T he Courier-Gazet

v.. -9 ROCKLAND, MAINE, TUESDAY, JULY 24, 1894. Entered am Second (Hamm M all Mat

LOCAL LACONICS. been sustained, meeting at the homes of some pulpit which will soon be forthcoming. Highest of all in Leavening Education & Employment Methodist church members, and led during The society needs a commnuion set, pulpit Matters Trivial and Important Dished Up in 1888 and 18S9 by Rev. E. L. Nanton, then set, seats for the vestry and two chandeliers, Abbreviated Form for Home Use. pastor of the Methodist church at So. Deer and we hope some of T he C.-G. readers may New Methodist Church at Green’s Isle. At the beginning of the year 1891, Jan. be disposed to supply these wants. The Masonic street sidewalk is being re­ 4, the Methodists held their first regular Rev. W. T. Johnson and a delegation of paired------The road machine has benefited Landing Dedicated. preaching service with Rev. T. J. Wright as ten from Southwest Harbor M. E. Church at­ Orange street------Good deal of fog lately. pastor, the service being held in Smith's hall tended the exercises, while Isle au Haut sent Wednesday morning it was so thick that the which had been rented for that purpose with Large Attendance and Powerful Ser­ a delegation of two. Boston boat anchored off .Ash Island until it the consent and sanction of Presiding Elder mons—Successful Money Raising— The singing for the services was led by a was safe to proceed----- Big anchor, weight J. F. Haley. History of Society and Chnrch Build­ choir composed as follows: Mrs. I.. C. Haskell, Absolutely 5090 pounds, from Alden anchor works, was During Rev. Mr. Wright’s pastorate, a lot ing—Work Accomplished by Small Mrs. W. B. Smith, Mrs. Laura T. Small of hauled through Main street Friday. of land was selected for a church site which Company of the Faithful. Green’s Landing, Mrs. Mabel Dorr and Mrs . OUTLOOK. for the comfort, p< II. M. Brown has very commodious and was paid for and deeded to the Methodist Lamont of Southwest Harbor, sopranos; Mrs. own wives and child conveniently arranged business quarters in Episcopal church in Green’s Landing. The L. K. Knowlton and Mrs. Violet Goss, con­ The Biddeford Journal remarks that Chica­ first money for a church lot was collected by Blake Block, where he occupies the store UNDAY of last week traltos; W. B. Smith, tenor; II. M. Thayer go, 111., is getting better. The closing down of Reopens September 4th. Mrs. II. N. Haskell, in the shape of a $20 vacated by F. A. Peterson when the latter marked the beginning and Shepherd Stanley, basses; Mrs. Rose Co. is a heavy blow to Ad moved to Rankin Block. The rooms are bill donated by S. W. Goss. The first money A thorough and practical course of study In of the dedicatory ser­ Arey, organist. Two Salem young men have recently been tai city has two big publii neatly furnished and have all the appliances toward the laying of a foundation, $16.50, was vices of the new Meth­ Rev. M. G. Prescott, formerly pastor of the fined for bathing, according to an exchange. Vickery and Gannett. and fittings belonging to a modern cigar solicited and earned by two young ladies, Miss BUSINESS AND SHORTHAND, odist church at Green’s Deer Isle church, afterwards located in Rock­ manufactory. Mr. Brown is now employing Bessie Thurlow of Green’s Landing and Miss Landing. Rev. M. G. port and Winterport, is now pastor of the M. The new cruiser Minneapolis steamed more The Portland Press is one of tB a crew of six hands in all. Sadie Greenlaw of So. Framingham, Mass. eneed teachers. Our record of Prescott of Bay View, E. church in Bay View, Mass., one of the than 23 knots an hour and is the fastest war that we read and use, and it is w'N The Maine Central is having its track work Rev. David Smith, who followed M r 5 4 YEARS AND 29,000 PUPILS Mass.,was the preacher Gloucester communities. Rev. Mr. Prescott ship afloat. akin to sorrow that we see its colum for the Knox & Lincoln branch and the Wright, was pastor for one year. He laid the Speaks fur Itself. Prospectus fret, by mall t of the day. He deliv­ helped dedicate the Union church at Green’s ured try the frequent appearance of t steamboat work for the Frank Jones and foundation for a building on the church lot, The Vigilant has beaten the Britannia at ered two sermons, Landing nine years ago and built the church ■’Press” in poster type. It may be Sebenoa done at its shop, head of Railroad obtained subscriptions for building purposes, last and did it in irreproachable style. \Ve morning and evening, thoughtful, forcible at So. Deer Isle which was dedicated seven our business but when we see it we can COMERS COMMERCIAL COLLEGE, wharf, in this city. Sylvester Hahn of Thom­ organized a Sunday school,securing S20 worth told you so, or at least we intended to have discourses. An the evening session an altar years ago. He was the first pastor at So. of nothing but a job Press. aston and Mr. Mayo of this city are the of books from the Rindge fund, and did told you so. 666 W ashington St., cor. Beach, service was held, about fifty participating, Deer Isle to preach in Green’s Landing. He workmen. much other good and faithful work. A newspaper in Illinois recently brought’ BOSTON, MASS. communicants and those interested. had services first in the school-house and after­ At a recent fashionable wedding in Ellsworth A truck wagon and an electric car came In 1893 Rev. Mr. Smith was succeeded by suit against forty-three men who would not Monday evening an exceptionally able ser­ wards in what was then the Union church, Rev. Mr. Yale joined the happy couple in into juxtaposition near Rankin Block Friday Rev. Horace B. Haskell, the present pastor, pay their subscriptions, and obtained judg­ mon was delivered by Rev. C. W. Bradlee of now the Third Cong’I church of Deer Isle. bonds of wedlock. Perhaps it might appro­ noon. The horse ran away but was stopped who brought to the task ability, energy and ment in each case for the amount of each Rockland. Mr. Prescott returned Wednesday to Bay priately lie styled Yale lock. before any particular damage was done perseverance. He raised the money needed claim. Of these, twenty-eight made affidavit The dedication exercises proper were held View. J. G. Torrey & Son made a shipment of and in company with the other members of that they owned no more than the law allowed Tuesday, the preacher of the occasion being On Sunday last not less than one dozen marine hardware to New York, Saturday- the building committee saw the work pushed them, thus preventing attachments. Then Rev. L. B. Bates, D. D., of Boston, pastor of PERSONAL POINTS. clergymen throughout the country told “How Notwithstanding the fact that the American to its present completion. under the decision of the Supreme Court the Meridian M. E. church and Seamen’s to Prevent Strikes.” How to handle ’em Co. in this city disposed of all its uncalled- they were arrested for petit larceny and Bethel for 16 years, and now under appoint­ Following are the names of the members of Casual References lo People More or Less Well- has been the vital question, however, for the for packages last March there is still a big col­ bound over in the sum ol S300 each. All ment as missionary to seamen the world over the church: Mr. and Mrs. Courtney Small, Known In This Immediate Vicinity. past week or more. lection of “dead letters’’ which have accum­ but six gave the bonds. The postal laws In the afternoon Dr. Bates preached a very Mr. and Mrs. W. B. Smith, Mr. and Mrs. ulated since that time------Capt. Alabama Miss Eva Hall, formerly of this city, is rus­ make it petit larceny to take a paper and thoughtful and eloquent discourse. In the Henry N. Haskell, Miss Emily Babhidge, Mrs. Russia is now troubled with a visitation of Gross will move from the little shop just ticating at Green’s Landing, the guest of refuse to pay for it. S evening the formal dedicatory services were Eben Simpson, Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Robbins, cholera which is spreading with alarming north of the J. R. Richardson shop to the Dr. Chamberlain and wife. Miss Hall is now held, under the direction of Presiding Elder Mrs. Will L. Greenlaw, Rev. IL B. Haskell. rapidity. What with Anarchists and cholera store, corner of James and Main streets------one of the instructors in the Lawrence Gram­ POLITICAL PO'VS. Norton. Rev. Wesley C. Haskell of Provi­ and the like Russia must be a delightful H. N. Pierce of this city has been chosen one The new church is a very pretty structure mar School, South Boston, of which Prof. A. dence, R. I., read the scriptures, Rev. M. G. located near the Ocean View House. It is in country for residence’purposcs, of the directors of Mt. Ilattie Mill, Camden. D. Small, formerly of this city, is sub-master. Things Apparently Quiet But Sti In h e re js a Groat Prescott offered prayer and Dr. Bates deliv- the form of two right angld wings, with a Otis G. Crockett’s boarding house is now Rev, L. B. Bates, D, D., of Boston, was in Deal of Fixing of Fence*, Maine hoys somehow get there. The sen­ at 65 Sea street where he is prepared to use this city Thursday, leaving on the noon train . ior class of Dartmouth Medical College has The Republican County Com] his customers very hospitably------Collector Dr. Bates conducts the M. E. campmeeting at just elected officers, and Maine young men representatives of the Republican arwell has gathered in all but about 50 of Old Orchard each year. were chosen to the positions of president, town committees ot the county held a the 1893 poll taxes which will doubtless come George S. Wardwell and family have moved vice president arid valedictorian. in this city Wednesday a. m., to discu in time------Judge O. L. Miller of Kansas, a hack to this city from Boston ---- Miss Aida for the carrying on of the fall cousin of Dr. R. B. Miller, has just been nom­ Dunn, who has been the guest of Miss Grace The umbrella trust has collapsed and it# The Republicans will make an inated for congress in a strongly Republican Simonton left Wednesday evening on the affairs are being closed up. It made a great district. Judge Miller in a Maine boy------Pullman for Boston, en route for her home tighf. i spread for a time, but the company couldn’t Don't he “ stuck up," hut Dentists all said they liked our city, wherein Lockhaven, Penn.----- Mrs. Peter McLoud Stick broken tfiinu* toyethcr handle all the manufactories and when the W ith L c Putre'M la lq u id < iln c . they were no exception to the general rule. and daughters of Cambridgeport, Mass., are The Populists in the Vinalhaven, South financial storm came on it went to pieces. That wiil save money and the things Edw. Sullivan is recovering from a very visiting Daniel McLoud, Pacific street- Thomaston representative district will I will be practically good as new, and serious operation performed by three of the W. H. Day and wife of Dubuque, Ohio, are probably nominate C. E. Boman of Vinal­ no time I' >st w a it b nling or heating. J I he Senate and House refuse to agree on haven for the legislature. I Le Page’s Glue is liqitid; always ready;' Rockland surgeons------The Rockland Phil­ expected in a few days at General Tillson’s the tariff hill and there is prospect ot a long « I applied in an instant; “ sets ” slowly I harmonic Society has added three dozen new for a month’s stay------F. C. Russell, at one wrangle over the matter. In the mean time enough for you to make aperfect joint chairs to its furniture------Crowds on the time superintendant of Rockland's schools, The Republican State Committee will hold I and then"S7<<-I-j/-4 raise a few hundred dollars of that amount. bv local applications, as they cannot reach the A SEN D FOR CATALOGUE Friends gave Miss Clara Whitney a very thrown into one. Using this room some 300 Dr. Luce in riding up from Rockland to patriotic impulses of from seventeen million With the assistance of the church’s pastor, diseased portion ot the ear. There Is only W’L’OOUGLAS, delightful surprise party, at her home, Ingra people can he comfortably seated. The sit­ visit his family last Sunday was accidentally American workingmeu make the rock against one way to cure Deafoese, and that is by BROCKTON, MA33; Rev. II. B. Haskell, and Rev. M. G. Prescott, stltutional remedies. Deafness is caused b ham’s Hill, Wednesday evening. tings are attractive opera cha’rs with iron thrown from his carriage by his horse stum - which Anarchy will beat and break iu vain.— gave money by tiurchustiug W. L, he succeeded in raising in cash and pledges, inflamed condition of the mucous lining of houuliiH Shot**, Bay Point has some 300 guests at present, frame and movable seat, and are arranged in ling, and injured his ankle so badly that he New York Sun. Eustachian Tube. When this tub® gets the largest manufacturers of then ami there, $525. In tin half circles in front of the pulpit platform as obliged to call upon Dr. Beecher at the flamed you have a rumbling sound or irnper- I . npiug The church was then formally dedicated by Congressman Breckinridge is making it ten bearing, and when it is entirely cloaed ' bottom, which protects you agai ; t hi HOTEL CLAREMONT OPENEO. which is separated from the church by a sub­ Camp Ground to bandage it up. He was de­ Deafness is the result, and unless the Inflama- Presiding Elder Norton, the services closing prices and the middleman's profits. Our slioet stantial and ornamental railing. The main tained here a day or two in consequence.— warm for his opponents way down tion cun lie taken out and this tube restored to. equnl custom work in style, easy fitting nut with benediction by Rev. David Smith of Sur­ in Kentucky, su warm in fact that an effort is Its normal condition, hearing will tie destroyed! earing qualities. Wt Fwo-score guests enjoyed the opening din­ room is finished up into the roof some 20 feet Belfast Journal. forever; nine cases out of ten are caused ' ' the value given than ry, Rev. M r. Haskell’s predecessor. being made to have one of his opponents, i su b stitu te . If y ner at Hotel Claremont, Wednesday. Land­ The whole interior is handsomely finished in catarrh, which is nothing but au Inflamed 1 we can. Sold by HE WAS SATISFIED. Evan Settle, withdraw in favor of Owens, who dltlon of the mueooB surfaces. lord Sidney T. Bailey has a handsomely During the Summer of 1885 the first church white wood, the whole effect being very pleas­ is considered the stronger man of the two. We will give One Hundred Dollars for 1 equipped hotel, in a quiet part of the city, the edifice at Green’s Landing was built and ded­ ing. 'Idle aisles are neatly carpeted, and the Complaint That Was Settled In Short Order case ot Deafness (caused by catarrh) The anti-Breckinridge element admits that if cannot be cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. I rooms nicely furnished awl everything modern icated. Previous to the completion of the rooms are heated by a furnace located in the by a Longneoker— His Greatest Concern. Settle and Owens both remain in the race tor circulars, free. and convenient. It has been described at church building, Rev. M. G. Prescott, who basement. K. J. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. < Breckinridge will he surely elected. If Evan tST-Sold by Druggists, 7ftc. S te a m . length in these columns. He is an experi­ was then pastor of ths M. E. church at So. Work began last October, W. II. Glover & Some time ago the horse of a stranger was Co. of Rockland being builders. The con­ can he induced to withdraw that wilt Set­ enced hotel man and proposes to run a first- Deer Isle, four miles distant, recognizing frightened by the cars and succeeded in over- tract price for the superstructure was $1625, tle it. B o ilers . lass house. If anybody doubts that the a good Methodist interest at Green’s Land­ turniug the vehicle. The conductor of the car above guests, made up ol our city’s business the entire cost, lot, foundation, etc., being went to the rescue, and picked up a hottie of ing was encouraged to make a proposition to New \ ork Suu: 1 he state where the bur­ and a number of ladies, failed to discuss about $2500. The contractors did honest ihisky. The man went after his horse and R epaired. the people to the effect that should the build­ den of taxation lies heaviest upon American S S3 a good dinner, the following bill of fare will and satisfactory work, and as a result the broken wagon and the liquor was left in the ing be made a Methodist church the M. E. shipping is Maine. The tax paid iu the single a '3 ^ 5 set the doubt at rest. Green’s Landing Methodists have as attract­ conductor's hand. He deposited the find with Society would finish and furnish it. that cliy of Bath is 824,095 on au assessed valuation ive a place of worship as any church in East­ the superintendent of the road. JOHN R. COUSINS oiler was not accepted as the idea then pre­ of 81,047,555 and a total tonnage of 119,999. O yster ern Maine. The money was raised by A few days afterward the victim of the acci­ vailed for a union church supported by all Commissioner Chamberlain shows that this C orned H ud Be. Ha subscription. dent came to the superintendent to see about STS denominations. Accordingly the building was tax is greater than is paid in Germany by the During my stay of over 2 your* in it Rockland I birlolu of Bocf—Pish Gravy Bed—Bruwu Buuue damages. After discussing the matter some­ iave done work for puilieo tfuougho_hout Knox Co. dedicated as a Christian union church, which DEDICATION CHAT. North German Lloyd Company, its tax is T u rk ey , Englitdi D ressing—Current Jolly what the superintendent took out the bottle _nd Eastern Maine. ' Polk—f-uuce left it open for four years to any denomination. Rev. Dr. Bates has assisted in dedicating only 822,244 on a tonnage of 225,097, valued All my work is first-class uud best of references EN lltl’ji.b of liquor aud asked the man if it was his. He will bo given. Friousnood Lu mb Minced iluiu on Toast Rev. Mr. Prescott preached there fortnightly 236 churches. at 815,808,864 or nearly sixteen times the Any orders left with Messrs Day and Morse, replied: vegetaiii.es until the spring of 18S6, after which Rev. F. There were very many pretty lloral pieces, total valuation of Bath’s shipping. Machinists, will hu\e prompt aileutiot:.. 20 Bulled i’olutoes Mushed Potatoes Green Peas Yes, it is ! I eared more about that than 1 Cucumbers Tomatoes Corn E. Wbithain, his successor, held services there given by friends during the dedication. did aliout the wagon.” 1 < as often as opportunity offered, and under his Joe Howard has his own strong ideas of the Wo Dr. Bates gave the contractors a very Bat­ He then carefully stowed the hottie away Horse itudish Assori«d Pfckles ministry the first observance of the Lord’s strike situation, and they are worthy of re­ Lace tering notice in his remarks, Tuesday even­ his (pocket and went away, and nothing Cottage Supper was held in the church, and the first ing. production, “ the situation in Chicago is in­ baptism was held there when seven persons more has been heard from him since. THEM Minco Apple Leuioa Custard Gooseberry 'l'he building committee consisted of Rev. teresting from au American point of view,” USSSEHT were baptized by suriukling, Jan. 2, 1887, by H.B. Haskell, IL N. Haskell and W. B. GRANITE^CHIPS he says. “There are some native-born Amer­ C urtains! CLEANED ice Cream and Cake R. W. Manton, wli/ preached iu the union Apple Iruuges Banunu» Nuts And Done upjequal to new is |at lig Smith, and they have done their work well. icans among the strikeas hut a large majority church on that daft: iu the presiding elder’s Booth Bros. A Hurricane Granite Co. have Rev. Wesley C. Haskell preached in the of the men who are violent arc of foreign place. Those seveli persons were afterwards crew of 22j men at work on Hurricane------birth and many of them nun-naturalized citi­ EPH.PERRY’S DYE HOUSE church Wednesday evening. Wednesday GC I PARTIALITY SHOWN- received into full JLurch membership in that The tools made by the Livingston Manufac­ zens. The present strike is a simple incident same building by ReV.Mr.Whitham, who also afternoon there were short addresses by the turing Co. continue to give the best of satis­ pastors present and quarterly conference. in s long series of outrages that the American One of the inmates of the city poor farm formed and led a MAhodist class meeting in faction among granite workers. public has tamely submitted to. Isn’t it about The Best Remedy recently complained to Overseer Hall that the village. I 'l’be following gifts have been received: A THE STEAMBOATS. time that every demonstration of the kind be For Baggy Knees partiality was shown there. In 1888, or early 111X1889, the uuiou church handsome bible, from Mrs. Joseph Rogers of declared a conspiracy of the law, and that C.P.S.i Grrington, mother of Mrs. W. B. Smith who ‘What is the trouble? queried Mr. Hall. building pasted into tn.- hands of the Maine Travel on the Boston and Bangor boats is the law against conspiracies he enforced by is an active member of the church, as is her Mun Ever Saw ‘Trouble enough!” answered the aged Missionary Society by .he timely lifting of a very heavy now. The new steamer City of the vigorous prosecution and certain punish­ 2 1 eowjdainer. “The man that sits next to me husband; hymnal and bracket lamps, Rev. AfiEhTS WAITED. 2 5 cts. mortgage, and was thenceforth known as the Bangor has 182 state rooms, aud on a recent ment of these fellows, who have as little M. G. Prescott; Estey organ, a friend. Mr has twisted doughnuts every day, while 1 have Third Congregational Church of Deer lsk. Uip east every room was taken, and cots were thought for the commonweal of the great Prescott also raised the money for a hand- J. F. Gregory

