Committee of the Whole Meeting August 26, 2019

Report #PD-2019-40

Applications for Draft Plan of Subdivision and Zoning By-Law Amendment Beeton Meadows Subdivision Flato Developments Inc. 8th Line (Main Street West) Settlement of Beeton File Nos.: NT-T-1701 & NT-T-1702 Dev 365 & Dev 373


That Report #PD-2019-40 be received;

And further that application NT-T-1701 and NT-T-1702 for a draft plan of subdivision seeking to establish a 135 unit residential plan of subdivision be approved;

And further that, the amending by-law, substantially in the form as included as Attachment No. 4 to Report #PD-2019-40 be enacted;

And further that the conditions of draft approval, substantially included in the form included as Attachment No. 3 to Report #PD-2019-40 be approved.


The purpose of this report is to provide Council and the public with background information and a recommendation regarding two (2) applications for a residential plan of subdivision and two (2) zoning by-law amendment applications required in support of the proposed residential subdivisions.



The subject lands are located on the south-side of Main Street West (8th Line), west of the existing South Simcoe rail line and the United Cemetery in the community of Beeton. The total land holdings for the proposed subdivision consists of 9.51 hectares (23.5 acres) with 220.8 metres (722.7 feet) of frontage along Main Street West. The lands are currently vacant and are being used for agricultural purposes. The applicant also owns abutting lands to the west of the proposed subdivision. A Location Map of the subject lands is included as Attachment No. 1.

Report #PD-2019-40, August 26, 2019

Surrounding land uses include agriculturally zoned land and a rural residential lot to the west, the South Simcoe Rail Line and United Cemetery to the east, vacant agricultural land to the north and south.


Applications for a residential plan of subdivision were submitted proposing to establish a 135-unit residential plan of subdivision consisting of sixty-six (66) single detached lots on 12.2 metre (40.0 feet) wide lots and sixty-nine (69) townhouse lots on 6.5 metre (21.3 feet) wide lots. The subdivision applications also proposes a stormwater management pond, a sewage pumping station, open space for overland drainage flow and a walk-way connecting the internal road network. Access to the proposed subdivision will be provided by two (2) driveways from Main Street West which extend throughout the proposed subdivision as the internal road network. . A copy of the proposed residential draft plan of subdivision is included as Attachment No. 2.

Furthermore, an accompanying zoning by-law amendment applications were also submitted in support of the proposed residential plan of subdivision. The submitted rezoning applications seek to rezone the subject lands from Agricultural (‘A1’) to a combination of Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR2-45’), Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR3-38’), Open Space (‘OS’) and Environmental Protection ('EP') in order to facilitate the construction of the draft plans of subdivision. The rezoning applications also proposes a number of site-specific provisions which are outlined in the Zoning By-law No. 2014-126 section of this report.

The following studies were submitted in support of the proposed development applications:

• Planning Justification Report; • Environmental Impact Study; • Traffic Impact Study; • Stormwater Management and Development Constraint Analysis; • Noise Impact Study; • Archaeological Study; • Geotechnical Investigation; • Master Servicing Report; • Functional Servicing Report; and, • Environmental Site Assessment Phase 1 and 2.

A number of the submitted documents have been subject to revisions in order to address outstanding comments received during the review of the applications by internal departments and external agencies. As per the writing of this Report, all outstanding comments have been addressed in the supporting documents.

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Comments and Considerations


The applications were reviewed in the context of applicable provincial, county and Town planning documents. Applications of this nature are required to be in general conformity and shall be consistent with all levels of planning documents. Planning staff have conducted an analysis of the applications as it relates to the following applicable planning documents:

Planning Act

Should Council approve the proposed draft plan of subdivision, a variety of draft plan conditions would be applied to the approval in order to facilitate the development of the subject lands in accordance with Section 51 of the Planning Act. These conditions take the form of Town conditions along with a variety of conditions outlined by external commenting agencies. A copy of the conditions of draft approval is included as Attachment No. 3.

Provincial Policy Statement ('PPS')

The 2014 Provincial Policy Statement provides policy direction on matters of Provincial interest related to land use planning and development. Under Section 3 of the Planning Act, where a municipality is exercising its authority affecting a planning matter, such decisions "shall be consistent with" all policy statements issued under the Act.

It is intended that settlement areas be the focus of growth and development and their vitality and regeneration will be promoted. Land use patterns within settlement areas will be based on a mix of land uses that efficiently use the land and resources, are appropriate in terms of the infrastructure and services, and minimize negative impacts, while promoting energy efficiency.

The subject lands are located within the settlement of Beeton. The proposed draft plan of subdivision includes both single detached and townhouse dwelling lots within the community as a whole. Internal sidewalks have been proposed throughout the draft plan including a walkway connecting the different quadrants of the proposed draft plan of subdivision. The draft plan will be serviced by means of municipal services including water, sanitary and stormwater management by means of a stormwater management pond.

Growth Plan for the Greater Golden Horseshoe ('Growth Plan')

The policies contained within the Growth Plan require the majority of all future growth and development within a municipality be located within Settlement Areas. Further, the Growth Plan encourages cities and towns to develop as complete communities, offering

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a mix of land uses, a range of housing types and density types, and be located on full municipal services.

The subject lands are located within the settlement of Beeton. The proposed subdivisions provide a diversity of housing stock with the inclusion of single detached and townhouse lots. The development is proposed to be serviced by means of full municipal services.

County of Simcoe Official Plan

The subject lands are designated 'Settlement' on Schedule 5.1 of the County of Simcoe Official Plan. The objective of settlement areas are to be a focus of population and employment growth, with particular emphasis on primary settlement areas. The subject lands are located within the settlement of Beeton and have been proposed to include a residential plan of subdivision consisting of detached and townhouse lots.

Town of Official Plan

The subject lands are designated 'Special Policy Area' on Schedule 'B2' of the Beeton Secondary Plan (OPA No. 31). This designation applies to lands within the settlement area that are to be developed for urban land uses, subject to further study. The determination of an appropriate land use for lands within the designation shall be made based on the results of further study. This further study can be considered in the context of a development application without the requirement to redesignate the lands but instead, the lands can be rezoned for residential, commercial, employment or other urban land uses.

The applicant has submitted a draft plan of subdivision and accompanying zoning by- law amendment applications which include a number of technical documents in support of the proposed development which have been supported by the necessary agencies through a detailed technical review. As such, staff is of the opinion that the applicant has demonstrated that the subject lands can be utilized for residential land uses.

Town of New Tecumseth Zoning By-law No. 2014-126

The subject lands are currently zoned Agricultural ('A1') on Schedule 'B' to Zoning By- law No. 2014-126. The current zoning of the lands permit one (1) single detached dwelling to be constructed on the subject lands. In support of the proposed residential draft plans, the rezoning applications seek to rezone the lands from Agricultural (‘A1’) to a combination of Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR2-45’), Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR3-38’), Open Space (‘OS’) and Environmental Protection ('EP') in order to facilitate the construction of the draft plans of subdivision. In addition to rezoning the subject lands, the applications request the following:

Reduced Lot Area

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A site-specific Urban Residential-Exception ('UR3-36') Zone has been proposed seeking a reduced lot area from the required 250 m2 (2,690.7 ft2) to 190 m2 (2,045.1 ft2) as it relates to the proposed townhouse lots.

Reduced Setback from Driveway to Intersection

A reduction in setback from a driveway to an intersection is proposed from 15.0 metres (49.2 feet) to 8.0 metres (26.2 feet).

Setback to Rail Line

A 15.0 metre (49.2 feet) setback has been proposed for those lots abutting South Simcoe Rail corridor. This setback would be restrict any portion of the dwelling unit to be located within 15 metres (49.2 feet) of the adjacent railroad right of way property line.

Minimum Setback to EP Zone

A reduction to the minimum required setback for proposed dwelling to an Environmental Protection ('EP') Zone from 15 metres (49.2 feet) to NIL has been requested.

A copy of the proposed zoning by-law schedule has been included as Attachment No. 4.

Agency Comments

On April 21, 2017 and February 1, 2018, a request for comments circulation regarding the applications were circulated to internal departments and external agencies for review and consideration. Additionally, a notice of complete application and notice of public meeting circulation was provided to individuals located within 120 metres of the subject lands as prescribed under the Planning Act. Based on the circulation, staff received the following comments indicating no concerns or comments with respect to the application:

• Town of New Tecumseth Public Works; • ; • Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board; • District School Board; • Bell; • Powerstream/; • Enbridge Gas; and, • Hydro One.

