Development and Psychopathology 25 (2013), 1399–1414 # Cambridge University Press 2013 doi:10.1017/S0954579413000680

A biopsychosocial perspective on parenting and developmental psychopathology

a b b SUSAN D. CALKINS, CATHI PROPPER, AND W. ROGER MILLS-KOONCE aUniversity of North Carolina at Greensboro; and bUniversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Abstract Although considerable research has examined the relations between parental behavior and a range of child developmental outcomes, much of this work has been conducted at a very broad level of behavioral analysis. A developmental psychopathology framework and recent research conducted within this framework point to the need for models of parenting and child psychopathology that offer greater specificity regarding processes that may be implicated in the effects of these relationships. In addition, recent animal work and some human work has focused more on the proximal biological and social mechanisms through which parenting affects child outcomes. Our conceptualization of parenting effects acknowledges that family and child factors are embeddedina dynamic biological and social context that is key to understanding developmental trajectories of child adjustment. In this paper, we review two areas of research that are illuminating the biological processes underlying links between parenting and child psychopathology: molecular genetics and psychophysiology. We adopt a biopsychosocial perspective on developmental psychopathology that implies that a set of hierarchically organized, but reciprocally interacting, processes, from the genetic to the environmental, provide the essential elements of both normative and nonnormative development (Gottlieb, 2007). New directions stimulated by this general approach are discussed, with an emphasis on the contextual and developmental issues and applications implied by such a perspective.

Although there have been a number of different conceptual Current research on child psychopathology conducted and empirical approaches to the study of the effects of parent- within a developmental psychopathology framework has ing on child adjustment, such work is often conducted from been informed by a large literature on the family factors that within a developmental psychopathology framework (e.g., influence child adjustment versus maladjustment (Cummings Cummings, Davies, & Campbell, 2000; Rutter & Sroufe, et al., 2000). Much of this extant research has focused specif- 2000). This perspective suggests that there are multiple con- ically on parenting behavior as a causal factor in the emer- tributors to maladaptive and adaptive outcomes, that these gence of problematic child behavior. The general but consis- contributors may interact in various ways within different tent finding that emerges from this literature is that poor individuals, and that the consequences for development are quality parenting is a significant risk factor for childhood psy- multiple pathways to disordered behavior and/or multiple var- chopathology (Rothbaum & Weisz, 1994). Much of this work iants of outcome from individual causative factors (Cicchetti, has addressed the role of harsh, controlling parenting and the 1984; 1993; Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1996; Sroufe & Rutter, emergence of childhood externalizing problems, including ag- 1984). Cicchetti and others (Cicchetti & Rogosch, 1996; gression, oppositional behavior, and conduct problems (Ger- Richters, 1997) have described these perspectives as multifi- shoff, 2002; Patterson, Reid, & Dishion, 1992). Other work nality and equifinality. This perspective also highlights the has examined the role of factors that moderate parenting, in- need for complex, process-oriented models of development cluding characteristics of the child, such as temperament and emphasizes the importance of conducting longitudinal (Bates, Pettit, Dodge, & Ridge, 1998) and biological vulner- investigations of the factors that may both influence and be ability (Erath, El-Sheik, Hinnant, & Cummings, 2011). influenced by early contextual, familial, or individual differ- As the literature examining parenting and child psychopa- ence factors. Finally, a developmental psychopathology per- thology has grown, there has been a shift in its emphasis and spective advocates an organizational view of development; in several different directions. Early work focused on parent- multiple factors, or levels of a given factor, are considered ing and parent functioning as risk factors, with descriptive in the context of one another rather than in isolation (Cicchetti empirical work largely emphasizing main effects. Specula- & Dawson, 2002). tion on the developmental processes and specific mecha- nisms involved was often absent. Recent work has been more process-oriented, acknowledging that the relations be- Address correspondence and reprint requests to: Susan D. Calkins, Department of Human Development and Family Studies, P.O. Box 26170, tween caregiving and child functioning were dynamic and University of North Carolina at Greensboro, Greensboro, NC 27402-6170; transactional and often resulted in multiple pathways and dif- Email: [email protected]. ferent outcomes (Cummings et al., 2000). Greater emphasis 1399 1400 S. D. Calkins, C. Propper, and W. R. Mills-Koonce has also been placed on the actual mechanisms that might be the level of cellular activity occurs and influences numerous involved, observing that, although parenting does affect child types of neural processes, some of which may ultimately be functioning, greater attention needed to be paid to how parent- involved in producing complex behavior (Johnston & Ed- ing affects child adjustment outcomes (Davies & Cummings, wards, 2002) of the sort that is often referred to as child adjust- 1998). More attention has focused on the specific develop- ment outcomes. Recent empirical work has also adopted Got- mental pathways that are observed with respect to different, tlieb’s approach and begun to measure transactions across two individual dimensions of both parenting and child outcomes or more of these biological levels, for example, from the gene (Meunier, Bisceglia & Jenkins, 2012). Finally, as the devel- (through molecular genetic analyses that specify candidate opmental psychopathology framework became instantiated genes) to specific physiological processes (like parasympa- in research, it was clear that the biological level of analysis thetic regulation of cardiac output under ) and how these needed to be incorporated into empirical work and in a relations may be moderated by dimensions of the environ- much more nuanced way than using traditional correlational ment, such as parenting across time (cf. Propper et al., and extreme group approaches (Hill-Soderlund et al., 2008). 2008). Regardless of the focus of the research or the levels de- Thus, although historically the emphasis on develop- scribed or assessed, the underlying assumption in this work is mental pathways to child psychopathology has been on the the same: Genes initiate developmental pathways that are re- role of family processes, growing interest has focused on ceptive to influences that occur from the cellular to the social the biological processes implicated in emerging child behav- contextual level, and all are candidates for developmental in- ior more generally and in competencies and maladjustment in teractions that may influence pathways to child outcomes (cf. particular. For example, behavior genetics research has Cicchetti, Rogosch, & Thibodeau, 2012). Thus, coaction, clearly stimulated growing appreciation for the role of genetic transaction, and interaction across levels characterize develop- processes in emerging child psychopathology (cf. Horwitz & ment in a biologically informed model of child, and thus fam- Neiderhiser, 2011). This appreciation has already led many ily, functioning (Sameroff, 2010). developmental scientists to reconfigure their models of devel- A biopsychosocial model motivates multilevel research opment to incorporate both genetic and other biological pro- that incorporates biological and behavioral indicators of the cesses as factors in the emergence of complex behavior (Sa- factors that may be implicated in complex developmental meroff, 2010; Shonkoff, 2010). Much of this theory building pathways to outcomes such as child psychopathology. Here, in developmental psychopathology has also been informed we review some of the research that informs such an approach. by existing conceptual and empirical work in the discipline We focus on two pathways to child psychopathology: those in of developmental