MEN AND WOMEN. BEST ONE YET. ALE Having Especial Reference to People UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS! Well Known Hereabouts. That s What the Maine Oentists Term Their Convention in This City Last Week. The marriage intention of Prof. Edwin L. Having sold about half our stock in the past four days, we MID-SUMMER LIS GARDINER & CO Brown of the Commercial College and Miss will continue this Two beautiful July days greeted the 29th Nettie E. Pendleton has been filed------Mr- annual session of the Maine Dents'll Society, and Mrs. Scrymgeour of Foxboro, Mass., are held in this city last Tuesday and Wednesday, guests of Mr. Scrymgeour’s sister, Mrs. Ivan and meetings replete with interest and benefit SwEEpi//g For This Week , marked both days. Nearly 100 delegates F. Baer------Mrs. C. F. Wood and Mrs. Austin PRICES! were present. GE’S, Philbrick have been guests the past week of The Tuesday forenoon session was largely Mrs. Geo. O. Bailey in Belfast----- Dr. C. S* DgivE S/\Le! —AT— devoted to routine business, including the ockland, Me. Lincoln, formerly of Brunswick, has been in Beginning July 23. address of President H. A. Kelley of Port the city the past week. Dr. Lincoln is now re putting out Your Money, land and the address of welcome by Dr. T. E. located in Louisville, Ky.------F. A. Peterson d prices, and save 26 cents on Tibbetts. As chairman of the executive com one w*as in Boston last week------Mrs. P. E. Luce fad you have the same chance. mittee, Dr. R. B. Miller reported that the fol and daughters are in cottage at Northport------lowing new names had been accepted: Mrs. L. A. Hawes and daughter Marion are Your Choice for $2-98 C. E, Sawyer, Newport; Elmer Weymouth, E. B. HASTINGS' visiting Mrs. Lotrie P. Seabury, Middle street WATER DIFFERENCES' Our Stock of Spring and Summer Dexter; William F. Brown, Morrill; John ------Walter E. Newbert of New York is the H. Martin, North Bridgton; Elton E. Jordan, Nto history as Conference Between Representatives of the C. 4 guest of his uncle, A. H. Newbert, North Main Jackets and Capes. Bangor; J. E. Harvey, Freeport; Frank itroua to the Water Co. and Rockport Town Officers. street. w jui o T ’T’xnn. W. Smith, Newfield. strikers in par- _ , . , ,, . William Wight of Lowell has been visit Saturday a meeting was held in the sele Nothing held back, everything will be sold at that price regariless of The report of the treasurer, Dr. E. J. ing his uncle, James Wight, Masonic street men’s rooms at Rockport to consider what they coat. Garments that cost from D3.50 to 315.00. All will be Roberts of Augusta, showed a balance of Miss Annie Mullen is visiting in Somer­ P* are due the Lewis- some differences that exist between the water sold at the above price. Cheaper to have a garment than to go without $170 in the treasury. This Morning, ville------Henry Ricker, who has been visiting ! cut of the new Green’s company and the town. President Crockett Come early and get the best selection. During the afternoon interesting papers Mr. and Mrs. \V. F. Norcross, returned rich appears on our first of the Water Co., and Messrs. Bird, Berry were read on the following subjects: “ Den­ Boston last week------Mrs. Caroline Milliken an^ Littlefield represented the Rockland tistry as a Business,” Dr. F. W. Seabury; and daughter Edith, and Mrs. Mar/ J. liar 100 PAIRS POLITICS- Camden Water Co., and Selectmen Barrett, “Combination Fillings,” Dr. E. C. Bryant; row of Charlestown, Mass., are guests of M SIMONTON BROS- ______Harkness and Brewster represented the town, ‘Vacuum Air Chambers,” Dr. G. O. Mitchell. and Mrs. John \V. Titus. uisiaitic caucus and convention Sevcral of the leading citizens were present In the evening Dr. E. W. Brannigan of the Milton T. Priest of Boston has made a brief publicans, at the town house in a‘ an advi’orY committee. The special points lyn, N. Y., are guesti at C. A. Keene’i. Boston dental college read a very able paper visit to bis former home, this cuy, rid:ng play at the Philharmonics Thursday evening ton for the class of Washington, Ap- of d'KU*sion "'ere: Miss z\nna Roberts is the guest of Miss entitled, “An Account of Some Methods down from Bangor on his wheel. Mr. Priest ------Mrs. Alonzo Holmes and daughter Es­ and Hope, Saturday, Luther A. Law ’• The hydrant to be placed at Beech Hill Sarah M. Hall------Mrs. D. M. Holman and Used in Infirmary Practice.” Fie was fol­ together v 1th his brother George L. are con ther of Belfast have been the guests of Miss BLANKETS ashington was unanimously nominated a' The rebate of taxes for 1893 and 1894. children returned to Providence, R. I., Satur­ Linnie Holmes, Main street------Min Caro lowed by Dr. William Me David of Augusta, nected with the A. M. Gardner Hardware Co. representative for that class. 3- The privilege of using hand hose for day------Miss Eliza Swan, with Fuller & Cobb, Atherton, Boston, il the guest of Mrs. J. E. whose subject was “Local Anesthesia; Its in Boston where they ’ ke vei/ much. George (Slightly Imperfecl,) r Nathan R. Tolman has been nominated by •priohHng In front of the water taker’s build il out on a vacation------Miss Lizette Glyme Doherty, Pleasant street, where she will re­ Triumphs and Failures.” At the close of Priest and wife are expected here the latter part he Republicans of the class of Warren and ’n8’ and t'le *‘ree‘- and Miss Josephine Wolf of Cleveland, 0., are main through the month of Auguit------Miss Tuesday evening’s business session there was of the week. W. H. Priest, the father, is lo —Fon— Union as their candidate for representative -*n ‘^e Part of the company it was con guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Stover----- Mrs M. E. Metcalfe has returned from Bangor and a charming little musical, Mrs. Ada Mills, cated at Bangor in the tailoring business. The to the Legislature. The Democrats hold tended tha‘ the location of the hydrant was W. H. Whitney of Dover is visiting her son resumed her position with Fuller & Cobb. Dr. T. E. Tibbetts and Mrs. Lillian Copping family resided in this city up to within a few their caucus the last of this week for their t0° far away from the main> and the water Wm. Whitney, at Bay View------Wendall Mrs. Frank Howard (nee Mary Newbert) figuring on the program. years ago, and hosts of friends welcome their nomination in the same class. tr’ters too few, and that the location would Hodgkins has returned from a visit in Bath of Brockton, Mass., is the guest of her parents, Wednesday forenoon there were several in­ annual summer visits. Hon. C. E. Littlefield attends the Republi-’ =0™Pe> ‘he removal of considerable ledge ----- Mrs. Stevens of Florida, a niece of Dr. Mrs. and Mrs. John W. Newbert, Sea street. teresting and scholarly papers by the follow­ 4 5 c can convention of the First Congressional ‘hereby necessitating a great expense and that George W. Leadbetter is viiiring in Bath R. B. Baynes, was in this city Tuesday. She ------Mr. and Mrs. Levander Young of Auburn ing well known dentists: Dr. Thomas Fille- District at Biddeford today, going from thence j the comPany ought not to be required to pipe ------Lane Thorndike and daughter Carrie of s now visiting in Bangor------Supervisor John are the guests of Mrs. Young's parents, Mr. brown of Harvard University, “Report on Oral to Alfred where he addresses the York county , ‘^a‘ Ic-vlity. On the part of the town it was Hudson, Mass., are visit:ng in this city, guests R. Dunton was in town yesterday with gen­ and Mrs. Thomas Benner, Grace street. They Surgery and I’nesthesia;” Dr. F.A. Knowlton. P E R P A IR . convention. claimed that it was ordered by a vote of the of Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Sullivan, Broad tleman friend, en route for Swan's Island from will spend two weeks at Matinicus previous Fairfield, “The preparation of cavities with­ way------Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Mclnrire of Me which place they return today------W. V. ______... ______town, and was within the village limits, and to returning------Captain Mark Ingraham, who out pain;” Dr. W. E. Johnson, Oldtown, “On This lot of Blankets will be chanic Falls have been guests at E. C. Da FELL SIXTY FEET ‘hat l^ e comPany ought to accommodate the Wentworth left yesterday noon for Ticonder­ remained over one trip, rejoins steamer Lew­ Immediate insertion of artificial dentures, il­ ______people of that vicinity with a water service. Broadway------Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E.Shea oga, N. Y., accompanied by his mother, Mrs, iston to-night.------A. D. Snow of New York lustrated by models;” Dr. E. J. Roberts, Au­ shown in our South Window this Aocidenl Causes Death of Wm. Crouse of Rook- ° n the Lsecond * rticle il was ‘ ha‘ were guests of Rev. Fr. Phelan, Park street, T. A. Wentworth, who visits him there for a is stopping at his Summer cottage on Middle gusta, selected subject—“Fillings.” last week------Miss Mattie Pottle of Bangor week. : : : ; land at Fa irfie ld -M as on ic Funeral. J‘he town had not performed it. part of the bile------Mrs. Celeste Wood is visi.'.ng in street for a few days.------Miss O’Hanlon of The election of officers resulted in the contract in abatement of tp’:es in considera has been the guest of her sister, Miss Myra Belfast, the guest of Mrs. G. O. Bailey------the House of the Good Shepherd is at Sor­ choice of the following: President, Dr. T. E. Pottle------Mr. and Mrs. S. N. Tayior of Ban Miss Pearl Houston of Boston will be the At Fairfield last Wednesday a staging broke tion of priv;’eges granted by said Water Com rento, caring for Mrs. Moody who has been Tibbetts, Rockland; Vice President, Dr. R. B. gor have been in the city, called here by the guest next week of Miss Lizzie Gay. Miss Remember the price, only and Wil’iary Crouse of this city was precipi- pany. One of the selectmen said that the q'-'te ill. Miller, Rockland; Secretary, Dr. F. A. ’lness and death of Mrs. Taylor’s father, Dr. G, Adele Wood, Misses Gay and Houston will pated fromf the tower of the pulp mill, a dis­ company had extended its water supply Knowlton, Fairfield; Treasurer, Dr. E. J. W. Thompson------Miss Minnie Palmer of cottage at Cooper’s Beach beginning next 45 Cents for a Large Pair tance oHFear.y 62 feet. One arm was horribly Thomaston, compelling the company thereby Roberts, Augusta; Librarian, Dr. Elbridge Boston is visiting in the city. Sunday. MUSICAL MATTERS lashejf, while Mr. Crouse received internal to add taxable property to their plant, a farm Bacon, Portland; Executive Committee, of Blankets . . . . C. A. Pease of the Postal Telegraph Com­ 1 from which he died yesterday. Mr. having been added, and that such addP'onal E. B. Spear and Michael II. Sullivan with Drs. E. C. Bryant, Pittsfield; L. C. Cbilcutt, pany and Harry Masters of Thomaston left on Eventful Philharmonic Session Which is Largely •e was a member of Aurora Lodge F. & property ought to be ‘n.xed without rebate. their families are occupying cottages at Lake Bangor; D. W. Fellows, Portland; F. O. bicycles yesterday morning for a trip to Bath Attended— As to Admitting Visitors. We sha'l also offer One Case s M. of this place and the Masonic Lodge at The third article, use of hose for sprinkling Cuy----- Misses Eva E. Hall and Helen Wis Sawyer, Skowhegan; G. O. Mitchell, Bucks­ and Lev ‘ston. They will be gone several /airfield telegraphed their brethren here of purposes, was discussed on the ground that well of Boston were the city last week from port. It was voted to hold the next session day. —Mrs. E. G. Hight of Baltimore is the ' the accident, and that Mr. Crouse required the company had established new rules where Green’s Landing where they are rusticating The largest rehearsal in the histoi/ of the in Bangor guest of her sister, Mrs.G. M. Brainerd, Ma­ assistance. This of course was rendered and by water takers were to pay S3 each for hand Miss Ha’l returns later for a longer visit Philharmonics occurred Thursday evening. The state board of dental examiners were in sonic and Claremont s..eets------Capt. E dw Large Grey Blankets! the funeral at Fairfield was held under Ma­ hose privileges about their premises, and in Mr. and Mrs. E. S. May are having a pleasant The chorus chairs were all filled while guests session during the afternoon and evening and Crockett of Baltimore has been the guest of sonic honors. no case would hand hose be allowed for street carriage tour over Winthrop way------Mrs. to the number of six./ enjoyed the solo and their examination of applicants to practice Mrs. James Robinson, where his v fe and Mr. Crouse was a narive of Aroostook sprinkling. On the part of the company Harry Pearsons of Bridgeport is at Crescent chorus work. The chorus is now at work on dentistry resulted in the admission of the fol­ daughter have been stopping for some time count/ but erne here seven years ago and was stated that they were compelled to issue Beach, the guest of Capt. Henry Pearsons and “Night’s Shades No Longer” ,‘.om "Moses in lowing: Arthur II. Merrill, Dexter; Walter S. past------Mrs. Michael Ormund and daughter took up his residence at 209 Main street. He this order because of the great loss they sus family------Miss Anna Crandon of Columbia Eg. p‘.’ The soloists of the evening were Coleman, Portland; Horace C. Gleason, Bos­ Margaret of Brooklyn are guests at Garrett was a carpenter by trade and in company with tain through wastage, and they had no re Falls was the guest of Mrs. F. B. Miller last Miss Maud Vlmer of Minneapo'is, but more ton; L. L. Dolliver, Augusta; Elmer Wey­ 5 5 c Cough':n’s, Rankin street----- Mrs. C. L. his son Judson went to Fairfield to work in dress but to make a rule by which they might week------Miss Jennie R. North has returned recently of New York, who is passing a few mouth, Dexter. Belcher (nee Cassie Low) and Miss Sadie May. Judson also fell when the staging be recompensed for such wastage and the op from Northport and is visiting in this city- weeks as the guest of her cousin, Mrs. \V. A- Among the exhibits was some veiy expert Low are guests of Mr. and Mrs. A. C. H air’l- broke but only a short distance and was un portunity it would give the company to shut Mrs. Margaret Ames has returned to Boston. Hill, and Miss Fannie C. B ert/ of Boston, a work by Dr. W. T. Stowe of Boson, who com- P E R P A IR . ton, Main and Warren street - —Mr. and injured. Mr. Crouse was 63 years of age and off the supply from such takers as were found She has been the guest for sevcral weeks of native of Camden. Miss L’lmer sang the I menced his studies th Dr. A. M . Austin of Mrs. W. H. Day (nee Nina Ti”son) of Du­ leaves seven children, three of whom, Mrs. to constantly waste water. In reply to this Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Ame.-----Miss Lottie "Waltz Song” from the "Red Hussar," Marie this city. We have a small lot of. buque, la., are guests at Gen. Davis Tillson's Lillian Winslow, Mrs. IIuse and Mrs. Carter/ article the ci':zens present were unanimous Lawry accompanied the railroad commission Tempest's great success. It was an adn :rablc - -Miss Lizzie Dumont of Boston is the eiide in this city, that the contract between the town and com stenographer, on their recent trip to Green selec on, well adapted for showing the abil- pany recognized that the water takers had the ville. guest of Capt. and Mrs. E. S. Farwell, Fulton i a n d training of the singer. The various right granted them to use hand hose free of Misses Della Bean and Fannie Bachelder .reet. odd inte. zals and brilliant passiges were ren­ Fine White Blankets, any extra charge in front of their buildings, visited in Bath last week------Mrs. W. A. Rog­ J. Frank Bickmore of Denver, Colo., visit­ dered with an ease and facility that com­ on lawns, etc., and also to sprinkle streets in ers and son Harry have returned to Quincy, ing h'- old home in Tenan.'s Harbor, was in pletely captivated the aud'ence, »vho demanded ' All perfect, with Handsome Blue and larding and front of their prerr ses, which right they hav Mass.----- Mrs. Hannah Dailey is the guest at the ci • yesterday. Mr. Bickmore reports another numher winch was granted, a very1 Pink Borders We will sell them H o u s e . enjoyed up to the present time, and that they Belfast of Mrs. I I . N. Lancaster----- Mrs. business affairs in Denver somewhat qi-’et, sweet selec on. By especial request Miss; A M oo consider it unjust to be compelled to pay an Emily Barrett Jarvis of Brooklyn is the guest oi ng to the preva:” ng adverse business con- timer then sang "St. Swithin's Ch!-nei,” i while they last for Ready to-let them by the day or week with extra rate because some people waste the of Mrs. Hezekiah \V. Wight, Summer street ons hut is confident that when the hard which was splen<' dly rendered. Miss L’lm er' lowest rales in conformity with the times. AIho company’s water. One of the committee who nes are over the handsome western city will some good storerooms. Single meals furnished. Misses Mamie and Ella Dunlaney of is of Rockland stock, her father being Mat­ xperience a g.owth and developm. .it tha‘ OTIS O. CROCKBTT, Prop. assisted in drawing up the coutract stated Lowell have been guests of Mrs. Ella Parker thias U'-ner, a native of this ci /. Mrs. Janies that it was generally understood that the trxes Mrs.Whitney of Dover is visiting Mr. and will astonish all. He characterizes the state­ Wight, the socie , 's piar's1, ak:’lfully accom­ of the company should be annually abated Mrs. William Whitney------Mr. and ;Mrs. Geo ments made in eastern papers, especially the panied her. Cau suffer more discomfort 6 9 c Ocean House, Bangor Commercial, regarding the empty and also that water takers should have the Knight, accompanied by their guest Miss Miss B er./'s first number was “Novelette" from an ill-fitting shirt than Owl's Head, Me. blocks and houses of Denver, as too rTdicu- free use of hand hose for sprinkling streets, Fanny Walters are at Bar Harbor----- Hon* by Narawenka, a tr. ng selec on that de­ from a dozen over-ripe Bouse In fine shape and good accommodation for Seth Low and wife of Brooklyn were at the ous, absurd and improbable to warrant con­ P E R P A IR . u few hoarder s. House is near the beach and hue lawns, washing windows and such like about mands artistic trea. nent which it received at fine facl ’ties for bout’ng, but) 'ng uud fishing. their premises. Thorndike Friday night bound for Bar Har- tradiction. C lam s. z Terms reasonable. Miss Berry’s hands. Her second number was No one can afford to loose . D . R A W SO N . Prop. President Crockett asked the town for a r------Mrs. John Mulholland and daughter Mrs. ztugusia Morse and son Sammie of one of the d' ntiest things imaginable, “Nor­ The Clams don’t come back proposal saying they wished to settle this Bay City, Mich., are gueats of Mayor F. C. Ar' ona are visiting Mrs. Morse's aunt, Mrs. wegian Bridal Procession” by Grieg. A most to him every week from the this opportunity to get a matter in a friendly spirit. The selectmen Knight. Sarah Bookei- -Miss El’a Booker returned enthusias c encore compelled the lady to Park Street Exchange withdrew for consultation and reported that Miss Hattie Wardwell is visiting in Camden oni a sit to Bar Harbor Friday------Mr. and favor the audience again, and it was indeed a L aundry. . Pair of Blankets for so they had concluded to abate the tax for 1894, Mrs. E. W. Clark and and children of Mrs. Pa>' Stni-'j have been guests of H. 0 favor, and one that was hear 'iy applauded. Your shirt ought to be a but not for 1893. The representatives of ‘ambridge, Mass., are the the guests of Mr. Guidy and w'"e the past week. Mr. Smith She plays delightfully. Little Money. the Water Co. after consulta. on stated that returned to Brooklyn Friday, and Mrs. Sir' h Dining Rooms I and Mrs. L. R. Campbell and Mrs. F. B. One new member was voted in, Mrs. T. A. Congenial Companion. Half No. 10 Park Street, - Kocl-’anil, Me. they would comply with the request to place ill remain here for a w* 'le longer- Miss Shaw in this city------Mrs. C. E. Judson, Went zortb. Miss Maud L’lmer, Miss Fannie of your'life is lived it its a hydrant at Beech Hill, and that water takers Dela Wiley, who has been the guest of Mrs. . Ladies' Dining Room Up-Stairs. . daughter and child of Bridgeport, Conn., are C. Berry and Charles J. Marshall were elected shor’d pay S3 for the right to use hand hose R. Frohock lor some weeks, returned to Society. Try one of our regu'ar 26c Dinners. guests at Robert Anderson’s, Jefiersun street, honorary members of the socie./ anil tendered Hoard by the week $3.60 in advance. on their premises, and that they should also her home in New York this morning a Bal- We offer this week 1 case Plain for a few weeks. Mrs. Judson is Mrs. Ander­ the privileges ol the orgar zation during their Twenty-one meal tickets for $3.60. be permitted to sprinkle the street with the more, whete sue sits for a time. Doinet Flannel in Drab and Greys . . . OPEN ON BUND A Y. son's sister------Miss Sadie Wallace of Bangor sojourn in this vicini /. A vote of thanks same. visiting at J. W. Anderson’s, Cedar street Miss Ada Berry has returned from her vis‘t for 5c a yd. OWEN B. LONG, Proprietor. As there was an objection on the part of was etgo tendered them for their solo favors. Beit Abbey has returned from a three Manchester, N. II.------Mrs. D. W. Hop- the cit zens present to a special rate on hand Our Shirts are Made to Fit. Shirt Waists at Half Price. weeks vacation at his home in Ohio------Miss ns and dai }hter Gladys of Charlestown are hose, the dillerence was not settled. The ira L. Cousins, who has been visiting Miss sitirq Miss Minnie Rue- -George E. Gray The executive committee of the Philhar Best Prints only 5c a yd. C rescent president of the Water Company said that he Caroline z\chorn, left this morning for Blue- the Bangor ball club is in the ci /, called m or;cs has decided to charge all visitors to was not authorized to make such a concession, A few more of the Wide Pongees C ottages to rent by duy hill, Later she goes to Albion, N. Y., to fill here to attend the funeral of his little daugh­ the chorus rehearsals 25 cents admission. If they didn’t, we’d not but would call a meeting of the directors, and or week. the position 1 ol teacher of oratory and physical ter, which occurred at to o’clock this morn­ Th*’s is not done with an especial view to se­ at 8c a yd. V f Special Rales for report to the selectmen u lime for another talk about ’em. , Beach Reunions und Schools. culture in the High School------Mr. Benj. C. ing. He rejoins the Bangurs tomorrow------curing a revenue, but to discourage in a meas­ Steamboat and Tele- hearing. To this proposition all parties ag.ecd Nice quality Fast Black Hose at phone connection. igler of Boston is visiting friends in this Mrs. D. N. Merrill of Trenton, N. J., is he ure the grov ng attendance at rehearsals Boat runs daily from with the understanding that the new rules city andi Union. guest of Dr. and Mrs T. E. Tibbetts, the lat­ inasmuch as the accommodations are limited. 12 l-2 c a pair. Tilluon's wharf, round should not be enforced in the meantime. tiip ticket* 35 cents. Albert F. Conant of Boston, on his way ter her sister, at Oakland- -Miss Lena Members of the s o c i e i n in ' ng friends Ladies’ Summer Vests, 2 pairs for Fish Dinners This boat connects with Thursday afternoon many of the business henceforth shov’d bear this in inind the Boston boats. from Bar Harbor, was entertained by friends Young returned last week from Matinicus- - 25 cents. Excursions from the men of Camden got out their hand hose and in tb s cky Friday. It will be recalled Mr Miss Bertha Bird of Belfast is at A. L. Tyler’s At allH opM , Crescent Beach wharf began wetting down the streets. A represen­ every Sunday at two Conant was here several seasons ago as the for a three weeks’ i sit------Miss Lucy Davis Fine Yard Wide Sheeting for 5 cts. . m., to the outlying tative of the C. A R. Water Co. forbade their At the I'hilharmonic rehearsal next Thurs­ W e’ve got a big line Ktlands popv’ar pianist in the Boston Rivals Com­ of Waltham, Mars., was in -he ci./ last week a yard . doing it on penalty of having the water day evening the soloists \ 'll be Miss Kather­ F R E D M. IT I1 . pany------Jno. Crockett, the hardware man, for a b..cf visit------Mies l.ucy Wat.rmau of of Summer Neokwoar shut off. The selectmen and citizens held an after a severe and protracted at*ack of rheu­ Waterhoro visited friends in tow j last week ine Lincoln of Bostdn, soprano, and M . Bleached Sheets ull made for 69 informal conference, the law and contract matism, is again able to get down io the store ----- Mi - Jennie Mann, who has been spend­ Schenck of Baltimore, pianist. Members of that w e’d like to show cts. each. Live Lobsters! were studied, and as a result the following cir­ the chorus should bear in mind that from ------F. W. Terpenning of St. Lou's, Mo., gen­ ing the past three months in tbs ci ./, has re­ y o u ...... cular was issued: eral western agent of D. M. Iisborn Imple­ turned to her home at Seal Harbor. now on rehearsals v begin promptly at A new lot of the Wide Lace for To the Citizens of the down of Camden. ment Co., is the guest of C. W. S. Cobb at eQht o’clock. trimming dresses, 15 cts. a yard. VfSU . . Wnereas, by the contract of s?;d town with Mrs. El-'as White, who accompanied her I SUNDAY k in VEim ! the Camden & Rockland Water Company you Cooper’s Beach. husband on a trip to Cuba, has returned to I are authorized to sprinkle the streets of said William Baker of Jamaica Plain, Mass., lier home in this city------Miss .Maud Norton I Mr. and Mrs. James Wight entertained the On Sundays from 12 (o 4 p. in , at town, for said town's benefit, and will be pro­ has been rus. ca ng a few days at Cooper’s of Matinicus Rock* is at Mis. J. R. Richard* , ( ’ra/y <’lub, Friday evening, in honor of Will tected in judiciously sprinkling said streets; Beach, Titus dbttage------Miss (.'ora Farmer of Carleton House, Rockport, yet, the enjoyment of the afoiesaid prb lege I son’s, Camden street------E. B. Eastman is at | H* G. Wight of Lowell, Mass. ( ither out-of- Look at our Black Eudora does 111 no wise authorize the sprinkling of Manchester, N. IL, is visi ng Miss Marne Vinalhaven for a short time----- Mr. and Mrs. ] town guests were Miss Fannie Wilson of Ban- lawns, nor the excessive use of sr ’d water on Doherty----- Mrs. E. F. Hewett of Waltham, ! Kellinger of Yonkers, N. Y., who are stop- ' gor, Miss Fannie Alden 1 of Columbus, Ohio, ONE PRICE.” Cloths, a new thing for Black Beets, whereby they are made muddy | Mass., is visiting her laughter, Mrs. E. A. ping at Bay Point, visited the House of the Mrs. A. W. Lyon of Letfor:a, Ol ;o, Mr. iind i rather than sprinkle Knowlton, Limerock street------Mrs. J T. Good Shepherd last week. They are friends I Mis. A. W. Sewall of Mprose, Mass., and Mr. Dresses. K/£W CAMDEN, J. H. Shei Selectmen G. T. H o t of Riddell of Boston is the guest of her parents 1 of Mrs. Corcoran through whose benevolence i Hubbard of Bangor. The usual ad lib sing- E. N. b u t Camden. | J N. Ingraham and wife, South-end----- Louis i the institution was started,and who is expected • ing by the club assisted by J. H. McNamara tf0USEf ME- Camden, July 21, 1 J. F. Gregory & Son, ' Karpenstein of Bangor has been in town a in the city shortly------Charles Carroll Schenck i and Miss Julia Spear in Irish specialties eon- ‘ of Baltimore, a noted pianist, is spending the stituted the major pori on of the evening’s |Kona better on the Coast. PAYSON 'REUNION. I f' w ,'iay# ' ul' W ,' 11' l ogU'r goe‘ ’ ’“ T Uudei- Farwell Opera House. I . laud this week on business connected with ' summer in this city, the guest of Marcus Car- program, with the exception perhaps of the Open till Octoboi • l the rayson Reunion will occur the first .. , , • . .• _ • • t , 26 Excel 1 E B. Hastings. Wednesday in September, at the residen. e vf lbe ”f wh.cb be ' roll, assistant rector of St. Peter’s church. Mr. cooling lemonade, frigid cream, cake, roasted ROCKLAND, - MAINE. Randall Robbina, Fast Union. In the event ''» » recently appointed member------Mrs. J. S. | Schenck is a piano pupil of Richard Burnieis- j peaotus, “nervous jelly” and the l;ke. Broke F. 0 . M A R T IN , Proprietor. of a storm it u.U be the first fair day Ingraham and Miss Lena Ingraham of Brook- i ter at Peabody Institute, Baltimore.» He will up at midnight. ROCKLAND. ME. *


