
Arch. Pol. Fish. (2015) 23: 107-111 DOI 10.1515/aopf-2015-0012 RESEARCH ARTICLE

Effects of E and (B2) and combinations of them on the hematological parameters of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., fingerlings

Seyedeh Atefeh Sharifzadeh, Hossein Khara, Shayan Ghobadi

Received – 18 July 2014/Accepted – 22 April 2015. Published online: 30 June 2015; ©Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn, Poland

Citation: Sharifzadeh S.A., Khara H., Ghobadi S. 2015 – Effects of vitamins E and Riboflavin (B2) and combinations of them on the hema- tological parameters of common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., fingerlings – Arch. Pol. Fish. 23: 107-111.

Abstract. In the present study, the effects of vitamins E, B2 and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) were observed in T2.No and combinations of them on hematological parameters of significant differences were noted among experimental common carp, Cyprinus carpio L., were investigated during groups in the values of mean corpuscular hemoglobin a 56-day experiment. The various dietary levels of vitamins E, concentration (MCHC). This study showed that E and

B2 and their combination were used as experimental B2 supplements alter the hematological parameters of treatments, as follows: T1: vitamin E (80 mg), T2: vitamin E common carp. -1 -1 (160 mg kg ), T3: vitamin E (240 mg kg diet ), T4: -1 -1 vitamin B2 (7 mg kg diet ), T5: vitamin B2 (15 mg kg diet ), T6: Keywords: blood, cyprinids, hematology, vitamins -1 -1 vitamin B2 (20 mg kg diet ), T7: vitamin E (80 mg kg diet )+ -1 -1 vitamin B2 (7 mg kg diet ), T8: vitamin E (160 mg kg diet )+ -1 -1 vitamin B2 (15 mg kg diet ), T9: vitamin E (240 mg kg diet )+ -1 Introduction vitamin B2 (20 mg kg diet ). One group not given vitamin supplements was the control. The values of red blood cells (RBC), hemoglobin (Hb), and hematocrit (Hct) were higher in Vitamin supplementation in fish diets has been used T7 than in the other experimental treatments. The values of widely to improve fish production in aquaculture. Vi- white blood cells (WBC) were higher in T2 than in the other tamins improve the immunity system, meat quality, treatments. The concentration of immunoglobulin (IgM) was survival, growth, resistance against diseases and also lower in T10 than in the other experimental treatments. The highest values of mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) stressors, fecundity, and reproductive efficiency (Conklin 1989, Gapasin et al. 1998, Samocha et al. 1998, Racotta et al. 2004). Vitamin E (á-ocopherol) S.A. Sharifzadeh is an essential vitamin, to which numerous functions Young Researchers Club and Elite Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University, Lahijan, Iran are attributed, including increased spawning suc- cess, egg survival, hatchability, larval survival, H. Khara [+] gonadosomatic index, and vitellogenesis in many fish Departments of Fisheries Lahijan Branch, Islamic Azad University species (Watanabe and Takashima 1977, Kanazawa Lahijan, Iran, PO Box: 1616 1985, Santiago and Gonzal 2000). Vitamin E also e-mail: [email protected] prevents the peroxidation of the polyunsaturated S. Ghobadi fatty acids of phospholipids and cholesterol in cellu- Departments of Fisheries, Babol Branch, Islamic Azad University, lar and subcellular membranes. Most deficiency Babol, Iran, P.O. Box: 755

