford are launching their first EV the Ford Mach E, Skoda have Available July 2019 August 2019 vehicles use this connection two new models and the ever-popular Fiat have a 500 E ready for 2020. Its set to be a ( (Zapmaps) but we are seeing a shift great year for EV’s especially in the smaller model range making the pure electric vehicle (including by Nissan for their generation 2 Leaf) toward the more assessible to the everyday person. type 2 connection. WHAT ARE THE UK'S MOST How many electric vehicles have been sold in the UK? POPULAR EV MODELS? TYPE 2 Most manufacturers to the Figures published by the Society of Motor Manufacturers and Traders (SMMT) each month market are adopting the Joining the 330e towards the top of the table is the BMW Type 2 as standard for all show that electric car sales in the UK have risen dramatically over the past few years. While i3 with almost 13,000 sales to date, which has stretched new models in particular only around 500 electric cars were registered per month during the first half of 2014, this the German & European a lead out over the Mercedes Benz C 350e which - like its manufacturers such as has now risen to an average of 5,000 per month during 2018. BMW 330e executive rival - has quickly climbed the sales BMW, Audi, Mercedes & charts. Porsche. Its believed that By the end of 2018, almost 60,000 plug-in cars had been registered over the course of this connector will become the standard. the year - a new record. This significantly improved upon the previous record, set in 2017, Rounding out the top 10 are the BMW 530e, Tesla's Model increasing it by more than 13,000 units. By the end of the year, plug-in cars as a proportion S, the Volkswagen Golf GTE, Renault's Zoe, and Volvo's RAPID CHARGING (DC) XC90 T8 Twin Engine . of total UK registrations reached 3.8%, and averaged over 2018 electric cars represented CCS (Combined 2.7 per cent of the total new car market in the UK. Charging System) Plug-in hybrids have rapidly taken the majority share of Adapted by European manufacturers such as BMW, In the first seven months of 2019, more than 31,000 plug-in cars have been sold, and a the electric car market - currently sitting at 68%. From accounting for less than a third of plug-in sales at the be- Jaguar & Volkswagen as the rolling 12-month total to the end of July has seen more than 57,000 new electric vehicles standard for rapid charging. ginning of 2014, five years later they represent two out of Rapid chargers have the hit the road. every three plug-in cars sold by the end of Q1 2019. cables attached to the units (rather like a petrol pump so need for a rapid charger The cumulative figure also shows sustained and dramatic growth of the EV car and van cable to be carried on the market. According to the Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV) and SMMT, around vehicle. The CCS gets its 185,000 claims have been made through the Plug-in Car Grant scheme. name from combining the type2 AC charging standard with two rapid charging pins. Taken together with the fact that a significant number of electric cars and vans which are not eligible for the grant schemes have also been registered, the total UK light-duty elec- CHA-de-MO tric fleet is more than 230,000 electric vehicles strong. A rapid charging only connection, popular with Asian vehicles including Nissan & Mitsubishi. The electric highway in the UK, which is a network of rapid Source: chargers at every service station in the UK , has rapid Source: DfT Vehicle Licensing Statistics. Analysis Next Green Car, July charging standards. 2019. 22 23

The station is centrally located on West Wear Street, which is one of Sunderland’s busiest Initially, charging at the station in Sunderland FASTNED OPENS ITS FIRST central routes. will be free. The free charging will end during 2019 as soon as the payment system is acti- Last month Fastned announced it had won an- vated, from that moment an introductory price 350KW-READY FAST other tender for five locations for fast-charging will be charged. Charging and paying will then stations in the North East of England, organised be possible with a EV charge card, debit/credit CHARGING STATION IN THE by the North East Joined Transport Committee. card, Apple Pay and Android Pay. Michiel Langezaal, co-founder and CEO of Later in the year it will also be possible to Fastned: “We are pleased to have built this fast charge with the Fastned App, making automatic UK charging station where FEV’s can charge up to charging (Autocharge) possible in the United 350 kW in the in cooperation Kingdom for the first time. The station in Sunderland is part of the Go Ultra Low with the North East Joint Transport Committee. Local and regional electric drivers can now use Find out more visit: https://fastnedcharging. North East program. this charging facility. Sunderland is a symbolic com/en city for electric driving, since the factory where the Nissan Leaf is produced is located here. With the Leaf, Nissan was one of the first man- ufacturers to launch an affordable, mass-pro- duced electric car.”