High street is being sidewalked. Cross SUMMER SOUNDS. CRIMINAL POINTS. I The delegates to the B. Y. P. U. conven­ FOLKS AND THINGS' plank is the material. tion in Toronto are expected home tomorrow. The High School Echo will make its ap­ An Almost Unending Round of Plonlos. Parties A Great Many Liquor Searches are Being Made I Ladies dean your kid gloves with Josephine We have received a few more of the pearance the middle or last of this week, and Other Sooial Dissipations. Nowadays— Also Several Seizures. M id -S u m i household books that gave so much satisfac will be an exceedingly interesting number. 1 glove cleaner, for sale only by W. O. Hewett tion last winter and any person paying for & Co. Headquarters for the Foster lacing William J. Later, one of the electric rail Mrs. George L. K r:ght entertained Mon- Ci./ Marshall Crockett reports criminal T he Courier-Gazette a year in advance gloves in all the most desirable shades. All road drivers, has levered his connection with day evening of last week in honor of Miss business rather dull at police headquarters will be entitled to a copy of the very useful Fannie Walters of Pittsburg, her guest. Miss the past week, a few drunks now and then gloves fitted to the hand. book, "The Housewife’s Library," 644 pages the road and will move to Bangor. B Hunt is now motorman on the Thomaston Maude Ulmer of New York sang several 1 disturbing the monotony. Itis a great credit | FULLI bound in oil cloth, decorated side and back, solos------Congratulations are in order follow- , to our efficient police force that such good ( LADY'S CAKE. branch. marbleired edge. Regular price S2.25 Our ing the announcement of the engagement of 1 order is maintained in a hustling city of I Throe-fourths cup Commencing next Sunday, steamer Gov of butter, two cups subscribers may have the pook mailed to any Miss Fredd'e Frohock, daughter of Mr. and nearly 10,coo population. sugar, half a cupful Bodwell v 'll leave for Vinalhaven at address for 16 cents extra. Mrs. John R. Frohock, and Frank L. Weeks. ! A number of searches after the ardent milk, three cupfuls o’clock, noon. The boat has been leaving W ashbu.n Crosby Co’s ------Mrs. Nathan F. Cobb gave a delightful 1 have been made since our last issue and upon the arrival of the paper train but this Superlative Flour, piazza par./ at her residence, Beech street, ' while for the most part the authorities found whites of six eggs, MARK D hour proved too irregular to convenience Thursday afternoon. The decorations were it pretty dry, enough of the intoxicating bev- one teaspoonful bak­ Sewing Machine passengers and has been fixed. ing powder, one teas- ___ exquisite and the supper, which w.*« served at erage was found to prove that such a thing poonfnl essence of almond. Beat the butter A chapter of Eastern Star is to be organized six o’clock, de”cious. Waist was played in the has existence. Saturday, Officers Meservey to a cream. Add the sugar gradually, then the essence, milk, the whites of eggs beaten Given Away!! at Vinalhaven Thursday evening. Golden afternoon------Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Shaw’i Yeaton and Orbeton swooped down upon to a stiff froth, and the flour, in which bak­ Rod Chapter of this city has been im ’ted to Sunday School Cass had an enjoyable pier the Central House and their departure was ing powder has been mixed. Bake in sheets Cloak and Suit To any person who will send me attend and will goon the sterner Governor about two inches deep, about twenty-five at Wcssaweskeag cottage Thursday. A full accompanied by that of a barrel of ale and minutes in a moderate oven. Frost or not TWENTY NEW SUBSCRIBERS Bodwell at four o’clock returr’ng at the close course dinner was served, ai.er wh'ch the day basket full of strong bottled ’iquors. The as desired. 10 Children's Reefers 98c. of the exercises. was spent as it only can be at the seaside, same day Officers Hills and Spear called at BROWN & JOSSELYN, State Agents, 20 Ladies’ Capes and Jackets, f W ....TO THE.... Portland. John IT. Murray, a former resident of Au The class v'll not forget their ou. ng in Owen B. Long's restaurant on Park street Now receipt printed here every week. choice from our window, 82 39. A ll M arl C o u r i e r - ( r n z e f t e gusta, died at his home on Washington street h u r./------The dance given by Messrs. Frank and got s'-, bottles of beer together with last Friday, a..er a lingering illness of con T. Pearsons and J. C. f.int at Crescent Beach quart of rum. 1 lot Print a K ir t b s . La d ie s ' /\LL w o o l s u ifs 1 lot Light will ship free of expense, a new sewing machine, sumption. lie was unmarried and had fol Wednesday evening wis a deci led success, Sheriff Gray and Deputy Sheriff Rivers with all the attachments, leaf drawers and cover, lowed the sea the greater part of his life. He Gale’s orchestra fur c* shed music. About 30 have also had their hands fu’l—of warrants W aists 39c from 50c. from the New Home Sewing Machine Co.’s factory P e r r t — Rockland, July 17, to Mr. and Mrs. 1 lot Boys’ Print Machine warranted for live years had been a member of Aurora Lodge, F. & couples present. —the past week and performed the duties ex Newton II. Perry n pon. Marked Down! M., since 1883 and the funeral was under Messrs. Payson and Littlefield and their pected of them ' nereof. The place of Fred S a arsox—Waldoboro, July 14, to Mr. and Mrs. 25c. O. H. Mansfield, No. Hope Willard K. Hampton, a son. 1 lot Light Print Wrap], Masonic honors. Deceased was also a Chap wives, cottag’ng at Ballard Park, were sur Lynde at Ballyhack, the drug stores of C. II H o pk in s—North Haven, July 12, to Mr.and Mrs. W . 8 . Hopkins, a son. 1 lot Children’s Print ~ ter Mason. piised by a par./ of friends from Rockland, Pendleton. W. H. Kittredge, John Hanrahan Roakes—Thomaston, July 11, to Mr. and Mrs. 85.00 for an All Wool Suit; for­ Wednesday of next week is circva day. Frank Roakes, a (laughter. Children’s Gingham Dresi Tomorrow night, Wednesday,the 25th inst Saturday evening. Ice crer n and lemonade & C. II. Moor and ‘he Central House were mer price 87.50. I he 12-year-old son of A. B. Rackliffe of Baskbll—Deer Isle, July 9, to Mr. and Mrs. 75c, 81.25; former price 75c Capt. Howard and wife will lead the mee ng were found secreted in the woods and were searched unavailingly. At Fred F. Burpee Austin D. Haskell, a son. G reen la w —Deer Isle, July fl, to Mr. and Mrs. Ladies’ Duck Suits 81.48, 82.50, 82. tb:s ci t is one of the contestants in the brought in for the delectation of the company drug store a bottle of whiskey was seized of the Salvation Army. These officers were Arthur W. Greenlaw, a son. Cravcnette Storm Gar; bicycle contest in the Union Times. “Up Jenkins” was played until adjournment. Mr. Bu.pee was arraigned before Judge Co n a ry —Sunshine, Deer Isle, July, to Mr. and and 84. much loved while stationed here some months Mrs. Melvin C onw y, a son. marked down to 85 and 810 The r ;ckle-plated counting room of Tr Ralph D. Waldo and Harry Flint are tent' Hicks the next morn'ng and g’vcn the custo- G ross—Ocean ville, Deer Isle, Ju ly 5, to Mr. and Silk Waists 82.50 from 83.75. ago and everybody will be glad to see and Mrs. A. II. Gross, a daughter. 812.50 and 814. C.-G. has been adorned with a beautiful dish ing at Pleasant Beach------The par./ at Wes- m at/ fine and sentence from which he ap hear them aga’n. They are here for 01 y on Bur n iik im er —N orth W uldoboro, to Mr. nnd Silk Waists 83.75 from 85. 1 lot Fine Lawn and Percale Wrap of pond Vies and other flowers ‘nr”y sent by sawesskcag cottage, Pleasant Beach, has broken pealed. At tfoe saloon of G. A. Lynde am Mrs. L. B. Buruheimer, a son. night. Capt. Benson will also be here on he SllATTt CK—Razorv lie, Ju ly 8, to Mr. and Mrs. Silk Waists 85 from 87.50. pers 81.69 from 82.25. Mrs. G. L. Black. return from camp meeting. Open air meet camp after an enjoyable week’s slay------Bert Wil :am Lj.ide four bottles of liquor Fred A. Shattuck, a sou. The weekly rehearsal of the Kirst Baptist ing at North-end. Kenniston and \ 'fe are sojourr’ng at Pleasant seized and the same disposi on was made bf Beach------John E. Leach, Frank E. Leach, Choir will occur tomorrow, Wednesday even A runaway accident that ended in a fatali Messrs. Lynde. G. A. Lynde’s place was ing. at 7 130 o’clock at the churc’ A full at­ Vesper L^ach and party are occupying the visited again Sunday but nothing was found for the horse occurred at the South-end about ram a rrim an Parasols MarkecK Down to Close. Gillchrest cottage at Bay View- -Miss v th the exception of evidences of ’5quor hav C —H —Belfast, July 5, Edwin H. tendance is nccessa./. ten o’clock Sunday evening. The a» Cram, of Montvllle, and Ellie A. Harriman, of Ap- Elonia Hamilton and par./ picr:ckedat the ing been spilled in ‘he sir’;. Nearly all of The Ocean House, Owl’s Mead, under the question was from the Higgins stable in Cam Tuttle cottage, Bay View, Thursday. the above waraants were signed by Mrs management of Mr. R. D. Rawson, aff den and was being driven by William B.liylc This is the first summer for many years that fh a tlis. Infants W hite Cloak^&i£kked Down. good facilities at reasonable rates for parties of Thomaston and a Boston yachtsman »amed Sarah K. Taylor, the new Advent minister, the I'. B. Aldrichs hate been in if s country. Mrs. Lottie Chase signed one. who want summer board. Parker. The horse became frightened near T h o m pso n —Rockland, Ju ly 21, D r. George For many years their country home has been Albert Varnum was- arrested in this ci. Thompson, aged 69 yeais, 6 month*, 14 days. J. W. Walker, the well known piano sur the foot of Ingraham’s Hill and clea 'ng him Kh e p e r —Rockland, Ju ly 20, Bradlsh D . Shei at Por’:apog. a place they may almost be said Saturday charged with the larceny of granite geon, is in the city on his annual tour. self from the team ran up Main street in t:me red 74 yeats, 8 months, 20 days. to have discovered. It is near Milton, and is tools at Vinalhaven. The arrest was made E astman—Portlnd, July 21, Isaac J. Eastman, S P E C I A L Orders for piano tun’ng and repairs may be to encounter the south bound car near th aged 43 yea.s, 1 month. Remains brought to this b a r g a : today better known perhaps, because J. Mur­ by the new depu ,, Mr. White, who took his cltv today for burial. left at T iie C.-G. office as usual. head of Fulton street. The latter was a’nost a r r ray Forbes Stock Farm is ‘here. At iheir F —Owl’s Head, .July 22, Susan M. Farr, aged stopped but the animal struck forcibly and man to Vina’haven for trial 79 years. 1 case White and Colored Blankets 25 doz. Ladies’ Hosl rtra fine, z\.t the annual convention of the Maine place at I’onkapog the young Aldrichs—.. There were nine prisoners in »he Knox P ort—O w l’s nead, Ju ly 21, Isaac O. Post, aged was instantly killed. Mr. Hylcr received 76 vears, 5 months, 9 days. 48c per pair. 19c ; 3 pairs for 50c. Dental Society held in this city Tuesday, Dr who were not ve./ strong in their youth, coun./ jail yesterday and the terms of ..vo ex­ G ra 7—Rockland. July 22, (Vera Evn, daughter R. B. Baynes was introduced as probably the shaking up only, but h»s compar'on had one of Geo. E. and Lou B. Gray, aged I yea , 7jtnonths. 1 case Indigo Prints 4c. spent much of their time until they reached pired this morr ng. The chain gang has Mu r r a y —Rockluud, July 17, .John II. Murray, a 1 lot Gents’ Jean Cotto^L Drawers ofh;a lower limbs badly injured. It was 1 case Chiffonetts 5c, worth 10c. oldest dentist in America, and a sum of $50 maturi /, but in the summer the family usually narrowed down to two and the county shov’d native of Augusta, aged 32 years, 3 months, 28 days. narrow escape. K e n n isto n —Appleton, July 16, Adeline, wife 39c ; worth 50c. was speedily raised for I ’m. It was a gen went abroad. This year they are at their new cong.aiulate itself, that while tramps were of Gustavus Kenniston, aged 72 years. 1 case Bleached Cotton, 40 in., 5c. The laying of water pipe across the Ken Mykick—Vinalhaven, Ju ly 16, Edw ard H. My- erous deed and a worthy one. and modest cotlr^e at Tenant’s Harbor, near never before so pkatifv’, that there has sel 1 case Challies 4c per yard. nebec river from Nequasset to Bath is a job in rick. Just received a new line of Hbdies’ Veterans interested in the Fourth Maine Rockland. This house was built since last dom been such a scarci / of the err . in our Cha pm a n —Camden, July 15, Mrs. Sarah Chap­ 1 case Musline Remnants 2c. wl 'ch ci '1 engineers as well as everybody man, aged 77 years. Collars, Chemisettes and T Regiment and Second Maine Batteiy Assoch fall on a part of an estate that Mrs. Aldrich’s jail. The stone yard is proving itself worth Me r it h e w —Vinalhaven, Ju ly 11, Aaron Meri- else are interested. The Boston Socie../ of thew, aged 85 years. 1 case Crepe Grenadine, 36 in. tion should not forget the m ee/ug at W. N brother has owned there for some tJme—Bos­ its weight in gold. Also a new lot of Bathing S Civil Engineers are to come down to Bath on D y e r —Dyer’s Island, Vinalhaven, July 11, Tim­ wide, 10c. Uimer’s ofllce, Limerock street, next Saturday ton Journal. Sheriff Gray received a telegraphic com othy Dyer, aged 92 years. a special 0 .cursion by steamer Kennebec for P ier so n —Tenant's Harbor, St. George, July 8, 1 lot Ladies’ Fancy Cotton Vests A new lot Duck in Plain, A location for holding the next reui on is to I F. S 'rre tt and party go to Crescent munication Saturday to look out for two Ralph Pieison, aged 18 years, 2 mouths, 26 days. the purpose of witnessing the operation when be selected. Beach tobay per buck board----- E. H. Lau.y burglars charged with break'ng into the post M etta—Clark Island, St. George, July 6, Charles 41c. Stripe and Polka Spots, for Duck it takes place. This v. Ill be some Saturday Metta, aged 35 years. and party enjoy a buckboard ride to the office at Searsport Friday.- Fifty dollars Mo rse—Union, July 5, Charles Morse aged 81 100 Chenille Table Covers S9c. Suits, 12 l-2c per yard. One of Rockland’s bottling firms sent some probably within two or three weeks. There b. ches, tomorrow------Buckboards take Capt. worth of stamps were taken. No clue to E m erson—Liberty, July 20, Chas. Emerson. of its wares to a down east par /. The are only three meinbeis of this socie John DeWinter and party to L '’.e Cky, to­ thieves has yet been discovered. stoppers were of the patent variety that you Maine, those three being W. A. Allen of day. Use '*000(1 Samaritan” Liniment. push down. The goods were shipped back ’ortland, Chief Engineer of the Maine Cen THE RUBINSTEINS in a few days the statement that the tral, (leorge N. Fernald of Portland and O. H. THE HORSE. FULLER & C O B B . article was first rate but the stoppers “pulled’1 Tripp, this city. Mr. Tripp will witness the Held their fortnightly meeting last evening so hard that they could do nothing \ th ’em. event and a number of other Rockland Syndicate Building, - Rockland, Me. There will be a trot in Liber., Wednesday, at the home of Mrs. G, W. Smith, corner of Boat Stolen people probably will go over. The following donations have been received Aug. 8, at the West Waldo Agricr’tural Fair Summer and Lincoln streets. The following i Bay Point bout house night of July 12, a fourteen foot Whitehall row boat, painted outside at the House of the Good Shepherd the past The Silver Star’s excursion to Green’s Land pounds, for the follot ng classes: 2:50 class, larticipated: Mrs. Carrie B. Shaw, Mrs. Lil­ white, bright upper streak. Inside white with week : 100 cookies, a friend; cradle, a friend; ing Sunday was all that could be de»;red for $80; 2:40 class, S100; 2:30 class, S i50. cherry brown celling. Brass row-locks, blight wood YACHTS FOR SALE. lian Copping, Mrs. F. B. Miller, Mrs. A. II. back. If returned no questions will be asked. A pleasant, qv:et outing. The weather Horses called at 12:30. Conditions will be iy. A small fishing schooner about 35 feet cake and one basket of food, Mrs. A. F. Berry, Miss N. T. Sleeper, Mrs. Ada Mills, reward will be paid the finder. 44-'1 water lino, has been used In Salem for Crockett: 10 boxes s.rawbei es, Miss K. J. delightfully cool and the sail down the bay in four or more to enter and three or more to Mrs. E. II. Thomas, Miss Julia Spear, Mrs. dxA taking out parties, and Is In good coudl- tion ; also 5 catboats from 15 to 19 feet, Brumley; 10 boxes ice cream, Mrs. Thurlow; stiff breeze exhilarating in the extreme, Toe art. Open to otters and pacers. Entries F. M. Shaw, Mrs. F. R. Spear and the Ariels. Roller Skates For Sale. About 125 pairs of roller skates for salo ut utmost new und well found nnd fast. Address J. O. lettuce, a friend; package clothing, Mrs.Glid- excursionists were given ample opportune / to five percent add5 ‘onal for winners. All The club entertained Mrs. A. W. Sewall of bargr ’a, part of lr nkruot s» ick. BROWN, North Haven, Me. 24*27 nominations must be accompai ed by en­ EDWARD K. GOULD, den of Newcastle; cheese and crackers, Chas. nspect the beauties and novelties of Green’s Melrose, Mass., Mrs. Strickland and Miss 9 Register of Insolvency. VESSEL FOR SALE. Schenck of Baltimore. ending, the majority of them stopping for trance fee. Horses distancing the field or any Bradford of Bangor as guests. The last named, Boh. Fly Away of E dgartow n; 167 to n s; well linner at Ocean View Hotel. Mrs. Violet part thereof \ .11 receive first money only, NOTICE. found and In good condition. Will carry about Charles E. Havener has bought the Side* cultured soprano, favored the company 250 tons. For particulars Inquire of oss, the landlady, prepared at short notice a es for purses v.'ll close at 12 o’clock p. life having left my home w linger place, at Sherer’s Corner, just west of with a delightful number. I K. W. CHADWICK, A gen t. In Telling most excellent meal and v th th“:r appetites Friday, Aug. 3. Entries mailed on the the Capt. Anson Butler homestead. The The la3t session of the club for the season FOR S A LE . sharpened to the keenest notch it is needless day of closing will be e"gible. The forego­ place contains 2% acres of land and a fine ill be held Aug. 6 in the Phi’harmonic Mill property In Fort Fairfield village, consisting to state that ample justice was done to the ing purses to be diCded as follows: 50 per rooms. of 28 h. p. boiler, 18 h. n engine, shingle machine, . A Story' house \ th 14 sleeping rooms w1 ch at one stave machine, C. M. Bras tow heading machine, hospitality of Mrs. Goss. The Acadian House cent, to first horse, 25 per cent, to second time did service as a hotel. The property is Board and Lodgers Wanted cut olF saws, etc. Tills ia a good chance for two and Sunset res.aurant also got a good patron­ horse, 15 per cent to third horse, 10 per Special sei vices will be held at the First Good table board and lodgings for two gentle- men of push to saw shingles, staves, heads und Sometimes it is diillcult to find in fine condition and pleasantly located. Mr. cooper. Will also sell $600 worth of starch barrel age. The Silver Star on her return t.'p ar­ cent, to fourth horse. Races to be m 'e heats* Baptist church in *his city ne t Sunday, morn­ stock. Apply to WM. J. ROBBINS, Rockville, words capable of doing justice to Havener will rent it. On the place is a beauti­ Me., or J . B . RO B B IN S,Fort Fairfield, Mo. 23*33 rived in Rockland at 7 o’clock, everybody best three in live to harness. Distance waived, ing and evening, devoted to the B. Y. P. U. the subject. But seeing is believing. ful spring the waters of w* ch are noted for happy. but weight exac ed. This socie . is a member Convention in Toronto. their mineral properties and which he v> 11 use FARM FOR SALE. Come and see our stock and hear our of the National Association and National The farm known as the Guilford St. Clair farm, in his bottling business. He is having the Amusements and Announcements. CIRLS WANTED. situated In West Rockport, on the Mt. Pleasant prices. rules wi'' govern all races t’ s year. road about one and one-hali miles from the P. O. water analyzed. BUSINESS LOCALS. Girls for general housework, nurses and the at South Hope. Bald farm contains 7l) acres well Men’s $12.00 Suits for ...... $ 9 .5 0 nursery can obtain first-class places by applying at divided into tillage, woodland and pasturage, three One of the C lose bell buoys has been set in The B'g Four have a dance at Limerock the Intelligence office of MRS. R. C. HED G ES, Fred C. Ingraham at Ingraham’s Hill has 7 Grove Street, Rockland. living springs lu pasture, well of never filling “ 10.00 " 7.50 Hall tomorrow night. water near house. Will be sold at a bargain. the harbor and works very sat:«factorily o handsome colls, a .vo-and three-year- Terms easy. Apply on the premises of E. C. indeed, it is the invention of Walter R, Manager Black is negotiating with the old, r fter Joe Howe. “ If you want to smoke a clean Havana filled Two Furnished Cottages To HT. C L A IIt, Ho. Hope, Maine. 19 And a Good Suit fo r--, ...... 5 .0 0 Ciose of Bangor who has for some t:me past celebrated Robin Hot 1 opera company for a gar, ask lor the E. W. Mild io ct. Sold R e n t. Youths’ All Wool S u it-\-- 7 .50 been in our ci ,. It is of a ve./ simple design date this Fall. Otto, Dixmont and Arthu gB. lefqlast night everswhere. H. M. B. 5 cents. At Bartlett's Harbor, North Huveu, Me. Sup­ WANTED. plied with spring water. For particulars apply to At 166 Broadway 8600 chairs to mend without " Nice All Wool Pant--X^SO -. but effee ve in its simplicity. Extern’ r'; at Forepaugh is doing some extensive adver­ r Fairfield where they start in the races C M. B LA K E or 27-28 regard to their kind or oondltlou. Prices accord­ NELSON B. COBB, Rockland. ing to amouut of material used and labor. The best Working Pant made light angles from the bell cap, wl ch s r - tising here ami he w:'l reap the richest morrow. F, II. Berry and G. A. ? mes ac­ Ice Cold Soda with real fruit flavors, also Feb. 7. 5 R. M. PILLSBURY ft CO. mounts the buoy, are four hollow tubes filled harvest he strikes in Maine by so doing. company them. Ottawa Root Beer—Delicious, Refreshing, is one o f my Jean a t ...... 1-26 tvi'h large metpl balls wb’ch at the slightest Rockland is a great show towr Drawn from our new Siberian Arctic Soda ripple of the waves st.’ke the bell with a veiy MAINE S SWEET SINGER. Cottage For Sale or To Let. Next Sunday the steamer Silver Star will Fountain, also Hot Chocolate and Ham The Frost cottage und lot on the southern shore, musical sound. It is certaii ’y the best thing Sandwiches constantly on hand, C. M. one-half mile east of Cooper's Beach. Apply to Alfred Murray carry a party of excursionists to Castine leav­ The Dora W5,ey English Ballad Concert " M. FR O ST , 88 Linden St., Rockland, Me. 21 in buoys yet invented. Tibbetts. ing Ti’lson's wharf at 9 o’clock, sharp, and Co. v give one of its fine entertainments in ‘PIANO LESSONS. SIGN BIG SHIRT. Shorts.—'I he Rockland Packing Co. has toucFng at Camden. Tickets are 50 cents. the Opera House, Vinalhaven, this Tuesday Cottage House to Rent Having completed a course of Instruction In rest*med business on Tillson’s wharf and hese excursions are participated in by nice Domestic and Vienna Bread fresh and sweet On Ouk Street. Possession cun be given abou Bangor under competent teachers, 1 shall be 4 46 Main St., - Rockland, Me7 evenmg. The company in 'udes Miss Wiley, every day. Hot rolls made from best materials I r.ly 15th '.'7 0 M T Ilil'K ’l' 1'S. pleased to receive pupils and give lessons on the about 25 hands are busily engaged in canning people only and are a source of boundless Miss Alice Frances Newhall recita 'onist, K. Plano. Terms reasonable. for tea. Cake and pastry of best quality. 18 HARRIET L. BARKER, 26 Ocean St. fish, lobsters, etc. < leorge E. Tilden v ill enjoyment. To Castine is a short and de­ . Ring .a”, pianist and accomparist and F. Brown Bread and Beans Saturday and Sunday. COTTACE FOR SALE. manage the business as heretofor 1 ne lightful trip. Lougee violinist. A social hop follows Klint Bros., Bakers, 276 Main St. cottage I Enquire of W. H. GLOVER < New England Telephone and Telegraph Com­ the entertainment. The company w ’l visit OLD COINS BOUCHT. Uncle Tom's'Cabiu in one of those popular pany are busily at work in Maine this sum­ HE RESIGNED. Ur 'on, Wasl,;r »ton and other places in the 10c. editions. Call and get one; or we will FURNISHED ROOM TO LET. JARDMAN, Cor. Cross und Cen- mer. ? mung other tl rigs they are construct­ coun /. Inquire at 30 Granite St. or 471 Main til. 27-28 tral tits., Camden. Victor V. Thompson has rer‘gne


