Ripley Parish Council Office 4 Rio House High Street Ripley RIPLEY p GU23 6AE PARISH COUNCIL ' Phone: 01483 224847 [email protected]


Present; Cllr Jennie Cliff (Chairman) Cllr Caspar Hancock Cllr Lisanne Mealing Cllr Suzie Powell-Cullingford Cllr Vernon Wood Jim Morris, Clerk of the Council

Apologies: Cllrs Richard Ayears and Colin Cross

Also present: 18 members of the public


Prior to the commencement of the formal meeting, members of the public were invited to speak. a) Residents from Exchange Cottages raised issues over parking at the entrance to the lane where it joined the High Street, and asked the council whether physical measures could be installed in order to clearly demarcate the entrance. Altercations with drivers who had parked blocking the entrance had been experienced. Issues over refuse collections were also raised. RESPONSE: The Chairman thanked the residents for attending the meeting and raising the concerns. An Agenda item to consider an application to the Surrey County Council (SCC) Members' Fund was due to be discussed. Issues with bin collections were under the remit of Borough Council (GBC). b) A local resident raised concerns over the height of the wall adjacent to the entrance to Wentworth Close on Newark Lane. The wall had yet to be reduced in height. RESPONSE: Members acknowledged that the issue had been ongoing for a protracted length of time and asked the Clerk to continue to make enquiries. c) Several local residents raised issues that were ongoing with Ripley Primary School. A hastily scheduled meeting had taken place at which attendees were told that the Good Shepherd Trust (GST) had declined to sponsor the school into its Academy. Residents had been told that due diligence had been undertaken, but no details of the reasons for not taking on the school had been provided. Several reasons for residents' anger at the decision were given: the Diocese of Guildford's '2020 Vision' statement claimed to champion the GST as the most secure and effective Trust for schools in the Diocese; £130,000 had recently been spent on upgrading the buildings; the school had the support of the community; the school had income of around £50,000 pa from lettings; 3 days' notice had been given of the recent meeting, which had led to it being poorly attended; buildings at the site were covenanted to be used solely for educational purposes; SCC's leadership had been damned by Ofsted; substantial funding had been given to support the school; no Minutes of meetings had been made available; a perceived lack of transparency was stoking parents' anxieties. It was proposed that as uncertainty grew so ever greater numbers of parents would remove their children and the school's closure would become a self-fulfilling prophecy. Residents urged that those with the power to act should do so quickly in order to avert the worst outcome. RESPONSE: The Chairman thanked residents for attending the meeting to put their views across. The parish council office was offered as a potential meeting space for interested parties should it be necessary to facilitate further discussions. A Newsletter was being prepared and the parents' group would be welcome to provide a statement. The Clerk had emailed the Chairman of the Interim Executive Board (IEB), SCC Cllr Julie lies, the GST, and the responsible department at SCC to try and find further information. The Chairman of the IEB was also due to provide copy for the Newsletter, and as much as information as possible from all points of view was being encouraged. Unfortunately the parish council could not exert particular influence, but it did wholly support efforts to keep the school open.


The Chairman invited Horsleys Division Cllr Julie lies to address the meeting. Cllr lies acknowledged the evident anger and disappointment expressed by residents. Having been elected in May 2017 she had not been party to issues which had arisen prior to the election but had made it a priority to catch up and keep in touch with developments. SCC investment and the next steps for the school were in the hands of the Department for Education. Cllr lies felt that the Chairman of the IEB had been particularly helpful, and whilst he was unable to make the meeting he did plan to attend the November meeting of RPC. Rapid progress was being made and a half-term monitoring review was due to be undertaken. Testing would be thorough and vigorous and was designed to check pupil performance. Although the GST had declined to sponsor the school, work was still ongoing to find a solution. The sensitive nature of the work being carried out meant that no details could be given, but the Chairman of the IEB was communicating developments to Cllr lies. It was acknowledged that communication with interested parties could be improved, and Cllr lies offered dialogue via email with interested parties.

The Chairman thanked Cllr lies for addressing the residents' concerns.


Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Ayears and Cllr Cross 78/17 DISCLOSURES OF INTEREST

Cllr Powell-Cullingford declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 10 'Village Hall': Cllr Powell- Cullingford represented the Over 60s Club on the Village Hall CIO board of Trustees Cllr Wood declared a non-pecuniary interest in Agenda item 10 'Village Hall': Cllr Wood represented the Bonfire Committee on the Village Hall CIO board of Trustees


The Minutes of the meeting held on Thursday 21st September 2017 were received, confirmed, and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman


The meeting received a report from the parish council Chairman. The Clerk's annual appraisal had taken place in August and had been successful. The Surrey Association of Local Councils AGM had been attended, and information from the event would be included in the next edition of Ripley & Send Matters. Many parishes were downbeat as they felt that they did not have sufficient budgets, and the police were pleased to let delegates know that they responded to 101 calls within 15 minutes. The Chairman was no longer able to attend the upcoming meeting facilitated by Parish Council (WHPC). Thanks were extended to the parish council representatives who had attended and spoken at the Former Airfield Inquiry. It was RESOLVED: That the report from the parish council Chairperson be noted. Cllr Powell-Cullingford would attend the meeting at WHPC, with Cllr Mealing.


