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[email protected] A WORD OF CONFESSION FROM THE PRINCIPAL The SSR is an anatomy of our academic and infrastructural texture that brings us face to face with our latent strengths and weaknesses, thereby infusing within us a fresh commitment and confidence to strain our every nerve towers of strength and inspiration and dedicate wholeheartedly for the dissemination of Higher Education among the ambitious and aspiring learners of the rural region whose golden dream for Higher Education has been severely handicapped by abject poverty. Equipped with Honours study facilities in major subjects like Economics, English, Political Science, History, Education, Odia and educated and highly experienced faculties have been trying their level best to do optimal justice to their job of teaching and learning. As a result the college is fast emerging as a hub of academic excellence, professional success, individual and social integrity. The SSR prepared for the reaccreditation of NAAC gives us immense pleasure and opportunity to analyse our strengths and weaknesses. We may not satisfy all the criteria or may be lacking in material front, but with requisite support and timely cooperation from UGC, we make bold to assure that we will leave no stone unturned to bring the lucent flame of Higher Education to every nook and dark corner of the rural region and transform it into a potential tool to prove as a panacea for all the ills of society.