ested Food Im - PROBATE COURT. SUMMER MA6AZINES. Cox & Co., ptibliRhers; 8150 a year; sample mo«»t correct fashions. “La Mode de Appetite. copies, 25 cents; specimen pages sent on ap­ Paris,” and “Paris Album of Fashion,” Rockland, July 17. The leading article in the North American plication.) cost only 83-50 each per year, or 35 cents A. J. BIRD & CO. a copy. “The French Dressmaker” is C. E. Meservey, Judge. Review for July is furnished by Ex-Speaker in the Treatment of Llppincott’s Magazine for August will $3.00 per annum, or 30 cents per copy. Edward K. Gould, Register. Reed, who discusses “The Present Admin­ contain a complete novel entitled “Sweet­ “ La Mode.” welch is unequalled as a fam­ Dyspepsia. istration of National Affairs” in a manner Appointments made: Rowena Watts of heart Manette,” by Maurice Thompson, ily Jeurnal costs merely the trifling sum allow n mouthfal of pre-dlg«ted Everett, Mass., guardian of Gertrude and Clara that will command wide attention. o f #1.50 per year, or 15 cents a copy. Pa* kola, it is nt once absorbed McClure’s Magazine for July will be The three first, wentioned publications stomach empty. If other foods be Watts, minors; Aaron W. Winchenpaw of offer each 81.00 worth o f coupon patterns Romance, the monthly magazine of com­ notable in short stories, Rret Harte, Robert Pnskola, it aid* their digestion and thus Willis, Edna, Alton I., Everett O., May V. and plete stories, which has won so enviable a and “La Mode" fifty cents worth of the e. their prnrapi absorption. The moment | Louis W. Winchenpaw, minors, of Thomaston. Barr anil a new Americen writer, Celia Free Burning Coal reputation, is brought within reach of a far same ns a premium for a yearly subscrip­ h Ih empty then appetite appear?. Grow Eliza Shute contributing. Samuel Bryant was removed from guardian­ larger public than heretofore by the reduc­ tion. If you are unable to procure any In Chestnut, St-ove, Effg anti Broken Sites. children are always hungry because their dig* of these journals from your newsdealer ship of M. S. Spear, on petition, and at his tion of its price from 25 to 10 cents. I? good. Outing for July opens with a delightfully do not take any substitute from him. but Lehigh Coat The dlRAppenrance of appetite indicates that you own request. apply by mail t* Messrs. A, McDowell & entertaining complete story. “The Descent In Flgx an d B ro k en Hite-. e not properly ditfestinu vour food Anybody In the Editorial department of The Cen­ Co., I West 14th Street. New York. Administrators : Edward Brown, on es- of Isaac Ross,” by Frank M. Bicknell. In in assimilate nourishment, If presented in a proper tury for July appears an article on “The -----; [ Seorgos Creek Cumberland Coal. form ; but many there aro whom the simplest food estate of Willis Barter late of Thomaston; Latest Cheap Money Experiment,” refer­ it figure the erratic heroine, two lovers, and distresses. Leonard R. Campbell on estate of Sarah ring to the experience of Sail Domingo in “Isaac Russ” an air-ship, and before the Hard Wood, Flour, Grocoties, Pro- I’nskola being a? It Is, artificially digested by in Chapman, late of Camden; James P. Hobbs, its progress toward a secure currency. author gets through with them he proves genious processes, requires no further action of the conclusively his rare power as a writer of i visions, Pressed Hay and Straw, administrator with will annexed on estate of ] Lime, English and American Cement, poor, dyspeptic stomach and thus virtually rests Among the short articles that appear in clean,original and cliarmginly quaint hum­ that tired organ. Not only Is it a fattening Isaac Ilobb, late of Rockland, A. A. Beaton -SON, the North American Review for July are or. There is a wholesome laugh for every­ j Western N o.l and No.2 Cement. health giving food in itself, but it aids the digestion the executor of said estate, having resigned ,fHINfcTON, “ The Prospects of Mexico," by W alter M. one who rends this story. of other foods. As a consequence one will find Emma F. Crockett, administratrix with the I 9-O rder, promptly rilled. Telephone connection THO, and al D’Dwyor; “Is Country Life Lonely? by C. Sstern Points, himself able to eat more heartily and of greater will annexed on estate of David Robinson, INS, variety than was previously possible. fl. Crandall, and “The Dangers of Vaccina­ The June number of "Tales from Town late of Rockland. . A. J. BIRD l C O ., I Northwestern Line. Food Is the nalurt 1 cure for diseases attended by tion,” by William B. Hidden, M. D. Topics” contains a complete novel called S lOW ttT RATtn. thinness and a loss of weight. Drugs and tonics Accounts filed : First of Zara H. Seavey, “An Unspeakable Siren,” it being a story of F ZF-JB33D _,5°u.arrl, log In Boston at 0 :00 a. m. gained six pounds in flesh and feel better The Overland for July will begin the 24th cap,” and Bradford Torry’s Florida sketch, U°,n “ ovUand ha. Pullman guardian of Emma A. Liscomb, minor,*iof “On the Beach at Daytona,” an unsigned W l’rompt attention to orders by telephone 01 MKB. CHA 8. E. LOT Volume of the New Series, with a special I 'e rw ia.). Sedgwick; first of F. C. Davidson, guardian article, “The City on the Housetops,” gives 111 West 45th Bt., New York" Midsummer Number. This will be Mo, 1 Camden St., Rockland Mo. ’ »» -».n P'nskoln is for sale by all druggist, and a descrip- o ft William D. Sprague of Appleton; final of characterized by a number of striking a vivid and sympathetic picture of the sum­ A Little Higher in Price, Bui D.ve pam phlet can be had free, on application for it to mer life ou the roofs of houses in the most Trains arrive: * T he Pi e-Digested Food Co., 30 Reade St., Nc A. A. Beaton, executor will ,of Isaac Hobbs. stories, a larger allowance than usual of 4 J? 5?" ®xPre’". every morning, Sundave Zn York ^ A ccounts allowed : Final of Salinda E. verse, and seasonable outing articles, crowded quarters of New York. It is evi­ Bangor fr°m Bo"ton' Tortland, LewistoJ? dently the work of a man who has lived the | Bills, administratrix on the estate of A. R, short serial of Malayan life by the editor f BEST, 'I USE MISS BEECHER’S For Sale by C. H. MOOR & CO., Rockland | life himself. »:» p . m. from Boston, Portland. I.e Bills, late of Rockland; third of A. A. Bea­ Rounsevelle Wildman, will be begun with in .v.nK°r* Parlor Cnr/fri,, ,nol four striking chapters, daily illustrated. ton, executor of will of Isaac Hobbs, late of Sarah Orue Jewett’s charming article on Hair and Whisker Dye Makesj s™ , Bread (<»LOKH GROWN ANU HI.UK Rockland; firsthand final of Joseph IT. Nor W . Hamilton Gibson, who is noted for hif “The Old Town of Berwick,” iu the July _ CER, Gen'I Mauager. number of the New England Magazine, will M O ST, J It contains no eulphnr or lead. Washing U not BY. G. P. A T. A. wood, guardian of Joseph Frederic Norwood, exquisite rendering of botanical subjects, required after dyeinv, as In other dyes. Whole- K, Dlv. Bupt. minor, of Rockport; first and final of Fred has prepared for the August number of Har­ be read not so much on account of its histor •nlo drtnrgists who huv handled nil the various ical value, which is very deoided, as ou uves pronouuce It the best siugie prepnietinn ever E. Gregory, administrator on estate of Hiram per’s Magazine a fully illustrated article on Insist on CettingThis Brane ernught to their notice. The largest bottle and the yesert A: M achias 8.8. Co. account of its loving pictures of the scenes •** »» dye in the market. Usui extensively by ladle® [ Gregory, late of Rockport. mushrooms. The article is of a popular so m any of Miss Jew ett’s stories. Sho has Piepared only by u. W. THOMPSON, character, and will enable any reader to dis­ 30« Rod id. Me NKJONES Wills f il e d : Lois Lowell, late of Rock- been a loyal daughter of the old Maine town, Hold bv All deH'ers O o m m en cln , criminate between the wholesome and the JOHN BIRD CO., Wholesale Agts 1H9-I. the Steamer | land; Daniel W. Look, late of Rockland. F r a n k J o i poisonous fungi which abound in the woods which has furnished her with the setting p e r m lttl and atmosphere for so much that she hi A t 6 a m. Wills j probated : Mary E. Sherman, late and fields of America. for Islej Tuesdays, Thursdays and Baturdays, ! of Thomaston; David Robinson, late of Rock- written. This beautifully illustrated article (B luehill >ro, Gustine, Deer Isle, Sedgwick, of lierr has the sumo kind of value that Brooklin, Southwest Harbor, Nortbeust | land. Mrs. Helen Gardener, the author of Lowell’s old essay on Cambridge had, or the Inventories filed : Estates of Mark This Your Son, My Lord," and the recently pnsport, arriving at Mnchiasport things which Hawthorne wrote on Salem Ames, late of Appleton; Mary E. Bucklin, published “An Unofticial Patriot," contri­ ing will leave Mnchiasport, and Concord. Ftting, on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays I late of Warren; Hiram Gregory, late of Rock­ butes a very valuable essay to the Arena for t 4 a. m., via same landings, arriving in Rockland port; Sarah E. Fairbanks, late of Union; A. July on “ Enviaonment: Can Heredity be The Review of Reviews for July finds t 5:00 p. rn.. connecting with train leaving for Modified?” and reaches the comforting con­ Boston at 0:00 p. m. M. Jameson, late of Warren; Alfred L. Sea- cause for rejoicing in the reports which it is clusion tliat, as heredity and environment P ayson T ucker. V. P. & Gen’I Manager. | vey, late of St. George. receiving from all parts of the country con­ F .E . Boothbt. G. P . & T . A. act and react upon each other, there is some W . 9 . Eaton, Gen.^Freight Agent. cerning tlie steady diminution in tho num­ hope for reformative influences creating a Petitions filed : Rowena II. Watts, bers of unemployed. It will be remembered moral uplift iu society. BOSTON & BAN GORS.S.CO. I guardian of Gertrude and Clara M. Watts, that the Review canvassad the situation I for license to sell real estate; Irene V. Jame- thoroughly in the early winter, and placed SUMMER SERVICE, 1894. n, widow of A. M. Jameson, for allowance; Walter Blackburn Jlarte, the young writ­ oforc its readers returns from nearly all er who first attracted attention with his lit­ Steamers leave Rockland, as follows: I Albion Gilchrest, admistrator on estate of La- tho large cities showing the number of men For Boston, daily, except .Sunday, at about 6:00 erary and social papers under the general out of work and the measures inaugurated p. m.. or upon arrival of steamers from Bangor vinia Wiley, late of St. George, for license to heading of “In a Corner at Dodsley’s” and Mt. D esert. sell real estate;^Zara II. Seavey, widow of Al­ for their relief. Supplementary information For Camden, Belfast, Searsport, Bucksport, Win­ makes one of his rare appearances as a story- been received which enables the terport, Hampden and Bangor, daily, except fred L. Seavey, for allowance; F. L. David­ riter in the July Arena. He contributes Monday, at about 6:00 a. m., or upon arrival of Review to state that almost everywhere son, guardian of Wm. C. Sprague of Apple- steamer from Boston. a sketcli of three pages entitled “Awakeu- such relief work lias ceased because the >pr Green's Landing, South West Harbor, North ton, forjlicense to accept offer for real t state. l,”a facial study. The story deals with the East Harbor, and Bar Harbor, daily, except ecessity for it has disappeared. The A B ite social evil. The scene is in one of the late M onday, at 6 :00 a. m ., or upon arrival of steam er Petitions allowed:" Salinda E. Bills, iditor comments on this improved condition from Boston. trains on the elevated road in New York, For Seal Harbor Wednesdays and Saturdays. o f I widow of A. R. Bills,Jfor allowance; Joseph of affairs and adds some interesting reflec- and sketchy as the whole story necessarily Forx Swan’s Island, Sundays and Thursdays. tions on the passing of Coxeyism. In this or Sorrento, Sundays. L. Arey, guardian of Herbert J. Arey of Vi- is, it leaves a vivid picture in the mind. We wish to announce that we have succeeded in obtaining as chemist In our laboratory the RETURNING I nalhaven, for license to sell real estate; Hol- connection the status of the Populist party celebrated French chemist Ivan F. Baer, who care­ in Congress is discussed. , _____B oston, dally, except Sunday, at 5:00 p. n | lis M. Payson, for removal of his guardian, Current History for the 1st quarter of 1894 fully devotes lihnself to the supervision of all our From Bangor, touching at Hampden, Winterport, manufacturing, and we can promise our patrons the Bucksport, Searsport, Belfast and Camden, Everett _L. Simonton who joined in the re- more than sustains tho past reputatiou of The current number of tJUts-Eclectlc Maga­ dally, except Sunduy, at 11:00 a. m. zine opens with an article by Leslie Stephen very choicest flavors, obtained direct from the fruits. ! quest.'* 71 E X ’ this remarkable work as a comprehensive From Bar H arbor, d ailv , except Sunday, at 1:00 “The Duties of Authors,” which should p. m., touching ut North East Harbor, South f R. R, Ulmer, Philip Howard and W. II. able and interesting resume of tho world's West Harbor and Green’d Landing. interest all readers, as well us the class to From Seal Harbor, Mondays and Thursdays Meservey, commissioners to assign dower to doings. It oontains 205 pages of reading Red 5ead -Remedy Co about 1.16 p. m. matter, which convey the reader on a flying horn it was first delivered as a lecture. Hattie,L.[Oliver, widow of George L. 1'ar- Rockland, From Swan'?.Island, Tuesdays and Fridays T o b a c c o trip around the world, giving nim iu clear Caillard’s treatment of the always in- k a b o u t 2 45 p. in. I rington, late of Rockland, made return? 'F rom Sorrento. Mondays at H .00 a. id, prospective a birds-eye view of the impor­ reatiug theme “Personality as the Out- FRED LOTHKOP, Agent, Rockiund. fcf An interesting hearing was Jiad on the pe- tant events of the day in all civilized coun­ orne of Evolution,” is earnest, liberal and CALVIN AUSTIN, Gen’I Supt., Boston. Insures pleasure. thoughtful, written in her well-known, con­ WILLIAM U. IIILL, Gen. Man., Boston. tition of C. M. Blake to authorize the execu­ tries, stopping long enough at points to en­ tor of the will of the late Isaac' Hoi l>-£to able him to get a thorough understanding of ed style. Of a similar type but lighter treatment Is a short essay on *Ther Study of I carry’out contract. The petitioner contended all tho salient questions, and leaving him Bangor and Rockland Line Be Sure to get it Character,” from the Spectator. There that during the lifetime of Hobbs, a written with the conviction that be has been brought into closer touch thru ever before number of descriptive papers in this BOSTON & BANGOR S. S. CO. agreement was executed between him and ith tho great life of the world, ami is be­ umber, among them Frederick Carrel’s Hobbsfin which the latter promised to sell fore with the great life of the world, and is nnparison of “English and French man­ THE STAUNCH STEAMER and convey to Blake his undivided half inter­ better equipped to read even his daily paper ners,” from the Fortnightly Review, Prof. “ROCKLAND” est to land on the western side uf Main street j and to read even his daily paper ami to form Rees’ “ Life in a Russian Village,” reprinted PRICKLY ASH, POKE ROOT in Rockland at the north end, that Hobbs an intelligent estimate on tiie important from the Nineteenth < entury, and a most AND POTASSIUM died before the agreement could he carried out topice on which every live citizen should he fascinating review from the London Quar­ and ROCKLAND for the season of 18M, and v and all,his property vested in his widow for life well posted. (Bullalo, N. Y : Garretson, terly—which might rather be classed as make dally trips (Sundays excepted), commune istorical, on “Old New* England.” M akes Monday. .June 25th, leaving Bangor at 0.00 a . : by the terms of the will, with power to sell and and R ockland ut 12.30 r . >i., and make landing* convey such part of his estste as may be neces­ Hampden, Winterport, Bucksport, Fori Point, Especially timely uud valuable papers Belfust, Camden and Rockland. sary for her easy and comfortable support. Marvelous Cures "'SeTO BANGOR. TO ROCKLAND. characterize the contents of recent issues of The widow then sold the land mentioned in the LEAVE LEAVE ittell’s Living Age. Selecting the richest R ockland, 12.30p . m. Bangor, 0.00 a.: alleged written agreement between Hobbs and from what is already the creme do la creme in Blood Poison Ab e r d e e n , O.. July 21,1^91. Cam den, 1.15 H am pden, 0.20 The Community Shocked, Me ssr s. L ippm an Brow., Savannah, People Who Blake to said Blake, receiving the money for recent English periodical literature we G a .: !u:a k 5iiw - I bought u bottle of B elfast, 2.40 Winterport, ynur 1’. I< I*, at Hot Springs.Ark.,and Fort Point, 8.50 B ucksport, the same and converting it to her own use. Last evening, just after tea, while Mr. ould call particular attention to “ Kossuth Rheumatism It has done mo more g.. -1 than throo BackHport, 4.35 Fort Point, The petitioner testified that the written agree­ Thomu Hartman, a prominent and highly- and the Hungarian War of Liberation,” by mouths* treatm ent nt tho Hot Borings. Winterport, 6.16 B elfoat, Weigh and Compare respected citizen, apparently in the heat Hurd th re e b o ttle s C. o . D. H am pden, G.oO Camden, 11.00 ment above named was lost and attempted to Sidney J. Law; “A Visit to the T’onuysons Respectfully yours. krr. Bangor, 0.38 \r r . Rockland, 12.00 j Know and get the best Cottolene, health and spirits, was reading a newspaper, ^ a n d Scrofula J A s. M. NEWTON, prove by oral testimony its contents, hut the 1839,” by Hurtle Teel ing; “ Mr. Glad­ A berdeen, Brown C ounty, O. Excursion Tickets ruduoed rutes. Ticket* the new vegetable shortening, has the sheet suddenly fell to the floor; he A’ill be good on any ateamer of the main line, and testimony was excluded on objection of op­ placed one hand over his heart, gasped, and stone,” by Richard Holt Hutton; “The <*upt. J . I>. J o h u a to n . leketrt *old on any rtuam et •.till be g. od <>n at j won a wide and wonderful popu­ Queen and Her Permanent Minister,” by 7b all tehoiH it nmy othe? steamer. posing counsel. It appeared in evidence that sank back in his chair, evidently uncon­ larity. At its introduction it was scious. The family were stricken with cou» Reginald B. Brett ; “A Note on Walt Whit­ bv lost By to tiie won Meal# of auperior quality an-veil ou bourd. Blake had erected a fine block on the prem­ 2knt*MH, g ln o in y <.f P. P. P. for erupt! FRED LOTHKOP, Agent, Roi kland. Ssubmiftedtoexpert chemists,promi­ Bternation, and immediately summoned a m an,” by Edm und Gosse; “ A Russian View feelings and lassitude nr>t|,rvvalb.h suUei’ud for several wit it tin tin- — W ILLIAM II. HILL, General Manager, Bunion. ises, a part of which he used for a store, and physician. But it was too’Jate. The old of the American Press,” by Professor I. I. sig h tly an«l disngr eruption on — nent physicians and famous cooks, F«»r iiriinarv,«••«••-iv’.iry nnd tortl iry m y tact 1 trie Vinalhaven &. Rockland Steamboat Co.. j AI1 0 had otherwise improved the premises at great gentleman was dead. Physicians gave heart Yonjoul. The papers on Kossuth, Tenny­ syphilis, tor blood poisoning. :noreu- dy but tin,until p. w as u s e d , r these pronounced disease as the cause.”—UoLbjujk ilemld. rtalpols-'n, malaria, dyhpei.sia, nnd en tirely expense. The claimant did not feel satisfied son and Gladstone are full of interest. ■ a,I t,ki„ .IJ I,...; (Signed by; Every day the papers contain statement! We would again call the aitention o f our SPRINC:ARRANGEMENT! that the widow of Isaac Hobbs had giv ■imilar to the above. Even youth is no de­ readers to the generous offer recently made TW O TR IPS DAIJuY him a clear title and asked the Probate Court fense against heart disease, and the awful t V. P. * tliubeu Tatimoni/jrQiH the .1 Oomaneuclng MONDAY. 31A KC U 26, 1 8 9 4 medy it. The contestants maintained rapidity with which it is cla'iming victim, by Die publishers, viz.: to send tho 13 num­ id per tho bU'iuner Se q ib n , Tux., J that there was no legal ground on which the forces upon all a conviction of its prevalence. bers o f the magazine, forming Lite first quar­ .ar -»•<». l i i-i' m a., io:...... terly volume of the new series (Jan. to Ga.: Go.//«r»u«-I b ivo tried your P. GOV. BODWELiL ! Cottolene petitioner’s Cairn could be granted and no Reader, if you have a symptom of this I, ,,n , i 1 . p . for a d if a.-.j <4 th o sk in , usually C A P T . W M K C R EED , dread disease do not hesitate a moment in Mandi, 1894,) free to any one remitting six and whose blood Is in an in .pin.uio rondl- . ondi- known as skin cancer,of thirty years’ a natural, healthful and acceptable reason in equity why it should be granted; tion, due loim-n.-.truai irr. gulnriib s, ng, and found great relief: it Wxil lea\e Vinalhaven for Rockiund every week attending to it. Delay is always dangerous, dollars in payment for the nine months, aro peculiarly lu uelliod by r stlio biooil and removes nil Ir- day, at 7 :pt4Ui4’s if Ice it .'u v m ,v iih ,b a On uboVh date, wind and weather permitting, will f ashion calls for a gri st variety of models The N. K. Fairbank of creditors, John Burgess appeared and took Joseph Rockwell. Uniontown. Pa., aged 82 and every style of french and English leave 8wan*-> luiund every u Bethsrds. High Point, la., makes the fol­ ne vert Jieless, exhibit a diversity of styles. of If. C. R. arriving at Poitiand 6 :20 p. m. uud lowing statement : “ I was a wreck from heart | I bis fact is well exemplified in the lat* si Hoaton»^0|‘ iu. aame duy. At bwun’a I»laud | for Joseph E. Clough of Rockport. Lit­ disease and stomach trouble when 1 begun using Al' iJov.cll Fasbi. .n Magazines wliicb o.'ii- with bteamci Electa for Black Jalund. tlefield appeared in opposition to the dis Dr. Miles’ New Heart Cure ami Nerve and Liver R. R. Ticket eoid al reduced rules to Portland C h ild re n Cry for Pills. A - a result of their use I wm well.” | lain, beside several pretty and very prac- and Boston front all landing*. charge of Leroy Bowlcy of Vinalhaven, Bca- I)r. Miles’ New Heart Cure is sold by all drug- j ib ai models, the patters ok which can be 2 S pring Gurry Gomb Round 'i'rlp Ticket*, between Rockland ami P itc h e r’s C a s to n a . (Islson i positive guarantee, or sent by the Dr. , .-ecuied by means of coupJus at exceed- Vinalhaven, .5 cents. ton & Ulmer for Bowley. The matter was Mile* Mcdicul co., Rlkhart. lud . on receipt of Clock Spring Blade. Soft as a Bruah. Fits every Curve. The G eo. ri- A tw ood, A gent, TliJ*on*a \\ I.art, Rock submitted to the court ou stenographic report I orice, «1 per bottle, six bottles f«-r <5, express pre­ iugly moderate prices. ’Jbese coupons land; D. IL Glidden, Agent, Vinaibavvn; Ju* Children Cry for paid. it is positively free from all opiates or form an attractive moutbl/feature iu tho Only Perfect Comb. Used by U. S. Arm y and by Barnum and Katon, Agent. Green’s Landing, I. W. Stinson, of testimony previously taken Decision was I dangerous drugs Dr. Miles’ Nerve and Liver ■ McDowell Magazines for wiey enable one Korepauglr Circusea, and Leading Horsemen o f the World. Agent, daan’s inland. Pills. 24 cents t»er box, five boxes. >1 00. Mailed Ask your Dealer for I t Sample mailed post paid 25 cents, 11. P. JONKr, Maxtsgar, Rockiund. P itc h e r’s C a s to ria . reserved. WUf where Free book at druggists, or by mail. | io secure the patterns of (he newest uud iitaiiia bVUlSO t'UUUY COJIU CO., WO U tye ri ,nuath iitud, ladUsi.


