2014 – 2015 Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Program Preventing the spread of aquatic invasive species through education and communication programs Created by: Kaila Schmidt Consultant for Missouri Department of Conservation
[email protected] 913-744-5146 1 Agenda • What is an invasive species? • What Lakes and Rivers are infested with zebra mussels? • Why should you take action? • What resources are available? • Question and answers 2 What is an invasive species? • Invasive species defined as a species that is: – Non-native (or alien) to the ecosystem under consideration and – Whose introduction causes or is likely to cause economic or environmental harm or harm to human health – Invasive species can be plants, animals and other organisms • Aquatic Invasive Species (AIS) includes both aquatic plant and aquatic animal species – Invasive aquatic plants are introduced plants that have adapted to living in, on, or next to water, and that can grow either submerged or partially submerged in water – Invasive aquatic animals require a watery habitat, but do not necessarily have to live entirely in water Invasive Species Examples 3 Aquatic Invasive Species • Plants http://www.MIPN.org (Hydrilla, Purple Loosestrife, Common Reed, Eurasian Milfoil, etc.) Hydrilla • Animals – Asian Carp Asian Carp – Asian Long-Horned Beetle – European Wood Wasp – Feral Hog – Gypsy Moth – Starling – Zebra Mussel Zebra Mussel 4 What is a zebra mussel? • Invasive species • Attach to any submerged hard surface in infested waters • Spreads via commercial and