Councillor Martin Gannon, Chair of the North East Joint Transport Committee, said: “This is a tremendous asset for the North East. With an- other fast charging station under construction and five more smaller stations planned, we are making it easier for motorists who already drive electric vehicles and those who want to go green and make the switch to a more sustaina- ble form of transport.”

Councillor Graeme Miller, Leader of Sunder- land City Council: “As host to the UK’s first purpose-built high-power fast charging sta- tion, Sunderland continues to lead the way in the electromobility industry. Along with other private and public charge-point developments currently underway, these rapid charging sta- Photo Credit @Fastned. tions will help further establish the North East Amsterdam, 16 April 2019. where the Nissan Leaf is pro- Germany and the United King- of England as a leader in electric mobility. And Fastned, the charging compa- duced for the entire European dom. Fastned is also expanding it’s also very good news for the electric drivers ny which is building a Euro- market. Fastned supplies 100% to Belgium, Switzerland and in this region. The stations can provide electric pean network of fast charging renewable electricity and is France. freedom and ease of travelling for local com- stations, today opens its first accessible for all full electric muters, commercial fleets, and travellers pass- fast charging station in the vehicles (FEVs). The new fast charging station ing through the region.” United Kingdom. This is the is designed, built, and operat- first fast charging station in the Fastned’s mission is to give ed by Fastned and is owned At Fastned, all full electric cars can fast charge. United Kingdom with a charg- freedom to electric drivers by the North East Joint Trans- The station canopy is covered with solar panels. ing capacity up to 350 kW. and thereby accelerate the port Committee and funded All electricity supplied to drivers comes from transition to electric mobility. through the Go Ultra Low the sun and wind. The station has four 50 kW The station is located in Sun- Fastned currently has over 90 Cities Grant and the European fast chargers and two 175 kW fast chargers that derland, near the factory stations in the Netherlands, Regional Development Fund. are already enabled for 350 kW charging. 25 Electric Vehicle Charging Networks

What is a Network?

An electric vehicle (EV) charging network is a backoffice that allows you to charge and pay for charging your electric vehicle. The backoffice works in a similar way to a mobile phone network. The EV charging Network’s like ‘Hubsta’ allows users to monitor their usage, see what CO2 saving are beining made and what electricity is being used per kWh.

How do you join the Network?

Most networks in the UK are accessible by downloading an App via your smart phone or android or by registering online. The best way in my opinion to use a charging station, is to register online and purchase a fob or card, approximate costs for these are around £8 or if you join the Hubsta network the fobs are free of charge once a direct debit has been set up. Purchasing a fob or card just saves that extra time and helps if you don’t have a signal or data on your phone to access the apps.

How does the Network work with the Charging Station?

The stations can talk to one another and the management company of the network can remotely dial into the stations too, via the Internet when a signal is present. This becomes helpful if a lead is stuck in the station someone remotely can assist you and release or even restart the station.

Most networks can be found on Zap-Map this allows you to locate stations along your intended route and reserve them for your use.

What problems, if any can Networks have?

So the network to a charging station is ran from an SD card similar to a phones sim card. The only difference is the SD cards inside of the chargers will roam the networks (like EE, O2 etc) to find the best signal to keep communicating with the chargers.

In poor signal areas this can become a problem if the signal is low this can cause an interference with the charger which, makes the communication to the backoffice go down, potential problems like leads becoming stuck can cause an issue.

Luckily remote access is always on hand to assist and help restart or reset the stations when the stations become back online. 26 ONE OF MANCHESTER’S MOST ICONIC OFFICE SPACES GOES ELECTRIC With the ever-increasing popularity of electric vehicles, award winning office scheme, Soapworks have taken the next steps to ensure the site is future ready.

Working with Elmtronics, an independent supplier and installer of electric vehicle (EV) charging equipment, the Eve 7kW fast chargepoints will allow tenants and visitors to charge their fully elec- tric and plug-in hybrid vehicles, whilst using on-site amenities.

Jennifer Bamber from INNOV8 Property Solutions who manage Soapworks said “We are con- stantly striving to offer the best facilities at Soapworks. We activity engage with all of our custom- ers to ensure they have as much assistance as possible to enable them to offer sustainable ways to travel for their workforce. Soapworks hosts around 2500 people each day, so sustainable travel is essential for our customers. The addition of chargepoints has been incredibly well received on site and we look forward to welcoming more electric vehicles on site.”

“When researching charegpoints we looked at a lot of different operators. But we really struggled to find advice and a suitable solution as a multi-tenant scheme, Elmtronics couldn’t have been more helpful and offered the best solution to help us manage the chargepoints. The installation, and customer journey couldn’t have been better.”

