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THE WEATBEB NET PBBS8 k ET" ForetMt by O. G. Weather Bureau,' AVEB^GB DAILY OIROC^TION IJi>rary---Cdmp., Hartford. for the Month of February, 1980 Partly cloudy imd colder tonight 5,503 and Thurs&y. Slewfeeni of the Audit Burcsu •( Clrculutluiiu SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH ^6, 1930. \ TOURTEEN f ACfe PRICE THREE CENT5f VOL. XLIV., NO. 150. (Oasdfled Advertising on Page 12) concessions France was willing to the workings. Both were burned add anything to a previous ' state­ House, was proposed today by Sena­ embark upon such a plan. make in her naval tonnage figures beyond recognition, rescue workers ■ ment that “you may speculate all E. C. Drury, a former premier of you like bn that. tor Vandenberj, Republican, Michi- of 724,000 tons presented to the said. REPORT ON SCHOOL the Ontario provincial government, conference as the French progranr. Little Hope Left. MARCONI UGHTS LAMP, “I am not gfving out any indica- i gan. testifying as a witness for the grouo Members of the rescue crews oe- tion of my plans at present," he j The Senator is one of the adminis- supporting the Eighteenth Amend­ London, March 26.— (AP.) The iieved that there was little chance READ BY GOVERNOR said. Mr. Alcorn’s failure to deny j tration leaders, ment, asserted that “7'hatever the political aspect of the naval confer­ for life for toe nine miners unac­ that such a course will be taken isj jn an open let'.er to Chairmaa solution of the drink problem may ence came strongly to the fore to­ counted for. lyO O MILES DISTANT deemed significant. S i ^ t of the Senate finance com- be” it was not in government con­ day as conference talk again cen­ The explosion was believed to Mayor’s Position mittee, he suggested a plan that trol. tered on the possibility of some Judge Newell Jennings in dis-j would give to both the President and He took the stand after John J. form of pact being evolved to break have been caused by gas. It occur­ red 4,000 feet from the mouth of the Bnt Conditions In Meriden to Congress the power to change Lentz, president of the Americau the Franco-Italian parity deadlock «r*ii V • n llff J n LI* ' Allen yesterday af^ernon on, the tariff rates under the flexible and produce a five-power treaty. mine. * Famous Inventor on Yacht | BROTHERS NOW OWN Insurance Union with headquarters The entombed men included the Will Not 06 Made 1 UbllC l supoena which had brought them t clause. in Ctolumbus, Ohio, had su bud tied During the day an abrupt and I before him on a (3rand Jury applica- somewhat sensational change came night foreman, J. H| Livingston. Near Genoa, Italy, Opens |L A R (;£SX Hoover’s Demand. insurance statistics which he over the face of naval conference The mine was opened in 1922 and RAILROAD Al- l-L P f i tion to compel them tq answer cer- Mr. Hoover has demanded that argued showed that the dry statute is owned by Johnstown, Pa., inter­ At tne 1 resent. | tain questions, considered each re­ the present law giving toe executive had proved of wide-spread benefit. affairs with the re-emergence of se­ spondent’s casq separately. He said curity pact talk as a means of ests. It is a slope mine. Two the Electrical Exposition | ' — authority to modify tariff rates be , Mortality Decreased. worWng towards solution of tne hundred men are employed in it that the mayor would be in the retained. Lentz, a one time member of tlie Franco-Italian differences which during toe day and 25 at night. worse position because. 6f his officiaJ The Senate has amended the House of Representatives from I Hartford, March 26.— (AP)—Con- position if he was required to an­ had brought the conference, at Early Morning Blast. At Sydney, Australia. jVan Sweringens, of Cleve­ I ditioDS which have existed in the tariff act to give this authority to Ohio, said mortality had decreased least in its five-power aspect, to a The blast occurred shortly after swer the questions put to him than i Connecticut School for Boys at Mr. Allen, but both were within Congress alone. The House has re­ imder prohibition and that the ab­ practical standstill. j 2 a. m. The eleven men entombed land Control 18.000 Miles tained toe present law in its bill. stainer from alcoholic beverages us­ It was the most important devel­ were working in to^ ninth right Genoa, Italy, March 26.— (AP) — inquiries made by the school trus ^ their rlglrte to refute to autwer The controversy over the flexible ually paid four more annual insur­ opment for some time in the comer- heading where toe explosion hap­ Short radio waves cutting across Grand Ju ryR ep ort i tees, toe State Department of Pub- From the evidence given tp the provlsidn threatens tp be one of the ance premiums than the drinker. ence activities and was the subject pened. Two others were at work the Atlantic, America and the Paci­ Of Rails Almost to Coast. j lie welfare through its executive sec- biggest stiimbling-blocks in the Way Today’s hearing wc: the first this of discussion in all conference cir­ behind the heading and were not court by the Grand Jury report it fic today carried toe voice of' Mar­ I retary, the State Department of was shown that Mayor Battersop of an agfreement between the Senate week. The Drys had been expecte• X.____ J__ f Ikiftrconi s fl “friend" who had acted for him ip which: might be acceptable to toe would like at least two more days. the two miners walked from ‘he r u ^ ^ S l S ' T o J t 1 van Swaringen of aevaland have | ur^y t“1 1 thaV“ hSiTro™ Hoover administration. The committee did not pass upon, quarters it having been assume^ workings and it was learned then that this phase of the coherence atus at 8 a. m. Marconi then took i rounded'out a railroad empire tha^ leggbr. The court stated'toap If toe 't Vahdenberg is one of toe Republi­ the request at the time but Chair > discussions was done With. Just that an explosion had occurred. c s Young Guard, which group is man Graham has sadd the committee how the matter was revived was Slefrtke'Srifforr afiS i ! S s Mr"a'la'^M S | ~ STpa^iSra'^rySy^S aU^ed with .toe administration. He would give both wets and drj^ still surrounded with considerable cal asaoclation Fiaa, raamn^^ a maa- ,,,„o„,„oo,000. aignteaa-! o ? “tn a avM^ca bean in- | i« future ^wornj^JMU.^ advocated approval of the com­ ample opportunity to present their mystery but in many ‘I'J^ters toe sage which ------— - , , .. promise flexible provision as a views. impression prevailed that Great DRAPER CAMPAIGNS tended doing later in the day-trane- ,ttons^O^™ie^_^^^^mle network is exceeded corporated-fte ,ntvey in toe by reportthe State Health „ ■ i reach fhisthis fpoi-fact, h-he wmiirtwould discharge niess of'avoiding sbther general Bsfore either Lentz or Drury took Britain may have offered secuii^ [ mitting a small* unit of power it. . '■ revision of toe tariff. the stand. Representative Hadley, AC W E T f A W nilU T I7isJdneyinrrd;V trd^^^^^^ V cY rcuitjthe 20^00 miles of Canadian Na- Department had to do with sanitary The Senator wrote he was con­ assurances to France in some form and hygienic conditions of the insti Mr. Wells’ statement today had Republican, Washington, read a light the electric lamps : bearing upon this aspect of the vinced that “our economic structure AS W ti tANUlUAltith^ere^and by toe 30,000 miles of toe German tution and its report will be one on telegram from J. J. Donovan, of °'^It°was thought that if such were of toe exposition lituation for the Grand Jury had has become too complex to suffer Bellingham, Washington, asserting the fact, it might account for For­ I Inventor’s Words. | State Railways. It eclipses those cf | which legislation proposed at the , n-d the inevitable hazard s d specula­ such systems associated with toe next General Assembly may b e; the Dollar ships did nofpermit the eign Minister Briand’s i The inventor said: • Vanderbilt, Hill i S d as toe charge had been made, j others whom testimony.showed have tion unavoidably Incident to general sale of liquors as has been charged - back to London from Paris, J^t tois names of Gould, ______revision in congress.” ; “It is not more than 30 years since j and Harriman. ! from time to time that state main- at previous committee sessions. was purely a matter of specula Seeks G. 0. P. Senatorial I transmitted the first faint vrireless ! (Continued‘on Pa 'e Two.) “ The greatest Insursce,” he con­ The railroad influence of toe Van i tenance allowances have been too tinued, “ag?iinst toe need of so th e r McBride was the first witness at ! signals across the Atlantic ocean. | the afternoon session. Before taking ^ One thing was abundantly Today we demonstrate that it is pos­ Sweringens extiends from New York i meagre for an institution or its general re^sidn is the creation of phasized, however, this was that Nomination in Bay State; to Salt Lake'City and from Chicago | size. the g;reatest possible latitude in pro­ the stand he had said toe friends of sible by wireless to bring powerful prohibition would need two more the American attitude ^ currents into operation at other ends and St. Loifis to Omahar El Paso, I Reports Kept Secret. visions for serial flexibility. Re­ security pact even of consultative Galveston and New Orleans. A line i Governor Trumbull indicated to- WOMAN’S SUFFRAGE gardless of contemporary rates, I days to finish presentation of the Favors Repeal of Law. of the earth. defense of the Eighteenth Amend­ variety, had not undergone ,a “I heartily congratulate Australia controlled by a friendly interest j day that none of the reports wiu oe beUeve this bill’s greatest justifica­ ch?ngl It was stated in authori­ connects the system to San Fran-; made puplic until he had thorougniy tion and its greatest service lies in ment. on the strides made there during re­ The League superintendent in­ tative American quarters that ^hUe Boston, March 26.— (AP)—Eben cent years in world wide wireless cisco. I digested them to arrive at a clear IS TEN YEARS OLD the Americans, as previously indi­ (Continued on Page Two.) sisted arguments of the anti-prohibi­ S. Draper of Hopedale, who has r.n- communication.” i The brothers entered toe railroad (Continaed on Page Two.) tionists had shown only inherenis cated, have no objections to ®nter- nounced his candidacy for the Re­ He then handed the ’phone to ' world in 1916 when they purchased ing a consultative pact as such, to..y evils of the alcoholic liquor traffic publican Senatorial nomination in 1 the broken-doy^ Nickel Plate road and that as a solution of these pro­ toe forthcoming primaries, today (Continued on Page 'I'hree.) from the New .York Central for $2,- (Continued on Page Three.) Carrie Chapman Catt In hibition had been adopted after declared himself as unqualifiedly op­ ' 000,000 in cash and $6,500,000 in BOSTON MAY BUILD years of experiment with other pro­ posed to prohibition. I notes. INDIAN DESCRIBES posals. The only other candidate for toe I Rral Estate Men Coast to Coast Broadcast The vast majority of people, he Republican nomination is former U. GIANT AIRPLANE : They had been in toe real estate j GRAIN ELEYATORS went on, wanted prohibition. He MIDWEST STATES S. Senator William M. Butler, who 1 business and became interested inj MARCHAND MURDER said the present administration had has declared himself in favor of re­ transportation from toe desire to Recites Its History. presented to Congress a program to tention of toe 18to amendment. ! obtain a street car line from Cleve­ aid dty law enforcement; that Presi­ COVERED BY SNOW The Rev. Roland D. Sawyer, a TOFLYTOU.S.! land to a suburban "real estate de- dent Hoover in his first inaugural Congregationalist minister and i velopnient. . Washington, March 26.— (AP)— Federal Farm Board Will address had said more iii the first State Representative, last night an­ I Today they control directly toe Squaw Calmly Tells How i With Carrie Chapman Catt, for for­ ten minutes for prohibition enforce­ nounced himself as a candidate for n M l * TL 1 r i Chesapeake and Ohio, the Erie and ty years a suffrage campaigner m Ship There If Storage Fa­ ment and observance than had been, the Democratic Senatorial nomina­ German Machine 1 hat lar-1 the Nickel piate. Through the ai- She Killed Woman She featured speaker, . the National spoken by any President within ten Winter s Dying Gasp Echoes tion on a platform that called for 1 leghany Corporation and by other League of Women Voters today cele­ years, and that the wets realized repeal of both the 18th amendment • J 1 CA 1 ' means they control the Hocking brated the tenth anniversary of cilities Are Available. that repeal was either now or never." and the Volstead Act. In his de­ ried Iby to Mart ir ip iv a u e y , the Pere Marquette, 1^ Thought Was Witch. votes for women. He termed the beer and light wine In Many Towns and Cities; claration, Sawryer charged Draper I Wheeling and Lake Erie, the Mis- Silvery-haired, 70-year-old Mrs./ movement “false and foolish” and with having been “eavasive.” Catt consigned the "innumerable said prohibition was here to stay. Draper, son of a former governor Latter Part of June. I Eastern Illinois. odds and ends of claims to equal Boston, March 26.—(AP)—The_ Traffic Clogged. and himself a former state Senator, ______I Amount of Capital Buffalo, ,N. Y., March 26.—(AP) rights” to the younger generation of i posSbility that toe Farmers Na HEARING OPENS in a letter to Joseph Walker, for­ 1 The 18,000 miles of road control- —rNancy Bowen, the withered old women voters. Speaking from New tionaJ Grain Corporation mignt ^ Washington, March 26— (AP) .-6- Chicago, March 26.— (AP)—Wh-- mer Speaker of the State House of New York, March 26— (AP) — j led by the Van Sweringens are cap- Cayuga, today told a jury she ■ had York, over the National Broadcast- i sist in obtaining slfi:^ente of After a week’s recess toe prohiMr ter’s echo fainted away today in Representatives and prominent in Plans are being formulated for a : itallzed at $808,000,000 and the in­ killed the “White Witch of Buffalo,” ing Company chain, she said that through the port of Boston, in event tion hearings were resumed today most of the midwest, but its dying Republican circles, who recently flight to America this summer of I vestment in road and , equipment Mrs. Henri Marchand, on instruc­ “there are social problems enough that greater storage facilities be­ by toe House judiciary committee, gasp breathed sporadic news and identified himself with anti-prohibi­ the world’s largest heavier-than-air j valued at $2,084,000,000. tions from Lila Jirherson, the Sene­ boiling and seething around every came available here, was contained with John J. Lentz of Columbus, continued cold. Spring’s return had tion forces, said: craft, the giant Dornler Do-X, it | A comparison of toe mileage with ca woman on trial for the murder woman of us to keep an army of in a'letter read today to toe legisla­ Ohio, testifying that 77 insuraniS» many foes to vanquish states “I am a firm believer in the per­ was announced today. 1 other leading roads of toe country of the artist’s wife. keen thinkers and doers busy for a tive committee on metropolitan af­ companies had found that the - covered with snow and slush, com­ sonal liberties and toe individual The big seaplane, which carried ; follows: Pennsylvania, 10,466 miles; In a high pitched, almost whining generation or so in order to clear fairs. , mortality rates had been lowered munication lines hampered by sleet, rights of every American citizen. 169 persons safely in a test flight j New York Centr^, 6,911; Baltimore Indian tongue, the Cayuga told them all away.’’ The letter, written by official under toe dry statute. iii- highways clogged with c rifts and True temperance has not been and last fall over Lake Constance, will land Ohio, 5,639;. Atcheson, Topeka through an Indian interpreter the Tells of Pioneers of the Farmers Corporation, was Before toe hearings got under airplanes held in their hangars. cannot be achieved through federal hop off from the German lake some and Santa Fe, 12,383; Union Paci­ developments of the Marchand mur­ She told of how toe pioneer suf­ presented to toe committee by way, F. Scott McBride, General su­ In the cities, large and small, prohibition. A law which does net time during late June, or early July fic, 9,857; Southern Pacific, 13,- der beginning on Feruary 27 and fragists, “marching qpward' on the Frank S. Davis, representing the perintendent of toe Anti-Salooii- thousands struggled throughout toe command obedience or even respset with a crew of twelve and fifty pas­ 599; Great Northern, 8,409; North­ carrying through toe actual slaying. last lap of their century old cam­ Maritime Association of toe Boston League, announced that toe drys night to make it possible for mil­ is surely subject to improvement. sengers, , under present plans. The ern Pacific, 6 771. Without changing her tone and in paign, spied old age coming along Chamber of.,Commerce and toe Bos­ would like to have at least two mq^i| lions to get to work this morni^. Favors Repeal. plane probably would make one or a commonplace manner she describ­ to meet them.” But they did not sor­ ton Flour and Grain Exchange. The days in which to complete thfelr. Impassable streets were gradually “Therefore, I am in favor of the two refueling stops in Europe. TREASURY BALANCE. ed in detail how she battered the row, she said, for “ glancing back Farmers Corporation is a govern­ case. ( cleared, suburban transportation repeal of the 18th amendment to Powered with twelve 600 horse­ head of the little. French woman they saw a younger Mmy to whom ment agency acting in conjunction He said however, it had not lines were partly freed somewhat. make way for a more sane and sat­ power Curtiss Conqueror engipes, Washington, March 26.— (AP)— with the blows of a ten cent ham­ with toe Federal Farm Board. decided how long Chairman Grah'am. they. said “come, take hold, and The cbmmittee^hearing was on toe Shipping was held in port on the isfactory solution of this problem. which have been shipped from the Treasury receipts for March 24 were mer and then, to stifle Mrs. March- finish.” desired toe hearings to continue. ^ lower great lakes and waves lunged Moreover, in order to register my Curtiss-Wright factory at Buffalo, i $18,566,151.67; expenditures ■ $27, • As unfinished problems she cited proposal of Govembr Frank G. Allen At toe outset Representative H)ti8( at shore lines. In Chicago, Lake opposition, I will vote to repeal toe N. Y., to Friedrichshafen, it is ex­ 925,699.04; balance $367,130,378.28. (Continued on Page Two.) the wages,' hours, working condl- that an Investigation be made by toe ley. Republican. Washington, read A Michigan tore away drives and sea­ ‘Baby’ Volstead Act if toe question pected to make the ocean flight tons, and trade union. status of toe newly created Board of Boston Port telegram into the record from J. J. walls. is on toe ballot in November." from Spain via the Azores in thirty woman In Indnatry. SK. aaked for a I Authority and the State D ^ a r tr ^ t Donovan of Bellingham, Wash., de- ' The so-called Baby Volstead Act hours. The twelve engines will give \ continued campaign against th«the iorI oi Public Works into the advisability fending the Dollar Steamship Img In Ohio, the blast raged on early of building a modern grain elevator today with a sleet storm that cen­ is toe state enforcement measure. the plane a power plant of 7,200 spirit of hatred which, she said, was from what he termed charges by tered over Toledo and a blizzard in A petition for its repeal is now be­ horsepower, 1,200 more than the likely to fly about in state legisla­ at South Boston Representative La Guardia, Repub^-; the central part of the state. fore toe legislature and, if not acted present engines. Here Is Real Fish Story; tures, and in national and interna­ Davis described toe project ! Heap, New York, that liquor In Detroit the snowfall had stop­ upon favorably by that body, will Long Planned tional conferences. ^ • "one of toe most important steps been dispensed on toe Hne. ped but left a five inch covering automatically ,o on toe ballot as a Dr. Claude Domier, designer of Mrs. Catt introduced Miss Belle taken In years, for toe Improvement No Liquor Served. over the city and surrounding area, referendum provided its supporters the giant craft, has been plemning Fisherinen Needed No Bait Sherwin, toe president of the "league, th. toe bushieiw done by'the Port of Donovan wrote he had trai'clcd^i with temperatures lowered to 23 obtain an additional 5,000 signa­ the ocean flight for some time, but who, speaking from Washington, Boston.” on the Dollar steamships in diffe tures. it was only yesterday that he cabled ent parts of toe world and had co^ degrees. One man was killed by a San Diego, Cal„ March 26,—(AP>« 150,000 sardines which they had mentioned a compulsory’ jury- skidding auto. In ^a. statement issued with his permission to the Curtiss-Wrlght statute on toe west coast and a bet­ SURVEY QF, DOPE seen liquor served or dispt Slightly rising temperatures in letter to Mr, Walker, Draper de­ corporation for the pl?=^ t'l air- —The crew of the. good ship Navi- ; taken along as bait. ter budget 'in New-York City as Boston, March 26—(AP) — The aboard them. The telegram scribed prohibition as a “blatant hounced. It is expected tha? - v/ill gator, a fishiniMng clipper, was back Captain M. K. Freitas of toe praised Captain Dollar, toe 86 St. Louis, Mo., were reported but Navi^tor said * that toe 'fishing illustrations of what .women voters legislative committee, on public snow drifts still were piled high. In failure," an experiment of well in­ fly to America in DO-X. home today teUing a^U t a rim of are accomplishing today. health to ^ y resixmdea to Governor old head of toe line, as a vali: tent and high purpose which had Officials of the Dornier Corpora­ giant tuna with such voracious ap­ ^ound was apparently new to fish­ dtizeu of toe country. Illinois, many highways were block­ ing boats.' Fish were caught faster Admitting that "performance in Prank G. iUlen’s recent special mes­ proven “s i^ y inadequate,” and tion of America, a subsidiary of petites that they ..bit at tin cans, sage to toe legislature by voting, Representative La Guardia Inte ed. All shipping remained in Michi­ bare hook^ and pieces of cloth. than., they could be put In relrigera- ten years has nbt - matched Uhe for gan ports. after rehearsing toe evils of prohibi­ General Motors, are already survey­ line, color for color the expectations without dissent, to report a resolve posed he would place into the tion,/as he saw them, said: ing possible sea-airport sites for toe The fishermen brought, back. .180 tibn and, meh collapsed from toe a report of the fines imposed heat if they wdrked more than three for 1920,” she iwvertheless insisted authoirizing toe governor to name “In miking this statement I 4.m landing of the ship* and laying other tons of yellow fin tuna in toe re­ a< commission of seven persons to Dollar ships for violations o f .•iv' LOCKJAW VICTIM frigerating space of the-Navigator hours at stretch. Twelve men work­ the wisdom of toe sqffrage pioneers Bridgeport, March 26 —(AP) A not unmindful of the fact that I plans for its arrival. had been definitely justified. study toe prevsdence of drug addic­ and narcotic/laws, at toe pit shall probably «lose toe support of It is the plan of the local company as evidence. 'The big fish were tok­ ed In three pole teams started time. death return filed today showed that en off Cocos island in the Pacific catching and two men tried to stow Connecticut Speaker tion In thiB'state. Frank Gadamski, 23 who died at toe fanatical drys and toe backing to have the DO-X fly to the Pacific Miss Katherine .. Ludington, of The .oommisMoni' if authorized by "I want to show that men coast and back if the ocean trip is 2,400 miles south of San Diego. away fish a s. caught. Inside half Bridgeport hospital Sunday was a of toe political machine, but, w^l ah hour one crew was token off to the legislature, would report its lo t seek office .under . M se pre­ made successfully, probably by way So ravijnous were toe big tuna (Continued ob Page TiPiO/': victim of lockjaw toe first case of I that the iSshermeh threw away the help etbw away fish. (Continued on Page Three.) ’bnclUBions to. next year’® session. its kind in several years. tenses.” of toe Great Lakes.

