
Record of the North southwest monsoon from Gulf of sediment cores

R.Z. Poore* U.S. Geological Survey, 600 4th Street South, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701, USA M.J. Pavich* U.S. Geological Survey, MS 926A, 12201 Sunrise Valley Drive, Reston, Virginia 20192, USA H.D. Grissino-Mayer* Department of Geography, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA

ABSTRACT of the . The northward Summer monsoonal rains (the southwest monsoon) are an important source of moisture movement of the ITCZ results in southeasterly for parts of the southwestern and . Improved documenta- winds moving across the and south- tion of the variability in the southwest monsoon is needed because changes in the amount erly winds moving across the Gulf of Califor- and seasonal distribution of in this semiarid of in¯u- nia (Fig. 1). The summer pattern is known as ence overall water supply and ®re severity. Comparison of abundance variations in the the southwest monsoon (Peterson, 1994) and planktic foraminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer in marine cores from the western and results in signi®cant summer rainfall that pen- northern with terrestrial proxy records of precipitation (tree-ring width etrates as as the Colorado Plateau. and packrat-midden occurrences) from the southwestern United States indicate that G. of surface waters from the Caribbean sacculifer abundance is a proxy for the southwest monsoon on millennial and submillennial through the Yucatan Channel into the Gulf of time scales. The marine record con®rms the presence of a severe multicentury drought Mexico is also in¯uenced by seasonal changes centered ca. 1600 calendar (cal.) yr B.P. as well as several multidecadal droughts that in the position of the ITCZ. The primary sur- have been identi®ed in a long tree-ring record spanning the past 2000 cal. yr from west- face current in the gulf is the Loop Current, central New Mexico. The marine record further suggests that monsoon circulation, and which brings warm tropical waters from the thus summer rainfall, was enhanced in the middle Holocene (ca. 6500±4500 14C yr B.P.; Caribbean through the Yucatan Channel ca. 6980±4710 cal. yr B.P.). The marine proxy provides the potential for constructing a into the gulf before exiting into the North At- highly resolved, well-dated, and continuous history of the southwest monsoon for the entire lantic through the Florida Straits. Dur- Holocene. ing winter, the Loop Current, and thus warm Caribbean tropical surface water, generally Keywords: Holocene, paleoclimate, global change, tree rings, monsoon. does not penetrate into the western or northern gulf. Tropical waters from the Caribbean are INTRODUCTION highly resolved records of past conditions, but restricted in winter to a narrow band in the Better documentation of change in the cli- separating temperature and precipitation sig- southeastern gulf, re¯ecting the ¯ow of the mate of the southwestern United States during natures can be dif®cult, and determining sea- Loop Current from the Yucatan Channel di- the current interglacial interval is needed to sonality of precipitation is challenging. In ad- rectly to the Florida Straits. During summer, understand the natural variability of the cur- dition, tree-ring records usually represent surface-water ¯ow through the Yucatan Chan- rent climate system and to help anticipate fu- short intervals of the Holocene, and they often nel is enhanced compared to winter (Shein- ture changes. In this study we demonstrate re¯ect local conditions. Studies of pollen in baum et al., 2002), and warm tropical surface that the relative abundance of the planktic for- lake sediments, lake-shoreline deposits, and temperatures occur in the western and north- aminifer Globigerinoides sacculifer in marine vegetation in packrat middens are available, ern gulf (Brunner, 1982). sediments of the Gulf of Mexico is a proxy but these records are often discontinuous, for the summer monsoon, which is a critical many are dif®cult to date, and they are some- PREVIOUS WORK component of the climate of the southwestern times contradictory (e.g., see summaries in Changes in solar insolation related to United States (Bryson and Lowry, 1955; Hig- Betancourt et al., 1993; Metcalfe et al., 2000; changes in orbital forcing caused the average gins et al., 1997). Thompson et al., 1993). position of the ITCZ to migrate during the Ho- Historical records demonstrate that precip- locene (Hodell et al., 1991; Haug et al., 2001; itation in the southwestern United States is MODERN CLIMATE