North Parish Council Skype: northmundham.pc email: [email protected] Tel: 01243 203050 1 Charlmead West PO20 8DN


As the new Chairman of the Parish Council, the first thing I must do is to pay tribute to Denia Turnbull for her many years of service as my predecessor. She brought her own unique style to the role, and we all owe her our thanks for the way in which she guided the Council through so many issues over such a long period. She remains a member of the Council, and I am sure we will be drawing on her past experience and her knowledge of local issues in the future.

I am anxious that the Parish Council and its members should be seen as an approachable resource for everyone in the Parish – we are, after all, your representatives. All our meetings are held in public, and you are welcome to join us. At the start of every meeting we allow time for members of the public to address us on any issue – either one that is on the agenda or something else entirely.

Our Planning Committee meets every month and this is followed by a full Parish Council meeting every other month. For those of you with access to the internet, you can find the details on the Council’s website here: http:// We also advertise the agenda for each meeting on the Parish Council notice boards outside the Village Centre, next to the bus shelter opposite the Walnut Tree, and in .

Finally, if you need to get hold of me, you can call me on 01243 781052, and my email address is: [email protected]

Tim Russell, Chairman

Your Parish Council

Denia Turnbull t:788640 Annie Maclean t: 262569 Frances Neave t: 782391 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Tim Russell t: 781052 Peter Stephens t: 0774768699 Rob Callaway-Lewis t: 07880713159 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected]

Paul Chivers t: 789990 Hugo Wall t:278542 Keith Phillips t: 07980666812 [email protected] [email protected] [email protected] 1