In the book, The Witches, in which country was In the book, The Witches, how old was the the narrator born? narrator when his parents died?

A. England p. 12 A. Seven (years old) p. 13

In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s In the book, The Witches, what was the first grandmother’s house is located in which city in name of the girl who became part of a painting ? after her encounter with a witch?

A. Oslo p. 15 A. Solveg p. 18

In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s grandmother tells a story about a who turned grandmother tells a story about a girl named into a statue made of what specific kind of Birgit Svenson. After Birgit turned into a chicken, stone? what color eggs did she lay?

A. Granite p. 21 A. Brown p. 20

In the book, The Witches, witches have itchy In the book, The Witches, witches’ noses looks sores on their heads. What technical name do different from ordinary people’s in what specific they call this condition? way?

A. Wig-rash p. 26 A.The nose-holes are (slightly) larger (and the rims of the nose-holes are pink and curvy) p. 26

In the book, The Witches, after the narrator is In the book, The Witches, to a witch, children turned into a mouse, his grandmother says that smell like what specific thing? children should never do WHAT because it’s a dangerous habit?

A. (Fresh) dogs’ droppings p. 28 A. Have baths (OR take baths OR bathe) p. 129

In the book, The Witches, in what way are In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s witches’ feet different from ordinary people’s grandmother is missing which specific finger feet? from one of her hands?

A. Witches don’t have toes (OR witches’ feet A. A thumb p. 32-33 have square ends with no toes) p. 30

In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s In the book, The Witches, the narrator is up in grandmother says that witches from WHICH what specific kind of tree the first time he country are probably the most vicious in the encounters a witch? whole world?

A. A conker tree (OR horse chestnut) p. 43

A. England p. 35

In the book, The Witches, the first time the In the book, The Witches, what hot drink does narrator encounters a witch, he notices she’s the narrator’s grandmother give him after his first wearing long gloves. What color are the gloves? encounter with a witch?

A. Black p. 43 A. Hot cocoa (with lots of sugar) p. 46

In the book, The Witches, what is the name of In the book, The Witches, what mode of the jolly lady who takes care of the narrator while transportation do the narrator and his his grandmother is ill? grandmother use to travel from Kent to Bournemouth?

A. Mrs Spring p. 49 A. A train p. 41, 51

In the book, The Witches, the narrator received In the book, The Witches, what treat did the his pet mice as a gift from which person? narrator use to train his pet mice to climb up the back of his neck onto the top of his head?

A. His grandmother (or Grandmamma) p. 51-52 A. Cake crumbs (OR cake) p. 52

In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s In the book, The Witches, what is the name of grandmother threatens to contact the Public the large room in the hotel that is reserved for Health Authorities and tell them that the Hotel the RSPCC meeting? Magnificent is infested with what kind of animal?

A. Rats p. 52-53 A. The Ballroom p. 55

In the book, The Witches, The In the book, The Witches, what two-word tells all the witches of England to purchase what collective phrase does The Grand High Witch kind of businesses? call the witches who are over 70 years old?

A. Sweet-shops (OR candy stores) p. 79 A. Ancient ones p. 106

In the book, The Witches, what is the number of In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s hotel The Grand High Witch’s hotel room? room is located on which floor of the hotel?

A. 454 p. 108 A. The fifth floor p. 124

In the book, The Witches, what is the name of In the book, The Witches, what half-knitted piece the terrace where all the witches have tea with of clothing does the the narrator’s grandmother the hotel manager? use to lower him down from his balcony?

A. A sock p. 136-137 A. (The) Sunshine Terrace p. 108, 133

In the book, The Witches, where in The Grand In the book, The Witches, what is Mr. Jenkins High Witch’s hotel room is the Mouse-Maker reading when the narrator’s grandmother formula hidden? approaches him in the Lounge?

A. Inside the mattress (OR the mattress OR A. A newspaper p. 149 the bed) p. 140

In the book, The Witches, the Jenkins family has In the book, The Witches, what does the a pet named Topsy. What kind of animal is narrator’s grandmother wrap around the Topsy? narrator’s tail to stop the bleeding?

A. A cat p. 182 A. (Her) handkerchief p. 176

In the book, The Witches, in which room of the In the book, The Witches, what is the name of hotel does the narrator’s grandmother finally the waiter who serves the narrator’s return Bruno to his father? grandmother’s dinner the night the witches turn into mice?

A. The Dining-Room p. 186-188 A. William p. 160, 177

In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s In the book, The Witches, what does the grandmother makes the narrator a mouse-sized narrator’s grandmother get a carpenter to build toothbrush. What item does she use for the so the narrator can climb up onto tables? handle?

A. Ladders (OR (slim tall) stepladders) p. 191 A. A matchstick p. 193

In the book, The Witches, according to the In the book, The Witches, how many times per narrator’s grandmother, an ordinary mouse lives minute does a mouse’s heart beat? for about three years, but a mouse-person will live for about how many years?

A. 500 p. 196 A. Nine (years) p. 195

In the book, The Witches, the narrator runs up In the book, The Witches, the narrator’s and down inside the trousers of a man at the grandmother says that The Grand High Witch’s hotel. What is that man’s profession? most famous punishment is called what two-word name?

A. (He’s a) cook p. 170-172 A. “Getting fried” p. 130