©Ferrata Storti Foundation
Malignant Lymphomas Ifosfamide, epirubicin and etoposide (IEV) regimen as salvage and research paper mobilizing therapy for haematologica 2002; 87:816-821 relapsed/refractory lymphoma http://www.haematologica.ws/2002_08/816.htm patients PIER LUIGI ZINZANI, MONICA TANI, ANNA LIA MOLINARI,* VITTORIO STEFONI, ELIANA ZUFFA,* LAPO ALINARI, ANNALISA GABRIELE, FRANCESCA BONIFAZI, Institute of Hematology and Medical Oncology PATRIZIA ALBERTINI, MARZIA SALVUCCI,* SANTE TURA, “L. e A. Seràgnoli”, University of Bologna; MICHELE BACCARANI *Division of Hematology, Ravenna Hospital, Ravenna, Italy Background and Objectives. Therapy for relapsed/refrac- lthough advanced stage Hodgkin’s disease tory lymphomas should be based only on drugs not (HD) and some aggressive non-Hodgkin’s included in the front-line chemotherapy regimens. We Alymphomas (NHL) are potentially curable adopted the strategy of using salvage chemotherapy to with standard chemotherapy, many patients either debulk disease and simultaneously mobilize stem cells, relapse or never achieve remission.1,2 One way of using a regimen based on ifosfamide and etoposide, improving this situation could be to intensify (drugs not usually used for front-line treatment). front-line chemotherapy, either by dose-escala- tion of conventional therapy3 or by adding high- Design and Methods. A three-drug combination of ifos- famide, epirubicin and etoposide (IEV) was used to treat dose chemotherapy with peripheral blood stem cell 4,5 62 patients with relapsing or refractory aggressive non- (PBSC) rescue. Whereas treatment of relapsing Hodgkin’s lymphoma (NHL; n=51) or Hodgkin’s disease disease with conventional chemo- and/or radiation (HD; n=11). Forty-five of the patients were studied for the therapy is unsatisfactory, especially in those feasibility of peripheral blood stem cell (PBSC) harvest.
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