The meeting received a report from the parish council Clerk (attached to record Minutes) • Ripley Green Road • Training course • Pigeon House Bridge Recent correspondence with GBC had revealed that the accurate name for Ripley Green Road was actually The Green. Signs had been ordered and would be installed by GBC. Recent woodland management courses run by Surrey Wildlife Trust had been attended and would provide the expertise to create a light touch management plan for The Green. A treecreeper had recently been spotted in the fuzzies. Cllr Powell-Cullingford had attended the Army Reception & Briefing in Guildford and was invited to disseminate the information from which to the meeting. Cllr Powell-Cullingford had spoken with the Brigadier and a couple of Colonels about rebuilding Pigeon House Bridge using the Army as a workforce. GBC and SCC Cllr Matt Furniss had also been in attendance and was pressed to find funding for the project, which would provide excellent PR for all parties. The Army were rather busy at present helping Caribbean Commonwealth countries rebuild following recent weather events. It was RESOLVED: That the Clerk's Report be noted. Cllr Powell-Cullingford was thanked for attending the Army Reception & Briefing.


82/17 CORRESPONDENCE (copies attached to record Minutes)

i) Invitation to the Mayor's Service of Remembrance It was RESOLVED: That no members were available to attend the Service ii) Correspondence regarding parking on the High Street It was RESOLVED: That the correspondence be noted. Members were to discuss the SCC Members' Allocation Fund at Agenda item 8v. Hi) Request for feedback from Ripley Event It was RESOLVED: That the Ripley Event organisers be thanked for their hard work. It was hoped that the next Event would enjoy better weather conditions.


Members received and noted the schedule of accounts received and paid for the period from 01/09/17 - 30/09/17 totalling £9,663.64 (copy attached to record minutes) Cheques for authorisation had been undertaken at the Finance Group meeting the previous day Members received and considered a report on recent meetings of the Finance Working Group. The Group had identified the need to be extremely cautious with expenditure in general as the recent and ongoing Former Inquiry had shown that a significant figure may be required to be held in reserve in order to fight future legal battles. Recommendations included: an increase in the Clerk's salary to LC2-33; undertaking the necessary steps to achieve borrowing approval for £500,000 from the Department of Communities & Local Government (DCLG); upgrading the office computer and purchasing an iPad with a budget of £2,400; and moving to online banking provided by Unity. It was RESOLVED: That; a) The schedule of accounts received and paid for the period 1/9/17 to 30/9/17, totalling £9,663.64 be approved b) The report on the recent meeting of the Finance Working Group be noted and the recommendations of the Group be approved and progressed


Members received and considered matters ongoing under the remit of the Planning & Environment Committee: i) Minutes of the P&E Committee meetings held on 14/08/17 and 11/09/2017 (attached to record Minutes) ii) Former Wisley Airfield Planning Inquiry update. Members received and considered a report on the progression of the Inquiry. The success of the Appellant's case was likely to hinge upon the evidence of Highways England. Slips at Burnt Common were discussed, with members expressing the view that they were wholly unnecessary. Cllr Cross had prepared Ripley Parish Council's closing statement, which had been read at the Inquiry earlier that day. iii) Parking Working Group iv) SCC "Pay and Conserve Consultation" (attached to record Minutes). Members were appalled at the suggestion that residents should pay to use and enjoy the countryside. v) Members' Allocation Funding It was RESOLVED: That; i) The Minutes of the Planning & Environment Committee meetings held on 14/08/17 & 11/09/17 be noted ii) The report on the progression of the Former Wisley Airfield Planning Inquiry be noted iii) The creation of a Parking Working Group be deferred until a future meeting iv) The "Pay and Conserve Consultation" be responded to be the Clerk and sent to the Grapevine for further dissemination v) Costings for new planters at the entrance to Exchange Cottages be analysed with a view to applying to the Members' Allocation Fund for a grant


Members received and considered matters ongoing under the auspices of parish council Leisure & Facilities: i) PRoW and signage on The Green. ii) Burial Ground - potential improvements iii) Allotments update. One half plot had become available and had been re-let. Members expressed disappointment at the as yet unfinished footpath at the site. It was RESOLVED: That, i) Signage on The Green be reconsidered at a future meeting ii) Local resident Dave Pickering be thanked for his recent hard work volunteering at the site


iv) The report on the Allotments be noted and that the contractor for the footway installation be contacted regarding the completion of the work


