Overview of Flood Extent in , Sep 2011 and Oct 2013

T H A I L A N D I L A O P D R Legend !\ National capital P! Provincial town

!PSamraong International boundary OTDAR MEANCHEY Province boundary

Preah National primary road Vihear !P STUNG TRENG RATANAK KIIRII National secondary road BANTEAY PREAH VIIHE AR !P MEANCHEY Ban Provincial main road Lung !P !PStung Main river (dry season) SIIEM REAP Treng Water body (dry season) !P Flood extent, Oct 2013 Flood extent, Sep 2011 To n !P le S ap L a k BATTAMBANG e r ve PAIILIIN i R

!P g

Pailin n



!PStueng M Saen KRATIIE MONDUL KIIRII !P !P Kracheh !P Saen Monourom


Map produced by WFP Cambodia, 11 October 2013 PHNOM Khemarak PHNOM Map information: !P Phoumin PENH This map shows the potential flood water over the affected area !\ along the Tonle Sap Lake and the Mekong River in Cambodia in KOH KONG KAMPONG S PEU Ta !P !P Prey 2011and 2013. The 2013 flood extents were detected with !P Chbar Khmau Veng COSMO-SkyMed acquired on 08 and 09 Oct 2013 and RADARSAT-2 Mon KANDAL KANDAL SVAY acquired on 09 Oct 2013. The analysis of 2011 flood extents were G u l f RIIENG based on satellite data recorded on 27 and 30 September 2011. The o f V I E T N A M flood analysis has not been validated in the field. Data Sources: T h a i l a n d Svay !P Flood analysis in 2013 provided by Copernicus Emergency Rieng !P Doun Management Service - Mapping © European Commission; Flood Kaev analysis in 2011 by UNITAR/UNOSAT; Department of Geography of the Cambodia Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and TAKEO Construction 2008; GAUL; GIST; SRTM, International Centre for PREAH SIIHANOUK Tropical Agriculture, 2008 !P Preah Disclaimer: Sihanouk !P Kampot The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on 0 25 50 100 this map do not imply official endorsement or acceptance by !PKep the United Nations. Kilometers