psychobiology, an approach that is inter- which genetic processes are moderated by the caregiving envi- disciplinary and integrative, combining perspectives from ronment and those that examine physiological processes as a evolutionary and developmental biology and physiology mediator of caregiver behavior and child outcomes. with subdisciplines of to address questions about behavior and its development in humans and nonhuman ani- Genes, Environments, and Their Interaction mals (Michel & Moore, 1995). It is this perspective that has had a major influence on subsequent empirical investigations It is well established that parental psychopathology and im- of family processes that have adopted the tenets of develop- paired parent–child relationships are among the primary mental psychopathology (cf. Propper et al., 2008). This con- risk factors for compromised child emotional and behavioral ceptual integration has led to greater appreciation of the com- (Cummings et al., 2000). However, there is variation in plex role of biological processes in transactional models of the extant literature regarding the nature and strength of this development that seek to account for the emergence of pat- link between family processes and specific mental health out- terns of adjustment and maladjustment across multiple levels comes. Although some children who are exposed to poor- of child functioning. quality parenting early in life develop symptoms of psycho- Psychobiological approaches to the study of early behav- pathology over time, many others do not. One reason for ioral development, whether animal or human, remind us that this discrepancy may be the influence of child genotype on a range of biological mechanisms are implicated in function- outcomes; specific genetic effects on phenotypes may be con- ing at all levels of analysis. Gottlieb’s depiction of probabilis- ditional on particular environments and experiences and be tic epigenesis (cf. Gottlieb, 1991, 2007) exemplifies the unobserved under other conditions. Alternatively, exposure approach; it describes the changes that occur across develop- to certain experiences and environments may be influenced mental time in genetic, neural, behavioral, and environmental by the child’s genotype (e.g., the way others behave toward levels of analysis and depicts the bidirectional effects across them; activities they choose or that caregivers choose for time from one level to another. Gottlieb’s model has stimu- them). It has become increasingly clear that child develop- lated both conceptual and empirical work aimed at providing ment and adjustment cannot be understood without taking greater specificity with regard to how the broad model may be into account both genes and environment as well as the rela- instantiated to explain human developmental phenomena. tionship between them. Although there are several ways in Some of this work has attempted to “unpack” the action within which genotypes (measured at the molecular level) and envi- and across levels to describe, for example, how gene action at ronments may work together (Moffitt, Caspi, & Rutter, 2006) Biopsychosocial models 1401 to influence outcomes, here we focus on examples of just one, short or short/long) allele of serotonin were more likely to be GeneÂEnvironment interactions (GÂE). depressed when they experienced stressful life events than Although behavioral genetics studies laid the groundwork were adults without the short allele or those with the short al- for what we know about the unique influence of genes and the lele who did not experience stressful life events (Caspi et al., environment on childhood behavior (see review by Horwitz 2003). In addition, another study by this group found child- & Neiderhiser, 2011), it is only relatively recently that we hood maltreatment alone did not predict antisocial behavior have been able to examine the influence of specific genetic in adulthood but that there was a significantly higher chance alleles on behavior. This molecular genetics approach, which of developing later antisocial behavior for those individuals attempts to make associations between specific genes that who possessed the risk allele of the functional polymorphism regulate neurotransmitter systems and complex behavioral of the monoamine oxidase A (MAOA) gene and also experi- traits, provides more precise information about which genes enced maltreatment. Although these studies were the first to may affect the development of both normal and pathological find such gene–environment interactions within a molecular behaviors and possibly by what mechanism such effects oc- genetics framework, a number of other studies followed at- cur. However, progress in this area has been hampered by tempting to replicate and extend these results to include other the large number of mixed findings and failed replications. genes and environments across various developmental stages. One reason for the difficulty in replicating genetic effects In some cases findings were replicated (Foley et al., 2004; on complex behavioral outcomes is the lack of attention Frazzetto et al., 2007; Kim-Cohen et al., 2006; Widom & paid to environmental or experiential factors. Genes and envi- Brzustowicz 2006), and in others they failed to replicate (Ha- ronmental factors, or life experiences, must be considered berstick et al., 2005; Huizinga et al., 2006; Young et al., from very early in development, because the bidirectional re- 2006), again suggesting the need to take unmeasured environ- lationship between them may place individuals on distinct tra- mental factors into account. Although animal and adult hu- jectories that will affect long-term development of mental man studies laid the groundwork for this area of study, the health and disorders. way in which G Â E processes predict childhood behavior Over the past decade, researchers have embraced the im- and maladaptive outcomes is still in the early stages. Two portance of measuring both genes and environments and their ways in which the field has attempted to apply a G Â E ap- interplay in order to predict both normative and pathological proach to understand the emergence of childhood psychopa- outcomes. Although some of these have focused on more dis- thology is via GÂE studies that (a) predict infant, toddler, and tal factors (e.g., family social support, socioeconomic; Sadeh early childhood characteristics and behaviors, often associ- et al., 2010; Tucker-Drob & Harden, 2012), there have been a ated with temperament or self-regulation, that are known to number of studies that have focused on the critical environ- be precursors of later psychopathology, or (b) directly predict mental context of the caregiving experience. The first such in- pathological outcomes in middle to late childhood. vestigations were done with nonhuman animals and retro- spective studies of human adults. Several pioneering animal GÂE influence on infant and toddler temperament and studies focused on the serotonin transporter gene, due to di- behavior minished serotonin transporter gene (5-HTT) transcription, lower transporter levels, and reduced serotonin uptake, with Behavioral processes that emerge and develop over the first functional effects on neural circuits regulated by serotonin years of life are critical for subsequent adaptive social behav- for those animals possessing the short allele (Hariri et al., ior, and thus it is important to understand the development of 2002). Several findings revealed that rhesus monkeys who these early child-level factors that may be precursors for later were raised by peers, rather than mothers, exhibited more be- psychopathology (Calkins & Dedmon, 2000; Calkins & Fox, havioral and physiological problems (i.e., alcohol consump- 2002). Many of these processes fall under the rubric of tem- tion, stress reactivity) and deficits in self-regulation (e.g., im- perament, defined as individual differences in reactivity and pulsivity, inappropriate aggression, orienting problems, risk regulation (Rothbart, Ahadi, & Evans, 2000), a construct be- taking) if they possessed the risk allele of the 5-HTT linked lieved to be a proxy for genotype but which, for the most polymorphic region (5-HTTLPR; short/short or short/long) part, has been studied behaviorally or via behavior genetic de- instead of the nonrisk allele (long/long). These findings sug- signs, such as twin or adoption studies (Goldsmith & Hewitt, gest that poor quality early experience was only predictive of 2003; Goldsmith, Lemery, Buss, & Campos, 1999). Recent maladaptive outcomes for monkeys at genetic risk. For those advances in molecular genetics have led to the identification monkeys who experienced a natural and supportive mother– of alleles of specific genes that may underlie domains of infant infant relationship there was no effect of genotype (Barr et al., and child temperament (e.g., effortful control; Posner, Roth- 2004; Bennett et al., 2002; Champoux et al., 2002; Suomi, bart, & Sheese, 2007), but only a few investigations have 2004, 2005, 2006). looked at parenting as a moderator of the relationship between Similarly, in two landmark studies of G Â E in human genes and behavioral outcomes with success (e.g., self-control; adults, Caspi et al. (2002) found that early adverse experience Wright, Schnupp, Beaver, Delisi, & Vaughn, 2012; noncom- alone did not predict adult psychopathology. As with the an- pliance; Sulik et al., 2012) and without success (e.g., effortful imal studies described above, adults carrying the risk (short/ control; Sheese, Voelker, Rothbart, & Posner, 2007). 1402 S. D. Calkins, C. Propper, and W. R. Mills-Koonce