Soapworks allows organisations to promote and encourage a healthy business environment and site’s location enables an active lifestyle, with cycle routes, pedestrian links and the waterfront, an integral part of the development.

Simon Tate, Elmtronics, Sales Director, said, “We are delighted to work with Soapworks, provid- ing them with the right education and support to overcome the challenges they were faced, with regarding planning their electric vehicle charging infrastructure. This support will remain from Elmtronics as Soapworks continue to achieve a sustainable future for travel in and around Man- ”.

The EV chargepoints, connected to the Hubsta network, allow six vehicles to charge simultane- ously and can be accessed via a fob or mobile app. Launched in January, the intelligent network, connects to over 55,000 chargepoints worldwide.

The network, launched in January this year, has enabled over 50 thousand charging logs with a saving of 50 ton of CO2! This saving alone could be equivalent to an average car being driven for 80.94 days non-stop.

Customers now wishing to use the charge points at Soapworks can now register with Hubsta via the Hubsta app using a smartphone or online at – THE NEW ALLELECTRIC IPACE 28 STRAY FROM JAGUAR I-PACE THE PACK.

Reviewed by: Victoria Lewis, Houghton-le-Spring.

Our Technical Director had the new Jaguar I-Pace delivered a month or so ago and I’ve been dying to get behind the wheel…so while he was on holiday at the end of July I took full advantage of test driving this car!

As I’ve said in past issues of the Hubsta Magazine, I currently dive a Cooper, and getting into the I-Pace was a huge transition. It felt like three times the size of my Mini!

So far I’ve test driven a few different EVs and worryingly all EVs feel similar to drive. Don’t get me wrong, this doesn’t distract from the amazing feeling of driving an EV. When you take away the gear stick and the noise, driving an EV becomes effortless and they all feel very alike in this way.

The I-Pace is a very meaty and heavy vehicle, but the driving experience is far from this. The I-Pace has four different driving ranges Eco, Dynamic, Comfort and Rain & Snow so it has a mode for every occasion! In Dynamic, you can really feel the difference like your pants are on fire, with more weight to the steering and snap to the throttle.

Inside the Jaguar is where you can start to tell your in something special. From the very comfortable leather seating to the touch display screens with the right amount of future for today’s vehicle. It will also accomondate four adults with ease. It’s a well-packaged, spacious car that just happens to be electric

Owning it - It’s true, the charging infrastructure isn’t really ready for you to use a car like The new I-PACE. Jaguar’s rst all-electric performance SUV. 292 mile range.* Ground-breaking cab-forward design. Intelligent interior space. And underneath, this regularly on long-range journeys. There are too many 7Kw chargers out there, not 400PS that delivers 0-60 mph in 4.5 seconds with zero tailpipe emissions. enough 50Kw or 100Kw DC stations, and collecting the various apps and cards required Not all cars follow the same pattern. to navigate the myriad public charging companies is frankly a nightmare. But be honest Contact us to book a test drive. – how often do you drive over 200 miles in a single hit?

The I-Pace is a car I would want to actually own, by far its not the cheapest EV on the Westover Jaguar Barrack Road, Bailey Drive, Christchurch, Dorset, BH23 2BN road but the I-Pace is comfortable, well-built, spacious and has all the perks of driving 01202 462222 an EV. Lets face it when you’re buying a Jaguar your getting a bit more luxury than other EVs offer!


Fuel consumption: N/A. CO2 Emissions: 0 (g/km). EV Range: Up to 292 miles. *EV range gures are based upon production vehicle over a standardised route. Range achieved will vary dependent on vehicle and battery condition, actual route and environment and driving style. 30 3115 AN INTERVIEW WITH JASON SMITH - HEAD OF FLEET OPERATIONS - LOOKERS PLC

A specialist in managing sales and customer service initiatives, both on-line and field based. A diplomatic and creative leadership style with over 25 years experience of customer focus.

How long have you worked in the What’s the funniest/ biggest EV myth industry? you’ve come across?