Members received and considered a report on recent meetings of the Village Hall Trustees. The new design was unveiled and members of the public present were invited to view and comment on the design. The drawings were well received by Cllrs and members of the public. The project would be undertaken as economically as possible, and a 'jigsaw funding' approach was being undertaken in order to achieve reserves for the balance needed to undertake the project. Recent fundraising events had proved popular and Clare Porter was widely praised for her efforts leading the fundraising team. The Local Planning Authority and other potential sources of funds would be lobbied heavily to provide financial input. It was noted that SCC had recently provided a grant of £400,000 to the . The RVH CIO would save 50% on the cost of entering the Planning Application if Ripley Parish Council agreed to enter it on the ClO's behalf. Members received and considered a Grant Application from the RVH CIO for funding of £500,000 towards the redevelopment project. Trustees of the CIO had considered the figure a sum which would not overburden the parish financially. Interest rates were likely to rise in the near future and guidance would be needed on whether the loan could be left undrawn. The CIO was working to raise over 50% of the projected figure. Members agreed that the council could support the Grant Application, but that the final decision would rest with the Department for Communities and Local Government (DCLG). The council would have to provide supporting information: 1. Copy of full minute of the Full Council Meeting with the resolution to seek the Secretary of State's approval for the proposed borrowing; 2. Copy of the Council's budget for the current year, and next year, showing the provision made to meet the loan costs; 3. Full report to the Council or business case, including a breakdown of the proposed works, estimated costs, financial planning to fund the loan repayments and the steps/options the Council has in place to mitigate the risk for not being able to afford the loan repayments; 4. Information on how the Council will afford the loan repayments, breakdown of funding resources, amounts to be used from reserves, and any increase of precept to fund the borrowing; 5. Confirmation of the amount and percentage of the planned precept increase related to the loan only; 6. Evidence of public support to increase the precept to cover the loan repayment; 7. Details on how local residents were consulted on the project and associated borrowing even if the precept is not being increased to fund the loan The Village Hall CIO was planning to present the drawings for a new Hall at a public evening once the Planning Application had been entered. The parish council would be able to disseminate information on the possible effect on the precept at the event. It was RESOLVED: That Ripley Parish Council would enter the Planning Application on the Ripley Village Hall ClO's behalf and it was resolved to seek the Secretary of State's approval for borrowing £500,000 from the Public Works Loans Board in order to provide a grant to Ripley Village Hall CIO, to be repaid via the precept in perpetuity with no financial contributions either presently or in the future from Ripley Village Hall. The loan will remain the financial responsibility of Ripley Parish Council until the end of the term of the loan, expected to be 50 years.


Members received and considered report on recent progress with the Lovelace Neighbourhood Plan. The Plan was still progressing and the new Roadmap suggested a Referendum date of May 2019. Members noted that a Neighbourhood Plan had failed when the Local Planning Authority had exacted so many changes to the essence of it that the Plan Group felt that they had no option but to advise people to vote against it. The LNPG were working to make certain that the Plan would be watertight. It was RESOLVED: That the report be noted.


Members received and considered a report on progress with the Christmas Event. Plans for the Event were progressing well, and it had been decided not to print new cards. It was RESOLVED: That the report be noted



Parking Working Group was suggested


The next meeting of the parish council was scheduled to take place on Thursday 16th November 2017, at the Parish Council Office. Cllr Powell-Cullingford offered apologies in advance.

The meeting closed at 2130hrs

Date: Chairman


Jim Morris

From: Stephen Benbough Sent: 19 October 2017 15:44 To: Parish Clerks Subject: LGA Peer Review (Guildford) [UNC]

Dear Parish Clerks,

The Local Government Association (LGA) offers peer challenges as a way for local authorities to improve. It is not compulsory for authorities to have these challenges but it is encouraged and seen as best practice. The LGA will carry out a Corporate Peer Challenge (CPC) at Guildford on 4, 5 and 6 December 2017.

Once on site, the team will carry out meetings with political leaders, portfolio holders, senior managers and discussion groups with staff and partners. As part of this process, the team wishes to hold a session with parish council representatives at 1.30pm on Tuesday 5 December.

We would really appreciate your involvement in the review and would be very grateful if you could find the time to attend on 5 December. I'll send you a separate diary appointment for you to confirm your attendance or otherwise.

Many thanks.


Steve Benbough Policy and Partnerships Manager Guildford Borough Council Millmead House Guildford Surrey GU2 4BB

Follow us on Twitter ©GuildfordBC

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Guildford Borough Council has arrangements for handling sensitive emails. For more information on how you may be affected please go to If you have received this message in error, please (a) notify the sender immediately, (b) destroy this email and any attachments, and (c) do not use, copy, and/or disclose this email or any attachments to any person.


Jim Morris

From: Hine Joseph (WO-ECG) Sent: 19 October 2017 19:15 To: [email protected] Subject: Public leisure facilities Ripley Village Green

Good Evening,

I would like to suggest that some of the funds received from planned developments in Ripley for improvements to the leisure facilities for the village could be used to build a public hard tennis court on Ripley Village Green.