For example, behavioral inhibition (a fearful temperament seeking over the first 2 years of life was studied in children 18 or style of reacting when confronted with novelty) has been to 21 months of age possessing the risk polymorphism of the identified as a precursor of psychopathology in young adult- dopamine receptor D4 gene (L-DRD4) of the DRD4 exon III hood (Caspi, Moffitt, Newman, & Silva, 1996). The first variable number tandem repeat gene (a 48 base pair repeat; study to predict behavioral inhibition using a G Â E model Sheese et al., 2007). Those children whose mothers were ob- found that children with the risk allele of the polymorphism served as less sensitive caregivers exhibited more sensation in the promoter region of the serotonin transporter 5-HTT seeking behavior (as reported by the mother) than did chil- gene and low levels of social support early in life were at in- dren possessing the S-DRD4 allele or with the L-DRD4 allele creased risk for behavioral inhibition at 7 years of age (Fox who had more sensitive mothers. It is interesting that those et al., 2005). However, although low levels of social support children with the L-DRD4 polymorphism who received are theoretically associated with greater difficulties in parent- higher quality parenting were reported to have the least sensa- ing, this study did not measure the specific parenting behav- tion-seeking behavior of all the groups. Furthermore, children iors that may have mediated the relationship between social who did not possess the L-DRD4 polymorphism were unaf- support and behavioral inhibition. fected by parenting, which potentially provides support for More recently, a study linking another gene, the MAOA the differential susceptibility hypothesis discussed above. length polymorphic region (MAOA-LPR, a 30 base pair repeat Although the results of this study do not differentiate between in the promoter region of MAOA that affects transcriptional ef- the specific aspects of parenting that were most critical for ficiency), to behavioral disinhibition in childhood aimed to this relationship, due to the broad measure of “parenting qual- identify specific experiences that may moderate the relation- ity” and because the parenting rating scales were so highly ship and differentiate between the influence of a broad array correlated, it does provide further evidence that parenting of early family adverse experiences and stressful life events matters. These results are also in line with previous findings experienced in utero to 7 years of age (Enoch, Steer, Newman, linking dopamine genes to sensation-seeking or risk-taking Gibson, & Goldman; 2010). Although this study also did not behaviors. directly examine parenting, it provides an example of the way Finally, in a study of effortful control as an indicator of self- in which experience (related to the family or caregiving envi- regulation, Kochanska, Philibert, and Barry (2009) found that ronment) may interact with genotype. Stressful life events, children’s attachment security moderated the effect of the risk measured here as the sum of impact scores on 15 to 18 differ- allele of 5-HTTLPR (short/short or short/long) on a child’s ent stressful life events ranging from low to extreme severity ability to self-regulate. Diminished self-regulatory capacity (e.g., pet died, new sibling, physical hurt, sexual abuse) and was observed from age 2 to 4.5 but only for children with family adversity operationalized as the sum of such experi- the risk allele who were insecurely attached to their mothers ences as maternal psychopathology, interparental cruelty, at the end of the first year. This effect was absent for securely parental substance misuse, and at risk/taken into care, were attached children; thus, attachment security appears to act as a examined in conjunction with MAOA. Several complex inter- buffer against risk conferred by genotype. Attachment secur- actions were revealed: the low activity allele of MAOA-LPR ity may enhance effective emotional arousal modulation in was associated with hyperactivity at ages 4 and 7 years for children who are genetically less well equipped to handle girls exposed to more stressful life events between 6 months this task (Herrmann et al., 2007; Hofer, 1987). Children and 3.5 years. Boys showed a slightly different timing pattern: with low-risk genotypes may have more effective physiologi- Low activity MAOA-LPR interacted with stressful life events cal regulation, and caregiver support may be less important. between ages 1.5 and 2.5 to predict hyperactivity at age Support for the latter argument is found in a study of the 7. In contrast, behavioral disinhibition was not predicted by dopamine receptor D2 gene (DRD2) on infant physiological any interactions between early-life family adversity and responses to stress over the first year of life in relation to in- MAOA-LPR (although family adversity over the first year of fants’ experiences with caregivers (Propper et al., 2008). At life did lead to more hyperactivity at ages 4 and 7). The authors 3 and 6 months of age, infants with the taq1 A1 polymor- conclude that it may be the first year of life when children are phism of the DRD2 gene (risk), associated with impulse con- most susceptible to family adversity and in the first 3 years trol problems and sensation-seeking behaviors, did not when stressful life events matter most. These findings empha- exhibit expected physiological regulation during an age- size the complexity of examining GÂE interactions to predict appropriate stressful situation (i.e., separation from mother) behavioral outcomes from a developmental perspective. It ap- as measured by vagal reactivity (i.e., decrease in respiratory pears that different types of difficult experiences (here divided sinus arrhythmia [RSA]). However, results revealed that ma- into “stressful life events” and “family adversity”) may inter- ternal caregiving behavior moderated the change in RSA re- act with genes at different time points during development dif- sponse to stress by 12 months of age. Those infants posses- ferently for males and females to influence behavior. Under- sing the taq1 A1 polymorphism of DRD2 who were also standing these timing effects has important implications for exposed to sensitive maternal caregiving over the first year developing appropriate preventions and interventions. of life exhibited a more optimal and expected RSA response Other domains of infant temperament and behavior have to stress at 12 months of age, comparable to the RSA reactiv- also been the focus of GÂE analyses. In one study, sensation ity of those infants possessing the nonrisk version of the gene. Biopsychosocial models 1403

