Gotthard Base , AlpTransit Gotthard Ltd

The Gotthard Base Tunnel in is the world’s longest railway tunnel and will increase transport capacity from Italy to Germany. Pöyry’s work is at the heart of the tunnel, in the technically challenging Sedrun section.

BACKGROUND SUCCESS FACTORS Like most modern roadways, the Work on the Gotthard Base Tunnel highways stretching from Italy up to stretches across more than two decades. Germany experience heavy congestion, Pöyry has been with the project from its especially from lorries carrying freight loads. inception. Working on the midsection of the tunnel, in To ease traffic and reduce environmental the heart of the tunnel, required extensive impact, the Swiss government planned to collaboration between the Pöyry team and move capacity from roadways to railways, the client and other consortium members. constructing a tunnel that would make Communication and project management existing rail lines running through the country to coordinate complex work streams was far more efficient. critical.

Sections of the current infrastructure date According to Hartmuth Höfle, Project back from the 1880s and rise more than manager of Alptransit Gotthard AG, What 1,000 meters above sea level. A referendum distinguishes Pöyry is the fact that they called for the construction of a passageway have the technical expertise in terms of far beneath the , making travel safer tunnelling along with their experience in the mining industry. It’s a skill set that‘s and faster. With voters in Switzerland pass- not easy to find. But along with that, they ing the referendum in 1992, construction of possess a strong understanding of the the Gotthard Base Tunnel began in earnest local conditions involved with the tunnel. It four years later with preparatory works at the proved to be a compelling combination.” Sedrun site. KEY FACTS Pöyry’s services for the Gotthard Base Tunnel covered a range of areas including: • Environment: environmental impact Zürich assessments, landscape planning, environmental construction supervision, project assistance Amsteg • Tunnelling: studies, preliminary design, Sedrun tender design and construction design, tender process, tender evaluation, final design and construction supervision • Electromechanics: preliminary design, tender design and tender, technical support for tunnel facilities • Railway equipment: technical coordination and organisational support for the interdisciplinary Transtec Gotthard joint venture • Ventilation/safety: aerodynamic and thermodynamic studies, design of ventilation for construction and opera- tion, design and tender process for operational and cross passage ventilation, technical support

CHALLENGE SOLUTIONS BENEFITS When it opens in 2016, the Gotthard Base Pöyry was tapped to do the design work and To date, is finished Tunnel will be the world’s longest, traversing site supervision of the central Sedrun part of within budget and the tunnel is scheduled a 57 km route, making it even longer than the tunnel—given its geology, the most dif- to open on time in December 2016. The the in Japan. Facing a 20 ficult part of the entire construction. benefits will be many: a flat route that will year construction timeline, and the need modernize rail passage and create to bore through high mountains, AlpTransit This section includes the intermediate adits shorter routes between North and South of needed to employ a group of companies at Sedrun (800 m vertical shaft) and the Europe for passengers and freight , that could carry out the challenging multifunction station where the adits less traffic on the north to south highway work on time and on budget. meet the base tunnel. Pöyry was also respon- routes through Switzerland, and increased sible for the design and supervision of a capacity in terms of goods traffic. Pöyry played an active role from a very early multi-purpose station. In case of emergency, phase of the project, conducting preliminary trains can stop at this station and people can feasibility studies in the mid-80s. Because enter into caverns which are ventilated with of our deep expertise with the project fresh air from the outside. and our strong local presence, we led the consortium that would ultimately carry out the design work of about 60 percent of the tunnel.

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Pöyry P.O.Box 4 (Jaakonkatu 3) FI-01621 Vantaa, Finland Tel +358 10 3311