Rich tributes to the Father of the Nation

Quaid’s Bust unveiled at the British Museum; installed at the Lincoln’s Inn

Speaking on the occasion, the Mayor of London said: “I’m proud to be part of this event to honour the great Muham- mad Ali Jinnah, particularly as someone of Pakistani heritage. Muhammad Ali Jinnah is a pivotal figure in history but is also still an inspiration to us today - not just to Pakistanis, but to millions around the world. “As a champion of democracy, wom- en’s rights and religious freedom, Mu- hammad Ali Jinnah will always be some- one who millions admire. I look forward to visiting Karachi, the city where he was born, during my first official visit as Mayor of London to Pakistan. The High Commission for Pakistan, “My ambition is to strengthen the ties London paid rich tributes to the between London and Pakistan, to share Father of the Nation, Quaid -i- Azam the message that London is open and to Muhammad Ali Jinnah by installing his encourage more Pakistanis to follow in Bust at his alma mater, the prestigious Muhammad Ali Jinnah’s footsteps by Lincoln’s Inn. visiting, studying and working in our The Bust was unveiled at the his- great city.” toric British Museum in a dignified The internationally acclaimed British ceremony on 28 November 2017. This sculptor, Philip Jackson sculpted the was the grand finale of the year-long Bust. celebrations organized by the Pakistan On 29 November 2017, the High High Commission London to mark Commissioner installed the Bust at the the 70th Independence Anniversary Lincoln’s Inn Library in a small cere- of Pakistan. mony. Mayor of London Sadiq Khan who Those who attended the installation was the Chief Guest at the ceremony, ceremony included: The Rt Hon Lord unveiled the Bust at the China & South Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Treasurer Asia Gallery of the British Museum. A of Lincoln’s Inn; Sir Anwar Pervez of large number of people from all walks of Bestway Group; Sir William Black- life were in attendance on this occasion. burne, former Treasurer of the Lincoln’s In his welcome remarks, the High Inn; Baroness Sayeeda Warsi; Rehman Commissioner said: “The installation Chishti MP; Barrister Yasmin Qureshi of the Quaid’s Bust at his Alma Mater MP; Barrister Sibghatullah Qadri QC; – Lincoln’s Inn Library will be rejoiced Asif Rangoonwala and the sculptor of by the Pakistanis and provide impetus the Bust, Philip Jackson. for the fast growing Pakistan – UK mul- ti-dimensional relations.” Speaking about the Quiad, the High Commissioner stated: “A strong willed Jinnah became a beacon of hope and courage, and provided voice to millions of the Muslims of South Asia. To de- scribe the towering personality of the Father of Nation who was far ahead of his time, I wish to quote Professor Stanley Wolpert, a leading American historian, author and the Quaid’s bi- ographer, who wrote: ‘Few individuals significantly alter the course of history; fewer still modify the map of the world. Hardly, anyone can be credited with cre- ating a nation state – Mohammad Ali Jinnah did all three’.” Balochistan is heart of Pakistan, says Speaker Balochistan Assembly

Balochistan is the heart of Pakistan making all round progress in infrastruc- and people of Balochistan are proud ture development and social sector up- Pakistanis. This was stated by Ms Ra- lift especially education sector which is hila Hameed Khan Durrani, Speaker specifically focused on girls’ education Balochistan Assembly at a dinner re- and women empowerment. ception organized by the Pakistan High Welcoming the Parliamentarians, H. Commission London on 23 Novem- E. Syed Ibne Abbas, the High Commis- ber 2017. The speaker condemned the sioner said that Balochistan is on the anti-Pakistan advertisement campaign path of development especially after recently run in London and said that the initiation of the CPEC projects in people of Balochistan in no way relate the province. The High Commissioner themselves to this malicious campaign. stated that the whole of Pakistan and The speaker, who was leading an the entire region stand to benefit from 11-member delegation comprising cross up-gradation of Gwadar deep sea port. party Parliamentarians of Balochistan The other members of the delegation Assembly, said that they were visiting the included: Dr Abdul Malik MPA; Mrs. UK on the invitation of Commonwealth Rahat Jamali, Minister for Labour; Dr. Parliamentary Association (CPA). The Ruqia Hashmi, MPA; Mir Asim Kurd Speaker said that such Parliamentary Gailoo MPA; Abdul Rahim Ziaratwal, exchanges effectively help to make the Education Minister; Maulana Abdul world understand Pakistan’s efforts and Wasay, Opposition Leader; Mrs Samina sacrifices in eliminating terrorism and Khan MPA; Mrs Shaida Rauf MPA; Dr. extremism. Shamsa Ishaq MPA and Manzoor Khan The Speaker also appreciated the MPA. Members of Pakistani communi- efforts of the current and previous ty and the media were also present on federal governments for the uplift of the occasion and interacted with the Balochistan. She said, contrary to the Parliamentarians. common perception, Balochistan is

