Chairman: Councillor James Hill

Clerk: Katrina Jones, 77 High Street, , Northants NN6 6DD, Tel 01604-740862 Email: [email protected]

Draft Minutes of the Creaton Parish Council Meeting Held on Tuesday 9th March 2021 at 7.30pm Online via Zoom

Present: Cllrs James Hill (Chairman), Sylvia Winter (Vice-Chairman), Michelle Aveyard, Ian Horne, Anna Hughes, Christopher Reading and Geoff White.

In attendance: Katrina Jones (Clerk), Cecile Irving Swift (County Councillor) for public participation only, Jonathan Harris (District Councillor), Kevin Parker (District Councillor) and two members of the public.

147. To Resolve to Accept Apologies for Absence: It was RESOLVED to accept apologies from Cllr Sue Leggett.

148. To Confirm Minutes of Meeting: It was RESOLVED to confirm the minutes of the Parish Council Meetings held on 12th January and 15th February 2021 as a true and accurate record and they were duly signed by the Chairman.

149. Declarations of Interest: None.

150. Public Forum: County Councillor Cecile Irving Swift reported on the unitary authority, the elections on 6th May, the meal programme for vulnerable children which will be provided during the summer and vaccinations across the county, in particular at the vaccination centre in Moulton. She also reported that dog owners should be aware of a number of dog thefts in the county.

The applicant spoke regarding the planning application at item 164a. and answered questions from councillors.

A resident who had volunteered to help with the speed signs was introduced to the parish council and was thanked on behalf of the parish council.

151. To Receive Update on Speed Sign Project and Agree Response to Correspondence from Police Commissioner’s Office Regarding What Effect the Speed Signs have had on Speeding Traffic: Cllr Reading provided an update on the speed signs. It was RESOLVED that Cllr Reading and the volunteer who had been assisting with the speed signs would undertake a project to measure the effect of the speed signs and would provide the results to the clerk to pass on to the Police Commissioner’s office.

152. To Agree Any Action Regarding Problems with Dogs in the Parish such as Dog Fouling and Dogs Not Being Kept on Leads on the Playing Field: It was RESOLVED that any issues should be reported to the dog warden at District Council.

153. To Agree Plan for Returning to in Person Parish Council Meetings if Required after 7th May 2021: It was RESOLVED that the clerk would contact the village hall committee to see if they would agree to parish council meetings be held there from 7th May onwards and that any arrangements would be agreed by holding an additional meeting before May if necessary.

154. To Agree Any Actions Regarding the Annual Parish Meeting including the Date, Venue and Format: It was RESOLVED to defer this item as it would be dependent on the previous item.

155. To Agree Parish Council Meeting Dates for 2021: It was RESOLVED that meetings would continue to be held on the second Tuesday of each month and the dates for 2021 would be: 11th May 2021; 13th July 2021; 14th September 2021; and 9th November 2021.

156. To Agree Whether to Reverse Previous Agreement to Mowing Grant Agreement: The Clerk advised that in accordance with the standing orders, two councillors were required to provide five clear days written notice that they wished to reverse a previous resolution and it was RESOLVED that the majority of councillors wished to proceed with this and hold an extraordinary parish council meeting.

157. To Agree Any Actions Regarding Parish Council Provision of a Bin for Creaton Burial Ground: It was RESOLVED that Cllr Aveyard would seek three quotes and this would be on the next agenda.

158. To Agree Actions Regarding Drainage Issues in the Parish: Cllr Hill reported on correspondence he had sent and received regarding the drainage problems in the parish and advised that Highways were arranging a site visit for a report and for drainage work to be carried out. District Cllr Parker asked to be notified of the date so he could attend.

159. To Agree Actions Regarding Churchyard Risk Assessment: a) To Consider Quotes for Risk Assessment to Churchyard and Appoint a Contractor: It was RESOLVED to appoint Maynard Memorials to carry out the risk assessment of the closed churchyard and the burial ground. b) To Agree to Authorise Contractor to Lay Flat any Unsafe Headstones and Agree Any Actions Required Ahead of Risk Assessment such as Signage Notifying that the Risk Assessment will be Carried Out and Unsafe Headstones Laid Flat, a Notice in Village Link and Notifying the PCC: It was RESOLVED that the contractor would be authorised to take appropriate safety measures such as laying headstones flat if necessary, and that notices would be placed in the churchyard and village link in addition to the clerk notifying the PCC.

160. To Agree Creation of a Parish Council Handbook to be Adopted Clarifying Councillor Roles, Parish Council Roles and Code of Conduct: It was RESOLVED that the clerk would draft a handbook to be agreed and adopted at a future meeting and then reviewed annually.