'.fS-iSij ■A. PAGE TWO MAKC^diilEB EVENING SOUTH MANCHESTER, OONN^ WEDNESDAY^ m R C H 26, i m rNAMES 12 MANCHESTER PU6UC RECORDS WELL CHILDREN’S ' TO PRESENT COMEDY MYSTERIOUS SiKHmNG r MEN TO TAKE CEN^S OBITOARY CLINIC TOMORROW IN WAPPINGHALL Warrantee Deeds State Briefs Milford, March —(AP.)—Mrs. Ethel V. Melendy of Ekust Hart­ Wesley WUte was a patient in Mil­ ford to John G. Hawley of West A well children’s conference Is Center Church Women' to Re­ ford hospital this' ^tem oon. and (Oootinued from Fage'CnuL) \ District Director W. M. Har- Hartford, land and buildings on scheduled for tomorrow afternoon LEAVES OF ABdENOB was thought by toe doctors to be Haynes street, Manchester. FUNERALS at 3 o'clock at toe Memorial hospi­ Hartford, March 26 — (AP) — peat ^*Miss Fearless aiid dying from a bullet woimd in the 1 ney Announces List of Those Company” on ^riday^ Night. knowledge ’ of eonditiozis, John G. Hawley to John E. Hamil­ tal annex. The object in holding Leaves of absence with perpiission breast.. whether'toe commission . and- I \^o Have Won Appoint- these conferences is to ..keep the to leave the qountry are granted to r - ton of South Windsor, land and Mrs. Ruth T. Britton. Mrs. White left toe home of her school trustees had found evi< i ments. babies and young children in a state Major Grover G. Sweet, medical de­ "Miss Fearless and Company” the buildings on Haynes street, Man­ Funeral services for Mrs. Ruth I>arehts, Mr. - and Mrs. William to prove charges of brutality 1 chester. of positive health.' By checking up partment Det. 122d Chvalry, C. N. three-act comedy succesaifully pre­ Goldsmith in West Main, street hupianlty in caring- and banding 6| Talcott Brittoh . who passed away G. from April 17 to 28 and to Lieut. Twelve Manchester men were Morris Elman to Thomas Tedford, reg^arly on their Weight, health sented in \Cheney hali bn JCarch 5, about ten o ’clock, thinly dad and toe lads in toe school. early Sunday morning at the Hart­ Frank H. Herb, Battalion Battery under auspices eff toe Center Church aamed by Attorney William M. Har- lots 73 and 74 in the Colonial Gar­ habits- and general physical condi­ bareheaded and accompanied by a Although toe inquiry into school ' ford hospital, were held yesterday B. 24th Cavalry from March 24 to Women’s Federation, will be re­ dens tract on Litchfield street. tion, it is possible to detect any de­ collie . conditions has been a prolonged one Qey, director of the bureau of head- afternoon with prayers at the Tal- April 18, in special orders issued by peated by toe . same cast imder t| ie • notice Of Intent To SeU viation from toe normal and so pre­ She-appeared at toe home of a and probably wide in its scope very ijuarters of the Hartford County cottville church at 2;36. toe. state adjutant general’s office. direction o f Mra. Emma L. Nettle- Buoufiglio F. Catini doing busi­ vent many of the conditions which friend, Mrs. CefQil Clark, three miles little information as to nature 0^--^ The Rev. Dr. Harmon Potter, ton,' Friday evening in the Wapping Census District yesterday for work ness at 25 Oak street. South Man­ handicap children of school age. away at noon, and asked of Mrs. the e-vidence has come out. Hie dean of toe Hartford Theological BIT BY BY MAD DOG school hall for toe benefit of toe chester, stock, fixtures and equip­ Now is toe time to take health in­ dark who responded to her knocks governor’s commission made up of In taking the town’s enumeration. Farmington, March 26— (AP) — Federated Workers. ment to David Posmenter of Hart­ Seminary and Rev. F. P.. Bachelor ventory of toe child who will enter on toe door: “Don’t you know me?” Judge Day. Judge Walter M. Rckett The work will commence April 2. Constable Raymond Case, local 4og The cast of characters follows: ford. conducted toe services. The Colonial school for the first time this fall. Mrs. dark did not recognize her and Williaih A. -Hendrick of New Mr. Harney spoke over che radio warden, bitten by a rabid dog which Katie O’Connor, . Miss Henley’s U s Pendens Quartet of Hartford sang “Abide It is not enough that he be free for .toe moment but 'then took her Haven moved faster in probing con­ from WTIC yesterday, giving details The Town of Manchester against With Me,’’ "Lead, Kindly .Light’’ and from sickness, but that be be in a he was leading to toe pound, was servant ; . .. . . Miss liUian G, Grant in .when Mrs. White said she had today undergoing Pasteur treat­ ditions, than toe others, due, it was connected with taking the census. Joseph Brown, foreclosure proceed­ “Crossing, toe ‘Bar.’’ Many beauti­ state of positive health. Miss Margaret Henley, an heiress shot herself. A doctor sent her to ment. explained to toe fact that toe three' He enumerated the questions which ings on lots 24 to 32.and 56 to 60 in ful floral pieces occupied every ' Miss Florence Schildge toe hospital. Search was made for The dog was suspected of having members on it are trained in exam­ are asked of the individuals. the Capitol View Heights tracts for available space in toe interior of the Miss Hefiley’s guests: < toe gun. rabies after he had atta^ed two ination and cross examination, toe Here are the twelve Manchester twelve tax liens from 1918-1928. church, testifying to toe love ami Miss Betty Cameron, ...... Mrs. White is about 30, toe wife INDIAN DESCRIBES . Miss Emma Strickland judges being in their element and men named for the work: respect which was felt for Mrs. Brit­ of a railroad eiiiploye. A few years Mr. Hendricks having had experi­ Miss Marion Reynolds, . ___ _ Francis James Hart, 26 Strick­ ton by all with whom she came in ago a sister' li-ving here took her ence as an inquisitor as a member of ' JAKEY SELLER Df COURT Mrs. W. Sidney Harrison land street; Evan W. Nyquist, SO life .and Mrs. White had mourned a commission on institutions which SCHWAB TAKES CHARGE contact. MARCHAND MURDER Hartford, March 26 — (AP) — Miss Barbara liidngstoiic,...... * Linden street; Mrs. Norene R. Cot- for the sister. looked into- conditions at toe The bearers were Samuel Doug­ Peter Kostinski,'40, local storekeep­ Miss Evelyn Johnston t,er, 107 Pine street; Robert L. Me- Soldiers’ Home at Noroton. las, William Crooks,, J. Edmund er, was arraigned- in Police Ck)urt Miss Euphemia Addison, Miss/Hen­ Leary, 4 Cook avenue; Alden E. YoungAtown, Ohio, March 26— (Continued from Page 1) IVlany. Witnesses. Bradley, Clarence Koch, Alexander today on a charge of vlola^g toe ley’s chaperon, ...... Bailey, South Manchester; Mrs. (A P )— Charles M Schwab, chair­ The governor’s commission in its McKenna, and Fred Thorp, all ovet- law regulating, the sale of patent Mrs.. David S. McComb SAMUE HEMINGWAY, Mary M. Brennan, 38 Hudson street, man of Bethlehem Steel Corpora­ seerS'in toe employ of toe Talcott and’s screams for her sessions at toe school called about tion and Eugene G. Grace, its presi­ bear, .choked her into insensibility medicines by selling more thw^one' Miss Sarah Jane Lovejoy, from the 60 of the lads, as witnesses besides John Waddelf, South Manchester; Brothers Co., of which firm Mrs. Lost Nation, Mrs.-Henry ,W. Lowd dent, arrived here today to increase and death with a wad of chloroform­ bottle of extract of Jamaica ginger the school officers. The youngsters Carroll J. Chartier, 12 Hudson Britton was a member. Her loss will to a customer. It is alleged he sold FINANCIER, IS DEAD their activity in support of the pro­ ed paper crammed into the throat. Miss Allas, Miss ’Alibi, ( toe“ Silent are understood to have proven will­ street; Samuel J. Herron, South be deeply felt by every member of Sisters,”) Miss Beatrice: Dart, posed acquisition by Bethlehem of ^ Interpreter Calm four bottles to an agent for toe po-' ing witnesses and imder questioning,* Manchester; Gertrude Oberempt, this and other communities where lice. The law permits toe sMe of Mrs. George H. Wilcox. • the Youngstown Sheet and Tube The Interpreter, 'Theodore Gordon, put in kindly manner that they, South Manchester; John P. Carney, her gracious syr-.patoy and never supposed to be Jack Eggleston New Haven, Msirch 26.— (A P)- Company The Bethle’aem leaders at a stocky Indian, stood at the edge one bottle to a customer .providing might-be at ease, they told toeir South Manchester; Walter F. Sheri­ failing charity has made life bright­ toe storekeeper hs^ a license from and James Reading.' Samuel Hemingway, president of the dan, South Manchester. once received newspapermen in con­ of the witness stand and, with no stories quickly and clearly. It is ference er for many . who were legs fortu­ more emotion than that displayed toe state board of pharnoacy to sell “Just Lizzie,” toe ghost,...... Second National Bank of this city, . . Miss Mary Alice Andrews understood that some aspects of the Later today, Schwab and Grace nate. Burial was in Mt. Hop.? by toe impassive witness, translated the fluid. The case agq^st toe died today. charges which had been made, re- storekeeper was continued to Sat­ A number' of local people who POWER CO. REPORT were to confer with directors of the cemetery, Talcottville. her jarjgon into English. Throughout Mr.^ Hemingway, who was 71 cei-v^ support. For this reason the Yoimgstown Chamber of Commerce the session the defendant sat star­ urday on request of counsel. were imable to see' the play when it years old, suffered a shock yester­ commission’s report is expected to Tomorrow, Cyrus S. Eaton, who is ing at toe interpreter, at times ap­ was given here, are planning to go day morning.- He was elected presi­ prove interesting reading. New York, March 26.—(AP.)— to Wapping for the' jierformance leading opposition to the consolida­ DEFICIENCY BILL SIGNED pearing to be in ah abstracted FIND BIO STILL dent--of toe Second National Banic Nothing is known of toe trustees ] The Niagara Hudson Power Cor- Norwalk, March 26— (AP) — A tion was to come'here for a similaf mood. Nancy, diminutive in stature* F'rlday evening. 31 years ago after having ^ served report which was developed in a , i poration’s 1930 budget included a twenty-five gallon still In operation I $39,000,000 construction program, meeting was concealed from toe defendant this institution successively as clerk, much longer period of taking of tes- Washington, March 26— (AP) — and a large quantity, in' ingredence. { an announcement today said. Youngstown will have greater ad­ and most of the crowded court director and. vice president since timonv. vantages than ever and Youngstown President Hoover today signed toe room as she sat lost in toe spacious­ today were seize^d by thb local po­ TRACING THE SOURCE 1879. So far, toe only compulsory action I Additions to the system’s steam- lice in a raid on y third story apart­ Sheet and Tube Company will cease deficiency bill appropriating $169,- ness of the witness stand. Which has come out of toe inquiries electric power supply at Buffalo anff ment at 11 Raymond street. The He was bom In New Haven on the hydro-electric plants at Spier to be a local Institution and will be­ 500,000 of which $100,000,000 is im­ District Attorney Guy B. Moore, has been the dispiissal of James S. authointies are endeavoring to estab­ OF PoisONOliS JAKEY November 2, 1858 and immediately Falls and Conklingville, in Sarato­ come part of a national institution' mediately availabU to toe Federal through the hours of questioning Peck, the school farmer, who ini-' lish ownership of the seizure, which after his graduation from the locai ga county and at Altmar, in Oswego if Sheet and Tube merges with Beth­ Farm Board. Nancy, did not on a single occasion tiated the complaints agsdnst condi­ is valued at $6,000. The police had high school in 1879 entered the em­ county are the major projects for lehem Steel Corporation Schwab Other items besides the Federal ' refer to Mrs. Marchand as anyone tions by going to. toe welfare com­ to break do-wn a door to again en-' St. Louis, March 26.-^(AP)’—The ploy of the bank as a clerk. His which applications are provided. • said Farm Board appropriation included other than “The Witch.’’ Nancy has mission because be felt that his trance to the apartment. Norris Products Company was raid­ father was then president of toe in­ $12,000,000 for river and harbor testified she knew the woman she statements were not well received by work, and $150,000 for toe Ameri­ ed last night by Federal prohibition stitution. killed only by that name. agents upon receipt of information He'swas a member of toe Cham ­ the trustees.'^The dismissal order can delegation at toe London naval embraced Mrs. Peck as matron, al­ The obscure answers of the wit­ that Jamaica ginger sold by a St. ber of dtommerce, the New Haven conference. though neither will leave toe school ness foiled the prosecutor’s attempt CANADIAN AGAINST Louis firm was found in communi­ Colony Historical Society, the New ’The fvmds will become available throughout the morning to involve until A pril.!, Other changes at toe-' immediately. The measure was sent ties in the south where numerous Haven Lavm Club Association and' Lila directly in the murder plot but school ^ v e been voluntary ones and to the White House Monday after cases, of paralysis have been at­ to e . Quinnipiac Club tmd served as MUSICAL ART QUARTET as toe noon recess drew near, he had Supt, Edward S. Boyd last night the Senate had receded in three DRY CONTROL SYSTEM tributed to toe drinking of such a led the witness, in her testimony, to alderman for one term. said he expected no more resigna­ SASCHA JACOBSEN, First Violin proposed amendments which would (Continued From Page One) beverage. Mr, Heminway is survived by his tions or dismissals at this present have increased the apipropriation the murder scene in the Marchand The dry agents said they seized a PAUL BERNARD, Second Violin home widow and. three sons. Funeral serv­ stage of the Inquiry, LOUIS KAUFMAN, Viola for Federal buildings at Denver and Nancy had described the slaying disregard for the quantity as evidence. They ordererl ices will be held Friday afternoon. Boston and provided $3,000,000 for J- 6 .. tjjg Yoritet' said. when Moore shot at her: John C. Norris, 70 year .old proprie­ MARIE ROEMAET-ROSANOFF, ’Cello Porto Rico hurricane relief. Lentz read from a prepared state­ tor of toe company, to. appear today This was toe first deficiency bill “Who told you to kill this I .Assisted by woman?’’ ment. He contended prohibition had in Federal Court to answer charges ABOUT TOWN of toe present session. It is expect­ ANTI-SALOON HEAD The interpreter turned to the w it­ saved the American people millions of -violating toe dry law. ed that another such measure will ness, spoke to her in Indian and then of dollars. Prbhlbitioii, Administrator Sam FELIX FOX, .PIANIST be passed before adjournment, there Lentz quoted former Premier Haley said Norris, admlted having Professor/ Clark L. Thayer, head frequently being two such bills dur­ replied to the court: “ She say Lila | PRESENTS HIS SIDE of toe department of floricifiture of High School Hall herself and the rest.” I Lloyd George about prohibition, in sent shipments of the Jamaica gin­ ing each long session'. 'which the Britisher held: ger to sdutoem rural, communities, the Massachusetts Agricultufal col­ South Manchester, Conn. “The rest,” was interpreted as lege at Amherst will be toe speaker meaning five other Indians upon “The abolition of toe saloon is in hut denied it was his product whicn SUED FOR DIVORCE whom the reputed death curse of the | America’s pros- caused toe peculiar illness. He told Washington, March 26.— (AP)— at the meeting of toe Gard^ unit March 27,1930,8:30 p. m. at toe Woman’s club, 187 Broad Bridgeport, March 26 — (AP^ — officers, they'said, he only distribut­ Anti-Prohibitionists were accused John E. Boyle, former druggist of white woman had been placed. 'P®m,:^’ .. j ^ today at the House judiciary com­ street, Hertford. His subject ^ 1 be EV A PROGR.-VM OF, POPULAR CHAMBER MUSIC. Mrs. Marchand’s amusement at; The witness added that the Metho- ed toe ginger after purchasing it Fairfield and long active in civic mittee’s dry law hearing by F. Scott “Annuals for the Home Garden,” ADMISSION 75 CENTS toe superstitious beliefs of the old o^her Protestants had from a manufacturer in Boston. affairs there, was sued for divorce McBride, superintendent of the illustrated with slides. The lecture Ticlcsls woman appeared to have precipi- Haley said toe Boston manufacturer by Katoaryn Clancey Boyle, today, tatpji h p r^ ath beverages while the “Catholic Anti-Saloon League, of having fail­ will be given at 10:45 tomorrow KEMP’S, INC. WATKINS BROS. as Well asf others suspected of dis­ morning and it is expected a num­ the grounds set up being intolerable “As the witch stood by the radio i through some its most ed to prove three essential proposi­ cruelty. The wife asks for , alimony tribution of the product will be in­ tions in presenting their case for ber of toe members of the Manches­ (in the Marchand home)hnmol xvhntwhat ,did11,1 , Icadcrs, has spoken against and custody o f two sons. vestigated. repeal of the Eighteent: Amend­ ter Garden club who have course J you say to her?” Moore asked the liquor traffic. Cardinal’s Opinion. Prohibition agents said a chemical ment. tickets will attend/ Said She Was Witch. analysis of toe evidence purchased Are you a witch,” Nancy said she “For instance,” he w e^. on, “ the He said the propositions were: from Norris shows ah alcoholic con­ -iU questioned. World famous Cardinal Mercler, of 1— ^That the Eighteenth Amend­ SHOUSE JOYFUL Belgium, spoke upon the subject in tent o f about 65 per cent, and that ment had failed. “ ‘Yes,’ ” Mrs. Marchand was it did not contain as ingredients cer­ quoted as saying. these heroic words: 2— That toe people were clamor­ Washington, March 26.—‘(A P )-^ tain, fine extracts of ginger pre­ ing for repeal. “How did her face look when she “ ‘Universal prohibition would Chairman Jduett iShoiise Of toe Na­ scribed by govermnent regulations said it?” Moore wanted to know. save more lives than general dis­ 3 — That the anti-prohibition tional Democratic executive com- “ She look like she smiling,” the armament.’ ” to make it uhtit for a beverage. group had a constructive program mittoe, today characterized toe witness said, and added that she He also quoted toe Right Rev. with which to solve toe drink prob­ Democratic mayoralty election vic­ then asked toe witch if she intended James E. Cassidy, vicar general of lem. tory in Kansas City as showing killing her. Mrs. Marchand, appar­ the diocese of Fall River, as having VANDENBERG ASKS McBride insisted the testimony of “that toe swing against the Re-, ently still amused, replied she did spoken in “ courageous language”' in toe wets had failed to answer these publican administration is as pro- and the fearridden Cayuga, the tes­ ' support of prohibition. ,, • propositions. noimced in toe west as in toe isasb^* timony said, beat her down with the Lentz presented a digest of re­ FOR A COMPROMISE hammer, and strangled her with th§ ports tp the committee, which, HF said, showed that toe death rate of drug-soaked paper. (Continued from Page I.) Nancy, pressed for an answer to infant children had been lowered since prohibition. TODAY the question of who besides Lila, its maximum expahsion^of the prin' Matinee 2:15 urged her to kill thei witch, said An­ Wherever alcohol was used as a beverage, he argued, toe death rate | ciple of flexibility.' AND Eve. Continuous. son Jimerson, Lila’s father, and was increased from 30 to 70 per Favors' the House.' STATE 6:45 to 10:30 Lila’s aunt, Ann Snow, had joined THURSDAY cent. ■ 'Vandenberg said- that if forced to •with the defendant in the plea, An­ choose between the House bin, con­ son and Ann previous te.s- Lentz described Patrick Callahan I of Louisville, Ky., as one of th6 tinuing administrative flexibility and timony indicated were present when foremost Catholics in toe coxmtry toe Senate measure pro-vising for letters from a mysterious “Mrs. and said he was taking an active legislative , flexibility he Would TONIGHT Dooley,” warning of the witch’s part in the prohibition controversy. choose toe former. ' , powers, were read to Nancy. The The Kentuckian, he added, was mus­ He proposed administrative flexi­ prosecution appeared to attach no tering the dry Catholics to support, bility, for presidential usd when Con­ A THREE FEATURE PROGRAM importance to the entrance of the the Eighteenth Amendment. gress is not in seSsion-Jand subor­ aimt and father into toe picture. The Ohioan said because prohibl- dinate to subsequent Congressional BETTER THAN A THREE RING CIRCUS! passing on to the next question after i enforcement had its problems veto if Congress chooses to’ act. he had been told their names. Ann ' and its difficulties should _. not for . a Secondly, legislative flexibility for and Anson were of^ toe group “moment deter us in toe ofiward Cong^esrionaUuse when Congress is marked for death by the witch-, ac­ march toward complete sobriety. in session. cording to toe witness. “Every argument for more alcohol "Thus,’’ he said, “we . shall have A Smashing Ebepose of New York Night Life! is an argument for. more dnmkards,” flexing machinery all - the way ENGINEER’S FUNERAL he contended. | around toe calendar; whether Con­ TOM MOORE * gress is or is not in session'. Nor- mall-y Congress: is in session only ten trd As'*£tX^rvSes''were\%7ng^ HOLD CONNECTICUT MAN months out of twenty-four. Iliere- ducted at PorUand, Me., today for I fore^ legislative -flexibility alone is BLANCHE SWEET Mason&Hamlin John E, Savage, first enj^neer of the I ------not enough.: On toe other himd, toe Boston and M ^ e ’s original “Flying | New York, March 26.— (AP) — House; t » t does not permit admin­ - i n - ' Yankee,” Willis A. Webber, Three yoimg men from Connecticut istrative fl^bility to touch com­ Savage’s old fireman, who made toe j were held without bail, for exanfina^ modities upon toe free list. There­ A Masterpiece initial run with him, died in the; tion April 13 by Magistrate Henry fore, admilkistrative flexibility aldne THE WOMAN RACKET* Portsmouth hospital. Webber, who i R. Goodman today on a charge of also Is not enough. . was 69, retired about four years ago | suspicion of being toe robbers who ‘*But if toe two philosophies are Back of toe tinsel glamour o f a Broadway night club, after a long and excellent record es held up Jacob Marks’ clotbing vstore harmonized and joined, we have stalks a thrilling drama. There are some productions of genius of such distinctiv# a locomotive engineer. He was a in the Bronx Monday and took 18 complete flexibility twelve months in native of Portsmouth. Savage was suits, $499 in cash, and $380 worth every year and thus, so far as is quality that they are separated from all others and classed born in Manchester. During his of jewelry. humanly possible, we avoid future as masterpieces. eighteen years at the throttle he They said they were John War­ needs for general tariff revision. never had an accident. He '/as ren, 24, of 30 Grolden Rule- street, This avoidance is toe greatest single prominent In politics, having served South Norwalk; and William'Bran­ servlca which the Smoot-Hawley bill In a true sense the Mason & Hamlin Piano is a masterpiece as president of the Portland City don, 18, of 2 Godfrey street, and can r;ender to stabilize "American Council and as a delegate to toe Charles Gray, 24, of S3 Spring, prosperity^ It can be the biU’« com<‘ — a masterpiece in its tonal quality and furthermore in its Democratic National convention. street, both of Norwalk. Arreated plete and donfinant justi^cation.” EDWARD EVERETT HORTON exquisite workmanship. I and held with them was Nicholas' —and— HEENBY COMES BACK I Dux, 21, of New York. An additional charge of violation SALVATIONISTS PROTEST PATSY RUTH MILLER As a result of its unique system of construction, developed Boston, Mass., March 26.— (AP.) the Sullivan antl-tirearms law has been placed against them on the In a Frenzied, Frantic EYolIc of Fim. in 1900, the Mason & Hamlin Piano has set a new standard —^Tom Heeney, the “Hard Rock” Boston, March 26— (AP) —Com­ from New Zealand whose pugilistic statement of police , that they had of piano tone and durability and is pronounced the most g;uns in their possession when they mander Evangeline Booth of toe progress was halted by Gene Tun- Salvation Army, who is 'visiting in beautiful piano the world has ever known. ney, retired hea-vyweight champion, were arrested last night near the OPEN'* hotel where they had been staying. this city,- toilay said .toat-< toe' Army arrived here today ^th his wife aligned itseir-wito the: rest of toe aboard toe steamer Eastern Glen It was made for laugh piuposes only and packs a It is presented to the public as a work of art to be judged religious world., in toe. protest from- Cape Town, Africa. He said a g ii^ t religious persecution report­ terrific wallop of merriment! solely on its merit. he returned to toe United States at EARTHQUAKES RECORDED toe request of his manager, Charles ed in Russia. % ' . The Salvation Army knows full Harvey, but did not know what New York March 26.—(AP.)— well toe meaning of persecution, v'GS A plans toe latter had for him. • f Immediately after lea-vihg toe The seismograph at Fordham Uni­ she said, and was second , to no other ship, toe Heeneys left for New versity res^tered several minor group in Its stand fOr-religious lib­ York by train. ’quakes over a three-hour span thlS- erty. We recognize,”, she. .said, mofning, beginning at 6:30 .a. m. It .!!that toe present campaign against GALLUP & ALFRED, Inc. was estimated the ’quakes were religion in-Russia is bilt toe sequel THIRD BIG INTERNATIONAL NIGHT K's FLIGHT DELAYED. centered about 1,200 -miles away in to Qtoer persecutions that marked 201 Asylum Street a northeasterly direction, whi<^ toe old regime.” Presenting 0 i New Haven, March 26.— (A P )— i: Hartford would place them somewhere in the With regard to the proposed re­ The attempt t6 land toe "K” of vicinity of NewfouUdland, scene of peal'of ths state prohibition act in New Hayen is being groomed for a Sole Representatives last November’s severe submarine Massachusetts, She -said, “ I 'cannot GERMAN NIGHT non-stop refueling flight, from Con­ upheavals. believe that such a progressive sUte necticut to Buenos Aires from toe as Uassaohusetts will take that Six High-Class Acts! FuA for AUfi Hamden Airport toddy was post­ St. John’s, N.F., /March 26.— re-trograde step. poned. Failure of a propellor blade (AP.)—No earthquake shocks were "Surely the'blessings of prohibi­ On account of Spring Opening program, vaudeville acto ordered for toe plane to arrive felt here today nor were any re­ tion are so ob-vious to . every ob­ wHI not start amtil 9 p. ?a., followed by feature picture. forced toe postponement. ported in this vicinity. Reports server that any so-called curtail­ The craft, now at Brainard Field, from New York said tbat several ment qf privilege,- if it does exist, Hartford, is expected to start the minor ’quakes recorded 4^ at Ford- shrinks to nothing in toe final flight to Buenos Aires on or about ham University were calculated to analysi.*! of toe benefits to toe com­ April 8. have occuried in this vicinity. munity.”

Si /. ' r--is .* .- ■' '; . *-.*L-: '- . . . ,'^V

S h ^ ' M AND LIGIfTNING co tf 9 / ■^‘• ' *•- •‘' ' lACCOMPANY DOWNPOUR , ” " .i Arrived' .'■ 1^ PutMiii * Co.) .Olympic, New York, Ms^h ' 29 . ?*;? Hertford, Conn. from Southampton. Estonia, . New York, March 2$, ! Last Night’s Storm Gave Near- j ^ y 1 R M. ^tocB I .ly Everything the Elements; StooUa. *^ P r ^ d ^ McKinley, I^oug Kong, Mayor at Kansas City Gets i Had—Hope for Good Weath- j Bid Asked March 24, San Francisco. _ ■ er Tonight. ! (Contindted Irom Pi^o Ono.) ' Bankers Trpat .Co . . • 323i j Resolute. Hong Kong, March 29. City Bank and Trust 350 New York/. or 23,000 Majority—Eight ^ In Hart- CJap N at‘‘ B&T ...... 380 1 . A(juitania, Cherbourg, March 26, ?n a S S aIS^g?£ | Jca in tn. U,uor «a»c Conh) M veir...... 425 : New York. ; a in ' —jjJO* s“orm^^,^**** Ind torrential -- downpours | ford. ___ . _ .. Htfd Cdim. Trust . . . 140i 150 ■‘ Transylvania, ■ Cherbourg, March , 1 Conneihnen Also Elected. 1 at*night, gave the town a stern re- j MAYOR’S STATEMENT. First Nat Htfd ••••• 260 ! 26, New York. , 1 minder of the deluge pf last Augu - Hartford, March ' 26;—(AP)- i t.«"d Mtg^and Title . 40 ; Mauretania, Southampton, March ] ••• with a well 240 23, New York. !!• Mavnr Battersoh," St— plainly elat-1 Mutual BfeT New Kansas City, March 26.—(AP)— 1 rpj^g gun shone brightly tkis morn- yor victory he achieved i-nj do; vtc '- 240 Oscar n, Oslo;' March 25, in Si irnt tent ot etrengtn ;mct ,„g breeze blowing. ^ c d ^ New BrttBrit Trfist...... 190 200 ■ ^ York. ■ ■■. I Lb'tfj* the 1928 Hoover-Smith fight, Kan- j^ay have been tbe dying kick or bup result of the ruhng Riverside T rust ...... 600 ! Sailed ! sas a tv Democrats, led by Bryce B. qj. m I o Winter, but there are still aictca dieted that uio.i» O'®as •a *www.« -- . West Utfd. Trust ... 350 ' America,' Hamburg,. March 25 for made .by Judge Jennings proMbitton Bonds. .■.. prw all this talk sbing aroijiid about -xefumishmg SmiS, miUionaire bakery executive. | ,, days left for the ^ will ke one of the leading issues in i New York; M arch' ’ - ■ ' routed Re-1 March to stir , up trouble. At least Htfd. & Conn. West . ! Hellig Olva, Copenhagen, lir ^ K iS ^ wiTul^tcAate thingsjmby^l^ to the stdte election next fall and the I ^ t Cpnn.. Pow 5s .. 103 j 26, New York " > V V if his bedroom doesn’t need a bit of li » ' ^ ipg up, too. Of couree it does! ^®***^^® Pal offices. ^ ^ i happy over Conn L F 7s :ot a chance to “Just wait until the fall,” the 108 ...124 modem furnishings th at "belong Approximately 146,000 voters, the | day. The firemen Things are going ^ F 5%s 100 S oii':Pac...... greatest number ever to visit the j j^ake up some lost sleep. . x i, mayor said. . ininga »ic ^ pinnn L P 4%S ...... 129 vrtll make him happy and S S c h ProhibitionPrc*ibition cantcan’t PejS2d’#vJ5s ...... lO^ 105 I Sou R w y ...... tunity to become strong and healthy. During M ^^ a political] «tfd.Hyd^5s^— 1 Stand Br^ds . .... 23% foUs .in nn ennlnnW.ly 1 will 1 S S t £ “ ....113% there has been added to our juvenile 158 ■ St Gas and Sl. power. ^ ! greet their spring openmg in Connecticut xAetna (C asualty----- .... 66% plete display of the newest and most pmcticM much longer. I ^hat when the xAetna Fire $10 par .. 69 t S O Cal ...... furnishings, .all very attractive and moderately priced. Mr. Smith was elected mayor by j naonies this evening- 98% 1001/3 ' S O N J ...;. an uiiofficiM majority of 2 3 ,7 2 ^d e-' Radio reception last night, re- ^ peopig next go to xAetna Life ...... •.* 47% ^S O N Y 35% featlng George E. Kimball, a la^^er minded many Legionnaires who register how they fe.l kAutomohii® ...... Studebaker ...... 41 The Democrats also elected eiobt tuned in of hectic days on the west- | j,... ^ Conn. General ...... 87 jTex Corp ...... ------... 58 The smart little nursery chair pictured councilmen and two municipal ern front during 1918. First came a state’s Attorney Alcorn s position jtiitfd Firb. $10^ par •• ... 82% to left wm make a; useful and attractive him to an­ _ I Tim Roll B e a r -----. . . iudees. Previously'the Democrats i ^"vy'static resembling des^tory in attempting to force ’ ' “ Htfd Stm Boil, $10 par 81 1 Transcon Oil, new ...... 19y8i addition to baby’s room. It is finis^ m swer th^questions to which he pb- Nhtional F ire ...... 88 i Union Carb ...... ;..101 Ivory with juvenile decorations. Priced I ir;b'Sr^rd"7b7sravr S - y jected, he characterized as unten- l.xPhdenix F ire ----- 70 ! Unit Aircraft ...... 56 a t 54.45. , AltoWEh the Democrats gained I opened up. Coming tke b^t I Travelers 1550 .... 40% PubUc Utility Stocks 1 Unit Corp ...... control of the city government two evening's program the show- , 95 I Unit Gas and Imp ...... 39% • • 1. _ ^ 1 A «.MOv*Lr.> I A. _.J A I /9 2 years ago, yesterday’s ballot mark-1 grs put an end to good reception un iCohn. Elec ,Svc .... 95 j u s Ind.Alcoh ...... - ...... ! xConn. power ...;. • 93 ed the complete return of the nor- |.ii near midnight. 94% 96% • U S Pipe and F d ry ...... mal Democratic rule. Issues in the The wind this morning was so PYTHIAN SISTERS ■.Hartford Elec Lgt .. ^ 94 “ 1 U S Rubber ...... 30% present election largely were de­ strong along North Main street that 75 j u s S te e l...... 192 veloped by the Republicans, and . the large overhead glass sign at M GRAND'0FnCERS|§^o«'.?^. 55 util Pow and Lt A ... .. 42% concerned alleged illegal acts ' Conran's was blown from its P°®'" L88 'W a r‘P ie t...... 77% Democratic bosses. i tion above the entrance and crashed j ______S N E T C o ...... ->83 I Westing. Air ...... •■ .. 48% ■ into hundreds of pieces when it i _ I Westing El and Mfg .. ..186 struck the ground. It was a double j Banquet and Entertainment « ’ .. 62% RIGHT—Here is the iMt word in a 62 Wooiworth ...... •• REPORT GENE TUNNEY glass sign with electric lights in- i Attended by 80 Despite Last Am Har'• toe state. On the other, hand, _ou| committee of teachers of the Norto London newspapers of a changed associates on toe general committee CJen Mots ...... 47% Mr. Fisk said:'“I , hear^ you pftr Methodist church school in charge position of toe United States repre­ were complimented on the success .... 40% forefront of today’s advance, ^ec- votes have not. mkrh«<«y“ F'Pf“ ®r (^Id D ust ------tric Power ■ & Light was the spe^ fectly.” ■' •' "■ ONUSUALLY ATTRACTIVE po!iticsr-yet; nor xpade hum to__ of toe food sale to be held Saturday sentatives. He said the statemen^t of the supper and entertainment. Grigsliy Grunow . .... 17% fare the nialn concern of the go. afternoon at 2 o’clock at the A. marked no change in their stand, .... 95% tacidar: feature, crowing 89 to a_new Irit Harv ...... high for a gain of more to ^ IP ■ AT^SYM^Y.-' . . erhment, nor rought univer- P. store on Depot Square. Otoers but was merely a clarification of a iht;Nick:,Can----- .... 41% Sydney, New South Wales, March assisting ■will be Mrs. M. S. Stock­ position which the United States .... 63 points; Western Union, J " Seekers of attractive displays of pepce.” i IhtiTel and Tel .. been weak on rumors of new toan^ 26.—(AP)^A n' ;rtkc.trical radio im­ She added, however; _ \ ing Mrs. Ralph Persson, Miss Hilda has maintained throughout. ....132% pulse initiated «n thte^Marquis Gug- spring clothing at toe Bpring Open­ Mfgnuson, and Miss Maiy McLagan Johns •lianv^e-.. ing, jumped 8 points; Brookiyu “If we hold to our. sclf-Unpose« He said the United States has 1 Kennepott ' ------.... 58% lielmo 'Maipc6ifl’s;-,yaeht B lect^ m held constently that it was not w il­ uSon (5as went up six_ pointy. _ ing tonight wUl easily find the oh- role of attending to the hwretoforg They will have a William Vennart of 178 South Kreiiger and Toll .... 30% toe harbor-at Genoa todiy s-witchteu ject of their seardh / n home cooked foods, such as baked ing to enter into any treaty which ___ 39 Among the many other to on electric damps Uighting. toe elec­ neglected aspects, of government beans, bread, cakes, pies, doughnuts Main street pleaded guilty in the i.Kroger Giroc^---- 74% i eclippe to e ir n? it <]k!o'rge H. Wmiai^_ ^ototag wopld give military or other sanc­ ’ Ldew’s^ I n c ...... tric radio exhlbltiou .. if we supply a quiet and cookies, and plan to call for tions to other powers. Manchester police epurt this ffiom- 2 5 prices •were United AircrMt, N ^ store in the , Johnson Block- infiltration of certain qUhlitie^ht? ing to the charge of driving an auto­ tional Air Transport, Bjfi7ard The signals from toe yacht were where else wiU bp found a neateri ___ donations about 1 o clock. For that matter, he added, no na- Lorillapd ...... 60% picked up. at-Porchepter and flashed the electorate, .wte may righf^' I______tiom'except France had made a sug-^ mobile while imder the influence of Mo and Tex . International Harvester, Job^ Mw- liquor. He was arrested .on Oa.k Montg Ward ... .. 39% by beam radio from Grimsby '' CONNECTICUT RISING. gestion for sanctions, and the .. 64% ville. Commercial Solvents, Mathie- Grove street yesterday afteriKwn Nat Cash Reg A son Alkali, Air Reduction, Australia, where French suggestion was set forth in and brought to .the police statiop. He N at Dairy ...... 51 up a t Victoria and Hartford, March 26.— ( ^ ) a public statement last winter'. He .. 46% Qas, Superior Steel, St^d^rd Oil was found beride hie autopiobileNat’_____ Pow and Lt line to tote-trTown - - jamas, ,. , . Swelled by heavy rams f^ ^ g yes­ said he was uninformed as to w hich had gone off the-road and, was jj,ev Cop -- ... 29 of New Jersey, S “^uel' impulse there. close;d a switch Ugut Honor itojQ terday. the Connecticut nver here whether the suggestion had been ...188 tal Oil, Houston, Colorado Fuel, neckties in toe modem badly damaged. In addf^op tq pay-1 y Cinf'^O ‘ Oiicago & Eastern 'HUn^s co n ^ n ing the POO lamps in their full the left side com^to mfit ]rsh & thirty-five v;ja^es, of was more than two ^««i^,^‘8ber at 10 made officially in the conference. his , .124% Women Vbfcers’ tenth 3 m. today than it was last mgto- 7^ Ing a hw'vy fine he will, lose N Y N.H H^...... o«rt^Af^ed AUantic Osist Line.; ’brilUahce. . .; r. ’ v down to every ' Was still rising hourly altoough dan­ DANGEROUS BRIDGE. license for a year. . N^orNor Amer ...... ••*••^22% ! SJg w S^ Marconi A radio cdngtatulnting . message,from_MM^^^ Australia on cane and kid gloves. > - ’ui'Vwsary honor, toU ^ bitfi ger by flood is not expected became Pack‘jept ...... features toe sport-outfits ^ lead^si vidU be anfiofinOwi nmtt Par Fam Lasky .... 75% her strides to rtecenb y ® ^ to world­ pro'ving exception^y. S toe termination of toe storm. T^e Hartford, March 26.—(AP)—The BOXER INJURED...... 84 -National Biscuit (old stock) «^pp- wide w ir^^ communication also ;d#,'w ito Suaah;®. atoOicny. < gauge showed 5.1 feet at 6 p. m. yes- ped 4 1-2 points, and United s p m a n Catt! Alice Stda®- Public Utilities Commission in a • ..fc ' -/ 4“'' Pui> Se»T N J . ____102% was p ic k ^ up.f. ^*^!^tables"to toe t e ^ y and 7.6 feet this mormng. finding made public today approved Philadelphia, March 26.-7 ^^ plays of bow ties,, luffW®* commissioner for toe elimination of S n of toe Uhlver^fy !^ id in g a dangerous condition in toe city of nia boxijsg team ...... 38% motivep?>W a t anoth®? new low. Hartford. March 26-—(AP)—The RfPS'R«ii4;v?G ■ iS fliah on H ay Meriden by toe construction of an Rap I* wd'Stl 75% totoe beautmfi surrouBdingn « to® Public UtjUties ComM^iou 7od^ *7 ’ ‘The overhead bridge carrying Bread Segrs/RoS Vi’ . 48% i City is white and store make' ’sttoU. through-+Wll