President Azad Jammu and Kashmir and Air Chief Marshal hosted at the High Commission

H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan The President urged the international High Commissioner to the UK hosted community to play their role in get- a dinner reception in honour of Pres- ting the Kashmiri people their right to ident Azad Jammu & Kashmir, Sardar self-determination as enshrined in the Masood Khan and Air Chief Marshal UN resolutions. Sohail Aman NI (M), at the Pakistan The Air Chief Marshal also held pro- High Commission London on 21 No- fessional meetings with the British de- vember 2017. Both had their official fence officials and discussed bilateral visits to the UK. cooperation. Speaking on the occasion, While in the UK, President Sardar he commended the successful efforts Masood Khan interacted with the Brit- of Pakistan against extremism and ter- he highlighted the catastrophic human forces. He also pointed out serious im- ish Parliamentarians, Kashmiri com- rorism. rights violations in the Indian Occupied plications for the regional peace due munity and media. In his interactions, Kashmir (IOK) by the Indian security to the unresolved dispute of Kashmir.

Two scholarships announced for Pakistani students at Lincoln’s Inn

Bestway Group and Rangoonwala Foundation to fund the scholarships

Two Pakistani students would receive further strengthen the ties between Pa- scholarships annually at the prestigious kistani students and Quaid’s alma mater, Lincoln’s Inn from next year. The Best- Lincoln’s Inn. The selection of the stu- way Group and Rangoonwala Foun- dents will be done by the Lincoln’s Inn. dation will fund one scholarship each. The High Commissioner commended Sir Anwar Pervez and Asif Rangoon- the vision of Sir Anwar Pervez and Asif wala made the offer on the occasion of Rangoonwala for investing in the edu- installation of the Bust of Quaid-i-Azam cation of Pakistani youth, which would at the Lincoln’s Inn Library on 29 No- open up new vistas of cooperation and vember 2017. H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, the understanding between the two friendly High Commissioner, announced this countries. offer in his address at the installation ceremony. The Rt Hon Lord Neuberger of Abbotsbury, Treasurer of the Lincoln’s Inn, and other notable personalities on the occasion hailed the scholarship of- fer saying that that the initiative would High Commissioner meets with Permanent High Commissioner with Her Majesty the Secretary for the MOD Queen at the British Museum

H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK met with H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK exchanging Stephen Lovegrove, Permanent Secretary for the Ministry of Defence courtesies with Her Majesty the Queen at the opening of China and South (MOD) in London on 17 November 2017. Bilateral relations were discussed Asia gallery of the British Museum on 8 November 2017. during the meeting.

High Commissioner discusses bilateral trade relations with UK’s Minister

H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High market access for the Pakistani prod- Commissioner to the UK met with Mr. ucts post Brexit on the existing pattern. Greg Hands MP, British Minister of State The High Commissioner informed the for Trade Policy on 14 November 2017. Minister about the successful holding The meeting was a follow up of the Min- of Expo Pakistan at Karachi attended ister’s recent visit to Pakistan. by leading British buyers/businessmen. The Minister described his visit quite Pakistan exports to the UK market are productive. He appreciated Pakistan’s experiencing robust growth. Last year economic growth rate and rising mid- Pakistan exports to the British market dle class. The Minister further said that grew by 8% whereas during the first 8 the British businesses are performing months of current calendar year the ex- exceptionally well in Pakistan. He also ports grew by 9%. expressed special interest of UK in the execution of CPEC project. On this occasion, the High Commis- sioner welcomed a series of high level visits from UK to Pakistan which has set the tone for strong bilateral economic and commercial relations between the two countries. He appreciated the British Government’s commitment to continue