I would like to put this forward for future consideration as I am not aware of any public tennis facilities nearby.


Best regards

Joseph Hine APPENDIX D

Jim Morris

To: VALERIE OVERTON Subject: RE: Plot 35A

From: VALERIE OVERTON ------Sent: 23 October 2017 07:zy To: Jim Morris Subject: Re: Plot 35A

Hello Jim,

I would like to put a small "poly tunnel" on this plot. I note your requirements for this to be insured by me and confirm I am happy to comply.

Please confirm this request is approved.

Thank you and regards

Dick Overton.

Sent from Outlook APPENDIX E

Jim Morris

From: Julie lies CLR Sent: 16 September 2017 18:20 Cc: Jenny Wicks; Matthew Sarti Subject: Members' Allocation Grant - How to Apply Attachments: Applying for Members' Allocation 2017-18.pdf; MA Funding Flyer 2017.pdf

Flag Status: Flagged

F.A.O. Horsleys Parishes, Council Clerk and Chairman

Please find attached and below information about the Members' Allocation Grant scheme and how to apply. Ignore the information in the flyer which says your County Councillor will provide the online link - it's already in the application document. Please let me know if you do have projects in mind.

From now until 31 December 2017, community groups and organisations can apply online for a share of the £6,000 funding allocated to you this year.

The Members' Allocation (MA) fund is designed to respond to local needs that support the County's corporate priorities of promoting community wellbeing, economic prosperity and enhanced resident experience.

On a separate note I intend to put out one of my regular InTouch newsletters - going to print in the next couple of weeks for distribution before the end of November. With that timescale in mind is there anything particular which you think would be of interest to local residents or any matters which you would like flagged with them - if for example you want to bring them up-to-date with your neighbourhood plans that might be of interest?

Await your advice and best regards Julie

Julie lies Conservative County Councillor, Horsleys Division (ja)iiles4surrevcc

Dear applicant

This email has been sent to you so that you can apply for Surrey County Council's Members' Allocation grant funding online.


The online application form is accessed through a link in the attached document called 'Applying for Members' Allocation 2017-18'. The closing date for all applications is 31 December 2017.

There are two ways for you to complete the Members' Allocation form: 1. Complete the form in one sitting - this option is preferred by most applicants for its simplicity, but you will need to have your organisation's bank account details to hand; or 2. Create a login and complete the form in multiple sittings

To ensure value for money, we may require additional information on the cost of your project (e.g. estimates or quotations).

Successful applicants must provide us with evidence of the project once it is completed. This includes photographic evidence that we can use to publicise the project and how Members' Allocation funding has benefitted the local community.

Further information on the grant scheme is found in the short flyer, also attached. However, should you have any further queries, please contact us at: [email protected]


The Community Partnership Team

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Visit the Surrey County Council website - *******************************

2 & SURREY Members' Allocation Funding

Your iocal County Councillor has £6,000 available to support community groups and causes this year. This funding is known as Members' Allocation.

Until 31 December 2017, you can apply online for a share of this funding. Members' Allocation can be used for a wide variety of community projects from building new websites, to helping to refurbish local community buildings.

Some guiding principles for this funding:

• Projects must benefit the wider, local community. • Ongoing costs such as maintenance, overheads or salaries are excluded. • Cannot duplicate funding already received from Surrey County Council. • Cannot be used for street lighting, grit bins or other highway schemes. • Limitations apply for school funding and community defibrillators.

Stages to applying:

1 Speak with your local County Councillor and obtain their support for your project. 2 If they support your project, your County Councillor will send you the link to our online application form. Please note this cannot be found on our website. 3 Once your online application is submitted, the Community Partnerships Team will assess it against the funding criteria to decide whether or not it can be approved.

if you have any queries about this funding or how to apply, please contact the Community Partnership Team. They are friendly and happy to help!

Tel: 01737 737 420

Email: [email protected]

Recent projects Members' Allocation has supported include:

Claygate Allotment Holders Asssociation - Mulching mowers £200 Bietchingley Church House Charity - Storage facilities £2000 Eikon - Youth mentoring project £1236 Opportunities RTW - IT Skills for returners to work £1104 Purple Angels- Printing volunteer brochures and badges £1220 Richmond Fellowship - Art Matters £225 Charlotteville Jubilee Trust - Charlotteville war memorial £585 Pares Woodland Garden - Frontage improvements £150 Date: 06/11/2017 Ripley Parish Council Page 1