While the Washlogton govern­ tion or judicial settlement; to avoid Hartman Tobacco ... . ment is easily lea4er in numbers r ? reservations; smd to designate th3 INDUSTRIAL LEAGUE Edgewood Fruit LEAGUE RECORDS treaties of this kind registered dur­ Permanent Court of International Qordoa’a Market ’ . .v ., i] ing the past year, they are less Justice as the compet^t tribunal Lynn Oil Burner ITHE BOOK! SETBACK TOURNEY * Foley’s Ehepresa...... Motor Hints comprehensive than most of those in legal disputes. Xlmely Suggestions on tlie | SHOW GROWTH OF in which other countries are the * Business Men ...... 1,C ' Care of the <^r by the Auto- i parties. They reflect clearly the tra­ M idw ays ...... 1 / SURVEY Manchester G reen...... mobile Club of Hartford. | ditional American policy of avoid­ Hartman’s Still Leads North ing European entanglements. NOTED FUER BURIED • HiUiardviUe ...... i ; PEACE MOVEMENT End Players But Edgewood Wapping ...... n By BRUCE CATTON century ago, and for many years Nine of the American treaties are Is a Close Second. * Johnson Machine ...... '. It Didn’t Go Flat was a drunkard of the most sodden, treaties of conciliation embracing Hatton, N.* D., March 26—:(AP)— • Burr Nursery ...... What would you do if you dis- Once in a.while there falls across hopeless type. He was one of those no special features; eleven of them North Dakota turned from its every The highest record for scores • Merz’s Barber Shop...... , ■. covered a tack\or nail embedded in the frothy current of modem litera­ luckless souls to whom liquor was, j Geneva—(AP)—League of Na­ are treaties of arbitration of one day affairs today to pay high tribute made by partners in the Manchester • Bon A m i ...... ;a tire and were about to park the ture a novel that is conceived and in sober truth, the "demon rum." tions authorities point with satisfac­ standard type. These eleven provide to Carl B. Eileson, who had flown Community Industrial League set­ * Oak Grove D airy ...... car for some length of time ? Would written in the old tradition—a novel For him it was total abstinence or for arbitration in disputes of a tion to increasing evidences of the across the top of the world and back tournament was made last Played one less game than') you remove the obstruction and run that squeezes its subject absolutely complete ruin. He fought, for years, •legal nature only, and include four growth of procedure for .laciflc set­ amid Arctic wastes before he fell night when Moonan and Miner turn­ others. the risk of letting the Ure go flat dry, extracting from it every drop imtil finally he conquered his crav­ kinds of reservations: disputes com­ ed in a score.of 120 points for the or would you trust to luck and do tlement of international disputes. to his death last November in north­ of substance, so that you flnish it ing! and then he became a temper­ ing within the domestic jurisdiction night’s sitting, hanging up a few TRAINING SHIP TRIP 'nothing further untU you returned with the feeling that there is not All told there are 130 treaties of this of states, disputes affecting the in­ ern Siberia. ance lecturer. Officials of the state, the towns­ figures that will give other players Ho the car? single thing about the charao As a temperance lecturer John B. nature registered with the league. terests of third powers, disputes folk who knew him before the lure to shoot at for some time come. Buenos Aires, March 26— (A P )-^ * One car owner who was faced actions that you do not Gough had experiences—interesting Twenty-five countries were par­ affecting the Monroe Doctrine, and of the air took him to far-off places The teams have now played eight The Argentine training ship, Presi­ with this problem resorted to neither ones. The value of the book, how­ ties to 34 new treaties which were those affecting obligaticns under and those who rescued his body games each and the Hartman dent- Sarlblento, will leave March 80 extreme. As a result he made a Such - ...... a book is “—And_ Co.,” .by ever, lies not so much in its recount­ registered during 1929. In 1928 the covenant of the League of Na­ there were registered 15 such trea­ from the relentless north mourned Tobacco team is in the lead, being on her thirtieth instimetion tour, op mark on the side of the tire on a Jean-Richard Bloch. This book, ing of these experiences as in the tions. pressed by the Eldgewood Fruit iline with the nail. Then he moved way it traces the slow, steady rise of ties, and in 1927 only six. at the grave in a little cemetery which she wiU travel 20,405 milei vllUC WlUI* UIXC “ I i. H translated Lr3nsiaptGQ iruiiifrom the French by C. K. In treaties concluded between where the flier was buried beside his Farm team and the team represent­ in 243 dasrs o f navigation. ; the car ahead until the mark showed ggott-Moncrieff, gets off on the the temperance movement to‘ the The United States was party to other countries, the following ten­ ing Gordon’s Market, The low sedre The itinerary includes Tenerife, ' that the affected part of the tire ^^ong foot by virtue of a jacket great flood-tide that put the 18th 20 of the new treaties, w' ich are mother. dencies are observed: to provide in All public business was suspended last night was made by Hills and Toulon, Genoa, Naples, Venice, Sal­ was in direct contact with | blurb comparing Bloch and Balzac; amendment on the statute books. regarded in Geneva as indicating a world disposition to turn away from the same treaty for conciliation, and schools were closed. The en­ Stoddard, who were only able to onika, Istanbul, Jaffa, Alexandria, •street. ^ 'but before you get through with it As I say, if prohibition has ever gather In forty-five points. He figured the weight of the car - ...... -the puzzled you, this book vrill help you war as a means of determining the arbitration and judicial settlement; tire state observed a mourning Malta, Gibraltar, and thence back to you are willing to admit that to submit all disputes to arbitra­ period during the funeral. The standing to date is as follows: Buenos Aires. ion the point of the tire where a blurb is not far wrong. understand the why and how of it. issue of international controversies. ?leak might be expected would serve •‘—And Co„" tells the story of a "Tiger! Tiger!” is published by ' to seal it and prevent loss of air. Jewish family living in Alsace-Lor­ William Morrow and Co. The price When You Adjust Valves raine. The time is 1871, just after is $2.50. Motordom moves at such a pace those French provinces passed that it is foolhardy to use any rule under German rule. The family that applied to servicing a car a undertakes to transplant its small NAVY ENLISTMENTS sfew years ago, unless that rule is cloth ■ manufacturing business to a ibrouffhtjnrougnt aowLidown tolu date with ...... improve- — ' French city; and the novel tells the "ments* ® of .. its. own.___ This onnliAQapplies Tr»to j transplanting. IN FEBRUARY HEAVY ; so simple a process as adjusting j jg ^ot, on the surface, 3 tappets. reason why the rise of a few The Navy Recruiting Headquar- I Most owners know that a good j p j,g jjg jj capitalists should be so te r-; announces 'that jobiob of this sort cannot beoe oonedone un- u - j, interesting. But the story thistnis I ters. New ” Haven announcesthroughout the Jess the engine is warmed tells truly deserves the word | 7.7o0 young applications for ;every day brings its story of owners | “gripping.” For, like all really good ; tmpnt in the U S Naw for the ?who have run into difficulties w th i jt ig more than the story of month of ^ February'February 1930. Of these : .1, .- rif a fAw mflividnals. muuuu uj. c . x * __ ^z^4. ■ this simple work. the adventures of a few individuals, 703 were accepted for first enlist­ w It’s all because they forget that ■ jg ^j^g gtory of the rise of capital- ment, and 208 re-enlistments for the ithe valve compartment of the newer | jgj^_ ^jjg gtory of the struggles of a same month at Recruiting Stations. ''engines is automaticaUy lubncated. lo-ely racial group in a hostile en- The total of first enlistments for Often they remove the cover plates yironment, the story of the surren- the fiscal year from July 1, 1929, to and then start to run the engine ] ^jgj. ^n artistic soul to the de- March 1, 1930 numbered 9,220, while until it is warmed up. They may ,i of the workaday world, re-enlistments for the same period even drive the car with the plates j yoji may have gathered by this were 1,579. removed. I time that I think “ —And Co.,” is For the month of February 1930, Raising the hood reveals the e n -; qnjte a book. I do. It is solid, 127 applicants applied for enlist­ gine splashed with oil that has es- j meaty stuff, very much worth your ment from Connepticut, while only caped from the valve compartment. | ^hile. Simon and Schuster are pub- 15 were accepted for enlistment, Safety in Cold Brakes i lishing it; the price is $3. while 39 were placed on the waiting With many of the newer cars the | ------list. Many were rejected for physi­ temperature has much to do with ' \'cry Human Picture of England’s cal defects (and having police the effectiveness of the brakes. This | Sovereign, records which were causes for re­ probably will surprise a great many j^jg Britannic Majesty, who reigns jection in the U. S. Navy). During motorists, but the point can be dem- ! ^ g g g not rule, is nearly as inter- the fiscal year from July 1, 1929 to onstrated. And there is a reason for . egfing a figure to Americans as to March 1, 1930, 227 young men were it I Britans. His position, by itself. enlisted from Connecticut, and 24 Cold, internal expanding brakes, i j^j^j^gg ^im interesting, of course; re-enlisted after completing four or are subject to contraction of the j yg^. George V is, in his own right, a more years in the Naval Service. brake drums. This naturally re- j y^rorthy of a good deal of study, duces brake* clearances and results i ..rpjjg gtory of King George V,” in greater braking power. The mat- | ^^y Richard C. Dent, presents a ter is weU to keep in mind, both for ] smooth-flowing biography of Eng- GILEAD the purpose of avoiding unnecessan- | land’s ruler and discloses him as a Iv sudden stopping and of using this ■ capable and—I hope it isn’t lese- Mrs. W. J. Warner, 68, died Mon­ «tra stopping ability in an emerg- majeste to say it—likable human day at the Hartford hospital after a cDcy. ! being". long illness. Besides her husband If you have just started out on a : jt demonstrates that the job of she leaves one son Norman J., of cold or even cool, morning and are 1 reigning over a democratic empire is this place, and six grandchildren. forced’ , to -.L stop— quickly ii- it TTiav may save save ijy jjg means the sinecure that one Funeral services were held at St. you from getUng panic-stricken might suppose; and it shows, I think Peter’s Episcopal church in Hebron when an emergency arises. Remeni- that King George V has done it with this afternoon. Burial was in the ber that the brakes will be at their extreme skill during a period when Gilead cemetery. Rev. Harry Fitz­ t>esf. , , , . less talented kings were losing their gerald of Brooklyn, N, Y., officiated. But don’t let that fool you into ^ crowns. Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Buell and their thitiifing you can stop as effectively | I hope you won’t rush to buy the son Irving, motored from their home later on during the ride! ' book with the idea that it will give in Berlin, N. Y., Saturday, and Mrs. Keeping Gauges Accurate | you any “inside stories” or forbidden Buell and Irving will remain with Because the gasoline gauge has ; gossip about England’s royal family, her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. E. earned the reputation for never { doesn’t. It does tell an interest­ Foote, for two weeks. being accurate many car owners go | mg story in an interesting way; and C. Daniel Way on Monday unload­ n^pad borrowing trouble by not giv- , ^^e numerous photographs and anec- ed a carload of twenty-eight cows, ing this imit of the car even ordi- dotes that embellish it add consider- v/hich he recently purchased in Ver­ n j^ attention. I ably to its charm...... mont. If a gauge is electric in its opera- -The Story of King George V is Frank Watkins returned last week tion why not check over the con- t^e Dutton prize book for March, to his home in Norwood, Mass., nections now and again? If it vj^rks r cost you $1.90. after being a guest At Mr. and Mrs. in conjunction with the vacuum sys------H. E. Buell’s. tern why shouldn’t there be occa­ What it Means to be a Pacifist In Mrs. John Loomis and Mrs. Jessie sional tightening of the suction and W’ar-Time. Williams of WUlimantic and Mrs. Nellie Skinner of Westchester were fuel lines? ^ "Hey! Yellowbacks!” is the story Gauges which use colored fluid of a pacifist. visitors Monday afternoon at Mr. should be checked over about twice Ernest L. Meyer, the author, was and Mrs. J. B. Jones’, a year. Usually it is necessary 1o a conscientious objector during the Mr. and Mrs. Leon Fogil of Man­ add a little fluid to make up for loss war. He was drafted and sent to an chester spent the week-end. at Mr. from evaporation. This loss is too army camp, where he demonstrated and Mrs. C. J. Fogil’s. ' MADE B £ r r £ ^ — often mistaken for actual leakage. his pacifism by refusing to don the Mr. and Mrs. Louis Twining, of ' If your gauge doesn't seem to be uniform. After varying vicissitudes Hartford, Mr. and Mrs. Myron Post accurate at least be sure you ha,ven t he was sent to Leavenworth, and and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Post and overlooked the occasional service it later to another military prison, to their son Wallace, of East Hartford, were Sunday visitors at Mr. and needs. be kept in confinement until some Ring Fitting an Art time after the armistice. In ‘’Hey! Mrs. A. H. Post. Most automobile people agree that Yellowbacks!” he describes his ex­ Marion, the infant daughter of the big trouble with piston rings is periences. Mr. and Mr3^ Daniel Hodge, fell their appearance of simplicity. The Now you are entitled to think from her carriage recently and function of a piston -•ng is generally what you please of pacifism; but, knocked out two teeth. V. knowm and as a result too many no matter what your opinion may 400 car owners think------they can install be, I think you will find this book °F. End Point new rings without bothering to worth your while. Mr. Meyer is not TOWN ADVERTISEMENT study the art in advance. one of these irritating, holier-than- Different type rings are used in thou pacifists. He is quite free - to the several piston ring grooves. admit that very likely he and his Notice of The Some owners will renlace the upper comrades did not really accomplish rings and imagine they can get re­ anything by their actions. He even sults without replacing the lower, nr admits the possibility that they may Tax Collector compression, rings. Others install have been mistaken. What he does new rings with no regard for the say is that he could not have done . All persons liabel by law to pay wear on the cylinder walls. Many anything else, holding the ideas-that Town or Personal Taxes, In the damage rings in installing them. he held, without doing violence to Town of'Manchester, are hereby no­ ANTI-KNOCK Even the experienced motorist his own soul; and I think he proves tified that I will have a rate bill for i.s apt to forget that clearances be­ his point. the List of 1929, of 16 Mills on the tween the rings 5ind N’ bores should His book, incidentally, might dis­ dollar due and collectible on April be greater at the top of the pistons abuse you of the notion that it was 1, 1930. Personal Tax due April than at the bottom because of the cowardice that made men conscien- 1, 1930. CT^ter expansira objectors I think he shows Said Tax Payable at the Tax NO EXTRA COST ^ Helping Cars Wear Out pretty clearly that no coward would Apparently rough roads, steep; have stood what the conscienti^^ Collector’s OflSce hills traffic and the elements are objectors had to stapd. It took a in the Municipal Building not sufficient to wea/ out the aver- I good deal of real, physic^ courage from age car. so the owne/infiicts punish- j to do what Meyer 11*^° Equal to many of the premium fqels ment of his own inv^tion. reason why we shouldn it APRIL 1 TO MAY 1 Watch him slami^g the doors I He holds no He is frank inclusive. when he is working aAund the car to say that the United States treated its war-time pacifists more Hours: 9 A. M. to 4 P. M. ex­ and could Just as wellyeave them cept Thursday, April 3, Thurs­ open. Note hov/ he stains in low gently than any other nation. In gear downhill when second would he fact, it is his fairness, his lack of day, April 10, Thursday, April more sensible. Observe his habit of a martyr-complex, that makes his 17, Thursday, April 24 and always grabbing the outside—and book so readable. It is published by the John Day Thursday, May 1. Hours 9 the more conspicuous—doorhandle A. M. to 9 P. M. All Gulf Dealers when he could reach through to the Co. and sells at $2. inside handle with very little extra Interest will be added to all taxes Getting the Background of U. S. remaining impaid after May 1, eULF NO-NOX MOTOR FUEL ak effort. Prohibition. the Sign of 4 The man who works around his 1930. Interest will start from •i-i car with the thought of being its "Tiger! Tiger!” the life story of April 1, 1930 and will be at the rate best friend usually is the chief of­ John B. Gough, gives you the back­ of 9 per cent, to October 1, 1930 Is Aviation Grade...OT^^F. End Point the Orange Disc fender. He is the party who spills ground of prohibition. In this book and at the rate of 10 per cent, for things on the running board and Honore W. Morrow g;ives the bidg- balance of year. Interest at the who mars the fenders in an effort raphy of one of America’s earliest rate of 12 per/cent, after Hen has prohibitionists—and helps you, in to remove a little dust from the en­ been filed will be added. case you need help, to understand gine. Using the wrong size why and how the nation finally came GEORGE H. HOWE, wrenchef is about the neatest of his methods of helping to age the car. to vote dry. Collector Gough grew to manhood about a TRY IT TODAY GOVERNMENT CONTROL

Paris. March 26— (AP)— Estab­ ^ W U im iA M S__ WINDOW SCREENS lishment of a huge government re­ Your windows fitted with serve supply of grain to assure a proper amoimt for the population in O i b O J ^ C Willimantic All Metal Screens tiniAB of emergency and to allow a E E A T IIN © —troubles with flies and mos­ certain government control of do­ and lce-0-Matic quitoes in the home ends. mestic prices was approved by the chamber of deputies todav. SALES and SERVICE Why not get a demonstra­ Under a government bill adopted tion and estimate now? by the Chamber as amended on the Day Phone...... 5876 floor a credit of 200,000,000; francs Night Phone . . . 3662 (about $8,000,000) is created for this THOMAS LEWIE, purpose. The stocks to be acquired gradually from each department im- JOHNSON & LITTLE Agent der sunervision of the ministry of Plumbing and Heating Contractors. 1082 Middle Turnpike, East agriculture. . 18 Chestnot St., Sonth Manchester Dial 6.327 ^ ■PAGB^ ttScHESraTEViamiG herald," s o o t h MANCHBSTBB. c o n n , ^iflSlJAY, m a r c h 26,1980, ' Miss Edith .W icU w , a in one of the - sehoi^'^ in ^. der” were awarded Mrs. Frances OPENING STOCiS HILLSTOWN spent the week-end at ^ her Chambers of Manchester and Mrs. here. ' i.'Ljjl. Harriet Nutland of RockviUe. Re­ Overnight Qat^r Twists' L. L. Rodm^ ahd fanaiiy P f^ REMAIN AT POSTS, | freshments were served by , the New Ybtfe* Maxbh, Tho regular naeetto^ of Khltetown son- place, were .Sutfday/vi^Jtd^^ March committee. Operations for, the \ advance ■ were In &ayC» News his mother. Mrs. Jehni'e Rodt Bowling Notes. A. P- News vigorously^ r^sipned. 'in' ife^ec^d Grange will 'be held tomorrow ^ at Dr. and Mrs. T. v^F.' G’Bri^:^'' VATICAN'S ORDER The Hook and Ladder Co. and the stoi^is nt thfri opening V ^ ? tbday’.s thr Grange hail. ; family of Martford spent : Sjm Fire Department Called Out. Fitton boys of the Rockville Fire market, although dbim^rdble l i ^ - .with Mr. ahd Mrs! W; .C,.Mul<;a|c ' the Prospect dation was.still in evi^fnce, / . Monte f ‘ Carlo.—Somebody , has Mr. and Mrs. J. F. M u lct^ spent The Rockville Fire Department | department, “ «t at Pawcatuck—Barnes Martell, 13, Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Riley and family: dhove to Nqf- as caUed to the Kojack home on i street alleys on Ji I.,.Cai8s?wto.^ivah0 6 S-4 been counterfeiting ^the chips used wich on Sunday>to.viait.with'fcGaadf. < drowns while at play. pointai,i\y^eiitinfehbuse 'Electric 3 Heintz of Rockville. Missionaries In China A rejLLewis street this morning,Tin an-,ing three Meriden—Mrs. James S. Peck, for roulette and other gaines with swer to an alarm rung in from | were wo^ by th^H<»k ^ 1-4, Vanadium 2 3-4, U. S. Steel and Lady Luck. The Casino estimates Charles Fiestel scored high wife of farm superintendent, was American Can rose about a point 36 on Grove street at 6:40. The fire team, discharged by Connecticut school its losses at $2,000 a day. The chips Told to Remain Despite started when a member of the fam­ for the former team, with Captain each, and a block Of 15,000 shares are changed frequently but the Lester BarUett as high man for the for boys board of trustees, m result of Commercial Solvents was taken ily poured kerosene on the kitchen of his activities in behalf of inmates, counterfeiting continues. fire. The blaze did considerable Fitton team, [ 3-4 higher. i ,, ,+ r.', the Threatened Danger. officials reveal On the______other_____ hand,___ Missouri,______Kan- New 'York.—The sword carried damage to the kitchen, Chief George! Notes. Market . Hartford—Gov Trumbull receives ; T^as, '"Crucfble Steel';.M d by Peter Stuyvesant, Dutch gover­ SPECIALS FOR THE WEEKEND report of his special commission in- j gimms Petroleum each lost a .point, nor of New York 300 years ago, is (THURSDAY, FRIDAY AND SATURDAY) ' " ^ ■ quiring into alleged brutality o n , and to be in the a t y Museum. It was y; Vatican City.— (AP.)— Remain; one of the worst forest fires in: Mrs.Harold McLorian of Maple- part of supervisors of Connecticut j jj.Qj.gjgQ p^^gj. and Paraiysunt sag- presented by De Lancey Kountze, See the new Conklin Pen and Hamilton Traffic ^>eeial qqj whose mother received it from Watches. A heavy,. at your posts!” is the order that j^jjg Rockville district in many years 1 ^ , ^ jias returned home after School for Boys. i ged 1-2. ‘ ‘ Pencil Sets in the D D continues to go out from her to 218 1 occurred on Monday afternoon in . ggygj,’aj days’ stay in this city, where Hartford—Supporters of Archi-j ,pjjg market continued .gather H «iry Btuyvesant, of the sixth eration after Peter. It is- 27 1-- latest colors .. i p U e U V American Catholic missionaries and j the heavy wooded section hear tne, called by the death of her bald McNeil, Bridgeport, sw >10 I strength during the tost tii^'hour. and up ...... $35,Oa •Cj ■ thousands of others of various na-1 so-called old Bamforth farm, east 0 1, gQ^gj^^ Rufus Leonard. _ ,, i opposition to- his election as Demo- although considerable.selllu^ pbured inches long with a wooden grip and ‘ . and np leather scabbard. UonaliUes in restless China, despite , Vernon Center. The fire startea | william NeUd of Storrs College {cratic ______national committeeman - at in. Bullish sentiment apjS»bared to Cameo Pins wlth stc^llng ^ ? (1 the ominous, thin-ice conditions | from brush burning and in a snort ^ recent visitor at the home of | gj,g^^g committee meeting Thursday, have received little damage: from We have a nice new line of •i' Copenhagen.—Wilhelm Poulsen, SoUd Gold Pendants set w^th sUver ^ C ' 7 1 % there and the recent murder of two ; time, driven by the high winds, was i parents. Rev. and Mrs. Edward 1 g gtQjj_Thunder showers, follow the sharp setback lai^ f yesiter^y, conductor, is dead, having been fra m e ...... t nJ y r missionaries, including an Italian: raging. . , . 4. Nelld of Orchard street. ; ^ Q^gj. state. and more favorable reports from stricken with heart disease while colored - EkD and np bishop. The Rockville district fire warden , Mr. and Mrs. Harold Magdefrau of 1 "‘^g^bridge MAss.-Fu^ serv- the steel trade, continU^ success at leading a concert before members stones ...... Theiiic Vatican’ s - attitude------during; vjuo...... the i Gustave ------Berr----- of-- Ellington, - in .. re- ouutuSouth .oww.--street —-are the — proudt------parents. !j 5j^g^^eldrp<» held for late MrsMrs. Anna Par- curtailment of crude oil production,, of the royal family in the Odd Fel- j and Dp See the new .Up Top Jr.' last seven years of increasing diffi-!, gponse to the alarm, took the s -P • of a gon.son. ______1 i 1. Ii irpru.fr LowellT^owell. wife of PresicPresident A. increasing building. operations, and lows palace. cultyCUU.V inlu China ucohas been...... unwaver-j ation in hand and sent a force • Dr. F. W .. Walsh ...------of Elm steeet has | f^-^ell of Harvard. ' the prospect of a moderate business Other d * o .....-$ 4 .5 0 ing, although 24 priests, including . deputies and men to the scene, i wo gj-Qj^j^d to his home from the Rock- 1 ------. ^ j . recovery during the spring months Berlin.—^The Hohenzollerns’ tal­ ent for music has been demonistrat- Pendants...... - • and up throe Americans, L v e lost their lotfer fires were burning at the. hospital, where he has i Concord, N. H .-B oy Scout oni_ continued to help speculative' con­ - and np lives in their heroic struggle to con- j game time, one in the Talcotmue ; .jj . cials announce plans to have boys ed at a concert. Prince Joachim Al­ New Westclox Auto Oocka ! stationed at Daniel Webster birth­ fidence. vert the Chinese. Pope four j ggction a ^ onejn the p>Tsta^^K® ,, J. I. Case soon lost'most .of its brecht conducted. His own composi­ place in.Franklip all summer to act tions were played as well as some Elgin Legionnaire 1 Q -J'pnrcj'affo Issued a personal appeal I section. The Rockville and Bolton ! . ___ sharp initial rise, but tJ. S, f .Steel $2.50 “"t:$3.50 .1 to the missionaries to stand fast, j ojgtrict Wardens worked < W p AR S MAN^S CLOTHES extended its gain to more, thkn i. by Frederick the Great and” Prince Me.—New England pub­ Louis Ferdinand., and np Full line of Westclox Alarm -oi and today he maintains the same and with a large number of men lYfiAIVO lu m l U U liVlIlLiD points. Canadian Pacific; American ii ^sitiom . J finally got the fire under control i lic service company Clocks earnings for 1929 of $21,688,8 8 Machine and Foundry and Vana­ Evanston, 111.—In 26 years Sam­ ' t# Figures of the Fides Service of j Monday evening, dium rose 4 to 5 and Byers uel Harrison, 77, has married 900 Westclox Pocket OD in co lo rs...... * » W V SO CLUB BARS HER . , aiid up the Propaganda Fide, which con-, About one hundred acres woo - couples. He is a justice of the peace. Watches ...... V 1 •vFV is. trols the enormous missionary work j j^^^d and sprouts were burned, the Sbares g a i^ g - a of the Catholic church, show there ■ g^act amount of the damage could . Led Cbei New York.—Officers and enlisted are 1,415-' forei^ priests, 938 for- j qqj. be ascertained until a survey is Paris, March 26.— (AP)—The men who distinguished themselves ; ¥r-;monr'^'d Suftolk .miUs as »” I in the war will be sent to New 'fi eign religious sisters, and 201 fo r-; j^ade. i Paris Tribunal held today that the cign religious brothers working in April Term Opens Tuesday. York from 12 coimtries next Sep­ R. DONNELLY j French Feminine Sporting Federa- ’“’S S S g f S .iM ‘L£aJfutet.s m S - ’solvents 'V ■ China. Added to these are 1,132 na-j -phe April term or the Tolland j tn hnr from tember. They will attend a con­ JEWELER -IbcLiology announces 1 Pump, stone and Webster, and'Cbi- gress sponsored by the American tive priests, 2,029 sisters and 176, superior Court will open on j tion has perfect right to har irom 515 Main Street, South Mknch^ter brothers. , I Tuesday, April 1, at 10 a. m. Judge; membership, women who habitually rias t' Legion. Mayor Walker has appoint­ Chinese Catholics ^ p waldo Marvin is scheduled to 1 attire. ed a committee to arrange for their ” 'l![^'o“ e r X H!-Fourteen 'letters i steady, with sterling, cables at 54.86 entertainment. One of the reasons why there ’ 'pj-eside, but it is not likely-he will 1 w v,o=ori nn thp Fcd- awarded to members of the Dart-- 15-16, off 1-32. , . to be no flinching in the^ ranks gj^jg fg come here as he is atj The case was ba the missionaries is, that already m g^^ suffering from a severe cold, | eration’s expulsion of ^lolette N(^ mouth swimming team. China there are 2,373,677 Catholics, P j-q information received j ris, former champion weight ^row Providence, R. I.—Manager Eddie and the number is------healthily------rrow-! from Haftford. His place will prob- j er, racing car driver and all-aroimd Onslow puts 14 Providence Grays of ing. A Catholic hierarchyU- has V, 1 aWyVeTaken’ by Judge Edward Yeo-j-athlete, because she had definitely Eastern League through first work­ up, consisting of 70 bishops,bisho ot ^j Andover. There is consider- j abandoned skirts for trousers. out of training' season. whom 11 are native^ and 23 apos-.^^^^ criminal business. including | The court also threw out Mile. Lawrence, . Mass.,—rMrs. ■'. ■ Helen Thornton and her 20-n)ObLhs-old tolic prefects. The Pope leases of much local interest i Norris’s suit for re-establishment in A personal representative cases were j ^jg federation and for damages of baby, fdund &ead in kitchen of their The list of criminal home.'with all gas jets turned on. Archbishop Celso Costantini, apo.s- not ready at this writing, but it is 1 jq0,000 francs. tolic delate. Chicago.—Hea-io' . snowfall and expected the cases of Edward Willis | Attorneys for the federation high .Wind causes many accidents, The movement to place as much and Peter Pubgrab will come up. stressed the fact that a century old missionary work as possible in the and hampers communications Tax Collector’s Hours. law prohibited women masquerad­ Buffalo.—Letters from a fictitious hands of the Chinese themselyes Charles M. Squires, cashier of the ing as men. “Mrs. ■ Dooley” telling her how she has steadily grown. The 11 na,tive ^First National Bank, acting as col- ____ ^ 1 bishops are evidence of fact. " ™ r * of "taxes, has'announced his should murder Mrs. Marchand, iden^ About 35,000,000 Chinese are engagedengage in n lecior when taxes can be paid, the tified by Nancy Bowen, aged, In­ ' IS Leaching. dian at trial of Lila Jimerson, al­ days being between April 1 and 15.1 PLANET XPHOTG leged instigator of crime. 'schools as well as churches arc from 9 a. m., to 4 p. m., and from 7 , rtrewn throughout the country. The Kansas City.—Bryce B. Smith, p. m., to 8 p. m.. except Saturdays,: Democrat, elects?! mayor. American efforts are largely ex­ when the hours are from 9 a. m., to pended in Shenchow, where there Pasadena, Cal., March 26.—lAPl Washington.—A. F. of L. makes 1 p. m., and from 7 to 8 p. ni. public, figures shovring slight de­ .are 28 American priests: in Krong- To accommodate those living on —Alfred H. Joy, secretary of the mono and adjacent territory, where _ j-gj^irts the collector will ne Mount Wilson Observatory, an­ crease in unemployment in March. ■ the collector will be Chicago.—Tribune says board of the Matyknoll S 'ttiS to TalcotWlle .postoffice. nounced today that N. U. Mayail, astronomer connected with the in­ trade members are to be called up­ on to explain reported attempts SSpe'^: “ %h”e?^ stitution had obtained ‘‘satisfactory ,ver‘e killed were attached to Sken- , P^^n.,^and^ photographs of Planet ”X” as the to manipulate grain prices'. Hatton, N. D.—Eielson s body Chow. , , I rpljQgg vvho pay their taxes on or recently discovered ninth planet of Orders Represented reaches'home. before April 15 waU be allowed a five the Solar system temporarily is New York.—Police guard Metro- Among the American orders rep­ known. resented are the Society of Divine per cent discount jlitan Opera House during anti-, American Band Elects. The photographs, which revealed Soviet meeting because of bomb Word. Techny, 111.; Benedictines of The American Band of this city Latrobe, Pa.; Vincentians, of Ger- “Planet X ” as a small dot of light Pa-.: orunion helds.vjld a meetosjn meeting in to the Band rooms among remote stars, none of which ^-Newark, N. J.-Mrs. Margery D. City N. J.; St. Columbans Mission, on Sunday morning and elected the is visible to the naked eye, were tak­ Cooper, daughter of William C. Omaha, Neb.; Franciscans of Cin­ following officers: Manager, Carlton en with the aid of the sixty-inch Durant, swears warrant for bus Every Important Fashion ' cinnati, O.; Dominicans of Washing­ Buckmister: secretary, John Cyrkie- telescope at the observatory. band, charging perjury. Smartness is not merely a ton, -D. C. Maryknoll Missionaries, wicz; treasurer and director, Harold “The new planet,” Joy said, “is London.—American naval delega matter of being perfectly Obenauf; trustees, Anton Stein, Ossining, N. Y. living up. to predictions as to Its tion in statement reiterates opposi­ gowned.^ It requires smart Featured in Spring Coats Among the American sisterhoods ; Emil Speilman; librarian, John probable motion. We do not plan to tion tm a consulative pact obligating accessories like these for in­ are the Sisters of Charity, Francis- Whittlesey.ThTband under its present man- make additional photographs- but military guarantees. _ dividuality. The band, unaer lus p ^ ^ obtain its spectrum in Vienna.—Watzl left a letter tell­ Tailored and fur-trimmed models'of tweedSi O ftt: . , r . h r h a h made excelieht pr» order to prove that its light is re­ ing of plan to die before insurance basket weaves, cheviots, diagoiials and covert Francis,„ -a-- Springfield, Til111.; • Sistpr.s Sisters of .gress s-ress along musical— lines and ot —with such fashion Important details ' as booked up for several engagements flected from the sun.” "^^Otfawa.-Bill refusing liquor Woode, Ind.; Auxiliatrices de Pur- scarfs, capes, flares, fitted lines, novel cuffs, gatoire, St. LoUis; Sisters of Loreto, for the coming months. clearances to U. S. passes House of Wide brimmed hat of bakou Louigville, Ky.; Sisters of St. Jos- Mrs. Maria Newell, 1 Commons, __, . drooping at right where it and high belted waistlines. Green and color­ Mrs. Maria Newell. 86, died at her { TO OPPOSE GANDHI Warsaw.—Professor SzymansKi is ornamented with chic ful mixtures. $10.00 to $59!50. indicates inability to form Cabinet. ".'1 %orfI mn” several j bow of two-tone satin rib­ bon. $4.95. Other millinery in a wide selection for every T H i i years j - S e ; surat. Bombay Prestoocy, In to. One dollar, invested for 100 years at 6 per cent, Compounded, will earn occasion also moderately t h ? t t liM Of slato missionaries has Newell, a civil war veteran, who died j 26.-(A P )-R ep orts here to- priced, $1.49 to $5.95. Suits and Ensembles . liscnfin• China. STV.CThe iroare; years from 1900 about five years ago. 1 day were that the government does more than $338, while at 3 psr cent to 1923 were comparatively quiet, Mrs. Newell had lived in Rockville I ^qj. jn^gud to permit Mahatma il would earn only a little more *,han We feature this favorite Spring fa ^ o n - fn ■ for the past 60 years and was ^ j Gandhi’s civil disobedience marchers $19. J______following the Teaction of the boxer all its smart versions. . uprisings. American missionaries charter member of Burpee W (^an s j violate the salt laws at Jalalapur. share honors with the French of be­ Relief Corps and Alden Skinner i jijgjjjy placed revenue and police ing tbird in contributing to this list. Auxiliary, Sons of Union^Veroran^s. | paying frequent Swiftest, Easiest Way $10.00 to $29.50 The Belgians are first, with eight She was active in the work of both visits to Jalalapur, where Gandhi organizations until her health dead, the Italians second with four, rela- plans to manufacture salt at the the Americans and French tie with failed. She leaves no near Gulf of Cambay in defiance of the To End Bilions Spell Lives. government’s monopoly, and other three each. Funeral arrangements werc m- Reports that come to the Propa­ precautions are understood to have ganda Fide from the missionaries complete at this writing. When you neglect those first been taken. symptoms of constipation—bad 'J*. live in serene tranquility, as safe, To Send Delegation “X- - X Ml in nd TneThe seanoaraseaboard near uanuiDandi is piupro breath, coated tongue, listlessness, they say, as if they were in the Every effort \OTll ™ I tected by a posse of policemen as *n United States. Others, in different toe whole system soon suffers. Ap­ l8 P o ttT S iin "Leg?; o? tto d?y [ dsted by a nu^er of laborera . petite lags. Digestion slows up. You parts! of China, live in an atmos­ on ihe^SriLge to Washington. Gandhi and his party arnved at phere of momentary alarm. become headachy, dizzy, bilious. u - 1 The Vatican’s attitude that not an , toe narion’s______capital, the latter part Broach today. It’s easy to correct sluggish boyv- inch must be yielded, has met with | Qf April. A vis\ will be paid to el action! Take a candy Cascaret •■ii the Arlington cemetery. There will be tonight. See how quickly—and i.ft! ready response. Reports to STARTS FOR LONDON. '■■'il Propaganda Fide tell of vver far- special exercises commemorating pleasantly—the bowels are activat­ theri-,reaching efforts by the mission- toe__ event. Details are now being ed. A ll’the souring waste is gently -in Paris, March 26.— (AP)—Aristids propelled from toe system. Regular '1 aries to bring China out of chaos by | ^forked out ,Ani« andnnrt he was of their arrest in Washington yes­ born in this city. He continued his .. .w.w.^^v.v.v.^.%v.wx?:«•v terday, their detention having been education at St. Michael’s college, requested because Johnson had a Toronto. He studied philosophy at V. wife and three children. They will Marquette Owners Grand Seminary at Montreal and be brought back to this city. theology at St. Mary’s Seminary, Let us put your car in first class running condition Since they disappeared ep ly in Baltimore. the month, Johnson has visited his Elks Meeting Thursday. no-w before the Spring rush. We have the facilities for home once. He returned for a few Hand| Bags in the new en­ The Rockville Lodge of Elks will repairing Buicks and Mai'quettes, such as grinders, valve \ V* r velope smd pouch shapes of hours last week and vanished again. meet at the Elks Home on Prospect lJ6f> Johnson is charged with enticing refacers, Bear wheel aligner and other special tools too w suede, antelope, calf, reptile street on Thursday night. Exalted numerous to mention. > and combinations. With or­ a minor female for purposes of se­ Ruler Joseph Lavitt will call the duction. The girl was arrested as namental frames and han­ meeting to order at 8 o’clock. There All our repair work w'e'guarantee as our aim is to • . f _ dled. Black and costume a ruilaway. will be considerable important busi­ satisfy our customers, consequently we get repeat busi­ shades. $1.49 to $4.93. ness and it is hoped there will be a Dresses OChat The Smartest SNOW IN THE SOUTH large attendance. ness. Union Church Notes. If you wish a first class wash and polish job we c^n' Choosing, ^ On Sunday morning next Rev. make your car look like new at a reasonable price. Gloves of Wench kid with Atlanta, March 26.— (AP)—Snow George S. Brookes will have as his new longer wrist and brace­ flurries, sharp winds and near freez­ sermon topic “Faithfulness.” In the We carry a complete line of genuine Buick and Mar­ Charm i^ly, 'diffwent— very becoming. let strap of harmonizing col­ ing temperatures, have brought un-. evening there will be no service at Union church as a joint Lenten quette parts and thd best oils and greases recommended There are w^cb suggest boleros— or. $1.38 to $8.49. seasonable weather to Dixie which ■ there are ybiithM"^,ti^oted belts at normal weaker men said would extend service will be held at the St. by the factory. John’s Episcopal church. waistline— n^tfide4'ibipB:--flaring skirts-—long through today. . ^ . Our motto is Service and Satisfaction. Let u« send T^e mercury dropped to 28 in Damon Temple Meeljlng. add short aieevei. . Printed and plain silks Scarf of heavy crepe de At the regular meeting of Damon for your car. Just cill 7220. ^ southwest ’Vir^nia and a light snow and chiffons , chine gaily patterned to ^ve lay tm the ground for several hours Temple, Pythian Sisters, held on color and softness to tauor- last-night in Bristol and in Mem- Monday evening in Forester’s hall. »d suit : or coat. $1.00 to Grand Chief, Mrs. Morganson of phiai Nashville and Knoxville. Tenn. $3.98. f . i Thei^ometer readings last midqight Meriden and Mrs. Frances Cham­ $29.50 gavy 38. Birmingham Sff, and Little bers of Manchester, Grand Junior, ’Jf: Jt-. were present. Four candidates were Rock: 32.______initiated and the work, which was in BUICK AND MARQUETTE SALES AND SERVICE i- Auquarter of a million deaths of charge of Mrs, Minnie Dowdlng, was Main St. at Middle Turnpike. exemplified in a most efficient man­ chiltoen below the age of 15 in a ? V ! - ’ s i n ^ year is the gruesome toll for ner. ' Prizes for the "good of ths. or- the ^Jilted .,^tato?(f:‘ ■ IH..'