VINALHAVEN GREENS LANDING. THOMASTON TOPICS. CAMDEN CHAT. 0L0 The “Circus Clown” will make Camden and SELECTMEN. Some Things o f Interest Regarding a Thriving William Weeks has been down Ellsworth vicinity laugh Aug. 27. A Correspondent Re»i C. E. Boman, and Wide Awake Community. way on business. F. 8. W a l l s , R. L. Nutt has a new barber------While Who Hare l< O z o n i z e ^ * ^xMT£ St e p h e n L. P rablbe. The Dora Wiley Concert Co. gave a con­ Presiding Elder Ogier preached in Dama­ Rockland is having a liquor war Camden in­ SCHOOL COMMITTEE. riscotta Sunday. T. G. Linnv, J ohn Low , cert in Music Hall, Monday evening of last dulges in a water war. Casual says that th F . 9. W a l l ?, G . C. J o n es; week, to a crowded house. There was another jolly excursion down anpera House. Fine acting and rington was a broth? catch one. The skin, exposed to a sud­ UNION CHURCH SERVICES. Ralph French, esq., of Boston is visiting and again in the afternoon on her return trip graceful and pretty dancing are among the Francis Harrington, also Rev. Wm. E. Gaskin, Pastor, to Rockland. his old home in this town. His family comeB den change in temperature, ceases to attractions. ridge and Mrs. M. D. Labe, Sunday Servlcea—-Sunday School nt 10:15 a.m .; shortly and they probably will stay into Sep­ throw off waste matter, and double duty morning service atll:30n. m.; evening service at The Castine, which runs from Belfast and Miss Edith I lardy of the Criterion Club is one like “Uncle Jacob” was a hatter, 7 :00 p. in. Castine to Brooklin. arrives at Green’s Land­ tember. is imposed upon the lungs. Hence, in­ Tuesday evening at 7 :00 Bunday School Teachers of the most accomplished dancers on the AsaD. Hatch, as we have said meeting. ing one day and leaves there the next. The new fish market is doing a good busi­ Wednesday evening at 7 .00 prayer meeting. stage. Mr. Eugene Eaton who plays Dr. communications to T h e C.-G., was a sad flammation of the bronchial tubes and ness and Messrs Chase and Stetson seem to ADVENT CI1RI8TIAN CHURCH. The steamer Vinalhaven is a great conven­ . . . . , . Pollock took leading part in “ Tobasco y trade and had a shop and home in this1 frequently consumption. A medicine to Bunday Services—Prayer meeting 10:00 a. ience to the residents of Green’s Landing be the right men for the business. They keep Tren)ont Theater. place. We think Mr. Hatch’s shop was not Sabbath school 10:30 a. in.; preaching at 2:00 a good stock of fresh goods constantly on cure consumption must help not only 7 .30 n. m. Tuesday 7 ;30 prayer meeting, Y. ' Through her instrumentality residents of the The second schooner in the yard of II. M. far from where the Burpee block now stands L. W. Thursday 7:30 weekly prayer meeting island can reach the mainland in the forenoon hand. the lungs but the stomach, because good Bean, Camden, is in frame and the keelson Is and his residence was near the Snow kilns SECRET SOCIETIES. and return in the afternoon. The Vinal appetite and good digestion are required La f a y e t t e Ca r v e r P o st. O. A . R . No 45.— W. C. Bryant and wife left Saturday for a being put in. The first schooner will be corn- at the foot of Winter itreet, south side. Air. Meetings Saturday evenings. W. W. Kittredge, haven’s officers are courteous and accommo­ trip to Quebec------Dr. O. F. Cushing of pleted and launched Aug. 29. She has been Hatch was a son of the late Stephen Hatch, to fortify the system. Slocum's Ozon­ Post Commander; George S. Carver, Adjutant. dating,and the boat is a favorite. She is officered Boston is in town for his annual vacation senior,Jand a brother of the late Stephen who Ink L a fayette Ca r v er R e l ie f Co r p s .—Meetings named the “J. Holmes Birdsall.”----- It was ized Norwegian Cod Liver Oil, with every second Tuesday Mrs. Jane A. Hopklm as follows: Alvah Barbour, captain; Harry I expended afioub Pres.; Mrs. T. G. Libby, Sec. The Camdens weren’t in it with Thomaston so hot Friday that the crews in Bean's lived on Camden street,this city. Mr. Hatch and was entirely Guaiacol, is a great flesh-maker. Mercer, mate; Arthur Patterson, clerk; Dan­ ----- A large delegation of our people attended had some half brothers and sisters, William, CUTICDRA, <-1 l l« I Me m o r ia l A s so c ia t io n .—Meetings every second yard knocked of work Friday afternoon. R e s o l v e n t , itut foHchi Thursday. Mrs. G. T. Libby, Pres.; Mrs. W iel Kerst,engineer, Donald McNeal, fireman; the Philharmonic rehearsal in Rockland, Josiah, Loring, Mercy Ann, Mary and Mar­ ‘ letter. ftfHefv Send for Book on Ozone, mailed free, W. Kittredge, Sec. There was a general changing about in the William Stinson, cook; Sanford Webster, garet. • nidi, and re«r and n'dp} T. G. Linnv Ca m p , N o. 64, 8. o f V.—Meetings Thursday evening. church pulpits, Sunday. Rev. Wesley Wig- , improved and ill ftfn e trr Prepared by T. A. Slocum Co., New York every Friday evening at G. A. R. Hall. Fred crew. Doubtless there are hundreds of these old and has now as • leara -km’' Snow, Captain; B. D. Grant, Orderly The Knox House, Landlord Masters, is gin of Boston preached at the M. E. Church, n« any m other could wish t■>' » K’fow ter. The office is supplied with a half medi­ eruption on my face, and tried various rem- ing her danghtyr, Mrs. A. L. Grutton----- L lies to remove it, none of which accom­ landlord Merrifield of the Carleton House. um Gordon press operated by steam power, Miss Blanche Sylvester, who has been home T h e C au se plished the object, until this valuable prepar- Rockport, is quite a dog fancier. He has 24 (rokeu, M o tt, fctftf, STEEL PiLLS a job press and an Adams hand press on tiun was resorted to. After taking three on her summer vacation, has returned to Au­ dogs and pups, for whom he has just had a O f H a n y which the Thomaston Herald was once bottles, in accordance with directions, I am gusta----- Miss Lottie Farrar has been visit­ commodious tenement house built. His luil i ruiikltu, €«hI. are th now entirely cured. ing at Burkettvilie. liaiiit printed. The paper circulates widely all I. 1). JOHNSTON, especial pets now are a litter of seven full- I » muil. noMditooly by S erious through the island region while its outside ( )f the IfTin of Johnston N Douglas, N o r t h W a s iiin 'H o n .—-Fred Howard and blooded English hound pups, three weeks W. II. Kin 1 edge, Sole Ag edition is of handsome proportions. Savannah, Ga. wife of Augusta, formerly of this place, visited old, after Allie McDonald’s dog out of Maud. 1. P. CROCKETT Sc CO. Illn esses Mr. Pressey, the paper’s founder, is now friends here last week------Bertha Lenfest is They are handsome little ones. The beagle tax collector of the town, a position which he at work for Mrs. Sumner S. (.'ales of Liberty rabbit dog, Myrtle, is a good one while Bess, I Crookelt Blook, ------Clarence Hibbert is at work for Stillman Which may be ably fills. Doubtless his newspaper experp J I a full-blooded spaniel, and a handsome one, North End, Rockland, Me ence, collecting bills from delinquent sub­ When Buby woa kick, we gave her Castorla. Hibbert------Bert E. Cunningham is haying s a great pet. P re v e n te d scribers, has helped him materially in his new for Harrison Berry of Palermo----- R. T. When she wa*> a Child, sho cried f‘>r Castorku The Skowhegan tv Norridgewock Street W. S. SliO R EY , calling. When sho b-earpe Miss, aho clung to Castoria, Grotton has a large crew of men haying for By a Timely him. lie has three large farms to cut----- Railway and Bower Co. com[4eted an organ- j Melville Tarbox of Alfred hired a team of W lw a sho h a d C hildren, faht guvo them C'astoria, izatiou Thursday by the election of W. H. ' U j O O k Geo. Chadwick is at work haying for Peter C. I . Burbank, proprietor of the Alfred Wildes, president; I. C. Libby of Waterville, , Dose of Lenfest------Mrs. Lucy Bennett of Montville House, T uesday morning to go to West Ken­ .surer; A. R. Bixby, clerk; and z\. F . j stopped a few days with her sister, Mrs. O iimder, nebunk and return at once. Not returning Sanford’s Ginger Geo. Lenfest, last week------H. H. Osgood of aid of Fair/icld, manager, lhe capital i LE BflUN’S MANUfACT the team was found in Kennebunk Thursday BicjiLEN’S Aunica Salve. :k is $50,000. The building of the road BUNK m i l The Be»t Halve ia the world for Cuts, Bluehill, representing the Bowker Fertilizer where it had been sold for £35. T arbox had Front St., Bulb, Maine Containing among iu Ingredients the pur- Bruises, Bores, doers, Halt Hheuin, Fever Co., engaged Photographer <’unniugham re ha* been let to the Worcester Construction f.jio t 10. .Dvinal F r e ii.fi fiia n .lv and ifi. ».. -t bought a ticket to Poitiand and return, and ores, Tetter, Chapped H aais, Chilblains, I cently to have him lake a picture of a field of Co. of Massachusetts, and the work is to be AS A FAEVCNTIVe the < heap, wortl»ie»», and often dangerous went west. Tarbox is 21 years of age, has a I f eras, and all 8k:a Eruptions, and positively ! nienced this w eek. The company expects , gingers urged us substitute*. oures Piles, or nt pay required It is guar- 1 potatoes at We>t Washington, growu on Ask for 9AM-(HUTS t.lSGKK and look smooth face. His weight is about 150 to have it running in September. The dis­ Egtimute. give . ill Jobs for owl trado-mark ou th. wrapper. Sold antuvl to give peA ct ssdffeetio*. or money J Stockbridge dressing lor the company.------pounds, and he is five feel, ten inches in refunded. Prioe|26 cents per box. For sale ( Blanche Cunningham is at work for Mrs. tance will be nearly six miles, from Skowhe- F oTt l u D n i u Culm. Coin-., Boston. height. by W. H. Kittrulge. Goo. light. gau to South Norridgewock. w. B. K1T1mUMlK. tiul. A .w l UmU THE ROCKLAND COURIER-GAZETTE: TUESDAY, JULY 24. 189L

Folsom, of the Rockport M. E. church, will WASHINGTON WARREN. If you want Clothing, go to lead the meeting next Sabbath------Elmer L. If you want Hats and Caps go to Thomas has returned to his home after a two Mrs. S. E. Weeks of Waldoboro is visiting G. Ik Gould’s house is up and shingled. If you want Shirts and Overalls goto weeks visit------S. F. Averill of Machias is her daughter, Mrs. Dr. Pierpont------Mrs. R Dr. Temple of Boston has been in town Blackington, helping Nelson Clough hay------Mrs. Allen C. Moores has been visiting friends in Augusta holding Spiritualistic seances. If you want Underwear go to . . Lufkin of Pigeon Cove, Mass., has r e tu r n e d ------Miss Lottie Cargill has been \'siting The Dora Wiley Concert Co. will entertain If you want Hammocks so to , . 435 Main St., from a visit at Matinicus and is again at Zeb­ friends in Somerville------A. A. Skinner of our people Wednesday evening next. If you want Hammocks and Rubber Jefferson was in town Wednesday----- J. L. ulon L u fk in \-----Mrs. El vena Ingraham and Gardiner Schwartz is to be engineer of tug Goods go to . Miss Lena Ingraham of Brooklyn, N.Y., were Burns and L. M. Staples attended the open­ Rambler as soon as she it in running order. If you want Boys’ Waists go to . NEXT DOOR TO STAR OFFICE. at Albion Ingraham’s last week. Miss In­ ing of Hotel Claremont, Rockland, Wednes­ Noah E. Holt, who had a shock two weeks graham is one of Brooklyn’s public school day------E. W. Farrar spent last week in Ma­ ag-», remains about the same. He is unable teachers------Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Moffitt chias, where he was in attendance before to sperk. and son Caleb of Readtield, Me., are board­ Probate Court, on Harmon will case------Quite a number have finished up haying, Because you can save ach Hiram Bliss, Jr., returned Sunday r ’ght from WHY? J ing at Mrs. E. E. Rhodes’ for a few weeks. yet there is a good deal of territory to fall by m oney, Philadelphia------Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Staples wayside yet. CAMDEN were in Northport, Saturday------Milt Rob­ C. I’. Graves of Portland was in town last ROCKPORT. Chester Dean has moved his family to Hs bins of Beverly, Mass., is visiting Mrs. W. M. week, fixing up the organs at the Baptist and OBITUARY MENTION. Ninel,-nine. in the shade Friday. Stevens. ^ry’s Point new farm in Lincolnville. Congregational churches, putting them in The oldest inhabitant reports that Friday E. C. Robbir* now occupies the Wi ard So. Washington.—Mr. and Mrs. Geo tune, etc. Death ot George W. Thompson— Prominent Owl s was th- hottest day ever seen in Rockport Hardy house on Washington street. DeCoster are spending a few weeks at Moses The members of the Masonic fraternity Head Citizen Gone— Other Deaths. ^Bangor are in The yacht Nokomis, with the fan Ty of Dr, The residence of Rev. F. M. Preble on Decoster’s------Bert Strout was cut on the head with the Eastern Star arc now t alking up their In the death of Dr. G. W. Thompson, which F. A. Piper and guests, sailed Wednesday for Mountain street '« being repr red. quite severely, Monday night, wh!1e stooping annual excursion down the river for a fish : choir at the Con- occurred at the fairffy residence on Pur­ Bar Harbor and other points along the coast The hois ng engine for H. M. Bean ar­ down beneath wheie a scythe was hang'.ng dinner, which w 'll probably occur on the next chase street, Saturday evening. Rockland h rived from Pro dence, R- L. last week. The scythe came down striking him across the moon. Miss Carrie II. \\ nipple presided at the or­ loses a cit'-en whose probity and high char­ of Lynn, Mass., ar- The iniliatoi/ degree will be conferred this back of the head------Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin As three young men were coming down the gan at the Methodist church, Sunday, in her acter were proverbial. In his long business lay evening. She will evening at Mt. Bat e Lodge. I. O. O. F. Pierce of Gardiner have been visiting friends village Fill last Sunday on their bicycles, each usual pleasing style in the absence of the rjg conneqjon v. '.th Rockland and vicinity de­ Et Wm. F. Gay’s, The Bay View has a large party of guests. and relatives here the past week------Mrs- having a bunch of pond Plies attached to their ular organist, Mrs. F. A. Piper. backs, several dogs of d’fferent colors went ceased acqv'red a w dc circle of friends, id wife of Bangor will lead At the Mountain View a jolly party is enjo> Geo. Hoftses and son of Jefferson are Csi ng The concert at the Methodist vestry Friday friends who could not but admire F:s stead­ •meeting on the h:’’ this ing ” fe. Guests from Boston and Worcester Mrs. Hoffses' parents,,Mr. and Mrs. Achorn into the race \ th ' ’ em and before it was • evening was ve./ enjoyable. The Banjo Club fastness of purpose, l ;s thorough hones / in 1 are most cordially invited. come tb s week. ----- Miss Emma Sukeforth has planter! her corn over, one wheelman was landed in the dust and- -guitar playing by C. M. Kibbles were and the dog with a rock side of the head left all tF'ngs and his never failing courage in the Sunday school picnicked at Rev. G. P. Phipps of Newton, Mass, this season where she had potatoes last year pleasing. One hundred and twen /-five were and potatoes and corn are so tHckly mixed with a yell, and the rest soon followed after, midst of the business reverses and troubles Fs grove, Warren, Wednesday, going preached in the Baptist Church Sunday in present. shaking off the dust. which he encountered. He was a man of re­ Eiming by rad. All had a very enjoyable the absence of Mr. Preble who is attend-ng together that she don’t know which to do in Capt. Piper of the yacht Nokora'*, who Mrs. Mary Bean of Chelsea, Mass., is on a markably strong character and his name goes the B. V. P. V. convention in Toronto. the Fall, dig po’atoes or cut corn. It seems started out for a trip along the coast last week- visit to the old homestead and {s with her down to the grave unsullied by the slightest l ire broke out in (he wool storage room of the potatoes were not all dug out and were Creighton, who has been a guest at met wi'h a loss at Belfast, where his first brothers C. J. and Judson McCallum.------Mr, tinge of reproach. Dr. Thompson was a na­ Knox Mill, yestereay, probably caused by ploughed through the piece and were not rVessaweskeag Cottage, Tleasant Bsach, the mate, cook and passengers deserted, and re and Mrs. I’addox of Law.ence, Mass., are at tive of Union where h:s paients r’ cd when spontaneous combus on. It was put out frozen last Winter ---- O. P. Goddard, super- past few days, returned to Boston by boat Mrs. Paddo: ’ sister’s, MissfF. Kirk.------Mrs he was still of an early age. He lived during tured home by the Bangor steamer. The after inflicting damage to the amount of sev- \ ’sor of schools in Yassalburo, spent Wednes­ Saturday evening. Edith Hawks Thompson of Masr’chusetts is his youth with a neighbor named Lermond voyage was con nued, however, in the inter­ eral hundred dollars. day evening with R. Sukeforth and family Rev. Clayton D. Boothby and D. J. Star- visiting her aunt, Mrs. C. N. Page.------Mr, and became a ship '*arpenter at Thomaston, est of science in spite of a fog„, environ Yacht Hattie of the Winthrop Club is in the ------Paterson & Co. of Liberty have finished rett represented the Congregational church at cut' ng the hay on the Hoak place. and Mrs. T. IL Norton have icturned from afterwards going to Virginia where he super­ ment. harbor. On board are Commodore Torrey, the installation of R. B. Mathews in Damaris- their western trip.------Mrs. Wm. II. Wether intended and assisted in getting out ship tim­ Toe young ladies composirg the class of Secreta., Bird, Captain I' chards, J. H. cot't, Monday of last week. ST. GEORGE. bee and daughter Effie have returned from a ber. He entered into partnership with Mar­ Mrs. O. P. Shepherd in the Congregation:* Marsh, Jr„ F. B. Marsh, Fred Smith, H. few weeks vacation in Massachusetts. cus and James Hewett of Thomaston, and as Advices received report the safe arrival of Sunday School went on a very enjoyable buck Noyes and R. B. Baldwin. THE STANDING TODAY. Willy’s Cofnf."..— Mrs. Ed* n Kalloch Charles Do^y has returned to Marlboro, Mass, a member of this firm acquired a comfortable Mrs. and Ralph G. Whitney at Wildwood, board ride to the Turop’he, Wednesday, re Misses Myrtle Babbidge, Emma Munroe, E. A . Collatnore, R ockland...... 21050 had the misfortune to fa” from a load of Fay ------Mrs. Warren Morse is on a visit to Edge' fortune in the ship timber business. Return­ H. A. Fish, R o ck lan d ...... 17121 Fla., after an enjoyable trip. They went from turning v’a Lake City. The g -Is were veiy Sop' a Benson. Lula Fish, Mamie Knowlton, Rev. Fr. ( oui'hlln, Rockland...... 16145 Friday afternoon recei\ ng a broken v?dst. comb and other places.------Edv. n Teague is ing to Thomaston he, with Edwin Walsh of Rev. C. W. Bradlee, Rockland...... 14963 {few York to Savannah by boat. nappy and reporta lovely time. Tne your Abbie Evans, Mae Upham Gertrude Sedg­ ------J. C. Fuller arrived home from Waldo­ on his vacation here \isiting his parents. that town, built the ship I’.Ide of the Port, Mrs. I). H. Manafleld, Hope...... 7’38 Blueberr’? ^ ^ ^ > 6 r t e d by the pickers to ladica were Misses Mary Kn{ght, C- • W . S. Ingraham . R ockport...... 727*' wick, I'austie Wardwell. Florence P en /, boro last week. His vessel is at that port re- and at this point when success had smded Lottie Flab, Thomaston...... 5947 be very scarc^t^M ey seem to be drying up McCobb, Maud Not.zcod, Mr bel Young. Jabez Montgomery of Chelsea, Mass., is on a Alice Moore. Ei'-ih Miller, Eunice Sedg Cck pr'ring------Blueber/es are p u ttirj n an ap­ upon h’s every effort, reverses ..eighted with W . O . Robinson, W arren...... 4932 -on account of 7e weaker. The peddlers Alice Me »am Eva Thu.-ton, F a Macka Hying x .sit to his native place. Marian Kelley, C am den...... 3320 and Millard Long enjoyed a class pier 'c at pearance but raspberries are sr’d to be bitter misfortune came. The ship proved a L. 1*. Wlnchenbach, Friendship...... 240s find r erd • rr-JKet for them at 14 cents a They weie accompanied by their teacher and Grace Taylor, R ockland...... 23 Sherman’s Point Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. scarce----- Miss Ka e Aagc»aon of Spruce HOPE. losing venture and in the end absorbed the Bertha Healey, Vinalhaven...... ?27O l .vogues , Mils May Greener of I''cbmond •quart. F. IL Wilbur accompanied them. Head is \ siting her grandmother *his week. careft ’ accumulations of years of hard labor.' Mias Edith Chase, R ockland...... 12- 1 Va., and Miss Bertha Pier« e of Baltimore, Mr. Lancaster of MillvJ’le has moved into j Mbs Cora Loring, Rockland...... 1055 entertainment was not Mrs. W. G. A’den is visiting Mis. Zenas ------Frank Keller •’ work' ig on Geo. Barnes’ Mr. Thompson’s T gh regard for honor in r ’l John I.. Donohue, Rockland...... 6'8 Md. Sears in B urlirgtoi. M as.