In response to the request for comments circulation, the following comments were received by Town Planning staff and have been generally summarized below:

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County of Simcoe

The subject lands are designated 'Settlement' on Shedule '5.1' to the County of Simcoe Official Plan.

The County of Simcoe Official Plan contains policies that protect active railway corridors, for both existing and potential expansions of rail services. The railway corridor that abuts the south-eastern boundary of the property is owned by the Heritage Corporation (SSRHC). The SSRHC corridor extends from Beeton south to Tottenham, and operates as an historic train excursion.

Initial concerns with the development proposal realted to the two (2) driveways into the subdivision from abutting roadways which are under partial jurisdiction of the Town and County of Simcoe. This item has been discussed in greater detail with Town Engineering staff, County Transportation and Engineering staff and the applicants consultant. A second access point onto the subdivision lands has been deemed appropriate and agreed to by all parties.

Servicing requirements in terms of the size and location of infrastructure proposed for the site including confirmation from the applicant that the stormwater flows from the neighbouring subdivision, NDH Developments Beeton South, and this proposed subdivision in the Stormwater Management Report calculations. This item has been satisfactorily addressed and will be further considered during detailed engineering design of the subject lands. It was further requested that conditions of draft approval be included to address the requirements for the developer to design and construct the County Road culvert improvements in accordance with the construction scheduled.

Section 3.5.7 of the County OP outlines that settlement areas shall be the focus of population and employment growth and their vitality and regeneration shall be promoted. Lands may only be redesignated from lands not for urban uses to lands for urban uses in accordance with Sections 3.5.8 or 3.5.10 of this Plan. Residential, commercial, industrial, institutional, and recreational land uses shall be developed within settlement area boundaries on land appropriately designated in a local municipal official plan for the use.

Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority ('NVCA')

The NVCA provided preliminary comments identifying concerns with the propose re- location of a headwater watercourse which the NVCA has deemed functions worthy of protection and/or replication. To date, the limits of development or the final location of the watercourse has been determined and NVCA staff have provided the clearance to bring forward a recommendation report for Council consideration. Town Engineering Department

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The Town Engineering Department was in receipt of five (5) submissions from the applicant to address outstanding comments. As of the writing of this report, the Town Engineering Department acknowledged that the proposed plan of subdivision can proceed to Council for consideration. It was further expressed by the Engineering Department that further detailed design review of the proposed draft plan of subdivision will be undertaken during the detailed engineering submissions should the draft plan of subdivision be approved by Council.

With respect to the available potable water allocation, a condition has been included to advise the Developer that until the expansion of the Collingwood Water Treatment plant is substantially completed, there is no water allocation available for this development. This condition will allow the Developer to proceed with pre-servicing of the site, however, would not allow for the registration of the plan and release of any building permits.

It was further acknowledged that the proposed development cannot proceed until the necessary Dayfoot Street trunk sanitary sewer has been constructed to provide capacity for the proposed development.

Public Comments

Town Planning staff received correspondence from property owners located within the community as part of the notification circulation. In summary, the comments relate to how the proposed subdivision will be serviced, either by municipal or private surfaces; impacts on abutting well and overall water table levels; whether any road improvements are required along Main Street West (8th Line) and would utility providers be upgrading any infrastructure in support of the proposed subdivision.

The Planning Department was also in receipt of written comments from the abutting developer to the east of the subject lands, who expressed concerns that the proposed stormwater management design and practices are not in keeping with the Town- approved M.E.S.P. or recent discussions concerning stormwater discharge as it relates to the Valleyview lands. A draft plan condition has been included in the conditions of draft approval to address the concern of adjacent developers. On December 19, 2018, the proposed plan of subdivision was subject to a statutory public meeting as required by the Planning Act. A notification was circulated to those property owners who reside within 120 metres (393.7 feet) feet) of the subject lands. As noted in the approved Meeting Minutes for the public meeting, two (2) members of the public spoke during the meeting and expressed concerns generally with the following:

• overall flooding of the community; • Traffic concerns; • loss of wildlife habitat; and, • servicing.

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A number of concerns raised by the public have been considered by the applicant and Town Staff. A noted above, anumber of the servicing concerns with the proposed subdivision have been addressed to the satisfaction of Town Departments. An additional access to the subdivision has been integrated into the design of the subdivision in accordance with Town and County of Simcoe standards. As it relates to the design and control measures for the stormwater concerns are to be addressed through detailed design and draft plan conditions.


The proposed development conforms to the policies of the Town Official Plan. The designation of the lands support urban land uses to be established on the subject property by means of a development application. The designation of the lands permits a variety of residential built form including detached and townhouse dwelling units. The submitted supportive studies has adequately demonstrated the ability to establish urban land uses on the subject lands.

Moreover, having regard to matters outlined in the Planning Act, it is staff's opinion that the subject applications are consistent with the Provincial Policy Statement, conforms to the Growth Plan, and County Official Plan and is being recommended for approval subject to the conditions outlined in this report.

Financial Considerations

There are no financial considerations associated with this application.

Respectfully submitted:

______Andy Warzin, MCIP, RPP Senior Planner


□ Attachment No. 1 - Location Map □ Attachment No. 2 - Proposed Draft Plan of Subdivision □ Attachment No. 3 - Conditions of Draft Approval □ Attachment No. 4 - Draft Amending By-law

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Approved By: Department: Status: Tim Schilling, MCIP, RPP, Planning Approved - 22 Aug 2019 Manager of Policy Planning Blaine Parkin, P. Eng., CAO CAO Approved - 22 Aug 2019

Page 9 of 35 Location Map 6406 6462

6558 6498 µ 6628 6534 50



D 6301


6551 O





6615 6609

6603 2803


6266 6606 6332 6202

6482 6400 6368 6526 6492


6517 6615 6441 6448 6339 6275 6201


Total Applicant Land Holdings Lands Subject to Application - NT-T-1702 & Dev 373 Lands Subject to Application - NT-T-1701 & Dev 365 0 95 190 380 570 760 M





41.3 KEY PLAN N17°33'30"W127.7 Subject Site 125.8 9th LINE N72°26'30"E PATTERSON ST 115.9 DAYFOOTBEETON ST 34.05 CENTRE ST 8th LINE PROSPECT ST


AREA TOTTENHAM ROAD 11.1 SITE 2.3 220.28 121.7 ADJACENT SCALE BLOCK COUNTY ROAD 1 LANDS OWNED 7th LINE 30.9 BY APPLICANT 80 29.0 OPEN SPACE 5.6 0 0.5 1 1.5 2km 0.86ha 5.7 STREET 'B' SUBJECT TO EASEMENT AS IN INST. No. SC18928 59.0 BLOCK (26m ROW) 22.8 59.9 12.2 22.7 LEGEND N11°02'05"W 88 (20m ROW) 226.10 25.8 RESERVE 72.9 30.0 R80 10.0 PROJECT BOUNDARY LINE 0.3m RESERVE 12.6 63.0 12.5 2.8 44.5 30.0 3.5 13.6 12.6 10.1 65.2 12.6 9.9 R100 RIGHT OF WAY LINE PARCEL FABRIC 12.2 35.3 32.2 64.4 16.9 15.2 12.0 12.2 32.6 54 28.8 34.3 12.2 33.9 BLOCK BLOCK LINE

33.0 60.5 BLOCK 22.3 55 12.2

30.0 44.6 LOT LINE 30.0

43.3 86


37.0 12.4 77 10.5 38.6 63.8 Page 11 of 35 BLOCK 33.8 56 12.2 0.07ha

VACANT 30.0 0.8 28.2 STREET(20m ROW) 'A' BLOCK 57 2.5 15m CONSTRAINTBUFFER 92 15.9 60.5 LAND N15°00'25"E 18.4 FUTURE 59 58 74 40.1 48.7 65 64 32.0 30.0 BLOCK 31.9 R.O.W. 66 63 62 61 60 9.0 4.5 17.0 35.8 4.2 24.0 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.7 R80 44.2 6.2 12.2 12.3 12.2 30.2 6.0 4.2 26.0 12.2 90 2.2 38.6 RESERVE 197.6 BLOCK 12.2 BLOCK BLOCK 25.5 BLOCK 14.8 34.0 3.8 No. 5 MAY 1, 2019 COMBINE BEETON MEADOWS M.M. 87 30.0 73 15.0 STREET 'A' WALKWAY/ R100 8.1 53 BLOCK 89 10.1 SOUTH AND BEETON MEADOWS 81 OVERLAND FLOW 46.8 RESERVE 41.6 OPEN SPACE 11.8 12.5 DRAFT PLANS BLOCK (20m ROW) 32.0 12.4 BLOCK R26.5 0.05ha 11.8 76 20.5 199.6 11.8 30.0