Time: 15:11 Cashbook 1 APPENDIX F

HSBC Current Bank A/c

Payments made between 01/10/2017 and 31/10/2017

Nominal Ledger Analysis

Date Pavee Name Reference £ Total Amnt £ Creditors £ VAT A/c Centre £ Amount Transaction Details 01/10/2017 Affinity Water DDR-AFF 86.23 4100 201 86.23 Water supply 02/10/2017 Guildford Borough Council DDRGBC 555.00 92.50 4302 206 462.50 Q2 rent 04/10/2017 HSBC Money Manager TO SAVINGS 21,000.00 200 21,000.00 Excess cash to savings 09/10/2017 Hire Services (Southern) Ltd 101872 12.79 2.13 4201 203 10.66 Strimmer parts 09/10/2017 Mr T Strange 101873 76.66 4152 202 76.66 Bench repairs 09/10/2017 Matthew Cliff 101874 20.00 4303 105 20.00 September 09/10/2017 Jim Morris 101875 165.00 4280 210 165.00 September 09/10/2017 Ripley Village Hall 101876 624.00 4008 106 624.00 Hall hire summer & autumn 09/10/2017 RBS Software Solutions 101877 139.20 23.20 4021 102 116.00 Accounting software 09/10/2017 Sendmarsh Tractors 101878 960.25 160.04 4201 203 800.21 Parts & repair 11/10/2017 ECOTRICITY DDR-ECO 16.00 0.76 4025 207 15.24 Electricity supply 16/10/2017 JRB Enterprise Ltd 101879 464.40 77.40 4153 202 387.00 Dog bags 16/10/2017 Fred Cutler Ltd (Inksticks) 101880 769.20 128.20 4178 103 641.00 Xerox ink 16/10/2017 Jim Morris 101881 4010 101 Sep overtime 4000 101 October wages 18/10/2017 Sussex ALC 101882 48.00 8.00 4006 107 40.00 Surrey ALC AGM 18/10/2017 British Telecom DDRBT 256.92 42.82 4177 103 214.10 Q2 18/10/2017 British Telecom DDRBT 256.92 42.82 4177 103 214.10 Q2 18/10/2017 British Telecom XDDRBT -256.92 -42.82 4177 103 -214.10 Mis-posted paymen 23/10/2017 Guildford Borough Council 101883 1,925.00 4600 211 1,925.00 PP-06476648 23/10/2017 Blue Apple Systems Ltd 101884 2,845.20 474.20 4179 103 2,371.00 Desktop and iPad 23/10/2017 Andy Skilton Engineers Ltd 101885 219.00 14.00 4200 203 205.00 Red diesel 30/10/2017 Tim Burdett Design 101886 66.00 11.00 4032 109 55.00 Card design work 30/10/2017 Guy Marshall 101887 330.08 4152 202 318.00 The Green 4200 203 5.09 Petrol 4201 203 6.99 Grease 30/10/2017 Standard Life Assurance LTD STDLIFE 4002 101 Employer contribution 4009 101 Employee contribution

Total Payments: 31,946.49 0.00 1,034.25 30,912.24 APPENDIX G

Ripley Parish Council Office 4 Rio House High Street Ripley Surrey GU23 6AE PARISH COUNCIL Phone: 01483 224847 [email protected]



held on MONDAY 25th SEPTEMBER 2017 at 1800hrs in the PARISH COUNCIL OFFICE

Present Cllr Caspar Hancock (Chairman) Cllr Jennie Cliff Cllr Lisanne Mealing Cllr Suzie Powell-Cullingford Cllr Vernon Wood Clerk to the Council Jim Morris

4 members of the public

P&E 40/17 Apologies for absence

Apologies for absence were received and accepted from Cllr Richard Ayears

P&E 41/17 Disclosures of interest

No disclosures of interest were received.

P&E 42/17 Minutes

The Minutes of the meetings held on 14th August and 11th September 2017 were received, confirmed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman

P&E 43/17 Consideration of Planning Applications

The Planning Group considered the following planning applications, formulated the following observations and RESOLVED: That the agreed comments of the Planning Group be forwarded to Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and reported to the Ripley Parish Council meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday 16 November 2017.

17/P/01841 Location: Manor House, High Street, Ripley, GU23 6AF Proposal: Replacement garage Contact: Chris Gent> Ripley Parish Council supports Planning Application ref 17/P/01841

17/P/01905 Location: 1 & 2 Dunsborough Barns, The Green, Ripley, GU23 6AL Proposal: Existing B8 / B1 use is to be retained, new roof and roof-lights, revised front facade and new windows to side elevation Contact: Becky Souter rebecca.souter(5) Ripley Parish Council supports Planning Application ref 17/P/01905 APPENDIX G

P&E 44/17 Planning Enforcement & Decisions

There were 22 open Enforcement cases. 2 Enforcement cases had been closed.

