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The B-G News October 29, 1954

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Volume 31 Official Student Publication. Bowling Green. Ohio. Friday. October 29. 1954 Number 12 Four Freshmen Sing 32 Upperclass Men Tonight In BGHS Aud. The Four Freshmen will appear Four Theologians To Speak Sign Fraternity Bids in person at the Bowling Green Hiph School Auditorium tonight from 8 to 10. Admission price is For Fall Pledging $1.25, and a limited number of Thirty-two uppcrclassmcn of 36 tickets will be available at the rushees accepted bids to the fol- door. During Religious Emphasis Week lowing social fraternities last Fri- Featured in the movie, "Rich, day. Young, and Pretty" with Vic Da- Student activities from Nov. 1 Alpha Tau Omega— Paul E. mone and Jam- Powell, the sing- to Nov. 4 will center around Re- Davis, John Meloy and Thomas ers' latest album is titled "Voices ligious Emphasis Week which of- Murphy; Delta Tau Delta—Frank in Modern." ficially begins Monday. The com- plete slate of programs and semi- Blaser and Richard Groth; Delta Joi' Zingale, senior, arranged Upsilon— Chester Arnold, Anthony 1 nars is based on the theme of the the concert. Advance sal* of tick- week, "The Key to the Big Three." D'Ermes and Edward DiMare; ets for the concert is at the Hige- Kappa Sigma—Kenneth Searfoss Dr. Russell J. Humbert, of De- low Music Shoppe, 126 K. Wooster 1'auw University, will speak on and Richard Yace; 1'hi Delta St. Theta—Kenneth Russell; Phi Kap- "Protestants Do Believe," at 11 pa Tau—Richard Foley, Richard a.m. Monday in the first session in Henningsen, James Schievenin and the Main And. Successive sessions Wiliam Walter. AFROTC Students will be held at 11 a.m. Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday for ad- Pi Kappa Alpha—Terry Emrick by the other three main and Ron Walsh; Sigma Alpha Ep- Tour Air Force Base speakers. silon—John McCarthy and William Thirty-six Air Force ROTC stu- "Tho Lnyman and His Doctrine" Tasker and William Thomas; Sig- dents and three university pro- is the title of tho second address ma Chi—Thomas Burke, Emil Pet- fessors toured Wright-Patterson to be delivered by Frank J. Sheed, DR. RUSSELL J. HUMBERT MR. FRANK SHEED RABBI FRANK ROSENTHAL NICHOLAS GONCHAROFF ti, Wayne Schake and William Air Force Ilase in Dayton Wednes- Uabbi Frank F. Rosenthal will Stubbs; Sigma Phi Epbi'.on— day. speak on "America—Spiritually Robert Briker, Eugene Core, Don- Unlimited," and Mr. Nicholas T. ald Harsh and Donald Sage; Theta The group traveled via uni- Chest Slogan Contest versity bus to Toledo where they Gonscharoff will discuss "The Role Chi—Keith Bibler, Alfred Cain, of the Christian in tho Global Reginald Eden and Robert Lucas. boarded two C-47 troop trans- Deadline Extended REW Speakers, Former port planes and flow to Dayton. The slogan contest sponsored Struggle for the Mind of Youth" At the base, the group toured by the Campus Chest Committee on the final day. Thr.» Faith. test facilities, fighter squadron, has been extended until mid- UCF Leader Speak Sunday Religious leaders of the three 481 Sign Up For flight line, and other Air Force night, Tuesday, Nov. 2. The four main speakers for Re- operational facilities. After lunch main faiths, Protestant, Catholic, According to Bob Lauer and Jan and Jewish, will be on campus for at the Officers' Club, they visited ligious Emphasis Week and James Panhellic Tea Crouch, generul co-chairman of Classes Shortened these four duys and will mukc Dodge Gymnasium and the Air Stoner, former director of United Four hundred eighth-one women the Drive, this is being done "to classroom appearnnccs from 8 a.m. have registered for the Panhel- Technical Museum where early accommodate those people who are Christian Fellowship on this cam- For REW Week aircraft, component parts, and re- to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 lenic Day Tea this Sunday. Since just finding out that there is a pus, are the guest speakers at the Schodulo of Clauoi For p.m. upon invitation from the fa- cent developments arc displayed. it is a formal tea, freshmen wom- slogan contest. Although we have Sunday evening meeting of UCF. Nor. 1 to Nor. 4 culty. They will bo available for Professors making the trip in- en attending arc expected to be received several entries, we feel I a.m. clauoi will ilarl at 8, dli- personal consultation in the after- cluded Harold Anderson, P. R. They will discuss the topic, "Does "dressed-up," and all. that it would be a gooil idea to mitt at 8:4(1. noon by appointment. Wigg, and Joseph K. Balogh. the church need reforming?" after extend the contest in hope that 9 a.m. clauoi will start at B:45, A iii faith panel discussion on The tea will begin at 2 in the we might receive several more." the supper, which begins at 5:30 afternoon, lasting until 5:20. This p.m. in the Rcc Hall, according dltmUs at 9:25. the "Concept of the Messiah" will consists of a 15-minutc stop at The Thanksgiving theme has to Jack Schierloh, president of 10 a.m. clauoi will start at 9:30. bo held at 7:30 p.m. Monday by each sorority house. Tea will be Newsletter To Employ DMIl used in most of the entries UCF. dUmlu at 10:10. Dr. Humbert, Rabbi Rosenthal, served at all the houses at 3. received thus far, as well as the II a.m. clauoi will itart at 10:15, and Mr. Sheed. Student seminars New Engraving Method idea that the quota has been set Mr. Stoner is now the director dlimisi at 10:50. In the evening, the groups will each afternoon except Thursday at one-dollar per person. •if student work in the YMCA, 8-9:15 claim will itart at 9. dli- be visiting the houses from 6:16 For the first time in the history and has his office in New York. will take place in the Gate Theatre. of the University's publications, The winner of the contest will mlu at 9:55. Prcs. Ralph W. McDonald will pre- until 9:30. The evening tea will It is his duty to travel to various 9:30-10:45 clauoi will itart at 9:05. be served at 7:65. the new Stenafax photo-engrnving ho announced on Friday, Nov. 5, campuses in the U.S. and help sot side at the closing assembly at device will be used for producing diimlii at 10. and will receive ten pusses to the up Religious Emphasis Weeks. I p.m. Thursday in the Main Aud. Panhellenic Council delegates pictures, announced Stanley Rich- Cla-Zcl Theater at that time. All aftornoon claiui will follow Additional Sp.ak.ra will serve as guides for the fresh- mond, president of Delta Sigma, Dr. Russell J. Humbert, Frank tho rogular ichodulo. Participants in these seminars, men women. Groups will be divided men's journalism honorary. J. Sheed, Rabbi Frank Rosenthal, Rogular ichodulo will bo In offoct in addition to the four main speak- into groups of 24. The guides will The device is a new one and has and Dr. Nicholas Gonscharoff are on Thursday morning, ilnco no ers, are James Stoner, Father Igna- be responsible for getting the been used very little, as yet. Al- Marketing Students the other speakers. 