3.0 12.5 21.0 12.2 9.0 30.0 82 41.0 3.3 52 12.4 79 No. 4 MAR. 1, 2019 ADD AREA DETAILS M.M. 44.8 OPEN SPACE 58.1 12.5 47.3 SEWAGE 6.4 55.0 12.5 12.5 30.2 38 0.08ha 51 30.5 PUMP 2.0 OCT. 12, 2018 3rd SUBMISSION 6.5 BLOCK 12.4 No. 3 M.M. 2.4 BLOCK 47 50 31.1 37 23.4 BLOCK 49 2.3 12.2 30.5 30.7 48 30.1

30.0 BLOCK 30.0 30.0 30.0 12.4 No. 2 NOV. 14, 2017 2nd SUBMISSION M.M. 31.6 30.0 75 30.0 69 140.0 36 7.6 30.0 68 30.4 TOWNHOUSES 15.4 30.0 12.4

12.2 BLOCK 67 TOWNHOUSES 13.3 No. 1 DEC. 6, 2016 1st SUBMISSION M.M. 01 25.4 7.8 TOWNHOUSES 32.0 35 43.6 15.4 4.3 30.4 2.8 60.0 4.3 166.7 91 BLOCK 12.2 13.3 11.1 7.4 39 12.4 REVISION No. DATE ISSUED / REVISION BY RESERVE 41.0 12.3 13.8 34 58.1 30.4 59.6 31.1 12.4 02 12.2 85 13.7 40 12.2 ADDITIONAL INFORMATION REQUIRED UNDER SECTION 51(17)


51.0 OPEN SPACE 33

30.0 47.0 30.0 30.4 13.7 31.5 STREET(20m ROW) 'A' 43.6 0.12ha 30.0 12.4 OF THE PLANNING ACT R.S.O. 1990 C.P.13 AS AMENDED 41 12.2 BLOCK 32 BLOCK 30.4 A. AS SHOWN F. AS SHOWN J. AS SHOWN


03 30.0 31

25.4 72 4.2 30.4 43.6 30.0 71 TOWNHOUSES 43 12.4 N11°44'25"W C. AS SHOWN H. MUNICIPAL WATER SUPPLY L. AS SHOWN 70 TOWNHOUSES 46 45 44 142.13 3.0 3.6 19.1 30 D. AS SHOWN AVAILABLE 12.2 TOWNHOUSES 30.3 N31°46'05"W185.45 8.0 14.1 12.4 21.0 12.2 12.2 12.2 37.4 29 E. AS SHOWN I. SILTY CLAY LOAM 04 3.5 6.5 41.0 58.1 R80 30.3

17.2 6.4 55.4 12.4 44.2 218.7 10.0 28 12.2 7.3 30.4 4.8 PLANNING R26.5 R100 05 STREET 'A' 46.8 11.7 12.4 27 30.4 10.0 41.6 (20m ROW) 132.8 11.7 URBAN DESIGN 12.2 11.7 12.4 30.5 99.5 216.7 5.2 6.9 45.0 15.0 12.5 26 10.0 12.2 12.2 12.2 14.7 12.4 53.7 12.2 12.2 12.2 30.7 29.8 12.2 12.2 12.4 & LANDSCAPE BLOCK 06 12.2 8.1 12.2 12.2 12.5 25 2.3 20 21 24 OPEN SPACE 1 1 3 C O L L I E R S T R E E T 83 12.2 16 17 18 19 32.4 13.6 B A R R I E , O N , L 4 M 1 H 2 ARCHITECTURE OPEN SPACE 10 11 12 13 14 15 BLOCK 22 23 0.45ha 07 09 CEMETERY P: 705 728 0045 F: 705 728 2010 36.0


45.8 08 84 45.4 15.5 W W W . M H B C P L A N . C O M MHBC PLANNING

57.2 OPEN SPACE 41.8






42.1 41.8

42.5 41.4

41.0 40.7

40.3 0.20ha 39.9 16.1 N12°02'25"W STAMP DATE 15.0m RAILWAY BUFFER 105.45 DEC. 6, 2016 25.3 17.3 15m CONSTRAINTBUFFER 1.6 FILE No. 91.0 17.1 32.1 23.1 13.1 45.0 15.0 12.5 5.4 10.7 15184J N16°42'20"E N16°42'20"E 287.08 91.08 SCALE 1:1,000 SOUTH SIMCOE RAILWAY (ARCH D) DRAWN BY M.M.




SCALE BAR 0 10 20 30 40 50 75 100m


1. The Owner shall convey the following lands to the Town, where appropriate, without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances:

a) Block 78 for stormwater management purposes b) Blocks 80 to 86 for open space/drainage corridor purposes c) Block 79 for pumping station d) Block 87 for walkway/ overland flow purposes e) Blocks 88 to 91 for 0.3 m reserves f) Block 93 for road widening purposes g) Block 92 for future right-of-way

2. The Owner shall enter into a subdivision agreement with the Town to satisfy all conditions, financial or otherwise of the Town, including but not limited to:

a) registration of the Agreement against Title to the lands to which the Plan of Subdivision applies; b) payment of development charges; c) provision of roads and municipal services; d) design of the subdivision in accordance with the Town’s design standards of the day; e) maintenance of services and infrastructure in keeping with the Town’s operating standards until assumption; f) payment of any and all outstanding application fees to the Town in accordance with Planning Fees By-Law 2016-147, as amended; and g) Provide at no cost a digital copy of the Plan of Subdivision as approved for registration, to the satisfaction of the Town.

The said agreement shall be registered against the lands to which it applies.

3. Prior to entering into agreements of sale and purchase the Owner shall submit a streetscape and urban design report to the satisfaction of the Town. This report shall address the Town’s Urban Design Guidelines dated April 2002, and shall address, at minimum the following:

• Internal landscaping along boulevards as it relates to the roads right-of-way and the location of underground services (i.e. typical road sections incorporating boulevard trees); • co-ordination of the urban design/streetscape elements; • landscaping along Main Street West (8th Line), including walls and fencing, and typical cross-sections required to determine appropriate locations for buffer landscaping; • the appropriate landscape treatment and configuration for the stormwater management pond block and landscaping with community edge buffers; • landscaping along walkways; • residential built form, including illustration of all housing product being offered for purchase within the subdivision including garage placements and external colour palettes;

1 Page 12 of 35 • typical house placement, illustrating street elevations for corner lots; and, • Priority lot plan and acknowledgment to the additional façade treatment as a result of a priority lots.

4. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement that prior to final approval of the Plan, or any part thereof, Council for the Town shall have directed by By-law or resolution, that sewer and water servicing allocation has been provided for such portion of the Plan, if any, as Council deems appropriate.

5. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement that the developer/Owner is advised that draft approval does not in itself constitute a commitment by the Town to provide servicing access to the Town’s water treatment or sewage treatment plants. Plans may proceed to registration provided there is sufficient plant capacity and capability to serve the development. Plant capacity may be allocated for new development on a priority basis at the time of payment of Development Charges in accordance with the Act.

At all times the granting of service allocation and the acceptance of a Development Charge payment is conditional on the continued availability of service allocation and the ability of the Town to provide same. Should service allocations no longer be available to the Town to commit to this development, in whole or in part, through whatever circumstances, the Town may remove or adjust the quantity of service allocation to this development, up to the time of registration of the Plan, by advising the developer/Owner and refunding the applicable Development Charges.

6. The Owner acknowledges that no water allocation is available until the supply issue from the Collingwood Water Treatment Plant is resolved and the associated construction is completed. This condition would not prevent the developer from proceeding with the pre- servicing of the site at his own risk.

7. Prior to final approval, the Owner shall pay the proportionate share of the cost of any external municipal services, temporary and/or permanent built or proposed, that have been designed and oversized by others to accommodate the subject plan that are not included in the Town’s Development Charge By-Law, all to the satisfaction of the Town.