SYSTEM Harrison et al., 2003). In the early Holocene, quite variable (e.g., Meko and Baisan, 2001). Summer monsoonal rains are an important increased summer insolation in the Northern Several decades-long droughts have occurred source of moisture to the southwestern United Hemisphere resulted in northward movement in the recent past, and severity of ®res has States and northern Mexico (Higgins et al., of the average position of the ITCZ. As the been linked to variability in amount and 1997; Peterson, 1994). Large areas of New average position of the ITCZ moved north- seasonal distribution of precipitation (e.g., Mexico and Arizona receive more than half ward, enhanced southeasterly winds resulted Grissino-Mayer and Swetnam, 2000). Terres- their annual rainfall from summer monsoonal in increased precipitation, as monitored by trial paleoclimate records from the southwest- circulation (Fig. 1; Higgins et al., 1997). In lake-level records at Lake Miragoane in ern United States indicate that signi®cant cli- the modern climate system, seasonal changes (Hodell et al., 1991). After ca. 6000 14Cyr mate variability has occurred during the in the position of the Intertropical Conver- B.P. (ca. 6410 calendar [cal.] yr B.P.), decreas- current interglacial interval or Holocene (past gence Zone (ITCZ) in¯uence the prevailing ing summer insolation in the Northern Hemi- 10 k.y.) (e.g., Benson et al., 2002), but the winds, and thus sources of moisture, for the sphere and resulting southward movement of preinstrumental record of the southwest mon- southwestern United States and Caribbean± the average position of the ITCZ caused a de- soon is poorly known (Meko and Baisan, Gulf of Mexico (e.g., Metcalfe et al., cline in southeasterly winds in the Gulf of 2001). Studies based on tree rings can provide 2000). During winter (Fig. 1) the ITCZ is near Mexico and Caribbean. Thus, precipitation in the equator, and westerly winds bring moisture Haiti and in the area of the Cariaco Basin *E-mails: [email protected]; [email protected]; in from the Paci®c Ocean. During summer along the north of declined [email protected]. (Fig. 1) the ITCZ moves north due to warming (Hodell et al., 1991; Haug et al., 2001).

᭧ 2005 Geological Society of America. For permission to copy, contact Copyright Permissions, GSA, or [email protected]. Geology; March 2005; v. 33; no. 3; p. 209±212; doi: 10.1130/G21040.1; 3 ®gures. 209 (June to ) (Higgins et al., 1997, their Fig. 4), the El Malpais record is considered to be particularly sensitive to variations in the southwest monsoon. We ®rst compared the MD02-2553 and El Malpais records by plot- ting each against its own independent age model. The tree-ring record is in calendar years, so we used the OxCal program to cal- ibrate the AMS 14C-controlled chronology for MD02-2553 to calendar years (ϭcalibrated years). We removed low-frequency variations from the MD02-2553 record to match the tree- ring record, which had low-frequency trends removed during standard processing. Initial comparison of the records revealed similar features, but the multicentury drought centered ca. 1600 yr B.P. in the El Malpais record was slightly offset (ϳ60 yr) from the multicentury interval of low G. sacculifer abundance in the MD02-2553 record. We infer Figure 1. Location of Lake Miragoane, Haiti, core RC12-10 in western Gulf of Mexico, core that these features correlate because previous MD02-2553 from Pigmy Basin on slope, and El Malpais National Monument. work shows that a southward shift of the ITCZ Large arrows show prevailing wind direction during Northern Hemisphere (NH) winter and and associated decrease in monsoon rainfall in summer seasons. Small dash-dotted arrow shows generalized position of Loop Current the Caribbean region over the past 5 k.y. co- during Northern Hemisphere winter. Dashed line shows position of Intertropical Conver- incides with an overall decrease of G. saccu- gence Zone (ITCZ) in Northern Hemisphere winter and summer seasons. Dotted line la- beled ``southwest monsoon boundary'' marks northern limit of regions where more than lifer in gulf sediments (Hodell et al., 1991; half of their annual precipitation occurs during warm season. Modi®ed from Metcalfe et al. Haug et al., 2001; Poore et al., 2004). Thus (2000), Peterson (1994), and Poore et al. (2003). we uniformly shifted the MD02-2553 record 60 yr in Figure 2 so that the multicentury drought and multicentury G. sacculifer mini- Changes in surface-water circulation in the SOUTHWEST MONSOON mums coincided. The adjustment is well with- 14 gulf