The Prince’s School of Traditional Arts delivering workshops in Karachi

On 23 October through 5 November come back – looking forward for more 2017, a team from The Prince’s School programmes and courses in traditional of Traditional Arts visited Karachi arts.” “Worth every minute. Learned a to deliver the first of many practical lot – excellent demonstration of skills workshops at the new VM Centre for and knowledge.” Traditional Arts. The VMCTA is based Over the next three years, the Prince’s on a three-year partnership agreement School will be sending experts in a va- between the VM Trust for Education riety of traditional arts to Karachi to and The Prince’s School of Traditional conduct a variety of courses in ceramics, Arts. This partnership seeks to nourish textiles, decorative painting, and textiles. and promote Pakistani artistic traditions Eventually, the Centre will offer a one and cultural heritage through education year foundation-level programme. The public lectures introduced over 200 patterns found in the ceramic tiles of programmes and exhibitions that cel- next course will take place at the end of participants to manuscript illumina- Sindh. Participant response was enthusi- ebrate the relevance of traditional arts December and will focus on Kash Kari tion techniques and traditional methods astic: “The teachers and their knowledge in contemporary Pakistan. ceramic techniques. of constructing a selection geometric is so great that anyone would want to Fourteen taster workshops and two Gilgit-Baltistan pavilion attracts large number of tourist at WTM London

Gilgit-Balitistan pavilion attracted a nies from G-B introduced their tourist large number of tourists at famous tour- Tour Packages offer expedition, trekking, packages. These packages offer various ism exhibition “World Travel Market forms of tourism, including expeditions, London”. Embellished with the beau- jeep safaris, rafting, mountain biking, day trekking, jeep safaris, rafting, moun- tiful scenery of mountain peaks and tain biking, day hikes and heli safaris. lush green landscape of the region, the hikes and heli safaris Besides, there are packages for cultural G-B pavilion had unique appeal for the tourism and spiritual tourism. tourists. The exhibition continued from 6-8 Hafiz Hafeezur Rehman, Chief Min- November 2017. ister of Gilgit-Baltistan and H.E Syed World Travel Market London is the Ibne Abbas, the High Commissioner, leading global event for the travel indus- inaugurated the Gilgit-Baltistan pavilion try, generating more than £2.8 billion of at Excel London on 6 November 2017. business contracts between attendees. To introduce the tourism potential Over three days, the travel industry of the Gilgit-Baltistan to the Western comes together as almost 5,000 exhibit- world, the Government of Gilgit- ing destinations, technology and private Baltistan (G-B) set up the pavilion where sector companies to find and network the Tourism Departments of Gilgit-Bal- with 51,000 travel professionals, key in- tistan and Khyber Pakhtunkhwa show- dustry buyers, journalists, digital influ- cased the tourism potential of Pakistan. encers, students and tourism Ministers. Moreover, a number of tourism compa-

Expo Pakistan held at Karachi, UK businesses participate

The four-day Expo Pakistan held at Pakistan and the rest of the participat- Karachi Expo Centre from 9-12 No- ing countries by attracting the foreign vember 2017. As many as 39 leading buyers globally. First held in 2005, the buyers of textile and food sectors from success of last edition of Expo Pakistan across the UK participated in Expo to was manifested by the participation of a explore business opportunities in Pa- large number of local and foreign buyers kistan. These sectors were identified in who transacted business deals worth view of their enormous potential which more than US$ 1.2 Billion. could be leveraged to increase our mar- Expo Pakistan is the biggest trade ket share. event in Pakistan, showcasing the largest Targeted and focused efforts were collection of Pakistan’s export merchan- made by Ministry of Commerce and dise and services. Foreign exhibitors Trade Development Authority of Pa- from neighboring countries also use kistan (TDAP), to encourage the pro- this platform to launch their products. ducers of high quality products to in- Held annually, the four-day Expo Paki- crease Pakistan exports. The Commer- stan has become the primary sourcing cial Wings of the High Commission in ket witnessed a robust growth of 8% in The main driver of growth is textile point for a large number of businesses London and Manchester worked closely 2016. During the first 8 months of the products, and food items i.e. fish, veg- from around the globe, giving them a with the UK business companies to take current calendar year, Pakistan exports etables, fruits, etc. head start on buying and ordering for them to the Expo. have again increased by 9% as compared Events like Expo Pakistan help coming seasons. Pakistan Exports to the British mar- to the corresponding period last year. strengthen the commercial ties between High Commissioner hosts lunch for senior FCO officials