© Copyright by Stanis³aw Sakowicz Inland Fisheries Institute in Olsztyn. © 2015 Author(s). This is an open access article licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/3.0/). 108 Seyedeh Atefeh Sharifzadeh, Hossein Khara, Shayan Ghobadi signs observed in fish, such as nutritional muscular measured with HPLC. The values of experimental vi- dystrophy, fatty degeneration, anemia, erythro- tamin supplements were regulated based on the val- cyte hemolysis, hemorrhage, depigmentation, and re- ues in SFC. Vitamin E (5500 IU á- acetate -1 -1 duced fertility are related to peroxidative damage to kg ) and B2 (4 g Riboflavin kg ) premix were ob- cellular membranes (NRC 1993). As a mem- tained from RSHT-DANEH company, Gorgan, Iran. brane-bound , vitamin E appears to scav- The general composition of the experimental diet is enge free radicals at the site of their formation. presented in Table 1. Feeding frequency and rations Riboflavin is an essential for all animals in- during the experiment were those of the standard cluding fishes (NRC 1993). Anorexia, poor growth, feeding schedule suggested by the manufacturer. and high mortality are common signs of riboflavin (vitamin B2) deficiency in various species of fish (Murai and Andrews 1978, NRC 1993). Generally, Assessment of hematological parameters hematological parameters are used as indicators of To investigate the hematological parameters of the health in fish. Considering the significance of hema- serum, blood samples were obtained by cutting the tological parameters as indicators of fish health, we caudal peduncle after 56 days of the experiment. Im- decided to investigate the effect of vitamins E and B 2 mediately after sampling the blood, the samples were on some hematological parameters of common carp, delivered to the laboratory for red blood cell (RBC), Cyprinus carpio L. As in many countries, common white blood cell (WBC), hemoglobin (Hb), and carp is one of the most important fish species in Ira- hematocrit (Hct) assays. Mean corpuscular volume nian aquaculture. (MCV), mean cell hemoglobin (MCH), and mean cell hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) were calculated from RBC, Ht, and Hb. Microhematocrit capillary Materials and methods tubes were used for measurements of Hct values ac- cording to Øehulka et al. (2005). Hb values were de- Three thousand fingerling common carp (fish weight: termined with Cyanmethemoglobin according to 10-15 g) were obtained from 30 experimental tanks Blaxhall and Daisley (1973). A 20 μl amount of containing 1000 l of dechlorinated, gently aerated uncoagulated blood was mixed with 50 μl Drabkin’s water with a stocking density of 100 fingerlings per solution and then placed in a dark environment for tank. The fish were fed a commercial diet (SFC) con- 5-10 min. Then, the Hb concentration was measured taining various dietary levels of vitamins E and B2 with spectrophotometry at a wave length of 540 nm. and combinations of them for 56 days. The nine ex- RBC and WBC values were determined with the perimental treatment variants were as follows: T1:vi- chamber method using a Neubauer hemocytometer -1 tamin E (80 mg), T2: vitamin E (160 mg kg diet ), T3: (Drabkin 1945). -1 vitamin E (240 mg kg diet ), T4: vitamin B2 (7 mg kg After serum separation in a centrifuge (13,700 g -1 -1 diet ), T5: vitamin B2 (15 mg kg diet ), T6: vitamin for 10 min), the serum ferritin was analyzed with the -1 -1 B2 (20 mg kg diet ), T7: vitamin E (80 mg kg diet )+ Immune Radio Metric Assay (IRMA) technique -1 vitamin B2 (7 mg kg diet ), T8: vitamin E (160 mg kg (Flowers et al. 1986). Serum ferritin was standard- -1 -1 diet ) + vitamin B2 (15 mg kg diet ), T9: vitamin E ized according to the international standards in- -1 -1 (240 mg kg diet ) + vitamin B2 (20 mg kg diet ); one cluded in the with radioimmunoassay kit (Radim Co, control group (T10) without vitamin supplements. Italy) and a gamma counter (Hewlett Packard, The vitamin doses were determined according to Wilmington, DE, USA). Serum concentrations of IgM Halver and Hardy (2002). Before vitamins E and B2 were measured nephelometrically with a Binding were added to SFC, the content of them in SFC was Site Nephelometry kit. Effects of vitamins E and Riboflavin (B2) and combinations of them on the hematological parameters... 109 c abc c a bc abc abc ab abc bc 247±78.5 315±90.1 276±90 260±85.5 274.5±84 270±82.5 271±85 272.1±84.5 269±84 235.78.5±78.5 b ab ab a ab ab a ab ab ab 78.5±24.5 105±31.2 90±30 93.5±29.5 93.2±30.5 91.5±30 94.5±32 92±29 90±28.8 91±31 ) MCH (pg) MCV (fl) -1 ab a ab levels for 8 weeks ab c ab ab 2 bc a ab 27±9.5 32.5±10 33.2±11.1 37.5±11 38.5±11.1 40±12 38.1±10.5 38±10 37.5±9.5 16.5±6.8 f a def bc bc b bcd ef def cde 3450±425 9150±921 4050±480 5020±502 5011±498 5070±490 4352±440 3540±418 3700±450 4152±501 a ab b bc cd bc e cde cd de ) fed different dietary vitamin E and B 27±9.5 16±8.5 28.5±10 22.5±8 24±8.2 27.2±8.1 35.1±12.2 32.5±11.7 26.5±10 18±9.1 C. carpio ) Hct (%) WBC (n) IgM (mg dl a b a b b b b bc -1 a b 8.8±2.5 6.2±1.8 9±2.7 8.2±2.8 8.7±2.5 11.6±3.1 11.3±3 9.3±2.5 7.8±2.2 d cd abc bcd a e cd ab d ) RBC (n) Hb (g dl -1 Vitamin B2 content (mg kg ) -1 Vitamin E content (mg kg T2T3T4 160T5 240T6 0 0T7 0 0T8 0T9 80 7 62×104±288×103 T10 160 15 108×104±282×103 240 20 0 7 87.5×104±272.5×103 15 89.1×104±268×103 20 90×104±265×103 8.9±2.6 0 120.1×104±271×103 118×104±281×103 92×104±248×103 83×104±235×103 T1 80 0 112×104±295×103 Groups Table 1 Hematological characteristics and plasma constituents of juvenile common carp ( 110 Seyedeh Atefeh Sharifzadeh, Hossein Khara, Shayan Ghobadi