paralleled the changes in atmospheric cir- Submillennial-Scale Variability in the errors involved in C dating and cali- 14 culation inferred from the Lake Miragoane Changes in the average position of the bration from C to cal. yr B.P. Inspection of and Cariaco proxy records. The relative abun- ITCZ should also in¯uence the effect of the Figure 2 reveals substantial overall similarity dance of the planktic foraminifer G. sacculifer monsoon on the southwestern United States. between the two records, but the details differ. in faunal assemblages in gulf sediments is an Northward migration of the average position Prominent decadal-scale precipitation maxi- mums at 1400 yr and 900 yr B.P. and precip- indicator for in¯uence of the Loop Current of the ITCZ should increase monsoonal pre- itation minimums at 2100, 2000, and 400 yr (Brunner, 1979; Poore et al., 2003). Increased cipitation, and equatorward migration of the B.P. are evident in both records. Correlation penetration of the Loop Current into the gulf ITCZ should decrease the monsoon precipi- over the entire record is low (r2 ϭ 0.25), but at the beginning of the Holocene in response tation in the southwestern United States. some intervals show a good correlation (r2 ϭ to the northward migration of the ITCZ and Poore et al. (2004) provided a highly resolved 0.66 between 1700 and 1400 yr B.P.) In con- the resulting enhancement of the summer cir- (30 yr sampling interval) record of G. saccu- trast (e.g., between 900 and 500 yr B.P.), the culation pattern are indicated by an increased lifer relative abundance variations for the past MD02-2553 record appears slightly distorted abundance of G. sacculifer in faunal assem- few thousand years of the Holocene in a sed- with respect to the El Malpais record, as if the blages from northern and western gulf sedi- iment core (MD02-2553) from the Pigmy Ba- sin on the Louisiana slope in the northern Gulf marine record had undergone minor stretching ments (Poore et al., 2003). After reaching of Mexico. The MD02-2553 record shows dis- and compression. In some instances the rec- maximum values in the middle Holocene, the tinct century-scale cycles, which suggests that ords are exactly opposite. For example, a abundance of G. sacculifer in faunal assem- similar variability should occur in the south- maximum in the El Malpais record at 1050 yr blages from the northern and western gulf de- west monsoon. To test the validity of G. sac- B.P. coincides with a minimum in the MD02- clined toward the present as the average po- culifer abundance variations as a proxy for 2553 record. The apparent distortion and sition of the ITCZ migrated back toward the variations in the southwest monsoon, we com- phase changes between the records could be due equator. pared the MD02-2553 G. sacculifer record to small changes in sediment-accumulation Poore et al. (2003, 2004) argued that with the long tree-ring record from El Malpais rates in the marine core. Alternatively, chang- century- to decadal-scale variability in G. sac- National Monument on the southern periphery es in the climate system could alter the sea- culifer abundance was also related to changes of the Colorado Plateau in west-central New sonal distribution of precipitation in New in the average position of the ITCZ. Warmer Mexico (Fig. 2). The El Malpais record is im- Mexico. For example, sea-surface temperature intervals would result in a more northerly av- portant because it is continuous from 136 B.C. structure of the equatorial Paci®c can in¯u- erage position of the ITCZ and higher G. sac- to A.D. 1992, and variations in tree-ring width ence precipitation in the southwestern United culifer abundances in gulf sediments, whereas in the record are highly correlated with annual States (Schubert et al., 2004). Thus a major El cooler intervals would result in a more south- (water year) precipitation (Grissino-Mayer, NinÄo±Southern Oscillation event could alter erly average position of the ITCZ and lower 1996). Because precipitation in New Mexico phasing between the El Malpais and MD02- G. sacculifer abundances in gulf sediments. occurs predominantly in mid-summer to fall 2553 records. Although additional highly re-

210 GEOLOGY, March 2005 solved records from the Gulf of Mexico are needed to verify the details of the MD02-2553 record, the overall similarity between the MD02-2553 and the El Malpais records indi- cates that variations in G. sacculifer in sedi- ments of the northern gulf provide a reliable proxy for century-scale variations in the southwest monsoon over the past ϳ2000 yr.