P&E 45/17 Planning & Environment

Members received and considered communications under the remit of the P&E Committee: i) Update on RPC application for Rule 6(6) representation. The draft Programme was discussed and the parish council's speakers were thanked for their forthcoming appearance at the Inquiry It was RESOLVED: That the update be noted ii) Invitation to Planning Services update meeting It was RESOLVED: That the invitation be noted. Cllr Mealing would attend on behalf of RPC iii) Notification of Neighbourhood Plan Consultation It was RESOLVED: That the Clerk would undertake responding to the Consultation iv) Notification of Appeal ref APP/Y3615/D/17/3180739 It was RESOLVED: That the Appeal be noted v) Notification of withdrawal of Application COM/3177454 It was RESOLVED: That the Application withdrawal be noted vi) GBC Press Release "Council aims to strengthen international relationships" It was RESOLVED: That the Press Release be noted vii) Restrictive Covenants update It was RESOLVED: That a decision on pursuing further legal representation on the Restrictive Covenants issue be deferred to a future meeting of the P&E Committee

P&E 46/17 Date of the next meeting

The next meeting was scheduled to take place on Monday 16th October 2017 at 1600hrs at Highlands Farm followed by at 1800hrs at the Parish Council Office.

The meeting closed/aT>640hp8-\



Ripley Parish Council Office 4 Rio House High Street Ripley Surrey GU23 6AE Phone: 01483 224847 [email protected]



held on MONDAY 16th OCTOBER 2017 at 1800hrs in the PARISH COUNCIL OFFICE

Present Cllr Richard Ayears (Chairman) Cllr Jennie Cliff Cllr Caspar Hancock Cllr Lisanne Mealing CllrSuzie Powell-Cullingford Cllr Vernon Wood Clerk to the Council Jim Morris

P&E 47/17 Apologies for absence

No apologies for absence were received

P&E 48/17 Disclosures of interest

No disclosures of interest were received

P&E 49/17 Minutes

The Minutes of the meeting held on 25th September 2017 were received, confirmed and signed as a true and correct record by the Chairman

P&E 50/17 Consideration of Planning Applications

The Planning Group considered the following planning applications, formulated the following observations and RESOLVED: That the agreed comments of the Planning Group be forwarded to Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and reported to the Ripley Parish Council meeting scheduled to be held on Thursday 16 November 2017.

17/P/01953 Location: Honeysuckle Cottage, 1 West End Cottages, Ripley, GU23 6AD Proposal: Erection of a two storey side extension and raising of the rear roof to allow symmetry Contact: Margarita Romanovich [email protected] Ripley Parish Council objects to Planning Application ref 17/P/01953. The site lies within the Ripley Conservation Area, which itself was the subject of a recent appraisal that kept West End Cottages within its boundary. The proposal represents a greater than 50% increase in footprint of the original dwelling and would alter the current symmetry of the Lovelace arts & crafts style terrace. A gable at the front elevation, to match no 5 West End Cottages, would be preferred. The parish council also objects to the loss of a parking space within the curtilage of the property. APPENDIX G

17H700239 Location: Manor House, High Street, Ripley, GU23 6AF Proposal: Willow (T3) - fell because of excessive shading and low amenity. Replace with Malus "pink glow" (Ripley Conservation Area) Contact: Tim Holman [email protected] Ripley Parish Council supports application for Planning Permission ref 17/T/00239, subject to the approval of the Guildford Borough Council Arboriculturalist.

OK1148087 SI TO & DO SERVICES LTD Director(s): INA TODOROVA 96 BROWNING AVENUE, WORCESTER PARK, KT4 8LB New operating centre: VALENTINES FARM, ROSE LANE, RIPLEY, GU23 6NE New authorisation at this operating centre will be: 7 vehicle(s), 5 trailer(s) Removed operating centre: 50 COX LANE, CHESSINGTON, KT9 1TJ Ripley Parish Council objects to Operators Licence application ref OK1148087 SI. The site has been the subject of extensive legal and enforcement action by GBC due to multiple breaches of the stringent planning conditions that apply to this Green Belt site. The residents of Rose Lane (along which sit many listed and historically important buildings) have suffered months of illegal HGV movements from this site and, whilst the access onto Rose Lane itself might have sufficient sight lines, there are many more issues to consider. The disturbance to local residents and inevitable damage to the local road network would both be significant.

17/P/02118 Location: The Paddocks, Gambles Lane, Ripley, GU23 6HS Proposal: Infill of front porch area with new dormer created above. New dormers to front, rear and side elevation roof slopes. Rooflights to existing flat roof area and new doors to rear and side elevations. Contact: Becky Souter [email protected] Ripley Parish Council supports Planning Application ref 17/P/02118

17/P/02096 Location: 2 Papercourt Lane, Ripley, GU23 6DS Proposal: Construction of a part first floor/part two storey front extension, five front roof lights, conversion of garage to habitable accommodation, single storey rear extension, changes to fenestration, cladding, render and new garden wall following demolition of single storey addition and rear conservatory. Contact: Margarita Romanovich [email protected] Ripley Parish Council objects to Planning Application ref 17/P/02096. Contrary to the information given in the Planning Application, a significant change to the number of parking spaces is proposed. The conversion of the garage will result in a loss of two parking spaces, with no provision to replace elsewhere. There is no on-street parking available around the site, and there is no alternative entrance to property available due to the narrowness of Papercourt Lane. The design, with very few windows at the front elevation, will have a significant impact on the local visual amenity.