11 o'clock clauoi aro ichodulid. tius Kelly, Dr. Morton Goldberg, women in and out of each house though the device has not yet been Father John Vogel, and Father on time, as the schedule permits perfected, it will save time and Take Field Trip Wiliam T. Sullivan. only five minutes traveling time expense in developing pictures. Greenberg Named A special faculty seminar will between houses. The Howling Green Marketing OSU Chem Professor The process makes photographs occur at 4 p.m. Wednesday in 13 Association will sponsor a field possible on mimeographed stencil. To Speak Monday Handbook Editor; Gate. The topic, "Religious Per- Blackburn Has An electric eye is used to pick up trip to Chicago, Oct. 31 through "The Basic Problems of Our spective in College Teaching," will impressions from the picture, then Nov. 2. Dr. Maurice I. Mandell, Time," will be the topic when Dr. A cceptsApplications be debated by Father Sullivan, an electric stylus is employed to assistant professor of basinesi ad- Alfred B. Gnrrett, professor of Rabbi Rosenthal, and Mr. Stoner. Article Published Brad Greenberg, u junior jour- These men will be guests of fra- burn the impressions into the ministration, and Lewis I . M.'.n- chemistry at Ohio State Univer- An article by Miss Elizabeth L. stencil. sity, speaks for Religious Em- nalism major in tho Collcgo of ternities, sororities, and dormitor- hart, associate professor of hu d- Business Administration, was ap- ies ench evening, and will conduct Blackburn, assistant professor of The new process will be used to phasis Week. print photos for the journalism ness administration, will accom- pointed Tuesday by the Student a hull session in the residence fol- business education at the Univer- The meeting will be held 4 p.m. lowing dinner. department's newsletter, which is pany 'ID University student., on Monday, Nov 1 at the 140 Chem- Publications Committee to the sity, appears in the October issue scheduled for Nov. 1, and will be the trip. Dr. Humbert has been a Metho- istry Bldg. editorship of the 1965 Freshman dist pastor in Akron, Toledo, and of the magazine, "Business Edu- sent to departmental alumni of Students attending will include Dr. Garrett is a member of the Handbook. Youngstown prior to his work at cation World." Included is a photo- the journalism department. Sheldon Kadish, Charles Stief- American Chemical Society, and Greenberg has served as sports DcPauw. In 1949, Dr. Humbert graph taken by James Gordon, Vator, Jerry Sullivan, Thomas is present radiological defense co- editor of the handbook for two was exchange pastor of Central ordinator for Ohio. He is a gradu- photographer for The Key tlCs Carroll, Edward Thai, Harry Thai, years, and is presently one of four Hall in Kdinburgh, Scotland, and year, which shows Mrs. Philip Management Students ate of Muskingum and holds an issue editors on The B-G News. surveyed mission work in Hawaii. Helen Klliot, Phil Bertman, Carol MA and PhD from Ohio State Un- Bremnser, senior, trying to follow Krohn, Richard Humphrey. Allan Greenberg also has served as as- Mr. Sheed is a Catholic layman and Plan Cleveland Trip iversity. the author of several books deal- directions given by Kay Herge, Miller, Gary DeWalt, and Jack sociate editor of the 1054 Key, The Society for the Advance- Leonard. Our nations alarming decline and editor of the Zeta Beta Tau ing with theology. He is a graduate junior. ment of Management and mem- in natural resources is a fact. Liv- of the University of Sydney in Donald Grant, Robert Reinbold, fraternity newspaper. He was Miss Blackburn's article is in a bers of Prof. John W. Darr's ing together, with the increased honored in his freshman year as Australia. classes will travel to Cleveland Howard Mizer, Carl Gottfried, emphasis on atomic energy as a section of the magazine on per- Donald Packard, Dean Charles, outstanding freshman journalism G.rman-Born Rabbi to visit the engine plant of the power resource, will be the pro- major, and received the outstand- German-born, Rabbi Rosenthal sonality development and has the Ford Motor Co., Tuesday, Nov. Ilarbara Donnelly, Wallace Jones, title, "You Learn a Lot About Per- blem explored by Dr. Garrett's ing sophomore journalism major received his doctorate from a theo- 2. Harriet Cavode, Thelma Carlson, speech. sonality in a Lesson on 'Giving Di- Margaret Kasparin, Thomas Asma. award at Honors Day last year. logical seminary in Breslau, doing This is the plant which is fam- post-graduate work at tho Sor- rections' " It presents a technique ous as being the most completely Carol Payne, James Ronni, Bir- Applications for positions on the in oral communication for teaching Freshman Handbook will be re- bonne in France, the University of automatic in the country. Later gitta Persson, George Gisser, Praque in Czechoslovakia, and the students an understanding of one. that day, the group will visit the Frank Fusco, Samuel Martin, leased from the journalism depart- another's reactions and how to Hospital Changes ment office in 315A on Monday, Papal Library in Rome. In the Cadillac Tank plant, also located Eleanor DuPes, Mary Lewis, Ne- United States since 1940, he is work together. in Cleveland. well Bodge, James King, James Greenberg has announced. Posi- tions will be open on the editorial presently located in Detroit. Almost 100 members will make Pinnick, Larry Vogel, and Rich- Mr. Gonscharoff is serving on the trip. ard Thomas. Call, Visiting Hours staff for revision, correction, and The University health service additions to the handbook; and in the staff of the International Com- Juniors To Tour has announced a schedule in hos- the sports, feature, and Greek mittee of the YMCA. During pital calling and visiting hours sections. World War II he was a tank com- Ordnance Depot that is a change from the sche- mander in the Russian Army, and dule used in preceding years. was three years a prisoner of war. All junior Army ROTC students Folowing this confinement, he re- will take part in a conducted tour The new calling hours will be 2 Faculty Members ceived his PhD. from the Univer- of the Erie Ordnance Depot, La- from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays, Plan Song Recital sity of Munich, and is director of came, on Nov. 19, stated Col. and 8:30 a.m. to 12 noon on Satur- the Free Russian Youth Club in Thomas R. Malone Jr., professor days. Last year the hours were Two members of music facul- New York. of military science and tactics. 