Statistical analysis (15 mg kg diet-1). The red blood cell indices appar- ently also decreased when the vitamins were used All data were analyzed with SPSS software. Since singly or in a combination of 240 mg kg diet-1 vitamin -1 percentage data did not have a normal distribution, E + 20 mg kg diet vitamin B2. A few studies have proportional data were converted with angular trans- reported that hematocrit values decrease with in- formation (arcsin Öp). One-way analysis of variance creasing dietary levels of vitamin E (Poston and (ANOVA) was employed to compare the means. Livingston 1969, Baker and Davies 1996). However, When significant F-ratios were calculated with some studies report increased hematocrit in re- ANOVA, the Tukey test was applied to identify which sponse to high levels of dietary vitamin E (Bai and means were different. Lee 1998, Ispir et al. 2011). The variations in the re- sults of these studies could stem from differences in species and experimental conditions. It seems that Results some vitamins, especially vitamin E, can alter the production of blood cells from hemopoietic tissues. The highest and lowest levels of RBC, Hb, and Hct The response of hemopoietic tissues to dietary vita- were observed in T7 and T8, respectively (Table 1; min E and vitamin B2 is likely dose dependent since P<0.05). There were no significant differences in red blood cell indices decreased at very high dietary RBC, Hb, or Hct values among the other treatments levels of vitamins E and B2 (i.e., T9). In the present (P > 0.05). The values of WBC were higher in T2 than study, WBC concentrations did not differ among ex- in other treatments (P < 0.05). The concentration of perimental treatments except in T2. IgM was lower in T10 than in other experimental High doses of vitamin E have undesirable immu- treatments (P < 0.05). No significant differences were nological effects because of the role this vitamin noted in IgM values among other treatments (P > plays in reducing WBC numbers (Wahli et al. 1998, 0.05). The highest values of MCH and MCV were Sahoo and Mukherjee 2002). On the other hand, in also observed in T2 (Table 1; P < 0.05). These param- some studies, different dietary levels of vitamin E did eters did not differ significantly among other treat- not affect WBC concentrations (Blazer and Wolke ments (P > 0.05), and no significant differences 1984, De Andrade et al. 2007). It seems that the among experimental groups were noted for MCHC WBC changes noted in the present and other studies values (P > 0.05). could stem from factors other than dietary levels of Vitamin E. Fish in aquaculture systems are exposed to factors including pathogens and water quality Discussion which can influence WBC numbers. IgM is the only known immunoglobulin in fishes The red blood cell indices (Hb, RBC, Hct) can indi- with an important role in immune responses (Ansari cate oxidative status. Erythrocytes are one of the ma- et al. 2011). In our study, IgM concentrations were jor production sites of free radicals, some of which lower in the control group than in groups fed vita- can trigger the peroxidation of saturated fatty acids in mins E and B2. This study showed that vitamin E and their membrane phospholipids; therefore, altering B2 supplements increased red blood cell indices and their quality (integrity, size) and quantity (Pearce et IgM concentration in common carp fingerlings over al. 2003, Kiron et al. 2004). In the present study, the the course of the 56 days of the experiment. This values of Hb, RBC, and Hct were higher in fish that could have stemmed from the protective role of these received a combination of vitamin B2 and E, i.e., T7: vitamins on RBC, but it could have also been thanks vitamin E (80 mg kg diet-1) + vitamin B2 (7 mg kg to the positive impact they have on the immune sys- -1 -1 diet ); T8: vitamin E (160 mg kg diet ) + vitamin B2 tem. Effects of vitamins E and Riboflavin (B2) and combinations of them on the hematological parameters... 111

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