Infants without the risk allele displayed typical and effective Propper, & Waschbusch, 2013). Moreover, harsh–intrusive be- RSA response to stress whether or not mothers were sensitive, haviors in infancy predicted callous–unemotional behaviors, suggesting that the caregiving environment may actually be whereas oppositional defiant disorder behaviors were pre- less important for their regulatory outcomes. dicted by this behavior in infant and toddlerhood/preschool years. These studies emphasize the importance of carefully measuring caregiving behaviors and exploring distinct charac- Implications of GÂE for developmental psychopathology teristics of parenting rather than one broad measure. Over the past decade, there has been growing interest in pre- This body of work is continuously expanding, but several dicting childhood psychopathology using GÂE models. Al- other investigations have found similar interactions between though some studies have looked at genetic effects within the parenting and multiple candidate genes: the high activity context of more extreme examples of poor parenting, such as MAOA genotype prospectively predicted conduct disorder, maltreatment (Caspi et al., 2002) or physical discipline substance use disorder, and ADHD only in youth exposed (Edwards et al., 2010), as predictors of aggression, antisocial to less positive parenting (Vanyukov et al., 2007); the interac- behavior, and delinquency, others have looked at family and tion of the L-DRD4 polymorphism and insensitive maternal caregiving factors within the normal range. Here we highlight caregiving during infancy predicted increased externalizing some of the work focusing on predictors of externalizing behaviors, including oppositional and aggressive behaviors, symptoms and disorders. For example, Waldman (2007) in preschool-age children (Bakermans-Kranenburg & van found that children without DRD2 risk (A1 allele) were no IJzendoorn, 2006); and negative parenting positively pre- more likely to receive an attention-deficit/hyperactivity disor- dicted conduct disorder in young children, but only among der (ADHD) diagnosis when mothers had never married or those with the 9/9 genotype of the dopamine active trans- married more than once than were children whose mothers porter 1 (DAT1) gene (Lahey et al., 2011). had married only once, but for children carrying the A1 allele That genes initiate pathways to behavioral adaptation that (risk) the likelihood of ADHD increased significantly when may be altered by caregiving experiences is supported by a mothers never married or married more than once. These fa- growing literature. Nevertheless, challenges remain in instan- milial factors presumably affect the caregiving environment, tiating a model of the etiology of psychopathology that points although they were not directly measured. to the biological processes that may be genetically influenced In contrast, recent research has concentrated on disentan- and that play a role in the emergence of patterns of behavior gling the specific effects of different types of parenting behav- that constitute impaired mental health and functioning. In the iors in conjunction with child genes. For example, Li and Lee next section, we review literature that addresses the underly- (2012) examined both negative and positive parenting behav- ing biological processes that are candidates for mediation in ior, which have been found to be distinct measures of parenting pathways to psychopathology. rather than opposite ends of a single continuum (Ellis & Nigg, 2009; Pettit, Bates, & Dodge, 1997) to predict ADHD. They Physiological Mediators of Parenting and Child found that the MAOA genotype interacted with negative parent- Functioning ing, but not positive parenting, to predict ADHD symptoms in 6- to 9-year-old boys. Boys homozygous for high activity Clearly, it is not believed that parenting experiences and MAOA demonstrated significantly higher parent- and teacher- genes interact to directly alter children’s development; rather, rated symptoms of inattention as negative parenting behavior these coactions are mediated through numerous biological increased, relative to boys with the low-activity MAOA geno- mechanisms that are implicated in behavioral adaptations. type. These results provide evidence for the specific influence In human populations, much of this work has focused on reg- of negative parenting on the development of ADHD, particu- ulatory functioning, with specific emphases on peripheral larly for boys with high-activity MAOA. In similar findings, systems associated with arousal and regulation such as the hy- Propper, Willoughby, Halpern, Carbone, and Cox (2007) pothalamic–pituitary–adrenal (HPA) axis and the autonomic also examined the separate contribution of both sensitive and nervous system (ANS). Animal models offer evidence for negative maternal behavior, and results confirmed that these caregiver effects on the development and functioning of the two styles of parenting have differential effects on the develop- central nervous system, and advances in human neuroscience ment of externalizing behavior (as measured by maternal re- research have provided opportunities to begin to examine as- port) in 30-month-old children. High warm-responsive parent- sociations between caregiving experiences and neuroanatom- ing was associated with decreased externalizing behavior for ical structure and function in early development. Recent African American children possessing the short polymorphism human research has begun to parallel an extant animal litera- of the DRD4 gene. No interactions were found with negative ture on the associations between early caregiving and the bio- parenting. Another study found that harsh and intrusive mater- behavioral systems that support affiliation and bonding, in- nal parenting, but not sensitive, interacted with the risk (me- cluding the roles of neuropeptides oxytocin and vasopressin thionine) allele of the brain-derived neurotrophic factor gene in the development of early parent–child relationships. to predict oppositional defiant disorder and callous–unemo- However, for our purposes we will focus on the functioning tional behaviors in 3-year-olds (Willoughby, Mills-Koonce, of the HPA axis and the ANS, given that these systems 1404 S. D. Calkins, C. Propper, and W. R. Mills-Koonce have received the most attention by human researchers with and child competence is often considered to be an inverted respect to their associations with both early caregiving U shape with moderate levels of cortisol response associated environments and subsequent child adjustment and mal- with attention, effortful appraisal, and engagement with the adjustment. environment (Blair et al., 2008), very high or very low levels of cortisol reactivity have been associated with regulatory deficits (de Kloet & Oitzl, 2003; de Kloet, Oitzl, & Joels, Parenting behaviors and early biopsychosocial models 1999; Erickson, Drevets, & Schulkin, 2003). These patterns of reactivity and regulation of cortisol function appear to be consolidated early in devel- Reactivity to environmental stimuli in young children has opment (although they remain highly plastic) and the effects both genetic and developmental origins. For example, indi- of experience on the development of the HPA responses to vidual differences in early reactivity appear very early in in- stress are well established (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2008; fancy and are thought to be biologically based and have rela- Meaney & Szyf, 2005). Animal models (as well as a growing tive stability over time, although evidence suggests that they literature based on human studies) clearly implicate early are modifiable by developmental processes and environ- caregiving as a primary influence on the development of mental experiences (Rothbart et al., 2000), particularly varia- the HPA axis (Champagne et al., 2008; Liu, Diorio, Day, tions in caregiving experiences (Rothbart & Bates, 2006; see Francis, & Meaney, 2000) through the provision of nurturing also Belsky, Fish, & Isabella, 1991; Calkins & Fox, 1992; supportive environments that appropriately scaffold learning Engfer, 1993; Matheny, 1986). In contrast, the development experiences to support well-regulated physiological re- of self-regulation is quite protracted, with foundations for sponses to stress (Gunnar & Quevedo, 2007; Sroufe, 1996). adaptive self-regulation emerging in infancy and effortful To date, several studies have documented correlations be- and autonomous regulation emerging in later childhood tween early maternal (Albers, Riksen-Walraven, Sweep, & (Beauregard, Levesque, & Paquette, 2004; Calkins, 2011). de Weerth, 2008; Blair et al., 2008; Pendry & Adam, 2007) During the early phases of development, however, there is al- and paternal (Mills-Koonce et al., 2011) caregiving and most an exclusive reliance on the caregiver by the child to HPA functioning in young children. Furthermore, Blair provide emotional scaffolding and external sources of regula- et al. (2011) provides evidence for the role of parenting behav- tion and control needed to help the child modulate arousal. ior as a mediator of the potentially adverse effects of poverty These processes, and their relevance for other normative on early HPA dysfunction based on data collected by the Fam- and pathological child outcomes, have been evidenced by ily Life Project, a large epidemiological study of children and multiple studies of the precursors and sequelae of early psy- families living in poor, rural communities in the United States. chophysiological reactivity and regulation. In integrating the In this recent research, sensitive parenting (defined as warm, findings on this topic, Boyce and Ellis (2005) proposed a the- engaged, and emotionally supportive caregiving) mediated oretical framework suggesting that hyperreactivity in stress the association between income-to-needs ratios and baseline responsive systems may occur in response to highly stressful measures of child cortisol at 7, 15, and 24 months of age. Per- early environments, specifically those that are threatening, haps the most convincing evidence, however, comes from ex- unpredictable, and lacking in caregiver support. When such perimental manipulation of parenting behaviors through a ran- conditions are persistent over time, the chronic and prolonged domized clinical trial that resulted in both improved parenting activation of these systems (sometimes referred to as allostatic and parent–child relationships as well as more optimal HPA load) results in an impeded ability of the child to flexibly re- functioning in young children (Bakermans-Kranenburg, van spond to different levels and types of challenge (McEwen, IJzendoorn, Pijlman, Mesman, & Juffer, 2008). 