8:30 a.m. to 11, 1 to 4 p.m. week- ty, Helen DeJager, pianist and REW was organized and plan- The tour includes shop overhaul days, and 9 a.m. to 12 noon, Sat- Joseph Himmel, baritone, will ned by the University Committee and function firing of all types urdays. present a song recital in the Prac- on Religious Activities and the of artillery, with emphasis on Visiting hours are 2 to 3:30 tical Arts Auditorium, Friday REW student committee. Maxine anti-aircraft artillery material. p.m. and 7 to 8 p.m., with an al- evening, Nov. 5, at 8:15 p.m. Brown is general chairman of the Weather and firing schedules lotment of two visitors per pati- The feature work of the pro- week. Assisting her are Robert permitting, it may be possible for ent at a time. Visitors will be gram is to be the song-cycle for Schwartz, publicity chairman; the students to witness actual AAA allowed to see patients during voice and piano, Opus 48, by Bennett Litherland, bull sessions training being conducted at near- the first 24 hours of hospitaliza- Robert Schumann, entitled "Poet's chairman; Nancy Hartman, pro- by Locust Point with 90 MM guns. tion only if they obtain the at- Love" (Dichterliebe). This col- gram chairman; Mary Jeanne Con- This training is carried on by re- tending physician's permission. lection of 16 songs represents one nelly, cover design; Sally Moran gular Army units of the 18th AAA t-koM bj U.I llrln. If students should need medi- of the great masterworks of vocal and Virginia Pierce, evaluation, Group. The firing is controlled by Displaying new which they wore for the first cal attention at the hospital after literature. Songs by Henry Pur- Donald Davis, seminars; David radar, and high speed radio con- 5 p.m., they should ring the bell cell and the last published songs Rowe, personal consultations and trolled airplane targets are em- time Homecoming day, are drum-majorettes Marilyn Patlon. at the front door. One physician by Maurice Ravel will complete coffee hour; Celia LaLonde, wel- ployed. Barbara DeGroff. Mary Sterens, Janet Fox. and Julia Holstein. is on call at all times. the program. Admission is free. coming and guide service. In Our Opinion One-Act Tryouts Sixteen BG Coeds File Thirteen Rebuilding Religious Emphasis Week To Present Dance Next week the University will witness what is probably Set For Monday Holstein Reigns As OSU the largest program of religious activities since 1951 when Students may try out for three In Toledo Jr. High the last Christian Living- Emphasis Week was held. one-act plays from 7 to 9 p.m. Sixteen Bowling Green coeds In 1952 the name of the week was changed to Religious Monday, Nov. 1, in the Gate from the physical education de- 1926 Homecoming Queen partment will present a modern Theatre. The three plays will be Br PATHICIA GUTHMAN Emphasis Week, and in that same year the week was can- produced Nov. 19. dance today in Toledo at Robin- celled when the committee decided it lacked sufficient plan- One man and one woman are son Junior High School for the Maudine Ormsby was the 1926 panty raid on a large dormitory at ning time. Last year the week was revived for a three-day needed for "Moony's Kid Don't Northwestern Ohio Teachers Exe- Ohio State Homecoming Queen. a nearby women's college, the first period with three main speakers and many minor activities. Cry," which will be directed by cutive Association meeting at 2 She was also the four-year-old in Tulane's history. Kobert Smith. The play was writ- p.m. Holstein pride of the Ohio State "Every police car In New Orleans This year the week has been lengthened to four days, ten by Tennessee Williams. A speech on "The Dance" will College of Agriculture. As a was called to action, and ended up "Mooncalf Mupford" has open- bo presented by Miss Mary Eliza- and has scheduled four outstanding speakers. Several other prank, Maudine's name was sub- using rear gas when the men started speakers have been scheduled for individual departments, ings for three men and two wom- beth Whitney, associate professor mitted to the elections committee. en. This pluy revolves around the in physical education. That year the committee had throwing rocks at the police cars. and all of the speakers will be available for bull sessions experiences of a maniac and is to The group is composed of physi- to disregard the student vote be- "The Tulane men's excuse? 'We and dinner engagements in the dormitories and fraternity be directed by Joe Zingale. Ad- cal education majors from the cause there were 12,000 votes have a terrible football learn, so we've and sorority houses. ditional students are needed for methods and dance class under turned in out of 3,000 ballots let got to have something to do for re* "He Came Secinjc" which will be the direction of Professor Whit- out, and the ballot boxes were creation.' '—Sentinel-Tribune (No Com- In general, next week the emphasis will truly be on presented for United Christian ney. According to Miss Whitney, stolen and stuffed. The only way ment.) religion. The speeches and bull-sessions were well attended Fellowship at several local and the dance composition will ap- out for the committee was to make A student at Ohio State was last year, and many students have favorably commented that area churches. Janine Vesciliua proach from modern angle with Maudine Queen. knocked unconscious and robbed will direct this production. the use of visual stimulus. That of nine cents and a fountain pen. participation in the week's program is invaluable experience "The trouble with Russian roulette is, a certain object, in full view Is that there aren't enough Russians (Just shows how poor these col- in adapting religion to the problems of today. of the audience, will perpetuate playing It."—Wllkes College Beacon. lege students are). In times such as ours, it would seem most important Fletcher To Attend the dance, which will be given for During the recent rainstorms, the women's section of the meet- that we be able to adapt our faith to ever changing social a student's car at the University Rochester Meeting ing. of Detroit sank almost completely structure, and to hear messages presented by the other faiths Lyle K. Fletcher and Dr. Lowry The girls going are Irene Hir- out of sight in some loose mud. as well, in hope that we may learn tolerance and fellowship Karnes of the geography depart- sch, Connie Wood, Virginia Spit- Another student started to class in inter-faith relationships. ment faculty, will attend the an- ler, Audrey Perrine, Connie El- and found himself knee deep in Genuine nual divisional meeting of the East lis, Carol Dutcher, Eve Williams, water. Setting A Standard Lakes Division, Association of Geo- Alice Wajton, Alyce Ortman, El- The Council on Student Attain, at ftyPER-MflTEPEH graphers, todny and Saturday in yce Joerling, Joyce Ridenour, Ohio Stale University, has moved