S ' , ^ ■ j > i : V ' ‘ ^ « ;■ . i- • * ' \ ■ • *— M S N C H ^ B K liv E N n ji^ E W ^ ^ WEDNESDAY, MABCH 26, 1930. . N. PAGE SEC -.J' I third as many individuals to bring there will be a general impression iteirljtB lK I into concord. And yet we are hav­ that he would he sending good H£JU.fflwith two or three thicknesses of dry General Manager they occupy—into a compact na­ verting the peaceful, not to say t ■ » ' woolen material makes an excellent somnolent, nialn streets of the old | Founded October 1. ISSt tionalism or even into a workable * (Continued) cold compress. The fast should be used the same as for chronic synovi­ federation, he would probably be time settlements into roaring The netves which supply the PublUhed uSvery Evening ^Kxcept speedways for Indifferent and cyni­ tis. Sundays and Holidays. Bnler^'d at the entitled to the honor of being far synovial joint are peculiar in t^t j -- soreness leaves, gentle Post Office at South Manchester. and away the greatest statesman of cal motorists. On the one hand we they c w he squeezed, cut and touch- , ^j. massage may be used to Conn., as Second Claes Mall Matter. have the protests of many such ed wrtth but very littlfe pain, yet iTUbmng o^r m^sa^^^ SUBSCUlP'nON RATES all times. thejf .gaUse rouch distr^s whenever . ^ tender area. It is better One Year, by mall ...... communities against the moderni­ the . Joint is injured by a sprain .. massage around the cit"- Per Month, by m a ll...... * -vj* zation of their main streets and on Delivered, one veat ...... FOOB OLD DOHENY (wM(^ dislocates it ^ I cumference of the tepder area, on Single copies...... * the other hand we' have Sandy Perhaps in such editorial utter­ po^l^lon)- ~ ■ or, r, whenever the Ujjg parts where there is no pain. stretched beyond their . . awnnwino hpins' nsuallv due MEMBER OF THE ASSOCIATED ances as the following from the Hook. J S ’.S l S « ‘ ThSe'Ler'^M "act’ lS e i Acute aynovltla being , usually due j PRESS The State Highway Commission normal g|ve. These nerves act luie , jpjury or strain, usually recovers New London Day is to be found Jealous watchdpgs which raise an The Associated Press is exclusively a cut-off that quickly if the part is rested and this erituied to the uso for re^ubllcatlon part at least of the reason why the j proposes to uproar whenever the Joipt ic in dan­ treatment followed. of all news dispatchrs credited to It would ^ leave the tree embowered ger of being dislocated, lying quiet­ or not otherwise credited *n this American people are so cynical business section of old Sandy Hook ly at othen times. paper and also the local news pub­ about equality beforeu the law. QUESTIONS AND ANLIWERS lished herein. off to one side of the new highway Synovitis causes an acute pain All rights ot republlcatlon of Speaking of the Doheny acquittal apeclal dispatches herein Are also re­ through Newton. Whereupon loud because the swelling may push the (Numb Arms) I the Day says: “The federal 'case sacioul until it looks something served. and angry are the shouts that go Question:—K. L. J. asks: “What was not very strong. The fact that i Hk6 a tumor,- and the blood also be causes my arms to-get numb uji to SPECIAL advertising REPRE- up from the village business people, j ppmeg congested, causing a greater the elbow every night. Also, what SE.ST.* 'IV E ; Hamilton - DeLlsser. Doheny gave or lent Fall $100,000 They don’t give a dam! They don’t* swelling so that these nerves and would overcome this?’’ Irio.. aS5 Madison Ave.. New York. N. about the time of the oil leases was T.. and 612 North Michigan Ave., ' care if all the beautiful old trees j liganients in this area are greaOy , Answer: The trouble you write of Chicago. Ills. the principal evidence. Doheny * have to be cut down, if dooryards stretchs,d., !I is either due to some heart derange­ ment or to a pressure of the arm plainedLrely nthat lW by to sayingan old thatfriend. it Cer-was | l>ave tu be If ^nndvsandy H o o k ! SiRce bursitis and synovitis great- Full service client 'NBA Service, nerves as they issue from the upper Ino. .Member. Audit Bure&u of Cl.cula- toiniar nnri TTnii ware old friends ' Street has to be altered from rggpopj to the same treatments, spine. Have an examination by a , Uuns. tainly he and Fa • ^ beauty into a sordid con- j When .there is a chronic inflamma­ doctor who understands how to ex- * Doheny is a patriarchal old chap. Crete race track, they don’t care a tion „ of - these . x. tissues, . .. you j, will „ gen u amine the spine for nerve impinge­ The Herald Printintt Company. Inc., • • He has suffered a lot. • After ment. He should also examine you assumes no tinanclal reepmisibllll.v ,.„r, r,i7girf.mot erally fifld that the condition has all, one man’s word is as good as hoot whether kids get run over or n ot. ^^g/^ullt up from a chronic poison- for any heart disorder, and should for lypograplilcal errors tppearlng In __they want to be on the main stem advertisements In the Manchesier another’’—etc. Ing due to retention of toxic wastes. be able to tell you exactly the cause .Evening Herald. and in the middle of things. And of your trouble. Yet on practically the same evi­ The quickest way to cleanse the they so inform Commissioner Mac­ blood stream of these toxic sub- ^WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930 dence and concerning the same (Chayotes) donald. stancejs-is to start on a fruit fast Tonight 7 to 9 crime Albert B. Fall was convicted. Question:—J. L. asks: “Where THE INDIA PUZZLE It not only takes all kind^ of peo- which should be continued from Concerning this very transaction of at liui. vjuijr Vii I eight to flfteen days; and then a can I get chayotes?” India is a long wdy from the Answer: Chayotes arc members the hundred thousand dollar bribe pie to make the world, it takes a c g ^ u l diet usedu'sed for a month, and Middle Turnpike and Manchester kinds of communities to make up then another short fast of about five of the non-starchy squash family —call it loan if you like—the Unit­ folks can hardly be expected to do New England. days. It is Important to take an and are a very deliciou:: addition to ed States Supreme Court said: “The the everyday diet. They are procur­ much worrying about what goes on enema in the morning so that the contract and the leases and all that bowels are kept free from toxins. able only in the southwest, where over there so long as they have any was done under them are so inter­ No walking or exercising of the af­ they can be purchased in the mar­ ’' perceptible troubles of their own— ket during the early fall season, and woven that they constitute a single fected joint'should be used as long and who has not? Just the same, IN NEW YORK as the inflammation is present, al­ are often called “Mexican squash,” OME tonight and see the fashions for Spring in home transaction not authorized by law as they are found growing naturally India seems likely to loom big in though' other parts of the I ody may and consummated by conspiracy, be exercised. throughout Mexico. • decorations. See the first of the new sunporch I ,the news almost any time, now, and ■ ' . . . corruption and fraud.’’ It said: “The New York, March 26.—The winds A very good electrical treatment C it is just as well to have some sort; ” , . _ = t-, n over the affected joint is with the (Red Fateh Around Scratch) -J tr r,ri£. interest and influence of Fall were of March still carry a sting and a of an idea, even if a sketchy one. use' of dlAthermy, since this form ( f Question:—V. B. w ltes: “I was pieces___new drapery fabrics — rugs for inside corruptly secured by Doheny.’’ It bite. 'pf the sort of mess that, it seems treatriient creates an internal heat scratched on the leg with a rusty furthermore voided the lease of the But over on Avenue A, across the and brings a. greater supply of blood wire, and now there is a red patch and rugs for the porch. 'hiorc or less likely, may develop river in Jersey towns, and “down I Elk Hills naval oil reserve-and de­ to the part to aid in absorption of around it, with a continual burning there. ( the island’’ the children of Romany pain. I have'taken treatments from See, too, the “Cottage’’ which is completely refurnished clared Fall and Doheny equally poisons and. toxins present. If dia­ The history of India reaches enor- are getting ready for the open road. thermy is not available, hot applica­ several doctors, but nothing seems So spring must be just around the ___ the High School interior decorating contest rooms mously into antiquity and has i „ tions or a deep therapy lamp may to be doing it any good,' What , • i ^ — 1 Tiiif- In the face of this denunciation corner. 1 be used around the joint, although treatment would you advise? I am ((ion’t forget to vote!)... .and other model rooms. Every­ beginnings in mere legend. But ^ The gypsy and the circus press 48 years old.” When warren HaaUage, In the lat- «> ' Supre™' Court how our in either of these cases the heat is agent arp always three or four hops not as penetrating as with diather­ Answer: The scratch may have one is invited. No merchandise will be on sale! fer hulf of the eighteenth eeutury, j am _out__M^ ahead of the first robin. And in New my. Even after chronic synovitis is been deep enough to have injured a word being as good as another we I York, the bustle of preparation may organized British control over the entirely cured, it is necessary that a nerve which has not yet healed. can’t quite understand. always be noted in the latter days careful diet be used for quite some This will no doubt^.heal in time and country, Great Britain took over of March when gay skirts and gaudy Inis poor old patriarch, this nice time. the pain disappear. Certain electri­ the most complicated and involved sashes are freshened for the gypsy In' acute synovitis the correct cal treatments might be given, such WATKI NS BROTHERS. I n c , old man who broke down and cried civilization on earth. The whole re­ trail which knows no end this side treatment is to rest the part, and as with the galvanic current. These on the stand, engaged in the most of the grave. Instead of hot applications, it Is treatments can often be given to gion now known as India consisted The “chis” and the “ chals” are 55 YEARS AT SOUTH MANCHESTER gigantic fraud upon the people of usually better to use cold applica­ harden the nerve tisgpes in certain of a vast huddle of states lacking beribboned and bejeweled. Along the tions. A wet towel wrapped around local spots so that these nerves are in cohesion and even friendliness, the United States that ever was at­ intricate lanes of the lower East the knee, for example, and covered not so sensitive. , populated by an immense number tempted. He corrupted a high offi­ Side, their very snappy - looking cial to help him steal scores of mil­ autos wait at the curb to form the of people widely'differing, of amaz­ annual caravan, for the gypsy of to­ lions of dollars worth of oil that ingly various racial stocks and ad­ day travels in style and in state. His mixtures, some, of them wild men, was being held in the ground for first stop, generally, Is a camp in some of them Aryans far advanced the nation’s defense. 'Jersey. Then on he moves into Penn­ WASHINGTON in the arts, all worshiping an end­ When he was acquitted this sylvania and way states, from camp to camp until the skies tell of snows. less horde of gods and forming al­ newspaper made no comment. The LETTER Then, oddly enough, he seeks-out the V together the most gigantic human whole thing is so utterly disheart­ most metropolitan centers, moves stewpot on earth. ening, it provides so much material his colossal family into empty store­ By RODNEY DUTCHER of the Monroe Doctrine are excel- ^Icnt examples. Probably if they had known what for enemies of democratic govern­ rooms and dingy tenements. Washington. March 26—While Mr. South and Central America they were up against the British ment and for advocates of dictator­ never boiled over about the dictator- ^ ships and fascism, that it is one of ippl “tt“ cUon Hoover was secretary ot commerce would never have undertaken to sippi ship of American marines in Haiti, make anything like a nation out of those utterly unpleasant things of Broadway that few knew "he had■ he doubtless bad time to figure out but it was used by our critics as a fine example of the way we did such a lot of raw material. But in with which it seems worse than use­ died. how- he could avoid the mistakes It was a week or more after his Mr. Coolicige was making. Now business with weak little nations. their customary self confident way less to deal. But when attempts are The Haitians are black people and demise that I noticed a paragraph there are plenty of problems and they went at It, got into terrific made, so unnecessarily, to still fur­ about “Sippi” in a morning paper. that fact kept the Latins from be­ trouble—and muddled through it. ther drug the public conscience and They say that his greatest regret, difficulties annoying him which coming as sore as they were when the State Department was in diffi­ They have vastly improved the to find excuses, where silence strains when lying on his deathbed, was never seemed to bother Mr. Coolidge very mubh, although they include culties with Nicaragua and Mexi­ the limits of kindness, we can’t re­ that his friend and benefactor, A1 economic condition of the whole iti- Jolson, was off somewhere on a con­ a pile of dirty dishes which J.he last co. We Have Patterns volved human aggregation. They sist the impulse to protest. cert tour and couldn’t be called in administration left to be washed. The new Haitian policy is a com­ 'i ■ have supplied transportation, the Poor old man—who expected to for a last farewell. Thus far there is only one real plete reversal. Instead of, t.s in the past, having a puppet presi­ lack of which caused in India count­ steal a hundred million dollars from Sippi—whose name was John Wall outstanding cleanup- job to the —was Broadway’s favorite hack dent dominated by Brigadier Gen­ To Please Every less such famines as that now de­ his fellow citizens! credit of Mr. Hoover, but it has driver. An elderly negro, ambling been perfortned in a manner that eral John H. Russell, the Haitians vastating parts of China. They have down the street with his crumpled defies criticism and recent develop­ are going to elect their own Con­ Taste! put an end to the continual fra- THE BATTERSON CASE silk hat and his shiny swallow tails, ments ■ have. tended to accentuate gress which will then proceed to elect a president of Haitian choice. tracidal wars. They have brought Mayor Batterson of Hartford re­ Sippi was known the length and a sincere determination to carry it breadth of the street. About a year Until Hoover’s commission arrived order out of chaos. fused to tell the grand jury who to logical conclusions. One refers ago his horse died, and Sippi could to the change ih the method of deal­ it appeared that President Borno Our stock of wall helped him to buy some liquor. He Naturally, inevitably perhaps, be seen for a change on foot, stumbl­ ing with Latin America and the and Russell were about to pick their paper is kept fresh and they havf at the same time frank­ would not take refuge in the claim ing along through the crowd, being much better feeling that has been own man to succeed Borno and that that to answer might tend to in­ greeted by the famous ones of the engendered between the United American suppression of free elec­ clean. We take pride ly exploited the teeming millions of tions, free press and other civil India. Britain has taken immenie criminate and degrade him. Cited theater. States and the other republics of He complained of “ailing” then. the hemisphere. liberties would continue. A ciidl- in being able to show sums in profit out of the country. in contempt and presented to the ian American minister is expected And some time passed before he was When Hoover was elected wc And the condition of the very great superior court, he is relieved by the seen again. Who was there to miss to replace Rusself and although the you the newest in wall- were still prStty generally regarded Haitians may make a mess of gov­ majority of the people is not a par­ court of any obligation to either an­ him? What is one person more or l ^ A Hot Bath as a. great big! imperialistic giant erning themselves, an existing paper at all times. The ticularly happy one. They are poor swer or take the indicated refuge. less in the Broadway millions? bent oa' gobbling up all the younger Still and all, something of the old treaty will maintain the marine oc­ next time you need and held to a hatred-breeding social The court itself, as wc understand and 'smaller neighbors. After the cupation until 1836, by which time flavor oL the big street went when president-elect came back from his inferiority. it, assumes the task of explaining Sippi stopped driving his hack. He amiable .Voyage, to South America they will have had some practice at wallpaper we invite without an instants delay free and peaceful government. It is perhaps no wonder that un­ Mayor Batterson’s action for him. was part of a time that was. correspondent pointed out Publication by the State Depart­ you to come here. der the leadership of such men as In effect, the court finds that Mr. They used to tell on Broadway that everything would be lovely if . . . yes, Sippi used to tell him­ ment of former Undersecretary J. Mahatma Gandhi the people of In­ Batterson could not. If he would, the spirit of the visit were intro­ Reuben Clark’s lengthy memoran­ self, how “Mistah Al”—meaning duced Into our-^oreign policy. Other­ for just 3c dia arc seething to throw off the plead incrimination, because neither Jolson—“jes couldn’t get along wid- dum on the Monroe Doctrine indi­ wise the gesture would have been cates an even more drastic reversal foreign yoke. And under such lead­ he nor anybody else knows wheth­ out me.” considerably worse than useless The fact was that when Jolson of policy and one of vastly more ership and with the extraordinary er it is unlawful to buy liquor, that and ♦ disillusioned Latin-Americans importance. Although Clark’s I was in his hey-day as a musical would have disliked us more than Drowsy-eyed in the morning, or drooping in methods that it is adopting, it is question being now on its way to comedy performed, Slppi’s hack al­ views are ■ set forth as personal ever. Hoover’s foreign policy, how­ John I. Olson the evening . . . isn’ t it a blessing to have a j very hard to see how these count- determination by the United States ways waited for him at the stage opinions, their publication in such ever, has been consistently liberal manner virtually amounts to a re-' hot bath ready? T o know that you need only \ less swarms of people are to be Supreme Court. At the same time door. There was a legend that Jol­ and friendly toward Latin America; Fainting and Decorating nudlatlon of the long scries of mili­ turn a handle to feel the tinging vray from kept in subjugation forever, and the he might, if he answered the ques­ son never left the theater without the recent work of his commission, Contractor. traveling at least a few blocks In tary Interventions in this hemi­ the shower . . . or fill the tub m you can slip rule of Britain in that part of the tion of the grand jury, be running, in Haiti and the State Depart­ sphere. For Clark holds that the 899 Main St., South Manchester the old negro’s cab. It got to be ment’s semi-official reinterpretation into a summery sea? Nothing is half so com­ world to forever continue, in any- the risk of incriminating himself by quite the thing to have Sippi pick Monroe Doctrine was meant to ap­ ply solely to relationships between forting as instant hot water ...- always on tap , thing like its present form, at least, admitting an act which 'later may you up after a night club, revel. to soothe and lull away aches and weariness. Theater folk practically adopted European governments and Ameri­ i Yet if the people of India were be ruled to have been criminal. In can governments. It guaranteed to such circumstances the court finds him. They bought his horses when to succeed in their present ambition one died; they paid for the fixing NCE. protect the latter from European - But what happens when you find that *pm^ to cast off all foreign control it is that there was no contempt in his of his cab. aggression, but, says Clark, it “does one’s been there before you and the “ hot’ UPON not apply to purely inter-American Impossible to sec how the country unqualified refusal to respond to There aren’t many of these old NEW YORK faucet runs cold? Does that mean tending Broadway characters left. But, I relations" “lays- down no prin­ could be reorganized from within. the jury’s quiz. A TIME. ciples to r /cm the inter-relation­ via fire and a long wait for hot ■water? What i: It is doubtful whether there has assume, new ones will come along There are three hundred nfllllions and live for their moment in its ship of the states of the western would you give then for instant hot water? ■of people in India and in Burmah. ever been a case precisely similar | hemisphere as among ourselves.” HARTFORD LINE Is it worth 3c? These comprise seven distinct raclsd to this one. It is also doubtful Under such an interpretation, of course, there is little place for any Steamer stocks and endless admixtures of whether grand jury practice in this . One of our native wags, describing Instil a thrifty Self-Action Gas Water a certain theater'gent, says . . . exercise of “police powers” over the PASSENGER AND those stocks. They speak no less state has been aided by the creation Latin countries such as have often Heater and you’ll have plenty o f hot water “ He’s a man whose word is as good FREIGHT SERVICE without the least delay tor the rest o f ^ r than 147 languages. They are of an of such a situation. It will strike as his blood.” been claimed and exercised in the past. DaiW Etcc^t Sunday endless variety of religious beliefs. a good many persons that the pow­ GILBERT SWAN. days. N o fire to tend. It.operates itself-— Lv. HARTFORD 5:30 PM without any attention whatever . . . cosis only Major religions are Hindu—which ers of a grand jury were put to an Middletown 7 :4 5 PM a few penniM a day. Next time, your “ hot unnecessary and not at all benefi­ BID FOB MAYOR’S JOB. East Haddam 9 :0 0 PM is that of the majority of the peo­ RECOVER $15,000 LOOT faucet deceives you and peeves you beyond ple; Mohammedan, Buddhist, Jain, cial test by the bringing of the con­ Essex - - 9 :4 5 PM Donsbach, Germany.—Rigid econ­ Lv.SaybrookPoint 10:80 PM human endurance— stop it) and we’ll d m - Christian, Parsee, Anlmlst, and so tempt proceedings against the may­ Hot Springs, Ark, March 26 — omy Vaced this town during the re­ onstrate how easily you can have tnsfonf hot many variations of each that it is or and Mr. Allen. Judge Jennings Due XEW YORK (AP) — The wife of Raymond cent elections. .Everything possible (Pier40.N.R.^ 6:30 AM water— always I impossible to count them. The intimates that the grand jury may Gallagheri driver of an armoi'ed car had been done to cut expenses. Hindus themselves have almost as find itself hampered In Its work by who disappeared in New-York last A Someone conceived the idea of Returning leave _ mayor to the lowest bidder. Pinadly, New York 5 :0 0 PM many sects as there are villages. the issue of this case. But that is October with $63,000 was held in Sehitpr J o b n jail-here today after authorities had one member of the council, a pa­ The social problems of such a me­ not his fault. Ttipittaii, pf Ida- One Way Fare - • $3.50 ’ seized m ob than $15,000 in currenpy hP,-W a « g triotic as well as courageous soul, Round Trip Fare - 4.00 lange of humanity as lives in this It looks very much as though in the apartments of Mrs. Gallagher bought the job for $S5 a month. cpinitty aelt’p'^^ area are immeasurably complicated State’s Attorney Alcorn had laid iU3d a relative. Comfortable staterooms, with by the caste system which rules the down, with the odds against him, a G^Iagher was arrested‘yesterday H « pn HEBRON APPOINTED. hot and cold running water, bigger bet than he could afford, and .at Paterson. N. J.. enroute to visit •$1.50, $2.00, $2.50, and $J.OO lives of ihany of the sects with an his mother at Port Chester, N. Y., Alt ^ ^Ihnreat^d Ih Buenos Aires, March 26.—(A P )-- Tickets and Reservations iron hand. lost. If he should now accept the and Mrs. Gallagher and Mrs. Roy Connie R. Herron, fPlmer ePmmer- rather remote implication that at Railroad Station or ' Here in America we have only Tait were into > custody in 4 pi;0 k>; aagout cial attache at the American Lega­ State Street Wharf three major V religious sects. The these defendants were guilty of a their abtrtfaents here'last night. til a, tion at Montevideo, has been ap­ Gallagher disappeared last Octo­ number of our racial variations is crime in bujdng liquor, or conspir­ pointed manager of the North The N. E* S. S. Co. ber 17 while the armored truck’s TMt VaA -Jan. I American Chamber of Commerce at only a^tiny fraction of that in In- ing to buy liquor, and should ini­ two guards were in a bank where I Buenos Aires. :S * dia. We have little fiiore than a tiate prosecutions on that basis. they had made a delivery of money. -Mk ’ *•’ - V - J w’ . - t j i ^ La.'’ ’ ■ ■ 'ci I "v'V" '<■. . V' --'It-A ■ >,^V -.'■‘-‘t'r-’v i ; . , ,, / -/I