-----Bertrand E. Frank Handley’s house. Rev. J. U. Parshley, Rockland...... 045 repeated Wesday even r j as planned, owing new house, doing the mason work— -Augus­ things was fully illustrated in connection with Miss Hope G reenhnlgh, Rockland...... 43s Rev. Mr. Burne” \ ’ll speak in the Hope, parture of Emmie Carter, “Prince A basket picnic and fish chowder w Gray of Manchester, N. FI., has been i.siting tus Long and Dean Keller are getting Mrs. tF's event, as will be recalled by those famil­ John Bmalley, Tenants Harbor...... 301 South Hope and Camden churches the last Rev. Jo h n P ettengill, R ockland...... 3?4 R u p e r t, to No. .ay, Me., where she visits W* joyed Thursday at Mein re’s C ove, g ven Mrs. W. V. Lan -----Miss Jane Brown Hannah Davis’s hay------Most farmers will iar with the circumstances. Martha Pratt, Rockland...... 286 by P. J. Carleton in honor of Hon. Joseph Full-r of Wash ng on, D. C., is the guest of Sunday in th;s month in ’he interest of ’he Rev. R. B. Sldellnger. Vinalhaven...... 245 kford and family. fit'sh haj.ng t’ s week. The crop wi ' aver­ The succeedir 7 years brought many charges, Miss A ddle W ingate, U nion...... 197 Martin and w.’fe of Minneapolis,foi nerly resi Mrs. C. S. Sabin------Misses Flattie Gill and Universalist inissiona./fund. Edith Besso, U nion...... 102 ’ter Kea ing and Joseph Feyler have age about the same as M»at r f kst year. for Mr. Thompson was persistent and untiring Rev. W. W. Ogier, Rockport...... 113 dentsjof this place. Abou1 150 were present who Nellie Simonton are visiting Rev. and Mr?. Levi Mathews was brown from F:* carriage I fheir connection v.’th the Thomaston Martinsville.—Capt. Joshua Rawley has in his efforts. Fora number of years he manu­ F. E. Blckmore, Rockland...... 78 enjoyed 150 bowls of fish chowder mann'act Boothby----- Miss Katherine lfard’rg is Sunday of last week in Searsmont, breaking Mrs. Olive Cummings, Hurricane...... 70 aundry. The proprietors are tab ng of mov­ gone to New York to look out for his vessel. factured I s well known Fa’* dye remedy, Mias Pella Bean, R ockland...... 75 ured by Professor Frank Libby, and 100 more home from Boston for the Summer------Mis. an arm and otherwise injuring him. At last Mrs. Violet Goss, Green's Landing...... 73 i n g their bw ’ness into the bud ng recently ------Annie Dwyer has returned home from subsequently running a hotel in the Prox 'nces. orless cups of delicious coffee prepared by that Hattie Oer and Hugh Pendleton spent last E . It. Keene, A ppleton...... 73 vac .ted by '^e liiomaston HeraV’ Tnomaston where she has been ’’ving- accounts he was in a critical condition. But the at'ractions of Rockland reasserted Rev. A. W. C. Anderson, Thomaston...... 50 delicous coffee maker, Mrs. Lucy Cor'he’’, week in Bargor----- Miss Emma Knowlton is F. 8 . Llbbey, C am den...... 63 Wednesday evening tire was d’seovered in Rev. G. F. Jenkins of Aina, who is spending E. B. Coose had qui.e an ill turn this week. themselves and or more Mr. Thompson Miss Eva G ay, R ockland...... J ' who is always around in I’me of need. The the guest of Mrs. Caroline Hubbard, Be'Gst. Fred Davies, Rockland,...... 19 the Crawford bu’’d'ng by Mrs. H er / Curran, t :s vacat’on here, preached a ve interest­ He is now some bet'er.-----Mrs. Jenr:e Keene returned to again become interested in get- tables were loaded with cakes, pies, Lift and Miss Marion Gray of Bargor is \ siting W A . Healey, R ockland...... 16 who occupk the tenement above. I. S. ing sermon Sunday on : ‘What is our " fe?’: from North Weymouth, Mass., with her t’ng out ship frames at wF'ch business he was Timothy E. McInnis, Rockland...... 5 lots of other good things. Then came the Mrs. H. W. Currier------Mrs. E. E. Hosmer Andrews and one or two o'hers succeeded in ------Mr. and Mrs. Cogan and son of Warren children is visit’ng her paren'«, Mr. and Mrs a second P ie successful. Returning to speech-makers with words of congratulation and Miss Louise Hosmer are siting in Vin- putting it out. It caught around the chimney. are ’ '*i -ng Mrs. W' ham Ilairi ------Tue E. B. Coose.------J. II. P. Kenyon has joined Rockland in due course of me he bought and good cheer. Tariff, free lime and s:’ver aihaven-----Master Horace Knight of Wr • Ladies Se ng Ci cle held a so able in the his family at Mrs. Kenyon’s parents, Mr. and out ’he furr ture business of Sawyer & Colson Courier-Gazette Roland Hatch, who is in 1 s 95’h year, is b;” were forgot eft whi’e the woods echoed tham is spend ng the sv imer her. — Mn. vest of the Srcond Baptist church. Thurs.- Mrs. Alfred Payson’s, for a few weeks vaca­ in wh ch he continued «ome ’;me. He then able to be out and now and then makes a back, three cheers for the coffee maker, three budley Holman and daughters Helen and day evening. A very enjoyable ever:ng was tion.------Mrs. Elw/n Fish of Jamaica Plain retired from active life. And Tribune visit to the upper part of the tow n to see b*s cheers for the chowder maker. The fog ro” j 1 Alice were the guests of Mrs. E. E. Boynton spent and the sv n of $ i i was netted------visiting her mother, Mrs. Sibley. She is a Dr. Thompson was married in 1S53 to old friends But few are now ’h ng who were away, and the leaves laughed, and the 1 't’e last weey------Mrs. John W. Mason and Miss W "'am Han.s Fas bought the house of the companied by her daughter Laura.------Hora­ J - ’:a A. Benner of Waldoboro, who died Excursions. here when Mr. Hatch settled in Thomaston. wavelets danced across the haibor, the sun Mae 11. G. Mason are spending a few weeks la e Farnsworth Clark------Mr. and Mis. ? ’• tio N. Keene of Rockland and Lex. s Keene several years ago. Of their union two O. G. Dinsmore has gone into the new- sorled an d tJ d’d everybody and eve 1 ng in Augusta and Vassalbo o------Miss Harriet T h e Rockland Co l r ik h -Gx zette and Rock bert Rawley are \ la? *ng in Mar 'n»C’l ----- of Nebraska called at S. L. Bills’ Sunday.- children svn !ve, Fortuna who has tenderly land T kid ln e announce Five Summer Vacation aper business at Vina'haven, where he v. ’! which cu’m-'na'ed in the pat. ode song, “ My Trips, to be g’vcn away to 'be five persons leceh- E. Williamson of Wiscas. at is the guest of Mrs. Doher / has moved into the Denn;s Dr. /\lton r anders of New York is s’ ng cared for her fa'her during 1 s last years, and new paper, *’’e Vir-d >aven Rex ew, Country 1 is of Thee” and we left for “ Home ing ’be hlglust number of ballots. The contest Miss Sarah O. Pendleton, High street. Hart hou-e at Ten?”ts FIarbor. bis parents.------Miss Nell’e Copping of Mass­ Mrs. S. N. Taylor of Bangor. The latter, w 11 close at noon, Wednesday, August 1st, 18 1. wh’ch v ” 1 n kc its appearance next Satur­ Sweet Home.” The contest will be open to any person in Knox Mrs. Dudley Talbot and Miss Margaret and achusetts is the guest of Mrs. Augr whose mr 'den name was Nina Thompson, is C ounty. day. The paper v U be pub’ shed at the Miss Grace Smith of Waltham, Mass., has Master John Talbot of Dorchester, Mass., are Flanders. A these trips stmt from Rockland and will be MATINICUS. now in the ci.,, arriving in ». me to be present fl ..clan- In every respect, with parlor cars, dlnei.t ThomaVon Hera’d office. Mr. D ‘ is oore i« a guests of Mrs. Mary Parker------Miss Carrie been calling on f-iends in tov .1. Miss Smith NORTH WALDOBORO. through Dr. Thompson’s last Mlncss. Deceased and all the luxuiits ot modei.i travel. Eveiy ex­ young man of push'and probi / and has had who was fo-mer’y a Rockport g rl is very M. Miller of Lexington, Mass., is siting Mr?. Her. ng in abundance in the weirs. pense Is paid by the two newspapers, including a v.' ’uable expe^ence in newspaper worl . was a Methodist by faith, joining the Prait travel, me. 's, hotels, transfers, cunlagc drives at welcome and we hope to see her many limes A. F. Mf'er.------Mrs. Sarah C. Glove’, Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Will Young are at Deer Isle Ninety-eight in the shade, Friday Nice Memo.'al church under Rev. L. L. Hanscom. a’l points o’ Interest, where stops are made, etc., We \ ‘•h ^^ r inccess. e’c. 1-Jll and complete paiticulars o f each tilp dur'ng her vacation, which she spends in end Mrs. W. F. Glover, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. w th Mrs. Young’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. hay weather and the fa. ners are impro. ng it 'The funeral occurs tl s p’ternoon from the will be furnished ft lids ollice. -w Street Knitting Bee met \ ’ » Glover of Boston, Mrs. Dudley S. Mar n, The .rips will begin shortly after August 1st and Camden. Miss Srr’th stands high in the E. Knight.------William Young visited relatives — -M r. and Mrs. H em / Sukeforth of St. Methodist chi* ch at 3 o’clock. Rev. C. Wt cun be arranged generally to suit the convenience Mrs. F. E. Gillchrest Friday afternoon and rank of Boston trained nurse------Capt Mis es Lizzie and Augus’a Stetson, Mrs. M at Deer Isle recently, returning the 22d. M r. George are in the plac ----Mrs. I.G . Ba Bradlee officiates. The pall bearers v I’’ be of the successful contestants. enjoyed a picr’c on 'he lawn. A frugal lunch S. E. Shepherd and wife and Miss Marie An Blanche l' ch, N. H. Hosmer, Fred and Knight of that place accompanied her home. hour and son of Deer Isle are Cs’ting W. W. O. Hewett, J. B. Porter, J. Fred Hall and Specially Notice. was server! which included ice cream, lemon­ dreas were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. A; George Mar n, Misses Sara and Florence ------Charles Bicknell and v fe of Rockland Bornheiraer----- Mrs. J. C. Bogies, who has Jacob Wiley. Desiring tliat the Excursions be distributed and not voted Into any one tow n, the special iult- is ade, cakes ol various kinds, salads, hot coffee, A. Howes at Ifazelbank, Northport, on Sun­ Glover and Master Jack Glover weie at Mrs passed Sunday, the 22d, in the place where been dangerously rck, is convalescing------Mrs made that only one Excursion shall be awarded in any single city or town. cold meats, fruit, etc. Lawrence Drnn day of last week. Among other guests Dudley Mar n’s cottag at Lake City Thurs­ they have many friends.—Capt. Joshua Norton Reuben Orff is very r’ck and her recove Mr. Isaac Post died at his home, Owl’s photographed the party. I he members of the present were Mayor K r’ght and wife of day_____ Miss Kate Sherman lngrahr n is and v..te of Rockland made a short -it to ve. t doubtful------Herbert Sukeforth of | Head, Saturday last, aged 75 years. Mr. Excursions as Follows: Bee are planr:n g a picr’c for tv’s week at Roc’ ’and, Thos. Shea and wife and other the guest of her aunt, Mrs. J. H- Sherman their many f.iends, relatives in tb*’s place, last Haverhi”, Mass., is Csiting his mother, Mrs. To the Adirondack Mountains, the Hud­ Post was one of the older residents of Sou'S son River, Baratoga, Lake George, Luke Chain Cutting’s grove, Warren. well known Be’fast people. All pronounced ______Mrs. Lei. Hart and Mrs. George Wiley week who were greasy pleased to see them. Wm. Wellman----- Miss Fos na Side’ nger is Thomaston, having lived there all his , ze. plain, etc. A grand River, Lake and Mount: ‘n E. Sheffield who has been the guest of J. O. Mr. and Mrs. H. unequalled i the art < f of St. George have been Gsitirg at L? e City spending her vaca o n v lh her parents, Mr. trip ol twelve days. ------Mr. and Mrs. Rodney Beverage are visit­ For many years he followed the sea, either as To Montreal. Quebec, the White Moun­ Parks for the past two weeks retuuied to > s en* rrtaining------Hon. J. II. Mar n, \ fe Inn this week. ing Mrs. Beverage’s sister, Mrs. Edward Ames and Mrs. Thomas Side’:nger----- Miss Della mariner or fisherman, a calling that held t-tins, the picturesque Ba*;uenay River, the Falls Mrs. A1 .Martz, Mrs. J. H. Gould, Miss of Montmorenci and LaLe Metnpbreiiiagog. A home in Boston Saturday------Mrs. C. S. Don- and daugb'er of Minneapo s, Minn., wi of this place. Mrs. Beverage is better known Bornheiraer of Lowell, Mass., is vuiting her strong attractions for him, and which he was nine days’ trip. igan and dr corner Floience have relvned the guests of Hon. P. J. Carleton and wife Ethel Martz and Miss Jennie Gould have been here as Miss Bina Calderwood where she parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bornheiraer— loth to give up until failing activity compelled To the White Mountains, a complete at their sv inner cottage, Hosmer Lake, rusticating in Lincolns lie.------Mr. and Mrs. George Pierce of Gard ner wrs the guest round, Including the Pem fgew as'ut Valley, Fra* from a short Unit to Bangor------Hir 1 II '1 taught school many years ago and was g.eatlv h:,n to. Mr. Post was urivcrsally ,:ked and conia Notch, Flume ami Pool, the Profile Ilous . i’ \ mother, M r Edward Hill, High Wednesday------Mis. Benj. Carleton and B. F. Gould of Watertown, Mass., are i siting loved by all her puj ds.------John Lucps uf G. B. Walter a few days last week.------A. W. respected by both young and old, a man of Jederson, a njgbt on the summit of Mount Wash- iogton, Crawford House, Mount Willard r id street- -^Ravid Evenh of Boston is in tov . M 's Fun • Carleton have been spending a Mrs. E. J. Gov'd.------Miss Fannie C. Berry Rockland is in town ha; .ng for Philbrook Prasser of Lisbon is Csiting relatives here integrity, and one whose- quiet life spoke for Crawford Nofch. An eight-days' trip. - C. Hagan of Jol'et, I” ., was the few days in Be’ra g ------Mrs. J. S. Keene spent Sunday in Bangor.------Capt. T. D. Bros.------Dr. Albert Woedside of Rockland ------J. B. Welt is on ’he sick list------Master itself. He was the son of Stephen aud Mercy To the Battlefield of Gettysburg by way of New York and Hurrisbur", across the Blue guest of Mrs. C. S. D urJge < one day last and two children of Sanford, Fla., will sum French is at his home on Sea street, where he was in town recently to attend Edward ? mes Joseph Wright of Lowell, Mass., is visiting his Post, one of a large family, of whom two broth Ridge, Uugerstown, Mil., harper’s Feuy and mer with Capt. Thus. Per./ and wife, Mrs. » 11 remain through the summer because of who is sick with in'- nps.------s Nellie A. grandparen.j, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Born- Washington, Jh C. A11 eight-day a’ tour through week. ers, Enoch Post also of Owl’s Head, George Pennsylvania, West Vaginia, etc., with visits to Jh e Congregational Sunday School v H K-ene’s parerV------Dr. Briggs of Brock­ ill health.------Mrs- H. L. l aics of Boston is Ames is visiting in Vinalhavei. nd cini heimer----- Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Smith spent a Post of I )orcheste*r,Mass.,and three sisters,Mrs. America's Greet-si Battlv-Grouud and u stay i t the guest of Mrs. C. A. llucl ,;n.------Mr. and the National Capital. picric at Cutting’s grove, Warren, Wednes­ ton, Mass., «'• sfoppirg at W. O. Corthe” ’s ------Miss Marian Young made a short trip to few days in Round Pond last week------The | Nancy York of this city, Mrs. Sarah Benner of To Saratoga and Lake George, Lake day, July 25. Should the weather be stormy ------Rev. E. W. K enr’son, who spent the Mrs. Rodney Beverage ate s siting on Matini- Rockland last week — Mr. and Mrs. Fred ice cream sal s at the Grange building Satur­ Waldoboro, Mrs. Julia Bradshaw of Chelsea, Champlain, AulableOhusia, Burliegton, going t 1 CUS ___ Miss Anr e Ayer returned to Bangor Long Island Hound to New York und up the on Wednesday the gathering w ’I be held on past week in Mass., returned home Satur­ N. PF’lbrook left here for Vinalhaven for day evenings are well patronized----- The past Vt., survive him. Mr. Post leaves five chil­ Hudson River to-AIbuny. A six-days' trip. the next fair day follov ng. A'ter discussing day------Miss Margaret Murray of N Saturday.------Mr. and Mrs. J. D. McLellan of short trip last week. Mr. Philbrook returned week has been ve./ good hay weather and dren, Capt. Isaac A. Post, a much respected Boston are at Misses Allen and Clark's, High CONDITIONS: \ the question of whether they shor’d go in hay York was the guest of Miss Carrie F u ’er recently.------Fzek’el Condon and little daugh most of th e farmers have secu red the most Of I master mariner who sails from our port, Mis, Anybody can be voted f r. T he highest vote will last week------Mrs. I. M. Bradbi’ / of Mil­ street, for the summer.----- Mr. and Mrs, ter Elsie, are visiting Mr. Condon's parents, their upland hay in very fair condition. ho awarded the First T rlp lo the above list (ha next racks ard liable learns or by ster n cars for George Arey, Freeman Post of 0 s city, and highest the Second Trip, und su on. about an hour, it was deeded by the majo: i , ford, Mass., is at A. D. Champney’s for the Clarence Howe and Master Eugene Howe Mr. and Mrs. Seth Condon.------Mrs. George Misses Amy and Mertie Post, all of whom In addition to these siogle votes, subteribers u I VINALHAVEN. he given voting receipts in the following manner s miner------Capt. and Mrs. O, E. Patter­ have returned from Union. Tobey and daughter passed Sunday in tl s have faithfully cared for their father in his de­ to go by cars. The fare for the round trip w jOrFor every new subscriber to cither The be 25 cen*. for ch5’dren and 35 cen»s fur son of Charleston, S. C., who are summering The Ogier fatr'ly held their annual reunion place i »h her husband, who is engineering on We are threatened with a paper called the clining years and since the death of his wife Courler-Gaz. tte or Tribune who pays 6? 00 and picr’c at the Ogier collage, Thursday, in advance W) voles will he given; und to adu’ti. at t ie Barre . homei ead, have gone to Bel. sterner Jessie.------Mr. Isaac C. e of Malden, Weekly Review. which occurred some three years ago. The every (xmtinulug’.subacriber who pays <2.00 fast for a few days------Miss Ma. a Packard and repotted a most delightful occasion. Mass., is in town beautif ng 1 s fa..a.— — Sch. John S. Deerir j, Capt. E. W. Arey, is funeral services were held yesterday a.ver- ou account 20o v^tos will be allowed. has returned from a visit to Warren and vl- Those present were Mr.and Mrs. J. W. Ogier, Mrs. Lotta Rhodes returned to South Matini- loading pa\ rg for Philadelpl a at Green’s noun, Rev. 'Thomas Stratton officia ng. Votes and all subscriptions must he hanued in at the counting room, and the vole will he priuted in doily. Mr and Mrs. E. R .«)fc er, Rev. and Mrs. W. cus last week.— —Charles Lrscelle of Rock­ Island. euuh issue of the two papers. Capt. Zenas F. Yates died at Round Pond Glen Cove.—Mrs. E. A. Perry, Misses W. Ogier, Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Bisbee, Mr. land was in town last week. Frank Carnes has been engaged as special Thu standing of th e va.ious cout< slunU a?- an­ last Tuesday after a long illness. He was a nounced In each Issue of the two papers, will ' Louise A. and Maud E. P e n / and Master and Mrs. F. O. Martin. Mr. ami Mrs. A. M. pilot by the U. S. Fish Commission steamer well known retired master mariner and busi­ final, as all vote J ate destroyed after such uunouuc Tommy E. Perry are visiting relatives in South Judson. New York, Mr:. Aithur S. Littleheld NORTH HAVEN. Fish Hawk. ness man. Several chfflren survive, among Hope----- Miss Ellie S. B. Weed, who has of Rockland, Mr. and Mrs. William 11. Eclls, Saturday the following arrests were made Alex Gillis has er ;aged herrir-; them being Mrs. Frank Keizer of this city. been the guest of 1 er aunt, Mrs. E. J. Col­ Mrs Lucy Eells, Mrs. Sarah Bourne, Mrs. by Officers Norton and Wf te : Mat Matson, the .easuii. The funeral occurred Thursday. BOYS’ SUITS! lins, left for her home at North Deer Isle, Ellen Horton, Mrs. B. D. L. lluse, Mrs. |acub Matson for d sturbance of the peace, Saturday------Mrs. Lila E. Webster made a Jessie F. Hosmer, Mrs. Addie Alden of Mel- Lots of Vinalhaven people cr ne up to en­ and Alfe Varnum for the*t. Frank Lawton o f nion was in town with a trip to her home in Bucksport, recently- rose Mass., Mrs. Gilbert and buys. Misses joy the fine roads and get some of the l ";es Edward S. Myrick died at ) ’s home last SOUTH LIBERTY. line (earn the 14th 1 — M B. Lawrence and Emily Hosmer, Nella Fuller, Waltham Je n n ie Com the pond. Mis. W. S. Later has gone to Bangor. She week with phoid n "bRa. Mr. M; ick has Jesse Overlock has potato stalks of the Mr. Cates o f Belfast c r Hed at B. W. Fogg’s Hst will not return— —Mrs. C. z\. Geer and Miss j Hill, Melrose, Josephine Judson, L>'u Rol­ The handsome government steamer Fish been in the employ of the Bodwell Granite week. They were taking a drive acrost lins, Blanche Ogier, W tnr'e Rollins, Edward WF’tc Elephant vaue / that stand nearly Grace Geer, of Som erdle, Mass., and Miss j Hawk was anchored in western entrance of Co. for a number of years. He leaves a v\ fe four feet high----- Chas. E. (Jvcrlock is the I country- -Three of our ladies have gone in­ aud loseuh Ogiet, Arthur lluse, Horace Grace Sm'th of Waltham, Mass., are guests of Little Thorougl "are looking ?fter the fishing and five cF'ldren. cbr*npion hay cutter. He has cut over more to cabbage raising. F inc luck thus far. They Knight, Wr'tham, Gussie Fells and Wi’-ie Miss Georgie Smith, at Wilson Merrill’. udusb/, last week. Chas. Lynch is engaged as book-keeper for ground tl s year than any other man in town think t’will go ahead f pansy raising - M. Ec’’s. Messrs. B. W Parshley and E. I). Gould, of Mrs. J. G. Spaul<*:ng of Fort Hamilton, Alexander Davidson------Miss May Clajlor -----The mumps are quite prevalent in town M. Johusun, cummeicial traveller for the Boston, Mass., arrived Wednesday, and are 1 N. J., isvisi ng her father. F. H. Smith lei. for a short vacation down east Monday -----John Ramsay and wife went to Gardiner Douglass £3 shoe, is fioinc on his semi-annual guests of Mr. Parsliley’s aunt, Mrs. A. C. I Edward Ames of Vinalhaven has moved his ------Miss Etta Pratt of Rockland was 'u town Saturday----- The mill of Lewis Speed was set vacation— —The Missks Johnson of Hallowell Young. They left Boston, July 6, on their ' Friday was extremely hot here. The the*- family into the house formerly occupied by last week, guest of Mrs. J. E Hopkins------in opera on Monday by the big shower, and ate at their grandmother’s, Mrs. J. Johnsou’s, bicycles and came the whole distance, about mometer stood 100 in the shade----- ArteiJe Chas. Jewett----- P ’chard Bown is v.sitirg I :s John Am ‘s arrived here on Sunday's special but for the discovery of its starltug up by Bartlett has bis home 400 miles according to the register on their i Jones went to Waltham, Thursday------The brother, Wilder Brown — •—Mi s Gertie Crab­ boat------tieorge Wasgatt of Camden was on a S. T. Overlock must have heated the boxes farm hajing done am i has two more farms to cut------Mr. and Mrs. Jj Fuh are out on a wheels, stopping at Fitchburg, Mass., Nashua Gard'ners have moved into their mansion on tree has returned hom — -Cora Crabtree is short visit here 'ast week------Dr. Crockett of and started a fire------C has. Alley is here bay­ . si ng her brother, Leroy Crabtre ----- Lewiston is home on a visit. ing------George Robinson is in poor health visiting tour. Gertrude Ruggles of Boston is visiting at J. -John Ramsay, S. T. Overlock and Chas. T Coombs’- Eeuj. Ca. -er has returned | Overlock have cut the hay on the E. S. from Boston, where he ha Wnitehouse place----- Sidney Harriman is at House For Sale at Vinal- work for John Ramsay------Carroll Turner hav< A house of 9 rooms, rewiu 1 dUr with cUkrt- was in town Saturday----- Mrs. H. H. Cun- rhor, « cash. A p p .j