to Taking long strides toward furthering a segment of Rochester, Pa. Fran Isch, Lynne Fauley, Margaret notify campus organisations of their Silventd-Tip campus spirit and finding its place in University social life Mr. Fletcher, chairman of the Neumann, Mary Jo Freshley, and plan to reinforce regulations banning is Dormitory R-9, which is setting a fine standard for other division, will conduct the business Audrce Simonic. alcoholic beverages on that campus. sessions. Dr. Karnes has been ap- Harold Anderson, basketball Council members have seen Indivi- REFILLS freshman residences. pointed chairman of the nomina- coach, plans to give a basketball duals carrying cases ol beer Into the In Red . Greta . Blee A tea for I'res. Ralph W. McDonald and several faculty tions committee. review of the offense, and Eddie Ohio Stadium during foolball games. members Tuesday, and a Halloween party tonight are a part Sponsors of the meeting arc Melvin, basketball coach at the (Maybe that's why they have more Heck the department of geography and University of Toledo, will re- of their semester plans which better acquaint the members spirit than we do.) geology of West Virginia Univer- view the defense at the men's di- Fred Waring and his Pennsyl- of the dormitory with themselves and with the various sity and the Michael Baker Co., vision of the meeting. vanians arc scheduled for an ap- functions of the University. Inc., consulting engineers of Ro- pearance in a concert series at R-9 is proving that freshmen need not wait until affilia- chester. Graphic Arts Students Ohio University Dec. 15. They are Hefore going to Rochester, Mr. performing on the night preced- tion with social organizations to carry out their social obliga- Fletcher will attend n luncheon Do University Printing ing the closing of the University tions. It is realizing that it as a body contains the faculties of the Geography Section, North- Do you know who does most of for Christmas vacation. necessary for a semester rich and productive in social cate- western Ohio Education Associa- the printing for the University, Mr. Waring will present many tion, Friday noon at the Secor such as the letter heads, registra- gories. of the hits from his Christmas Hotel in Toledo. He will introduce tion cards, and hospital cards? album and will also lead the audi- Only the speaker, Prof. Edward C. Pro- Those jobs are handled by Prof. ence in community singing. Air Force ROTC phet of Michigan State College. Daniel J. Crowley, of the Graphic A psychologist is a guy who. when Arts Department, and his students a beautiful girl enters the room, Official that arc studying printing. Forms New Group everybody else.—Dally Kent Art Society Plans Most of the work is done by Pro- Slater. each ' Bowling Green State University's Announcements Display And Trip fessor Crowley since his students Duquesne University is offering Air Force ROTC unit has purchas- All Ireahman women and lram|«r arc in the learning stage and are the most extensive course in the Delta I'hi Delia, recognition so- ed musicul instruments to equip student* who did nol receive card* (or able to work only during their two country on Communism. It will £v> ciety in art. will hold a point meet- hour lab periods. u 20-piccc drum and bugle corps, the Panhellenlc Too. Sunday, may be offered as a one-hour elec- ing with Art Guild, Nov. ,1, at 7 according to Col. Luther M. Ma- pick them up In Dean Currier's office Other jobs accomplished by this tive course toward graduation. ins, professor of air science and p.m. in the Fine Art Gallery. department are printing the today. Four members of the faculty tactics. e e e The purpose will be to acquaint monthly Drama News, alumni at Duquesne will tench the sub- The group held its first rehear- ait students with the department's cards, and programs for various ject. The first part of the course Application from (reihmen |or Stu- two new members, Dr. John T. occasions, such as the play, "On sal, at I p.m., Oct 21. dent Senate eplrlt committee will be will be on the philosophy of Com- Lt Col. Carl G. Arnold, assist- Carey, assistant professor of nrt, Our Way," and tickets for as- munism, the next will deal with ant professor of air science and accepted today In the dean o| ■tudenU .mil Anthony Vlahantones, in- semblies. Exclusive office. Communism in Russia itself, the new Paper-Mate tactics, stated thut the main pur- e e • structor in art, who will conduct third quarter will be devoted to pose of the group will be to per- the program. WRA PUBLISHES PAPER Siliered-Tip Refill AU junior pictures that have not Communism in the satellite coun- form at retreat ceremonies anil Delta I'hi Delta, at its first or- A new monthly publication, means smoother. Jailer been returned muil be turned In at tries, and the last part will be on public appearances along with the ganizational meeting, set up a edited by Mary Pollock, called Communism and its development writing I Just 10 seconds to ROTC drill team, thus making a the Key Office by Monday. NOT. 1. tentative program for the year the WRA Newspaper will inform 1954. in Asia. Insert... never biota... dries compact unit of UG men. which includes an informal stu- tho Women's Recreation Associa- All eenlor proofs that have not been The faculty at Duquesne "feels Instantly. Get Paper- dent art show and a field trip. tion of the club's activities. that only with a definite know- , Mate Refills wherever returned must be mailed to Photo Ref- An art show is planned Dec. 10 This paper will contain informa- Toledo University Site lex. LaSalle and Koch. Toledo. ledge of Communism can we pro- pens are sold. to acquaint those interested in tion of all WRA activities along tect ourselves from this menance Of Regional Conference art with work done by others dur- with the Physical Education Maj- to world freedom." India Priest To Speak ing the summer anil the beginning ors and Minors Club. "Some 500 male students staged a The Northwestern Ohio Reg- of the year. Contributions will Sally Caskey and Doris Wismer ional Home Economics College At Newman Breakfast not be judged. arc on the mailing staff. Accord- Club Conference will meet in the Father Negumgottil, a priest The field trip will be held during ing to Miss Pollock, this paper homo economics department at To- from Indiii who is presently tak- the semester to some museum in will promote interest and inform ON WIDE SCREEN ledo University, today. the area. As in the past Delta Phi ing training at the University of all members about what activi- Howling Green club members Delta will sponsor programs for ties are going on and how they who plan to attend are: Aria Chris- Notre Dame, will be guest speaker the Art Guild. can enter into them. ten, Juanita Gray, Carol Holley, at the Newman Club monthly com- FRI.