■'.^;r- '■> iA PAGELSEVEN^ MARCH 26, 1930. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, GOKNj-WED^ pM tough epmer of town, and the char­ Yorkers, with a notable cast acters are an uninviting crew. which are James T. B o w ^, C VOLATILITY I rM E ' The most exciting moment is the gette C o h a q and Rollo Peters. Mrs. one in which a diner catches a pick­ Fiske, of course, is Mrs. Malapron. TBtiE BATw m {D^^VIS ROSE FROM STEEL MILL FACTOR IN GASOLINE In New York pocket filching his waUet. The diner puts the dip’s wrist across the SCREEN STAR DIVORC^ AT STATE TONIGHT counter and breaks it deliberately ; Volatility in gasoline is one of the Theaters with his revolver butt, while a po­ ' prime factors in the efficient opera- liceman munches his supper uncon­ Los Angeles, March 26.—(AP)-— ■ TO BECOME NATIONAL FIGURE cernedly in another comer of the Helen Twelvetrees, motion picture i tion of the modem automobile Two Big Pictures and “German BY Deming Seymour lunch wagon. actress has been granted a divorce motor, says a local official of the from Clark Twelvetrees. Night” Offered Local Thed- Gulf Refining Company, large pro­ New York—The doldrums of Lent Mrs. Flske’o Revival. ducers and refiners of gasolines and are upon Broadway. Four new Several seasons ago, dn the ses- “He was drunk when I marrlw tergoers This Evening. him' testified “and I did not motor oUs. Volatility resulting in plays came in with the Ides of qui-centennial of Richard Sheridan’s him again for two davs.days. I instant and complete vaporization March, but they were minor amuse­ writing of “The Rivals,” Mrs. Fiske sec Another three feature program is secured by the use of motor fuels ments, evoking no such hat-throw­ revived it with an all-star cast and thought i coSd change him but.now has been prepared for patrons of the possessing an end point' of 400 de­ played it throughout the land—but I have found out it can’t be State Theater tonight. The big fea­ ing as nas been accorded in recent i The couple was married in Feh- grees Fahrenheit or lower. weeks to "Green Pastures,” Shaw’s hot in New York. ture of the evening is the third In­ Th^ Gulf Refining Company is i “Apple Cart,” or John Wexley’s Now she is showing it to New 1 ruary 1927. They, have no children. ternational Night, observed as Ger­ marketing just the kinds of gasoline | man Night.” Six acts of high-cl^s stark drama of prison revolt, ‘ The i from which the best results are to Last Mile.” * „ 1 vaudeville will compete for the be ob'tained—that Good Gulf gaso­ Alice Brady, acting for A. H. j honor of entering the finals against line with 400 degree P. end point Woods after a short sojourn with l i f a growing field of meritorious acts. and Gulf No-Nox motor fuel S74 de­ the Theater Guild, is the feminine The winner of the finals will receive gree F. end point These gasolines figure about whom revolves the ac­ a beauUfiil loving cup. vaporize instantly and completely will go the distinction of being tion of “Love, Honor and Betray,” to the last drop—giving quick start­ adapted from the French. knovra as Idanchester’s foremost ing, quick pickup^ more power and performer. Much interest is being The curtain rises upon a grave­ greater mileage. Both of these yard, and as davm lights the scene manifested in these International fuels also possess high anti-knock Nights, and many real -performers a young French officer emerges quality which is of vital importance from a grave. Presently from an arc coming forward to for successful operation of the mod­ adjacent tomb comes forth a portly The picture part of the Program em high compressor motor. includes Tom Moore While carbon is not desirable, it and older gentleman. Sweet in “The Woman Racket, and is always found to a greater or less Each, it develops, has been lover Edward Everett Horton and Patsy dergee in all motors after a few or husband of The Woman. Ruth Miller in “Wide Qpen. j thousand miles of running—carbon Thus is launched a novelty which deposits increase the ratio of com­ is often uneven in it? tone, rang­ about a night club hostess who is pression which is .very satisfactorily ing from satire to farce. Miss torn between her love of Broad overcome by these anti-knock fuels Brady goes, during the course of the way’s gaiety and the longing for —Fuel Knocks wtoieh eie apt to oc­ play and its flashbacks, from young m a?ria|e a^d a home ,Tom ^ on hills and during quick accel­ womanhood to old age. is seen, and gives a ^e^ghtful per eration in traffic are not only M- formance. as the ^:bimsical Irish cop noying but detrimental to the mour Murder 0» The Midway. with whom the night club —Retardirg ’the spark will reduce A modicum of entertaining ex­ tainer is in love. Miss Sweet play the knock but likewise reduces citement was contained in "Penny the role of a girl, who m spite ^ her power—The safe and sane way to Arcade,” by Marie Baumer. love for the honest and hard work­ get rid of them is to use fuels of Its scene is an amusement park, That COTiD ing cop, just cannot keep [ known anti-knock qualit;-. in which Mrs. Delano operates a Colds come suddenly. You can oflen end them j^ t thi great white way. It is a thrill­ penny arcade filled with all the ing picture from start riUBSTS MUST REGISTER usual devices. Mrs. Delano has a as quickly! Take Bayer Aspirin llie moment you ye ^ exposes the real life of t ^ weakling son and a daughter who caught one. A single sneeze should be the signal, or ing "the fast and furious life o i, Mexico, City, March 26—(AP) loves “Angel” Harrigan, the lad who U.£L'- Recommendation ' that all Roman comes in to repair the fortune-tell­ the first sign of congestion or headache, or soreness. ® Edt^rd Everett Norton has a Catholic priests in Mexico register ing machine. Exposure to cold and wet isn t half so serious when unique position among comedians. The weakling son kills a rr,’k- seek a place in the Senate. He with the government before the end you’ve learned to protect yourself with Bayer Aspirin, His^humor has universal appeal be­ who rose from a steel mill to the cabinet, may of the month is contained in a cir­ etcer, and the mother plants his gun came it is so human. The oddities James J. Davis (inset) Davis and Jean, Joan, Jewel Jane, James, J . cular letter sent out by Pascual on “Angel.” Mrs. Delano’s daugh­ i^r the speedy relief of colds, headaclies, neuralgic of timid people are the usual source is shown (lop) with Mrs. Diaz, archbishop of Mexico. ter, who has seen the whole thing, or neuritic pain, and even the acute suffering causc^d nf his humor and no one on tne Registration is in compliance with gives her brother away to foil the stage or screen is in his class when pass through Paris police courts government regulations and was framing of her sweetheart. by rheumatism, there is nothing so sure and so safe as , It comes to Interpreting this^type of Washington—(AP) — James J. arc province-bred. agreed t-) in the settlement of the The plot is never too intricate genuine Aspirin tablets stamped Bayer. Tli^y make role. He is presented in JU^t such Davis may soon be writing another TMs church-state controversy last June. but Miss Baumer has a knack for role in “Wide Opep ! an^l he extracts chapter in a life story that nngnt Tlmespendcrs The majority of the priests already writing dialog which has a good a marvelous gargle, too. See proven directions m well be titled “The Rise of a Pud- ^ Cafes provide more than cheer have registered. deal of humor and verity, and Va­ tion^ He is ably assisted in the fun and shelter when Paris streets are every package. ' dler Boy.” { i The archbishop also called on the lerie Bergere as Mrs. Delano, Eric S i n s 'b y m S." P.t.y ““S’ If he seeks the Republican nomi- gleaming wet and awnings drip priests to cooperate in the national Dressier as “Angel,” Joan Blondell Liouise Fazenda and T. Roy Barrie^ nation for the Senate from Pennsy - steadily. , „ , , census being taken under govern­ as his sweetheart and James Cag­ On account of the Spring ® P ^ ^ vania, Davis ends ten years as ^ Pa i s For the price of a glass of black ment direction. ney as the weakling son help make program which takes Pl^ce Wednes coffee you may ask for and receive BAYER secretary of labor. , “Penny Arcade” a pleasant but un­ Say*ev.m..S, th._ At the same time he will enter, , the daily papers, illustrated week- CONVICT RECAPTURED important play. arranged to present the vaudeviue perhaps, as interesting a phase of i llies, a deck of cards or a checker George Jessel, turning producer, SSuon of the program, beP^iog at his political career as at any time i By H.\ZEL RE.\^ IS 1 board. You also may read the tele- Garfield, N. J., March 26—(AP) offers “This Man’s Town,” which 9 o’clock. The usual 1 phone directory free of charge, since it began when he vas chosen : .... — - .progress .. —Recaptured in the home of an Willard Robinson wrote and acts in. AspirinAS is the trade mirk ofP Bayer Manufacture I of RllV Monoaceticaadcster of SaUcj-licacid w-ill follow the International Night Paris — Notes on the j So inured are Americans to be- city clerk of Elwood, Ind. ' so-called Americanization of aunt after his escape from the The scene is a lunch wagon in a •nmffram so anyone entering tne in the decade since President, of the so ca 1 ing hurried and hustled to make Morris county jail, Alphonse Micr- fh«tB “up to 9 P tu; w“ arding gave him the labor port-i f raiice. „,.nnmmro room for the next fellow that iez 19, a former Blair Academy ville and feature picture. sky- 1 French cafe proprietors complain Uo the one-time immigrant boy I French people pronounceand have student, wanted in New York for has become a national figure, wide- | scraper skeescrapper they never get their money’s worth murder and rqbhery, was in a cell I a tremendous interest in the sub- j repose and chair warming. ly known. again today. . ^ W.WG His voice and name became Iject. He escaped from the jail at Mor­ known to millions when he broke ' The most blaze boulevardier likes ristown, N. J. Sunday night after into hearty song during a radio ad­ to hear about the 43 high-speed NIGHT CLUB RAIDED beating a guajd and stealing his Clarence W. Johnson who has dress. Fan mail poured in. elevators connecting the 70 storic.s W0VS» of the new Manhattan company U eS u S u B ly 111 at hla hon.. for Davis is now 57 years old. He Boston, March .—(AP)—Five He was arrested at Blair Aca­ building in Wall street. 26 demy March 12, as one of four two weeks is slowly broke off a budding political career I'^^^i^'^iUiKstrntpd week- i arrests were made by Federal pro- An unusually pleasant evening a quarter of a century ago to take When a leading agents early today during a youths under Indictment for killing spent by the Sunday schoU over direction of the Loyal Order ly recently used several pag Cotton Club, a night an unidentified negro, during a of the Exquisite Complexions S o'ard Which is composed of the Sun­ of Moose, which he built Ptolures of “ "New “ o% i olub. to which 40 guests eugaged iu holdup. * t day school teachers and officers ot membership from 300 to 60(),000; S w S r root Bai-deus 24 stories 1 a fight with the agents and a de- DIES IN TURKEY tte Federated church school, last and became a wealthy man in so tail of police was summoned, a Monday at the home of Mr^ ani doing. , above ground, non-traveling small quantity of liquor was seized. Istanbul, Turkey, March 26 you see on the screen are Mrs Walter N. Foster. The nus Immigrant from Wales at four____sians got a new impression of la The raid was made by 10 Federal (;^P)—The body of the late Dwight bands or wives of each of the mem- years of age; cow tender at $1.25 a j yjjjg skeescrappers agents led by Major Henry E. Good- Filley of St. Louis, uncle of Dwight S s were also invited. Games were month at six years of age; steel ! ------nough and at their entry bottles, Davis, governor of the Philippines, pfayed and a short program enjoyed, puddler at 11; competent to man­ A^oother New York chairs and food were thrown at v’-iis shipped home today aboard the Harry Miner on behalf of tho^e age a furnace of his own at 16 steamship Exanthia, bound from Recently two other things have them. Several agents and a dozen or cared for with Lux Toilet Soap present, presented Mrs. Lorame those are the laborious steps of the more guests were severely bruised. here for New York. beginning of Davis’ career. happened to further stimulate Filley died Sunday of pneumonia Sharp with four beautiful books, . French~interest in New York. Those arrested on charges of fS lg u rto k e u of toe appreaauou The Davis family, including the liquor law violation were Joseph at the age of 72 in the American five little Davises, all in a row, has I Paul Morancl, a popular author, hospital at Istanbul, to which he and eateem. to whtoU *'■* ; has brought out a book on the big- Kelly, Nathaniel , , Clark and Andrew her associate teachers. Mrs. bharp carved its place, too, in Washing­ i c^est town on earth which presents | Clark. Edward■ Betts and Joseph was taken ill from the liner Em­ press of France. has been a great worker in the ton life. 1 ft in its human ant-hill phase. Levine were arrested charged with There are Jimmy, Jane, Jean, interfering with officers. The first His niece. Miss Helen Morton, church and Sunday school in the Joan and Jewel, beginning at 14 I Heretofore New York has been arrived here from Paris to arrange last ten years. She with ber ^ ' held up to the Frenchman as a steel four were employes of the club and years and going on down. The four Levine was a guest. transportation of the body. ily are to move to Mystic about ^ girls dress alike, and they always city inhabited by money-making first of April. There were about help their mother entertain in the robots, jazz bands and Broadway S r t y present. Delicious refresh­ iandsome Davis home. chorus girls. ment^ were served near the close of The children were fa-orites of Adrlaan Lubber, a Dutch 'painter Mrs. Coolidge at the White House. who htfs lived many years in New j '^'^MlSael McGrath of East Winds^ York illustrated Morand's book Hill has returned to his home from with an exhibition of canvasses of St. Francis’ hospital, where he un­ New York. The Puritan Market derwent an operation. « -mw Miss Rose Sele, daughter of Mr. TALCOTTVILLE Like Skyscrapers “The Home of Food Values” and Mrs. Adam Sele of the ^ c k - French art collectors are just as Corner of Main and Eldridge Streets land Road was taken to the Man­ The Golden Rule Club will meet ia interested in new world skyscraper chester Memorial hospital on Mon the church parlors on Friday eve­ paintings as Americans arc in old- dav. where she underwent an opera­ n in g , March 28th at 7:30 o’clock. world crooked streets and quaint SPRING OPENING tion for appendicitis on Tuesday The program will be in charge of landscapes. Mrs. Clifford Myer and Miss Alice Despite Manhattan’s “skeescrap­ to US is but another opportunity to again prove to our ™ M rs°^illlam Simler is spending a Doggart and the Misses Miriam pers,” the Eiffel tower with its 986 customers and the public of Manchester the additional few days at the home of her parents ■Welles and Gertrude Gibbs will be feet claims the world's record for high edifices. advantages offered those who trade at the Puritan Mar­ in Rockville; , the hotesses. Rbnbb AoobI b> beloved A six pound son Oliver I rands, Mr. and Mrs. John Gibson of Tur­ ket. Metro • Goldwyn- Meyer was horn to Mr. and Mrs. F r^ cis Farm-Bred Boulcvardlers ners Falls, Mass., have been recent star, io the bethroom Burnham of Pleasant Valley, at the guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank bmith One of the wittiest institutions in Hartford hospital, last Saturday Miss Mildred MacCollum will Paris, the Club du Faubourg, which created for her in Holly­ afternoon. v leave Thursday to spend several publicly debates subjects usually wood. She eeyi: “ Lux Burial services for Waller F. avoided, recently reached the con­ butter Toilet Soep givee my •kin weeks as guest of Mr. and Mrs. Al­ Rockwell, formerly of Long Hill, clusion that there arc more real thetbeautifulunoothBei* bert Mason at Acworth, Georgia. E&f isicLUS t Sunlight were held at the Wapping cemetery The Christian Endeavor Society There are only'people who live I thought only French last Sunday afternoon. met on Sunday evening at 7 o’clock. ■oap could give. It it cerr A daughter, Blmina Jane, was in Paris. The subject of the meeting was The professional Parisians, like teinly e lovely soap.” born Saturday, March 15, to Mr. and "What Barriers Keep People Away the most virulent New Yorkers, are Cloverblopm 39c lb. Mrs. Chester E. Barber of South From Church?” The senior leadcr those who grew up on the farm. Windsor. Mrs. Barber was formerly was Miss Emily Rice and the junior Police records bear out the con­ Photo by C, S. Boll Miss Ruth Andross of South Wind­ leader, John Monaghan, Jr. clusion. Somebody who compiles j sor. The funeral of Mrs. Ruth Talcott statistics for Jean Chiappe, pre­ use j Britton is reported under the fect of police, estimates that nine- | FRESH Epps 31c dox. It has swept across the world gularly, and MISSIONARIES SAFE “Obituary” column of today's tenths of the young women who | Three dozen to ^ customer. from Hollywood to Europe have the softest, Herald. — I 1 ‘ smoothest skin J_ “TVTO can win admiration swiftiy and imaginable. Rome, March 26.— (AP)—The So­ I SPECIAL FOR TODAY ciety for the Propogation of the IIEINEM.ANS SEEK DIVORCE Puritan Honi^brand Hams, X v surely unless she has a lovely skin,* So luxurious, Faith, missionary organization of AND EVERY WEDNESDAY 27c lb. says Millard Webb, famous Hollywood di­ they say, so dainty! the Roman Catholic church, today Los Angeles, March 26.— (AP)— —at the Garden Restaurant, 8 to lO^los...... rector, expressing the conclusion reached by ______received a cablegram from Shanghai | Edward Heineman, retired broker And it does give such oan bnnbtt Church Corners, East Hartford, ' 45 famous Hollywood directors after long g^erouslather,even J B , United A r^ reporting that eleven American and one of the founders of the New ists' star, sayi: “ It’a a joyt*' priests at Kanchow, Kansi. for York Curb Exchange must pay Mrs. NOODLES CAPALETTI—home Heavy St^^r/Beef experience in choosing girls likely to win the hardest water, whose safety there had been fears, Louise Heineman $400 a month and j made noodles, stuffed with white adoring admiration of millions. had been freed bv lifting of a Com­ $1500 counsel fees pending settle-1 meat of'chicken and served with Short .. • e •. • • ' ment of their differences. Mrs. I chicken broth as a soup, 35c. “ To the motion picture star beautiful skin 9 out o/lO screen'stars use it munist scige there. All the priests Also all other appetizing Italian 7 Heineman recently ,'ountered j Sirloin ^ i ’j...... is an absolute necessity,” he goes on. “ The were well. Heineman’s annulment suit with a j and American dishes, reasonahjp In Hollywood, of the 521 important actresses, prices. Telephone 8-0182, Come glaring lights magnify the slightest defect, Dispatches from Shanghai yester. suit for divorce. The decision was , including all stars, 511 are devoted to Lux given by Superior Judge Charles' in and let me cook something and only the, girl with exquisiU skin can day said the plight of the American good for you. Toilet Soap. For their convenience it has missionaries at Kanchow was seri­ Crawford yesterday. -SEA FOOD hope to win success, “ The couple was married in New been made the official soap in all the great ous. It was feared the Nationalist Antonio Brezzo, Prop. { Y _11*__—A 1 ^ How natural, then, York last August shortly after Com ere line of Sisa Food selling at Prices Below film studios! garison would be removed, leaving Heineman’s first wife died. Four the city open for sacking by the Usual Ma k6t Prices. that every girl in days later they separated. Hollywood, from the The lovely Broadway stars, too, depend on Chinese Communists who surround­ this fine soap to k'feep their complexions flaw­ ed Jt. Previously Shanghai dis­ FL0UN1)ERS star down to the MONUMENT PRICES less. And the screen stars in the European patches had said there were ten REDUCED HADpOCK youngest “extra,** priests and six nuns in the city. Prospect Street should guard the capitals, too! AUTO DRn^ER RESPONSIBLE New Home For Sale Place Your Order Now for - Fresh Fruits and Vegetables beauty of her skin you will love this fragrant white so a p - High, quiet location conveniently Decoration Day. most jealously.' And will find that it keeps your skin silken- Washington, March 26.— (AP.)-- near mills and Hartford Road bus Alexander Jarvis, Jr., puls in Iceberg Lettuccr solid heads .. • i .lOc smooth and soft, as it docs the stars’.. Order The operator of an automobile who line. how significant that- ■ drove on the tracks in front of a Six well-arranged rooms, sun our foundations. so many of them use several cakes—today. • ' Chlcagfi, North Shore and Milwau- room, breakfast alcove, hot water Lux Toilet Soap! • k#>e railroad near Kenosha, Wis., heat, fireplace, all oak floors, at­ WHITE MEMORIAL Luxury such as youiiqve'fotmd tached heated garage. Price low. To ipve tiiw .com­ Feb. 23 was held today by the In­ Xke Puritan onb in fin* French soa^s at 50^ terstate Commerce Commission’s Terms can be arranged. STUDIOS Mas MusaxY. finolMtinf < plexions just the Bureau of Safety to have been re­ CHAS. W. HARTENSTEIN ; \ Corner of Main and Eldridge §ti?ects' •tar, uaea Lux ToU«t Soap. gentle care th a t is and $1.00 fh* cake, novf..... sponsible for the resulting collision T. D. Faulkner Co. Local Representative. \^th two trains, which caused the RE.\LTORS death of 14 persons and the. injury 84 Pearl SU 3-3341 14B S u m m it St. Dial (1320 of 131. ■A V \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1980. DAILY RADIO PROGRAM LABOR PROBLEMS I RENEE ADOREE l U FRENCH LACE MAKERS SENATE IN RECESS 348.8— WABC, N EW YORK—860. Wednesday, March 26. 6:30—Roy Ingraham’s orchestra. Leading DX Stations. Los Angeles, March 26.- t(AP) — PROTEST HIGH TARIFF Washington, March 16.— (AP) —. ^ James M. Beck, member of Con- 6:45-Ann Leaf’s organ melodics. 405.2— WSB. A TLA N TA —7'.0. Suffering from a sev^ro throat hnd The Senate rested frdm Its tariff la-? sresa from Pennsylvania, is expected 7:30—Adventures of Colonel Powell. 8:00—Tenor, pianist; concert.^. TROUBLE MEXICO hors today while the House .devoted ^ 7:45—Grenadiers male quartet. 9:00—^AVEAP programs (114 brs.) bronchial affection, Reneq Adbree, to continue his discussion of the vet- 8:00—Wheaties male quartet, organ. 10:30—Concert: Amos ’n’ Andy. ■gBBBSSr Paris, March 28.— (AP)—Three its attention to a series o f minor dry issue recently opened in the 8:30—Drama, "Ahoy, the Ghost." 11:45—Prohibition poll program. I film aOtress, today'waia confined ih' hundred' per cent increase in the calendar bills and pl^insed a'three- .9:00—Sunshine boys, male duo. a 1:00—Kneisel’s dance orchestra! BY RICHARD MASSOCK.' House of Representatives, vhen he Mexico City, March 2,6.— (A P )— I a La Crescenta, C^., sanitarium. new American tariff measure on day week;end recess. 9:30—Informal musical entertainment 893.9— KYW , CHICAGO—1020. aueaks before the American Philo­ 10:00—Soprano, guest stars. The question o f relations between Dr. Patrick J. Byrne said her con­ lace, whether machine or hand-made, 8:00—NBC programs (3 hrs.) New ■* York.—Edna Ferber has Tomorrow, the House will return sophical Society in Philadelphia Wed­ 10:30—Grand opera e.vcerpts. 11:00—Dance music to 3:00. capital and labor^ confronting the dition was not serious, but no ’visit- it is feared here, may have an un­ 11:00—Show boat, melodrama, "One tapped a new lode of folklore and to the District of Columbia’ ’appro^’^ nesday ni|^ht at 8. Mr. Beck has not 389.4— WBBM, CHICAGO—770, Mexican government, has forced it­ I ors will be allowed to see the actress favorable effect on the French Par­ Night In June." found a rich supply of story sub­ priations bill planning to vote by' promised to deal with the prohibition 12:00—Bert Lown’a orchestra. 9:3U—Sketch: harmony boys. self to the fore and promises to. be i at present. He said she probably liament’s handling of the American I amendment, but in view of his recent 12:30—Midnlfeht organ melodies. 10:00—Flower Garden feature. stance in rough and tumble Okla­ automobile problem. nightfall and then adjourn until statements in the House, it is thouglit 10:30—Two dance orchestras. the principal point of debate during j will remain in the sanitcudum imtil 302.8—WBZ, NEW ENGLAND—99a homa. I August for a complete rest. Monday, when the tariff bill comes>, he will have something further to 7:15—Serenaders musical program. 1:00—An hour about Chicago. / the next few months. Twenty thousand lace makers of up. say regarding the question. The ad­ 7:30—Home Towners’ entertainment. 254.1—WJJD, CHICAGO—11E0. As she caught the spirit of the Friends said the actress had been I Calais protested to Premier Tar- dress may be tuned in from a WEAF The obvious necessity of readjust- The Senate will meet again on Fri­ 8:00—WJZ programs (1 hr.) 7:00—Victorian orchestra; talk. * loVinf ati-iigtinn a«ifew years that i 'gne, the slayer of his 8:30—Dinner concert; address. 11:00—Studio Radio Club hour. 9:00—Ike and Mike, comedians. labor was getttng beyond control | predecessor, he .was an The crew of the tug was taken 7; 15—Scrap book; dance music. 305.9— KDKA, PITTSBURGH—980. 11:00—Orchestra: Amos ’ n’ Andy. and that unless some kind o f , g^ger pioneer. Then the wild called aboard the Calvert before it backed 8 :00—M'JZ orchestra, soloists. 6:00—Pittsburgh University address. 11:45—Two dance orchestras. away, freeing the smaller vessel. i 0:30—I’caniit revuo; night club. 6:15—Two Smokes: musicale. 12:45—Nighthawk frolic. guarantee against auses could be j ® unstable energy, and he left 10:30—Old-limo fiddlers program. 7:00—WJZ Amos ’ n’ Andy. 468.6— KFI. LOS ANGELES—640. afforded, the country’s stock as an j with her children and the The Best Guardian of 11:00—Slumber music hour. 7:15—Studio musical program. 11:30—Spanish baritone: serenaders. investment market would suffer a j ugwspaper, while he wandered off 11:30—I'ootlighls: dance orchcstia. 8:00-AVJZ programs (3',4 hrs.) 1:00—Moore’s concert orchc.stra. . 13:30—Tenor and pianist. 11:30—Tom Gerun’s orchestra. 333.1 —KHJ, LOS ANGELES—900. complete collapse. qq further adventures ! l;ou—ThiitCLMitn Hour Insomniacs. 245.8—WCAE, PITTSBURGH—1220. 11:00—Orchestra: vocal soloists. Labor, on the other hand, main- In Sabra, Miss -Ferber ■ has typified Life and Property ' 280.2—WTAM, CLEVELAND—1070. 7:00—Gospel hour; recital. 12:00—Studio entertainment. j 7;oo—Gene and Glenn; recital, 7:45_-\VEAF drama presentation. 1:00—Dance orchestra. tained it was m erdy coming into its the pioneer woman of whom Okla­ j 8:30—NBC programs (3 hrs.) 8:00—Aunt Hannah’s music hour. 384.4— WMC, M EM PH IS—780. own. homa is so proud. Transplanted j 11:30—Cliinc.so Temple musiealc. 8:30—WEAF programs (2% hrs.) 9:30-AA'EAF musical hour. from the comforts of Wichita, she ) 13:00-Midnight organ melodies. 11:00—Studio dance orchestra. 10:30—Studio orchestra music. ' 13:30—IVvlic's dance orchestra. 260.7—W H AM , ROCHESTER—1150. 370.2—WCCO, MINN., ST. PAUL—810. introduced whatever culture- she 399.8—WJR. D ETR O IT—750. 6:30—Skultety’s dance orchestra. 9:00—Ryan’s dance orchestra. could to roistering Osage, saw a 11:30—Late dance orclic.stra. 7:00—WJZ Amos ’n’ Andy. 9:30—AA’.ABC programs (H - hrs.) High School Musicians sunbonnet society emerge, her son 283—WTIC, HARTFORD—1060. 7:15—Concert; string ensemble. 11:00—Studio concert orchestra. , 7:Io—I’orgottcn melodies. 8:00—AVJZ programs (1 hr.) 12:00—Variety boys; organist. married to an Indian girl and htr- 1 7:1.0—NLJO programs (Ivi hrs.) 9:00—Eastman School recital. 461.3— WSM, NASHVILLE—650. To Perform In Chicago , self elected to congress. Insure Your Valuably ■ U;oo—Studio musical program, 9:.30—NBC programs (2 hrs.) 8:15—Golden Echo mule quaitct. In describing the shootings, the i 0:30—W’EAK programs (I’a hrs.) 379.5— WGY, SCHENECTADY—790. 9:00—"(VEAF programs {2 hrs.) 1 : 11:00—Theater organ reeilal. 11:00—AVeather: time: markets. 11:00—Concert orchestra, singcr.s. I florid pleasures of a boom city, the A BOX HI A GOOD SAFE DEPOSIT VAULT ' 11:30—.\hepa Society cnlertainment. 6:00—Dinner dance music. 11:30—Amos ’ n’ Andy, comedians. Chicago— (AP)— Musical organ­ Indian life, the oil strikes and other \ 422.3—WOR, N EW A R K —710. 7:00—AVE.AF orchestra, tenor. 11:45—Studio: Ford and Kart. fi:30—Studio concert orchestra. 7:30—Studio musical program. 379.5— KGO, O A KLAND—790. izations of high school students phases of an amazing state, Edna IS THE 7:30—“ Lucerne in CJiiohec.” music. 7:45—AVEAF' drama presentalion. 12:30—Amos ’n’ .Andy; shoemakcis. from virtually all states, a chorus Ferbendemonstrates her reportonal, 8:00—I’bclrv. musical background. 8:00—Studio concert orchestra with 11:00—Music: miniature hiographks. as well as story-telling, talents. 9:00—Four Dutsy Travelers quartet. Amy Goldsmith, soprano. 1:15—Minstrel me.n’s frolic. of 400 and an orchestra of 300 will Regrets or BESrr AND CHEAPEST INSURANCE. 0:30—Radio comedy, music hour. 8:30—AVE.AF programs (2',^ hrs.) 440.9—KPO. SAN FRANCISCO—620. have their first auditions during the 10:00—Kmil Volazco. organi.sl. 11:00—Studio concert orcliestra. 1:00—NBC entci'iainnient. national conference of music super­ Disciples of Dumas. a Life Income? 10:30—Dance music; organist ] 1:30—Albany dance orchestra. 2:00—Henderson's dance band. visors in Chicago March 24 to 29. The eastern scene almost con­ Secondary Eastern Stations. Secondary DX Stations. temporary with Miss Ferber’s Okla­ The Manchester Trust Co. Members of the chorus will come-, As you near the end of your 503.2—W EEI, BOSTON—5S0. 272.6— WLWL. NEW YORK—1100. 344.6— W ENR . CHICAGO—870. from 29 states, and orchestra mem­ homa is Alice Glasgow s setting for 6:00—jr.iiscniblc: dance music. 6:00—Tenor, ’cellist, soprano. 7:00—Dinner music: farm service. “ Bright Tiger,” in which the roman­ earning period, "will your lot 7:10—Big Brother club. 6:45—Address: d.ance orcliesti.1. 9:30—Farmer Rusk’s pla.vers. bers from 39 states. Selection was 10:.’:o—C. or C. orcMn reeil.'il. 7:20—Catholic address: Scotch tunes. 10:00—Minstrel show: comedians. on the basis of scholarship, musical tic and political manners of New be that of the prosperous man :i74.S— W S A I. C IN C IN N A T I—800. 526—WNYC, NEW YORK—570. 11:15—Easy Chair music hour. ! York in the days of Boss Tweed, Jim who made a small annual 7::,0—Diniici dance music. 7:35—.Air college lectures. 12:00—DX air vaudeville. ability and character 8:00—WLAK I'lOgrains (3 hrs.) 8:1.5—.'-tceurity League address. 202.6—W H T , CHICAGO—1480. Walter Damrosch will conduct pisk and Josie Mansfield are set deposit when young and is 10:00—Glrul girks: orclie.str!i. 8:30—Esardy Instrumental trio. 10:30—Your hour league. the orchestra during one of its con- forth. now cashing the check he will 215.7—W H K , CLEVELAND—1390. 291.3—CFCF, MONTREAL—1030. 11:00—Ramblers entertainment. certs. Other conductors will be Goiilg further back, we have: 6:30—facolis dance orchestta. 7:30—Juvenile Safety club. 238—KOIL, COUNCIL BLUFFS—1260. receive every month for life? 7:1.5—AVanileriiig min.strcl.s music. S;0U—Cora'crts; ci.anco orchestra. 11:00—Studio concert. Hollis Dann, director of the Wash- "None So Pretty,” by Margaret .V:00—\V.\DC prognim.s (3 hrs.) 357—CKCL, TORONTO—840. 12:00—Beans entertainment. ington community choir and Fred- j irwin, a love story of the time ot 11:00—.Show boat broadcast. 9:00— ClMb; philosopher. 270.1—W RVA. RICHM OND—1110. Or will you be one of the Fire and Liability 12:00—Two dance orchestn s. 9:3.5—Mieropliotie mummers. 9:00—WEAF Symphony orchestra. erick Aleaxnder, who -will direct the ; England’s Charles II. 325.Q—WWJ. DETROIT—920. 11:00—0:-chev.,ra. l.-nor. organ. 9:30—Corn Cob tape Club. high school choristers. I “Droll Peter,” by Felix Timmer- poor derelicts who failed io 7:30— WK.AI'’ program.s (1 hr.) 315.6— WRC, WASHINGTON—950. 11:00—.studio dance orchestra. I mans, a lusty tale of Pieter Brueg­ look ahead? S:3o—Studio feature program. 11;0U—AVJZ Slumher music. 12:00—Old timers’ jollification. i hel, sixteenth century Flemish painter. . Write fpr the successful man’s Insurance Town, Aged 151 Years, "The Lady Jean,” by Frank Dil- man; Just Can’t Be Bothered With not, a story of seventeenth century plan. Me, Simons; Nina Rosa, Romberg; court intrigue over the betrothal of I Love You, Believe Me; A Little VVTIC PROfiRAMS Has New Water System Charles I. Connecticut General I'raveler.s tiroiitlttastitiK Service Kiss Each Morning: Then I’ll Be And “ Desires and Devices, by Reminded of You; Dance of the Life Insurance Company RICHARD G. RICH tiarllord. Conn. Helen Simpson, a Georgian novel of Paper Dolls; Serenade from "Stu­ Jonesboro, Tenn.— (AP)—A going of Hartford .iO.OOO W., 1030 K.. C., iS'i.S M. dent Prince,” Romberg: Watching concern when George Washington worldly romance in 1816. Tinker Building, South Manchester. The historical novel is coming My Dreams Go By, Burke. was president, and boasting the first FAYErrE B. CLARKE 8:30—Sylvania Foresters—Shile the charter issued a conamunity west of back into fashion. Vt cdncs'Ju.v, March 36, 1930 Foaming Billows Roll, Boosey; the Alleghenies, Jonesboro does not INSURANCE E. S. T. You're Always in My Arms from propose to live on its past. 4 "Rio Rita,” Tierney; Lullaby, Her­ Within its borders a state was Depot Square, Manchester 7:00 p. m.—Jeddo Hig-hlandcrs — bert; Jack and Jill, Sannella; She created and abandoned before Ten­ NBC. Was Bred in Old Kentucky, . By ^^'M. E. GILROY, D. D. nessee joined the union. Men who A TB0 U6HT 7:30—Time; News. Marks; High Hat, Alter; Same E'Jitor of The Congrcgationalist made pioneer history lived here. But 7:35—Highlights in Sport. Sort of Girl, Kern; Why Do They now Jonesboro wants the world to 7 ;40—“ Forgotten Melodics.” Do Those Things? Sohn; Love We forget, sometimes, that the know it has a new water system Love is the fulftlUng of the 7 ;45—VVilbur-Coon Players—NBC. Moon, Caryll. and will celebrate its 151st anniver­ law.— Romans 8:10. science of right living must S;00—"The Changed Conception of 9:00—Ranny Weeks’ Red Cross sary this summer; Love is but another name for ,r. t '!■" the Constitution” — James M. Aristocrats. begin with restoration. This is A fountain memorial to the "lost that Inscrutable presence by Beck—NBC. 9:30—The Pioneers. the significance of Christianity as state of Franklin” will be dedicated which the soul is connected with 8:30—Mobiloil Concert—NBC. 10:00—Mason & Hamlin Concert. a religion with a gospel of re­ along with the waterworks in the humanity.—Simms. 9:00—Runkel Half-hour. 10:30—Bulova time. demption. It seeks and saves the year late sesqui-centennial. 9:30—Palmolive Hour—NBC. 10:31—Vincent Lopez’ Orchestra. lost and restores them to the right 10:30—Top Notchers—NBC. 11:00—Longines time. BUNS FOR THE M. P.s ^ 4 1 way. Its gospel is a gospel of re- FOR CANCER SURVEY 11:00—Time; News; Weather. 11:01—Champion Weatherman. pentence, of turning from wrong 1 1 :0 5 -Collin Driggs, Allyn Organ­ 11:03— Sport Digest. London, March 26.— (AP)— In j i O i f r directions and getting the proper Washington, March 26.— (A P )— anticipation of Good Friday, the ist. 11:08—Temperature. bearings toward the true goal. 11:30— Ahepa Society Program 11:09—Estey Organ—Arthur Clifton Appropriation of $10,000 by Con­ traditional day of "hot cross buns”, to The other day I was speaking to gress to be .used by the Public three members of the kitchen com­ from Palai." Royal — Pickwick man who not long ago came Health Service in making ah-, ex­ mittee ■ of the House of Commons Arms Orchestra. through a serious illness. The ill­ T \1 12:30 Midn.-Silent. haustive survey of the problems of have pledged themselves to produce, ness was due to some internal dis­ cancer lyas recommended today by from the capacious ovens of the ! .\hcpa sioeiciy presents order, and my friend consulted an V Dr. Joseph Colt Bloodgood of Balti­ House refreshment rooms, the best UOTAJIONi eminent doctor. He began by put­ Pickwick .Arms Orchestra more, in a statement submitted to Yorkshire bun on record. Eric Peterson and his Pickwick ting my friend upon a two weeks’ the Senate commerce committee. n fast, and then established a care­ J. H. Hayes is to protect the in­ Aj-ms Orchestra wilt play a half- terests of the government side. hour of dance music from Station ful and well chosen diet, the ulti­ M.\N BURNED TO DE.\TH. mate effect of the treatment being Geoffrey Mander and W. J. Womers- WTIC beginning at 11:30 o’clock ley will represent the Liberals and under the spon-sorship of the Nathan "Ambition is, I suppose, a very to bring my friend from a serious fine characteristic. At least, 1 have Gary, Ind., 'March 26.— (A P )— : the Conservatives .respectively. And Hale Chapter of the Ahepa Society. condition of illness back to nor­ One man was killed, anotner is miss­ Peterson arrived in America seven I been giiren to understand toat it is. mal health. Just how effective they intend to eat their own pro­ ing and a third was Injured perhaps ducts, too. years ago with a degree from the ' Personally I have never had any diet and fasting might prove in i fatally during a fire which swept —George Arliss, actor. every such case one need not say. University of Stockholm, a raccoon ' through an 18 apartment building coat, a half-dozen musical instru­ But assuming the value of this "I am opposed to mirth control.” method in certain cases, one may early today, driving 100 persons to \ RADIO SERVICE ments and a desire to become a the street during a blinding, sno'j^ famous American jazz band leader. —Nellie Reville, first woman press stress the importance that this on all make8. BPS Representatives \will be pleased to storm. Within a short period he was lead­ agent in the world. doctor laid upon a right begin­ New Sets and Standard ning. The first thing was to re­ answer all finishing questions—and will ing his own orchestra in a 70-week . . Accessories. vaudeville tour, after which he and "I like writing. I can misspell one store the system from the ef­ MANY ENGLISH TEACHERS. his men settled down at the College word five or six different ways.” fects of wrong diet and wrong Columbus, O.— (A P )—Ohio has demonstrate all BPS products* Inn in Chicago for a two-year en­ —Tom Mix, movie star. habits. The two weeks’ fast seems an oversupply of English teachers, WM. E. KRAH gagement. Transferring their activ­ to be a necessary gateway to con­ and the bureau of educational re­ 669 Tolland Tqrnpike structive treatment. search of Ohio State university is ities to New York, they became PHONE 3733 P a i n t s - V a r n i s h e s - St a i n s - L a c q u e r s kno’wn as the Pickwick Arms Or- Students Seek Facts So it is with the life of the seeking a solution of the problem. cljestra. A short time ago,' the soul. It Is in turning from sin also G L O S F A S T—the new Decorative Enamel— band made a European tour, during that we are enabled to cleave unto which Eric played several weeks in On Eating And Health righteousness. And the trouble miiiiiiiiiiiiiiinKNiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiUiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiH> that dries in 4 hours* Sweden to show the folks back home with too many people is that they try to live the Christian life with­ that "another local had made good.” THE I ^ ,The Nathan Hale Chapter of the out ever getting the proper, start Ahepa Society is one of 253 allied Denton, T/sx.— (AP)—How many in true repentance and In power ‘ SILENT I branches scattered throughout the chews to a bite and how many bites of redemptive experience. GLOW I Bring; yoor finishing problems—we will United States, comprising 30,000 to a meal? Hygiene students at members. The broadcast tonight the Texas College for women are OFFICERS REELECTED. KITCHEN i do oiir best to help you—New Modem ivin be transmitted from the Palais trying to ascertain these facts. Royal in Hartford, where the chap­ They note so many "eaters” count Springfield, Mass., March 26.— BURNER I Finishes to show—If you attended last ter is holding its annual dance. so many chews and then compare (AP)—All officers were re-elected the number of chews per bite taken in the annual meeting of the Amer­ IS I year—Come again. X I I by each subject with the general ican Woolen Company stockholders WBZ—WBZA CLEAN, p;tn. Wednesday, March 36 ' health of the subject determined by here today. ’The report of Presi­ I 4;V5— Home Forum Decorating health examinations. dent Andrew G. Pierce showed a net CONVENIENT | ’ Period. loss for the year of $4,228,190, At Our Store which he blamed to a drtuitic de­ 4:30— Music Lovers. AD. MAH DIES. AND I 5100— Stock and curb closings. cline in raw material prices and a 5130—Statler Organ. hea’vy annual charge for deprecia­ VALUABLE COUPON! Pasadena, Cal., March 26.— (AP) GIVES I 5;45— Safety Crusaders. tion. He said however, that the 5:56—Kyanize Scout. —George J. Bums, Pacific coast company was never so strong finan­ COMFORT This coupon entitles ADULTS to a FREE SAMPLE can of one of^ manager for a nationwide newspaper I 6100—Champion Weatherman. cially and needed only normal good.s the BPS finishes if prraented during the demonstration * 6:02—^Agricultural Market report, advertising agency, died here last buying and stablized raw material f i v e ' y e a r I night of tuberculosis. 'Thursday, Friday, Saturday, March 27, 28, 29 . 6:19— Seealona chimes. markete to demonstrate the earn­ GUARANTEE | 6:20—Sport Digest Several years ago Bums went, to ing possibilities of'-the system of Arizona from New^-York for his 6:30--^^ging the Blues. mills. DON’T DELAY—ORDER NOW | 6:45—^Literary Digest Prohibition health and three years ago came to I Poll; Floyd Gibbons. Cjalifornia. The body will be sent to THINK FREIGHTER LOST. ' Manchester Plumbing & Supply Co.if 7:00—^Bulova time. New York for burial. I Silent Glow Oil Burner CWp. | 7:01—Amos ’n’ Andy. Oporto, 'Portugal, March 26.— 5 9 7 Center Street, ttoutta Manchester Pl)one M60 S 877 Main Street, ‘ South Manchester 7:15—^Wolverine Serenaders. 'It takes more -than the assem­ (A P )—Reports reached this pla»ce E M. H. STRICKLAND ' = 7:30_ i g A Homo Towners. bling of poetic words to make a‘ tociay'that the'freighter Freya, car­ E Authorized Dealer. \ ^ S B:00—^Yeast Foamers—One Along poet,” says Le Baron Cooke. . Some­ rying a cargo of coal, went down off ’ E Dial ST68, • Next Door to Montgomery Ward Co. 8S2 Main St. S from "Desert Song,” Romberg: times we think it takes a lot of Biscay with all hands. The Freya Should I? Brown; Japanese Sand- nerve. was overdue flvs days. S u iiiiiuiiriiiiMiiiiuiiiiauiiiiiiuuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiUHiuniiiiiihiiii

t:-. r. PAGE MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, SOUTH MANCHESTER* CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930, Whims Of Fashion Effect TALL CEDARS PLANNING CITE GEN. PERSHING U. S . DECLARATION ANNUAL APRIL FROUC Wall Street AGAINST CANTEENSft.. •• V. . CLEARS THE WAY Methods Briefs =5: ; ^ WALES Dance in Masonic Temple Tues­ Ohio insurance Han Says ------t day Nififht to Feature Spring* HEALTM MARKET Present Vogue for Ensemble Costuming Forces field Orchestra. New York, March 26_March earn­ France BeUeves Some Sort ings of the Union Pacific raUroad General Said Sober Sol- Retailers to Adopt Co-ordination The committee representing Nut­ are showing about the same decline ' i . meg Forest, No. 116, Tall Cedars of Of An Agreement Can Be of All Buying. Lebanon and the Social Club ,of from last year as was reported for diers Were the Best. Manchester Lodge, No. 73, are work­ February, Carl Gray, president, said Milady's whims for dress, her de­ ing diligently to make the secoim today. Heavy decreases in grain annual April Fool Frolic, which w-m Washington, March 26.—( / ^ ) — Reached at Parley. loadings and in the movement of The testimony of General John ,J. Lenten Fish Specials sire to be properly costumed are so be held at the Masonic Temple. lumber, coal and automobiles have changeable that whole systems of Pershing before the House military Tuesday evening at S o’clock, a contributed largely to the recession. committee years ago favoring aboli­ merchandising, shopping and stock­ complete success. . ■ » Paris, March 26.—(AP)—The The first Frolic was held April i, tion of the liquor dispensing Army at theHealth Market ing of retail stores must be changed The Central Vermont railway, canteen was injected into the pro­ American declaration issued shortly ] 1929 and it was decided at that time subsidiary of the Canadian National after midnight on the position of the j to meet the demands they create. No to make it an annual affair owing hibition hearings before' the House system, has received the first of judiciary committee today by John United States regarding proposals better demonstration of this can be to the good opinion of those attend­ 1,000 new automobile cars ordered FRESH given than the great change in pur­ ing. The music committee, Samuel J. Lentz, of Columbus, president for a so-called consultative pact, for use between the middle west and the American Insurance Union and chasing customs that have been in­ Houston, chairman, has been for­ New England points over the Grand was regarded in French official cir tunate in obtaining Leo Roy and his a former member of the House, lb. 9 c cles today as tending to clear the augurated this Spring. The en­ Trunk-Central Vermont route. Mar­ Shore Haddock semble idea has made co-ordinateo Spanish Cavaliers of Springffield, Lentz said that when he was a atmosphere at London and to hasten keting of equipment trust certifi- ] member of the military' committee buying on the part of the retailer Mass. While this orchestra has not cates totaling about $1,900,000 in. a decision. i played In Mancheste.r, they arc well years ago, General Pershing, then an absolute necessity. r-. u- i connection with the purchase of the a young officer, was asked to give France, it was said, continues to Today everything Dame Fashion j i known by dance followers, having W hope that the naval conference will cars is expected soon. ■ his opinion of the canteen. The dictates follows the ensemble I I broadcast from station WBZ and BOSTON yield results and Foreign Minister ' WBZA at Springfield and Boston. Ohioan said Pershing “stated at the coat must be co-ordinated with | The Shell Eastern Petroleum Pro­ that time most emphatically and Briand who left for London at noon, the hat and the gloves with hosiery I This orchestra plays three nights ducts has increased its price of U. will explore all the avenues ot a pos­ a week at the El Patio in the Hotel i with clearness which only personal Eluo Fish lb. 9® and so on. The stylist has come in-1 S. motor gasoline in tank cars at sible agreement. Clinton, Springfield, and are on the 1 experience can give, that he was in to her own, and every live, up-to-; local refineries 1-4 cent a gallon to favor of the abolition of the Army j No surprise was expressed here road the remainder of the time. 8 3-4 cents, meeting the advance re­ date department store must employ They have played for several formal : canteen; that sober men made the > that the United States had reiterat­ ; an expert to inform purchasers as to cently made by competitors. Also a large variety of fresh halibut, cod steak, ed her refusal to become involved in dances in this section including the j best soldiers; that it was nofneces-1 j the correct combinations that go .) East Hartford Masonic Ball. ! sary to have an Army saloon to i any pact that evm implies aid, but I make up the ensemble. .. A new issue of $5,000,000 5 per­ fresh herring, flounders, large mackerel, salmon, smelts, the last paragraph suggesting that The novelty committee under the j keep the soldiers out of the low I cent 100 year gold debentures has 1 dives in whatever territory they there may be other methods o £ I Parrish Clinic. leadership of Dick Puter have prom­ been authorized by the West Penn butterfish, fillet of haddock, swordfish, tile, bullheads,. guaranteeing French security again ; c. J. McCann, acting manager of ised something new in the line of en­ Electric Co., holding company for i might be located.” Miss Ethel T. Anderson. tertainment but refused to divulge I With the abolition of the canteen, i pickerel, buck shad, sea bass, eels, small mackerel, scal­ directed thought here toward a Hale’s big department store here, the electric properties of the Ameri­ Lentz said, Pershing had demon-j and merchandise supervisor, recenu- its origin. It is however, said to be can Water Works & Electric Co. Mediterranean pact. ! Hale’s tonight rests with Miss An- in the “April Fool spirit.” Harold ! strated that “young men in the lops, Spanish mackerel, clams and oysters. It was recognized that Great ' derson. Maher, general chairman, reports a j army are no more in need of a Britain is averse to being an active j good advance sale of tickets and ar- , saloon than young men at home in third party with France and Italy., .rangements are being made to cater DIES IN AUTO CRASH ! the peaceful pursuits of life.” but Foreigfn Minister Briand =., CABINET CRISIS NEAR to a banner crowd. Asserting that since prohibition Meat Specials speech in the Senate yesterday was j “something has happened to length­ taken as plainly indicating his op- j New Haven, March 26— (AP) — en the lives of our people,” the timism that something could b e; i Berlin, March 26.— (AP)— The FIND WOMAN’S BODY Fred Oberle, 26, was fatally injured former house member said, that the FRESH done in some directions. I ‘ Reichstag was buzzing with rurnors and 'Thomas F. Quinn, 36, received lower death rate insurance com­ Must Have Security. ; this morning that the Cabinet might fractures of both knees and numer­ panies had arrived at “means that He repeated, however, the | ’ resign today because the govern­ ous abrasions today in an accident. the lives of liquor drinking, insured • Medford, Mass., March 26.— Beet Stew lb. 2• 2 ■ c French policy of insisting that any ■ ment coalition parties cannot agree (AP.)—Boys playing on the banks No details concerning the accident people, were lengthened as a result reductipn must be based upon com-1 ' on the financial program of Dr. Paul of the Mystic river today found the were available, but the car in which of the abolition of the saloon.” pensating terms in some form of a j Moldenhaudr, finance minister, body of a woman. They summoned the two men were ri(^ g was found Figures which he presented to the security pact, even if it should not j The chief point of controversy is police, and the body was removed wrecked against a pole, * committee, he said, ^how that the 1 be a strictly military one. unemployment "insurance, on which to an undertaking establishrnent to The men, both .residents of this expectancy of life was plainly in­ FRESH French officI.'.ls, it was stated, the Socialists, representing labor, await examination by a medical ex­ city, were -rfound lying on the creased, and if human beings are and the People's Party representing still regard the Mediterrane.an aminer. ground. Oberle died at the New worth while, it is certainly worth agreement as the obvious solution, the employers’ viewpoint, differ The body was clad in a blue chin­ Haven hospital without regaining something to have them stay out of Lam b Stew lb. I 6 c but, failing that, hope that the 1 radically. The Socialists desire to chilla coat with fur collar, blue and consciousness. His companion was the cemeteries and remain with Briand-Kellogg pact for the reuncia- maintain the present scale of doles, gray bathrobe and black shoes, all taken to the same hospital. their families several years longer.” tion of war may be strengthened or while the Populists want the door apparently of good quality. E. J. “In the years prior to the effect that the League of Nations ma.v left open for possible lowering. Gaffey, the undertaker, said the of the Eighteenth Amendment,” he Chancellor Mueller summoned the body had apparently been in the Get a good business training now. said, “1914 to 1919 inclusive, the find a settlement. coalition party chieftains at 4 p. m., While business is dull is the time Whatever the outcome of the water eight or nine months and death rate ranged from 61 to 63 per to demand a straight reply whether that there were indications of a to study and be ready for a good cent.—while the averages for the present conference, France is rep­ they intended to support the Cabi­ position when it comes. Start Mon­ resented as remaining firmly in fa­ fractured skull. years 1921 to 1927, inclusive, rang­ net’s proposal. If thp reply is nega­ On one finger was a gold wedding day, March rist at the Connecticut ed as low aJ 50, 52 and 53 per cent, vor of the idea of general security tive, it is reported that he intends Business College. Odd Fellows ADVERTISE IN THE HERALD—IT PAYS pacts. Foreign Minister Briand yes­ ring and on the other a ring set and only once did it reach as high to urge resignation of the Cabinet at with several stones. Blq^. —Adv. a point as 54 per cent.” terday told the Senate that the old a session called for 6 p. m. system of alliances was obsolete. Miss Florence M. Dinnen. “Today,” he said, “there is an al­ Iv attended the famous Amos Par­ together different conception of se­ rish clinic in Nev.' York City where curity, mutual solidarity for the such points in new fashions were benefit of one great community. discussed by stylists and i^i^ers; SPECIAL FOR SPRING OPENING Calling all nations to draw together T-om all over the country. Even, and unite against a danger and t j Canada and Touth America were i I'he Largest Radio Allowance Ever Made in Manchester create guarantees against it in com­ represented at the clinic. The idea | mon.” of the clinic is to teach retailers and j stylists the trend in fashions. At this , LOOK! $94.00 Allowance recent clinic Mr. Parrish stressed ✓ the point that co-ordination m buy-1 ANDOVER ing to create the correct ensemble I On Your Old Radio, Piano, Victrola or What Have You. was the most important factor , in | H. Evqrett Frink of Newton Low­ fashions today. 1 er Falls, Mass., spent Thursday This idea of correct styling has night with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. spread along the highways and by­ A. E. Frink. ways of the country until today] Miss Wadie Brown spent a f%w Miss Manchester demands that her days last week in Saybrook. costuming be as modern and up-to- M ilk There were about 35 at the Grange date as that of Miss New York. This analilj at a Price i entertainment Friday evening at the puts a great burden upon the stores Towm Hall. The following plays were in the smaller cities. Stocks must presented by members of the local be so purchaserd that when Miss Grange: “Betty’s Butler,” in which Manchester purchases a coat in. tHe the Misses Anna, Olga and Mary Hale’s she can add to the ensemble; Lindholm and Edwin Lindholm took effect by purchasing a hat in Hale’s All-Electric part; “One on the Agent,” which millinery department that co-ordin- Nathan Koenig and Guy Bartlett, ates with the coat. Thus Hale s en>’j food Jr., acted, and “The Physical Cul­ tire stock must be based upon th'Sj ture Club”, with Mrs. John Allen, Miss Carolyn Allen, Roscoe Allen co-ordination idea. j and Duane Faulkner gave two reci- j • Fashion Show Tonight ; tations. Everett Allen played two Hale's fashion show in connection ; I violin solos, with Miss Ila Hamilton with Spring Opening tonight will j accompanist. Edwin Lindholm was depict this newest of modes so that in charge. those attending may get a most The (IJrange has accepted an in- | vivid idea of the correct vogue. This j Th^ wise housewife practices economy vitation to meet with Ellington show will be conducted by Miss i Grange April 9 and furnish half the ! Florence M. Dinnen, an expert on : BALANCED-UNIT She knows real values and uses MILK, program. | Styles, brought to Manchester from ] liberally. She understands the great The Ladies Benevolfint society j Nev/ York City especially for | will give its aniiual silver tea Thurs­ Spring Opening. Miss Dinnen is a i amount of food, strength day afternoon at 3 in the Conference representative and styles authority ! giving value in every quart of milk. - bhe house. Wallace P. Woodin will be with the American Department j the guest speaker. Stores Corporation. She has made j HIGHBOY knows that MILK saves food costs,and, Mr. and Mrs; Wallace Hilliard an extensive study of styling arid 1 and, two sons Henry and Bryant. her reputation, is well established m at the same time promotes health . . . Mrs. Edward M. Yeomans and Miss New York gnd in the grqat many safeguards health ... and builds strength. Dorothy Raymond were among cities represented-by stores of the ONAI^ fidelity that is note-perfect— American Department Stores Cor­ those attending the Home Progress haiWine selectivity—tremendous dis­ She spends 36c of her food"dollar for i Exhibition In "Hartford Saturday poration. » J of T afternoon. Tonight's display of modes at tance range—cabinets finished in costly im­ MILK and other dairy products. There will be a meeting of the Ha'e’s will begin promptly at seven ported woods—all these are at last available Ecclesiastical society at the Con­ o’clock. Models will promenade on No matter in what form MILK is taken ference house Saturday afternoon at an especially constructed platform combined in a single radio! 3. at the rear of Hale’s garment shop, it is a valuable food. Custards, creamed main fioor. A big space has been The new All-Electric Philco Balanced-Unit Mrs. Thornton Griswold of Man­ vegetables, junket and creamed soups Id chester visited her parents, Mr. and provided for spectators. The Highboy is in every way the finest radio that Mrs. Holden Brown on Sunday. pageant will be given twice tins "you can buy anywhere, at any price. etc., all should be used liberally And Mrs. Mary Holt and Mrs. Laura evening, being repeated at eight l THE HIGHBOV Jones spent Sunday afternoon with o’clock. This will give a great i Latest style half doors, finished in matched you need not waste a drop of it. Sweet Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Woodin. crowd of Spring Opening spectators , Balanced Units Oriental walnut. Butt walnut on side panels. or sour, it retains it healthfulness — its Alfred Keller is ill with kidney an opportunity to see the unique Bird’s-eye maple center panel. Genuine tapestry and he^rt trouble. show. B y extraordinary engineering, Philco has over speaker. £Zec(ro-Dynamic Speaker an usefulness in the kitchen. Acoustic Equalizers built in. The North Coventry Christian En^ Models attained a precise electrical balance of all deavor/ society will give a play, Models taking part in tonight’s HEALTHY Families who must economize should use “Pa’s 'N ew Housekeeper,” in the display at Hale’s will be Miss Mar­ Cnits in every Philco model; an achieve^ Town Hall Friday evening. One half garet Quinn. Miss Virginia Lowell, . ment directly responsible for the unsur­ This Allowance on This Model Only II more MILK and therefore get the best of th«|; proceeds will go to the local Miss Clara Jackmore. Miss Marion j passed tone, distance and selectivity which Regular Price $169 Complete. possible food value for the dollar. society. Crawshaw, and Miss Agpies Howard | Less allowance $94 costs only $9o. DDINIC set a new high standard of radio performance, The Misses Mildred and Beatrice in the adult fashions; Miss Ursula ■ $10.00 Down, 10 Months to Pay. Hamilton and Miss Evelyn White Segardahl and Miss Jessie Little in and every Philco is balanced to use TWO Drink a glass of MILK at 10.30 and spent the week end at the home of the junior modes; and Little Nancy No Finance Charges. their parents. Bantly and Donald Barrett in in- 245 power tubes, push-pull. MILK 3.30 in addition io using it at other times. Ernest Post of New Jersey spent fant’s wear. Hale’s doors will open , Limited Number at This Price. the week end with his parents, Mr. at 6:45 this evening to allow spec-:’ Genuine Electro - Dynamic and Mrs. Edward Post. tators to gather for the style show'. , Louis Whitcomb is still quite ill Taking an unusually impofrtant j Speaker Free Home Demonstration part in preparation for Hale’s fash- j with the grip. He is under the care CONNECTICUT DAIRY C: FOOD COUNCIL of Dr. Higgins of South Coventry. ion show is Miss Ethel T. Anderson, j A new and larger Electro-Dynamic Speaker W e will gladly install the Philco Highboy advertising manager and publicity | Hartford Otis Whipple has entered St. is built into the Philco Highboy, together in your oyyn home for an impartial free Francis hospital for treatment for director for the J. W. Hale Com­ demonstration Without any obligation. Prove M) crushed bones in the spine. He is in pany. Miss Anderson who is study­ with the exclusive Philco Acoustic Equal­ a cast and will have to be in the ing styling and is rapidly becoming izers, guaranteeing complete tonal accuracy to yourself Philco’s rare purity of tpne, hospital for at least three weeks. expert in the delineation of the cor­ marvelous selectivity and vast distance Mr. Whipple is a son of Mrs. L. I. rect modes is self educated in her from the highest note to the lowest, whether Merritt, and at one time owned a special work of advertising. She the set be turned tip to full orchestra volume range. And then easy payments, if you joined the Hale staff after graduat- ; farm in town and lived on Bunker or toaed down to p whisper. decide to buy. i ’ Hill. ing from the High school here in Mrs. George Platt spent the week 1924. She studied advertising lay­ and Healin end with relatives in Eastford and outs in correspondence courses and Burnside. never failed to read anything in­ m ' formative on advertising disp’av. pnXSBURY FREED Many of the advertisements which ALFRED A. GREZEL Miss Anderson has prepared and Concord, N. H., March 26—(AP) which have appeared in The Herald • PLUMBING, HEATING, METAL WORK __Hobart Pillsbury, former secre­ have been cited by advertising in­ PurneU Place Phone 7167 tary of state who early last year stitutes and trade magazines for m i their imique layouts. Miss Ander­ pleaded guilty of having converted $E SUlIE TO-fliAR THE NEW PH ILCO BEFORE YOU BUY ANY RADIO $6,000 in state fund? to his own use, son is now studying fashion trends was released from state prison here v/ith a vie\^r to becoming an expert today. He had served 330 days of for the Hale Company in this new a minimum sentence of a year and a line of work. A great deal off credit for the fashion show to be given at day. , T •'4.t. rCro.^n- .'IS:**' Jr' 'Wi / .>' -vv

MANCHESTER: EVENING,HEBALO, SOUTH MANCHESTER^ PAGE TEN 'Y S j She Keeps ^aites” hy ANNE.AVSTIM Daily Health / ■AUTHOR OF.' ; Service OLIVE ROGERTS ‘THE AVENGING PARROT* (g) 1030 tv WtA gciivice, IHC. ‘THE BLAO< pigeon: ETC. Hint.* On How To Keep Well » I —'V— A*— hy World Famed Aiifhorlty One time I saw a little boy go^stant contiitiop. fpr n ©1930 iy'NB^-SERVICE IHC- . up to a small strange girl who had^^^®^ sidled up to the gproup he was play- j Later, howev«f^,^!^^-:$^^|^^eed9d IF YOU ABE BALD | W -Hh. ^ cut her .ero„ BEGIN HERE TODAY. ‘ DON'T GET FUSSY—YOU i PROBABLY UVHEBITED IT I face with a whip. or aimt, ‘he beig^''' tojoy the . She screamed and ran away screams and suffering of-bis play­ Doris Matthews, lady’s maid, is BY DR. MORRIS FISHBEIN home, and of course the boy was mates. Who can say when we cross murdered Friday night in a som- Editor, Journal of the American not only taboo thence forth in that the line from experiment to cruelty? raerhous© on the Berkeley estate, by Medical Association, and of Hyg:eia, household, bujt his fame as a cruel There is a stage in ipdl of us where a blow witii a heavy perfume flask, the Health Magazine youngster spread rapidly throughout we go elemental and sAvage. presented to Mrs. George Berkeley the entire neighborhood. In time Freddy began to dis­ by Seymour Crosby. The body, rock- In a study of baldness in- many [ For the episode of the whip, I dis­ criminate. He'hurt or teased pecH weighted and tied with Clorinda families, Osborne concluded that ■ covered, was only one of many of pie he didn’t like-mr..Repented,. Berkeley’s scarf, is taken from the baldness is inherited as a dominant j like kind. He was not only a bully, As he grew dlde!r, hye ;Cb^ged the lake Saturday morning by Detective character from father to son. In | but a teaser. Few .of the children form of his atrocites.; H^toimd that Dimdee, tvho siunmons Captain women baldness is a recessive j had escaped his pranks in one form words and acts hurt more than Strawn. Under suspicion are; i character, which explains the fact or another, and trouble followed in blows, Mr. and Mrs. George Berkeley, ' that very rarely indeed are women | his wake. j -niig jg yjg point. When Freddy who have quarreled late Friday inclined to be bald. 1 It is now recognized that there arc Eventually he was left alone, j was very little and couldn’t be night over Clorinda’s engagement to None of the children on the street talked out of abusing and pestering Crosby, close friend of the social many factors in the human body which control the growth of hair, were allowed to play with him and bis friends, bis noother should have secretary, Mrs. Lambert; Gigi Berke­ he trundled his small wheel up and started gi'ving him doses of his own ley, who sprinkled everyone Friday and that these factors are mani­ fested through the secretions of the down the pavement in lonely soli­ medicine. night with perfume from murder glands of internal secretions. Eu­ tude. When he was still in the early flask, later placed in Mrs. Berkeley’s nuchs do not become bald, which The Trouble Maker I experimental stage he could 'have bathroom by Wickett, butler; Dick would also tend to justify the belief One day his aunt said to me, I been cured by showing him exact- Berkeley, who, after having been that baldness is a sex limited trait. Wren friends of Eleanor Spear, daughter of State Senator Arthur i “it’s a shame about Freddy! He is j ly what other peojrfe suffered at his missing turns up while his mother Is There are some races in which ! Spear of Maine, urge her to “drop in some time,” they mean it. For Miss the most affectionate child I ever hamds. accusing Eugene Arnold, chauffeur, j baldness practically never appears, I Spear, who is a student at Wellesley College, finds her monoplane is a saw, but everything the other chil­ of having murdered both Doris and | including th e Eskimo; whereas,! great aid in reaching house parties at distant points on week-ends. Miss dren do is blamed on him. He al­ RUG CARE... Dick out of jealousy. Dick admits i there are other groups in which \ spear amuses herself between classes by flying the plane, a sister ship of ways liked to tease, but then what Rugs should be cleaned with the he wanted to marry Doris, but that j baldness may be fairly common. A ; the “Spirit of St. Louis,” with which she is shown above, child doesn’t? He’s always sorry vacuum on both the right and the she repelled his attentions. j family in the Transvaal was de­ when he does things.” wrong side. Then go over them Mrs. Berkeley is forced to admit j scribed in which all of the m^n in That was several years ago. with a damp cloth, wrung, out of she slapped Doris w-hile the maid | three generations became bald at | j Freddy is still giving trouble. He j warm ammonia water, was dressing her for dinner because j 21 years of age or younger, whereas | isn’t switching playmates over the Doris said she used too much per- all of the women had abundant 1 face nor kicking 'them nor knock- ■ fume; admits also she instructed hair. " j SISTER MARY’S ing them down, but he is calling Doris to wait up for her, but sayo I Premature whitening of the hair | - them names, laughing at things Real dyes give “Doris was not there when she (Mrs. also seems to be inherited, one ob-' they do, exasperating his teachers,; Berkeley) went up to bed at il:40, server having described nine cases j I and driving his parents to despair.' 1 richest colors! Rpuged print of Doris’s mouth on in five generations. It is also rec-1 Kl' j . -Why is it? , ' ognized that the method of growth i His aunt’s endorsement showed. bathroom mirror proves girl was FOR every home usf, Diamond there and that a struggle took place, of the hair, including particularly j By SISTER DIARY <* there is little danger of a shortage that Frpddy was not all wrong. He i ' of this vitamin. The vitamin B con-' 'was “affectionate and was always | Dyes are the finest you can buy. Clorinda Berkeley admits seeing the whorl at the back of the head,! They contain th.e lygH ^ quality Doris just before 11; says Doris i may be an inherited characteristic, |P r o fe sso r Sherman, nationally rec- tent is good. The presence of vita- ' sorry for what he did.” anilines that can be prddfjqed. Special studies were made b y ; no-nized authoritv on the subiect of ^ is so variable that-it should j A pretty good recommendaUon | wore no rouge then; says Doris did i Danforth of superfluous hair on the i ■ «. * not.be depended on. Fruits and vege-! for any child—and undoubtedly won-j It’s the anilines in Diamond not teU her she had appointment to ] face of women. Apparently this also 1 nutrition stresses the importance ot ^ust be used to supply this i derful material for correcting less j Dyes , that give. ^neI}- ao%^.bright, meet Dick Berkeley; is finaUy forced i ' - ^ — •_ I (jesirable traits. ' ne\^ cofors'' to ' dresSe^,’ ^dtapes* to admit she did not go to bed but j tends to runIJE in families and is in -; milk in the daily fare of every man, vitamin. lingerie. Diamond-Dyeg .carq easy stole out of the house for a walk herited through the female side. woman and child. He recommends Benefits Are Many I believe that in the beginning to use. They go on smoothly and about the grounds about 11. Straw n | Hair on the back'of the fing’ers in “a quart of milk a day for everv Two cups of ipilk -will supply the , that child was ruled by^cunosity. evenly; do not spot or streak; asks if she was alone on the walk. ! man is also an hereditary character- boy baby until he is full grown, and day’s requirement of calcium. This i Children begin at four to watch never give things that re-dyed istic which tends to disappear in sue- a_ quart___A. of_ ^ milk ■ 1 • 1 1 _ a... day.J for every girl mineral O/saltvIF »is C essential for Cstrong} our reactions to their behavior very look. Just true, even, new colors NOW GO ON WITH THE STORY | ______■I ceeding generations. | from birth until she has weaned her bones and must be given to growing I closely. Also there is a certain stage that keep their depth and brilliance CHAPTER XXI “Haven’t you ever read any detective stories ? They always accuse j' Hairlessness in animals is not un- | last child.” childrep. Although milk is rich in in the development of v^ll that caljs in spite of wear and washing. 15c “Certainly I was" alone!” Clorinda everybody, whether they think they’re guilty or not.” I common, the of north-1 it is generally agreed a pint of phosphorus, it is well to supplement I for experiment—sometimes rather packages. All drug stores. Berkeley answered emphatically. j ------j ^ ^ i em Mexico-being a conspicuous ex-j milk a day for- each child and a it with the phosphorus found in j violent experiment. Gigi’s convulsive grip on Dundee's | , ^ .. answered coolly. I Tears choked her voice for the first ] ample. Apparentlyarently this trait is in -] half pint for each adult is the min- whole-grain cereals, egg yolk, spin-1 For Lack of Scolding , left hand loosened slighOy. | , ^^^Iked across the grass almost I time during the gruelling interview. herited to snrhsuch an extent that mix-|'imum amount that should be .sup- ach, lettuce and other vegetables; Ip Freddy s case, alter such ex-, “You didn’t take advantage of the ..darling Clo!” Gigi sprang to her tures of hairless dogs with normal | pHed. No diet should be allowed particularly rich in this element. The | periments at first, there was in- D i a m o n d 4 ]bKC* opportunity to enjoy a lovers stroll | route than to go clear to i sister’s side and dropped on her dogs gives only half of each kind in j to fall below this. A quart of milk iron content of milk is low. Experi-j ' H igh«9i Oudlj^Y^ sp iers with your future husband, Mr. Sey-1 summerhouse and strike the ' knees, cuddling the slim, white the progeny. | a day for each child and a pint for ■ ments have shown that the presence j mour Crosby ?” Strawn suggested ] ^iralk there.” 1 hands against her tanned cheeks. ------— ------i each adult is much safer and every of so much lime in milk has a most ! — ■ \ _ m' ' ■ “I have told you I was alone, but, anvthing- i “Haven’t you ever read any detec- PUFFED SLEE\T1S DATES effort should be made to supply it. beneficial effect on the body’s.use of* allow me to correct you. Mr. Crosby | summerhouse?” I «ve stories, precious? They always ITS RECENT ARKIKYL Milk is one of the foods -primar- iron. So a diet high in milk with its j EIDS lEI YOU WOULD BE is not my future husband!” accuse everybody,' whether they ily designed by nature to nourish calcium content may actually be | “'W'hoops, dearie!” Gigi shouted i Nothing. { fvipv are sTiiltv or not. Don’t From Par's young, and for that reason con- lower in iron and give better results i SURPRISED gleefully. “I was betuBS you I “You heard no scream, at iStn. tains elements which, weight for than ' a diet containing more iron | im lOVtHES Sllll wouldn’t go through with weight, furnish more nourishment to but less milk. j at the amount of wear left In many No! Nothing, r I tell r youV « .r -I bother you any m?rel“ . , —thousands say. It’s wonderful the “'When was the engagement bro­ Says you?” Stravm grinned the human body than almost any t Cream soups, creftm'ed meats and j way soothing, cooling Zemo brings knit articles you have disrearded be­ ken, Miss Clorinda?” Strawn asked “No splash as of something being I other foodstuff. | vegetables. , milk drinks, desserts' cause of runs and amall-.'holes. Just dumped into the water?” strewn'S t r a w n “Yeah, says I” Gigi blustered, j relief to skin which itches and bums. i shaking her fist at him. A Foe of Disease ! made with . milk, all . increase the Even in most severe cases, itching bring them in and let, qs repair “This morning, when Mr. Crosby i persisted, Clo-1 “Nevertheless, and notwithstand- The generous use of milk in the | amoimt of milk used in the di^ and , disappears almost as soon as Zemo them. . / and I were walking together to the j “I teU you I heard nothing I ing. Miss Clorinda. I am going to dietet safeguards toe body against make it; possible for the home-maker , touches the tender and inflamed sur­ l-.k“ I told him that since m y. rinda retorted angrily, ask you to take us to your room many of toe deficiency diseases. Its to serve each membei' of her family face. To draw out local infection and father y.-as violently opposed to the • “But did you—smell something vitamin and mineral content is high., his daily quota of milk.. C R A W lM m P ? now." I help to clear away unsightly blem­ •• u • marriage it could not take place. ’ , when you got near to the summer- ! “'Why?” Clorinda gasped, snatch- The protein, carbohydrate and fat} —----- !------^ . . ishes, we know of nothing better than 904 Main “Aad" v/hy is your father opposed j house?” : ing her hand from Gigi’s; to dab calories of milk are particularly w ell' NOVEL LETTER BOX. in'visible Zemo. Always keep this Room 46, 3i'd Flo^f Dilfen Bldgv to the marriage?” ' 1 “l presume you mean the j furiously at her eyes. utilized by. the body. The protein .is [ Leip,jg;_A nev/ letter box had family antiseptic on hand. Use it HEMSTltCiHl^rji “You must ask* him,” Clorinda re-1 .I ciprinda said coldly. “You i.Qp^ for a look around,” “adequate”- ^ toe very best quality j ip^de its appearance on city streets freely. It’s safe as can be. 35c, 60c Sport Hose, UngQile; »od torted, and closed her eyes wearily. i gggpi fo know so much, I am sure gtrawn assured her amiably. for frojyth The carbohydrate in the PP , jg and $1.00. All dealers. au iDiitted Gooito Rhpflir«4> TMilk aiic-nr n r Inctnsf* 1.