1998, 2000) that may have long-term consequences for In addition to the potential direct effects of early parenting both mental and physical health during later childhood and on children’s HPA functioning, there is also evidence that the adulthood (Evans, 2003, 2004; Gordis, Granger, Susman, quality of the early parent–child attachment relationship is & Trickett, 2008; McEwen & Seeman, 1999). Here we will also associated with early HPA functioning. The attachment focus explicitly on parenting associations with the HPA behavioral system includes those infant behaviors that are ac- axis and ANS, as well as the implications of variations in tivated by stress with the goal of reinstating a sense of secur- these systems for subsequent child development. ity, usually best achieved in infancy by close physical contact or proximity with a familiar caregiver (Bowlby, 1969). Under Parenting experiences and early HPA functioning. Research typical conditions, a well-functioning attachment relationship on the end product of HPA activity, the glucocorticoid hor- will serve to buffer the infant (and adult) against extreme mone cortisol, suggests that atypical levels of resting cortisol levels of fearful arousal. When the infant’s caregiving history or cortisol reactivity in response to threat or challenge is asso- precludes the ability to use the parent as a source of security ciated with deficits in effortful control (Lengua, 2012) and and external regulation (as is often the case among children higher levels of externalizing and internalizing behavior with insecure or disorganized attachments; Main, 1990), problems (Granger, Stansbury, & Henker, 1994; Granger, then the child’s cortisol response to stress or challenge is Weisz, McCracken, Ikeda, & Douglas, 1996). Whereas the likely to diverge from typical patterns of age- and experi- ideal relation between cortisol response to moderate stress ence-appropriate reactivity and regulation. To this effect, Biopsychosocial models 1405

Spangler and Grossmann (1993) reported that children with responses (Brotman, Goldern, & Wittstein, 2007) and can al- insecure–disorganized attachment relationships maintained ter the daily rhythms of cortisol (Fisher, Stoolmiller, Gunnar, significantly elevated cortisol levels 30 min after experienc- & Burraston, 2007), potentially reducing the risk for later reg- ing an emotional challenge as compared to infants with se- ulatory and psychopathological disorders. cure strategies; whereas, cortisol levels of infants with inse- cure–avoidant attachments were intermediate in value. Parenting behavior and early autonomic functioning. The Similar findings have been reported by Hertsgaard, Gunnar, human nervous system is divided into the central and periph- Erickson, and Nachmias (1995) and Bernard and Dozier eral nervous systems, and the peripheral nervous system can (2010) and suggest that in infancy dysregulated cortisol activ- itself be divided by volition into somatic and autonomic com- ity can occur when adequate child-behavioral strategies can- ponents. The ANS can in turn be further divided into two not be applied, such as the inability to effectively utilize the branches: the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) and parent as a source of security and external regulation. the sympathetic nervous system (SNS). The activity of the On the extreme end of the parenting spectrum, research iden- PNS is most often indexed by vagal tone, or the neural control tifies early and prolonged experience of abuse, maltreatment, of the heart via the vagus nerve. Effective vagal functioning and neglect as highly significant risk factors for atypical behav- has been related to the ability to maintain homeostasis in ioral and psychobiological outcomes (Hussey et al., 2005; the face of situational change by allowing attention to shift Kohl, Jonson-Reid, & Drake, 2009). Although there are excep- from internal processes to external demands, facilitating the tions (e.g., King, Mandansky, King, Fletcher, & Brewer, 2001), use of coping strategies to regulate affective or behavioral several studies have shown that children and adolescents ex- arousal (Porges, 1992). Overall, findings support the hypoth- posed to severe child abuse and neglect or other types of severe esis that higher levels of baseline vagal tone and greater vagal trauma have higher levels of baseline cortisol than do compar- withdrawal during a challenge context reflect more effective ison children (Carrion, Weems, Ray, & Reiss, 2002; Cicchetti regulation (Bazhenova, Plonskaia, & Porges, 2001; Moore & Rogosch, 2001; De Bellis et al., 1999; Delahanty, Nugent, & Calkins, 2004), including higher soothability (Huffman Christopher, & Walsh, 2005;Pfeffer,Altemus,Heo,&Jiang, et al., 1998), more attentional control (Huffman et al., 2007) and hyperactivity of the HPA axis and ANS (Heim, New- 1998; Suess, Porges, & Plude, 1994), and better emotion reg- port, Mletzko, Miller, & Nemeroff, 2008). ulation (Calkins, 1997; Porges, Doussard-Roosevelt, Por- Although the association between caregiver treatment and tales, & Greenspan, 1996). In contrast to the PNS, the SNS child HPA axis hyperreactivity is consistent with Boyce and is associated with the “fight or flight” response to stress (Can- Ellis’ (2005) theoretical framework linking highly stressful non, 1929) with sympathetic activation freeing and directing early environments to physiological hyperreactivity, emerg- metabolic resources to support active defense behaviors. ing theory and research also posits an alternative “attenuation Early attempts to measure SNS activity focused largely on hypothesis” (Gunnar & Vazquez, 2001; Susman, 2006) changes in heart rate, although more recently, Nater and Roh- whereby the HPA axis adapts to sustained periods of hyper- leder (2009) have advocated assaying saliva for the enzyme activity in response to chronic and extreme environments a-amylase (sAA), as well as measuring the heart’s preejec- (such as abuse and maltreatment) by downregulating cortisol tion period (Sherwood, 1995), as an index of sympathetic ac- secretion following a stressor, resulting in hyposecretion. Al- tivity that strongly correlates with other measures of sympa- though several mechanisms have been proposed, such as de- thetic activation (Bauer, Quas, & Boyce, 2002). creased biosynthesis of hormones in the HPA axis, down- As with the HPA axis, the quality of the early caregiving regulation of pituitary receptors, and increased negative environment likely influences the trajectories of autonomic feedback sensitivity (Fries, Hesse, Hellhammer, & Hellham- development from infancy onward (Calkins, Smith, Gill, & mer, 2005; Heim et al., 2000), hyposecretion is proposed to Johnson, 1998; Calkins & Fox, 1992; Fox, 1989), as regula- have an adaptive function, as prolonged exposure to cortisol tory strategies shift from caregiver–child coregulation to in- has deleterious effects on brain structures, such as the hippo- ternalized and effortful regulation by the infant. Moore and campus and frontal cortex, as well as cardiovascular and im- Calkins (2004) found that 3-month-old infants of dyads exhi- munological functioning (Bremner & Vermetten, 2001;De biting lower synchrony (i.e., the degree to which parents and Bellis & Kuchibhatla, 2006; McEwen & Wingfield, 2003; infants synchronously changed affective displays) showed an Raison & Miller, 2003; Sapolsky, Romero, & Munck, atypical response to a social challenge task, exhibiting greater 