8. That the Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to:

a) satisfy all requirements, financial or otherwise, of the Town of New Tecumseth including, but not limited to the provision of roads and the installation of services and drainage;

b) prepare and implement a Master Servicing Plan (MSP) report/ Functional Servicing report (FSR), to the satisfaction of, and at no cost to, the Town outlining the provision of services for water, sanitary, storm water, traffic and utilities, as outlined in paragraph a) of this condition, including off-site impacts and financial impacts, as well as outline the proposed phasing and identify the works to be constructed as part of each phase, in a manner satisfactory to the Town;

c) prepare an appropriate phasing plan for the development of the Plan; and

d) demonstrate, prior to final approval, how the portion of the Plan proposed to be

2 Page 13 of 35 registered is consistent with the phasing plan as approved by the Town and how the financial impacts will be addressed. If the development is required to proceed in phases, all related matters pertaining to servicing, roads, stormwater management, parks and any other required works or infrastructure will be completed as part of Phase 1, or any subsequent phase, all to the satisfaction ad at no cost to the Town;

e) to carry out or cause to carry out the recommendations of the final Master Servicing Plan for Beeton Master Servicing Plan (OPA 31) and any infrastructure requirements or reports within the subject lands.

f) to carry out or cause to carry out the recommendations of the final Town wide Drainage Master Plan and any infrastructure requirements or reports within the subject lands.

g) to carry out or cause to carry out the recommendations of the Town’s Final Multi Model Transportation Study any infrastructure requirements or reports within the subject lands.

The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry out, or cause to carry out, the recommendations set out in any and all of the aforementioned reports to the satisfaction of the Town.

9. The road allowances within the Plan shall be designed in accordance with the Town’s engineering standards for road and intersection design and temporary turning circles, and shall be conveyed to the Town as public highways without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances. The pattern of streets, and the layout of lots and blocks shall be designed to correspond and coincide with the pattern and layout of abutting developments, all to the satisfaction of the Town. Temporary turning circles shall be used on a temporary basis and easements shall be provided to the Town for such temporary turning circles.

10. That the Owner agree in the subdivision agreement to hours of construction, access locations as approved by the Town, and construction practices that minimize potential impacts from dust, noise and vibration to the existing residences in the area, prior to the commencement of any works.

11. The Draft Plan shall clearly indicate the proposed driveway locations on all lots located on road curves or bends in order to ensure that there will not be any conflicts between driveways and the lot line projections.

12. The street names shall be determined by the Town, and shall be included on the first engineering drawings.

13. Any dead ends and open sides of road allowances created by this Plan shall be terminated in 0.3 metre reserves, to be conveyed to the Town, without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances, to be held by the Town until required for future road allowances or development of adjacent lands, all to the satisfaction of the Town.

3 Page 14 of 35 14. The Plan to be registered shall show a 0.3 metre reserve along the exterior side yard lot lines of all corner lots and corner blocks, which reserves are to be conveyed to the Town, without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances.

15. The Plan to be registered shall show daylighting triangles on each corner lot in accordance with the Town’s Engineering Design and Standard Specifications and Drawings, or as determined by the Town, which are to be conveyed to the Town, without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances.

16. The Owner agrees that the daylighting triangles are to be dimensioned on the Engineering Plans in accordance with the Engineering Design Criteria and Standards.

17. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement that Block 92 is for the purpose of future road and shall agree to convey them to the Town, without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances, when requested by the Town.

18. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to restrict the number of development lots to be constructed off of a single road access and watermain service to no greater than 40-units or as otherwise approved by the Town.

19. Prior to final approval, the Owner shall not remove any vegetation or topsoil or start any grading of the lands, including importing of fill without an earthworks agreement with the Town having been executed.

20. Prior to entering into a subdivision agreement, the Owner shall not install any infrastructure and/or road works on the lands, without a pre-servicing agreement with the Town having been executed.

21. The Owner shall agree that all lots or blocks to be left vacant shall be graded, seeded, maintained and signed to prohibit dumping and trespassing.

22. Prior to final approval, easements required for utility, drainage and construction or other purposes shall be created and granted to the appropriate authority(ies), free of all charge and encumbrances.

23. Final engineering design(s) may result in minor variations to the Plan (eg., in the configuration of road allowances and lotting, number of lots etc.), which may be reflected in the final plan to the satisfaction of the Town.

24. The Owner acknowledge that to facilitate the servicing of the draft Plan, the Owner would be required to enter in to the DC front ending agreement along with other Beeton Developers to provide funds for construction of the trunk sanitary sewer.

25. That the Owner shall agree in the Pre-servicing Agreement and/or Subdivision Agreement that water and sanitary services, and drainage and/ or stormwater management facilities (if applicable) will be sized to accommodate future development on lands adjacent to the subject Plan on the north side of County Road 1 known as Oxnard Development Block 144, Registered plan 51M-1053 or any successor on title.

4 Page 15 of 35 26. That the Owner may enter into a Best Efforts Agreement with the Town or the Developer(s) in an effort to recover monies expended to oversize infrastructure for the benefit of external benefitting landowners.

27. The Owner acknowledges that Town’s Council passed a resolution # 2018-26 per the recommendation of report #PD-2018-01 that no development outside of the current settlement boundaries of Beeton be approved until a drainage master plan is completed and approved by Council. Further that any lands currently inside the settlement area does not receive final approval until flooding and drainage issues are resolved and that no residential development will negatively impact drainage or cause flooding to the existing residencies. The Developer will be responsible to implement any mitigation to address these impacts.


28. That prior to entering into agreements of purchase and sale, the owner shall complete a Master Servicing Plan (MSP) and/or Functional Servicing Report (FSR) for the entire community demonstrating the location of all public facilities and including a phasing plan demonstrating how the proposed development pattern shall be sequentially serviced. The FSR will need to be updated in support of any red line revisions to the Draft Plan of Subdivision.


29. The Owner shall carry out an archaeological assessment of the subject property and mitigate, through preservation or resource removal and documentation, adverse impacts to any significant archaeological resources found to the satisfaction of the and the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport. No grading or other soil disturbances shall take place on the subject property prior to the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport confirming that all archaeological resource concerns have met licensing and resource conservation requirements.


30. Prior to any site alteration, the Owner shall agree in the earthworks, pre-servicing and/or subdivision agreement to retain a Hydrogeologist to monitor the private wells and ground water conditions, including vulnerabilities related to the aquifers, during each phase of the draft plan, to assess any impact on the existing wells and/or aquifers in the area surrounding the draft Plan, where ground water conditions may be impacted by the development of the subdivision, including any impacts of any proposed dewatering. The groundwater report is to contain an appropriate contingency plan in the event of groundwater disturbance. The Owner shall submit reports prepared by such Hydrogeologist, to the satisfaction of the Town, documenting the results of the monitoring program.

The Owner shall agree in the Earthworks, Pre-Servicing and Subdivision Agreements to provide potable water to any land owner whose private well or water system is adversely impacted, and to permanently, rectify the problem, to the satisfaction of the Town. The potable water to be provided and any works to rectify the problem with the private well or water system will be at the sole cost of the owner.

5 Page 16 of 35 The Owner shall agree to have a baseline of area wells established prior to the commencement of any works on site.

31. Prior to final approval, a geotechnical report prepared by a qualified professional at the Owner's expense shall be submitted to the Town for review and approval. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry out, or cause to carry out, the recommendations for the Plan including, but not limited to pavement design and construction issues for ideal and non-ideal conditions on the site, including recommendations for the SWM Pond construction, all to the satisfaction of the Town.

32. The Owner shall, prior to any site alteration and further approvals (including earthworks, pre-servicing and/or subdivision agreements), submit a Groundwater Focused Environmental Impact Study to the Town of New Tecumseth, in accordance with the requirements of the Beeton Master Servicing Plan (OPA 31). The Studies and mitigating measures are to be submitted to the Town for review and final acceptance.

33. The Owner shall, prior to any site alteration and further approvals, submit a Hydrogeologic Report, which will provide options for discharging and/or conveying foundation drain flow as outlined in the Beeton Master Servicing Plan (OPA 31). The Report is to be submitted to the Town for review and final acceptance.

34. The Owner shall retain a Geotechnical Consultant to monitor methane gas levels in the soils underlying the site. All necessary steps to be taken to mitigate the methane levels to the levels acceptable to the MECP and all other agencies having jurisdiction.


