And we also thank God constantly for this, that when you receive the Word of God, which you heard from us, you accepted it not as the word of men but as what it really is, the word of God, which is at work in you believers. 1 Thessalonians 2:13

1. Discipline (30 Days). The toughest part is always the start: the first push up, the first forkful of salad, the first “no” afer a lifetime of “yes.” If you are at the starting line, remember that the reason you are diving in is not so that you can check a box but so you can know your God more deeply and experience real, lasting change. The discipline is always worth it. You’re going to want to quit afer 14 days: DON’T. Push through. Perhaps for the first time in your life spend 30 days straight in God’s Word for the sake of your soul.

2. Desire (30 Days). God is honoring your willingness to get into His Word daily. You will find yourself increasingly longing for Scripture (Psalm 42:1). Perhaps for the first time in your life, you will begin to experience your heart longing to be in God’s Word more than just finding ways to entertain yourself.

3. Delight. God’s Word will begin to become the desire of your heart. When you begin to delight in God’s Word, the time spent in Scripture will be the best part of your days. And the effects will seep into every part of your life as you find His truth running continually in the background of your thoughts.

WHERE DO I START? Here are some suggestions: • Purchase an English Standard Version of the Bible. It is a solid and accurate word-for-word translation of God’s Word. And it is what we use here at Harvest. Try to find one that gives you a lot of room to write in the margins. • Purchase a brand new journal dedicated to God’s Word. Record what He is doing in your heart and life, record your plans to obey, record your . You will see massive growth. • If you do not know where to begin, start reading in the Gospel of John, and move on to 1st, 2nd, and 3rd John afer that. • Commit today that you will not let your head hit the pillow unless you have spent at least 15 minutes in God’s Word. • Grab another brother or sister at Harvest and take this challenge on together. Talk about what God is doing in you as you read His Word.


Here are some questions for you to ask as you begin to study God’s Word for yourself. (Adapted from “God Wrote a Book” by James MacDonald)

1. “What portion of my reading stands out to me?” You’ll read two or three chapters, and you’ll feel drawn back to a certain part. Go back to that part and ask the following questions.

2. “Why does this part have my attention?” What is it about this that caught my attention? To help you answer that question, use the remaining questions.

3. “Is there an example for me to follow?” We can’t tell you how many times God’s Word has impacted my life just from my saying these simple words: “Is there an example for me to follow?” All of a sudden it’s like – BOOM – it jumps right off the page. “You should be more like that!” And we love it when God’s Word speaks to me in this way and calls me to be more of what the requires.

4. “Is there an error for me to avoid?” It’s very comforting to know that if we have unknowingly stepped in a wrong direction or made an unwise decision, God’s Word can reveal that to me. It’s easy to see the mistakes. This is where the Word of God becomes that “mirror” we talked about earlier. Is there an error for me to avoid?

5. “Is there a duty for me to perform?” Is there an action that God’s Word is calling me to take? Is there some matter of importance that I am neglecting in my home or where I work or in regard to my personal life? If so, we want to know what it is so we can work on it. God’s Word will ofen reveal to us a duty to perform.

6. “Is there any promise for me to claim?” So ofen God’s Word brings strength and encouragement. As you study the Bible, you will hear the Lord committing Himself to certain things or to act in certain ways. As you come to those promises, you might just acknowledge, “Yes, God! You are like thins, and You’ve promised to be this way for all my life, and I trust You.” You heart will be thrilled as you learn and review the promises of God.

7. “Is there a sin for me to confess?” This we suppose is obvious in some respects. You won’t read the Bible long until you come across many passages that reveal to you the “error of your ways.” But one of the promises that helps with that is I John 1:9, which says, “If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.”

ADDITIONAL RESOURCES www.matthewhenry.org — a fantastic resource to help you pray God’s Word “God Wrote a Book” by James MacDonald “Authentic” by James MacDonald “Unleashing God’s Word in Your Life” by John MacArthur