2000). Furthermore, studies of adults retrospectively report- levels of vagal withdrawal during an episode in which they ing childhood abuse have reported lower levels of cortisol played normally with their mothers and less vagal withdrawal during the course of the day (Bremner et al., 2003) and in re- during a situation meant to elicit distress. Working with sponse to hormonal or physical challenge (Heim, Newport, 6-month-old infants, Porter (2003) demonstrated that children Bonsall, Miller, & Nemeroff, 2001; Santa Ana et al., 2006). who spent more time in joint communicative sequences with These associations, however, do appear malleable to proper their mothers had higher basal vagal tones than did children intervention following reports of abuse. For example, a recent in dyads that spent less time engaged in this form of dyadic study reported that family-based preventative intervention for regulation. From 12 to 18 months, children classified as children at high risk for abuse can alter HPA axis stress insecurely attached to their primary caregiver (specifically 1406 S. D. Calkins, C. Propper, and W. R. Mills-Koonce children with insecure–avoidant attachments) displayed that moderate levels of psychophysiological reactivity to higher heart rate, increased vagal withdrawal, and higher common stressors are associated with more adaptive short- levels of sAA (a marker of SNS activity) throughout the entire and long-term outcomes and that both patterns of hyperre- Strange Situation Paradigm than did infants classified as se- sponsivity and hyporesponsivity in response to early adver- curely attached (Frigerio et al., 2009; Hill-Soderlund et al., sity are associated with less adaptive and more problematic 2008). Among toddlers in foster care, Oosterman, De Schip- developmental outcomes (Obradovic´ & Boyce, 2009). For per, Fisher, Dozier, and Schuengel (2010) demonstrated that example, internalizing behaviors have been associated with children in disordered attachment relationships (an aggregate higher levels of SNS reactivity (Fowles, Kochanska, & Mur- category including children with disorganized–controlling ray, 2000; Weems, Zakem, Costa, Cannon, & Watts, 2005) and insecure–other classifications) exhibited increased sym- and higher levels of HPA reactivity (Adam & Kumari, pathetic activity (as indexed by preejection period) over the 2009; Gunnar, Wewerka, Frenn, Long, & Grigs, 2009; Halli- course of a modified Strange Situation Paradigm. gan, Herbert, Goodyer, & Murray, 2007). Meanwhile, exter- The findings of various studies have consistently demon- nalizing behaviors have been associated with lower levels of strated that maternal sensitivity is associated with effective PNS reactivity (Calkins & Dedmon, 2000; Calkins, Graziano, autonomic regulation in response to challenge and, con- & Keane, 2007; Calkins & Keane, 2004), SNS reactivity versely, that negative, controlling behaviors are related to (Beauchaine, Gatzke-Kopp, & Mead, 2007; Crowell et al., poor ANS regulation (e.g., Calkins et al., 1998; Calkins, Gra- 2006; Gatzke-Kopp, Raine, Loeber, Stouthamer-Loeber, & ziano, Berdan, Keane, & Degnan, 2008; Conradt & Ablow, Steinhauer, 2002) and HPA reactivity (O’Neal et al., 2010, 2010; Ham & Tronick, 2006; Moore et al., 2009; Propper Oosterlaan, Geurts, Knol, & Sergeant, 2005; Shirtcliff, & Moore, 2006). As previously discussed, Propper et al. Granger, Booth, & Johnson, 2005). These patterns of reactiv- (2008) found that the effects of maternal sensitivity on auto- ity have implications for how children appraise and respond nomic regulation can even overcome genetic risk factors, with to their environments as well as how their environments con- infants carrying the “risk” allele of the DRD2 gene initially tinue to influence their ongoing development. For example, it failing to show expected and normative vagal withdrawal dur- is possible that early insensitive and punitive caregiving envi- ing challenge but later demonstrating normative vagal func- ronments may result in hyporesponsive stress systems over tioning 6 months later when raised by sensitive and suppor- time (Obradovic´, 2012); compromise the emotional experi- tive mothers. At the opposite end of the maternal behavior ences of fear, guilt, and empathy; increase children’s insensi- spectrum, Kivlighan and Granger (2006) reported that mater- tivity to punishment; and ultimately increase their propensi- nal detachment was associated with higher levels of baseline ties for aggressive and antisocial behaviors (Dadds & sAA during infancy, suggesting less flexibility in the ANS to Salmon, 2003). Such a model suggests that early family ex- respond adequately to challenge. periences shape how children react physiologically, cogni- Just as with the HPA axis, the findings that exposure to tively, and behaviorally to salient emotional information family risk and nonoptimal parenting is associated with al- about themselves and others and that this multilevel cascade terations of autonomic development are consistent with a bi- may have profound implications for developmental psycho- ological embedding perspective (Hertzman & Boyce, 2010). pathology well beyond early childhood (Cox, Mills-Koonce, In the short term, maintaining a low level of parasympathetic Propper, & Gariepy, 2010). reactivity, possibly by establishing lower basal levels of vagal In addition, the effects of early parenting behaviors on the tone, may be adaptive. According to Boyce and Ellis (2005), development of child psychophysiological reactivity and reg- high levels of parasympathetic reactivity would be ill suited to ulation may alter the child’s sensitivity to future environ- an environment in which challenges were frequent and se- mental experiences (including ongoing experiences with the vere. However, what is adaptive in the short term may not re- caregivers). For example, children who are biologically main so. A young child born into an environment rife with more reactive have been identified as being more susceptible sources of proximal risk is likely to continue to be exposed to the negative effects of environmental adversity as well as to those risks. If the resources afforded by the PNS are un- the positive effects of environmental support as compared available, then those offered by the SNS will be drawn upon, to less-reactive children (Ellis, Boyce, Belsky, Bakermans- perhaps more heavily than in a child born to a less stressful Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, 2011). Similar to Belsky’s environment (as the small number of studies above that as- differential susceptibility hypotheses, which posits that tem- sessed sympathetic response to challenge would suggest). peramentally more-reactive children are more susceptible to Again, as with the HPA system, conventional theories of reac- both positive and negative environmental conditions (Belsky, tivity (e.g., Nesse & Young, 2000) assert that such frequent, 2005; Belsky, Bakermans-Kranenburg, & van IJzendoorn, large, and prolonged sympathetic activation would impose an 2007), Boyce & Ellis (2005) propose that physiological reac- allostatic load with deleterious effects on the long-term physi- tivity can also be conceptualized as a biological indicator of cal and mental health of the child. sensitivity to context. Recent research on individual differ- ences in both ANS and HPA axis functioning provides evi- Implications for developmental psychopathology. Across dence that heightened physiological reactivity is associated multiple longitudinal studies there is accumulating evidence with stronger correlations between environmental experiences Biopsychosocial models 1407 and children’s behavioral development (Boyce, Torshein, developmental trajectory is critical. This articulation not only is Currie, & Zambon, 2006; Cummings, El-Sheikh, Kouros, required of the outcome of interest, such as “child adjustment,” & Keller, 2007; Obradovic´, Bush, Stamperdahl, Adler, & but also must be done at every level of the analysis. Boyce, 2010). The developmental implications of this con- For example, an important new and critical direction for ceptualization of physiological reactivity are quite profound. GÂE studies is the need to move beyond the focus on one ge- Given that the possible implications for atypical physiologi- netic allele in prediction of complex outcomes and instead to cal reactivity are not mutually exclusive, we can view the consider multiple genes, as well as their interaction (Gene  ANS and HPA systems as providing both (a) a biological Gene). The failure to do so may account for some of the means of transmitting early family experience into a develop- mixed