35. That prior to final approval, a Traffic Impact Study (TIS) shall be completed by a qualified Consultant, satisfactory to the Town, and implemented, to the satisfaction of, and at no cost, to the Town. The study shall include the design and necessary improvements, facilities for all existing and proposed local roads and intersections to be included within the Traffic Impact Study (TIS). Any additional lands required as a result of identified road improvements, such as turning lanes, shall be conveyed to the Town without monetary consideration and free of all encumbrances. The TIS shall identify at a minimum:

a) The impacts that this development will have on the existing traffic patterns and roadways in the general area of the development; b) All upgrades required to accommodate the anticipated traffic and pedestrian flows generated on the proposed and existing roadway system; c) Address the proposed timing of traffic improvements based on number of lots and phasing; d) Identify any additional right-of-way required to accommodate additional lanes of traffic or transportation improvements, where such lands shall be conveyed to the Town without monetary consideration and free of all costs and encumbrances, all to the satisfaction of the Town; e) Considerations for phases of the subdivision, including, but not limited to the following items: i. the internal road network as well as the external road network that is impacted by the development;

6 Page 17 of 35 ii. confirmation that the actual traffic distribution occurring is in keeping with the previous report(s); iii. review any necessary traffic calming measures that will be required within the subdivision or on the external road network; iv. review the warrants for traffic controls at all impacted intersections within the subdivision or on the external road network; v. review sight lines; and vi. any other issues raised by the Town and any other jurisdiction having authority; and f) Any other issues raised by the Town and any other jurisdiction having authority.

36. The Traffic Impact Study (TIS) to be updated for each phase of the Subdivision as it progresses.

37. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to implement the road improvements as identified in the TIS and updated TIS.

38. Any additional traffic control measures required to be implemented as a result of the updated TIS will be the responsibility of the Developer.

39. The Owner is required to urbanize County Road 1 (8th Line) along the frontage of the development and tie it to the existing urbanized limit of Main Street/ 8th Line, at the Owners cost, all to the satisfaction of the Town and County of Simcoe. The urbanization of County Road 1 will be subject to coordination and possible best efforts agreement with the developer of Block 144, Registered plan 51M-1053 on the north side of Country Road 1, known as Oxnard Development or any successor on title.


40. Prior to the initiation of grading, and prior to the registration of this draft plan of subdivision or any phase thereof, the Owner shall submit to the Town for review and approval, a detailed engineering report that describes the storm drainage system for the proposed development within this draft plan, which report shall include:

a) plans illustrating how this drainage system will tie into surrounding drainage systems, and indicating whether it is part of an overall drainage scheme, how external flows will be accommodated, and the design capacity of the receiving system; b) the location and description of all outlets and other facilities; c) storm water management techniques which may be required to control minor or major flows; c) proposed methods of controlling or minimizing erosion and siltation onsite and in downstream areas during and after construction; d) provide confirmation that access for maintenance, overland flow routes and the facility can be accommodated within the storm detention block and that the facility design shall meet the MECP preferred criteria or applicable standards of the day, and the Town’s Design Criteria, as may be updated from time to time; e) identification of any applicable groundwater recharge and infiltration targets; f) identification of any applicable release rates and special lot level controls for individual Blocks to allow for their development in keeping with the overall stormwater management design for the development;

7 Page 18 of 35 g) the stormwater management facility is designed such that existing stormwater flows are not exceeded under post-development conditions, and that any exceedances will need to be addressed to the satisfaction of the Town; h) a lot grading plan which shall identify any special grading considerations within the development and will be required to meet the Town’s Grading Criteria at the time of detailed design; and i) any other issues which are considered to be applicable by the Town.

41. The Owner agrees that a standalone stormwater management operations and maintenance manual is to be provided to the Town.

42. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to carry out, or cause to carry out, the recommendations set out in any and all of the aforementioned reports to the satisfaction of the Town and wherever required by the NVCA.

43. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to operate and maintain the Stormwater Management Facility in compliance with the approval until assumption of the facility by the Town, as well as to provide all records required under the approval to the Town upon request.

44. The Owner proposes to alter the drainage shed through the development and shall satisfy the Town of New Tecumseth that the downstream landowners are advised and are in agreement with the conveyance of storm water flows from the proposed storm pond to Beeton Creek. The Owner shall obtain any necessary easements or on-title restrictions pertaining to the conveyance of stormwater flows and increased conveyance under the rail line. This is to be addressed prior to any earthworks on any phase or part of phase that directs water outside of its current drainage shed.

45. The Owner shall coordinate with upstream landowner regarding conveyance of storm flows through the development land to Beeton Creek. It is the Owner’s responsibility to coordinate with the Engineering Consultant of the upstream landowner to ensure that combined stormflows from the upstream contributors are safely conveyed to its ultimate outlet and construct any required improvements as may be required within the development lands.


46. During the detailed design stage of the project, the Developer will be required to provide a water model to confirm that the watermain sizing and supply points are adequate to properly service the development, all to the satisfaction of the Town. The analysis it to identify any constraints on the existing and proposed watermain systems with respect to available flows and pressures during the various modelled scenarios. Where the Town’s criteria is not able to be achieved within the development, the available flows are to be clearly identified on the plans and in the report.

47. Prior to final approval of any portion of the Plan, all necessary external water supply works including but not limited to upsizing an existing 150mm watermain on Main street W. and Willow Drive to 300mm and all external improvements recommended in the Water Master Plan and sewage pumping and disposal works will be under construction and financially secured or be operational to the satisfaction of the Town and the required

8 Page 19 of 35 lands shall have been dedicated to the Town, free of all costs and encumbrances, all to the satisfaction of the Town.

48. The Owner shall agree to provide to the Municipality a sanitary pumping station Design Brief, design and construct, and provide an Operations and Maintenance Manuals for the proposed sanitary pumping station, suitable to obtain the Environmental Certificate of Compliance from the Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) to provide a functional facility.


49. The Owner shall enter into a Subdivision Agreement with the Town which shall contain the following:

a) That prior to final approval of the Draft Plan of Subdivision, the Owner shall engage the services of a qualified acoustical engineer to review, report and make recommendations on the final design of the subdivision, and that in preparation of the report and recommendations the acoustical engineer shall:

i. Provide compliance with the noise mitigation measures, in accordance with the current MECP standards as deemed necessary by the MECP; and ii. The construction of the noise barriers are to be prior to occupancy permits being issued for any dwellings within the affected portions of the plan, all to the satisfaction of the Town.

b) Provisions to implement the recommended noise mitigation measures as approved by the Town of New Tecumseth, such agreement to be registered on title once the Plan of Subdivision is registered.

50. Prior to final approval, an environmental noise and/or vibration study, prepared by a qualified consultant, at the Owner’s expense, shall be submitted to the Town for review and approval. The preparation of the noise/vibration report shall include the ultimate traffic volumes associated with the surrounding road network, according to the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP) Guidelines. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to carry out, or cause to carry out, the recommendations set out in the approved noise/vibration report, to the satisfaction of the Town. Additional lands if required shall be conveyed to the municipality free of all charge and encumbrances. The Owner shall agree to implement the necessary measures within the approved acoustical and vibration report. Warning clauses shall be included in all offers of purchase and sale or lease for all affected lots and blocks within the subdivision, to the satisfaction of the Town.

51. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to construct acoustical mitigation measures on the lands in accordance with the recommendations set out in the approved Acoustical Report entitled “ Environmental Noise Assessment and Railway Vibration Analysis, Beeton Meadows North and South, proposed Residential Development, County Road 1 (8th Line), Town of New Tecumseth”, prepared by Valcoustics Ltd. or as ultimately approved by Town, in accordance with the following sections:

a) 2.0m high acoustical barrier on Block 79; b) 2.8m high acoustical barrier on Lots 7 to 22;

9 Page 20 of 35 c) Brick veneer exterior wall construction from foundation to rafters for units on Lots 6 to 38 & Block 77; d) Window construction meeting a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 34 for Lots 6 to 22; e) Window construction meeting a Sound Transmission Class (STC) rating of 30 for Lots 23 to 38; f) Forced air ventilation systems with ducts sized to accommodate the future installation of central air conditioning by the occupant for units on Lots 6 to 24, 37, 38 & Block 77;

52. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivisions Agreement to include in all agreements of purchase and sale for Lots 6 to 38 & Block 77 the following warning clause A:

“Purchasers/ occupants are advised that despite the inclusion of noise control features in the development and within the building units, sound levels due to increased road traffic may occasionally interfere with some activities of the dwelling occupants as the sound levels may exceed the noise guidelines of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks (MECP).

53. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to include in all agreements of purchase and sale, for dwellings requiring forced air ventilation systems on Lots 6 to 24, 37, 38 & Block 77 the following warning clause B:

This dwelling unit has been fitted with a forced air heating system and the ducting etc., was sized to accommodate central air conditioning. Installation of central air conditioning will allow windows and exterior doors to remain closed, thereby ensuring that the indoor sound levels are within the criteria of the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and Parks. (Note: The location and installation of the outdoor air conditioning device should be done so as to minimize the noise impacts and comply with the criteria of MOE publication NPC-216, Residential Air Conditioning Devices)” as per the Environmental Noise Assessment and Railway Vibration Analysis, prepared by Valcoustics Canada Ltd. for Beeton Meadows Inc.

54. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to include in all agreements of purchase and sale, for dwellings on Lots 7 to 22 & Block 79 the following warning clause C:

Purchasers/occupants are advised that the acoustical berm and/ or barrier as installed shall be maintained, repaired or replaced by the owner. Any maintenance, repair or replacement shall be with the same material, to the same standards and having the same colour and the appearance of the original. ”

55. The Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to include in all agreements of purchase and sale or lease on lands that are within 300m of the railway right-of-way (all lots) the following warning clause D:

Warning: Purchasers or tenants are to be advised that the South Simcoe Railway or its successors or assigns, have an operating right-of-way within 300m from the land subject hereof and there may be alterations to the right-of-way including the possibility that the Railway may expand its operations, which expansion may affect the living environment of the residents notwithstanding the inclusion of any noise and vibration attenuating

10 Page 21 of 35 measures in the design of the subdivision and individual units, and that the Railway will not be responsible for complaints or claims arising from use of its facilities and/or operations.” as per the Environmental Noise Assessment and Railway Vibration Analysis, prepared by Valcoustics Canada Ltd. for Beeton Meadows Inc.

56. The Owner acknowledge that the significant source of ground-borne vibration is in the vicinity of the rail activity on the SSR immediately east of the site. The measured ground- borne vibration velocity magnitudes due to railway trains on the railway exceeded the vibration limit recommended by Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the railway Association of Canada (RAC). The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to install vibration mitigation measures in accordance with the recommendations set out in the approved Acoustical Report for the development.

57. The Acoustic Report is required to be updated for each phase of the Subdivision as it progresses. The updated report shall identify any acoustical mitigation measures that are required to be constructed as part of that phase.


58. The Owner shall agree to design, purchase materials and install a street lighting system, compatible with the existing and/or proposed systems in surrounding plans, all in accordance with Town’s Engineering Design Criteria and Standards.

59. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to coordinate the preparation of an overall utility distribution plan to the satisfaction of all affected authorities and the Town.

60. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement that prior to final approval the Owner shall enter into an agreement with Alectra Utilities, or its successors, for the provision of electrical services.


61. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement that no building permits, save and except for model home permits as outlined in the subdivision agreement, will be applied for nor issued until the Town is satisfied that adequate road access, municipal water supply, sanitary sewers, and storm drainage facilities are available to service the proposed development.

62. Where the Owner proposes to proceed with the construction of a model home(s) prior to registration of the Plan, the Owner shall enter into an agreement with the Town, setting out the conditions, and shall fulfil relevant conditions of that agreement prior to issuance of a building permit, all to the satisfaction of the Town.

63. The Owner shall cause the following to be displayed in the sales office, information approved by the Town, prior to offering any units for sale, to be monitored periodically by the Town. No building permit shall be issued for a sales office or model home, or a residential unit until the following information is approved by the Town and displayed:

• the Official Plan and Secondary Plan for the broader area, showing surrounding land uses, arterials/highways, railways and hydro lines etc.

11 Page 22 of 35 • the location of street utilities, community mailboxes, entrance features, fencing and noise attenuation features, together with the sidewalk plan approved in conjunction with draft plan approval. • the location of parks, open space, stormwater management facilities and trails. • the location of institutional uses, including schools, places of worship, community facilities. • the location and type of commercial sites • colour-coded residential for singles, semis, multiples, and apartment units. • the following notes in BOLD CAPITAL TYPE on the map:

"For further information, on proposed and existing land uses, please call or visit the Town of New Tecumseth Planning Department at 10 Wellington St. East, , (705) 435-3900, Ext. ###.”

"For detailed grading and berming information, please call the developer’s engineering consultant, (name) at ".

"This map is based on information available as of (date of map), and may be revised or updated without notification to purchasers." [In such circumstances, the Owner is responsible for updating the map and forwarding it to the Town for verification prior to display in the sales office.]

All of the above required information shall be displayed in any sales office, prior to any units being offered for sale, and material displayed in any sales office shall be monitored periodically by the Town. No building permit shall be issued for a sales office or model home, or a residential unit until such information is displayed.

64. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement, and prior to entering into any agreements of purchase and sale, that purchasers will be required to sign an acknowledgement that they have seen all of the above required information in the sales office.


65. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to construct fencing in accordance with the following sections:

a) A 1.8-metre-high black vinyl chain link fence surrounding the sewage pumping station (Block 79). The fence, including footings, shall be located entirely within the sewage pumping station blocks. b) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the common property line where residential lots abut existing agricultural lands. The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the development lots. c) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the rear property lines where residential lots abut stormwater management blocks (Block 78). The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the stormwater management blocks. d) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the rear property lines of residential lots where they abut the drainage corridor blocks/ open space blocks (Blocks 80 to 86) . The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the drainage corridor/ and or open space blocks.

12 Page 23 of 35 e) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the rear property lines of residential lots where they abut the unopened road allowance (Block 92) . The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the road allowance. f) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the boundary of the park blocks where they abut residential lots. The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the park blocks. g) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the rear property lines where residential lots abut the natural preservation block. The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the natural preservation block. h) A 1.5 metre high black vinyl chain link fence along the common property line where residential lots abut future road blocks (Block 92). The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the future road blocks. i) A combination of 1.5 metre high chain link fence and 1.8 metre high tight board privacy fence along the flankages of residential lots that abut the natural preservation block .The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the natural preservation block. j) A combination of 1.5 metre high chain link fence and 1.8 metre high tight board privacy fence along the flankages of residential lots that abut the drainage corridor. The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the drainage corridor block. k) A combination of 1.5 metre high chain link fence and 1.8 metre high tight board privacy fence along the flankages of residential lots that abut the walkway blocks (Block 87). The fence, including footings, is to be located entirely within the walkway blocks. l) A 1.8 metre high tight board wood privacy fence along the common property lines of existing residential properties. The fence, including footings, shall be located entirely within the development lands. m) A 1.8 metre high tight board privacy fence along the common property line of residential lots that abut convenience/retail block. The fence, including footings, shall be located entirely within the development lands. n) Acoustic fencing and/or berming to be constructed as per the accepted Acoustical Report recommendations. o) or as otherwise agreed to by the Town, as shown on the approved construction drawing, or required by the Town.

66. That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to enter into a “Restrictive Covenant Agreement”, with respect to the portions of the lands which have been identified in the accepted Acoustical Report as requiring mitigation in the form of an acoustical fence/wall and to register such Restrictive Covenant Agreement upon the title to such lands upon final registration of the Plan of Subdivision, to ensure the structure is not altered by the resident.

67. That the Owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to enter into a “Lot Maintenance Agreement”, with respect to portions of the lands which have been identified in the accepted Acoustical Report as requiring mitigation in the form of an acoustical fence/wall and to have such Agreement registered on the title to such lands upon final registration of the Plan of Subdivision, to ensure the structure is maintained by the resident.


13 Page 24 of 35 68. That the Owner shall, prior to any site alteration and further approvals (including earthworks, pre-servicing and/or subdivision agreements), submit and implement, to the satisfaction of the Town of New Tecumseth, a Tree Preservation Study that demonstrates how the provisions of the Town’s Tree and Natural Vegetation Policy ID- 002-2019 are being addressed including a tree inventory report identifying the location, type, size and quality of any trees within the Draft Plan and indicate on a lot grading plan those trees which can be preserved and the methods for protecting the same. Compensation shall be provided to the Town for the loss of any trees which cannot be preserved.

69. The Owner shall include Tree Protection plans as part of the detailed design and earthworks submission. The Tree Protection plans are to be prepared in accordance with the Tree Preservation Study and shall identify the preservation and protection of neighbouring trees that are located on the existing residential properties adjacent to the development lands.

70. The Owner shall agree in the Earthworks, Pre-Servicing and Subdivision Agreements that a qualified arborist/consultant will be on-site when any of the neighbouring trees may be affected by grading, etc. The Consultant shall oversee/undertake the sensitive pruning of any roots exposed by grading. If tree roots of neighbouring trees are likely to be affected, root pruning prior to excavation and grading is recommended. When pruning is undertaken, a Report shall be prepared by the Arborist documenting the before and after condition of affected roots, and shall be submitted to the Town for review.


71. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement not to store topsoil or any building materials, etc., on the lands being dedicated for parkland which would prevent early development of the dedicated parkland area.

72. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement that all lands to be conveyed to the town for park purposes are to be graded for adequate drainage to the satisfaction of the Town.

73. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to provide for the seeding and/or sodding of the conveyed parklands within 6 months of the first occupancy.

74. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to provide adequate parking facilities to service the park, to the satisfaction of the Town.

75. The Owner shall agree in the subdivision agreement to provide electrical, water, storm and sanitary services to the inside edge of the park, through the park, or to a location within the park, as required by the Town.

76. Where the Owner and the Town determine that the Owner will develop the park block(s), the Owner shall agree that the design, securities and construction for the park(s) will be addressed through a separate Parkland Development Agreement.


14 Page 25 of 35 77. That prior to final approval the following shall be prepared to the satisfaction of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority and Town of New Tecumseth:

a. A detailed Stormwater Management Report including water balance analysis b. A detailed Erosion Control Plan c. A detailed Grading Plan d. A detailed Geotechnical Report for the storm water facilities e. A detailed enhancement and landscaping plan(s) for the storm water management facilities and environmental blocks.

78. That the draft plan be revised in order to meet the requirements of the above condition including providing for a larger stormwater pond block (if necessary) to the satisfaction of the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority and the Town of New Tecumseth.

79. That the owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement, in wording acceptable to the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, to carry out or cause to be carried out the recommendations and measures contained within the plans and reports set out above.

80. That the owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement, in wording acceptable to the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority, to ensure that all sediment and erosion control measures will be in place prior to any site alteration. The agreement must also contain a provision stating that all major stormwater management facilities must be in place prior to the construction of impervious areas such as roads and buildings.

81. That the owner shall agree in the Subdivision Agreement to engage a qualified professional to certify in writing that the works were constructed in accordance with the plans, reports and specifications, as approved by the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority.

82. That the stormwater management facilities and any easements required for storm water drainage purposes shall be dedicated/granted to the Town of New Tecumseth.

83. That prior to any site alteration, a permit, under the Conservation Authorities Act, will be obtained from the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority.

84. That the Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority is notified in writing through a copy of the passed zoning by-law including its text and schedule that the natural heritage features and hazards and storm water management facilities have been restrictively zoned.


85. The Developer/Owner must obtain a legal right of discharge, registered on title, for the properties downstream of County Road 1, including the County of Simcoe.

86. The Developer/Owner shall be responsible for any culvert improvement under County Road 1 in order to meet MTO Directive B-100 and the County of Simcoe’s requirement that development must meet or exceed the hydraulic design requirements for the 50 year storm event OR the Developer/Owner shall demonstrate that the proposed storm water management works will be designed and constructed in such a way that the existing culvert meets MTO Directive B-100 and the County of Simcoe’s requirement.

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87. The Developer/Owner shall enter into a legal agreement with the County of Simcoe whereby the Developer/Owner agrees to assume complete financial and other responsibility for the design and construction of the culvert improvements on County Road 1 (if deemed necessary). It is the responsibility of the Developer/Owner to prepare engineering drawings and a construction cost estimate for the required culvert improvements to the satisfaction of the County. The Developer/Owner is required to provide the County with a Letter of Credit representing 100% of the County approved construction cost estimate for construction program, prior to commencement. The approved engineering road drawings and Letter of Credit will be referenced in the legal agreement.

88. The Developer/Owner shall agree in the to design and construct the County Road culvert improvements as required by the County and in accordance with the construction schedule identified in the above noted legal agreement.

89. That the Owner/Developer shall agree, in the Subdivision Agreement, and in wording satisfactory to the County of Simcoe (‘County’), that the County is not required to provide waste collection services to residential dwellings along roads that have not been assumed by the municipality. The County may, however, commence waste collection services once some level of residency begins and prior to the municipality assuming the road, subject to a request being made to the County and regular access being available on the road. This may require temporary turnarounds depending on the phasing of the development. The Owner/Developer acknowledges that should road access be blocked due to road construction, parked vehicles, insufficient snow removal, etc., service disruptions will occur, and the Owner/Developer will be responsible for providing waste collection services.

90. That that Owner/Developer shall agree, in the Subdivision agreement, that any dead end roads or temporary turn arounds must be designed to accommodate County waste collection vehicles as per the County of Simcoe Multi-Residential & Private Road Waste Collection Policy & to the satisfaction of the County of Simcoe. The Owner/Developer shall acknowledge that the Owner/Developer will be responsible for providing waste collection services if temporary turn arounds are not constructed or if they are not constructed to the County standard.


91. That the owner agrees to include in all offers of purchase and sale, a statement that advises the prospective purchaser that the public schools on designated sites in the community are not guaranteed. Attendance at schools yet to be constructed in the area is also not guaranteed. Pupils may be accommodated in temporary facilities and/or be directed to schools outside of the area.

92. That the owner agrees to include in all offers of purchase and sale a statement which advises the prospective purchaser that school busses will not enter cul de sacs and that pick up points will generally be located on through streets, suitable to the Board. Additional pick-up points will not be located within the subdivision until major construction activity has been completed.

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93. That the owner include in all offers of purchase and sale a clause advising prospective purchasers that pupils from this development attending educational facilities operated by the Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board may be transported to / accommodated in temporary facilities out of the neighbourhood school’s area.


94. The Owner shall indicate in the Agreement, in words satisfactory to Bell Canada, that it will grant to Bell Canada any easements that may be required, which may include a blanket easement, for communication/telecommunication infrastructure. In the event of any conflict with existing Bell Canada facilities or easements, the Owner shall be responsible for the relocation of such facilities or easements.


95. The Developer shall ensure that the typical warning clauses associated with developments be provided to prospective purchasers when entering into the Agreement of Purchase and Sale. The final warning clauses as identified in the Subdivision Agreement are required to be provided to all purchasers.

96. The Owner shall cause the following warning clauses to be included in a schedule to:

a) all offers of purchase and sale, or lease for all lots/blocks:

• "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the proposed finished lot and/or block grading may not meet Town lot grading criteria in certain areas, to facilitate preservation of existing vegetation and to maintain existing adjacent topographical conditions."

• "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that traffic calming measures may have been incorporated into the road allowances."

• "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the planting of trees on Town boulevards in front of residential units is a requirement of the Town and a conceptual location Plan is included in the subdivision agreement. While every attempt will be made to plant trees as shown, the Town reserves the right to relocate or delete any boulevard tree without further notice.

• Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the Town has not imposed a "tree fee", or any other fee which may be charged as a condition of purchase, for the planting of trees. Any "tree fee" paid by a purchaser for boulevard trees does not guarantee that a tree will be planted on the boulevard adjacent to their residential dwelling.”

• "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that mail delivery will be from a designated community mailbox, the location of which will be identified by the Owner prior to any home closings."

17 Page 28 of 35 • "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that any roads ending in a dead end or cul- de-sac may be extended in the future to facilitate development of adjacent lands, without further notice."

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that despite the use of any noise control mechanisms or features within the development area, construction activity may occasionally interfere with some activities of building occupants.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that despite the inclusion of noise control features within the development area and within individual units, noise levels from construction activity may continue to be of concern occasionally interfering with some activities of the building occupants.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the 8th line is classified as Collector Road and that increased traffic will result over time, with resulting noise which can occur at any time during the day or night.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that County Road #1 is a County Roadway, which is used as a truck route and experiences heavy traffic and resulting noise which can occur at any time during the day or night.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the streets internal to the subdivision may be subject to future transit routes.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that a sanitary pumping station is located on Block 79 to service the development area. The facility will be of an industrial nature and subject to access by Town Staff at all hours and emergency works as required.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that driveway location and width are established during the design phase of the development and finalized when the building permit for the lot is issued, to be in keeping with the provisions of the Municipality’s standards, guidelines and zoning provisions. Adjustments to driveways may take place up to the date of the final assumption of the development to ensure that the location and width of the driveways are in keeping with the design standards. Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that they should confirm with the Developer and/or the home builder the details with respect to the driveway location and width.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that a minimum distance of 6.1m from the edge of a house / garage foundation to the edge of sidewalk could be provided for some of the houses/units. Purchasers are advised to contact the Builder to verify the length of driveway provided with their house/unit to ensure it meets their needs.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that all lots are equipped with a sump pump.”