P&E 51/17 Planning Enforcement & Decisions

There were 20 open Enforcement cases. 3 Enforcement cases had been closed.

P&E 52/17 Planning & Environment

Members received and considered communications under the remit of the P&E Committee: i) Update on the FWA Planning Inquiry. The Inquiry had been progressing and was due to come to close. The Inspector had raised a query over the Ripley Parish Council Planning Policy. It was RESOLVED: That the update be noted APPENDIX G

ii) Ripley Parish Council Planning Policy. Members reviewed the parish council's adopted Planning Policy. Amendments to policy point 6 were resolved. It was RESOLVED: That policy point 6 be amended to read: "It is the general policy of Ripley Parish Council not to support Outline Planning Applications, unless special circumstances have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the council" iii) Restrictive Covenants update It was RESOLVED: That Stevens Bolton LLP be thanked for its work on the Restrictive Covenants; that a copy of the Covenants and the council's original letters to owners of land affected be forwarded to the GBC Director of Planning and Regeneration; that a further letter be sent to affected landowners legal representatives noting their responses. iv) Letter from West Horsley Parish Council (WHNP). The letter invited representatives of Ripley Parish Council to attend a meeting of parishes affected by the proposed insetting of villages in the green belt. It was RESOLVED: That Cllrs Cliff and Mealing would attend the meeting v) Letters regarding development accessed via parish council owned or managed land It was RESOLVED: That the letters be approved, subject to the legal advice of Hedleys Solicitors. A letter regarding West End Cottages would need to refer to the deeds for information regarding parking and residential access. vi) Update on signage for The Green It was RESOLVED: That the update be noted. Signs reading "The Green" were preferred over "The Green leading to Dunsborough Park"

P&E 53/17 Date of the next meeting

The next meeting was scheduled to take place on Monday 6 November 2017 at 1800hrs at the Parish Council Office.


Reference: APP/Y3615/W/16/3159894 TOWN AND COUNTRY PLANNING ACT 1990 APPEAL BY Wisley Property Investments Ltd SITE AT Land at Wisley Airfield, Hatch Lane, Ockham


Start date 31 October 2016

Submission of questionnaire 14 November 2016

Deadline for comments from interested parties 12 December 2016

Submission of statement of case (Local Planning 27 January 2017 Authority and Rule 6(6))

Pre-inquiry meeting (time, date and venue) 5 July 2017 10.30am Guildford Borough Council, Milimead House, Millmead, Guildford, Surrey, GU2 4BB

Submission of statement of common ground 22 August 2017

Submission of proofs of evidence 8 August 2017

Witness names and anticipated duration for: • opening and closing statements • evidence in chief 29 August 2017 • cross examination of other parties' witnesses Copy of LPA event notification letter

Inquiry (time, date and venue) 19 September 2017 10.00am Yvonne Arnaud Theatre, Millbrook, Guildford, GUI 3UX

Estimated number of sitting days 20

Report submitted to Secretary of State on or before 13 March 2018

Decision issued on or before (Secretary of State cases) TBA1

1 You will be advised, following submission of the Inspector's report to the Secretary of State, of the timetable set for the Secretary of State's decision in accordance with the requirements of Schedule 2 of the Planning and Compulsory Purchase Act 2004, where applicable. APPENDIX I

Ripley Parish Council Planning Policy

Reviewed and adopted 16/10/17

Minute P&E 52/17

The Ripley Parish Council common viewpoint will take into account Guildford Borough Council Extant Local Plan and National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) but emphasise the local view supported by information from the Ripley Village Plan and emerging Neighbourhood Plan.

1. The Ripley Parish Council common viewpoint will be applied consistently to all planning applications in the Parish. 2. Ripley Parish Council Planning & Environment Committee members will familiarise themselves with the properties prior to consideration of their planning application. 3. A member of Ripley Parish Council may attend Borough Council Planning Committee meetings or Appeal hearings to give the Ripley Parish Council viewpoint. 4. Encourage dialogue with the planning officers at Guildford Borough Council. 5. Ripley Parish Council Planning & Environment Committee members may enter into dialogue with potential developers. Meetings may take place informally, although a written record will be made available for agreement by both parties. 6. It is the general policy of Ripley Parish Council not to support Outline Planning Applications, unless special circumstances have been demonstrated to the satisfaction of the council

Planning Viewpoints

1. Seek to preserve and promote accommodation for all ages in Ripley. Unless exceptional circumstances can be clearly demonstrated Ripley Parish Council will:- Object to the extension of small dwellings as described in GBC Policy H9 to large dwellings

1. e. greater than 85m2. Object to the overdevelopment of properties where the garden space is reduced to a level less than the footprint of the property following a proposed extension. Object to extensions that are disproportionate in size i.e. greater than 50% increase or are out of keeping with the area or out of proportion with the size of the plot. Object to the conversion of bungalows to 2 or more storey dwellings. Support the Affordable Housing elements of development projects and Rural Exception developments.