results regarding the effects of one specific gene on be- mental endophenotype underlying typical or atypical devel- havior; examining multiple polymorphisms in combination opmental outcomes and (b) a biological mechanism that con- as haplotypes may ameliorate this issue. Haplotypes refer to strains or augments the influence of ongoing environmental a group of alleles on a single chromosome that are usually in- experiences on the developing child. In other words, psycho- herited together. It is likely that these polymorphisms interact, physiological reactivity may serve as both a critical mediator and it is necessary to be aware of these allelic combinations and moderator of early experience on later developmental when making inferences about functional and phenotypic as- psychopathology. sociations. For example, Sulik et al. (2012) found that certain outcomes are revealed only when specific allelic combina- tions as haplotypes are examined. In this work, the interaction Challenges and New Directions between three solute carrier family C6, member 4 gene hap- The genetic and psychophysiological work reviewed here lotypes and parenting behavior was a significant predictor of makes clear that direct-effects analyses of the role of either noncompliance from 18 to 54 months age, such that at genes/biology or environment in emerging psychopathology younger ages one group of children (L10–L12 haplotypes) are neither accurate nor very revealing of developmental pro- were more susceptible to parenting than were the others cess, largely because they do not reflect the complexity of the (S10 and S12 haplotypes). However, over time the S10 hap- developmental system. Instead, acknowledging that family lotype group became increasingly affected by parenting, and child factors are embedded in a dynamic biopsychosocial while the S12 group remained relatively unaffected by parent- context is key to understanding developmental trajectories of ing across the entire study. Not only do these findings high- child psychopathology. Adoption of a biopsychosocial frame- light the importance of taking into account haplotypes rather work that emphasizes the dynamic and transactional nature of than individual genes, but the work’s longitudinal design also the developmental system is key to generating empirical work provides the chance to examine change over time. Many of that may contribute substantially to our understanding of devel- these findings would not have been clear if they were assessed opment across multiple levels of functioning and across the life cross-sectionally, as the effect of parenting for each group span. We would argue that the integration of GÂE studies with was most salient at various points over early development. those that focus on underlying physiological processes that may Another challenge to specificity in developmental path- be affected by caregiving and that support adaptive behavior ways is the articulation and measurement of environment. may be the most fruitful approach to articulating the pathways For example, although the environment in GÂE may be ob- to psychopathology in its various forms. Such investigations vious to some researchers, if one wishes to trace develop- are still relatively rare and beset by numerous challenges, which mental pathways from genes to behavioral outcomes with are evident at the level of conceptualization, investigation, and any degree of emphasis on the actual process, whether biolog- translation. Here we articulate these challenges and suggest new ical or behavioral, better articulation of the relevant features directions for research that may push the field of developmental of environment are necessary. Often, researchers assume psychopathology to greater understanding of the role of biology that environment must mean parenting behavior or other di- in the multiple pathways to child adjustment. mensions of the family environment. Such an assumption may be intuitively appealing, and in some cases correct, but it should not preclude looking at other elements of the envi- Identifying the gene(s), defining the environment, and ronment. This focus on family functioning and parenting be- refining the phenotype havior requires elaboration. Although considerable research One important reason that a biopsychosocial perspective is a has sought to understand the relations between parental be- valuable tool in the empirical study of child psychopathology havior and a range of child developmental outcomes, much is that such inquiries force scientists to better articulate the ele- of this work has been conducted at a very broad level of anal- ments of the multiple developmental pathways that exist. Much ysis, using global constructs like attachment, warmth, and of the research on GÂE interactions focuses on broad indica- monitoring. Analyses of G  E interactions reveal the need tors of both inherited traits and child outcomes and somewhat for models of family functioning that offer greater specificity global indicators of family process. However, in tandem with regarding proximal processes that may be implicated in the specifying the mechanisms of genetic transmissions, identify- effects of these relationships on children’s biological and be- ing and defining the behavioral, and observable, elements of a havioral functioning (Corter & Fleming, 1995). 1408 S. D. Calkins, C. Propper, and W. R. Mills-Koonce

Phenotypic specificity at the level of outcome is needed as However, note that these variations in family processes well. Much of the work examining child adjustment has fo- and child outcomes as a function of culture might also be con- cused on broad indicators of the child’s functioning, such strained by context or by developmental timing. For example, as externalizing and internalizing symptoms. Predicting to most of the weak associations between parental control and such indicators is less than satisfying because they are not negative child outcomes for African American families are very revealing of the specific ways in which children’s be- based on samples of preadolescent and older children. Within havior or biology is being influenced or altered by the G Â the infancy and toddler periods, Clincy, Mills-Koonce, and E interplay. Moreover, many of the measures of child out- the Family Life Project Key Investigators (in press) report come that are used would best be described as general indi- that increasing levels of intrusiveness and control among cators of child functioning, given that individual scales re- African American mothers during the first three years of flecting particular clusters of symptoms are often correlated life are associated with lower levels of language ability, cog- (e.g., internalizing and externalizing) and given that parents nitive development, and effortful control and higher levels of are typically the reporters of the child’s functioning. To the peer problems in toddlerhood. Blair et al. (2011) found higher extent that investigations can specify and observe particular levels of resting cortisol among African American children at behaviors or traits in a more nuanced way, identifying link- 6, 15, and 24 months of age, and this group difference was ages to neural or physiological processes that are genetically mediated by observed parenting behaviors. The implications influenced will be made easier, as will hypothesizing how of these findings for subsequent variation in child maladapta- environmental factors might alter the pathway to the behav- tion are as of yet unknown. Whereas the basic processes link- ioral phenotype. ing parenting behaviors and early biopsychosocial develop- ment may be more etic and common across cultures, how Situating parenting behaviors and biopsychosocial these associations ultimately coalesce into child adaptation development in context and culture or maladaptation over time may be more relativistic depend- ing on (a) how the child interprets and internalizes those fam- When examining the role of parenting behaviors in the devel- ily processes over time and (b) how developmental variation opment of early biopsychosocial processes that may increase in biopsychosocial functioning translates to context-specific or decrease the likelihood of later psychopathology in chil- functioning for that individual. dren, it is necessary to consider the contexts and cultures sur- rounding these family dynamics and developmental pro- Using longitudinal models of biopsychosocial cesses. Unlike the highly controlled laboratory conditions development to understand consolidation and present for most animal research models, human develop- maintenance ment does not occur in such a vacuum, and