&SAT. Janet Barto, Sharon Camp, Sue munion breakfast, Oct. 31, at New- 25253 D. Haney, Lu Anno Thompson, man Hall. The breakfast will be Double Feature Program of Grand Entertainment Nancy Jane Hartman, Marlene served following nine o'clock Mass. Wilkins, Nancy Friend, Edna Mau- Father Ollivcr of St. Aloysius ree Grine, Hetty Jean Saneholti, Catholic Church has extended an "RIDERS TO THE and Alice Schooke, faculty ad- invitation to all members of the viser. World Student Organization. Stu- STARS" — In Color dents may purchase their tickets vu «nm ■ uea rUMceon Starring William Londigan from any Newman Club officer 6 High School or from John Lndd who is chair- To Play At Game man of the monthly occasion. Tickets will also be on sale at the HALLOWEEN MIDNITE The University's Marching Band door. will act as host to several high SHOW SATURDAY school bands at a Band Festival Saturday, Nov. 6, at the Bowling Shuck Attends Union ^1 I KJ frUrn War! Il'8 a Rreat big wonderful Woman's Green-Marshall football game. JUn rl,rU etI Bands from Archbold, Blissfield, Of Theology Schools ' " -World because men are in it Bowling Green, Bryan, Findlay, Dr. Emerson Shuck, dean of and Fostoria will parade through the Graduate School, will repre- Howling Green at 12:30 p.m. and sent the university today at the "76c Tlcai* Wait then return to the football stad- Celebration of Union of the Hone- Stai-ZtiCUaat (?ait! ium where they will each put on brake Theological Seminary and a four-minute show. the Evangelical School of Theo- June ALLYS0N Roy J. Weger, professor of mus- logy, forming the United Theologi- ic, will direct the massed band cal Seminary, in Dayton. Ohio. In Fred MacMURRAY show. addition, Dr. Shuck has been re- ... and never, never before quested by Walter N. KobcrU, have we seen Christmas card* Arlene DAHL of such beauty and originality. president of the new union, to Cornel WILDE speak at the celebration dinner, * bringing the greetings of the guest Clifton WEBB 3miAu Gran State Utiiveaitu colleges. An additional feature of Once again the country's most talented artists the day will be the installation of combine to make the Van HEFLIN EDITORIAL STAFT Edwin Burtner as assistant pro- Lauren BACALL Gerald Moray Ednor4n-CUel fessor of homiletics. t'aWoiuia aitut* pieMCtati«>H4 Patrtda QuUunan Managing Editor Fran McLean tan* Editor Richard OUMon . . Au't * Editor the ultimate in good taste and distinction. Richard Budd . Sports Editor * John Behrens Ant. Sport. Editor KRV Ann Carol Tanner _ Editor Select your cards NOW and enjoy KM luxury of addreiiina •hem at your leisure. Marcla Ass't. Soc. Editor BCflUTY SHOP rVWSE^ Dallas Brim Photo Editor BUSINESS STAFF Complete Beauty Service Nancy Campbell _ Business Manager EXTRA Hear THE FOUR ACES Cheater Arnold Adnrtrdaq Mai. Merle Norman Stan Richmond A..L Ad Managor Cosmetics s^ "It's A Woman's World" MB Tito OrorJaOon Manager Charlotte S«nua An* Ctrculaoon Mar. 124 West Wooster St. Charles Leldy Accountant COMING Phone 4461 B0Wl.IHIlCSriS.0H10 Joyce Blanc Billing THUR. "White Christmas" Clooney"Sgl — Facwlty Adviser Delts, SAEs Victors Six Greek Teams Advance Falcons Face Kent Tomorrow, In Gridiron Contests Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Al- pha Epsilon reigned as champions To Second Round Golf Sets of the fraternity football leagues Sigma Alpha Epsilon, Delta Tau with two over-par scores of 31. The first round winners must Look For Initial MAC Victory as both teams went through their Delta, Sigma Chi, Delta Upsilon, play another nine holes before six game schedule with a perfect Sigma Nu, and Phi Kappa Psi ad- Kent State's high-scoring football machine will play host record. The Delts took the League Monday, NOT. 1. to Bowling Green tomorrow afternoon with the Falcons try- vanced to the second round of play I championship and SAE captured in the intcrfratemity golf matches ing their best to ruin Kent's homecoming week end. The Harriers Winless the League 11 crown. last week. setting will be Kent's Memorial Stadium, which seats 16,000 _, In Wednesday's games Sigma Marching Band Will Alpha Epsilon defeated Phi Kap- Eleven tenms originally enter- and the Falcons will also be attempting a comeback after last |f| | f]fg£ /Vl66tS ed, but only six advanced to the Repeat Droodle Show pa Psi 27-13, Kappa Sigma white- The University Marching Band week's run-in with Toledo. washed Phi Kappa Tau 80-0, Delta second round. Sigma Alpha Ep- i Coach Pave Matthews and his silon is the leading team with a will give a repeat performance of Bowling Green leads the series, Upsilon beat Theta Chi 27-7. Sig- the "Droodle Show" Saturday, dating back to 11120, with 11 vic- varsity cross-country team leave 1 Hi-point team total. They arc tonight for Mount Pleasant, Mich., ma Phi Epsilon dropped a 41-6 Oct. 30, for the Bowling Green- tories, 7 losses, and 4 ties. Last Redskin-Bronco Tilt decision to Delta Tau Delta, Sigma followed closely by Delta Tau Del- looking for their second win of ta with 145, and Sigma Chi with Kent State football game at Kent year, the Golden Flashes of Kent Chi defeated Zeta Beta Tau 32- State. Roy J. Weger, band di- defeated the Falcons 41-7. the season. The Falcon harriers 149. Top Game Saturday will run four miles Saturday 18 and Sigma Nu trounced Pi rector, stated that because the Kent coach Trevor Ree again Kappa Alpha 71-6. Individual honors for the first Miami, copping three out of morning against a powerful Cen- droodle antics were so well re- has a powerful team. In his seven- round of play went to Eugene four team statistics listings in the tral Michigan College. LEAGUE I ceived at the Waynesburg-Bowl- year-reign with the Flashes, he Burner of the SAE team, and Bob ing Green game, the band would has an over-all victory average Mid American Conference, will be Central has racked up several Name W. L. Pet. out to up the MAC football Kcnyon of the Sigma Chi team use the same show this week. of more than sixty per cent, and wins already this season, their Delta Tau Delta 6 0 1.000 crown tomorrow in its homecom- last year his charges won seven most impressive was over Wayne Phi Delta Theta 5 1 .833 ing battle with Western Michigan and lost two. They trailed Ohio last Tuesday, 34 to 25. Wayne Sigma Nu 3 3 .500 at Oxford. U. and Miami in the Mid-Ameri- dropped the locals Sunday after- Sigma Chi 3 3 .500 can Conference, with four wins The Redskins piled up 404 yards noon 34 to 24, thus BG will go Zeta Beta Tau 2 4 .333 and only one defeat. to Ohio U.'s 217 last weekend and into the meet as the underdogs. Pi Kappa Alpha 2 4 .333 Examine Our Complete Selection This year, they have unleashed moved into first place in the title Central Michigan's top runner Sigma Phi Epsilon 0 6 .000 a tremendous running