'1 I


BOSTON LETTER SPORT ANO PASTIM E. will do better with practice as the position is «man. Perhaps the Press can explain B., St. John, N. B. fif / per cent of the gate receipts. Mr. Nash how the Athletics were expected to win Among those who braved the heat of the past of the Star would be acceptable as umpire. all know what Rockland is doing and it is FREIGHTS AND CHARTERS., week were E. F. Hooper, W. T. Cobb and J. As many would r ke to have the mettle of also understood that Camden has a first-chss agr’nst errorless playing when they were also H. Simonton of Rockland, and L. S. Cleve­ Robbins and Casey tested, we would suggest out-batted. Reported From Brown & Cto/s Weekly team. There is quite a little rivalry between Freight Circular.^ A WORLD OF NOVELTIES! A CONGRESS OF CHAMPION CELEBRITIES land of Camden. the pitchmg be confined to those two pitchers. Frank I I . Wilbur. the two clubs and their friends, and a game MARINE MATTERS, between the two v.’ll draw a big crowd. All the Cream of the Arenas of the W orld skimmed off and served in the Mr. and Mrs. Albert H. Hunt of Dorches­ Off-shore freights remain quiet, jlthough Feast of the Marvelous, Unique, New, Exciting, Novel, and the ter, who have been spending the past month The Bangors did get here at last and Movements of Vessels, Charters the aggregate of business in the Xhorter Notes and the Like. Best Performances Ever Seen in This or Any at Barre, Vt., returned last week. Mr. and Tuesday afternoon administered to Rock­ Camden is wide awake on the subject of voyages is somewhat in excess of that ok^the Other Country, all in Mrs. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. Louis Karcher land’s crack amateurs their first defeat of the base ball. New grounds have been secured preceding week, and on the whole the iWr- will spend the latter part of August in Rock­ season. The game was too one-sided to be and nearly $200 raised by subscription to Sch. Belle Hooper is at the South Railway ket is firm, strengthened to some extent Wr THE PEERLESS ADAM 4-PAW CIRCUS land. in any way e .i ng, but our sport lovers fence th em . for examination and re-classing. the diversion of a large percentage of th S were afforded an opportunity to see that Sch. Etta A. Stimpson, at Port Clyde, goes American ffeet to the coastwise coal and ice The Jungles and Forests of the Uttermost Parts of the Earth have yielded lia r ./ Ricker of this city, who has been between amateurs and professionals is some­ At Thomaston Thursday the home team to Jacksonville to load lumber for Gauda- trades and the marked decrease in the fleet their Strangest, Rarest and W ildest Beasts, that they may be seen in visiting Mr. and Mrs. William F. Norcross in thing of a step. The Bangors had a splen- defeated Camden by a score of 21 to 17. loupe, coming back to Boston. of foreign craft which formerly frequented our Rockland, returned to Boston last week. cVd bat.'ng team and their men evidently Philip Jason of this city and Creighton were Sch. Annie M. Dickinson was on the North ports. Very little has been consummated in could field well if they tried a little harder Thomaston’s battery. Wardwell and Rob­ Railway Wednesday for caulking and paint. long voyage general cargo charters, the Dudley M. Holman was in town Tnursday than they-did here. Gray pitched a splendid bins took turns at pitching for the Megunti- Sch. Woodbury M. Snow, Arey, sailed various lines being already well supplied with on his way to Providence from Rockland, game for them and such is the improvement cook aggregation and both were batted hard. Tuesday for New York from Almon Bird. tonnage. Meanwhile rates in all directions The One Great Sensational Equestrian Feature of the A ge! where he has been visiting a few days. over his s./le of delivery and curves that our Wilbur did not play and the visitors attributed Sch Addie Wessels, Gilbert, with lime are nominally steady. A moderate inquiry boys were at a loss what to do with b:m. their defeat largely to tb;s cause. from H. O. Gurdy cc Co., sailed Tuesday for prevails for deal and timber ships from the Ralph French, Dr. O. F. Cushing, Alton The audience applauded as one man when New York. Provinces for Europe, and the market betrays A lm e . IVEcLzr’ctzn.'te't'te Sma’ ey and David French of this city are he made his appearance on the field. A picked team from this city went to Sch. Fannie L. Childs arrived from Waldo­ an easier tendency. Yellow pine timber And her Champion Trio of Equestrian W orld-Breaking Record Makers enjoying the sum tier in Thomastoi It may be said greatly to our boys credit Warren Saturday afternoon and played as boro iSth to finish repairs on the South Rail- freights are inactive, owing to the over-sup­ Mr. and Mrs. William Burgess ot Thom­ that they did not lose their heads in the good a game as the rough condition of the plied European wood markets. The scarcity l grounds and the pouring rain would allow. Sch. Morris & Cliff, Torrey, is bound here aston have been spen'’’i 3 a few days in tow n midst of defeat. They saw and expected at of near bv tonnage, however, seems to obviate J from New York during the past week. the outset that it would be like trying to stop Warren had everything their own way for any material reduction in rates. * • ♦ Wests Thu Champion High Jumping Horse of the World the wind to beat tbe Bangors but they went seven innings. But the Rocklands went to Sch. Ella Frances is on tbe North Railway, India freights continue slow but firm, suitable IBs twlicial Record is Mrs. John E. Hanly and Miss Florence to work w.th the same cheerfulness as if they bat in the seventh and piled up nearly enough repainting. vessels on the spot being scarce, and owners runs to tie, and after shutdng out ’nr l r w CLEARING A BAR 7 FEET 4 1-2 INCHES HIGH Ilanly of Jamaica Plain are visiting friends had some team like the Murphy Balsams or Capt. Oliver N. Stevens leaves today for and captains manifesting the usual lisinclina- in Rockland. Camdens to compete with. The Bangors hit team in the eighth inning, took ibe mad. Salem to take bis vessel the Carrie E. Look tion to accept employment in the tropical Casey hard and it was expected. But as There was more excitement at this point which proceeds to the Kennebec to load ice trades at this period of hot weather, hurri­ J. S. Glover of the firm of Stanton Glover Manager Bacon of the Bangors said after the than there has been for a good many days in for Philadelphia. canes and poor return business, unless at of this ci./ is visi ng relatives in Camden. game, “your ou’field vvov’d have spoiled lots Warren, and the climr.x was capped when in Sch. L. Snow, Jr., took lime and lumber more generous rates than charterers are will­ CHAMPION HIGH JUMPING PONY SHOWS UNDER THE SADDLE of those 1 wo-base hits had the fence betn the last half inning, with only one Rockland from Wm. II. Glover Co. Monday for Vinal­ ing to concede. Coastwise yellow pine lum­ Mrs. H. H. Sidelinger of tT's city is re­ OF THE WORLD. TW ELVE DISTINCT GAITS back farther.” Anti this was particularly man out and three on bases the score stood haven. ber and other southern freights are dull atid newing old acquaintances at her old home in true in right field, where a comparatively 28 to 28. Purvey was the next man at bat, Sch. Clytis, Crockett, sailed Monday for substantially unchanged. Coal freights east­ Rockland. short fly goes over the fence. Our boys all and after knocking a succession of fouls over Windsor, N. S., to load plaster for Alexandria, ward are barely steady, seeking vessels being Mrs. Rebecca Lew.s is spending a few days d’d well. McManus caught one of his in the adjacent graveyard, popped up a more numerous than orders, in default of Rockland with her sister, Mrs. Ezra Wait- customary r ;ce games and won the praise of ltttle fly to the pitcher, Win Robinson. The Sch. Hero took general cargo Monday for which some vessels have proceeded in bal­ Manager Bacon, who also thought we had a latter caught the ball and then deliberately Bucksport from John Bird Co. last to Maine after ice, rates for which are fine amateur pitcher. “S' nonton’s a ball dropped it for the purpose of making what Sch. Peerless sailed Monday for Boston 50c. to New York and 60 to 75c. as far south Mrs. D. W. Hopkins and daughter Gladyi player,” said Mr. Bacon anti he certainly d'd would have been a double play before the with lime from C. Doherty. as Cape Henry. leave today for a few weeks sit in Rock­ play a most excellent gr ne at first. Simonton rules were charged. As it was, the three Schs. John S. Beecham and Commerce, Charters.—Sch. Etta A. Stimpson, Jack­ land. a’so made a home run over the fence. Jason base runners remained in their respective po- from Rockland, Red Jacket from Providence; sonville to Point-a-Petre, lumber, $7.50.— si.'.otis, Robinson threw the ball first and the Sch. Warner Moore, St. Simons to New York, Mrs. W. A. Larks arrived here Wednesday played a first-class game at shortstop while Ella May from Rockport arrived in New Warrens came in from the field, claiming York Saturday; schs. A. Heaton, Rockland; lumber, $4.50. for a short \'«it. Glover, McLoon and Prince had ’heir hands full, that a double play had been made and that Ellie J. Simmons and Anna Shepherd, Thom­ Coal.—Sch. Merrill C. Hart, Pt. Johnston Miss Mae Snyder of Somer lie is v,siting A b’-; crowd, next in size to that of Fourth the side was out. The crowd wanted the aston, arrived in Hart Island Roads same day. to Rockport, 60 cents.—Sch. M. K. Rawley, friends in Camden. of July, saw the game, and agreed that while Rocklands declared out and notwithstanding Sch. S. M. Bird, Merrill, sailed from New Hoboken to Boston, 50 cents.—Sch. Billow, our boys were in no way “in it” they did the fact that Gallagher and two or three other York for Salem Saturday. Weehawken to Rockland, 60 cents.—Sch. Fred E. Drew of East Boston has returned players uf judgment agreed wi’h our boys the Sch. Gen. Adelbert Ames, Jameson, arrive^ Morris & Cliff, Pt. Liberty to Provincetown from a visit to Rockland. very well. It is extremely doubtful if any more league teams w ’l be invited here. game euded. Under the circumstances it in New York 20th, 7 days from Savannah 75 cents. can hardly be called other than a draw, but F. C. Pitcher is siting his old home at People had rather for the most part see such with lumber. the chances certainly were in favor of Rock­ CHURCH MATTERS. Tbomastno. games as Freeport and Lisbon Fa’ls. Sch. Adam Bowlby, Maddocks, was in the land. The visitors played as follows: John­ The score harbor Sunday loaded with lumber from Ban­ Installation at Newcastle Yesterday— The Annual 'Inis will be the last week of “'1 ne Grand son of Camden, c.; Kalloch, p.; Luivey, I; gor for New York. Sunday School Contention at Noblaboro. Duchess” anil also of the series of revivals, fur Howard, 2; L. Jason, 3; Winslow, s; Small, Sch. Yankee Maid arrived from Boston Glover, I, Arrangements are well along for the great next Monday the new work by Star;slaus W ilbur, 2, 1.; Emperor, m; Nelson, r. One feature of Saturday. E m ery, 3, anuual gathering of the Sunday Schools of Stange and Julian Edwards, “Madeline or the Simoutoo, the game was the running ily catch of Alton Seh. Lena White, White, with stone from the three counties at Nobleboro Campground Magic Kiss,” will be given Us first production Caney, p, Small in left field. Vinalhaven for Washiegton was in the harbor JUHOII, which is expected to take place Thursday, on any stage by Mine d’Arville and a com­ McLoon, 1 There is a prospect that the Warrens will Saturday and sailed. McMuuuu, Aug. 16, but may be changed to some other pany, including Charles Dickson, George Bon­ l'rlnce, r. play here next Saturday with the V. M. C. A. Schs. Ella Frances and Peerless arrived date. Speakers and band have been en­ iface, Win. McLaughlin, Clinton Elder,H en./ team, in which event plenty of fun is prom­ Saturday from Bostun. gaged; banner and other presents will be Stanley, Maud and Hilda Hollins, Nannie ised. Gallagher is catching for Warren and Schs. Post Boy and Chas E. Raymond given the schools. A day of usefulness and Morse and other favorites. The production plaGng magnificent ball, too. It will be sailed from our harbor Saturday with stone pleasure is hoped for. Some 25,000 to 30,- Trained Animals of all kinds that do Everything but talk. The Will be on the most elaborate scale. Rehear w’orth the crowd’s money to see h;’n play, from Frankfort for New York. ccohave been instructed at these gatherings Best liiilei H, tlie Best (Jymnasts, the Best Acrobats, the Best Aeri- sals are almost over, so far as ’be hard work alone. Sch. Hume, Grey, sailed Saturday for Fall since the association was formed in 1878. alists, tbe Best t ’ontorlionisls, the Best Leapers, the best Tumblers, goes, and everything will be in readiness for River with lime from A. F. Crockett Co. W ln i., . It is strictly undenominational. the opening night. Tbe cos’umes, it is prom­ The corrected official averages ol Sch. Seventy-Six sailed Saturday from Perry the Best Equilibrists,the Best W restlers, und Specialists, the largest Hurt, c, Rev. A. D. Graffam, pastor of the Baptist ised, v .11 excel in beauty and richness any G ray, p, Rockland players to date are as follows Bros, for New York. and tinest collecting oi animals ever seen in a m enagerie,the choicest Wbeuler HATTING AVbrvCtS church, Martinsville, preached in the First seen in a comic opera production in Boston Sch. E. Arcularius, Davis, from A. F. Baptist church, this city, Sunday morrhig, selection of everything that capital can secure, that experience can for a long time. They were designed by Mine Crockett Co. sa'led Saturday for Salem. the past »r, Rev. J. H. Parshley, being ab­ suggest, that wisdom can ad vise, are all to la seen in this crowning C. E. Seidle of the Metropolitan opera house, Bangor 4 6 1 0 3 0 I U 3—lb Sch. Edith I.. Allen, with ice from Bangor sent in Toronto. Mr. Graffam's theme was: effort to make these the cleanest, the purest, ami the best shows New Yoik, and are being made in Boston lt,un» inatlu by Sliurrolt I, Fitzinuiirlce 3, i Jetitly fur Philadelphia was in the harbor and sailed l.t’utjku, Mculone, Gray. Wheeler 2; Glover “You must be born gain.” From it he The scenery is being painted by Messu.Morse Monday. au d p ro v e . ilbur, Enn ry,B^noniou, McMunun, Prluce 'Two elaborated a thoughtful aud iuteres' ng ser­ and Gill of the Tremont theater, and is copied bup•• hits, 8hurrutt, Cook 2, White, Gray, W hiuler; Sch. Fannie L. Childs, Fuller, is at the from photographs aud pictures of Normandie Wilbur. Home ruuu Fitzmaurico, rjhnuntoii, mon which he de'vered in a for ible man­ A P I T C A P F O B THE HONORED HUEAP OF THIRTY YEARS Stolen b/ues, Deady 2, McGloue, Emery,Simonton, South Railway to be re-fastened, calked and scenes, where tbe opera is supposed to take ner. , McLoon. Sac hit», Glover, Ca»ey. Double play, KJEt.DI! coppered and seeks business. In serving the public with the newest, brightest, amt tbe tinest of every­ place. ______Sfci A l-. lint I und Sharroti, White und Shurrott. Buac n The Universi' st Sunday School will picnic thing Dial goes to make tip the favorite shows of the people. i.dis by Gray, Ousey, Prluce 2; by Casey, Scb. Mary Standish is at the South Railway LIST OF LETTERS McGlonu 2, T.lzmau. ce, Cook, Hart. Hit by next Tuesday at Cutting's grove, Warren, a pitched bull, by Casey, Deudy 2, MeGlonu, dtruek fur general overhauling. a s f r e e A S S I v - i i i m .. D O x < » T IOSS >Ei:i.\t; rr oul by Gray, Glov r 3, Wilbur, Simonton, .Jason 2, beautiful spot. Remaining in Rockland P. O. for tlx M. Lo’ U 2. McManus, by JCusey, W hite, G ray, Scb. Mary Jane Lee, Nelson, is jading at Wheeler, Ila... Passed all. Hart McManus. Perry Bros, for New York. The Methodist Sunday School has its picnic ending July 21, 1894. W .Id pitch, Casey. Em pire Fred Mer* .11. T im e 2 THE STl'EKU F T I E E ! STKEET PARADE Scb. Florida, Strout, is loading for Bostou at George's oaks near Glen Cove some day next week. The committee which has It will be the longest)unit the most magnificent pageant that has ever passed from Cobb & Co. through the streets of our city. It will move promptly at in a. m. aud will he The Rocklands an< urtland /Athletics Capt. A. N. Greeley is at home; bis ves­ general oversight of the matter consists of J. well worth traveling miles to see. You cannot he liisappoinletl in it. joined issue on the Broi iy grounds, Satur- sel, the Eugene Borda, is loading stone at Fred Hall, A. W. Gregory and Miss Faunie Wheeler's Bay for Philadelphia. Mitchell. loiMto S l'l’EllIt SEATS. 2,tM)O Ol’EHA CHAIR RESERVED SEATS day, Rock’and getting r IS ill th e tig h t innings played, while th brtlartdi -failed to Annie M. Dickinson, Ginn, is chartered to The First Baptist] Sunday school na> its Notwithstanding the ignliude of the shown, the same performances are given cross the plate. The klands played a The Eresvmpscots play Rockland here thii load atone at Vinalhaven for New York. annual picnic neat Tuesday going to Castine und the same pri of admission charged in all cities and towns alike. masterly game, errorle afternoon with Webb in the box. The team Rockidki.—Sailed the iSth, sch. H. 1. on the steamer Silver Star; 'Tickets are for ItvbeiU, Frank ttobiuBOU. John strong at the hat. Del has been doubled in strength since they were Kimball for Boston, with lime from S. E. sale at the store of C. E. Tuttle and are ision, 30 ots4 Kvlllcy, -John S engaged by Rockland fi here last summer, and another desperate at & 11. L, Shepherd Co., sch. Mazuka fur Bos- limited in number. The committee of airang- ltubbios, W. M CHILDREN, under 9 yearn of age. 25 cts tatuitb, Ovofgt second, was heartily aj tempt vt .11 he made to “do up* our boys, l i e ton, with lime from G. E. Carleton, sch. nrents consists of C. F. Simmons, M. A. WFUmorv. Mm onto the field. He pla R k la n d s Isave won nine out of leu gainei Mary Ellen, Newport, lime from S. E. and Johnson and Mrs. R. C. H alt upon numher®!, actually reserved seat tickets at a slight advance.