Millennial-Scale Variability Figure 3 shows the occurrence of packrat middens in New Mexico (Betancourt et al., 1993) along with smoothed records of G. sac- culifer abundance variations from core MD02- 2553 and core RC12-10 (Poore et al., 2003) from the western Gulf of Mexico. Because the midden and RC12-10 results are reported in radiocarbon years, the time scale and discus- sion of Figure 3 are in radiocarbon years. Each record in Figure 3 is plotted against its own 14C-controlled independent chronology. Low- frequency variability in the MD02-2553 and RC12-10 records has not been removed. The MD02-2553 and RC12-10 records Figure 2. Comparison of (solid line) time series of standard tree-ring-width index developed show similar features since ca. 4500 14Cyr from living trees and subfossil wood at El Malpais National Monument in west-central New Mexico and (dashed line) relative abundance of Globigerinoides sacculifer in core MD02- B.P. The G. sacculifer abundance in both cores 2553 from Pigmy Basin in northern Gulf of Mexico (see Fig. 1). MD02-2553 record has been has declined from ca. 4500 14C yr B.P. toward detrended to remove low-frequency variability. Time scale is in calendar years before pres- the present. A brief rebound to higher values ent (B.P., meaning before 2000). Development of El Malpais chronology was outlined in centered ca. 1250 14C yr B.P. is present in the Grissino-Mayer (1996). Chronology for MD02-2553 G. sacculifer time series (Poore et al., 2004) is based on eight accelerator mass spectrometer 14C dates that were calibrated to MD02-2553 record. A similar rebound may be calendar years with OxCal Program (Ramsey, 2001). MD02-2553 record has been uniformly present in the RC12-10 record, but the re- shifted 60 yr younger with respect to El Malpais chronology. Larger values of tree-ring bound is not well developed. The similarity of width index represent increased annual precipitation. Increased G. sacculifer relative abun- the MD02-2553 and RC12-10 records over the dance values represent more northerly average position of Intertropical Convergence 14 Zone, which results in enhanced monsoon circulation. past 4500 C yr suggests that the RC12-10 record can be used as a proxy for monsoon changes in the earlier part of the Holocene. Relative abundances of G. sacculifer reached maximum values between ca. 6500 and 4500 14C yr B.P. in RC12-10, which indicates that maximum development of the monsoon oc- curred in the middle Holocene (Fig. 3). The midden record in New Mexico shows that middens were consistently present be- tween 11,000 and 9000 14C yr B.P., were sparse or absent between ca. 9000 and 4500 14C yr B.P., and then became fairly common after 4000 14C yr B.P. The data (Fig. 3) sug- gest an inverse relationship between G. sac- culifer and midden occurrences over the past 7000 14C yr. In general, middens were sparse or absent during intervals of high G. sacculi- fer abundance and increased during intervals of lower G. sacculifer abundance. Packrat middens are found in arid and semi- Figure 3. Time-series plot showing occurrence of packrat middens in New Mexico and G. arid regions. Most fossil middens are pre- sacculifer abundance variations in core MD02-2553 from Pigmy Basin and core RC12-10 served by crystallized rat urine (amberat) that from western Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 1). Each record is plotted against its own independent 14C chronology. Packrat midden occurrences are grouped into 250 14C yr intervals based cements, preserves, and protects encased plant on accelerator mass spectrometer (AMS) 14C dates on individual middens (Betancourt et al., material (Spaulding et al., 1990). Amberat is 1993). Marine chronologies assume constant sediment-accumulation rates between individ- hydroscopic and under humid conditions will ual AMS 14C dates (see Poore et al., 2003, 2004, for discussion). G. sacculifer abundance rehydrate and ¯ow. Middens that are depleted plots are smoothed with 11 yr moving average for RC12-10 and 20 yr moving average for of amberat are susceptible to damage by in- MD02-2553. Note that occurrences of middens are inversely related to G. sacculifer abun- dance for past 7 k.y., which is consistent with interpretation that increased monsoon rainfall sects (e.g., Spaulding et al., 1990). results in decreased occurrences of middens. Two likely explanations have been pro-