attack to race as well as taking over the is Witbrodt who ran four miles LEAGUE II score 196 points, while their de- conference-plny offense average in a fast 22:13 clip in the Wayne of fense has held five opponents to with 466.3 yards per game. Kent meet. Nam. W. L. Pet. a total of 41. They held Waynes- State still leads in the all-game The Falcons lost their fourth Sigma Alpha Epsilon 6 0 1.000 berg scoreless 26-0 to open their offense with 41T.6 ycards per and fifth meets Tuesday, drop- season, and trampled Western Re- game. Kappa 'Sigma 5 1 .833 Zipper Note Books BG Pennants ping a double duel meet by iden- Delta Upsilon 4 2 .666 serve in their second start 65-0. Conference passing statistics Brief Cases tical scores, 24-31, to Ohio Wcs- Theta Chi 3 3 .500 Souvenirs Baldwin-Wallace also crumpled show Western Reserve's Clair Wil- leyan and Wayne. Alpha Tau Omega 2 4 .333 Filler Paper before the Golden Flashes by a liams as the top man with IS com- Novelties Joe Babb of Wayne lacked only Phi Kappa Tau 1 5 .166 57-7 score, and last week, Mar- pletions in conference games, while Typewriter Tablets 81 seconds from breaking the old Phi Kappa Psi 0 6 .000 Art Supplies shall fell to the tune of 41-20. Bill Frederick, of Ohio U., ranks BG four-mile record set by Lynch Typewriter Bibbons Oil and Water Colors Only Ohio U., the MAC defend- second with 15 completed passes. of the University of Michigan. ing champions could best the Rowling Green's Jim Bryan, with Jack Mortland placed second for Falcons again placed third behind Carbon Paper Brushes Flashes 14-7, in their encounter 6 completions, and Bill Bradshaw, the Falcons while team-mate Bob Miami and Western Michigan. BG Stationery Drawing Boards two weeks ago. who has hit 5 receivers, are cur- He I,a Hondo, both sophomores, Miami runners placed first, third, Kent is sprinkled with veteran rently holding down fifth and sixth scored second. fourth, fifth, sixth, and ninth. BG Tee Biology Sets power to go along with a good places respectively. Falcon* Low M*>«ti Michigan took second, seventh, BG Sweatshirts Drawing Pencils array of sophomores, l.ou Mari- Toledo's Mel Triplett, who piled and tenth while Bowling Green ano, their deaf mute fullback, up 186 yards in 20 trips against In the Ohio Wesleyan meet grabbed eighth, 11th, 12th, 14th, has averaged l.'l yards per try Bowling Green, moved into first Harvey Sharp came in first with lGth and 17th. For 20 Years) this year and is the leading scorer place in conference games rushing a 21:17 time with Mortland of B(i (Student's Suppliers in the conference. He led last statistics. Lou Mariano, of Kent again placing second. DeLaRonde A new three mile course re- year's attack against Bowling State, tops MAC scoring division scored sixth, Dick IVest eighth, cord was set by Miami's first place Green by scoring twice, and is a with 25 points, and also ranks Larry Trask ninth and Ken Know- Dick Clevenger who clocked a likely candidate for All Mid- fourth in individual rushing with les tenth. 15:35. Fred Price was the first American honors. a total of 277 yards for 18 at- In the triangular meet Sunday Falcon runner to score placing Kiger's Drug Store 108 S. Main Veteran Powtr tempts. afternoon ItC lost to Miami and eighth with a time of 16:58. Price The halfbacks are Mike Norcia Western Michigan. was folowed by Stan Brown, Ed Yourovich, Bob Stevenson, Jim and Bob Spence. Norcia, a senior, BG TakM Second follows Mariano closely in the Hopple and Don Lewis. Mortland was the first BG run- scoring race. Don Burke and MAC STANDINGS sophomore Boh Sumac arc the ner to score, finishing eleventh quarterbacks. Jack Rittichier, a W L Pel Pt» Opp with a time of 22:09. Burson of junior halfback, does the punt- Miami 3 0 1.000 136 20 Miami, who won the race, clocked a fast 20:40 for the four mile ing and is the team's top pass re- Ohio U. 1 1 .750 92 73 course only nine seconds from a ceiver. Kent Stale 2 1 .367 113 34 Bill and Jim Whitley, sopho- new record. Toledo 2 2 .500 84 34 more twins, are two substitute Western Michigan was expected halfbacks that will probably see Marshall 1 1 .333 67 100 to give Miami a stiff battle for dtd S

SAEs Sweep Sig Eps What a temptation! Delect- In Bowling Opener able pineapple over cool, re- IT'S Sigma Alpha Epsilon fraternity freshing Dairy Queen. Eat all rolled a highly respectable 2607 you want ... for fun and for team total to win three games health. Dairy Queen it made from Sigma Phi Epsilon, Friday from country-fresh milk. night, Oct. 22. Games of 919, 922, and 766 by the SAE's set a Served directly from the goal for all teams to shoot at in freeier . . . when flavor is at College Laundromat fraternity classic. its full at.

*UVZS'»t&Z~ Stop Today! and Cleaners DAIRY QUEEN STORE 1 Block West of Campus on Wooster y^V 115 Eaat Court Street Bowling Groan. Ohio New Store Hours Effective Monday, November 1 Open Monday through Saturday—7 a. m. to 7 p. m. Open Daily 2 P.M. to 11 P.M. Cinema Club Fees Miles Takes Top puu to. Pani Cornelia Has Busy Schedule; /J^umd Go^uu Are Now Reduced Committee Post FRIDAY In Social Group Pinned: Carol Jones, Williams CANTERBURY CLUB. Proul Chapel 7- Membership in Cinema Club for Hall, to Herb Luyk, Sigmu Nu; Praises Warm BG Audience Dr. Frank F. Miles has accepted 8 a.m. the duration of tiie semester has Sarah Kindell, OSU alum, to Bill Cornelia Otis Skinner is aa vi- mid-west again, however, after AWS LEADERSHIP BANQUET. Com a position on the Committee for Luallen, Sigma Nu; Carol Tanner, vacious and charming a personality which she will return for more mom. 5.10 p.m. been reduced to $2.50, Misa Vir- Personnel Standards of the Ameri- Alpha Chi Omega, to Jack Mc- at first meeting aa she is when work on the play. JEWISH CONGREGATION. Proul Cha- ginia Merrell, chairman, announc- can Association of Social Workers Donnell, Sigma Chij Cynthia appearing on the stage. While waiting for Miss Skin- pel. 7-8 p.m. ed. for the coming year. The purpose Hoore, Cleveland, to Jim Schrieb- In a brief moment following ner to appear, after her Sunday NEWMAN CLUB HALLOWEEN PARTY. Remaining on the semester's of this committee is to propose cr. Delta Upailon; Mary J. Erb- her change to traveling clothes performance, a discussion with Lab School Gym. 7:30 p.m. and adopt necessary legislation land, Fostoria, to Joe Zingale, Sunday evening and before her her stage manager revealed that program are three films. "The for the licensing of social workers. FARM BUREAU ALL CAMPUS SQUARE Navigator," Buster Kcaton's fam- Delta Tau Delta; Dick Brenneman, departure to Toledo, she explain- both he and Miss Skinner were DANCE. Women's Gym. 9-12 p.m. ous comedy, will be shown Mon- Delta Upailon, to I.ois Thomas; ed quite emphatically that the especially appreciative of the stu- INDUSTRIAL ARTS CLUB HAYRIDE. Carol Payne, Delta Gamma, to Bowling Green audience was a dent back-stage crew. He said the day night. D. W. Griffith's master- 7-11 p.m. piece, "Intolerance" is scheduled Band Has Hay ride Bob Smith, 'I'll.