died 1, total members 43, new it ; 1850,re­ 1855, and was a master- mariner by occupa­ THE FLYERS. ROCKLAND BRAIN jected 2, members 45, new to; 1S51, rejected tion. HORSE POWERS I, died 2, members 32, initiated S; 1852, sus­ George N. McGregor, born in Eastport A Lillie Random Chat About Some of the Fast One of the Boys from This City Is Heard From | (■ m in , and NA A pended 18, rejected 2, died I, initiated 16, May 14, 1843. admitted to Atttora Lodge Horses Owned In This Vioinitf. and to Advantage—New Company. and U rn * N»wh. pr anrl PrPC Pnt 1853, suspended S3, rejected Sept. 3, 1873; landscape gardener formerly, Cl mill r I ca c ill 2i injtiated .. membership 31 ( 1854, rejected now real estate agent; was special deputy ITTSFIELt), Maine, The Rice & Sargent Engine Co. of Provi­ u lllZ e n S . 1, initiated 10, membership 36; 1855, rejected sheriff nearly four years; served in navy from is now the place to dence, R. I., newly organized, is attracting 4, deceased 4. initiated 39, membership 79. June 14, 1862, to Aug. 15, 1864. which our horsemen attention in the business world by the surpass­ Fair, , iRtltnlion of Another Lodge in Roeli- In 1857 five were expelled, 87 suspended A. E. Ilolden was horn in Malden, Mass., turn, and a large del­ ing excellence of some of its designs and the CHICAGO. lnnd—LMR of Officers Tor Some or the for non payment of dues, 11 initiated, with a Sept. 18, 1839; was admitted to the lodge egation from this vi­ general excellence of its entire construction. Early Years—Various Resolutions— total membership of 121. Oct. 14, 1859, the Jan. 5, 1870; butcher and dealer by occupa­ cinity will attend the The company manufactures a four valve tion. races there Aug. 2, 3 A. W. GRAY’S S0N8, Fnneral of Hencral Berry—Various officers were publicly installed by Right Worthy automatic cut-off engine, having rotary Cor­ Pa ten tifb and Hour M ANtTTActurkra, Public Institutions. , O. J. Fernald, assisted by W. If. Titcomb as John B. Bortet, born in Rockland in 1846, and 4. F. H. Berry liss valves, double ported, provided with a P O. Bo» M. Jl 10DLBT0W B NPBIBGS, Vt. marshal. Brother Fetnald made an able ad­ initiated May 2, 1866, printer by occupation will probably take over the following] fast trip gear, and especially designed for electric dress and interesting remarks were made by and was Junior Steward in 1867. string: Thad Irish, Dixmont, Little Blanche and cable plants, mills and other work re'-A 1 Rev. Joseph Kailoch, an invited guest. and Otto, while possibly C. A. Crockett’s Ar­ S. W. Cousins, born in Bluehill Jan. 23, quiring an engine fitted for heavy and contin­ T a regular meeting of At a meeting held June 12, 1861, the Wor- thur B., \V. A. McLain’s Annie Boone and C. rented to 1846; initiated Nov. 3, 1875; was formerly uous service and close regulation of speed. Ft th e y are Aurora Lodge, held shipful Master, Wm. Fessenden being about A. Davis’ Brince Onawa may try for a purse mariner, now granite cutter. Several of the most important features of the Fings, cakes, Oct. I t , 1S54, it was to leave Rockland to serve his country ad- or two. design will be covered by patents. Elias Larrabee, born in Knox, Me., Nov. 6, Fe delicacie s, unanimously voted tha* dressed the lodge in an impressive manner, Horsemen, some of them at any rate—are The officers are the following: R. A. Rob­ 1S29, admitted June 4, 1879, stevedore by o c­ use. the interests of Mason- ami at a special meeting of the lodge, held interested in a proposition to change the rules ertson, president; Z. Chafee, vice president; cupation. ry demanded that a June 14, the following resolution was pre- of the National Trotting Association at the John W. Sargent, secretary; and Richard II. new lodge of Free ami sented and unanimously adopted: Willjpm IL Meservey, born in Appleton, next meeting of the board of appeals so that Rice, treasurer. Iride, Accepted Masons be instituted in Rockland, Resolved, That the thanks of this lodge are March I, 1827; admitted to Union Lodge the drivers who are over-weight shall have Mr. Rice is a Rockland boy, son of Hon. ami that Aurora Lodge give to such new F « « n d en for Dec. 1, 1S64,admitted to Aurora Sept. G1S92, time allowance. The rules as now constructed A. S. Rice and wife* For the past four years ...... „ , the faithful, impartial ana acceptable manner Intent, lodge $ 100 if instituted within in which he has discharged his duties as its has been farmer and is now cooper; was as­ provide that men who are under-weight must he has been the mechanical engineer and su­ t»on “ Magnificent' from that date. As a consequence a new presiding officer, and for the uniform kindness sistant assessor of internal revenue from 1862 load up so as to weigh in at one hundredjand perintendent of the \YII1W1 A. Harris Steam lodge was instituted, its charter bearing date and gentlemanly conduct which has charac- to 1870, and deputy collector of internal re- fifty pounds. This is done, as everybody Engine Co., of Providence. He is a graduate of Oct. 25. 1S54, and called Rockland Lodge. te.r“ ed hi.‘ e"tirc c°u” e- °®cial ani1 Personal, enue from 1876 to 1S77. In 1SS4 he moved knows, hv stuffing the sulky cushion with a of the Stevens Institute at Hoboken, N. J., with the brethren of the order. The first brother buried with Masonic hon to South Thomaston. He was selectman of lot of lead equal in weight to the difference was a draughtsman with the Bath Iron Works, Aug. 14, 1861, a statement wfs made to r ppy the Cook ors in Rockland by Aurora Lodge m u Joseph that town for three years. Mr. Meservey was between the driver's weight and 150 pounds. builders of marine engines, Bath, Me., for one the lodge of the condition of Brother Thomas Pillsbury, whose funeral occurred April jo , a member of the first board of county com­ I B . Walker of Vinalhaven has entered his year, and for three years was chief draughts­ fhose Pantry Contains B. Glover, then a prisoner of war in Rich­ missioners at the formation of Knox county. bay ntare Abbie Wilkes in the State l'air man for E. D. Leavitt, Cambridgcport, Mass. mond, Ya. Appropriate remarks were made I n a community like Rockland deaths at He is now tylcr and librarian of Aurora race, pacing colts, foals of 1890. Abbie While in charge of the draughting rooms of by the brethren present. The following reso- sea are common, and Aurora Lodge has its Lodge. Wilkes is by Wilkes, dam by Gideon. She is above, Mr. Rice has designed some very ex­ F a rm e rs, , . lution was then read and unanimously adopted, quota of these sad happenings. In the year . •' a very fast mare, and in the July 4 races, in traordinary and ponderous work in engineer­ Laborers, 1 ' ...... and the lodge secretary instructed to send a 1856 Capt. Rufus L. Penniman, initiated in At Small Expense. the three-minute class got a mark of 2:36} J, ing for some of the most noted mines, mills, copy to the Grand Secretary of Maine: T e a m s te rs , Aurora I.odge Sept. 6, 1854, was lost at sea1 Did you ever stop to consider with what an her first race. iron works and cities. Can find no better shoe than the He was master of schooner Baltic, 146 tons Resolved, That this lodge ask the interven enormous amount of entertainment one sees E. II. Rose’s flyer has attracted great at­ ------burden, built in Rockland in 1855,and owned l‘° n °.f Ma^ ’,.in Pr.oc“r- tention since July 4. In the races at Knox Bread W inner. at a great circus like the Adam Forcpaugh RUNNINC FULL. It is strong, reliable, honest, and manufactured ’ , , , • f In8 through the Grand I.odge of Virginia the Shows at a mere trifling cost? In short,every Driving Bark on that day Mr. Rose’s horse, expressly to give A l X O U T -IH >O I{ W O R K ­ m 16 equal shares by the mechanics who bull1 means of providng Brother Glover and such ERS the Rost Service for the Eenst Alonw- her. He loaded in New York for Tenerift’e, other brothers of this lodge as may be held as style and variety of features that will amuse, with a mark of 2 :3 9 ^ , finished a close News from a Knox County Boy Who Is Doing Made fur Men and Boys, from soft, pliable stock; in two styles, seainle-i Balmoral and Congress- Canarv Islands, and sailed from Teneriffe on prisoners of war in said Richmond with suita- entertain and instruct—all for fifty cents. second to Donald who made the mile in Good Business Up the Bay a Piece- with and without la p sole. . • .. .0.4- , • hie and necessary clothing and other things THE BEST FLOUR ON EARTH. b» return home on Nov. 11, 1856, and s.nce „ )at may be CMe' tial f()r «heir comfurtj £ Why, city people think nothing of paying 2:32I |. The Rose horse must have made it AMOS P. TAPLEY & CO., BOSTON, MAS8. Demand It of your Grocer. then nothing has been heard of master, vessel vided it is possible by the aid of the said Si.50 to see a company of eight or ten players in 2:33 flat. Hon. George M. Warren of Castine was Accept no imitation or substitute. or crew. Capt. Penniman’s wife, Sarah I I., Grand Lodge of Virginia, to so provide for in a theatre, the yearly expenses of which are down this way last week and reports his beau­ F. A. PETERSON, Agent, Rnnkin Block i , W ig h t & Co., agents. x who remained at home in Camden died Xov. the want, of our unfortunate brothers. And little if any more than the daily expenses of SPORT AND PASTIME. tiful old town alive with summer visitors. The , , . . ... , this ,od8e hereby pledges itself to be respon- 6, 1856, and she with her infant daughter sib]e to lhe Grand L,jdge of Maine fo/ any Adam Forepaugh's Shows. Indeed, viewed Acadian, W. A. Walker landlord, is full to were borne to the grave while the husband expense incurred by them in sending such from this standpoint, which is after all the Notes from Various Local Diamonds With overflowing, and the guests there are de DR. J. H. DAMON, and father was at Teneriffe, hut it was im- assistance to our brethren. only true one, the Adatn Forcpaugh Shows Athletic News from all About Us. lighted with the house, its appointments and Surgeon niitl Mechauical ^Uj_IJ-Lr D entist, possible that Capt. Penniman could have In 1862, Oct. 23, the officers were publicly are a genuine public benefaction in giving management. Mr. Warren says that if the such a vast and superior quantity of entertain­ Fred Glover, George Gilchrest, Gardie BPK A It BLOCK, 30’- Ma in 3t b b b t . heard of the birth of his daughter or of the installed by Light Wor. I. K. Osgood, as- Acadian had 200 rooms they could be filled. 37 Ether and O»« always ou hand. death of his wife. On a monument in Sea s’sle,‘ by W .H . 1 itcomb as marshal. 1 here ment and instruction at such a trifling cost Miller, R. D. Waldo and others of our tennis Mr. Walker also has a very handsome drug­ h e S a l t View cemetery is the following inscription: was a ,ar8c attendance from neighboring that it is within the reach of the poorest as players are planning a tournament. store with modern appointments and arrange­ DR. F. E. FOLLETT, well as the richest people. The circus is the In memory of Rufus L. Penniman, who . l°flges and a banquet was served. ments, where he is doing a rushing business. Dental Surgeon. sailed from Teneriffe, Canary Islands, Nov. 11, Mar. 4. 1863, resolutions of respect were most democratic of all public institutions. It The Bangors went from Rockland and did hat’s All Salt A. K. BPBAR BLOCK—Cor. Main and Purk Place 1856, master of schooner Baltic of Rockland, adopted to the memory of brother John E, appeals alike to the ultra-fashionable aristoc­ up the Portlands in line style. They evident­ VINALHAVEN EXCURSION. Is the salt every one should use. The Im­ bound for New York and was never heard Merrill. Jr., who died in New York Feb. racy and to the humblest laborer and his fam­ ly profited by the points they learned of A. M. AUSTIN, purities In th e other kinds are useless, of from, aged 25 years. course, but dangerous also. The lime, II, 1S63. ily. Beneath the all-covering canopies of the Rockland’s expert ball tossers. The Belfast Band has engaged steamer Suroenn and Mechanical Dentist. especially, la the cause ol much kidney Sarah II. wife of Rufus L. Penniman, died Ml MAIN ST., ■ ItOCKL\ND, MB disease. Nov. 6, 1856, aged 2S years, 6 months and Oct. 14, Ig63, occurred the funeral of the circus all classes meet upon the same level; Sedgwick for an excursion to Vinalhaven 25 days. lamented brother,Hiram G. Berry, who fell in there is that form of entertainment there which Cook of the Bangors played center-field on today. The steamer will leave Lewis wharf COCHRAN, BAKER & CROSS D ia m o n d “Father, mother, you have come to me.” defense of his country at Chancellorsville, requires no degree of education to understand the Rocklands in 18S7 when this city was at 7 :30 a. in. On arriving at Vinalhaven a E*. H. Cochran. J. It. Baker. C. C. Cross. Capt. Alfred Babbidge, master of schooner May 3, 1S63. Brethren from the several and enjoy, while it is equally pleasing to the supporting a salaried aggregation under dance will be given at the f )pera House, with Ife A Accident Insurance. Excelsior, also a member of Aurora Lodge, lodges in the state to the number of 300 were scholar and the most delicately refined and Manager Quinn. music by the full band. The boat will leave Insurance A gency In Maine. Crystal Salt was lost at sea in the same gale, probably, present to pay their respects to the dead- polite. The great Adam Forcpaugh shows Vinalhaven on the return at 6 p. m. T R K E T , - - ROCKLAND. Is mnch the purest, and therefore tho in which Capt. Penniman was lost, and with Past Grand Master Hiram Chase of Belfast, will be here on August 1st. That day will be If a game of ball is arranged between the BIRD & BARNEY, best salt known. Made from the best Capt. Babbidge was also lost his wife, sister brine, by the best process, with thebe9t by invitation of the committee of arrange­ a public holiday, although it may not be made Camdens and the Rocklands Robert Bean Insurance Agents, grain, and sold In the best package—an and child. ments, consented to perform the Masonic so by a Governor’s proclamation. It will be will probably play with Camden. Mr. Bean BRANOHJSTORE, air-tight and non-absorbent box. BYNDICATK BUILDING, - KOCKLAND. Capt. Robert R. Havener, master of ceremonies, which were carried out in an im­ the people’s holiday when the fanner may is considered a first-class all-around player. 262 M ain St. T h e fact th at salt la cheap Is no reason First class, strong an why you should not have pure salt. schooner Magyar,who was initiated in Aurora well afford to leave his plow or his harvest Telephone connection. 11-12 Ask for Diamond Crystal, give It a fair pressive manner. At a special communica­ Ltnetflcan Com panies are trial. Write us for further particulars. Lodge, Dec. 13, 1S54, left Rockland in Octo­ tion of the lodge, May 20, resolutions of re­ field; the mechanic his workbench; the mer­ Telephone connection. FRATERNITY FACTS. Our Dairy Salt is the standard of ex­ ber, 1857, and Baltimore in November, cellence, and no butter maker should spect to Gen. Berry's memory were adopted. chant his counting-room; the clerk his coun­ WALKER & PAYSON, be without It. Address 1S57, bound to Antiqua, with a cargo of as­ Charles N. Germaine and 0. P. Mitchell were ter; the clergyman his study; the housewife, Attorneys and Counsellors at Law. DIAMOND CRYSTAL SALT CO.. Stray News Nates From the Secret Lurking Copeland’s Bazaar sorted merchandise. But the vessel never ar- the committee on resolutions. At this same working a little earlier, her domestic duties; SYNDICATE BUILDING, BUCKLAND. St. Clair, Mich. Place of the Gay and Festive Goat. rived at the latter port. Capt. Havener and ! meeting resolutions were adopted honoring and no sensible person will deny the fact that New Store and New Goods, and I O. M. WdLKBB. B. O. P * n o « one of his men were lost at sea Nov. 7, 1S57, the memory of Brother John Spear. the children will learn more and study better REUEL ROBINSON, The full list of officers of Camden Lodge, keep the largest and best line of being washed overboard while cutting away Oct. 21, 1863, the officers of the lodge were Attorney at Law, afterwards, if they can visit and enjoy the Knights of l’ythias, installed Monday evening the masts. Four of the crew remained 28 publicly installed by R. W. Chas. N. Ger­ Adam Forepaugh Shows. CAMDEN. • MAINE of last week, is as follows: C. Dr. W. F. C a rts , late Judge of Probate and Insolvency. days on the wreck before they were taken off'. maine, D. D. G. Master of the 4th District, Ilart; V. C., C. T. Swan; B., O. I. Gould; They subsisted on corn soaked in salt water. assisted by Rev. Br. J. Riley Bowler as chap­ W a g o n s , j^Ai.i.ocn St MXSBBVEY, M. W., A. E. Greenlaw; M. A., E. Maxey; John Lindsey, brother-in-law of Capt. Hav­ lain and Br. Wm. IL Titcomb as marshal. Now is the Time I. G., (J. IL Bayson; O. G., James Bickford. Wheelbarrows L a w y e r s , ener, aged about 22, died after being 14 days After the ceremony an able address was de­ tm, MAIN BTREBT, - ROCKLAND, ME TO BUY YOUR After the installing ceremonies, which were 1 the wreck. livered by Br. Germaine, which was followed Agent* for German American Fire Insurance Co admirably conducted by D. D. C. C. N. B. Velocipedes, N. Y., Western Assuranje Co., of Toronto,Canada, ’ , ♦ ♦ ♦ T n Y > ♦ o by a banquet in which 450 persons partici­ and Washington Life Insurance Co., N.Y Eastman of Warren, assisted by Knight The masters, wardens and members of pated. Doll Carriages, Gasoline . Yaughn, the degree of Esquire was conferred Aurora Lodge were incorporated a body po­ At the stated communication, Dec. 30, E. H W HEELER, Nl. D., upon one candidate. Some of Mrs.*Wether- litic by the legislature of Maine, April 15, 1SG3, a v°le thanks was tendered Wor. Physician and Surgeon. Climax Flour, !857. bee’s ice cream was then enjoyed for a finale. C. A. Miller, Master of Rockland Lodge, for Ranges! . Office Bpcnr Block, comer Main and Park street! Following is a copy of return of Aurora his liberal donation to the widow of deceased Mt. Battie Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Camden Hammocks and R eh id en c e 68 Masonic Street. 14 • • AT • • ° n,y S4.50 per Bbl. Lodge to the Grand Lodge, for the year end­ brother N. H. Hall. Br. Miller was then on conferred the initiatory upon one candidate Hammock Hooks, F. B. ADAMS, M. D., ing Sept. 1, 1827: Ephraim Berry, M .; the point of leaving for the seat of war, and Tuesday evening. JONA. CROCKETT’S, Physician and Surgeon, Guaranteed Better Stephen Barrows, J. \Y.; John Tolman, S. resolutions of regard and hopes fur a safe re* The Master Mason's degree was conferred Carden Sets. Berry Bros.’ Block, MO MAIN 3TKEKT R ehioz.nce St a t e 8t . Than Magnificent. . . \Y.; John Lovejoy, treasurer; Charles H ar­ turn were also adopted and expressed. The upon Theodore Snow and C. Frank Jones at rington, secretary; \Y. T. Hewett, S. I*.; committee on resolutions was composed of C MAIN ST., • ROCKLAND. the meeting of Rockland Lodge, F. & A. M., Trowel and Weeders W . LA. ALBEE. M. D., Also Am Selling . . . Charles Holmes, J. D.; lames Crockett, S. N. Germaine, <». G. Hall and Enoch Davies last Tuesday evening. OFFICE A.MD RESIDENCE, 46 MIDDLE ST David Tolman, J. S.; Calvin Tolman, Oct. io, 1S65, the officers of the lodge were O f f ic e Iltnurt—S to U a m.. 1 to 2 and 0 to Lunch Baskets, 2.30 p. m. 'lfelcphone connection. Tyler. publicly installed by R. W. Chas. N. Ger­ A NEST EGG. Members.—Ephraim Berry, Calvin Tol­ maine. 'l he ceremonies were made very m W. V. iHANSCOM, M. D., 24 pouudfc Granu­ man, John Lovejoy, John Tolman, Stephen teresling by excellent music furnished for the First Contribution Toward a New Church— All Oil Stoves Physitian and Surgeon, Barrows. Jacob Trafton, Elliot Tolman, Sam­ occasion under the direction of Albert Smith Honor to the Hen That Laid It. BUILDING, ROCKLAND lated Sugar. With all the fixings, One, Two and uel Haskell, John Spofford, David Tolman, assisted by A. T. Low, Joseph Furbish, Mrs* Just Received Three Burners, Ovens, Tops, etc. Richard Spear, James Andrews, Oliver Fales, M. A. Achorn and the Misses Butler. After A clergyman was the speaker and a repre­ .; 2 to 6 p. m .; 7 to 3 pounds best M ocha John George, John Spear, Jr., Joseph Young, the ceremonies members of the lodge and a Car of the Best . he sentative of T C.-G. the listener and this the Tea, Coffee and Spice [COMtfKOTIOM • IflU • , 3 , HOOM and Java Coffee. [J Charles Holmes, Yeranus Johnson, \V. T. guests repaired to Atlantic Hall where a tale that was told : Is a Specialty. Try it. tw Hewett, Oliver Atnsbury, James Crockett, Na­ bountiful collation was served by T. W. John­ “ l he church at West Deer Isle or Burnt M. P.tJUDKINS, M. D., 2 pounds Best 60 ' thaniel Copeland, Charles Harrington, Job ston of the Thorndike House. Cove started from a hen’s egg. The people UK8IDKN0K (AND o m e n , 31 S1TUNG 8T. P ^ T Floun, UEOtttiK II. tOPEIAMi’S O rriu K H ouhhL io to 13 u .m .; 1 to 8 uud 7 to 0 p. i Ingraham, John Spear, Thomas Hix, Jeremiah Feb. 8, 1865, the lodge was notified of the in that portion of the island had long felt the Tult'phouu C H I c e n t T e a . , CO Now Store - 398 Main Street Berry, John Wooster, Benjamin A.Gallopp. death of <). W. Caodage, lost at sea. At a Bought when the . need of a church edifice and finally a meet­ The return shows that the annual fee to the special communication held April 12, same ing of those interested was called to conside DRl P. E. LUCE, 4 l I# Grand Lodge was $3.62’.j or 12C cents each year, the lodge was notified of the death of Lowest Prices the question of ways and means. One of the Physicilan and Surgeon. for 29 members; and 17 initiations at S3 Brother George S. Bond, who was killed in arty, a lady, brought a hen’s egg as a contri­ G ill co, N o 3KH M ulti Ht , P ills b u r y K lo o k , were reached, which . Gppu. Thortudlko H otel, Ko< klainl. CHAS. T. SPEAR, each. The whole amount paid the Grand front of Petersburg, Ya ,April 2,and also of the we can offer at . bution, that being the only douation at that Office ffaurt 10 tuueciloD of tee city of Rockland, in any manner, excepting 1844 ^blacksmith by occupation, was in 19th , SYNDICATE BUILDING. tho pome Imj under and hel w paid electric alarm lowing deaths were reported: Richard to offer. dent, L. B. Turner; 2nd Vice President, O. wire, and at leapt two fret therefrom, and when Maine Reg., eulisting July 28, 1862, and was Spear, 1831; Stephen Spaulding, 1832; Oli­ placed on a level with said electric firm alarm wire, discharged May 12, 1865. S. C. Prescott <& Co. B. Collins; Recording Secretary, Mrs. W. E . WIIAT? DR. )WOODSIDE, at least one and one half feel therefrom; and in all ver Atnsbury, 1832. Overlock; Corresponding Secretary, Mrs. 1.. cases where any wire of any peieon, company or Leonard H. Snow, burn at Ingraham’s Residence anq Office 49 Middle St. corporation, crosses any wire of said electric fire The return to the Grand Lodge for the Tillson’s W harf. B. Turner; Organist, Miss May Marr , Janitor, W hy exchanging your alarm system, the sauu ahali be so strung us not to Hill, So. Thomaston, March 6, 1870, joined TELXPIIOBK CONN LUTION. come nearer than two feet from aald electric lire quarter ending Jan. 23, 1845, gives the offi­ Linwood Witham; Treasurer, Mrs. W. E, H ocus 8 to U L . in .; 1‘. tc 2, uud 7 to V p. m alarm wire. cers: Elisha Harding, M.; Charles Harring Knox Lodge So. Thomaston Mar. 16,1890 was Overlock; Ushers, W. G. Howard and George paper cover Novels that Any u, company or corporation,oration, “Jr KJ i [ .o f thia ton, S. W. \V. Baltic. J W. ; Stephen admitted t.. Aurora Lodge Dee. 7, tSua. frou. Behold the Beauty ! Flint. ordinance 1 plaint he fined not lea» than Knox Lodge, was Senior Deacon 1893 and is you have read and DR. BELLE S. AYERS, three dollars, n< u than five dollars for each Ilwro Charles Holmes, Sec. If you want the Young peoples prayer meeting every Sun­ offence. June: ruekett, S. D.i Cbarle, A. Sylvealer, I nuw I “nio' War‘icn' day evening at 7 530. X_.yUJD>I3ElS’ In Board of A lderm en,«Juuc 22, 1-4K. Read and BEST HOUSE PAINT thrown away, with uh passed finally. F.C. KNIGHT, Mayor. J. D.; Israel J. Berry, S. S.; Daniel Has- 1 James C. Shoiler, now residing in Smyrna In the market get the In Common Council, Ju n e 22, 18J4. Read and Medicall Parlors. kell, J. 5.; Joseph Billsbury, Tyler. Id ills, Me., was burn in Brussia |uly 6, 1829; NEW TRIAL GRANTEO. passed in concurrence. at the rate of two for K1 e e l rie l |y , C. A. ROSE, President pro tempore. The number of numbers was 30. admitted to Aurora Lodge Dec. 7, 1859; is a i OmoK Hocus . A true copy At teat, 27-2u farmer, trial justice and has been town clerk RUBBER PAINT M a s s a g e , R. H. BURNHAM, City C lerk. In 1845, Mar. 28, Josiah Billsbury die John A. Barlow of Rockport and Belmont o n e . : : : y io n M e d ic a te d 'This year eight new members were added and I assessor. He served three enlistments of the Manufui turers’ Agent was convicted in October, 1893, on charge of 2 lo 4 l , Maths, the lodge numbered 28. | in U. S. Navy, was three years in the army, MYRTLE HOUSE, at ROCKl.ANu, crimiual assault on Mary Estelle Hallowell* 1 Specialty: Sis .Se: of Women k C hlliren. In 1846 there were 12 uew members added | aod als>u a l*me in monitors It is allege* 1 that the offeuce was committed bYNUIOA'm lbLOUK, Third Floor. Myrtle Street, Rockland I Nausic and Suncook. Huston’s News Stand, making a total membership of 32 1847, H. H. CtflE & CO., July 4, 1893. Barlow asked for a new trial UOtiilLA.'ND. M L l i . K . M OOlUk - Proprietor. total membership 49, new members 19; 1848,! Anthony E. Biston was born in Genoa, but was committed to jail. The law court has MAIN STUEET. 4 ROOMS TO LET BY DAY OR WEEK S UB4LBK8 IN 317 MXALS AT ALL UOLLS deceased Charles Harrington, total member- Italy, May 20, 1820, and died in this city All Kinds of Puintsaud Hardwuer just granted him a new trial, and he has given C h ild re n C ry for conus** wRA alt bool t and tra la t; fart Zdc ship 5.^. new members 12; 1849, rejected I, Aug. 25, 1876. He was initiated Feb. 28, bonds and been liberated from Belfast jail. 1 Pitcher’ts Castoria.