I’ve racked up just under 30 years now, starting There is still a perception of electric vehicles as a junior Fleet Sales Exec at a Ford dealer for being marginally more advanced milk floats! 10 years before moving on for a similar period Thankfully that is now seen as an outdated view. in a VW/Audi franchise, ultimately landing in a There’s also the more common misconception multi-franchise group role for Benfield Motor that you can’t use a car wash with an electric Group. The industry has been generous to vehicle - first world problems! me, rich in opportunity and filled with brilliant people with whom I’ve grown and learned from. What does the future of the car industry I still consider myself on a learning curve as the look like? pace of change continues, that’s ultimately the reason I’m still here. It would be foolhardy for anyone to say they really know where it’s going but I’d hazard a Are you surprised by the uptake of EVs? What projects are you currently working How has the industry changed in the last guess that it’s electric shaped and with more on? 5 years? innovative payment plans, perhaps moving I’m not surprised by the interest but a little towards a subscription model in much the same surprised we’ve not moved to improve the We’re at the very advanced stages of launching I think the shape of the company car market has way that we pay for our smartphones, listen to infrastructure around them more quickly. A powerful, interactive and branded personal continued to evolve in response to government music or cable TV packages. Additionally, there significant change in attitude to electric leasing websites where customers can source policy, technological advances and increasing is less brand loyalty – consumers pick from vehicles will only come when we can remove vehicle leasing in a transparent and straight environmental consciousness. Change can across a wide range of manufacturer offerings, the anxiety around charging. There are still too forward way. We understand that leasing a sometimes feel challenging and places us outside less inhibited by historical concerns about many unanswered questions for the curious vehicle is a new concept for the traditional of our comfort zones. Without that evolution, reliability in one manufacturer over another. car buyer. The traditional engine still has a role car buyer so we’re keen to simplify it and however, we would not have seen such rapid There are almost no unreliable cars these days, to play for those remaining unconvinced but present all our best offers on one platform. progress in the market which promises great so it comes down to aesthetics, features and as electric cars continue to improve with each We’re also aiming to be the go-to provider things in the future. Our company car culture cost of acquisition. new model the big change will be powered by for the growing cash-for-car market, helping is quite unique across Europe and emerged as customer demand and the infrastructure will organisations to offer company car drivers an a convenient part of remuneration packages Which is your favourite EV model at the inevitably follow. alternative option. back in the 1970s when pay freezes were moment and why? commonplace. Things have clearly moved on Which car do you drive? Jason Smith since then, but I can feel a step-change in how Aesthetically I love the BMW i3, it was one of Fleet Operations Manager for Lookers plc we see the car as a perk now. We’re still in love the first electric models that really turned heads I’m one of those drivers who can’t quite square e-mail: [email protected] with our cars but are seeking more innovative as a beautiful car, regardless of the technology my expected mileage with my perception of ways to fund them now. interest. Volkswagen’s ID.3 is also set to be an charging coverage just yet – An Audi Q5 is exciting entry to the EV story. still my vehicle of choice. I suspect that will change within the next 12 months, however. Watch this space.. Smart driving. Eco-Friendly. 32 33 PENTAGON MOTOR GROUP GOVERNMENT INVESTS INTRODUCE FAST SMART EV £200M INTO EV RAPID CHARGERS INTO THEIR DEALER CHARGE POINTS GROUPS. The government will I am delighted to announce steps to reduce its emissions, invest £200m into this funding today that will it’s clear that ‘more needs to more than double the number be done’ to secure a greener boosting Britain’s of rapid charge points for future for the country. number of electric electric vehicles on our roads. vehicle (EV) rapid Britain already boasts one ‘That’s why we’re backing charge points as part of the biggest networks of these initiatives, aimed at charging infrastructure in making improvements from of a £500m investment Europe and soon we will have battling air pollutants to into green technologies. the fastest, thanks to this protecting our invaluable sea investment.’ life,’ Kwarteng added. The Treasury has now launched a new £400m fund, Alongside the £400m EV fund, ‘These pioneering projects will the Charging Infrastructure the Department for Business, help us maintain our world- Investment Fund, to improve Energy and Industrial Strategy leading position in this field, Britain’s electric vehicle (EV) (BEIS) has unveiled £142.9m and to make further strides charging infrastructure. in investment for other towards a more sustainable green projects as part of the future for our planet.’ The government will provide government’s Strategic Priority £200m towards the fund, Fund. The government’s which will be match- announcement comes Pentagon Motor Groups is one of the largest Group, providing them with the right education funded and managed on The government’s £22m Clean after the UK became the motor groups within the UK. They have sites and support to overcome the manufacturers a commercial basis by the Air project will look at ways world’s first major economy across the UK and are the 15 top dealer group, requirements and challenges they were faced private sector. to minimise the effects of to legislate to end its employing over 3,000 employees. with regarding the planning and working within emerging air pollutants like contribution to global a tight deadline to ensure their electric vehicle The first £70m of investment, air fresheners and cleaning warming by 2050. With the ever-increasing popularity of electric charging infrastructure was in place”. made by the government products on public health, vehicles Pentagon have taken the vital steps to and Masdar, will go towards while £31.5m will be spent BEIS figures released earlier ensure each of its dealerships are ready for the Pentagon Motor Group have 119 franchises creating 3000 new rapid on developing technologies this year revealed that the UK charge points to more than to remove greenhouse gases has cut its emissions by 44% future. some of which include, Ford, Citroen, Fiat and double the number of rapid from the sky. since 1990, mostly by phasing Nissan whom are all launching new models for charge points across the UK to fossil fuels out of the country’s Each site will have a combination of Smart Alfen 2020. The number of models is only going to 5000 by 2024. BEIS will also invest £47m into energy mix. 7kW AC fast dual chargers and ABB 25kW DC grow year on year, so it’s vital to have an infra- research to find ways to make rapid chargers installed. The charging stations structure in place now and one that is fit for the The government added that the UK’s food system healthier However, experts say that the will all be connected to the Hubsta Network. future. it will also invest £22m into a and more sustainable, £30m UK must now decarbonise Hubsta is an intelligent network that connects R&D project looking at ways to into reusing and recycling other areas of its economy to over 55,000 Charge points worldwide, with Jonathan Lingham , Head of Marketing for tackle new kinds of indoor and materials in innovative ways, such as transport and business the network it’s never been easier to charge Pentagon Motor Group added, “We chose to outdoor air pollution. and £12.43m into better in order to hit its 2050 target. your electric vehicle or manage your EV charg- work with Elmtronics as from the initial discus- managing the UK’s marine ing using an app! sions it was clear they understood the direction Exchequer Secretary Simon resources. Clarke said: ‘We are driving of our business and were able to offer a reliable ahead with plans to make Business, Energy and Clean Simon Tate, Sales Director for Elmtronics added solution that suited our EV strategy now and for travel greener while backing Growth Minister Kwasi “We are delighted to work with Pentagon Motor the future”. British innovation and Kwarteng admitted that technology. despite the UK already taking 34 35 HUBSTA IS PLEASED TO WELCOME TO YOUR ELECTRIC VEHICLE ANNOUNCE THAT WE HAVE CHARGING MANAGEMENT SYSTEM NOW PARTNERED WITH ZAP-MAP. Zap-Map is the UK’s leading worldwide, with the network each charge point in real time, charge point platform with it’s never been easier to making the control and audit over 80,000 cross-platform charge your electric vehicle of their fleet an essential part visitors each month. You or manage your EV charging of their EV infrastructure. We can use Zap-Map in various using an app or fob! are now working with many ways via your smart phone or customers to switch them desktop, the app facility works The Hubsta Network, launched over to the Hubsta network as a route planner helping you in October 2018 but rolled and we can only see this locate available charge points out across the UK in January increasing over the next few on your journey. this year, has enabled over 50 months as more and more thousand charging logs with customers see the benefit”. Ben Lane, Co-Founder of Zap- a saving of 50 tonnes of CO2! Map “Zap-Map is delighted This saving alone could be New figures from Zap-Map to be working with Hubsta equivalent to an average car reveal the extent of the UK’s to display live updates of being driven for 80.94 days electric vehicle revolution, their EV chargers across the non-stop. with the number of public UK network. Hubsta is the charging locations now fourteenth UK network to Anthony Piggott, Technical surpassing petrol stations for join Zap-Map as a ‘dynamic’ Director of Elmtronics says: the first time. partner providing five-minute “We are thrilled to work in status updates on all Hubsta partnership with Zap-Map, Data from Zap-Map shows that chargers. Along with other to provide our customers a as of 22 May, there are 8,471 partners including POLAR, wider level of service and charging locations across the Charge Your Car, Instavolt, communication keeping them UK, hosting a total of 13,613 Engenie and ubitricity, going through their electric charging devices. In contrast, Zap-Map is able to provide journey. Hubsta allows as of the end of April, there EV users with the most customers to have full control are currently only 8,400 petrol comprehensive EV charging over their charge point and stations in the UK, a figure map in the UK”. data, enabling them to control which is continuing to decline. and manage their EV fleet Hubsta is an intelligent vehicles. Hubsta also allows Visit for further information network that connects to the customer, the ability to about or over 55,000 Charge points remotely log in and manage MANAGE YOUR ELECTRIC VEHICLE FLEET INFRASTRUCTURE Smart driving. Eco-Friendly. IN ONE PLACE

Smart EV Charging Excellence

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