GEOLOGY, March 2005 211 posed for the middle Holocene ``gap'' in mid- et al., 1993; Metcalfe et al., 2000), although Otto-Bliesner, B., Muhs, D., Prentice, I.C., and den occurrence in Figure 3. One is that the several brief wetter intervals are found in Thompson, R.S., 2003, Mid-Holocene cli- mates of the ; a dynamical response lack of middens during the middle Holocene some records (summary in Thompson et al., to changed seasonality: Climate Dynamics, was due to lower productivity and less packrat 1993). In general, the available data from the v. 20, p. 663±688. activity during a period of dry winters and hot southwestern United States are consistent with Haug, G.H., Haughen, K.A., Sigman, D.M., Peter- summers. Alternatively, the gap could have our interpretation that the North American son, L.C., and Roehl, U., 2001, Southward mi- gration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone been due to wetter summers than today, lead- monsoon reached maximum intensity in the through the Holocene: Science, v. 293, ing to higher relative , which would middle Holocene and then declined in inten- p. 1304±1308. inhibit the crystallization of packrat urine that sity toward the present. Higgins, R.W., Yao, Y., and Wang, X.L., 1997, In- preserves middens (e.g., Betancourt et al., ¯uence of the North American monsoon sys- 1993). SUMMARY AND CONCLUSIONS tem on the U.S. summer precipitation regime: Journal of Climate, v. 10, p. 2600±2622. The record of packrat middens in New Comparison of abundance variations in the Hodell, D.A., Curtis, J.H., Jones, G.A., Higuera- Mexico can be explained by our interpretation planktic foraminifer G. sacculifer in marine Gundy, A., Brenner, M., Binford, M.W., and that increased abundance of G. sacculifer in cores from the western and northern Gulf of Dorsey, K.T., 1991, Reconstruction of Carib- Gulf of Mexico sediments re¯ects northward Mexico with terrestrial proxy records of pre- bean over the past 10,500 years: Nature, v. 352, p. 790±793. movement of the ITCZ and enhancement of cipitation from New Mexico support the con- Meko, D.M., and Baisan, C.H., 2001, Pilot study of monsoonal precipitation in the southwestern clusion that G. sacculifer abundance varia- latewood-width of conifers as an indicator of United States. Packrat middens with ages be- tions are a reliable proxy for changes in the variability of summer rainfall in the North tween 9000 and 4000 14C yr B.P. are rare. The southwest monsoon on millennial and submil- American Monsoon Region: International marine record indicates that the monsoon was lennial time scales. The development of a ma- Journal of Climatology, v. 21, p. 697±708. 14 Menking, K.M., and Anderson, R.Y., 2003, Contri- most intense from 6500 to ca. 4500 C yr B.P. rine monsoon proxy provides the potential for butions of La NinÄa and El NinÄo to middle Ho- Packrat-midden occurrences increased from constructing a highly resolved, well-dated, locene drought and late Holocene moisture in 4000 14C yr B.P. to the present at the same and continuous history of the southwest mon- the American Southwest: Geology, v. 31, time as the marine records indicate that the soon for the entire Holocene. More p. 937±940. Metcalfe, S.E., O'Hara, S.L., Caballero, M., and southwest monsoon was declining. The mini- is needed to understand the teleconnections Davis, S.J., 2000, Records of late Pleistocene 14 mum in midden abundance ca. 1000 Cyr between tropical climate variability in the Ca- Holocene climate change in MexicoÐA re- B.P. coincided fairly closely with the brief ex- ribbean and the southwestern monsoon. view: Quaternary Science Reviews, v. 19, cursion to higher G. sacculifer abundances, p. 699±721. implying a transitory increase in monsoon ACKNOWLEDGMENTS Peterson, K.L., 1994, A warm and wet little climatic optimum and a cold and dry Little Ice Age in intensity. We thank L. Benson, M. Dettinger, A. Gellis, two anonymous reviewers, and B. Lidz for comments the southern , U.S.A.: Cli- The climate record from the southwestern and suggestions that improved the manuscript. We mate Change, v. 26, p. 243±269. United States during the middle Holocene is thank K. Pavich, S. Medley, and I. Clark for tech- Poore, R.Z., Dowsett, H.J., Verardo, S., and Quinn, complicated and sometimes contradictory. For nical support. Ben Flower provided access to sam- T.M., 2003, Millennial- to century-scale ples from MD02-2553. variability in Gulf of Mexico Holocene example, Thompson et al. (1993) noted that climate records: Paleoceanography, v. 18, lake levels in western Texas, New Mexico, REFERENCES CITED p. 26-1±26-13. and Arizona were higher than today during Benson, L., Kashgarian, M., Rye, R., Lund, S., Pail- Poore, R.Z., Quinn, T.M., and Verardo, S., 2004, parts of the middle Holocene. 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212 GEOLOGY, March 2005