2. Promote decisions that encourage amenities and services within the village thus reducing the need for travel. Object to the loss of small commercial premises and support those businesses which employ villagers (NPPF Ch 3 Supporting a prosperous rural community). Object to the loss of A1 shops in the High Street (The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) Order 2015).

3. Conservation of the Historic Environment Support the conservation of old buildings with historical and/or architectural significance to Ripley, listed or not Object to shop and business signage that does not meet the standards set out in the Extant Local Plan (Conservation Area GBC policy G7) or the surroundings.

Adopted 16 October 2017 NEIGHBOURHOOOD PLAN ROAD MAP 2017.4 DONE

1, Get The Evidence To Support The Plan Policies. nuai ef i b - This evidence underpins the Neighbourhood Plan. Any policy proposed in a neighbourhood plan must be supported with evidence as to why it is appropriate for that particular area. The sort of evidence required includes a. The results of surveys of the opinions of all the stakeholders. Hence our propensity to ask for your opinion! b. Information about housing stock, housing applications in the pipeline and housing needs. Hence the recent housing needs survey. c. Information held by official bodies like Guildford Borough, Surrey CC, CPRE, etc. d. Information provided by neighbouring plan groups. e. Evidence of the state of existing facilities, infrastructure, businesses, traffic and environmental arrangements. f. EU and other statutory guidelines for specific environmental measures, including air quality. g. The opinions and plans of major landowners and businesses, such as the RHS at Wisley.

2. Get A Set of Draff Policies Drawn Up August - October This is the task entrusted to the Policy Groups and is most important part of the whole process. Each group must h. Look at the situation and the survey results and propose a set of policies which will (i) ensure that future development does not damage the fabric of the area or adversely affect peoples' lives and (ii) encourage the sort of development that people want and that will enhance the area in the coming decades. i. Collate the evidence to back up their conclusions about (i) the current situation (ii) what is needed to improve things. j. Draft a wish list of policies that, in their opinion, will achieve these ends, k. Work with our professional planning advisors to ensure that they are drawn in such a way as to fit with planning policy generally and to be as effective as possible once accepted by Guildford Borough Council. I. Submit these to the Lovelace Neighbourhood Plan Group as a whole for review and amalgamation into a Draft Neighbourhood Plan. This will be done in parallel with the collection of the evidence base and so should be complete soon after we have all the evidence in place. APPENDIX J


3. itio November 16 - April 18 This involves 1 Amalgamating team contributions and editing into Draft la. a. November 16 to August 17 2 First revisions with consultants - Draft lc. 10 weeks August - November 17 3 Unofficial consultation with GBC and further revisions. Draft Id. 3 weeks 4 November 17-January 18 5 HEALTHCHECK. Draft le. 4 weeks. February 18 6 Producing a Consultation Draft. 3 weeks March - April 2018

4. Final Consultation [Reg 14] May 18 - June 18 1 Publication and consultation - 8 weeks May-June 18

5. GBC Public Consultation [Reg 15 & 16] July 18 - October 18 1 Analyse and publicise results, produce Submission Draft - 4 weeks July 18 2 Submit to GBC for Public Consultation. 8 weeks August - October 18

6. Examination [Reg 17] November 18 - March 19 1 Examination and report. 12 weeks November 18 - January 19 2 Redraft to Referendum Draft. 6 weeks February - March 19

7. Referendum to Publication [Reg 18 to 20] April 18 - May 19 1 Electoral Services - Lead time. 4 weeks April 19 2 Referendum. 6 weeks May 19 APPENDIX K

Ripley Parish Council Office 4 Rio House High Street Rl PLEY Ripley Surrey GU23 6AE PARISH COUNCIL 1 "' Phone: 01483 224847 [email protected]

RPC Meeting dates 2018

> 15/01/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 18/01/18 Full council > 05/02/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 15/02/18 Full council > 26/02/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 15/03/18 Full council > 19/03/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 09/04/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 19/04/18 Full council > 30/04/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 03/05/18 Annual Parish Meeting > 17/05/18 Annual Full Parish Council meeting > 21/05/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 11/06/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 21/06/18 Full council > 02/07/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 19/07/18 Full council > 23/07/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 13/08/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 03/09/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 20/09/18 Full council > 24/09/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 15/10/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 18/10/18 Full council > 05/11/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 15/11/18 Full council > 26/11/18 Planning & Environment Committee > 17/12/18 Planning & Environment Committee