The black eyes flew wide. “No:' JheW 'tL'^'sole *0/ lt°M Alteration ‘*Vl I - I didn't stop at the suramerhouse | h^^ ° S d " d“'aiB“ "fmm' at all!” Clorinda 594 “Tn=n. Miss Clorinda. can you ex- she had flashed at her sm.ter, and he | face, ■p^E. CALDWELL loved people. pinin jliow-your batik silk scarf cam:* knew* there w*as gratitude lu iL - . ^ j Continued) By ANNETTE | ^ He studied the habits of his Sale to be'there?”' 4 . 1 . 9*> fleathe detective mttkedasked “Is there anv ivav youtcpuld, .fi.. There’s more truth than poetry in | patients and tried to improve ItL. softlv ' the time you returned to the house, I the saying “that all styles originate ; their' ways of living. His obser­ “li-v scarf In the summerhouse! Miss Clorinda?” Strawn persisted. ^ i in Paris.’’ But not all the styles vations over a long period of of men, women or children were will be over. \\’hv that’s ridiculous! It wasn’t' “I don’t think so. . . No wait, I Paris send over “take.” | there at all!” ^ remember -winding my watch when 1 One that has—thoroughly—is the ' time convinced him many people sluggish. It pro'ved successful in “Then "perhaps you have another I was undressing for bed. At that 1 I little frock with the puffed sleeves. were ruining theii^ health by a the most ob^inate; cases. So men We must move as much merchandise after 12. I • : explanation of how it came to lie time it was 10 minutes I The one sketched is just as dainty careless choice of laxatives. Then liked it. Old folks liked it because as possible to make room for the tiexi around Doris Matthews’ knees had then been in toe house about I as any little miss of 6, 8, 10, 12 and he deterihihed t® write a pre­ it never gripes. Children liked its when her body was taken from the ’ five or six minutes, I think. , ' 14 years would ask for. ! workmen who will arrive Monday* i-ii-oi" stra-wn said -with dreadful! “Did you see your scarf when you , It is made of a printed cotton net, : scription which would get at the pleasant taste. And everybody is cause of constipation and correct eVsiialness yourself in by toe back door ? ^ ROBERT FROST’S BIRTH an entirely new fabric that promises 1 pleased -with the gentle way it “Around her knees ? ” Clorinda re- “No, but I had forgotten all abbut | to be very popular this Summer. i it quickly a^nd safely. accomplishes its purpose. pcated blankly. Then she must have , it. There is always a dim |^ h t in ^ Ifs Your Chance to Get On March 26, 1875, Robert The simple bodice gives toe effect! How successful bis efforts were By 1888, the demand fon this Realized her danger for she sat bolt | toe back hall, however, a-, there :s , of a basque with toe crushed girdle j is best sho'wn by the fact that the laxative was so great that the upright on toe leather couch. “B u t, in the front hall, and Frost, American poet, noted for his encircling the natural waistline. Your Easter Clothes. that’s impossible, I tell you! It must that I should have seen it if it haJ poems of New England life, was The soft all-around gathered ful­ prescription he wrote back in doctor permitted it to be bottled have been another scarf, sAmewhat - been there. . born in San Francisco. ness of the skirt is pretty idea for 1885 has beepme the world’s most and sold by drugstores. Today similar to m in e-” “Did you. on your ^^y °r on When he was 10 he moved with j Summer, popular laxative! He prescribed you can obtain Dr. Caldwell’s FFOU Se' $1*^ Dresses ' and ' at:', • "Y’ou admit, then, that you were your return, observe a letter or note his parents to Lawrence, Mass., j Style No. 594 also'makes up very a mixture of, herbs and other pure Syrup Pepsin from any drugstore this price yon can afford S. carrying a silk scarf in your hands > lying on toe back hall table . where he received his elementary 1 smartly in pastel batiste, sprigged! D resses or s for summer wear. when you left the house?” Strawn Stravm asked suddenly, education. He studied a year at j dimity, printed lawn, sheer linen in i ingredients .now known as Dr. in the world. caught her up triumphantly. ' 1 “A note? . . . No. I don t think Dartmouth, two more a Harvard, dot motifs, printed crepe de chine, Caldwell’s Sj^up Pepsin, in “No because it is not true.” Clo- I even glanced toward the table, and then taught English and flowered voile, sheer zephyr gingham thousands of.^cases where bad Dr. W. B. C a ld w ell's rinda answered more calmty. “I ,: “Now Miss aormda, when you psychology in secondary schools and organdie. breath, coated^ tongue, gas, was carrying a silk scarf until I . returned to your room, which stairs in New Hampshire. It was in this Pattern price 15 cents in stamps headaches, biliousness, and ' reached the back hall, but I dropped did you take?” period that he first took the writ­ or coin (coin is preferred. 'Wrap SYRIIP PEPSIIM SPRING it to the floor when I was slipping “The back stairs, V> hen I- reached ing of poetry seriously. coin carefully. lack of appetite, or energy A Doctor’s Family Laxative the chain and toe bolt of toe out-| toe second floor Convinced he could develop his I feel certain you will be pleased bowed him that the bowels Three g;ronps inclnding silks in prints and. s tremendous excitement: "Oh, Clo! was one reason I -. took toe walk. I sity of Michigan. Manchester Herald W ant, T'lbefcuUn Tested How terrible! If you dropped your knew they would be quarreling Frost’s poems reveal the soul thrill the hearts of womankind. Regularly pri<^ a t $Q;^. i , scarf inside toe back hall, that about it again, and I was in no mood and soil of . New England. One Pattern Service means that toe person who mur­ for sdiother scene. I stayed out till critic said of them: “They are of 594 I felt fairly sure mother would be Milk EMivered Their dered poor Doris was somebody who the highest importance as social As ou> patterns are mailed $4.95 .--■v was in this house last night!” She asleep, unless she had discovered my history— if as nothing else for from New York City please allow stared round-eyed for a minute, absence and was watching for me.” men in coming generations will five days. DRESS AND SPORTS COATS \ - ■ then, struck With another thought: turn 1 to them, after time has j Homes at 14/ qt. “Or maybe Doris herself picked it “And' did you see your mother wrought its slow changes, to find j Price 15 Cents 'We will be pr/|>ar^'to take care of your wantsjifter Plain and fur-trimmed, Would sen regularly froin -919>50'' up on her way out to see Arnold, after your return ? ” in them the forgotten aspects of | Name April 1st as we afe organizing^ milk route in this town, to $35.00. not knowing he couldn’t meet her. “No. I saw no one, and heard not their ancestors.” Of course that’s what happened!” the faintest so^d. I thought I was Size r PHoM 4316 FOR SERVICE. she concluded, and subsided against safe,” she said'wearily. $9.95 $14 $24JK) Dundee'^ knees again. “You thought you had committed STERILIZE PHONES Address »•••••• esr* ' V 1 V Strat$n and Dundee exchanged your murder ahd got away •with it, glM ces 'befol’e the eWef. resumed. eh?” Stfaivn asked softly. The telephones in a home of office rv- ' “Mew near to the summerhouse “I— ? You’re being absurd!” she should be sterilized daily. With Send your, order to the “Put- DRESSES COATS flOeSJHY did you paes, Miss Clorinda. on your cried angrily. “'Why should I, of all colds about, or any moutli trouble, tern Dept., Manchester Cvsnlng Manchester Green way to the bouse?” people, kill Doris Matthews, the they may be a source of spreading Herald, So. Manchester, Ceno.** “Quite near. Within 20 feet of it, most lovable, faithful, inoffensive—” infection if not kept'sterilized., ii.- PAGE El MANCHESTER EVENING HBEALn. SOOTH MANCHESTER, CONN, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1980. MAROONS DEFEAT VIOT AND SPENCER NOTED SKI JUMPER Easter Hero, Hope of U. S., Three Basketball FACES THE NOOSE Out of the Grand National BRUINS IN GAME Here Tomorrow Eveniiri LEADING SCORERS London MArch 26.—Easter Hero ^Ruddyman, Victor Emanuel's Rhyti- 87 MINUTES LONG — “Bing” Anderson Concealed will not run in the Grand National! cere and Royal Arch, Stephen San- Steeplechase on Friday. J ford’s Sandy Hook and Mr. Whit- A B ig Shot John Hay Whitney’s gelding— ■ ney’s Sir Lindsay, Massey’s New Haven Q ii erstwhile favorite to win the great; Sportsmen generally and betting Wilcox Scores Lone Goal; Twelve of 18 Gaines Turned Real Identity for Long steeplechase at Aintree—has been , people especially were bitterly disap- scratched because of the recurrence pointed at the withdrawl of such a lets to Play at Time. > of the Himeness which troubled him | great chaser as Easter Hero from Boucher Suffers Broken Into Victories; Credit to last week. The veterinary surgeon j the race. On the first intimation of School In Finai Games looked the horse over in his stable ] lameness Easter Hero’s betting price Coach W. E. Schober and at Wantage and made the following lengthened considerably, but later Leg; 16,000 Persons See ..jtxxiia,Berlin, N. X,. H., XX., March 26.— „x (A VP 'i' )— - renort- “ Easter Hero’s leg is flushed | news that his leg was yielding to Senson. A young man awaiting ^ * j ond the lameness has returned. It is ^ treatment raised every one’s hopes Battle. Players as Well Canadian prison- , ^ for murder __ todayi iTnnnsqible j for Easter Hero Hero to run to run and andmore more money money was wasplaced placed on him. was identified by police as one _x^^ygj.pdol and do himself justice.” : Easter Hero’s defection Basketball will sing its swas soQf Upon thousands of Easter Hero’s course, affect the whole wagering on here tomorrow night with three Boston, March 26.— (A P )—Tb? One of the most successful basket- j U6vLCl r _ _ - A irioATrtAnf Tillf OrftP’fl.- He is Ingvald An^rson, oeuer r thunderclap. Everyone men tons announcement, put Grega- bruising Maroons of Montreal have games at the Harding school oa ball seasons in several years has , known as ’’Bing” or ghaun Goilin and K. C. B. at Hollister street. Dancing will follov just been brought to a conclusion at { whose 190-foot jump at BratUeboro . ^ Grand National— 20 to 1 and Rhyticere at 25 to 1. successfully made a last stand the third contest and a good six against the onrushing Boston Bruins the Manchester Trade school. Coach j in 1925 has never been equaled m , able to Regarded here as the world’s crowd is expected. the east. ’Tho^ who admire sk i. P^. J j Anthony, his train- finest steeplechaser, Easter Hero but they must win' two more games The first game, starting promptly Walter E. Schober was the man at i juftiping, and there are many in this I cormng m unlucky-as far as the on Boston ice to enter the finals of the helm of the team and the effect j at 7:30, will feature the Better Boya'^ region, say he i The scratcMng was timed at 2:01 ; Grand National is concerned, the Stanley Cup playoffs. Club against Trinity Parish junic of his work is seen in the record. | A former Providence player in Eighteen games w'ere played and a ; distance but in the ^ Greenwich Time, so that his i Two years ago, when leading, he quintet. New Haven champions. so much admired by Scandinavian, - callover, an hour landed on a fence and spoiled his the Canadian-American Hockey dozen victories turned in. The the Wapping and HighlancL^ he again [chances. Last year he finished sec- League, Archie Wilcox, scored the Park girls teams will renew their Manchester did. however, bow in *^^Anderson’s vvidowed mother, hard-j and a only goal in 87 minutes of embattled ] wao XllCXVXX, ______will -----lose their ; ond, despite having spread a plate rivalry of long standing after which’j defeat to its two most important working and respected by the com -1 was made favorite, hockey here last night to give the rivals, New Britain and Torrington, attHbutid bar sob’,_ dowb, | with tha the Community Club team wlU| game to the visitors. The Bruin.s tackle the Trinity Parish senior ag-J but the enrollment at these schools .fT iT illn ^^^^^^^ .UOW-. Easter Hero was to have carried won the first two contests of the is greater than here. Captain Ernie [ gregation in a return game. MISS 8EE.T BAI-Oom op , i which she said affected ■ ev2?^tha?]K ” wwtney^s colors will i top weight, 175 pounds, in the nine playoffs of first place teams in the Viot and Roger Spencer were the UJACO/TfeXAS,U'i>-i- tJCJUm- The New Haven teams are being | leading scorers, in fact, nearly the be firS in Friday’s r^ e . Sir Lind-1 ty-first running of the Grand Na- Canadian city. The next game W'ill brought here by Samuel J. Massey,j u/EhiT Tag young children. . rorall' sav his second entry, showed good tional. Although finishing second in be played Thursday night and the "whole show.” Anderson s former friends raca : y* . j.jjh stamina at Chel- last year’s race, he had covered him- former head of the Community Club^ F. T. 10 first team taking three games wins P. B. his many reckless and years ago. Although he self with'glory and/was looked upon here and a man who takes a w idej 11 Voit ...... 83 29-78 195 the series. interest in Manchester affairs. Mas- i 11-44 139 “ to’ ® “ u l S ° e r T % T & o S ; at l !o to 8. bis^ dd, | ao tba, beat bet tor _an ^Ameman. A broken leg war: received by 19 Spencer .. 64 that I owned horse to carry off the historic sey’s teams beat the locals in thei 38 9-24 85 George Boucher, veteran Maroons 14 Schiebel .. I cll3,SG Elm City recently and are out to re-| 29 W. Vince . 36 10-38 82 S rlL ^ A a io cla S ? flw “yta""' EitefH .’’ro la out of the rubbing defense man, in checking Marty peat tomorrow night. Paul Cerviul| 43 Easter Hero was purchased by Mr 23 Saimond .. 19 5-14 ago declared bln, Ineligible for com-1 _ ! Whitney from the late Alfred Low- Barry on the center zone less than will he the eleventh man on the) 40 10 Sendrowski 19 6-10 S Srion ^blcaSsT f I enstein.-'Belgian financier and inter­ 10 minutes before the sudden finish. ' With a perfect score of 100 in floor. 7 Heimerdinger 11 2- 3 24 Wilcox a spare defense man, took 13 'JLJLV^ in w'hich he was involved. Respite betting odds are national banker, who disappeared her last match. Miss Rosemary 1 Borella ... r> 3- 3 his place. Francis, above, piled up a total of 9 And his failings, be h^d m^ny I . f^vor last from an airplane crossing the Eng- 0 Jacquemin 2 5- 8 here who found him likeable a good , fs showing lish Channel in 1928. Three regular periods of scoreless 383 points out of a possible 400 to 7 Simler .. 3 1- 3 7 hockey had been played, 60 minutes 7 companion and a good sportsman. I return to winning | Cast Thursday Trainer Anthony win the girls’ rifle championship at 7 P. Vince 3 1- 4 I IIIFX and a 10 minute dvertime session the University of Wichita. She de­ BOWLING ~~ ^ ■ form. ! reported that the horse^ ?.®®? 6 Krovpntka 2 0- 1 4 ■ 11 ■ had produced no score. A suddea 2 The scratching of Easter Hero left 1 found to be dead lame and that Wme throned Marcia Bradford, champion 0 Grensky . 1 0- 1 death session was begun and Wilcox for two years and recognized as one 0 0- 4 0 bMWmiAM e.RAUCHER only five American-owned horses t o ; said: “It is believed he struck him- NEW LEAGUE FORMED 0 Galli . . • • ROPE CLIMBING face the starter in the Grand Na-1 self at the first fence in the Gold made several aggressive rushes un of the best girl rifle shots in the tional and turned the grueling four-1 Cup on Turaday. Anthony said tb ^ successfully. Finally, after GoaJie country. In addition to winning The "Vavoline bowlers lost to the; 284 82-235 650 THE Lx\ND OF BROKEN HE.ARTS 134 mile test into a complete...... riddle. he would delay the scratching from Tiny Thompson had saved two hard the loving cup pictured above, Miss Watkins Exchange Tuesday night , Season’s Record the Grand National pending treat- shots, the puck was slashed over to Francis’ victory automatically gave in the opening of the Golden CSace^ —Willimantic ...... 8 The home town band played when AT REC TONIGHT The American representation is j 35 composed of H. Gordon Selfridge’s I ment by a vetennary. the right wall and fired back into her the captaincy of the girls’ team. Leaglie at Farr’s alleys. Four teams ] 31— A. S. D..... 1...... 39 Lester left. Winter’s cold wind has ' the melee before the.Boston cage by are entered and two rounds will be 57— Alumni ...... not yet abated when the local boy : Jimmy Ward. Wilcox flipped the played. Last night’s scores: Man>^ 26—^Hartford ...... " took the train for the Southland, but i The fourth of a series of- six ath­ rubber into the net. Chester Construction bowls the, 34—Willimantic ...... spring’s warm breezes were in his letic events run each Wednesday Strong defensive play by both REFEREE IS DEAD Golden Gate tonight. 30— A. S...... 32 night will 1 e started at the Rcc teams and brilliant performances .at VavoUne (1) 25—Hartford ...... heart. His big chance had come He this evening. It will he the_ rope Sheldon ...... 78 115 1 39—Rockville H ig h ...... 34 American And National the net prevented scoring. Goalie was going to the big leagues. His climb for time and is exjiected to he Howard ...... 103 89 1 41—Middletown ...... 24 friends were at the depot to wish Flat Walsh of the Maroons made 51 FROM FAN’S AHACK one of the most interesting of the saves to 39 stops by Thompson be­ Chanda ...... 98 96 I 38—^Torrington ...... 24 him well. Jim and Tony and Paul, series. Persons familiar with tms fore Wilcox counted. Cole ...... 115 97 ! 30— ^New Britain ...... 37 the city editor of the papef, came stunt know that it is one thing to Although the Boston men. Cap­ Schendel ...... OO 83 li 19^Rockville High ...... 22 down to shake his hand. He would climb a rope leisurely and another Clubs Seem To Be On Par Los xYngeles, Cal., March 26 tain Hitchman, Eddie Shore and 32— Meriden ...... have to make good now, after all to scale to the top rapidly. T o ta l...... 484 497 < George Owens played with head- — (x\P)— An irony of fate has 58— Middletown ...... this hullabaloo. He’d just as soon At present Bernard Sheridan brought death to Johnny SchilT, Watkins Exchange 31— New Britain ...... 3d gone quietly, without the blare and holds a one point lead over the field guards, only five penalties were call­ former featherweight boxer, and 1 E. F ra zie r...... 114 49—Meriden ...... 2U fuss—but then, let them have their for the three events already con­ ed, three against the maroons. A more lately known as Southern I Murphy ...... 85 44r—Torrington ...... fun. ducted. He has six while Francis Have Broken Even In Exhi- £ a r / Of Derby crowd of 16,000 saw the game with California “most popular” I McNamara ...... 97 31—Bridgeport ...... He got on the train at Kansas Happeny has five. Patsy Vince is | thousands turned away outside. fight referee. I Lovett ...... 97 City that carried the rest of the next with four being tied with Ed- j The game was the first defeat on Gleason ...... 114 448 bition Games This Season; Will See Derby Schiff, who attracted world 650 players. They shook his hand and gar Opizzi. The others are Carl \ - Boston ice for the Bruins since last wide attention twice during his kidded him along. Lester was tall; Johnson 3, Chester Sendrowski 3, November 26. The Maroons won al caree'r, died in a hospital yes­ Total ...... 507 512 485: they called him “Big Boy” during John Rayner 3, Robert Sturgeon 2, j Robins, Braves, Tigers, London, March 26.— (A P )—The that time by a 6-1 score. terday from an infection which the rest of the trip, and he liked it. Stuart Wells 1. • j Earl of Derby, noted British sports­ followed a blow delivered to his TWO-M.\N LExYGUE. Lester made friends easily: he hadn’t CARNERA TAKES ON man who is planning to visit the jaw by an incensed fight fan. thought big leaguers would be such White Sox Have Best Rec­ Little is known of the The two-man bowling league a tl United States in April to attend the good fellows. There wasn’t a high referee’s private life. None of Conran’s alleys got under way Mon- -| hatter in the whole crowd. GUS SONNENBERG PUTS Kentucky Derby as the guest of his Los .\ngeles . associates day night, Warchowski and Kat-. TRAFTON TONIGHT The Chicago and New York ords. Joseph E. Wedener, will spend some know his age, birthplace, or kaveck won four points from Shea papers carried little items a’oout him. time in Washington where possibly early history. and McLagan. Tonight C. Magnu-; ANOTHER IN HOSPITAL he may meet Senator Borah whom One of the accounts said; By HERBERT W. B.ARKER. In 1912 Sfthiff’s popularity son and Chartier meet Johnson and| Kansas City, March 26. (AP) ^ “Lester Henry Wilson got aboard he in-vited to visit England some reached its height when he Werner and there will be another; Primo Camera, 270 pound Italiaa W’orcester, Mass., March 26. time ago. made a bo.ving tour of the match involving O’Bright and Wer- the players’ special at Kansas City. New York, March 26.— (A P )—At carpenter tonight will attempt to in­ (A P )—Gus Sonnenberg, heavy­ Lord Derby engaged In a rhetori­ world. During the World War losky against J. Chartier and Ke-I He was wearing a hat that inclined this stage of the proceedings, inter­ crease his string of knockout vic­ toward the large-rimmed variety of weight wrestler, today had won his cal brush with Senator Borah in the BY JOE O’GOOFTY he was decorated personally bert. The Monday scores follow: league conflict in spring baseball ex­ tories at the expense of George the border heroes. In his pitching second match within a week by con­ spring of 1927. “There is one pro­ by the King of Italy, and by irchowski Katkavecki hibitions has “proved” that the Na­ Pitcher for the Yankees Trafton. Notre Dame and profes­ hand, the right one, he carried a tests in W'hich his opponents were minent politician,” said Lord Derby representatives of three other 125 103 tional and American Leagues are of at that time, “who always seems to St. Petersburg, Fla., March 19.— sional football star, who previously hag that appeared rather small for so severely injured they were unable governments, for bravery shown 115 110 think we are ogres. I refer to sen­ When a player journalist such as I donned the padded gloves to defeat a lengthy journey (that was Aunt exactly equal playing strength. while driving an ambulance in 117 85 i to continue. Of the 39 games involving teams ator Borah. I invite him to come am tours the baseball camps in the Art Shires, Chicago White Sox first Emma’s bag that he had borrowed), Count George Zarynoff of Russia the front line. 94 84 ^ from each league, the National has to this country, if he will do me the south in the spring, it is necessary 97 145 baseman. but when he learned that some of was tossed from the ring here las'- minutes won 19, the American 19 and ono honor, and stay as long as he likes."- to stop and spend a few moments with the Boston Braves. The only arm badX.X. between the New York Giants and Senator Borah later denied that he 548 527 i cal reason for the Braves is that they SHIRES MUST BEAT d. piccxauxL JCXIXI.X CXX.X. XX.— I p-asbed support. He i the Chicago White So.x ended in a had ever thought or said that the Shea McLagan] foreign — x , English people were ogres. “I would need eight teams to complete the 109 89 player expressed confidence that lie ‘anyway, they have one-day ' f j ? x„ven to the city hospital and, tie. —- dries near the------training camp----- don’t “ ^ The From a National League stand- really like to visit England and I league and have to depend upon OUT RIVAL FOR JOB 104 101 i will stay the limit. hope I may ^’.nd an opportunity to some'oody to finish in last place. 101 120 J they?’ I— 'S u T a '" / r ^ 5 .. Oi 18., Bill McKechnie, who I thought “Lester appears to he somewhat do so.” He was quoted as saying, 104 104 j grappling. against clubs from the rival circuit “My mission will not be that of was too smart to go to the Braves 103 132 ^ a diamond in the rough, but he has Last Thursday night in Boston. San Antonio, March 26.— (A P )- The Robins have won three of their hunting wild game, such as ogres, for four years, is down here tak­ MAY P U Y SECOND a competitive heart, and that’s about Henri De Glane, French wrestler fell ing his punishment now after win­ Charles Arthur Shires may be a.i i four games with American League but to know better a people whose 521 . 546- J 50 per cent of a pitcher’s success. through the ropes with Sonnenberg ning pennants for the Pirates and great as he claims to be, but he hat; He is the young fellow Manager Mc- rivals, while the Braves have w'on highest encomium is that of always on top of him and was taken to the the Cards. When I asked him what to prove it to Donnie Bush, manager ROUND OVER AGAIN Courtney liked last year when he seven of 12. In the American League having been loyal to their own class, BOWLING CONGRESS. hospital, unable to continue. He had an attitude which prevails strongly kind of a team he had, he took me of the White Sox. Although the ______I pitched an exhibition game against only the Chicago White Sox and De­ won the first fall. Sonnenberg s in the United States and which, I the dining room. “Great One” gained reinstatement ' the Wolves out in Keokuk. He seems Cleveland, March 26.— (A P)- next appearance will be in Hartford troit Tigers can boast better than an think, is worthy preserving.” “There they are,” says he, point­ and signied a contract at Chicago Southern Pines, N. C., March 20. to be a cool fellow, with a world of i even break with the National yesterday he ■will have gamed to Competitors in the team event o f Friday. Lord Derby is now on the con­ ing inside. the American Bowling Congres^ __(AP) — Optional second round the old courage.” j League. tinent but his secretary said he was Then I realized that the Braves fight to get bis old first base jo’j nlav today confronted three score Lester was shown the clipping | The White Sox have won tour out back. Manager Bush said. Bud tournament tonight will range froi^ sailing at the end of -April. During sure enough have got some ball as far as Salt Lake City, on the women golfers in the mid south 54 by several of the fellows, and he; of six and Detroit four out of seven Clancy has been tending to the bag his visit to Washington, he hopes to players, because you ought to see west to Schenectady, N. Y., on thil hole tournament here who were vie- ate it right up. Cool? Competitive? ; In the compilation of all spring in great fashion all spring. BIG MATCH TONIGHT renew his acquaintance with Hugh those guys eat. They don’t need a east. tims of a cold, driving rainstorm He would show them! They hadn’t] training games, regardless of the .Wallace, former American ambassa­ manager; all they need ir a couple Shires was enroute to camp today. While it will be mainly CleveUmg yesterday afternoon. [said half enough. ; " . - i character of the opposition, the dor to France. penitent and “all set to outhit' The cold, blustery downpour found j Down at the Springs he toiled, 1 Athletic Club night, there also wiS| Trailing by 30 pins as the result ri j Washington Senators head the list Lord Derby last crossed the At­ Hornsby and R utl.” about half the field including the ^ ran around the park, pitched, did the first leg of a home and boxae | four victories and no defeats lantic 37 years- ago when he ac­ be quintets from Detroit, T « « ^ American champion Miss Glenna ■ everything that was asked of him match, the Waterbury All Stars, Senators triumphs have companied his father, then governor- I Haute, Ind., Windsor, Ont, . Eri a previous big'tim e *triai ■with the exhibition game yesterday limiting ville. Drill confine his activities to jury and Burleigh Grimes absence. the East Side girls and men will Athletics and Red Sox. “ I don’t know,” says Bill, “but every time I stepped to the St. Petersburg, Fla., March 28.— It now seems doubtful if Lloyd take place Friday night., the Los Angeles to six hits. water polo. . . . Pete (The Goat) he said 'T d say ‘here’s one foe.; (A P )—Always an optimist. Babe I got a pretty good kid first base- Stone, who invested ?1000 for recovering from an operation will CHOOSES BASEBALL man out there 1 like.” some shares in Carnera stock and one for McGraw.’ ” Ruth is ready to show cause w'hy he be ready to play nine innings by the RxYDICAES IN RIOT. OVER TRx^CK thinks the New York Yanks are go­ CLxAIMS NEW RECORD. “W ho?” saya I. when it was low, has realized time the season opens. Torn with the (^esire to burl the “George Sisler,” says he. something over 825,000 and the HE ALWAYS 8COBBI:, ing to win the American League San Francisco, March 26.— (AP) Pie Traynor has been absent from Javelin on the track. team and to Sydney, New South Wales, March “ If you just had Charlie O’Leary stock is still soaring . . . . ‘T Jack Bonner, Temple Uidyel pennant. his third base position suffering —Ten alleged Radicals were imder catch on the baseball team, Oscar great all-4rOuBd athlete, “The Yanks have been strengthen­ 26.— (A P )—Bonnie Mealing, Aus­ to pitch,” says I, “you’d he sitting knew I’d get my dough back from a sore eye and Grimes, pitch­ arrest and two persons were nurs­ Nelson, University of Iowa; finally | been held scordtss In ed” Ruth explains. “Chapman will tralian girl swimmer, claimed a new pretty*’^ j Some way,” said Pete. "If h« i ing ace, ending a stay at Hot ing injuries today as the result o? cast his lot with the diamond can­ of basketball cCmpititiOB. ^ be all right at third if he bits the world’s record today after swim But the Braves, I understand is I couldn’t fight I could use him ks Springs, -4.rk., yesterday said his a miniature riot which interrupted didates. His best javelin throw of registered at least a free old apple a little harder, and I ming 150,yards backstroke in on’ just a quaint old Boston, custom, so • a bouncer.” • 58 ecmaecutlve contesta,.^ salary differences with the clu’o an address by Dan Hoan, Socialist 192 feet stands as a state inter- there is nothing I can do about it. ^ « don’t see how "Vernon Gomez can Mayor of Milwaukee, last night. scholastic record. minute and 551-5 seconds. miss being a regular pitcher. management remained unchanged. I"