-la Chi, and Mari- warm, receptive group and a calibre of their work exceeded ALL CAMPUS MOVIE. "Rhapsody In Nov. 15 and Rudolph Valentino lynn Nicholas, Alpha Xi Delta, to pleasure to appear before. that of many of the union labor- Kappa Kappa Psi, recognition Blue,'' Main Aud.. 7 and 9 p.m. will be seen in "Monsieur Beauc- Carroll Thurston, Theta Chi. She left behind her a waft of ers in the legitimate theater, and society for college bandsmen, en- SATURDAY aire" Dec. 6. Engaged: Janet Wobser, TU, cordiality with a friendly fare- that Miss Skinner made a special PEM CLUB PARENTS DAY tertained band members and their to Jim Melrose, Alpha Tau Omega. well. effort to let the crew know her ALPHA TAU OMEGA ALL-CAMFUS All films are shown at 7 p.m. dates at a hayride Saturday, Oct. in 140 Chemistry Bldg. Tickets 23. After the hayride, the group Manly Skiff, Alpha Delta Pi, Miss Skinner travels with a appreciation. SADIE HAWKINS DAY DANCE. may be obtained from Miss Mer- met at Harley's Barn for dancing to Dan Simon, Pi Kappa Alpha; stage manager and a secretary, He went on to say the Main Men's Gym. 9-12 p.m. Roberta Moore, Alpha Delta Pi and was to catch a train in To- Aud. stage was much more con- ALL CAMPUS MOVIE. ''i rell in the University Library or and cider and doughnuts. they may be purchased Monday house, to Dave Burnap, Sigma Chi; ledo at about 1 a.m. for Chicago, venient for the performance than Agreement" Main Aud.. 7 and 9 night at the door. Lois Thomas, Compus Cottage, to where she will give two perfor- most of the legitimate theaters p.m. Dick Brenneman, Delta Upailon. mances. in which Miss Skinner performs. SUNDAY Nancy Konvalinka, Toronto Friends of Miss Skinner escort- He added that the lighting facili- UCF. Rec. Hall. 5-8 p.m. Bee Gee Delicatessen Canada, to Ted Sommerville, Al- ed the three travelers to their ties are tops, and that we have PANHELLENIC DAY TEA. Hanson And Gesling On pha Phi Omega. home in Toledo for a late dinner a top man working them in the MONDAY And Carry Out Married: and short rest before train time. person of student Donald Hindc. RELIGIOUS EMPHASIS WEEK BEGINS. Program At Detroit Carol Ruffer, Alpha Delta Pi, Miss Skinner's schedule in- He was ulso appreciative of last REW FEATURE ADDRESS OF THE Two members of the education "The House of Unusual to Ron Everts, U.S.M.C; Marcia cludes a return to New York City, minute touching up on the props DAY. Dr. RueeeU I. Humbert. "Pro faculty at Howling Green State Fine Foods and Griffin, Alpha Delta Pi, to Phil following her Chicago engage- which was done by John II. Hep- teilanle Do Believe." Main Aud. University will take part in the Bremser, Thcta Chi alum; Mar- ment, for work on a Broadway ler, chairman of the Artist Ser- 11-12 noon. eighth annuul meeting of the Na- Beverages" garets Weber, Alpha Delta Pi show. She will soon be touring the ies Committee. REW SEMINARS. Gale Theatre. 4-5 tional Association for Remedial alum, to Jim Faber, Sigma Phi p.m. Reading in Detroit Nov. 26 and PHONE ORDERS FOR Epuilon alum; Elaine Stansbury, CINEMA CLUB. Room 104 Chem Bldg.. 27. Alpha Delta Pi, to Ralph Mills, 7 p.m. PIZZA PIE Lambda Chi Alpha alum at Ilutlcr Annual Dance Climaxes ATO's ALPHA PHI OMEGA. Room 303 Adm. Dr. Katheyn L. Hanson will University; Ann Stoner, Alpha Bldg.. 7-8:30 p.m. act as recorder in three of the Home Made, Hot, to Delta Pi alum, to Don Asmus, Pur- Natalorlum. 6:30-7:30 sessions. Dr. Martha M. Gesling take outl duo University. Sadie Hawkins Tournabout Week Hpjn.™ will be chairman of the panel discussion the first afternoon. Dr. A week of men-chuairiK comes putch. The winners of tho Daisy PHROSOPHY STUDY CLUB. Room 103. to an end for campus coeds to- Mae and I.i'l Abner contests, Adm. Bldg. 4:00 p.m. Gesling is ulso general co-chair- 115 West Merry Ave, Accounting Test morrow night at the Alpha Tau elected Wednesday by student PHI ALPHA CHI. Room 201 Adm. Bldg.. man of the annual meeting and a member of the board of repre- Omega Sadie Hawkins Day dance. vote, will be presented during in- 7:00 p.m. Phone 32791 Results Are Ready The turnabout will be held from termission. SWAN CLUB. Nalalorlum. 7-9 p.m. sentatives of the National Associa- tion. Results have been computed for 0 to 12 in the Men's Gym, and The men having the longest all freshmen who took the Col- nirls will handle all expenses for and most novel beards will receive ROTC Rlller. Lose lege Accounting Testing Program's the evening. prizes for their efforts. A rotat- Tho Army ROTC rifle team lost orientation test, sponsored by the A marriage license must be ob- ing trophy is to be given to the a shoulder to shoulder match at American Institute of Accounting. tained from Marryin' Sam this fraternity with the most bearded Oberlin College Oct. 22. with These tests arc standard, and afternoon at the Nest or tomor- men present. To add to the atmos- Kichurd Crowe of Oberlin was are given to more than 10,000 col- row at the dance in order for a high man of the match with 370 On Campus MaxSfralman phere, couples are urged to lege accounting students all over couple to be admitted. in Dogpatch . out of a possible 400 points. Willis (AutKor of "Barefoot Bey WilA Cheek," ete.) the nation. The orientation test Howling Green will borrow a Woodruff led the 11G team with is but one of three, in a series, page from Al (Lapp's famouH comic 328 points. The other team mem- covoring the student's college strip as it relives a night in Dog- bers ure James Wircenske, Robert career. The other test units in- Classifieds Hubert, Richard Manhart, and Wil- WHAT EVERY YOUNG COED SHOULD WEAR FOR HAI.K: Aqua Imllrrlnik IrnKlli clude an achievement exam for f.rmiil. NIII. 14. In-, like nrw. worn liam Brown. Accounting 122 students, and tinly onrr. Cull from HU.MI to I n.m.. 0 A return match here with Ober- Gather round, girls. Snap open a pack of Philip Morris, light up, Harger To Speak to II or li'l.'i In IIK Mr«. relax and enjoy that mild fragrant vintage tobacco while Old Dad qualification for a placement test I >!.. .. Hniltll, BIS?. lin College is scheduled for Dec. given to graduating seniors. In 15. The next scheduled match is tell-- you about the latest campus . At Club Meeting YYANTKIl: 1 -.