H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, Pakistan High Commissioner to the UK hosted a lunch to bid farewell to Mr. Owen Jenkins, UK’s outgoing Special Representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan, and to welcome his successor Mr. Gareth Bayley, at Pakistan High Commission, London on 08 November 2017. The High Com- missioner commended the services of Mr. Owen Jenkins for promoting bilateral relations and hoped that Mr. Gareth Bayley would further strengthen these ties. Other officials of the Foreign & Commonwealth Office (FCO) were also present on the occasion. Rich Pakistani culture showcased at The Commonwealth Fair

Spectacular Pakistani stalls at the annual fair of Commonwealth Coun- tries League (CCL), turned out to be a great attraction for the visitors. The stalls showcased Pakistan’s cultural richness and diversity through traditional handi- crafts, clothes, souvenirs and exotic cui- sine. Pakistani cuisine, especially, the rice dish ‘Biryani’, with its exquisite taste, aroma and presentation, was a culinary delight for the food lovers. Begum High Commissioner, Mrs Sadaf Abbas, along with the ladies of the High Commission introduced the visi- tors to the beautiful handicrafts made by the Pakistani women. Speaking on the Fund equips the disadvantaged girls moting Pakistan’s culture and traditional The Fair was held at Kensington Town occasion, Begum High Commissioner with education to bring about positive products through participation in in- Hall, London on 11 November 2017. said: “The CCL fair is an annual feature change in the society.” ternational fairs. On this occasion, he The occasion provided the visitors on our list of events. H.E. Syed Ibne Abbas, the High Com- said: We have excellent relations with with a great experience of cultures of The proceeds of the Pakistani stalls missioner visited the Pakistani stalls and the Commonwealth, and participation the Commonwealth countries. are donated to the Commonwealth appreciated the efforts of the ladies of in such events would further cement Girls Education Fund (CGEF). The the High Commission for actively pro- these relations.”

Philanthropic work of Akhuwat

Akhuwat reached a historic mark (AES) was setup to promote education. make education accessible to all students of setting up nearly 800 branches all Akhuwat’s Founder, Amjad Sa- and they are doing this by introduc- over Pakistan and has provided inter- qib, firmly believes that Education is ing Pakistan’s first fee-free University. est-free loans to 2.3 million under- a vital component of bringing change Akhuwat has been featured in Har- served families throughout Pakistan, to any society. Educating the mass- vard Business Review and Cambridge making it the largest micro-lend- es will allow us to change the per- Business Journal. Akhuwat UK organ- ing organisation in the country. ceptions and to alter the paradigm. ised a series of UK-wide roadshows in Continuing the journey of alleviating AES has provided free quality ed- June to take the message of Mawakhat social marginalization, an independent ucation to 500 students from under- to UK diaspora communities. division, Akhuwat Education Services privileged backgrounds. Their aim is to

Bidding process for Visa Facilitation Services completed at the High Commission

The Visa Facilitation Services Selec- tion Committee of the High Commis- sion opened the financial bids from the shortlisted companies for Visa Facili- tation Services on 10 November 2017. All the bidders brought along their sealed bids which were opened in their presence at the High Commission. The bidding process is now complete and following all legal and codal for- malities, the contract will be signed by the High Commission with the lowest bidder. Further details will be shared in due course. The UK Media XI played a friend- ly match “Cricket for Peace” in Miranshah, North Waziristan against Pak XI on 21 September 2017. Led by famous journalist and cricket writer Peter Oborne, the British side com- prised journalists, writers, lawyers, businessmen, academics and a British MP, whereas the Pakistani XI, among others, included Inzamam ul Haq, , Kamran Akmal, , Umer Gul and Mushtaq Ahmed. The match was played at the pictur- esque Younis Khan Stadium in Miran- shah. A crowd of more than 20,000 peo- ple mainly youth enjoyed the T20 match. Pakistan won the match by 133 runs. Peter Oborne, UK Media XI skip- per, paid tribute to the ‘peace-lov- ing’ people of Pakistan and hailed the country for welcoming him and his team. He also called upon the in- ternational teams to visit Pakistan. Director General of ISPR Ma- jor General Asif Ghafoor, who was in attendance at the stadium, said the match would prove to the world that Pakistan is a peaceful country. Governor Khyber-Pakhtunkh- wa Iqbal Zafar Jhagra was the chief guest at the occasion. Corps Com- mander Peshawar Nazir Ahmed Butt also watched the match.