MANCHESTBB’ B V O T SOirra ilANCHBSTOR, CONN.. WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1980. pPAGB TWELVE THEC ED S^ECTIOii B l I V A N » ^ » E L r H E R E x~v^xXXv~VS,S\SV\VVVVVNVVVVVV\ W W V V V V V W V «3 «X %>3k3^3«%*3yOkX%X%XV«C%%X$E1C?«VXXXS^%*Sfc%X%%X%1k16%%ia«36X3CSS69CXS%«ti^3t^^ ■gggggggggggggggS^KSptXXKXM^^ locxsexxxx HOUSES FOR RENT 65 HELP WANTED— Want Ad Information LOST AND FOUND DUCHESS A BANKRUPT MONSIGNOR CASSDY FEMALE 35 FOR RENT—16 Hamlin street, 6 LOST—A BROWN Irish bird WANTED—GIRL FOR light house­ IS ELEVATED BY POPE Manchester rooms and garage. G. H. Waddell. Klagenfurt, Carinthia, Austria, I dog. Kindly call 6006. work. Call in person at 377 East ■______<------: Evening Herald Center street or by phone 7681 March 26.— (AP.)—The Duchess of anytime Wednesda;* or mornings FARMS AND LAND FOR Leuchtunberg, who last year pur­ Vatican City, March 26.— (AP)— Pope Pius has appointed Rt. Rev. CLASSIFIED ANNOUNCEMENTS thereafter. SALE 71 chased an immense forest at St. i ADVERTISEMENTS Monsignor James E. Cassidy, vicar WANTED — GIRL AS mother’s FOR SALE—60 ACRE farm with Leonhardt in the Levant valley and general of the Diocese of Fall River, FRANK DE CIANTIS, 47 North took up residence in the far-famed r>niirif .iv average words to a line, street announces that he has' just helper, 16 or over, go home nights. 6 room house, apple orchard, about Mass., titular bishop of Iboria with haunted castle of "The White Lady,” functions auxiliary to Bishop Daniel ^n tlals numbers and abbreviations received a large number of im­ Call 8551. 100,000 feet standing timber, all for tach count as a word and compound made a declaration of insolvency to­ F. Feehan of Fall River. ported tapestries from Italy in­ $3,750. Wm. Kanehl. Telephone words as two words. Minimum cost is WANTED—HIGH school girls over day. cluding scenes of Venice, Naples 7773. "t^frlte^s^lr"^^^day tor trans'cnt 16 years of age for clerical work. Her liabilities are about $4,000,- Fall River, Mass., March 26. — and Rome, $2 up. No obligation to 000, and the failure is imderstood to (AP)—Rt. Rev. Monsignor James E. come and see them. If you wish Apply to Cheney Brothers Employ­ Kflccc.vc March ment Office. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 have been caused by the hea-vy ex­ Cassidy, who was appointed titular call 8804 and I will bring them to I penses of maintaining the estate. bishop of Iboria by Pope Pius XI G Consecutive Days .. 7 ctsj -J cts your home. FOR SALE—10 ROOM flat with all The Duchess is a direct descend­ today, came to Fall River as rector 3 Consecutive 0 « -s . ■ ^9 ctsj 11 ^t^ modem improvements, good l<3ca- ant of Napoleon’s stepson, Eugene "VICTOR HEDEEN wishe-. to an­ SITUATIONS WANTED— of St. Mary’s Cathedral parish under All oVdeVs’ VoV Irregular insertions tion. Price $8,000. Owner says Beauharaais, on one side, and the the late Bishop Stang, first bishop will be charged at the one time rate. nounce to his customers and FEMALE 38 “ sell” . Apply to Wm. Kauehl, 519 Russian Emperor Nicholas I on the Special rates lor long term every friends that he is now established of the Fall River diocese. He later Center street. other. She was born the Princess became pastor of St. Patrick’s dav^advertising given upon request. in his new workshop at 37 Hollister Repkin, a close relation of the Ads ordered for three or six da> s YOUNG LADY WANTS position as Cathedral here and in April 1912 stopped before the third or fiftli street. He has ample space to dis­ FARMINGTON — SE'vTEN rooms, House of Romanoff, and her hus­ and the ac- play his antiques and facilities for stenographer. Call Rockville 53-4. was appointed domestic prelate with d.av will be charged only for oak floors, white enamel, paint, band was Duke George, who fought the title of monsignor. Prior to his tual number of times the repairing and refinishing all furni- 1 fire place, -wo car garage, $7,500— on the Russian side in the World cd charging at the rate earned, but coming here he served as professor no allowances or refunds can he made ture. Tel. 3178. $1,500 cash. O. R. Lamphier—Farifa War and later organized a counter­ of science at St. Joseph’s Seminary, ads stopped after the LIVE STOCK- Man, 860 Main street, East Hart­ revolution against the Bolsheviks. on six time 42 Dunwo(5die, N. Y., and for three fifth day. VEHICLES ford. Phone 8-3221. years was treasurer, of the seminary. No “ lili forbids display lines not AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 4 VILLAGE FARM—Six rooms, elec­ REPUBLICANS GATHERING He spent a year in Rome. ®°'nie Herald will not be responsible cow FOR SALE—New milch Jer­ foi more than one incorrect insertion sey 5-year old. Price $90. Ernest tricity, furnace, water, bam, silo, of any advertisement ordered for GOOD USED CARS S. Gowdy, Coventry, Conn. tobacco shed, poultry house, twen­ Bangor, Maine, March 26— (AP) CLERGY^LAN A CANDIDATE more than one time. __ inrnr- Cash or Terms ty-five acres, trolley at door. $7,- —Republicans converged today on The inadvertent omission of 'pcor Madden Bros. 500. O. R. Lamphier, Farm Man, this city for the party’s biennial Boston, March 26— (AP) —Rev. -ect publication of advertising "’‘11^ £,•600 Roland D. Sa"wj’er of Ware, member rectilied only by cancellation of tlie 6f Main S t Tel. POULTRY AND 830 Main street, East Hartford. state convention expected by lead­ charge ma.le for the service rendered SUPPLIES 43 Phone 8-3221. ers to be the quietest in a number of the state House of Representn- All advertisements must conform of years. No controversial problem tives, today was candidate for the In style, copy and typography with THE OLD HOMESTEAD, lire place, loomed on the platform horizon. Democratic nomination of U. S. sen­ regulations enforced by the publish­ 10 GOOD USED CARS FOR SALE—ROASTING dlicks, ers and they reserve the right to Crawford Auto Supply Company baths, electricity, ten rooms, Prohibition which led to polemics ator as an imcompromising foe of baby ducklings, hatching eggs. garage, old shade acre land. State Federal prohibition. edit, revise or reject any copy con­ Center & Trotter Streets Telephoiie 8837. B. T. Allen, 37 at the recent Democratic state con­ sidered objectionable. road, twenty minute^ ride busline. vention is non-controversial in Re­ CLOSINO HOURS— Classified ads to Telephone 6495 and 8063 Doane street. . O. R. Lamphier Farm, Man. 860 publican ranks. Chairman Daniel H. HOLD SUNDAY’S SON be published same day J’.®! ceived by 12 o’clock noon; Saturdajs WHITE LEGHORN day old chicks Main street. East Haitfnrd. Phone Field of the state committee report­ Chicago, March 26.—(AP.) — SEE US BEFORE 10:30 a. m. 16cts. each, riatches every Satur­ 8-3221. ed. He indicated strong “probabil­ George M. Sunday, the evangelist, BUYING A USED CAR . ity” of an imyielding dry plank in was held by police today for Los TELEPHONE YOUR Terms—Trades Considered day. E. S. Edgertoni 655 North OPPOSITE PORTER street school, Main street. Phone 5416. the platform. Angeles, Csdif., authorities who WANT ADS. BETTS GARAGE seven rooms, garage, hennery, The convention proper opens at telegraphed he was wanted there Ads are accepted over the Hudsoa-Essex Dealer 129 Spruce WHITE WYANDOTTES eggs for woodhouse, improvements, under 10 a. m. tomorrow. for bond forfeiture and adultery. at the CHARGE R.ATE given $3,000. Chas. Allen, Manchester as a convenience to hatching from my prize winning the CASH RATES will he accepted as and good laying stock $2 and $5 Green. FULE P.AYME.N’T it paid at the busi­ GARAGES—SERVICE- per 15. H. J. Kissnianu, 44 Gris­ ness office on or before the sev®ntl FOR SALE—6 ROOM house; also 5 wold street. Phone 7784. day following the fi’’®,';, STORAGE 10 room bungalow. All improvements. each ad otherwise the CHAKwt. Call at 168 Benton street. Dial RATE will be collected. No '"esparsl- FOR RENT—GARAGES it $5 per BARRED PLYMOUTH Rocks— bility for errors in telephoned ads 8713. month rear of Professional. Build­ Eggs for hatching from prize win­ will be assumed and their accuracy ning and heavy laying stock $2.50 cannot be guaranteed. ing, 829 Main street. Apply Geo. E. Keith. per 15, $12 per 100. J. F. Bowen, l o t s f o r s a l e 73 INDEX OF 570 Woodbridge street. Phone 7800. CLASSIFICATIONS FOR RENT — GARAGE rear of FOR SALE—LOT ON corner of ___ A Johnson Block, Main street. Phone Summit and Washington streets Births ...... 3 ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 Engagements ...... 3726 or 7915. TENEMENTS 63 with building on same included. Marriages ...... p HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 Will sell at assessed price. Inquire Deaths FOR SALE—LOAM A-No. 1. In­ APARTMENTS— FLATS- of E. C. Packard, Packard's Phar­ Card of T lianl. 5 p. quire Frank Damato & Son, 24 WANTED TO SELL 8 PIECE oak | In Memoriam BUSINESS SERVICES FOUR room flat. .\11 macy. Dost and Found ...... Homestead street. Phone 7091. dining room set with large buffet j FOR RENT OFFERED 13 in very good condition. Also i improvements, with garage. Adults, Announcement.'! ...... 3 1 Personals ...... white enamel single bed. Priced Inquire 37 Clinton street. Mrs. Aofnmo’iiles WANTED—STERILIZING tobacco INC03IE i.AX RECEIPTS. Automoliiles fiT Sale ...... ELECTRICAL APPLIANCES very low. Call at 20 Holl street, S Thibodeau. Autoninbilps t T E-;channs beds, excavating and grading — RADIO 49 a. ni. to 1 p. m. or after 6 p. ni. ■- H W E HAVE Auto Accee.sortes— •• ploughing gardens, moving ashes. FOR RENT—THREE live and 6 IVashingtou, March 25— (AP) — I Auto Reoa’rins RenaTing —r—ranitin aiiuin*, ...... We also have the' best of building ELECTRICAL REPAIRING and m- FOR SALE—2 BURNER Eloreuce room tenements, all modern im­ The 'Treasury reported today that ...... * ■ g Auto Sobp< sand, gravel and loam. H. W. Case. stalling of all kinds. Atwater Kent, oil stove with mantle and oven. provements. Inquire 147 E. Center income tax collections for Marca 'J!, ! Autos—E-tiip t’V Trucrv !» Autos—F'O- Htvt: ...... Dial 8643. and Zenith radios. Terms reason­ Also Columbia graphonola and rec­ street. Telephone 7864. \ve, 0 ^14,845,G8S making total col- | G a ra g e s — .s«i ' n’r— Sin ra * * ’ 1 ords, mahogany case, excellent con­ i lections as of that date $532,6IS,- : 1-t able. Pbone 4673, Raymond A. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, Jlfot orc ' *' I es — no' 1 <■ I PS . • • ■ 1’j Walker, 64 Mather street; dition. 'Vei'y reasonable. Phone T.tG; • } THE CAR W anted 'll —M"roi'C' cle niodeni iinprovemeuls. G Hudson nnd Service*^ CONTRACTING 14 3501. . The total for the muntn. however, nn*iinp» , street. Phone 5573. Riisinpe'i I' p- (iftprp,! BUILDING- va.s about $34,000,000 less than c'>;- , ]r,Mir<-Ii"bl ^^l '. !'•- Offered . ■ i: FOR SALE—LEAVING town will ler-.ted in the same number of dajs j ri'iihli nu •-Gi,n I r.’i’! itii; ...... FUEL AND FEED 49-A sacrifi.ee one coal and gas combina­ YOU Fbifis;s — NiirrerirE ...... CARPENTER WORK.— Shiugling, FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, Eldridge last year when $566,284,393 had screens and screen enclosures a tion. Gas stove and Axminster rug. been received. With six more bus-; I'vnipral I n ■ WOOD IS VERY s u i t a b l e as a Telephone 7119. street. Jas. J. Rohan. Tel. 7433. Hp;itnis--F’''imbiiio" —Ibjoliiig specialty. T. Neilssn. Tel. 4823. Spring fuel. We have the following iness days left in the month it was j rr'!i|i a in’P ...... l("OR RENT— : AND 5 ROOM tene­ 3nr,inprv — Drpp.':mal:;ns ■ . . • sawed stove length and undir predicted unofficially that the total j ments A-1 Condition, . lOdn-n, near yiovinrr -Tri'pkin.ff—Storage cover; bard $7.50 per load; slab MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS 5c•7. ' of March income tax colleetions STOP IN r-ia!in-r— r’lioptif!? ...... STORAGE 20 $6.00 per load, chestnut $6.00. L. T. Cheney mills $20-$25. Inquire on would total less than $550,000,009, '■ ]•; i,f.psv.-i,iiiai Services ...... MOVING— TRUCKING- Wood Co. Dial 4496. premises, 5 Walnut street. Tailor a drop of about $51,000,000 as com­ I; *i!:ii -'n-r ...... • •••••• FOR SALE—HAINES Bros, up­ Shop. Tel. 5030. 'r-ilnri'ic; — Oyeia.s:— pared with the mon't-h last year. T.-ilet (binds and Service ... L. T. WOOD CO.—Furniture and WOOD FOR SALE—Ashes to . re­ right piano $35. In good condition, FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement, all TO-NIGHT AVaiited-Business Service .. piano moving, modem equipment, move. Any kind of light trucking. IS Girard street. Tel. 7060. CHLTICH BURNS Filucnf lonal experienced help, public store­ Call V. Firpo, 116 Wells street. improvements, including steam luourses and ('"lasses ...... heat and garage. 107 Hemlock St. I'rivate rnstiuction ...... house. Phone 4496. Dial 6148. South Byfield, Mass., March 26.— jji.-incing ...... WANTED—TO BUY 58 (A P .)—A fire which started after FOR SALE—BIRCH seasoned hard FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, with all .Musical— Dramatic ...... 30 PERKBTT & GLENNEY INC. the steeple had been struck spread AND GET IT 1 Wantecl— Instruction ...... Local and long distance pxpresa wood, or hickory sawed for stove, JUNK improvements, steam heat, garage. Fiiiaiicinl to the rest of the old Congregation­ 31 and freight service, including over­ furnace, or fire place by the truck I will buy anything saleable and Inquire 164 Eldridge street, or tele­ Homis—Stoclts—MortKages phone 5363. al church here early today and con­ Business Opportunities ...... p- night express service between Man­ load, good service and measure pay best cash prices. Prompt atten­ verted it into a mass of flames by Money to T.oan ...... chester and New York. Furniture guaranteed. Fred Miller, Coventry. tion. Wm. Ostrinsky, 91 Clinton. FOR RENT—5 ROOM flat, all mod­ the time the first apparatus arriv­ llelii mil SHuafious Telephone Rosedale 33-3. Tel. 5879. Help Wanted— Female ...... p-> movfd under the supervision of ex­ ern improvements. Inquire Robert ed. Firemen estimated the loss to­ perts and in specially constructed The Mackley Chevrolet Co., iHelp Wanted— Male ...... ----- WILL PAY HIGHEST cash prices R. Keeney, 16 Eldridge street. day at $25,000. Hell) wanted.— Male or !• einale ■ • „ trucks. Phone 3063. d860 or 8864. HARD WOOD $6 PER load, also .\gents Wanted ...... p'*^' fireplace wood. Wm. J. McKinney. for rags, papers, magazines and Used Cai: Lot Corner Main and Pearl. Situations Wanted —Female ----- ;;•> FOR RENT—t^ U R room tenement, In North Africa the natives col­ GENERAL TRUCKLNG— Equipped Phone Rosedale 28-2. metals. Also buy all kinds of with all improvements and garage Used Car Lot Phone 6874. Situations Wanted—Male ...... pJ chickens. Morris H. Lessner. Dial lect huge numbers of grasshoppers, idmployment .^sencIes ...... for light and heavy Jobs, tobacco, at 5 Ridgewood street. Rent $23 which are eaten raw, as well as l.lve Stock— *—Poultry— Vehicles hay, lumber, heavy freight, etc. 6389 or 3886. GARDEN— FARM— month. Inquire 178 Parker street. boiled or fried. Dogs— B irds-P ets ...... j ’ Prompt service, reasonable rates. Dial 5623. Uve Stock —Vehicles ...... 4. Frank V. Williams. Tel. 7997. DAIRY PRODUCTS • 50 Poultry and Supplies ...... r • • •,• U; TENEMENTS 63 Wanted — —Poultry—Stock 44 FOR RENT — DESIRABLE six For Sale— Miscellaneous FOR SALE — FLORIST, nursery APARTMENTS—FLATS— room tenement, all improvements. Articles for Sale ...... REPAIRING stock and hardy perennials, potted Inquire at 90 Main street. J. P. East Center St. Boats and Accessories ...... 4i' FOR RENT— 4 ROOM flat, all im­ plants 25c each. Large flowering Tammany. Building Materials ...... 4 ( v a c u u m CLEANER, phonographs, provements, 5 minutes from mill, Comer Hamlin street, nice resi­ Diamonds—Watches—Jewelry .. 4S shmbs 25c each. Elvergreens 35c clock, gun repairing, key fitting. trolley station near house. Inquire dence o f 8 rooms, all conveniences,, Electrical Appliances—Radio each and up. Rosebushes 25c each. MODERN FI'VE room flat, with Braithwaite. 52 Pearl street. garage, large comer plot of land I Fuel and Feed ...... 'U ' ' j " 1' ^" Vn Hedging barberry and California at 351 Center street. Tel. 6583. garage, on Lilley street, just off Garden .— Farm—Dairy Products .Ml Main street, house newly renovat­ that is bound to increase in vMue. Household Goods ...... SEV/ING MACHINE repairing of privet $5.00 hundred. Hardy peren­ TO RENT—^Five room tenement, all ed. Telephone 5661, evenings. Inspection by appointment. ALL RI&HT, LCTlS TAKE |T iMachlnery and Tools ...... p- all makes, oils, needles, and sup­ nials, iris, hardy chysamthemums, improvements, garage. Appl'^ 429 iMuslcal Instruments ...... pp Middle Turnpike, near Main, well OVER AMIN, ANP WHEN YOU plies. R. W. Garrard, 37 Edward hardy carnations, l columbine, del­ Center street. CONE TO THAT FORTISSIMO 1 Office and Store E quipm ent----- p4 phinium, sweet Williams and hardy built single, fireplace, steam heat, Specials at the Stores ...... pp street. Tel. 4301. fyUSAGET, PLAY (T SOFTLY, Iwearlng Apparel—Furs ...... p7 phlox, 60c dozen. Bleeding hearts FOR RENT—4 ROOM tenement, BUSINESS LOCATIONS etc. Basement garage, reasonable IWanted—To Buy ...... 75c each, at IJIcLellan’s Store, Main with all improvements except heat, FOR RENT 64 price. A5 it 5H0ULP BE PLAYEP, Rooms— Board— Hotels— Resorts TAILORING— D Y E IN G - street. also garage. Inquire 119 Prospect Your choice of 4 beautiful large ------Restaurants FOR RENT—OFFICES in Profes­ building lots on Pitkin street. Walk, Rooms Without Board ...... CLEANING 24 street. Boarders Wanted ...... FOR SALE — GREEN Mountain sional Building, 829 Main street. curb, gutter, sewers, gas all in. If Country Board—Resorts ...... Go HARRY ANDERTON, local dealer potatoes extra good cooking. E. A. FOR RENT—6 ROOM tenement at Apply Geo. E. Keith. you are plarming a home look at Hotels—Restaurants ...... G^ The English Woolen Co. Tailors Buckland, Wapping, Conn. Tele­ 86 Church street, steam heat and this property before deciding on lo­ "Wanted—Rooms— Board ...... 6- since 1898. Call 7334.. phone Manchester Rosedale 63-5. all improvements. Garage avail­ FOR RENT—LARGE room 20x55, cation. Real Estate For Rent suitable for lodge or business, rear Apartments. Flats, Tenements .. C3 able. Inquire 88 Church street. $1,000 cash, total price $5,600, Business Locations for Rent ... 64 WANTED—CUSTOMERS for T. B. of Professional Building, 829 Main buys a nicely located three acre Houses for Rent ...... G.) COURSES AND CLASSES 27 tested milk, at your door daily 13c FOR RENT AT 85 Garden street, 6 street. Apply Geo. E. Keith. place. Poultry, berries, fruit and Suburban for Rent ...... Gl, a quart with tickets. Maple Rowe room tenement, all improvements. Summer Homes for Rent ...... G7 some real good tillable land. 6 BARBER TRADE taught in day Farm. Coventry. Phone Rosedale Apply at 21 Russell street. "Wanted to Kent ...... CS and evening classes. Low tuition HOUSES FOR RENT 65 room house with: steam heat and Heal Estate For Sale 33-13. electricity. 5 minutes’ walk from Apartment Building for Sale ----- GO rate. Vaughn Barber School, 14 FOR RENT— 4 ROOM tenement, Business Property for Sale ----- 70 Market street. Hartford. A-1 condition, all improvements, FOR RENT—MY attractive seven trolley. Farms and I^and for Sale ...... U garage if desired, 238 Oak street. room house on Main street, north Houses for Sale ...... 73 • HOUSEHOLD GOODS 51 of Middle Turnpike. Fireplace, T..ots for Sale ...... y* quartered oak finish down stairs, Jtesort Property for Sale ...... y- More than 150 ships, carrying 3 Sectional. Bookcases $12 each FOR RENT—5 ROOM FLAT Wads- ivory woodwork seconi floor. All ROBERT J. SMITH Suburban for Sale ...... jo more than 40,000 passengers, pass Leather Rocker $f . vjorth street, Greenacres. H. H. Real Estate for lixchange ...... y redecorated. Apply 113 Chestnut 1009 Main through the English Channel every ‘ WATKINS West & Son, 29 Bissell street. Tele- Wanted—Real Estate ...... ‘‘ street. Phone 4018. ^ Real Estate. Insurance of all kinds. Auction^Lcgal Notices month. FURNITURE EXCHi’JMGE phone 5202 or 8706. Legal Notices ...... 78 GAS BUGGIES—Loyal Unto Death By FRANK BECK


There are at least four mistakes in the above picture. They may per­ tain to grammar, history, etiquette, drawing or whatnot. See if you can find them. Then look at the scrambled word below—and un­ scramble it, by switching the letters around. Grade yourself 20 for each of the mistakes your find, and 20 for the word if you unscramb.'e it.

COBBBCnOXS. (1) One of the onder-braoes Is missing from the chair at the left. ■ (2) There should be bouts, or curves, on the tVes pf the vinlin. (3) The point at the lower end of the cello, on si.iich it should rest, ’s missing. (4) “FortlssL-o” means to play loudly, not softly. (5) The scrambled word is PASTRY.

■ '■ i - . Mt.-V i «

PAGE TBtKtsaar MAijOHESTER EVENING HERALD. SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, MARCH 26, 1930. r? r By Peixjy I^Oriwsby apper anny ays s E i p p y R______»«c.as.PAT.oFr. F ______S : SENSE ««i NONSENSE ' ■v:

It is said that all radio annoiinc- W€LL,TH6 PARMGR jOKC I

Census enumerators are going to find out how many people own; radios, and, probably why.^ |

The greatest thing the radio hasj done, is to make music as regular a j thing as mealtime in our farm homes. Rriteta Kum& In c. ______Ragson Tatters says: “When I| 3HC 1 was a baby I couldn’t spit over my | chin; now I can spit all over it.” j QNtA Responsibilities Only when you’re broke do you O U R H o a r d i n g H o u ^ B 3t F o n t a i n e F o x gravitate to find out how many close friends you r Toonerville Folks the persons By Gene Ahem have. who can shoulder them; power the same effect once before when I 5 |MPS0 N;CWH 0 SE f e e t a r e t h e l a r s e s t in t h e flows to the, man happened to touch a live wire.” who knows — r> WHOLE t o w n s h i p ) VS SAVING TO BUY HIS MA A NEW RUG. \T 15 CLP f a m il y c u s t o m Lis-Te-i^, s u l t a k I I — how. Over in Japan it is customary to l4gRe,MlS5 ‘FRAMKEY.-rHA-ri-TXk'E, a f t e r u j a s Mi m g t h e remove the shoes before entering a The man who has not anything to A CUP oTF c o i T 'e e vurrM TMe house. In America the only one who pi-SFtE.S, I 'TAKE A boast about but his illustrious an­ observes this custom is the hubby Ev/eMiMe piiUKieR a cestors is like a potato— the only B ov v i V o n “ THE p a y ;, who comes home late at night. Halt^ Hour a f t e r -r e p a s t t good belonging to him is under­ «r/w<>c^YoU’ P B B T T 6 R " T A k E ground. i's 'FlMlShtEP, I a m *5ERYEP , If all the punk radio programs - t o \T U P VUlTet A P L U M B E R were suppressed, thinks Bill, there /4M0-re(ER CUP O'F COFFEE When there are no other disputes j would be plenty of channels for the Up -1b PIPE IKl-TtiAT SECONiP on hand, the nations can always j iki -Tt^s LIv/ iMcb -r o o m u iHil e argnie about where the next peace; other kind. I "REAP A FEGj V/ER5ES OF CUP OF COFFEE-Tb YoU, ‘ E v /E R Y k i i g h t ; conference is to be held. j The honeymoon is over when the o p C Cf^AUCER AMP A c MAPTER fib becomes a lie. OR "TMO OF PLATof-^UM-M- The electric chair has something ) to do with deterring criminals, but Y o u M ilL L Tanning the hide promotes health, the proper place to start is the hign and in the old days it also served to ■REMEMBER TMAT; )< chair. develop moral fibre. P L E A S E / Employer—Tou’re a wonder. How The art of life is to know how 0 did you get rid of all that broad­ to enjoy a little and to endure much. cloth we had? » Clerk—I sold it to the fat woman. )( Employer—But how did you do A SWEET BLACKJACK it? Clerk—Oh, I just called it “nar­ i Hattiesburg, Miss.—^A Fokakis row-cloth instead of broadcloth.” j isn’t going to handle stick candy in I his store any more. Recently when Flatery should be rubbed on, he was closing up his fruit store, a never swallowed. man came in and bought a five-cent m stick of candy. When Fokakis turn­ “I had a drink of real Connecticut ed his head, the man hit him over moonshine liquor the other day, the head with the candy,' and at­ boasted Windy Wolf. “I.got about tempted to rob the store. Fokakis came to his senses soon enough to stop the robbery.


U P O N Berlin—Picture prohibition in the land of drinking songs and steins— m a s t e r . A T I M E . Germany. It is possible, for at a re­ cent Parliament meeting, a motion AMP ”T^


. . . . B y d o s s e r S¥0RY4;^ HAL COCHRAN^ p i c t u r e s i X iCIN FRECKLES AND HIS FRIENDS Freckles Is Sure OH,llH SURE IT WAS Aio ooogr nr was OSCAR AH' T WAS Hold oM ! hold VMHV, SORE-OSCAR a M' y )0 BCYS HAME TOO A HOWOeSD/PoP, ^ A MUMDR6D d o l l a r , \ MUCH IMAEIMATIOM^ A TEM dollar bill HAYlM’ A SODA AT' OM!'- A mam PAVlMS X SAW IT VMITU OOR 'CAUSE I WAS-TBfJ Bi l l !! e e s - Y o o c o o ld a FOR A MlCKEL DRlMK OVHM E'VES='VNE i c a M p r o b a b l y AMD NtoO TWO TUOOSlfr DAES a s SOEPRIS6D 't; m a t id o c f ’S p r o s KMOCKED ^Ae OMER VNITW v«nH A HOMDREO t 60SSS vmHAT it VJJAS A UOMDREO I W o u l d w a v e St o r e when a mam MEYER SAYi THE MAM DOLLARS?? BILL VMAS eE E M A F6ATH6R ^ c a m e IM AM’ ORDERED BERdRE- HE MOST SE DOLLAR OME " 37 ABSURD OVEfRA A LENNOM PHOSPHATE A NilLLlOMAlRE '- TteM AM' PAID FOR IT VMITH . A HOMDREO d o l l a r . / , 7 8 ILU I!

' l' ' l REOL U. 6. PAT. OFF. j eilfafl^Y WEA SCWICfc IWC.

B y S m a l l Sam Should K now That ,mo.u.$.wrcijR ^ SALESMAN SAM t , , Ps / a LLKIODIN^ AS'0e,Sft^A# SOfAe. '^HeLLo ,vJu.e>uR*. YOU T i u^pe Mo t I ©u t *tU' ^ is s u s GOIM' OUT.TA s h o o t SOtAe. . H.ecK iS .YUAT'? (RELAD THE STORY, THEN CX)LOR THE PICTURE) UoP OM Ps TRHIM, SACA, AM.' <*0 o ALOMO- OOIM' f^Y 'M A Y '? y ^ S A Y S IF ' DOM'X OlVE^UP CrOLF, CrOLA At' F\^601<- OCfr IM *W' COUMTfLY AM’ S e e . I v h l l Be. UKe You *. The omnibus came to a stop. The daylight. They traveled many miles IF cam CrCX SO^^e OAOERS C.OL0 FACTS* ’Tinies climbed up to the top and sat and then wee Scouty shouted, "Gee I FOieL T H e s e . MevJ down, all excited. Then the bus was J.et's leave the bus and walk a bit. / -• oh its way. Their escort said, “Now, i The exercise will make us fit Then I I** i we can take our time and see what- Tinymites, look around and see the SZ h: sights. This is a dandy time to ride, ieVer there’s to see.’’ ’cause it’s a wondrous day,” They all soon found the Travel And he was right. The day was Man was much in favor of this plai^. clear and. not a bit of fog was near. The next time that the big bus This made wee Clowny wonder and stopped, they clamored to the he said, “ Please teU me this. Where ground. “We’ll see the Palace Buck­ awo OF YU' UK^r is the fog that they have here? I ingham,” exclaimed the friendly thought it came all through the Travel Man. “It is a very pretty f

k '' The regular meeting of Earl Roberta Lodge, Sona of St. 9 *05^ ' will be held in Tinker hall tonight ut 7:30. Membera will note Tonight.. in time. After the meeting a whtet Spring Opening South Manchester party win be held. Prizea ^ be riven, and refreahmenta will be pro- stores. ^ German Night, State Theater. The Center Church Women’s Fed­ rtded at the cloae of the whist party. * Coming Events. Ail members and friends are invited. eration has set the date of its sec­ March 27—‘Musical Art Quartet ond annual Fathers and Mothers, Concert, High School. banquet for Wednesday evening, Alfred E. MagneU, financial e^tor March 2»—Salvation Army Con­ of the Hartford Courant, a April Q, arid the place the banquet cert, High School. haU o f the Masonic Temple. Mp. former resident of Manchester has March 29 to April 5—First an­ awarded a contract to his brother- Elbert Shelton will serve as chair­ nual Automobile Spring showing. man and the women of the federa- . in-law, John A. FarreU, for tiie erec­ April 1—^Frolic and Dance, Ma­ tion of a six-room house to be of tion whose names begin with N to brick and frame construction at 20 ^ sonic Temple. Y inclusive will be in cbkrge of the i April 9—Town Players in “The turkey supper At 6:30. Tickets are 1 Terry Road, Hartford. The estimat- Creaking Chair,” Circle Theater. Y o ir^ re Gordiallyl Invited 2d cost of the home is $16,300. already in the hands of the commit- ; vts April 13—Swedish Lutheran tee and Mrs. Charles Oliver and | The Ladies Sewing society of the Church choir in fifth annual rendi­ Mrs Arthur Potter who are taking 1 Concordia Lutheran church will tion of Mavmder’s “Olivet to Cal­ care of the ticket distribution urge { meet tomorrow afternoon at vary.” aU who plan to attend to secure ; 2 April 19—State U. S. W. V. o’clock. their tickets at as early a date as , Camps banqet here. cinh possible, in order that the supper ^ "^A large card party will be given April 21—^Beethoven Glee committee may complete its plans. | j^nTina.! concert. High School. Mrs. N. B. Richards will be m ; for the benefit of the curtain fund April. 26—H .S. Seniors, Washing this evening at the Highland Park charge of the dining room. ! school on Porter street. Bridge ton trip. The guest speaker will be Mrs. J whist and setback will be played, C. H. Hamilton of Hartford, who | with prizes for men and women in CHENEY CHEMIST TO BE made such a favorable impression _ each section. A social time with re­ at an afternoon meeting of the fed- j freshments will follow. Mrs. Ray eration held at the home of Mrs.! Barrett heads the large com^ttee CHURCH CLUB SPEAKER Herbert B. House a few weeks ago. } of women from the Third District Her topic will be “Use of Your , who will be in charge. Time.” Mrs.' Hamilton has been Tonight, March ___ A. K. Johnson, a chemist at giving a course of JO lectures at " Rev Frederick F. H. Nason ; Cheney Brothers, was the speaker Immanuel Congregational church, > ■ W l be the preacher at the Lenten j at the mbnthly meeting of the Men s Hartford, this winter to large and ’ service at 7:30 this evening at St. I Friendship Club of the South Metho- enthusiastic audiences. ' ; Mary’s church. Rev. Nason is rector 1 dist Church, Monday ewning, in the Mrs. Shelton and hen committee , of Grace church, Hartford. He was ; absence of Rev. Alfred Clarke of the wish to make it plain that the ban- ; Seven Until Nine O’clock born at Newport, R. I., and educated ! St. Mary’s church, who because of quet is for all the Center church I at St. Stephen’s College and the j illness was forced to cancel his folks and their friends, whether or ' Theological Seminary in New York, j speaking engagement. not they can qualify as fathers and He-served as assistant rector at the i The ,• speaker’s talk revolved mothers. Sons and daughters, Church of the Incarnation in New ■ around four main aims of the Men s ]brothers and sisters will all be c- YOTk and at Grace church. Brooklyn Club, namely, information, inspira- | come. new season has arrived! Miss Spring has awakened from her Win­ and previous to coming to Hartford ; tion, co-operation, and 1 ter slumbers and is now sumptuously attired rin the brighter and in-:i923 he served for four years as ^Following his talk he A rector of St. James’s church at Es- i with many chemical experiments. . [\jLIlAl C llU rlu more fascinating colors which contribute so niuch in creating and sei. Connecticut. On Wednesday of | Refreshments ' next week, Rev. George T. Lindsey i After the entertainment the designing the new modes for Spring. We want you to attend Df the Church of the Good Shepherd ; Men’s Gub volley FOR WASHINGTON TRIP ^ 11 nreach . i Beer’s Flashes of Highland Park, this Fashion Exhibit which, for its completeness and cor- , ^ ‘ __ j and conquered the latter 21 to 1 1 rectne^ of style, marks another milestone in this Mrs. Paul Hausman of 93 Hamlin and 21 to 5. Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Quimby, street will open her home tomorrow T Miss Helen Estes and Ar- store’s leadership in presenting always the new­ afternoon at 2 o’clock for the praji^er ; land Jenkins Are Selected. servibe of the women of the Church j BOY SCOUT NEWS er and definitely accepted fashions in wom­ of-the Nazarene. ! I The chaperons who will accom- en’s, misses’ and children’s wearables. Troop Six. I panyt-—.,, the— Manchester------. High - school There will be a meeting of the The regular meeting opened with j pilgrimage to Washington late n ^ t Army and Navy Club auxiliary at 8 colors and the repeating of the Scout 1 month were announced today. They o’clock tomorrow night at the club. Oath. Scout Lewis was in charge • are Mr. and Mrs. C. P. Qujmby, Miss • of the. opening exercises. A te s t! Helen J. Estes and Arland Jentans. Mr. and Mrs. Walter C. Wirtalla period was held. After the ; The latter two are members of the haye set the date of Friday evening, 1 ^gg^ passing period we played sev- i faculty selected by the ’ students April 4 for the annuri dancing rc- ' games including the boat races, i themselves, ception of their children s classes. snatch the hat. Hugo ; News was received this morning j “Around The Clock With Fashions Th^ program will be given in High . gg^gon^ ^ scout from Troop Five, ' that the Coney High school party of school hall. ^ was reviewed in his second and first 1 about 120 from Augusta, Me., will • ---- - .. T,, u ! class tests by the scoutmaster. The i occupy the same hotel as the Man- Shown by Local Mannequins All four groups of the Manchester ^ jQggjjjjg ^.g^g closed with the repeat- ; Chester group in Washington, the Memorial Hospital Lmen aimliary | Scout Oath and prayer, f Burlington. Incidentally, it wa'' will meet at the School street Rec- ; xaps. I from this high school that Principa Five of Manchester’s' charming young girls have consented to reation Center, Monday afternOTn. ^ Notes. Quimby came to Manchester, ‘ act as mannequins and they will display the latest Spring which is their custom ^oen ve court of honor will be held There will be well over 100 in the Mondays occur m a month. Friday evening. This is one of the I Manchester group which leaves by and Summer fashions—ensembles for morning, shop­ —— J , H r ' biggest courts this town has had : train for New York Simday, April The Cecelian Club, and its loaae , ; gg^^j-g g^e urged to come. ■ 27. Those who ivish may go to ping, sports, afternoon and-informal evening wear. 'TlMmas Maxwell, is bringing i e j troop- will go to the jamboree j New York by bus with the Rock- They will be assisted by four children show­ Music by /- Lawrence family, well known baiva- , Hartford, Saturday night. All ; ville High group under the direc­ No . ing what’s new in Juvenile Apparel'for tion Army cnterteiners, for an en- | j^^yg y^ish to go should be at i tion of Principal Philip M. Howe. It tertainment to be pven at t e j South Methodist church at 6 j is slightly less expensive and the Spring 1930. Behrend’s South Mctliodist QhurM, Mon y Q.gjggj^ jjj fgu gcout uniform or with j two groups join in New York mak- Merchandise cvening of next week. They are , registration card. I ing the rest of the trip together by Orchestra accomplished musicians an p .V j xhe troop will have its picture j train. Sold a great variety of instruments. T^^^^ g o’clock. All I ------Fashion Parade Hours of the daughters have pp . . .scouts in the troop should be at the | James M. Shearer is in Boston to- 7:00 to 7:45 this church before and amuse 1 g^gy^ Methodist church at this time i day attending a meeting of Buick ,hearers by , plajnng .. on ,_ musical'in full urn-scout uniform. uniform. dealers.dealers. 8:00 to 8:45 brellas and other devices. The , ^ Howroyd, scribe I tickets which arc already on sale ; ______^ ^ are priced very low so that whole ; iiA C n i» ri¥ MATrC SECOND ANNUAL families may enjoy the entertain- | HUDrllAL MUikO APRIL FOOL FROLIC ment. ! I By Tall Cedars & Social Club St. Margaret’s Circle, Daughters James Fitzgerald of 162 Bissell MASONIC TEMPLE of Isabella,T-___1____VviionnoGC followed • its business I street and______Herbert^ _ . Carlson__ . of _ Tuesday, April 1st meeting in the K. of C. clubrooms ■ pgi^yie^______street were admitted to Music by Spanish C.-valier8 ----last------evening„ with a bridge, ^ T I Q I the Memorial n 1 hospital l last o c t ' night. o*Vi Admission 75 cents. straight whist paxty, at which the i nnnners were the following: In bridge, Mrs. Catherine Williams, first; Mrs. Mary Humphries, second; Mrs. Alice Burke, consolation. In whist Miss Stephanie Tunsky won Saturday Ni^ht first prize. Miss Helen Crowe, sec­ ond and Mrs. Mary Komse, consola­ tion. Mrs. Helen Donahue and her committee served sandwiches, French pastry and coffee. a USED CAR At tonight’s mid-week service at GOOD THINGS TO EAT" toe South Methodist church the last- of the discussions on what is involv­ BUCK S H A D ...... 39c lb. ed in church merribership will take Roe Shad, Halibut, Filet of Haddock, Salmon, place. At the close of the meeting the committee on membership will Mackerel, Butter Fish, Cod. FOR meet with Rev. R. A. Colpitts to consider the names of all seeking POTATOES (15 lb. peck) ...... 49c peck admission to the church. It is ex­ Oysters S9c Pint. Mettwurst Liverwurst pected that an unusually large num­ Sliced Bacon 39c lb. Calves’ Liver Sausage liieat ber will be received into the church next Sunday. • FRESH BUNCH BEETS...... 10c, 3 bunches 25c in every line of business and endeavor who are Cauliflower Peas Beans Celery 15c ■ Before buying your girdle, cor- Carrots 3 bunches 25c. Iceberg Cabbage cheerful, courtedus to ‘eyei^one, and deter­ selette or brassiere see Miss Erik- son’s line. Second Floor Rubinow The Values Bldg. Adv. mined to make good. The Thrifty man takes great pride in living up to these principles. Your Below at Our account is invited. Salesroom, 5% Interest Paid, ' A Compounded Quarterly G et D etails of t h e $1 C a r Too

“BETTER APPAREL FOR LESS” ^ 1929 Whippet 4 Sedan .. — ...... $5S0 / , Driven only 2000 miles. 1929 Whippet 4 C oach...... $375 1928 Falcon-Knight S ed an ...... $450 Coming Saturday! SOUTH MANCHESTER, CONN 1926 WiHys-Knight Sedan ...... $375 \ Nillinnil ESTABLISHED ISO6 ilitllllii 1926 Hudson Coach...... — ^ . $190 WATCH FRIDAY’S PAPER 1926 Nash “Big 6” Coach ...... $290 I 1926 Star 6 Coach ...... *... $125 For Grand Opening Announcement Try Our .Special Box oF 1926L Ford C oupe...... $50 MIXED SPIUNG . ’jdt 1924 Buick Touring .. / ...... i ...... $95 FLOWERS $1.50 BROTHERS, Inc Opening Specials Gifts Souvenirs 1925 Chevrolet Touring ...... $45 \ Anderson Greenhouses Phone 8686 Fim^ral Directors 1924 Ford Touring \ . $40 1924 Paige Sports Touring,...... $190 ' ' • - . .E^ABLISHED 65 YEARS „ , i ; AUTOMOBILE .. ^ —Inaaraao^ ■.; Ch a p e l a t i i o a k - s t . - PI You Haven’t the Beat y TUI ' You Oet Oun. 26 P. -O. LESS Than Others Robert^K. AUdersbn Phones: Office 5171 SPECIALTY SHOE With 100 P. a PEOTBOtlON Funeral Director. Residence 7494 Sm ;STUABT 8. WASLBY U 893 Main Street, South-Manchester, Conn. Beal Estate—Inauianoe'; IsiA Msin IV Phsae 6|

-.V-- - ,4 . : .- , ,