161. To Identify Any Training Needs such as Whole Council Training: It was RESOLVED that the clerk would arrange whole parish council training with Northants CALC. It was noted that the cost quoted was within the amount allocated in the training budget.

162. To Receive Update and Agree Any Actions Regarding VE Day Bench: Cllr Hill reported that he had met with the contractor who was due to begin the works the following week. Cllr White reported that he had stained the bench.

163. To Receive Update and Agree Any Actions Regarding Church Wall: It was agreed that the clerk would contact the churchyard mowing contractor to ask them to contact Cllr White regarding the ivy on the wall and cutting a trench next to the wall.

164. To Agree Response to Planning Matters:

a) Application No: DA/2020/1188

Description: Change of use of land to dog walking area

Location: Land adj Matts Lodge Farm, Grooms Lane, Creaton (Spatton Parish), Northamptonshire, NN6 8NN

It was RESOLVED that the parish council had no objection to this planning application.

b) Application No: PD/2021/0009

Description: Prior approval for change of use from office (Class B1 (A)) to dwelling house

Location: Clay Cottage, Road, Creaton, Northamptonshire, NN6 8NU

It was RESOLVED that the parish council had no objection to this planning application.

165. To Agree Contents of Village Link Article: It was RESOLVED to include items on dog thefts, the risk assessment of the churchyard, the bus survey results and details about Fix My Street for reporting issues with roads and pavements.

166. To Note Correspondence Regarding Bus Service and Agree Proposed Change to Bus Route: It was RESOLVED that there was no objection to the proposed change of bus route.

167. To Agree Actions Required for Opening a Parish Council Bank Account with Unity Trust Bank Plc: a) To Resolve to agree the following terms: We wish to open an account with Unity Trust Bank plc ('Unity') and have read the account opening Terms and Conditions. We accept Unity's Terms and Conditions and appoint them as our Bankers. We acknowledge that Unity's Terms and Conditions may vary from time to time and we agree to be bound by them. We will provide Unity with instructions and changes in line with the mandate. Unity should rely on this Mandate until we send future amends. We will send Unity a copy of the Memorandum and Articles of Association, a copy of the Company's Rules, our Trust Deeds or our registration documents. We will inform Unity of any changes to these in writing. We will also notify Unity in writing of any change in Directors/Trustees/Officers and membership. Committee members/Trustees of unincorporated entities acknowledge that they shall be jointly and severally liable for any liabilities incurred by individuals authorised to give instructions.

It was RESOLVED to agree the above terms with the full terms and conditions having been circulated to councillors ahead of the meeting. b) To Agree to deposit £500 in the parish council’s Unity Trust Bank plc account which is required to open the account: It was RESOLVED to deposit £500 into the parish council’s Unity Trust bank account. c) To Agree Signatories for the Parish Council’s Unity Trust Bank Account: It was RESOLVED that Councillors James Hill, Michelle Aveyard and Sylvia Winter would be signatories.

168. Finance

Bank Balance on Bank Statement as at 29 January 2021:

Business Reserve Account 33,533.64 Current Account 200.00 33,733.64 Includes: CIL Money (Restrictions on Expenditure) 5627.29 a. Receipts £ i. Interest (29 January 2021) 0.26 b. Payments for Approval: £ i. Katrina Jones (Clerk salary and home use payment 507.82 & 507.82 January and February 2021, paid by standing order ) ii. Katrina Jones reimbursement for third of SLCC and 202.33 CiLCA fees iii. Katrina Jones for percentage of burial fees ( March 2020 115.43 – January 2021. Burial fees = £2,308.70. 5% = 115.435) iv. Village Link (Feb/March edition) 50.00 v. Cllr Sue Leggett for defibrillator light 29.50 vi. J Stamp and Sons Ltd for refund of burial fee 83.00 overpayment vii. R & G 115.20 viii. NCALC for Off to A Flying Start Course (Cllr Horne) 44.00 ix. Creaton Parish Council (N.B. This is a transfer of money 500.00 to a new parish council account not a payment but a cheque will need to be authorised). x. Calico/ Spanglefish for website renewal 29.95 It was RESOLVED to approve all of the above payments. c. To Receive List of Payments and Receipts and Approve Bank Reconciliation: It was RESOLVED to agree the list of payments, receipts and bank reconciliation presented to the council.

169. To Resolve to Close Meeting to the Public: It was RESOLVED to close the meeting to the public.

170. To Agree Clerk’s Annual Appraisal: Cllr Aveyard had circulated this to councillors and the content had been agreed.

171. To Agree Clerk’s Annual Leave: It was RESOLVED to allow the clerk to carry over her holiday entitlement.

172. To Note Next Meeting: Creaton Parish Council Meeting on Tuesday 11th May 2021 at 7.30pm: Noted.

Meeting closed at 9.11pm.