• If lot has a gravity connection to a storm sewer, “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the subject lot is not equipped with a sump pump, but have a direct connect of the gravity foundation drain to a storm sewer. The hydraulic grade line for the 100-year return storm in the storm sewer is a minimum 0.3metres below the underside of the footing elevation of their dwelling. However, during a larger storm

18 Page 29 of 35 event, the foundation drain may become surcharged.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the Municipality does not hold any deposits on account of grading requirements or damage to infrastructure on behalf of purchasers and/or tenants. The Municipality holds security from the Developer to enforce such obligations directly with the Developer and has no authority to release funds to purchasers and/or tenants.”

• "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the adjacent open space, woodlot or stormwater management facility may be left in a naturally vegetated condition and receive minimal maintenance.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that South Simcoe Railway, or its successors or assigns, have an operating Railway, which may expand its operations, and which may affect the living environment of the residents, and that the Railway and Town are not responsible for complaints or claims arising from its operations.”

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that methane gas is present in the underlying soils. Gas sub-slab depressurization system, venting and monitoring provisions will be incorporated into the dwelling units.

• Purchasers and/or tenants within 30m of the rail ROW are advised that the significant source of ground-borne vibration is in the vicinity of the rail activity on the SSR immediately east of the site. The measured ground-borne vibration velocity magnitudes due to railway trains on the railway exceeded the vibration limit recommended by Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) and the railway Association of Canada (RAC). A ground-borne vibration mitigation will be incorporated into the dwelling units.

• Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that industrial operations Borden Metal operate approximately 350m northeast of the site and Parson Seeds processing and sale facility approximately 1150m northeast of the site. The noises associated with these operations may be of concern, occasionally interfering with some activities of the occupants. b) All offers of purchase and sale or lease for all lots and blocks abutting any open space, woodlot, drainage corridor or stormwater facility:

• "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the adjacent open space, woodlot, drainage corridor or stormwater management facility may be left in a naturally vegetated condition and receive minimal maintenance."

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that natural preservation area is to contain walking trails and noise should be expected from the designed active uses of these facilities.” c) All offers of purchase and sale or lease for all lots and blocks abutting a park block:

19 Page 30 of 35 • "Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the lot abuts a Town Park Block, and that noise and lighting should be expected from the designed active use of the park." d) All offers of purchase and sale or lease for all lots and blocks abutting a walkway:

• “Purchasers and/or tenants are advised that the lot abuts a walkway, and that noise and lighting should be expected from the designed active uses of these facilities.” e) All offers of purchase and sale or lease for units requiring the provision for forced air ventilation systems with ducts sized to accommodate the future installation of central air conditioning by the occupant:

• Per Acoustical Report f) All offers of purchase and sale or lease for units in proximity to proposed commercial developments or Town facilities:

• Per Acoustical Report g) All offers of purchase and sale or lease for units with mandatory air conditioning:

• Per Acoustical Report


1. It is the applicant's responsibility to fulfill the conditions of draft approval and to ensure that the required clearance letters are forwarded to the Town of New Tecumseth.

2. We suggest you make yourself aware of Section 144 of the Land Titles Act and subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act.

3. Subsection 144(1) of the Land Titles Act requires that the plan of subdivision of land that is located in a land titles division be registered under the Land Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in subsection 144(2).

4. Subsection 78(10) of the Registry Act requires that a plan of subdivision of land that is located only in a registry division cannot be registered under the Registry Act unless that title of the Owner of the land has been certified under the Certification of Titles Act. Exceptions to this provision are set out in clauses (b) and (c) of subsection 78(10).

5. The applicant should appreciate that this application has not been reviewed by the Ministry of Environment with respect to the testing of soil contamination, soil gases or any other subsurface conditions that might affect the viability or suitability of the site for the intended use. If the applicant requires assurance with respect to any or all of the foregoing, it should engage qualified professionals to conduct the site inspection.

6. If, during the course of developing this property, waste material is discovered, the Ministry of Environment should be notified immediately since further approval pursuant to the Environmental Protection Act (R.S.O., 1990) may be required from the Ministry of Environment.

7. The Nottawasaga Valley Conservation Authority will require a copy of the executed Subdivision Agreement prior to the clearance of draft plan conditions.

8. That the Owner, prior to final plan approval, to pay all development fees to the conservation authority as required in accordance with the NVCA’s fees policy, under the powers of the Conservation Authorities Act.

9. The Simcoe County District School Board will require a copy of the fully executed Subdivision Agreement prior to providing its clearance letter for Conditions 84 and 85.

10. The Simcoe Muskoka Catholic District School Board will require a copy of the fully executed Subdivision Agreement prior to providing its clearance letter for Condition 86.


Number 2019-***


A by-law to amend By-law No. 2014-126, of the Town of New Tecumseth to rezone the lands from Agricultural (‘A1’) to Urban Residential Two Exception (‘UR2-45’), Urban Residential Three Exception (‘UR3–38’), Open Space (‘OS’), and Environmental Protection (‘EP’), for the lands known as Part of Lot 7 and 8, Concession 7, in the community of Beeton, Town of New Tecumseth, County of Simcoe.

WHEREAS By-Law No. 2014-126 is the Zoning By-Law of the Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth;

AND WHEREAS the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth has received a request to amend Zoning By-law No. 2014-126 to rezone lands legally described as Part of Lot 7 and 8, Concession 7, Community of Beeton, Town of New Tecumseth, from Agricultural (‘A1’) to Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR2-45’), Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR3-38’), Open Space (‘OS’) and Environmental Protection (‘EP’) Zones in support of a residential plan of subdivision;

AND WHEREAS the Amendment is in accordance with the Official Plan of the Town of New Tecumseth;

NOW THEREFORE the Council of the Corporation of the Town of New Tecumseth hereby enact as follows:

1. That Subsection “6.11 Urban Residential (‘UR2’) Zone Exceptions be amended by adding the following subsection:

6.11.5 UR2-45

a) “Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.9 “Zone Provisions”, hereto to the contrary, the lands zoned “Urban Residential-Exception (UR2-45)” on Schedule “1” to this By-law, shall be subject to the following special provision:

“Any dwelling on a lot adjacent to a railway right-of-way must be setback a minimum of 15 metres from the property line of the adjacent railway right-of-way.”

2. That Subsection 6.12 Urban Residential Zone (UR3) Exceptions be amended by adding the following after Subsection 6.12.29:

“6.12.37 UR3-38

“Notwithstanding the provisions of Section 6.9 “Zone Provisions”, hereto to the contrary, the lands zoned “Urban Residential-Exception (UR3-38)” on Schedule “1” to this By-law, shall be subject to the following special provision:

Min. Lot Area 190.0 m2

3. That Subsection “ Driveway Location Exception” be amended by including the adding the following subsection:

“ UR3-38

Page 33 of 35 “Notwithstanding Section 4.21.13 “Driveway Location,” hereto the contrary, lands zoned Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR3-38’) on Schedule ‘1’ to this By-law shall be subject to the following provision:

(i) The minimum distance between and driveway and intersection of a streetline shall be 8.0 metres.

4. That “Section 11.1.1 Setback to Environmental Protection Zone Exceptions,” is amended by adding the following:

Urban Residential Minimum Setback to the Exception Zone “Environmental Protection Zone”

UR2-45 0 m

UR3-38 0 m

5. That Schedule “B” to By-law 2014-126 is hereby amended in accordance with the zones shown on Schedule “1” to this By-law.

6. That Schedule “1” attached hereto hereby forms part of this By-law.

7. That this By-law shall be cited as "Amendment No. XX to Restricted Area By-Law No. 2014-126".

8. That this By-law shall come into force and effect pursuant to the provisions of the Regulations made under the Planning Act.




Page 34 of 35 Town of New Tecumseth


To By-law #2019-XX

Lands to be zoned Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR2-45’)

Lands to be zoned Urban Residential-Exception (‘UR3-38’)

Lands to be zoned Open Space (‘OS’)

Lands to be zoned Environmental Protection (‘EP’)

A Zoning By-law Amendment to rezone the lands from Agricultural (‘A1’) to Urban Residential Two Exception (‘UR2-45’), Urban Residential Three-Exception (‘UR3-38’), Open Space (‘OS’), and Environmental Protection (‘EP’), for the lands known as Part of Lot 7 and 8, Concession 7 in the Community of Beeton, Town of New Tecumseth, County of Simcoe.

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