-.I tuxnhm for u»«. In The key word this year is caaual. Be casual. Be slapdash. Be rakish. the senior's exum, the results are rliornl nrou|,.. Anyuup nii.n.t.,1 lu at the University of Akron, Nov. Kenneth Harger, insurance age- .filing u IUKNIO iiliM-i- mil llir> offlrr Improvise. Invent your own ensembles—like ski pants with a peek- recognized by leading accounting nf i Inn il \, iivin, . I ■. I 12. nt from the Harger Insurance a-boo , like pajama bottoms with an ermine stole, like a hocky firms in considering their job ap- with a dirndl. plications. Agency in Bowling Green, will (Dirndl, incidentally, is one of the truly fascinating words in the These tests have proved invalu- speak to the Insurance Club at English language. Etymologiats have quarreled over its origin for able to the accounting department 4 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 4 in 401A. years. Some hold with Professor Manley Ek that Dirndl is a corrup- in determining the qualifications This is the Club's second meeting BAKER'S MOTEL tion of Dardanelle and is so named because it resembles the of the begining student in ac- of the semester. worn by the women of that region. This theory is at first glance counting, as well as keeping a Insurunce majors arc considered plausible, but begins to fall apart when you consider that there are members of the Club. Anyone else no women in the Dardanelle region because of the loathesome local check on tho student's progress. 1 Mile South on U.S. 26 custom of female infanticide.) In comparing the results of the is welcome to join, and thoy will bo considered associate members. (Another theory is advanced by Dr. Clyde Feh. Dirndl, says he, tests to those given in other col- is n contraction of "dairy in the dell" and refers to the milkmaidish leges, Bowling Green students Future meetings will include Beauryresr Beds appearance of the . But again close examination causes one to have in the past runked high above speakers, and trips are being plan- abandon a plausible hypothesis. As every child knows, it is not "dairy the national average. ned. Anyone who wishes to attend Steam Heat in the dell' but "farmer in the dell", in which case the skirt should any of the meetings is welcome. be called not dirndl but firndl. (There ure some who contend we will never know the true origins Dr. Gosling To Lead Kappa Delta and Sigma Phi TV in Rooms of dirndl. To those faint hearted Cassandras I say, remember now Epsilon held an exchange dinner everyone laughed at Edison and Franklin and Fulton and Marconi Panel Discussion Wednesday night. Phone 37114 Air Conditioning and Sigufoos. ISigafoos, in case you have forgotten, invented the Dr. Martha Gesling, director of Sigma Phi Epsilon will celebrate nostril, without which breathing, as wc know it today, would not be tho education clinic, has been in- MEMBER OF QUALITY COURTS possible.] The origins of dirndl will be found, say I, and anyone their National Founder's Day on who believes the contrary is a lily-livered churl and if hell step vited to be chairman of a panel Monday, Nov. 1. A dinner will be discussion on tho education of outside for a minute, I'll give him a thrashing he won't soon forget.) handicapped children at the an- held at the house for all brothers, advisers, and Sig Ep alums on nual meeting of the International Monday evening. But I digress. We were smoking a Philip Morris and talking about Council for Exceptional Children the latest campus styles. Casual, we agree, is the key word. But at Grand Rapids, Mich., Nov. 10 casual need not mean drab. Liven up your outfits with a touch of to It, glbmor. Even the lowly dungaree and man- combination can be made exciting if you'll adorn it with a simple of 120 FOR OUR SEASONAL OPENING WE HAVE CHOSEN matched diamonds. With , wear gold knee-cymbals. Hyman Heads Session Be guided by the famous poet Cosmo Sigafoos (whose brother Sam ONE OF THE BEST OF ALL OMNIBUS PICTURES . . it was who invented the nostril) who wrote: At St. Louis Meeting Sparkle, my beauty. Dr. Mclvin Hyman, director of Shimmer and ehine, the speech and hearing clinic, at- FRIDAY-SATURDAY- SUNDAY Oct. 29-30-31 The night is young. tended the American Speech and The air's like wine, Hearing National Convention Oct. Cling to a leaf, 25 through 27 in St. Louis. Hang on a vine. Crawl on your belly, Dr. Hyman served us chairman ft't time to dine. of a session for university and (Mr. Sigafoos, it should be explained, was writing about a glow- college clinics and moderator of worm. Insects, as everyone knows, are among Mr. Sigafoos' favorite a panel discussion. Charles John- t ubjects for poems. Who can ever forget his immortal Ode to a Boll son and Donna Parobeck, both Weevil? Or his Tumbling Along With the Tumbling Tumbltbugt graduate students, and Mrs. Don- Or his Fly Gently, Sweet Aphidt Mr. Sigafoos haa been inactive na l.abuzinski, a student, also at- since the invention of DDT.) tended the convention. But I digress. We were smoking a Philip Morris and discussing fashions. Let us turn now to headwear. The motif in hats thia year will be familiar American scenes. There will be models to fit every KUoeAA. head—for example, the "Empire State Building" for tall thin heads j the "Jefferson Memorial" for squatty ones; "Niagara Falls" for dry scalps. Feature of the collection is the "Statue of Liberty," complete Jewelry Store with a torch that actually burns. This is very handy for lighting your Philip Morrises, which is very important because no matter for how good Philip Morrises are, they're nowhere unless you light them. We come now to the highlight of this year's fashion parade—a mad STERLING SILVER fad that's sweeping the chic set at high tone campuses all over the country. All the gals who are in the van, in the swim, and in the know are doing it Doing what, you ask? Getting tattooed, of course! Choose your pattern You just don't rate these days unless you've got at leaat an anchor on your biceps. If you really want to be the envy of the campus, get from these famous yourself a four masted schooner, or a heart with FATHER printed names. inside of it, or a— I interrupt this column to bring you a special announcement A Gorham runner has just handed me the following bulletin: "The origin of the word dirndl haa at long last been discovered. Heirloom On June 27, 1846, Dusty Schwartz, the famous scout and Indian fighter went into the Golden Nugget Saloon in Cheyenne, Wyoming. International The Golden Nugget had just imported a new entertainer from the East. She came out and did her dance in pink . Dusty Schwarti Lunt had never seen anything like that in hia life, and he was much impressed. He watched with keen interest as she did her numbers. Towle •tXrl Kit •h^llrrWl V ._ ^11 l\ 1 ■»». ■ . • - -' Wallace

•e, ?? !!? at ive !ar,te Tol«"n'nous garment, then thought of the pink tights on the dancing girl. 'Your skirt is darn dull,' said Dusty. Darn dull was later shortened to 'dirndl' which is how dirndls got their name. CMu SKalau. 1»H This column is oroupAt to you by the makert of PHIUP MORRIS who think you would enjoy their cigarette.