


(1) Aliens (1986) USA Directed by: James Cameron Featuring: Bill Paxton Paul Reiser William Hope Studio: Brandywine Films

Management concepts concepts Film as Case Study Aliens as Metaphor Value of Fictional Case Studies Evolution of Conventional Science Fiction ‘Dark Side’ of Bureaucracy Narratives Emotion Work Meaning & Symbol in Film Cassandra Complex Soundtrack & Visual Relationships The ‘Amoral Corporation’ Attributes of Commercially Successful Films Decision Making Sequels (as related to the original) Solid vs. Liquid Modernity Special Effects and Narrative Corporate/Military Metaphors Leadership Crisis Management Organizational Design Depictions of Female Leadership Mothering and Metaphors of Leadership

Discussion & Lecture Topics/Suggestions The plot of this film is driven by notions of organization, management and teamwork and offers an interesting critique of multinational capitalism. The link between commerce and military may generate some compelling discussion. Students are often reluctant to engage with a science fiction film in this manner, which makes it an excellent text for doing just that.

© KONINKLIJKE BRILL NV, LEIDEN, 2019 | DOI:10.1163/9789004390126_014 5($5+$57 -/025,&($8

(2) (2015) USA Directed by: Adam McKay Featuring: Christian Bale Studio: Plan B Entertainment,

Management concepts Film concepts Collateralized debt obligations Docudrama Subprime debt Didactic storytelling Capitalism Woven storylines Short selling Narrative editing Fund management Securitization Risk management ILQDQFLDOFULVLV Business ethics Financial products Economic bubbles

Discussion & Lecture Topics/Suggestions

7KHILOPRIIHUVWKUHHVWRU\OLQHV 0LFKDHO%XUU\)URQW3RLQWDQG%URZQILHOG ZLWK LQVLJKWVLQWRWKHYDULRXVIDFWRUVEHKLQGWKH±PRUWJDJHEDFNHGVHFXULWLHV crisis. Did these three teams benefit from the disaster unfairly, or were they simply EHQHILWWLQJIURPDQDQDO\VLVWKDWLQYHVWRUVDQGUHJXODWRUVLJQRUHG",WDSSHDUVWKDWHDFK of these three teams shorted the housing market due to skepticism of the financial industry or cynicism about its practices. The film opens up a discussion about how critical methods might yield better risk management and investment strategies.