as a result, we must be sensitive to ecological and sociocultural influences It is likely that characteristics of children that are labeled as on both the parent and child. For example, despite multiple “stable” or “unstable” at any given point in time can also, observational studies reporting higher levels of controlling and perhaps more appropriately, be described as under devel- maternal behaviors among African American parents as com- opmental consolidation or maintenance over time (Cairns & pared to European American parents (Ispa et al., 2004; Mills- Rodkin, 1998). Often, constructs measured in older children Koonce et al., 2011), the positive associations between con- that are particularly stable over time are considered trait or trolling parenting behaviors and maladaptive behavioral out- traitlike and possibly genetically mediated and resistant to de- comes tend to be smaller among African American families velopmental change or modification through intervention. as compared to European American families (Ispa et al., However, examining these phenomena solely during later pe- 2004). Some social scientists have interpreted these findings riods of development may obscure the effects of early devel- as reflective of cultural differences in how parents view the opmental processes that contribute to the consolidation of roles of parenting in children’s development. In this example, such stable phenotypes over time and, in so doing, both limit it is possible that African American parents endorse greater our abilities to (a) observe developmentally sensitive critical authoritarian parenting beliefs and practices (characterized periods for early intervention to offset later maladaptation and by higher levels of parental control) as a best practice for child (b) better identify environmental factors contributing to the rearing due to a more non-Western, collectivistic cultural maintenance of child maladaptation over time. heritage as compared to European American parents (Deater- For example, punishment insensitivity is a characteristic of- Deckard & Dodge, 1997; Ispa et al., 2004). There may also ten reported for children with particularly high levels of con- be a decoupling of parental control and parental warmth among duct problems, callous–unemotional traits, and early antiso- African American parents (in which the negative correlation cial behaviors (Dadds & Salmon, 2003). For children who between control and warmth is weaker) as compared to Euro- are less sensitive to punishment, traditional methods of behav- pean American parents, which may allow for a greater prob- ior modification to limit aggressive behaviors have proven to ability of parental warmth to attenuate negative associations have minimal effects and real-world experiences of punish- between parental control and child outcomes in African ment (such as being hurt during a fight) do not alter patterns American families (Deater-Deckard & Dodge, 1997). of future behavior. Whereas some researchers would charac- Biopsychosocial models 1409 terize punishment insensitivity as a genetically mediated en- (L-DRD4) and that the effects were largest for those whose dophenotype that underlies aggressive and antisocial behavior parents showed the most significant increase in use of positive in children with high levels of conduct problems and callous– discipline. A recent pilot study (van den Hoofdakker et al., unemotional traits, Dadds suggests that this characteristic of 2012) used this approach to investigate a behavioral parent older children has developmental roots in inconsistent and training aimed to improve ADHD outcomes (which is crucial coercive parenting practices experienced at younger ages, due to the high variability found in success of such trainings). which may alter the neurologically mediated reward-process- Findings revealed that children’s DAT1 genotype moderated ing and fear-processing systems in children. Recent research their response to behavioral parent training such that children has identified parenting experiences in the first year of life with two DAT1 10-repeat alleles did not benefit from behav- as particularly relevant for children genetically susceptible ioral parent training beyond their routine clinical care; how- to early-onset conduct problems and callous–unemotional ever, those children with zero or one DAT1 10-repeat allele traits (Willoughby et al., 2013). These findings collectively exhibited improvements from behavioral parent training suggest that biopsychosocial processes associated with later above and beyond their routine clinical care alone. pathology may not only begin to consolidate in infancy but The implications of this work are far reaching. It may be may also have highly sensitive, if not critical, developmental that specific genes found to be stronger in the presence of periods during the first years of life in some cases. These find- environmental risk may guide research on their expression, ings highlight the importance of a biopsychosocial model of perhaps leading to genetic diagnoses and improved pharma- development for identifying the predictors, mechanisms, cological interventions (Evans & Relling, 1999). Alter- and timing of processes related to the consolidation and main- natively, if specific environmental effects are found to be tenance endophenotypic characteristics of children across de- stronger in the presence of genetic risk, it could lead to new velopment and their roles in developmental psychopathology. directions for environmental prevention efforts and help to identify which children will benefit from specific prevention programs and treatments the most. Developing genetically informed prevention/intervention A clearer understanding of the relations between genes and environments, and identification of the specific child geno- Conclusions types and caregiving behaviors most important for develop- ing behaviors and pathology, may lead to important improve- Most recent models of genetic influences on both parenting ments in psychosocial interventions and preventions aimed at and child behavioral outcomes have discarded any notion enriching the child’s environment by shaping parenting be- that such influences are ever independent of the environment havior. Identification of the biological or physiological pro- (Meaney, 2010). Behavioral researchers are also beginning to files that may be most receptive to specific behavioral thera- appreciate the converse: Any examination of the family’s in- pies and treatments will allow for more specificity and fluence on child functioning must, of necessity, acknowledge focused efforts. There are a number of correlational findings that such effects occur in the context of a host of biological in the literature (many of which are described above) that im- processes, whether measured or not (cf. Booth, McHale, & plicate specific candidate genes or moderating pathways that Lansdale, 2011). In this paper, we have argued that adopting could be relevant for this work. Examining these associations a biopsychosocial approach will enhance an understanding of within an experimental framework may allow for a more pre- the pathways between parenting and child psychopathology. cise understanding of the effects of interventions that perhaps We review research that addresses the way in which genes appeared to be unsuccessful in the past. and parenting interact to produce differential outcomes, and Several studies have begun to incorporate molecular ge- we address the underlying physiological processes of child netics into psychosocial intervention/prevention work and behavior that may be altered by different patterns of parenting provide evidence that this movement away from correlational behavior. We argue in favor of a more integrated perspective studies and toward experimental designs may be an exciting of parenting effects that acknowledges the genetic component and critical next direction in the field. For example, in the first to complex behavior but note that we must address the critical study of its kind, Bakermans-Kranenburg et al. (2008) found biological mediators that are at the heart of developmental that a video feedback intervention promoting positive parent- process in GÂE research. Finally, we highlight areas of chal- ing and sensitive discipline was most effective at decreasing lenge and opportunity for this kind of research that will yield externalizing behavior (at 1-year follow-up) in 1- to 3-year- greater specificity and offer points of entry for intervention old children who possessed the risk allele of DRD4 and prevention.


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